The Beiver tirgus. - - Beaver. Pa.. Jan. 10th, 1872. cirrillation 'Thirteen Hundred Kates of Advertising. 6w. 3m. I Gm. ,1 year -)- --,- 1 , ---- ~, 10 ilueo. 92 001 93 00 1 35 00.1 $7 00410 00 ~.,r,.., do 3 501 5 00 1 700 10 001, 15 00 : I ,,Are,), do 5 001 600 9 00; 1: 001 18 00 ~,f - .... do 600. 800 10 50' 15 (X) 21 011 ~,:awn, ... -8001 11 00 15 03 1 •2) 1 0131 33 00 •., irmi, .. 11 00' 15_ 00 20 te 2s 00 tic) to .....uum. .. 22 11101 8:1110 38 00! OA 00 100 00 t,•trators' and Executors' `Notlce:a....s3 00 .31 notices per Ilne, ten cents. Puyments to be made quarterly, except ,r rrncsicnt advertisements, which mast be paid MEE EO. P. ROWELL, 40 York Now, N. York. AND ti. PETTENGILL d Co, 37 Park Row ..w York. are the scde agente for Tug BEAVY.II that city, and am authorized to Couiract r in.ertlng adVernsementi, for us at our low'. csh rates._ Adcertisera in that city are re t.. leave their fa , core with either of the 'ore 11011Vt..V. • T. IIIeCLELLAND 8: Co. are the ARGUE!' o ate lit lPittsburgh. and are authorized to con : : (or adVerttseillenta at our !M Y :CPI cash rates. TIME TABLE. Cleveland & Pittaburr,,h Et. Xt.—Tiltlin Exec leave Beaver Station a.; follows: tint- Aceein'n 9 19; Ni.:111, 2.4.1 p. rtL.,Evening Fast r, entog West leave Beaver' Station Li fol 7;4lia. no.. Accommodation and Ex ,through M13,..11atr,) 5.45 p. m. The attention of the public is directed following New Advertisemenbs 1 .11 h appear for the first Aline in the to-clay : Noticet—Dr. Johnton N.,uce—Dr Keyser.... . ...... . ,7 - it JM. Cot - Ltd - foe JCo ............ _.... ..... . . ..lz .• illiements—O. I'. Rowell .ii Niitli e-.--Mi1g'11ti1ti.................. 6 ~: N0n.... Speyerer t Soup .........4 -• leiiiiire at thiii Office . 5 ~c Aiicertitiement —flood, llotibright a Co . .0 ~• Notice—lt. W. Dunn .. ......... . .. 15 s.i. Adv —S Snitger ..t. Co ...4iitimly ~.. and Lot tor Sale- It 8 1 mbrie 1N.4" rm fo- Sale—Joseph C.Slungh 'e,q;tr octal Notice—J. M Cornellui...t•Co ..... ...... .1 5 i gine for Sale—Milo Somers .............. ivlitend Notlnn—New Brighton Banii....lsOw eCilll ..V . ptice—Mrs. Bence ..... .... 21 3w luanfiesi—Bridgewater borough 3ign3 - ,ttce to Builders -,-.l.thild Mg Committee 2Aq.:3w ....,iltitlon Notlee.Boyd Jr Shaw 1641;3w ov Adv.-8 .t J. Suellenburg iegu;tf at—Enquire at this 011:Ice 4 ..-. ill Notice--H. Seh iff 8 ell N , itire—lnCrtalunt Boyd ' .11 . .t: Nogitt-' -- S. A. J. Sneilon burg._ . .... ..13 . .1 Notice--Small & Walther 16 Public Ylecting.—We are'requested that a public meeting will be i zu the Court House on Thursday January 11, at 6} to de- MEI rheaiures to prevent the breaking .bread of small pox in our midst i ., those who Way be so unfor- a, to eon trad the disease ct, , 11 ,13n0e ~f the citizens of Beaver linty is urgently requested r - Sterling Sliver. Table Ware .4;} m pieces JohJi Sterensun'e SunA N41,....t eltrcet. Pltk.burgh. je7-1y • Friday, DeCember.lsth, be rhlrd.and.Fourth street, a diary. gill confer a favor by leav -3! w. otlice. po.l for eggs and chickens, at i,jafif72-4w 1• «e Strpected.—The Pitt-sburgh week con tai ned an " in fur by a Mrs. Lane of Alle- • v , •It herein she alleged that Rev. 'Faye the Phillipsburg Sol .. than , ' !.•••, h-ad struck and on a visit to that I nsti- Ii :~) '.i her ,on 1-14.4 a pupil e mtspeeted at the time there to the story. An affidavit th , I.y Itt-v. Taylor reaohed us late on olav p‘ ening for pulAteation it will piwar in next weck's A.ndausl in which .ie that Mrs. Lane herself was lie aggressor, that she and her sister re- Lc went there to take the boy away to - iolation of law, and when resisted ill hat movement Mrs. Lane became furl ms, assaulted Mr. Taylor, accidentally 1.11, and then sent up acre of "murder." Ve understand there are disinterested ,itnesses who will corroborate 'Rev. !'a\ affidavit, and if this be true r+. Lau - e has manifestly got herself in a very unenviable scrape. A: J. SN ELLE N 111" Itri, of New-Brigton, oominne to dispose of elegant and ,lothing at rates that aston ,'l I err one. Their stock Is large and •lec ted, call and examine for mr,elf before buying elsewhere. ; TY It rt.‘i erso.-1( your watch is out of or to .b,tet, Sterenson'a F,ns lf Pitts r.qtaired and returned tree of r!,.trg• All work warranted. JeTly r i TT (WT, in a new role— •- , 11 , 1:Pn rg Brothers, Broadway, Irnzhron. who will closeout a large , 'via Winter Clothing and • • 1' II Goods at coca, for th ' WAN , to make room for a new k r - ,rltio Sprint trade 1 . ; r.i.lavana Cigars, Fine Tara Cigars, i:+•c West Cigars ; Richmond, Hal :::Louigville Chewing Tobacco: ,r,,sui," Fine Cut, Natural Leaf, ;+[ Iu go An driesmen • s Beayer Drug Poetry.—lt is refreMing to discover lrticlo (If genuine poetry, now and z;. among the but ma- , s of namby trash under that name which bur- ,i••!, prey at present. The piece on (11 , 4 page enlitled "Song or the Storm .nt," liv I), P. Wharton, esq., of the ILre I ,, u.rnal, breathes the true po ti.• tire , expressed in well-ehd . sen, for :. .•.1 :0 and euptionio English. Mr, W. .sse,ses literary ability of a high order, shontd make it pat. Ilk home is in Beaver. W,TrElf.,, \VAT , tit Th.. hpoo complete• line h•• rity of l'itt-h irt7h. Awl all Tivrelaplrl . rye. -, lmerltS to hea had SOIIA 9.1 Market ntrt.... , •1 PittAhetr;:h aowrso in favor—Maginnis' Persian 1..11 ( \ P E.F. forPoRTUNITY la ofTerPl now Sch fr of New Brighton. He in 1, • ds •wil hiq balanee of Fall and iVin- • r 1 at rest, for 30 days, sin as to • as, condition in Spring to a allOll stook for in thr r• markets. 'aTrat M. Sehitrs at • . 0.4 take your first rdok. an benefit the readers of the T... . any I,v recommending Per.von,' ;•,,, mit, In he the heat anti-hil in the country, we am 11t 1n .0. ,We have had about CH chance to know as any one. .ire indebted to W, \\': Kerr, esq,, ''..• ;:tori , onerarg "nice, for a ropy annual report of the Auditor Gen- ,r I' ' CLOCKP.— Am , brican CIOCk. ^ " , y lorre.t prices. ./rdt4 Market Ktreet, 1•1-1 '` , 'ar canton City Hour, 1 - 0 Kegs Nnilc, 3. Br;xes Soap, revolved N. Sons. 1•'or sale whore - sale r~tal - - - - I etri roken.—Mrs. Hamilton. wife George V. Hamilton, of this • ipped on the iee and4ell one day k. and broke one cif the small •!. , 4 h , r arm near the wrist. The , weasioned eonsiderable pain, wontyled limb is doing well. 14+,t known remedy for coughs . 1 1 '"ids iv Muginnis' Combination it 1» •t,.rant. R PLAren %Vane -We sell none but trip '"o.•• ! , etsi for draw inzs and prices. Goods It If desired. .lohn Sbrenson's S, , ns : Market *tree! Pittsburph. 1e7.1y Neediefot A larin.—We understand 4,4: ail impression axis's in Some of the !.trusts of this county that small_ how prevailing in Beaver to an "" ,, ing eALent. This is not the case. Ttl , l• far there have been but two cases In this place and the patients ihstaneemhave almost entirely , r1:71. paln, u,•Le Permian Oleine. LOU itof• iloldeu.—The admirable u of this lady, at the Opera House, ,A,,s deserving of more than a, passing she is young, self.pockaseNsed, hod gra.:eful in manner, iaa bright-look anlmated brunette. Her voice Is ' 20 ' 4 1. Her lecture is replete with tight an d Hamm. and sparkling with ern g ni ality."—Elanira A dvueule, N. Y. k Provoking Blunder.—ln the Anus of December 20th, one -of our compositors made us say that the Rev. A. B. Bradford,- of this county, asstyned that Lord " Byron" was the real writer of Shakespeare's plays. We meant Lord Bacon, and we so wrote it in as plain a hand as we could. WORTHY OF NOTF--An exchange says there is scarcely a day passes that we do not bear,either from persons coming into our office orin some other way,of the sue cess of John.qon' a Anodyne Liniment in theca re of coughs and colds, so prevalent about town Just now. Fon the newest and latest novelties Watches; Jewelry and Silver Ware at the lowest prices, go to Jobs Meer/ascot's Sons d! Co., 93 Market street, Pittsburgh. Vacancies In the board of Cann. ty Auditorit.=ldessrs. Covert and Hunter—the former of New Brighton and the latter of Ohio township—the gentlemen voted for and elected last fall as county auditors, appeared in Beaver last week and declined to qualify and fill the offices to which they wore chosen. Private business was the tlluse assigned by both gentlemen for the step taken. The result is, the county auditing will remain unattended to, until the Court appoints two persons to fill the vacancies Mentioned. This will be attended to, we presume. at the adjourned term on the 18th of this month. To W HOM IT MAY CONCERN. —The business of Wagon and Carriage Making. conducted for a short period under the firm name of Boyd S. Shaw, RailroSti street, Rochester, will still be carried on by Ingraham Boyd, who will be glad to meet his former customers and as many new ones wi feel inclined to patronize him. Mr. Boyd hopes, by fair death*, and substantial, well-tiinished work, to merit the patronage of all, Retlred.—On,,the Ist of January Lient. Eben Allison, who has catTled the keys of the County Treasury fur the last two Sears, roared from office, and his successor, C. Wallace, esti., was, the same day, invested with its duties and responsibilities. Lieut. A. has been an efficient and accommodating officer, and gives up his trust enjoying the con fidence of the whole poopleof the county. Mr. Wallace, we doubt not, will make an agreeable treasurer, and prove him self worthy of the position the people have called him to fill. Both the out going and in-coming officers have our warmest wishes fur future success. CRYSTALIzED and Dessiea:ed Cocoanut for pies, cakes, puddings, and desserts; Sea Moss Farine, French Olive Oils, Ta pioca, Arrt,Sw Boot, Pearl Barley and Sago, Trish( Oat Meal, Gelatine, Liquid Helmet, Flavoring Extracts—for sale at the lowest prices, at Hugo Andrlessen's Beaver Drug Store, Beaver, Pa. A gen- Free of Charge.—('all at .Andrtewsen'. Drug Store, Beaver, or at S. C. Ilannen's, in Rochester, and get a sample of Dr. A Bosehee's German Syr up, free off /wry. It has lately been Introduced into this country from Germany, and for any ;ter. son , utierinc - from a severe couzb, heavy void set tied on the breast. consumption or any disease of the throat or luny. It has no equal in the 1% ortit Our regular size bottles ;5 cents. In all cases the motley wilt he promptly returned It perfect sans action 11 not given. Two relies e any ease , Try tt. nostt9; I y Accident.--Mr. Frederick Dauber, butcher, of this borough, while riding out in the country, cm horsehaelt, after cattle, liad his arm dislocated by his horse slipping and falling on him. Medical attendance was procured and tne patient is doing as well as can be ex pected under the circumstances. List of of unclaimed letters remaining in Beaver Post °trice, Jan. Ist., 11472: Mr, Nancy Buhl,. Lizzie. Hamilton, Mrs Lucinda Black, 2; Mr. J IL Houbour. Mr• - hristiiin Black, W. Martin. esq Mr ehri.t Black, A graham Rice. er.q., Mi,,s Non& COVilllel. ,Mir. Belle Snyder. Du, ( J. P. Fr), Unclaimed letterA remaining in the 'Post office at Rochester. Pa., January Ist, 1572.: 31s+AnnirRea', E 1 1 .4 Powell, Jinni— Crouch, Paticonat. Sage & Mor,e, John K 'ft,. I, , Rate Smeller, Jacob Kraft. , John Snyder. Richard Mullen, ealllesnyder, A .1 Pierce. S. J. Wllkhoi, Mi Annie E Prentice, , T. M. TATLOU. I' L. Thieving, in :Sew Sewickley Tp. --A couple ofSabbaths ago while the fam ily of Mr. Charles Gcehring, of New Se wickley township were at church, their dwelling was entered and goods, money, amounting in all tOsabout f,t2.), were taken. The thief made his way into the houhe through the cellar, the door of which was unlocked at the time. Among the articles stolel was a ton dollar lull, a gold ring, and a gold pen. No a6c;sta have yet been made, but it is believed the thief is known. - LosT.—un or about December, - ,. 1 4 71, a gold neck-lacy, valuable to the owner on account of being a gift from a deeeaK ed friend. The tinder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this office. fJan. 10 Attempt to Break Jail- 7 V ming Barn Triea to Make Ilia! Etteape. —(in last Saturday one or two little cir cumstances indueed.Slieriff llriehing to suspect that young Haim, who was con victed or murder in the first degree at the N ember term, %%as in some way or other trying to,effect his escape from the 1. - p until that time, he had been permitted to associate with tl7 other prisoners during the day, and at night only was he confined to his cell. t)n Saturday the sheriff set a watch in Ow jail, and in a short time afterwards young Horn was seen to ascend to the second story of the ':inilding and begin work at one of the windows The sheriff, who We at his office at the time, was sent for, and on going up stairs found the pris oner engaged in sawing off one of the Lars of the window grating with a knife, nyked, like the teeth of a saw. The liar with about half oft when the discovery was made. Ile was at nitre taken to his eell and the heavy iron door elosed upon him. In the evening the sheriff went to his cell agLtu and disoovered that his thoner- had rut ono of his shoes into ; strips, fastened them together and was • getting things ready, generally, to hey own executioner. ill' course he has been relieved of everything cal • • enlaced to aid hint in taking his own life. and it is probalde that no further effort in that direction will tie made. Independent Leetures.f-The In dependent Lecture Committee desire to announce that the first lecturer under their auspices will he Louise Holden. a lady of rare ability as a speaker and rea der. liar subject, " quinorista," has been ably handled in inane towns and cities , in the Ea , t, where the press is liestowinfr the flattering' aeonl urns upon the fair lecturer. Tut.: farmers, the mechanic, the gentle men, and the profectional men, all order a nice, well finished and substantial ve hicle, whether it be the ponderous tim ber w bees, the heavy road or farm wa g,n, the Rtately coach, the unique buck wagon, the nimble sulkeypor pacing gig. hr the general favorite of all—the buggy. We hope you will all remember that Small Walther, at their carriage rooms, Market street, Bridgewater; can furnish any or all kinds of vehicles mode of the best material and finished to suit the taste of the most fastidious at as reason able prices as any in the market.. Call and see them. WALTIIAN W A VA! Atzente for the rale of theee Watcher in the City Or l'lttrlntrgh. We are confitlebt of our atntity to plertee tylCi and price, , . Joh n e rendon's Son R ,f• Mar ket street, Pittenurgh. Maxwell's Wire Ferry.--We were quite sorry to bear a few days ago that the violent wind which swept over this locality on the evening of the'2.3d of De- . cember; blew down one of the derricks which supported the Ferry . W,ire across the river at Vanport. It vi?ent down with a crash and much 01 the material of which it wAs constructed was destroyed. The loss to the Messrs. Maxwell will not be short of itSOO.CO. This occurring just as they were commencing to operate the Fe,,ry is quite discouraging to the gen ii/Oen owning it, but as they are > knon of capital and enterprise, we presume they will speedily repair the damage they sustained by the storm. Sophia Trot M A. Mct;ArricK. P. J/ TOE OLD YEAR. Roses, the teardrops of angle, - Have faded from field and glen ; Winter. with bleak and chilling winds, Ilea returned to mirth again. The days are so brief and cheerless, The nights are long arid dreary. Bitter hours to the friendless Orphans, homeleiS and weary. Such the, tare of 3 dying year, Shrouded in the driving snow. The walling north Wind for ite bier Its lonely grave, the long ago. v Tie sad the sear old year should die With Nature so lone and drear, With nine Its departure to sigh, Or shed a last farewell tear. • Alt alone it has lived and died, But on Its broad page cloth lie Volumes of written history, ,• 'That will never, never dte. Freedom, Dec. 25, 15111 The County Commissioners have made the following appointments for the eihfiling year : Clerkforthottnissioners—John 31130wm Cbuitsel for ann . rs.—lienry thee, esq. Manager for House of Refuge S. J. Cross, esq. Physician for Jail—J. C. Levis, M. D. Mercantile appraiser—Snal Johnston. Janitorfor (,hurt-House—Cicero Turner. THREE WHOLE MONTHS ON TRIAL.— Our readers have, doubtless, all heard of the "Peoples Monthly" of Pittsburgh —gotten up for the people—and now the only Illustrated pacer of any +size and pretensions out of New York. Its pub lishers are so willing to have it fairly tested, that they offer to send this pure, bright, and cheery paper for the home, for three months for only twenty-live cents, or less than cost. It should be in every Western hotno where there are growing children. Its interest, and popularity are best shown by its wonderful growth, it having sold nearly 15,000 of the Christ mas number. It is beautiful in appear ance, and crowded with live, original and interesting reading niattee, and good illustrations-110thill mes a, C 0711.111011, or shabby aboist it. Price $1.50 pt* year. Send twenty-five cents, with careful ad dress, to " Peoples Monthly," No. S 4 Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh. "Seeing 13 believing." Sad Camilaltien.—The festivities of Christmas day wore sadly interrupted at Beaver Falls by tho drowning of two little boys, while playing en Beaver River. About ten o'clock In the morn ing, while a number of boys were amus ing themselves skating—among whom were three boys named Craft, sons of Reuben Craft, an employee in J. Grate's ax factory, Beaver -Falla—the ice gave away, and all three sunk in the water. The youngest was rescued,but the bodies of the other two . were not recovered for nearly three hours. They were aged re spectively nine and eleven years. The accident cast a gloom over the entire community, and the distressed family received the condolewe of large num bers of citizens. m the same days two boys named, re sretively, Rennet and Partlng,ton, were drowned at Wellsville, Ohio, in cone.e queue° of the ice giving away, while. skating on it. These are hut additional, evidences of the insecurity one has while skating. FINE Llte HT BRAHMA, Dark Brahma, Buff Cochin Fowl, fur sale at the follow ing prices : Light Brabmas, $,5.00 per pair; Dark Brahmas, from $lO.OO to 1'.516. 0 e per pgr ; Buff Cochin from $lO.OO to flti.oo per pair. Eggs for sale during Le season at the following price: Light Brahma, $2.00 per setting; Dark Brahma, t 4.5.00 per setting ; Buff Cochin, &LOU. My Dark Brahma Fowls were awarded the First Premium at the Bea ver County Fair. G. DUNN, Rem ington Station, I'., Ft. W. it C. R. It. Post-office address, haden, Beaver coun ty, l'a. REPORT OF TIRE SUPERINTEN DENT OF SOLDIERS' ORPRANs. We have revived the annual report of the Superintendent of Soldiers' Orphan++ for Pennsylvania, arid from which we clip the following Interesting statistics: Number u( institutions lu which Were iHirelohliers' orphans. Number of. orphans In schools and homes, May 31. IS T 1 ..... 3,!;07 Number el orders of aduosstun Issued since May 31, IS7I 41, Number of discharges since May 31, bll. Or Number of orphan.. In charge of the htat,.. Nor. I. Is7l. . . . 30,0 Numlwr of untero of adruiselnul issuud . . . . . . sit' re synt -i went into operation.. 40117 Number of orphans admitted 'once system went tutu operation . .... J,9 ii Number of applications t children Un• der eight years of ngel now on Cie, Ur Probable number of orphans that will be aired for under the I. yotem..... ti,htX) Cost of the sy•tem for the pant year, about . . ... ... . ii Zyrritnsi int Whole vont of acalem since going into op. rattan.. . ?,992,2!K :1i ... Probable atioeint .11 future appropri ations that ,‘ 11l be needed... .. . 2.000.000 00 Table •howing hoc, many children cc 111 be dhs <barged on age during the present and succeed ing 'tars. until the schools close iu Its,2. The 61aleilleta 111 d oil es 1101 outy I hone children flow iu rebook, but those also uuder eight 'oars of age 4 hose application are on file. Discharges uu 4ge. Years coding May 111, 1.372 . 42g Du .. .May 31. 1 , 473 . ..... 477 Ito. . yin,' 31, 1171 5'41 .. May 31. ...... Ito Ma -y 31, 1576 10i Ln .. ...May 31. IST': . itch 1i0.......May 31, . 432 11, May 41, Is7ll 233 Iyu .. May 31. la-ti . 121 May 31, 1.,51 AA; 1 1 0 . . May 31. Igs - .1 . We would call the attention of the tiade to the announcement, in another colunui of Messrs. Hood, Hon bright A: of Philadelphia. This firm are now located In their handsome uew building on Market street above Eighth. and ex tend a cordial invitation to their friends and the trade generally to call and in spect their establishment. ()wing to their steadily increasing trade the old vstablishment, on Market street below Sixth, although one of the most commo dious of its kind in Philadelphia, wits long mince found Wu small to ineet the requirements of their vast business, and early last Spring ground was broken for the new and palatial structure, now ue cripied by Messrs. Hood, Bonbright leo. In the construction of their new building, which iflilolY the largieit store of its kind in Philadelphia, the firm have su thoroughly re-organized and systematized the various departments as u, afford their patrons the : most ample facilities for inspecting the itnuieune stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, now being arranged: for the Spring trade. In prospect of a largely increased demand tor goods of this line, it is gratifying for us to be able to make this announcement respecting the enter , prise and energy of this well-known house whose patrons aro scattered troughout tine whole Union. The Coonly!ft Poor.—At the be ginning of the present year the County 116ine gave food, shelter and clothing to 51 persons, embracing old, middle-aged and young of both sexes. Four of this number have, since the Ist of January, been sent away—two discharged, and two returned to Allegheny county, where they properly belonged: In ad dition to the above the county is giving temporary relief to seven persons who are not at the Home ; ten others are at Di x moot, and two at the insane asylum at Harrisburg, all of whom are support ed by the county. Arrangements are now being made to bring the Harrisburg patients home, and provide accommoda tions for them at the Infirmary. If they can ue as well cared for there, and we presume they can, the saving to the county will be no inconsiderable sum, besides the gratification it will afford to their friends` on having them so near to them. Briefly stated our objects of public charity at the presnt time. sum up at follows : At the liome. 47 Tvmperar) Rella At Prun"tit At ❑arrf. bur:: BM \i.w STORE IN VA'SPORT. —J. M. Cor nelius S Co. have ()pencil a new store at the Station in Vanport, consisting of a full line of Dry Goods, Notions, Gro ceries, Queensware, Wooden Ware, Sc. It is their intention to carry on a Gener al Merchandise business, paying as much for all kinds of country produce as is paid anywhere, and giving as good articles in return as are in the market.. Persons living in Vanport and vi cinity are respectfully invited to give them a call. Those on the south side of the river will also find it to their interest to call and see them. Ins INFECTANTB to prevent Contagion. Carbolic Acid In Crystals and Solution, Carbolic and Cresy I lc Soaps,Labarraq u Is Solution, Brown Chloraluni, for sale at lingo Andriessen's Beaver Drug Store. Pennsylvania Legislature. smern, ,1112. 2.-r The Senate ' , net called to order at 3- p. in. by Speaker Broadhead. 'The aneenueement of the eleven new memberis was made. Mr. Connell's death was announced, and the Speaker Bald his Writ'woulddminediata:. ly be issued for a pow election. .After . the Oiling of the roll; Sonata actjeui,tted• atitlit. Two ceitillelltits of election were presented from Warren county—one favoring! Luther Greed; the other Wm. Short; referred to special cotunrlittee. Mr. Elliott wtoi elected Speaker; Mr. Selfridge, Chief Clerk. The west received the following officers: Messenger—C. W. Ray, Mercer; Assist ant Messenger—Joseph Lueler, Vonan go; Doorkeeper Rotunda—M. Dagne, of Washington ; Fasters and Folders I'. 11. Jones, Allegheny ; J. F. Stevens. Crawford; A. A. Baker, Indittn, Tran scribers—lsaac Moorenead,Erie ; It. V. Thoinpion,. Law temp ;;A; McCarthy' Huntingdon . C. M. Sanner, Somerset. Postmaster—Wm. Coates, Allegheny. Assistant Postmaster—A. J. Marks. Jef ferson. Assistant' Sergeant-at-Arms-- R. H. Griffin, Blair. Assistant Door keeper—Edward Milligan Allegheny. A resolution was offered requesting some clergyman to open' daily with prayers. Also a resolution instructing the Speak er to appoint now Committees on Con gressional apportilminent and Constitu tional reform. Both were agreed to. Adjourned. SENATE, Jan. 3. , 'LSenato met and ad journed till 2 p. m. to-give the Commit tee on Organization. Mine to report. Upon re-assembling Speaker Broadhead left the Chair, his time-having expired. Six ballots were had for Speaker, resulting in a tie vote each time—Broadhead and Rutan 16. Adjourned. 110 USE--The Governor's Message was read and ordered to be printed. The members voted themselves a supply of books at the public expense. Tbe Com mittee to whom the question of prima facie evidence of election between Short (Rep.) and Green (Dem.) of Warren; re ported in favor of the former.and ho was sworn in. The vote was strictly parti san. Adjourned. SF:NATE, Jed. .I—By the vote of Mr. Buckalew (Democrat) Mr. Buten was elected Speaker. Ile made his acknowl edgments in a neat little mptsstlit After several ballots for Chief Clerk, the- Sen ate adjourned. Houss.—The death of J. W. Dicker son, of Bedford, was announced, and Mr Sanner addressed the House iu refer ence to that subject, after which resolu tions of condolence were adopted. A committee of five was appointed to take into consideration that portion of the Governor's Message which refers to la bor. wages, cte. The House adjourned until Tuesday evening next. J. L. IL ENAT E. Jan. s.:—The Senate met and adjourned without rtnportant action. • A Former Beaver County Man Shot near Wheeling:—lows reached this place on Monday of last week that Oliver Sutherland, son of Isaac Suther land, deceased, late of Vanport, this county, win; shot by a man named Mil ler at Pti4nian's Landing, nine miles above Wlieeling, on the morning of the Ist inst. The particulars, as telegraphed to one of the P,ittmburgh paper., are as A isint ten o'clock he Sutheriandl went to a boat moored at the landing, and oc cupied by a wan named Miller as a tin shop and daguerrean gallery. Miller LLY busy at the time taking photo graphs. Hearing Sutherland rap he called to him to kick the door open, and the moment be entered Miller sprang at him with a revolver and tired. The shot took effect in Sutherland's side, panstng through the lung and lodging near the spine, He cannot hire. Miller was cap tured in the mountains, about a mile from the scene of the tragedy, yesterday afternoon. In his flight he dropped his revolyer. Ile made a desperate resist ance, however, and on the way to Fair view, the county seat, strove repeatedly but unsuccessfully, to escape. No mo tive for the shooting is known. Suther land has a good character in the calatninu nity. Miller's reputation is bad. Threats of ly nchl n g aro made in Hancock county. There is the widest sympathy for Suth erland, who has llffth The Maki kollpoll of a widowed mother. Caution.—The public are cautioned against being "swindled - by a tramping " eontirlenco " itian :Jawed J"llliSt)n ; fa- wiliarly known to l rinters as " lqike ohrlAton. - Under pretem.e of searching fur horse thieves, ai deputy sheriff of Butler (7ounty or an Allegheny detective, he succeeded in "doing" some or OUT cit izens out of a little of their loose change by way of a loan, week before last. lie played the same game in Allegheny city not long since, and fetched up at. Clare mont for a term. Under various ethe., he hiLs given the Sheri IT of Butler county one or two wild-g,oose chases after es- Vapefl prkotlerS. WI , nro sorry to eon fes* the ra,t that the "Inike - is a pruner, and well calculated, from hin renerablo and dignified deportment:lnd suaN ity or manner, to impose upon thu sytuliathy of editors and publislirrs unacquainted with him. Bo on your guard. MEI Aliristmsis Moiming was spent very i,lcasantly in the M. E. Sabbath School of Bridgewater. In a very short time an efficient committee consisting of t /lie Campbell, Lizzie Moorhead, and Jennie Emil', raised money and made the necessary arrangements for a treat. The children began to gather early and soon the leoture-rooin was well The order of exercises in the Trarher' , l Journalwas followed, and superinten dent, teachers, and some of the children Lure a part. These interesting exercis es were interspersed with liv-ely and ex cellent singing. Prof. Carter led, and NI ism n.melia Moorhead playAl the or• gar, and the pieces selected were all suitable for the occasion. The last was '' Kriss Dingle," and was done in the best style, atter which some of the teach ers wen- made the recipients of nice presents from their classes. Among them Miss 011ie Campbell received a pair of beautiful vases. The Bible class made a present of a handsome book "Living ThoUghts by Leading Thin kern" —to its teacher, Rey. 11011 ingshead.' I /r. Murray made the presentation speech. Then a bountiful supply of cake, candies, wore distributed among all present. The children, went bark to t'hoir homes well pleased, their fares beaming with delight, and, no doubt, wishing that Christmas would come oftener than it does. X. Itocuzerr!m, PA., Dee. 28, Is7l EDITOR MUMS :—At. the annual elec tion of Rochester Lodge, No. 22.9 A. Y. M., held December '22(1, the following officers %vero elected : J. L. Pendleton ; Wm. Du n lap ; J. W., D. S. Marquis ; Secretay. John Conway; Treasurer, Wm.. Leaf. And at the annual election of Eureka, 11. It.. Arch Chapter, No. hiL the fol lowing officers were elected : H. P., .1. It. Pendleton -; K., W. B. Dunlap; S., T. O. Anshutz ; Secretary, John Conway; Treasurer, Wtn. Leaf. Enrron Annus: Having recently visited Washington City in connection with a Committee appointed by the Boatmen's Association of Pittsburgh, charg'ed with important river interests, I beg to saY, through the Annus, that the Committee were efficiently aided, in the prompt and successful accomplish- meta of their mission, by tho porsonal influence and generous efforts of lion. Win. McClelland, member of Congress from this district, who way untiring in his attentions to the Committee and in his efforts in securing the passage of an net, which will benefit river cob - Interco to the extent of millions. We take plea sure In acknowledging the cbliiiitions of the Committee, and equal pleasure in recording the fact that the itcpresentatkro of this District stands deserVedi-y high in the esteem of his fellow-members and votes right on all questions aflectiug the interests Of his constituents. Beaver, Dec. 24, 1871. ~Tqnehers` I fl%tltule .=P ur nanfto a call by tituieilethadaii Fields the An- anal Teachers' Institute convened at the ach9 ol PqnSe in. Itochrier, on Monday, the 18th io s t ., it 110 P. nt:, and c'tnitin , nod in session Bvo days. Supt. Fields was elected Chairman, ex -officio,. Uri-Mirquls;officaver, and Mr. Hillman, of Freedom, Secretaries. The teachers of Rochester Public School , a Riceptidri CoinraliteoJe • • • • Ablo addresses were delivered by Res-Croatia Locke, of Beavar, Taylor, of PhlllipsbbreQrplia9s' lior4e; Doctors Breekenridgii,:Of filkictoister; Taylor, or Beaver Seminary and Institute; McLean, of Beaver Seminary; R. Gregor MeGreg. or esq., of.Bpaver; prOfrOora.c lo 9Per, of Edinboro 2 Niirrnafflehool; 'LveitO :and Gourley, of PittsbOrgh, and others Among the ditTerent subjects discuss'ed were School Government, Methods 'of Teaching Written and Mental Arithme tic, Geography, Grammar, History, and when Ppinbi sbould commence the Studies of Latin and Geometry. Mies Neal gave an -borate address on the Teachlager q b l p. -Missqdharn gave speel - . ..,; :z ,," ;94:Blotto 'Printing on the blae shiawod that she uncle A ver turo on Wednes day afternoon . recitation in read ing by a 41ass of boys and girls,, of bliss J. Reno . :4 department of the Rochester school. The reading, spelling and.defin- ing asl well executed, and dhi much credit to teachers and pupils.' Itlis evi dent that Miss Reno, as a teacher in g, Is a success. • Doctor McLean etplained his method or teaching Involution and Evolution. How to use a Dictionary was explain ed by Dr. McLean and Prof.. Cooper. Thursday afternoon was set apart as Director's Day. Several dirtictors were present. The following topics were dis cussed—what directors should place in the school-house. What Ab4lo.Lilirect ors do to improvo.tho tete:thing element of the county? On motion it was resolved that direct ors should furnish a dictionary and.gaz• etoer In every school, and a tem:hoes li brary in evety district. The following resolutions from - Prof. Eberhart were road by Director'Cross, and uiopted by the Institute : Ile:solved, That It is tho sense of the members of this Institute, and by thorn believed to be the concurrent sense of all friends of popular education in Beaver county, that the minimum Rehm)] term should he increased to six months; and that the State appropriation to common schools should be so increased as to ena blii every district in the ConittlOrtsvenitk to keep its schools open si< tionths, without an inereallo of local taxation Rcsoked, That wo reipectfully re quest our State Senator, Hon. James S. Rutan, to urge upon the Legislature at the ensuing session, the necessity, im portance and justice of the change in our school law by the foregoing resolutions. Superintendent Fields said that people pay their taxes, not only to keep their schools in 'session a few months of the year, hut to educate their ehildreP t. The following are,the names of di , rectors present Thasday afternoon : A. Y. Forsythe, John Dippold, W. C. Lar— kins. G. Y. Royld, and .1. W. Fowler, of Baden borough ; A. L. Reno, of Roches ter township; Robert Leeper,.of Gpene tp, ; tit. Woyaud, of Beaver borough John Wilson, of Industry Mr. Cross and Mr. Coe, of Rochester borough. Missl3adle Platt, Miss Mollie WWII.' Miss Mary it. Bunn, Mr. Benja min Franklin, and Mr. M. L. Knight, were elected a Committee on Permanent Ce;rtitleates. M iss ( Bunni. 4 Chairman; and Mr. Knight Secretary of the Com mittee. The committee will meet) on the first Saturdap of March aukffiep tember,4B72; at if o'clock. a. ru., at for the extimination of applicants for permanent certificates. The Committee desire that applicants make known their intention of applying for examination at least three weeks previous to the times of examination, to the Secretary of the Committee, Mr. L. Knight, of Industry. The following resolittions were nuanl mml.4 (ittopuitiby theinstitute : /1"-tokf_di p Tliat welelieve the pretent common school adapted to the educational wants of our countrxend most inlinemony with `par institutions. Resolved, That Teachers' Institutes supply a want in our normal system not supplied by any other instrumentality. Resolved, That we recommend ttithe directors of the county that at the time of employing teachers, deljnite arrange ments be made concerning their attend= once upon the County Institute. Resolved, That we believe the good of our schools would be promoted by a convention of directors for consultation and improvement. Resolve* That recognizing the iuffu ems, of vocal music in appealing to the ti nor feelings and in awakening the no bler impulses of the human heart, we consider It ~r too much importance to be ignored in the course of study pursued in our public schools. Resolred, That we recognize In Prof, Fields, our County Superintendent, a zealous and efficient worker in the great cause of universal education. Resolved, That our thanks are due to Doctors McLean, Breckenridge and Tay lor, Reverends Locke and W. G. Taylor, and Mr. McGregor for lectures delivered during the Institute. Remdreil, That i xve are indebted to Pr440,40rs Luckey, Gnurlp, Ginitz and Ihaiglass for their presence and as mistanve. nesutred, That we are under obliga tions to the School Board of Rochester, for the use of their public school build- ite.,/red, That wo tender nor hearty thanks' to the ladles and gentlemen who enlivened ourexerenies with their very cheerful music. Besot red, That our thankm are duo to Prof. Cooper for him visit to dur Insti tute, and for the valuable services ho has rendered to us and our cause. rhis hay boon emphatically a working Institute, the teachers themselves doing a great deal of the work. An Institute is valuable in proportion to the amount of thought developed, an d reasoning fr , this fact the present has been ono of the .sucecxxful Institutes held in the county for several years. Teachers will back to their work with renewed energy, and their schools will be materi ally benetitted thereby. A beautiful song, entitled " Gathering !tome," by Misses Platt and Knott, and Prof. Orr, followed by the doxology, by the Institute, and the benediction by Dr. McLean, concluded the exercises. 'Week of Prayer.—As the prevent ly tho week of prayer, appointed by the EvangoliCal Allianoe, wo herewith pnb lish the plan of service as agreed upon. The Rory icem began On Monday,Jan. 7th : SEnsowis Subject, ..the Faith once delivered to the sednts,'*-- the bond of union ntaoug.,Chria thin.: its defense binding en Tit ANKMOIVINO for God's "Unspeakable Gift: for his mercies. personal, relative, and national ; for the manitettanceauti restoratiou of peace, and preservation from other Caitlin Met.; for spiritual blessings; for the progress of Christ's kingdom: and for the usefulness of the Christian ministry. Iltnaturriott : for reruns" nud national sins, with acknowledgments of nivine Judgments; for weakness of faith, disobedience and worldliness in the Church, with confession of nnfainsfidness. PHA yEe, :Wellnet,d.ll): for families; for the con version of children: fur the increase of duttnertlC,l piety; for a blessing on the youth at NC - hoots. cOl - and universities, and all entering upon commercial or professional duties ; for the 1.811(1'- 41m: of affliction, both to Macula andschildren, PRA TRU (Tburpditv fi for nations. (-specially time,, recently visiteil etith calamities: tor kings and all in authority; for the prevalence of peace in the counsels of statceincu: fur righteousness, harmony and good will among all classes: for the spread of sound knowledge and for God's blousing upon a il spe nt& effort, to mist the pro- Cress of infidelity, sepersthlan, tntemperance, and other kinds of immorality. PRAYER k Frid3y : for the Christian Church and m i n i stry; f or trans l a tors of the "Holy Scriptures Into various tongues; for societies, committees. and.a others engaged In Christian work. l'n A en (Saturday): for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, for the inelvase of Christian love and holyaesti')bc al) miselOntirtell et home Iltieknieniad for ell.Chrtstiana exposed to trial and pct. anion; for the prevalence of relig ious liberty; for the ex 'tension of the Redeemer' s klagdom throughout the will Id, and the onion of all believers in prayer end effort for tiod's glerr• SEµNow, -Thy kingdom endue, Ms- tv@l be done to earth as it Is in hcare,,."-31att. vi. 11). This puts the whole week of prayer lefore the reader. Frotit the anneal report of non. if. IS. Swoops, United States Attorney, to the Department elf Justice, •we extract the following : cases disposed of during the year,‘ 122; of those, judg: ,meets for the United States, /21 ; amouut of judgments recovered; tt 1A2,00.42 ; fintottet oollected and - Paid over; f 107,- 409.40; criminal oases disposed of , 210 ; convictions, 201 acquittals, 9;. nollc protract! (chiefly 'duplicate bills), 21 ; cases:now . pouding for trial, 357; all of thilitlitr. Swoops, leknot Very Idle. Jour P. DaAvo. 11114'Pfinfr:i4cism'iy Pfaii4iiitt+ - eays i "Att r -old gentleman named - /lamuel Blakely, stopping at the Eagle - Hotel, is reported to have lost seVenhundind dol- Lars on Tuesday night last.: ire is in the habit of walking in his sleepoind before going to bed be placed the" moth* in hl bat near the.bed, and the next murning the. money was•gone. Several ~persons in the house say they heard him get up and pi down stales daring the night; but he knows nothing about 4.) J W SPENCER No. SO Marice.t Black Silks, - Fancy Silks,. Jap. Silks, Foulard De soie, Pongee Pantaise, Green Mohair, Grisselle Poplins, 4 ‘ Mactio. Plain and , F( Mourning Paisley Paisley Sh, Stripid Sha Lam Carts, Persons visiting pit fully invited - to eintrif prices will he the VEI , March 29: Iy. MARR WATTERSON=--REED.;--On the 7th of December, 1871, by Jain Mentz, esq., at the residence of the bride's,parents Mr. Andrew Wattersob of Beaver, and MissBarah It Reed of:Ohio township, Beaver county. RAMSEY—SAMUELO—Thursday eve ning, December 4:187; at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. BntbsMr.M.J..Ramsey,of Bridgewater to Miss Kate Samuels, of Birming ham, Pa. POE—KENNEDY.---On Docemgor 13th, by ' Joseph Hollingshead, Mr. George W. Poe, and .Miss Mary, A. Kennedy, both of Georgetown, Pa. COOPER—SWANEY.—On the 2lat of December, 1871, at the*remidence of the bride's parents, by Rev. A. J. Young, assisted by Rev. J. P. Sharp, Mr.' W. S. Cooper, to Miss Cynthia Swan - by, all of Beaver county, Pa. ANDERSON—REED.—On the evening of the 25th of December, 1871, at the residence of the bride'e Parente in Bea- Ner, Pa., by Rev. W. H. Locke, Mr. ThoniasM. Andettion and Mise Jennie, daughter of Mr. Alexander Reed, all of Beaver, Pa. The bride has our thanks for several slices of the wedding cake ; and as the groom happens to be a printer, we aro ferociously in favor of their future hap piness and general prosperity. CHRISTI'—S.MITII.---On the 27th of December, 1471, by the Rev. J. M. Smith, assisted by the Rev. James M. Shields, Mr. Jat Christy, of Ship- pingport, and Miss Anna M. Smith, of Beaver, Pa. TAY LOR—OROSCOST.--On New Years Day, 187',' by Rev. J. W. Davis, Mr. James M. laylor, of East Liverpool. Ohio, to Miss Mary E. Groseost, of Brighton tp., this county. BOGGS—EATON—Iin New Year's day, by the Rev. Jones, Mr. Robert Boggs to Miss Mollie Eaton, all or Beaver . county, Pa. JOTINSTON—G BEEN' LEE.—Gn the 2d of January, 1572, by Bev. Janes M. Shields, Mr. George W. Johnston to iss Virgin is E.I reen lee, daughter of Capt. Thos. Greenlee, of Vanport, Bea ver county, Pa. The happy pair wore not unmindful of the printers. May much happiness at tend their union. DIED. RENO.—On Saturday, December 23d. at Rochester, Mary, wife of C. L. Reno, and daughter of W. B. Lemmon, aged 30 years. [Butler and Pittsburgh pa pers please copy.] PIERSOL.—On the 24th ult., Jane, aged 8 years, and on the 27th, Rebecca, aged fotir years, children of B. K. and Em ..eltubtPiersei, of tit* borough.. , BARNES.—On December 27th, 1871, at the Beaver Omnty Roble, PrUdy Barnes, aged 76 years. New Advertisements, Bridgewater Borough Ordinances. Be tt enacted and ordained by the Tern (genet of Nee Borough qr Bridgmater, and id is hereby enacted by the authority -February, the, Ittllllo. That tram and after the tint day 01 February, 1fe79.. it 'Mall not he 'au fel for any perm' to erect, keep, (w maintain any " Slaughter II 0121S0 72 within the lim it. of .old borough except the Fame he erected, kert, or maintained by written content of said council tir.t had and obtained. ROBERT GILMORE, Burs A. S. HARVEY, Serntary. January a, 1572. EOM Ite it enaeted hiid ordained by the Men roam - it a of the Borough llf Bridgewater, and it I hereby ',meted by the authority le" the *ante, T t from and after the find ‘ lot 1 day of February', 1572, It P hall be unlaWfu I for any perpon to erect. keep, or maintain any pig-pen within forty (4111 feet of any public i.treet to paid borough, and any perrou violating thla ordinance ',hall forfeit bnd pay a fine of not lean than five (f 3) nor more limn twen ty-tlye ‘ $2.5) dollarg, for nee of atilt' borough ROBERT I.ILMORE, Burge... A. S. HARVEY, S.-erelary. January 2,, Ihi2. Datilo-71.3w Valuable Real Estate For Sale. , -No! TITS property belonging to the beim or JAREP , ARBUCKLE, deed.. f, • , rit tut ..d New Brighton. Beaver • l',' county. ,iP now otTereti 1 . 6 r "./ The lot extends (Toni Broadway to Water Sheet, and contains three acres of ground with pheulibery and choice fruit trees In great va riety There t a GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, Brick, with Frame attached, containing fourteen rooms „anti cellar, with good cistern, stable. and all nece.sary out-hulldings on the premises. Also n good .veil of water. For farther nartica• tars Inquire of SAMUEL ECOFF. janlo'7l-2mlli Bridgewater, Beaver Co., Pa. [Beane rowdy PresA, copy and send bill to A uarp.l Notice to -Sunders. proposals Will be received by the under. 17 signed up to Mcniday.the twelve o'clock. for thrtilrhlniz material. building:, and completing - a P. Church for four mt le Congre gation, on the road limilina. t rom Beaver to Fair view —near Mr. Isaac Shane s. - - Proposals AVM be recelven for both brick and frame, size BiarAi feet. Plans and specifications can be seen by calling on John Kent', e,q. The Committee rviserve the right to resect any or all tilde. ( . ..11.NELIt'S DONAVAN, I W3I.II;AILFT, MCGAFFICK, ..1. MCcoll,lll , fi. JOIIN SLF:NTZ, Uauld-Zit ) Notice in Partition. N th.• Orphans' Court In and for the county of I Beaver. in the matter of partition of the Real Estate of Enoch P. Carson, ileceasvd. To Janie. Ctinningham. George rtibbingnin. 'William Cunningham. lieorge Dawtmn, vendee ofDlro. Nary Howe and (Ahem Take notice that an Inquisition on the Real Es state of Enoch P. ('areen, deceased. situate In Brighton township, Bearer county and State of Penne) it mils. conmin logy three hundred and twenty•seven acres, more or less, held ou the premise* on the fit h day of liretuclry, Rott. JOHN GR.EBI.' 1, ,Sherijr, Stukatiree Omen. BEAW rat, January, 2. Int FMON FOR SALE.—A heauttfal farm of twenty four aces, more or less, situated near the borough of linden. Beaver county. This farm has a first-class vein of iron oar running through it. and also a coal bank with a thirty four inch vein which is In operation. There is on the premiers a one and a half Flory dwelling house oontsing two room.. I am determined to sell on account of my Illness, and ahy person de. airing to purchase said farm.can do sant a bargain, as I will sell at a price to snit the purchaser. For further information, Inquire of the undersigned. on the JOSEPH C. STOPGII. 10140'72.8 iSSOLUTION NOTlCE.—Noticelo he•e -.1-o'hy given that the Pniftnership lately : coign)! between Boydand Shaw under the firm of Boyd & :Oulu% wax thla day dleaolved by mutual eon .ent AB the debta due said arm ore to hereeeired by Intrrnham Boyd, and all demands on paid firm are he paid by the .attl Boyd, who la duly at, !Inized to sett le all debts dun and owed by the Boennrreit. PA., /IN RA HAM BOYD, January 5, 1579. 1 GEORGE SHAW. LinolOalw.) Hl)dresTrablilendro L er O ty T on F4p h r d 7 , A re 1. , E.-- a Tb ve a r t formerly owned P by p ahlltle, Crawford, den•ased, is offered for sale. Said property has on it aFraine 'louse containing seven rooms and cellar, with good Ilium° stable and other out buildings; also a largo brick shop used for blacksmithing ; good fruit on the lot The lot is :Mirk feet. For fur ther Information, call on Mrs. Mary Crawford at Beaver Fells. or R. S. IMBRIB, JanlO'lla kw] Beaver, Pa. _ _ DIVIDEND NO. •,.'.t_r. ATIONAL BANE or BEAVER COUNTT. N EW BIUGUTON, January 3, 18?. The Board of Directors int this Bank have this day dee a a Dividend of four por cent: for the lavt six monflß•mpon the Capital Stock payable fortt with. free of all tax. Llanlo-3w.1 EDWARD I.IOOPS, asAicr. • - - FNGINE FOS SALE .— The undersigned has an engine and boiler, 714 inch bore and II inch stmke, which ho offers for sale at a ree ennoble price. All In comMorder. Call on or address— SOMERS. JanlQ'Vetf] Beaver, Pa. New Advertisements. - oo 41 0 og'ft o • • 05 • c.• 1.4 • 0 1 1;4 a co :4 * 7.7 ; 3 1-4. 4 4 4 Gtr.. 4 Er ;g . CO git .• .01 tz to 7. p t iz a • g ert: 11 r pg es" .;.1 " 1 * • . $2. - 1 . 3 t 4 414 ' 1 CA 1Z VIR egi FOR GOOD COFFEE, FOR GOOD SUGARS, FOR GOOD FLOUR FOR GOOD TOBACCO. FOR EVERYTHING GOOD IN THE Grocery and Provision Line, AND AT PRICES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN BEAVER 011 ELSEWHERE S. SNITGV.II. Rz CO.'S, 3d Street, BEAVER, PA. J inlo - nly READY • MADE CLOTHING 0 til Pm 0 _v- co m . CP o to 2. 1 4 1 " 33 1. " A V • s 1 rn at 0.% illi i , Oa Wi dI r ',.rnr" ..o ,ac b. F w Boys' Clothing, HATS "andCAPS, Jac 1013-tf, , AMERICAN WASHER' PRICE, 85-.50. The Auxerieaui Washer Saves Money, 11Mei and 'Drudgery. - The Fatigue of Washing Dv Ito Lower Dreaded, bat Economy, _Efficiency, and Clean Clothing, Sure. In calling public attention to this little machine, a few of the invaluable qualities, (not poseessetLby any other washing machine yet invented,) are here enumerated : It is the smallest, most compact, most portable, most simple in construction, most easily operated.' A child ten years old, with a few bonne practice, can thoroughly comprehend and elfeelnally use It. There is no adjusting. no screws to annoy= no deLay In adapting ! It is always ready for use' , It Is a perfect little wonder ! It Is a miniature ant, doing more work and of a better quality, t the most elaborate and costly. true-half ot the abor is fully saved by Its use, and the clothes wi last one-half longer than by the old plan of the rub board. It will wash the largest Macke'. Three shirt* at a time, vrashinir thoroughly ! In a w ord, the ablution of any fabric, from a Quilt to a Lace (curtain or Cambric Ilandkei chief. are equally within the capacity of this LITTLE GEV ! hall' be fastened to any tub and taken off at will. No matter how deep rooted a preindice may ex let swill:let Washing Machines, the moment this little machine is seen to perform its wonders, all doubts of its cleansing. efficacy and utility are baniehed, and the doubter and detractor at once become the last friends of the machine. We have testimonials without end, setting forth Its numerous advantages over all others, and from hundreds who have thrown aside the unwidely, ueelese machines. which have gig - oily tailed to accomplish the object promtsed In prominent and . loud sounding advertisements. It is sc perfect for washings a wringer is for wringing. The price another Tammount induce ment to purchasers, has been placed co low that it Is within the reach of every housekeeper, and there us no article of domestic economy that will repay the small investment to coon. $B.. 5 O MI that it asked for (Ida GREAT LABOR SAV ER la a fair trial. We guarantee each machine to do Its work perfectly. Sots AGENTS FOIL TUE UNITED STATES, A. H. FRAN(7ISCITS d. Co.. 513 3111arket St., Phfind , ta., Pa, The largeot and chenpeet 'WOODEN WARS lIUUSE in the rotten statei.. ideca-arn James H. Rankin HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, CrETLERY, PLATED WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE Joint n nem.: anti Plain, Pine IVare, WITH EVERYTHING RECESS k F HOUSEKEEPERS. !bidding Com Call anti see our stock and learn our prices No. 6th St., (Late SI. Clair SI.) PITTSBURGH, PA (Jim. 3. 18 novf•iv S. F. WILON, BARCLAVS ROOMVIRD STREET /I Y A lAE; It IN l-'4LI 1."`F".V.E13.. jnal0"7:1-3w SUGARS, TEAS,MOLASSES, SYRUPS AND DRIED FRUIT, RAMS AND DRIED BEEF, MINCE MEAT, Leaf Lard. in Tin Buckets, Carbon Oil, Vinegar Ithickerel, BERT BRAND 81i0W-FLAKE FLOUR Best Brand Fallston i: Mili Flour, MILL FEED, CORN MEAL, Buckwheat, Batter and Eggs. MAGnvxs FIVE CRACKERS of all Kinds, Confectionery. ORANGES AND LEMONS, RAISINS, Piste, Fine Salt, OVAL FRAME LOOKING GLASSES THESE GROCERIES Have all heen-selected with care; ant BED7O OF TIIE FINEST AND FRESHEST Wlll be sold at Pittsburgh Retail Prices [detla;tf. ivo 0 IZ. FOR GOOD TEAS FOR GOOD SPICES FOR GOOD FEED FOR GOOD CIGARS GO TO ... 0 ' 0 . ...,,., ze , 4 4 rl et 4- = Pi TILE DE Al. ER IN Bearer, Pemea. (Green and Roasted), Spices, Jellies, Canned ac., &a, Sc., Sc. Harctuyare, J. D. RAMALEY'S OPERA Hat House, , AND " GENT'S FURNISHING EMPORIUM, No, O Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURGH The Best Goods at Lowest Prices. °mode sent to any l address, on approval. niny24-Iy. CARPETS, (011U2=t%Oli'L MATTINGS, WINDOW - EDP, avati 1it6583 A. full and well selected stock of, AT THE LOWEST PRICES Ear A Liberal Reduction made to Min sters and on Church Carpets. • BOVAIRD. ROSE& CO.. 21 MTh Avenue. PITTSBURGH, Pa mart , ';'l-Iyl ALL SECURITIES &id hare our personal and carefu examination. 'hether you wish to Buy or Sell wry kind of Investment Seeurities Cbnsull, or write to S. McClean & C 0.,, 13 A. N 1 17. S; Lor•k-fox 137 .11 No. 61 Fourth Arenuc PITTSURGH, PENN'A Financial Agents for the Loans of the Government and various appiz , pred Railroad Bonds ; Drawers of Ex change Drafts on all parts qi the Uni-i ted States and Europe; A General Banking, Brokerage and (bmmission business attended to. Money advances made upon approred (bilaterals.— Cheehs and Deposit Accounts kept with 'lndividuals, Banks, Bankers, & Cor porations. Interest allowed ,on Time oetll:3m Deposit'? OE The only reliable Gift Distribution in the country! $60,000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS! . TO HE DISTRIBUTED IN L . . SINE'S 153 d REGULAR MONTHLY GIFT Enterprise ! To be Drawn Monday F . 19,1872, TWO GRAND CAPITAL PRIZES $5,000 Each in Greenbacks ! Two Prizes, $l,OOO Five Prizes, $,500 = Greenbacks Ten Prizes of $lOO F. 1 Horse and Buggy with Sliver-mounted Harness, worth 1100 One fine-toned Rosewood Piano worth ssoo' 10 Family Sewing Machines, worth $lOO each.! 800 Gold and Silver‘Lerer Hunting Watches, (in all) worth, from Va) to *WO eack: Five heavy cased Gold Hunting Watches, and peavey Gold chains, worth MO each Five Gold American Hunting Watches, worth $125 each. Ten Ladies' Gold Hunting Watches, worth $lOO each ! Ladies' Gold Leontlne Chains, Gent's Gold N'Xii Chains, Silverkilated Castors, Solid Slh,-r and Double-plated 'll able and Teaspoons. Ivory-hand led Dinner Knives, Silver plated Dinner Fork. Silver Vest Chains, Photograph Albums, lades.' Gold Breastpins, Shirt-Studs and Sleeve-Buttons, Finger-rings, Gold Pens (silt er extension ), Sc Whole Number 'Gifts, 6,000. '\'Tickrts Limited to 110,000. Agents Wanted to Sell Tickets, to Whom Lil Aral Premiums will be Pahl. Single Tickets, Iti; 51s Tickets, Twelve Tick ets, $10; Twenty-five Tickets, Circulars containing a full 11.1 of preys. a de scription of the ntaniter of drawing, and other In formation in reterence 'a the dlstrthutlen, alll he Pent to nay one orderine! them. All orders must be addressed to L . D. SINE, boir 86. de0.17:10 °like, 101 W. 1:111000.111, 0. ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY 01' ERlE,')?...t. Cash Capital $250,000.00 Asssets. Oct. 9, '7l, 31 1,948 29 Liabilities, - - - 5,200 00 0. NOBLE. President; J. I'. VIN('ENT, \ ice Pt. 11. NV . WOOll4, Treasurer; Tons. F. 044ontiteit,'Seerrtary. 1)1 E('TORS: Hon. N cline, Erie Hon. Geo. B. Delarneter J W Hammond, do Meadville. Pa. Hou Seidel) Nlan v in, do Hon Jl' ineent, Hiram 1) .nett. 410'114)11re Rau le 414 Charles II Reed, do 4 T Churchill it 11 ti sonill/1 r , do Cold .15 Richard, if B Sterna. no Richard O'Brian, 414 H W Noble, do , F iI C/011.1, d. J Englehart, do John It ( nehran, d. J 11. Nell. do:111 Hartleht), - 414 WII A bbott, Titnsei Ile.!Capt 1) P, Dobbins, di 'Jun Fertiz, Po'icies is.tied at fair rates and liberal terms. Insures agalue 4 t damare by Lightning as well as Fire. CH AL !4. , ILL H BST, A g't. Rochester, Pa., Dec. ett, 1871;qy Address ii. STEINFELD. N-ew•Brighton, Beaver Co., Pa. Vetr2Otf Valuable Property For Sale. I OFFER FOR SAth; the following pr opery, , to wit: The Otteland House and in In t he 11 ir °ugh of Beaver, where I now reside. • This Is a very desirable property , and Is beautifully situat e Ho d, fr use eo . Thnting on Dar theellinl Public is Park south of the Court surrounded by shade and ornamental trees ; a large and commodious, containing eight rooms, a hall, two porches, a por tico, and a first class miler ; attached are a wash- Nouse. Intoner, wood mid coal houses, and,all oth er necessery out-buildings. There is en abun dance of water for all pnemosere hi both the kitchen and wash-bowie. The lot contains choice fruit of nearly every kind, such as apples, pears, peaches. quinces, cherries, grapes, firc., ALSO: A Lot of Ground, containing nearly four acres, with small frame Dwelling Roast, Ste hle, &c. A number of thrifty apple trees In full bearing, and some smelt fruits. Situate on the public road lending from Vanport to Beaver, near ly adjoining the laleer. This is a desirable site Tor a Private Residence, or for Gardening, having formerly been used for that purpose. ALSO; All my interest In a piece of Coal Land, actuate below and near the borough of Hooks town, In Greene township. ALSO; All my Interest In Oil Wells and Oil Property on Island Run. In Ohio township. As I Intend moving to the State of Virginia, and wish to dispose of all my Real Estate, before leaving, persons desiring to purchase any or all of the above described property, can do so at a bar gain. OS 1 am determined to sell at prices to suit purchasers. If it should he at a sacrifice. For fur ther particulars inquire of K P. Kuhn. Esq. or the subscriber —1). M. DONEIIOO, Beaver. Pa. Dedi;Sw New Advertigementg. ROCHESTER SAiIin,BANL w. .7. 5 rerztrita I=l Ow. c. • I. It. ercrEnglt.Casn'r• SPEVEREIL & BieDONALD . Deol3 In exchange, rota, GI nem:tent Secuth new. snake collection on au ooccoolble points In the United Mates and Catutda, receives money on &volt titittict to chock, and receives time depos its front one dollar and upward, tallt 11//own inter est at I per rent.. By-hists and rules furnished the by applylog at the bank. flank open daily Wm 9, a. in., till 4 - p , in,. and on Saturday even ings from 6to 8 o'clock. We refer by penntaskin L. 11. OXMAN & nott. J. 8. RETAIL', ALOES. SCOTT & Co., OUR & CORPUS ; S. 4. Caoto Co, W. gintsvy . SNIEDIGU WLCILS, JOUR SUARP„ B. S. RAINED, R. p. EDOAU. A. C. liresr. 1 TEADiontrit's 141 417.03111 L S. U. WILSON. BANK. Pitottionai Pa nostlo'ßB G. S. Maims.. F. A. I;Anxica.. C. A. ij*Mum. G. 111. BARKER it C 0... dew Brighton, Ai, ANA G. S. BABBLES & CO., Beam /rata. it 13 AN. MT?, S , . Dealers In Exchange, Coln. CO opens, Om. ite.--1 Collections made on all accessible points in the; Milted States and Canada: Accounts of .Merely' ants. Stamen:casters. and Individuals. toadied. Interest allowed on time deposites. CorrespOsil dents will receive prompt attention. (dec2l:l COAL and NUT COAL FOB SALE. The undersigned Is operating 4 COAL. BANE on McKinley's Run. about half way bet Ween RD-% ~cheater and lieleaville, where. he 'wilt be glad to receive orders for lump or nut emit Orders can also be len at B. Mu}helm's, ha Bridgewater. or at John Purvis' in Beaver, or at the A.nons office or at the residence of ;the undersigned on Markin at.r•et., Bridgewater. Goal on thL platform k' at all times. Coal delivertal at short Deli Ce— . cash tin delivery- Prices as towns the low. est. __ tki5.7,0 J. C. MOLTER. ___ ___ PITIMSI3I7II6III BANK FOR NAV • INGS.—No. 61 FOUR= AVENUE, Pitts burgh. Chartered in 1862. ' . Open daily from 9 to 4 o'clock, and on SATUR DAY RVENINGS from May Ist to November 1 t 7to 9 a'ock. sad from November tat to May lst , p t L. to 8 o 'clock-. Interest paid at the rate of Six Per cent, free of tax.,and if not withdrawn cont•,. pounds semi-annustly, In Joatutry and July. . Books of By-Law a, Ac., furnished at the ofdee, ' 'ROAM) OP MANAGERS: . ! GEO. A. BERRY. President. B. IizIid.RTMAN„ JAS. PARE.Jr.„Vice•Pres't. D. R. licKlNLEY,"Secretary and 'Treasurer. A Bradley. J. L. Graham, A. S. -Bell, Wm. R. Nimick, John S. Dilworth, F. Ratan. O. Pollens- bee, Joshua Rhodes, John Scott, Robert 'Schmertz, Christopher Zag. 1). W. it A. S. Bea. Solicitors. ang.l6:ly - LOOK HERE• PISING AND SUMMER GOODS.—Tho 0 untlersigx.ed hegr leave to inform Ha friend. and the public generally that he has Joat receive , . a new etoek 01 goods or the latent styles f.. Spring nod Summer wear awhieh he (Akre a ver. iuudernt rates, GENTLEMENS' FURNISIIING GOODS, CONSTANTLY UN !LAND Clothing made to order on the shorten Thankful to the public for putt favor'', I fool!: by clie, !Mention to business to merit* cont't ante of the Mame DANIEL MILLER,Y•f BRIDGB Sr_ BBIDOKISATNR. mar 24:11 Siorni nary & Insatitut4,- R. T. TAYLOR, Principli. The attention of ttre South of thir and adJoirit , counties is ellikd to the HALE S 3), now being opened in connection with the Dtrcartment. 'Rooms have been provided for Tblri Sao Boyei or Tope{ Men. who will rude • every vantage, and w 11 I be boarded nt reat•otys'.thle Address the Principal. DAN A L eIiGN EW eep27lf Prool r:PestitatS:tr a W. . ~,, ~ Di. J. Xi Ks• - ':'....70 I `' : - ray,, water. 1. olut t-r -/ . 4.11* Med that tto .11 utht iu the. ~...„51 . . "q"... ...-- • - ' . t."": • ..'" . State shall do ... /Flit ' ~,.... r ......., -t7 1:3 rk bettrl or cit. & hie pa ::' i.. 1 ilf p you' , .10 I Allir g He I1Pa . ••• ' he best uaateriaia manufactured in the United Stales. Gold mid 41 r a yer filling performed in a style t defies eittutie. Litton Satisfaction guaranteet in all, or the money returned- Give im a trial, fetr.tilv 404 WAR T 'ICIAL HUMAN - 1 7- ES • 4 :kERTED TO MOVE AND LOOK LIKE bit:NATURAL E, No Cutting or Pain Whatecer ADDRESS-DB. G. W. SPENCER, sur goon Artistic and Deutint,•2s.l Penn street. Pitt• burgh, Pa. . _ $l,OOO REWARD! . A reward of One Thou.and Dollars will be paid to any Physician who will produce a medicine that will supply the wants of the people bettcr h ) 1 than the article know as DR. Fs HRNEY'S Celebrated Blood ',canoe. or Pans am. - It must be a better Cat rtic a better Alterative, a better Sudorific, a bet r Diuretic', a bawl Tunic. and in every way butt than the Pan.a•ce-a, Nb matter how long -It been 1 n use or Einar Weir discovered. Above lit must nut contain any thing NOT PCNOLLY VLUSTAZILE. • . _ EMI $5OO REWARD • • A reward of Five Hundred Dollars 'an! be paid for a medicine that will permanently cure more cases 0' Costiveness, Conntlpation %lei: or Ner vous Headache. LiFitr Complaint, Bilious Di.or der.. Junndice. libettniatww. Gout, Ilyspcpsta. Chills awl Fever. 'rape Wlorina, JLnle. Im:wry, Tellers. neer,. son,-, in the Loins. Stile and Head and Female 6oniitaint that. • DR ~PAHRNEY'S BLOOD CLEANSHIII OR rANACDA, which 1,4 aYyfl attire ext•-aaivtly by practlal .byesiclaue than' any other Slaipu fur mit•tliclu • MAN LL. Fri•plaS.Nl bg P FAMINE'S'. Eli". S C 6.. Waynephom, Pa and 11fr. P. FAliaNtir. I:incagte Price 1.2. i per bottle.. for male by Who:cf.:be ..I Retail Dealers. awl by .lone 1800112, Beaver. Pa. SllllllllllOlll4 in Part - Moil. BEAV E Corr The Commonwealth ell Noosyl raniatothe Merl' of Bearer ( y, tire( /Vie If .less mnith make you sure 01 proberutfug his claim. then we commarol you. as heretofore. that yon summon F. M. Leonard Mallory. M. Ilill..lohn Forsyth. AW. Brown. Samuel Kennedy. and William G. Bratty. by good and lawlul Summoners, an that they b • Laid aimtilr berme our JudLres at Iteavt:r. at toir County Court of Common fleas there to he add the third Monday of March Neat, t., show n ben fore- - 1111. rens, The raid Plaintiff and the said Befett • dents hold tiagether,lllll.l undivided, a rertalteptoce of parcel of hand situate to the township of conittv of Beaver, and State . of. Penney's:mitt. bounded and described as follows, to wit : Begin nlng at a chesumgettience by laud of R. Prichard south 31 t.„ degrees east perches to a is3c smote: thence, by land of same, south 15? y deerties east fin-Mats perches to a post; thence north 731 2 degrees east '22 2-10111 perches to a post; thence b) land of said Jesse Smith north .St, degrees west 11 45-100th perches to a white - oak; :hence by land of the same north 31 1 4 , degrees west StIS.I-11tillts perches to a cheenut oak: thence by land Or same north 5 degrees westt. Ii 7-10ths percher to a Stone -11.1e; thence by land ot,Clucla Thompson south 14 1 , degrees west ettAperches to a post: thence by mod. of George Dawstin's heirs south 16 1 ,‘ degrees east •1119 perches to a post; thence by land of It. Pritch ard 70.4 degrees E. '27 7-10 perches to the place of beninuing: texceptine therefrom lot No. it; Sold to Capt. E. Bennett. containing one acre and la perch,. t. The :those described piece or parcel of land having been di% idyll lilt° lots numbered from four to forty-three inclusive, and containing In the whole [exclusive of lot No. 8.) forty acres and ninety-eight perches. as Sdi appear by map or plan of said lids niatle by James Harper, Angost tith• of which they, the defendants, deny par , tition to he made between them according to the form of the Act of Assembly in such .case made and provided, and unjustly permits the same nig to be done. Witness the Honorable A. W. ACHFBf)N, - Pre.' dent of our ' , alit ('onrt at Bearer, the 2511) day of November. A.1).1K11. JOHN CAUGHEN; Pro. JOHN HR.-ELONG. Meng'. - Sheritrs othce.plleaver, Nov. IS, 1371.-11 w Children's Carriages! A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK Of Ttro and Three- Wheel Gig*, - PERAMBULATORI4, WILLOW CARRIAGES, of the best New York and .Philadelphia► manufacture. at reasonable prices. Also, Ladies Satchels, Baskets, Fancy Goods, Notions, Toys. Jet Jewelry, do.t., &c wholesale anti retail. at F, A. O'ILEARVEN 14S Federal St., g doors above the Market. wayl7:ly • Allegletty, Pa. . The Improved Grand Oroide 4.40%%!> lirtilttrainrao $9, $l2, $l5, $lB. . We have recently brungh; our OroidrCold Netai to such perfection that It Is difficult for the best ludges to distinguish it Isom gold. The $9 watch es are with patent escapement movements; In ap- -- pesrance, and for time', eqnaling a gold one cart ing sloe. The $l2 are fell Jewelled patent levers; equal to $l5O gold watches. The *l5 are the sand as the last, hut of a finer finish; equal to one cost trig $ll5. And the $lB watches are of a fine finish with full jewelled American Movements, equaling gold ones worth 1200. They are , all in hunting cases; gentlemen and Ladles' sizes: and warranted for time and wear, by special certificates. Also, elegant designs of gent's and Ladies' Chains, trom $1 to t r i; and Jewelry of all kinds. Geode Vent C. 0. 1). Cnstomets "perrolued to examine the goods they order, heft re paying on payment of express charges. When" sixwatch es are ordered at ono time, we till; send an extra watch of the alma kind tree. Forqurther particu lars send for circular. Address— JAMES tiEItARII) & C 0... 85 Nassau at. New York. P. 0. Box 3951. dectliOm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers