SELECT F MISCELLANY. TIM LOVER OF LINCOLN. Late in 183 4 , or early in 1833, Mr. Lincoln went to tidhrd at a tavern in New Salem,. 111., kept by James Rutledge. Ann Rutledge, the third daughter of this family, was at that time about nineteen,, and was proba bly the toast refined woman with whom Mt. Lincoln had then ever been conversant—a mode s t, delicate creature, fascinating, were it only by the force of contrast with the rude people by whom both were surround ed. All witnesses unite in praising her. Mrs: llardin Bale, a woman of the neighborhood who knew her well, said: . "She has auburn hair, blue cyes, fair complexiiin, was a pretty, kind, tender, good hearted woman, beloved by ail who knew 7klc-Natnar, Hill and Lincol n b t all emitted her at the same titne. The tit; it who spoke of Mgr described her with yet more enthusiasm. She had a sad story. When hale mar.- than seventeen -he liecanat engaged to Mc:gain:lr. 110 left her to, go to the a,sistanee of hi-t' parents in tho Stat.• of New York, prorni.sing to re turn ii•-• saran as possible; but weeks grew to ninths, anal e v eti _yearq, an d Gill he did nut come. She loved him at first, hat the love seems to have cooled with his long absence, and at Last she responded to the, passionate and impetuous attachment of young Lincoln. But she felt she could-not inarryamtil she could obtain a relmse from McNamar. She wrote to him in vain, as she had waited in vain fur his coming, and in 1535, she died„ as some say, of brain fever induced by herafixiety of mind. In her grave young Lincoln was wont to ("Mare his heart was buried. A few days before hgr death he was summoned to her beilside; but what - happened in that solemn conference known only to him and the. dy ing girl. But -when he left her and stopped at the hou , e of John Jones on his way home, John saw signs of the must terrible distress in his face and hip manner. When Ann actual ly died and was buried, his grief be came frantic; he lost all self-control, even the consciousties.s of his own if lOW A nd H u his N e w s a fein friends pronounced him insane. "He '1;1 , W:?tehell with 4 , .111'Cl:11 VOLUM' 11 , 1611 V, 'term" , , fog, and ghgany ler o for fear of an ficident. At . ...itch times s he cfaring, among other expression: of tale "at, .1 can never be ri.eonciled the -nuw, rains and storms L. at initial her grave.'" His friend, lifeen, took charge of hint, It was several weeks before it Witi Can (I( red -aft to 'et go br c to his old latunts and his old employ ni s. II e was never preeisely the, man again. had been ~ u lt j eet to pert •.I. id' gr.-at men tal depresion, but after this they %%ere n lore frequent and :donning. \a as than he began to repeat the poem which, poor- In it-eit. iy al ion "i 41, Ity should iho lof ni I! proutl'.. — A fo‘x wol•k, :ift(•r tho J iilh of .\.nn li..r 4,11,r rotunied to NI•A• :UPI ll , ' (4) Ii,EVI• 1 11 11 ki r lis • i i I . I . '.l". it n•:1 is I,llllllln. ni k • 10.1 . 11,ip; 4•\1..,1 14,0 1- Latit tir;tli. 11 f way in .\ 1/11'S arlive, L 1 11111-.•. f ~ I ked the earth in those of lihz, :L very mall and ideal Mali. l ii 1!.,16, rt little more than a year rifler ikun nutle(hze . - dent!), he -aw again a Mkt: :Mary ()wens, whom lie Dail met awl sim 1.- wltat year"); helore. _wit.: a large, hantb(owie, matronly lookinv, woman of :IS or :211—a vet V .1i reren t type of perm from the gL Ile, Ann.`,tr- , thser:- -•,,r,- in iffive prided her-elf much on le,r ,11/-:It ion," \Vlliefi sap; W:1- rtit ;•revlt from that of I,ineoln: but her ietter- are written in a ,tole, which far iron) con y, ving inipr , --ion •stiperior -tellectual power. I.t iin ie:l;eil her iilarry him, but s_hirlFtiitell awhile, in oral-r to beetiene thoroughly ru 11 with hitti. She ifld not mild; Ii R, eoarse or cruel, but , diedal think him thoughtle., - earelos-, riot h !t. q ret her a- polite n.m lie nil~ht I. , tort, a. -he her-etf expre,,e , it, ticiitit in Iho.e little which nr.ilse ti the great chain of woniti•- hiitiliitieK , .." The "little link, - belio r t vrettt import:lnm. to her,• tiecitled After II Lincoln \vas uttilty of the o i cat t l ie ...; of hi. life, of which, 1,,r the re.enrcht-4 of the Itiogra liher, we should havo.twen , :pare,l tli,• Ito wrote a letter to Mr. (J . f lipiAvnifi l. r, hir n th e .h, noitutint:in,,• \viol mi.- it In:inner moot nnl: it an,l hu:nilinllns! ho I:1 Iv. Mr. I,:onnn of it, tr , till duty." I t! \\ .onitl Int\ t• 1.ef•II, 1 fhn,k, Intirt• 14 - 1.:n•li th:tit in Int•til..-Prvtinct.; I, I t, tell the truth, if ilit• ti) have • fitful conclo,ion t`,,;it he -should lievpr ortrry. n he "should to.ver ht .atiAb-11 ith a n y one wh o wou ld . 11,101 enough to have But tee+iltar hurl-ed heart nor wonti,l,,l to keep hint very 1,0,, from the toilq szpren,l fruninio,- liotter-. To 1N::10 :Itary , It‘i , ‘vitli her , iQter. W• I,l ‘‘ar.l-. it Slttingli , lfit het,. Mr. 1.1 e-tint ma , the n m I\tti•triv \to it reeferstt-.t..'d :t n.!, 1,, \lr. " Alttl \ l /I.lly, ;tll.l With :t 1n.•.1 ery t:t ht-tr to have tal:iko.vlipti‘.lo the totoro l'rez-ident the moment -Ile !,1301 op her mind it mould IN. e•Npe .brut tee 110 at: Mr. Lin41.1111.%:i-:t fr.•-h from tile and Lrro:it powcr stmorw: them T.,,1d, via- of aristo..ratic and distin- - i ,‘, v ( 1 1-L 41 family; able to lead through the a k fUI portals of "good :-..cit.ty" wh , lll they cito , i. to count's . 0w... - It \vas thought that a 11111441 f 1 " 1 " "." "' "1 I "'ld./ not fail of !lo ll!. nut ,•tit- t., botlyourtio.... )Ir. [..l\i tr.l. , tliontrlit -..; :)1r.4. Ed war.l-. tb..w. 2 :11t ........ and it wa-inot„,lon , Pe rot.. )lary Todd her-elf tlinui!b! -"• :---n.1... \v..... tort' aull.itious and even 114,./,,.:1.-1... left I...tittichy announced her belief that she was ".lest i fled to be the livlr,,,f,,,rwfutorePre-ident I'or a little \vbile -.he \va, eoart.-1 I,y p0tt1a.....s as we:l IL. le; Liiiooi t n: illit She is said ti. have retn-441 the "Little (;iant” "on areoutit, .4 Lis bittl _ morals: . Being: a " k " l i" .l 'itil ()tie of thew she intended to hav t .,...h e answered, "Menne that has tilt. 6..4 chance of bein,g President. `he de cided in favor of Lincoln, and in the opinion of some of her friends, aided to no small extent in the fulfilment of ti n prophecy tyltit'h the bestowal of her hand implied. "Mr.. Edwards, - ,.:31r5. Todd's si.:- ter, ,ay: that Linvoiti .W:1•4 "chartii- t 1 ‘vit 11 milt. and fa?...ei nate(' liir nal u and twr ettlturP." - 'tfie,4lk.Notn• st,eed - i I ged, jto it tnieririge was 'nett' a ilue=t (d . time. lila- .4.1ne .-diow the Linepin loye atTiiirs .44q11 see ver' to have Been altiltZethe'r i•• - f l,- ( 4 ilw. A Mks Matilda Edwarls presently made her appartnee. She \% as the sister of Mr. Ninian Ed- Wards, afresh young beauty, whom - I.ineoln saw. and seeing. loved. The affair with Miss Todd, areording to the Edwards aecording to Stuart, aeeording to I lerndon, according to Linvoin himself, was "a I " ,i :r match," but this was - love. It :e le ghost of sweet Son Rutledge. !lid your spirit eves grow sad ?: Mr. iAlwards tried to intirry his sii , ter to Speed, she preferred Mr. Ohttyler Strong, and presently mart-Ted hint. Lincoln.had been restrained by a sense of honor from deelarirrg his pas sion, though any words would prob ably have been uttered in yam, ltut now conscience assailed him. H e roncludal,with great agony of mind, . that he would. be doing Mary Todd a grieyious wrong were he to marry her after his heart had thus Wander- ed from her. lie went to her award ingly, and told her the-whole story. She released him from his engage ment,and then some parting endear ments followed, and, as a natural re sult of those endearments, a reeoncil ation. 1431nral—When you wish to break off your engagement with a woman, don't kiss her a good by e.) Lincoln and Mary were again engag ed ; everything was readY for the marrage, eVen the s upper. Lincoln I failed to meet his engagement, the cause being insanity. Ills friend, speed, took him to Kentucky, and kept him there uatil he had recover et]. Mr. llerndonthinks that Lincoln's insanity grew out of most extraordi nary eomplication of feelings—aver sion to the marriage proposed. a counter attachment for Miss Ed wards, and a new access of unspeak able tenderness for the memory of Ann Rutledge. But after his recov ery and return to Springfield it. was pot long before he Married Miss Todd. She told hi m t - nigh she released him from the engagement her own Wings for him remained imehanged. lie went to see his friend .1. 11. Matheny, and said to him, "Jim, 1 have to marry that girl." At another time Lincoln told him that he was driven into the marriage—that it was a thing plan ned by the Edwards family. How ever. through weakness or through tenderness, he seems to have submit ted to his fitte, and in 1842 Mary Todd became Mrs. Lincoln. Such is the complicated story of the loves of Lincoln. PUBLISHED I.V REQUEST. From the Interior FLOWERS ON THE GRAVE. Spriph of I?er. 7'. Dr Witt Talmage at the .4patlenly of 3fusie, New York, Leeninfi of Decoration Day. Fathers and Inntherm,brother4 and sisters wives and children of the Hien who died for their country: I give you my rialit hand,to-night, in sympathy, condolence, and eon fzratulation. An old flatly speaks of one who went, snit -;nrs that where her tcnr fell befttiti fat t,‘ hite flowers spratar n. Otir nation lots went bit terly for the fitileil ifrivest. find from her tears_marytals of ‘t•hile ha ye sprung IntiLriftir their anti-fr - auratfce over all he soh I iors' mounds and celtrofories front' fan 14:tt , cisco to Canaria. Ittit the flowers to the NVTet.ttit , . ore not 101 tho and tilt' re,l. and tell Ml' trllll w s oriej b they , prantr f 11 4 ,111 wn, lOntltr. , l •4,111 and South 11Intintaio - ol.olted in tronchos, elpvpri , -41 with t rak e of I , " ttlo, and pit I n't h t' . r o ,l ;in.( tiory t()- 4 / 3 V. if the 1)1101... and of the r t ahlv of Ito Impikt•trV. The -iiis•r• • are afraid of irravo-yar,f.: liv hnt f think that the ne,„! I ' Hi , , • 1, i141 world nut he afrni,l to tall: hr 't•pross 11111 to-iti,,hr.for the nisi e• ,frAgrant now. The child roil hay' 11/4•n thitre xvith flovvors for titifer's irr, the isior ido iv. who h:1,1 nt fit. , sprOrs of Izeraninio, fe.- bison "ill 141“1!;•r I !eon its the hest lii odd :+l' Irll- I f onr 1 ,1‘• ( • 1 1 otos:(•ona. hne4 Anil ;Wont 1114' hitice , ‘clivre their fi,• • • i ii ki t -. for rho rf'..llrr(l't M. they ... , ,methive! of how wool' thev •ire , v ,,l ;mo d Rtit thoo. • Lor f ••(.0-4 t ht. orrtfet9 . . , odd tHHit • nod who teeth help. ) w:ttch her ch;iiiren lhoir loan' support hat h he, n j. too, 11,1•11.1 t Till 111 IWON In tell Theo how flinch they ore 'missed. Lord God of i l steir2 . ll, Lord of' irost. , who on-he:Weed ihy ...wont from the scab -1,,,r,i Mountain, • ll• away the tear,, o f a nation's rt,,z , NVti politie:ll tlif fe•trnt-e: to-ni.dit. if I Ihrithdit that ' this nur•tini' Nvas railed in any spirit of leolttical tiarti , anship. I should not lw here. Tai some quarters dema .,!..!!ues have trie.l to mato. out of such Lrather l ows ; but T de not 1,01.0%.- in li:trteritio! with the hone. or our, n ry'iti marl have donee notivh work. Let them sleep until the Lord of Itostirreetion wakes I la•to up. Neither wnuhl 1 inn •( welt ee•e dpvnler I to 1111.., , ,,tirrin, 111 t of the old fend het ween the North.' ' awl the \Viten Johnson's army and lenerat l-tfiermati'la army shook hands near Italeitrli. that was the earl of the strife. 1,44 within!! I to. .41041 or (lone dli , 41)11. Surely h , ri• ha , been etmovh .41.-11. anti ttroans enotivit • hate 1,11 uttered, and htmiliesettowlit des!roi._ ed. to -titti..7try the Woa -, :t matt .P 1 Ca or the worst denim! in the ,tit. .\ Ind if awid this holoemist of lII° iti . ll4l, hand ever he lift,-el In ! ! .. ir lit ti the pea. s. estahlisip .1 ;it ninth slier: lie that ham, a North ' ern or II . ."41 , 11ttll'rli panel, !MIN' it turn N yi t i.u. with 1 he of all ineurattle : leprosy! Instead of flowers upon "wilt it • ...rave, let the tt hole` nation(vlllll' aril Clint 111N111 it ;1 -, 1 mountain of nettles awl ni.,1 1 1 At rlinvion 1 lenflits, _last after the . war. it . ."' , l.U t illlll \VI.111:111 tql9Wilt :1 . Nk reach i.f 114'1W1 rs and tds.fisii-it on the ffrave of a t•-lottt !wt . !. -ololt-r. \ Northt•ro man, \vt•ttritt.: epaulette , • took tip the ‘vreath and tore it to nieees, and threw it to the wind-. I \t ore epaulettes , !tot h e w its tin. I witritty ()lir . i ler. real • si lor Wini it 4. • i ..11141 a T111 . :.11 and emvarilly h writs I hat 1 NV, 111:11 :ill the tt ri.ntlit. that have .•\ htift noon ehe , ravO.... of Nortli il o ll4l. 1111 , 011 he anti Itol:..(1 Itlll.. her, 4%4111 L.-at - land a link, awl th:it with this 1..n.•.1.riLi1.t. plea -sod ek.i;r:rfrr rose-774 tupelo 1:111(1 IllitZ!11 lie encircled. hind it It:to everl:ist unity and • t food Th:tt till• only kind of a chain 111,1 intirie:tits it ill ever v. , ,veriiiiwnt Ifi;,l I i,•• to filrlp.any tither. Illlt .411114' e.f t -01.1 . 0 , r.... v:/-;tv.- hay,. t 44.,•,, messed to-d3y, not ‘l. i II- Si3llilllll7 I'll 1111111-011,1 11;11111 , 4 ha V l. iwt•ll iii. -tripping the gardens and hot-Itell-.-4 for this Christian offprini!: and -o I bring three or fur garlands elf 111 V own. The first I let dawn in to the river, anal se.t. above the coral pillow •if those whose I/1 /II have never been f,atial. They, fell from t guittioat- , , and the tin. raft- they ir,,pplNi front' the ea valry bore, ' erosim , the Potomne: they went 1111Wil in the storm on' Cape Hatteras; they were shot down front I he•ship's ri'zizing going into New I irk a o-;. They never,-ami. leant.. They were , buried. without shroud or font rid P'alin—the hearse thunder of battle their ;only litany'. I know that ;Iti. sareophagn, (If el )111 I in which they ; slec;p bi exquisite. and that the sea weed whieli pill ows th e ir bend beautiful; btu that i. not I note , ll. 'With loving hands we let down Into the wave this garland of our affection and gratitude, eontmendlng their bodies to ‘vltoza oonuuanel - the sea shall give up it.. dead" Another garland. The itt,st above thou -and-. I buried in the national cemeteries at weird 17ti'r•NTow's.'• ' Even The', naffip.i:' have been last. .T:nl - notrn... titclugh father, and mother, and wife, ;Old child waited long for their rflin g. ' ll./iiignria. t hough they gave their life for their eotintry• - I"nknown to man, but known to (;od, who bath made reward, or all their wonnds, and tearz, and sarrifieet. Their graves have not hewn litrgotten to day. The hand of the government they died to save, has strewn flowers there. But let us fro to-night- along. by the swa m ps of Chick a hom iffy. and through the Wilderness, and along by the Western river and thickets and jungle.s,. x lv nere men tt ied'W dhoti t a pillow. anitrame to Itagy or perhaps to no burial' at all, No one to close his eye , ,:" - N.o one to hold the dying hand. ,7,.;6 (MP to take the farewell message ` • ' t , iikttrrn." Utoknoirp," I.St us search them out We find them to-night and cry, ! restitig place of the patriot. stead ! takeAbis garland of the na tion's thanks and of the nation's - - level Wet all day long with the rain, bring a the heavy rain of 0 nation's tears." I nother garland. Let it be o f the richest and most aromatic flowers. Let there be in it amaranth and green branches. Let it be broad, er that; any everplaced on the brow of Roman conqueror. We will Once it not on the graves of the dead, but oti the brow of the living soldiers and sailors of the (irking! Army Of the Republic. We shall not forget your deeds bemuse you have put off youi soldiers' uniform. We eau not pay you for the privations you have suffered, for the arm that was shat tered, for the eye put out, for the health lost; but everlasting thanks be yours in the name of a Union re stored, a Government re-established, a race redeemed from servitude, so that from the time the sun rises on our eastern mast until it sets behind the Sierra Nevadas, its burning eye ean not diseovo r a single bondsman. Thank God! that in all thiS land, all are fris. now, with the determinal ion by the help of God and offer own ' right arm, of always being free! !hit the brightest flowers that were put on • the graves to-day will soon wittier. The petals will scatter and even those called the "everlastings" will be dimmed. So that, if. the na tion has nothing but flowers to bring as an offering, she might as well put her hand on her mouth and hide her head. We want a wreath of other materials, a wreath of greenbarb, large enough to encircle all the sol diers' asylums and homes. Not so much posies as bread. It is high time that it ceased to be necessary for the man who lost an arm, or a leg, in lighting our battles, to have to grind hand organs at the street cor ner fur a living; and the women whose husbands perished in battle at the point of the sword, should not themselves have to die at the point of the needle. For all time to come let this on worm! day be observed, Strew dow ers on all the soldiers' graves. Strew them over the heads that ached, and ovt•r the heart , that 11:11!, and over the !" . t.,1 lllkteloqi ill tilt' t-zir (l ye throng . of 414.14:01(41 114-ri44.-! Sloop flown and 1411110 w: ' 1111-. 1101 halloo's 41111 , 10 t lott n nii4l Titto).„l.hil.ks of at mown', lures. ;.; ) 10011-.l‘t a 4t0.1 t 4,14.01140).0. Nitt..- - "1,i.4.41114.4,14.0 illy I hoe x% 114.11 •Vviir it.-.4.11,10t11 Th,• , ,..!T101 71 breaker Art-! 'arrs him out no :In 1)1.1 rtoNly -h)4 , 141. 140 down 14i.4 isi•rid.i.• 4-Arri04,..4 in I lit• tte o ; ti t, phieo of all the • th. Bury hi- .word with lion. 114-,ti. 410 1001 v n i v e ;mil 141 - .40.0 chariot Lt•l ithil or it 11.40.1. 1.0r).41, 114141 ork, him "77,44..4 / . ..4 the ..c•cf,orl dr.,111 " :14. -1,111 tt 11.0 ,, t1- I ,sTI. I: , 1 1,. 111;..11 Arch 1,•,•111116 , acn.ll tlentk.ifinii nllll, - I'4l ‘4 itli tho -ll,' di.-- ‘,l niy thi• Ws( iilllolllll 01 I lin Vt. ritViVtli Irani lht 11•1' 1 - ht. I I . , lii•Vc it 10- , t .1. iq , rl,l for rliz•uniatl,m." .lortlatta 'slid the liitetz• aril) J1,1'11%411, V, Itit-t• t• pAiii.• hi, I. 11 pr,•ll and 1.n.f1;.,1 , : 5. I:1mA Willi 11 , A• I I H. ty rah ly ilie• hi!. lint 1111 1 11 , 01310‘ I 111 ' 0iI hi. t Mt• ref tt hero Ili. chief enj , Viii ti. that of utuar. The wcflt to the plaCt With atid pretty nameottpl hto4 7 . Ittth.rittg ut the ( Itettr 11.1- tt•l, (10.•riltir.,41 n l ,r n the r“. 1 9 ,1 -4t ,if t ht• ht,g. Winning nut with her ir Ml.(' dr ("La in het ‘Xlit • ii app..hat • hing to diaWitag the heaiiti ‘Vittl itt.r prwol f tht• , ry fur ti-; antittl>••ntvi:nr;tlhihlii , onvi-Nar ion V 0. 11 .11 /14 . 1LIVi!Vs1 I. ; 111111 g.a 1. 41i,11110;11i 141, i.,rtrtlit froined in 11111 2 , 61 ‘4 it It ..tiwr - 11.1-, :11)11 1;111. , I:n•at vztlne. Tlnat unuit• 1,«-“pold, .ani,lnyetl I 111)1111 h d,•n.,•ti V ,•• to, huT l t lII> 1111• 11114<•14vk•nt~ I'f ttn• enchant 111,,le•iianin 11;na, iwr :1 t run'. ' ow- Liming . 'lli' 11.1;1•r, 411'111 4!1;41.4'1.11 1 1.1%1v-. t) 1 , ;•11 41 111•1.1-1, Ti. nily finding . livr f.irturt• 1 1 .111 . 1 ft nt FAIN op.llll I . llllilnk. 111 r la-; the Bavarian -It.ilit:ohm. in IterlitnNa ht•ra- -.lie 41111 Si, 1,4 41,•vil nn uninrtunnte (%)Innel that 11 , I -1.4 1,1 1 - ,)rgery 1.1 ~ zr:itify hyr in l e-:s:ttit fleitLind fur 1(111111•y, anti ,) 11 n , igno miniously 1-4.hier4.d. , 1 , •14c1i‘4- !wt . in .1 r,- lirf..l hpr t.) 111 A.. 3 v;n l ,...!thi.(:onntry ..r 1.ri,111. e44ntilllll , l 111 r it/pCanil nig) in 111(1111•y 441141,1.14--. II (• not h,.r 114 111 , 11-4•111V:1;:1•11 :^lll'l*- 11)ii t) Ifni% I) i.“911%C.• we might .0y- fur int' In. h(et) ,inifotiv, the (hr.-a... 1.-. of 11()11htfi.1 riifiii44 l ll4.llll Y• \\ "i ii Y it 11:1\'r• :0 , 111(11)11411 1.1-1•Iyhoz ;op! h,, v ,• .11 unlll .14-.1111 r , thrill int.) 11v..r1..\ v..r1..\ -4. \k". Dr. K •••••I', I. K 4 l•-i. 11111--111.111114• t nit h thAt likt• ouv (It her (h..1.',1•• 11.1. 11, n•niedy. N..t , 0114• ur tan _l.nrullc thzit i.•rli ~ ‘,llllOl ,:ter rt.- 1.0,v,rt• , 1 titiOltr 11... land of wow, =I healthy people have (ram the thi , i fell tle-g=iver ,11 tho littriari family, will live tii Pr. A', 7ser'.if I.lmq Cur, to their h i t i -t hn rth . err witch t- tlri. the C. 1 .- 4. that there I- harilly a family nn TWIN' Wit Iry ..[•• . 11 the f:0111111 , Luttlr hearint thi in - : A", ! per' -itnitietint ti=.l . . ire Ihe e tintont.: of which nary Ii1:111.1ir , mkt.. I pf,ire the tiitirnim.r p. , :er's Grog cure i Whit'h flolll' %Om fr - vcr it eatt ,brut (111 hit It , 1111 LI , . IVA ut 't lit. 1)44-tor' , (irctit s:orp, 167 Li her v strtitit. per Ittatiti. 1 for;',.utt. I tr . : Niiy stAr's iirivitte•ttiu:~ultin~ utii(t in 1h(• rcar of his stiirti, front Iu it. p. tr. In ()Itax‘a r.tity, I..;tn-a.:. rt.- cently, oe (.111111 t \vi) yeAr , 11(1 dit.ll frtun k•inp bit k.n by a rtittle-zrinke The head of the snake with three or four inehe-i of the tinily, ,had hen -event] with an ax . and -uppe- ed to I,e lifeless, and the child hap pened to .tot) near the -‘evo•reil head and mas bitten, tilid died in aliolit tour hours. :at bi( ry et I: 11 - Flt, I' 1. tints sz;4rlit prirvhiit,tfrt-t their •=tc.,•k 2-t•t 'f.f" firVirr/i9o...rjames F• di n „f 11r. 1 . :1 r tit' It . tiCklJ lAA 4) counterfeit tirtielt.,- ninl intitsvutly %; is: sell it for .;:eritiltie. Never buy a HOUSE FURNISIIING (MODS, paekawt hoot. th ; ,t PLATED W. name; - prit.t4sl upon it is sage's 111 E, C w , ) ",•, s ss " • Isr : 1-:11-:1) . \ - , :ief I not lir. " Ati Sacres Catarrh I Wrr, New l'atHrrh i" •/tr-ee "nil 11'1 , 4 ,ne IF are, ( ( rrii Relit rer, ,„1nt.4,11„..r +T4I Eltri lII\I. NE( ItY ~ I t souniiing 11111111 C. Also that it II( ) 1 - El( El.:l)Elis 'has printed both upon the %t rapper Call and "41 . our stock and ittltrakt) ulna he S. ;I)vertinitmt Chi ie !atitt , „- which i. upon it the word- tW, V., I /Ade `R. V. Pierre, M. It., Buffalo. N. Y.'' PITTSBURGH, PA. lu thj:. Way you will be sure to tget tilt. gen OW 1.8. m ;( 1 goad horse, nn matter lenw old or how much run down he may be, he van be greatly improved, and in many re:Teets be madras good ay new, by a 'Upend Lep 01.herithut's (Vra tkoalition Putc derx. i.gisceUaneous. EEO Attiiactive Stock! JOSEPH M. Me Cluttv't4 13uticlirs4r, :Id SW(1101181% . RA Fanot Dry Goods : Tin• Novvlti, 1:1:1" ,;( .1 A IZA N N' 11-1 E l'f.A 11)-z. .:72 1 A N Est.: N r, ' I't )1'1,1N;:, A NI) SA'fINS 101,1.1 RUE s; NUN rs, WIIITk.Go()Ds, Funev NI IA Wi.S & SCARFS: NEW ii•PRING SKIRT.. NEW WiliTE LADIF.fS MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. • A.RD EN SK I & Bustles. '77= SIT:ATM; LA I)1'} SUMMER SUITS IN %MITE (S . OQUET, and ntlit•r Ncw Matcri • J 0 S. M. M V.:.-.l:lliti RADWAY'S READY RELIEF crars TiTE WORST PAINS In from Ono to Twenty Minuten NOT ONE SOUR rcaemg I , t , , /tIC SUFFER NVITII PAIN. ADW A T'S READY RELI A nr. FOR EvEitY PAIN. - It was the gr.t and 1. 711(3 0111 Y Yulyi Itervie(ly that instantly stops the most rionelating {sons, alias' , Intlanonatlons, and cures Coust.stlons, o by, h., I I the Lungs, Stomach, Rowels, or other glands neon:an., by ~ns 3vplication. IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY 111IN1'TF.4, No matter how violent or eicructattng tint I.:ott the 1:11E('M Ited•r:4,len, ttdtrm, I'r mat it, Nt vuus, Neurzlvc.or pm/located It 4 wiy aufft,, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF = 1M2=1121 INFLANIUATION TIIE INFLAIIIIATION OF THE BOWELS. CONOF-STIoN OF THE I.T - N , SORE THROAT, lIIFFtrITLT DREATIIrc43 PALPITATION OF THE REA ir. HYSTERICS, CROUP 1)1 PIITII ERI A T CATARRH, INFLUENZ 1. HEADACHE, TDOTIIA('UE. NEURALGIA. HIIEUHATIS.II COLD CHILLS, AGU F. CIIILLc., The applicAlcm of the. neatly 'teller 1 ,, t h e ppat or parts where the pain or difficulty tx,t3 w -7"r•I cast and comrnrt. Twenty drops In half et tumhler of lenter tor lli in few moments eore CRAMPS. t•PASINIS. Sorlt. STOMACH. HE A RISC IN.Sir K. EA II A. II F., DIARRHEA. DYSENTE.. col,lc WIND IN THE ROWELS. and nil INTKItNAL 'fravelers should always furry u bottle of Und- Wniv t a ILrsdy Rcllrf watt them. A few .I non to •vate, will prev‘,ll. Alnico,'or pOna f,ut (-hang,' 4.f water. It to be'ter thau Freon,. Brandy or jiittizr, a. 3 nl-l1311:3,I. _ VEVER AND AGUE FEVER. A."; urv.l for an / c.a.+. Thrr.• I.rmt r”nkPittal Ilt thou we.rlif Fweer and Ague, and ail other Sinfarlutus„ ScArkt, "f yr.ltultl : w,, other Fe, er• :I RAMAT PILLS) et.. WIWI M.S It All W r'S READY RELIEF. .EVI v cents per Lute. 6,1 t 'HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG ANI) rui:F. lull eREAsE or FT.}:sll AND WIKIMI r-4.1,CA SI:IN AND brAuTirn. tuNITI.EX luN CURED TO ALL. -- DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT BAs MADE TIIF: rioNl•lt I Ni, I RE gl'lrK So ARE , •u.\ so, itol , Y 1 NlbElo.ot, 'nit I FI.VENch: \ Every Day an increaso In Fles:i and Weight is Soon and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Jrnsp tin" 'LILLIAN ILE, 1.. rram:tr the Itha.d, r.aeitile“t f the to teat tho a isle, f sr t r tie• wssfe, of thy. (Katy vrieh Mel arl mar I .1.5...rcf , .1, • J . , r the Thruar, Na.l.-a 1m ire I•l3tals aral other tla• Es • • o oLoun I fr•. 1.1 the E3ea, 34,11 100 rat rum,. of Slin Mo./ \C„r 1. S - 01 Rheum, Ers-.0:.•4:.•. Ise, libel: Sraq.... \Vara • la the F. , s, T,iinot, 4 .e. ,ll rer, 111 11, Weelle, weakeTang nud 1113rgerr. Night Sul-3 , 0. ieee. of Sperm. :05.1 r.:l ra.s‘...r ~r are ent.).lll M0..1 t11,!:‘ of t won,l, of M o d errs ChensigfC. and ti:“ S . Use V. of prose is, 11',C11,: It :11, ~f L.r of it ;ottunt ./1 n r to cure tr., .loe, 11.o,art I P r,. NI known remedial nary,' n, I). L , nr, ,rortcuu., ,• , , it le tts. on , V .,re for Klduey & Bladder Complaints, g i Drop,. Stopple,: Ibt . Water, 1 ocontlneht, of ri , I. , ,ht • s Doke Allsoto,huru, t 0 , ,, are hrlek , ltogt tt.tortltg, or the woter It thi. k ' .1111 PlltilitaliCt, 1,1, the It bite ~1 etre, t,t Od. like while •Itk, I r o rl.l tlork, lahuua ottp,.trarset, tuol n hits. It.ote .Ittpt , t• f....t , t, sod there It o hurt,thz • tom when potalng v. Otto, tootl,•iti tllO I t:11: n LE, andni..l,g the Loh's. Jilt 01 WORNIS.—The only knon it and nl, Un it. •• r, Hof 's /4, rip Tumor of 12 Tears , Grc,actli Cured t y Iludway's Re.olveut. Ihuss... Mesa_ Jul, It: 1t0...• 1•.• E.r,ve Y La rLaJs r• uraan Rod ....eel, MI the tu.otora sa..l ts there TY. 1..11 s I sr. , I ery slot, that Yr.. to.t rne. I your Itetolvest. and thoo.-Itt 1 1 1.1 n• fa/sh •s. 1...a...•e• I L.l toffert.l f s. e al a Lutales of s, t.,31 I 1,1 lb, .n I I.•ttle. ~.. 11.1., nl there I. .4.11 a . f tan,r t • lo /tool or Se/t, a... 1 I. I lotsor an/1 Lap, r luau I too 4 • r TU. ;eon,. tu•nor .at in the 1. -a d ..• . 11.. Ito. rt,T,. I ttos 1., ther I. ”,1111 VOA cart if DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly. Elegantly t uate.,l a ith , ~t c im, pur r !, regill.tte., purify, clea:l.l'. ILMI% Ali., Pk/a thu enre of n./ f.......rf1f-fif .4 the •ltnutaelt, r. It,w cis, K!‘lner., IttuAltler, Ne•r , ..14 1 Lt., f I 10% . .. 111.1. m. F. Intlajunl4.ion tne bow., I'll ea, :vat 411 1) , ".., .ru, o to aft , t a 1,,,.1t,e cure. Purely , Vegetable, containing no In, , t. krwr de,terinu. rtr - On•ervc ft, fellow log ,o,ptnno 1/11.orthtrs of the I , lguttl, .tpatton rt. 111..... tl.f. Tlimd 4.c. •nen-n-h,,tteartnne, ~rWeicht in 11.• ' , tem.. h. Sour Cuss., sm.kln t : nr Flottering 1 - • .4 tne non, a th• and 1 , 1th.,:i in , a/. tb• l'lse.k mr hruutions Ln • • Lyinz Punturn. et !was of Webs twtor• M=ZI2IM= MIMMEMMEM EWE • 1111 fere doses or TIADW A Y'S PILLS Win free the st slum from all the 35 per b.'% 1;Y lotrGuisTs WEAL) /1..14: NI, 'FRI Scot M. letter stamp to R211 , W (11 No fi Ma.den New-York. ln[••rm..t o n wOrth thousands trill be s.rht A \Vord lon, Friend!! P~ I; ,iii ; i ~1':'p:. %;,, , )1, MHO 4;11.• , ) ti \ \ I: 1/1/1) r>„111: Grocery and Provision Line, ANI) Al' cANI Er rl !t! ‘VEIE I.,EWIIKILP SiNFI'(;,I.:I? R ('().'&6:. MIMEO $ A DAY to sell Dorman's I...ittle4;ein Linen & Curd .lark. A ,oapie %itlt vonr 113111 , •.1)1 I , V 1//31/ •In ruce•pt f.11:1 '2. - . t'ir ,ll:irS fre.• A.1,11,-,S tS. lik,',, Ci) tr, W. 1,,1111173rd SL Pah iniory Aguas walited'tVl f y IA L. r [aprl7;;tm 1 lEE R. R. R. I= ME3== r i (;!)();) TEAS Fi) , , , , com 1) FEED F , )!: (.1(;Alts New Spring Goods! CREERY Oz Co's Stircit,lloavere Psi old. Inferior Goods." New Ittillienery Goods.: And NEw.c4.111.411V GOODS. Dolly. Viirden '1141T1 4 & 114 /NNETS, Tri ATS tkr, 1:0 N N I:YrS, iittlfatmcit lit I'S ttt ilt N N ETS; 1011141.1t1NS. all widths 4.. t color:4; FL.OWERS,aII shales; IttlithlA• Pal cr. Turk' & Embroidery, TOVIZIST PAIZASI 91:N 11111{ELLAR, GLOVES and NOTIo C A RPETS, cvleriNs, OIL CLOTHS BAZAR (TT PAPER PATTERNS. ALSO ADD CAMBRIC, White LINEN, BUFF lAN alg that may appear during the Season. ~liallQf~y GXJ (li ili7~~:+/~t~+~~i Vliseitrar Miters are not a vile Fancy Drink, made eat Ponr Rum, Winsl.ry, Proof Spirits and doctored, spiced, and sl,ertened to plea,e the taste, called "Tonic..,'' Appetizers." " Restorcrs,''&c , that lead the tipßler on to drunk• enness and" ruin, but are a trite 'Medicine, made from the native routs and herb-. of California, free from all eVt..holit. Stimulants. • They are the Great Purifier and a Life-giving Principle, a Per. fret Renovator and Invigorator of the S 1 stern, car • rying off all poisonous Mat r and restoring the bloml in a healthy condition, condone it, ref`inhing and invigorating bath mind and body They are ca.y of administration, prompt in their action, ter lain in their results, safe and 'citable in all forms of disease • - No Person can take these Bitters ae rnrtliuz in direYtmns. and remain long unwell. pro. tided their bores are not destroyed UN mineral ;K, ~n ~r other 'near's, and the 1.1:31 organs wasted bey i the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Headache, rain t , the Shotilder,. Coughs, Tlghtne‘s of the I hest, i I nrcinc.., Sour EruCtatmns of the Stomach, Idol I :1,0 in the Mouth, Itilkons AttaLks. the If cart, InflammanAn of the LUI/S:1, •I 1,, the reg , on., t.t . the Kidney., and a hundred oth. r rniotonrk, are the off , prmgs of ;,,, In the, complaints it hr. stIP equal, and one I .ittle will prove a better guarantee ..t Itt merits than a I. noliv advertisement For Prosaic Complaints. in ~umR o old, rtra Of Single. at the daww Oil tilt, id life, these Tonic Bitters display sn de , ailed an influence that a narked IMrtulretisellt For Inflammatory and Chronic Ithenmatims laid (lout. Dyspepsia Or ndigcs tw,ti, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, I of the Mood, Liver, K Idnev. and Bladder, them: Bitters have been most successful- Such l)se.ise-, are cati , cri by Vitiated Blond, which 15 cenrralli priKhieed be cleram,cmetat of Dige.stive tl ant They ore a Gentle Purgative as well as a Tontr, po, , essirrz also the peculiar ment of .1, 1111,4 a• .1 KIIA agent in iinge•tiori I' 301,111' 11,1 d the I.ivrr and Visceral Organs, .i.d ,ms I )15.15C5. For Skin DI . Erupt Tr:trt, Salt- Sp o ts, it Mutes, Pustules, Doti% ing-worms, Sea -Head, Sore Eves. .Ensteelas, Itch. Scurf, Dissidorations of the Skin, Humor, and Diseases of the Skin. id whatever uamc Or 'IA 111 . C. are ho ra:ly dm.; up anti carved out 1.1 iii s• in a .hart t me by tic use of these t c in soul, will convince the most it.Lr, tie.... • ~! .fist's.. (ICIIII6O the Vitiated Mood whenever 1.11.131'1u., throuch the skin in ru ,,, l e an, it when pm find')e ems. cleanse it 'alit" is .tilerngs .111 ti,l sou when. Keep the ur. 1,111 Ili till system unl GrUlterlii thOUSIMIIirt INEGA. I:iTt F the el ,, t k,..• kik rit.' c‘er sustained the sattikkrie rearm Pin, Tape. and other Woront. lurking in the vestein of , 01.0 i V 11/..ugamk, are effectually ilectroyeslami rrnsos ed. Says a distinguished phy siologi.t "fliere la `I .10 (' V .01 indisiduali iipsin the face .-t the earth ntv , ve lifKbr tarxempt (tom the pie-seine of Darn.. I is not :lie hemthy ear snebts ni the l.sly uot ins exov. but main the rleicaxeci dep.-sits that breed these c cave No sv.tein of Med, (:le. it 1,11110 . 11g1 .11.11,1111.11.111, V.. 11 het the sv-vem front norms 11e ilteve Buie, Dt•rsuled. r.K.aced , nd ELIc-C.. ttt ,, ,,, Miner, .tt the, adsallCC I( hie, 1% „k 'c l to r.1ra., ,, • of the Ilrmek. tt,ttlttl t tt,t t 41,c \VAL.KitoCs i•IT • t It. crt, Or IN 41.1 Pt, lillioug, Iteol.lltrail, lazuli Intern,lt.. lent PCVCI.A. w.. a:- nllrr% llent In the vat " Ir.“ • t .t: I • Ct•itrd Sl.O, “-v th , thy DI I . r.c.0.-4,1,1.d. Atka', n•a•• k'd .tr•td. I' , Ith) t,i antic Pratt, Ala. lama, I' lAI James, and 'nary na,rt , tt,th r t trittotartc, ttugh.•ta our elit.l t . ' r A ainne, antl tr n,irt I: t•-• tk• •'t 114111.11.5. A .. heat and 111,.1c..n•,.rnird ecru , a,tr dc, Ingt.n.• I • I .•,. Ii and et, arid of r ..rt•ri.4l,•r• i - r : trt rtirrtrr.r, a Trur - gar vr. 4 I ;•,k• rf I writ/nut trprrn titer r ,, w.‘rr•r. i. •r••ir fitly r 1 herr ' Y - ‘l , Li , 1 w "." " li --I , Yedilv ye- Ynot-e tl.c ,art: thattern - Ith wht,h the . u e : ,1111, ttilltu,:thttg, the Ill(' tll.l getter.t.'y restor:ttg the Itralthv fonctl,titi ett II • rttv est, t: organ'. Ac rata ln, or tkg's It:• 11, \% Ittte,e•i tttc• t•t, I •-t t Not I:, (: t iler, Scrottl,(1101 1110” I Incitttrot ittilaritmatitt,t, „1.0n.,1111.1 1 ., , Ilf the ~" 1, 1.111,, as ill all 111/ley 11' L. ‘1NE1.,14 ItIT• Tel • f tvc t.. 1 r r.rt ..he mo.t 3Tr 1-11.1, rabic- Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Hitl ere at! , a'l Itit.e cts , ,s, In a sitntlar manner. rot , purtls ,mr, the til , ♦ tein. , ve the cause, and Its re , ..' te Ins, ti , eett, ~t 11,c intiautruattots Ohs , tube, u',lr 1., It, the atrectell parts retclve health. and a lure a effected The properties kt , NK . t. Sit itIT I Eli , are i•criet,t ami 111111.1l1S, I , IIIteCIC. Srd.atlNC, ts,lt It t,' ttit. :naclL,t tts., at.d Anti- The kperient and Mild Lakatlve pnperties of lie Wat 1:1«:'. V,,(AN ar c (lie best safe guard in all c. 0.,. r,l etuptonn, and maognant triers, their bra! n g , and ~...othing prop ernes protect It: humor, ca the latices 'I heir Se dative properties al.av pain in the IlcrynUa system, stomach, and I on e •., cid.; ? (nut In(larnmancin, rune, (Ta(11( , •. rat. Thor ( a minter-Irmant ti thic e est cm! Ihrne :how dn. ~,Iclll. 1 heir in Anti properties Ntnentatc the liter, an the secretion of bilc, and its do.charces through the banal') duets, and are supcnor to an temedia. agents, 1.4 the ; are of l'ohoto. Fey, r, r e t r aid Ague. etc. Fortify the body oczkinst di by torilaing as In , fluids sal. \ I NEC. slt Barites. No upttivrn, ran take hold of a crytent dun; forennoccL Directions.—Take of the lllttert nn golng to Led at Ti g ht trot. a It 111 to "tie and one ha:l N.ll-e -g Eat c.+.l nourtsl.lng food, such as bee roast beef, and Ve . ,..,e• tab;es, and take ,nit-door eat ruse They arc com posed of partly vegetable ingredients, aad eaularn no t welt. WALKER, Prop .r. It. H. McDOSIAI.D d ( C O.. Druggists and Gen. San Francisco, Cal, and cm. of WaNli,n4t, , n and Cll.srlton Sts.. ricw York. SOU , CY AI.I. I 1 , :1:1.(;1'.. - 1S S 141ALE.RS II: t Ili IMPORTED PURCHERON HORSE J - N - •_.&_ll_= 01=0N: 1 HIS Iliese uas selucted at :age Fair he In Berney. France, 11Iarrb ISfitt and UM. Imp°, ted on the steamship I.afa3eue, Qtly ;th. is"; Ile In a anrk, ttapl,lttt t, hands high, end s'efghs 11110 Ihs . and is sight ri-ars old He la 11l stand the present st•asonut the Farm of C East Carmel. Illtittlleton fp.. Col. county Uhl., urance P 2.5 Ut. For further past ieulars. ad• dress jray.tintm I ` CHAS HALL Fl b. , I rows It•ffla ry e ?Ding heen honed if. Ihl Ilnderpignfil the settlement at the estate or s.n•po. W. Duotatt, .I..cren,ti, late at Darlington, Deaver county. Pa therefore nil person. Indebted to taid estate are hereby notltled Itist immediate payment in retluir• ea: and all pet sous Laving claims against the " 1 " will present them dale authenticated rot ' t ilt' meet. SAMICEI. MITCHELL, Life torA6w l '4111:1 sh 4 l l of l l 11 1 1 1 1 '1 19 ,11'. :110 j WE have en hand a large selection of tine tin• tehed uork, which we are selling 15 per cent. leak than any other Arm in Beaver county. Persons wishing to erect Monuments or Grave Moues. call and see o , ll' work before purchasing elreirbere, as we will guarantee to do as we rep resent, and will warrant our work of the hest Ital ian Marble; and fur workmanship and finish we defy competition. (aprlo4m. HOSIERY, SPAIR.I3II.II.I3ING AND WOOD -TURNING t4110.1P. Novels, Ilalusters, hand Rails. with all Joints cut and bulled, ready t o tu,ng furnished on 4tort notice ILLIAM PEOPLE:4, inattlilyl Cur. Webster St. it Uraharn alley. $l,OOO REWARD! A reward of One Thousand Dollars will be paid to filly rbytsidali who will produce a 'medicine that will snpply the wants of the people better than the article known as DR. FAHRNEY'S Celebrated Blood Cleattmou. or Punurea. It tang he a better Cathartic a better Alterative, better Sinlun fit:, n lt,ltrf Llutr, li , a Iwtlet Tunic and In ever} - V, it y het 1. r • than Mr ) . .in-a-ce• -a. No matter itosv I. 111:.! If ha , butui In tn.. ur now lately (Ihkr,vered. Alpo:, all It tar-t contain any thing NOT Pl' It E! vE.K, SiII BEAVER, PA $5OO REWARD!! A reward of I. ire liand:ed hill he paid for a medicine that hill .perinanciftly cure more Curie. cf Cuiedioalion. ••• rt. or Ner• rime fie.elachc. i.i,er Complaint. Dixor- Mag., •Itzeii.liee. ICI. atoll i liyipmeda, hilly and Fe Tat"' ""t•Wn" r ",• Tcllcr, , ser- 1 ., 1111+ II- 1.“111., Sitie and Mend fillit Frd/f , ll. hpny rlro a 1/111r. 111.4)01) CLE 1,141 , :21 00 t..tN ' u-.•d i.•re ex! ,etv Lv }Km - firing pil-y-ickne , twin piny "flier ikolitilur medicine known. l'r• jo.r l' P, RIJN EY • P mytievitortp, l'o . P . A Mot ky. Chicago Price Lit per noitlr For 00 le 4,, W1,01.•,11, 1111 d Itutwtl I), n nd t,y 0r.2 , 261, It •nver. Pa. Incorporated by , Act of Leuslatllre. CAPITA`.. - - $lOO,OOO PRIVIL EG , Six Per Cent. Interest Pill(' to 1)01) , ito r. nn lie 01111 oliii;1 Principle. orf - A Ite•d.on le d.r rt,d to the IC:per.d pro% lo ins.. for wlttoirnarine' 1/1 , /11,y df.1 , 41• • t4.11 It can Ive done it nut nnttn, %1 I mut . I Noricki 1•1:(01 THE All ennitnonleation. well revel e prOlOpl reply, ME E F" irj> T 3 I\l - I:::, ASS(R I I \.rrioNmi)mr 9c , c_) - srmi. id, Silver, ilt)IA )vs- Av_krlt.f.4 110 US FUR% I Sit G4lolP l i k C° Reevs' Brick BIKk A A, II „ °s' EBRATED )DMAN ALPS INSURANCE CO 41, MPANYV E 1,7 E, P.I. I I 9 Cash Capital $250,000 la j Asssets. Oct. 9, '7l, 311,948 ,ukula. Liabilities, -- - 5.200 ( 1 . 1 ,3 3m 0 N4)111Y -,d."11, NI Es r. \ ice /L i ons. 1' Is. \I • t .1/. lit 11. Ivr 1... 1,1.14 11 r n•%try —. .IIDENT, I . 1‘11:ECTOI:s: lion. I 1 N.H... E,IP 11. m. (...o 11. Delanrcer, J W finn.m..14.1, llt,dr bk., Pa. lion Selden Man ill, 11. , 11 , 1 i .1 I' Villi,tli, Erie Illturn [bun:pit. .1.,‘ ltarvle do (lurks It 11...1, .... 1, 'l' cbnr.•11111 (1.1 II i Son' hard. d... 'pp/ .1 n do W[l Stern( I. no EP loin! O'Brian, du U W N(.1r1.. 1... F II 0 ;t10,.. Ao .1 Kfc , l.ll .rt_ .I..'Jobti it I • , .cliran, do J 11. N,ol. . do!![ llortlpror. 'do WH A Titus, 1 Ile Caw Dl' Dobbins. do !JIM Per ,11, Tllll4Villft. I . 4OICIrm 1+,1,1 at ` fl . , I'llir. :”.41 liberal Writ, lill•nrtl , winitort dararn(pe try I.hrlitnin.2 up ri ell np Eire. Cli AS. U. iII'UST, Ag't Hoch...ter. N . I), c r.r.o. 1 , 71: 1r VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. the to llutr ht.' valuable, prop .ll9• A ad , toy lota No 01 ~oil le_, containing , thout 2 ' t , c 1 ", •••• Rini. , on the nubile road lead to; front ts, to Vanp..rt A 1...` 4 0 A rade toy lot No 7:1. lying on the Ohio ricer. adjoininz land of Patrick iluivannon on the west, containing I.bout all acres, these lots are all round down In grass stud Itt good condition; the lots are enclosed with good . hoard fences, any Perron to porttmeta will plea., call on me at ray office, where all nocessarr Information will be given. GEO. W.IIAI9I.TON. aprtif ll S. BA RKER.. F. A. limmci..o A. BA G. S. UAUK ER de CO.. A ew Bri94ton, A If G. S. ILI E .k CO., /kar-r Palle, Its 13 A. INIT If. E; ta; . Demers in Exclinnee, Coin. Coupons, dm., dc.— ColMcdons made an ail nee, led tile ;malts tll the rulted States and Canada. Accounts or 31,sch. ants. hlannfacturers, nod Individuals, solicited. letereml iciowed time deposites. Curren on. dents will receive prompt attention. (deal:ly WATCHES ! CLOCKS , AND JEWELRY, .N . () 6 , -; Filth Ave., T. I r rc.4 KU G7l, FINE WATCHES CAREFULLY REPAIRED, my-15'741m. rilril PSI a ki WORKS W.H.MARSHAL ANUFACTURER MONUMENTS & GRAVE §TONESI 11'111' 1 4 '"4l I, llll , ol Ml ir ir7 1 , -7 iii 'l l l , ll'okblltrir' l il 1 ' L 'lli i j ''i 1. i9,il'p I l [11,,' , 4 " ! I li IN, il i N I,lll'l l l lll ' '.. , " 1 , 'l' 'i l l".4l.jilisl1 1; I ;,1 ilkA )1;11,1141,1 ALLEGHENY CITY DR. FAHRNEY'S NIMMIMM= J 11 ES T 1311 ft = ~.d'r~'"". !.~ 1.'..J IMIER (.( )-( >PIA: \TIVI.', A \ ijt ;:ALL* pr.\ N .\ NI) .1 - , 1'1.1. , ,N1)1,i) ERMS, A -•••• ,r 1 went "I \I AN II ••.\ 11(11)N1:•,:gAL`" I:.\ ~. ISE.\ \ El: 11.1:1.1 MAN J )1 ES R. REED d CO., MEE= ,; Mouaq MOXpilisTzati . NATHAN 1110110ANOTIRN MORGANSTERN & CO. iMPOWDDIi MID J,Dalretto TN •,‘ TRIMMINQSI rANCY qOODp, NoTioNs. Foreign & Domestic Hosiery WHITE GOODS, &C. 78 and HO Market Street prIO :ini 1 PITNBULIGH, PA SHARP & HOFFMAN, ROCHESTER, PENN'A., GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE. STONEWARE, WOODENWARE, Hardware, WINDOW-GLASS, NAILS,CUTLERY; W NIPS, LAMPS, NOTIONS, SALT, FISH, FLOUR, GRAIN, Mill - Feed, Oil - Meal, Lard Oil, SHOT, CAPS, LEAD, FLTSE, Rifle and Blasting Powder, (Wha!male and lietath) Chimney-Tops and Drainage Pipes; WHITE LEAD & LINSEED OIL; Dryer, ,Turpentine, Cblors dry & in Oil; PAINT BRUSHES OF ALL !MI rm. Averill Chemical Paint I,lr. NVIVITI.. tr I. COLORS %NI) SII kl)Ks, a 1 .14 1 1,1 31. V 11113111 y (03'1, it) 111 0114111 till Itv 11%, I.911!"1) kci44. THE AVERILL PAINT 1144 tf Vi.ll 1111 boll 11410 I SlilisfaCl on tor uruit year' in 311 ~ .I.4llttil+ ttt the e.ttiiitry, and has I),•ti iu Li "it' In this wicluiLy ahout, the p.m.:, to lot., the (,)1 4 vr• absolithdy lit.rz.t and ('l eapest! Plow no-N elleet tt %% ilry IL liaNa kiln" ,tirlai, n I .r pmt-1 tdT 14t list and 2.1) . ‘ itu - r.“.11 a-kin_ bur the All 11eavt ifa,..aal, deli vered I ree ad Ilatrue to It•at-.l4,ter mad tu t ,oily 111.11tI" ati 110IFFM IN, (.iii I I:()( 11F•-11 It PA Wall Paper! Wall Paper! $500.000 tisll4wd Satin paper. II ILe al”..011,111rIlt of 1 ulld Stamped Gobi I'ttio r. ever opened in the city. Inning It.wxn Paper I'lain Ar. Paneled. Chamber and Kitchen Paper. all new lu Design . The large.t and eheayeet Wall Paper Liou,Ke In the We.t DE ZOUCHE & CO. lir, Woo/ St_ Pittsburgh. I.l , wral ItahY lo Dex [aprlo-3ut Notion Millinery House JOS. HORNE & CO., 74, 77. and 79 Market Street, Pl7'7'Blll'lolll, prepared to Petition to the trade the I , trvttet Stketloo to I.e had. Eats t or Wert. In Hosiery, Gloves, Embroideries, Laces, Lave Goods, While liond.q, Hoop .`/:irls, (besets, Gents' Furnbilling (;oods, Mar Goods, I Ird ' Nets, Notisms, am! .'m a ll Ifitrex USE Co., Pa, to We al low D F. l'uS FN, 1 0 N . rk: At:F.:NI OEM - juks--sLielia 4 Carpenter:e Bapplies thnstantly Kept Every matint r of ..11 1 0p-Work m a d, to order. oett ly LOOK HERE . L ING AND SUMMED GOODS. —The,tl beg. have In Inform 111.. criZUILIe awl the puh;ic cenerttlfy that he ha* juot received ■ Dew .tuft ul guile ed the latiaLt ' , tyke fez Spriug and Su miner is ear which he faurn at tery Motirrat (iENTI.R-111iNs. FURNISHING (1/00/1:'. 4 . CONSTANTLI UN HAND Clothit: !wide to order on the ehorte r t notice. Timuktul to the public for pan (Avon., I hope by close •ttention to burinerr to merit a couttua inc. at the fame. DANIEL MILLER. B7:!PAG ..T., BRIIHIEW A TER, RI umr '.24 tf Black and Gold Front, GEORGE W. BIGGS No. 150 SIUITHPIELD ST. FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Optical and l'ancy Goode, tic. .P.ITTSBUIZGII, Pd. FINE WATCH REPAIIIING. Please cut this advertisement out and bring it with you. jel4ly EWE IVEAII.I;;Itti4 IN WE HAVE THE Mixed ready for 1141 11',1 I'd ienuieee, THE LEA lIINU 103111118%1ONELLs . OFTICL, JUDO "zz, XECUTOR'S NOI ICE.—Letters t► .1.1.1 on the estate of Ferdinand Anterd late of Franklin townsrdp. Deaverrop been granted to the undereltrned, all '• drbted to said estate are requested make pay.ntetit; and all persons ILVI azaltist the same are requested to pti duly authenticated, for settlement. Ltd IS GALLAGHER. .•. ENGLEHARD AUI'EN REIT% Attnainhatration NI lETTER!: of Adnanlortratlon on ti . • Hugh B. Andersou, lotto of Ihol Beaver, deceased, hating been grunted derotlfned. al) perorate indebted to etai, rtlueered to make prompt payment• has lug claim. , or demand. ttgalnett make them known to the undereleur delay. THANKFUL A. ANIS& Joblaw, .Idlewtixtralrat, AT, svr to , Foundry it, Repaie, liailm; been Enznged in the Foam tor Mole than thirty y rare, —during:9 have accumulated a varlet,' of usenlin rider canedirnrtlng models and 1a9194 for Improvements on COOKING - ST(.*, —and after having therein:loY UM provements, I feel warranted in da . the public. 1: 3 L C> 1101 tr, The GREAT WESTERN rh perlor for this Loejrn •. STOV tltovet. of Ilitlereut Style" for !lentil" l i bc Great Republic Cooir on Band Four doors above Sixth Ave lUmm)us. Chas. j 3., thirst s- NSITR.A.NCE AND General Agency Office, NEAR THE DEPOT , ROCHESTER, PENNA. Notary Piddle mad Conveys/Jr-en FIRE, LIFE, and ACcIDENT INSUR ANCE; "Anchor" and "National" Lines of Ocean Steamers ; " Adams " and "Un ion" Express Agent. All kinds of Insurance at fair rates and liberal tei ins. Real Estate bought and sold. Deeds, 31ortgage% Articles, itc., written; Depositions and Acknowledge ments taken, &c., &c. Owls 'anti !dopey forwarded to all parts of tho United States and Canada. Passengers booked to and from England, I reland, Scotland, Franca and Germany. ,ETNA FIRE INS. CO., Ot Hartford, Coon., Cash assetts " ity their fruits ye know them." Losses paid to Jan. 1, 1871....528,000,0 0 0 One at the oldest and wealthiest Compa nies In the world. NIAGARA Insurance Co., Of New York. Casb ussetts, ANDES FIRE INS. CO., OfCiucinnati 3 OhhL Cash assCt L 4,. $14.00A0 ENTERPRISE INS. CO., Of Philadelphia. Ca. 411 ever LA CASTER Fire I►tx. Co. lf Luu<:utt•r, C:t.-+I u.s..sel ALPS INSURANCE CO., Of Erie, Penns 31.1 eatpilal HOME LIFE INN. CO, N(•%v Vurk Cash Truceterm' Life & Accident Insurance Co., or Ihrtli.rd, Conn. (7:4vh at' -I tM V. Ilepresenting th • shove !Ind clue lu.nreince COMpullies.aeLnoveleddell to be tonorueot the and bend reilalde in the world, and repreaeultug a roe each capital of nearly $16.000.01,011.. lam en abled to take fueurance to any amount dmured. Ap , plicationa promptly attended o. and Podded written a 11E14011 dela.), and at tel rate: and term+ , Lo.nre.... agjurted and pro:l4lY aid. INISCRE D'a I By one day'a delay you may The -avimze or yeare. Lh-la)• are dart :roue. and lite uncertain, therefore, taper', to " O'n• to-day, i‘ worth two to-morrowe,'" 4,4uality also. I. of The Ottie.t importance. The low priced. worthlto• article. alway• proeca the deare,t. The above romp/dd.-A are known to be amonq , d Ine beet and bealtbte.t lu the world.-- • Am ye sow that you reap. - Grateful for the - very liberal pat..onaze already bestowed, I hope - by a strict aitentlUll to a legit imate busjues, not tout; to merit a COlklitille4lCAC of the saute, but a lame increase the present year. Ur. STE A. CItAIGIa du/y.authortzed take applications for Insurance and rarely • the premium for the same tOWIDSiIipS Cl/ it•S. U. 111;11141'. Near Depot. Rochester, Vu. je I ly VI/M1.1.12d MILLER, lACU 11 TRA Y. PLANING MILL. MILLER & TRAX, Manufacturers and Dealers in Dressed Lumber, SASH, DOMIS,SfiL'TTERS, FLOORING, Itut . I.DING:4, &c• Scroll sawing und Turning DONE To ORDER, ORDERS BY MAIL RESPECTFUL\ SOLICITEI►. AND PRoMPTLY ATTENDED Tu. 31111 Opposite the Railroad .Val ROCHESTER, PENN'A. attril 19'71, ly Suellen burg r Spay.•. Beier eligaZed in making up a large atur...l; of Spring Clothing. they (afoulyeti me .hat they had nu time to attend to adfl•rtl.ln;;. Eu. L E E 1 ;13 LIME! LIME! LIME! I, I ItOM and after AWI first. we will h.• prepared to iftrf.l.h eu.t.iinerr with frerli hurait Liwe of be.t qualify at Power.' Klin.. Vanport. tuar2o.ll] • HOLM ES di GILIE If . ittailical and New Brighton Prer. copy I J. B. SNEAD I Ica 71f1W in operation a new SAW AND PLANING MILL IN FREEDOM, PA., Having the late s t improved machinery for the manufacture of FLOORING. SIDING, L A TH, &C. and is now preparexl to attend to the building and repatringpf Steamboats, Bow, Flats, &c., Keeping constantly on hand a superior quality of Lumber. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. All orders promptly executed. faug3-ly MIDWAYS 0 3 '4'o a DERYMAN HIS OWNPHYSICIAM CAUTION. T HE Imm,enfte dement for 11(41.0W A PILLS and OiNniluSa.has ternwd eipted parties to tounterf,,,t these aluatite tne , ll tines. have !.sued a new .*Tintto Mark. - con.ntunr 14 an Et i u n p ° t r ia d : tc' circle ofof a serpent, P n u1 : 11 : the centre. Every box of geoull. PILL.. and Olt Tatayl . wilt have this trade mark It none are genuine attbont IL N. Y. COEXICaL Co.. Sole Proprie!,.. nu :2x727 Malden Lane. New w: 013-C,lO, URCE $6,000,000 31,500,000 $60J,000 $210,001) THROA In tile wonderful medicine to whirl:taw atnirt,,l are Mi.,: pointed P•r relief, the di.roserer ii , nr ,4 he bar , conibslnetl in harmony m.o. of Na tare • lao•L p.otereivi curative properties , t, o. I ha , II k I tied into the vet:l43l,le k int:than Iy... ‘ hoz the •te k, than Were t.Ver before r0n0,.... In one nt.,ltrine The evidence of this fact • ("awl the _r•-at variety of must obstinate d ease. vv nn hlt 11+1.3 been A.141111t 40 Conquer IT, Ciir, of Ilronclaitla, Severe Cough., to, I nee earl)) :t•• of Couvumpflou-, it ',/,- •• , t.../i..bret time rued Ica! f,,,cuity, and eminent pb... •fraan• pron.titt• e it I to greatest medical dirtier rf of t!,•• q—. Whine it rare. the severest Cong'b. It stn.., queos the sy•tein and parities the blond. It, treat at I lio.troulzh blood purl, ...rt ie.. it cur. all Humors, front ro tutu 1,, a r"flinval Biotic in, PI M. E rut (1110 n. Ni..rcu Hal dires-e. M • r i' • -.11, .14 t•;1%.-, are entitlCalall n• et, 1i a. 1,1 a a. ,otstitlo • I ry p• Ina, Fin It litlitott an, Fe i r •• • Nraii or 1/Lotigla sk its, 32-W,llOO s3,sls),(xxi .1 40:1...•+ ran 4.• 0 ! r)1.1 pOW.• rrr: p0r2f.,.1, =ME I ,54 N),i)00 • t (I II t • ii''' I .1 ( I=l Evert e:ii t y 0ft111. 4 alit.11);1' t 1411101 I , 4111 e 1, , ) can a).istire 011 r o'll kept billy it t.. it , .. L i. find it is the only 1..1 ed prep:trillion tin- 1i• 1 7 ..t.'4E1) 11. ui t.) its . makitet it s.,tt, 111 , tr -. ...el • The scalp, by its use. • •111.1 clean. It IVIIIOVCS :111 t: uI I • • :tll.l .(:111 ruff; and, by it, :t...). i:.• 1•11 pr . )", ents the linir ti•mit a s it stimillate, BY its !Ise, the 11:1 thic i .o.t - -1:%.114 , 1•r. Iu 11.t'.1110 , , It re , tot the e.ipillar 1.111.1- (1 1 I •\to ni 1 :i•rv. •it 11 11{ I)ILE.,•,ING 1•1 ;cW42I k • • !I sill k -‘ `• pury.:•ll.: tor .1, • . ••, ..1• 1 ~.)11, i .icr tht• Et -I • • • ”i 4 ['rug!, 41., nd Buckingham's Dy 2 FUR THE WHISKERS • i:ctic‘k er t ,, 4) t•.I rt•. I I t. It t :1 c‘o:or • 11 lit iii l)i FUT 1 fiinur,miuretl by R. P. HALL, & NfAsIIVA.. N.H _ .1-i, Cherry Pee to For Diseases of the e,n 1 such as Coughs, C 01,1,. Wu • Gough, Itr , , , munt:N. et,Lo and Uutisuieloautt. th..-1 CO 14 • a/I da.-.4.". 1•“:1'•1 ti. :".Itre do! - ' ! la•r"ti.l •:p• kill:A..l'oU ,, :tiler! 1.. n. 'la' I yl,l I p. .• 1-• • 111011, t ~•, were 1.1t,y ••.• A, a , Unnl7ll- ly f11:IV rt. V G ar the to! 0111.11. 11 , 1111111111rn‘i t• , bt• voitliolt!.. I. l i , • • • viticei rho •••••!..1. - • ,1 I iceop it • 4),1 1111(1.1 Ts_ I i.•' and 1.110,/errl . lVt••l:4lt It'k l'it •••• , • while!! .tro t.l-11, 1,1 t .n incur:tide, and t••• • •• o `s , • •r • ' _111 , ,j , .!. ,' • , • Ito ottliont It.. ''" 'Stork • 111.1 (...11;••••1 of 1.1 i• 111,111.1:1 1,1 e;I.r, in ; • • :L 111 104 truoi io• ••:tv•• I to the have un , l ;rite. ~11 • ft :wt. •!..•••lily •11,1, 44.1111.1 91tfl . - „•• will •ottrtir trtitibir-otlo• Itifitteo.t.t tol 11irouchiUx . %Olen tier is • tit , s• r 11, , 21i1.111y prrrillet , " •llrce--411101,•1111Cal I ,••ri,„ti,„,. , • ~••••.1 'll,Oll Et• 1" ink 11/1 ril.• capahle t,I Or. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell Mace Practical rind A nal ytical Ch ru. iAt SOLD BY -iLL DP.Ulit)l6"l3 EVELYWII 1:1:1 0ct.4.1r rerillaDkn, Pilt licadit, Cat dr, Pottrt,. o • PAO, exectuetd a dais otOce. g ALT., I to, t I. ft- • • y, 11 , .L •• r I • - o , •trrit . f ' 'I 'rpial Livrr • •• ‘. r I, , , 1. ALL'S Mal RENEWER Prt..•o One Dollar I I it/ 1 EDI I. I I / • n , l ..111 • Ct di% Ayers MEE MOM . 1 , I= =1 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers