T h-e Beaver Argus. i WEYAND. EnITOn AND PROPILIZTOIt Beaver. Fa.. November 20, 1572 THE tall: that iireeley is the worst Neaten man that was ever a—candi date for President is all bash. In t , 12. Henry Clay had but 49 electoral In 1830, Van Buren had but i;11 votes. In 185 6 2, Scott had 42 votes. Is6l, McClellan had 21 votes aid in MS, Seymour bad So being al most the sairre number thut tireeley received at the late election. THE Liberal Republcans of (lino held a meeting at Cincinnati 00 Sat urday and resolved to take steps to organize the "Liberal party.'' .ludge stalky, : 4 tall ley i iratt.lodge lioad ley, and otters who refused to -upport Cawley and-advocated the r.--ele..tiun oft iraut in preference, at t• nded the meeting and participated ;n its deliberations. The Cincinnati Platform, Ivith the exception of the Lorin k, was re-atlirmed. neve- T•lw Reform was -substituted for the it - witinati resolution on the Kiritr. .1");DF:r. the new Internal Revenue 13 , A - the force of _kssessors and CoHee tor•.,, now numbering of each la--; is to be reduced .hi by the I-4 of January next, and l'ominis!•ioner )ouglas ,, i NA ill s:,on begin the \Nor',. consolidating districts in -order to !flake the reductions. In -n toe States Nvill he Out one, or two ( .4 dlec -I,)rs but in the larger :-;tate4 and dePrsvly populated citir. there will be a sullkient force to do the •,cork without ineunv}•nienee to intere:-ts. An immense pressure l-ing exerted in favor (;f voriou- 'i.lcurtibent. 4 11' any person is anxious to know how it "pays" to act as a "tool — for tc r or three 1111'.CrU111011 tiro ai - the o , unty seat, he resptvt fully re iorrod to a criple of men In Beaver i'Alk a hrltilks or so in Beaver, one or t oin Now Brighton, two or three iu atiu- , try and several -more iu New township. Tht,se latter , -'rile' experience, and know )w it is their-!dve-." Thoy \vill very Itkrly make an-wer that a feint i;oilars in hand• a dinner or tcto anti o t old Mononrith(la thrown dr, corrilren.%atr• tor irrteg - rity • 1 away trial a eliara,•ter tittcriy r Fixiit-rir•rir.e is a dear -.Argil, 1.;i; it -criris that fin!: will I,•aril iti rrlhor. \ .1 T I NI. lir t 1 klnorrati(' and ItkerkAl t , to'r: place I+l l oltntm. nn tfi I:,th Atter ist-free and 101 l c;in4:lta ti,m they agreed to untie and ;tct ;-ether in thy• future. The -ul,ject NEM .rroing a new organization and :. , I.,pting a new party mane wns also •:1-lissed, but action nn thes.e wa• deferred for the preent A , sub-inaninittee, oonsi. , ting of eral ThOnx-, noir „llan, General Ilrinkerhoft and Gen eral Deshler, was seleeted to an address to the people of (thin. The address has been published and ay poak to all anti-administration luen I , e keep in line anil await future ile %-elopments. 33=tg8M I 11111 . 1-M. I:xc•ept iMIA to this rule• were rarely found. But where Are we 1 - pright and honest nu•n, are ~e - ne•rally brushed aside with little• (,r no ceremony, Loose who can he tt—qt to aceomuliqh sonic loa.e pur -1.,:..e, are preferred, and taken in t heir .teal. At this rate of detnora;- lization where will we lie ten or I wvi hence Let tilos; who helieve in old-fashiotall hone t, , )11 tile part of our public servants give' qspect of politics some attention t t the near future. PI II( dikpatCh fr nn , mlgolnOry, .11d/rtnin, dated No V. Nirnbro and :11C \-4•,l,C()n,crvativv-, \Oh havo e(1 - - tilwates plectiol zo , ft“ I. , l4lsiature, wtre arrest(-(1 I,y the 1 - ttited Mates Deputy :‘l,trAtal t, I-t y I —tween Selutut and It repurteil nut the )1:11 - -.11;:l thew 11, 1:111)1tile. The NI:tr411;i1 girl that he hart in?-tructi,,n- [lid, to t.tke hail. The (41'01:4. 011:tr;.,,,41 viulati , ol of the election F. \Nil! mak.(•tlw thf , Legisslature tit tihJal on 9i -I.:.inizatior,, as+ this sstirr - in.4. Of the py,ss.oners to )1ol , t!t• \yin invtd‘e "I•lir Lit.vral, and 'iiiiervative?., wouldd,avi. :t ucj rite it: the House if th-i• parti, ' , ere allowed to take their w:it,. Legklatun• ttiot.ts tn-Iloq•row .1 ME- 11.. E 1.1,F:5, (/?///.1":"41,1.!lis.. Ma/Mare pm? vvery hi lave in the Stitte IS after antiexpectirp: an otlici,,l p.I•-I -s of S 1 )://u hind or (f livr, ;111,1 %VIA:, 7t art;11;(1 [flaky It I etTllrt 11; 1:11 Is l , fucy n• Tiii. e!ectliN • - •1:Itt., Jr, ele , tiu (; , )vcrr.)r and - (ieneral deliberatt-4y I.nwered the ,I;te...lad of official qual rwation,and if corrupt men are henre for. h ttl be our public ornoers-, Re lit i to soo why you , hould not have an. equal chattee with all the others.— Leave your hiel:rn.: place. therefore; put in an appearance at I larrist.ury , s , ult, the your claim, "come !town . ' With a little tyf the root of all evll, and we will Wager a hat or so, that you will get what you ask for; especially if you threaten, on a disposition of refusal, to proclaim at whose instance and request you undertook to stuff I ztllot-hoxes at the late State election. ULNERAI. CAmEttos, Governor elect liartranct and a number of oth er Pennsylvania politicians are said have met with a severe rebuke from President Grant on last Frijday. They went to 7 itshington to secure t he.appointment of one of their Phil adelphia tools, a Mr. Trueman, as Post-Master of that place, but the l'resident is said to . have diszni-ssed them with the following speech : t;E:crt,EzttA . N :—I do not Well See WOLliti be possible _for me to s':st aside the rules and 'regulations of t Civil Service commission. What have we her There are two candi dates presented, both Republicans. nie of them, Mr. Fairrnan, Int.sqteetl an employee of the Philadelphia p:lst-otlice for some lime, and "I ant `alts satisfied he is hilly competent r:, discharge the tics poat-master. 1 i i were disposed to set aside the Service rules and go outside, I to fight appoint Mr. Trueman, but I cannot couscientious.ly do this. \Vhereupon Cameron, Hartranft &Co., left in high dudgeon. If all this occurred as reported, we will be lieve t. 3) u t Grant is himself again," anti that the turning - over of a new heat htts hei-n resolved upon• AN unsophistiPated New England youngriter, sotue years ago, left the Maternal mansion, and -by and by pulled up in one of the western States. Having, been there for some lime, !ind observing matters pretty closely,,_ - hc ! finally became quite anxious to have the fi44 peoi•le come west too, ;t oil aceordihgly wrote his sire the following touching appeal: "14:Ait DADD : Sell off every thing you have and move out here. They elect all-fired mean men to office in this State. Come right off. From your dutiful son." .lotts. Now, we do nut intend to inVite •'tnean men" :row other States into Perinf:ylvania in order to obtain ()fri end pinitions fur ttwinseivf s, but we do think that now is the time for all venal ano irresponsible men in our own State, to collie forwa:d and make :ipplication for all the positions there are to till. Many of them, me are Able to say, are_ already doing this, And our purpos; now is to got oir 00 Lill eVeLI Start, s tha t Oh.' will have no advantage seer anoth _A majority of the voters ;' ..- ylvardadelibvrately deciU:sl t ictols.q election that they prclerred a dishonest to an honest man for Gov ernor, and the political rogues of the State having caught the inviration of (h Gubernatorial verdict, are now popping up their heads everya here and dein:m(llns , Ow same recogni tion for themselves that Wan aceonlod Ciencral hart ran It. No one Call blame thorn for this, for an over whi-lining majority of the people themselves have in effect told them that honesty shotThi no:', and di-hon esty Aouirl be rewarded. \Ve repeat, then, that now I-, the time for political vill a ins t o nio‘e to the front. Popu lar sentiment is it) their lilV<,r, and any official places they can get will clearly he sancti . tined by it. I itskiiie man! enter the lists. The -poll= yours, but be carefut uu work - rio detriment hi ht• old iiir:vg".•, that tiler , is honor muon;_,,• Seriou-;ly, 1,,)k at lac caar urtr ref the nun all •,ovei- Ito! State %%lin are nnw claito,rin for din-ltions Ipoictr and tr,%dit. S•ar.t.ly any thent coati] get rreilit ,t(rt•, i.r skwurity t.. m•tt'o. ul an in.iigniti;•ant plc furtiinlwd iti f )ctolwr in votin;:, fnr Ilartranil and .11 1 ,en, duf• tinn., ri•turn to plagn, t6o- , • it, I i:tliatWe aruquitvi,w,. Tit ett",.'t tilt' r11:1- litmal ( . 44nventiml met at I iarrl4.l44ir4g, nn t 1 12 inst., !4!)41 , ;(4)!! after t .:444.41.44 114111. V.'. M. :\lered 11 :1 as 144 r;11.1- !lent Pre-ident of the l'onvelitilm. The acc , unl Al;)y's procnttiling.s.,‘vt•ri (in ,cctrai,t 1.1 tht' hart th.‘ itthl the Itchuolican, beitp,4 in thy inajt,rity, t•laitning that oi the c."itycntion -hall be hehl in l'hiladelphia, after Jan. 1-t, 1 After inut-b Z .,, Ant , what angry tlk cuion the following officer— all 1te -1 .- :1= I;C:Trit Lucius 11. '2. (1 Assi , s'ant (icrk, .'. 11. 11:tr!:r.i, of ... -, erg,eant-A-.lrtri,, Jame.: ( o)f Aisintatit ',ins Brown, cidoreil (,f Dauphin. Evati,,„4o z-whuy kill. Frank Wa•-hin; - ton.. Po-linast.cr, 11, hry I'. Price, Philadelphia. I . Fritr,k .Major. of Philadelphia. Trati-mritiing John I'. ton, Philadelphia, and A. T. Parker. Of Lycian E 1)n the final v.it, Prt , i.lcnt )14 rt.- It and Mv.l.llister, it of 11ellrfuntr , VOt Witier rn nnik.ng the vott , !•tatal 1,7 I.epublik-atn,.. to. GI; no,crai, If are 1‘) 1,«•lic t. 1110 I larrisburg corre-10/iliclent' of the l'itt-hurgh ',either of.ir ti f,r any i , ;lier of the are likely IA) reelect much .H 1 the ('onventi,m. llr rave Bat ‘vhat utP 'lll . :rely is, theLrirtl of people they have f , ree , l ut , oti the Convention for otlik er-. ltiey gave r ti!slow it negro for A.s. , i-- glut ; - ‘ergeiiii'-iit-Artns, doubt lie (.otlm• tt, hail the:gout, anti aa gOod St . rVriii:, I PIP t hat 11(Jt II ihig iii t Chief ttt rlc tta appointed, incapardle natio4 -11env , r 4/lay. lie - niay relet foie print without _-p 11- tug than half the word-, bid it tor ••i‘ ritueg hand. — 'the poor man can -earo Iv it ott at till ; an d !lien hi- voice i- hot ..-tich a one am that of veteran SiiioN, v. ;1,,,t‘ goi).ll.C.lli 11.1:Ide fOrttllle. 111111 n hoorie fur a lit tle ti Idle t:o. [ie....1 of the cony( n• lit ....au] :eft the ne%v k•ierk to Li., fat I C.: n hut 0.10 rooti% riu_ hAve.,flr putting .11,1 1 ai, ini: - tecilea.-.lwhrie in t he clerk %, hair. T: le y want 1 9 tnrinre the I're!siden;, wti not of t:ieir (-no ~ tug, in the that he will rm. in iti•lgteg. But Be. tint , (Id rutin I);ood in lam I.w that, :mil he 111:111 t2e, hi. Int.jll,-.. ail:ninthl' to tieloltt• of I brit•. Iting's choice of orli-er , atwwinaloh.. SoLI( trot, tit:NI:RAI. I ;.A.I,ToW tendered re,ignat ion t., t ho I'rts hient on the 1 ith. The Pre , iident zte tvpteti the resignation on the Prth, and wrote the retiring * , fl •er a com plimentary letter. NEw VUUK city wasstArtl e d wi t h another horrible trazedy on last Monday. A Mrs. King sued her husband —Jatuts 1). King, a lawyer of that c:ty— tor a divorce. In the le,_aring of the ease a Mr. and Mts. O'Neil were witnesses for Mrs King After leaving the witnesses stand, O'Neil was tollowed down the starts by King, and %while (;:i the landing the latter put three pistol balls into ('Neil's body. O'Neil died soon af terwards. King was at once. taken into custody, and at last accounts, fears were entertained that a mob would break into his prison anti exe cute summary vengeance upon the inurderer. --The• horse epizootic is spreading in Whet9in,g, W. Va — Commodore Vanderbilt'z."Moun tain Boy," died on Friday of the pre vai I ing epizootic. HERE AND THERE. Down in Arkansas a man was lately sentenced to be hanged, but all the carpenters in the neighbor hood refused to build the scaffold. As the condemned man was a car penter hineeif by trade, the sheriff tried to induce him hi put up the gallows„ but he steadfastly declared he he hanged if ho did. —This is. The way they do up an Enodi Arden_ romance in Oshkosh, Wis.: The western \rden did not come hack and gaze through the window at the felicity of the recon structed household and then go into the green and yellow melancholy bus iness; not any. lie kicked the new hushand out, sorted over the children and sent his brats after him, awl tact), after thrashing his wife, settled (town into a peaceful anti happy head of the family. -11011. lloritio Seymour made a speech a few days before the recent election, in which he said: _ •'FF,L,LOW ('ITIzF:NM—Itt this elvel' tion the sharp discussions about can didates have turned away the public mind from more important questions involved in it 4 re-ults. Compared ith these the candidates are mere it.oients of toe contest. It inrolres the . formation qj a great jutrtg, lehich is hereafter to direct the affairs qf our country. The first great work to he done kto l.iv it- foundation. In this mere prog,rt-4s ha- , been 'glide than we had a right to expect. --It h 4 rumored in array circle:4 that lirigadier Grtt. (). ITowani will he prottaftetl to the v,radeof )1:1- jor-General, vie e :lie;ide, •,). roil %k rf•tir‘l 1)10 lull I . :lilt' Ili Jr th•oount li):;:: an l fa it hfu I ice• :ititi vibfi therein. The ,' special consultation meeting I icoli. , •isits and Liberal iteputilicans of I Mi.) was held at l'oluitibus yester day. Too Liberal , , about torts , in mintier, met sew rately and :adopted re,,,ltitions declaring that in their opinion it \Vas desirahle that a coo -,ilidation of ad the elemcnts favor ing the leading principle , enunciated by the Cincinnati platform ir,t•tto, ;opt that until con,o'rt (:,,i j, effected the Lit(er:ll -ilon1(11K. maintained and p e r., fected; that the next Liberal Stat. 4? con vent 0 01 ?-iinarely fiv:ir (.1 tariff tor revenue only. invite a n persons, \vithout ;,raid to tortner poiitirul os,oetation , , to unite \\ it h them; recommending t h, t the next Convention name of Liberal Republit-an," as a part;: Inoue, should he .tropped, and that of the -I,:tierar' party adopt orginizttious which \ lar (1)-(101'11'04i whit Itepuhlicans to :114111(1.0 the old party n a me, with a view t o a more perfect union weir; the name ui - I.loeralt" that a a party they are oppfr4l.4l 10 ail believing, that the equal rights ni all -houlll I, o ' lts guiding principle in all the ramiti e a. Lion; of the (,overinent, and that great care should he exercised in -,- 144•Iing . candidates fur members of CPI.. 'Fla. Democratic and Liberal Ito- Stale Central Cominittei together with a large number of rep resentaii vcs of the two organizations from ditTercitt parts of the - State, held a consultation nweling this af iertioon, pur , itant to It call issued on the out of this month. A coin tiiittee had been appointed by the It-ino i•ratic and I.ll(eriti ?`late ('ettitnittee to itrepitre nn addre-+ to the Dei( icritts and Liberals of I )(lie ' for consideration 11(1)1 adoption ny this meet-nig Thi(4 eounnlittee eon ( (411,i .rtoaito ,r. I.wrilliVr. :senator l'h • man, on behalf or. the committee, re , ported an address to the meeting, ' which w as:considered and unanimous 'iy allopted, It is as fidlowS: To Mr; Licttioc , .(rls mid I,i/era/ f.tf )hi(); 'Uhl+ presidential election ~ver, awl ;rant i, eiected., it is not our purpo-e al this time to speak of •.le• cau , .., of this resuo. It the future that demands your at , tetanal. It, etirrence to the pa , t u s eini only to ascertain the fact, and lisosins it may teach. .1 va , t iii.ijor ' ity of the 1)e:110:Tatic party, perhap, ninety-five per cent, toted for largo number of citizens heretofore members of. the ilepublican org,ailization also voted for him. The aggregate of their votes, te, near ly as we can estimate, exceeds three millions and a quarter. The nominal popular majority for tirant is some! thing over hall a million on a vote of near:yin- quite seven mullion,—a ma jority of 116011 t :Nt'Vt'll per rent. This Is the result, as nearly as wear,. iihh', the absence of olhciai returns to state it. Itut this \ dots not rep with .- hehtiint nt of the country. It ii evident that large holy electors stayed away from the polls. Nearly every one of the-s• men I , :in opponent ol the ail niVistrat ion, and if they had seen lit I') ist their vote I irant's popular majority \could very small, if it gatlit exist at all. The prominent features of the interesting enough. Among election may he briefly stated: \ ( ''"'"'" 11 " visiting the ,1 !v-!it ,' per cent of the I)entocrats to; ono : : fell,w \\h) in love at :sr-4 of the remaining sight w ;;!, the youlej:e!an g l : t er , 1 CI V,. It comparatively small t nundier•vot e d fOr tina .t re , ident . greater part of them did not Vote at , \‘ ‘ i, i t ( 'tiro( all. 1)1 the Liberal Republicans who They even rode out to.gellier in her ' joined tlii, party of reform, a large father•s carrtio,4e, \vhen tho se i n majority good fast, wlitio others ? charge or her strictly j,, r i„,„1,. \. , 4)1 SUCC('SS, 11,1 A. (0 farther their old :s=sociatiotis or staid al e:chibitiofis such hail taste home, on her pink, she frankly declared nee New, ie,aving.4tit of view the vemil 4 1 " int e nt ued (hi' t nnl nuc h e. foon whe, , goini corrupt motivei, c iiirselhe matter WA-I serious fait ' 1 " .4-.rt " l (111.1'4• anted fur t :it tontion. 05) ;rant, :1,10.1 woo ratinot reneti upon ' any party that ust4s mate hut bon the young Inefi tll, iflergy ,if ar a ble I I Watoi to further its soceess, money, declared he Winifil not bate it may he safely affirmed that the with o ut -th e g i r l at l o v e: on th e ;;rent body of the electors who stayo I away from the polls are, as they have other-x:ls the girlalivally been in times past, opposed to the 1 . 1 40 i i ,tri an ',,minis,ioni.r could , dominant raditsil party. It is true itiend tilitti;•r,, althonjzli 10. that they 4.1h1 not Vote, and by their In this dilertinia,:b trip to Europe for' vt) t e ma nif"t- t heir til'Pusititin ix thy the girl was th.cht,it \\ lira II,; late election, and this fact is greatly Indian will do about to he reg retted; but let us not rashly it will-he faind e . t . utrsit censures upon them. If in the next cliafiter when it "me, they could not overeotne their old feelings and prejudices so far as to vote for a life l o ng opponent, we way deplore the fart, hut we should not he so unjust as to place them in the ranks of our enemies. We have an abiding faith th.tt, with time awl refleetion, they will lit' found, as heretofore, acting. en our side. 'flu! Radical camp is no camp for them, nor ii it the part of Nvistlotn to draw the tfar ty tomahawk. upon liewocrats or Itepublicans who, front con s:lemons but IlliStakell motives, saw fit to vole for ;raid. The circum stance, were novel and peculiar,sucla as had twver before bt.sni seen, and Men of the hest intentions, were lia ble to emir. ('or Lenin as strongly as you tri-,11 base torn who surd their votes, but tie charitable to your old friends, Who under circumstances of difficulty and embarrassment differed from you in Dpi-eion. Instead of re pelling, strive to win them track. Free, independent thouglit is the very essence of Democracy and true Re puhlieanisni. It created the Demo cratic! party at the beginning, and it has iintintained it ever since. It trt o t f o the to -day, to t e % 1 % 1-ti e b ui lica us n t e Ca le v n e n i : look for accessions in the future, What IS wanted, then, is not critn ination and recrimination, but the oppisite. Three and a quarter mil lions of electors have protested, by their votes, against the radical mis rule under which the country hits sulferet I, and v. hick threatens to over throw the very foundation of free government. The reasons for their protest are as potent to day as they were when they cast their votes. By every consideration of consistency re!Oylliilt (If (it'll. 11()Wlirli NA in leaVt . ' a V:101111i'y in the h.t.uf.llajor-(iener ai~, we learn, \vill prolvat he fillrd by Ow proni(iti(iri (if I Terry or (ien. 'anby, and thusred tire than nu in i?er of Ilri;;, , atiter ionerak -Th, horse epitlenlic has had one I'o-alt —people have eth.coverett that h Ige wt-re matte to \wall: \Vitt] The numher or v, omen t. hn h ivc r,,und thvv rat) go utt -hnpl,ing expe dition.. without a earriatze, and tl nun who knew that they can reach their plifeei nI tiu-ines..., wMfout hor-e car, ha. Iteen in.tterially in te.tsed. There k a great (teal p, - (le-trian ahility in thi. , country which has never heen devolupt d. Nottotl) - can taleNt:intl how quickly he can get from 'me point to another on ti until Ito trie-t; aml that can not he con.iiiitred altogether a fortune which compel. him to make flit' trial. =MD nn l ilval abtiut an Anicrican "lady ilenti-t•• NV Mullin anti filling thy ti•i•th of the inhabitants of 11,..r1in. t1;1, twuli , , t11,1)0z3( it • 1110 !sex' , pioneer in thiM lint' of hut :wcording to Tne ISritiYh (.1 Dentist th*-re erfb, long. wzo :IA 1 st , v, I.titt.4ll practitiotwrs of iieriti,A try in England k hay Dow 141.gisath.joctorily drlllOnStrated that no brunch of human inciu-:try reAurved for and Niered to the horrid Futni)% 2 -41,::nd I 'lt , it. I/Pen. it rernai o. to lie (kt , •rr,i!,o , l hi wowill cciil r 80-1(1-• urld IP:t,turcs IN lail tFitu 110 114.'111. oitizen of ltich anti colonel of the 179:h V Jr 1416144 uulitia regiment. vonimitted suicide at Furtrcss :11iiiiroe on Fri day right, I,y shootir- himself throii; 4 l l the „head a ith n I it:e. Fur years before Cm. war :he eOlO-, nel 10-ilitrie a orippli• from rta•moa ‘l.-to„ anti a bankrupt in sulling out to (Pa fat*. John Mciiiel lie retrained about hmotat mini the breaking ourof the war, when he went to F.irtress :\lonroo, and eiliZag• ed his services to the Veitcrai ti-et as a pilot Jarmsi river, wilieh iitcy he ua , fUlly onnipeter.t to 010 lenin I , fir.; f suit arity with the rive,. lie hail keen .since the t,sair in harge at 1- 4 1)rtrt:s Munroe, and \vas+ regarded it.!i Ivcrtitric. 11 tea: a hatiVe stn.eq•S.'clit yv,tr , 01.1 _ wt. ha \t. gr.5...11) Irii;111 \\ ' u•hiii,4l , ut, that, true (Ir, amiable Pennsylvania gen tleman, married to his second wife, lately 1.1,:h1 a matrimonial Cllnversa tion of a peppery nature with that lady. Inasmuch as her rhetorical powers were infinitely liner and more varied than his, she presently scat tertsi the opposing force in dismay. He was about to retire to solitude, therein to"suck the sweets of e.wc - NA philosophy," when he was suddenly string: by that mental brickbat pop, titarly known as a happy thouglit. lie turned :like. the trampled worn, and informed the victorious trampler that there was one thing anyway she was not nearly so good looking as his first! What could a poor,abused crea ture do but burst into rivers of tears, and defy hint to the proof? As there were no relics or departed beauty about the house in the shape of pho tographs or preternatural paintings, the desperate mail paused one humil iating instant, when another brickbat none at Min and he was happy. He remembered that an excellent portrait of his first had been deposited with her in the silent tomb. Thither he.ruslied, there he dug with a tri umphant spade, and thence he carried the convincing picture. A...rushed to the earth, hi:4 second rose again only to confess that his blood curdling assertion was too, too true. —We have, it appears, one repre sentative at least abroad who under stands the dignity of our position and his own. The Manchester t Eng land.) Giorripot gives us an account of the recent troubles of a Colonel Davies, who honors Cardiff by repre senting the United States as Consul at that port. Davies, it seems, bought an estate near the town,'and speedily got into a squabble with a neighbor ing farmer Bodkins, eoncerning the use of u path or gate. which wonnd up triumphantly fur the Colonel with his giving the Englishman a tremendous thrashiffg. lie was ar rested and brought before the County Court on a charge of assault and bat tery, and defended inuiseif. it was not he, Davies, who was aggrieved, be chttliml, when the fellow pushed his way through Ow gate, but the majesty of the forty millions of pt 0- ple whom he repiesented; it was the great American nation to w hull) BoJkins had used disrespectful long- Mtge, the name of that na tion,- declared the Colonel, "under the shadow of that broad until beauti ful flag, 1 struck him, in the cause of IrVidlini! " The sptsch ‘.% "recei ‘ed with proiontal emotion," though The (iltratan ,fails to inform us of \vital kind, ahil the rzt. , e , was held over for consideration, the Cardiff Dognerries no tit amt linding the in troduction of forty in Wilms of free men into the ease 1.04) heavy a tnnVer fur !,tiativti bundling. It. Ilitt Ennoi Liberal ltepublican Slat, ( ral Cow Toe iluty ofealling a : , tate (Iniveii ti,on of the two organizations , was riunit toil hi the two State C. , (2ionsideralil tan,: Wu, elivited by the reading of the resolu tions it4llllltHi irY the Liberal nieeting, hut mist of the older Demo& rats lint s ent- objected st) strongly to giving up the natneof the Democratic party and adopting in its stktT"l,llierti'' party, that no motion qr :ebolut ion on the subject ‘vas brouglit before the meet ing. The meeting did no other bus. A NEW P 1nt.1,4. Ur (i/ig f (he Ohio Dentoeratie and Libr rol .1:e l ahlican Vale Central ( ri - Addre.S to the rit iz-hs obi , ' - The Prof oxed Libel-- 41! 1'('1'1.1. and just„ principle, these men are bound tO continue to act together. The neeeirsity for reform is likely to increase ' instead of dimin ish; ad v o sates-of centralization are likely to become more audaciims than over in their attacks upon loral ;elf govern ment. • The exaction Of eclnhined wealth and the corrupt we Of inotwy in elections are likely to become es tablished usages if not speedily re buked. It is no time, therer , ire for any lover of free institutions, or puri ty in ions and govertirlient, aml of just and equal laws, to relax his efforts, nor is it intelagent or wise or manly to dispair of success. No re-, form party ever gained its first bat tle. Consolidated abuses can only be overthrown by repeated assaults. Monopoly and corruption ever die hard, but in the end they 111) 1h when a tree and virtuous people will. their destruction. We saY, then, to t•vcry frieua of ref(alll, be of good eh* er. Ohio is. we 4ielleve, the only State in which ltn Radical majtirity of Psiis has been re ilue-11. A it•W anil it will cein.ie. fSigta . (l; .1011:.; (iNi Chairman. Di.inocratie ilk. The Nan radur) ittuefttioti Text of the Dreision e!l• of Germany, The f.illmving is the text of t i 11C . In 0 f the I•;:nperor of liertininy the San J11:111 publi-heti in t he 1. , )11.1 , ,n Echo nn th ;:otil t fl)etubt•r: \Vt., \V by the ( of (;0.1 Eulperi.r. ()I Prussia, ;titer exttutirittstit.:, .1i Ow treitty betWOvii 1 1 1(' 11 , 1" lirttatinio Majesty mid tititi ttt" lie •iiitot I Stab, of ittpriczt, dated at \Vttshinquil, 3.ltty li, P.. 71, by virtu*. Ito. above-it:tined t itlVcr:l - ..Ul,llljltrti to our Ir:thou th•• :It 1"-t11r t‘Vt'+.7l them, i wnethi•r Ili , fine.)! Wan:- dary ‘vhi-11, ite.•,,r.hch..); to treidy (latt (1 :0 \Va...•hington, .I(inu• I :liter it 1).t.1 neon ihritnitte , t parallel of (1 , .1(h t ihle to tio• uticl Ift 111 the Ind )-(o l l,trates the rjr,itillecit folio Vaiicotivt•r's Is,1111)(1, shall h • furth••r drawn -.out ht.rly through t Ii• of the , (Id channei and or Fut , ,i Straits to the 1':11•16() th•enn, •••11.)uki A))• run, a••• r4lint. (.1 hp tie t ;overtime:it of I ler 'lint t.thie :Nlajisty, through the nut*, thrhugh II•re t 'anal of 1 taro, its c!aiine(l hy the tuvern nicht ()I the Unite., State', in turtle,' that vie shunhl 4iet•iite itttttttV, mat \‘ithhut appeal, which of I laset•lailii , lit ticOortintlep with ;he true intertirchithat nt (he tre:ity (d• have, after tal; keg ititorote-i(ler a(ion the ,t:t!etnent of the ex purls appointed I.v rep,rt up,)ll the t•untunt; of the te-peclive casts and (...unter ea,.—, \cult (111.1 r inelosurcs, 1.),(„or, The claim of thp.. I ioverrinient the Viiited r;tates—viz., t ha: ilk. Ho, lit boundary between the ilotii t itlions Iter lirittanje Maje,ty Slatc:4 should be run thruitgli the t 'aal or I Enron, is most iii itecolhi :ice with the true interpretation of tie. treaty concluded 14-tA% veil the -` "-- Lea attic .Nlikje , - ty anti that ofthe nited states of A lerirat..,q o Mg- tfithc‘ V dtiti l if-'st Berl I n h•t . w L 1 , 1 AAi , THE 1130170 N Veiii'Elei A rr,.,1 / um/el:wit Man err/ Eritlorre :-:11111.' OW murder of young 'on tircene the Maiden Post master, tnere ha , not beeti a murder so dreadful ifl its el /11t1 • 1/EIWI (1)(•.%- ( 4 1.1ti011 lis I hat of .1 bijan .11. Ellis, in Boston, and novvr dui iletceti Vi' skill rapidly /111 , 1 1'1 . 11:1711Vt'ly lh.lll iU lilt' of 1.12.1% lit alley, who is ntiA 1'.1!!:; I.llllllllllte'l 11.; the Pell'Onllol' of li(estiocklng,l(vd. A letter from lio-thtn, dated Ih,' gives the following detaiisot the itm-- rible affair: Oa Wednesday after noon the t‘%o harrele with tl.eir hor rible content., wore taken trona the Charles river basin. Twelve hours la ter thel r uatunl)l)llo 4 were notified, anti circumstances trivial iu them -el ves wet e from the rut cry day life and held up Lefore the public ;:„:;a• ith startling distinct ness. The first link in the chain of vidence was litund at once. Within ten hours tho st•ene of the crime Was reached, soil a -).-i.rett made assurance doubly sure that jt was committed in the little-4.6 , 1 e of Leavitt .11ey, aml detained lion, thought he nits not really taken ,info custody. 11 , - fure the officers hid tumid him., ah enterprising reporter had ITIII4 , VI'II 111;r1 , :f our irr! rgr; from 1 Ilk. st bie r the , which unu:0)1,1) al pioverltil fliilTO,Cr/pe anti searching ;in; ;; tilt , chci;,lnt, had already been : ne• l e h.r : -). th a t tht• L i proved to tie (lots of human bloo(i, sion 1))));: fir the :oil ),), f minute thri.ads slry (.:,!, ;,;ti ;! •!, or the %, ern ley the iourdert d tine , „;r:inth -t .4, 'Oak' calm arid we N, \ hn s ever concerned sere,-fed, and told 'II"! );), the Chici of Police llie following site tory 1,1 o u r ex i-te eve she a ti dd t , (• h:;1.; ry : d llrv: 11 huid uequitinte)l with ",. ratrlotie i.,; ; Mr. Ld.s, tit(' tifdered man ; thid • the 1 „.,„, ) ,. ..) • Ile had pureintsed a horlse of Min; tin- .-- t argaiii was only a verbal- 0 11 ‘, and 1:e bail takeli po,session and had agreed to pay f...):)11 a month.) lie wit, ~ will;.; :Ir. Lids some tt'•:in lie saw liim Saturday, and agreed to /Llt•tl, hint Tuesday lap))) uu ‘l , lo.l;iligml i street, lint (101 I" meet min; uali n o t seen hint Satur- ))t ),) on 'l'ue-(I;ey be Alley had noiked at his stand until night, ho;1 4 410 .1 / 4 /100 ‘Vent ho;lit". 1 1 Is son reminded him that tie had kit It small stove hear the statid, and he •, Alley ) went for it, re turning about time o'cleck• u Its ""N ul 111 t h e uighit, and about . 1 n'el ,, ck Wt - tioesday mourning, lie ii Clll ".I.L putaturs hunt-.. At 7 tie hitched up his team mid \tent r I liivniarket square, Ai ley bad been I. the habit of carrying barrels 111,111 Schooner's billiard salotta to ills•stable in lion nealan street, and making bedding of it. Yt);tertiuy, Alley was taken over to ( Janibridge,and saw the body. and said that without any doubt the larger barrel was taken from his ant fie on Wednesday morning. lie had bought four barrels, two ot which he took up stairs, which the police find to lit‘ the fact. Alley states he It-ft the other two barrels iu the pas sage way, and these the police are unable to tind. :•,o much tor story. Now it is proposed to show, by yinose testiinuoy, lam not at, ertSf now to elate, that Ellis heft his boarding house about 7:30 Tuesday evening, saying that he was going to his room ou i)over pi-ace,'and he was later seen in that vicinity. A ,difli rutty was heard in Alley'sstables be tween and 9 o'clock 'luesday even ing. high words and other angry ,ousts were overheard. it will also appear that early Wednesday morn ing a team passed out just beyond Parker street, on Beatxm street, with two barrels lying down in the wagon. In a short time afterward, before a sufficient time had elapsed for it to go over the Sluice some way beyond Parker Street. the wagon returned without any barrels. It would also probably appear that about the rime hour Alley was met in Charles street with a team answer ing to this description, but contain ing no barrels, going from' Beacon to ward Boylston street. Now Alley says further that he left two of the barrels in Schouiler's billiard manu factory, whero he got his shavings, and the Other two ho left in a pas sage-way near the stand. The two last-named barrels cannot he ft aind, though every exertion has 14-,a, made to trace them; but the first t were discovered in the spi.t wine by !Le !qtys that four or live weeks ago he had an 1)!,1 axe at his stand on litinneman street, but it Was: and for : , 4 , vt•rld weeks Ile has not seen i,. This morning, hot% ever, officers in the el dirm.• tialir investigations found a n a x e in Alley's yard, anti when he was (pies tiolied in relation to it; he at tir-t de nied knowing anything atria: r.. lint lin being pressed in the matter, iet• milted that he hail recently taken it into the stable. 1t will appear in ev idence that Mr. Alley, within a short time, purchased it new axe at a cer tain store, and that it, was 1).,'1 by Win and others at his stable ou Mon day morning, last, the tinie when Mr. xeas last seen alive. When the startling revelation was made that Alley's coat. vest anti pants v,e;e vompletety he-patterei+ with hio , id, a great deal 1)f 1)11)0(1 hVing \ the ill the Cro .I , sayor, and, uw.11.11, that. Hilt nian ir:ovt rt,& I(' ; dibuht lhut lilt Ancr hail Sl4vagt . , at I c‘mliti.,(ll4.(l .111 t }' awl 111 rat 1 iota ,)1 cV111 , 11 ,. .• thttl li.•I1 Alt, v w•f}' i.IIIII ' tit ii thi•tnintlyr „ e v c i. t ti” th:tt of tht• (112irle, :•,trvut ti , lit Ott+~ Triul'trfil ‘V i(11 III) t nti tV ‘‘)).):))II, tt ;i:t•!!, -4 are!) V):1 - • (1 LI I t" it ii1•••11 0,1,0)) , ..•)•r,•)1, 1- ))11).),I . II))) 1116, 1,)•).), , ,1ry I.) ))11)))) - t Mr, It t IWlfil^r„ ti i.‘. ur.• \ll.l 1.1 11-.‘l ‘4,11*.n• 1),1 r 11, 4 - murder, the t ut :•1 r. Icy's nu I I unto -!r, • ;old r•everal .• 1111/411i (4 111 I. C..• 14,-; 111 murder had laq•ii u,nimilttil I ;,t Duriniz the inve,ligatinn :it lL t:1 hlr,:\ts.,‘ltey atiii lltl :11 . 11•r hi. 11111 Ik• ME uu !.1“.(11011 V,.a- tit+ (•'ll ll ' in , lll IA • 1... xi ti).l.Naiiiiti.• th,ll. ‘vt)ri.• Milt It• IHt• city 1114.1,n, ;ill4l \cll.! It). et 7111naoriay ICeprr•nenlaalou L. oilmj haat- prinviple ,t\• ft.},r,.- ~otite.tiuti --that is, (,Itllviiil.l4 a ht•rt•uf t members to ttn rt.-wittatives, Inttl k•ttittlitto r :: t.w In utt ion.' minority to cltoo-K! (nip by N.oting thrice for hint 11A had ,t,.; first full tinti at 1:0• deetton ui Itlitlui att.! approvott. It i!...clitinatit I , le io 1•14. rt a full r in fact, it hut tit an id.ottoxiol,l4 l'consylvania t•titta•ctl t 1,.. Iv\ iriuu +.l llt r 1.t..-41-latur• 111 4 1 . "Cii 111 .- 1 a o:tt 1 , „1i..1 11 , .11 lt. l;t10:,tit• ti. for 6ov•-rn , ,r, ti , Ih t—fl ha'r ;.,•• , ',lr. I. 11. lilt i . , f 1...; • , . -u1) ; 111 cf.ttic ,tt totaiwgilly : 11.tvih..f h.r vtolint, Its 1111.ip1P)11 111 Inc. :it I, ~;•• r 1,,, ,$i l'etifisylvattitt C;;I:,:i!tti;;;;.:11 t ;,;; vi•ntit)t; ‘1.11 , ; ilt:,l sclll,v :st•rvie , .... I.; tilt. ; , . VI I, )11 I Pi. without. L.ny othur 10,-:; • r , eltvittl 4):: 10,11.1). Then. a ~ ; (.11(•ttie rutivt I" Y. 7'r,lntiie :rho• t!. r ir-t 1.1 rut: 4 veto: ;1. \ E "I. ‘111113,1;-: , , )1' i !SNP i. ‘4 1111111, , DM , r- th( ( vlt 1111V(' 1111• 1.)1111 , 1 ho (ht. s- 1.111 - ! l!1 1 ' (1 (.1 4 ' 11L111111 . 1.1.1111 lOU of Aril,: Intlepentlettre ccicitr.t., 1 iiilvfliflllolllll 1.11, 1%111 , , ..1.11111/1110t UR'S al Pn.du the mint', IC, , atlelphia, 1•:76, cal4l ha, attit...rot ('ortititc•ion, consititi I , •pr• :.- tatives . frotn each S t ile lerr::,- ry, to conduct the cvlebratinti tnigittatitig. tinder tile the Ntttiouai I,e...fist:mire, coot rttih hy a Natiori:ll C , lttirasitt;: ;tic! C,- mitrued a. it ". itt "coltiteffloratt• ih • flr-t. et tc.Atty tot t.Y.r 1 1. . , .11. Thl` 114'4 % % i I; l that I ht. hirt , i tti . Iht. i;i• (:111 ie. o)11(tIool .Iroi ; --• . , 11W ft , rr 11::: • ( - )1 the ();';,11 ri,(• tt ..; , ur n-, itnen, (•%(•ryt:; . : 1):: Au, coo lurnl-,11, cr,),J) ur the 1 . 3ti(1-, I I, it, id „ 111 H . \% :1 \ I 1"1 , 1 , 1 , 11'1r, lit 111., • , •1. I:.:llVXit-: 1111/ / 1 : • , / I lIS ~?, • ari-: and Intl!: 1 curl , Lt!ori• ltd.. I lt• ctitneeaspi.L. : •;.lll V. i;t t tiletrlllSllll•S‘t hich ingenious rt•op:,.• Ezteli land will emu, erous rivalry fir Ow , (Sr OXrent•l/Cf'. • Ot'\ .! TO this gr.ind eycry z ,! will contribute it% fruit- and " No minerals shall he wantina; 1.,r in what the East ia,k, ti,.. ,11 supply. t-nder i.! tit( i!' South tlkplay in rich loxuriztrict. her of i; ;:r growing cotton ant Ile. north, Ir. I'r 1 n inr , rrwig ;it rape ! of her mills, cones rtes that eott , t, - into cloth. El l en ~f •t - 1,1- • :;1r • :..:.4)!1t.,1 Willaffil PS heat the , ex- I 11, - - Yr.';' v , -t: Ihibitio and each Staten' the . ha! u. hive's(' he in as a member of Urle united body poll- 1 1 1 , 155 tic, will show to her sister Stilt« s and lift-kind ni. to the World how much shecan add an •,11.1 rI , 111; _e , to t greatness cif the nnt ion w 114...:1 why 1,4- i f , k she is harmonious part. Malec "tory in:dso .!rink, the Centennial Celebration such a in-ske4 no- di ?mi., and druill, that:es success as the patriotism:lnd the His. dry The explazi:on of every American derizazuk4 will re- tt es ef4s.ider(il quire theco-operat ion of the peof,le of An honest and indis , tre.us man in the whole country. The t•iiii,•,l Indiana, who was th.ing ell ex till,- States Centennial Conniiksii ri ha s icing himself as a living 4:e-tett - in, hte: received no Government, aid, such as curmewnced to grow fist, and has now England extended to her world's, got-to leas - o another trade or ..farce. Fair, and France to her Cr.iver..... 1 1 Thus fortune jilts her followers, and Exposition, yet the labor and le- crushes buttible ambition. sponsihility imposed upon the ('ow- A south street inebriate whipped mission is as great as-in eitherof those his wit, Saturday morning, aI id undertakings, It is estimated that name home drunk Saturday $10,000,000 will be required, and this 111-s v. ire having no coals of tiro to sum congress has provided shall be heap upon his head, poured his car raised by stock subscription, and that i full of. peibiter sauce. He aPl'earm to the people shall have the opportuni- he Just as well satisfied.—Dcintury ty of subscribing in proportion to the .4.111.e.1. population of their respective State:3 noel Territorie , ., The (7otinnis:don looks to the unfailing patrioti=au of the proplp rvpry section, tel •-cc that ezn.n contritintt.s its -hare to lin• i•Aa•krt , e, it , -,lllirt• t,l" th , • t),•11.4 . 1!- , •f etiterfire , e in which :di all. r,-4.411. It kvoultl ittrtitor tr, - ‘,A. the I,,rniation ••••;i:r of ct•ti f, uni . ,l 1,1",_ , ..ini4a1i,11, hiril .111t11 111 t .,, tititry fOrlnef 1, t ‘V nem th,. t int ;tn. 111.41•11tt•I' tit 17-7t;cact: unrnt. , :,ltlt ran vi , \' 1 ; 11 •I'o I ,- Continently on the z,val and t, pl. t_ttiw,.. I U; ttlt I I.r“1 , 11t-i li,a 11.• t', • tA ;in.; 11'11/L:t•llk , i , n t'-urnn i! 4ti , litsiii).;l- Thu-0 whii'.llinv, IME It. v, -1:1‘ Ic k \\,..\ EMI ,j., OEM =lOl ti =EI MIME I , j.. 11 t IMI I.c,itl- 11,h •—• I•. II 111 NM t'. lIIE , io , ' .r .••• - lIME Mil SEMI \' • - it, ;Ti„l.!,' 1.,,1 :I,i I !,q• kl ;.•V, i7IV• =1 =EI lEEE MIMI tllll •• ii' of -• I • 1 INEM I= = ri Ark+ (I ;4 N't 1:, 1:4•\ .r !').• a pvtitlit•o; lilJ J •4 , ft 11:? i ti; i itt• 1„•n it \ ME , i id . 1,, .I.Pot t . 1,4 I ,•.11'.0'0 Mill I . e•r i) ME MEM MINE • (I.L Eli , I MIMI EMI i • =ll Eli I= MEI =I ,`• IMO 1 1‘ I:111111f k. ME I, ?.t 1!: 1 .\. "~ ...~i ,i EINE 40i I= BEI 18E1E1 i. 1. MI I%t" i. Eli I =I • t• H ij)(!i.:ii 1,11 , it, ;:,4 ..‘ rity,' m ••'N • , .! t 1(100 ( I NE I f 4, lLi• :tu:,l =MI \ 1f =MEM Be Indelveladeatt. I s New AdvertiSclueittm. 'rho Springfield Republlran of No- _ _ veinber I), ham an art ivie on the teen- Tag WiCt'SEiliP, por and Iluty of the hour, In ‘olll'll it v the 1:1“ mak to will rf.form from PHOTOGRAPHER whit, -oni.4•‘ , it vonse-; Iv4lo s trirant, in n-ro, will lift hi 111 ,,,1f the ritn!..4 and abandon C.lnierot,istn. acid givr y th 8 tItVICI. To Ttll. IJIIraCA I the fir,t Wart% t iscir ;root' sense :ind self-1 e-p.ct ought to prcvt•nt theft) from crying too long Or too I)Ver ~ ;"1.4 ti I.)r ivgr4.l; but they , . i, do cult Ihr al,,,nt it. H4lll leKs iti ihrn ,Ihy jo-t -pair. We vi;o1 to Ile able to i,ay that out of t rf•publienn and eoriong t :Iri• 1 ~r t!!ree , 111) r-}'lnl Hu, 01 having ir t!, repuldio, intijority ta , ,,• 111,1 r di6-app,,int- ' 1-1 1 t.rinithy I;tit thi•if• :I* , ll ‘vit.iti - xt•r I r tl.•-vtir, or tia• :d y i.,•till ion for (1 ., Th#• , nwlo•ry vo :I:th n 14 , ; +l, c,\',N; ,~ ~• it ,~~ ,i!~iu,', ~ =I r.i, i ME MOB r 1.11 .1.1 IL MIME OM lIM 1•111111 =II Car.: 71 1 01 '7 " =MI fire Jusul'ance Co.. • )11.5 I , _< )(1411 =EI • ;: 17:L ( •,);a1•1 MI IMO =MI .12i/ I V. ;.,, . .r; '-1/. ME SUBSCRIPTIONS. 1873. IMEEINIE Liarper's Weekly , ,`‘:,.l , r ,„ . ' SUBSCRIPTIONS. ',"373 ME SIM =I .: - .larpei• . :3 Bazar. ~~ /' e EIMIIIIII MIMI 1,,r•; 11i jrl, I :h.;4,tti'y ~ z rest I " L• r rett a , •'..• • • ',II =III =I UUBSCRIPTIONS.,I373. Term.: IL\ • hi • • Na:ptn,- P. • • k; , / ~ r • - d.otiti,rs 14) ~t , l l, 111 till, or Sic kxr t'211%)0 V1,11601:1 Mill .. . , .-..., il"...11 1 .1. If". :r i . J.,- ..0. , • - i ,r ,•,..,• ~•,,, .. ,t 7,0) (41 . Or 1, . P IA Harp.'', 1 . ...ri.e.:e.: . i • ~:., iv.i,:r t ... 1,, I ) rar 01 / , 1. 1 . NU17.6-, , ran (..• or.ppreil a 1 oily t' me . 11,• lii. \ 0,- ..1 liar p• r A MIZ , i/ . Oa tile. }ear. wffillisALE & RETAIL. /N.,. GI , . ';•I , . 11. 7.1'. , fognialy bound I , g.rcell 1a..- To, Co C.Oill. ‘N 1./ 1 v ,c lit by es.prve.. Iroigin pre pod, for :::"; In i'l Eurpor's Razor I. '2•O edits a , year, vt filch 1.,n,t :., p:11,1 r: the eubecribtr's nost oglio. A(Icl r vr, lIAICI'LIi :,.: LULU I'll EICS. b0....2.9 Nry, York. . A I , Nt INI, TI:Al NOTict:. - I Wed", ( ‹L i ed WhereH,\ Letter, , of A. 3. tntill,nat lon on the .:413fe of John Cnlvr. tleo 14k. or Hui:coon tp, lko%er co., haring been Lranted to the ouhrertber. this is to notify ell p er iudeLitetl to eatd. eatutu to mato lortnetilate ( wk. merit. Lnd having claim, agramit It NYIII iirrovnt thrra dui! au • tientlcafed fur Keulletnenk. ATIGAINs. I,ov6;tiw non Eta porrEit. Adm'r u0v.29 I"..rry El li \X ..11 1,4'1 lEEE EMI ••i 131 C 31 t , i f' I ( =~ y :f 1, iv, riy 1.).1 t ,1 01) 4 54).11)4 _~_l.iel"_Ca_ ,1..000,090 0 0 0 ';•z) ;; ISMilal INIAGAZINL MEM EMI ffM ME = =MEM . , ~:„ .1 Hl' , t, ~, tr try t v '‘TIA 2MO =EWE - '-.) OM 'l , '" , =NM =I 1.;ir•• )11h !.! hllt. kn , ilt MAT , f.;4 .1 I f rATF: o f , tI I, r I IV!, of adalinl.,rtatitp,,u ltac h, ~ trobecker (let.la:e of I , ras,kiri Ilezivvr coutity, !a.,tX.1,11 41 . • lin4, - .!grtt , l rwrpor”. Wl,' ht•-r 1 not reori.,l„ed. to Im nvlng rhiluvi will prevrni •4tro. 4,1 , 21. 2! 1.1 , •1ay iEI V 12441.111 t, F . • Wllrlerftbtlf;: La Wr t, (l , .1 i 4 /111 • 1 • • 1l'11,or) Moore, Att y,r, H 444 04,4 .4 ,44 P 144 .04.4 40 44 )1100...x. 004 44 ,4 14 4..4 .4 44 .1411)110C NOR g,C 40, /u. I Pt FPI 144 44 .4 44 II 041,4 4000044 F. 14) 00414101104 ,(4..tj, „p 4 40.'NOTHIN G 0000 • Will be timore Gruffly tig 1.. th, -AsTHAN TO WIEINZIM MIN Cher. call at 7W: I' ,11.11 Et Eisner & Phillips, .uf. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers