ADVEJEtTINEMEN'IIIi. Advertisementaare inserted at the rate of $l,OO per square for tirst insertion, and tor each subsequent insertion 60 cents. A liberal discount made pn yearly ad vertisements t. - A spac e equal to ten tines of this type measures a square... Business Notices ': . set under a head by themselves immediately after the local n ews, will be charged ten cents a line for each; insertion. Advertisements should be handed in t, lore Monday noon to_ipsure insertion chat week's paper;c.-_,s. BusitteserDirectory. BEAVER. FILAGNEW. J. M. 13VCIIAN AN ACNEW 3 SUCI4AINAN, Attorney's at Law. Thlrd Street, Beam. Penes. Oppofine the Arra office. . J. V DUNLAP, at Law_ Utii,.; In (Le Cirllrt LIOUr.r bugitiet. prompt!) attended Le maro' t 11 1% eue. exi,e 3;.,utra ”t• ate .{!Luce , ulSce., t. Is LA IN unp....b. Office J, .itit.• I hirtl r l'a _ , A DLEat..Dvatt..i.t..2lc... over Mr. flair. over 1 ii;!Uu M el"re, (tune r. h Great CUrc , • t, .311 warranted t‘, • ,r., e rue a Ali. • [ liana. 1) • M h.R.ON tiorne) at-law.K(•dsvi . io I H tn; !Ur Ml,' I) tft Int n ein.p Cunningham A. hu,i .•.a rated to L.1:11 will rccrnr pron.p/ and • writion. 1e31.1) B YOUNG, Attune)' ut I-1w a lake and eov Third et rust of the Court Ilou prompt!) diletidcd to. ave;;ly _ it ,itEEkni:: Attorney at Law, °lnv! du !lord st... th-lud .the Court House._ All busi . •-•• protuptl!, uttadolod to.. 'jet:, lOU I , P. KUHN, Afton.) ;It i..21,a CMS t r• • Ld actor:l ell eel, Bracer. Ps tuarAio,ly. ME_ N FTT, PIfre.ICIAN 11. ND tq :ne i. is TI II th paid to trostment or Female lc,atrme and oence on Third ~.troet, !of C aprlT7l.l) i \ ItY ME.ItZ, Mailulaviorer and Dealer in I 1 awl (loiters. Mali ea. Isept-cly ), ' 1 Eli tsitwitt., tivl.4o 1) Apothecary, Main Pt. actull} eutui.4,undrd. t,e1)1.;1) Etc • 11.4 IOA I E, Dealer tu patutr. 011,glase,nails, 1,14te-gt.o.., frames, Larded tio•Aer--eol. an , .l fancy luw Is. Falls e‘ ts t Brt,Orn \ - LstN Lit &13,1,:iti11A51, - . anufacturersofcar, but gi,a6. spring-wagons, buck-wag • a,a sentries of every description, Bridge S.. pract , cal workmen. Successors to Georg. marbly • , , _ r _ 1 • LAS GN EiTiER, d..alttr in %Watchis, Clocks l' • Jeuelr. It , pairing neatly executed. ..]..,y. near rails-el. thovlll-ly ~ V NIPI'FAIT, Wiser - .5.,. Confectioner • ke el • , r••atli, IJ) rters and Game in season. ' Bade. . \t s. \Viddinzs, Sc.. supplied noel ty sNirfil. opposite Press °Mc., kirunavvlty. I •i)l,llVr in the best building hardware.. gnu— • and patty. which hr turuhdles to ~.00ers cheap for cash ttct2:3 71 ly 11 • x, F ME.I'l, Bridge street. dealer- in fresh :ueal and Int cattle, Will ,islt fiesta er tin ....,..,. Thurs.:ay and Saturday , of exch vivid:. .g•12.7,'71-ly •t. ("NIA - Dry Girtid -, ,, Urocerros. Non. •11, ,; i...wurr. S. Ilte,t prier rwr .7,wr , 1 produ, ge•uerraly l rah i.roat: why ..N.,•1,1; ( • • W IVI ER. V. nwilmak, Jew rik, nun I ),, Li •2".:4 I:road w e•-•1127 . ;1 II 11 Ni II Nit: A 1)••al , r iu Itt, T. Ir. ,lunar Family Grurcric,. ,•. tx.deri ware., ware. Sc Ili ad •i,.nr Flitl,•-•••t ~.,1311. 7 I Iy • It 1.22 Brow], ay. -Nov. I;rl:2:hßyn. mattes tr..:lttm•nt of chronic tLIIII female weskrte•e., a tr,..CilittY eon 'anon free to the poor e, er) 'Oll/du) (row I to k. p M. l'hot • 1, -rapt) lin I iery • • •,I I ' A ,01 eN••C,11;11. 4r 11 A" I. f i ;,' . 11l =EI mon ).,, roo.. his , :.ll RANI a ndst. ti e ) : • 1111.12 1 , 4411•14. 4.44414 , 44 41 “ ith r I , 444 , 1 to 41,1 • i ly =I I - \ Est r. n 'll3 I Frinr- m Is-- .0, is! E 111.0 M ‘,11.1.11.AN LI K .IL II ,55,5.- 55.5. ist , ..ticlAZl: 11 , 1 Emil rfl ra cs,,gr- , It N.. tw.2 - .: •.1 ) t,.1 I • • is h k••• A L ••• . 1 ...• •4o ir‘ rtte .11,t1 II cr,.. , n 1.41, i • ' I C. 11F. - Sin , 'tvi;il.l,7l . fr,m I r P.ipt•• .r7e2.! El RI .tVEit V ‘V ‘• I. Wl:h . ' • NI , . it r BIE a, Kioair - it r 1 I / it it ".• zr,i, ly 111 Vl{ 11)i; Ell AT I•:K ‘l4lll.tztc -, :ir ,. ‘,3,••r y .1,, In ( L • 1:111 aztzl l 71 1) - , < iill F. , , , FP, and • • tt , ,tl fuld nilccr Watehep, 11, je1,1571 F 3-!), .1...0i1, Tail, nrl.7ncl. • -• wn'• r, l'a ft - r Eli. 1 • NA ttri tilt lint, lll l• - . ri st-p I I.' I.( IP( • !••••.'i .! I 'Ft i I 1:, - r Ur ) 111 IT, Cap.. k• 1111 itll.ll7l(lllTllll:+Gnat's',Ate. I 1,1•• , 5,"'l I'l ••“ - '011. 1 ) r .t.-1.1 , n.ina!!! rinut! , _!! F A ... of f " ‘ N t' V. \ r ‘ o - 1 1 ; I N rBrr; Nti(l • TON I arts, lt s, i• rit ii , I ‘11 . 1: 4 LI ) 1 .!./. l i'r • 1.•,••••• ••• 1/4 IV ',IV I' .• uk 1• . 1 II E VEFI it E!!!. 1 1 / „ 1);:v F:1111I,) 31.1(' I 11--:\ E NOW MANUFACTURED. ,11 I - . \ NEI) 3, 10, ~,ucce. s ,ors " ;" And si till if it • and ~.tiernlsts Frc ••61 , 1k C,WINI ) whom ur will •ili• Ili• • • . in s • art-1111k i,,rapnunned En ail hours In RoChe•lef I'. Fifth A'. , In 1•••NIIT .1 1 ,4 1 ik k F ‘ 11.4 Dry4....00d5. " • . 3 Y Brighton Paper Mills, fsakrrc „.„ rI.I M ...11, t , • N }` , ir' BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A, I,•inct, 110C11 ESTE R \ a p • - „ ,r , ••T .1 MEE Fa.htiot,ahle urn,hltg lluod , Vll.l • , N 1 t,,t1.1..1 1,41 I '1( -WAN! BUY 11 , Mannlact,,,rr ‘,l 11. n. Vietualking awl tior.,builig 1 1 0 -I, he.ler. Pa t..• 11 4t. 1 . 111 , 1. E R .t. I 1 I t.r.rerwo hii.l Nll.l • ,t A 1/: 11 J ;I A \ K Dral , r to 11,.r, t 111:11 rtm. 01 , / li4lCht , ter b . 22. y :11,10 az I.uw.mtrb Nr. ..f 111 - ndo• ordt . r; dOTIC PrlCt, ,ter Pct 23n 1 , . I I 1. 11. \tau Mai wrrr and I 1.1 ttht,S, ' T•(•;.:4 111 N NEN 1),";11--: - comportzitled SVakfr at . ~p 11.1) r. kt F. It S NUNtt... holevai* 1),•al Groerrie*.Ylonr Yrrd t.rettlt ..!r..n S. Nall* Cot Water S dame..:, 1. tt S ell Contr. rtor* liD.l .•ro !titer* tti rt,1141. Dttorr: Shultrret t ,nit , r Loth Sc 12ocheAter •, • itt t‘ LE Lt W ILLI ANS. SllCCerporet • - A co . Dealer* in Sacced.:.and • - R ,, tio . •ter ..P .2 S• Y I HC••••• l.i EltY !•• 1i1.F...t. CC;•AI. AI[1). • It *tall.Ol and , thitt nv..r .. - I*.ly ' ' F.: propro.tor-ol ,nd to- cOrllni.qtarour nrci .trt IS II I).•ptil ~ t :19.1y BM .1.1.11{,11; ;,•,. .md pr. 'nip.' V t,.. r Pa , 1y ALLEGUENS tITV I A\ Ei,trir•: Ain :.n n:4l, , t ie a ..pectrt!ty 4 officr. 1„, A :44::1 4-41 1:11. ;-••:.:1 VANE"' HT ft!'• ELI S (J.- Dei:rn , II al. 1., 11,-/ • Wlll - 1!A. ,(•r0C1 • 1102 4 . 11 g!,,i I,lf t• paid for (vino ry 1 , . 1 y 4 11%( ELLANEOUS I I: V' • I . Bracer county. and Inan,fl LUNIIF-11 Of 101 - • .1 -der ,aut.7l y • MEI \u. t()NIE, H. . r rts, ••• 0. It.t.l!‘ h tS'. P. )11 !1.1 11r.11,111•14. to tht .• • try Oflicr r r ave. 111,1.tdu TED EVIMIEDIATELIV. 0 PI'HENTICE:• to tnt, Irpolter BUEIt:C , S. • -,41 .ppIT wttttout gi.4l4ll4.l4Tence. t,RANT. Now .... Ye 5 FOR ?L RICH PANELED SOLID WM., Q NUT CASE ORGAN, ‘ ,1,1- 4 h .44 4.444 I,c‘c Factory (Ind hand Melocleonn - 4 - .1.7.n: 1! IroU) VV . ) rIIAI pU:kr.l. or * Moderate 1.1'1a., Call and Clamthe. at niruir room' , of ( . 11.kitiA)TTE NE. \ 'tztt: AN. :1,• t Prince &Cu urgent. eepl..,rn rff - Lar.tu i&r sale at this Oka Vol. 54—No. 45. J. D. RAMALEY'S OPERA Lat Louse, GENT'S FURNISHING EMO )R,I UM 7 7 No 0-4 Vittla A venue, Tt►e next Gooch - at Lo we'd to .11y lidtircss, nn rtppr. , val mas - 24 ly SPEYERER & SONS n. LARGE :ind SELECTED NEW GOODS, LOWEST CASH PRICES; C. - 1? OC7 IE - 11 rES, BOOTS ttii, SHOES, I I A & C A.l 3 ' ti 4 , WIIIT E LEADS. 4NP .1 I._l it'l7 .N 10' K 4 Oil. =I CANTON CITY 141 11A Mt ELS FA I 1:1,( )L'R; 1.; lio; lii iii N I lUMMIIIII :0 E.- 1)O KEGS Wii6;./.V; /LS; 1(ITON ()1: 1 11EI:1.IN(4 vIil:l . . AI n 1 1 1 Nl.e nit NV 1'1,1.1.:134,4 RAG ANI ) CARPET 30, I=l - AN I A 1!(. I Q l cl At N Gr( )( ) I )ti' Fall and Winter Wear. 11 , 1. , • , 111, I,— , •,, .11 , 0 114-I‘ , r,mri L .1 (1;1 n;) FOlllO Ill' itA LI: iLn.I in nark a ni:tnn• r ;t , .1..1 hi ,Is.• alid ~f Odl and see us befoiy tearing your Orders Elsewhere WILLIAM REICH. Jr. noiv4;7thly rirtagewater, Pa W. NV 13 A.ll , .Sticres•=or tr) Barker it noLEI+• LE AN I) RETAIL DEA LIA: CHROMO LITHOGRAPHS, Engrarings LillioaaapliA. Plain and Colored. Mo rogrophs, Passe Partonts, Monleing. and Picture Frames of till kinds, R 7 Fifth Arenue, 6 l9 doors boy° Smithfield St,.] Pittsburgh, Pa. imah-72:,1 THE Miscellaneous. AN() PITTSBLTRGH Prices Ill.( 1:1' r,t.lc6. ‘ f F 1 M THE EAsT, bou g ht at I•I)SSISTING j I2V --?"..C>COI3S, EENS \ H E, tioLl,my.\ity ROPE AN 0).%1:1: N.\II\I:•T~wCK .1.1 , H , I. FiN: 0:\ 1'..41 N . TS I , IIV .\ Nl} IN (HI. MEI lEEMM:I EMU /ZEE COSI ME M9l I:()(JlJ-i/.JL P' tY. t .•:.„_ . _ -1" `",•Z ITI..c 7 . , ....!- - s , : ii• ' .7 . e \ '..,-• ./.4 , ...L. •••}l,?"' 0C - • ' .. ' c-- "" . N..• al Z. e.....'t• %-• ~,,c4e,„ , 7. . • ~T: -....-, 7.-1:; ex ...f.,- ~..- ,1...... VI , /:, ~.... .•,,-. i, V' „ !. , 4;7 1 74 • 7 . .. ' . ..1 -4 ' :7l i ; ' ' ': ,: i.:-.'* . . 4-1 .., •'t . t.- -1 :-7 ',:-', ' . : 1 ' ~ .• -4 - I t. ),, . , : :-:-, ~, 1 - : : - . ...-)4 , ...-...-: ,• • • ; .1-:,-- -2 , -- - -- PRINTING 11.4 NN/L LA . ROOFING,. BAILING, Hardware. Glasal. hlraor. Whole%ale d Retail by Frazier, Mazur & Co., N 2 Third A vrohe PITT~BI . U' 7ir Knell Int, in ,IrVinn.le CLOTHING ST ORE WINTER 01V ti . 1, 1 - 111 ' _ 1 . A IT cw Stock of Goods, =IEEE GENTLEMEN'S FURNIEING GOODS ALWAYS i)N HAND Pcisiri~r Miscellaneous. !\\" sue s DRUGGIST Prescriptions Carefully and Accurcite ly Cbmpoundexl. BESTTILE ASSORTMENT OP Garden and Flower Seeds. Vaints, 401.115, DYE STUFFS: ANILINE • PIES OF ALL COLORS; GLASS & PUTTY. Special attention gtven to Pecare the beet quality of lamps and Lamp Trimmings, Lanterns &c. A Large Assortment of Ton, ET A ItTICLEs, SOAPS, 1311 US HUS & I' TEN '1 E C 1 N Es, Main Str9et, Gelver Pi. iDec7. '7OtL 5, % Zti 1 3 1 VA $) Bridge Street, BRIDGEWATER, PA. IS WEEKLY RECEIVING A FRESH SUPPLY OF 000115 IV EACH OF TUE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS: DRY GI- CI C 1 S Steubenville Jeans, Cassirneres and Suttinets, White„Woolen Blankets, White and Colored and Barred Flannels, Merinos, Delalnes, Plaids, Ginghams, Cobergs, Lawns, Water pr4tol:a., Chinchilla, Cloths, Woolen Shawls, Illown and Black Muslins, Drilling, Tickings, _ Prints, • Canton Snl;ar • Mola',sea, White Silvernripa Golden and Common Syrups. Mack erel in bar . rel, and kilt , . Star and Tallow Candler, ...nail Spier., and Mince Meat. Al~i. SALT Ilardivare, Nails, Glass, LOr to. Door Inlets,. Mi:"... Screws.. Table n bk. SpOnllo, Sidle; Belk, Coal It Vir. Shovel.. rind Pokers. Nails and (lasm. shos els. .2. 3 and 4 toe Fork.. Itakee • and snag., Corn and Garden Hoe. \V4 )( )1) EN W A It E. Buckets. Tins. Claims. Butter Prints and Ladles Liiieed Oil (t. White Lead Flour. Boots and Shoes ' , T. DIES' MISSES' AND CHILDRENS' SHOLA, Rifle Powder and Shot, • Blasting Powde and Fuse. 1-'l(lur revci K Qua-enw« - urc II hetlV) ,00d. delh•ered free of charge Ity atli-ntion to butducaa, and by keeping 0•11,42111lly on harm a well EL,POI ted stock of roods "r ot, IPr dill . .. re-at 1:1111* aPuall) kept Ina country fl,War t •lPOW l SlA:ra."fled hopes in the fixture au to VA. •-• ALLEGHENY CITY `'l' A 1 - 13. I; I LA) IL TS C 4 NV( )4( ) I )—"FI • it:S . INC; .\ • wet:. Bid tmterj t. Band kaki,. With all join'', ;,1,.t rericty Liu futnndhed on rhort WILLIAM PE( IPLES. I 'or. Gratuttn =MI rit;. I.XTENIVE• LINE OF HOSIERY Sbirt s mrl Irawer?4 Goilts. FinishiliE Googs; TRIAINIINGs FANCY GOODS, and Flannels, an lo• MORGANSTERN &Co, r nbr 13IPURTERS AS .101110:HS 78 and 80 MARKET Street, PlT7'l3l7eGit. M N SPECIALTIES t,,r the S:4l7;pli ". 1 ,t..!5.3111 1 4 , lEctimra Nana,- Esher of John l. I Moore dreocArel Letters testamentary to estab• of John L Moore. late of Ilanover two -hip In the 4 -minty of Beaver. der'd. hat Ing been{ ;wanted granted to the subsertber. residing to the town. I POINT PLANING MILLS, or Independence. in said county, all persena ha nig Claims or demands against the estate of the der...hint are hereby requested to make i „,a the ,cim, to the uhrterslgli,l WithOtit nt 1:1 t;11 MOUIIE, 1•1 r r. 2.3 Lm Homes Still Larger F'( THE MILIION! NIANI-F.kuTt-ttEit ~, , liar, o k .port unities are now nir,red for P.TUripg , f s'ash, noors,Mouldings,'lloor-bo(trds, hor, in a mad. healthy• an4„ennyenial climate Weallier,lioards, l'alings". I;rark for oh. third 01 their came live years nonce 'rut: '...:ATI(INAL. REAL. ESTATE AGENCY ebt, &e.., J.e. .Ilan, s. ha. , lor pale real estate of every description. locate ... 1 - 11 , I 1 the Middle and :southern States. imprcered stncA e7rain and fruit farms; rice, rigor and rot. i DE.kLERS IN ALL KIN DS II F' f:tol. p:au tat !env.. timber and minerat ands.l city. B Eli, Li.TIL SI II \t.L Es A NI) '-. , range and rural residence, and business oands; rn.II , and tllll-1 tab,. factories. Sc. III:11.1)1N i; TIM RElt IN-ite tor Land Register containing description, h.-anon. place and terms of properties we have for sale A ridress-.8. VV. CLARKE. lil CO. hiaNi: :.: pur"litt-ed i lie t heti rritori.ll in The National Real Mate Agency, tore-I of Mr .!. ( ' A iidt•r , 4 in, owner of the 477 and 119 Il.nna Arentte, Wa.rhingten, D. C. several patients cover lit: r 1 rtain 1111 prove nvos.i, inents in the emistr:.etion anti joininly • , f wrath( rboards and linings I r houses and other huildingr., we are the only persons authorized to make and sell t ) e 'aim within the limits of Beaver cotintv Par ties interested w!ll please obsery et hi,4. CARPETING. ~ ~ 4' ~ HENRY Mc CALLUM thrpenterA' Supplies (wistatitly Kept ott Honor. r)1 FIFTH AVENUE. 12( I tir.n.l, thy kirm“ as,ortrn , nt 14, be rtc,y cm, of CARPETS Oil Cloths,Mattings,&c. orttm , prompt) tittetolot to Carpets, eto .i' at II 'hole:rale on the most HENRY IIcCALLI—AI LEMON & WEISE The old and well-known thin of Lemon t Weise 01 Pittsburgh, Pa., All!nnfacturene of COM Farifituro & Chairs, No. 111 Fourth Avenue, Where they eoritione the business in all Its vari ous branches. setittOzn GEM Flannels. .13con, 'fable Linen. Irk!' I,incn Crash, l'“untcrpancs iloiserV, & Jlii Groceries (':IR BON OIL, In great variety Late ItteCALL TIM 'BROS. LL GRAD ES 1:ea.,0,1(11,te FURAAITUARE. Ilave P.emovet to OpOtiete their Old Stand , • , • , Beaver, Pa., We4nes***olloo.•,:ls72. Railroads. 1,) A I 112tIOA DS. —Pirranunou, FT. ric:VNE Catcato flAttAra.v.--Coultensed Time Table from Oct. 27th, 1572. rK&I Gotriu No. 6. MAIL OM STATIONS. ;IFNI Ex 1 - Pittsburgh ..I1 145ssi Rochester. l5O Alliance ,' 510 Oreellle ~ 64 6 ?d0nate1d......:1 8.55 Crestline i tt .. •• 1 1 .11 ') .*) Pores, . ...1141.3 Lima Iltlttecu Forl Wayne. i•. 2) Plymouth • 4.15 Cbicazo '' TA Tlt•lNtl 401 No. 8. MAIL. EIZEMCI Chicago... . Plymouth. . Fort Wayne Lima Fort t . . . 61SA.'tt tin 1 ettorx '245 400 4 1130A31 I Nieirm 113 120 4 , 4 I, OW Crestllnc " Mansfield i D mdl le Alliance.... .. Rochester Pittsburgh.... rifr No. 1 dully except . 8, daily, except Sunday ; daily, except Saturday and • F. It. Mialkt.S, Unn VIAV ELAND 4.t ILA 11.1«),k It. On and after Oct. 27th, IST2, trains will eat Ktattonil daily (Sunday,. excepted I As GOING SOUTH 6T6T - 10 - BtR. M•IL E SP, fi45A m Cleveland. Hudson.. Ravenna . Alliance . Bayard.... Wellsville Pittsburgh WI 'O3O I 1115 ,159 , , 12.51 , 1 c 3o I=l MAIL , EXP . ', ..( Cull - i Pittsburgh i 6:10All 11.5sm ' Vi'ellswille ... .IIS. S 5 1 3411 - 1 ! Bayard .... . ... ' 1,10:0 453 I Alliance .. .. 1 1123 1 517 i 721 A a Ravenna i:lllttra ' 545 1 nl5 Hudson. .... ....i 1245 .40 1 til i Cleveland i 155 720 ;1015 , MX= 1 eavro. Arrive.. Bayard 12-10 & 630 p. m. I Nllml. 3z00& 900 p.m 6,40a.m. e‘lpm. Bayard 9 - ,45 a p 11:1 lil VER DIVIgION iaoLNI.I EAST. MTATIONS. i:ACCOM Be .... &ZAK lllsoA xl 310px . Bridgeport 655 11141, 8511 , Stetilvreville. .. 657 12.12 pis I 4rd 815 145 620 'Rochester. WO 245 715 Pittebargb 1040 350 K2III •— . ISOLIVO WE. T. - - STATIONS. I MAIL. ESP'S. ACcOld'AcCo3l ,- Pittvburgli P. ... &WAY 145px 425r1n Rocheder. 740 245 530 t5O 1845 7OO Steubenville 950 • 452 MO Bridgeport........ 1100 550 41145 Bellalr • ; 1110 605 920 F. It IdTBI er and Ticket Genera/ flisseng Mis,-ellanerms. Now-Goods! Now-Goods!! A. C. HURST'S, B hIDG EWA TER, PA Being lust returned from New York and Philadel phia, having purchased for cask a Floe Assort ment ol Divas Hoods,Cassimeres, cassinets,Jeans and all kinds of goods for gentlemen's wear; with Hats and Caps of the tat cat Nty FLANNFA,S ()F EVERY KIND and ()L()Itl.:11 A LPACAS. Large Stock of Fall I•Atiawts; sf . :ATlFS T— .l,l4 l iii' L ei ( " )l/S1 (Jivers: Embroidery of ail kinds; Wi..i t'rider%%eur I.duti , ..: an ' (1, CA Rl'FYl'► A Complete As.voetlmht hi ereey 1)e. seelptiort (11 tin-p 1 . ,: lhr bited De :rig/IA and, Nmer))l qj blt,r, silited to the Fall .`sethom; Gast 1.,M)10 , h, hem:- aml rrlt kinds h( Kill(lemoister, ;IT VERY LOH' PI:IcEs (;(i-fiTS,OII, 1.(1111-A&TIll. A h:r;:e .rock. to which 1 in vac your not onbon. bring determined th rell 116 liihOttirgh kirtuot! A. C. HURST. twvll;tl . 1871 Fall and Winter, 1872. Boots, Shoes & Gaiters! .1. 1.1. 13()11.1LA.N 113 ,VOB. 53 and Tr:, Food Street, Ila-just received one of the Largest, hest Selected 111111 • 111.71peet Stork.. bi(111011 direct from thii an ufai tortes for cash, before Mr recent nthmew In I either, and will he sold at flit low est Neer -1 and Boston Prices. Philadelphia Cit Made Goods at Manufacturer' prireq, thus Navin ireleit and expense N EW GOODS RECEIVED Special Indncementa offered to ca.h or Short Ilnyers. Eaatern hills duplicated A ll tlr der= f.ano Country Merchaute ymariptly attended te. a - 1d anti , faction gmarat.teed all and exam ine nn,' .cork and pricer., at I;, II ( ) A N 1 ) S, :"):1 ( NVO(xl til l IvATEIt,BT, iowIIEsTEIZ, l'A HENRY WHITEFIELD, Miss RaClic! glared through her ntuim shaped mv taclu glasses at the trim ag, re robed in sober gray. "Yoti-child!" quoth she. Why, you're stiCh a chit of a - thing." "I inn nitieteen, "What cam you do?" "A little of - - everything, ma'am' Patty answered 'demurely. "What's your nainC."' "Martha, ma'am, please." ' .Ipparently the cross-examination that followed was satistactory to Miss Itachel Penrhyu, far she finally told Patty she might "conic and try" at seven dollars a niontii. "I may go Inane for iny ciothes, ina'atu?" said Putty, with drooping eyelids and hands bolded. "Yes - , but be sure you meet we at the railroad at four inwiseiy." Patty promised, and ran home to Mrs. Peronel. " here's in girl: " ' . pen. waled the matron. • haven't got any. I'm a girl myself, liessie—at seven dollars a month, hind —no followers!" "What under the sun do you. mean p' And Patty explained. "Don't scold, Bessie—now don't, that's a darling. I'm Caliph Aa roun Alnischid in disguise, that's all. it will be such fun! Where's my gingham dress, and the little linen collars, and the big bib aprons? For lay bubble would burst altogether if 1 shouldn't meet Aunt Rachel at the station at four o'clock precisely." What a change it was, from the swarming, city streets,-radiatingsein tillations of heat from every curb stone, to old Peurtizm home, where century old elms formed a green can opy of shade, and the clove-pinks A orlo, - ;2;1y1 ALLEG EN Y. PA and old fashioned blue-bells blossom - ed along the borders. And "Mar 11.3CHANDLER. Dentist. tha," the new uutid, settled into the HAS of encti up an office at his residence m Ito. cheater, above the Diamond, nest to Dr. A '1 grooves at once, as if she had?lived Shallenberger's office Ile revectfully invites I all her life under Aunt Rachel's roof any per.on wanting anything in his line to call on l tree. hatistaction guaranteed In all operations. "I believe 1 am going to like this," aug2l:La. marincr Slhop-Work made to 0v41.1Y UITI-i-Df.M.)Zillet:l l Z 'co Purchaser. 4,1- D Y - GOODS At Boggs & Buhl's (Mc Car Poplin Alpaca , ..., at en'. 4—a ileci(l,4l bar:: c.n. AN ;INIEN:yr: STOCK OF PLASN Dress 1-Mbries IN ALL THE NEW SIIADEs 28 . i nt. ocade T.111 . 0(1 ,4 10 31 (Tut-, Worth 50 rent, LOWEST PRICES r' ,- 11 BLACI"L"" for quality, than any luais,e. in the BOGGS & BURL. 12*4 St. 4 Gold &Wes "ateheli: ims GRAND OP*NING E. P. ROBERT'S No. 3. Nit Ex No. 7 Pacitx 01911 uns 110ra 3117 U 640 GI 0 710 Am 5:15 :125 145r* 500 310 Am TSS 0(1 :135 13.1 rm 200rx 300 530 .21 ¢-11 955 113 210 5 1 5 b2l No. 16 FIF:RAVENUE. 7 , 5 915 1:15 2."3..)1 Same Stand occuPit:o o 7l2s YearkPrist Now Itobutl4lo . lshed z, it d '0 CAST 2. FA FA NO 4. Nit Ex No. 6. PacE 4 fti i Pit LIMAN 2, rd'i 910 1'4 , , 4 4,10 920 Mil Mtpy 2.11 • 721 90 11',0 1 Nix 229 GRAND STOK !OF GOODS. W's kis S5l 1106 110 PE 89 115 , 5, ; tin. 4 Ilantkomest Storftip 110 City New Goods Arronig LADI ES FINE GO AVIATVIEEk; 0E N TS' AMERICiGOLD AND 712 0.111 irtsrx No". 6, oil tor.daY: "on. 3 Sunday oral Tlekom A LADIES' &, L;ENTSL pit) CHAINS, lUCII GOLD J 1 1 41 4 R Y 1111. 1 1C14 . kek..4 , li ___l.- 4115ru t 0.3 555 645 155 pm 80•2 .ITI 413 4-11 820 S 01411) STERLING:* VER WARE FINE SILVER PLAIED- WARE, R E NC H CLOChS,B & - e., 6,x - - E. ROOZRTS, No. 16 Fifilte4venue, re — Patrons and the poDUenerelly are Inn-- tett to the New Store if In the city Re mdratter lem now at No. 14,, path Ave , and not No., 21 ne heretofore. • nor IQrlry SWLECTMiSre,ELLANY. MwtL. ksr's Accom "Loves me betterffiitr... the whole world, does he? said :ratty Peronel, shaking her brown teddrilly rings of hair over a faded rose4iud and a knot of crumpled ribboir...,oo dare say; hut you see," grimly addressing Notice, "I've heard AO sort of thing before. Love must 40 an awiul epi demic now-a-days. • - 'And all the world's a lottery; and ti for one, don't. want to draw a blank. -0 dear, dear! how 1 wish 1 could madly See into a Mall's heart! how tvish I had any means of aseertaining*hether Ralph Petirhyti really carta for tne,or whether he has heti,kd of Miele Ilutchinson's *lO,OOO-0 dear me!" and l'at ty sighed a slgbileep enough to stir all the red cinnatnon roses that are nodding their turbaned - crests at t easement. And then she jumpetltip, and went about her business. • Which chanced to _begirt bunting just then. For Mrs—Maurice Pero net, Patty's cousin,. wits: Chronically in the suds, so to Abe*, on the do mestic service queatlinn, anti our Patty knew the losttlCor every ln telligence office In to •' "It's a cook this ti v . ,„` It Bessie?" !4:1 id she. - "A cook," said, "o,Patty, Patty, don't get nfl )" go to h'lnettiffltriftriniNni ~L 1295 right," Patty assented reflectively. all away she went to the Intelligence It was eras, ded, on, this hot July Clay, with the inkeellamlims assem- Wage of forlorn teminity who are al ways seeking situations, and like the lover in the "Mistletoe Bough," "hod them not." Fatty looked round dubiously. She was some what of a physiognomist, and she (1.41 nut exactly like the looks of the row material wherewith she was sur- Its, lye, 1 rounded. "I had better bide toy time a lit tle," she thought, and down she nes tled into the corne of a prodigious sofa, - to wait with what patience she ,ks she ( seated herself, the shrill pi ping violee of an old lady beyond iliatie silence vocal. "You won't do for me," said she. "No followers-- r that's my rule. My kitchen ain't a place for all the lon tin' feller 4" in town to smoke in. Ask eve rybody in Darlingville; if you want to know what kind of a house keeper Rachel Penrhyn is. Every body in Darling Ville knows me. No followers, no ribbons, and no hoop skirts." "I guess, then, ma'am, you won't do for me," said the Milesian damsel, with an indignant toss of her jockey hatted head ; "I don't go nowheres 1 can't have my young man come and see me of a Saturday night." ' Patty Peronel listened with mis chievously sparkling eyes and cherry cheeks. This, then, was theeccentric Aunt Rachel, of whom 14alph had I told her—the grim old spinster who "kept house" all by herself, in the quaint village of Darlingville, where the elms lined tne streets like green irt led sentinels,and everybody went to bed at half-past nine o'clock. Very sudden resolves will sonic. times rush through our brains, light ning ex press lash ion,. in a short space ~1 time, and almost before the shrill tones of Mis.-4 Rachel's falsetto voi c e had ceased to vi brave on the air, Patty Peronel stood dipping odd it tle cour tesies before her. "If you please, nel'Aiti, would I ki7 - •-~. BB NEW NEJIPER, MAGNIFICENt:?ISPLAY t MA=MMI PITTSBURGH, PA. PA TT Y'S PLOT. wawa said Aunt Rachel. "l3ut then, of course, a new broom sweetti clean; and 'l'm 'most afraid to believe in any one, since Keturnh Smith expe l rienced religion and ran away with my silvepsugar-basin 1" 'aids 3s Mr. Ralph's room, is it?" said Martha, with her hands in her ruined pockets,as she stood regarding the apartment that had just been opened to be dusted and aired. "Yei l this is my nephew's room," said the. old lady. "lie comes out once in a while, and I always keep it ready for him. - I've no family of my own, you see, and Ralph seems very near. to me." "Dear met" said Martha, "what a lot of photographs over the mantle." Miss Rachel nodded. - • "That middle one—it looks a little like pad, Martha, I declare—" "Does it?". lisped Martha, inno cently, as she looked into her own smiling, saucy eyes, under a fringe of crepe hair. , "it's mY'Atkpliew's sweetheart," wenton the-garrulonsolci lady,- "the gal That he • loyes ,the best - in all the world.". they'engaged?" Martha ven tured to tUdr,The tell-tale ros*sdytlng, her cheek us sne gently spoke. "Well, no, not exactly. 1 guess she's rather pretty, but flhe's got no thing of her own, you see ; an' there's Ahnira_,Playfair—the one on the ;eft hand edge of the chimney—" "The one with the twisted nose?" roguishly asked Martha. "Her nose way be a little to one side," severely remonstrated Miss Rachel; but handsome is as hand some does, and Alinira has thirty thousand dollars in the bank." "My !" cried Martha, opening her eyes wide. "Thirty thousand dol lars, ma'am! I should think Mr. Ralph would marry her at once." "So he ought," said Miss Rachel, rubbing her spectacle glasses yam mently. "She'd have him in a min ute—so all the neighbors say. But he's just possessed in love with that little Peronel girl. Ile'd rather work fora crust a day, with her to share it, he says, than to teary Al 'aka- Playlair with, ll her money." "That is noble of him," cried Mar tha with sparkling eyes. "I respect him for it. I—l Wean I should re spect him for it if—" •'Well, I don't see what it is to you one way or the other,' tartly broke In Miss Rachel. "J / est give the remit a good (lasting, Jerett's all I ask of you, for as like as not Ralph will be here to-night." "To-night," cried Martha, aghast. "Yes, to-night. Why shouldn't he?" That was just what the little serv w, &owlet eoulti not answer. "1 must go away this very even )g," m , he thought to herriell as Ale polished away at the' claw-tpoted old u~ahugany table. " Bevan-4e if he should eowe and find cue here--(di, good g,nteiouq." She dropped her duster in, dismay. for there stood Italph l'enrhyn belore tier, with all his six lee! ofaliitude, his brown eyes twinkling iniselliev- ously beneath their long li:sties. `Patty," he cried, "is i hi- - ; the sti ry of Cinderella and the Little Glass Slipper?" "No," she answered, eolering like a whole garden ,of rose. "Its the story of a naughty little girl who could not tie satisfied without finding, nut w het her—" hether Ralph Penrhyn really loved her or not," he the ng seat emu-- Welk' w t eriw thought's - nine ~,,, when she came in, and nanal tier nephew and Martha the hotf , ernaid whispering behind the nntslin cur tains. I know what 1 -hp nk! have rhi - iught —that a wedding w , ts very eminent. So it wit.; an4l Aunt con soled lierscif that iiiter ten 'final and dollars Nviis 0, very nu li;t"1i tune. -Ixtlger. LOVE .70111 .t PICESIDEVI Ex-Co)yernor \Vise, of Vir in his recently published and verve: , ver volume, entitled "Seven Decades of tile Union," gives an account of Pres ident Tyler's semnd marrhigeilart is very entertaining. Ml'. TylPr be came a widower while he was Presi dent, losing a it ifs who was a very noble iv,anan, a member of th)• wed known family of ('hristian, in the Ohl Dominion. lie was a domestic man, and a pure man, and a second marriage is the !mist natural thing in the world when a Wall ha-; hooll 11.1p py in a first marriage; but then it ;- thought that a widower should marry a lady of experience not unlike his o wn, Mr. Wi s e says t h a t i r w a s in Mr. Tyler's roach, taking a drive with him, in )larch, Ist 1 , Vt hen he soon discovered that his frioni talk only of love and of ladies. "We hall Wat - , -: o il Mr. wis e , "that an old fool is the wor s t fools in love, and he show) 41 the usual signs of its contortion 1,1 hideous straws of seeming. Ile. it out at last. that he thought »! )-- riage, and wanted to 1.114)w our op!.. .0n on the suhjeet. 'W4.11, eour-• . you have -on , ht and found out soini' honored dame of di g nity. bring grace to the NVtlite I loft- , a 1,6 add to yourdomestiocondorr." ' 110 dame, hut a sW(.4-1. !,,1 wilt,, pray, of lalll - 1 . 1 Cit'grri • , or should an oid President win?' Ile told us; and we uttered lair by asking: 'Have you really won her?' Ile esprit , [ : ' 1"0 , and why should I not '." o that he was to., far advanei d in hi,. to be imprudent in a love serape. ' 'llow imprudent' he asked. 'Very easily; you are not Only p.i.l thy mid dle age, {he was then fitly four. but pill are Prosident of the United States, and that is a dazzling - dignity, which may charm a ilAnisol than the man she marries."P» it)!' he cried, chuckling, 'why, my dean sir, I am just full in my prime': but has John y. Mason never told you about an old friend of hia, :h.. a.; south side of theJtunes, rich and full 1•11-y tt )th t!.t. of acres, calling his .\ frican N%;tin r, )lormons are not idle. i'4.. ;•!e iii Toney, into council upon the topic of S tit Lake ('sly not )-it down to marrying a miss in her teens? To- thin!: iv 1"1 the r" i , ao.Y ney shook his head: 'Massa, you ink tf iy4irk mg al- I 111)111 )ghani you can stand clot:"Ton4 y : 1 . •)1;11; 1, e ‘, c , ) •%_ why not? She is so sweet, so heau;)- r -14 eps. )) . .4i)reinv I .) »pi,) ;;.),\ ,) Jul, that she would make me ri-e ton). ton rel).4-4-, t•iftti•o "Proph-t from a bed of illness and weakn• ' t,o I. 4:41 - 1. • ton 4 , 11 tit ,. ~ , ,i woo her 'Or a bride; but I and yet rtes. \\' iii' tee *,r: 1 [tans strong, and I can now, as well as even oonsidering \\ tied.) r I )i.,,ht •)cI .r) - I 'could, make her happy, , Ye= l)•y Y.4)nlet t te• •I • 4.) but,,' said Toney, 'you is now 4.-u:1 litlt t, the great ..`) in your prime, dot's true ; but iel 4•11 Proph) tlia•l no tole to 1).•-tow u. on she is in her prime, ivhere den, In,- Indlitig ),,s, oil! h sa, will your prime be?" ;•4•-• to ' - or 11.-tant Ile laughed heartily at 'loney's han •41.11:d ttkl •)ty which .\.1);-a -philosopical observation; hut :oh n- ham visited, which I ); , Vin ward, in seriousness, said that he ally ile.icgt 41, tthit.l heame the longed for a renewal of his domestic "Zion" 01 r,actt d sol,g, the glory of life, and had been fairly caught by crusatierslof old and the I,roto the flame of Mrs Gardiner. \\'e re- type if s aly ;l to,a It the monstrated that his lifo was renewed ('hrist)an of mori•ern [lays, a 111.1 nu in his children ; that he had •datigh- ' doubt have been shorn of half its -es ters, lovely daughters, full of. graoe, ry if the gospel rat the Monlnt,ll:, a` to do the honors (.1 . the IVliite taught by Brigham 't dung, d ouse, and some of them a ere -the been preached v 4, ititta iivr elders of his intended. What if fun- Brigham accordingl:,• sent a mission, iiv dissent should make domestic t and that inlssiou ntt New ork jars, and his latter days be 0 - 4)010(41? Thursday. .4 Ile had, he said, always been ti ,„ T o the - ' world—and ev tender to the pledges of his past love cry Inie in Utah fsa ;4 10 - iv; e for thm evr t withhold rom him er .la4W.tor - such a mssion their filial e con o fidence, or f deny to Mast quite e‘traordinary. i In him his part•ntal authority to judge deed to /MY 1 ""' "1"))1"S tiny knu"l and not 1 . 4)r his Own happiness. NVe edge tif the history lit t!)e past a n event is ...\b , t people S:IW f.,atne was up, and then said: "We see you are bent upon your either despise the . Mormons or pity them as ritlictiions,enthusiask. But last love, with or without counsel, and you have ever been too lucky fur facts ate s tut.horti thing:. 1 /Ili• 1110i1- 1 US now to doubt or distrust your fate. and years alter the hirjh Of 1 L ilt t ht . --You are going to marry the dam- treading of whose sira,t Al :ICI, tile set, and we are not foolish enough to Bard of Avon says, sant:gilled the .1„. , f .c 0 make two enemies by opposing the passion cif the wooer and the won.' The marriage took place outhe Nth of June, 1844, President Tyler being then, in his tifty-flfth year, and the bride, Miss Julia Gardiner, about twenty, and whom we remember being much- spoken of as a beautiful girl, and a Washington belle of those long gone days. She was a New York lady, of good family, as the phrase is, and descended, as we have heard u from old Lyon Gardiner, who flourished kr the Colonial age, and who gave his nainelo Oardiner's Bay and Gardiner's island, on and in Long Island Sound. The marriage proved a very happy one, and Mrs Tyler, who liks survived her husband more than to years, Is not yet old. Mr. Tyler, some years after the mar riage, said to Mr. \Vise, when the hit ter noted that his friend kept •'a dou ble-ated, four-wheeled wicker car riage for small children”—"Yesaou see how right I was; it was no vain boast ; when I told you I was in my prime. have abousefUl of goodly babies budding around me; and if. you gompAVlth me to Sherwood, I Will show - You haw :bountifully and" ,raphllY lbavir been. Ailesifed. They are all so near • ill age that they are like stair steps, and the 'two youngest are so much babies alike that each requires the a rse's coach, and we have to have one with two seats !" `So that the, marriage turned out well, despite the tact that the gentle man was old enough to be the lady's grandfather; and we are glad of it, for Mr. Tyler had .4-;o mtwh injustice alone him as a public man, that he was entitled to compensation in his private life. A Cone enuie,d Murderet C7iwages Clothes with nil Wife and L•'s- efli)ez.4. c., ::17,)Corr.fspcnrieile, Over live thousand people were as settaikti liere to-day the purpo- , e of witnessing the executinn ()I Mar tin B ynard, one of the wurderers'of Silas Weaton and his three children,. but they were &tome(' to be wofully disappointed. It will be remembered that two criminals have already been executed for this crime. Martin Baynard was also to have suffered the ennalie penalty of the law when the other tit u. we're lionglll, but he respited Ron' time t(i time, to be used as 0 witness against tite elder Bayard and another, who were also itopileated in this terrible murder, under a statute of this State which provide; that a condemned felon van testify as a witness against other iiar ties to the crime. All preparations were tirade, the scaffold was in readi hess, the (Toad had been arriv b-g from all quarters for several day., !"tyltio s thrtr.c,:cdy. During /own -11111111 tit 111I' 11 . •• ut ti. cion ‘l,•iliupti man y,a, and th•0t44.1 in hot allehdacice uvai Lim. A day did not pa,:s that she o u, not in hiS reit ter several hours. ahil, at ate last moment, with a hero ism w(prthy of a more table cause, sLe ~'yet bins train all ignominious death uhun the -Milord. rh, night that, was to have been the last of Bay ard's earthly existence hod arrived, and upon the earnest, tearful and sor rowful entreaty of his wife, the jailer compassionately allowed her to pas, Ike r(-•w remainiug hours or hi-i lit ‘‘ uh inns in lii , ceil. L\lf,rtlinv, broke eiclir :maand already the as- MU/V v th.; arrival ~rtac hour about -is: a. tll l. Jit/i 1111111. 111.try1 t.l l , \, , H 1 1/1.•/. tith s t.ll 1,1,1r^l Ltlc:rt/.,rt 11,1 ( , 4lk I I. 4, 1 I, Ili i .l lill \Nr;l- .•, :it it o k Ilit'at -- HI , 1.1,4 lin . 4111,11114 , 1 -,10:111r1 ,1,1 / t •:::1 •-• ing t••• • . Wi r lt 1,1, vc.1 , ..:..w1111 , ,..; ha. 1111" 1/1: 1111.•[ hi 111c 11 I!, tlit• (•1-,)ticlilll up I.lrll r ‘S.I - \\11;11:111 In IL14 • Cif )11. ^. 1 ,•-• bland, ‘l,-11.:-. lio.• It 11 ;rani Lai,+- t ;Indiii;r,l .-ii i 11.• I‘lll iii; I \‘ l ,rd , I , r tit!, kt •,_to• ; 1 I I h:• I I L Hr•Hxi'l o i• 1.1 I • • .11,k1 11, i ~:' Hi I It.i•-( , 1 :11 , M 4 iti %. t p ~I."‘s, • I Hurt tt• 1110 V. tlll,lll )p 11;1- 1 ..1; W: t•re , 1 . 11111 111 lilt' thilt -ut•it 1••• ht a.. 11.1. 111:j: MIME= th ,. ir il. it ti.trd k..vt•t• t.., .ipt '1()::13()1.S %C.l) 1;031.1.1i11C. MiTC==EMI BIM il.'i. ;il•t,, \,. • V., : r‘• MI "ri, Established 1818. hills and dales of Palestine, all the nations of Christendom, aroused by the voice of Peter the Hermit, pour ed forth in thousands and tens, of thousands to rescue the Holy Land from the nowerof the Infidel. When the great Papal Hierarch preached the first Crusade historians tell that S the unnumbered throng around him shouted, "It is the voice of God! the voice of God!" the echoes of that tumult of applause were heard from east and w e- it, from south to nerth, in the palace of the King and in the cot of the peasant—everywhere the impulse of the heart moved the tongue to say, "God" The days of chivalry ate past. The Crusades accomplished their work; but they and their work are now things of a bygone age. But, unro mantic as the present era .is—plain, busins9s. like, prosaic, as every one knows'it—there is still a romance which lingers about the everyday things of life which they who run may read if they list, but whiCh the more casual observer could never dis cover. The Mormon mission to Pal estine is an example in point. There has been lately a grand movement among the , Mormons. Brigham Young has at last awakened to the fact that, whether he lives or dies, the world will certainly "go 0r,," but at the same titne he realized the need of keeping up the religious zeal of the Saint.s,"and also of curry ing out certain private schemes of his own. The result was—the mission to Jerusalem. Let any one fancy going to Jerusalem I The Prophet has an apostle on hand who is rebellious, or a high priest who does not see things exactly as he ought to do, or an elder who is troublesome, what can be done? Send him upon a mission, by all means—and upon a mission he is sent. Such, though not expressed in words, k the programme of the modern Saints. But above all things, let us-see the miss ona ri es. Among the tta4noted of them is "George he is called in Utah—who is anything hut one of the "learned kind." A wicked apostate said once that if George A. tumbled into the nether regions he would not only set all Inc uncom fortable iliac , im fire,. hut grease the wheels of all who carne thither. (ieorge A. is not only a relative of "Joseph," the ,hounder of Mormo nism, but also the historian of the Church. As such he goes out to the Holy Land. With him and the company Miss Eii7.ll iloxy Snow goes. Geor;_re A. is a stout, jolly looking fellow, but miss Snow bears upon her lace the shadow of sorrow. soo was the spiritutal lie of "Jo sepii,"gatal since, by proxy, she has bei•n the "W . iie“ of Brigham Young Sno ir - ; a I,VOlllan of intellect, and prob ably sought with an uneducated mind :mod the wond,rcul shoo, Mormon rt v,l,ithtn for a foundation and truth hiCh Mormonism could never give. she now g,leS with the pilgrims to ancient Lion in the hope of their turn itig her of pot sy it its chords bo reit overstruhg. Childless by "The Prophet" and by his successor, she looks like the wierd sisters of the Bard of Avon, for. the fulfilment of her vaticmation of an age .I•et to come. tint poPt , ' ss got s nat \1 i h her are others (lually z:•:11otts., and I,eavy ; six (.et in 114.01103,1 w he\ er —oollwrekr‘ )LI :111(1 WII,) the 14t " t.4"6:::106.11tivirt'L i t t rvl(tic Llri;zhani Young's nephew. th.o: thy howl I,ll,rothcr tp,,i. PANT-. ;In' on :t. NA:iv ii) I.un , 11l win MI . . 1, , ,1t• Ito y i.I, u. tlit-ir \‘l',ll tl.t. it-Ltrll I 111,11 1 i! CI I;righani prnkiltly, i- to ,\lurnioni-to in l. 11.1), I,lltl tiy is -etol- this mission to l',tl( (it 0r.,4-e .1 .\,l - .lupp,r, hit ti , • 1,riZ!):1111 \' ,, ul,lu rltal , v. -An:- to 1',14.-41110 t i•k.• I:,t'tliß. 11()-1.4)ii lirl. zi-; OEM y ':1":111t; 11 ,1 t•rol I , ur,t In an tht• t.l uutt . y tt%ii , trtt I tir, tit lAA ; old r ,Ire rur,t, hut .;,1 pr thi. riihr currrut , ar , k•••• 1. , r.• lirt• 1..01.11 a-t. xv()rl: 1 , 1.1 t a qut...-- *CO , II limo. It .1- , it -.•vt.zity tr.ivi r , 31,,1 litany a hut.:l:(-1 unitHu-: a rtlt t t 1.r1t1 , 1 !Ay 1 lit .1 it Ica , rhoe . lo . (l, 1,1 l.y :tu 1 1 i _:: MI =I 001 IME :- , unlitit , r -4 tr. ( t- taut. VI ui It ,:ccupipol zilmo-t \ I.y rycintly t-ruct ,., l :It g r(..,t ~1111 prt•-wilably prermition knov, n t t Ilu ~ f our c!:ty. 1)1( lt 1, iy 111 , 1- by (I,•partiot•nt,,.,,iii !.l.:!:,litig. ! Went! \‘,atcr. high 1:1(1 to it, ;dui t %%ert . not, is t nic,i , g.o, tn,u-u,illy .Iyc t' t,. inft r, 'JR• ur,ticru stleguarik „t avail, and th,:t iiiir ii;trcituu-i•s :tn• at the, atr)P o,lllll,igathin which ehi,ilice may Thi• \‘,,11:(1 -ion, kit i! , 1,11,1 , 11 y Engineers 3it i-4 . 111;1 X 1112,1.11:it, t h e Strength -trucltire :,,, the streng . tli ut Its part, tin 1, Uu,unh our stone wa I,- a.:(I irnti Ilttor, :nil hearts tire tit rectill triwitr.l certain source.. they'are \v(irtti tiothin.,z ',.re hill; • a in:tterial to”-tart it, and t.• point, iii\l -1"11.Y hy .iri,a nient-en-ily penetrated, awl hy Man ii.of-,nt thinly e.ivered ();.VI n li.t"-C1 Onditii)11.4,:11111110st(111 tl , :hal 111. , tire atlvances in tle. air, I,ir reaclt of ul'tlt ttary Ira aliparatu-, food flir tt , t It tilt the 1W el at ItiAt it I.l4'in , ,tut.t -, , ,oppint: it hen tt ilc-tructive ,ig . eney :.nil more ,wilt 111,m it :ill :111 - ,1 t., 11 , where it lielieved vain, iginihinetl at( I of II ( 107, ,, T) adjacent - " cities, :1 cv...litlagrat:ori filch v•milil hay': been believed hail it nut terribly real, fo,reo, upon us with a simplicity anti (lirt-ctm--,4 it !licit c raunnt evade or Ignort ncr%: , .. 4/7/ - Why tioltll ether Sew ing . ..Machines dray their olopari , on fr(in the Singt•r? .1 rtslyrr—ltectittse the Singer is tho ;alitl;frki sewing Jinchine of tht %%urttl. It. 6: Co., No. 10 Sixth Pittsburgh. N IL :CI, HOOFS tc , ii:" WTI r .rt (H,Llntry, • Vor.. 111 it • rt ' • ViCinltV 4; in - BEA WEB ARGUN Is published every Wednesday lu the old Argus building on Third Eitreet,llea• ver, Pa, st 12 per year in advance. ' Communications on subjects of local or general interest are respectfully so licited. To. insure attention WWII of this kind must invariably be accompa nied by the name'of then thor. Letters end communications shotall be addieased to 1. WEYAN , sver . , Idle Danghterit. It Is a most painful `speetaci6 - in families where the ;nether is the drudge, to see daughters elegantly dressed, reclining at their ease, with their music, their drawing, their fan cy work,. and never dreaming of their responsibilities; but as a necessary sonsequence of a migfoct of duty, growing weary of their useless IlveQ, lay hold of every newly invented stimulant to rouse their drooping energies, and blame their fate, when they dare - not blame their God, for having placed them where they are. These Individuals often tell you, with - the air of affected compassion (for who can believe it real?) that poor dear mamma is working her self to death; yet no sooner do you propose that they should asSist, her than they deelare she is quite in., her element—in short. that sho-tever would be happy if she only had half so much to do. 1"0, that I were beautiful!" . is tfie unspoken wish of thousands of women to whom nature has denied the charm_of a pure, fresh, transpa rent complexion. To gratify this wish. Ilagan's Magnolia Balm wart ducal. The - cosmeties of the day had been pronounced poisonous by the most distinguished chemists, and it, was also hound that their ultimate effect was to wither the skin as well as to paratize tne external nerves. The ladies hailed with delight the advent of 'a healthful, herbal and flo- . ral preparation capable.of imparting to their faces, necks and arms - a por celian sniootliness and a ,tinge like that of the finest oriental pearl. They soon discovered that it was "a new thing under the sun," incomparable and unapproachable. Unquestiona bly the Magnolia Barn has been the ,hat toilet success of the present cen t u ry. Catarrhal Bronchitis. Catarrh, in which the. lining of the nose and passages which lead into the lungs is a common ihfirmity, and by most persons is readily understood, at least so far as to be able to dis tinguish the nature and•character of the disease. When it descends into the bronchial stud follows them in their mi nute ramifications throughout that lungs, it usually receives the plain name brorrehitis, and unless cured may end, and often doesend,•in fear ful pulmonary disaster. When it confines itself to the membrane •o; the nose and upper part of the throat It passes by the name of catarrh, which name, however, is hardly suf• ticiently significant to design ite that character of the dism - tse. By catarrh al bronchitis, therefore, I mean that the upper part of the mucous mem brane lining of the nose is affected, that it extends . downwards and al• fects the lining of the bronchial tube f which ramify the lungs. hr. Keg- A eels Lung Care is a specific 'for thi s r diseasc,as far as any one medicine ea;it be a specific. Heal the bronchial tubes by !miffing good blood, whicA hr. Keyser's Lung Cure will enablq the system to do, and the diseas will soon be eradicated. Sold at Dr. Keyser's, P 7 Liberty street, Pitts gurgh, :-1.50 per bottle, or 4 for-it-I Colonel Davis, United States Consul- at Cardiff, has been oil trial there for assaulting an 01.1 man whom lie met on tbe public highway. When the Colonel was UNCATiitty l dut...kleatiett _that, he had "I was excited by his language. to f 1 11 , x7tfal wople. ! iilood which 1 i.howed in defence of th , )-e people, and striking for the Irtviloin of the ~,lave under the broad and beautiful banner of the St-US and -tripes. I.uutl laughter., Lie said cnt thing very!Tectful of the of the l'uit , l.l Steite , ." Jwlizincitt t:, Harrill:l loud! difficulty wa," rern.r wul Oinlinor% 11:0Q1‘1,i1 the parent L , :elif•ral debility, 'and pm - mature dev.ty. permanently cured the and nu ex real tii !ung re.,1:4 thel)int- M:iltien Lane, New York. per too. Or pi t . for ; Oki is CUlir.- IC!'..t . :,k •1. .111)bairet 17 emperauct:: ' \ tINt glass i f ;- tip. t next trill prt 1111'~itulil~ at tirst. !uttirt , wiritri,giehabl3 011,-1 1) I , the drum, ta',:cri morn, 1100 P, and -ve• 1. i- the extra one, at elo. - en I be nt' o. i- the dip, thought good for I. . ti i. the in, not -o pure as of old. 11 i- the u.uel, otttku he gou 1 the inner room he wed .1 i- 111, 11.• there tilt to th 3 . h.i (,f (,)nseleilc:• 1~. ~.. _ E=M the• hich witinighz; BM OEM • I' 1 t •• )r, pentli les; patiper lwevotile. (2 i, the itiarrel, the product of ruin runt hrin_•; to your t.iu• -uirt rind ne'er known lio- T tia. tremcns, and mark this as true. l'hev make few call; ere death nukt etkue. I" k the undertaker wh3 t. , 11 your aid. V k the `•alley whore your tludy laid. Nt," k the ttretehedues-;, :tailNl UV, ecrablo drunkard; a'.one cau know, i- the yeariiing for inisspAit time. i. tht ;Ivnitil of t'oT , drunlCara's ( limp. 'fatly the islands in tho rive r are lively with rabbits. Thu presence of t he cottontails i:pecouned or by the (Act that during tile winter they oro:-s over the river on the ice from both sides of the stream, and [wing- unable to get back when tho lei; di-appears they remain there and breed and rai, , e their young. hundred dollars reward is' otTered for information 01 . the where abouts of henry Ileinir , h, a Uerman, about :p feet 9 inclu in height, dark etimplux ion, and about . - JO years of age, who has been missing from his home iu It.tys 'ove, Bedford county, Pa., since the :25 tll of August. It is feared he has eommitted tuieide. strict is the liquor law at Edger ton, Wis., that one of the churches recently had to postponeconnnunioil service because no wine could be oh- I [dry Ward Beecher recom mends the use of it liturgical service in tln Cong,regatioual trturch,forre - . spend rig in many respects to that et the Episediati Church. When you d e spair of good beware of evil. zr..vJ =HMS= 1„ , ztr.l,z,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers