ADVERTISEMIENTS. tt Advertiatanentgare Inserts:4st the rate orsl,oo per square for first Insertton,and for each aid:league:it -,insaarslo44 50 rental. A liberal-discount *ado, on yearly , -vrtisements. • A s pace equal to ten Lines of this type measures a square. Business Notides set under s head tiy themselves Immediately . after- ; the basal news, will be charged Arai Manta a /1120 for each insertion.: Advertisements ahead be handed In before Mondaypbon to insure insertion in that week's ter. B it s ittegig BEAVER. jAILES CA I SEERON, Attorney at Law . Bearer, Pa. Office on 3d et., In the rooms formerly oc c aided •by the 11 ! , e Mange Ciantringlaxm. All bin tiers eatinsted to him still-rm,etreqiromPt and ca ref attention. - TOON B. YOUNG, Attorney at Law. Office and DtbiIICDCC OD Third st..vast c . of this Court ilgure. itloiness promptly attended te; .7 • SPAM AttOraer. at Lair. Oaco on h). Med et., below tbeibart Hempen All busk. nees_promptly attended la ieWifit,L, 11 RS. P. D. FE.7.../lesteil 1 , 1 amino, Fnncy Goons, iw.."; cnt the - corner Third end Sautwary Mon& : - -i_jebefl4l . . _ -- V — i.lit 7 fl2 - I. Attart=lAw.• , ollleo eat Juit end &Third amt. andltkleay• R. J7B-44CUTIVParesculil AID Sim:non.. I_./ Si:metal at tetition snid icatentanent Ronnie LI,-else!... Residence and office on Path tired, a fmv doom t attic Conn-Hem. sprlrtlay jEICIL YMERZ, Manufacturer and Dealer In 11 Boots, Mims and - Ushers; Main at. piepMly DEAVER DaG !Ingo Andrleffeen D Druggist & Apothecary, Main at. Prescri. egrelaVCOMPOgiadCt. (SeP9B; NETV-lIIIIGHTON. • - ' lIAS-. CO• CO LE, Dealer in paints, oll,glsss,nans, L plate-glaaa, looting-glasses, frames, garden u:i.l flower-rtets and fancy fowls. Falls -street, Brighttin. • ..5ep27'7.171.7 I:LANOliereg.F.ll; dealer In Watches, Chair • and :leireley. rpatting neatly executed; Broadway, near Falls-et. novi'7l-1y Jw . NIPPE.O7 - 13aker & ConfectlonetTlie • cream, Ousters and Game In season. Balla, Whiduiza, &c.. anppliod. noel_ 9 , N. opposite Press office., Broadway. I. 'Dealer in the hest baliding hardware. glass, Lail.. and putty, wbtcb he isnaisbes to contractors and builders cheap for cash. . ocrls'7l-1y 1i S F. mErz, Bridge street, dealers in !Yeah I I • meat and tat (little, will visit Beaver on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week. ocrils'7l-I,T . EVERAUD—Dry-Goods, Groceries, Notiosw (2 uee newire. dc. Highest price for good but ter and prodtwegenerhlly. '...yipplosito Presbyter*. an Church. Broadway. ' [ C 7 FWISIW-Watritnasker, JeweSer sad tician, 4:4 Broadway. ' Vt73l. FI. McDONALP Dealer It Fine Thus, I t choice Family Groceries, Queenzware,Glasir- Woodenware, Witiow•ware, de. Broad , Dear Falls-at_ Eep2r7l-I, y - - - ware v.a I. TUTTLE, lir. 1).-222. Broadway, New t Brighton, maker the treatment of ehroniedis ea.eii and female weaknesees c tpeelarty. 0:W- V:nation free to the poor every Sunday from) to 3 c, lack p. in. seri27ll 1y kU. GILLILAND & CO., Dealers in fancy and . Dominic Dry ; Goods. Millinery.. Groceries, &c. Broadway. New Brighton. far 27 1 Ai ci.'l..AlN—Photograph Gallery. Every ,va rl • rh:ry of Pictures neativ executed. Comer of I il•. and Broadway, New Brighton. [011 27 _ . _ . _ % - ,si WALLACE Denier in Italian .t; American li 1 31arble : Manufactures Monuments, Grave .. ..t slite. at reasonable prices. Railroad et, ,r rie‘w Depot. New Brighton. - [sep= 11 • 11 R. MILL., Billiards , Tobacco, Cigars • and Gente' Furnishing Goods. Broadway. :, 1r Appl:.serlrli - iy ____ , (:. StN",AIIT Lt, CD.—Groceries, Coffee, J • T, a. first, Canned Fruits, and everything i • i••• loatid in a runt claaa grocery. Bridge St., a ',,,. , Locn , i. ' , .., ltePll/7 -rEiD ,t WISNER, Deultuy In Boots, - Qattara, near Slemon's Confe,2tion i..ciil2%;s:G4,-11. iiMSTiiAU. Dealers'in .11 N Ladies' Furnishing OoOda,llostary., : , reps Cdr Apple & Broadway. je2l;y •) TONIi.....szTAIIItANT and BaTr(o Sa l) ravalee al all boon; table enpplied with t of the eeaeon. Pricealow. Wm. - • ~r. of Paul and Broadway. my-24'71-1y ):n , -I•EcT HOI NT NURSERIES. Ever ! yavo- and small Fruits. Three miles I aft of hrormon. (aar29'Tl-1y) E. THOMAS. ;ILLILAND& KEitR, DriagglsTs I / \ pnthe artea, cor. Broadway and Pas . ,• Brvzhion, Pa. (Sliccemeora to 1.. B. No . febt..2'7l-ly • Eta F. ON. Bakery Confetionery, I I; r-ot. Special nUestion given to wed -1,..0.,..ty5ters and tee-cream. [sepia 1y • .1 • N ELLENt3EttIi, Ilerchaut 0. nr.,:td , Asy,:tivw Brify,hton. Sec adv 1I v a 1 ; " 1 ' 1.. " hc' photographs r ; IS.ii from "u' 8 re - B t 0 1 D u c ch 1 • ep:4: 1 y 1 , I'l e i\ --7 170;`ral I Paper, Wiudow 1 . ltooks.Stntionerry S Notionlit; Broad •;; p.righton, Pa. • 1m. BEAVER FALLS. . ROBERTSON. Dealer in the }a:4ly cele• t hraied Domestle sewing Machine. Ladino call and be conviiiced. Main et.. B. Fans. tsteli STEW ART & SON, Dealersin Yankee No I 1 . Main St., Beaver Malls. Peprtly t Oil, Dealer In foots and Shoes of every tle•cription, at low pneea, and of a su p,rtrrr tinattt3-, Math tot "igealWrT . Patta rt. • • •• 11141DGEU ATER. T viWEINMAN, lliannfactnre of Boots and _JrShoe4. 'Bridge Rt.. Bridgewater. (sepnly OfINgTQN STALL & JOILN WALTHER. manntanturers of Wagon, Bugries, Buck. AllgT111! and altkinda of Vekdoklea.! Blacksmith !na zenentily;ldarizet-pt above Bridge -at. oZ-]y T . C MOLTER. dealer in Co/ 1. of all kinds. efi • Bank at MrKinley'o Ran. ang9Tbly A ['Mi. HART DARRAGH, S! - Aron, Portrait anti l'hntozraph _Painter. Work promptly eta rlite,l:it reasonable rates. mt2slti CIORGE lIEIDEGG ER. ilonse and Sign Pain. T ter. Bridge St. Bridg , a:4tcr Pa. aprialitly - ,DREII3I Bride street, Bridgewater. Pa., Inailet In Gold and Sliver Watches, aeleitl, ~01, and Sil,er Ware, Speclacles, Watch!! • - , , ,Cks and .le•relry repaired. tleblsl•4l, A NIEL 'MILLER, Fashionable Tailor. iltone 1/ ..xperletteeti workmen employed. , libOp mi z e st., Bridgewater, Pa. fel:Mß.lx .1 A 51 ES PW- • TER. Tanner..Dea!er in Tir Op e) par arid...eet-Iton ware, and iron Clatern Pumps. triage at, Bridgewater. sept4;l!, t C.IIURST, Dr, Goods, hats, Cape. Yard, ..1 • c,rp..t.. Oil Clothf, and Trimmings. Bridge ater, Pa. senl4;ly ROCHESTER. S3IITU .3. CO., ).'ane.y Dry Goods, and Ikladtaou_st., near nil- H. , ,c.l:e.ter. Pa. igept-i:Ey • 'Hi it SCIILELEI:i.—Iiikk - ery and •C4,t;l"ec 1 tioncry. Oye•tert , and Ice Cream to wason Pr-71,7 , 14r attention given to pnpelying Parties and Weddings on abort notice. Diattfutrd IN" Itl •Et 311,3'..3(3. German A Imathecary a o llemg _tat Pupt .411 re. Itocto, rareful:y compounded aecfl y m Fitsl dr.or nbove Cre*. Store, New Drees- Meet. 1 ) 0`11) & 'SHAW. Slanufactnrent of "Vinvon,,, )Coacher. isuzglirvi...;siiving-wagon% tinllcy e. Isl,lclttailthing r. and lionteshoing done It, the but-mintier. • Itothester. ip,4020-1y• AIVTItSLER & • LINN FAIIRIN K. 'Dealer. , in 1 Choice t.trocertun. shit Ntiti Feed of every dencription. n.r Brivtwon S Adtimo greets. Rochester, Pit sept.l3:ly . !MKS 11Ltit 1 Nis E Chi ,erti BEI ildern Roctienter Pa.. near the r em seirt.l;iy • - • W. ll.ANKlNt , —Dealer to Baxds.Sfi - oerdliat ter.. and agenta for Slnger'a Sewing machine. `.• ). , srk and it. It. St... Itoeleoter. 0'0422:1 y 11;mt 7 !slIi GiFt4TZ. NOW Work. ..r ue...t material. made In order. All ork r a nt e d.. Repairing neatly done. Price. Low. \ . Itn , begter. Ps Jan 18: ly sAlanlifacturer and Dealer In I i Furniture or all kl;.da. Ilrigrhton it.. above Fietory See adv't teeplily Et- ILA NNE'S. Druggl-t. Preeerip . een:Vininded. Water at. , ito r. (sepl4:ly • _ -- it f". 1: hotesale & Retail Deal • .• • I)t, 1,—.1,(.1-neeries.Flour.Feed.(traln . • '‘• X ails. Cur. ‘Vater &Jamey ,4s. _ A l) - 'ootractam4 and Builders. -11 • M. uuiarinrers Boors. Stintlers..te. nom. lln I,llmheJ LAM) Sa RochtlotZt. feeplMly 0, LI: wlLLlAMS:Suckuwsonl toe. ,t 11,•alers In. Sawed and Planed • '• • A ilocheater. !OS:1y r.% EftY STABLN.ft COAL. YAIW. I . -1, 12..t..ti0n andifiao,ricer. ocPAly FT' rt.E'd LAlUtVr'nDri'etois of .randstiori ` 11 Good accommodations and good rta. Nt - ar U. It. LIAM. 0ct19:13. : dealer In 1.10tin.:14114 . ,...Ga1tera, ;lane neatly and promptly. i),.,mounJitoche..te.r, Pa • oc.t19;1! A VILI: de. IinOTHER, Manufacturrrr of " , 40na. Concha,. Baggier. Spring-wagona. Sc Illacksmithing and ltor,Lerltiovin,g Lh thy {,,eat manner,. Itocherter, Pa. no16:1 ' :••• WI NAN S, Elect 1: PhyPi i c e l e l an; o 4r . a: i a • made a epecialty. e • Alleche.ny City, Its [Aepl4;l7 114; 4 "e1\Z.& WETZEL, the only manufacturers Wax Soap. No sto 16 Binzham conaty,ra. fjytt-tf ELI.EuöQL, 0. ? 1:\ general sAsortment• or (Itieerumarr. Stoneware. Canned • a.A• r. d t Ilroadway. markt) , , ••I:tti tlttr.llrsolcla. Co:—Dealers in Dry '. Bort., Shoe., lista & Caps. ti I I !4 th. . tzneenpu - are, (llaa.ware, itc.„ - ai Liverpool. (mrB:l7 \ 1 lA , Druz:rim : Ilroadway,uear IL carefully mid accurately feb1:11- CE L LAN EOVS. •.1 It sti'N-Alf. Freedom. Beaver county. Pa, •• • !, > 3,1.44 atul finned LUXBEIII of ail • awl Burge a built to order. lauh - fl-fy 'IIN Tlloll NlLElLlfanafatitirer of the (Ireat 'ooh in:: Store. and Patentee of 'tor \•lotu•lon top and centre. Fallaton. Pa. I. 11 ' 4. P 9 0ft : 5 NI/TlCE—Letters testamentary • 1, 0.14 beeu grunted to the undertipied. on of J attire A. - JulinFton, dee'd.„ late of L'PP‘ - 44 tuunshly, /leaver eonati, Pa., this It to peceone Indebted, to mete Immediate II Lt ; *and mote having datum against the Me wilt preeent them duly authentitated t t, ttlement. to SCOTT MITCIIELL d,cf, Ca Of South Beaver, Ert. cAlisoN. ALEX. CAILsoN R. dr. A, CARSON , holepale and retail dealers in groceries and ntr Produce, foreign and domestic wines end 13'). rectified, rl t L ih r. e ke 4c, . R. µ °PPC4I •• .heat .UTG'I7 Vol. 53—No. -51, liffacellanwms. Carpets, 011 Cloths, Mattings, AT 14WEST PRICES. Henry McCallum, Late IVleCalluna, Bro.'s,) 51 FIFTH AVENUE, 'PITTSBURGH, I have facilities for supplying p;i S i) Equal to am, .Easters Jobbing krOIMIC. Henry McCallum. spill; Ir., D. CONE, M. P., Law of Darlingum. • having removed to New-BrightOn, offers hid medical service's. to all Its branches, to the peeple 'of the city and surrounding country. °Mee cor. ner of Butler and Broadway. ARTIFICIAL TEETH PERFECT. 47" C ED I— T. J. & H. J. -4' HANDLER have pur .-•• ~.-..., . ..4 „ . . chased the exclusive ~.4 \',. 11^ right of Beaver county 4.. - 4 1. . .--•-•.; -- to use Dr.Stnek's Patent 1 ,'„, , -' i- 4 - .9_, -, , by which they can put if g 'll' I . up Velautite as thin as ,sies s, ' i'l 04 tissa IN (,old Plate, with a beau tiful enameled palish; and sought and elastic as to perfectly adapt itself to the mouth; Dimpling all that clumsy and bulky condition, eo much complained of heretofore; tad lessening their-liability to break 100 per amt. In deed, nouns would be willing to wear the old style ,plate any longer than they could couven iontjy•get them exchan •.- AZI branchos oi Den- Getty preformed Mit* AO angst sabatagUll A manner. , In Ailing with gold, etc. , wd Ma .lenge competition frtine quarter, and can ram te living subjects whosa Illirts beta stood • be. tween thirty and forty year Among the number Hon. John Allison exhibit fillings we laser ' ted some 85 years ago ,• the teeth as perfect at the day they were filled. laughing Gas prepared on • new plan. treeing It fr om all apple:le:lntend dan gerous e ff ects, making the extraction of teeth a source of pleasure rather than of horror and pin. Prises m low as any good dentist in the btxte. Oftice at Beaver Station, Rochester Pa. novihtfl T. J.ll H. J CHANDLBIL sec -- /a Brighton Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. PAINTING, 4. MAY ILLA, ROOFING, BAILING, Hardware, Glass, Straw. RAG AND CARPET 3E: l ' MI 3a. S MANWPA.CPT_TICIMED And Sold A+ Wholesale a Retail by Frazier, Metzler & Co., 82 Third. Avenue. PTII9IkTRGIII. Virßags taken In exchange. (aep11;1114t, domes Still Larger FOR THE MILLION! Rare opportunities Are now offered for securing homes in a mild, healthy, and congenial climate for one-third or their vane live years Dance. THE NATIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY has tot vale real estate of every description, locat ed In the Middle and !Southern Mates; Improved stock , grain and fruit, farms ; rice, sugar and tot. to,. plantations; timber and mixers:lands ; rity, tillage, and rural residence, and business stands; mills and mill eites,jactorks, dc. Write for Land Register containing description, location, price and terms of .propettles we have for sale. Address—B. W: CLARKE A CO. The National Real Estate „el envy, A C. L 8% Bridge Street, BRIDGEWATER, PA. IS WEEKLY RECEWING/ FRESH SUPPLY OF GOODS IN EACH OP THE rou.owmo ~~ i;;itil DRY GOO E 0 Steubenville Jeans, Cassimerems and Sattinets, White Woolen Blankets, White and Colored and Barred Flannels, , Merinoks, De!nines, Ginghains, Cobergs, Lawns, Water Proofs, Cloths, „ Woolen Shawls, Brown and Black Muslrns, Tickings, Prints, Canton Flannels, Jaeonexs, • Table Linen, Irish Linen, Crash, Counterpanes,. IloLsery, Gloves, & Mits. G roceries, mme Coffee. Tells Sugar, 2dolasacts, White Silver Drips, Golden and Common Syrupe, Mackerel la bar rel. and kits, Star and Tallow Candle/. Soap, Spire" and Mince Meas. A1”.3, SALT Hardware , Nails , Glass , Door Locke. Door Latches. Hinges, licretss. Table Cadery. Table ai.d Tea Spoons, Sleigh Belts, Coal Boxes, Ftro Shovels and Pokers. N and C 1.... t4pades, , Shovels, 2, & and 4 Tine Fork., Rake,. ttcyther and Snatbs, Corn and Garden Mae*. WOODENWARE. Backeta, Tabr, Chum.. Butter kr.nto and Lades CA lIBON OIL, Linseed Oil ec White Lead. Boots and Shoes LADIES' S[ISSF„S' AND CHILDRgNS' HUOES. In great . variety. Rifle. Powder and Shot, Blasting Powder and Fuse. • Flour Food air Queens - ware. .11 heavy goods delivered free of charge. by Moss attention to buktness, and by keeping constantly on baud a well &trot ted stock of goods of alithe different kinds usnally kept Ma country mare, the undersigned hopes ID the future as In the past to merit and receive a liberal share of the public patronage. • 13. 8. RANGIER. dec1131.8:19.-IT'chgd. C/127 BOTTLING HOUSE, No. 39 Markel Street, PITTSI3TRGI-1, PA. v " of m BOTTLERS OF Sarsaparilla, Mineral and Raspberry Bods_Waters, Syrups and Cider, Smiths Kennett, Waiattrlghts, and all the best brands of Ale and London Porter, selk ,t -ed and bond bottled for Medical and Fam ily use. Ooods delivered free. imr8;"71;ly A LLE6IIIENT BIEURVVEIIne. Spring A Water Alec SMITU A, CO., Brewers. Mall en and Hop dr.dera, No. 4C, Rebecca street, Allegheny, Pa THOS. BOOTH; It. A v0L.41.i. lilghtsi cash price paid for Barley. " 4- jys;ly STEREOSCOPES, VIEWS. ALBUMS, CIIROMOS. FRAMES, E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO-, 591 Broadway, New.Tork. Invite the attention of the trade to tludr extensive assortment cif the above goods. of their own publiectiion, manufacture and importation. Also, • PHOTO LANTERN SLLDES & - '4\ d GRAPHOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & U. T. Anthony. & Co.. 591 Bioadway, New York, Opposite Metropolieati Hotel. Importers and Mantifanturera q/' PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. mar3'7l-1y - • - :--- - - - - -.- P RebuNtet: .. ..;Ltt ‘: .- t • - , 1 - 4 .7.. -- .'_ ; ;., -44 , . L • , • I ;, r r ~..f. :: : i , •„ .• . . • 4: ~. =MI= 1, ei ME E Ui •oa 1 RAll4loAilli. Pin's.. IfT.WATHE A CHICAGO RAILWAY.' On and dm NOT. llzM. LIM Hail.:Er Stations daflyAtkundsP excePtettlf oz, grain larrlag uweago at 5.15, 11l [Tads I , lng , Plltstargb at Inn C. Isms daily.) - , TRAMS GODIG VINT rearsoxs. if arr.., azios. xor. wo —. its,. 780:1;Tura , WC"; . „It wo 1042 945 338 , '.... ' I 50i . iiirsi • ilia 7115 :.. 1 1-- •••• —• .... .' 1 a %ids :iiih...iii *.k 635 425 940 610 500 1010 1155 610 AN MU .... .... .... iiii iio iiii.34 950 • 9011 LW . 2 well ' i1ib..34 ii4o ! .... .... .... .... .... ... .... ..... . 417 905 225rx 510 :71 i ' ill 'iii ail) '- - - iiiirst BRAIN. GOISO NAST , .... i 92004 i 153 Star 6500 1120rar • , . .... .... i 1205,841 905 . 945 11140*41 ... 21 . 91 1105 Ill&Oria iii - "T' l lia 14 : 1.491 . 195 . 54' WO 250 t 420 619 420 , GOD 430 'U7.414'1130 • 500 1 Ms* , 144 A ,. I i. . StM 'MO 325 ins - . .. ... ..;.. . ~. ' ...... ..lilOo .960 iio * Hint 1 .... 1 1014.44 flI5 ' ia . Il ...... .. 1 ...1 MO 1910 p• 935 , 445 Pittsburgh. Rochester flak*. Alliance Canton OrrvWe Wooster Mansfield Crestffixt n .... i f sbo Bucyrus • • • • Upper dandriat7 • • - Forest 11063 Lisna. ;1153 Van Wert- Fort Wayne.... Columbia Wareing... b P,lyinonth alpandso Mimeo. I=3l Chicago, Valparaiso V o a onth. LolnuMla. Fort Wayne Van Wert... Lima. Forest. Ü Bu pper t3andnety 'cyrus:. emstithe A ' D 641 Mansfield 'I'MS Wooster.. Mrs' 11_ e.. . •MasslUon Canton.... _ . "Iladasster. Pllttabatetk Youngstown,: New Outdo • and Erie Express leaves Youngstown at tlO p. Item Cattle, Lir pont Mit es at Pittablogbatill p. m.' Untarohilre orres:Titiobarliti Wei rw :arr. at .Few 44* 4:80 a. in. Younmrn, 1010. a. m. Yount stown, - New 'etude sad Pittsbutgh Aed eommodation leaves Youngstown. COOL mi Now Castle, 1:11 am arrives at Pittsburgh, =ld A. ta. Returning, leaves . Pfttibtirghi tea p. mt ar rives New Cote.** P. Bi mit gas. Generg .Ftissenger and Ttatit Agent - • cusinmeifua a PITTSBURGH RAILTI,OAD. Qn and after Nov litb 16'11, trains will leave Stations daily (nundayti excepted) as follows. Goma sotrrn =Eli =1 Cleveland. 840ais 1115rw 1156ra Raslid Street. Hudson. 1,119, - 134 503 Ravenna I'lo3o 155 • IMet /Mance,.ll39 ISM 615 8ayard......... ..1004rx 303 Wellsvile.l 55 440 Plttsbnrgb., .... II 400 640 etatroas. fin.. !Err's. Accost . --1- 11lblaargh..... Max 110rar 900 409 Bayard ' 1015 654 A.RianeeB.lo Ravenna ' :220rx 1(4 B =Sas ls Banelldtitr ds eet oir 1110. , 134 856 Cleveland I "410 815 GOI'NO WT. —7- BTATIONS. Accost MAIL.' Milos Amos, 1 —I— Bethdr.geport , 51.5A31 Brid 585 210 Steubenville. 700 815 Wellevipe 11816 148rx 440 Bcolties P d rry Beaver... Rochester. 1190 956 535 Pittsburgh ;1040 400 610 --- ammo steal. • lITATIONi. MAIL. ( a ccost EXPiI467Ir Pittsburgh 1 1 tttoar 210r*' 495rx Rochester '; 740 810 i 482 Beaver Smith's Ferry Wellsville' 1 /0 titeuberaville.. Briir dgeport.. Bella. 055440 11X1 , 935 540 I. 1037 GyN IMO MO 1.... TUSOARA WAB BRANCH. Lamm Arrives. N.Pbfbolelphia 6:4oa.m.j e ßayard & 15 a. m. Bayard It.lo p. m. N.Phlladelphia 8;00 p.m. IP. R. IIIYBBS. neral Ticket Agent. Milteelfrineotia. CLOTHING STORE. NEW GOODS! IN' INTER STOCK. The undersigned takes plea'urc in in forming his friends and the punlic gener ally that he has just received and opened A New Stock of Goods, OF THE LATEST STYLES FOR Fall and Winter Wear. He• keeps the best of workmen in his employ, and feels confident of his ability to cut and make up garments both FASHIONABLE& DURABLE. and in such a manner as will please hia customers.. [L i ii_jithll,l2llM2ll ALWAYS ON HAND Call and see us before leaving your Orders Elsewhere WILLIAM REICH. Jr. raay4;io:ty Bridgewater, Pa i 4( ~..."7 "- u lf t e in g A r liNggiliti f . Aug l'abliaked in a M &W -4 eci En velope, Price, 0 etc A Lecture on thenature,treat-= merit and radical Cure of -Spermatorrbces. or Seminal Weakness, Involnuttry Emissions, Sexual Debility and Im pediments to Marriage generally *, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits t Mental and Physical hicapacity.resulting from Self Abuseote, by Roams J. Cccvsawsm., M. D., author of the **Green book," ,it c. The world renowned author in this admirable Lactate, clearly proves from his own experience the the awful consequences of Self Abase timer be e el! Wally removed without medicines, end with. on, dangerous surgical open. dons, hoagies, in. a meets, rings or cordials , pointing a Mode of re at once certain and effectual which ev ery Ceres, nomatter what his condition may be, ma cure himself cheaply , private'', and radical ly. This Leetare tat prove a boos to thousand* and fhousande. S t, under seal, to any address, in a plain seal. ed e velope, on the receipt of six mite* or two post stamps. Also. Dr. entverwell's lliar. Thom Ithilde,"mice Id cents. 'Address the Pub lishers. C HAS.... C.-KLINE k CO., 127 Bowery, New York, P. O. Ecr",-4,bie. aors-Iy:chly6.sepli J. 111001iE DRUG GIST Prescriptions Carefully and Accurate . ly Compounded. THE BEST BRANDS OF ASSORTED nGtesllal xi a 1 WIND AND MORS; Paints - , Giles. CM DYE sTuFFs: MBE MS OF ALL COLORS; GLASS & PUTTY; Special attention given to *mare the best quality of Lampe and Lamp Trimmings. Lanterns &c. %...-.. . A Large Assortment of TOILET ARTICLES, SOAPS, BUSHES & PATENT biEDICI,NE.S, Main Street, EOM Pa IPPRE'?Vf4I4 IO PorJMMPAMM4 741PM1r110 . , , - =I lONE = EEO AS.,PrEA.x. T i Dehilltited'DTorts,: . - 1 , T Dyspepidese„ , ~ 1 T alarms Iron lalver Complaint, :T aceethodugno A.ppetitei • T those. with Aroiren Dewn.eoristi t 11=4 ,0. ... ' , - , . 4 NervonsPeople,, ,' . Children Westing Away Tonny , with ,Debilitated Digestivel . , Organs,.: :. I Or litsfferiiigt with any of the follow ing Byraptolia Wadi indicate. Disorder ed Liver or bleitvwds: Stith as Con stapatlon, In ward Pitts, Pull nesi {or BlOod to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. IlcartbSnr, Disgust for Food, Fulluesa or:We m ight In the Stomach, Sou r meta Ilona,. Slnithrg or Via teriag at the Patel thetlttarusch,Swlllinali m of the Need, flurried- and Dlthc Bread:ll6V Fluttering at the heart, A.: Inor Suffecadagamwdlices:whas It &tying ••P 1 1 1 40 4 DOW* qtiVlq/ku, Doti nr Wales before Aeg g ytht.- reretand' Pot Path In'the M 14,1, ei elicitor Pmpleallothirenbartmeas Of the Stis, Ind wysirciPson is nAg anti' • - . Back. Chest v Litubstt il c;Npddea ' • Flushes or Haag • rale: fp • • the Vlystr, Coos : • agiuteim of Evkand. Great ,Deptetiatoti • otSlArtts. 1100FLA.ND'8. tiEltadN Miters without Alto/101,0 . Y Siarth of any iirui, Is different from all others. • It is cum 'posed lor the putt joicts i inrifllBl Print. drag , o f 11000.111tobsand 'Barks, as:medieltraily terms',-Extracts;) - the cr Withiess or inert portions (Witte Ingre dients not, being.used.. Therefore, in one 'bottle of these:Mita& there is contained 'as much =diem', virtue as will be found iii,aeverai, gallons of ordinary mixtures. - Tire Reots, In this Bitten), are grow is lierrpany„their vital Principles extracted in MO conakfir by a scientific ChemiSt, acid ((invaded to the manufaC toly In this city, where they are cifai• 7 pounded and battled. - Containing no• spirituous ingredients, this Bitters is free from the objection§ urged against all •oth ers; no desire . for Stimulents.han be ludo. ced from their -use; they cannot , make , drunkenly; ancleannot, under anrciraum stancevhave any but a beneficial effect. 1100FLAND:S GERMAN TONIC,. Was compounded for those not inclined to extreme bitters E cuid is intended for use in cases when some alcoholic stimulant is required in connection with the Tonic properties of the Bitters. Each bottle of the Tonic containeone bottle of the Bit tees, combined With pure BANTA CRUZ RUM, and flavored in such ' a they that the extreme bitterness of the Bitters Is overcome, forming a preparation high ly - agreeable and pleasant to the palate,. and containing ithe medicinal virtues of the Bitter'. The. price of the Tonic is $1.50 per Bottle, which many persons think too high. • They must take into con sidemtien that the stimulant used is guar anteed to be of a pure quality. A poor article could be furnished at a chtmper price, but is it not better to pay a little more and have a good article? A medl cinal preparation should contain none but the best ingredients; and they who expect to obtain a cheap compound, and be ben efittea by it most certasnly be cheated. Acton 13 CO 3D 9 10 G-Eitzd'AN BIT Eras, OR • , •• TiL400V.1...A.NE1019 . alat4ll 14 ) 1313 0 WITH HO OPLAND'S Podop)iyllin `lvn,L 'on YOU. ' They a the Greatest Known to the Medical:world, and will eradicate diseases artking from impure Blood, Debility of tho Digestive Organs, or diseased Liver, in a shorter time than any other known remedies. THE WHOLE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA ISPEAk for these REMEDIES. Who would nsk for more dignified and stibrmizer testsmony Hon. GEORGE NV, WOODWARD, formerly Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, •at present Member of Congress from Pennsylvania, writes: PHIL ADRIXDIA, March tti, 1861. I find ," lltxdiand's German Bitters " a go.xi tonic, useful In diseases-of the di gestive orgaus, and of great benefit in ens es of debility and want of nervous action In the system. Yours truly, GEORGE W. 'WOODWARD RON. JAMES THOMPSON, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania: PaLLADELPIIIA, April 28, 1867. I Ptil. .ttsltiCr •I'Hoolland's German Bitters" a Taiti.4l.)lo ineOicine In case of attacks of Indlgestiuri tir Dyspesia . can certify this fr om my experie of it. , Yours, with respect, JAMES THOMPSON. How. GEORGE SIIAILSWOOD, Justice of Hie Supreme Court of Pennvivania: Putr.Aom,ritts, June 1, 1868. I have found by experience that "Hoof land's German Hitters" 19 a very good tonic. relieving dyspeptic symptoms al most directly. ( CE O . SHAHSWOOD. Hon. Wm. F. Rooixas, Mayor of the City of Buffelo,.New York: . Mayor's Office, Buffalo, June 22,, '69. I have " Hoodand's Germatt Bit ters and Tonic in my family during the past year, and can reccommend them as an excellent tonic, imparting tone and vigor to the syrlein. Their use has been productive of decidedly beneficial effects. WM. F. ROGERS. Hon. James M. Wood, E.r.licyor qf Wittlam/port frennsylrento: . I take great pleestireic recommending " Root land's 13,,rman Tonle" ta any one who may best dieted with Dyspepme, I had‘ the Dyspepela so badly It was lapcesible to keep any ibod on my stomach, and I became ea weak as ao ,t to be able to walk hairs mile. NO bottles of Tonle effect. ed ape rfect cure. ' ' , 114,M.123 M. WOOD. IRE3IEMPIER THALT HOOFLAND'S. GERMAN ,BITTERS, TIOOFLANTh?,,GERMAN TONIC' WiU Cti,ieevero Caae of Alara 331. s or Wastitig dw of the bod 3. REVEMBER lIOOPLAND'S GERMAN REMEDIES Ate the medicines lon require to pillitr the likod. excite tho torpid liver to healthy and to. eviblo, you tto pus rarely thruugb any hardships or expostlit.., DR. 1100FLAND'S PODOPUYLLIN, Or MelituleYor Mercury Pills TWO pga„s_A, DOSE.' The Most Poirerful. yet Innocent, Vegetable ththarlio known. It Is twit necessary .to take s handful of these Pills to produce the desired effect; two Of than act quickly and povietfully cleansing the Liver, ell i Stomach and flowees °fempurities. The prin. dpal ingredient Is PottopbyULD, or the Alwbollic Extract of Mandrake, which •Is by many thee* More powerful, acting and searching than Mao drskn itself.- its peddler action Is upon the Liv er, cleaning It speedily innaall obstructions with ell the power ofMetcury. yet free from the Injur. sous results attached Ito that mineral. For all diseases., in which the use of • cathartic is indicated, these pills will give entire &EDW. non in every case. .;They acres' ai in cases of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and eg treme costiveness. Dr. Roolland's German Bitters as Touts builds up the system. The Bitters to Tonlcturidse 4EIO strengthens the Nerves, regula a the Liver, and gives strength, energy and v gor: Keep your Bowels active with the Pills. antlietle op the system with Bitters or Toulc, and no dis-• easa can retain the hold; or even assail. you. Recollect MILD is DR. DOORLAND'S GER, ALAN Remedies Diet ard so ersally used and recorornedderi; aud d o l et allow the Drug' gist to %dote you to taker anything ciao that ho may say !spot as good, because he makes a tar. ger prods on it. t moo' remedies wilt tie sent by express to any cicallTvAupon applicathm to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE at the °ERMA% MEDICINE STOUR, No, G3l, ARCH STREET, PRILADELPIII.I... CII A \M. EVANS, PrOlir*tiar. Formerly C. M. 'JACKSON it CO, These Bernecitei cote for Bale by Drug. plats. /Storekeepers .14 lifedieine Dealers everywhere. JanlB-Iy-clu(wkoct2.s. (Det7. 'Ott. ~ 1 t ME I Beaver, 1)& 1 Wads I , =RID I AND lIEME 0 wa ~'~~ ive • oil ada Lao 1E23 :amt C FIB ' , 1 P.. slite • • N 0.16 17411 k us, • PITTS B y .. • : “,. _ • Prices, on all goods,: 31y present out, in prdei plull(4.:: -*.sELßer ==2l ffNE 'Taal the night beterellbs , • had been add, And Annie and Willie had • There were lean on their , 'their pre,. ' • • lied each ttlebbsom was frOT thnight•%eV stern 4160111 mid. bad. been grim's, `x,j• • •. That they should retire pree a 3 swim Inathad of at eight; for they tenkblealdsramonl , : With onestlons.nnhenrd 4isis overtiskissc ;* kis bad told them be tboeflthilidajdfl l o9liikellk: Ne-sncll a being as • Banta Oliter:Milltd,ileffli And be boned, after this, be 4llmetht 'per hear flow be scrambled down chintietal, each year. Aod this was the reason thatilirsllittla beads i So restlessly tossed on tbeir,4diniroy bode. WTI, nine, and the clock fOttktak, 1/I#l!)P! , d ' tea; `ll Not s aced bad been thokeß tr either till Aka ' When Wthleastad face tko l t th IdknicetAlt lAnd whispered "Dear Annie. ft yen 'aille4l•• -Why no, Brother Willie," sthieet voice meta: "Tye tried in vain, be t allo 44* , Wpm, : 'For somehow it makes me mifforiy= t Dear papa bas said there is nOullisadi : Bowies %neer there is. and If ' ' Wow he tame every night betkpliaid ;i. ' thee, Lee been UstalotilknikaFelllintiixt -to. . . • • p rim Mu/ Gott , wontil item , everiehlig :1111.1111111111ettnild Mill parapet Ale sated.> iSt i t ttaleat,Miteti • hire 3o: e. With the meek 411 Ailt tmeeidt**l4o4,l l l97 .4;lp wartelet We • UM. .tt • -• Awl mak to and , . word mob, Four little bare fret bonudedolut methe floor, had friar little knees the sok ablest pressed. And two tiny hands were ; clasped close to each breast, "Now. Willie, you koo* we most ttrudy believe, That the presents we ult for we're SIM to re• tetra. Yon toast waft Just am awl. till I say tba`Amen,` And by tins yen will know that your tons bas come them Dear Jeans, look down on my brother and me, And grant na the favor we're seeking of thee. I want a wax doily, a tie set and ring. And an ebony wort tutu that shuts with a awing. Sims paps. dearJeaus, and =AO him to sN That Santa Clans lames us far better than he; Don't let him get fretful and angry again At dear brother Willie and Annie. Amen." "Please Watts, 'et Santa Tans . turn down to night, And bl.g ns some presents before it la 'lOl I want he should Wive me a uiceittle s'ed, With bight skinin"nnners, and all painted: A box full of tardy, a book and a toy, Amen, and then Deans, 11l be a dood b 0)"." Their prayers being ended, they raisud up their beads, And with hearts light and cheeenl, again sought their beds. • They were moon !Ikea in ehimber both Maimftil and deep. And with fairies to dreamland were roaming id sleep. Elea, nine, and no little Frenehelocithedstniell UP, Ere the father had thought of hut chlfdreu SOW tie seems now to bear Annie's haltenprzeseed sighs, • And 16 see the big taus stand in tVlllie a 11110 f ever; "I WSW harlh With my dialing*" bo menttils said, "And should not base sent them so early to Ilk But then I was troubled; my feelings got* vent, For bank stook to-day has gone down ten ret cent. But of course they've forgot their troubles- ere this, And that I dented them the thrice aurora :for But just to make sure, pi 'teal up to the 400 f. For I ntmtr spoke bars to my darltnge bade' So saying, he softly ascended the stain/. And arqed at the door to hear both of their prt&re. fib Annie's •'bless papa" draws forth the big tears, ''. - And grave promise falls aweet •Wa dis ant., "String*. strange I'd forgotten." oda de, Wits a . . "How I longed. when aehild, to hate clightmas thaw nigh. , .- "I'llairrne tor my harshness," he tnivisilly i alld, "BY anawering their prayers ere 2 steno my beet." Then be tarried to the stairs and Witty West down. Thret offvelvet slippers Donned sit, cost, and boots, antirse out to the street. a wimp:Atm soaribe cold. rbring sleet. Nor stopped he mita be bad bonghteserything, from a box full of candy to the tiny gold ring. • Indeed, he kept adding se mach phis acre, . That the swifts presents outnambete. 6 score. Then homeward interned with bla holiday load, And with Aunt May's help la the narliety Was stowed. Miss Dolly was seated beneath • pine tree, Ay the side of a table, spread out Ibr her tea. A workbox, well-filled, In the center mai Istd, And on it a ring, au which - Annie had prayed. A soktier in uniforth stood by tiled, • , "With bright shining runners, and all 'Paltaed re v.- There werelalle, dogs, and horses; boob pleas. . • fug to see, And birdrof ail colors were perched In the tree. While. Santa Claw, Inglablf, stood up In the . top. . . As If getting teadytoore presents Wirer And as the load father the plot surveyed. • , Re thou*, for his treed*. haltadjunply heed. paid. And 1m said to himmd4 se be briedledAir )1 told. "Fm happier tomisht than:Pim Iwo Am, a.yem rie enjoyed more moo pieseerp.llMo sea be-: lore; . • What tare I If bank stork taut t tait ,pee. cent:' . more I Ilieutter rn make It • rule, I bells* .;" 'To We Santa Claus visit its each Silthrtipli. Eve." • do flanking, be gently - And tripped down the 'Uhl In *trio tfir • night. • Aroma as the beams of the tirtght learning lan. Put the darkness to eight, and the due, coo by • one. Fc ti li• little blue eyes out of sleep opened wide. dad at the lame moment the prim_* aialed. Tiro Out of their bed* they smog who' krunit o dray the Cr,y gilts prayed far Iran all of then fond. ' Thew laughed sad lha Wed hk•thelr hanoeiM Ws% 0 • ‘AsmiorokAtiiiikwcimset#o l, 4*.it, lvtit Ptionds san4-9 1 m3s,txig4 )1.0 14 . stgbr. 1 . 'Mei 6° 7 'l .. 4 PAnd atm.! adibid'uttio in a voice sidt brit; - * -010 1. laillrfa . *area a Waal Claus, pair: I amoi;* • . Wide dear IttdeVblteetbabedup 011 au him: ,p,tefiguaid the id ram termed duet 'Weld rand laldt" la, 'WhisPet bale AVMS had wait !bat their Woad magas so beget* deed. !lied to basal ik , dts - ttle pier by.'iba aged/ bar . `., • ' • , ; ; , ,And hat G od; up ' thiLimisii- tainted het praxero. . "Mame aletAtio; land 1 9amd . 4esi u Wall as WI 30.04 • • , Al* /Ad AlMoralal‘ oar Praleri. No arlalk% hs " • amni -. ogylio 44..losal:''i 4i.4*g .• I a h4;otlonikeiii4,. 4 4: Igiteli ) 11 0M hat ki ls Fa 7;C h ll 6o/ !Mad fieell,ottautthltkiiithigO deer 10 1 1 1 VOIC "2 , o4:ollpp*telWten the* ataltilloiorol pot I l'bo eat* soii* *to tout to Awe baslic* 1 0 11 0iiti*Ti iiittsotot4 ' quot itttio;VeNt Wir.;;blde raa 'al4sotatratp APiiiii4e 0 11110 '4 1 4V thelutaiiiL e.~~~e~::~c~~z~. :--13q1B4PLATEMINIPIP* r, " l q.; -,. • t i z ibriiro " lli/S ' . 7: 64UM5ta1: 14 .0 411 • 1 • , • 3 I ttA.E41,900- andlaieiteli " Ktietonafortahle end, natural." •"-lfYou aregping for comfort, stay it'holne kir. the life." • • ' to:OombitWintedecznal with: physleal comfort.: In short, I want, :to: hear -the renowned Ruel. Haythuh and, I'm not going to ran the risk. or, another attack of *and-, 1 111 1 7 A O 5l 'shalt Iweer my hood to Church. You know it is becoming to we .”you . shall not sit in our _pew, ib er on as much mine as you* Oat tbenLl - dons,t ,think I Would Prefer, to be oiled ,by er—Aoi - donot, . J.,Zwia *et. Yon oughte tto 10,100:10,49 it, andA shall tell father, I luftlolficcr.thuiv./Qui it'beVerigdge oritunth' , IsTelt.itTyou wfsha. I can coax rattier.-? You know it will. he too bad for me , hear -,,llir..:llayden, When WO USA it° play .together 118 children, and when I- have heard'act pnoeh of hlsekminence; and niy.hood is`so c6mfortable, and so pretty, tofu Everybody thinks so; .acid I don't go techurch to-show myclothe.3.ol y redixed. eau 1x demi [novls.iy .SY.. = r ' ! '( f 0 4 041 114110 "But you ought to 'dress respects ply. Besides; the fact that Mr. Hay den wilt officiate, might to makeyou M ore cateftil of your appearance." lie Is _worldly-alluded enough latheif in the 'pulpit, notice , my 'cloth** and Jude, of my worth ac 04dIng to their style of fineness; :Wu Wholly' Indifferent to' his opin , Now,•Augusta l do be sensible." Ifyao will, you will, that is evident.; . 841 do us you please.' .!',Only mitut rot sit in our pew." - -VE I L& where .Yce. Please: 71 shall not P. " "9:AllittlAta • • -•eion , ,can '0 Augmitaj Muth a yon Please; but I will not go to - church witlkyou yow wear .oat hood." "Tim I cannot hear Buel preach." " It is evident both of us cannot bear him, unless you do as I , and wear ' a cloud over your e t list until Weget to the vestibu l e. ' "It would' ruin `!'No'lt woukitineltheOt: • wouldulibe couifoOdde, hood is so soft and warm." "Very well, go! and present to Mr. Hayden the complements of the- By, and ask him to mil." "You are proud and unreasonable, Augusta?' "I am Just. We owe something to society." "But not ourbealth. I think I am on the right side of the question, and I shall go to the church, and if you wish to stay at home because 1 wear a hood, you can." "Do you mean it?" "Olcourse, I do." "I can't givup bearing Mr. Hay den, and I will go with Emily, and sit with her; and perhaps Mr. Hay den will not recognize you ; and I'll tell Mos. , Grave it is one of your whims; and so, do as you like, Mar ion." "Thank you, Augusta, I will." And Marian immediately drew over her abundant hair a beautiful bine hood, that nodded around a soft, sweet face, and softened and deepen ed the glow thereon and the blue eye 3 sparkledwieh pleasure, and the red purse-mouth wreathed itself with a smile. AugusW, In the meantime, donned a oxitly and elegant hat, weighed down with feathers and lace. and the handsoMe face wore a look of satis faction ail she viewed herself in the glass. She rung thebell then, with I,Vhat do you ring for?" inquired Marlon. "To send word to Emily to call for ine." "Do ride with me, Augista." "If you'll not wear that hood." "Oh, but its more comfortable and I must." "Then you way ride alone." "I %in do that easily, but we shall be late." "Yes, and everybody will stare at you as you go hi." ,"Let them slate." 'PO, as to that I shan't attempt to binder them." Marian laughed. "What a time we are having over my pretty blue hood," she said. "Not so much of a time as we shall have, I fancy," Augusta said, draw ing on her glove. "Not such a titrikps we shall have. if I should bilofinOther cold," said Marian. , , „- The church eras literally packed that day; thatli to say, every seat Was filled from the vuiplt to the op pWle doors, as all were anxious to hear the young man, who was a na tive of their own town, but, a non resident for many years, and who had gained considerable notoriety for his eloquence. Marian was a little late as she had anticipated, and as she walked grace fully up the aisle In her elegant furs, sweet face, many eyes were fixed on her, and many thoughts were sug gested aishe entered alone the pew of the wealthy Judge Carr, her fath er, Augusta fluttered her lave hand kerchief just then and ,whispered to &idly. - "Isn't it a shame?" and End ifwh is peeed back,, "Yes. but It is bewilder ingly becoming." And the hand some young minister glanced up from doe reading of his hytna, ' which hap. pened to be about the beauties and glades of the other world, and the blue bead and sweet face fight his eye, anttall stance tar an instan t, it mem o, e s though he stood on a bed of'Heath a se:inner sky ; and mi he gla t;e4 again and again, and his voice w deeper and more melodi aes, an, the young ladies were think ing,.. "'isn't he splendid?" and the mammas were repeatingtha thought. But Marion sat with her hands etas. ' ped and her eyes fun of liquid light, %mk t s he Listened to the eloquent words of the young preacher, and the , blue hood and every thing pertaining 10 it were itogotten. Several times as she earnestly Its tened,she wet the dark eies from the pulpit„ and then the tinge grew a i s ii h g ati bt a a b u ri w gh e t ektaret er on br u t h ch er eei4sand ir t h he e sermon was timed at last.. now short it seemed. And then. followed the , \.. . \ ek ' '.l. , ~ i• . i.,,: :•., - 1.:.4 . j. :,'..?„,, l'is . , ,i, ,! 7 ~:r.i.i • 1t'.. , ,+: .-', ^:::',4".47;:':',:i"P`-'.)", ~..,,/. 1,0"; i.. - -4 - ;..f A % 7 J . - 7 . ' ,° 1 --. i . : ' ' l ;; ;- ‘ .' l‘.i.'Sr . rft•;:: -.: ' t • • ' .. ' .. t . .i. '.- ;". ~, ' .P .': •I ' _ %, „: , -„ A t ~:„:, ‘;'„;; - 11•' , 7,-'.' , " • e. • „ r . L ) '. '+i7v'~iaFMw~ri~'hr~w BE , s 5' ME =Ell ekritestibetuitlful' prayer.' and the he. nedletionon4 :the -pimple began' to i‘ve the ,church, though Anany re ptalue(ttnetieak'to and congratulate the young 'Attiong-those ~whe Waited was Augusta Garr, deck ed:4li pitlltiell and, Velvets,Altgennin. ed , ,tol. l aake " PirPreaainn and secure the. Upin n (if the weilV tby young whOliad Chosen the :ialrihary. tor-hte zprefeallon. .Tbeir were Wow chattlarlike old limpid* tame.- BM ;. 41 should baldly' have recognized 'Yor4''' het eaid.j "1 hope your sister I take% it ikw granted.. she is :notatehureh. , , . 1 "Not quite its Well as usual," mid Angusta,:--elattuely.'_ f"Pather az, pmts. yOu -Mittel with me. ,cold prevented hisultointominvatt 44 1 r.: Hayden 5% joie - eensented • an over In Emily's cartlage, • The , 'thtcle were • duetting • happity. and merrily together wee! jut In their-velvet - tartlet" :whoa suddenly' , the convermtkm look a turn notAltottether eatisitiebuy.flo ' Augustai - i Virtthtsothebedtime:v/Ir. I Haydenloltdreti.vim. irs.theledy: that tvere . the bitte3 AtigUsta nudged ,131011y,.1111341 .. - Evnilyr awneti m g 4 zikait an "taildiktaket Mr,. openedl.hlai.ejta and *sal it was justfthe •thing, for a veld day, and the, i. • am, stepped Jost then, the feelnjlet iipenened the door,e and Hayilen:`eial Augusts bade- ,Etally good by and entered= the ellgant resi dence ot Judge Carr. Marianicilvested of her wrappings and blue hood, sat quietlyireading before the fire. She rose to greet Mr, Hayden, Their eyestuld their Wide met ttt the same time and a strange thrill um over, both. Augusta, had left the room, and they were alone.. "You were at, church , so•day,'' said Mr. H ayilen , "but did,uot 'mow you': • ‘.l should hardly have recogni sed yon," said Marian, "only, that- I. knew t should , see yon. in the, pul pit." "You wore a blue hood?" Interrcs gated Mr. , Hayden_ _ _ • "Yes," replied • M arian , blush "the weather -vas and the WWI `Was comfortable.' , • "Yes, and also becoming," said he probably forgetting he was a.nkinial 'r of the gospel: "But how did you dare to so disobey the taws of Soh.; ion?" "I will obey no laws which arenot consistent and benefidal." "But those are 'very strange tto-: Uons fora young lady whohas wealth and beauty." ' ,fr "Strange because rare] perhaps...if I am to be a slave, I prefer a differ ent ' mistress than fitshien, If I rim to serve I. wish to serve to-scauegood end or purpose." ' The young minister smiled approv ingly, but he mid 'nothing, •for Au gusta entered their. • "Father la ready to see you," she mid. He arose. 'I have Mad the wearer of, the blue. hood," - -he . said, :Ind back Marian, he vraa 4 1 St ig : • t 41 / dal think Tlost anything by Wearlug uty blueloOd clexcube? said Marian, a fear . weeks after t , 8$ She entered ter sister's TOM. ' "Wh3t?"; lei& Augusta,, turning about suddenly and Tooting inglp ist Harlan. •• 4 0, because Well noble heartby t h e ines it i o. t • 4 .44.0140' -6 es. - • "Has he—" Augusta ehoked. "Yes, he has. You are not sorry, - Augusta?" " No, nog I'm glad. I will be glad. Forgive me; Marian; but I hoped he 'would love me.. But that Is paat,and I am glad you are so happy. ' "Dear sister, I did not dream you eared for him ; if -only I had not worn the blue hood, It might have been,you, not me." "I amglad you wore it. Fatber will be rejoiced; and I' think it Is bet ter and safer to be a little independ ent. But I never could wear a hood " Even though it won you a noble heart?" • "Not even for that." " Oh, Augusta, how can you be h app "I am not, but ,I cannot refuse to do what society demands. I prefer inconvenience and unhappiness." "Well, then; if you know better, and won't do better, is no use , i t talk ing, suppose." "Not in the least. We are differ ent in nature. I must act my way, you yours." "Good night, then, Augusta; I am going to have a slith-ride with Re el." "And wear your blue hood ?" "And wear my blue hood." "Good night; half the girls in tow I' will envy you." "May they- all find a true heart to lover them as I have found, and may I never be too proud to make myself comfortable." Death elan Old Rause* Leader We take the following from the Lawrence (Kansas) Journal of De cernber 10: Col, James Montgomery died at his home in Mound City township, Linn county, " 'Kansas, on Weduesday, the 6th rus t., at 2p. m., of pleuro-pneumonia, aged ,fifty eight years. Col. Montgomery bore a conspicuous part in our Free-State struggles of our earlier days, and was a gallant and successful soldier in the great war of the rebellion which fol lowed. He was the central figure of the Free-State cause in Southern Kansas, from 1856 to 1861, and- hla name was a tower of strength to the persecuted and struggling settlers of that dark and , bloody frontier. He was trman of great power' of mind, a public speaker of no mean abilities, brave as< a lion,- yet keen and wary In a border fight, of wonderful power over his associates, a man both as to words and to deeds rarely to ne met with in any country or time. 'With him dies a volume of unwritten his tory concerning our early days which can now never be gathered. He was the friend and confident of John Brown during many of that old hero's Visits to Southern Kansas. Ho headed a party who went secretly from our State to isscue.the old man while belay in prison in Virginia. Had there been any reasonable pos sibility of accomplishing the end, he would have'made the assault, -But he found there' Was none,iated Mon* gomery was too welilitlanced a man to waste valuable lives In a hopeless enterprise. - A Canadjau Joke. The Sherbrook Gazette says that the Hon. Fraser de Berry. chief of the Fraser clan, in the Providence o is f ia l l u v e eco hee, u h ne as u i a nt bia rod to nce l l h in ua th position of -crippled sr Infirm persons. The other Ally; having met in the th e Leg er.; lobby of the House. 'Mr. Glerin, the young' and witty member Ibr St. Matmice, he asked him what he thought of his bill. answered 31 4 1. 1 . 1 o t e b o l .think, ' ,P t h a r 't Filiser your all is excel lent. It will $ pareits the trouble to abolish the Legislative.Conneil.l, —Fond hither to teacher: "I see yo've, put tny son in mummer and jography. Noo, as I neither them him to be n minister or a sea-captain, it's' nne use. Ole him a plain WV nese eddiention."—Punch. . , —S_Peak plainly. act decisively out Oldoubt, out of controversy. =BE =I Esah3&lBW • '‘.•lisivrou - • , • ! ,:kgrficp, di 144 .Prifto 7 2b.zke 41/ 4 4 PROr l' ••••• • A Corresponilentwritis from Rich- Oond, • • i uhaT:7ll.leplf.i Tbis 14180 n hap fume asuaten- Sive as the continent, _and is the.flist obieet.of..itileref4 Ipqnited for, by he tourist.. Zeillill4lll3eted .4%o 4 Al:ea* it, I yesterday started down Cary ;street, aiiii'WheritttrdagnicieStiway I 41ELW Pie: building' and - reeoguized it ',than the; illustrations giveit'Auf war Publication& trOn - the uplier Cotner `is * large 1511112 WM tbe • •wbrds; 44 Lib". ;by.Prkasie4adnike ibeinen,_iin4 • wailiva..b.Y.the ,relstat asttluair, ties. b aldowsed 11**Sineellitt. • • _lb** spikettleitsjx!sitithi,ll*=• • - Whit* beCome 4iomewhativea. ktiemaxn,lnciles • stud can Pe,ra0,14.11,4111441M0,t. tigo IF th ree equips.- " • laki&at . . ' • uectultuttbit wmesneanabe taken-tosellii 'MVP tit4t.t o 7l4 . L., , Emend yeaps priViciuslo *wrielettedi- I VOsi - hill was . 4. auetrep W the brealtizic mat.of thu- War. Had,4,beett, ,ppwially for a ,trillibn, -- pritort `it 'could not 4 avec lie ete better 4 firranged, ;if the , :otileet , tris4,:the Stab* I antber.llllo thtt -ATM; building Is aCred filiestorfeelt high under the most' ~Cliniteir It of • tfte-ront; and coverrairsoa of grit nd as Leigh= 1.10 *et WHO. , It Is st insmasoth.eimpern,entered large duni Bl 4PverY aid% filleitec!, by . perhaps. a hundred" the Vrindawli 11 protected by heavy iron:o4lnel, I , MA:blend! , erect the Vona= within prettY, we 4 rut eft from the lopes of escape. Libby prison, on the Outside; !Oaks precisely as itaiwilytidid;but within isithehumatirtroar ormac ate hlnery.-L -knocked debruover it was the sign, :', Kirkpatrick &Co.." and was' invited in. • I made known tily'btpd- , hem, and was kindly shown over the building. from roof to ,hasement, by XT,PArIsh, one of the firm. Imag- , ; lite II large - , brick Wilding of thedi; meruildne rrahiedcsuppOrted by thick Ihrick. walls and heavy timbers: run+, pingthrotigh it, tmddivided offin 'very,bilge rooms,- rough, CiabWeby, and'uripiastered, and ,you have a 'non= teettlon of the fan - ions Libby Prison. K. &'Co., are using a iargepor-. Von of.: the building for a wooden- ware qta.npfactory. making cedar wickets for the northern market out of white cedar brought frotn: the Ws- - Mal Btramp. We first went to the 'upper storievitere thopeor prispa ers used to..belatnined Io like sheeDs halffed and two-thirds frozen.' Upon the beavytinsbers and wails are tali riyinsenptions mads - by the poor fel lows, -bemg• principally . names,and numbers. of , regiments: All these rooms'were occupied by.workbien or inaterkdi hnd 'Werenolsy with! Indio; tryp In the basementls - the 13 , that- drive* the. gegielkinerY: • hasementwas medals a "deadmoin" for the prisoners ; 'that % Is t . !wile n them as died were here iald out; 4 ' I was from this room thatQ4.l3trsigh and SOUle slaty. others made their, cape. Thoplace wbere they dbgln _to the, ground, ufiderthewall;is at vliible. It was err escape under eir etimstabea.`remarkably -advent): • With no icals but ,a fork, Violent • tuntteatgi er ground for SeVentY • whit!, • they - imiv. time,. mkt, eseapeC -- -- rm3y were .a their tunnel for over two months, dragging out the dirt in a tin spit toon, scattering it over the ground floor and tramping it down. In the whole history of es apes from prisons there is, perhaps, nothing equal to this. The night was dark and stor my, and the sentinel, who paced backward and forward near the "hole," did not see the prisoners as they jumped up out of the ground as it were , _ one at a time, mid made off into the darkness. Many were secreted by resident Unionists for several days, and made good theires cape, after the excitement died down. 1 asked Mr. Parish, after we had gone through the building, if sight seers and relic-hunters did not annoy him. "They come in great numbers," he replied, "to look at the building,, sometimes as many-as thirty a day; but I 'find it pays to allow them to see all they want to. and even take time to escort them, pointing out objects of interest. It adgertises our business and makes friends of those who may be of sqwice to us. A buc ket made in LibbSr Prison Is some thing of a relic itself, and we sell great numbers on that account." Two squares 'smith of Libby Pris on, on the same street, is Castle Thun der, a building as famous as Libby. This building is now used as a tobac co manufactory, one of the largest in the city, turning out from a million and a quarter to a million and a half pounds of manufactured tobacco every year. Captain John H. Grea nor is sole proprietor. Mr. Hall, his superintendent, showed me all thro' the mammoth establishment, from top to bottom. There are no grates upon the windows, as at Libby, and nothing whatever to remind one of the use it was once put to. Even the terrible dog that the negrces used to _believe eat Yankee prisoners is gone, but there is another in his place, a ferocious fellow of the bull breed, who looks as though he would eatp_Aran kees or anybody else who came in his way. Every story of the building present ed a busy scene. Tobaceacomes in at one door in the leaf,and goes out at an other, all plugged, pressed, packed and "boxed for market. About a hundred men, women and children are employed, nearly all colored. Everything about the premises has a strong smell of tobacco, so much so that one not a lover of the weed will feel like making his stay as short as possible. Here, in the course uf a few minutes, the visitor will see the whole proems' - or picking, rolling, pressing, drying, packing, marking and shipping. The negr6es wotk steady and well. and are said to be superior to the white man for the business. The most of them are paid by the piece for the work, while in the dry ing and packing departments they are paid by the day. The business of. manufacturing tobacco- is not as profitable as formerly, owing to. the . Iket that now theslaborers have to be paid, while in former times they had the greet pleasure of working twelve hours a day for nothing, • =My friend Meekly says he does not intend to gp and see Mr. Wilkie Collins' "Woman in White." lie has one, of his own. She opened his hall doer for him (after he had vain ly knocked at it for half an hour) at 1 a.m. the other morning. - She held a chamber candlestick in her hand, and" it is supposed by some of his Mende that that useful article had some connection with, the strip of sticking-Waster which now orma meats'' 11111'16ft temple. —Yankee sharpness 49 satlefitd. The Boston Z•areter adhouncea that the dinner given to Alexis cost thirty-five dollars a plate, and that Riven by, Alexis fifty dollars a plate. A clear gain of fifteen. dollars In favor of Baotou. etxxl l• s It is good to have'eneakies, if it is only to hear of 'air faults, =I 1M CASTLE THUNDER. T H O E 8E40,1% ARCMS ***f 4 114 AVM! - .144`1,i s li *Per 011, orV rlPeeturs o. HeitTY*":l*4llfoigof Shia . Z16164* - vnb of thfisuinor.. 11-1=" a to di coliuticatkrkts shad _ e ddressettoir. , ..- - _ • .":4:I3VIEWID. Bel k ver t 4:°5 tipfTtli* Nearly-all according "to%iny ohismtatkei of the AntoC Ole [Breakfast'4l?lpi 4hetish• a dehisioe that irtheyarp insulted sa very: . Simple find' easy' matter to “knoelt, =•:% thejellOW,Nowii;", - while in most two! trielegat o f the atttemptls by . tneitris 'what , was° antieipa i;there , is. A- whhmo , ressi :Orier v atriontr,o,9oleN dale, o ' toned ..geotletufs t , woe • 1 ../e=t "hotel bat:monis Of the '3obt lytw mak to lntlm to>e -teegiyeetrtltat , 'N( who has tizadiAllintielft ~re ‘.; ""fie-heltiPie "guitb--4t?;',4134. thechallengerl 4 ll ge tito•ggint lhetiotia gentle n ":4-4 lanai* - of this- up whilojnatfi been signally 403r.tidanei t ,betweeniwainiiitary-eharseters - Cincinnati aI liuwe to, vf baud, ycito wtrye es aatiOlet4ol WSW WU WOURIMik .}putt'h* f!*, tietkni, 4(Watt _. why rht gavet hilt! n - - Fein' as 'Biireridge'll'phiniladon fbre pluctedinir to doAtardildge iz adly, InJutiri nor bow:lintbrftad eould watve4ie )(WV-, Of P'theal , 1 r 4 other pow% nor bOlt*Cr i Jr. is tilo AO It, suppo.An that% tOnlii; but itia clear that' tutti tame pronsplly hp ti tb3.diarl4lhat O'aiqat nKlutistedlitu to - ...” 0 14 11 (0-hlt , . time and, place," ni r tout secnds, Vi chos e n n to ge the details or th e shoo —do . i f , t . ;. rAtillis point,or the quarrel-OA; • eiteais to thWefiterO_Ver4 thtt' what he but got_ wais ti n i o t .4458016c 1i0n" at ad. An ape ywOuld have been satisfaction ; u el' *wild be' quite the reverse. , H deliberattio.: 'Then he authorized-if second "to " my, that if his com unleatiorf- of " -Yt4terdaY was, ceekrOed Iraq a. " ebaßenge, `th at cunstryclion. w as; "erroneous." ' The gentleman' 'on' thei. °Oki aide was evidently:NV*o mutt' bstonishal, and the= Ihotigh•certalnly not to be deft t, • front fro a grammatical point t ,of w vita natural under the clretuitstati . ?‘ If Col. O'Neal does not mean by' relietated demand for satisfite " ,ion from Geo. Burbridge and his , request that. Gee. B. fdiould flit- the. " time and place of meeting,, what' " did he me,ata 1" Thlasgems to have been just "onaof those things that. no can"lind out 4" Weeaa' find it out from the answer of the Colo- 7 'nerssecond "Theobject of hisopm-• "muniestion yesterday was based* ".upon the hypothesisthat Gen. Mir " bridge had done him an Injury and "•he desired i to know troni him f he ;":was willing to mnder satisfaction 40r him, so as to enable him to khow, ".how to , act inflame." If that is he' wanted, perhaps he got` lila' satilP faction; a ft er elk* He found antwhat: lintbrldge wat wiling tOrenderiand beloptired mune, valuable.. informa tion which we Ernst may "enable him to know'how Etct The first rifle of behavior' *bleb , thil Milo' adopt never ;to send tt e exoept to a man tilts ce.rl toinlY nottigid.—Eiv •• • buns. ' , - !tried 'et Raealui The NSW' Otleans'tieayadefhae tStittssMaguilisi-tutLitisait.k4lo- - 112 'the United :Qtateii the mile is measured three feet hew' jnner rail, that beititlhe isupposad place where the Inside - horse Will rue:. Now if a circle tie made one mile round and a horse runs four feet from it im the outside, he will .have run ft. 1 in. further each mlle, or 10Q ft. 4 in. in 4 miles; indeed, lf acircle be made any given circumference, and a circle be made four feet from it on the outside, there will be the same dif ference of 2Zift. 1 in. whether the in ner circle be one yard round or ten thousand. As race tracks are not made in circles, but usually—as the Aletaire is—two straight stretches of one-quarter each, and tirraZini-cir cies uniting them of oue-quarter Hp each, the saireihrule holds good ; for as the two stretches are the same distance to every horse, wheth er he be one yard or ten yards frau, the inner fence, and the two semi circles making one whom circle, the same difference of twenty-five feet and one inch to the mile- will exist between two horses running four feet from. each other. .As hprses rarely, if ever; run lapped for four miles,let us take an extreme case, and one likely to occur often. Suppose one horse trails another fur three and a half miles, and on entering the eighth or last turn of the fbur miles he mates his brush arM laps his oP ponent, and the race is declared 'a dead heat • in this case the outside horse wou ld have really beaten the inner twelve and a half feet. Lexington's four miles in 7:23k wits run at the rate of forty-seven feet seven inches and one line in the sec ond. Lexington's race in 7:19i was run at the rate of forty-eight feet and three lines to the second. Now the nearest approach to those two races were Lecointe's and Idlewild's in 7:26, or forty-seven feet four inches And three lines to the second, so that 7:53f beats 7:20 one hundred and six feet six inches, and 7:19i beats 7:20 two hundred and ninety-six 'feet. Lerus take the average speed 'Of a horse for a mile dash heats to he one minute and , forty-eight seconds, and lit will be running :at the rate of forty-eight feet ten lticlies to the second. Three miles at the average rate of five ni,nutes forty eight seconds, and he is running at the rate of forty-six feet ten inches to the second. Four mil e at the aver age rate qt seven mites forty-six secoMisiand hats run ning at the rate of forty-tive feet three inches to the second. . • Spaiish Republiessix. The victory of the Republicans in Spain will hardly bring new hope to the struggling insurgents of Cuba. The latest European wails bring an account of the Radical meeting in Madrid, of November 26. There were one hundred and twenty thous and people present; and a Celltrlll Committee was appointed to organ be and control the campaign which ended, according to the telegrams, in a triumph teethe Republic:ins. The RepubliCans and Radkals in`the Cortes usually work in concert, and both the Radical and Republican leaders have been pointed iu their re marks on Colonial policy. In the es timation of Rivero, the Radical lead ers, political freedom aid individual rights are not inherent in the , quality of a Spanish American citizen ; the nation, may or may not grant them. He once said that he . wished the Spanish flag to wave over the -An tilles for ever, and desired for -them the same political law as that which rules in Spain. "Rut," he added, "while desiring for my brothers in the Colonies- the Constitution and freedom of Spain, 1 for one will nev er cement to the concession, of such liberty to.those who, demand it mus ket, in hand. It 'Must be a spontane ous gift from our souls, a resolution of the governing powers generously adopted. —Every man deems that he has precisely the trials — hod temptations Which are the hardest of all for him to bear; but they are so only because they Are the very ones he needs. MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers