SELECT MISCELLY• TOE OLD NAILIONALAIOTEL. [From the Wastilngton. 'totem, Seine gifted . quill-driver ongh4.6 . take up the 'annals of ,tho National Hotel, that abounds,. in comic' and, se rious events. For Many years it was the headquarters and grand rendez, vous of political pumpS, journalists, and prominent social' actors and ac tresses of past generations.. The vol umes of register ,atone-that must be extant, would be as valuable as pat ent *Mee reports,. and is' interesting as those'of the - Agricultural -Buyout. There was a time when Presidents el ft went from- - the National to be , au,qurated, and tovely belles:swfpt t trough the parlors captivating beaux known t0: - .? the Union. The thought brings . up one 'of. the last na in ed-sClrt, °Sp. entranc.,e t e a halt room was - the ovation to a queen—a fair girl from the West,- and at, whose . feet these-caused statesmen of th e day bowed in love thatapproached ado ration. She married one of these statesinen, and a rival belle, her su perior in - wit, but not equal in beau ty, said— commenting on'the'event: "You wonder at the match because you do not understand it." "What do you mean?" "I mean she married one term in the Senate.,, "What a small ambition—only six years out of a lifetime!" "Six years make up a woman's so cial life. After it,is a living tomb in a nursery; and then she has her chan ces." "What do you mean?" "Did you never read the stork• of the philosopher who undertook the ditlieult he* of making' the Pasha's donkey rtml the written words of the prophet?" "Naver did; tell me." The philosopher, like all philoso phers, was, poor. At times he was hungry, at 4111 hours.he was ragged. Ile offerect' the Pasha to teach his donkey to head - in five years.' But during the difficult task he was to be clothed in purple arid fine linen, fed on the best, and lodged in a palace. If he failed the penalty Was death. -oneday an old friend met him leadr ing forth the royal donkey to the grove, where the lessons were sup posed to be given, and he said, 'Sorely you do not expect to teach that ass to read ?' The philosopher, putting his thumb to his nose, wink ed one of his learned eyes and said nothing. 'lint,' cOntinued the friend, 'if you fail at the end of five year: yeti will surely be strangled.' 'My friend, responded the philoso plieT, 'you forget that in that time - the ass may die.' These ate her chances. The senator may die." Turning over-an old note-book stumbled on the following REM INISCENtE OF' GENERAL CAss Among the . nitre noted in Wash ington is the sational—a mammoth establishment It is, I believe, the largest, accommodating four or five hundred guests. Its prent proprie tor, NlT.Guy;has ex pended liberally in refitting and furnishing the old con cvni. This gentleman's striking re-• semblance to General Cass, and the senator's residence at the hotel, have given rise to numerous misadven turct, and good stories; for the truth of which last, however, I will not vouch. For instance, it is told with Howl gusto that a gentleman from down East, full of complaint and in of the landlord unhappily ran against our dignified senator and ex tlairovd : "I say, old.tellow, sorry to-trouble yuu, hut (In you know where they put General ('as:, thinking this sortie unsatisfied office seeker, respunded good naturedly, "Indeed I do nut, sir " "Why, in th 9 most infernal place I ever saw. Now my- letters ought to put me through, old cock—such hers--" "My dear sir, I am very sorry, but uiu-t be ay. - are that my.billuenee vt , ryliniilr l—" "Very limited? Oh come now, that's t ,o good. Why,General Duck, of the Bald Eagle, Middleburg, told nw you were Wad cook and bottle washer." . 1. "t;eneral'Duc•k is very complimen tary, hut mistaken, I assure you sir. I w.)old advit , e you to go to General Pierre." "Go to General Pierce—well, you aft; creainy— what, and ask for a corn er of the White House?„ ( ad Duck said you would give me at shake down in your own room if necessary." "1 fear, sir, you are laboring under - some error,' exclaimed General Cass, about this time coining to theconclu sion that the man was mad; "I bid you good day, sir my time is very much occupied at present. Good lay, sir—good The disappointed complaint was about seizing the great expounder of international law by the urm, when grinning i-ervant informed him of his mistake. Ile was somewhat dis mayed. but, unfortunately meeting liellIT:11 C.he . next day, and certain 11i man, he shouted. "I say Guy, hang me, if I didn't take old Cass for you yesterday, and dry square toes looked heat lightning at me, I tell v,11." "sir," responded the grave Senn ‘r‘ ill ""01./ 7/Iv litiW lahoring under the same ex traordinary infatuation.. I must beg., sir; thikt you tvul nut reptat it. Good mr'frninu, sir.", It i< said ttnit the unhappy friend of 6t•o. Duck valid., and hie, hot 'wen 11(-aril of ,inct.. d' The Great Enemy. When the Wood ,bcontes charged with noxious particlesexoteric babe ti-r; of the body, it soon lays wasteitti w,• organ aftel• another, u~t;il tile: de;troyed ott until sonic decp--cated lesion into sonic vital part at hose I.l'olWr-fUllilicaes are iii , —s,zary t t hetkli and the proper eojoynatot ;ire. (Amalie diseases, which by thr•ir -slow consutnings Ore apt after ,t Milli. to iinpair to an ir retnedialile extent the ;thole consti tut hot of :non, should be attended to with a: touch rare as no acute or sp'Pedily acting. disease, and if this be done they are itnite is amenable to tri-attnent, consumption, so fatal when it hats fastened it; fangs on its victim, is of easy cure at the start. A tinful of water would put out tap spark which hums down a city. Sr) a bottle of Dr. Kt jp , 7•% , ,Luilg Cure in the beginning of a or Cold will alloy all irritation toil seperate from the Lungs and carry out of the system all morbid matter, both by expeeto ration and the other channels of the body, and give to the,blood that plas. tic quality necessary to the supplies of life. Read Dr. .6. - eyser'. pamphlet o n, Chronic Lung diseaes, sent 'any where free of charge. Price of. Lung Cure, ;1.50, Or four bottle.; for five dollars. If your drug gist does not keep it, order from Dr. - Keyser, 107 Liberty street, -Pitts burgh. Office bouts from In a m. until I p. m., and from 3 until 6, and Saturday night until 9 o'clock. I Dog Story. The New York Sun tells this deg. story.: A small Lard pup belonging . to the venerable 0. Vanderbovea, of the Paterson Guardian, .and a New foundland deg belonging to Wirz, of the Paterson Press, were engaged in a long tight near the Lakeview N. J.) depot on the Erie Railway, on Thursday afternoon. The battle would undoubtedly have ended in a draw had not the:: little dog Pulled his antagonist on the track and held him there until a train mine along. The. little dog crouched down, and the train went over him without hurting him while the big dog was greund to sausage m eat. After the train passed the little dug skedaddled with his tail between his legs and a piece of the big dog's ear in his mouth, Affi davits can be produced to prove this assertion froth Ted Spanton, the Erie Railway agent of Ihestation. —Cleveland has twelve gentlemen whose combined wealth i 3 estimatel at S:32,000,000. OUR: WASHINGTON LETTER. WAkusarToN, D. C., Dec. 8. 1871. We . have experienced colder-wea ther in Washington during the last I two-or three weeks than has been known in this latitude sit_ this season of the year within theta einoryof the oldest inhabitants. AsYet, although there has been but little aro* fallen, ice In the ponds imand . around the city has from:l-sufficiently thick to make good skating.; . . As usual the first w,eek.Congrm has been attended mostly With the .rcad ing of the President'amcsgige, form , ing Com mitteM l intrOdueing biltsand referring them 'to theft. appropriate comtnittees.4 4li.are MegablY appointed with the feelino. of ,acqui escence in their fermatiOnfrn respect to re j toring Senator Sumner to the the Chairmanship of the-Committee on Foreign Itelatims; itwis the dis- - position of all the member of the Committee, to suppress discusSlOn and await the course that Senator May take on . certain measures !low pending in Colagress. • . - The last four days in. Washington hovel:wen:days of interesL. Grant-. like, the President was ready when called* upon 'by the mandates of the people,. to give them his third annu al message. • Though brief, it is re plete-with valuable suggestions, and such that not even his bitterest oppo nents here say but that it is in direct accordance with the duties imposed upon him by the Constitution.. To gether with the reports of the Heads of the different Departments, its ne • rusal shows conclusively that, under no administration in any year before has bur Government been blessed with greater prosperity than during the last twelve months. While ma ny disagree with him in his views • on the question of " removing disa bility" to hold office and polygamy, none. doubt his sincerity. Of the former question, for reasons given in his message, not . a few disagree with , the President in at once wiping out all obstacles to any one's holding of fice to which by the voice of the peo ple he may be elected. It was a big surprise, or at least it was so made believe, to the anti-San Domingo folks id the President nev er alluding to the purchase of San Domingo. his silence after once writing a special message toCongre:sz in reference to the subject, should now relieve such minds as Sumner and Schurz of the belief that he had• any interest, save for the country's. good, in the advocacy of the purchase of the Island of San Domingo. There is a general complaint among the Senators and Reprenta fives of being interviewed in refer ence to the next Presidential Mill paign. The Schurz-Sumner faction has already commenced organizing in opposition to the renomination of General Grant, but as yet few dare hope even of his defeat, so strong is the fecling, in his favor. The Women's Club of this city, of which mention has been made from time to time, is attracting to its "Home for the reformed women of -of the town" visitors from all parts of the country. As yet• the club has means, but the members of thigh are very active in soliciting pectin iiwy aid. and visiting houses of ill fame, beseeching the inmates of them to at- ()nee abandon their evil habits, and, if needy, welcome them to'the CurEL. —Another medical society of the 9,14/sett - obi has run agapst the law. This time in 'Western New York. Dr. J. L. Curtis brought - suit against the (;ort6sisee County Medical Society I to compel it to admit him to metti bership. The jury returned it Ver- • diet in his favor, , though the society labored hard to preVent it. The case occurred in this wise: Dr. Curtis was practising in the town of Ella, and necessarily came in contact more or less with t h e brethren of his pro. fission. lie 'did not at all time agree with tIiE 4 M as to the mode of practice in geireral eases, evidently being a Ilan Who had opinions of his own and treating cases as his good judgment and experience dictated, if nut in accordance with formulas. This aroused the ire of hi 9 prefession '; al brethren. and theyotight to force him to join the COutity Society, piobably to have hitii i ,n a position where they could exitZtid a little dis cipline to him for his ]. - ,m'edical here sies. lle chose to be independent, refused to Join, and kept on the even tenor of his way. Then members be gan to disparuke him ; reported that he had no diploma, hut was a quack and swindler and was nut recogniz el as a member of the profession. Thing,:; having arrived at this vass, Dr, Curtis thought best to vindicate himself, seeing he had pursued • a regular course of study and had a diploma. To show the public that he was not the charlatan and quack his brethren haul reported hint to be, be determined to join the County So ciety hut his application was refused, test its power he brought, a suit w hich_iifter a delay of nearly a year was tried last week at Batavia, the Court decirliag that he must be ad mitted. lie was fortified with his certificate of stully, diploma of grad uation, to present himself before the publie as a physician possessed of all the requisites, and in equal standing,! to any of his enemies. If the'Doctor ctiooSt. to avail himself of the decis iuoi, lie can rmw become a member of the. County Society, Probably, however, he will keep out of the conipa 11 y of its members, having vita heated himself and discomfited his enemies. This episode illustrates to what ends professional jealousy - Will resort when reform is uuderta ka by a departure from the old routine oath. 1=:=:=11 —The English newspapers rt>call an ainicst lor ,, o!ten romance that might have I e.'n a tragedy in the announcement of the death, in a state i of great poverts„ in a hovel in the St tiilts distric t , nund,m, or a per,, ~n ‘‘1:o, thirty yews ago, created great exeitement,hy his supposed attempts on the life of Queen Victoria, then a young and popular ruler. The an nals of those times record that on December 2, IS;0, a youth named William Join s, gained access to Buckingham Palace, and continued secret(( there'for several days. Ills presence was first detected hy MN. I.illey, the nurse of the Prineess Itoyal'Avho, suennionitig the attend ants had the intruder drawn from his hiding place, under a sofa. ;lie was sent before a magistaate and sentenced to three months' impris onment. On March 1%, Mil, he en tered Buckingham Palace for a third time, but was almost immediately . seized by one of the constables sta tioned to prevent his intrusions:. Instead of sending him to prison again, ty police magistrate before I I whom -Fonts was brought, persuaded his parents to allow him to be plaecti as an apprentice on board a British ship of war. lie was then taken to New South Wales, and lived for many years in Sydney. lie was allowed to return to England about five years ago, and died recently, as has been stated, in a state of great poverty. A very romantic story is told that the "Boy-Jones" was in love with Queen Victoria, and re mained desperately enamored with his royal mistress until the last, and finally was killed from the shock of suddenly hearing a fake report that, she was dead. There seems to be no foundation of fact for this send Men tal thry, the "Boy Jones" was ev dently insane ' and his raids into Bucki , gliam Palace were merely the inexplicable vageries of a diseased mind. MITE —,Ex-President Andrew Johnson is utterly opposed to the passive pol icy,,and is reported by an interview er of the Cincinnati Commercia/ as saying that a surrender is as bad as a defeat. 'fir. Johnson, naturally, is not passive. =CII — Bald-headed men take a joke more easily than others, because they are not at the trouble of getting it through thealiair. Tbe estacasy - torrespomiesur. The Senate ordered the eo,rrespond epee between the State Department and the American Minister at St. Petersburg', relAtlve to the remll of Minister Cataettay, to be printed, but while the newspaper men were en gaged in copying it, Mr. Cameron discovered that he did not want the correspondence made puhlic, mid got the order to print it revoked, but not before most of -the correspondence had been copied. Mr. Fish's first letter to Minister Curtin is as follow& .W.tisup:GToN,.June 16,, 1871.-2 b 4. G. Carlin, St. Petersburg.—Snt; I am directed to inform you that:the conduct of Mr. Catacazy, the Minis ter of Russia-here, both official and personal, has for some time past, been such: as materially to impair his usefulness to his own Govern ment and to render intercourse with him, for either business; or social pur poses, highly disagreeable. .Under these circumstances, the President, is of the opinion that the interests of both countries would be promoted, and those relations of cor diality with the government ofkthe Czar, of the importance of which he is well aware, would be placed upon ar Much surer footing if the head of the Russian legation here were to be changed: • It is hoped that this intimation will he sufficient to occasion that change, and to insure the restoration and the continuance of those oppor tunities of free, and cordial official intercourse with the representatives of the Emperor, which the President earnestly desires to exist, and which have always existed with the esteem ed predecessork of the present Minis ter, but which Mr. Catacazy's course of conduct has made impossible to be maintained with him. ... . . . The President's sincere desire to avoldcany step . which may show a want of ,conlidenee for the person whomHislinperial Majesty has elec ted to,represent the interests of h ,-:gov ern went has made him hesitat long `before directing this announcement, and he deeply regrets the necessity which at length compels him to make it. You will read this commu nication to Prince Uortschakoff and furnish him with a copy if he desires it. Your obedient servant, [Signed] HAMILTON Fiats. On July IGth Mr. Curtin sent a telegram to Mr. Fish, in t,vhich he says that he presented M. Fish's letter to Westmann, Vice Chancellor of the Empire during the absence of Prince Gortsehakoff in Germany. Westmont' did not take acopy of the dispatch, and declined to act upon it. He considered it a very serious mat ter, and said he would not mention the matter to the Emperor during the absence of Gortschakotr. iiebe neved it might delay the visit of the Grand Duke to the United States, and that it would be used by those persons who were continually trying to disturb the friendly relations' be tween the two countries. On August 18th Mr. Fish sent a 'telegram to Minister Curtin, in which he says : The hesitation and delay in presenting the dispatch of June 16, Occasions much disquietude and dis appointment especially us communi cation with the atinister of Foreign Affairs is open. Tho decision is im portant- before the advent of the Prince, - =as the President cannot be expected to remive as the principal attendant of His Highness one who has bmn abusive of himself and is personally unacceptable. —Who wouldn't be a carpenter? Two young females of Fayette coun ty, Ind., who are rather smitten by a young carpenter,: take their knit ting and sit on the fence near where said carpenter is working, beguiling his labors by their smiles and songs. —A remarkable revival is now in progress imiong the oystermen, sa loon•roughs and others of the most hopeless and intemperate c1a . 5..9, nt Fairhaven, Connecticut. Over one hundred have been converted, and the interests is unabated. —The Statesville (N. C.) A merican says: in Alexander county, about twelve years ago, a quiet citizen with out any known etttiAe, hanged him self on a tree. A few days since his wife hanged herself in her room, leav ing several orphan cnildren. . , —An outside passenger by a coach bad his hat blown over a bridge, and ' &fried away by the stream. "Is it not very singular," said he to a gen tteman who was seated be s ide him, "that ray hat took that direction "Not at all," replied the latter; "it is natural that a bearer should take to the water." —An old toper who lately attended an exhibition where a learned pro fessor mused several explosions to take place among gases said : "You don't catch me putting touch water in toy liquor after tits::: I had no idea that water was so dangerous, though i never like to take touch of it." —A married gt4itloman, every time he met the father of his wife, complained to him of the temper and di position of his daughter. At last the old gentleman becoming weary of the grumblings of his son in-law exclaimed— "You are right, she is an imperti nent jade; if 1 hear any more com plaints of her I will disinherit her." —A traveler who has been there gives the foildwing schedule of hotel prices at Niagara Falls: To lie down one night, $1 ; to sit up over night, $1 ; to eat, $1 ; to stand fifteen min utes with hack to stove, .10 cents ; to go where there is a fatove, '27,.cents ; to shave as a stranger, '25 cents ; to shave as a citizen, 1 ; half soling s'2; gin and milk, 27)" cents; plain gin, :10 cents; plain wash, In centi:; with soap 15 cents ; with soap and towel, :10 cents ; to look Out Of the window, 10 cents; the looks out of the window for a quarter. if you have all of your ba gg a g e in your coat pocket the porterage is 7,0 cents ; but it N a good thin , ' to know if you only stop oue day the porterage k paid for the season. THE WORLD'S - i 7 ll TERNAL REMEDY. .li)HNSON'i. Rheumatic Compound EIMI 131- 0 01_3 PURIFIER. quick in its Action, Permanent in its Cure. Thi. medicino is the prescription of a world-re m nowned French Physician, wtio nsed It in his extensive practice many years before otTering it to the public in its present form, bat fin= ally becoming cant, kneed of Its great cura tive properties, and desiring to profit those snfferieg from this terrifile disease, consented to have it put up In bottles and ; sold attic low price of +ID ONE DOLLAR. If neceeeary, we mibt offer the tett ideates of thous- • ands who hare been cnred by It. tint the beet rearrnratnithttrOn ne can dile ft is, a Hut of one.. too or ' three 'hottles, which will Certainly re here the most' dfmcujt time.. Try it and he convinced.: We- have • advertiQed this medicine for Ws bj (gorge C. Goodwin ir; of 13 ".t0n•- A. - etas or the matey t refunded, at.d out of near ma bottles sold et retail, they have had bin, 8 bottles returned. Sellers , ittutpe,wisj Syrup. The Impertal - Comph Byrtip cant err. rpiritnons ingredient whattper. and may be used In a leases rot rttinirand attire Treatment IrUttertal conge Syr:p hay been need for the last tharty years. Prepared only by - R. EARLLERS & WHOLESAI.V f)RUGGISTS, 45 WOOD SYRE ET, PITTSBURGH, Yx And sold by druggists e‘erywhere. (feta., ly FOR: SALE. A COMBINED MACHINE for turning wagon AA. and buggy spokes. all sizes. from one inch to three inches In size. Also, all kinds of handles, such as axe, d:rt•pick, coal pick, sledge, hatchet, and hammer handles. It will also duplicate any patterns that may he put in the machine. Also, a machine \calf two sand belts fur dnishing. Also a machine for tenanting spokes, and a circular SSW. (maw. belting and all the patterns with it. All will b sold •for less than haef - the original cast. Any person wanting a machine of this kind can ace it by calltrg on the subscriber at Rod.- ester, where ha work will also be exhibited. It 1,4 to good running order, and nearly as go;x1 713 new. J. WOODRUFF, deciS;4w. S:1: Cross & Co.'s Column. DRY - GOODS, ' -New Fall Stock JUST RECEIVED BY: S. J. Cross Co., , ROCHESTER. OCR STOCK OF NEW AND SEASONABLE DRY'- GOODS IS'LARGER THAN EVER BEFORE CONSISTING OF CLOTH, CASSIMERE, JEANS, IVA- TER-PROOF, PLAIN FLANNELS, BARRED FLANNELS, CdN'TOls.i FLANNELS, CLOAKING, PRINTS, DELAINES, PLAIDS, ALPACAS, MERINOS, GI NG HAMS, CHECKS, TOWELING, DENIM, TRILL, PAPER MUSLIN, BLEACH ED AND BROWN MUSLIN, COTTON BATTING, SHAWLS, SHIRTS, WOOLEN YARN, liosmuy, GLOVES, &C., &C., IV C:9 90 I C:, M . S; IN GREAT VARIETY/ Ready-Made Clothing: COATS, PANTS, VESTS, s wrs, DIZA~V SRS, &c., , Hats and Caps, A VERY LARGE iintl NEW STOCK BOOTS & SHOES Men's, Youths' and Bays' BOOTS. WOMEN'S, MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SHOE,S , '-AND (,;UM SHOES ALL PURCHASED LOW AND WILL BE SOLD AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON COOT. WE Ar?io CONTINUE TO KEEP UP OUR USUAL STOCK. OP GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR GRAIN.' MILL-FEED. SALT, LIME; CEMENT. HARDWARE: NAILS, 1101- , E HORSE NAILS, Window Glas.,s Paints in all Cul►►rs, DRY - and _IN OIL : , WHITE LEAD, LINSEED PUTTY, TURPENTINE, VARNISH, ALCOHOL, GUM SIIILLAC, &( Wooden Pumps Full. WELLS AND cisTEliNs ALL HEAVY GOODS, DELIVERED WITHIN A REASONABLE DISTANCE, FREE OF CHARGE. WE ALSO FURNISH oUlt CUSTOMERS WITH cOA.I. AT THE MARKET PRICE. Rochester, Oct. 20th, IS7I Dwellhig douses, r IMNMIZEMN - TS, IMPROVED AND UNI3IP . ROVED REAL . ESTATE IN A.1%111 -N-v.4vu., Borough of Rochester, FOR SALE AND RENT EU 13. .T. CfELC)S;. 3101-Iy:chtl my3l-novl. iscellaneous. NEW NEW - GOODS. NE If&RRtWAL OF FANCY DRESS GOODS, J. M. M'Creery & Co's, RADICAL BLOCK, BEAVER , Pa, Consisting. of Fancy and Star)la Dress Goofs, Trinoning.s, Fancy Notions, Ladies' and Gent's Furnishing - Goods, Millin'ay Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, pecial:U(3g. NEW BLACK GROS-GRAINED SILKS —JAPANESE SILKS, SILK VELVETS, VELVETEENS, PLAIDS, POPLIN ALPACAS IIIERIN OS, TYCOON REPS, Ibr Wrappere, CLOAKINGS, 'SHAWLS, SCARFS, and SACKS. LATEST STYLES IN FALL HATS and BONNETS, LADIES' & MISSES' VELYT & FELT HATS, AND TURBAN'S, BOY VELVET S; CLOTH HATS Plumes & Flowers BRUSSELS and INGRAIN CARPETS, RUGS, OIL CLOTIIS,Ac., at J. IYE. M'Creery's. st p 2;,11 TREE ORNAMENTS. (PAPER VERY ELEGANT.) KM GOLD PENS, POCKET BOOKS, ARTIST & WAX FLOWER MATERIALS, V ery Low, in Lane Assortment 3. G. BACKOFEN & SON, 161 Smithfield Street, Above Sixth Avow, .PUTTSMILTIP..GII, PA. flyer's Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair it 73 natural Vitality and Colors A dressier which is at once agreeable healthy, a n effectual f o preserving tht hair, It soo., restores faded or gray hail color, with 6( gloss and freshness of youth. Thar hair is thickened, falling hair checked. and baldness often, though not always. cured by its use. Nothing can restcm. the hair where the follicles are 41,- stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can Lc• saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a ne.,, growth of hair is produced. Insteu•. of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorou.. is occasional use will prevent the hall from turning gray or falling off, a:; consequently prevent baldness. Y. , restoration of vitality it gives to scalp arrests and prevents the form t -I,.lgan of dandruff, which is often so nu 'ldaartly and offensive. Free from flid: aeleterious substances which make some preparations dangerotc.s an t i inj,i rious to the hair, the Vigor can benefit but not harm it. If want • merely for a HAIR DRESSIN , nothing else can be found so desirali Containing neither oil nor dye, it di, - not soil white cambric, and yet ha • long on the hair, giving it a rich, glo lu§titp, and- a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical aiullietical chemists, LOW -- MASS. Ayer's' Cherry Pectoral For Diseases of tho Throat and Lungs such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Among, the grey discoviaie• of tinder science, leis. :ire lia.,re real value mankind than this e; fectual remedy for a diseases of the Thro:, and Lungs. A vie trial of its virtue. throughout this au. other countries, hi shown that rt (!o, surely and effectibilf iontrol them. The testimony of our 'best cif zens, of all classes, establishes the fact, the CHERRY l'Ecronat niieve nu cure the afflicting disorders of the :fliniat an Lungs beyund any other medicine. flie mos dangerous iffections of the Pulmonary ()rpm yield to its power; and cases of Consump tion, cured by this preparation, are ;Abbe Iv known, so remarkable as hardly to r he keyed, were they trot proven beyond dispute As a remedy it is adequate, on which the pubqi may rely for full protection. By curing Coughs, the forerunners or more serious disease, it save unnumbered lives, and nn amount of sufferini ilinot to be computed. It challenges trial, and con vinces the most sceptical. Every family slaml keep it on hand as a protection against the earl% and unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affection , which are easily met at first, but which becom incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected. Tel der lungs need this defence; and it is unwise be without it: As a safeguard to children. am distressing diseases which beset the 'finis and Chest of Chad/100d, CIIEItIIY PF:CroI:A is invaluable; for, by its timely 11/.e, uuuJ tulles are rescued from premature graves, us saved to the love and affection . centred tint It acts speedily and surely against ordinary col securing sound and health-restoring sleep. one will Suffer troublesome Influenza and pail. ful Bronchitis, when they know how easil they can beeured. Originally the product of long, laborious, tun successful chemical investigation, no cast or toi is spared in flaking every bottle in the Iftmos possible perfection. It may be confidently re lied upon as possessing all the virtues it has eve •xlibited, and capable of producing cures in ale 93 qable as the greatest it has ever effected. PREPARED Irt Or./J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Miss., / Practical and Analytical Chemists. GOLD BY ALL DRIIO43IBTO EVELLYWIIERB octAdy r ANDERSON, haring taken hold of el . • his old Foundry It:pitl f fu Rochester, Fa., Will be pleastd to meet MS old customers and friends who may want either the BEST COOK ING STOVE, Denting Stade, or ant other kind of Castings of best material and workmanship. The business will be conducted by joiktfl J. J. ANDERSON & SONS. JOB PUINTING neatly and expeditiously noeuted at this orate. Rimell & Co.'s Adifertisementsi CH ICAGO -Ur BES4RUCTION.- A fall and complete history of Chicago, bey, past. present and fatting. With graphic scene*, loci. dente and hill detalis of the dlaaater, by Geo. P. Upton and J. W, Sheehan, editors of the Chicago T'rtbuor, With over 400 pages and ISO W Oration*. •It is boo.ready for delivery! tyr. AGENTS 'WANTED: A NiftettViTel: 5t0,,,: Union Puolishing Co., Chicago Illinois. or Philadelphia; Pa. - • Diec64w..- CUNDURANGO. , nuns; KEENz owls Plaid tract, The wonderful remedy fir Wein. ST. PnILIS, Bucovina. Alteass, rer.xonsnv Con- PLAINTSi SALT BllnarX. and an 4:413,031114 BLOOD 'ThexAsts, is prepared from the Genuine CPO. duranno -Bark, - from Lets. Ecuador, secured by the ardstaneeof the authorities of-that country. 71 is the mod dative. prompt and curtain alters , tire and BLOOD Peruvian known. Sold by all Druggists. in Pint bottles, haring 'On them Oar trarne, trade mark and directions. .Bend for a sir. cold. Office and Laboratory. Tl 6. GO Cedar Now York. lIMI • NEW - YORK OBSERVEL $.3 pet Mama, including Yon Book for isa SIDNEY E. ;ROUSE, Jll. 37 Park now, Now-York. i=IAMPLTi COPIES UNIVERSALISM. Send for free sample copy of the CHRISTIAN LEADER, a Bret-claea weekly Journal, pnbliebed by the New York State Convention of tin[verve!. let, and containing the Pannone of Da. B. H. CHAPIN. Terrna¢ per. year. Aadreee. Pub 110wr CHRISTIAN LEADER, 15 . 9 Broadway, New York City. WOOD'S HOUSEHOLDz. free during the coming year to every subscriber of Merry's Museum, the Toledo Blade. I=s Democrat.. = ....., essesee...., etc., Which if ian l vd c n c u of its wl7ratini bully. Horne t..eea l , James Parton. Theodore =moms imonms 1= Tilton, t, ii . ' • Mnlstni ton. eir,Te ic•:ir every num lIIMEIMMIM ........ri Mr711=1):0 ere threeVst-ciass period. odlcals for the price of one of then. A variety of premiums on equally liberal terms. It is an on drat-class maenzine. Volume X begins with Jan.';-..,. 9. Free =li tion conics free, Address , ......., = S. S. try 0677.ReW ir irrt .177 Over 100 Pages. Printed in TWO colors, on superb TINTED PAPER Pour Hundred, Engravings of Flowers Plants and Feu- l e dabs, with Descriptions, and 44U' • Two Colored Plates, CJ I -'6 - Directions and plans for frit it making Walks. Lawns liar - w..... CO 4. dens, ..te. The handsomest and best FLORAL GUIDE ) .7, ev...." in the World. All for Ten 1 4 r ini p . ., Cents, to those who think of bnytinr Seeds. Not a ..r quarter the cost. 20000 D sold of 1871. IV Address, 64 JAMES VICK , fik ) \,^ ItOCITESTER. N. Y. PETERS/ The Dee. No., price :Me., has 10 piece.; Vocal and In tditital Napo Music. worth slin sheet form. We will mall two hack, NON. for 50c., fo T $2. ur for 90c., or Jan. tollec. MU SI CAL -7.. for !*.:l, (regular price, Vl.) Bound copies for 1871, nideto and edges. $5.00. TneSlustc is byllays,Thorn as. Kinkel , Oounod, ete._ MONTH LY Address J. L. PETEBS,S99 Broadway, N. Y. P. 0. Bin 51•29. SAVE YOUR WINCHESTER'S HYPOPHOSPHITES, A Chemically Pure Preparation of PLIOSPLICIRUS, which to a most important constituent of the hu man body, existing largely In the Brain, Nervous Syetem. Mood and Bones. IT 11 THE UNDUE WASTE on DEFICIENCY or yul LITE-GIVING AND I. II. II , BI , TAININC ELEITENT, WHICH 18 Tlllt IMMEDIATE CAUSE of Clonsumption Nervorm Debility' Pa ralyels . , hy'spepsia, Scrofula etc The proper Remedy for Olt t (Tema] treatment and cure of the above Diveavev consists In revtor inz to the Bruin, Nervonvtem. I.Utu;, , and Blood, their due proportion of kd HMO tit -8. HYPOPHOSPHITES ih the ~tiny preparation 'A hich accomplishes this result, and it is au absolute ewe for the Diseases above•named. Circular:s, Information and 'A d vice Free. Prepared Duly by J. WINCIIE.STEIL Chenn,la, 36 John St., INT Y. and sold by all Druggiats. Price tit and CI per Bottle. es . 5 tir.7f."4 CIA CUt '"‘ L I. 11/1 ti .1,11 hi,• th r best prfrznoter•lt the growth antl4,l. . h , jr. E1:3•: , ;•:" r*- *. „. to its origin(' 'The Hest Saw-Gumer Out. Only 815. 1 Emery Gril.den. at s'2l. Oland $ lOO . Dith , "" l Turnh.LT I'uol. $l5. Nab' Emery 11 . M•els Ql" all Atlcirves Toe Taitite Stroutleburg,. Mow rovcounty, = SIIIOIIII. - Ael: litrxmis if . Finney, Blurb , ~,lia burg, Pa., for free circular of Dexter Cutter. ..< Makes , Corn-Fodder equal to hay. New thing . _ . . 57,60. or A l e rf i t t l ' t P tt r( „ 'f ;i ts lir en "' " C a e r 4 t la art icle ' , " p i , ' „ r‘ e7li e l ,. . i (i . Illy Pith. Samples sent free to all. Address W. 11, Cut nEs - mit. 2.17 flniapiray, New York. $425A nONTII: Ilorc lortilphed. Ex ptin,es paid. il. it. stiA W. Alfred, Me. % GENTS Wanted. matte more 11 at work 'tor u• than at anythlmt dee. light ntlti pr rffints.•ll'. Pnitien Lire Irv, (i. 5T1N ,, , , !: pine .Ir( Pub!i4t,r.q, Port land. Maine. VIRID Icllm of early ludas cretlon, rair , l:4; ner oth. IlCbliity, premature decay, etc havitvz tried lu vain every advertie'etl n•th,aly, 1-m 8 di,r,,venal a ainip:t• in.-a La. of ,elf cure. a% bleb he will Fend tir hl. lcllaoa putrerere. AthirveS J. II Ite.:EN .2V<IAUII3-Ai.. N. Y THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE CHRONIC and SEXUALi DISEASES; A l'hysiological Jlarriage The CheapeSL hook eV4 r pu hilt. hrd--cuntutu In nearly lintt pairs.. n 13,1 Ilat fide plates and ehgray togs Of lira aliniOn)," tit the 1 au weans in plat ~ f !on oh and di...eq.,. 11 tre.itino on ear !y tlep , rtilOe I , , r,etltisnees uH th,, mind end hody. ilb the ant no; 11 0..4 tre a t meat - the only rational and •otecet4lul mode of cute. as rhoil II by a report of ca-ca treated. A truthful ads i•.-r to the married and those contempt:o4oz Marling.% %I 110 eo (Cif ;011 (lOU hits of their condition. neon free „r to any toldre, , s, on receipt of ;'..) rent. , hi outran, or p,otal Curren cy, by ittlilmvsinq tllttllX, No. 31 Maiden I ant-. Albany. :`; Y. Tlit• author may be consult ed .upoti any of the diseases upon which hls hook !mats. either per-Dually or by mail, and inedectiono t•ent to any part of the world. - SAMUEL 1i..14111N.T0N Establi§lied by Eichbaum &Joiffistoll,lBl6. William G. Johnston & Co., PRINTERS, STA_TIOIN-ERS And Blank Book Makers, 57 awl :711) Wood Street, PITTBIII,7W PENN' A. • m321-1y AGENTS :W A NTED THE PEOPLE'S BOOK ! De4gned for ererll Home and lo diridual. r r N A rir I 0 N, Its Hulerrs mad Institutions, Outlines of the Government, JUDGE WILLIS. Published in English and German: )00 CCOPMS An setting Faster than any 800 in the. Attract. AGENTS .ARE POSITIVELY 1G $3O TO MO PER VEER. SERD AT ()SCE FOR DESCRIPTIVE emicuLuis and TEEMS, AND GET THE FIRST CHOICE OF Sail res— 5. 11. FO S TER de CO., 68 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. febS-ly-chd aprs.norl. BY PROMPTLY USING In the .7'reatmciat of it FxceFla neous. F:xciinAual M=M=el ME MI TERRITORY Misiellawfmai H: -- V-TE-.:w-- D. f7.IOOOBAVAA6,. Ton .wialttbo • lath do. itii:14111.49 ,call and les New !btfrGoeile ' , • or - • •, I • & 174 ibDE4I4I 4 STREETI 'AitEatiNy The Handeoniest Dry-Goods Ewe . rium in the State. OTTV, MOTTO, GoOd Gooda at Low Prieees • Thrtingh the Iteasan no are receipt of NEW EVERY DAY. Our stock t alwaye . fall, mesh and complete. We testoeetfolly ask the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS To oar Stockiati our Wholesale Department is at all dales fall supplied with goods which wamf• caw, either by ibe piece or package. at the lowest New-Yoik or Philadelphia Prices. REMEMBER • TII E PLACE, Eiwin's Dry-Goods Bazar 'Aios. 172 & 174 Federal St., ALLEGHENY CITY, rJ n li j Oggs dc Buhl OPFER SPECIAL BARGAINS 'IN L)UY•OOODS IN EACH DEPARTMENT Orte casdAn,terican Poplins, all colors, at 7.:5 cents less titan former whole \ s!tle prices. Ali-Wool Grey-mixed. Doable Shawl. AL $5.00. 25,PIECES VERY HEAVY & EXTRA With. SergL. Plaids at :35 cents. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO CUSTOMERS IN BLACK ALPACAS, Satin Clothg, Silk Poplins, AND I ALL STYLES oF DitEss (Amps • IN OUR )%110LESALE DEPARTMENT 114ragnoil value in ca-, , iniers, Flannels Wiltti:r Proofs. Juan;, 1411 a NU stock of DiOneNtics. Roc; w 4 ICUIIIL, FEDERAL STREET, ALLEG EIENY CITY, PA ly:ch !lir 1 - Ljez a ugi - e;‘)ct I 1;n0r22. ICI CM= Ni, MILLER Co. Contractors and Builders; PLANING - MILL BEI I)c)c)r.. .e.aL R.3l* AND SHINGLES Coasturdly on hands, and wade to order. 'l-?..coches.- - tei• Orders 'by mail rcccire prompt at teglion. 0 Mat - S:11-1y iNtiat TX FOWSA LIE, in Brie hton tp., Beaver county, Pa., flee mike- west of Beaver, three miles from Potter's tastion un RIO C. S P. R. It. Th4i farm contains one hundred and six acres The improvetuents`nre seventy acres cleared and In toPd order; the balance well timbered, frame houo and barn, very zond orchard of all kinds of fruit. For terms, enquire of E. I', huhu, efig., Bea ver or Wm. C. Hunter, Bridgewater. 'c. V¢ OF THE PA: 4 BIIIITZD DECEMDRR 7TH, 1869 OUR CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. Illenesableardd. Aclurowledged by all who have used It to be the best Pea made ',sold la this cban. try! WM not corrode. KM Uses written - Ci with sae Pea stink! WM outwear a down 4. „ best steel res..% Put ap la seat slide boxes. c) 74 SOLD ONLY BY ADENTS, stud tbr this t, Wallidiell eaere • pars e r eaa realise 4, pores t5.7: 2 1.,., 17; = l stil es. cen uo. ta_ liz aa.. e bosun, 51.00 8- tw elve w boxes. En, WESTERN PUBLISHING CO. Idaaufacturets' Avian, Pittsburgh. Pa. OnTlOlLoalltesireatpa~liefthese Peas has led I. away tooltattoso of an tufo- PlogLeetattr... . nor arty the genuine FOLTri. TA.EY PE,2lilloehlloy thloCom . La ad =es Peas f ri lr 71111 Y NIRMIZ e ZWIAItI: 4 7•MI afafals"a Jan:CS: 1 r ITANKING-II4c)17!-;T:. THOWAS M'CREERY & CO THOS. III'CLIREUV, Cashier. J. F. DILAVO, ....J. D. ANGEL, Ml=tM Interest 'edit on time deposits: i'rornot Attention given to collections. Also. Insurance Agents fur good and reliable Companies. intaylaf POINT PLANING MILLS, WATER ST., nocHEsTER, PA HENRY WHITEFIELD, 31A.NUFACTURER OF Bush, Doors,Allouldings,Floor-bourds, Weather,boards, Palings Brack ets, &c., <C.c. Also, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUM BER, LE.TH, SHINGLES AND BUILDING TIMBER Having purchased the the territorial in terest of Mr J. C. Anderson, owner of the several patents co4ring certain improve ments in the constrxtion and joining: '1 weatherboards and linings f r houses and other buildings, we are the only persons authorized to make and sell ti:e same within the limits of Beaver county. Par ties interested will please observe this. Carpenters' ASupplies Constantly Kept on Hand. Every manner of Shop-Work made to order. oct4:l STAIR BUILDING • MEI Wood - - 'ritrniu„?.. - Shop, . WILLIAM PEOPLES. Allegheny Clty..Po._,, Is prepared to do all knal4Vot Wood- Turning, Seroll•Sawing and Snot! Moul ding. Newell's Balusters and Hand Rails, WITH ALL JOINTS CUT,I READY TO RANG, furnished on sitar notice. Orders by mattpremptly attended o, or may be left with Civilise:. .h Co., 69, Stb Ay. Pittsburgh. Pa., and at the MW, corner of Webs street and Graham Alloy. i tetrilsai -..: eilisteeptial-,:,.;,1„ -as.ursts •:. I S' U R A ITT Cl°4 AND - General Agency Office, .NEAR VIE DEPOT ROCHESTER; PENNA. Rosary Public and coilitePulten* 'FIRF.,,,LIZE, and, ACCIDENT 'A-NOE "Anchor" and "National" Lines of Ocean Steamers; "Adams " and "Un ion" Express Agent. ' All kinds of Insurance at fair rates and liberal teams. Estate bought And sold. Deed• Articlea, : written •1) A . "" 4 Ind Acknowledge ments taken, 1 !,, , ,`Et" Goods and Money forwarded to MI p of the United States and Canada. Passengers booked to and front England, 17clarll, Scotland, Franc& and Germany. -ETNA. FIRE INS. CO., Ot Hartford, Conn., Cash assett.4 $6,000,000 " By their fruits ye know theuL" Losses paid to Jan. 1, : ..$244,000,000 One of •ti,e oldest and wealthiest Cornpa. nles in the world. NIAGARA. Insurance Co.; Lsl} assetts, ANDES ,_FIRE INS,, CO., Of Cincinnati, Cash asset Li, ENTERPRISE INS. CO., Of Philadeiphia. Cph aSsetts over LANCASTER Fire Ins. Co. S Of Lancaster, Pa. sL 11,selLs ALPS ISSURANCE CO., Cash capital, HOME LIFE INS:,CO, Cash assets, Travelers' Life Accident Insurance Co., Of Hart ford. Onin. Cash assvits cr Representln:: lb, above first dace lusurniace Comp:int.:24,a , ivtoo.l."4'_:till to be vrilonlist the beet and most reliable in al , woral. and reprosenttua a grope earl capital , d nearly tqn.nue,tion, I ant en nol,l to take Insurance to arc :mount Applimtione promptly attetolvd o, and Polick.. ii raTell x WPM( ile:ay. and at, all" ful , , and liberal knits. Lorrerr 1 p 1.1 y cud. INSWIE Ti• Ity one I thy'' , delay you may ItiNe the cat log/. ears, Delays are . danger.tns. and lin uheert.dri: therefore, Insure to day! 011 f. 6).4/ay. is worth too to-morrtors. ltcallh•, ot.o: 1t t I the 01111.-I importance. The lute pricsit, worthless nity,,ys proves the nearest. The:also e , Urripani4 , are ).:,,,,ten to h e nruong.t tile 'best and wealthiest In the. world.— " As V. row that 'hall you reap." tit - metal for .the sirry liberal patNinaize already be-tuned, 1 hope -lir a strict attention to a le...tit• linate 613411ex/4r—hot outs, to merit a contiwaence of tiv. Fillae, tint a increase the present year. :Mr STEPIIF:N .1. CRAIG authorized to take applications for lusnrance and receiv • the premium for nit. same In aillo hong civAs.. giutts.r. Near Depoi, Itucheater, Pa. MB4I A LiVi.t4E ANI) coMpLETE siocli. Of Two and Thi.?e-lrbeet PERAIIBULATOP.: 4 , A.•:D WILLOW,' of the best New York, and Philadelphia manufacture, at reasonable prices. Also, Ladies' Satchel‘:, Bast:cis Fancy Goo 0 : : ; ,, Notions, Triy4, .lewctry,. Ivholesale and retail. at - F. A. O'LEAILIPS,. 14S Federal tit.. 2 .'.ours above the Market nny17.13 [ n or - 2.2 1m BOTTLING /0 AGES 4. 11. W. 13. - LTloll'Ulll. CC). PITTSURG, PA. Established in 1844, by W. Buffum. This oldest anthlartr.-st Bottling house west of theinounlainS., has made exten.iye pimparatlons for supphinz their friends and the public with their celebrated .3.11/terai irraie/V, les, Porter, itc., &e. For the Spring Trade, at the following prices: Sarsaparilla_ .. per doz. Water . 37 , , •• ilaNpberry " f hamps net trier, Porter. . AI:. small bottle; t.o • •• genii -et 1'; In terton, Syrup . . Imported London Porter a` u 1 bot t . . . h Imported Seottni Ales and brqle t , . 3 10 Crab Cider rup+, Bottle, 73 cents p,r, : tot ex. ru. Nioney n 411114 ed when retitrued. ponds delivered free, and freight paid to roll rend stations and steamittett landinus. L b•2';ly ROSADANS Of New York ..... $1,500,000 Of Eric, !'enn Of New York. Children's Carriages! A I leg he ny. Pa THE OLD ORIGINAL HOUSE., and 2-I 'Market Street, THE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE ROS ADALI S are published on every package, there fore it is not a secret pi eparation , eon.wquently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT It is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma tism, Skih Diseases, Liver Conn plaint and all diseases of the Blood. b !, ONE BOTTLE OF BOSIXAIIS will do more good, than ten bottles of the Syrups of ,Sarsaparilla. ; v T E UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS It e used Ilosadalis in their practice fo the past three years and freely endorse it ns a reliable Alterative and Blood Purifier. nrt. T. C. PUO II of Baltimoro. DR. , T. J. BOY KIN, " DILI,R. W. C ARR. " MY. 0. DANN " DR. J. S. SPARKS, of Nicholasville, • Ky. DfL J. L. SiIcCARTHA, Columbia, ' S. C. DR. A. R. NOBLES, Edgecomb, N. C. USED AND MTDOESED BY J. 13. FRENCH St SONS, Fall River, Mass. F. W. SMITH, Jackson, Mich. A. F. WHEELER, Lima, Ohio. B. HALL, Lizaa, ie.• CRAVEN & CO., Gordonsville, Va. &SAM. G. MerADDEN, Diu:frees bore, Tenn. Our space will not allow of any ex , tended remarks in relation to !hit virtues of itosadalis. Tethe ifedlcal Profession we guarantee a Fluid F. s. tractsup&for to any thoy have ever. used in the treatment of diseased Blood; and to the afflicted we say try Rosadalia, and you will bo restored to health. Rondalls is sold by all Druggists price $1.150 per bottle. Address DE. =Alin k CO. masufaripiN T Chemists, anams ETYKAN I :ks - SEIDLE I • - : 6 - I!fideixisortr - to Reinana an. • 151EY1 te4N & SkILDLE 42 STH AVE., PITTBBtinGH PA • GOLD AXD SILVERSMITHS, • - - :IDWALBRS IN FINE JEWVELRY, it'lichi,4 Diamonds, Sllier & Plated IVare,' Seth Thomas' Uoeks, Fine Table ' Cutlery, Frenph lEGULATORS, 131t()ZES FINE SWIsS WATCIIES, • AMERICAN WAIT REs, JULES JERGENSEN, WALTHAM' IVATCR COMPANY. EDWARD PERWIGAUX, ELGIN WATCH COMPA\ VACIIESON & CONsTANTINE.. UNITED STATES wiTcri CHARLES E..JAcoT, E. IiowARD co . "THE ZI3IERMAN MATCH,- m a d e b y Enigma t, Unnerpool, is fully equal to Any watch lng ( not e ex h c ' toept te public. both In in the Frodsh flui am. % and tin2o-teep. l X1111411./VAI & SEIDEL, nor29-Iy.l AGF:NT,. notrr. cAnsi”cl R. & A. CARSON, Wholwale and retail dealers lu groceries act country_ produce, foreign and domestic wines and gins, Monongahela. reetlesd, rye ti No. b'2.Pederal street, opposite P Pt. W. e C„ , Allegheny cit.).- It arsty Black and Gold __Prow, 0 URGE W. BIGGS No. H 9 SMITHFIELD ST $1,500,000 • Four door above Sixth Ace FINE WOES, CUM: may Optical and Fancy Goods, &c. PITTSBURG H, PA. FINE WATCH REPAIRING Pleae ettt this ativertisemptit bring it with you. r4:r Singer Sewing Machine. HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINES The most perfect and simple machine of the rita ever invented. • pC10‘),000 Roth of the above popular machine+ hive beea lately Improves until thee ' , mud eothoat a mai . Price of the SINGER I , A MILY SEWING its CHINE from $ upward" , Price of liINKLEY`S KNITTERS $39 eireulara and Samples mailed free on applica tion. $2.10 000 STR.%W it MORTON; 5250,000 Ageuti wanted Ti , r !he Hinkley „Machine every where, and ft,r •Le •it:zer is W,etern l'ennsylva nia Eastern Ohl., and « • 4 , t Va where there are none already e.tabil.h,d nov24:lv 43,590,000 BUYERS, LOOK BERE. It may not be a nutter special in terest to the pople eoonty to knon what is transpirinz I , "t William. Nap IL-mirk iin,l Trochu in Europe, but t, a matter that effect:: them materially t.. knew ici.ep their can buy fine awl (heap GROCER. (ES'. $ 1,50),i )0u S. SNITGER & C(..) At their ull stand in Beaver. ra., ;trt..t:l furnisiiing to ilivir customers evi•r, celled forizt their line. They always a furl assortment of GRO CERIES , Flour, Fred, (fifers, Teas, Sugar!, • Tcibacco and (..igarg; An,: a: ht•r article. 11.4:1111 hi 3 (iftOCERY Froqn their lf,n.z andiri ..ruNte sic(in3m: r 4111w.iti, n t r. r.l. i , faction t,) tho,4. in:o fang tL, to ti i LI I licit p:11 tc.trtg.•, th,> t!, t! lu I,ir, a. tit si.are i , t 11: , • public pat r Give a Call • ana ~t a e It we an no! m iRt• turvst to call apitt. _ BE J. B. SNEAD Hag note in opri•ation a nor SAW AND PLANING MILI IN FRF,EDOM, PA Having, the latest improved nilichir. 39nLa C:ol=tlN LATH, ttc. and is now prepared to at tt.nd building ttnfl PV pair Steamboats, Barges Flats, &c,. Keeping cnustantly nn hand a •aq,eno quality of Lumber. The patronaz , ,q to public is respectlully N.dieitcd A : promptly executed WILLIAM - PLANING MILL. MILLER & TRAX, jfanqratinrers and bealers iii Dressed Lumber, SASH, Doollz-, STICTTERs, :• , 101N6 11.0()ItIN(1, MOULDINGS, • Scroll Sawing and Turning DONE TO ORDER, ORDERS 111 - MAIL HESPECTFiI ~ ( 41.1CITE1), AND PROMPTL ATTENDED TO. per gallon 11,1 Mill Opposite the ''.l?ailrocul .C7at ion ROCHESTER, PENWA. artril 19'71: ly The only riliabte Gift Distribution in the r 'ova, L. D. SINE'S EIGWEE N I GRAN 1) ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION To befilrtiwn Monday Jan. 1, 1812• $200,000 0 0 _ INVALUABLE GIFTS 2 i'W GRAND CAPITAL I'R - 17.11: - $lO,OOO in American .9,10',000 In American !inlet . ' Five Prizes, $l,OOO '1 . ...! Greenback' Ten Prizes, $ ,54)0 ( One Span of Matched lloraes, with Fame'} - . Tiat:e and Silver-mounted Ilarnega worth 5 Horses , & Bug_gies with Sliver-mounted limu , • - • werttrSrala Five flue-toned filsewood Plaum , worth $.5t0.-1. , 25 Family Sewing Machines, worth .$1 00, :‘ ,1, 2300 Gold mitt Silver Lerf r lluotlhy ql Sin all) itorlirfroya pa) to *3OO ,ach Lull& 'Gold Leonttnc Chains, dent's Gold •••• Chains - , Silver-plated Castors, Solid Stier VA Doubleiplated Table and Teaspoons, Ivory hsp.: led 1) tier Knives, Sliver plarvil pitmen saver Vest Chaim, Photograph A I hums. 1.3-i •" Gold i ,in..a.stpins, Shirt-Studs and Sloeve-llati -,,, Finzez-ringe, Gold Pena tether eitou,aao Whole A'umbor Gifts, 25,000. Tickets Limited to 100,00°. Agents Wanteti to Sell Ticketi;, to Whom Lax ral Premiums will he Paid Single Tickets. $2; Six Tickets, $10; Twelve Tick ets, SV.Y, Twenty-five Tickets. *lO - Circulars containing a lull list of prizes, 3'l` scriptlon ortbo manner of dmising. and other in • formation in reference to the distribution. will be sent to any one ordering them. All orders EClu,..t be addressed to L.ll. SINE, box 86. novUtc) °trice, 101 W. FUM4t.,Cinclianati3O. GENEHAL A tiENTS-. Suth l'ittsburwh, clad jels .cvl,ice.3, (*() for the inanuiheture of j;ut_9.~} . JACffil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers