BELLE ONT “PATRIOT. wa * BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, PRINTED BY H. PETRIKIN. 5 BS mi Fmt it J ———————— Vol. V. | WEDNESDAY, August 14, 1822. pata Ao 14 - - — womens lease (0 2pply personally, to sign the Owago do. : Bi igade Orders. j= by me 2od Toman hied in my of. | Te CCN DIT] 0 NS. receipts required to be taken. fice for the Inspection of heirs, legatees, The price of this paper is TWO J. G.LOWREY, Froth’y | do. do. ground All persons holding military arm: pegitors, and ail other persons in any i pric i L 7 . . y ’ : picks and other militacy properly belonging way interested ; and will be p oy ] i 59 . 5 a ! ’ L sent / DOLLARS per amnum—but if paid} Beil-fonte, June 11th 1822. Whi te Pine boar ds to this commonwealth, within the ; ii be presented of i vance, ONE DOLLAR AND r u : 5 : Db to the next Orphans Court to be held nD advance 4 “on WEA ; 2 ounds of the 24 Brigade, 10 i pe r E N 1 wil TRS N Af iank and sy santling. hl of IS 4 s ‘6 Mie) An ¥ al Bellefonte for Centre county on the SEVENTY FIVE C I'S only Jah \Y $e P. M. pot ented by Taw to hold hel fAus tall Rs be, ‘chvirged SPRING GOOD Ther pledas heme di gio charge , same, are heichy ordered to deliver <9th day of August nextyilgraliowant8 : : : more : Ju } every article full as lo w as any in the iste Advertisements, making no Ides ad iat Padi prices m immediately to the following! . I fr n pia Jom | a How ie n € hha ., 0» . in length than breadth, ill be In- JUST RECEIVED 5 named persons at their residence, viz | The administration account of Jus. i for all kiods ol country produce. Steer and David Mitchell, ad’ Te OL : llar ; an. 2 6) v chell, ad’mars, of sorted three times for one dollars 185 Jersey Shore, May 17th 1822, for every Subsequent contipuanc: APRIL ANON & BBO N.B. A large supply of Shad, twenty-five cents. — Lhose of greatcii™ ARE FRR Mackarel and Heraing, will be re- length 1a pre oportion. —Rule or figure — en iar in 0 ceived in two of ihren weeks. : = I the 1st battali 29th regime : work double those Tate . JERS SEY SHORE, rg 1 Tl YR 5 Pauanen Hy regiment 30 last wiil and testament ol Jas. Miles No subscription will be received fol ‘i ; . LA S i N () CE. Henry Laimer, (Innkeeper ;) the 2nd. | A complete § choice "Miles late of S ring townshi less than one year ; DOF auy papel b {and confirmation. Those. of the 1st battalion, 62d regi Jos. Steer, late of Walker township, ment, to Alexander King, Huntingdon ; deceased. e 2d battalion of said regiment, (0) | The eminiurition a account of Jash- Capain John Cooper, Shirleysburg ur Miles, one of the cxecutors of the All persons indebted to the estate battalion of said regiment, to the sub- discontinued until all arrearages als assortment of season: {hat Was of WILLIAM PE’ r RIKIN scriber, Alexandria : the 1st battalion - 32 r Pe . paid. abie Dr 3 Conds §c ate requested to make payment, g Of the 32d regiment, to Jacob Tosi) If the subscriber does not request ¢ y My ave Coste : : Te . 4 » ye y > i a dis -ontinuauce of his paper, at the of the best qualities, H PETRIKIN Execs regiment to Philip Dal¢, (Innkeeper. | ead of the year, it will be considerec April 16th, 1922 Those that neglect or refuse to com- | George Swartz, survivi ‘ 5 ; 12, ng administra- as a new engagement ; and the papel Y i Zi . ply with this order, may expect to be, > : NX £2 AN TENE trator of Groorge Weaver, k Srwarded accordingly. Broad Cloths, Canton & Nankcen ANG AMIR dealt with according to law. 5 y late of ; i , {Haine 8 1ownst COPGR hy . Vg : . “eS or 5 2 2 oy (12aies Wnship deceased. Subscribers who have their papersjLAassimeres, APTS, The subscuber roqrests those in-! JAMES T. SCOTT, Ins. | p deceased PH. ; : | Velvers & Cords, vi black aud ” : 1 car ied by the watl;paist be liable fot Ratios, : green do. debted to him to make Immedia‘e 2d. B. 10th D. P. M. ~B SMI TH, Reg’r. re i ~ ~ rg > . ; B I! fon & ! . io the postage. Cailcoes, Senshaws, black & payment to JAMES PET RIKIN, in Alexandria, June 19. | elefont: y 20th. ¥822: Letters addressed to the editor|Ging jams, colored, order that they may save costs to Sot be pose paid Cambric musling, Florence, do. Vv aluable Real Estate T weily 1) lars Re- i aid. Jackenett do. Leventine do. themselves. ~ J tn fe ei S D fhe 2 fig’d do. Satins do. W. BRINDLE. FOR S A LE. ANAS PE Mull & Book do. do figured & plain] May 21, 18.22 Mand rl S AXE F380 B10 AL Lg 2 ‘Leno do. Back 51 Ik hand's : __.BY ORDER OF 3 HE ORPHANS Ran away on the night of the 5th, INFORMS bis tricnds, and the pub- i A ily i PATRONS OF THE COURT OF CENTRE COUNTY j.q40t, from the subscriber, i Oia OI0T ag 4 ; > : . Ae ; lick in general, that he has comment Bambazetts, ? Stee) Purses, ? « Pennsylvania Intelligencer.” Will be sold, at public vendus on Fairview Mills, near Columbia; a mu- ed business in Pennsvalley, Potter do hg’ d & plain, Silk Umbrellas, I have taken into copartnersh ip, in the premises, on Saturday the 10th jatto man, named } Cotton shawls & Silk & Kid Gloves{ this establishment; MR. Sion Can [day of August, next, the following de-| “. , Handkerchiefs, Tialian sewing sik rn 2 SCribed fe By bei Rk Charles Huston, road leading from Earleystown to Kel {India & Sicam: Blue and Yellow| ON Ibis paper completes one year [scribed property, being the real estate) loom Shirtings, Nankecns, and a half, since the establishment that was of Daniel Fryberger, late of about tweitly vears of age, SIX foot Domestic mu sho, Ribbons plainkfig’dl came into my hands. The amountHains township, in said county, de- two or three inches bigh, rather slens and one hall mile trom the latter place] 4, Factories, do. in Sets, The RIA account of Cor- nelius Dale, administrator of, &e. of I ook . Wicholas Doyle ¢ >r 3 py the 2nd batralion of said| GA Y¥%. late: of Terpuson yo: nship, deceased, Tbe administration account of or — ward. township, Centre County, on the main lors Mills, two miles from the former : i , (0 each suoscriber, from my first : to wit. der made; has remarkable Jarpe feet directly at the intersecticn of the Lonpl do Plaids, Stripes Bland Nett, 2 y ceased ; to wit = One tract of land 5 ? aR . 5 N : : Had ou au jak ith & Chambrays Robbioett and cot Number is five dollars. It will bel, oi he township of Hains and] ad ou and took with him severa, Bed Tickings ton Lace art st > ue : : Apron Sig ; in Hh particularly necessary that all the ac |. oo ro recaid, bounded by lands of 3 : has some knowledee of maki ] . Cotton '& Worsted Super Russia dril- Peter Nies, Peter Heckman and oth-| geoi making Hour Spinning Ww hee! el, Fancy Hosiery, P ling, ment, should be closed up to this] road with the above mentioned main \i : v ¢ sults of clothi 4 & a new 1° #®10ad, where he intends carrying oo the te bat; counts connected with the establish- Ce a iharrels, and is alo tabla ter ¢rs, Containing thirly acres and al- Is, and is a tolerable good oso ; Dimities, Straw Bonnets time ; and whatever balances are due, The above reward wi > phy Windsor, $18 ush Bot= {50 tices, . Russia Ducks only cove sac wad fi T sill, adores he abavereward will oe given ic do Childrens, Sheetings, 1ave much needa ol shell, as ALSO, any person taking up said runaway ton, Kid do. do. Diaper, speedily as possible, make out bills|One other tract of land, situate con- [and yeturning him to the subscriber x o_o lCoutin & Cotton Striped Jeans, and forward them to the places of dei ioinit o * the above “Mills: : : 7 FF A : : guous to and adjoining the last men-[a’ the above Mills, and for securing CHAIR MAKING, : ceuring Yarn, Shell and Horn : : Merino shawls, Combs, &c : tioned tract. and land of Pster Nies|lum in the jail of this county. All In all its various branches, tagethes ANT SO The paper will henceforivard be is {ang others, cont-ining one hundred{persons are cautioned against harbour with house painting, and gilding. — = 9 sued under the firm of « Mowry &r|acres and allowance. Terms of sales him. Cameron? All letters relative to tlie|one balf ol the purchase money to JACOB SRICKI.ER. eript 100, amongst which business of thel establishment, should {be paid when the sale is confirmed & are hereafter de directed to the firm.— {tlic deed or deeds exectited, and the] Bank Note flac han ge. : Chocolate Philadel: caudies Letters of private concern, to the in-|residue in three annual payments. dy, PHILAD:LPHIA, fashionable work, which he will | selif'-h0colals, al N Aivi : . : Inited Sates Branches, Loot. dis. ? Salid Oily Flaxseed Oil, dividuals interested. Due attendance will given by Jac ob! Boston, : 5. Raisins, Whiting, CHARLES MOWRY. [Hering Esq and Peter Nics, admin- IN .w-Hampshire, 9 30 tty produce. Cheese, Tar and Rosin, Harrisburg, May 351, 1822, istrators. {Conne ticut, 1 do Pennsvalley, March 18th 1822. Les, Window glass, ae By the Court, |New York City banks par Rice Glue, v “rr iNew Ye Kk nt ry > ® * ) Ss rah N| 4 1) A Certified by rk country notes 1to 5 dis | Bottled mustard, Copperas and Dye TWAS \ a OO Hon, F.B. SMITH. Clk ~ New-Jersey PAR I'N ERSHIP Miciasscsy Suis. All persons indebted to the sub [Bellefonte, June 17ch 1822. (Trenton, 1. dis ® T g : IMo sunt Holl The subscribers baviog entered into ALSO scribers, will please to come forward} — Comber dane bar partnership, make known, that theyld good assortment of se off their accounts and savel WOOL CARDING Newark, re do costs—any further indulgence need : 3 Brunswick Bank, do will do all kind of ard are, Ironmongery fot be expected: Thesubscriber intends putting his{Sussex Bank, do 7 Carding Machine and Cards 1 com- [State Bani ry VIERA i= i5tate Bank at Trenton, Carpenter I 01 k, and Cutlery, and HAMMOND & PAGE. plete order, which will enable him to{A¢ Elizabethtown do 3 ; on a : : ; card wool at the reduced price of si1z1At Morristowr 1 en the shortest notice, and in the bestiNails of all sizes, Trace chains, Bellefonte, June 4th, 1822. Counts pak pol, until he Bret day tio} M rristown do ; . AQ vibes sickle hee , ! OAL tallerson “do manner, and as cheap as possibly can Scythes & Sickles, Sheep & cow bells 3 : September, next, and all thercalter atlA¢ Brunswick [ron wire, Straw knives, I or sale £ H I # Sheet Tin : . the rate of seven cents per pound. Pennsylvania oop Iron ¥ eet bon ce2, \ : yizg : ‘ JOHN BARR, Se do. do Brass. { TW O NEGRO SLAVES, onejHe expects to have his work done io Philadelphia notes, par : ’ a superior manner, as he has employ Germantown n do cd an experienc ced band, he Ses here | aston Bank, do tofore been constantly employed 10 2\Camden do ‘Slave for twenty-eight years. For factory. To those who have hereto- I hesten cunt Bank, do CM lL I, S STO NES. ALSO, erms apply to Joseph Richards, living fore favoured him with their custom | West Chics er do he tenders his thanks, and exp-cis Mone gomery county Bank, do > i ntae Ae ° ldeagle Bridge, orto the sub |. ntinuance of the sz uit The subscriber, having discovered ¢ at the Baldeag a Monon ey county do DE rca aan a full assortment of the? "© ™ "=" ence in Dunos| . HENRY C.HACKETT. [Farmers Bunk an C P ai 3 9 A Stones of the first quality, as reasona- Bly as can be procured elsewhere. Ww Ines & Liquors, WM. TURNER. 1] jverpool ware, at vnship, 1822. Patton township, 18 Glass ware, livery. From the experience he has had iu Groceries of every des- this line of business, and by keeping the best of workinen, he will be ena- b'ed to keep on hand the best and mes at a redsced price for cash or eoun do do be done. DAVID PRUNER. |[Crowleys steel, Pewter & Spelter, about forty years of age, a Slave for Foglish blister do Spectacles, life ; the other about three years old, a 22d 182 American do. do. AR ER Tm s Lancaster, do : Tal } 11 93 24 following articles . burgh Lycoming county. Walker township, ip, April il 25d, 1822. [Harrisburg Bank do : It i ar. Bank Bucks co. do ISAIAH HOLLINGSWORTH. BANK NOTES AT A DISCOUNT. May 28, 1822. eadlng, : All persons 10 nde :bied to the a ae = Bank of Carlisle, FOR SALE. of PETER DENNY, decd, are re-/ New Hope Bridge, » jquested to yeeake payment, and those Bank at Miiton, B— . A lot at Jerseyshore, in Lycoming oy - Tin ware 4 tint a Sty feet x fron. [paving demands to produce their ac Chambersbugg, ¥ A Ww 3 1 ; RD hardr i feet. i in depth, ad- lo ounts properly authenticated for set- Little York, 4 he Paint {5 lot No—the property of Dr. {iement. : ; ; Seutysbuls: " THE » > : — Davidson. There are on the EDWARD PURDUE, pWwaiaia Janik, quota for Centre and Clear- Byyshes, [Asher ATI(ED are JAMES STEEL, (Pittsburg Notes, ‘premises a good J zecutors.jCentie Bank field counties of the acts of the last, ats | PRAME HOUS il ath 182 C bia bridge com. Session ofthe legislature of Pennsyl- M ens and Boy S H ‘together with a sufficient quantity off AP i] 8th 1822, olumbia b (zreensburg vania, 1s received in the Proth ‘ur w ool & chi do. siuff for erecting another. For terms a to be pimp ! k d Stat P apply to the suscriber, or to Robert] Admistration Accounts {grownsyilie 10 : a ar J Hi .efficers, entitled to copies thereof. —, Boo gan tation Ys jifaset; ar W STEWART The following administration ac |All the rest of Pennsylvania udues, Justices, Constables, Ke, will Nova Scotia plaster. Bellefonte, May 14th, 1822. counts have been examined and pass | notes of Incorported banks no sale, Wo =A MN hr QQ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers