. • - IF l athle time Argno FETURE PUNLSEIBIENT. BY HOMO. 2b Ber,J. B. Breckenridge : 15Fat R : - , Yott state Iti year es say " that Immediately after death 'the soul is assigned a ; portion .ind a local habitation' hi iuteidince with its ; deserts, not In a place of probation orr_eapephU bet a place of "un mitegated torture In hada."' In the first place It will be best to inform you that the theory of ayeit for disem'bodied men has undergone several changes since the poet fe hell of heathenism, thtough w hichfinwea its mysterious river,Wiring the name of Coctjtus, came taco existence. Heathenism originate: 4 both the hell and heaven for dikmtxxlied mien; lodated them tOft in the -bowels of the art& Apostate Jews received from the heathen theirmotic i of an undergrautid heaven and hell, leav , - *tu ing out,rfver and s wa l ting a ditch, s hahs in . g o, an im le, boundary firm' between the two spirit worlds; 04 rather the.dlvisintrof vnespicit, world. si tuated in the heart of a ma = terial world, just us the yolk of an egg is enclosed by its shell. At what time thii hell got in there we are not, infortnek,(nould that some one could Write an esslty!); but we are sure It—et:mid not have been there at the time -01x1 mated- the earth and pronounced it "very goOd," unless it was a good hell. And why the heathen, who knewnot God, and were unacquainted with his word, should be the first to find out that it was there; is a mysterious matter, if true. Apostate Christendom, in an early stage of its apostacy, followed the ex. ample of the Jewish Pharisees in ad opting the heathen notion of the dual nature of man; and, also, their theo- ry of an under-ground- home for dis embodied men; leaving out not only the heathen view of a river in hell— os the Pluiriseesdid—but making an other improvement in the system by leaving out the doctrine of transmi gration, which the Pharisees had re tained with a little modlficntiOn. Th u 4, instead - of allowing, as the hea then claimed, that certain one could be permitted to live in several differ ent tnbernacles, instead of going at once into the under-ground realm, they claimed that all souls, good and bod—upon the death of the body-- would go into one department of this under-world of souls. This improvement on the peathen notion of an under-ground home for dlsewtxxlied souls, was Catholicism In its incipient stage, before the sys tem was matured—before "the mys tery of iniquity " had finished its work of apostacy.• At a later period the system was changed, by claiming that Christ went into hell in a disem bodied state; or, rather, into one de partment of this Imaginary under- World of disembodied souls, and lib erated the righteous ones. - and took 'them up to the skies on the day of his crucifixion or resurreetion;which, if true, would contradict Paul's state ment: "Unto them that look for him shall he appear the second Hine with out sin unto t*ilvation," as his return from such a mission to heaven would have constitated his "second" com ing, as he was on earth—in his resur rection state—forty days after this event is said to have transpired. If was right in locating the "set:- mei" coming of Christ in the future, this notion of a . journey to the skies with an army of ghosts (nothing) once shut up in the ground, to •forni a colony of ghosts in the skies, as a nucleus of the-much-talked-of king dom in the skies for departed souls, is all a fable. Prior to this wild in vention of Catholicism, the theory of a sky kingdona—for disembodied men was unknown in the Church. but, though thiS theory recognized the vacation of one department of this under-ground abode of disenPo died men; that containing wicked ghosts—the hell of Catholicism—was left undisturbed;.nnd the vacated de— partment was recognized test he abode of imperfect saints—those not quite doni—an - d - soon it was christened "purgatory," "a place of probation or expectancy," (which you deny). l'poiu the adoption of this heathen view of an under s world for the "shades of the dead„' an effort was made-to synchronize this realm with the sheol of the Old Testament Scrip tures, and the hales of the New Tes tament. With the aid of a Catholic ( Douay) version of the Bible, and foot notes appended by Catholic offi cials, we will look at the efforts put forth to estabtish an under-ground realm for disem bcxlied souls—for both good and bad ones , before the first ad vent, and for bad oin.s only since that epoch. Our version renders the term sheol grave, as often as it ren ders it hell, but the Catholic version trinforinly renders it hell, but ap la.nds notes to inform us when it sig nities the department for good souls. lst..Jacob is made to say, " I will go down unto my son into hell mourn mg.." Gen. xxxvii, 3i. Foot note— " That is, into limbo, the place where the souls of the just were received be fore the death- of our Redeemer.... _meant the place of rest wherelie be lieved his sou/ ti) be." If Joseph's' soul was the son of Jacob's soul there Alight be more plausibility in this a. , 4 suuiption; hula note on Genesis xxii, informs us that God is constantly at work "creating souls;" so, with this view, the soul of Joseph could not hove been the offspring, or "son," of Jacob's soul. Jacobdid not say "my Noe/ shall go down to the soul of toy son," but "I will go down." :U. But if it is true that disembod ied souls—instead of physical men— go to sheol, they must there be en veloped in Satan's grasp, and trans ported to the skies; thus commenc ing a sky-kingdom for disembodied souls. Thig kingdom you atveKas all right. "The thief's soul went there that very day." You overlook the time and manner of its origin; and this hell you also accept, only you have ventured to take it out of its material tirth-sliell, and locate It soinewhere--you, earinot tell where, having no conception concerning its present latitude, longitude, or alti tude—hut - hove rudely annexed pur gatory to hell, and call it a place where immortal souls are "torment ed unmitegatedly." Believe it, ye who can! We ran no more credit such blasphemy against God, our Maker, than we can believe the Pope is infallible, or that Molock is the God that-made us. But, we will fol low the Catholic picture of hell a lit t lefurther : 3d. "If'Bhcol is the realm occupied by spirit-men, instead of material men, this translation of . David's statement sounds strange; "Our bones art scattered by the side of hell.''—Ps. cxl. 7. No note is here given to inform us which deport nient of sheol Is here meant by "hell," but it is a place to which; the "bones" Alf men go. This Pros'es sheet to be the receptacle of corporeal men, in stead of spirit-men; for, who ever heard of the bones of a spirit? And we would here inquire of.Protestauts —and you, sir: Who gave you the liberty to take sheet out of the earth and assign it some unknown aerial location, if bones of dead men arel ever transported to that realm? Who ever sold - them transported? Is it not better to alloW. sheol to signify the state of the dead, than to insist that it is the locality of imaginary disembodied men? ReMember that "bones" go to sheol. 4th. On Genesis xliv. 31:. , "Shall bring-down hiS.gmy hairs with sot- , row -unto hell," we have the follow innote: "The Hebrew word for hell is here sheol, the Greek hada; it is not taken for the hell of the damned, but for the place of souls below, where the servants of God were kept before the Corning of Christ,, which place, both in the scripture and in the creed, is named hell." - This diva!, here called "a place of souL4,l o is said to have been " below," and to have had its day prior to the first coming of Christ, having been vacated by its inmates at that point of time—as be fore noticed—in order to establish a coital the Skies. and her girkthere a kingdom-of dlsembodlecv men. But4ithis view of thettx I seems to clash ,with their. 97 ' I deringef D'aild's language, he are laid inMi._ like sheep; death shall feed in thene —Ps. , xi ix. 14. The In mates ottlkis."hell," or shed, instead of bet t e disembodied souls,.'stre a clasieirbeings that death can "feed o thrl fleet!' "lisli pp" Ale, =bless pews • The shed of the Bible Lg not a place for disembodied souls, but for dead ineri—meri• with Aggrity bu m f , and "bones - ,"' a place Where "there is no "wisdom" or "knowledge." Orthis place David said—as rendered try, the Catholic versioa—"Let not his hoary head go dowii to hell in peace, bring down his gray hairs with blood to 1161, 11 '2 Samuel, lii 6-9. liell,'when from shed or hada, is not the realm of "unmitigated tortures," for its inmates, thud you represent. Nor is the case of the rich man an exception to this rule; •for not one word is said in the recent- about the rich man's soul. You theologians assiime that thesonl IwMetnt, though not. men tioned. The .Douay version reads, "And the rich, man also died, and he was burled tithell r and lifting up his eyes when Ike "was in totments." The persons introduced in this' record, though dead,'are 'treated res living agencies, by. , parabolic peiminifica tion, to illu.strate aniniportavt truth and are repmerited as talking, and the amiveniation here alluded to recognizes the fact that they are dead —"if one went unto them from the dead"--"though one rose from the dead"—thus showing (1) ,that these personages :though represented as talking, were really dead; and (2) that the only way to communicate to the living was by rising from the dead. . This method of setting forth or' il lustrating troth is used elsewhere, and that, toil; to aninstanceiu which hell (sheol) iO, Introduced, and dead men having,- " Hones, " and having been slain by the sword, are repre sented as thiking. The overthrow of Pharaoh is thus set forth in Ezekiel, xxxi: 16-18, and xxxii: 21-32. Don't fail to read the text. dear - sir, ..we call your particular-attention to several facts. Ist. This scene is laid in "hell" (3/icor), and •pot. in your theological hell, but in "the nether parts of the earth;" nor is it a hell of disembod ied men, for, its occupants are those "slain by the swift'," even those "which are gone WWII to hell with their weapons of war," and these "have laid their swords under their headS, but .their iniquities shall be upon' their hones." it will not be admitted that ,disembodied men are slain by the sword, nor that they carry "weapons of war".to hell with them, nor that they have "bones)" but such is said to hp the case with' the oeenpatith . of the "hell" here brought to Vie*, It being sheol—the state of thelkad, where military ehieftans were anciently deposited with their weapons - of war, just as Indians now often bury their war riors with a tomahawk by their side. Though this is a hell of dead men, instead of being a hell of disembod ied men, it is said that they "speak" to Pharaoh, and also that "Pharaoh shall see theM, and shall be cduifort ed;" while it is said that others have there "borne their shame." ; , Ilere speech, sight; comfort, and shame are personifications. On the same prin ciple of personification could Jesus represent the rich man as speaking out of hades, Which is not a hell of disembodied Men,' but simply the state of the dead, if indeed Christ, is here speaking of two literal men who had once lived on earth, instead of giving an oftlinary parable? On this principle, too, though speaking of dead men, by personal cation, could he metaphorically at tribute .to one:of them comfort and to the other torment, just as really as "comfort" and-"shame". were attrib urea to dead:tWit - .lu.tlf9dust cit ed ? ..Vbrahaun is repr&- - edted as &Winglo _the rich :Thau—"Thou in th lifetime ,' receiVidat thy good rn insfary addittlft. that he _was not then aliveytholigh - •nfseta phoricalty represented us: talking; else, instead-iof ljte tiMe, time," it would hayebi proper to ' havesaid, "in thy" fortnerlife." In this metaphttrieal scene, or ease of personifleatien, though the persons here presentol are really dead, the rich man is represented as requesting Abraham to send Lazarus to relieve him, which - being denied, he is rep resented as requesting to send. Lazarus to his Irving frfen& to - Warn them, lest they also should die in their sins, which request being re fused, it Js. Insisted,. `lf one went unto them from the dimd repent," shoWing that the request was not to have the gh4l of Lazarus sent, but Lazarus himself and"from the dead," hy, a resurrection, as Abraham is represented as respond ing„"Neither will they repent though one rose front the dead" —thus show ing that the ;only idea- eOneerning sending Lanai's was by his resurrec tion. Death.: 'fi xes an impassable gulf between tit righten* . antk wicked, Prevail Hag. " any chin - gel:s . : poin t of moral VonditiOn; •fir "theleicked driven away In his wiekedness, but the righteouS bath hope in his deafly" “13Wssed are the dead that - die in the Lord," they "dleep in Je . stis." - :;: • Death also cats off all intercourse ' between the living and the dead, it being admitted, even in . this norm tive, that the, only catty TO get a coin- , munleotion opened would behy hay lag one rise from tife dead; thusroll. ing back tlii tide_ of death. But mark both:in the case•of Pharaoh and that of the rich man. the scene is laid sheolifir hackle . , of which realm you say is "a' Place cif, ,tultnitigateti torture," the - wise num af fi rms that "there tStra work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom;" so, even if the warrants of that realm Wedl3 spirit-u - tea. iusteatl.of being ma terial triettr4 - :.Wotdd net - change the Suet that they w ere wen wiegnseious, and (Imminently the repreSetitatiOn of talk must Le :metaphorical. Nor is this ',method of attributing skeolt to lifeless objects to Illustrate a trutji anything new. • It Weald that Abei's blood : i.'icried,"-and "he Ving dead yek.speeittetti t _l;',"the.idObd of sprinkling L4t, speaefh better things , k than that of Abele -:":!- I thoi'stotli) cry out of IherAtitll4l4-therietun out of the.thibef thorn - nsed,Littili; `mettaitt,tkisfieecli (Judges ilt.•,' - ifq,''uttribliting a !Ong conversation lo the trees of the field, telling what.:was said by the olive tree, fig tree,' t .vinei the bramble, and all the twes.-. The object - Artis more forcibrY,inipiess a point by at tributing speech to speechless matter and thus conki Jasus impress an ha portant principle attributing speech and feeling to dead • men—the hope- lee andirrprflediable conditicin of that-die - in end the vontforting hope of the righteous, • under" the watchful'earv4 of an eetsoven in &lull, If, hoWeVer, Christ is not here meta phorically ottributing. speech :to the dead by personification, to teach a Jeslon to the living, as in the case of Pharaoh, I will leave you to grapple with the mighty fact that there is no "knowledge" in sheol or hades, whether it is the abode of spirit-men or material men. - Dear sir, your theological hell of "unmitigated tortures," we ven ture the assertion that there is not a text of Scripture to be found that [sans that way. Nay, more, that it flatly contradicts God's ovn state ment, Job xxxvii,M,"TouChing tho Almighiy, we cannot find him out, he is excellent in power, and in judg meat, and in plenty_ of justice he will not - afflict, Wherefore let mortals reverence him, whom none of the wise in heart etindbieerk" But you wise theologians profess to have found out that,. God is delighting himself continually in horrible and revolting injustice towards "immortal souls," which you infer are a part of God himself. 'We contd produce many texts bearing on this point, but con tent ourselves at present, seeing that we-have already trespassed, by (Not 014"T1lfr Lord to 011,. J pit,tene rn mereles .are over all hls works." . ill, 83, "For,pe.;inth not ,atillet nor grieve the 'Children of men, ` to crush under his feat. all ,thaprlsonert of the earth."' _:ES.'xitxittilt 4 0 I live. saith the Lord Ooh ,, hoe ' no, pleasure in the death f. tbe• wicked. If Clod has no pleasure. in: the death of the witted, 'itt Itheiertlnction of their being, bow eau • hehave pleas ure In exercising his powers to pro.' duce protracted and '"Unatitigated . tortures", Iq. ' ecnivious. ; Suffering. without mercy. and 'without end? Neh. i 9: "S bat ilb . imagine against the•Lord?• - • Hewitt make an utter end': affliction shall not rise up h4;-34.Zeftr.Yet a very little while, and the indigno-, tion shall ceas,c,..aud pair nnger in their destructinte' The Greatest ileileal-Discovery known To MAN. LINDSEY'S, Imppypi. llk)o4l.ar. ohm. rdittAtttrßE OF AU diseases arising from ail impure state of the blood. Cures Ulcers,' Erysipelas, Scrofula, Debility, Cutaneous Diseases, Sore Eyes, Pimples on the Fact, Salt Rheum, Mercurial Diseas e 4, and, in short, is the best Spring and Sum meiMeclicineeverof- fered to the public. TRY IT, and he convinc ed. It is a purely vegetable prepare- , ' tion.compounded from the finest Roots, • Herbs and Leaves, which NOture has provided for the ills or man. Not a single grain of mineral compasition,so that while it affords relief. and effects the most, wonderful cures, no over dose could Injure the most tender infant. This Medicine is for sale by all Druggists, everywhere.. -- s JNO. F. HENRY. New Usk, Wholesale Agent, Prepared only by K. E. ELMS & CO. PITTSBURGH, PA, febl3 ly] No. 45 Wood Street. Pittabnrett Seminary Sic Institute. R. T. TAYLOR, Principal. The attention of the Yorth of this and adjoining counties (scaled to the 4 MALE SCAFICOOL now being opened in connection with• the ether • Department. Rooms have been provided for Thirty-two Boy. or Yining Me m, who will receive every advantage. and will be boarded at restlenahleretes. Addetee. the Principal. DAN lAL AGNEW, sep27tf Peed. Trustets. Orphans, 4Court. Sale. BY Virta of an Ordet•of the Orphans' Court of the county of Beaver, the undersigned, Ad ministrator ni the estate of Martin Kites, late of Chlppewa township In .aid county. deed. will ez pose to sale by Public Vend ne or Outcry. Ctu Saturday, November 11th, 1871, at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following described real estate of paid demised. s.tuate in said township of Chippewa, B - ayes comity, Pa., rte All that cer tain tract or piece of land bounded on the north by laud of Charles McMillen; on the east by land of A •drew Thompson; on the eolith hi land Of said McMillen, and on the west 'Timid of Alfred Bra den; 'containing Forty-five Aereo, more or less,—ail under fence--about tbree•fuurtbs clear ed and in a good tame of cultivation: the balance timbered.—all well watered, and underlaid with a font fret rain of coal : and on which are erected a log house and log stable. l'rerniatai within two miles of Ca-a StiILIQXI. on the Pitt. Et. S C. Railway. ant. convenient to market, sellouts, churches, &C. It•roe: One-third of the pnrctuise Money in hand on the confirmation f sale by the Court; and the balance In two equal annual installments front date of confirmation, with intrest from same date; to be secured by bond anti mortgage on tau• prem. 1 Ism,. Purchaser to pay expense of deed, bond and mortgage, and necessary stamps for same. For 1 further feat totters inquire of ur address A NI ES DILLAN, Adm'r. New Galilee, Pa. loCtlett3w _ - IIST OF CAUSES FOE TRIAL AT . NOVEMBER TEEM, 1871. , iniX.ol6l) lif Mi., C01111.% ,, 1143 COI TILS.Uk ZOXDAT George Duck es Hu g h Anderson. M.. T, C 0 owld's exeetonrs Ovill,Pinn.y. Beam:n , th Chews aainCrie Waif= Jenkins. William dolnietun . to Lewis Reno's ex'trs Stephen Clark va CU Hall at Co. Jame* Calder et at vs J C Wilson. et at. Th'omas U Jackson vs Ksrher Squires. alampaon Marker va William a Trimble. Herman Stainfeld vs tdartin Metz,par Jr.ihnetou 'tee of woods v• 11 Mendenhall. William Ilarriaon v• William 111;zby. Samuel Moorehead vs Matthew Johnston- C U Warrington vs Samuel Laney et al. It T Taylor vs Thomas Poe. Conrad Brown vs henry R Foo tg. Juhn Stevenson , ft a! vs William Rwinn. , same vs .7 B Vanceret of. same vs Samuel Keifer. Mille v a /I II Keifer. Thomas Harper vs 11 U Swaney, et al. Samuel MeConanghey vs John Gra•birg et al. James Watt vs Dumas Vaughn. T W Anderson *a Henrlef.lt Lenz. John B Winch vs John Staley. R W Dickey. el al vs Joseph Britian' el al. Hugh Anderson vs John Ebner. W W Dunk4e vs John Gembing et al. Wm Brunt, Jr.. & CO C it It Company, Mag. Drandenbarger vs Philip Braudenbergor Harry Lather McCownvs John M Carter. George Graham vs John Carny el al. Jacob Stahl. el ax vs James Porter. John J Clew water vs Libutun Mumo. James Mercer vs Alfred Hinds. Henry Collins for use, vs Jaeoh Young. John C Levis vs William F Barnes. tiachles Piano Man. Co.vs Margaret Thonatts et al JOHN CA UGHBY, Prolhanalarv. $100,000,000 Ft.)lt REDEETION OF U. 5-20 BOND' of 1.M6,2, DECEMBER Ist, 1871 D UQTJESNE SAVINGS BANK, No. 64 Fourth Ave , I'IT'T4ISIURVa-1, PA. EN Authorized Capital, - - 1500;000. Paid in Capital, - - $lOO,OOO. y 11. Offer their othiridesi hi rptitrhang• to Oft. Trersury Department the *Mot of V. S. Coupon Bondi; dated May 1, 4492, as follows : .1.0) 30,69:), inelm 4 ye,_s 1 " 4QOII, " 1: jo4 /44 : t :,0 06-. •, . 4 Alpo, regioterell bond* of the .ame Act _- Ito Z 95, Inclusive, $ IY/ Bonds. 1 " 4,104 ' " 100 64 :11 - 4 " : .IgA .t g ' ', hOO " " / -1114 5 , , 000, ." 1,000 66 1 " 2,665, • - " 5,000 " - 1 ' 2,900. " /0,000 " _Notice has been given, •fittheedTreus ary Department, that all i terests till cease on the Bonds design by the ;umbers abore mentioned, on and af ter December lst, 1871. • The holders of there Bonds will therefore see the neresalty of taking steps to have their money remunerative after that date. All Bonds forward ed to us for redemption will be sent. to the Treas. aty DepartMent, and the proceeds placed to the owner's credit, , at the rate of 6 per e. nu. per annum Interest. Board of Dire ctors : *Tames T. Brady, of Jams T. Brady a co.. Bankers. Minonßymer s ofStoridardWW eLeadWorks. 111. arm Moorhead, of Soho Ito a Mills. Hobert Jamison, Wholesale l3ry Oct b Met ' aim' Jackson Duncan Supertnter orient Allegheny Bridge Comer:. • , • , Amur O► aul,tVholeralel cteenswate Mer. Chant. J. B. Illursiock ; Secretary /Ittablugh Irosre, and iron Cumany... lobo IL McMaster% of l ite McMaster* Osborne. • Fetterman, Attorney at Inn. JAMES T. BRADY, President. se DAVID CAMPBELL, Treasurer. pl34m. ' 77- NE Dl4l W GrOID . NEW -:GOODS; NEW ;ARRIVAL 01.` TANCT MUM GPM, J. M. M'Creery & Co'si. ,1 1 BI;OCK:,,BEAVER, „ eUnsiatirir o f FanCy 'aid • Maple Tirdss Goods, Tritnraings; Fancy NntiollB, Latlice , anil 'Gent's Furnishing Goods.- 'Foods, eiirpetor,: ':Cloths, Sl,recsialtias NEW BLACK GROS-GRAINED SILKS —JAPANESE ~SILIi VELVETS N'EINETEPS, • PLAZAS, 'POPLIN ALPACAS,. MEMOS, . . .TYCOON REPS, for Wrappers, ite. CLOAKINGS, • SCARPS and SACKS. LATEST STYLES IN FALL LADIES' S.: KISSES' VELYT BELT 1t TS AND TURBANS, BOY VELVET & CLOTH HATS Plumes & Flowers BIG:SSELS and INGRAIN CARPETS, • RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, &c., at J.I M. M'Creery's. gt.p 27:tf TILT: WHOLESALE BOOT &SHOE HOUSE J. H. 13011111..A.N13, 53 and 55 Wood Street. Just received. a very large FALL STOCK of o3>wsii4 muovez wirs - smain D annprisin ll (Ryles and Qualities, nonatit at the lowest CASH PRICES. direct from the manufacturers and will be sold. at the lowest New York and Boston Prices. thus saving freight and expense. Fer Agent for Yblladel'a Manufactnred Gonda, at Factory Pricer- NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. Orders , from Country Dealers promptly tilled, and aathdaction guaranteed. Country Iderclaants call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. as you can &Aso 14M per cent. by buying here. J. H. BORLAND. seps:o-2m) 63 wld 66 Wood Street. - :dyer's Hair Itigor. For restoring to Gray Heir natural Vitality and Color. color, with. the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a nevi growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi meat, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or fa Ong off, and consequently prevent bal ess. The restoration. of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances, which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigdr can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable- Containing neither oil nor dye, it dote not soil white cambric, and yet last, long on the hair, giving it a rich, gloss) lustre, and a grateful perfume. tepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists. LOWELL, MASS. 12= R. & A. CARSON, Whniestae and retail dealers In groceries and ctumtry prndace, foreign and domestic wines and NMonongahela. rectified, rye whiskey. .tc, No. St Peden) street, opposite P. Ft. W. & C. It. W., Alleeway city. Li 16.1? CARPETS i CARPETS I ! CARPETS OIL CLOTHS! OIL CLOTHS! 50 Bonds 100 •' 500 " OIL CLOTHS! RUGS T RUGS T RUGS T MATTINGS! MATTINGS? f. MATTINGS Having bought a large stock before the recent advance, lam selling at old prices. Call and see any stock and prices and satis fy volt , A. C. HURST. bridgewater, Aug. 30-2 m. --- - WHOLESALE BOOTS AND SHOES. 11...CH1L9S &CO.. 110.011 A*11,14111 AT VERY LOW PRICE, cHILDS &.,C4O 133. Wood Street, A law) stock of Railed Itroons, for Miners and Furnace Men. arasisntly an-band, which we sell nom t l4) Is% tents per pair below the nonsi marks Rtes DY24/441 =3 =I HATS and BONNETS, IN PITTSBURGH. A dressin!.l which i s once agreeable, healthy, a u effectual foi preserving the hair. /t soon restores faded or gray hail to its original IMEMSEEM RUGS !!! WITSBURGR MM Rlitiell dr, 6."s'Adveitisim'aiits, Tinrwtrnmutsuipasitztoirvoll I manic r :fthi/18, Serqfula, 'Moen. .8214,1lietan an( egt other Plood - Diseaya. . arr. P. T. glizytig, ,havtag jot returned !rem ! Ecuador and brought with tem a tratutthrLttg fe.wlVerndurangwlllarie, secured tae sesessmendsMs and assbithawe of Excellettcy the MAWR of &nada; and i the Omteralneet of that Regale. Wolin Prepared to OlLordent for ft to a !Lod extent, o f a price &bear' oneluarter or tosts•outcb - tho coot or the &et 141 7 mean supply compelled to to chareo. Rlstriuocs Uncle Is MIT advertised od sold as enadarartgo.. We have,t at a considerable ex. Ken t aad with the ccooperation of the *Wiwi • ties of Lois, the province where the plant grows, abetted the Wand ofonr supply as to emigre that none but the gesidne trildo shall be sold by Wi "A we particularly the auention of the punk; for their protection, to this fact. BLIES. KEENE £ co. atp Cedar.St„Neir York. D. W. Dlirs. M. D., Washington. rh C.; B. .1111se,X. tiew.yorir, P.;T. Hamm Y. D. N. Y. BuRNE-r e rs COCO=A kE • -"inUPOUtill of Cooua•ifut (Mote. Ml.nowl .l I the but yr/minter the nrotrlh mod y - • A f i .11-• • • , VREE•ltgri — Ph -7 12t/Rreliasi =heed: tne steel engravings tree to stioseribers. Agents Wain SS raday, Send tor antirirday Iliazette, listionell, a.. ma ow -- ____ , - 7 - - e, ." ' // / // Tjuo ;Ad I ' ' est and to 0 II t j tilfr, " / .0 / reliable 7,116 // lustitu : lion for obtain lug a Meretritilo Education. II: r' Prattled Bad' Peas lamas Instructors. For information write (or a circular to P. I)PFIr It SONS. • octll;4w- - Pfttsburgh. Pa. So:lilted by NITIMM *Co. • PATTNTS ftbuiibels s ciengtftanta' L iron, 37 Pm% Row,-Flew Yost. Twentptive 'team' Pamphlets containing Patent Laws —wltl full directions bow to tobtaihStente—:ltee. A b6l Thd volume of 118 MOAN eeMeililhe the NEW CENSNE o f ? y aunties and all large cities. 110 Engravings echanical Movements, Patent Laws and mks for obtaining Patents, mailed on receipt of.St3 cents. EARTH CLOSETS. —(. eI the best. Earth Cloriet Co., 215 State St., Hartford, bole.U.S. proprietors of Mottle's, gouts d• 'Otrdinsfon'a, Luther's, Warmly's, Newton's and 11004Utg's Ittents. The 'only Closets that have rroved effective. The Earth Closet, by Its disin fection of- faeces, In the most valuable means of prevtatintspread of cholera and other contagious (lineages. Send for circulars', Agents wanted eve rywhere. Salesrooms: 19 Donne-et•Boeton; "106 ISroedwnY. S. Y. 11191 Matttet.et.. Philadelphia. von BALE —A ehoice Perm of 183 acres in Chester county, NlO wile. front Philadelphia. Address JABEZ BAILY, Marlboro P. 0., Pi. CHEAPS ADVERTISING- In the vicrco' rurarro: For $B4 per Inch per Nontkv u e Uiii (11.' sett an Advertisement la 1 Oran clam Pa. Newspapers, Including Fourteen les, Pro portionate rates for smaller 'advertlslements. !At sent free. Address OttO. P. ROWSLL a 4:10,. 40 andil Park Row, New ,York Oao. WHO will Pa* 030. Agentigro per week to sell our vend, and ivatn able:discoveries. If you want permanent, honor able and pleasant work, apply for parttenlars. Address DYER Yr. CO.. Jackson,Nltehlean. A. CARD. A Cleigytnan,.whilo residing in South America as Miesionary. discovered a safil and simple remedy for the Vero of Nervous Weakness. Bari y Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Or ganevand the whole train of disorders brought on by Elluefiti and vicious habits. Geeat numbers have ha:neared by this noble remedy. Prompt , ml by a dealre to benefit the afflicted and unfortu nate. I will send the recipe for prering and us ing this medicine, in a sealed envelop pa e, to any ono who needs it, free of Marge. Address Jos. T. Is- XAMI Station k. Bible House. N. Y. City. A VOID QUACKS.—A victim of early to m .Cl. Milan, causing nervous debility, premature decay, etc.. having tried la vain every advertised remedy. has discovered a simple means of r‘elf- Mire. which he will Fend to his fellow sufferers. Addrees J. n REEVES. 7S Nexseu-st., N. Y. THIRTY YAARS' EXPERIENCE lh the Treatment of CHRONIC and SEXUALi DISEASES A PhysiologicaeView of Marriage,. The eherukst book ever pnblished--containing neatlyge Pages. and 130 tine plates and engrav hags or the anatomy of the human organs in a state of health and disease] with a treatise on ear ly errors. its deplorable consequences on the mind and body. with the author's plan of treatment the only rationsiend suecessfat mode of cure. as shown by a report al cast% treated. A truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage, who• entertain doubts of their physical condition- Sent free of postage to any address, on rccetnt of :15 cents to stamps or postal carron ty., by addrestUng Dn. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lone. Albany, 14 'T. The author may be consult. td upon any of the diseases upon which his book Immo. either personally or by taall,and medecines scut to ael-Part the world. Ifardiffare l 4ec P%A,l4Lati.4'rcoN Foundry & Repair Shop. Haring been Engaged to the Foundry Business 'for note than Harty years,—tinring which time have accumulated a variety of useful patterns, be aides constructing models and taking out patents for Improvements on COOKING - STOVES —and after haring thoroughly terted then Un prorementr, I feel warranted to efftwlnu them to the public.. 3E" Ls IPCT , The GREAT WESTERN has no Sn perior for this Loca lity. STOVESI Stoves of flWercnt Styles for Heating and Cooking The Great Repablic Cooktoz Store Rai the be•gt Record of any Stove ever offered In add market. IT TAKES LESS FUEL, LEsS ROOM TO DO MORE WORK, BEST BAKER, NI CO S r_IP 1) UR, A_ E 3 I_4El ALTOGETHER TIIE T STOVE IN USE In connection-Yid' the stove I have got up it Patent oct.4:ly IP.X'rIiINSICON TOP, which occupies little mini, no ruhlitlonai fuel, and is nut liable to wear out, disp e n. ses with all pipe, can be put on of taken off ut any time, and made to suit all stoves of any size or pattern. Vivo Hundred Persons _Who have purchased and used the GREAT REPUBLIC COOKING STOVE; Most or , wbose names have been publish ed, in the Annus. arc confidently referred to, to bear witness ()fits superior merits as a cooking stove. Having three first tiara spathes on hand. of about fifteen horse power capacity, they are offered to the public at reasonable rates. 101114 . THORNILEY. sprat' tr. CLOTHING STORE. NEW G 0 00S! SUMNER STOCK. The undersigned takes pleasure iq in forming his friends end the punlic gener ally that he has pig rec9ived and opened New stock of Goods, OF THE LATEST STYLES FOR Summer -Wear. He keeps the best of workmen in his employ. and feels confident of his ability to cut and make up garments both FASUIONAJBLE & DURABLE. and in such a manner as will please his enstirmers 'S 1 11' 1411, ALWAYS ON HAND CaU and see us before leaving your Orders Elsewhere WILLIAM( REICH. Jr. may4;7oilY Bridgewater, Pa Miscegaitefiwi: THE OLD ORIGINAL BOTTLING H. W. BUS' IT* & illnd'24 3farket`Street, • PITTSEURG, PA. Eslabrishea in 1844, by . 11.. W. auffbm. oilds oldest and hugest Bottling floss w et of the Inowntitios, has made extmidve p rations for supplying their friends and the vs, with Optlr celeWsted • ' • • Mineral Waters, Ales,itriter,dce.ick . .. For the Opting Trade, at the following_ prices : daresparinki--. ' 3730 wet doi. Mineral Water ' ST% " ttaspberrY " " ' .• at% *. (Unmans Ch1et........ ....... 8114 • " Portir;.e.i Ate, ennui tattles, .. .... '" Kennet. Wlnterion . •... Imported, London 'Miler and bottles. • • • • ... ... :.' . .0 00 fk ImPorled ohlt diet! arifibot, tier,(t" Crab elder. S 8 per ifx)len• • Syrups, .... ...... 900 ." Bottles MI cents per poz. extra. Mousy refund ed when rammed. . , • fitted,' delivered /free. sn fietobt:pnW to rail Ad stage= andeteamtxmtilandtrip. , (Only road CITY BOTTLING :HOUSE, No. 39 Market' Street. PITPSBTRGH, PA. i qffa l UM4 itorTLEas or Sarsaparilla, Mineral and Raspberry Soda Waters, Syrups and Cider - , Smith s Kennett, Wainwrights, and all the beat brands of Ale and London Porter, select ed and bond bottle,crfor Medical and Pam ily-nse.• Goods delivered free. [mrB;'7l;ly 4 LLEGUENY BREWERY.— Spring 21. Water Ales, SMITH d; 0., Brewers, M.alt. ere and ho p dcalem No: 4G5 Rebecca street, Allegheny, Pa THOS. BOOTA, A VOTING. Illgbestcash price paid as Barley. Jys;ly 1 , EP eartilertrwr situ* .40,.., .' 11r. S. - -. 4 * - , .' .• Teysofttaidg ,--:,-...."`-..-;-..--• -- • , water,_l6 doter . ''-' t '4l4lllllP',- ~. mined that no i • . - -.. • , Dentist in the . •"7,7--:-- - -• State shall do . .... -_,. ~ • wort bener or 4 ei 4 ' '?. ft. 4.•• -1 "- - cheaper than A ' k . -L4-11iiO•Vi - - p his patrOns.— ti Ile uses the bewt materials nisnmactured in the United States- Gold and ail ver filling performed in a style that defies compe• Mimi Satisfaction guaranteed In all operations, or the money returned. Gore him a trial. febtiv 0.14. BARKER.. F. A. kIAr.S.En...C. A. B&IIILICII. G. S..I3AIIKEIt d: Co., .11eto Brighton, Pu IMO G. S. MIABILEU B CO., hearer Falls, 14. BANKERS, Dealers In Exchsnge, Coty. Cottlpous. dte-..tc- Collections nude pn , all sect sable points , in the United States and Canada. Accounts of Merch ants; Manufacturers. and Individuals, solicited. Interest snowed on time &noshes. Conevon dehee will receive prompt attention. piecilay C, OR THE PATENTED DECEAIZER 7T8,1869 OUR CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN fotTerrisi tiessit " = "4lea irodis Wahl= ---„, VI A issi imem4N_____AttriltseliwAttes es* 'ask! was outwear • dams 4 bese ki 80 W I NT anze 1 ras s M. 14 Naas NV iIIMMP Walk fflis liMI: try .. .14101/11.WW%Seil Pie* 1.1 , 41.1.1111 .... ic mu ii=. in..o. wift. WESTERN PUBLISHING CO. Slannfaetares' Agents, Pimbutgb, Pa. !4.4 CAVTlONo d negirj=runhele " I " 7 v a•r a A atoratlos J/1345: / V THOMAS ATCREERY & CO - , '1"1109,. ITPCIISSItY, Cashier. J. F. DRAVO, ....... . . . ANGIER., J. IL WCILEERY I uter co t paid on time &no:ore; Prompt tate Hon given to collection.. Also, Inourance Atren for nod end reliable Comp/inlet,. imaylB f Reduced Prices! Speyerer & Sons liare just Returned from thy East WITII A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Bought at tth Lowest Cash Prices, And will setl some Goods - AS - LOW 4S BEFORE THE WAR! Consist ingc'of Dry Gisxls, Groceries, Pro visions, Hardware, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hope, ()cum, Packing Yarn, Iron, Nails, Paints, White Lead, Oil, Putty, Queensware, low-ware,Floar. • Feed, Grain and • Bacon, it varie ty of u t Tip ngs, DeVal ris,C Al piteag„ltaus, Ditnms, Crush and lloqiery ; also. Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Carbon Oil, 200 Lets. of the Celebrated Canton City AND NEW CHEINLOUR, Just arrived lint' for sale, Wholesale and I:etail, At Pittsburg Prices. 200 ,Kegs Wheeling Nails - ONE CAR WHITE LIME; Land ,Plasfer, and Akron amen t; A Large Stock of White, Lead and Paints. A very superior quality of Struna & Wet zel a Soaps; anti a lot, of Carbon Oil Just Arrived and for sale. Wholesale and Retail. ALSO; PURE CATAWBA, ISABELLA —antl— Concord Wiles, Of our ow•n vintaz.e, for Medicinal and Sac •amental Purposes, are highly Re commended by those who have used them. They nre also Agents for the KSZIFFEN MOWER AND REAPER, And nit. Nat. Plow Co's. Pfirms Thanking the Public for their past pat ronage. we hope to merit a liberal share 1 in the future. All 09ods De!keret! Free of asarget You an rely on all goods being fresh, as all, our old goods were sold at auction. nprl3;te Ottaspots,oilCloths, 4Dc., Svc., AT LOWEST PIRICES. Henry IVlccalluni, l e ate McCal Bro.'s,) 51 Pik Til. t4VSPTUE. v•rrrsutnizcoa t PA.. RETAlL.D . r.Aximusc Equal lo any .6;astern Jobbing Howe. Henry _McCallum. apritlyt; Henry zF , • e 65 ... 125 ... 11 5 13 CO Alilitnrprilawrowp nerwm.-I,et: tea of Admhtlatrattou having been granted, to the runderslgned on the estate or - James Caldwell, demised. late of North fleanekley township. Bea. ser,conuty. Pa.. this ls to sicitlfyall persons debted to saLd estate to tik° tmmedlateps ; in and all palbsui baring allow ILlPlest the • will present theta duly _authenticated for settle. ;19E. to ELIZABETU CALOSLL, C CA LDWELL; &doer. • septellw .P.b:` ••• - 01'as. B.' burst's I N-s-unA.N-Q.-E General Agency Office ROCHESTER, PENNA Notary Public, and Conveyancer; FIRE. LIFE, and ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE ; "Anchor" and "National" Lint% of Ocean Steamers ; " Adams" and "Un ion" Etpress Agent. All kinds of Insurance at fair rates and liberal icons. Real Estate bought and sold. Deeds, Mortgages, Articles, &c., written ; Depositions and Acknowledge ments taken, Goods and Money forwarded to all parts or the United States and Canada. Passengers hooked to and from England, Irelionl, Scotland, France and Germany. --\ - 0,,, AGEI - ~ETNA FIRE INS. CO., Cash assetts- $6,000,000 " Hy their fruits ye know them." Losses paid to Jan. 1, 1t 4 71....528,000,000 One 4.1 t6c oldest and wealthiest Compa nies in the world.. NIAGARA Insurance Co., Cash assetts, .ANDES FIRE INS. CO., Of Cinciunati 3 Onto Cash assetts, ENTERPRISE INS,/ CO, 4.4 Phi hithiphia Cash ussytts LAJVCASTER Fire Ins. Co. Cash assetts ALI'S INSURANCE CO., Cash capital, (';isil ;Lvults, Travelers' Life a, Accident Insurance Co., Of Ilartiiml, Conn. Cash assetts over Representing the above first class Insurance Companles.icknowled,red to be amongst the best and most reliable In the world, and representing a gross cash capital or nearly litlCooo,ooo,l am en abled to take Insurance to any amount desired. Applications promptly attended to. and Policies written a ithout delay, and at fair rates and liberal terms. Losses Wenn . ltr adjusted and promptly aid. INSURE TC t By one day's delay you may lose the savings of years. Delays are dangerous. and-life uncertain; therefore, Insure to day. k% (hie to-day, is wOrth two to-morrows."— Quality, also, is of the utmost importance. The low priced., worthless article, always proves the dearest. The above companies are known to he amongst tee best and wealthiest to tho world.— As ye sow that shall you reap." Grateful far the very liberal pat:image already bestowed, I hOpe—hy a strict attention to a legit imate business—not only to merit a contingence of the same, but a large increase the prevent year. !dr• bT.EPLIEN A. CRAIG is duly authorized to take applications for insurance and' n..ceivo the premium for the same In adjoining townships, Near Depot, Rochester, Pa: ROSABAbIS I S IdisimMii*iwm — :Are T. - ' x. • I have fucilities for supplying AND NEAR THE DEPOT 01 liartroni, Ci.nn.. Of New York ..... -.51,500,0t0 Of Lancaster, Pa UC Eric, 1,031 E LIFE INS. CO, Of New 1-4)r. CHAS. U. HURST, TIIE INGREDIENTS TII AT COMPOSE KOSADALIS are published on every package, them- fore it is not a secret preparation, consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT It is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma tism. Skin Diseases Liver Com plaint and all di seases of the Blood. • J ONE BOTTLE OP - BOSADALDI will do mom good than ten bottles of the Syrup. of • Sansaparilla. THE U:4 DERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rosada.lis in their practice for the past three years and freely endorse it u a reliable Alterative and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. Fran of Baltimore. DR. T. 3. BOYKIN, . 4 DR. R. W. CARR. .a , DIL F. 0. DANNELLY, " DB. J. S. SPARES, of Nichols-milk, DIL .T. L. IifcCALITHA, Columbia, S. C.. DIL A. B. NOBLES Edgecomb, USED AND EBDOREED BY J. IL FRENCH & SONS, Fall River, Mass. 'F. W. SMITH Jackson, Mich. A. F. WHEELLIt i Linia, Ohio B. HALL, Lisaa,o io. CRAVEN & Gordonsville, Vs. Saki'L. G. M ADDEN, puffed. bons, Tenn. Our space evillhot allow of any es• tended re:mulls in relation to the virtues°, nosadatis4 Tothe Medical Profession we guarantee a. Fluid Ex• tract superior to any they have ever used in the treatment of diseased Blood ;. and to the afilirted are= BandaH an s, and y will be to beide'. " ibmgbais sold by allDraggist% pdarsl.so pet bottle. Address DII.4LEMTB k CO. Xasofetterks. .P0•70.9U1 • irm-11. J. Wit Co.'s Column: MM=MISI S. J. Cross do Co., ROCHESTER, 11A.VE.A VERY LARGE STOCK OF General Merchandise, PURCHASED FROM FIRST HAND,- And for ale at, =el advance oo core. IN. THIS \ COLUMN, We propose to call the attention of the trade, ESPECIALLY TO MO t Ernmervg STOGIE Or ;Building Hardware, HOUSE-KERPER6" HARDWARE, MECHANICS' TOOLS, FAIMUNIZS' TOOLS, NAILS, Windav Glass, PAINTS, OILS,, I! 'IT "X' sr 4 a. Some of the lea articles of Building Hardware, Are : Butte of every size—cast caul wrought ; RIM, MORTISE AND PAD LOCKS In great variety of -- size and quality ; GATE AND - STRAP HINGES, GATE AND DOOR LATCHES, Cupboard Cat ?,lA, Screws, Shutter Hinges, boot and Shutter Bolts SASII PULLEYS, SA.SEI CORD, SASH LOCKS AND, FASTENINGS Hat and Coat, Hooks, Hooks and Steeples, Carriage Bolts, BASE KNOBS, &C., &C 3IECHANICS' TOOLS AXES,.ADZES, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, SAWS, STEEL SQUARES TRY SQUARES, MITER SQUARES BEVELS, CHISELS, AUGERS, FILES, BITTS, BRACES, PLANES, SCREW DRIVERS, SCRATCH AWLS, DRAWING KNIVES, SPOKE SHAVES, WREScHES, BENCH SCREWS, MASON AND PLASTER.S' TROWELS; Mason & Carpenters' Lines &Peiacits, OIL AND SYTIIE ST(iNES, SAND AND EMERY PAPER And every other twin belonging to 51,500,000 Farmers' Tools FIELD AND GARDEN HOES, 0-arden Rakes, Spade —lung & T handled ; $OOO,OOO Round and Square Pointed Shovels, HAY AND MANURE $240,000 GRASS AND GRAIN SYTHES, SYTHE SNATHS, RIFLES, SPADING FORKS, POTATO HOOKS, MATTOCKS, PICKS, 5250,000 DWV AND IREAST CHAINS, Well Chains, Dog, Halter And Cow Chains, WUR Lashes, itc., &e $3,5q0,000 MWNWNTINTIII Enka and Forks, Carving and Butdirr Knits*. 51,5,00,000 Table and Teaspoons, Fire Sotts ; Coal Buckets, Coffee 4)14113, FLOUR & MEAL SEIVES, LADLES, DIPPERS, &C., ezt. \ rts Painters' & Grainers' Goods: B. L. Falmestock & Co.'s PURE WHITE. ILE.A.I) ; PURCHASED BY THE TON jjel4;ly AND SOLD AT rirrsnurtort PRICES. Lead and Mineral Paints in all colors Dry and in Oil, FrUIZE LYNSE~:D OIL, COALE'S PATENT DRYER TURPS Warll•Tli3, ALCOHOL, VAHNISII, GUM SHILLAC, SASH TOOLS, PAINT -A: VARNISH BRUSHES, Putty,Putty Window Glass. In all bizes, Single and Double Strength. We arc giving mach attention to this branch of our business; and, white in quality, we \ always bundle the very best, we are confident that our prices and terms are as favorable as can be given by any responsible house. We are tb4kful for a liberal and in- creasing patronage, and will spare no pains to merit public favor. • J. cl3,oss et f 0.,, Rotas m, May 81, WU. May3-Iy:chd zny3l. this department FORKS, HAY RAKES, CARVING SETTS, (4 LAZERS ' TACKS. ~Xiscpifttneous . DAY.te,OQ I A !MADE IS GOOD, Boggs Buhts NEW BARGAINS OPENING - Irci,y OnO Coil° donble width Poplin Plaids.,; 6t► Cents; worth 65' cent& EXTRA,. GOOD WATER.I)IIOoF aC Two Hundred Pieces Mack lip ut ,„ 3, From 50 to 25ets per yard—ut Mast attractive prices. we ever had t!,, PLEASURE OF oPPERIM; umrPleces Double wltithArneric lin p„, - lins at , 10ct5,..25 per cent belf m ' , season's prices. SHAWLS RECEIVED DAIL, In ull the Plain and Fancy L;tylei the Icasnn. LADIES'.; PELT SKIRTS AT BAH. GAIN PRICES. BLAIIKETS,FiANELs, CAssGfEIN An leatiS at Last Seavek Prie. - BOGICIS 41Ic BUHL, lit?: FEDERAL STREr:T ALtEGHENY CITY„ PA aprs•ly;ch myl7;jettlaugf.,;oci ROCIESTER . UM BBL JOUR V. If 'DOW ALD w. J. 'mum OEO. O. OSTUVXU., U. J. sv atE l ttil. l .4a , • SPETEREIt & McDONAILD Defile In exchange, Coln, Gm - erne:mat 5. ties. make collection on all accessible pet,. the United States and Canada. receives mo,„ deporlt subject to cheek. and receives use eomib one dollar and onward. find =:. est at a per cent. By-laara and rules free by applyhar at the bank. Bask , from 9, a. n)., till t. p. m,. and on Satu , lf...: ings from ti to a o'clock. We refer to— L. IL.O.e.nrait S. Co., 1101,1..1. S. Auiso, ecorr tt.. CO., Oms S. J. Cnoxs .t Co . Krms - rny SNILDER S Jou:ll3Juni% IL B. EDGAR. TitAntsicrar• thane., Plllstrz;. aB. RANGER, A. C. Ltunsr. S. Br WILSON, novlrit-Ipad jet 3 A NEW FIRM sHQE-STORE, Umstead&Wisner KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAN: , A full and complete stn'•k of tlir styles of BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, nrA SPEcIALTY.—Fine tched B Nr Gentlemen, arid first elasafinr. for Ladies. math! to order. artni.h% ‘• New Bngloon,trear Sieuroti'sConfecti., thy. je2l;tlm. Black and 'oht Ft:out. GEORGE W. BIGGS, Yo, 159 SMITH FIELIr ST, Four doors aboyv Sixth As, FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS ; HEE Optical and Fancy Goo'L, & PITTSBURGH, P. 4. FINE WATCH. REPAIRING Pltm,e cut ibis nt l / 4 vertiseuiew bring it Singer Sewing HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINES The nk.tlyerfect And sunple machine t.,; ,• . P'....1 IlVt'D I ed. of the atio,ii popuhtr uiacoirwa h.io• li•ly improvers utlt 1 they ' , hind nITIIOI.II a r.,; Price of the PA MILT .i,EU tf is h 411 E (Min $ Price of HINKLEY'S KNPrITATS circa tarp , and Nanit,l aualed fax . ou t ST ICA IV d MORTON. GENERAL Atiii-ViN No. Sixth St Yet, Prtsbugh,Ft. Agenta wanted for , dia ilinClPy Mediae evon where, and for the Stneer to vVem.rn nia EaPtem Ohio and Wait ra., where ter.. none already ertabliahed. " nov24:lv. J OB PRINTING neatly Ana a•, executed at this. office. BUYERS, LOOK BEN. It may not be a matter of No terest to the people of Beaver e.sll: knon what is tyauspiring between !\ William, Napoleon 111. Biaman, Troehu in Europe. but it is a matter effects them materially to know ,v they can buy tine and cheap Gli(1. IES. S. SN - I.TGEIi R C At, their old stand in Beaver, P. art • furnishing tmtheir customers t -vcry:. called for in their line. They, ally3y4 a full assortment of ,; GROCERIES. Pour, Red, Coffeea, Teas, .sidg{:n Spices, Tobacco and Cigars: And all other articles usually In a First Clam GROCERY STORE. From their long and intimate ante with the Grocery, Flour In,: r• bi - 4111ms, and their disposition to satisfaction to to those who may Id: , wilt their patrohage, they hope' in 1 . 1. tore, in the past, to obtain A 4 share of the public patronage ' Give us a, Call and see if we do not wake it to terest to call again. ] jan2s y. SNIT(: Eli - - - GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS RIFLES; Double and Single Ear SboODuns; itevolvent.Ammunitton. Sj Rifle Barrels, Locks. 3founttngs, Gut i• teriate. Sc. • Send .for a Price LLst. Address J. IL .'• STUN. Great Western Gun Works, 179 sm.:' street. Pittsburgb. Pik. N. B. Army Carbines, Rifles and Lto bought or traded for. • 1;1 1 STAIR BUILDING Wood - Turning ShoP WILLIAM PEOPLES, "Ancgheny city. Is prepared to do all kii.6 , 4 Turning, Scroll-Sawing and S-r , .: ding. Newell's Balusters and finn.i WITH ALL JOINTS CUT. TO lIANG, furnished on shoo Orders by mail promptly attended 1. , . left with Ulosser Co., 59, 4th As'. ' l'u . and at the MIII, corner of Welwer Graham Alley. Intickunt Relief For T'lae Afk.sstl3.l33ll. Raving been afflicted with that tern', plaint--completely unfitting Me lot weeks at a time—for the laet twelve !lust found a remedy that givett Instant and Cbmplet? Rell,.f• have concluded to have it prettart'd that others similarly afflicted can ret , l'" etlt!of it, assuring them that II trill do all, and more thane p' ised for it; !- and, that persons Doveusing. sill Dever out As numerous others ?rho hare well ° nu rr en be ii h is ata: R tt oc o hes ffru tei T , cat testify. matt to any address on receipt of sae daya.....„,- ten rents to pay postage. CLIAS. • novl6,itt: Iy] Rochester. Bearer eon. J. B. S A I Has now in operation a nor SAW AND PLANIN(; Mll IN FREEDOM, PA.; Having the lot a 4 improved mut - for the manufacture el FLOORING. LATH, ,ST,C. ,t(l. and is rknit prepared to attend to budding and repairing of Steamboats, Borges , , Flats, ';ij lc Keeping constantly on baud a supen 4 quality of Lumber. The patronage public la reapec, tinily solicitell, Ail ash"' promptly executed. (pug 2 1!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers