FM I MIt I6 7 I F . T=: . : ~si:C "CALL A ILAN." Any one who is dispoeed to try to laugh, will do well to read on. John Jackson was a very industri ous, hard working man of twenty three years; being the eldest child and the Only son, he had always re mained at home assisting his lather -upon the farm. John was much re spected by everybody in the neigh borhood, and many a bright eyed girl had secretly thought she would like to change her name to Mrs"lad . ies , John Jackson. But John was no man."—The fact was,'John Was ve r ! bast:Mi• lie would rather hoe po tatoes all day than undergo the cer emony of an introduction tea young lady. Not that John disliked the dear craatures,—lhr from it. We be lieve that ho In common with all bashfnlwell meaning young men, entertained the very highest respect and admiration for them. And la no doubt, was the principal cause of his bashfulness. He s felt that • they were superior being, d that he was unworthy to aseocia a te n with them upon terms ofequality. But we can not stop to moralize. • Nancy Clark was the daughter of a respectable farmer, whose lands adjoined the Jackson term. Nancy was a pretty sauey little witch, and she liked John Jackson.' When they were children they attended the same school; as he was a few 'years herrn lot, he was usually her champion in the childish disputes that arose, and her champion in going and return leg. At Wet John becarne so much of a young man as to be kept from school, as she had been in past yean. John discovered too, thatilehad been growing in stature; audit seemed as if he had been growing out of shape. His feet and lefts appeared very awkward: he did'nti know what to do with his hands, Ida face nejned • him, and taken in all, he was inclin ed to think he was no more than half put together. Now the truth was John Jackson was really a tine lookinglyoung man and nothing, but his adnumtion of , Nancy could havesuggested any fool. ish thought* about himself. • As the novelists say, Itas a love , ly day -In August. . T heavens were clear serene and beautiful; the trees were laden with golden fruit, and the beautiflii birds twittered their songs of love in the branches. Earth (there we've slid deem to earth' once more; such lofty flights they make our heads diesy.)—We were • about to say that "earth had yielded her bountiful harvest of a year's grass and clover, and the honeysuckles which the noble yeomanry of Chef:- terville had garnered within their • storehousee—but upon second - thought concluded to word it thaw "The , Ihrmer* of Chesterville were done haying." John Jackson's sister had a quilt ingthat afternoon. His father had -gone to "Keith's Mill" to get some wheat land ; and John was left to repair e tools to be ready on the morrot to commence mowing the meado grass. Suddenly it occcur- , F bouto John that Whe remained the house in the afternoon, he would be called in at tea time and re quired to do the honors of the table. To avoid this, he quietly shouldered his scythe and stole away to the meadow, about half a mile distant, fully resolved that ho would not, leave there until it was so dark he could not see to mow, and thus avoid seeing the girls. The meadow was surrounded on all sides by a thick forest, which of--'/ fectuallY abut out what little breeze there might be stirring. The sun poured its rays as though the little, meadow was the focus point where the heat was concentrated. John mowed and sweat, sweat and mowed until he was obliged to sit down, and cool off. Then it occured that if he took off his pants he might be com fortable. There could be no Impro priety in it, fbr he was entirely con • mated from observation, and there was not the slightest reason to sup pose that he could be seen by any per son. So• John dripped oft, and with no cover save his linen—commonly call ed a shirt—be resumed his work.) He was just congratulating himself upon the good time he bad haying, and the lucky escape he had made from meeting the girls when he chanced to disturb a huge black snake agenu ine water, with a white ring, around his neck. John was no coward bid he was mortally afraid of a snake. "Self preservation" enettl ] iefirst "passage" that fl ashed upon Joh n's' s mind, and "legs take care of t body" was the next; Dropping his scythe and spin ning round like a top, he was ready to strike a .40 gait when at that mo ment the snake was near enough to hook his crooked teeth into John's shirt, Just above op hem. With a tremendous spring, he started at the speed ors locomotive. His Brame' p took the snake ;clear off the, ground, and as John took a hasty glance over his shoulder, he was horrified to find the reptile securely fastened to theex tremity of his garment while the speed with which he rushed forward kept the serpent extended at an angle of ninety degrees with his body. Here was a quandary. If he stop ped the snake would colt about his body and squeeze film to death; if he continued the race he would soon fall from sheer exhanstfou, . On he flew, scarce daring to think liowhis dread ful race wand end. Instinctively he had taken the di rection of home, when a feeling of se eurity came over him. Suddenly flashed across his mind the true state 4 of titbits—his father gone—the quilt ing—and worst of all, the girls I This new horror sent the blood back curd ling about his neck, and he mute tot • dead halt. The next moment he felt the cold clammy monster Id contact with his bare legs, his tall creeping around them in a tort Greeting way, ns.tkough her snakeship only medi tated a little Do, by way of tickling Jotui unto the hams. .. . . • This was too much for 'human in ' dinunce. With .a yrell.such'as man never utters mre in mortal terror, poor John again set forward at a break-neck paw, and Owe more had the pleasure of seeing the'snake re sume his horleonUfl potation souse what after the manner of a comet. On he flew; Johnforgot the quilt ing, forgot everythlog bet the snake. His active exercises (be paid par ticular attention 0 his runninot to • gather with the excessive halt, lied Waght owthermea bleed and as ho ran, ears ereetand head thrown back, ' his chin throat and shirt bosom were ° stained with tbeflowing stream. ' His first shriek dirtied the quitters and forth they rushed, wondedng If some mad Indian Was notprowling • nround. -By this time ohn — was within a Reif reds ot the J ,baro, still running at the , top of his speed, his • head turned so that he could keep one eye on the smack and With the other see what eoutlllt be tuttst take. The friendly barn - ,etaitealed lam f r om the eight of thegfilikz,Ze knew they were thosard, -haying teen ~ them rush fro:albs 1101110. • A few more bounds dad 1101 old be in the . midstot them. ,Foestinstment mod esty ovensame Am, and be once more halted. The snake eyiden tly pleated with his rapid transi e rtation. mani fested his gratitude • attempting to enfold thelegs of our ' ro WWI/ his With an explosive "ouch I" and urged forward by : "circumstances over which he had no control," pouf John bounded on. The next Ina mot he was In full view' of th h 1 and as he turned the corner • J r of - the ( barn the snake taunt around with a' whiz, something a ft er theft r ilo , or - a catch whip. Having reached the barnyard, U. his dismay he found the bars up, • but time was too precious to be west } ed letting down bars. Gathering all i i ' his strength be bounded into the air —snake ditto—and as he alighted on ( the other aide, his anakeship's tall cracked across the upper, 4bar, snap . ''' All Wm lin Wan Cracker. Again John let terly stsertUeas of thepresence of the Ihr the extra tkk of the snakes tall as be leaped amendbansed his bashfbineas =deists PM min he had the pielettUe Of nodlog. the snake In a straight fine dtawing, steadily at the the hens of his solitary The bourn now becerne the center of at OscUON and around it he ro volved with the speed of thought. Four times In each revolution as he , turned the corner his snakeehip came around with a whirr which was quite refreshing. While describing the third , circle as became witho u t oup of wonder struck girls,his gaze from the snake, he managed to cry out: "CALL A MAN !" The next moment he whisked nut Of .sight, and as quick as thought' re. appeared on the other side of the house— , "CALL A MAN 1" • And away he whirled again, turn ing the corner so rapidly that the whiz of the snake sounded half way between a whistle and the repeated 'Annunciation of a double—e. Beibre either of. the girls had stir red from their tracks he bad per formed another revolution— "CALL &ILAN 1" Away he 'flew, but his strength was rapidly -Sailing. Nancy Clark was the first to rectAter her presence of mind. an d seizing a hoop pole, she took her station near the corner of the house, and as John reappeared she brought it down upon the snake with a force that broke his back , and his hold upon John's nether garment at the same time. • John rushed into the house add to his room, and at tea time. appeared In.his, best Sunday suit, and to all appearance leered of -UshfUlness. That, night he walked. home with Nancy Clark, who thought she never had seen a man so well-bulitas John. On New Year they were married, and now when John feels Inclined to laugh at his wife's hoops, or any oth er peculiarity, she has only to say "WI a Man," when he Instantly sobers down l Mama Ability and The name l ef each tribe of Indians has a signiffietion which is repre reented by a sign, that is well under stood by them all. The tematiche or "Snake, " is in dicated by making with tfie hand a waving motion in imitation of. the crawling of the reptile. • . The Cheyenne or "Cut Arm," by drawing the band across the arm to Imitate cutting it with a knife. The Arapahoes, or "Smelters," by seizing the nose with the thumb and forefinger.. The Sioux, or "Cut Throats," by drawing the hand across the throat. The Pawnees, or "Wolves," by placing a hand on each side of the forehead, with two fingers pointing to the front; to represent the narrow, shark eari of the - wolf.' The Crows, bird ymitating the flap ping of the 's wings with the palms of the hands. . On approaching strangers the prai rie Indians-put their horses at full speed, and persons not familiar / with their peculiarities and habits might interpret this an act of hostility; but it is their custom with friends us well as enemies, and should not occasion groundless Marie. When a • party is discovered up-. — preaching arid are near enough to disJ tinguish stoats, ail that is necessary! in order to umtain their disposition is to raise 40 rigid hand . with the wlm Lillie:ant, and irradually push it forward, and . back to be a signal to halt, arid if they are not hostile it will at fit once be obeyed. The astonishing aptness of t in&mini "tracking" Is shown this interesting passage from a writer on Indian Characteristics. • Ainiost all the Indiana, of whom I have met with are proficient in this species of knowledge, the faculty ot acquiring which appears to be innate with them. - Exigencies of woodland and stimulate the savage from childhood to develope faculties so Important la the arts of war and the chase. ' I have seen very feW white men Who were geoci trailer's, and - practice did not seen' very materially to im prove the faculties. in this regard. They have not the same acute preoere I Sons of those things as the Indian or the Mexican. It is not apprehended that this difficult branch of woodcraft can be taught from books; as it per tains almost exclusively to the school of practice; yet 1 , will give some fasts relating to the habits of the Indians that will facilitate its acquirement. A party of Indians, for example, start on a war excursion, leave their families behind, and never transport their lodges; whereas, when they move their families, hey carry their lodges and other effects. If, there fore an Indian trail is discovered with the marks of the lodge poles upon it, 'it has certainly not been made by a war party; but if the tracks do not show the trace of the lodge poles, it will be equally certain that a war or fronting party has pruned that wuy, and if it is not desired tocome in con tact with them, their directions may be avoided.. An Indian on coming toa trails will, generally tell at a glance its age, by what particular tribe It was made, the number of the party, and many other things connected with it' as tounding to the uninnitlated. 1 remember on one 'occasion, as I was riding with a Delaware upon the praries we crossed the trail of a large party , of ludirats traveling with lodg es. The track appeared to me to be quite 4esh and 1 remarked to the In dian flesh we must be near the party. "Oh, no," said he, the trail was made two days before. "in the morning." at the same time pointing with 118 finger to Where the sun would be at about eight o'clock. Then, seeing my curiosity was excited to know by what means he arrived at this con clusion, he called attention to the fact that there had been no dew for the lost two nights, but that on the prev ious 'morning it had been quite heavy. Ile then pointed out to me some spews of grass that had, been pressed down in the earth by the horses' hoofs, upon which the sand etUl adinared,having dried, thuselear fy showing that the gram was still wet when the tracks were made. Two Curious Discoveries. Turning from the deplorable' spec tacle of the fierce! fratricidal strife which,: is devastating the world's nitres, capital, says the New York Mass, It is pleasant to find else where in France traces of the scien tific real and Ingenuity which have made her more illustrious than her victories. • All Frenchmen, it seems, are not absorbed in the agreeable ,cf. fort to cut each other's threats. Here and there throughout that unhappy country are still a few tranquil spir its, who in the midst of war and mis =continue to woo gclence RS y as in time of peace. Of this dam is a certain worthy professor of tbe'College of Salutes in Charente Inferieure.. His researches have led him to a discovery which May be of utility, and is certainly most curious. This is no less than what he himself calls bottling the sun, that is to say; fixing Its heat in a closed vessel in such a way as to be used at.will. The Mueels is as mas its results are remarkable. si ple A vase eonstructeS for the purpose, of.some material not mentioned, is exposed during a quar ter of an luau to the action of the sun's rays. Then it is , hennetrically sealed with a Cork, through which a small hole has been drilled. Before this hold a powerfid lens is held, and the Imprisoned rays made to con verge oil th‘whir ore candle placed at the distance of about ayard from the vase. Almost instantly the can dle is lighted. The experiment, we are told, was many times repeated and always with like success. As the French journal wherein we find this account enthirsiastically re marks, It is• prodigious, sad may vsyd 3 ! ). URA I** Plesently - some one •arllliter Insplrsel to and a means ,of bottling, tbe.san, lo that we' reajr +Wpm* vtlth OS and ottstir artificial Illuminators, and rejoice In perpetual sunshine night and day. A ditaxwery,of probably more im inediabi: practical valor* that (Ohn ad to have been made by M. Zallws ki, and,reported to the French Acadn emy of Science+ at a recent sitting. .7nllwski, we , take to be a Pole; and he offers an honorable con trast to many disorganizing country men who are occupied in ruining Paris. lie asserts that a hollow cyl inder of tin, for example, open at the ,top end sharp-edged a t bottom, properly ballasted add patina vpliaell of water, will presently move front west to east, !rhis direction, he states further, never varies, and what Is still more curious, the movement becomes readier and more percepti ble the oftener the Cylinder Is used for the purpose, Should M. ZeUwa ki's assertions bb Aleut Wal l the experiment will - afford an easy and accurate . method .of correcting the aberrations .of the compass on iron vessels.• This difficulty, it Is well knewn..has long been a serious obstacle hi Modern Aiattlgtition, • and the means adopted to rectify it have not always proved entirely safe. A regulator so simple, sure,l inexpen sive and convenient as that suggerted by M. Zallwskl, would be of - almost incalculable nervier) to, wearers, and indeed to humanity 'at large. . J silo Sellers' Imperial Cough Syrups. Lindsay's Improved Blood Searcher. kimusatisaa amid Neurillia. No medlefaik abo aosblle for the cure of Ilbennudlom and Neuralgia, de.. ham gain adoseli a widetation en JOHNOOtiII lanstatenc wit is ungt.oeol an Invaluable le n d Tortfmonla vo oeen received from rich poor, korned cad on/earee ad, Maas' cad isoldireOrbile pbysicigma ream , end it and use 1044111eWpractlee. .1t471. Notabd.beil 16135 e Selletiet. Imperial Cough Syrup. We bat to call to the minds of oar readers I I . oivivon of the year. above all When., lo the no in which they are liable to cot: 110, COLDS, IN C. ZNZA. de., whilst the urnx tom are in emodant &tiger of that moot alarming and falai of all dlo- It it., tiere c fore, neceavary that every family aboold provide ■ paitive remedy, oue tom Is ready for use at all time.. SELLERS' COI. Gll SYRUP yon will Sod a cure and primly remedy fur csuglm, eoldc, and all dia eases arising from them. Lindsay's Blood Searcher. The Blood b the very kientale of llfet therefore, Uwe nigh td ( reitore health. we malt arilpanty the blood. and to les= continued health, keep if pare. BLOOT, II the intent and meet effectual medicine for obtaining this de- ESMNOiaI These medicines are sold /wall Drug gists everywhere. Prepared only by _ R. E. 'SELLERS & CO.. IVholesale Druggists, febiS tr r No. 43 Wood Street, Pittsburgh Ps ROwell tit Co.'s Advertisements. DIRTY. THOUSAND DOLLARS PAID.— The Tnai ! akna LIFE 451; ACCIDENT Br ' sthutacE Courari, of Hart ... tic...paid $ 2O.- 0000 n W.ll.Forbwili and Wm, C. Curry, victims of the New ' Hamburg railroad accident; IS,. Otrsr on the fate Jas. B. Blake, mayor of !Worebester, Mass.: and 6,000 on the late 13 If. Lewis. Jr.. of St. Albans, Vt. All these accidents ocurred, 'anti the in surance was paid, within three months— each claim being paid about sixty days before it tiler due by the terms of the MAI. cy. The TRAVELEIIS has paid SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS A DAY in benetiti to its poliey.bolders.. for death or injury by accident, for every working day during the past seven years. Tile TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT lastmakcs Comr.trir, of Hartford Corm., grants all the plural forms of LIFE Lind ENBOWMENT Policies, on exceedingly favorable terms. AMPLE . SEcURITT and Low HATES. " may 24-4 lEolidaysburg Seminary, iIoiADA.Y.kIIIUIII3.I..A.. BLOOMINGTON,-111.,--NURSERY. 19th Year. 600 Acres 13 Greenhouses. Larg est Assortment—all irises. Best Stock! Low Prices! Would you know What, When, Bow to Plant? Fruit, Shade, Evergreen Trees. Root Undo. Setdlings.Osago Plants, Apple tited,Rsaly Rose Potatoes. Shrubs. Ruses, Ciresubouse and (lodes Plants. etc. Flower told ripilable kiseds! Finest, Best r.rellectiou—Sorts sad saUty, Saud 10 cents for new illustrated destript To Catalogue —Wages. Send stamp, melt, fur catalogues of heeds, with plain directions-64jasges • Bedding and Garden plants---39 pages, and W•ollestae prier, Lot-24pages. Addws a . F. K. PiI(F.NIX. Bloom ington. Dr. Grocer A ridy W... fu lb ..._- WlNEedd. years. pealed .— .' ands of cases capable of militia - • all Diseases of the Throat and or / unyeNperforming many re. U ) avalel} i lr ui tasi rk til ' svt u raiti m . ` il, u rtig a f U ro ia m i Entablished • similar &libellous and vainly ims . yew Willy: ta ew be- teg cored also. Omeglis and Cade.— c Drug. gists fey, it cures theme all. 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If you are enlicted In any way, we know if you try the tifedirirej teak properties of Dr. Crook's Ye Inc of Tar, you will add your teitimony tatty great rains In coo renting any _oilla that Ambit bole' to." Prepared only by OLJ PER CROOK it CO, Sold by Drug. gbtsewnywhere. . ntay24:lw ' s A;c a tic uu e:fula, Scr s oofidxs,liimors scrofula In any form, ilawatatl y". / o Z 'MAT I t Ow Liver, Disease* of . Ms Ma, Ereptiens, Pimples, Bob Tit ter, &aid Brad, Ulcers, and old Sores; arse, disease depending anadepnived condition olthe blood, take Dr. t roars Ltnepound Syrstp qf Ithts Boot. It is t t tom feed with the teat tonic }repent ' boos of Iron known, and is the bent Alterrativb and EloOd Purifier made. Cleanse your itMod. Try one bottle. Sold ny dnaggists. ' Prepared only by OLIVER CROOK et CO., Dayton, Ohio. 011KAP ADVERTISING.—We will hr %.../ serf an advertisement to Slake !ladled American Newspapers for fill Dollars per line pet week. One line one week will cost Kt Dollars., , Tero line. will cost Twelve Dollars. and Tett 'Unto Address Dollies. Send :Mr a Printed Litt. UEO. P. ROWELL & CO.. Advertising Agent., No. t 1 Park Row, New York. The Vice of our age is" Fria Neventhelosa. teen: orb Isi honest ratist ilgasts. even at the Capital. of whom Is the underoigned. Patent. for II yowl obtained at reasontble rats., Agent. wapiti d. Send for circular( UEO. h. BROWIII:Couusellor-at-Lair. off G Street; car. Ott, Wrohlogtoo, D. C. FRAGRANT UPOLIENE Cleans KU Moen and all kin& of Clot's and Cicnbint:: removes Paint, Graeae, Tar, Itc., in /do/tidrr without tbs lout bdury to the finest labile. Sold 3 7' intro and Fancy Goods Dealers.— FRAGAAN APOLIBBB CO, 33 Barclay 81., New York, 6 La Salle Streak Chicago. Leats! Head This ! WAA& PAY AVESTA A SALARY W 430 PSIS WEEK An& • EX, ram* Or alloy a lap eoountsslou to sell Our - *JO, tt ,- inventions. ". Address X, 'hall, Inch. ' ALL with Stencil Tonto ;tumult, Springdeld, Vt. lona and Carriage litnlsh paid. Lt. Stmt., Alrmd.3le. DOLLARS. an make a fortune by re me. Address__ _ 10 Broad% ay, New York A., successfully .4 Chronic and Acute MOM circular cantutulug particulars ' Mrs.. bos3llo New York. • .soro r K. ROBUST. i. e. rawcrrr Boyd [Murray & Fawcett, • . Wholnale and Retail Dealer. In _ LooKING. GLAsso, Picture Franies, Mouldings, &c. OIL PAINTINGS & CllllOlO3, On the Site of 4 Old Threatre Building, No. 58 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A • • Deaver ..tostilemy.—ThetSprlos tau of Ude Imitation Ell oyes m the nth Mara twit, to continuo 14 weeYs.ifor woks. Ato *Pa/ ." C. C. 11304313. Prin. tibikka IN In the wonderful ruedlesne to u bleb the lento tee- • wo above pealed for relief, the Mort, lir Acres he has combined in harmony owls' 1.1 > . I•lre4 0104 110Voiclist curative props:nit,. ul.h: Us I has Instilled into the vegetable kingthan f. hullo; the nick, than were ever before cett.l,:t ut arse media:so. The evidence of Ibis to I fogui in the great variety of wo r t obe.tle.nte. e" nut which It has been found to conquer. It. 11. s.srs of Bronchitis. bowers Coos set the early stsges of 100 naumpalou. 111., t .aulshal the medical faculty, mad eminent gis;t -.ldeas pronounce It" the greatest medical dire,. e ry of the ate. While it cures the •everest It strentthens •the system and partite. cite bloods By Its great and thorough blood purify lug properties, it eras all Hasa ons, front tit worst &motels-toe common Illoten,Plau. Ole. tw Bra data. Mercurial disease. Mims c reel Proois us ons, sod their affects, ate eradiated. ant vigo healtd a round constitstioa este, wi e ld Miwie Malt Milawswe, laves sores t Mealy =Staa Skim. in short all the tounerau diesases canoed b bed blood I ate conquered by w th i ls , powerfid sad In ' p r;o i m ritel dtiti, drowsy, debilitated, bate sal. low color of skin, or yellewish brown spots at flee or body, frequent hadsche oral s dneer, bat lade inmouth, Internal hest or chill enemata with hot tubes. low spirits, and gloomy tarried logs. irroutdar appetite, sod tongued ri ot are sageztog from Torpid Miter or " It loneness. , " In many mat of "IL vet coaspiaiwoi only part of these symptom experienott. Asa remedy bar all such cases Dr. Pierce. Golden Medial Disarray bee to u it effects perfat atrajentrtg the live: strengthened end healthy. For the cure o Iltablival Cloasitratlon of the bowels t. ZA..never falling remedy, and those who ham It for this purpose are 1011 a In Its praise. The proprietor' offers $l,OOO lanai for a Med clue that will equal It for the cure of all thirdls cases for which It is recommended. Sold by dauttsts stall per bottle. Prepared by it. Vi Pierces M. R. Sole Proprietor. at his Cbeto 1..11 r. 111.1-2 ore. Tit Seneca street. lineal°. hf. 'V. • . i- • • .1 fo.. n Firrell.-t. • Jaoll;eme.l3% ----- - Q 0 LONG Al AMERICA keepe tbe Bibk, 1.3 the LAW kill keep America. The O eu Au Important Book on the Brent Question. AGENTS WANTED, Eamv_,m, BT JAEPII BERG. D. D., AWhnr The Jeriars,feloirrh and Atc Third - Editikoh Now Ready,: REVISED AND, JiSILMIGED 1:10 k: IV Grit A. VI N IS, Liberal Cousinlsamu! Rapid bales! quick Profits. THE SURE ROAD TO SUCESS; A WORD TO AGENTS. Them is no scarcity of books to sell. But Mit g reat bocce.* of an agent lies in his *electing that work which meets the wants of the times, and deals most powirfully with the living (*sues of the dry. The recent efforts of the enemies of Protestantism to banish the Bible froth the l'aktic eichoote, and the late attempts in the Legislature or New York and Illinois to legalise this oUtrligia *pun (g e r civil ,: and dv oi rnejleuo:eget.rttesiilleatde to knowledge have circulated a more trgrough of the Intents and purposes of tins great organtratimi, which bout tney will possess this =nary before . the close of the Nineteenth Century. Tne • Orets Oink deals will these question.. and the readiness with which the Bret two editions have been sold Is sulftelesit proof of the interest felt in the book. Addict* for descriptive circular., dc., J. R. FOWFEft CO. GS Fifth Avenue, Pittsber,;ll , Ps. feba.iy•chieprs. New Trimming Store, 'Cur. ad & Seminary Streets. PA. Mrs. F. D. Fast. Has just opened &choice lot of fashionable Millinery: Hats, Bonnets, Fnunes, bons, Fine French Flowers, Illusion, *c. Ladles', Mute and Children' Bose, Gentlemens' unbleached Cotton Hose— eictra quality, bleb has been trait KID GLOVES, CORSETS, COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS, EMBROIDERIES, TRIMMLNGS, BUTTONS, SPOOL COTTON, M.achine•Silk, VELVET 11113331 ONS . and all articles usually kept in First• Class Trimming Stores. lu aditiou. she will keep a good assort ment. of Toys. Lead Pencils, Btatoinery, Penknives and cleissors; Fresh Confec tionary and • ingersnaps constantly on hand. taprlndf. J. WRAMALEY'S hat House, GENT'S FURNISHIN EMPORIUM, Itio. 04 Fifth Alrenue, PITTSBUR The Best Goods at Limes* doootla scut to any address. ou approval 11123,24-Iy. i>atauattA% - STORE, Jo .A.,.:,111)1j1N50N9 . NO. 1., on) • • Has now la litibre, 1i -taw and moll `,11141 1 4e6 MO* at '► 'TOSS Coffees. ET:TOURS, SPICES, Canned Fruits and Vegetables!, AU of which_ are offered at fair prices.— The• exatnituttion of persons visiting Pittsburg is invited to our stock. J. A. Robinson, Nq. 2 DIAMOND, tnas 3,8 m ' Pittsburgh, Pa. "Blank Constable . . 1510141 forsale at the Ali. arm cam. CHAS. D. Notary i'atafe, Cos ', yammer gad Inennince *mut. .Derde and Apemen weir.= and wigwag" ledgemestatibm, Me- Brim been dternonandaakimed magma let omen/ int clam Insurance Companlea, it seating the Fire, LAccident, and live Stock 2=Mirtilm to. le preceded to take Oaks and write the mat liberal terms. Alio, agent the **Au th or Itne . ot Madam Ocean gleam= ets. Tickets 'old to and hom all porn, In Yam. Mad. Ireland, ticodand,Germarr mad Pence. 0i aorta Leafs brick row, Diamond, Ile ter. astllll6 IE6III MHO -7.T•m:;ZfrrorT -0044,,-k Repair.: Shop : . . ; Waist keen Itnigig•fl hi the Yonne" aknikille " 4 "n ere ann tnlfin yeres,--darlng _add& Wu I Mee anconankttat • vadat, of nonful PliteßlC to• ads eindotmetlng models and Inking oat patents (or Improvements on. COOKING-STOVES —ud alter having amenably Waled Woe Up n eo% I feet warranted in ollartot them to Vise GREAT WESTRIIN bas as ea Pertei Or ate &maim. , Sinn's" of Different Styles for nesting and Cooking, Great Republic UM 1011 • this the beet Record of any Stove ever offered In thto 'market. LESS ROOM TO DO MORE WORK. BEST BAKER, MOST DURABLE THE BEST STOVE IN USE. In connection with the stove I have got, up a Patent which occupies little ronm, no additiOnel fuel, and is not liable to wear out, dispen ses with all pipe, an be put on or taken oi at any time. and made to sultan stoves of any size or pattern. Fivo nundro4 Pormons Who have purchased and used the •GREAT REPUBLIC COOKING STOVE, Most of whose names have been puhlish• eil in the AItOUP, aro confident) referred to, to bear witness of its superior merits as arooktng stove. Having three tint elms engines on hand. of about fifteen bone power capacity, they are offered . to the public at reavonable rates. 10Wil 1119R.THUIT. . DRY-GOON le \ T O R FOR THE The undersigned takes pleMare in In forming the public that he lanOnstopened. a new Dry-Goods Store In the Room re cently occupied by James Fortune, on the DIAMOND, ROCHESTER. Pa AllaBlita, Calicos, .DeLains, Alpacas Silks, and every variety aria style or goods usually kept In Retail Stores, which he will sell at Ihe lowest cash prices. apr2o,3m D. NELSON. pPERA nail Prices. rpm, ow , STOVES! IT TAKES LESS FUEL, ALTOOETH.E.R. EXTENSION TOP. =2 NEW MS STOCK CONSISTS OF -- List of Apprfaispmentia. Tafollowing appraleementelander the Act of A l lenatgy of the 14th ed April UM. of proper ty allowed to be tetained va lu e widow or ail. drett of a decedent to the of $3OO, torre been died in the office of the Clerkof the Orphans' Court. and approved nisi. via: Persortal-peoperty to the sewed of gffin 37. re tained by widow of WM. Ramsey, dec'd., W. 11. Freak:, adm'r. Pernmsl property to the amount of 1131: 0 Main ed by widow of Bee). Iterifn, Cleansed; John Pt. seradminbasstor. ty Pel proper to the &mann of three hun dredd dollen. retained by the widow of Andrew '.Btraltetn, deceased, Jolla Edgar, adder. Real property to the amount of .10:1 retained by , widow of Elijah Headland. deceased; F. G. Dian. adMintsteator. Notice le hereby glean Whets's. legatees, &WM n'elexcriew'rindortlhoutralltrilt!enutert,retcllsTearpt=geig day. It being the 14th day of Jose 1871, to show cause UM they have. against Om haat coldisum• lion of the above appraiseMeate. remount properly to amount of $290.40 retained y t t l it e ct , widow of Henry Baler, dpagased. Dante) mayitic.) JOHN C. HART, Clerk, O. C. T im- u r ni recid w om Fe r r2 F C re o e megy wb " have soluble glont's Landltiar the conveyance at Passengers . , Freight and Teams. Parties an the south side will please bear in mind by ta►iest this Ferry, they will be landed near Flouring Milb%Woolen Mills. Saw and Plain log lOUs, Lumber Yard and Stores. where every thing they need, can he bad at teastmable prices. J. PAUL, Prral Pro Um. • . Attest i--B.IIOIIGAiI, Ste'y. A dmlnistraitor's Notioe.—The undetsigned having been appolotedmimial. tram of the estate (Allude Like, deceased. late of Chippewa lowneht Hearer won Pa., hereby notitle. all perilous debted to eald estate that Immediate •paytheut t i e required. All moon. preset claims against raid estate ale mowed to t them duly satheptleated lot "'Moment. • rl9:fes.) JAIUCi DILLAN. Adsan'r. Adnalnlaittraltoes Notleses—Lettms of Ad ministration having been granted to the sub scriber on the estate at Samuel Mefletorkdeed., late of Beaver enmity, Pa. thie Is to nett all per sona Indebted to said estate that haired te pay ment la required ; awl all poisons having claims against the smite will present them tally authenti cated for settlement. ARTPWR SHIELDS. apr267asr Miner. LOOK HERE. SPRING AND 81111111=111 GOODS, —Tbm undersircal bees lave to latorm his friends sod the public generally that be !Limpet received a new stock. of Oxide of the latest styles for Spring and Sommer wear ,which he ears at tery moderat rem OP,'NTLEMIINS' FURNISHING GOODS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Clothlud nude to order on the ohorteet notice. Thankful to the public for put Won, I hope by clue ettennou to Mumma to merit a continu ance of the !same. DANIEL MILLER,PA. DR IDG If sr. BRIDGSWATA74 mar 24:tf NATIONAL BANK. REPORT• nn epon of the condition oldie National Bank of Beaver conaty,llew Brighton. Pa, at the clan. of badness on the 79th day of April, A. D. Dal: RESOUBCEs. Loans and Ulacanute $13,053 87 Overdrafts 1,311 71 U. S. Banda to sector circultukm... ... 120.000 OD U. S. Baud, and Securities on han d... . 31,500 00 Dan from redeeming and mamma agen ts 13,103 30 ate from other Nein:mai Banks 4.5115 65 Banking liause..• •• r ' 14.1374 54 Furniture and Allures killi 68 Current expenses 1,k140 F 5 ' Tale. id !Xi its • Chshiterti pa e lineluding stamps) MD fel Bine or other National Bank. .1,1211 00 Plattlooll Currency, (Including nthneke) 1115 94 Specie, coin Legal Tender Notes - 3.545 00 35.158 00 'Total I= i slb i mk anstat: Dlocorint...s4,lll 04 Interco: Exchange 2.1911 09 4,1341 OD— 9,1119 OD National blank cirentatkat uwas (xi Dltideruta 1101,4441.. 1,449 94 Depot.its GOAD 114 Dne,to other , 94nOs & bankers MOOD 49 • --.. 17 Ma • Slate q r Pmnrylraala, ESL Room Laseitire County orßeaver. f•" of the Radanal Raub of Deaver County. do solemnly 'Sr= that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ' EDWARD lIOOPRH, Cashier. Subscribed - and affirmed before me tide Bth day of May. iffn. alzirois Townsmin. N. P. Comet—Attest: • BENJ. WILDL GEO. W. HAIIILTON, I Directors, It. E. ROOPEP. Nay 11. 113TI:8w• ' Orphans' Court Sale. . EDY virtue dam order rtl the Orphans' item of Beaver county; the undersigned Trailers ap pointed by said Conti to make sale of the teal es tate of Sylreater Vontlides deonmed,after proceed ings In Padden, trill expose to sale by I public vendee or oaten at the Cowl House, In the boro. of Bearrer. In salsa couaty, 130• elatai.rdfsgr. 10, 1.671. AT 1 O'CLOCK, P. U., ail that Certain parcel Or lot of ground situate In Rochester bswashlpAti said county and designated on the plot ammiapas the inquest or Temkin of the real estate of said deceased, ea =tlk") hounded by lands of this helm of Reno, decmed. K. Connelly and others. Ounfaining 2 Aires aald l 2 1 eicAeB. T mulls the purchase MOW In band on confirmation desks by the Court, and the Wane In two equal ainual hrstaslusente from that date with interest thereon from ems lime. Deferral histallineeti to rt be seemed by Road end ; the purehmer to pay expense of be ti:l7= Bond and Maon, and stamping the aaale, Mart ,l. CROSS, Trearre. . • • IlayttlSll-Iw. ICOTICH.-1 hare applied to the Court of .A.‘ Common nom of Lamer county for the benelt of the.lsoolvent lain of this Common wealth, end the said Court bare appointed the lint day offline 'Farm. MI. et the Court Home la Bearer. kir the Donn of toe and my_ _creditors. arty17;11•1 SAMMLCALHOUN. J. Y. BIZIGAAN, JAS. 111. BINGIIOO O I , Commissjon Mer Chants And Dealers in all kinds qf art', qUicK mALV,: AND iIIOYET RETURNS guaranteed in all Clues Office 267 .Libertv rital PITTSBURGQ, PENN'A cOlcailMillYSTS SOLICTI2D. :THE OLD ORIGINAL BOTTLING HOUSE. W. ittliartiM & _co • 22 and 24 Market Street, 11%, PITTSBURG, PA. Established in 1844, by H. W. Buffum. Vile oldest sad lamest Boa Moss weld of Othe sciantalas, bas volde ezionw tar su to le pptzt binds sad itir thal=tUi sier od Afinauli raters, ittes,Porter, For Oe Spring Trade, ar the following prim: darsopstflia, • I V% Per doiL Mineral Water iterptedll Cleiroptiree Cider, Porter Ale, mill " Yemen, • " Wiaterioa.... Imputed London Porter sand bottles. Imported Scotch Aloe and bot tler, . 300 " Crab Cider, .36 pe4. Bruin , " ' Bottles 75 cent' per pos. extra. Money refund ed whet formed. Goode deferred free, andfrefght. paid tom road stations arid steamboat hmdMus. lye STgm ByiprsG Wood !Turnlli& WILLIAM PratPaim. Alleibeny CIO. Pa.; Is prepared to do all kinds 14 Wood- Turning, Scroll-Sawing and &mill Moul ding. Newelrs Balusters and Hand Balls. WITH ALL JOINTS VIM READY TO HANG, furnished on short notice. Orden be mail breurptly attended to, at My no telt with Olean & Co-, fit. ettt Av. Pittsburgh. PL. so st the NW, tamer sd Webster street sad Graham Abet. tetdt. a. B. &um.. r. A. ItAUXII..U. e. Satan. G. L ISAMILER at elm7 l tm 0 , 10 1 0 4 4. G. 1. MAXIM OIA At CO., Brew FaW. .A.ItilLEll3l O, Desk= ta ColotiCa. OGOL COUflen. 44 . Me. Collo:ohm made is all agassloas potato la amp United Bow and nansda. Accounts at Nerds. ants. Musubetanni. an bdtviduals, malted. Merest Wkrand as time ilepostus. Cannoolv . , deem win wenwi prompt intentsaa. ramniay _ _ AG • : •• A RICH FIELD! A NOBLE WORK!!! THE NEW FAMILY BIBLE, WIVII OVER 1000 Illuistrationss, 50.000 BEFEBE'lire ES, A FAMILY RECORD AND FAMILY ALBUM. That Pictorial Vasally 1111ble contain* a storehouse arinformatou that can only teach the Wad through the eye. its Illestrattone curt one back to the most Important tau of the world. and are of themselves a scr atters, B mls n,lgl l n t s h p e e m he o n s a Irnete TIMt Mlag dvOsifme, wt l h n see Che p erpyebnCusta ctE a e ß L ird ip kenea,Antiquities, secs, Plants. Minerals, Coins, Meda , n ,- Insula tions and Incidents rammed to throughout the cred Text. They attract the eye, correct mono. oua ltepressbnis, *waken new thoughts, end tat push claret views of D4ille Truth. As a ! m ap to Parents, Ministers and Sabbath-School foulingthe duties, of that: 'separate and high ei to socsdons—and to all other. to whom immortal souls are intrusted—this .splendid Pictorial Vol. ume cannot be overestimated. It ls the Edition Most Suitable for the Family, Most Valuable/or the Student, Most instructive for the 2'eacher, Most Appropriate for the Child, Most Uitefid for the Minister, Most Interesting for the Farmer, Most Elegant for the Parlor, Most Profitable for the Study TIM Pictorial Fatally bible, In eddi. Hon to the lectures already alluded to, contains . the Apocrypha. Concordance Psalms In Metre, a Summary of the Sacred Troths as taught in the Inepirsd Book, together with numerous and con preheneive Tables and other historical end widen. :dory !latter. embodying the labors of man. of the roost eannant !Scholars. It Is printed on the Swat calandared toper, from clear and open type, la one large and handsome quarto vol one, end. le bound in the meet datable and at tractive manner. while the mime are eaMciently low toplace it within everybody's reach. Experiemeed Agent" am wanted through ant the country for Its sale, with whom liberal fa , =gement' win be mad.. An opportunity of maid promise is rarely or serer presented. sale will not be limited Many period, but will con tinue for 'lifetime, constantly tamessing with the Amor* and Intelligence of the country. lii. them foredesiralde that shove who same with us, shall do Ito with a riew to making theAinsinete a per =nein one. natatory Teacher% *lndent% Pans. ern. Young Nen Rod Woniesae—tbaie who would meet. with the moat ploiltable or all employments—are invited to earrerpond with um with • view to au agency'. Not a few such are :Fer%T,rll rgiruLff'*-4,11 annual goVairindnsa rich fieldoffered, while it will elevate the spiritual condition •by constant contact with cad mover utiona upon to beautiful and Aetna: truth,. Wants ea She Inotalsweat Plan. will be famished the work In floe bindlomi. This plan la quite popular and pintitahle to cities and lathe towns. - We have an edition of the hoot. toperbly bound, with manly° paneled sides, which has ev.• erywhere been received with marked favor, dub. scrlptions for the Pictorial Bible, in Ibis style and In thla way. Can be obtained to an almost an nn limited extent, as there la no outlay of money that the little trader ran mile, which will yield him so rich a Muth. We are sea the publishers of Potter's Inane daral IPHams of Family, Pulpit, Pocket and and Pbotoanphie Bibles and Terdsment•— nearly nen different s V les—so well known everywhere for their sceursey of text, beauty of stalely and dura bility of binding. Always ask for POITIn'a BUS DA= EbMolla. and net the best. Cotsiories c containing styles and prices famished on applica- For Circulars cementer a fell ditloo of The Pieforial Finnlry•ilit4e,' with M O shell, and tot= to Agents, address Perna s &MM. Ann Blida Ann TaaTANSAT finnan.. $441,007 OS *lOO4OO 00 10,11/5 JOHN E. POTTER & CO., Publisfiers. 614 and 617 Sansom Street, mar2243m. PHILADELPHIA I 1 d 1 A r: 01 THE SPRAGUE MOWER MDR NES, LIGTENDSS OF DRAFT, ANT' DURABILITY, wiliasaal as equal, We desire. , to call the attention of Far mers to thts Mower, awl request them to examine its merits before purchasmeany othee:machine. Wan anted, or no sale. PRICE $lOO,OO. For!further particulars, call on or nd dress the General Agents, PRATT, JOHNON 8 "c 0 No. 145 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Manufacturers of Plovi, pad Dealers in all kinds or Farm Mi.chlaery. aprfrAndl Carpepitpftgo*, MR Mattings,:&a.,4o., AT •, LOWEST PRICES. Henry McCallum, (Late McCallum Bro.'s,) 51 FIFTH' AVENUE, PIT'TSBUTIGIM, PA. I have facilities for supplying RETAIL DEALERS EszaUa to any Muter* i.Tobbing House apary McCallum. . C. 00YLE, Pj wAraesautatz.anit AND JAWELKE, TAtitt Stmt. Beat?. lb .I(ftedelf OPN* II . Moores Drug Mori ) All Orders promptly, attended to. Americus Wotan, Clocks. Jeweler,. Plated Ware. Spectacles, tic., aware on band. gotta. . CIS " WM " 3 00 " Shop■ 11866691 tic dr, do 4; Sr dr, 4 4 4"4 288 8 8 POTIOND I I I * 2 II lb VIL& II II 222 9 2 2 VVVVVV S. 4 0 .0 4 4 rderohant Tailors & Clothiers, S. & J.Snellenburg, MERCHANT TAILORS, BROADWAY, NEW BRIGHTON Sep 14t..nct26;m4 9 etid ly CARPET„S, oliaa=caaol , mtz9 MATTINGS, WINDOW - 88A1 H Beal& tOSIL,IC A full and well selected stock of, AT TIIE LOWEST PRICES. Far A Liberal Reduction made to Min eters and on Unwell Carpets. BOVARD. ROSS & CO.. marB;'7l-Iyl PITTbBURG H. Pi. CITY BOTTLING SOUSE, No, SO Market Street, PITTSBTRGH, PA. T Sarsaparilla. Mineral and Raspberry Soda Waters, Syrups and Cider, Smith s Kennett, Wainwrights; and all the best brands of Ale and Ldndon Porter, select ed and bond bottled for Medical and Fam ily use. Goods delivered free. [tnrfh"llay J. B. SNEAD & CO. HATE 30 Br OPLYED A NEW - Saw and Planing Mill IN Pam=Dom, PA., Having the Matt iniprovedinachinery for the.mamtfactuns qt. 33mikcocawu:L%Tchl SIDI TG,: 1.4 A. T "1-1, & C.. dk C., and are now prepared to 'commence the building and repairing Qf Steamboats, Barges, Flats, &c., &c., , Keeping' coastailly nu - bard A superior quality of Lumber. The patrousge of the public is n:specifully solicited: All orders prompdy executed. (=HS:tr. !"MNIW~e 11111 T T. 11111.1101.1) COMPOUND. FLUID Extrac:t Catawba GRAPEPILLS. Ommesscal Rats— AvW /*tractlaberb out /101 Attract Wallis °raps Liver Ctoptai sit Anuslact, iillous Ape- Hews. elet or Nervous lieerioeho. VWlmbue, rte. Purdy ?peat*, malleably, no Snotty, Mlarists or leelaterlose Drags. These pills arc the most delightful pleas ant punrativo,supersedmg cuter nil, salts, magnesia. etc. They are composed of the 4sest ingredients.. After a few days'. use of them, such an huriguradon, of theentlre system lakes place as to appear miniml ow to the weak - ind enervated, whether timing from' Imprtalence or disease. H. T. Hehabold's Compound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pills are not sugar-coated. tibiaibildiugar-coated Vlll5 do not dissolve, but pass throug h the stomach without dissolving, consequently do not produce the desired (deem. CA ,TAW BA GRA PE PILLS, bel pleasant lin taste and odor, do not nett. tate their being sugar-coated. FIFTY CENTS PER BOX. lIENIEICT.IIE.M.3I.I3C,XII 3• B I MAW CONCIXTWITp COXPOUND FLUID-_ EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Will radically exterminate from the sys tetn Baranla„ Byphilts, Fever Ul errs,Sore Eyes, born - legs, Sore Mouth, Sore Head, Bronchitis, Skin Musses, Salt Rheum, Cankers, !Wettings from the Ear,White Swellings, Tumors Cancerous Affections, - Nods* ckets, Glandular Swellings, Night Sleets's, Rash, Teller, Humors of ea - kinds Chronic Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, and all diseases that have been established in the system for years. Being prepared expressly for the above Complaints, its blood-purifying properties are greater than any other prepardion of sarsaparilla. it gives the complexion a char and healthy color and restores the patient to a slate of 'health and purity. For purifying the blood, removing all chronic constitutional distaniesarislng from an impure state of the blood, at.d the only reliable and effectual krown remedy for the cure or paint and swelling of the bones, ulcerations of the throat and legs,blotches, pimples on the lace, erysipelas, and all scaly eruptions of the skin, and beautify ing, the complexion. PRICE-$1 110 PER BOTTLE. .M. 4#olo l )*44llq4 : l i O t t e THE Oft.e.-&-T imultryne, • has cured every cave of Diabetes in which It has been given, Irritation f the Neck of the Bladder Rod inflanortion -of the Kidneys, Vic •tatinn of the, Kidneys and Bladder, Retention at Unne. Diseases of the Postage Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brickdust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges. and for en• Gabled and delicate constitutions of both sexes, attended with the following gyra tr's: . Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power Lost of Memory, Diefeulti , of Breathing, Weak Nerves. Trembling, rot of Disease, Weakrainess, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on-the Facc,Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular Sys tem, etc. 21 Flllb A BOTTLERS OF ULNRY T. lIIELPIIIIOL% COSCENTILLTIID ,Lined by persons from the age of eigb • teen to twentytivc, and from to fifty-five or in the decline or change. nt lire : after contiumnent or labor pains: bed wetting In children. Extractltu is .Diuretie and lilood•Puritying, and cures all diseases arising from habits of Dissipation, and excesses an•i imprudences in lite, Impuri tiesof the Blood, ete.,Superseding Copailis in Affections for which it is used, and Syphilitic Affections—in these diseases used in connection with Reindict Hose Wash. LADIES In many affections peculiar to ladies, the Extract Buchu is unequalled, by any other remedy—as in Chlorosis or Helen tion,lnnularity, Painfulness or Suppres sion of customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Wchirrus state of the Uterus, Leucor rhaa or Whites, Sterility, and far all com plaints incident to the sex, .whether aris ing from Indiscretion or Sabha of Dial- It is prescribed extensively by the most eminent physicians & midwives for enfeebled and delicate constitutions, it Wheezes and all ages (attended with any of the above disease; or symptoms.) 'o H. T. HEL3IBOLD'S EXTRACT BU CHU CURES DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPRUDENCES, HAB ITS OF DISSIPATION, ETG., in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience, and no exposure. It causes a frequent de sire, morgives strength to Urinate, there by removing Obstritetious, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Al laying Pain and Inflamatien, so frequent in this clara of diseases, and expelling all Poisonous muter. Thousands who have been the victims of incompetent' persons, and who have lucid heavy fees tube cured ins short time, have found they burn been - deceived, and that the "Poison' has,hy the use of "pow erre! astringents," been dried up In the system, to break ont Ina more aggravated form, and perhaps alter Mairiage. Use HELSII.IOLIYS EXTRACT BC CHU for all allections snd Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether exciting In Male or Female, Irons whatever (3111941 originat: ing, and no matter of how long standing. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S IMPROV ED ROSE WASH. cannot be surpassed as a FACE WASH, and will boi , found the only speeitie reme dy in every species of Cutaneous Affection. It speedily eradicates P ini pies, Spots,Scor bum Dryness, Intlumtlons df the Cutane ous Membrane, etc., dispels Rediness and Incipient Intlamatlon,HlVCS Rash, Moth Patches, Dryness of Ship or Skin, Frost Bites, and all purpoSes for, which Sakes or Ointments are used; restores the skin to a state of purity and softness, and In surescontinueoltealthy action to the tissue of its vessels, on which Tepends the agree able clearness and vivacity of complexion so much sought and admired. But how ever valuable as a remedy for existing de fects of the skin. H. T. IlemboldN hose Wash has long sustained its principle claim to unbound patronage, by possess ing qualities whice render it a toad piiutage of the most Superlative and Con genial character, combining in an elegant lormula those prominent requisites safety and eificary—the invariable neconipani ments of its,, use—us a Preservative and Refresher lit the Complexion. It Is nn excellent Lotion for diseases of a Syphilit ic Natuie, and man injection for diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from Mav is of dissipation. used in connection with the EXTRACTS BtCllll7, SARSAPA RILLA, AND CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, in sturh diseases as teen:mended, cannot be surpassed. D Full anti explicit directions accompany the mtalicines. Ettdence of the most responsible and reliable character furnished on attplics cation, with hundreds of thousands of 'living witnesses, and upward of 1000 un solicited certificates and recommendatory letters. Many of which are from she high est sonretw; including eminent Physicians, Clergymen, Statesmen, etc. The pro prietor has never resorted to their publi cation in the neivspapers ;ho do vi not do ails from the fact hls articles rank as , Standard Preparation/I, and do not need to be propped up by certificates Bleary T:lfelieboldos ns, Geoutite Pre, 'oratio Delivered to any address. Secure from observation. 'ESTABLISHED UPWARD OIiTWEN. TY YEARS. Sold by Druggists every where. .t4dress letters for intormstion, to criefidenceio HENRY T. RELMBOLD, ugglat 140 Chemist., Only Deyits 11. T, lIELSIBOLD'S Drug and :Chemical Watellouse, No. 594 Broad way,:aiew York, or to IL T. lIEL3I. BOLD'Sktedleal Depot, 104 South Tenth Street. Phllade , phill BY-WAiti Or ViUNTENYEATIL Ask for ilEsur T. LlELunouits! TArs NO OVUM chd febls. edkfinui. a ritlF-111•PO Wanierts l4ls weaned Delta tailed not area to ale Oro) wears dr ao7 wont Cftel 41 Wad. ag Dloallag Plkon 71•1.• ors allticted should Isnotedlottly c• 11 on Uhl: oru z . Wt and got a brftrrW. atilt ta••pootno o „ Instantly allard complete tent f. and the k - • log Vont:Elamlns only requital to aka • per Jotoanost Coro Mama any trouhlo or Inenalentem• Us amt. Watissit's Pita Vittutat Is etvre.iy r,,, lLe PLN. and b out tecomittesotect to can uoy otEvr dlevivi. It Or cane many caws of over Utiny yam' *Wading. Prke One Dollar. Form:, by &wine sinsiwbrre. No More WEAK NIatVES Wankel+ • DYriperda Took t. Preparta eiarrrly Wray opopuce sad tame ourent r eta et.ov sae. • Thal, ate vi ry lew %bp hart Dot employed phreicloca for yea. to natal) •pa Ihl preriA:an will do ha a Ira err...b... etrearthea Lag the orn'ee, Ix.q.tal Ibe 'Von, reacting dig.aien. .dearth maw, =yr?. Louse wittu again moo. ueespadamo sad r.l ia data Di LAIN. etaie tr4►L all Me Wise mi. Yea se - to edy lir utassend W the oast ekeytu+l It to a eilicbtly stimulator toile wad .114.0414 s etrengther the=itlir.:mt!; rwilic o z v. 4l snpeSons t‘onk Ire Da. wee hyrytpria Malt. Vor ale by draggle. - Pace Mae bias, cur k.. 1 no IrlV tt E Wairetes Om& Salaam IS lending...R. notate sod expentontong. Tar extraordloto et tt ponatoe• to taco lrly reliarlog,sad nett. calls mug. the moat at:eta:tate owes ur Colds, lame Throat, alruncint.,lninesuta. Wirer, Ituareenom. Asthma aad Ckaudnaptkas a a.rriut lornalibtoo. So prompt la the 'vial land certaut eifenta In all the .burn case*, army altecnoot• %broad and longs, that litateaandat of yriptclan.., daily prescrilnag It, and one and all 1,7 not n the mot deattnt; and expectorating median, rear known. One dare always sear& ratter, and la meet °Liftman bottle etrecta a coin. bold by drat. Bats, In large bottles. Mee One batter. hi. • paw own lnd& you .ell coadh and .utter The Balsam wilt ears.. W IroiE: • car' LJ.F E. The Great Mood Puller and Delicious Dna Irinaerft eim VII" or Vine of LW, is tree Mini any pis runous drugs or lintwo , u, lag prepared ox those who require a ettflOjoo _ it la a aplendtd appetizer and tonic. and w. tarsi thing to .he Yacht tor purlOlog the blood.. It the most yleasalat one delicious article ever 0n...L.4 to the publlC tar superior to brandy, w hltk y, • bitters, or any Other NUM , . It la more healthy, and cheaper. Both aisle Lod denude. Yount( or . 4 , rout lake the IV toe of Lie. It IL, In Ixt. • Ilk pa server. Those who wish to enjoy good health Ikt: a line dow or lively spirits, will do well to mite ii• Whoa of Life. It la diihient trout anything ra, before to we. It la sold by Omega. Pricc Dollar, In quart bottles. .I.IaLDIENA.GVOGIJE ZWIIIIICBIOIIIII le the IA? arts Ammo to man, the III Wlttlee. ll wil (It t cu r e it every ease.) Wture is the tainii* In ahl.h it • Important Medlrlne not wanted?, le the greatest blessing ever ollere , l yet. should tuameduttely 1.31 - lAllre li. II is al., for Female Irregularitlett, and may be depear-a upon In every 111 w where the mouttly to been °tem/m.l through cold or dierete:. :Net draggietr. Price pot Dollar. Bald by all Dtvatztata. or meat bt et receipt of On Dollar twat a quarter. Add,. - 619 State street. calor. Ve* sale by S. C. 11 ANN oN.ltrx.hest er, TIARNE , S. BUD.. Bridgewater. atrlllUbe DRlL‘srs. beaver, Pa.: 1.1 11 . 1 .1;cha Ise,. 71 4s. ti 14,p 6 ;6 OF THE AG El PATIXVID, Dac RRRRR 7Ty, 116; OUR CELEBRATED GOLDEN. FOUNTAIN PEN llat i r Wa l I tai r - 11.4 . = .1 .4:112::::: not Kay Ilmovretues - !Zi .___!!..!.• _ ! k.. =rya= , .1. tq L MiMlo MRITEIPTI. nag ll= ; .... kVillr a " ' onrapirodoil r I : , N . ...... 11 1.7 41=r1 . 0 ti WESTERN PUBLISHING CO. ..! lizintaalavre Atms, Pitzsb,oo, a...A • VIM &AWL MERCHANT TAILOR • BROADWAY, NEW BRIGHTON, PL lisvtng received a large and wall orlecte4 not or Fall and Winter Goods. vntlik.Unga, BEd VERS, CHINCHILLAs, CLOTHS; CASSIMERES, ESG LISH MELTONS, VES'TLYGs, f the latest and moot fashtonable atyles. e. . will be nude to order on the MOST•REASONABLE TERM:, and on the shorten possible notice and etrocui to_gtve satisfaction. F. 8.- da 1 employ none but drat clue aork and basing considerable experience In o defy compedtion anywhere in the Start u • make and tit 1 keep also on band a full Wei rem y made clothing of bogie manufacture. octifelL — " " NB. YOUNG, Attorney lit Ns Berger, W. Office and residence ou east or the Court Muse. AU law bu%lnew en, ..• - ted to my care .6611 ',trite prompt Moo persons. harlog Heal Eotate for S.O, r.• those arlobing to buy town property, mai land.. may sane time and money by canker ante.tpri: ESTA.ISLASI3III3 11433. LANE BROS. SCITES. , ItS to B. WOLF r Cbrilet of Liberty,and (Late St. Clair - Street.) PITTSBURGH, PENIa Importers and Dealcra in :a a have now in Store the Larri-t 3: Selected Stock offered in the City trir Special inducements °tiered I , ' , country trade' SA 'L MASA & SOl,l, NEW BRIGHTON CUTLERY WO N,LV UFACTURERS 4)l' 31/2CM11:11D S 3 1 2 TAinelval mairrA &e., Special attention Is given to V, hardening tf: Tempering r j Ihr h",%4 and we feel and know ourselree to be; to make the very hoot. as we employ thssr?...,,. perieneed workmen, and ore th nome bee klamUel Mason has tec , [muss forty years. and his h oc ` an workmen. We are also msnefsrtereno POCKET-KNIVES. . PEK.K.N PRUNE:KS' Nada from 5..4 C. Warenow'. Waned ra Steel. and Entry ANdo Itarrnata. Spain' attention to aided to oar %tort e- Razors, Packet Scissors ? Ladie4''La uri ' • Bankers' Si•is• ss 0 r' .... Barbers' Sei All orders will be promptly titled Lid ati.,v,e4 advioird. Pr Prier 1.1.1 furolotied on application OFYICX Al i t:111160:, lePaLlrocillet in lig
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers