ADVE=_ISEMENTII :I.drertisementatu . 'e inserted at the rate of $l,OO per square for drat insertion, and fir each subsequent insertion 50 'cents. A liberal diseotutt made otnv.jrokarly ad vertisements. A spam equalto ton lines of this . type measures a square.- Business Notices set under a head by themselves immediately after the local news, will be charged - _ten cents a line for each -insertiorL Advertisements skein& be , handed in before Monday noon to insure insertion In that week's paper. • ---------- F Business Directorti. unA•4-EiL;— TAXES CI-BIEItON. - Attorney atLi*. Braver ij l'a. ()Mee ha ?,dh d st.. , the rooms farnierly oc 4 1 cutiled by - the- 'lre 'Jung,. Cunnington. All bur I- Less , eatraete -to - Itita nig recene prompt end careful atteall a. . je2l:ly - - - JOIITS - 73.Y0i.1.N6, it torr,ey at Law. Oillce and residence cni Third et., ea,: t orthe Conti 80ne.... BuE•in6••l , prorovtly attended to. - -al47;iy , - ---,- - T 11.:.11c r .`,1:E :11Y, Attorney at LIW. °nice on ki a Third ft., 14L-low the Conrt .I.iotn.-e. All - 1.11.i -!.:.-zs prompkty qtft•nded to : .. je22,:".ott r LF. D. rf.Atel:. dealer in Millinery, Trim .il. tntntep. Palley Goode. • s.c., on tilt corder of Third nod Seimialinry etterta jell-a -1y . , 4 C. CO LE; practiml ‘Vatchnialzer 9C a TLird,tieet. Beaver, Pa., (nearly op I,, , sltellihire'6 ntpre. P. KI:11,N, Attorney nt troy. lice east .1.4 • rud of Third street, ileaver,, Pa. mar:A.4:o;ly , „, ...)1L , •• AUL I. riITSDII/AN AND 5t.7135E0N 4ttention - pal4l totieattnent of Female • iteradonce and office on Third rireei. a I,:n doors tro-t C•Jurt-Uoure. aprl•2"7l:ly • 0.111.; ..IKrultE, Prugyter and denier In primp, tot 'oth , ...linre mcCical LifIUOTA, Limps ,And - Faucy GoodF.: 111,1 n et: ous carefr.lly . 60mp0und,.,22 I y .11 ENIO: ,i` , llfda. .Naatif4t.turer upa Ihu,',7 BUC-4. snotth :nut Galittr' 5; Itala DEAVER t DRUG 'STORE, 11117.0 Andrie,,q.n, k) Dinezik .Apothecarv, trompoundetil.:.4-:_4; 1 y t.-1N DEMON". Dealer in the Unproved W L.3-,.0n Shaltle Sex - ing Machine, Main. at. cia-ti in another coiuma. t,,osa y l Arom trg Deafer in Millinery wn. 1) arzer.: Thircl , GroCeVyChoice gj Tea,. BeetCo ' Tlullat . ct, and Clgaps, t'o.l- 1 - t.tslitmer) al,d c o rtna )i et. It A b ‘Ve.zt - y 31 OROA NSTERN. Dealer In 1.1.1,101,k,5110,•, , , No S 6 Market Z3t. Pitl,lsoruh, Pa. Isep14:1) ;0rr7,1 Earate,Agents. op ifo,4te Putt 0/11,:e. I'6t)ii.,b,„'n , ol4llo t a[e .",;. e2 a.ter," 9,!nc IYre. l'iltbburgh. • [-epi.l.;) Butis v %Vbc - Fale Dniz .ritx; Li ben rittsuurgh: VeP.4.l - 11 - - s • AT PARLOR. '22 I'if•lt..-1 ,- - ti • thqr Mu; t Pltt - Abtu-gla. 1,14.1) A. 1'12..V114iP,..0 Co.. It4,)::-,1:er• anti tation- CI. er,+, 119 y2 , 00,1 . R.7.„P11te11urz11.„ Pa. Nr-pl4:ly IWitNa•st ,CO, 17 it 111 Market St.. P•ltbinira-7-10iportery r 4111. 1, kr.. in Not Till:1113111n, 116,1117. Whltelzond., .1.; , 14,1) EYNI Elt DttOTILEIZ:4. and Ameri can t 'outer: it 111 erP r. It I note. 1rn1: 12),13t.11% . 06d. SL l'lttrbtrLth, S. Deillertn choice ColteA • F:tholy (40ceri. •2d Hu , - I l'a SON. D-Mere 51,1chinet, 116 NE.r..,•: - l'itz.burgh, Pa. - • IVEI:7Ir("LINTOCK S (54).. Dealer. hi t. ) IpettL, Oil Se. rate- ch:rzy Fhtli AveLue. Piitt , bnr:rh. Vvpitly iI P.Stic:c4:.sur t.; J It', P.'i r s, in 114. Watches, Clock#,Jevrelr2. es: rm•a rr ?•, Aveniae. Pitttodur , zif. :w,p13.1:4 A. LYONS, ;111E1,e all Ai 4iL711 s% rite, • to order i,tiosi lv.ird- for i,i•ry 7 Fifth Avenue. Pittilair4ll, ' C. Fr,LFON,;!kinutinicturer oi anti • Furniture and Chnir, V.,hof_rany afid Oak. Nflti:h.tir•fd [o. NEW BEIIGIF3TON. CO..k.i.E. Den ;or in pain b+, InolrintT-closes, frameo. garden am! flower-seraw and fancy" fowts. Falla etreot, Iltdridou.scp'27 EVEIVILII—Dry GroceriOs, Noth,as k tviceusware. tto. 11...:11,cet price ill:" gUOrt r. 41.4 . 1 prod nco . tip pt.: c Pre• tt t ~ Church. Broadway. NOw •I • ewc:cr at:o t Broadway. Nt'w Brigli , "n• M. 11. MeDONALI , Dealer in Flntri 't` chAnce Fundly Lirocero, !.0 ViuodetilVare. 'Will.)lv o. .rx ilea; Falls Et. -Nets' 13tightpu. IL TUTTLE, M. D.-222 lin , acl ay. ':•; 7 Brightiln, makes the tteatrucnt of chro6i. and „female et - eaknesees a cpc•cial:y. saltation free Mithe pour every Fsuaday trot, 'on v'etotit, p. taz - . . , D. GILLILAND A t CO., Dealers in fane , .... iia Domestic Thy Chnxin.. Millinery.- tlrocerio, l'rnvi44ong., &e:Bilindway. , New, Brithian. E-p2i .11. - 4. 7 l,AlN—PliotograpttALVltr.y, grer t C.; • nety ot.Pictura-neati7Allgetuted....,Coruerm and Broathray;;New Drighton• 141517 , ca:cr,iiktWaa 24 - Aingifi a?, WALLAti. Xarb1t:;:.,14.2/ • tones :'-stair vow Tr — lC WTI YArAti . ...llirt! - - G. .r . ; ETi'l rieg, r:11:!•••ri Frnit ,Lt r i q .verr , 11:.': r 1. 1 ,4 Brill_, 4 ' r• 4 .. ..4 0 1 IP S. 14.1 - t.l; , 4 44 it: 4, , i. 6:41, - ii. •C =ME 1 1;.-• c'l). I \n nn Ini t dr, ir. ' =MI I ' tcr i lIMP Th • :th A if •. f • . •A I A of Pal. and fm Hr. vh - vny :_.) Mt IT ;, 1:`.1.11:1ES. .ILre , of 47:iton. E MOO A!.: Linseed 1 T • i t •.. ..-. - - (II LIE'CND . i - KFl'r. Dri.:..i• .. b Oil & 11 !lite Lead 1, ' .:1 .. . , : . :\ pu.,, 1 ari,..,: C ur, 8re.,,,in ..- ay and 'I. :in* - \,,, 1,,;. ; 1iz0n. 1`, 1 ,. ~Succ,,... ri. , JO 1.. It NO- BOCAS and t'''' --. 1/00,S . , 1 Lt..DIFS" Ml ,, i:, \NU i IIII.1)12EN , ' r•lIoNS. q . . 1 . 1 , i' . !...lEmuN. I:alzery ..z lArittealvl,l 7-, . (!! [ ! 1: .. ret. Spr, - n. tal.ClitlOli ttp eu to ‘‘. ,I. I ~ • , iti - 1. - ..,1 vir;k.;.) .• na;.... . / \, 1.1 llllle .I (Pi - der . alit! Shot . „:., „,....„,,,k,zi,,,,.:,.. ~,:,,,,,„,,,,t,.... , , ~. Ur,..1.(11apy.,7:01! I.lrigt. :,. tiZ , a• tali PTI I ,v Blasting Tov.rde. and Fuse. ; 1 - ,...,5, vbut.,,:r.. l .lwr. v. 1ii....L m 1:,..... I . ur,,,,,,,,y. i1.a...: puotAagrapn. , from re-7.,,1n!...- r_ I.,iii. 1••.-,•(1 ei,-.. Qui,-.--r , :yrn re. ~..5) . ~ t '`j l L ,,,,,, y g.L... d-h , cr ,-, 1 Irc, ~- n .....r;.;,. 1 '', A\ ill Gil, 6....t!a - r — in k‘all,P.tper, Window By f ,r,.,. , t - t . nt i„ n („1,,,,pi t ..... m .„1 'fp, 1,,,,,,. : , , „ i . .d i.', aA..i , . - 1.; , , ,, : ,. .1. Stra tune. :y .;.:Not': -r: 1i•,... ; 0,-- .1 y ~t, Ituto: ,til. . •-.., . 0.. ,t, ~; •,. .1, N., - ,L.:rn-litur. Pa, ~.., L .e.,r11 ' Ifo :1. rte diil,7,nt lilz.d.r nii,nally k. pt -r. 1 . ,r: r. • •!,. t;z. '..•r.i.... .i lif,p, :!, 1,,, , IW,, ,I- ..I, •• 7.1 Mid It , • ~,, II I: ~, r . o .Ar, ~1 : tt• HEAVED N.►l.i.S k I M. P.OBEICI:S ON, Pi..i.r iiilii, ju,:. , ~.., U. P... 'fl A Ni • i: 1I • i ' —••••11P,.;•••••...1 ' 7-invint7 M rhino, i.,,, , , , I t,,. .!‘.I GS: 1 y.' .. ,11 l 4...1 • n . !‘ ciiiri inri . d. Main ,it., ji. k .I.lls ,- .; , f ' S=TEREOSCOPES, COPES, ) -. 1 •-• • •••, In r k D .7 , Matiufai tu POT anti Ura l: t•• I :11 .f ' ..r It•m)t..i 1 .7.- I , .. \Al i L.lA3...ytot;}:.i 3 t;rsr :, D , trjri .;. - r , v ,, , .: , ' E: & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 Itroaclwa) , Sea-Cork. .. ,-.•; II ~, V. ‘; I,ent:r In !inn ;-‘hrid Stlp• - • r l ' ; ''', ll " . •'''''"""" '' t ' l ', 1 ": 1 ` ''' ' I r ' _l.• ..,,,: 0,—,-%.; , .),.:0 ~,,,, prire.. r.n.l , i 3 .ii- i i'M. , ' 1,11, .' t:""rtli wry c: I rp• ' , lvo \ , , :11" ill:111.t:", Mail: St. r....a, , t Pflile. 1'a....(n1^,1y !' if 111,--,r 01 , 1: ir/thliefltl , P7l, . i nitri 1 r•infkrt , ,tt , o , r. .:. . , I }, WEI:01A - ::. M:tr.utactui•• ••1' r.,,,i. ,• d I tilt ) i k. ) IJ ..1..N TE it 7s: :.-LiI11,:, I. trllcter. Bridge z.:!. Dr..1,,,,,1cr -• 1" : •-:!1•1 1 ;11A.PII ) (,),.1.:•4. i -• '1 ;"i• , : 1 ATEis cc C• 1101.TF.71{, flef.h.r tn. Co: L of iri• ,r 4; 110{.1:11c•}"F Ern: I: 1j};1•," . f 11A IZT 1):\ RUA (.01, .0 E: • El l':out , r Work promilti) •- , } - 11) , EIOG : Brtdr Luc' . _ igit:llM. 1. 11 ' rt.'. t, 1,041% , 1; . 1 . 1 ! , 1:1 Cr VI IZ. j:“.1 .•s I 1 '• Ei. MILLER. P.l.hionub! , , i nlio^ • ri Ix 07n e:411,0y. s." lAM PtacrEt fuucr. TI:.. 0 '; ; , ..r unc. Itua ( 1-: rtl 151111.. , kirttl,zev.b,l III: itST, lig COOft•.. t • k ttri/tte. C•lAlln awd 1;r: , 1i;.t1;.; , r.f.10t. F... :.i) ec•f' A SMITIT at: CO:, ::4 :141t1^.••r'. 31,11,tit. I: r k\S • i: ~el,.ixota. - 1 .1: 41• , ,- 41 ,•,:!' ~u '''-' ''''''' 1" 3L :21 -L%b.. ,= t 1 : 3- - f-• ; :: 4 1 • roni,:.k . r. 110(•lic•Lzer,, i:...1 • , ; & I.lN,:r..lftliNi:. 1 , ...i; , .. •: I 31..1...1N illi• - ,1.(:"Ii'i "iZ 1.:3..) .. t• tir,,,,-:-. ,, ,. 1 . ,•,,..r. :0.1 74. 1 I .• . ~:" . ,:, - ,crlption, tor b. a ~. . . . .1. . . • C' ' 1 4 1 ?, - ..q.,r. ra. - ;'' 1 ": 1 -` . _i! % 4 1. i 1 (1 17") ( )1 1 ( i -iA. L • - V V t ‘j • 111,11ti0rt.4:4:,,1ii),!'.',.!..:-.r Pa t- •h, - - 0 . /IA !, ;ex It, , Lot SeAcil,lllll. - !; • 1 St'. I'.<'.h -r I NI) GRtn•Z, t;Untwltb. 1‘,t.31. 4.T • • innivrtetl. made t'... -eh , 1 Rupnariug imtutiS Pwic , • ~ 0 I." , i.tNtor. Lu•kir.l', :11:11 I ~:-T,lll 4r.• ;!.1'• 1;:1;;;Itton 1)- ' r " 4 1 WILLIAI7 , TII.(.EIt, 3A, 'WI T (LAX, t' ' '')'!'. 1 Y ' : -,:k),LAN.1N1;._.341.1,1,. mrT , LLER ~.,..)i FA. , li.IN,,NES, Dr o::21-t. l'I•e-cr , ..- J . &PRA v • , ......,•. .. •,- 11.J.L ..IL A.% ~ •:, ' : tst . l,:;.: • iraitiffrzoturcrs and I)ef!'cr. , in ‘ . • :K: EN Li; ... ,--ii:,- [.., . -,,, , A ; j`,,..1,, , .; f!e•-I'.. 1 :"N • - I,i ilry„4-7/ crir, 1,1, ) , 1rJ 2 V: 1 ../; (; '' Un ". I "t ' 1 ..". 0 *T• ;1! 1 Y': -. ? . : . 7.r ''' j3ny.' ''. A Dressed Chill i ll be r . :, i . 2,:, t:L;,:-_, , ,.“.. , „......",;:.,-.,,::..,,-..,,.,;:.", , , , r.;:.,,;:,.::. 1 , , . J - t i---- L-6-. 1 , 06--- 1--,-.. ,, , ~„s,„ ,),.,0,,,5, SI-lUTTEBS, SIDING, ••• lit , II.L & IA ILI.' 5 '.17-....-ure,..,...., to C. , N' t....i - i ' ll . f,,t - , C.,., D..alem inl-p' Aitt: raid ilaut:4 ' ... FI,OOIIING, 101;1,DINGS, tf:e , ..., ),,w, t.R'N 1..15" ERN: til'Aillai..ti COAL 1 I LI). i , 1...: - NteeT. R it ' , tato'. utellthlo nr.:r. .1•1". , .) • ,„;,:f . , ,,FPLEic ,I- (Liky,K, iiri - irriet4r...l .3ot,rl4tot: i 11t , .‘,... fiund nt-comtnroiationo and •.,)A3,1 Ftl- . '• • Near it. If Deprit.• . _ oclr);I:i 1 D - MILLER.. dealer In r.c. , :g. sitEv.,A, tlaiiers, , ti • a. c. I:...p.altili; done And .pr0..:11 , .': ' ',... , r.....D the 11:amuLd, Mx:better. ra. outtti:ly I . \V ALT ER :5: 8./WT.IIER. IlanuUcturer. of I ti • Wolzoot. t.:( L'azgic.v. tipring-.c:g , ..1. , . I ''. , k , '3 14 . AX , - Binekomithing anti liorsegiu.i vg i Olt I )ETIS iiT MAIL 111:sPECl'EI:LLY ~ ..Le 1)1 the best manner. RQcttenter, Pa- - noi 6 ;! , I . SOLICITED, AND PI:OIPTL1" . -.------ -- ATT EN I) E n TO. MEI ALLEGE it. ciii.) - -- , LAJA..T.S.WINI' iNS , ElettricalPhysidit: Chroule - 1.. I rit,,xf.e, , made a pprthaty. tiCtice. IS'S VC:o.h 1,. tun kyormie, Allegheny City. nil. ,[pcpl4;ly {Titelire& WETZ.P.:I,. the atm mann. Mill Opposite the Railroad Statical. -, facturen , of Genuine Wax...`3ing, No $ to 16 ROCHESTER, PENWA. liiroOlran street. Binaing,ham, - Allegben county, • .e. Pa. fyr.YMI april 10 it; ly Vol. 53 7 - o. 41. aAKE STIENNZI4-A general axsortmeni of GrocerleP; Weaus‘trare, 3tonewrs panned Frufta:"4 - e. Cor. - ZdA illroadnuaN /, ~ li4argly -..,-.- -- - 10.qii Tuourbux 4 ce,i-PrAtlen dbfllry . Goode , Clothing, Bo Slioc*, Hata X. Cape, Carpets, oil-eh:tits, Queen ware . GlasNware, .t.e., cat-Druadwny t Cook Pis:. Llrerpobl. — (mrf3;ly -----.- - - -- - - I t, f S. HILL .t Cu, Druzgist.ltroadwaymeat R. ill H. Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded. , T B. SNEAD. Freedom. Beaver connty, Pa.. U • dealer in Sawed and Planed. Luzueu of all kind,s. Flan+ arid Dr.rael, built to order. .) TWIN 11101 tNILEY.Manurieturer of the Great tJ Republic Cooking Stove,-and Patentee or Por table extenAon top and centre. Fulliaton, Pa. A LBERT RUSSELL, Stoneware ' LI. Orders promptly ;Mended to. arrport, Pa. Poet office afifiefi , b—beaver. Pa. fsepltly S. C. COY-LE, "T X * ,.:12 ` , ..a ZA 4 I , r ,: a 4,3 On 71,ird Str , Iharer, Air . kheariy typpoPite Pru 7 Ntor,. All Orders promptly attended . to. American Watches, Clocks. Jeweiery, Plated Warn. Spectacles, &a., always on_hand. aprlttf. L TEE'rEI • PEILVECT • 1h: 1;'-` J par rcl,l,Tistedor the r e lem,rx. county claln se ' to to•eltr.Stue.k's Patent which they can put t`7 , up Vnicanitc MS thin as Gold Plate, with a bean-• - Ja., tibal enameled' polish; and so tiger and p elautic as to perfectly adapt itself to the mouth; obtiatingall that Clutrisyand bulky condition, to much complained orhorctOfore: and thtir liability to break ion percent. In deed. no one seem: it wohld be willing to wear the nld -t le p 1 any loMzer than they could emiven lenity get them exchanged. All branches of Den tistry performed in the hest and mos.t substantial I manner. In 11111% , teem with gold, etc.. we thai lenge cbmpatition from a:iv - quarter, and ran re for to Dring subjects ivhose have stood be tween thirty and forty years. Amoni: the number Hon. John Allison will exhibit tillitigla ve ibaer. ted some rr, years hgo ; the teeth as perfect on the : day they were filled. Laughing Gas prepared on I a new plan, feet it from all Linplea , an.anil dun- gerous effects. matting the extraction of teeth a I source of pletn , ure rather than of horror and pain. Priees as low a,. <l , lO )..t in ti:: i Qtlice at Deaver Station, Rocbc,ter Pa. nriv",:ti7 1'..J.&Jl J CIIANDISH. P 4 a TT' t Bridge- Street. BRIDGEWATE . Is WEEKLY lON'EIVING A FIlEsIl SUPPLY oF OooDS IN EMI, OF TOE roLLOWING DEPART:SU:Is:Ts: =9 J) rt. - 1.7 4 Gt - 4 0 0 1.j.; . steubni - ills.t, Jeans, Ca-I , irneres and Sattim.t.% WUtir IVoolen Blankets, Matt. and Colored nn , l rrud Planne:% 3lerinns, Delaint s, _ Gingham% = B , ‘N n ara Black Mush u , Prints, lanton riatinOis, J Chit _ . . EIN ME tote nml ' 1 —tar tin,. .7“. mid '1...11. I. hiardware, Leckt.Prxn• Lal ,. her, TahlC I , Tdlo.• Ti, 5p,10n.4.14 1 .p1zh nen,. ,:031 . . , 11UVCIen atilt PoLUT.I. Nadi. :1111! :-.11t)5.'1 , , 2. 4 ft,- 1 tIrl:•. :Es,the. and '. - 4.11:t2".. f 4;rn and IVO( )I)EN WA 111.:. 131:0:ets, Tubs. Chum.. Entl , ..-r Print! , and 1.11• 11 , 3 CA 1113()N OIL, ". , II • , 1 in (1i)i ) `4, in, h a :In 11 1 Importcrs ovid .31,1)/ 1 1firWurri....: of • p () o(; I: P 1111111 t - Brighton BEAVER FALLS, PENtkiA. ROOFING, BAILING, Ilardciare. E; lass. Straw. = 11 k(1- 'I ' I t • Is+ r 1::4• t:p••:: iu tt,5t.i1:11....:e Scroll Snwing and Turning DONE TO ORDER; T Si - EMIT - LIVERPOOL, 0 71154 CELLANEOICS. Jhscellancous. JENCELER, Lawns., Water i'nx4 stlawlg, • FEN Nails, Glass, 1Ij:L.1i~ f MII=III Mill rc. .toe l so:13 ec, to., Paper I'l►2s'l'l (i. _II .17 LA ~ \NT) CAI;PE'r et ail %)- riazior : I:lLlz?,i' &CG., 4 Third venue. , PITTS., PT.WAINE S CHICAGO RAlLW.itt.' On and after May eSth, trains will leave Stations daily, (Sundays excepted) as follows.-- [Train lea - Virt,g Chicago at 15.33, P. M., leaves dai ly.] (Train — leaving Pittsburgh at -3.00 P. M., les.,.s Kx - F'D Pit tshnr;,ll 1:15*30 1055. a I) 710A'si 300Tqf 2t4 1 1205 rm 815 iCH - • • --• 1 .• A11iance..:....... 445 300 .145 i 0,)5 Mae Hon ; 1443 1551•30 IS'onste- - Mane!.leld .' .. ... 828. C.lO 104/ A • , 855 71U P.OO I ICP.2 Creetlinc D 4'tl i 745 555 Am !BO flucTros , (7pper S anducky, • • • Furca •-• • •• ....... 11617 4 lif.9 7:171 • NtY Lima.. 1 . 145 rx .1050 ' 255 Can NV Vrt Fort Wayne , 1 1 .11. A xi :110 . 6, 10 col u tnbia W r,a , 3,15 sss yalpunii,o ,t 1 7Z) f•An MEM •to , :v.2JJ ttlpat..ilun y 'Lull. It ar-are. . . ..••-•••• • • • • • • • F.Jrt Wayne.. . Lirm '3ll '1240ry5 Lunn I:I7AR Xl7 515 .I:3s 2.N.1 • 427 Sakigt.tgLY 8ucyru5........... . • . • . • • • ; 420 (1011 S2O re,t no . .•. . tlss Maneflelli,„ "AG &O ; 12:1 tt2+4 Wom•Jter 07TVi1le INd 1137 3i5 1 1142 • J: .4.. •• • • j •: II ..... 1... I • • •. f .. Alb:meth., 1.02 &If) ' 4KI 114 P]l riWrßochester 1 , , Pittsburgh , 125 12101.. m 935 . „cots. Youngstown, New Castle tool Erie r:xpreAs kat e* Yoymgeown nt p. Mew Castle, :1:55 •p..;:sarrher u.l l'ltt.nburfib, 5:15 p. tn. Returnlne. , rice Pittsbar:ll 7:0.,) a. in: are. a? N e w ea -11 0 , 9-3 t) a. ni,orotwz-tolvn, 10:2g. u. Young,nown, New CaPtle and Pittsburgh At.- eonooodalion 4 leaves Youngstown, 6:50 3. in: N'w 'a-t11., - ,:iVl a., In: arrivr-ri_nt Pit IFborrh, 10:10 n. it , turnirg. leaves Pittsharglx, theo p. trt; ar r:ve. New C.a.41:e.-1•45 tTI. F MYERS. Uenrr lii,renper Aden! • ct.Evi:LAIVI) prrrsßut;GiiAllirmAD. 4). 44.4 t miler Mny 2sth IS7I. I.•ave zt": ,Acov.“l, =I =ME Euclid Stropt . 3 ... . . A 11:3nr, 1: 8 ,1 ...... . I IMISEIEM lis ard A !Ha ILLv-lcu.t 11 u Eue d • 4 4] - (•ct t: •lalvi Ii lini t.teethenvine. ot Ferry ti.thester. l'ittbbargh t Par,btrgh fr. 4.1,0 .1 1:0p3r 1 Pwchczter 710 -645 1353 415 1415". ) Btenbetivillej9,ll , CIL :`-`r 4 VO jai tIXSYL ' 1010 MEM • • 1 T ‘, ,TUSCA ryr ~#4IVIS - BRAINIVII.-- vt, 110001114.:: I"'• . i . _ - IMUE ell Et; treiripe, „ Pricr,r AL Lecture ort the ualttire,treat znetit and radical • Coro - of , Tcrinatorrhom. or :seminal Wellinetis ‘ 1 i,voltintsry Entt—ton., Sexual Debility and Im• p.,l;menit :d.irriaL7.• generally, Nervotiatirs - A, t'..tnoimpti.m. F7ll, pay pod Flu ; llenhll and U - hyAnd In,annolty.re4iilting from Self Alon , r..t.c by Hoist:llT CenYnnWEM., Sf. 1).. author of The "Grern book,” The world renowned thtithrsr, in thi. admirable I e. tare, clearly proveg from hi+ nnn esperitmce I Mit the nond comadmenie. 4 :sell Altana,m 'y he rtilt. out - .danL'orour r+urpwal operrthm . , tialgic... 1ratoolo”, ri,,onr tiordialti. PUlntlili 0 11 1 n unulee ~t tt r• Lid adtan , and etrer 11.0 . 0 ,ruth r. 111.111t . r what hr. in..v Im..v rnre chonply. priYntelr..lnd till• nl , . 71,4,4 Lff tarn' trill p r a s e a how hra rlo Irdln. le I art•t .4 ent, under peal, to any i.ddre•;g. it a plailli ed envelope. 4 ,, n the receipt or C 011 , or 10. I ), ,, - , tato. ~.ttitmet .khol. hr Culvern etrti - Mar , price - 2 -, rent' r indn• shy Pah ' ff.!) (1 .1 S. J. C. If Ll Nii & CO., 127 Rowery, New York, 1.1. Box 4.5 - o at , rr , O:Chlys - • •- c:0 =IMMO _,contractors andEilders; I'LANING - MILL a5)11:.wur t ...11,1....t5.,:ram: AND SHINGLES rn? t.. r,;-(•.cr IZochestcr r,•e, iv pr.. 1111,1. ,tt• t J4;11:1 ME POOKS. W 1,7, - 7T, a /7 , aulily or l'ocker 7 7 7.1.7 r he run or 1:1,01; M ii Is. T .!, ... T! !!•Tall, latoi an , ! (.1 her ._!!!,a1 !Lucks? \Vb.. 4.n!.. Loot flock or Stattourry \V!! I:lat.{: Ito!11:r. Va! - Plorte , , I• o .att.t. and : !!! r!,.r.1!• CAVIL it It A BOOR. STORE, 11. `,l 4111 or 10 11 I•r7:0 !•1111e 'ON -;bt J. 11 -• r U • IM DIRUGGIST .Prezeriptions Curiltifig uncl cetiratc- CorripowlcA f Ill? BES C BRANDS ON'ASSORTED s ci 1 c, :1 Et , 3. j Il INES AND tia11011S; Paints, Oil,. DYE STUFFS: LIME ,ITS ALL ':COLOR; GLASS tttPUTTY; attention gi% ea to isaiore tpe be.iit quality of La4s and Lamp Trim:oh/pi, Lintq.rnr A Large Assortment of TOIL ET . 4iaICLEa, ,SOAPS, EMIUSHIES 'T A TRN ,'S.T.EDICIN t; '• • • • Main Street, &aver Pa. fDec7, '7ott. V/ 51 4 3- - • .• ,Railroad . TRAINS IiQING WEST lEEE T1t•11M GOING RA:TiT MAn.. , : , .41/A al :am Max, 92Drit g4A • 905 ll= Mxis Sx.r e. Acc4.N :J4 m 421.11-si I=l IL. EX A t*Co fOlA3i • :‘ll:.,ym • top , 5 7 4' ot)ING EAST. Ac,-on Art on 450. eat 1110 en sn:;ra: . - 0,1 11'20 ass . 12.25r3x1. 719 7-2 o 15:1 I 8-1 U 2 , 80 • 1133 W 9 104 D, 001 NO WEST. WEI 4-‘ll 'la 116-• ) .1") iZZI lEEE= ME [,,t, If ME • , ; , : • • • Beaver Pk Wedne .~eaEctnat. • ONE MILLION OF LIVES SAVED. • Ii is one of the remarkable facts Of this remnrkable age, nut merely that so 'many perSonS:aro. the _ v!ctirus of dyspepsia or indigestion, but i tsw 'Hinz victims. Now, we Would not be utiderstood to say that any Vile regards dyspepsia with favor, or (*wig disposed to rattle it among the lux lulus o 4 Itfe.. Ear from it. Those who have experieitced ifs litinerits would scout .sne.h. all idea. All, l , and wouitt giadly - dispense.ydiii-iiii , tinble t tsant famiYikriti4 .4Kit., Tapley, whoi. ! wus )olly'untftdi thtiriying.Clicurnstaiet t i in which he Wati placed, never had au:Mack nt dS . ;ppsia, or his jcility wouhrnare speedily forsaken Lim. :Men and. women sometitne , i salfer its tortures tincomplahr, inglY;hut:waoever lie and a peirn thin eti,i6Vc4l-them M2I . full,the mu I ttrurious diseases to whidlt the human system is liable, there b per •ttAe 'll"titterally.prOitlent as There arc diseases nioreaput ! .! ttudltalitlltl; aWl.Whith 'ninre frequently prove fatal; but the etfeos :whit lit are 1 , 0 tkipressing to:tha Mind - and 83 iYO24, ciistreSsing to the body. If there is a wretched being to the worhl It is - A co.Niztit.Nitu IDVSi'EPTLC:• But It is hot nur int cntjon to discant etn thekirrurs Dyspepsia. 41est`ribe IlicitArutlitully is simply 4vi impos but it notpossilile to point out a repieLly, Ire hove said that dyspepsia is perhaps most. Universal- or 'lintnan Shwa is . This is Liaphatically the case in tiro Uni ted State Ts. AVliethet this general pre. valence iy tine to the eh:Had:ter nc. the fooddhe tncthoctaf itS preparation, or the hastrinanner In which it ta. leaved; is not our province to exidain. Thu great faeti with v. \VC are called 1 , . deal is tin's: DY§PEP6IA Piti.4'.llLs ihnob: :Nearly 'Uvery alier ‘ persou you tueetis a fa, nit it pita rent ly Ililit ; I-r %Vero this ha the Case . , why so many suf.. lertas, when a et:fit:tin y speedy a :;.1• remedy is within the easy Roach of ail 11 hat to avail themselves of pit the majority will not. Blinded by preju (Ike, or th.aurred by.i.o)ne vitae t her/IASI! to -.accept the re- I let Vroffereo them. They tutu a deaf car to the testimonv of the thousands .t•tilletings have beemalluviate , l, and with strange intat nation, appear to chug with desperate cletenuinationto their ruthless trtrmentor. 13ut says a dyspeptic : What is this retnedy ?to which we'reply. This great alleviator off - Mum) suffering is most. us Widely kilos% as the English Littgnt i ;c. It has alla:. tat the ::goat t . s o f thousands, and is to.daj eat rying comfort oat: emaa;:agunivitt t or ot: t era. The %eh:howled:4 . c .1 plll:tted, i, /11)Ile other than Dr,: 11 00FLAND'S GEICaNN BITTCRS, Would you know DIOR. or iii merits 01 !hi., ;;crtul Inrdiciu - than tu , 1-.Lru cLl froth flit cxpl.riunce ufotarr, TI yis you Athl l‘liett it has l.tih.l Lo loiin flitz or its true:icy i t) ) - th.• pruprictur, than abandon Loth to ;t LET IT BE REMEMBEHED, first of ail, (bat, 1100FLANi) . .i GLIt -31-12`i BITTERS is not a ruin lao,ern,:.. They are wit alcoliolic in iLnY SC:i '.... bi Ow ter, They are eoinipis(st wholly of the . pure 'Web or vital'principle of ,roo ts .'nos is ii a lucre rissOtion. 'rho extniets frith' Which bey itiis-efiiiiiiotrntleil a.O-iirc.l,, pare(l by o e of the ) abl6t qr. °Oman ehera%. g:'! 'llloifitiyilthilellittbilihrthi). iatiili6,: Ili Ar*.WtiolfyAtie: fromtilliWiti 7 tifitstag ' twi. 'TO - olgecticu*lictOcb: 1, 11, [ hulirvittradilittes.e*inst,:4lsl l 4 . • iiihilarthßOW 2 llo ll l4.l7.rthsti*kettvit4 : Untzetkitting cle- ' 34tiluta414-44.1T.,!Air -- .okiiiiitiami 31:14Fpgm Ad) , . ' - r 94,40*..4,* . .. r: - lilt let. anti vi=roulay - - torpithq anti. i:tilifilDng thtr stllTltttlf With 1111' Ibll.i el...xi:lents of ntOnd insproiter proporti.os. 'llwy give 1i ), ) , % 1 " 11 . , ' ill± it to rr i.,rtri U. dui10...1, trititim• ,ii•Al!11.-1 it i•li•orlil to: ilapart vizor anti 4rvilgtit to rat' , hiff , A . 1 , . 1..11 • 11 I.i 'A1,0..41,111, t 1.,, - it._ 1.1 a 7:111:1" lII' j.,11 of liar', it t iit 111 07 , 1. 111ere_17: , at. i a I (: I%t ::1 r.t‘.;l ;; , •ticriry;.rktv 111.11: i1c;; 1 di-f...t-o, 1. "I'llEY 1'NItIVA1,1.11:1). .ru ,,:•• to , 11 , .1,i/.1 It 1 , L,l • 1!.-u) w'fih as ...; '1 I .r !? \ fm.4 A pl. par. 4 .l II le) ilft. ren• n,r,nythc.titlini.•flt 1.4 rtil. - A,l 11/ 8,1111 , 1E110n St th, pr.: 01 tl, parr i:ernian 11:414 . :•. Tti6 rona• c-1,- t-).H. nil 1114.1w:4 . ..4114 . w. , of 411.. 130 :A.N. but 4.1 ILI- A... , ti r• rn9A - 4. 4 . 1141i11 , • but .14. not ruAly c.,t1,...mqs tI, , trash uf F. .4,11 d - ,.. 4,1 p.orni. rhoico.fro.tor no , 'hi rn ruin tic nb) n-;, it• itnon4 , •nt a Ito.. pnr, qu.dity In C.ll , !a'n.4onr ~r eNrl, , i,f• 1‘11.•r , Ilsi• %Ili ear, 10 il3 , '” I ,, rOntn .."6.1111 , .14 , 1 01 119 enerpox. :t6i)FLA.: , ,D*B Tw:ir with rain 00.14 etf,ct. 1101. the Itt vie, arid prr rnu oily , strcilL - ilivri. 11. Liver :11.1,11 proitniil. 111,- 1,:tall In Dime GLr 1.1 , e (.'riaiii. 1 Ili dr ion VOUS Prbi.- trhtion. ttrhl milady pi ilrt potent iolir.encr• It v. , Lit.rt• 01 eplr unri it -pires Crei•rfuttii 01 will] the pi-rl . h. 11 izivrs tin weaknurrii, tliriiv. 1-4 the ma, nlOl etnrtiiLil ieFloreil rittv cuirr , r 6111 lir 1,11,4:x1,11g int it, hwuw S ca oi .2 1414 c,u. ri; /•• , I I. N iilV.llll,lbit• ilt• I•repar. , llll,...:tior rz.pidir; v it: %% 0 'O, fa% or 14.1..tuAr of ttr , raf•rt• 4. ,`.. r()FLA I)$ LLs a ia-rter!,ab%ritate v.llliouL ❑uv of nwreary ., 711 Ir.:1111I1,. mondort n 1 !ra, m hit h nre intentloti in or - t upon tho Ln. r. ni only couipotird or in, \ Af. ( • TICE mANDILI,Ev. NO'S tr (let, if , tie re.. !dr to dledinC.UT •tind,r , mil that till. of tic MaiAtakt; 414 ',thy time. mor e polv..rt ti I ALlaralio lteelf it 1.4 the medicinal Limier • 1 {his hea.ll..6 , gtrili t .," pier r ill a perieet ly pure and I coriCelitratriil I. rm. it ie Mat tiro f :trph } bit, r on riliUte a lull .14 where NiX to f 101 ..r r, of other prupm,lait.4 of Itit, arc rrrluin•d. 'I he 1'...!... • A. -vs Di izEcTl2 l LI V Eit, otitanlating fanctfki.s an.l ext , ltn2.• it LI ntllce it, tnll 3 ry weretl,,ns tro , •2nlar null prrTer gnu- The„ fujiirnnt.o" re,lnft. shish Invari.bly fo!`rs the n.r• nt taercut) I, entirely nvolit,l by. rt n t ; „.t the Liter only thlt tta,lo powers exe, t I.; 'rho ~ r.tettcc nt Man dral:e enntaluect in tt,n - 1 , 1 h Itlfully eotnbnaett fonr wher of which- new upon tlre - E , temarlt. 0 - . let::.• tipper brn. s - ny! npol: the lov,e r bu,elr, ilnd tole pt.`vt'l)l,; any 701 pine: eiVert. thlts n (hut Influences me ,rttlre Mg. - 4s rive and ailment:try s• stem. in an !Ind hi:111,411.w,, wanner. and its netinn en. tr,e frt - Jrn naUsen, or 4ripinj. n.,;rts i'l , lorriou In all utter PossrsAn.7. the-e 1:111011 1'OCif,ph):::11 bet onn.e trevittulble as a FAAIII,Y No t10111,t)(11(1 Phould without Ti s tiy nt - 1- pt•rit.ct I) I -ate, rvtlittre.t,ut Rru for au tirdill.trY cor.r. prompt and oleut iu ;out when I'M with )r. Itoutland'e Urrtnxu 1311tatit, or Totilr, may r.7.artirti by curia)u rperifins In all eases of I.i!rer rorbrla`nt. RM. ar .sny of the d:sortl• to which the sy.ofiin ordinarily subject. 'no )DOPiIYWAN PILLS net it, -1,411 Lch and ho•Aci,, carrytn4 off •,I,..tructtook, Oitte the Linters. or Tot.te I.l;rtty teowl. .treie:then rud invi;!orate the n - brtte. vler tone Jrnt appite to the .tonukch, is t.d thes up the turttllEt MOW. Dr. lloroland. having 01)11de:A intercul ft:r dist - nowt.. glvilmltie K orid ore mainly* for ,•rt..rrnilalpplitbation r itt tilt! wouderfal pupa. ration known ar ". Du. lIOOI.4.ANDIS Glirs-K. OIL. OH L. a Porcrelgul remedy for palm , and ache, of all locals. Ithantilattsin,Neuralgla,Tootha oche, Cbribleine,Spripne i purne, Fain In the Back and !Arius, Illngwoxins...4.c-...te... yield to I (sttetual appltcatk n. TlO;nuntber of cures e9:,rt -4.(1 by It is aetun6iung,, utid /hay are lucreneltr.l every day. Tititeu intact:ally.' it lea taro for Ilartimirae, Kidney di-rapes. hick-Ileinlechee. Choltc, Dyeen- Wry. Cholera Murbus. Crainus, Pains ID II:lento:a - orb. Cold. , Asthma, The-limy!: oil Is eiitnpr,eeil entirely of bc.altngi pine and f 11,0011111.0 oil.. atte principal Inzreilient er oily stanstatire pructited In die otAiliern part of “rtcce Ilkelects an a ilestroor of pain nre truly tut:ltal. Tbousaulls have '1.e:11 bourillteAl hy Its use, and a trial ' tbose calm ore vkeptiral !tmratiffillY tbfittuedr,ftfOua of , ass ineeti rumble clone. 1 hey.e rbioctieb wilt Int seat Ity exprePti to alt ccalitv, upon application to the .111EICIPAL OFFICE. at the (MAIMAN MEDICINr. norm. lu, 631. ARCH STREET, Piaui& EumrA • C 11411.4. 31, MrA SI SI f i rOP) I OtOri Formerly C. St." - IA &C 0: These Remedies arc for Sate . *y Diubi• gists, Storekeepers' and Medicine Dealers' everywhere. janlB-Iy-ehdos. i / . - jrj , „ • \f gEriVer Jr;SVZ.44LANT:' TURNING OVVNI:11, SENSIii - 001Z.Y. - • 7.; .„. "It's a shame,' I t - 4 Ars. Fogg;:iiii she litirried awa3ifri ' the funeral; l of 'Sirs. Granti.t o l g from ' , the: c ) poor; desolate it whop) two children, almost ice; • were sleep.% in t ,f-r, unconscious : t ibejt were !moi, theric...:'°-'it'S a ;"_*lo that not POV will take therrt_:'' '-...:."'-',' '• ,• :, • .'4, 1 8;..a , bittvr' :10.4, v I!' :repliUdtEht pelighber, wlmf.W. - it*gc;it,t offiii , fast ad - she could:,,`4afgo s.Wfi.h4 r 04., siimsibilityulinn • , .0 other shout; tiers. ' ' '- . ~.- ; -7'.! ,: '' "Thette'S 40. . ', hike theni w _ they'll hilviitiegt lA, .for all she carts.'! • •"'Welf, stink ' . .swey for , it.',•; , .. I, As I's yeiung , ' 'ones - '04 . 0u ...'. Said .Alrs...Foggi ` l ';'; . "W left . ltrs.' ~ Slio has only oily Clint band is weliLbtmlia ..,.:: slie,mn have thoh; . a . - from, them." - ' : •.,74.- • Mrs. Cole did turiA! 1, . sleeping babes, sIA , foreeti sigh that : . OM -and,give-her syropat t - she,did not feel.. • , t t, , ' , , At =Jain alit were: man' named • Wheat) woman litit - abla49 5e1f. ,44 . ' amt, "Whiff's to' heennW ren," ;raid Wheatorni. `•Don't know. 1* pose,' ' answered lliiit "Poor house •:" ---': • Yip; • nubwly 'W 0 1 tl , :e re's no plaettelthf "Maturnal Mani tio plainiive voieei:: haired . child; not inns old, rotio up in bed ? Tat' about the roam.: "T.`..Vt A great chtiking• ', tioin's throat. i . fil 'en - the Other.' ..1: 2 nail-- i . . - . ',.. * k' • , 1 , ; " i )on't cry; Si ssy ,' - r, away." . - - -- At !his the littler bitterly, .• . ' nohow,"said "I eim't stand 04 II the nnin, i4pealatitt:. a desperate kind of way; and I it , to the tied he gathered the ! two.; ~ - )ldren s in leis ttruis, hushing and= - _' , forting them with soothing - word< "What on eartyiliaw you gut there?" exclaimed** Whealini, u: , her husband. came.iotriding into t 114; room where she Was;ending one o her well-worn gnrrut• "Two babieSt" litOinswered, in a. voice so unusual that/Nits. Wheaton dropped her work oft Aim freer with runazement. "What:" • ' -, .;- ' ' "Mrs. grant's tWtPtluble• i'vt' heed' over ,to , t I tell you, Jaue; it wfAsn'tlir' - 'lle to see tite little thittgs - e4tti 'to the alms "Flier° allvoman to look lifter t 1.40.• ..k;very souLauv I.ire"puev. Just ‘,44!! - 11u14 and let. 1414teovtli ;belt. clue tiax..ofi . notber-love into, ...14 1 art of .this womn. who latti:nt:vorff,een a niothet7.: the instant ber. Ligemst4 felt the prassure of the baby's head, aud the arms that dew it closer „wit h sort of involuntary im1p.1.44 aim:Nl by this love. . _ •:. • Not inany words pas3ed betwot it the hushand and it*St not tticia, but thought was buSy, with ..\tr-. Wheittoit'Sinn:l - toward the children was kind even to t:-.•nderneis, and this wanner V:.,11 their vonlident-t! and drew n,rl:l ;such looks Lind 'wlEys and little t.x .lres.4ions, of sittislaetion, touch , Al Ater hrartand tilled it, with it:hiving intc•rek. Alter night Call,, whets sup per was over, :And the ehildren; were asleep, Mr. and Mrs. \' Keaton sat downitogether, ditch showing , a pile of reserve and eininirr.issuiciti::: Mrs Whelton was the tirst, to speak; '•lVhut v. - ere you t alx ott, ,Jahn'!" she risked, almost :7,ltaritly, "I an't have these ( hildren." 11:he l lion did not angwer or lift Idp: eyes, ,hut there 1t as a vertain dow:eti and rest air about hits Wilt hi, ttiti notimd 1 (111w-on "Soinebi)dy else ulna take theta:' she said. county will du it," "tViwut , ni replied. l'itexounty '• Yes. l'iterv's- room ibr thew at the 111 Inti itiSe, and II oW h tee t I know of, tinie:3B stay Unh—' they stay here!" Mrs. Wheaton's voice ro.te a lit11:t. caiy to say that ; but whose to LILA, care of then►.Y'r ••it's a gmtt andertaking,ll:uow," a:ism - en:it the bw-halal metilOY, `• et with a new quality, in his voice that dill net esealpe the quick eye ar wi:e. "and the burden must fall you." "1 wouldn't mind that Lunch, Shit I:ept tliuseutence that was on her tongue.. • whar." asked her husk - kind. "John," she .said. up in iillisolutti manner ' anilltailiing her lea-.l.atid in the faue, "as thin *y ire (ruin(' un—" " l hinges shall. flu tin 'uliirorenlle 7 1 i inlerruptuti her liusitial. • '.'l've thou g ht that over." "Ilow, differently, .Joim every Viay. 1 . 11 turn over a new leaf." Wlicittuti SaV/ a light Ilits.ll : ititti his ft's hice. ''First and furi: tuLst, I ant ttit, ao rig to lust any itairo.d4'. ; 1 05- 4111 - 1 I had six any ducked from lily, trui:--iiiqre tiku:thatluo. for, wkly y.9u, not counting ;Chu money, .1 idr; t cootiniilY. I i ,fur all illt.t,t3 babies-tvonld cat and wear twist ove,r." • •Oh, je,1, 11 , Thera Was Son tlii rig ei . igernntillls ;. )y i lave, its litie leaned tow4rd "I'ln in_downriglit ettpiest, 'June. I I I - you will t4tlte. the butd.os J o any part—l'll, turn .over a new bhkill bp no s iiloru 1 0 3 t .41 45#..; no more foolish ‘v,astitig et. !ttp4! ,y - uo Inure of spending evenings ,8t,:".:2,1e- Ilride's." , "Oh; John In ti she etuld only rpiltt thy . she thilso this !nue Shp raw,iund placed her hands ou.. i3linnitiers, bentiiindlifosiiii him on forehead. "Nou'lltnit,tire babies?" .;' ".N eti,:ittcl twenty !Imre, if yOu'll to,lnis, and say so, " r atlSWPred laughingibrungh LILT tears. right, then, it's silnirgitin," und,y‘Thenton. ptught his wifn's, band /Ind shook it. 4. W tq Of lop. From that time \Vheaton -turned over. a 1 new leaf. Neiglilikg6 ofh.-ss ;surprise When IL wnsthat ..lane.,Vvileatoti bud adopted this two orphan ,children. Felk4.,ct , ,woykoten taunfed s ight; ;,cnileti inea's brats., • . 1-- . - • Dne:saiatoffiiln, "Axe fourtnonthi: easier to 111 4 1 than two r': \ 1 :0; , : ;~ ~.: . ....,,'_ ' • ~,: ..-.1- _7• 1....0.. ,-",..:` i ay,,.. 0 abbot :, 18 . i „. kg ; ii. , , 1 4 ~,...44,- she might Las'not. liut le poor laiusof have to y 8114 - e, Iv ''got I my own,7k. in the null her hus;.: can't believe to turn away . , 'ay from Ult.: '.-t loud with a Might .hear ijor u copgenz ne—all lalt a . and a poor a care of hon. f these child- house, I sup onion. t$ 'Nil, and 'CHI." ''cried a lit ad a flaxen t• over a year 'e(l piteously, snt notional! mine to the d I:woke at 4, 2121 run is gone I)egati crying A57/14) :au tier iu -4tie 1111 S=am! - ii J t,'f - ?: t ';EL-":.4 i .' , ',1.`,: : :. ; . , r'..:_:j', '''. • - ,.ft. t r ., ::.•:. .f ; . '7jie4j.: - - - -g..: , .,.. .i,:::,1'..'.--.. EEO • , .~E .. , ;t . : ,i'' .. ..1...:: , ; ~.,:,t, :/ . , --- l Atinthe,r, mY•ouill be:slelt , or liefUroithelreat'll'oii,,t" itother,. , •seo yo ti= d ' bug by the constable t hant -• • Itat4olitt•haddittie to. liost! :ouly = i.nitintainink • Of' quiet,' •giiod humor; and 00114 inoru hi ' 'teie'stin•liis work: ) ' • • -=‘kt - 14)r tli ree• - -week4- Joh n :-B\rifoitoti 'bail-Wit ;lost, ii•da34sotriething , % 4 4. K. tia-usual ;•atidsnot . fin 'everliffoati that -tinre '-jitid; • he f - Ftlient Ileßridelsr. 4rliikidg' - • - satoon.• - pobr ;•ifttle: hume, eh had; Onine• the a tlliffeetk4 Wok; was !nu t timron a new. ;flpfltiffnultieht.'Ttie',gate; t hat 'tad! tttntrttss holib led on: itSna=itilti ,'now ' SivinAro Frnbbthly, and 'the -mended shut.• Rank Weed 4 iso longer, led -the-iloorrard ;:tin it tyro drt-tmilits• - tvE rirry4ntleil, and dean orights44lllo.l , :niany Irifacti in: Vtiii-f•kisliAthere there -had •bec - in ;un-: •Istglitly raiy,s And Shet=.4l3`OUp''..ipet'.'l ttroleiittd-runriittg•r6:;e.wd.4 trimmed ari4l4Valtied its properrplate;over "the : - dnoltwitiy•i•nnil 'was now pielhlng out itti gVeen.ietiveWnnti btiasi - • ; '''VTithiti;tileitiatitilianges.,tiern also ',..Vo,tiLf.t&j.' pow :mit -liiex !,DOnsivollirtellesot.iontture Were 'to .fie kttnid; "Old 'thine Were rninicledt waiiderfal lm- Koved. Willi all thi!4,..iiiiirverons-to relate;'Wlieatines'earntngig had not -9111;V been equal to the inetvase p'4,- penditure, 'but there was an actual stirplits of ten dollars. . • • never would have believed it," .;saiil_Joli >rt yhe atid.hie wifii sat cue e - xielliit talking over'theirlinprored condition,utter the habies- 7 lured now almost us itAnir. own—were . 1 41,cup. "it'sjwq. , as ofd Brown used to say—` Waste takesmorn than want.' I deulate:l';:ve,glit, - 46ait: in ninatain. tir!itgiit,,,wq,shouicl : _have to let the ',two go fhatVa,:itever Lc ablj to pay oil tittl,*gP.: .1:1t [sew ten- tipiliTt,alicaq in. than a tin t giiing 'oh this rate, : we' . ll-41aVe' clear in eighteen mon[lis." - 2.*:e:it, (14y - a fprLirw 'workman satiT banterJ—"Ditln't I Hott•thi!Axinstabirld•olvu -ypur . wrtlay : ?'? "I shouldn,'t wqmltr,t' replied thOee gravity Id Ihils-trucqioner had ex peett4,:. /• • . .I.itgaglit ra saw. him lookin' arouud iff4a - thing:, and cuuntingh is fees on.ids lingers." • I,if:Ply ;:tid Wheaton- I know of a i;voci. many !milts not laid 1.111, last linarter. Money gone to Mt•ltrlde's insirart of the tandlorO-L-- eh t!" The roan '.rimed q little.. "I fotv ere the l)abies?" he a,ds.ej • 1 I answt:req, and wan a .Ft 4.4 that '416- toan-Aicti cualpanime nut Ow suo nis 'riwe wintt on; and, to the surpri,o Wlteaton's (•ireudistaneeskcitt prov inhr. :The 4 - tad I,:ough t a blessing . Li) i1.11)1.11. , /l§ lit' had. paid Gir the tittle tivirtgage: that had roded on his and not ()illy but had iniproved it it; x'ario`tis tittle. op of a .ttyaill addition, so as to thetn ,n ea tAt real fits t Ft; O 111. 'rho, viiihiren grew finely—them' wLlts thi - t:e of thou ilv\v, fur ttni,. `..lle4ris and home tiin , ..4.1 to arr.: either tiephat; 1;,d.;.;;--being sart.,ll.lity traiuLd L),} , Mr, Whe:itun, were a jiglit and jgy . to tiat At the, enil of tta year 6 we will in troduce thew bricily to the read el': iliittfattCrgdAtu,k, most übdui ebikiren;i and limo Mr esit4 that he would soon -be sold our by the constable. t our man: it, was not :ong before the constable haul Ilia in eltarze. He had wasted his money at Mcßrale's nu teal] of - paying it to the lantj,loril. home one evening at - ter work \l":1-1 over, kliwaEon and Ids jffiinieyniait took the !same way. ft:ey were silent unlit they clime near the former's, pretty dwelling, , %vl, en the journeyman halt" ai jc--;, yet t ith untlis.,t - uised bitterne-s, "I ruess we'll have to take a baby or', 0,0)." , Why asked Wheaton, per co...N:ll4: n l!at wtTe the in tot's tnon!zlits., Ft:r ;,;(ma lONE "Yiru've had nutty.., , but sinc , l you took /Illy gl;0:1 Wyk as I•.r:'t' 1111:iy have icily will,toLs‘si-tered \Vh tun: . "i t:Jil'L sift , i t. y ou ., no oetter than t, line. 1,1 atl unttrlli l,l allfi t.:U saddled yollreif Wit t , , l:nrl not, long atter added t tnirrl. And now 1.; It to-tiny a mee.lious_e, and your wik and run are \Veil tireSS . :2(l, W ttiie 1 -have new been alit to tualc.6 both- ends meet. and toy boy luoks 4ike a 1.1_7- mudin Ind; the time." "L you ace that house.' . ,,ovcr these —Mu large,t and hanti,utnost iii t':o plan: paid W heaton. “V:110 Owns it?” ".lmilay Mcßride." '• 1 -low much did you ray towitris building it 7" "me.."' us surnriA , . "Yes, you. How inuth did you pay towards building it 'C" `• Why nothing. Why should I help pay for his house '."! '',Sure enough! Wily ?Mould your hard earnings go to ouiidandlurnish att vie;;:tut ithuse for a man who wauld rather sell liquor. and so ruin Sts neighbors body and soul, 'than sup r pi,ri himself in a useful : , vallang, you anti I are trying to lh) "I can't sec what you Itro driving at," said the journeyman; "How much a Wuck. City you spend at, Mcßride's saloon, a doibir a week?" said Wheaton. The loan stood with a blank look on-his face, and answered, "Yes." -; r tay a ( Liao. :old half r" "Well, say as Lunch," "Do you know: what that autounts to in a yuir "Never counted. ii up." eventy-eight dollars,'' "No!" - • "Yt.::, to u dell:Ir. So at this rate, yvu eontrietited nearly live lian,ireti tiolirsrz, tovards hautisonin getting :tny tit i return but item, and haven't a 61iitigle over your head that you can call rout Own. Now, my advice in afriendly woy.'llatt you stub helping I\-jeßritle a n ti lieviit to help..your:ell. etiougli,rautivandQWithout y tan d. )1 7 lar.anti anal f a svedts,-.. ',V:die. a. bitty" if you will for - good Yoell tirrrl one over to the poOr liouse; 'tt. won't cost you half as!lttlipii try helping Mc-. Bride, and .1 &Inuit 'hint;- hd ueeib your aid any longer, 131tiitere we tire at home, and I Oe-ray: tvire and children waiting ft);_ me. • kinnie in, Won't you?" "No; thank you. go Bone and talk to Ellen - ahoutAliking te,ll:thy for good luck.. And ha:fried• hut it wag in iinythiiig but a cheer ful way. He . pii4 . tid 'onw(rd, put' called back aftill ,going n feltfigtt p l "If you sty arlytlflnty, Jitek abaft your place,;; uot home, will you'?" • Jack.: was :there,Aitennty. dressed and dirty, and in ,101 .!'etnitragt with Wheatnn's thrOn..otropted, OH -14M).4.09. teM:Rh• 14,19t4. mother they ~grisfdlfru;'*taktt, ; "4 P W, Weicorunhomc.- . • - "l'Vti . tuttied over 8"1 ' - , P : . . , .., f— . - - . "", ' 4 , - ,- , ' - •.: • su , .-: *"`', - -i !•:,.: .re - *.t .. •-,', ' i ' 4 .. le '•• t i 2 • - 4 ..:I2• 1 ' ' " \'' . ~ . ME VINO I n •ton. " hrtvn. at 'Woodbury . :Wheaton reilm.ted•afew mements i , ,and then laid,: here., Frank, take toy atlV.feesitifd-nid the baby he-, tiVeen you , MA your lirlft liv , •in'es'aild my lvord Ihr it tin less than two ,yearx . bole ! you up wh.roor over your : head." , • • f Onty' a littlo . 'While,Ald dill 'Man liesittitesl thou. - 111'4n erriphatiO ner,, ho exclaimed, :‘.‘l.Pildoit:7 • • „'. 4 1)0 itatx tinge, then," aid When ton. ."1 1 tit on your ,coat, and -go over to the Mills' and gdt the,liabV. It will - bean - angel in the horse dint wit I • help and Wyss yo,u • in, fttreify" temptation. Go at °ave.: opened fur you this way of saras,,, and if you walk therein all will; he well." walk therein, and ,a11.1.:114 well, NV licatou 's prophesy wa, fled. leSs than two years the. joiirneymmi hail his own thor - ovtir hit heAd awl 'it Covered - it AM pl Yy . 1041e..--Irtitztr's Wome•Jtagazine. • .1' roui - Jistl'lit6i3ng - 11;ift.. Iritls - 111.,Kgylz-nq S.,pt. f.j • Soon aftor - thoitrrival of the eleven e!, ilannibat an& ;St. Joseph .train.on Monday night the railroad l 'hut;" deposited at one of our princi ftil hotels a young and heatttiful girl, ablititninotebil years of age. - Slid had no baggage, and was apparently in gratntli.stress, It was with a treine ling and choked Voile that tilt g ave hertaime to the night clerk anti M.- Lsirmt to be Shown to a room. In the morniug the landlady of tiro hunt wited uprnther, and, after erable elicited the follo‘e thg history of .her trouhlt..-s: Her name site ,ave Etha Adam-. ;tile had left her parents' ;wine, Lima, :;:utclusky• county, 0., one week ago, the restless, dissatisfied wife' of a young farmer, who had hecil givNl tri tier as her husband. They had been schoolmates together in enjhllni..ol, but. 01 laic years, thesitzul been ,vnaratet.i, ste attending -ehool at u!-,erlin, nr“i he working on ltis fatlier's lirrrn. The marriage was nut ohjectionable to her, wither %VW:I it 11(.i clanca. Tin:young L•ouple were marric(i the train at :Mir ft!i: for ch,velancl, where they took pitsage via the hikes, for Chivag,ro, - she states, to visit some friends pf. her ha/shave: ticar Elgin III: stt4ainer WaS crowded with a ;.ray and ft stivi? t'ostimpcilitati crowd, including lat'taeliers, trader., tpuriots, ant; `,.,ellooi ntartns." evenings were nod plc•nzzaht atilt flue ererapany 50,9 z ,- I,:e. In tll,-..pterty- on - board were a natty from Buffalo, arnotr4 v, horn' was a gtiotl drez,sell south, out, inure Z:utn twents-two year. of age, to wtfino the Young wife w:IS; "Genrg:e 4140.3/tur41 4 :" . 4 4-e- • rwe This:tiiyiterfotiggibiird- ?MTh p rod Geed. -and W , She ezi;s44, "it work er; io a charm. They played with tit 'trio .rt every evening a+, ,:t the eabln tab!e, and farm It !-!:e learned that :tit; Rankin was her lrlif• ,barni, :did that nothing - should in;( r : • to keep th.qo ,: , ,eparate. nro tto 1:ao -1;i:1 i" , !au:ad 11:1 nt warthee, and a 11hdit to Ili : friends in l'olorado. The slot it' young fanner, i , asy wit.ll the List yulaliS on (Ile l'oro. cas;,,.• aud deck, notiettl Lan:ling 0:111- soal in the yin- het wcyli fisj Etha mai the Yorkt r, nor did he stisoca, anything 1111,1 in,1,t1:“.:6 Join New Vork,-* e . , l:llfls tnol: short \-.11:1t white the steamer touen ;dui t?,f course, .• t iitturn. A : `a it ttlittra, r: !I: o t.) ;wit the!: on to I (Zr, \vhere t y larTiod In con eort In: L nt wntell tiavlrrl elude ,t ',here Rankin obtainer; po a ut lier money. arnotnitmg ••••;1::!,;,• and cxchauged ring: for a onc—a ._jtt from her atot:,en, lrbey continue:l litcir jurticy on ,- alld went v. ell they rear; led C.:mei:on, \viten her "affinity," Ran 1,. :; her, aq ; , tti(l; "for a tvw 11.:nutom.10takv a:snloke f,trwaril ear. - lie did not, return; trio train :due Aahne, l,t cant , all ?:a ILLS; (*ill h..kl I .efilv . tor ; Inl.l a note for her, • .00 On one of ltankin'.; own cards. It er-workulau arid : —I ant c..C:1; . %1 - 2,stalr "111.b 1, y",at 1:1:.7:11 until 1 call foryun. Au 'hu t.atu broughs the sitamc t.,.r,ei.l'il Wik. to 'l"attsas City without ur means to 11'11/111 home. fl , :„thich•rasr broken, cup of Joy (lashed itatt she now ri•n!iz4_-s the tirit bittur 1r..--son of ,Lupr.fpzity t'ae tul:yof "Phaiclit ottunatuly reinesiwrc.l that her mother had friends - living in the Jlty, and yesterday, by the till of the founcl oho of them P. propriet)r :t house in the - Bottom. 'lnure She \VIII remain unti: her llllS4iind calls or sends for her. Tad n col nand Mai:tied A \i'az..hington letter wriler teits the' following ititerc-7 7 ting story : I wits in the day 'Pre:- Molt Lincoln Was shot. I went to' the - White 'llonv iti nit, forenoon, , with n crowd. ofThersote .who ere aitN,jol44 ' 14J. :*0 1 . Lugs cru \rith ; 4016' c teiti all ...._st i d g os; :'4eil ors, and itteitidwr4 of Corigtesii, SOldierz uui ditizetri, wiliting for an interview. , There were no. citt:i iu the 94,an, and, i t a..: T . , ed the wotry hair:-: "in :-;tatiding It, he , t a: , they • u~ed up etitvd soldier. :s l, - , l t e,u. ' 11 n iiiig :t tio,s aj trilesi ;pith Poiieity 'and' stirrow. 14 is im florin WO Soiled 'nut turn. Lie had but one leer and-looked Sri e ridless3 and for4:l - •en. 11,e .s . aid•nothing . ; no one spoke to hint, but even the ydang, vigoriaw and hopeful etii4tit look on the hrtter ed blue s evidently anNinus, and yet afraid to mount the _stairs. Ile had some - Ines&Aiga that lay heavy on his heart, soma grat t wrong to be redre,u,;- or el:id.4otue,, _boon to , at the hands:. or the' PreAjdt'm t." Aside, like the poOr nutn - atlll6 - he had no frienth at - court, and no in fluential 'arm to, lead him up. lie r{n+intalfcd hi s ppsition,through most of the forenoon, standing wearily on hia crutc-heia., for there WIIS no place to siti and Jie eyed the throng as they drifted tip, and down the Presidential: About 61o: en - o'clock little Tad, the MEMO El 111 ourncvman, *hen he came AO work-in thO titornintn=l glad tir 4urneiliWheatou, B 'l;',lft , o,ond I:talked 11 . 01 Over luj. iil;ed. • done helping' kiloon bdild - titkitott4e-.4. Mad yon put it to znejustiolliatiway-:, :".N. - ever looked at. it so. i.refore. Bat, the !tarsi truth, WWI fools we_are-!"' to • ttike. ' .hah„,y ?" • said-. • ',a . • Welt,:we ha yn't just settled that, lint Elko hoard yesterday of a r boor little thing that'll have to go to the ecin ntY if Sothe-onklint't take it ; and -I . :shouidn't womit-eno.v . if she open. , In•rAteart, fut. •.slitt's a ; motherly bod. - '"Wheie is it ?" asked :terr, When- BE Alt liii Bstallishect 1818; ' resitlent!s.qon,enterca ;the crowded a 16.roonii'leading,the - mainac4 ii9l7 ; dier Whom he had picked nii, helow - ... 'llhe s - oldier Piiu.4d on the th4shold in disn',laA'. Ile_ set:lllNi alp - allot! IA t i he . -iglie, before , . him. - - (renernis,- Ii :mil 'SenatoKs . were. w:iitiK.: feg . 0 : audience, and ,wlnit eottid he hei.r , In's:twit a crowd 4 ' ''•iVr line s't'ein= .? ~t, • • "Pal 14i rinintle , hiS fat elik6ll veil Wilf4l tat' itlokea atiiis tattered, tintidy4.rarO I .anioilgthograndpei,, , ousarottridliins.., of so his little usher. Pulling. : h_iii Ow panieii • fora'ard,, with wO'd.s of erre , ..ara,T?ment grid - Smiles"; he bec7k ,oli•qt him on' tiltho reached_ the'riloor 'het ,i-e wilieli, the,grizti• usher . stetaiii -nxing, , , to every now- comer. "The I president is ehgaged, sir; you tan t• walt.'.'• The privileged* i,et of the White House' was disgusted withthe , elfeek 'Dot upon his freedom. ' He in sisted upon. leading the soldierdirect -Iy into the presenee of his father. Ire Attenypted to Ihree his way through, but his nuns strength could not re sist' the man-at-arms:- The young sol dier, dtnired to withdraw from the entreat. 11 (41..aded under„ the:eyes ..of a hundred men,-seine Of theta the fast - ClOnerals Of the hind. no .at--, "teniptetl• ' to - retreitt;;'. but little Tad held .• hji. to ,itis -position. -He re .so„tactii,,, and-cuid never to Int',6 l A failed: r Ho Scr?,44led la the top or lds Ojce, "1 , 74f1*r, father, ttn.y , w•M't let Me - cein&in.•" . The \Veil known trace struck the ear tq Mr. -Lincoln in: the , I aitt*t. of his d ao' -- .sion,s..,.J-Ie arose, pen in hand, :toil Weft' ta:the deer. As"thil Nye!! known form appeared, -little Tad pushed the soldier its and the door eloit:d. Taking• bite Ihide, I..,incont learned the necessities of the wotinded man told his -edni plaints to ono, if lie heard at all, heard t h e Au itole stozy through...At ouco.ho granted his retiuest, anti kit t: L.; 'Tad, with a lace radiant with snl;:es, led the soldier lack to il.lO st•drway, , ttiiNtki, threW up his heela :lad disappeared through the door ()t - the President's priN - ute . shori,ly- the private S , : i :cre- Wry appeared a:. the doer of r. Lin coln's roOto and said ."Gentlemen, the Prez:l,clent will re ceive no more to-d3A,..' IVith thlt pruckuilation Mr. Lin coin's I. , trolir his T:t tohez - 4' thc; afP•rd relief -to •!ith)r, 1: ienrjle~. lioy. Tirat Ile. , It• CL the Vihite 114)a-e r.rver it) teturii,z 1,3 - 011 E)% 'IE2I: Ell:N17E: 2;a: Urcal, t,/ IVilJui,./A(/-17e,,t• It it:id I Jut! Jr: 1:,(1 /Pi - A if inrit IL~./~ ti~~/V fl.:'C C. • rr.pntrl. , ni•.• of ti ctrin•ENNE, Oct. last gave in brief the history of the pa,za g .e ei th,• wontatt':i Suffrage act in Wyoin ing. 1 will now give some el the •tit'al workings of woman suffrage woinah.efflce holding. The first akion taken under che proviiinis of tills LAW the tare, Cover:air, of 3.1. r. :\iirris ofNOitll t' 1,9 City , Jal-tlec• of the Peace f wiVr TLC:IIH, - oiitteit the u-uitl fee (~* to ti:t..l : " It • l'retztry, and entered upon the di:- I tics of her oilier. .I.;othiog unusual i otii.Llrreil for ,woe. stays; every b • \vas sidistieti with: 'new adaiesatielittranclatof,thelirut, ua ts., his rutirement 1.) ti:: (Intra-stic 0 , 1 , 1"71:,tiy FoMal f. , ,:ft:• , .4 Wit h hip friend: 'l` iris advantage of tni, ..7. , L.uu 11 . 4114 walLed upon n(‘ thty, and havityl mad.. ).Ir. (ittac, leJ him into a I,re:mh t t • pont , h,thencliyMc-qaqi tn thosquir , 's ouive anti lod•zed a conipiaitit v. WI :.tzalarit her I q•ki anti that 1.1.-4. , .1 to he, and (;-mandod a warrant Clr hi. arri.-t. Jti , tive l'ir'f•itated a 1110111P!) : t Cal I thi - ; ' 6110 teas equal t,lue and pr.anptly ch,--;od ~In4l ‘va..4 dr:v:7,l'l ip.,forc• nor ••:- Tor tioai i I ‘v,.:": not so ill (,•omprehend the:-.itaa fl • II ';l• , :.4er': hip rio% er- P C :'!I in ef naterupt of ermrt, un t..y br , itl; up by the officer . 11 1.1,..11i , 11... ue t hek I il4! , •that thinus that t)thello'i necapatiwi ht.•efl nt }ea."; ,hu-pendt.(l,* 'he h t .. to expo-tfflate br-zt \sit h the untie informed by that funo tionary that lie 113.111Qt114;•in tio e n, h;:t . ea actin: - under order , . from the i ourt. - .•W! , .0 is the Court (It ii.o."' ittgnirid MI - . ..I.orris. 'On being itifornied that the eccupant of the beach wits the .111,1gp. .Ir. Morris looked aL 'tile .11Ntieti wit h a puzzled air, straechi , I hi-: head in an effort to c•olleot his st•atte: - ed thoughts. and eiactanted, - Lier---hor—,Mo --you it.--- foul .! /11V \V ift.' - 1//C, -.he i----that's i-1-t1; my WI:0 If.-ther.-yi,a're Brunk. oroliali ail hi allot. me (`lie • ," and he startrd to go. 0. '•_l.oel, up the oi n for eoo tempt of morn, - haiti 7 , 1 r, l'quit.n I„ i.;/:6lige r o9 s D iscalw. tl“ , ,ilTiocr. Nk, A cough in its:lfni:ly uot he danger "V,'hat have yon to say anent it, e ,,,, : it 1.- i ather a prelude to one that eli ?.' blurteiiota Mr. Morris, stag- !iron regardii as almost pr0ver ...;•,T1.114 11/011aCing;Y toward I i" . . l "ge• l , ;.::::: f.',l:ll—putmonifry consump "You will Clad I ha VU all to s;ly- th.n. Ii peaple were sufficiently-eau :Wont it. Offloe;r lock- hint up,." it' - t ~, , N, there would tre fewer disea es plied her Boner. of the lungs and very few .of them Although badly mixed. Mr. Met - - fatal. But !low l 9 t his?,.*ol.l - wll.l ask. ris began' to get a glimmer' trf_the A plain answer settles thewhole mat- I roil'', and began kL..-parley: 'ii. ter. Take medicine in time; take it "Now lo o 4 hero; Mr. Officer, don't ‘vlien you.uotice the fi at cough, or you be In a hurry. - I didn't mean the first pliiii - fti your breast.' sTh e re . anything tvrong. [ want to just talk li4 no pain withoutthtire is•someth ing Withiny wife a minute. :Now , EA" rinterunily wr . on, rind there is seldot n bor t whilt,'s the ur , e of loultiV; you jilt la, cough Without something wrong go down out 0' there. and go home , vith the iung4, 0r sonic one of the mid hellat'e yanr: - -iel f. l'fl tend to ia-giiiis leading thereto; it may ho f lik little difficulty myg - elf. Now g o l the bronchia; it may . be the larynx. right Meng; the baby' 'Wants nursing. or th e . truhea. D,.. Alyser'3 Luiv Ll,oul to give it Mrs. IViuslow taget c ure \en]. heal any one, or all of them. it to sleep wlien I came dowu- 1 - 1 -i' 74 I t ci - ,sts a trifle to try and that trial ~.nngf;', fur ta". won't 1.1.-.4.e. that old I ii i n y, in your efoe, as it ilfl9Aollo ill bOttlo, :1110 1 don't blame him elthi. +I , ..musands, . save your lungs om per 'rho dishes' ain't washed, nor the ti;:,.t.s it isueit t infurs.' De. , '4. Luny anta.,. neither. Anti what's more, 0,,-,ra is a real ,genuine meal 'lite ;it I.,ain't.guiu' to do it an inure, piny. ca nilot do harm to the tenderest in ' '''S'un hear that. Nliw start i - ylorp'.." - t lint, or the 1110-.4 ' 'en.l . oehkki . invalid ; 13y the time ICIr. 3forri-4 had deli v- i it, is prepared by Dr. Keyser himse . ll, ~r t.(l himself' of this, his nine 11.1i1 w i t h ~ , , t. „“, cart , an d w an an o ,.. i p ea d Vilallged Us his feelings warmed Li . "' v. ,vi... to meet cues- of either recent that of es pestillatiort CO CJILIL of Corn" ,.. 1 .1" oh rifilit! coughs. Ifyml call on the mand aa•ain, and the officer f•Tu'll. l Deictor at his principal-office; Ih7 him into the:rudely constructed hick- i Lihertstreet, Pittsburgh, he Will iai in the fear of ner lionor'i4 court, i c„amiat, your lungs- an teg , yeu and theft) Mr. Morris was left--to re- 1 whether- it will. cure you. Office oleo!, upon the si i uation, am - i gaze UP- I lion rs from nine a.m. until one p - .' in., un the the dividing wall- - between i and, from three p. pi. until „six, and bizuscn - and . 5....10, ns the dividing line `on Sundays from seven to nine at h e i ween mail'`: and WQ111:111'S rigllt-3, hight. It" olir druggist does' not ollritT s tilk-11C 1 17 di.s•peM:zalian. 1 1::coil it, .-It . Wl fiVe dollars to - 11 t ,.; Key ... . - . ... On thF fotiowaug Mornin )It . . 'Mor ris was arraign-t 1 before her, Lionor, and in (lie most . sober and .subdued iikanner, and I;ith..tlaidecticst hum P.- piciidcd l,uiity, as Ord bit! par (auf of thi , Court M•coructiipt, ittg•- ,ted its; cleineney, and thEm nivaittd .his sentence with iiinuility.atiresig nation. . . After giviug the prisoner a Caudle leetere'us amended by. laws — of Wy oming, her Honor imposed the usual tine and required the prisoner to give bonds to keep the peace, upon which the Court gallantly offered to let him go, and :dr. *orris vanished. =I 1!•!Mi .+ '_ Y.'_ ", ti n _ + .. .:. i Z UE BEALIVEUAEGITS Zs ppblisiieiE e+.03.7, ApP4er- - In the old Aigus building on ver, Ps., at• year in advanL.e. C9nnurilcotions' on subjects ot local .- tOpOcifui/Y so! Atti4ro o4teition „fa.'orm of this kind pow Cinvairiabli be itecOthpa itiet I PY tho no Tito of the sutbor. t.t.ttori.4 ;do eAltiiirkun itat,ions shot' Id iii to. • , -7:JOVEYAIST/JitAr.erpira• 1011 4,7 4 r-^177-. fillE-VEN.4W ita r _onten hew .1)e 7 pi;) 4 / are ,Sltrt4iw iz Vinttparitt ILhinctred Niauyht.Pred in a tiLsottf_ti!iti.sßurg. ' .•• .conaCiTAV. lowing ',lnarvelotla .snak6 sto.ry-frOtn,att:: /Cava : paper, „whicl4;n.artintees the trptiy - Pfl-e.verY went and a „ ,, lVe;trie names 'of a-nuro 'her'oritifiti;:stightfilptiplictuert of the State additiOnat-vouchera(j- It an • pc-.tra; _that :certain Cummins owns tt,gyjy,sUrri quarry. near, -Fort „noilg,e, and encif!loys'a Pyce,of._ about, 't,Wentrfi‘te, then In 'the' stone He hur-Avorked: it oUlY:nyettrort‘Voilut eVer, sine° he- opened, _ every; sprs pring and, fall his area lave suffered Serious ineonvenienqu front niyrinds of shaken that haVe a rich - hi - lite' ekevi ce,4, "and stvaria • in -during the fall and out in the spring.. ,Thettrita-rry liasa northern e*posure,,theoWhat is always eliesen by snakes as den, for the reason that it is ' , natlifreete4 by .the preofat are thai.vintand freez ing of early . spring, _as a leontitern slope ,wcialti be, As eion weather gets.settleti .in, the 'spking, - and the eifeets of the'Aprit suit is felt 'the "." ,, crpents begin . 1.41 'Shaw' them- .• selves, and the:hattielegins: From lAt the crevices 'and the' nooks of the rocks the , reptiles swartn, crawling qp the sive urine basking • in the sun, ur hastening,,away over the prairie to Weir stin/ter iiitunts., NTOw eontes the •in.`, of war; the fori;- luau of the , quarry is compelled to delail two men to tight -tiro itido3us things - 04a the then tratz,r- worrk; and • ki-pt!•arryileg away rite dead in a wheelikirrow, and bury,ingthein the if liil he,rless fOsterin' no aks way iiht breed drie:ve, And from,. all Iii:; 6urrotnidipieciuntry, the s nake hit; i•ters throng' to enjoy the spo,rt tf killin.,the stink - A.1 4 ,and in a toolig thrall they slashing:llnd until the poisonous — odor colnpvis: -thcni to IN,,,At Twenty-;ivesnaices iifieen minutes Virile'] haul. "i'll the plow iii clues in cortipati; , 7 with a number of other Ltelitfeuieit,;rf.h_•eutly pai4 vis it in the qttrrz, - . The sun was just wArrning• up the northern slope when the part; arrived, and this is the do si:riptinn tit'What;followed. • - From out the crevices the snakes • szawling in It directions, and sw(ash, went the huge clubs ref ti ^fa men who were defending their fLilow workthen, and every w::" the death of a snake. Just our feet crawled a deadly. widie to-the right and left were ~ .t 1 ciii;ers squirmed .and 71 , iarzed as they twined among the <ones or est-aped up the WWI. Di reetly in front of LIS lay a pile of dead large as IL LW° ush as - hei, while on the face of the• sloping hinfr were probably three hundred repil( A who had escaped the dais of men who were hastening away to the ' prairie, their elevated. heads and . writhing bodies transforming the Mutt' into no mythical Gorgon 'head. Ju-t alc {re LIS MI 44edge of rocks WaS a hti , ;•t , :‘1:1, , r, and Mr. Cummins piclied up a piece of ruck heaved it_ {AI Lin pi otiinq hint 16 : theletigt., Vitt 111{ , g•aine; ,oino three fecc of hip body was free, aind gathering 0 wutilri leap Ihlllat tr4' with ail ois force, hissing, and{ {)pe,ning, his jaws in a way that nuldc) the blood,' run cold, and the next leap he Made; a blow from our cane Bent his head spinning a scpre'pr fag, and thP peek p - - i,:),qxl that ti.n tinter that number es on the.l4tll of October, the snakes commence to realm-and en t•.r tl'eir dens for the winter, when same slaughter repeatel The the quarry i= t‘venty-two l'oc: height, and tit ark , pQrteralic cl::-, and clown that ilitancb they ern wi, roll and tumble, eatehing,On a crag, and, with a twist of the tail, tuev disappear in the dark crevice 4 long sleep. fall, the 1 IthaLi r or October, unnoticed . liy the' men; they with t4tll . tail in the rock forenian half stoop- Ilrildng• a rock, preparatory for when suddenly across his • Leek dropped a nionstrous spotted hanging hi--4n . g, half his gth on ...tiller sid , . looking up t;.ey saw tilty or morti snakes pour over the .etige ot th. cliff, and • erawtifui down the lei Le - Then it urre% them that the 11th day ),•tohir: , r hail come, and:for the next weeks swargas , :(4 . snakes kept in. 'rids luarry, with Its . of snakes, is wiTtny'ottlie.atlen don of the curious and INst-- for centuries been a of , t2l -I,nts, f,,r, At the bottom of tlZe ledge of gilisuw, here itjoins tile iron ore, are round the petriti ed lnxite, of snake;. low twig has c:Lty-iWo f c ! , ;.t, gYPsuni tak ! cn to form :'.110.11)tle-zs ever since tho water: • -, uhsided, ttt , slimy deni zens of tim prairie hs - ctk.hati theil v..:mer iwnws iu the.-A; ruck, and bore is certainly there to-(hty a cur i nein iry for the natur afe:t and •••••(-iPotitie, a % , ,,z , el I- as a sub of horror for there who hate the tt r4:, , ..r,litig :-cYpent. seri arid he will send fonr,,bottlen se verely_ boxed, by expross s with -full darectl9us how to,eseit. statbties just e4.3ltipiliml hi t h 1-v4:Office Department it appears that oirJ hue 39, of this year, tlie;pos tal service had teen extended '_ and was hi operatien r over 50,000 nines of railroad in the'Vnited States air,eeinst 81,000 miles or,/ railroad server in June 1568. , .The number of miles of railroad over which , ' the mails were curried iip tho country • during the year ending. uue 80, Is7l', was 107, , 000,000., ' • • • ES ■ 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers