DEILYNGED BY FRIGHT. A Romantic Lour. CrossiV on a Steamer from Liverpool, Leaps Out in /ifidocean. The New YOrk Herald says: A remarkable case of selklestrtxtion on the seas has beep reported. Itappears that among the steerage passengers on board the steamship. Atlantic, 2leaving Liverpool on AprlllB, a par ty consisting of a young girl named Linsley,accompanied by,ber brother' and her lover, by the name of Me - Kay, were "messing"' together on their way to the West. afeJiay was an Irishman, about twenty-six years of age, and by trade a baker. He had the reputation of being a nice, honest, quiet fellow, and strictly temperate. He wasof a cheerful ais °position , and - when he eanteon board' was in extra good spirits. Happy, Oobably,in contemplating the pleas ant prospect of being together on a voyage across the mighty deep with her with whom he was subsequently to hake joined his fortunes, and for the jeganey through life. McKay soon niule the acquaintance of his fellow-craftsmen, the ship's bakers, and as they were Tither busy he vol unteered his one day, and went into the cook room . to assist. Everything went on righttill Satur day, when- there was considerable sea on. Every time a big wave caus ed the ship to heave it little more than usual—though, considering all things, she behaved In a steady wan ner, so much so that the motion was scarcely perceptable in the saloon,the aft and forward parts of course had more motion some of the cooks and bakers would say in a joking man ner. "THERE THE GOEs," or words to that effect. This fright ened McKay and made him very uneasy. Towards evening he Spoke to Mir: Linsley, the brother of the young woman he was engaged to, and asked him if he thought there was any danger. Linsley told him there was not the slightest, and after a while succeeded in removing his fears and got him to bed. He slept Well during the night, and when he awoke in the .morning ap'peared all right,. and laughed heartily at his fears expressed the day Is-fore.. All day Sunday there was a strong nort it easte wityl and a high sea. but still no danger. In the afternoon, however, McKay beeatne frightened • again, and asked several persons it the ship was goitig down. They all endeavored to dispel his fears by as suring him there was no danger whatever, but still he became more frightened and nervous. At about half-past six 1w went into the eook room and eommeneisl assisting one of the inen. After sitting there near ly an hour, during which time he re maite perfectly mute, he suddenly leaped to his feet and said, "can I go out?" , "Can you go out? Why, of course you can go nut," replied one of the bakers. Immediately after this he arose, walked on deck to the side of the ship; put his hand on the rail, anti, with out saving a word, LEAPED INTO THE WiTi:lt He was never seen or heard again. Now comes the strangest part of the story. Although three men saw him jump over, not one of them a t tempt el I to rescue him or give the old alarm of "A man overboard.'' Nor dal they give any other alarm until ten minutes afterward, when 'sae of them, in a quiet characteristic man ner, informed one of the'oftleers that anme little time previous a man had jumped overboard. ThIS was so con tntry-to the way In which seamen usually act on occasions such as this, that the officer was inclined to be lieve that he was trying to decieve him, and after he had spoken to the other two men who saw McKay's last leap, he was more in doubt than before, and did not credit the story till he looked over the list the next morning and found one missing. The cabin passengers also shared the officer's doubts, and many would scarcely believe it when-officially re ported the next morning, so remark iible did it seem that a man should, witlmat cause or explanation jump from a steamer In mid ocean, *hen ‘lll-act must result in death. Mr. Lindsay says McKay never drank; that he had no troubles of any kind that would be apt to affect bis mind, and that none of his (ami ty that he was aware of , had been in mine. There is po doubt that the heat of the cook room,where he had been elected to spend a portion of his time combined with slight sea sickne.s and his fears that the ship would never reach land, worked unfavor ably on his mind, causing tempora ry insanity. Perhaps, after all, the unhappy young creature who was so sumntar= by deprived of her affianced husband was more thought of than the loss of the man. Being greatly affected hi; Sea sickneSs, the news of her lover's untimely end wa.swithheki trona her a hung as p(Olitbte. At length her brother Wormed her of the slid eir quit.stalac and then a heartrending scene occurred She cShe 14110 and stag gA•red toward the hatchway, begging torn to allow her to go up, hut find ing that he would not. gat, RAVED AND \VEPT, threw herself down on the floor cov ertsi with sawdust, and evinced an unusual degree of mental agony. At one time she vowed her lot should be cast with McF.ay's, even in death; In another moment she upbraided the wid-hearteo men who had per t . . initted him to become a prey to the waves without even an attempt at 11:-.4CUE or alarm. ,Rae presegged a infect melancholy a ppearance, and re fused to be comforted,. The uttmetil .oc,,rrcw was expres.. - sed for him hy all bide passengers on boa rd.asat a sense of indignation pervede4 the company owing to the utter-Feek!essuesN of the seamen who stiw Ow man fall into ilte water and failed to report it in accordance with the ordinary rules 9n sbiphoard. The Phillipsburg Journal re cords an act of heroism not common in the days, On the 9th instant a Tittle child was seated upon the T. ik C. Railroad track near Enterprise. unconsciously playing with pebble.% between the ties, when an upward bound freight rounded a curve close , upon the child, which did not realize , its danger, and contintrzd its play in the face of a horrible death. The cia gineer Tunded his whistle, ho no effect; the train was too iaaidart the infant to be_stopped before reaching It, and its death seetßed inevitable. A mome;tt moral , 4latt thti )augbing huaocent would he a crushed and mangled mass of taimlinate clay! .hohn Farlaatikthe conductor com pretteoed the fearful situatifan, and with *heroic disregard of his own life risked it by running over the en gine and down upon the pilot, where be clung with one hand and reached forward with the other to save the child. The moment came and with a Quick motion he clutched the babe and threw it from the path of the locomotive safe but bruised. Its weight had been more than he ex pected, and taxed his strength to such a degree that he almost lost his hold on the pilot. He who saves one life at the risk of his own Is more no ble than he who risks the lives of ten thousand to slay a thousand. Like a Coffee 31111. All machines, of whatever kind, are more or less 'valuable, according to the simplicity of , their construc tion and the improbability of their becoming out of order. This is par-: Ocularly the case with sewing ma chines. The universal verdict is; that the Singer Machine is the simp lest andEnost easily run of any of the various machines offered for wile. A lady the other day very tersely and appropriately referred to this fact. She said that any woman who could not Work a Singer Machine would not - be able tows a coffee intl. The Singer can be seen and exaffined at Straw ft Morton's, No. 24 Sixth street, Pittsburgh. THE SWAMP ANGELS. Assassination of Captain_ Mahar' by the Locals a - --Steve LincerY - and Andrto Strony. on the pretence of Surrendering to the Authoritier , my the aiptain into the Mod: ana Riddle his Body with - 8 u r t4A44. * A Wilmington. N. C.._correspopd ent of the New York Herald writes of date May ad: Tho "Swamp An gels" have been again at their bloody work. rhos° bends incarnate have a dd e d yet another to their list of atrocious, cowardly and hellish crime.; by the murder of Captain M. Wishart. of Shoe Heel. Robeson county, yesterday, who. though the victim of vilest treachery, led per haps too far by his courageous spirit, died a brave man in the effort to ben efit his fellow men. • THE ENCI3UNTER ON TILE TRAIN. The facts attending the murder of Captain Vishart are substantially as follows : It seems that one day last week Stephen Lowery and Andrew Strung bearded the freight train on the Wilmington,Charlotte and Ruth erford Itailruad, near Shoe Heel, Qtptain Wishart being on the train at the time. They persiSted in ap proaching him, until he finally con sented to a conference with them. The conversation was long, and ap parently important, the outlaws fi nally taking their departure. An drew Strong was heard to remark on leaving "WHEN WE SF.NH FOR YOU, YOU COME." In Shoe Heel, subsequent to this interview, Wishart divulged the fact that the subject of the conference was a proposition on the part of the out? lar - s to surrender themselves to him, on condition that he would intercede and procure their pardon, and that they would then depart the country. Thinking that perhaps he enuld, af ter all. benefit thecountry by caus ing the outlaws to leave in some manner, he seemed determined to hold another interview with then► on receipt of a notice of the time and place. CAPCAINT WEIMAR:I' KEEPS THE AP- POI NT*ErT. As hail been previously determin ed, the notification\ was received, and the appointment fixed for Thurs day last, hut Wishart's husines.s en eagements op, such as to colonel its p‘rnponement until the Thum day following. At the , ippointed tune this fearless man: alone and tmartnett as I learn, took hi: way to he place of meeting, a spot on the road about three-quarters Of a mile' from a place called Lelxition Church, between Shoe Heel and 11441 (tank, and distance some four or Ove miles from each of these points— BUT lIE NEVER RETURNED AIJVI lie was either enwardlymurdered from ambush or basely shot down while in the conference to which he was betrayed. Between twelve and one o'clock of that day two or thri.e negroes, working in the wool& near the scene of the murder, lward four distinct reports of firearms. About four o'clock the came afternoon, Mr. Win. Sellars, while riding near this point, found the bogy of Captain WiShart lying in the toad and coni pletely itiUI)C.EI) WIT' BCCK.SIIOT lie was shot through the mid • and shoulders, and also in the head, one or two shots passing entirely through the brain. His death must have been instantaneous. Thataet was re ported. and a party of grief stricken friends and neighbors secured his body and conveyed it to his home at Shoe I teel. Wit WAR MURDERED Captain IVishart was une of the: most intrepid and courageous of those , who undertook ineasum to rid the: muntry of the oUtlaWa. 136 efforts, in hunting them were persistent and , vigorous; he exerted himself ailed ardently to either capture or kWI . them for months and months. and: wits regarded by them as their most; dreaded foe. When the State author+; it ies eommeneed war on the Lowerys. Captain Wishart was appointed to that command of one of the wgiment4. then authorized to be raid. He leaves a wife and three childreti in Shoe Heel. The place oft-he murtlow was neat' the scene of the killingoot young Da‘. , ; 14 by the outlaws sow& months sinee4 E;tephen I.owery>aaclAl l ulrew Strou p are supposed to kave shone the tleerfi Tom Lowery helm: seen elsewhere at the time, Ibemaratetion of Antioch. The filltowing sketch of the mu* priwerfut tity of Antioch, destroyeil by thy recent earthquake, will 14. raid with interest : Aatiuch is a city ofSvTia,situated the northern part of that country, ' miles west of Aleppo, on the left Nut; of the'river Orontes, about 21E - milsis above its mouth. The city is in hit- St' .north and !'6' east longitude; popo - ttion is estimated at about Ill,llooacql the city is surrounded by au itheierA wall of from 2t) to 70 feet lit heigl4. This wall incloses an area et unevtpt ground several miles tu eirctinfel ence, much of which is oow taken Ali by gardens. The houses are hutit mostly of slight or fragile materiaks, and differ widets from those of othi-r Oriental cities in having sloping fie stead of fiat roofs. It has about a , dozen toosows, but in this singu(ar town, where the designation ",:kof Chrisiteas was first.given to the fol lowers, 64 Jesus Christ, and wh(Crt , rsull.preakhed so many famous 4.r -a:ions. there is At present not a sinitie Christian church. Bath and trazitars of theeastern type are very nuntamr otte, and there are manufact orief , i of coarse pottery, cotton stuffs. and leatherl but theca/lure of silk is the chief branch of industry. About ju,- 000.000 drachms of silk were Llav ;an nual average protium of silk in Me district in 1850, 1851, and IS The annual export of this grass atmgtun was about 7,000 .)ms) draassa„, ehip r ily to France. The citAleik exports : ?ire goats' wool, yellow. and malt ed eels. The citatim i lls;; ruined wine duct, bridges, anti a portion of pvve ment are ate sole remaining veltfets of acient asss.cylitirence. Antioch vas enabelliAtsita4idi filtrated by Sela - cus N ichti.rn hetirre Christ „land t how& ix sik.tlesed severly by „succes sive earl kattlakes, •it maintained its , ituportatwe until captured by the ismagerit In A. I). 635. lb( ancient pptaklation Auring its most-flourish ing periolt-was estimated at 4110,000 Chcvsostom computed:- the population in his time at 11111,00 n, more than_ one-half of whom were Christians.. Antioch was the capital of a Chris tian principality from 10% , 4 to If..,Nitt, since which time it has steadily de oined. Some ruins about eight tniles southwestward, on the south honk of the Orontes, mark the site of the cel ebrated ancient grove of Daphne and temple of Apollo. •litere Ira a frog who lived to a awing. Lie caught inch a cold that he could not sitlg Poor, unfortunate Batrachian I He was in a very sad plight. And yet his misfortune was one that often befalls singers. Many a once tuneful voice among those who belong to the "genus home" Is utterly spoiled by "cold in the head," or on the lungs, or both combined. For the above mentioned "Ctiatker" we are net aware that any remedy was ever devise(); but we rejoice to know that all human singers may keep their heads clear and their throats in tune by a timely use of Dr.Sege's Ca tarrh Remedy, and Dr. Pierce's Gol den Medical Discovery," both of which are sold by druggists. 570. :kir HOLLOWAY'S PILLS.—In all crowded cities, Malaria and fogs are breathed aver and over again, till the strongest lungs are incapable of pro ducing pure blood, hence the slug gishness of mind and body, the wea riness and irritability of many per sons during this season of the year. These medicines neutralize these im purities, and give view to the head, heart and stomach:' 25 cents p er box or pot. 188 The litstiman Went. on& upon a time a genuine son of the .grnerald Isle accosted the cap tain ai esteamer running between Portland and Boston as follows: "Grind-mornin,' captain, Could ye Wafter tellin' me.what's the fare to Bosliten ?" "Three dollars.," answered the captain. "But suppose I wint outside?" that ease," said the captain" "youf'wo go for two dollars." This was undoubtedly beyond the extent of Pat's Worldly possession, so he setatehed his head and looked per plexed for a few momenta - , when a bright thought seemed to Strike him;. "lay, captain, dear, what would ye he after Lakin' a hundred and six !3t pound of freight for?" ...ieventy-five cents" replied the captiin. "li f ejabers, thin ve msr§ put me domitt, captain, for I'm jist the boy that:weighs that !" The captain turned to the clerk mylitg, "Put ou the freight list one hundred and sixty pounds of live Irishman and stow him in the hold." 116‘.. A well-known preacher, being tweli in the streets of New York in a Shaker garb was asked by a friend. "What in the world sent you into that tximmunity ?" The reply was, "Three good meals a tbly and plenty of Nkarin clothing are not to be sneez ed' at." • tiiP" The all-gone feeling which petjple sometime speak of, is mused by, want of proper action of the liv er And heart. These may be aasist ed; and the Immela regulated, by Parson's Purgative Pills in small iteirSanto Domingo is about to Bed an active champion in Mrs. Julia Ward Howe. This lady has all alt ng been friendly to the Baez scheme of replenishing the Domini MO coffers by selling the fair island t-: the United States fur a paid round sail. Now. Mrs. Howe, who is a lady of far Mole than it venigeability, 44 prepared it lecture eniorceing the nfm:essity of an i ttttt wiliate absorption of Santo Dowittgo by the United 1 Spites. the model Republic paying handsomely for the new acquisition. This discourse has been spoken on 4:41 in Boston, and, as lrmet the ap- Rrotration of the liub, theft& speak e? now threatens to precipitate it on tie country at large. As the Santo Lltill Ingo anllleXill ion seta like proved it most unpopular nit ,t usure.t wo years o,go, Mrs. Howe is doing her adroit' '(titration friends a 1,•..r . )' qui-stionabie .4..rvice ny agitating it anew at Ibis time. Further. Mrs. Howe has de %uted her great abilities to the cause Of the women's righters, and her de sertion at this time of that great and noisy cause fur a mere tropical island, (=Hut fail to meet the hearty atijui gutions of Mrs. K Cady Stanton and „Aliss Susan B. Anthony. • -- a ~!r Some months ago a citizen of New !jersey, while searching fur minerals in ;lie mountains of Warren county. Pa., M table(' into a woodchuck hole and fell ) the ground. He found around the L intuit of the bole what, upon invesithrei -11 ork, proved in Ire mien; sad having mo l d th e owner, purchases! the lot at a :4letititee. The deposit of units Is found lOki one solid mass, f.itirteen feet wide, in 1 t.s , n tin nous lavers, like rooting state, and lii dug out in large square blocks, which Iltiay be split into innumerable pieces. l ''The only other mica known to exist in * the United States is in North Carolina. Hardware, 11.1.%4'1`4 Foundry ct Repair Shop. Ilating been Enraged In the Foundry Ilasinee: for mote then Inlay year~,--durhoy whirr' time I have accumulated a variety of useful pauterne, be sides alastruntug model. and tatting out patent. fur ImprosCO.CUt. uo COOKING - STOVES -.Lod otter having thimtughly tested these Im lIROVCTOtII4, I foot werrauted to ofjertng them to t Ize p./ bile kA=" I—. Go 'VW" MO GREAT WESTERN boo uo Su perlor fur Mb' Loco/Mit. STOVES: Stove* of Different St) lee for I leafing and Coottog The Great Reidlic CooHu Stoic Ilbts the beet Record of •uy Stove ever offered In ttil, market IT TAKES L}>S FUEL LESS ROOM TO DO MORE WORK BEST BAKER, 77U RA Li LL A L TOG ETHER T II E BEST STOVE IN US I' In connection with the stove I have go up a Patent I.IX "IC F 1 NSION 'Tor. w hie„ "eciipies little ro4eii. no a dditt n a b i ; n l i not liable to ivear uut , ilispen vet+ w Ili all pipe, CIIII lA, put in of taken oil at 4,13- time, and made to atilt allatoves of an' biz.° ur paitCrVe. Five lixinclred ' Pvlrlitottos Who have purchased snd used the GRFITOUBLIC COOKING `STOVE Most of whose names have been publish es:l iv ile A nous, are confidently referred to, to bear N itness of its superior merits as a cooking stove. Revise three drat clam enrinee on hand. of aihont dfteen home powercapaetty, they see offered to the pubtle at reasonable rates. TORN I'UORSILET. ayrlftlf. Mis,vtlane 0.. • • O - c - - _ -. z ..,:: , ~......., z F.-. -.2. . ......;„ .., ......, °41141 : 11 :'-' 1-1) : ; , • lz - fr 4 0 ..... -• w n'r I •-: $C.'" • .. - litol. 2,a.,,' - filX, . 07 - - ~... • r.' !' - Go bt Ig all ii cio 'Hi - -T rj avi 2l F , = h i. 1 tg i :: :0 1 .: .p 1144 ..1 :t4 :_.;... i....... - i s 4 ..e. CZ to 7. .., It-e. ~. 7 . : 0 .... A , 7 .: 1 •:' 4; i - = .'' 0 2 Z, :.,_•.? 1 6 • ' O 4 ..., 0 , d , .1 7 2 ~.. • .... 10 4 C Z Y. CI -4T4 i IEI 4 ."4 co n a ~.., r C. z ;4 C.) C . •:: ::.= Of •••• • maw <.... ~. :•'--,,' V. •::: qv.;,-. ,i. Pawl - e- - _ . =...w, - fl 4 W-4 < ' = A 4; -, :... , Sll IATI.. 13A-SIKETS. 1 i TN E BEST BASK — ftS in the Market, FOR #ARMERS. GARDENERS GRO OEM AND FAMILY USE. BENI,i:: FOR DESCRIPTION LIST. I Add ifess-- 4 - iIANDAL SENT, iTr. I '' Star Bask et Works; Plttsbt7h, Pa. nprto3m Miscellaneous. Attractive Stock! JOSEPH M. Mc Quav'm Building, ad " AVe Studiously av Fancy Dry Goods : The Lateit Novelties in •FANCY DRY GOODS JAPANESE SILKS ' JAPANESE PLAIDS, JAPANESE LINEN FANCY POPLINS, BLACK SILKS, TRIMMING SILKS AND SATINS, DOLLY WARDEN PRINTS, WHITE GOODS, P. K'g, and Light Fanny SHAWLS & SCARFS; NEW SPRING SKIRTS. NEW WHITE SKIRTS; LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, DULLY VAR DEN sK It;P:-SJ Bustles. WE SHALL LADIES SUIINIEI: SUITS 1N WHITE EN, CROQUET, nod other New :‘Literi 40e. M. Iv °Cit: Nl:iv I Ani R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES TIM WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutcs. NOT ONE HOUR otter reldlil Mt advertisement need nay une SUFFER WITU PAIN. BADWATS READY ... 11Etly,t'_.13 A (TIM tWirerEUVTICIN. -- - It waa the erg and Is The Only Vain llemod That Instantly stops the mutt excruciating pass.. allays Inflammations, and cum Congeationc w tM LutigkStoutach, ltuvrela, or other glands or organ', by nos epppplloUuo. IN Pesoll ONE TO TWENTY EINCTEs. No matter bow violent or excruciating the pain the ItnEuMATlth lam, Crippled, Net sous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may •ufrer. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. ' /NFLAhISIA T/ON OF THE BLADDER. ENFLAISMATION OF THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HTSTERICS. CROUP._ DIPHTHERIA. CATARRH. INFLL'ENZA. HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA, ITILEUMATISIL COLD CHILLS. AOUE CHILLS. The applandlon of the Reads , Relief lotto, part or parts wtfbee the pain er dllllculty estate rid affonl cam and comfort. Twenty drops In half a tumbler of water will In a few momenta cure CRAMPS, SPASMS, SoCII STOMACH. HEARTBUILN,_ SICK HEADACHE, DIARRHEA. DYSENTERY'. COLIC. WIND IN THE DOWELS, sad all INTERNAL PAINS. Traveler, should alwayscarry a bottle of U nd wat's Ready fteDef with them. A few drupe In water will prevent mantes or poles from change of water. It Is better than French Brandy or paters a, a stimulant. FEVER. AND AGUE. FEVER rsbAsTruz;licTi I. not a remedial agent In tbls world that curs Fever and Ague, sod all other Malicious, Itllion', BeictekTyphoid,Yelbw, and other Peseta folded by RADWArg ?IL ,R ) _so quick os itAlmArs muDy arum , . Fifty cents per bottle. Sold by Drug lat. 'HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND FUME AICU nwon—m- CREASE OF FLESH AND WEB - MIT—CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION tsE• CURED Tq ALL. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT . MADETHE MOST ASTONISHING fi SO QUICK, SO RAPID ARE THE CHANG E.t THE BODY UNDERGOES. UNDER. Tilt: IN. MEDICINE. PLUENCE. OY Tills TRULY WoNDERFUL TRAT Every Day an Increase In Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIES. Evendime, of the SA ILSAPARILLIAN SOLVENTcommunimtes through the Blood, Sweat, tirhie„Aind other buirla nod loins of the syslmn the uric of We. fire It repairs the wastes of the body with new mNsourel material. Scmfols, Syphilis,. Con sorontioe, -Glandolur disease, Ulcers In the Throa, Mouth, Cf morn, Nodes to the GLlnda and other parts of the system. Sore Byes , Strumous Dleharges from the Earn, and the worst forms of Wu diem..., Eruptions. Fever Sores, Scald Held, lilng Worm, h i MI ,um Er/Opel:a, Acne, Bina Spots. Worms the Fink Tumors, Caneera In the Womb, and all weakeningsad painful dischareen, Night Sweats. Low of Sperm. and all wastes of the life principle, are within the curailve range of this wonder of Mod ern Cberithery. and a few dove' use will prove to soy parson warm It for either of these forms of disease as potent power to cure them. hot only does the SIZIAPAIIILLIAN Ittent.rxxx excel ail known remed la! scrota In the cure of l'hrri)e. Bemtuloos, Constitutional. and Skin distrallot.; but It Is th.) only positive cute for • Kidney dr Bladder Complaints, Unwary, and Womb Woomera, Gravel, loslures, Dropsy. Stoppage of Water, borer!acute of Urine. Bright's Mame-. Albandaarta, earths di eases w licro there are Weirdest deposits, or the water is thick. cloudy, edged with substances like We white of nu egg, or threads like white alit, or there is morbid, dark, Wilms appearance. and white borredust de pmits, and when there Ls a pricking, bowing sonsa. Con when passing water. and palu h the o the Rack and along the Lana. Fumes:a.. WOR 11111$. The only known awl mu 'Le su.l y far grorms—rus. Tape. etc. Tumor of 111 Nears', Grovvtla Cured by Radvvarts Resolvent. Ilsrusr.t. M.... July IS, Ix). It& WV AT `A laws bad 0.1,1121 TY.Of Is all vomit.. *Ad barrels. All tits [lreton old "arr. dos Ito help fur It.^ I tried ovary thing that - rocurturorodad • but aothlng ltolpod ft. low row Raudrded, tuul tbut: 4 ll ...W try It; but Sul so Wilt It, luaus I ILml tdolt• rod. 1 soul, dg bottleurd lb. Putolrest, ..d .. box of hadduer Pt W . rd two'bettlo• of pod Andy HOW; ud *Arm la sot • die of Woad to la mut or klt, spa I feel better, anarter, sad kappin Um. I boy,. for Irvin/ ys.. Th. dunr tumor arm 1s Or kit altbr of au bawds over ttur mist, 1 WILD thi. to you fur lb. beset' of adieu Yea wa radish It If you choose. ItAbIISILII P. ['LAPP. DR. R A DWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly Wireless, elegantly anted with sweet gum, Purify. Memo*. en ittremptlico. ritgraya YISI,. for the core of all disorder". of the Stomach, Laver, Bowels, Kidney', Bladder, Nervous ir = Bes4ache, Conatipatima. Castiveness. • immk. Drp...4. Biliousness, Bilious Perm inflammation o the Bowes. nee, and ell nerelteel ' trent& of We Internal V lean. Warranted to effect a posture cure. Purely Vegetable. containing zoo mer• tory, minerals, or deleterious drugs. gar Observe the latiosetug symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Dtgestive Organs: Cealtleatlea, horsed Me, of li. Moat L the third. Avidity of the StemK. Names. Nerstbere, el . Feat, Peilars to Weight La the Steam& Sees Inset*. thee, aklag ee Iteatertag at the Pit of tits Stomach, Swim ming of the Efail4 Honied wad Moult ftreafahar e Mato. las et the Mather orSedeeethof Sesestioes ohm la • Lyle' Pastan. Demme of Vbkr, Dots et Web before A. Meat, Yews and Dall Peat to the Me& Deffrievery of - Rireedrattea. Tellowene .1 the Sala awl Eye., Rea la the Ehha Chine, Lambe, awl sudden flash. of MSS, IN.WThir lo W Ile& ki few due of ItADWArS PILLS will free the system from all the above-named Alearrlera. Price, rs cents per boa. SOLI) DV DRTIGOISTS. BEAD ''VALSIC AND TBUK." Send one letter- Kamp to SAIJWAY * CO., No. 81 Balder' Lana, New- Tort. information egth thousand" will be sent you. A Word to You, Friend! FOR GOOD COFFES, FOR Go(f) SUGARS, FOlt Cfloll FLOUR :. . " •••• ..k. Foil GOOD ToBACCO P 0 It EVER 1"r II INO 000 D IN Grocery and 'Provision Line, AND AT PRICES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IE BEAVER on EI.sEWITERE. F 3. gwrrcrv-rt. .sc. co.'s. 3d Street, BEAVER, PA. sanuni-Iy 13A_NICING4101YEY1E. THOMAS M'CREERY de CO Twos. /IVCREEUIr t CiSaiar. J. D. ANGIEL, J. F. DHAVO, ........... J. U. lITHECIV Interest pald on time demons; Prompt attention given to collections. Also, Insurance Agents tot good sod reliable Compsitits. (twilit! James H. tai kin, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, CUTFLERY, PLATED WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, Japannesc and Plain Pine Ware, • Wrrn ErEttrrurNo NECESSARY FOR HOUSEKEEPERS. Call alukee our stock and learn our No. 611 k Se., (Late ST. Clair Sr.) PITTSBURGH, PA. novl-ly IE bit GOOD TEAS FOR GOOD SPICES Putt Goon FEED Fon GOOD CIGARS GO TO DEAL= IS Miscellaneous. New Spring Goods! CREERY Zie Co's Street. licattvia a*, Fitt oid Inferior Goods." Newlitillienery Goods: And NEW STRAW GOODS, Dolly Vorden HATS & BONNETS, Trinnued BATS & BONNETS, Untrimmed HATS & BONNETS; RIBBONS, all widths & colors; FLO WERS,aII the new shades; Buffing, ridtine. Tucking, & Embroidery, TOURIST PARASOLS; SUN UMBRELLAS GLOVES and NOTIONS CURTINS, oil CLOTHS. BAZAR ('UT PAPER PATTERNS. ALSO ..AJ:)7D CAMBRIC, White, LINEN, BUFF LIN s that mat• appear ;luring the Season ligcy & co)s ) Vinegar Bitters are not a vile Fancy Drink, made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please the taste, called Tonics," " Appetizers." " Restorers," &c., that lead the tippler on to drunk enness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the native roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the Great Blood Punller and a Life-giving Principle, a Per- fect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, car vying off all poisonous matter and restoring the bl o od to a healthy condition, enriching it, refreshing and invigorating both rund and body. They are easy of administration, prompt in their action, cer tain in their results, salt and reliable in all forms of disease. No Person can take these Bitters at , ' cording to directions, and remain long unwell, pro vided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poi son or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. • Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders. Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Daasiness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpi tation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other panne'. symptoms, are the offsprings of •Dys pepsia In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its menu than a It ngthy advertisement. For Female Complaints, to young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitten display so de cided an influence that a marked improvement is Loon perceptible. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism and Gout, Dyspepsia cir Indiges• lion. Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Orghns. They are a Gentle Purgative as well as a Tonle, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a priertisl agent in relieving Congestion or Inflinsmation of the Liver and Visceral Organs. and in Bilious Diseases. . _ For Skin Diseases. Eruptioeis,Tetter,Ealt- Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, king-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurf,, Discoloration' of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or datum, are fiterallydu— and carried out . of the system in a short time ' by the use of these Hitters. One bottle in such cases is ill convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impunues bursting through the skirt in Pimples, Eirurnirms, or Sores ; cleanse it when I find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul : your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. tiraterni thousands V I PIRGAII BITTERS the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. Pin, Tape, and *Shelf Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a distinguished phy siologist There is scarcely an individual upon the face of the C 2,11) whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healthy ele ments of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters cf disease. No system orfftedi eine, no yerinifuges, no anthelminitics. will (Mit the system from worms like these Bitters. Mechanical Dlaeacea. Persons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, 'Type setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, will be subject to paralysis ci the Rowels. To guard against this take a dose of \‘'st.EEE•s VINEGAR BITTERS once or twice a weeL, as a Pre ventive. Bilious, Remittent, and Intermit tent Fevers, which are S. prevalent in the val leys of our peat rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee. Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande. pearl, Ala. balm, Mobile, Savannah, Rnannke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during' seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably acrompamed by exten sive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera, In their treatment, a pur gative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, Is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da. J WAL KER'S VINEGAR LITTLE,. :IS they nil/ speedily re move the dark-colored social matter with which the bowels are Inaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Scrofula, or lEinsrs Evil, White Swell ings, Ulcers, E r y si pel a s, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes. etc , etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, WA I NEU'S V I NEGA 141 - Trigs have shown their great curative powers .he most obstinate and intractable case-s -pas Walker's California Vinegar Bitters act on all these cases in a similar manner. By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the eh:Vs of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the affected parts receive health, and a permanent cure is effected. The properties of DR. WALKESt'S VINE. GAR LITTERS are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Car• minative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti- The Aperient and mild Laxative properties 'Anil. WALKER'S ViNeGAR BITTERS are the best safe-guard in all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and soothing prop. males protect the humors of the fames- Their Se dative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach,,and bowels, either from inflammation, wind, coc, cramps, etc. Their Counter-Irritant influence extends throughout die system. Their properftes stimulate the liver, in the secretion of bile, lid its discharges tidough the tasty ducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, fur the cure of Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc. Fortify flue body against disease by purifying all ifs finicts with VINEGAR BITTERS. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus kreartned. Directions.—Take of the Bitters tm . going to bed at wait from a half to one 'and one-half wine glassful Eat p,oipd nourishing food, such as beef steak, mutton chop; venison, roast beef, and rev. tables, and take outdoor exercise. They are mas t:weed d funky vtgetab/a ingredients, sad contain so spirit_ J._ WALKER, Prop'r. • U. U. IILeDCINALD & CO.. Doggish and Gas. Agts.. San Francisca, Cal., rod not. of Washington and Charlton Sts., New Yor. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS & DEALERS sprn;ly—to chz-,JIIO ROCHESTER SAVINGS BANK. 301 U V .111 . 130NAIX , W. J. PPETERRU, OW. C. SPI.TIMIGR, U. J. errytnee,Guter INIPEtEILEB, ar, IIIeDONALD Deal. to ex !ulnae, Cots, Government tivairt tint. Make CatieCtiul3 on ad accessible points In the United State and tkuoida, receives money on 'deposit subject to check, and tecelven time. depoiv ha from our dol'ar and upward. and allows Inter. est at I per rent. Dy•)ews and rules funneled free by applytte; at the bank. bulk open daily from 8, a. m.. till 4. p. in., and on Saturday even ing from Gto S o'clock. We refer by permtsslor GO L. H. OArztAri & Co, Hos. J. S. REITApr, &Lace. Rxrry & CO, oun & Coorzet, 8. J. Cum, a Co. • Wm. Kmigor, 8111.DEU & WAC3CB, B. S. RANur.s, A. C. Huss?, 8. H. Wit....ox, bovl6ll-Iy.cbd je Mistral. R. Jouveiroat W ILLIIIII G. JOH:CIRO?' ittabllsheltyllicltham&Joliztoll l M William G. Johnston & Co., PRINTERS, !STATIONERS And Blank Book Makers, 57 and 59 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PENAP.t. my94-ly & Ces Advertisements The Best Paper! Try It! The Sctenliac American!' the the cheapest any best illustrated weekly paper publiebed. Every number conteins tram 10 to 15 original engravings of new machinery, novel inventions, Bridge". En. elneering works, Architecture, Improved Farm battlements, and every new discovery In Chemis- try. A year's numbers contain WI pages and see end hundred engravings. Thoussmds of volumes are preserved for binning and reference. The practical receipt' are well worth ten times the subscription price. Terms, $3.00 a year by mail. Specimens sent free. May be had of all News Dealers. PATENTS obtained on the beat terms. Models of new inventions and sketches examined, and aovice free. All patents are published in the Sci entific American the week they tune. Send for Pamphlet, 110 pages, containing laws and full dl. teething for obtaining Patent.. Address for Paper,or concerning patent., MUNI' & CO., 37 Park How, N. If. Brenda °Mee, cor F. and tth Ste , Washington, B. •:. mayrklis. GIVEN TO •NT 11001: AOLNIT, A $5.00 GREENBACH \ HOSIERY, The Great Industries CARPETS, DP TUE UNITED •TETE7I, 1,3041 PAGE .S ANI) 500 ENGRAVINGS. Printed in English and German. WI *0 EMINENT Menton, INCLUDING Horace Greeley and John It. Gough. Agents Wanted in every town to solicit orders for this work, on liberal terms. It sells to all classes, and no library should be without it. It is a complete history of all branches of• coma of manufactures, etc. No like work ever before published. One scent sold 133 In R days, another 135 la one week, another 263 in two weeks. An early application will secure a choice in territory. Fall particulate and terms will be sent free, with a specimen of thla Great Work and a s3.tkl Greenback. J. LI BUM/ A 11YDE, flan• ford. Conn. imayB;4w BOOK AGENTS READ THIS. We want a first-clan agent In every town for Life and Times of James Flak, Jr. Giving a full and complete ,history of the life of this most remarkable man: Embracites., also Di.* graphical Sketches and Itirtrails of alias Mans. field, Stokes, Drew, Vanderbilt. Gould, Tweed lud others. MU pages, IS Illustr aloes. De I book out for agents. Send for circular sure to DOOM.; & McCOLLUM. Publloherr, Titusville ' Pa. ntyltql ' .. Poll Ey c lit h A , DE u l u l t l ti i t. P . lD!..L . ll , lttri e. ten Li c m ll p at i l , tl ., K ni t3 all particulars free S M. setvkitstc. Beattie bon,. Vermont. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. wo will send a handsome Prove: us of our New klustrated Aunity Bible. contaiulng over CA dus scripture Vonore lot.s to Roy book Agent, free ill chum, Address National Pub. Co. Phila. Pa. , , EAT CD A NCE FOR AGRNTri. D•. loot wan; apt uaeocliocal or trace!- ' ..V. Ioz, oOh no opportnuttV to make $I In . 4 1 1 3 413 y selltnl our neW 7 sirloin 111, . Ir ', ' II ire I ha 1..., !dots 1 They Laid forerer ; . sample free Send Ihr circular Address at once Ileilieui Ricer II ire Works, cur. ' Water to. not Maiden Lane S. Y., twain West Randolph stres , t. ehiC.34o. tlt:T (lie (ily etimedird boot of the kind pub lished. A $llOO saved 'early by all who posses It ,-,,,....., ...., - . can he mule by agents MUKE fVI 0N E ( ,t,',,,) ea'..... -7,=„flrryroz; Ereryilay Wards, con taloing go,t.uu deteipts in every Department of Human Mimi. than in any other possible way From aIS to SPI a week Insured It is for CVely L Housekeeper, Farmer, Trade and Profession For, the Sick. and Well. A reliable book of permanent vane to ever y wide-awake progressive person. It sells Itself. Extra teams. Address, F. M. REED. IV) higlith street, New V lOC. aprl7.4w Tlf BEE ll'A Its IN A .11.-1 S TIM P.' A companion to " 71" o Nitihts in a Bar-room, - by T. S. Arthur. (the moot (I ,, p2iAt of Allterimin All- Mors., is now ready. It is a slartllu expose of liquor mak;ng and selling. a recital 01 a three years life in a city dram shop. shows up the vile deceptions practiced hi bar rooms. and In the most powerled work 1/1 , 110 kind ever written. Will be eagerly read by thousands, and Is certain to have an immense sate. Apply- for an agency and do good as well its mak , 'Annoy to J. M. bTO ltil ART ,t i't), Publisher , Philad'n. STANDARD AMERICAN - - - - BEAVEII, PA RMIIMII/ME;I Everythiwz perlailielsuz to lOWY21( price. Murtratol Catalogue, ...hi by in,ll. if. W. c() I, LEN 1)1:It NEW YORK sw..ce"or t o mitrA.A N COLLEN DKR, TiN 11110 A 13W AY. Wells' — Carbolic Tablets, For froiszehf. Colds and tioanieuert. Tuoi,tr present the Acid iu Ijonibinatior. With other elticioad rrtu Uer, lan ikopulor form. for the Um , of ntl 77,ront nod I,nng Dlocumeo. findroteurxx and 1 . 1,,ra1i00 of the 771roai ato im Diediately r.dioved and 01341M:111 0 ore conetnotly boahw rent to the prtapriotor of relief In Callen 01 Throat difilcultieo of year.' 'tending. . . CAUTIONDon't be deceived lay,wortbleos im . nation. Gel only Welt.' Carbolic TahletA. Pore cent. per ima. Joan lt„. Lona, N Platt St ,N. T Send for circular. Sol. Agent for the U. S. apri:Ace I T FiCA44 EC TAR I Tif EA-NE(' l'A It. 7 . 7. • A I' re l'llinese Tea. - The beet Tea Importett. Warranted to suit all taste:. A- 1 -'441.1, 11 4: up In our I rade mark halt -,',mud and pound packages H arid rtt Pound loxes. Por ' bale at Wboleea4e only by tie t.rtat Allantie fiseigc74a tb 7 P. 0. Bel :KM, New York. 4.000 4grninor. t170.-t.4! 1... orir 0.11/ bl--;Th ;uFFALOI I - Alii Ity tt! . . r.. rasp. the noted Fleursrer tiu”st." A tu,e.t. accurate and l'aesinattuu dettcriptlttn nr the wi1,11,4" , , ial wealth or the /woodier, West. lte ',Word eirlies, fig Inguas, fluffato, 11 - olres,&c. k'rewited with ralaabl , information, sparkling with the. keenest fed and eurteet humor. rivaling stark I shill a tos.t, and splendidly illustrated. %In lw immensely popular and sell b.youd pee e.d.nt. For entople peg, o. l'lnetratlone, athlregv hrttriA lt It BROS., Puhllehere, 713 Sant nln atreet LIIKI7:4w FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS THE:it:NI/AY SCHOOL WORLD. A leading , periodical for teacher... with full ex planations or tho ix sons. 16 pages monthly. Only fifty cents a year The Child's World. i d tn ve t i ll r chip drew 100 ripple* monthly, our year $12.00, or mire a month, $3lOll. The Scholar's Paper. Writhe the text of the e•son, and topics for the study of it, Lc INTEII3IEDIAM LESSON PAI 3 Eft, of a more simp‘e chata - Acrl with questions and explanations, Either (V. above at the rate of r, , - sots p. -r molohly, or S9IYI for 114) copir • r year. Kpr-cameo copies of any of the shore fanti•hed uu appltiation to Tilly AMERICAN ht :SLAY .4 1100 L UNION, 1,111 Chestttat •treet Phllldeltinth n1174w AGENTS! QUICK! mI.s choice of terrhorr, t there is n rout for It) on Dio Lento' last and utcet book OILT I 1 /13 I (",:.'I'I( - 3 : o r if r Fill fr: 1: It to by odds tie most talthrz and salleable :rookie the fit td L It to on A roalir Important subject. If Is by America'smust popular writer on health. I It to for the price, the largest and handsome-it book •er sold by antwcripttois Aiti toe the people are ea_•er for *itch a book, and will urge )ou to bring it to them. Write for tenor, , leer, t)Bea MAC LEAN, Publisher, trati•otti -tract, aprl7 4w 011 1 WOULD I WER x,,, N, CHILD AaLIN ! Sighs the near> and e ti; ed one, as the laneotti and I is•lttide of spring chines upon_htin. Come and recelec vigor arid otretiktili from the wonderful South Atnerit tin Tote' JURUBEBA. Loi.g and sw.ccssfully used In its native country, OA a Purred,,( Mak. and 'lgenf porykr of the Wood. It is found et en to exceed .he anticipation. foundtud on Us urcut reputation, Aramlinfi to the medical. and selentific pertodiCrils of London and Paris, it poppcppen the Afo,r Powraurt.u.Tosic properties known to Mars:mut Mantra. Dr. WELLS' EXTRACT OF JUBUBEBA Ins perfect remedy far nil di,eanen of the ULOOD, ORGANIC NV EAKNESs, tiLANDULOI'S TU- Mutts. plant...Y. SCUM. t•LA, INTIOLNAL A Hi CES•SES, /21111 t 1 111 remove all obstructions of the LIVI?It, SPLEEN, I N TESTI N . I.lThltIN E and UItINAEt YOlitiAiNin. It in ntrengthening .111(1 tiouro him!. Like um tricions food taken Into the stomach It mi-Imilstes mid diffuse. ibwir through the circulation, giving vigor and he.iith. It regulates the hooch,. quiets the nerves, Mete directly on the pi:credit. ,ay..a4, awl, by Its pow erful tonic and restoring effects, produces healthy and vizoroun action to the whole system. JOUN 4. Mita) Jut:, is Plait Sole Agent for the United States Price *1 per bottle. Send for circular, aprl7;4w. _ _ HOUSE-KE.EPERS! Jous tiu►rr. It. TIIA 01:82116.N . O NATIONAL DANK, Pittsburgh Pi THE NOVELTY' Ilas the Patent Flange Cpgy i Ligls on both ends THE NOVELTY OSZPII EICREAU7 THE R NOVEL7oIIs se 'Y parnte freely At either er.d Me the patent Carved Chimp THE NOVELTY • le the easiest Working Wringer THENOVELTY Is the Strongest Wringer HET NOVELTY Is the most durable Wringer. These with other advantages make It more de sirable than any other. No Prartical Housekeeper can eon , to inkLaWringer until she has exam ined the NOVELTY. Try lt, and satisfy yourself that it Is the best. Sold ermywhere. Bailey Washing t Wringing Machine Ca 10 Chambers Street. New York. tsprlTsw. Hemlock Ointment. Prntor him, bbl tae USW .0 of :Inent, rbystetros sad masts succeededtn Wilton the dicinal properties contained in llbelteb k resin of the itemlock .and obtained a valuable prep lon to be applied as a salve or ter for , heumatism,crouP.pain uremia of back chest or atom .piles,salt rheum. scurvy.sores. :rip, bunions, sore corns. frost %chilblains, nor° breast b nip. • ringworms, chafing & skin 2ases or intlonmsiory Warr , . ras.A.Crillenton.7 614 are .24 Y. =1 GET THEBEST Miscellaneous. RATS-CAPS A ri D STRAW . GOODS. rt- 11.1=sealximers, 84 WOOD IT., PIIIIIIIUUROW, 11!3 1R.,Z1135. CI liT IEI 49 & 151 Wood Street, MARM WM, 1872. [fetal Ara.) Agents Wanted, CLEM FLORENCE Sewing Xt aohine. Wherever the FLOM:NCR Machine has bean introduced, ft has met with the grossest success. It is the ouly machine making four different stitches, and having. the Reversible Treed. The machinery is perfect, and the motions positive. It rues light, and very fast, and sews coarse or due fabrics. The Hemmer will torn wide or narrow hems, and fells beautifully. MI attachments go with the machiste. For inrOrtnatlon apply to or address HECKERT & illeKA IN. No. 8 &ITU 8111Z1rr, (manOm 1 SHARP & HOFFMAN ROCHESTER. PENNA., 11 UA 1....V.R1S IN GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE. GLASSWARE, STONE, WA RE, WOODEN WA Rl, ixd rdware, WINDOW-GLASS, NALLS,CUTLERY; IV U IPS, LAIR PS, NOTIONS, SALT, FISH, FLOUR, GRAIN, Mill -4'eed, 011- Meal, Lard Oil, 'sllol', CAPS, LEAD, FUSE, Rifle and Blasting Powder, (Wholesale and Retail;) Cl' ainniey-lbps and Drainage Pipes; WHITE LEAD & LINSEED OIL; Dryei , Turpentine, Odors dry & in Oil; PAINT 'SHUSHES Or ALL KINDS. IVE HAVE THE Averill Chemical Pain tcady for LP+. Pug WHITE, ALL ObLolvi AND SHADE" Ira rra n led Gen 14.1 ne, anti lor Nth' in o taniity—by the quart, in tin e-tio , ; liy ibe gallon .n tin bucketpi, "r fiVI• THE AVER= PAINT lias given unbounded satisfaction for many years in all sections of the country, awl has beet. In use in this vicinity about five years, proving Itself to be, especially, the colors awl sluooles, absolutely The lies 4 and Cheapest Paint now ill Lew. Hain does lint effect it before drying, and when dry it hasa hard glassy surface; will not crack or peel . W.• will semi sample, card, price list and testimonials to Uhy person asking for the same. • All 'wavy too ilx deli verve. free of oarge in It•tc!,cnlcr and vicinity. %HARP 4i HOFFMAN, ItOCIIEsTER. niarliAlli Wall Paper! Wall Paper! Beautiful designs to highly finirtied Satin paper. The largert asr.ortinent of °lit And Stamped Gold Paper, ever opened in the city. Dining Hoorn Paper Plain .&. Paneled. Chamber and Kitchen Pat - pere all new to Design. The largeq anti chtaipert Wall Paper !Inure in the Wert. DE ZOUCHE & CO. 110 li'ood .St. Pittsburgh. Liberal lintel to_Deetera. favto-3ui THE LEA DING Notion & Millinery House JOB. HORNE 81, CO., 73, 77, and 70 Market Street, P.I TTSII Li RUH, arr now prepared to exhibit to the trade the Large. tielretion to be had, East or West., to Hosiery, Ofcves, Embroideries, Laces, Lace Goods, iVhile Goods, Hoop . ! kirk, arsels Gents' Furnithing ~tioods, II(ir Goods, Hair :Fels, Notions, and .Small Warex. A leo, extended Linee MILLINERY GOODS Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons, (brded Satins, Silks, Velvets Crape*. &C., 01 our ma n importation. al 'OWL% ruling price*. WILIOLERALE ONLY. A call 0011 Cit ed. Orders promptly Retail Stores, 1117 and 199 Penn Avent apt 10-3111 YiZoerrtiistr-se. Dr. .1. 'Mar •• • gayofttridge water. le deter / 4 , 1 1 * - mined that no Lenart In the . State .hall do • ~• -.„;;, workltter or I.) J. 'a -"Air chive than 4 AV he ulcer" it to j i lila patrono.— '11; ' IP Ile uses :he be• t materials manufactured In the Unked Stales. Gold and all ver lllng performed In a otyle that defies compe• titbits Kati...faction guaranteed in all operations. or the money returned. Give him a trial. fetntiv POINT PLANING MILLS, WATER ST., ROCHESTER, PA HENRY WHITEFIELD MANUFACTURER OF Sash, DoorsiMouldings,floor-boards, Weatlaer,boards, Palings Brack ets, 6:e., cf:e. Also, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUD BER, L&TII, SHINGLES AND BUILDING TIMBER Having purchased the the territorial in terest of Mr J. C. Anderson, owner of the several patents covering certain improve. teems in the constrzetion and joining .4 weatherboards and linings for houses and other buildings, we are the only persons authorized to make and sell the same within the limits of Beaver county. Par ties interested wall please observe this. Carpenters' Sapplie., Cbastantly Kept .9 on Hand. Every manner of Shop-Work made to order. octtly M. B. COCHRAN, Pittsburgh, Dealer in Iron awl Wood Working Ma chinery it Alan:sit:tearer,' Supplies, Ban constantly on hand a complete stock of Malibu Saab and Door Machine • Judson Gov ernors, Tape and Mao. Emery Daltkolf. Packing. ac moodworova 'g amma a inaalata. scald for Circulars and Prices. Dusdiack Chas. b. iTurst's INSITRANCE General Agency Office, NEAR THE DEPOT ROCHESTER. PENNA. Notary Public and Couvoyaucer; VIRE, LIFE, and ACcIDENT INSUR ANCE; "Anchor" and "National" Lines of Ocean Steamers; "Adams" and "Un ion" Express Agent. All kinds of Insurance at fair rates and liberal terms, Real Estate bought and sold. Deeds, Mortgages, Articles, written; Depositions And Acknowledge. meats taken, &c., Ac. Goods and Money forwarded to all parts of the United States and Canada. Passengers booked to and from England, Ireland, Scotland, Fracas and Germany. .ETNA FIRE INS. CO., 01 Hartford, Conn., Cash assetta t.a.000.00 " By their fruits ye know therm" Losses paid to Jan. 1, 1871....528. 111 II One of 4 3 / 4 e oldest and wealthiest Co,' pa nies In the world. IVIAGA.RA Insurance Co., Casb mUM, ANDES FIRE INS. CO., Of eintinnati 3 Ohio. Cash assetts,..- .$1,500,000 Illusbargh. P's ENTERPRISE INS. CO., Of Philadelphia. Cash assetts over... LANCASTER Fire Isis. Co. / of Lancaster, Pa. Cash &swats A_LPH INSURANCE CO., Cash c.tpital, HOME LIFE INS. CO, Cash assets, Travelers' Life & Accident Insurance .Co., Of Hartford, Conn Cash assetLs over llikelprewenUng the above ant clams Insurance Companies, acknowledged to be amongst the best and most reliable In the world, and representing a gross cash capital of nearly $l&, 0.01111, lam en abled to take Insurance to any amount desired. Applications promptly attended to, and Policies written a Ithout delay, and at fair rates and liberal terms. Losses Liberally adjusted and promptly aid. INSURE Tt • PAY' By one day's delay you may lose .the savings of year*. Delays are dangerous, and life uncertain; therefore, insure to day! •• One today, is worth two to-morrowe."— quality, also, Is of the utmost importance. The low priced, worthless article, always proves the dearest. The above companies are known to be amongst me best and wealthiest in the world.— " As ye sow that shall you reap." Grateful for the very liberal pahuusge already bestowed, I hope—by a strict attention to a legit huate business—not only to merit a continuence of the same, but a large Increase the present year. Mr. bTRPH EN A. CRAIG is duly authorized to take .applicatkuis for Insurance and receiv..) the premfbm for the same In adjoining towtnthips. CIJAS. 0. ntinsT, Near Depot, Rochester. Pa. (Jell;ly WILLIAM MILLER, JACOB TRAM PLANING MILL. MILLER & TRAX Mantifacturers and Dealers in Dressed Lumber, SASH, DOORS, SLIM - MRS, SIDING FLOORING, MOULDINGS, .&c• Scroll Sawing and Turning DONE TO ORDER, ORDERS BY MAIL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Mill Opposite the Railroad Station, ROCHESTER, PENN'A. april 19 '7l; 17 Ncrra.—Tble le &wilco burg's Space. Being engaged in making up a large stock of Spring Clothing, they Informed mu :hat they had no time to attend to their adverthiltg.--80. LIME! LIME! LIME Ilditoll and after April find, we will be p rUa Wrath enkatnerm with fresh burnt = l f beatittaltry at Powers' Kiln■, Vanport. auttLif) HOLMES t GRIKR. itsdicai and New Brighton Press copy.) J. B. SNEAD SAW AND 'PLANING MILL' IN FREEDOM, PA., Having the latest improied machinery for Ihe nuinuficcturo 01 per_acoc>pamci , SIDING, LATH, &C. &C., and is now prepared to atkuti to the building and repairing of MEW; Banes, Hats, h., h. Keeping constantly on band a superior quality of Lumber. The patronage attic public is respectfully solicited. All orders promptly executed. Cal2g24Y Miscellaneous AND Of New York. $1400,00p Of Erie, Perms. of New York. (9 ,l( t ,ci. LaJ 1 i 1 W - a La tr Z co N S 4 A. dw ;tie now in operation a new Mettiatsal. 11011kWAYS 0 A I D a &ERMAN HIS OWNPHYSICIAIk CAUTION. THE immense demand for HOLLOWAY'S PILLS and OrNTHENT. hem tempted unprin cipled parties to counterfeit these vahnible medL slaw. In order to protect the public and ourselves, we bate issued a new "Trade Mirk." consisting of an Egyptian circle of a serpent.. with the letter g in the centre. Every box of genuine HOLLOW/anti Piths and Orammote viii hive this trade mart oa It; none am genuine without it. N. Y. Caracas. Co.. Ws Proprietors, mrlo7lly. 7/3 Maiden lAzie, New York. $600,000 ect application of DR. SACE•S CATARRH REMEDY It lit the only tom of instrnment with which fluid medicine can hr earns hupy and perfectly applied to sU parte ail the pl. assages, and the Chain hen. or CS* It ire Cklittt ft t 11.1 r therewith. in winch 443r1,0 1111111111 c e tint, and front schlep t he cnierthil name w• re. rally proceeds. Tire want of •ucce.• w tr• nt entslTbberetoftwe tiasaroen lar-tels • . ability of applyinz renteniten to there chambers by any of II.• ordinary niettutl. obstacle in the way of effecting cures is overcome bythe mveounn of the thodl.e li. L. this instrument. the 'had Y carried ty Its own wtre t. (no snullag.lorcing or pumping being uo•enl In 4 full geiii/y .1.. ant to 11..- 1110 .-•' itortion of the natal innotgen. Wt:. sea l'" 01,ILdaydr..111:1110.1411 the lithe* tool rt•n tit “.I.llrk , therVWD.h..ll44l.6ol•4olttOt DI 4 OPPOSite,""Si . .. I . 0 . " 14 1.1444•41/.. and so olnwle that a emu.' can in otinut it. Fall and explicit direction• accompany each instrument. When tnett a,th ,t.,. 111,41 . 91neDi., Di Sege nt'stfirrit Iternecty cure. re. r, t attacks of •'4l.:uld lut the Head by a frs applications. aposptotos of Catarrh. Frequent checlutiv falling into throta. eon., 1.1. • • fu.e, watery, thick mucus. purulent, in others a dryness. dry. watery ,r 1 tyl: or 1f: err. •tnioping he or omit act o•n 1 , 1 nn.n. f n-.a . • ringing in ears, degfnenn NM , king end , ' Th:hot. clear throat, ulcenattous• scabs altered. nasal twang. odefint, broal :uipa:ri I,r total deprivation of Pet...e r. 111.-11 and ta.te nest , . mental depress..” tient. enlarged toustis, tickilug cou;:h. 4. tu, low of these •ymptoins are 11 ke ty tee Ire any C. 1.80 at our tune. Dr. Nagel's Catarrh Dawned y, a (r-ed with Dr.V'leriie t s Nasal Douche...o .. ei.impanied with tile conntittlt,..lllll tr.:111o. t. .$240,0 0 0 $250,000 $3,50%000 $1,500,000 si=lecommended the l.e , l.tort Ihnt ,spft bogie of the Iteriteds i• a I .pre fir $.l diers-e naioi t1erf.r..11,g1.4 iltth. *ioo reward 101 rl .1-e Ite 10• I ( ere Th. Remedy T1111(1 slut ttielpant I , U. 0.1114.1.1. nn etr.^l;4 , or inti.tlc iirua. inneon4 The r Itenierly lo .014 at 50 cent• Douche 7t r.O real. by all Dratrbylatge, of elther viol he maned In pro ortetor on receipt af r o r ... Lr. U. V. PIERCE, M. D., Scot Proprleusr Jon 171 v Heir Vigor, For restoring to Gray' Hair its natural Vitality and Color. tht gloss and freshness of youth. hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are d,.• stroyed, or the glands atrophied decayed; but such as remain can I. saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a :1,3 growth of hair is produced. of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and t twaao,, • Its occasional use will prevent tI int t from turning gray or falling consequently prevent baldin, I . restoration of vitality it gives he scalp arrests and prevents the ion!' I. tiou of dandruff, which is often cleanly and offensive. Free from th,:e deleterious substances whnli some preparations dangerous and in;ki i!iaßs to the hair, the Vigor can .1-'1 benefit but not harm it. If ‘I it , ' merely for a HAIR: nothing else can be found so ,leslr.1•• • Containing neither oil nor dye, It I , • not soil white cambric. ,aiid "cc! ...• long on the hair, giving it a rik 1,. Lustre, and a grateful perfunw. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Pirmatical and Analytical Chenii.ta, LOWELL. MAIiS. Sarsaimrilla cleansing th, • tem and leaf , the blood. i; stood the Iv?! year+, with n Stantiv r utation, haw . .ptrinsie virtues, and sustained imarkable cures. So mild as to be s,,te beneficial to children, and vet so •e.i.,1.11 is to effectually pume out the ruptions oldie blood, such as the ••• And syphilitic contamination. !. • w diseases that have lurked in the ~c, far years, soon yield to this p o werful 1044, and disappear. Hence iti furies, many of which are public l' k n .,, , )t" Scrofula', and all wrultilott+ • Ulcers, }as .uptiotts, and eruti% e otters of the skin, Tumors. Blowlw". WM*, Pimples. Pastilles. Sores, St. tuthonr* Fire, It or F:rysilw - , Tet,ter. Balt Ititetims Sc" I " Heat'. Ringworm. awl Intel - 4:11 Cl' x.rations of the Uterus. Stoul.wli, mil Liver. it also curs "I`.' -UanlTTl plaints, to which it would uut illy adapted, such as l)repsy. sia. Pits, Neuralgia. Heart Disewx. Female Weakness. Debility. snd Lenox'Thank, when they are taan,;. • ions of the serothlons poi-on . .It is an excellent restorer of strength in the Spring, ilv - r"" . "'' ; appetite and Vigor of tin. . it dissijaites thedepresNion anti li•ii.-• ;uorof the season. Even wilco. 110 di-. , r , appears, people feel better. and by, or cleansing the blood. The system 3n with renewed vigor aita a new life. PREPARED B Dr. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass., t'reetical and daartical Clidwalstr. SOLD BY ALL DRUGOLSYS EYERYWILE►; 0ct.4.0. - • Prßlankm. Bi atlthl sl-bead Wefts, .Can% Porters, St IMOOF egemetti Ayer's A ii at our, ~,, , rerat.le. health), a u. effectual t pre::11 . 1W; Silt hair. restores .1.6.1", Or yrqy hau to ils Orilli/ith Aye'r's I. widvk as one of il h • v. - effectual m u ,. ever tliscovere: =IS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers