The Beofer Altus. Ilegurer. ra•0 1 1atail41110117j,, Circulation • Thirleak Muerfral„. =1:111331 . - ' • ' wit. i , I i 3m. OM. AM., Out; 1 year, t—, . —: Ir-1011umol II 06 68 03 33 00 17 tip 111b00 .gamm, do I, 300 500 TM 40 00 15 CM .qoareo." do I! 500 600 '9 00 - 1.1 00 10 CO .games, do !I .6 00 6133 10 011, 13 OU 61 ao coinnio,..'„l; sou 1100 15 Ou to VD 58 1:0 Column , II On 0 Oir 10 00 SS M .000 olomn 1110 ..I/0 lA, ..16AIM 106 60 cul 4d : irdAnuors: apd notices per Itite, ten' • Payinizi• N' tot fratilemt adverUsednenta; 41ranee. = Quastorl7, Old. anus O. P. MO WELL, 40 Pork goo. N. York. 1 _ _ AND • 1 . ~ PICTTAINGILI. &Oft n [ark ROW. iYork; ale Ike oar spoor for rue DIATI3I [Tin that tity, and Sr* oarborlyort to tootrotk turnips otherthrobooto for es II 00r lOW -. Taft Airerfektri to diet en:, Ile re. L upo to Mae' thou. favors irlik either of the 1 • hover. ' • 'et the Thermometer *the ending May 2704 1N71.' . • • lIE - • - -7A. IL -2- P. IV.- is 2 .57 deg. 7 82 deg. -- 85d4g =2 82 deg , 76 deg._ . L 7 llgl; 23 58 deg. —.70 deg. • 4640 g 24 55 .leg. 75 deg. 432 deg 25 85 deg. 86 deg. 71 deg 26 60 deg 75 deg.. 82 deg 69 83 'leg. 09 deg deg 27 Y LULL TEES TASLE. ' CI vents& 1 Plusbarib M. 10.—Truths ma S . A.; lasts Basra &Micas as lolltral :am. clue F: touep 824 1411.9.47 p. in ,Mvsning Fait Llta 97. • We l t leave Va a. gaol We l t le/me Bever , lila= it fat.• M* 1 41;4 11 ft. 1114 AMOll4lllO4POMand M 4, malphroaaa to &Hair.) 0.119 P. 01 .— _ nu. Es. SIV.I M. B.S.— Mum geingson: i ere t r ettesua mits; mt. awl of tuidge) se sk i ...: Bearer Falb Aecom. &RS a.m.: SOunaCCOUL . 1 jIU a 10.; lier. Castle +Maui. B.St t. m.: U. Falls *hems. 11,13 p.. m: ' - • • • , I Teas. ymitm Weet late nochesPeretssoll, (M cud 09 to94ltelaa Wawa: B. r. seam. 10 IL rig 4 11.,0n me m. 5.15 p. st.; Me night exproa 5.45 p. 13 : Ll 4 it. accom. IX p: m. • Isaias golalEast leave Iloaester (UpperyDe pot as (anima: D. F. atom. 111.05 aim; Moon ae cots. ;15 a. 1:51.1. New Cutlet sawn. PAWN. al; Chicago atp, Ana. m; Dearer INN aroma. 11.15 C le.; phfeap Y 11111.05 b. m : lirle exp. 4 Pip, m, Chimp) exp. 6.011 p. IM ilia mall 9.55 p. m. Tnaps gong %rat, leave Statattot air) Deo' TIM au rou - ours : clam° cm] is. il a. 0 .; e exp. t itsh.l,m; Lk% ver Fans amain. 9.55 a. m.,•,Cldesge SIP. 1 1. 50 a. m.;,‘ p. la; Mat Cu. O r deto ur. 4.110 ma Erb asp. 5.45 p. sa; . Barra 'tii..teott. tie. - - -- ----- I The atteetion or the public le directed in alb follewlng • New Advertlsemenhr e'hich appear Tor the first time In the Amt's to-day : mial Notices—lluir e Andriensen. ial Noilee•—bpoera • special Nulled—George Enna. AV. Mr 11.aed TOOLOMI. How.. de.—Fri dberrr a Strouse. Arrle a altursl lco-11. T. liodee—T. 0. Auslusts; /key. Srwel Not Tolor. • r AgelcultUral.—There will be . a meeting of the 01Beers and Managers of cm Beaver Connty Agricultural Society At the Sheriff's ofnce.on the 10th day of line at 2 o'clock iq not. TKOMAIi O. ASIUUTZ. Nee'y Cold Sparkling soda Water, tie. ,ored with pure Fre!hllyrups, at Hugo Atitirict.en'!l, )*ll/44r4hrog Store, - _ The Pittsburgh Wriinqno Chronicle, eu Mal to us in au en* now dress. , ,, Its typographical alipeeiradce presenti ras Ilreming• an expect go the eye t vuo hi mouodness 'of its editorials and the good tame tt its ;elections: is gratifying to the Intellect. We are happy to note this eV !drove of the prosperity of Ibi publish- Ora. Long life and usefulness is desired for the Chronicle. • IL Srittsra.t.o's • Clothittg 'State la al ,waytt patmnised by the bestelasa of eas terners, as they well know there is no other place . in this county where goods ace sold Cheaper, and where& better se lection of ready , geode, iciothlic &Last- . tueres end vestlngs iefound, than at his store, Biondway, Now heighten.- Tamar CONFAIII !—Chicago Cakes, Cream Butscrita, Oinger einem, French Jumbles, Now Crop Conosanin, Dame, Citron, Lemma and Candied Orange, at the Beaver Dritg Store. Mr. Diasid 31suegsaint ! of New Brigh ton. called upon us lain 'Saturday, and renew - ad his subscription to Tnk ARGUS, 'which he has taken ever since it issued tto first number In 1818. He is in his eightieth year, halo and vigorous; looks ts if he might last fur twenty yank yet, nod wo bombe will. He immigrated to this county in tho year 1813; and has ro 'sand hero ever since. He was married' ISI3. It is gratifying and encourag nig to tak?theae octogenarians by the and have their approval of our ed ante efforts as a publiatter: There are several of this class od our list. May :heir declining years be prolonged and TUE cheapest line of goods la offered . thm amain at M. Schiff's. Summer Ares goods at 15 cents; Mohair dross . .t343 at 30 cents; Summer Plaid at 25 'nu; : Piques at 35 cents; Victoria lawn, Xauaook, Swiss, Jaconets, at .ura low figures. .The best assortment .a !leaver county in Embroidered Mg .ngs and Inserting, as well is all kinds nt Laccs;Gimp,and all colors in Fringes. ~ scat reduction in prices of Ribbons, at m , .toro, Roadway, New Brighton. The Wellsburg News thin' speaka'of wool market in that county : "II in rather too early In the aeaaon to' form Anything like a definite idea of what the rilftg prices will be for wool.. In Brooke y but little tees been brought to market. Our refiners have hot eomplet ,l thole' ahearing. :inters of a few Moms pounda have been made at forty-five *ma. liolders;however. are unwilling !, sell at theme figures. About twtt Ml,..eis:s will elapse befoie pricey will ini ,se what may be termed Futiug rates. ?herr are seine excellent elit a to be fits load Cituton City 'Mill Flour; be rat load _Etna and New Creek kills : , L o ur and a lot of teak) oat received and or Ralt, tvholusale and retail, at Spey- SonA, Itoleater. YOU cannot take up a paper but what An a notice of some poor follow wh at Intake lila home paper, re '..t log a box of saw duet at the ox pewit :'l:fini to Jae. It is not the penion taken a paper that lutes at such a iv„ hat the man woo think* no much • ImighLy didlar that ho can't if ' give the prlnpar his suppdft. j of fresh Cleveland Lime Just ''' , 46l and fur sale wholesale anti re speyerer Sulls,•4oelleNter. Theodore Lamont committed ssui ,s::s the Canton Jail on last 1 hursday t3' banging himself. He,was in •v.',nitell fur burglary. ; $ k .e. G. 'Johnston fit •Chn Book `:•lsas Printers, Statiiiner. and Blank .• Makers, 07 and Mi• Wood street, ugL have their card in our pi- We take pleasure lu directing . '" l 'As to this firm, some et whourhsee "*$ niunted in the job printing and .3 thirlietla trout a very early period history of Pittsburgh: and always : first class establishment, Their WI.; fur impeder excelleheo in letterin g , ruling and binding, are l oint repute fualmost every county' .‘‘estern Pennsylvania and Eastern ` . l no• Our CommisaiOners would do hhould they be in need of dockets, $ ssll on this establishment. "Nt hundrod kegs Wheeling !calla PAL received and for sale wholesale and rryil, at Mfbeyerer &Sons, Rochester. s • • soling affair cal:oo,off, on Mon of lint Week, at Youngatoworphlo. ja ."'" /Van loaded 134 gun and said he 4.4 4 I.;(3ing down Street to shoot Chauucy " u 4 Andrws, and Shortly alter leaving the It was found that ho had shot W el. S. Panualos, his brother-tn-law, 41 ` 6 .iith thy body. Mi. P's. recoifiry dotibui3l when our informant last /letrd from Idol. —An old 'grudge die Nate. The Wellsville •Crikii‘CoiSast Medi, lan that the dwelling bodge of Wm. O met! in :Are, on dithMainlghtiist,:feduisficriki frip,the }ate, bri CitifFTV. fr r n diely t` aestroyed ; .3.usgesbbr.- w • 111 W bOUSehnl4 'farniture,,_olothinq, and: to fact oveiyadrig the boAse gr. Fraser was In. tyrdkaiille r r Lite tbus.Ofut I :kite* urittdak.ot dre ,, undl ha dint: home and found everything tu•rulus, The house waalkirro storyftaide," , ind iahied at about $2,500. Tha Always had ad beetVispigreo' tif,tbe WI; . and: were aupposud to be sate.:l4:ln'aurariee.! # 3l * '• • - lUmwmEnr 000% .0 ) T. for them, a good'sMcit and the cheapest. -.- - . , . Loraih iimPreVErwletMs.—Our old timid Thos. MCKinley, esq'.; has recent ly ' made 'nestle inirowitunents-on hip ; pm,,pertY *MO WA !alipji, to its via g 0 and Keieela 41 , «Kaace A. Dew coat of paint, for the roam% snugly finished room saddler's shed); and a number of carriage houses urti'antring the most noticeable' ImprOve toents referred to.. 4ir.11.1.f, li Imbued with thenifirlt of Weir's!, rind deeerves• the patronage which de so liberally be. stowed upon hlm. • pi'More than one f thousand Persons annually die In this country froth Consumption,' whiablia "bat - the child of Catarrh: • 000 is offered-by (he &Mart dy far a case of Catarrh he cannot cure. elold-by druggists, or bend sixty cents to Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buifelo, IsT. Y., and gee It by Mali: A pamphlet free. Nonce.—On and after May' 6th and .uniti the lat.of September the 'County commissioners, wfti - tweet. oely . on Saturday of each weak, at their office le Beaver. Joan lit'Gloun, nuaNtf] • flf About noon, on Wednesday last, a house on State street; Erie, took lire, and the limos spread rapidly. The valuable edevinaiorlifr.. crocus was ,destroyed. Tim aloe 'Of the Atlantic,' and Paboala Telegraph Company was also destroyed b 3/ the tiro. The loss apart from the ale vator will amount termer $20,000.• The oierMor was a drst-class concern, and was Insured tol within $lO,OOO of iht value. • \Oii'Saturday afternoon list, the resi dence of Mr. George Lowry, near Clarke. 'Wile, Mercer Co., was burned. When discovered the upper part of the build ing was in flames. A part of the geode on the first fiodr whiased. The origin of the fire Is unknown; iskie Is Sappas. ad it caught from sparks..falltng on the Attempted' Robbery.—On Wed nesday evening last, about dark two roan entered the house of Mr, Hugh . Montgemery one-fourth mile west of Brookfield, Ohio, and when Mr. ii.arose to offer, them seats, one of them struck him on the head with a ' , billy" ,produol log an ugly Wound, but failed to disable him, when he clinched the scoundrel; and with the assinUinee of his wife and son about fourteen years old, ucceeded in routing' both the rob Robbery was undoubtedly their obi but failed in their attempt We havereard of no artiesta being made up to the preient e LAcn.Cot.t.Ans, Kid bloves, Embrni dory, Trimmings, &c., at Mrs. Berico'ig new etook fled very cheap, give me a call. Nest door to U. P.' bamin y, Beaver. ' (may2A; w. Amorig the poStal changes r cently merle infthis State,we note the point. merit of William D. Fisher is pont ter at Freedom, this ecionty,eice W. W.Kerr, resigned. - • HATS ASD BONNICT73, of all the latest styles at Mini. Bence's, next door to U. 'P. Seminary, Boaver. [may24;3w. ''The email pox is said to have been completely eradicated from the borough of Enon Valley; public schools have been reopened, and 'religious wmahlp resumed on Sabbaths. We are glad to learn these facto. Go I to firs. Bence fora adylisb and cheap, Ladies Hat or Bonnet ; one deur below the U. P. Bemlnary, Beaver. Emay2A;Sw Sad SceideaL.—On Tuesday of last Week,. Mr. Joseph Bryson, formerly of New Castle, was killed at Sharpeburg, Mercer Co., where he was employed in the Iron Works. He Was on a coal train between two cars, when the train sud denly stopped, causing a collision which crushed and killed him. Ile was a yOung man of promise, and his loss le a great grieraniMito his sorrowing friends. Fires.—On Wednesday night of last week the new school building at Wheat land, Mercer Co., was discovered to be on fire, by Mr. Lewis, manager of the rolling-mill. The alarm wait at once given, and the tiro extinguished after the partition between the rooms, part of the ceiling and movenl desks were burn ed: On Friday night the large stable of Wood's Sons ,t Co., of Wheatland, was burned to the ground. Both these fires are supposed to be the work of some in cendiary,-who fired them through .potty malice, or desire to plunder, during the, excitement, • The 'lndiana Progreso says: at the 'raising of Wm. Wallace's barn, in Wasbinton township, on Wednesday last, a terribleinceident occurred by the fall of the barn. The barn was raised to the square, when it swung for the want of bracing, the wholestrtictuim fell to the ground, severely injuring - Sydney Mar in esq., Capt. John Marlin, Samuel Fleming, Adam Kettering, John TicCav land and several others. ' • Painful Aerideul.—Oh last Slater ' day Mrs. Edward Hoops, wife of the outlier of the National Bank' of New I iri gbton, was thrown from her carriage, anti one of her legs broken below the knee. Her injury hi a very painiul one, bin her erinipleto restoration in confi dently expected. Auditor Noutinutfed. At tlio County Convention on last Monday it war announced that avacancy existed in the hoard of county Auditora in cone°. nueum of the removal from the county of W. H. Lukens, one of the Hoard, whereupon Clerk A. Hunter of Ohio township way nominated to fill the va cancy. Removal or U. Lieense.—The United States license has been taken otT the following lines of business: Apoth ecaries, are.bitects, assayers, auCtioneers, hosts, ,barges, etc.,, bowling alleys, bd. liard tables, all kinds's othrokers,inelud engstock dealers, builders and contract-. ors, butchers, claim agents, circuses, confectioners, conve- antes, retail deal ors, 'wholesale deader', whose annual sale:sure not over 350,000, dentists, eat ing houses, exhibitions, not otherwise provided press (Nucleus aud agents, gift enterprises, grindeOs of coffee and sploea, horse dealers, Weis,. insurance, agents intelligence office keepers, Jug glers, livery stable-keepers, lottery ticket dealers, manufacturers, miners, patent *emus; peddlers, phote:sgtaPtlerss pl ambers and (pus Attars, physicians and, nrgeons, tem estate agents, theatres museums, tomcat halls,..etalitons and Jacks. Pbr the Bawer Airti EDITOA A/101713:—Ripe Strawberries again; delicious, Juicy and !urea dna.. paulone of the hot sensor Anne; the Scat and beat of all email fruits, "One of God's rare gifts to fallen man:" Mr. iungle of Brighton township has Mein:tor sale as lanai; "look oat fur the rigor for your daily supply. They are good at dinner, nice for tea, and make splen did pies. All orders for berries Irian him will , be promptly filled.' Sabbath 'Schools and other social Socletyresil , vals. , will be supplyed it 10 per cent. o ff the retail price. .Also he has good wine for sale from the pure juice of the grape suitable for s Sacramental or Mediates! purposes. ' mylll-1w Diteen.lrielllk , al; • Wtfarl eposwsemie*heolle. When 'boots the stem and sores& tba pa crown the oar Voctous shrloe _ ). • • • !' • f'- V nibet;llk7 4 00 1104. r4M599 "sr With irrttefu _ linti mu, ice COme to greonte tllg kaeklz btu, • - ntj'ifft.-10419q"glefliCS, Cell It holy groped where they cal allo Ito " 41 1 11 , 0 4, 0,1 , tP4. I P;• !ivria a noble Cann in which to Ole. ,curlololoWesh: Men triad the walks with Wes With tiosiini new: - then deck the lowly hillocks fair, Vfoarsoidkr (heir untimely l'tte seeracd co !land ho* 0311 , hinds ntld tockgroi let as accord • ' Ito i.;, l'beAvsOlgthotigg!da.l wig 7i a'he gallant cocoa who s initeed for the right, Who hared the hotrift Allght.l S clatiookissr,died:' ThOscomprineyetho l ;l 2 to .oo 4 ll.o . lol V 11 tatblit 141, ovvidothei2+34: ) - cadraliiii list ones at the patriot band, One 'addict and. The eroc*,.the breArklibtOkteedolV, peen, Vitiet'idbeiiill lkd6 intballAkt.ierbea._ suuaeleee grave, by friend: Atnairea. : Of nu Nadler dead. ' • titre sleep they, unheeded In Iheir gram crown bed, 4_ ~ 'Where the rolling atoms with radiance shed, .Flakee of gem o'er the neglected head, .tse soldier dead. /Sottish. ion abiairitra tria 66 to And be storied bilges on Hrtor) • a page, Asir memories shall our Ilreo some, Lau ioldler dead. Their giOrloue record k nut born to die; Their aparits utosi through tho ethrr okT, . dug ark eep the re .Im n ut tuununalny, Oar .oldoa dead. From We reports that come to us trout alt parts of the county and di ff er eut portions of the state we ocinciude uds will be a year of activity and of dm maruction by insects. The dry fall and winter, and still dryer spring, has tended te preserve unharmed tute germs of in sect life, and they are now coining into being with rapidity and numbers that promise destruction to fruits and crops of nearly all kinds. The caterpillars, potato bugs and cut-worms are found in groat numbers, and Unitise au active and 'vigilant war of extermlUition is com menced at once, and kept up fur weeks, we may expect tins season's crops to sutler. , Outs ,raid on the worth is uet enough ; they build up almost as fast as their nests are ,destroyed. Let every one who lies trees or fields to be effeuted by these posts, mimtuen ix, at once a wand' extermination of thein—and do 'it thdr oughl,k. The **Lecture Trligis:? now being .given weekly to the Students of the Seminary and Institute are proving a source of mut.* interest and Improve went. "The'Rev.'Nftn. Locke:chu.e An. •Ms sallied; "What anal! I Read?" Dr. 4. s. at..tiutt, "The Anatomy of the Rumen Frame." Prof. 'Favor, "now Sinai /Stony?" Rey. Mr. LoworY lE. we understand, to deliver the next " tue Courati. ••' A brakeman, on the Cleveland tC Pittsburgh Railroad, met with I Bongos and proMMlrfatal "accident at lianoVer Station, last Saturday afternoon, by be. lug caught between the engine and a tuaded'coal sir. due of hie thighs *is terribly mashed, and be received other mariouit Was rtunoved to his home in Weibvllle , Saturday even ing, and was still living at last accounts, though but little, Impo . wiu entertained , . of his rtLcovery. Since the above was in type, wo have learntd that tho unfortunate young man died shortly after reaching home. Block Coal, peculiar to that of the Shenango Valley in Mer, er county, has been tilitouveted in Butler county. Hon. Samuel <ISOM exhibited a large pleCe to the editor of the Mercer which was • taken from ` a vein 9 feet thick, in " Bolt Vidiey.'o:tutlei:eounky. It to said to be 'Of excelcont quality. Rail roads and tronsequent enterprise are de veloping the mineral resources of the country rapidly. Hat and cellar thieves to rampant In Nnw . The Courant &iv isosetran germ going from that city to tbedepoisf ter eiribt-fall ••to hold their hats In their bands while crossing- the bridge, to pre 'resit thhiries-Who go: Into the ,wagon' track fors that Phi:Porre—.iron reaching through the lattice work and stealing them off their beads.'? Strangeni are the vietims, No that the hits way be wore with impunity. They al&„ advise per twits who keep frult,.piorisions, ite., In their cellars to keep them well fastened, as several collars have been robbed of their contents within the past two weeks. ;thus far the sneaks have escaped drum lion. 11111ed.--Thos. Lewis, a lad about fourteen years of age was killed at Cree's Coal flank, thiee miles cast of Mercer. Pa., on Tuesday lgst. One of the small cars iu which coal is !wiled, got off the track, and In replacing It the mule was detached. When on the track it started down the slope, striking Lewis, who was standiuka short distance .back, produc ing iuterThol injuries from which he dial in about au hour and a half.' His broth er in going to Alercer for e physiciats„ , was ndiug a fractious colt, which, threw him oN•p twirrodneltiga slig t fractoreof thelikolli and 'etherviise k Orhig hln4 His 'intones 'nip not th Of f.overd enough to prove fatal, howeier. • •-:tmeraiy fever figne in Ftanklin; Venango Co., 4 emninuily, or Wantry• kn+ recently:: jbneti liortnect, nn nbering ewer Me men/ and lin week a meeting waft kekl,:to - crtmanize a ciri;t7 Old “ttakdok days" are onieiiilti re" turning in Venango county. New Brltittee litelai.-*Captain Boyle, of New Brinbeon has erected derrick, and Intends to aiuk a hogs for the purpose_of obtaining gas. lie thinks a sufficient quantity may be obtained for lighting both New Brighton and Beaver Falla. —Dr. Stanton,' our -Republican nomi nee for plate Audl49c, MO been, ti9(Find ed by his feilewellikens,iiiiiim his return homb -irom /Jarred/I:u%. There were speeches, and a good time generally, on the athceUtion. •A Asa barn,K9l ofJenner Somers*); °panty, waa ion tally destruyed by tiro on Tuesday even lug lair:. • A new- threabli* •tnaehlne, .a , lue hone genre and much other valu able property was clettrdyad; , An tutteneive lire occurred at Alli ance, 0., on Monday night of hut week. The Affiance klichange took tire, and the thanes extendixl , to, several other Leitmotiv., all whiebrwere•eonannied. The ion. was heavy, and only part of it insured. Tuasammous Mmes.—The cheesy particles that are brought up by aspen teration or eungiting are, wi wont doubt. parts of tubercies Which have been etitn tuated aud discharged under the concus sion produced by ceisighteg nutl7 the , whalteof itilo thinicumm ter be discharged, there la a strung pisib ability, that SUch Ohms Will reviver un der proper treatment. What la needed to asmob.t IMMO - 11a.lUITKI eases, IS WM* ISUChremegiyier DiL, &Examen Pncroam. SYRUP, to soothe cud beat the pecaut part While - tbig etiMenatkin goes on; in other words, ,drivebut the enemy, and fortify the system 'against "new. and na ture iuviidona.' .Kstrint's LUNG Cella will Beal n e lung Oa s, iurntsh as- Velia t= inlttlle w ih Its 6111411nd estb buisu7 of life, Wttre'D/i STROP Arii &wall* fb.-phlegm, scatter lutbutunation, .;.rritation, and pro cure Ant in the turtnred injallde,_ :Un told valuable , lives could be saved by. time two great remedies, if only people knew orthelr, atlpte-eieellent qualities. Tile Luso-Cone is sold in bottles of a pint, for one dollar and fly cents east, and theft:mast firttor in all repute drug,_storee. at seventy-five cents. Ask for Dn.'llavasn's,' and take nOoth• er. If your druggist dose not have it, sand to D's. KEYBIIII'S great medkiine store, IR7 Liberty street, Plttabosih, Pa, ia. 1 1. • -•-•_•••• • it..., Mi.larrentWynifdate,lit a eiliwn4 t r y t to b ly=4= :43 of thi' tamif taiiiio•di by D.' X.' Junkie, D ! _ , D in- t his sermon "On the Ja'ajirlitt"N l l94t r t!laittlpt, put of, that sermon—ther part Winch closed.with we/MAW Missile:et /*pia may call me what they please; but these are my sentiments and I do not hesitate to °sprees them fearlessly, I should be recreant tc duty to'do otherwise." The Doctor thinks that Wyandotte mluepre tented his views and -he suggests that inalicantiyquttriprointiledlitti'M &ick • Wyandotte entertains no malice toward Dr. Jduklit, be esteems hind highly as a Christian geottemein ,"ettaa peter et eau reproihi," but he certainty did under: putrid the Doctor to bring n theproida. • very I•au tar_ a4vance palliest edd abet , poLlldaill Creed eif the tolal Motor woe on of foe, the truth tif his tali efNare White,MutheliaatishiliWolotioepreaby rir ( nritr ai r,. n lAt l 4 l% Or g eArn s scL e iro with Jur °Odor on DIA. vita!, Wyandotte wUltake back all Le has:Written and will Wiens tlatehiesitas In a aotnuolent state,. not only during the delivery of the asettutd, butalso der. - lag the rest of his sojourn in Sharon, and that what he suppeeed'ween game al expression of dissent upon the parrot all who spoke of the penned bilasties; Wall but the hallucination of a dream. Wyandotte entertains eo mallet Iteetrat Dr. Juukin, but he could with malice prepense stab to the heart the heresy that the enslaved - should not be enfran chised at once. lie would combat opinion with °piffle°, anti overthrow error by the presented on of truth; bat were he a'alave and Should anyone attempt to hold him la that oondiUun till be sboeld regard him as euttlanintly intelligent to quit his service,he would—werett in his power to do so and no other, mesas could accomplish the otileet--destroy his oppressor* life to secure his liberty and would believe that theses was apart, of God's service. The General Assem bly of the PriebyUnian Church, In her earliest and latest deliverances, deciares slavery to be aluftri lu Itself. Calling it "this sin," andattar el:mug:sting sells inherent ,In_the . I SYsten. dechata* t hat 'they are connected wi th Its- very exis tent:oX- Slaverr les'ePixadd to the dl vine law which requirea us " to do unto , others as we Would have ethers do unto us." . How long must the slaVe•holder "continue in der Mast he notate:ince obey the command "to break every yoke and let the oppreesed . go free?" In the palmy days of slavery there was not a single school for thelnatrunlon of slaves frote the Penman° to the 'ltio Grande. Laws were •enacted making It a penal offense to teach the slave even the rudi ments of science. Wyandotte once tut porintended a Sabbath School for the instruction of slaves In the lecture room of the First Presbyterian Church, Mem phis, Tennessee; there were daseigather-. ed together several hundred slaves of every size rind color, model-both Berea, Soon the city fathers leaked that this school was in progress and that some of the slaves were being taught to read the Bible. This aroused their Ire, and they one Sabbath morning, while the school was in session turned out euperintend cut, metiers end scholars Into the sued, locked the doors and threatened the ex treme penalty o( the law in case of an other infraction of the code barbaric. How long ere slaves would become fit for freedom nudge the tuition of South ern slave:holders,' who take away the key of knowledge and indict appalling penalties upon all who would teach the slave the alphabet? There are better methods of elevating a race than by en slaving it—slavery has a tendency to de grade Its .vicunas.; The freedmen have since 'and -dating the -war; been - el evated to a higher degree of mural and mental mature .than they over v i rfil have endued under their dreletop ors—the Sbotherri slave-bleideni. w passing strange that the Doctor should refer to God's dealing with the hired lees and their liberation from Egyptian servitude, as an argument to eluded:ols position.'' " GOti throughhis Berrettas Moses and Awed commanded Pharaoh billet the, people g.t Br an act of Heaven-daring' impiety the Pharaohs had reduced God's chosen people to a stare of slavery, and bad held them in this Condition for cen turies. In the providence of God theset time had eoine tor , the delive r of his people and the paniehMetir of their op pressers. God saued an edict for Im mediate emancipation. Pharaoh diso beyed the mandate of Jehovah and soon the waters turned to. blood, the Nile from ail her seven Mouths poured blood in attestation of the divine displeasure. Anon the crouching reptiles swarming through the land, infested every habita tion in all its apartments—no recess so secluded as to prevent thelf"approach. The vermin came in aunties'` myriads --themurrain did its fowled work and boils and hiatus and noisome psalm" smote both man and beast. The light nings flashed, the thunder rolled, the tiro ran along the ground, hail stones and coals of tire, and man and beast ex pired in agony, and herbalmd trees and flax and barley perished—all that were exposed perished under' the terrible Judgments of God Almighty., Darkness aune even darkness that was palpable, inipenetrable, enshrouded the land. Lo custs came In myriad millions for the destruction of avers - green herb, and the avenging sugel entered every dwelling and smote the first born, thus the flower of Egypt perished; and erelong Pharaoh and his embattled boats intent upon driving back to bondage emancipated Israel, were engulfed amid the vertigi nous billows of the Red Sea—a fit transit for slave-holders to that lake where fiery billows roll. Thus the Immediate emancipation of, the /areollitas ti'aa ac complished and their Opfireesork-the Egyptian slave-holdera puulabed. -Wy andotte hated slavery and earnestly de sired its immediate abolition, bentuse it degrades and debases: Intuidalty, both the slave and alaveeholder experce its benefit! influence. 'The vices which it promotes in the one** crnelty, , vanity, laziness; liceutionsitess, prontnity and drunkenness; lathe other falsehood, ser vility, licentiousness and theft. It is not a school of morals, •tout of ivies, Wise - done hales slavery because it was the procuring 'cause of his own and his country's woes; It sent ,to the grave a million. American citkells; it saddled debt ; 'T f y i rmdet r ie bears nation shrut * ltr Ida os u r s n bed the sears caused by the fetters placed up• on his limbs by slave-holders leagued in rebellion spinet the government ; he seen his fellow prtelnenthikel'elit and shot by the abettors of slavery. Ile does not regret that our 'soldiers and sailors abolished it once and forever, vi el ormil that infernal system whose father Is the Devil. and which could not exist bat through Satanic influence. Wyandotte does not wish any (entre verily with Dr. Junk n,he realizes his mental •Inferiority, be owe not-inehito misrepresent the Doctor's views In. his "Sermon on the. Jests," but when th. Doctor expresses publicly isentimenta so distastend to many of the congregation and after the Doctor's explanation so ne puguent Wyandotts's preconceived opinions of.the truth, that he regard" it his duty to make a replication In behalf of the truth, He does not think 40years aniveiy would prepare steeple for tree dein, but thatevery day was they- remain lu bondsge they are Waking lower in the were of humauity.•_ Wyandotte begs leave to ensure Dr. J s unkui, that he en tertains none other than sentimenw of respect and esteem Ihr him, that he feels grateful for kindness shown him, and that. he wLt reciprocate those favors It . ever opportunity offers, .but healer begs leave to assure the lkittor that be re gards human slave, tut Ontnitigiged evil that he will ever oppose any contrary seuthnelds from whatever source. 110 In reedy at any time to correct any error iu his reports through the press or tate erwise, but he cannot well understand bow as I. Qiie can be au many of Aver Winuf °Press/oil which hell nil. redeeni iug‘lestoresk eusd yet deshre Jot reathie lune fur three hundred years, fortyyears, one year, a single moment. The Doctor in order-to Illtudeato his position In regard to Gar siceepreeera bY whit% slavery should bevetbeen ed in the United tates ,telds that od took three hundre ,S d years t o make G an oak tree and that he disciplined the Jews hundreds of years In Xylem. under the elevating influences of slavery ere they , were ft ted tbr freedom or words to this effete t: The truth la that God abolished Abyalherlealis own sia lnatr verl n i nt n e lli nts, sO n w a n b w y l7. "slow procees," bet by decapitation. All true i le u r o ol o tise d it hoo lree s otee oti ghei g ivo t tru a leas trogonye . and fordiere. demo, soled it, be; Rochester, May la, 1871Wvsunarrr... lady who has tried it sends us this method of exterminating the repulsive bedbug: "If any nryour readers need a sure remedy for bedbugs they can have mine,• and eleanite the house: of this troublesome vermin vrithout expense. They bate oniy . to*Wiab - with silt water, tilling the cracks where they frequent with salt, and you may look in vain for them."—Massilion American: .PftipftElection Itettitnigf:. 1 f:Hrefistir g l fivressasts A I • r 7. Y 1111 SSEZtt iV!!!(n!ffl nV= • • 18: : •-: Zr... = Laa-& tr,.m_ 97W31 FINI rr.,l Mil : r!I MI M=E 111 :-....i'i 6 iIZWi MMIIIM MMTM!RMM rxn rIMII lINMTINIEM MIME EIF!!! M!! I .1 1 .10.4.00 I I • 4•1,:irl ,;;;.tgot.L4...tslavutet9.l:_nnx_v__N_lple. _ _ tool e...zzet NEMMWMMIgffM Ralph Covert, of New4lllllton. mas nominated unthant oppoikdott, aa the county Auditor. Atmiabiryns mas nominated witlonl madden At MitlithSfelo:r 'comity 1311/Tiiof. Me."VinatalP l *WM ;ere aCetted B 4 ll 4 o at cIPC4I 6II ;mi. image • Triotei• at tbs /*Mr Academy. The swami of 131. Cot. and the resolothnuisylim CoUreution wOl IsolithAnd next week. J W SPENCER No. *411) Market St.. •, . Bet. Fifth Av i the Market PITTSIITpRChIit ME 613t'P$~£i1&~ a)uaiiPlitaa - s, EBYWANIRSPIIittIi ZaaIMIS9 ORPgS' - 006* Toantzg %m i t A COMPLETE AssoitTraigT DRY GOODS Af.tuvkM:ly., Pculsylvania 'Legislature. thairiare, Mpy 23.—Thet iota on the resolution fixing to-day for final ad •jMiiinnient' wee ibinisateheiedsual - npeit-: &nod. The appropriation hill being In exejnalve central of thel. Howe, dm • Senate, after considerable debate, adopt ed.* resolution ,that, the House 10 re. quested to take seen action upon said bill as to prevent Its failure ,either con certing ea itseSecate amendments theca to, or returning the bill to the Senate whhtheirnewewenirrenee. Hr. /inning felt offered a resolution which he wt. vacated as a ineany e enncUlation. pro viding for comm of three Senators co to inept a similar wise oommltttee, if appointed, to consider the propriety of modifying the Phihnielphiaelection laws so as to give each, party l reger repreeen talon on the - Malec and recom mend such changes In the law as may be deemed lust and equitable to an and repsert without delay, by Merai otherwise, which passed byli ce itry vote, Mr Blllingfelt vette g with Demo. crate, Mr. Handal!. Introdu and had passeciW authorizing married w o- - men to canner capital itoek in railroads. "A largo number of_prititte House bills were passed. TEE Clerk; of the House presented the reiclutions adopted by that body, whereupon. blr. Bucluilew (Democrat) immediately cal ed up the House resolution fixing on the sixteenth Inetant !or dual adjourn- ment, and amend It to Satnrdsy, 27th 'natant, and it passed unanimously and went, to the. House... Hotter—The Senate amendment/ to the Constitutional ConVention bill—to submit the question to the pee& %Oath or a convention should be - called or not =was debated at length, and the HMSO tainted to dourer. , The House. then re. plied to the'Salideresoluilon on the ap propriation bUE:' , Matterevrereselezwth *Otani and conunittees of conference appointed by both Houses on the .4p proprhttion bill. -Both Houses have re solved to wijonrn nee die on Saturday next.. Adjourned till Thursday. SENATE., May resolution to WlN pew] the roles, to take up bills, was lost. A -bill to submit the quesdow to the peepli Wan neat electionWhetleer there should be a convention to amend the St to was, after discassi on. Mr. The House MU requiring the ntn i tssicaner• of the Sinking Fund to receive bids for keeping_theetitate funds, was called op and Mr. Buten -desired a suspension of the relic, for its when the speaker announced that= had been atolen &deo the clerk's desk within the last forty-eight hours; silk the MU bad to lie over. The vote by Which the speaker was directed to withhold his signature from the bill granting ten dol lars a day after April 7th, was reconsid ered, and the suhject postponed. This will probably bo the last of it, and the member*will 'draw the money unless the Governor Interposes his veto. • Hobse.—The House met at 8 o'clock, a. m., but nothing was done outside of reading the journal. There, lat a dead lock existing between the 'Honer and the Senate. SENATE, May - U.—Conference Corn-' mittens were ordered on the bills calling for et Censtitutional Convention, and're storing Spring Elections. Several local bills passed. ficrusz.—The following Senate bill passed : Preventing changer ,of school books more than once iii Ur* , yearn; relative to clandestine marriages, which punishes clergymen only for knowingly. and wilfully violating the law; reeked lug tax on not earnings of compahleS. incorporated under the general manu facturing, mining and quarryinetaer: A Committee of Conference cras appoint* od on the Constitutional Convention bill- SEXALX, Hoy ?D.—The Senate bill from the House restoring spring elec tions passed. The bill repeals thellf teesth section of the law of . 1809, and provides that elections in 187'2, and an nually.thereafter. for city M township. botelAth and ward of shall be held Ins ug,"provided the seashell not ap-. 6 ply to any locality for which there are apeclal laws, and that elections in Clear field 'shall lar held in December. The' Senate unanimously rooeiled the report (dine Cortference'Committee on the ac 7i portronment bUlf which compromises matters of differed°, between the two Houses, and among the Items are IMO,- 000 to the common schools. $ B O. OO to the • Oetheiinial celebration; enct 'oeltiticatee of Indebtedness Ibrg30,00:1 to the Clam bersburg sufferers with the 'lnterest thereon. The lodides of', Supreme Judges. ors Inoresaixt to i 7 .00 0., The W . : --ellore :. orphans' • down?"' ie =FP" with tho Common oittioollepirtmihit. • - Honor~ --A bill. from the-Senate au thoriziag the Governor to PrOCIIIO regi mental standards for the Pennsylvania Nations/ Guards passed, The report of the Conference Otonmittce on ibe minketbill was *greed M. The - concurred la the Senate amendment to *the Constitutional Amendment bill ; se sled In the amendments to the aping election bill. -• _ .SIOATEA _NV 27.-Tbe usual commit tees go.nourythe atecernOr snail - eine of the- reedineet - of the agnate ta adjourn 4iNe the Were appointed; A menage was reolavedttotn the Goveinor,theconeind log paragraph of which reed as follow.: "The mimosa of tbe ayytwprlatkata made by title tall Übe - appropriation blar la stoat of a Wilke la atom of what, laaay uptakes, ought to be. mkt the proiest coaaMM td the Maw bet la rharatthatew goar tan Watt at width was realvalkatelibt aturnal Irma of tle an* estatesica, 1 agent is as lb. ken at twa gab 11. =ZEE: +iv; , i.tutuaitoxi MM • • • IIPIPUK Pl4lllll :Er-SoiSlasan „ Yd ultboas nand* to bi edendind , wined 10 dltklb: goad W. Giasr. MF.;BioMeoad,(l3ein.) WaS - elected speak', Speedos want-tilde ,by vibe retiring speaker and by bleeneosseor. Magen tas stottrnad of 131d. 'etlte:dle. ' - Bousg.l,lllised tumid resolutions end adjourned atl2All, awl dre. WHOLESALE HOUSE NM NUM 73, 77 and 79 ''Atirket, Street, PITTSIETUII Raring removed the Retail Department of our Moshe t attest Rowe. to the ukase'', rooms, 1f47 gad WO- Pees West,- Library Bllidlsm, ere ant better prepared Mau any season heielofore to meet the demands Of the Jubbleg: Trade. We would reepeatully sollsilt a all from AIM. ad -Beim iildiot feeling assored that we do offer ai good, If not better Stotts god Prices, thin say house. East or West, to nAlls GOods ' Hoise6,En4irotiterien.Votion ni;) ..frewini=oz Od~Lis if= .4744,Pp0l Omega. Brolas iftepf., Mellon.. liotiona end &nail' Non• ; Also. emythlog la • • MILLINERY AND ; STRAW GOODS, . AT LORLIIT ZUWIIIIX PALMA S 75, 77 & 79 Market Street, PITTSBURGH. New aret Goods Arriving Every Day. -wzt..l MARRIED. CUNNINGUA.II—N.EWTON.—Ou lifny 18th. 187 i, by Rev. John 11-Aughey, Mr-RS=l 1, Cunningtunn, of Dawson's Station, to Miss Eliza Newton, of Wur tetuburg. SMALL—POi.E.M.—On Saturday, May 4474 by Rev. A. G. Duff, Mr. A.B. 4 ',of Olt CIV4Pa., late of Asitsreor county te Arlie Ltea Polew, of iCilt Venango county, Pa: • > LIAXTER—Near North'Bearkity, Bea ver county, May LM, 1871, of tubercala consumption, Mrs. Esther (M'Creary) ..Bazter, in the 484 your of, her age. —ripe leaves a husbaud read nine chil drenrtour sons and five daughters—M mourn her loss; one child had preceded her to the eternal world. Long a con sistent and exemplary member of the Presbyterian =unit, her death was a blessed relief from the "evils to come." She died in the triumphs of faith. Of a g ost andableand cheerful disposition: a dutiful "daughter. a true Sind devoted friend, =affectionate and obedlent•wife, a loving and faithful mother— . has left Deposited upon the silent /here Of meuery,tmagea and precious thoughts That shall not die and cannot be degtroy ed.,, —She adorned her profession by a life devoted to good works. Her eon of life set "as sets the morning star which goes not down behind the darkened west, ob ikine4t *mid the clouds:and tempeentof the inbiky - sky, but'gently melts away into the light of Heaven." On the 24th instant, a large concourse of sorrowing friends and 'relatives fol lowed her remains to their sepulture in the beautiful cemetery' adjoining the North Sewickley Presbyterian church; eiv..Tobn.,l3, Anew, pallor. conduct. eadibl *Wit !lowan assisted fitlfera. Hervey and Daniels. A lighele from the housibeld . gone. A voice we loved is stilled ; A place is vacant, on the hearth, Which never can be tilled. Wo.eall her dead; but, oh! we know flhe dwells where living wawa Boss." Bitte.N.-:-On the 24th of May; 1874 ) 4 the residence of his parents, in New Sheffield, Hopewell township, Ps., Mr. N Samuel N. Bryan in !,44) forty-seventh yeseof his age. New Advertisement. - Liss of Applies'Wl nor License al Jaaa'aeaaleas, 1871. Joseph ht. prod, itcrrn, Bridgewater boromb. 'Judea Ahdertop. - Beaver Tolls bozo; Hermann Eckhart, •• ,Deaver. Falls bow. David Macaw, , `• New Brighton boro, David Johnston. Big Beaver township, =I John Leen. Martin Henry Wagner. John Leech. Tutted thisor quitetltigg otno* Ifta Wirt,totether with other goods autturerdhandlse Jaagrg Atanander, Rochnitor borough ; Proderfth ojtokrkgritt, Beater . Falls borough. - Koer 11,te. /OLIN C,llAter. MTh.. A LARGE AND COMPLETE; STOCK Cff Two awl Thfve-Whee4Qags,, PNRAIIIIIIIATOItB, AND WILLOW CARRIAGES. . of the btNt New York dad Philadelphia 11011nufact ivott. regions We prJ Al* Ladies Satchels, Baskets, Fancy Goods. Notions, Tor, .Jet Jewelry, &e.4„..te., wholesale and estall, at • • • W. 'A. 0 1 11.113Airrii,__ 148 Federal Bt., 2 doors above the Martel. trisyl7;ly Allegheny, Pa. wzicarrowii'amititTvll;.- au- mum, lesetain ibmb a gnood WWI eabact4- I bet ma aromas ot late ot Wow soosilop t Swot ta ilil lOY persons ladebtea.s• Mats. are amee l e d *et *et tamediate atormat awa* limo, an Petteas MOM cram ailLeet the mama witi Most thoo. aatbalakated tor oettlansli. - 3L i lmi dp r yA,` 0 1111111431.313U 2 Wa.l .:1#4 10,1010 . , i 3 -A- , 4,W , .:i.f:l, - .2./i'l ....i It. ', III .. i, 4.-3Z , 1 ~: i'itir liyikee:, 4 ,i. ql, • / 1 1 0113, " ',., . k!af 1.. 1 , ;. -- ,..: - :;:,.,o.;,•, , 0 -- ' , i , t , 1 , ! , ,-,1; , ,..:1• in.*, . ''' IIC O CIIESTER , • LAME' WrOCZ -OF: : - -Ceiferal,:terc,handise - PUROTA.SEEr rnOB4,,PIRST-HANI). -• li•.1":1 1• • • • iled !aria al mat slava a aut.,' ,;,, ,f,: ,• • ' ffir !, Tins- CQLUIVIN V privositti eau the attentlft •••;: iiTinearirr nirocr-or, • ; •- Bit Hardwart i .i . ',! i.t tt •••• ....; •,.„.• •r: • HOV7llll4EEirriinir :HARDW4 RX rE3 I Wixtdow iass " ran% .Y 401: ww•- • /*JO. -T7'llrT =MI Sate aide tea articles of Building Hardware, Are r9l =7l 11:7! 13 Wipe as /Mate Iber Bulls cif every size--oast coue wrought; In great variety of the and quality ; GATE AND DOOR LATERE3, Shutter Binges, Donr sad Shutter Bolts SASS' LOCKS' AND' FAST'MUNOS Hooks Find 'Steeples. Carriage Bolts, t• % . 41F,C . I:0014 rr AXES,'ADZB9, - ELlT'effirit4 • HAMMERS, SAWS, STEEL SQUOES TRY SQUARES, 3TER SQUARES, BEVELS, CHISELS, AUGEffS: FILES. BITTS BRACES. PLUMS scaAscii AWM, DRIA.WrSG KNIVOI/2 rikr - . • €1 .w,;-tie I.WON AND PLASTSitte TIIO. Almon& ow7m:et* , Lifwit&Pmertia, 'Oll, AND SYTIIE STONES, _ SAND IuND EMERY PAPER, Farmers' Tools: Garden Rakel, Spades—long & T handkx/ ; DEED. 17- Round aad Square Pointolahrelo, 114.1" AND ILLNIIIii GRABS• AND GRAIN SYTHEK, SYTHE stunts, RlFLiti, SPADING FORKS, POTATO 110088, DRAW AND BREAST CHAINS, And ennrcludna, Whir, LnalleNote., ke Knit,* and Ibrts, Carting and Ehdd ler /Woes. Table and TeasNona—Five Bette; Coal Buckets, Coffee lIMs, n.out SEINES, A4DIXS : DIPPERS, &C., &C. Painters' & &dors' Goods: ,I,..Falmatod I Co.'s MI II M e I i MMXWVM AND SOLD AT PITTSBURGH PRICES. - Lead eniet iereitirat pia alicokitiJ; Dry and is Oil, PURE LINSEIO) . OIL, •• Bower Falls b:oro. do do do Yeado do do Alighten Dom GUN SHILLAC, ,k3.113t1 TOOLS ..IP!iitty *Natty Knives; • GLAZ.IOIB' TACKS, . Window, . In all bizes.Fiagle and Dfaibk St .i:cEtArriesrrooLs. ~~IN'~:AT.T~f3, RIM, MORT= MiD P4ID LOCKS .i3LTE - AND STRAP =GU; Cupboard Catches, Screws, SABIT rtiLiii-fBl:BAatt. lilt and Cost IIooI•a, , 14FIF. : Api,0101 &C. 4C SCREW DRIVERS, SPOKE *AYES. WRENCHES.: And every otbec tteat belonging to ' %hi iteipartment. FIELD AND GARDEN HOES. HAY RAKFA, MATTOCKS, PICKS, C lulus, Doi; Halters 110118FIgn08' GARVING SETTS, PURCIELASED BY TIE TON .COATE'S PATENT DRYER. ALMHOL. VARNISH, PAINT VARNISH BRUSIISS, We are globe much attention to, this branch of Ode business; . 2iltd. white 10 1*tti yEahrsiskr lib very ‘•:f best we are cosilderni that ottr price, and ternisite M favorible iicia be given by oar We are thankful for a liberal and creating patronage; and will gnu* no palamtrr merit public favor. P• J. c4oss po.„ . RooMins; Max 31, 3Loy3-17.cbd ml.` attannrett tgokic4ol4 . • 'D • ' *b•th _ Ol i aintorli . Oft' AtaW: tuis itaia,'lSlattatilf Wltt , NV kirt 4 2. , X littl i_ PII:0 tliba 7011 IX 1006 A. D grairigllX 4 1 ln.. til ilksiriapeoPurtr. list '' ' all hat. LOU, lawn& aad debts of et Pi owl ta, ell WO owtotalot of Pale r illeat• lti time Dorm og t a gamy nad /tett of bg, lern-Xd. Xa. la NM towenalt..twando4 and follow Oa tba aortb by 10t . .K0. 185 6! *NW ta i ga Ow sof *tad 'Ma ai It* midi by 10r. iota was la Teak: wiewK; =lig emend I two 'nary frame dWoillag two roam and 'Molten *tutted ; ill eseleoid.• Weed and taken to execution MI till of U. U. ibuibloott Ow •anufliy. B. Ps= Attie ittnii Vol illtaptiati na itattOttleild , limit On 4 Wu or ddiedia.44, l ll ma -to. AU that annex ka or aloow of mond situate la tba borough of New Wight.* Atom county and atom of hootrytenain. bona kW No. M. and noundoci and , atm ty PINY eMscorb ma iIW ows,p tad wit: O w n IT ItWXX Mind west by Mara ntroot,tanotidlae row XXX ollAtod Oltd lidtotta... ail Um dittalatof Pat taloa Xttobelf . an *Mb Moo la Melt dttoWda bow: two dodos blab sad a las* kit treat mad stmt. WA 1611 m damp Irbil enlist nadanmtb, wi itbqt apotadtlod 01l the ISO arrow th :, Oa sem° ar 011 t Wwiena,n/1 tawdoosa wed Ead with fantod*, Le- Sowed and at natation di OW Ilenettety of Mawr I; owe of the adatatata at dx8,14 of We Hamra kowCostotal. . • it:the Igoe tailed hisow Ow tight, trot.., huff chip of • -IWouta hi sad, to Ow 2de .IPfd balding owl of ground of the ilfg or Cod Compan y. to of AN. gun frame dwolitng bow. fg lief th try 111 fort In width. oda hitches athichot to • Ufa ran noon Wis hot Vide sad ono wilt Is tilignut near Ow blpck. fild&C.WlCollfghy ono rettaia mitt boa War la sir mem umlaut", mist a t ivezf ea4 ;,=, TafirWa.,lidger aairl4=llll7 iniabettlNlosimea Mtn god ahem and *wit or %Faggot hlsodwit god riot. imantlring groat gad WOO -swisigwo Mk Ow Mow .. 11 soil puingli a citgagl ost tar 0. 14 16 1 . genre sad Whim execi on ditillirr94 i t the Mg Beam Cool Cutoff'', at thogalt ol WOW Old Abilerson. IMEI mg • • ALIO, • - • • 4. , '• 41 tbo mao tints and C pl on, all MO fled, . , Hite. laterce ft i ono end/obi densdant of, In nod to the lotlow described banding and lot ot goomid. to alt: bow N 06106 ikUso Ecomoray.plan of totals the of Beam Yell.. Biwa com p/nod *Moto of Inn* and boondod tad &Malted know t tbn north bYt tot bkial, of is.. pins, out lb. art by Gnat Wed, on Ins outob by tot No.= of nano plim, sad co the west by Gond May; on widen Is unclad a bow dna. Memo 6 10 /7 hii4 Wbi front of It in by MO. Seized and taken In executions' The youpog ilo of Paul tttentleln, oldie s nit of Pinson Nino JOIN% No. . . At the same time and place, all : tight, Otte, Irt dant and elides oy dediadant, of, In an° to, all W i t Oestala pads, gland or lot el Mond dame anddu boroogb of dearer, In the county of Bearer ends Penneyttanba belay lot nambered arreldrad=blideol=o,,..l . ).. ho add =tee., Of griaors or le::: bortaded the east by Bearer stmt: oh the loath bj Cdtpo *Mu Allen sad on the west by lot Wog 210 actin - width la haat cal bt, Madding back co 'qua►width MO bet to Corponiden alley, said lot. NeMr. Mated. There la emend thane% a three story belch bollii ,, ng. known' at the ^Bea ver Ladles' teetotaling IS rooms to• tether a lame room and school lOota. two mle also iMaW to t maln ding, wing tw stories hlgh, contdotng two ro Wil oms, fro a nting on Beaver street,- said main banding ham a Orem oi An trace Wed rarest and Wands Pathat but therefrom aad hie a cela t undernth there age also erected (thereo* frames ta ble,a kw house, coal home, and all-other nenamnry oat. braidings; ant are on said lot a number of fruit trees. Imall dolt. de, de. Itlefted and taken in exontUar as tba of 1). IL A. Yam'. a t the sabot /aka 4 1 =!.!, AL 0, , No, At Me same time' and Once, all right, title, la ' tenet and don of 'lanai*, ed. lo and to. ad URA cesunt lot at _piece of grated daubs' to 'borough of Bearer VMS, BeitYr coact/ add Mb , of Pennsyleanus. being lot Na la* In ZWlJosay .flan of pia-of aaW burattyk bounded sad de. scribed ss followed to wit:, Oa the north by lot No. ROA on the out by Tank alley, south by kit No. 101 l and won by Blain streak beteg 43 Net on front au Main street and attenng tack there. WEL leg bet to Tank *Bey. hosed and Wren In sucutton as the propeny of haulm S, &nub* at the, sot of A tepheition a Witttab Aide, • No. • At the Mae time and place, all the tight, title , bstmest and claim of dclendissta.oo marl to, all tsat certain lot or plena of teased attain to the baronet ca Dames Iralkaledne toady olt, Deaner' and nuts of remilayiraola, beinglot numbered one hundred and eighty OM to the 'Sammy laboll of ••• to lOW boranet.Detbdad cm IS. liorlo by led set. NI. ask. apt by Cadge Wq, an Ike mask by Cbaltant atrect, and ota the west by hour anat. betng 43 km as width to boat on odd Deaf sit atm* and ratendlng back theretrom of equal width 145 fret .ta Cedar alloy. aforesaaff 44 lot being enclosed with good tam, and Oaf emoted Mimeos a good two story kenos dwell- Una Soma Slx23 feel. with egad or pronacla feet, and embattling ate town, alab po rt i c o.ln front or. Min budding and proketbm, all well dish bed; with caller aftorseata, a frame Cupids ter dbog Lan. one 0087 •• pat& ; • one glory (Moe mated 14 het and 5 Mogan by 33 het ;seal boos* and all Odlfor UMW , / nalbdt ll3 ll l . Seized and Inken4 .execation as the gamest? Marshall NV: C Noratlo N. Teeploa._at molt of Jacob World and Jona th an Lana, Trustees. Ala°, so. a A: the tune Missal gam an figlid.:tik West atA dabs of defendant. of. In and to. that attain lota pleat of leaned abeam to the boonatt at aura YYM.ta roe eouaty of Dearer sod bans Al Paosylothis, beteg lot mothered nine hundred and, sixteen In the lllonatey plan at lota In said bestagb, onaded as Ow born by lot /10.1115. w Omni* by Woman' street, oa the soak by lot No. 917 and on the watt by Thelma alley. beat 43 feet in width to that, wsad Thomas meet. and extending back anal width 141 het to Tboasealley athreald, and, oo which Is avast* thro-story fame dwelling house la by aastab= ah. te roma, clo th es prams. ie.. anis cellar belted wth taken to ethenkoo . Au the propetty of 7tunnits rag, at the oat Jacob Bea .11 haalkaawfa, Ttwatat. Aithe mime nine and place. all the right. Illle, t hiterest and tiara of defendant, et, to and to. ea IMO certain lota phew of grans% altaate to the Womb at, Mover JAIL comedy of H ea rer and State of Pennaltrauls, bring lot =alba -W ten hundred and eighiben (10111 J ha the Kelourtay plaa alik'in in Ala IllernEba - bonneted ea the math b lot No. 1012. tam by,fauk street, on the math by lot No.lolt, and on the wen by Teak abet big Onty.tato Met to arklidt a Mad Ma wad Testa Armload extending beak the ot equal width 10 feet to Tank alley ahweald; "anecdotal =IMAM 'entomb two story dwaldng. home. Utirgl met, coot a ablufaur moan Clothes mimeo, An, with telleatuaderneath. Mud and taken In exerstion ea the properly of Jobe Slurp. at Putman of Jantob tharlci iAna. than Lena, Truateca. . , . , • SU," .2lo: 10. • At the tame USW and plod., ill tad right. Intereatand dabs. of dadeodante of. Salad to, all that certain lot or piece of grodad, eitnate to the borough of Dearer Valhi. In the osallyof Neater, and Mate of P telnajilanin, baba, lot armband twelve Oundroo. and twenty -Wild) la the Economy plan of lota to mild bonded on toe hon k by lot No. 1002 , on oath" Cedar airy. on the *oath by. Usury meet, and on the wit by Bearer Orem; being A lam In width la fronton laid Bearer attest; at.4l extending back therefrom of egoel width 14 feendp ceder eforemid ; the same bele: uladir - Itoce. and on which le erected • two awry trade dwelling boom MIS ibet, with two story sdalltion liteld, content ing eight room...penny, if.,lorith slim under need', aloe a coal house. belied and taken to oreeddlae ae the et Notate 8. Vittilhums /litry •Will= wife at the 101 l of Jacob 11cnricl A Jimathan VATreatt. • No. it. ' , Ali ea Attie pas time and place, all this sight, biscuit and dabs of deletillente, of htllnd to, on that certain *woe Maorfot lead game in North Seirlekley totrueldp, to the .unity of Hater and State of rentwypranis, bounded on the.north by land of Andrew ]fazed. test by' bads of Jamb Freed and Chtelee Prier. NOM by lambi of Jacob Naln and Robert MILO and west .oy, laud of Nicholas Kelp, containing fifty CA) Wes, more or Ims; pert or which la cleared ant ander knee. and the Miaow well thoberedaddal/ Wall maimed. on which I. erected • log house. netted and taken In execution. as tbe property of gores Neger and Klizabelle A. /Myer. lite MM. at the suit of Nutlet J. SorrelL No. it ALSO, At the moan time sYtt — ttree, ad the rlght„..title, totem t mod clan Of dielindant. nt, 111-$lO. t 4 all that Cartida 101 of laud stouts in Greens towns ship,ln the county of Beaver; and Blahs ot sylvan's., bounded and deectibed se follows, viz: On die see?, Inds of AMU= entoringen, no the arab, qfJohn /icitaskey, on the north by binds of kln'i Co., and on the nest bytands of Detitridge, containing abciazlllos sass, wore re leer. bawd an! aen In deng e 15= of Joeeph Lippincott, at thes u itof Swearingen. ' ':.9. ',I. Alb°, - At talc me thd piste, all the right, title, truest a ndsto of imint, of, in end In, all that corrupter or_parcei of land situate to the borough- of Bearer r alio, Beaver rung and State or Peiresylvenla , bounded and described se fob lows. viz ; Berton's! the Bic Beaver Creek. and earth, the no by land late of John Brulco, Doer of Bendel s Lena, ?Tutees:Fear% 13 degrees weet4S porthee; trace by Lend late of the rib I sees of Samuel Adama, deceicd, Now of Braid a Leas. Mercers] south 1154 degree meet, la patches; thence ty land fooncrly of Jame Pattern, esq., [now of bitted di Leas, .greetseejnorth is degrees art, to perches to the Big Bearer Mier se Cribb, thence by said, dyer wart up the woe north to drientes writ, 54.perchis; north IS degrees be* is pitches; ninth Sidearm west, bt porthis; mush IS de• grees weatjd perches to the place of begirding; retaining sir tj Rd) acres, mine or kw all the want gown snit putt Oppettsbir thereto or eceneded thervitti.- flea tentleg elm reserving thaertistruiretr. trot or red of I gouts' tarn as the .Adiuss' airing I lot, hounded Rod described se follows, roc Orb ntog at the creek at or now tin noetheset caner ef rid sigh thence down the creek parka Vela oast, SO hot; thews south S 1 wet. lig bet I N oblk street or orb UM= etre; .ocuth degree west, Id bet theirs sant Si defter east, id bet to the oboe eif Want no.s, In the urn of A ten Which the Paper bid reelett _or:th !le :willerpetlV WOW kgsll=riti,orea ti . e ted "a itgastecbeir house occ.Pled by the copbries of rid mail tie - Laid" d jackoh % ukas p i opee is ,soft,eit sul: o ' itrf " therl tomb. IC Atbay war nine asel d = an the right, tide, Wart and claim et tits, of, based to, as test arab lee oe pier of prod Oran 4a B Bill ire, In Offer, telellehip, th the county of bearer bear Stat e of Penni !earth' boanded aid *ri iblkses, va:- ebbe south. Yrs cars= of the beet now; theme Dora MIA Mmet is 16100 perches to • err 1, Ora i l lita degrees welsh 11 pathos to • Bleier sump' Ards north II degrees ear. Si patches is 's doss; throe south 1114 firma Week 16.540 perebs and to the place of aretrka borktelnia O g tieu mar tot pereir- wawa • noised rod Ethan Is recedien as the Rf Joseph M. Lippincott and Joke' IX, only,- worw at me milt of Jacks= freartagen. • • ALSO. 33. At Ow sow goon and • alt tha We, burst and elan id in sad to, all that certataphine or patrol anima 10 lb,: township ,aimisandllly.llearareasionr. 'Oft; aytranir. boandod .I:nlannott: as Ur no rt h aad haat by hinds of Stanton SardOn's Ulm tooth by lands Inenahtlyowned by 111/111hua Cam, and meat by blab of Munerla beak 101 sank more or bar, nighty amp of ltd and nada Inteo_ And • ewe Allnalronalg N.& ,Irlan. Ipeesadeelaxfialrtreei ow thd &dad weltaleta bedweeethwe • Alt Guyer, at the as thddestsew mono of /an dillhdas der we ofdohe Gum. Jo4obiltalftt,for oIlltes&I O. Crow & Co.. oat Or ass ads*: Qum. \ ISo. • t de Me idea dladdel este....einibe Mt, VW, loured astelodwd et di lad Wol Mkt ftestAgEr hiealWalifesshe beetildb, Ai. la Ow Id at Ilhower..._ a tisht buod c etd= f lijter i got , 0 4E;. ay Ow of fotwlN barougli. oa tM tairM bY JICICIrq• os ye sag by yearliaa lao fike sooth , li m ot P4EI, WI ta. img by . 'Maw Weed, are ewe width Is Mat DA wad Thedui 1. sad reunethed Dewletidere • f mgs of maiii *kith 10 fiat to Shamed they.. ouruld ; whleb ereeled s theme deltelhadl Wise,- lid . darted la balm 70, geed by is 15 ,.. isleforcifoodo& 4 OM by 'Did ( 44 44outsfolat woo 404444.=0d 4.10441, !malt WI sea with ad. la; Betted add liken lawitecid the progeny ler Mellll4.lf &Wee dl sal m t se Wawa neselel Mewls= Lor..Ttragm 3iW , ALSO., .....• • ao. il. • • . At the same draliand place. all lb* right. title , Wart and claim of -elfmdsa tt l z . 3 In end to, an ibeictitala hea t cc Itv i s i t li, of Masts In the boroogb of la county of Dam. I=lB, of lot to. itt Daniel ilamarCa e ar Wan of labile sald boild" temaded • en the earth - by , let WO. 11. east by Coast all ottutta by wire.% and wan 11 O N leant ht., heillt• Wet albeit cat stud „north' Bower stmet, and ontatoMbi back tbortnOut 346 tionto cola • *OM elbleleshi : tle wbkille withal a too *toy Pim titottlan boas, Strilliell. with slag w et'. taashia of same Isight. UCH lbet e will pastry. porch. fte.' . Seized sad. Odes lamomatioa as the=ty Of Andanem • se t tle salt oflila ALSO. . At tbs Mae dine soda hem all tbe Met& WM. Interest and claim of cd, la - sea ttk 1 attain later Dims of rod aunts tithe of indastry. (aaLledep _tbe Maw at ammo 00, Pa.. bounded sattntoalbtritafro . Wz—/llWnwlnit el alma lases Met north of lies: ry arias Macksainli 'bop: theme to a Meet raining sewn tram this Ohio When tbance Ought O conk to CoM abut; thanes east lat of O. Man thence by Boo' tot meth to a p to eat ose. palatine ot temaidost thateit by • Man MPG to** PA &m W el blebbatity. ao nutelt otit asset. sea mmeteindwallise home 40 het bop by to W In width; oaestury to nal wars. seler's glop 40 MC lowa by 111 lost in what*. pcst. tart bass* =not lons by ID testis width Ar...-411 Seised and, taken hi evecatkm an Ow leeway at Y. lianenee sad J. 4. Nose, at the mat of C. b. Atl, •- ' ' No. W. . same time sad plum all lb• OAK title !Merest and claim of d~sal., of. lit and to. et that chair. tract or panel of Wed lyt= bea to Orme township, laths coaalty of ems or rossayhasto, bosunon and noocrUn ' ut as follows. wit: Bealcusing at north aort ae Om Ohio then the n ce by add rimer north ail dears um. SS ablO) ameba toe post; inonteby luottocioba rOO. to:Mb etg doom won. SS putneo to • Post; Um= by lend of Jacob INs. swab Old degree. east, el 7-10 ,ptsrctes to • pod; Wm" by land of Jonathan Allem. north lIVBS dogroon rot, la perches to tbs place of been :dap. ormadalag torentyelght scrasand *test psness. strict seem. grew—Wag the MUDS hind wklelt ISsuesel Bradley and Cathmine, Ms lOW, by I m/entail , dated the lth day of Febrtery, A. DAMS. and weeded la the office fOr MOWN, deeds. Sc., llar lb' cane , of Deaver, granted and maimed to Charles F. Deal, item 11. Frank, Was. W. Watt. hare K. Conrad, Visa Wolf. Mosby] Mt Dual Men • la Me, who held the wets la tres.r the sabsnib• ma to • wildcats to InCtopolatkot of the Lass.. lecturers' 011 and 'Maw Co., when It Medd be lneerporatek Width certtlests. reettualag Me dariandkai el sold Mutt and the names of mild snbscrtbers. Is also mended to the Motorises Mace aftwesald. ha deed book tio.4o,paseell. Oa um above dee:Abed premise, are meted two sawn Dams teatime:at bowies: . _ Selma and takes In exerodon U the property of the Manafarnuere • Mood 7. et the snit of Char lot F. DietiL l rearl t e rrnak end Abraham Hot% No. nO. At Um semis thee sad Plsor. all tb• r lgh tide. Ls and clam of defcadstt , aL to and to. a certain pieta Or lot of ground MittlisL the bor. oega offlessor Pella Dearer Downy and Mate of Penney/Irmo, beast lot numbered • 1117 (n the Bo:m=7 Wenn( lots of sale boroagla and brand. ed and doperibed se bibles, to wit: On the melt by lot No. 1U0; elm by Men atom; soots by lot !so. 1113. and west be Men alley. 'The lot has • troet of 43 and extends back 145 test Saud and tabus is exernUon as the mown, of Yalentios Denberd sad Christian Dentuird, at the salt of Dr. C. L Wendt £1.50.e 1 • . No. L'. • At tam seam inns sad place. all the light. Illle, /rawest and claim of delhadant. of, la sad to, oh Oat certttn lot or place of moan Manta la I. bath elmty, Beaver county and Slats of Peutoirea m. ls, lota No. 5 and 4 adjoining eel oM sad together bounded and described as follows, to wit On the nortby Lemon reet, on tbe east blot No. 7, on 'b e south by t he Ohio Inver snd west by Watasb 'nett—Am pilots HO by 100 foot—on *bleb 'scented s teroatory bass dwolllng loose • offal& mons sad 'diem anactiod. also 010 31 44 coalbasest tad Misr necelealy onttmlitUnga Tao lots am ptented with besting fruit noes sad all ' nam ed ed sod taken In axecution as tbenropea of W. H. /tabula, et the tullLtor J. C. aD. • N.. A s do same than sod Disco, sit the right. 1111 4 , tatemst sad claim of defendant, of, to mid to, all that certain lot or piece of mood stints In the borough of Rester Fells. Baum musty and Bute of Pennsylvania, being lot No.TII in the renown plan of lots of said bocough, bounded and de. scribed as follows: On the north by Rome It., eat by Gant alley, moth by lot No. 7 end west by /Merman street The lot his m a Mint of 43- bet aud /11/0// back 143 bet—alleloomt—o wtdcb, Is erected en I. shaped buom • ,atalatog roams with cellar onnerneent; also coal boom, wash bones and other neemisry outbuildings. Seised and takes In mention on thil, , MuriT 0(8.X. Essay, sO the suit of Waddle., Co. AJMO, At Me same OM a ndoboe, all tight. tills, IF toad and claistog dafeutiant. of, in and to, all those certain km or piton of ground situate In Saraxi of Bearer Pills, sad ea Ismasybonia, bang lots No. 1111.1104 113, UN and 131. atlyolnier each other On together bounded and descrlood its follows:. On the north by Oak street on me seat by *aver meet, oa taw mouth by tisk adv. sod west by ltrightts street ; lots No. 111,1111, J 3. 1115, Mead 137 NM each 43 bet trout by Reba amp, to tat No, 134 bee • hoot of al bet and • depth of 1011 feet; as lots 310. IX, IX and lit them Is erected • • large two story brick dwalliog boasootalstaing 8 room. Mere is also • Meg or adeinon 10 saki $OOOO two Modes Kik osomelog twoused se a Mateo. Lc.* the house is wall fli= sad bee appthomee to; hot end cold mom asso • Gm ose, we house ead oiled necommy totbuildlags. based and taken to esecatlon att the properg of Theodore Noble. one ot the &fete:WM No suit of U. R. Wager. President of the cooped Ns. Brolloteittabo No. rgh. A 1.30. ll At me rase time melpliem XI the right , title Wriest. and= delendsnts. of, In sad to. all that coital* em or parcel of land Omits %a Me township of 7. Beaver county out acme of Peassylvards. ballade* and desatbod r todosrs, • WI& h4lOll of AA • post on the south of tae Baster read. opeoelts the mouth of /Updrafts.* streell -lbellte sore. VI% deihrontirssi, 13 hot to • prallthence soda 0114 dogma wast.4sl, perches to • mat wit ytratthia ten test 01 the line of Ws Ohio sad Peemsle Itai to UMW eO/111 IT% ste mma edm..1811.10 paolltes. - to a post; Ma me soak Les6 r a I j teereat. 'I 045 pestles to Basra toad ; Maim math OR degree" atm. 141 gnat° *poor, those, meth OR legnmest4,44sfipambre to • post; thence meta toys degree. Meet pi Pff •ollleb II Wet on the east aide of Hendrickson street MrattiM• theme meta tili‘degrem Mat. I 444pittalus tolasl Mem of beginsuag metolag , Ilaith) acme sod petchea—all o r d err tram— • and on Mack alb erected a Orgy twomary brick dwelling home, abildning eight rosma—all well Ma obi clor nadesth; tadser boom co lbis al hoomontib a le s chicken am Mesel Mbar necessary ontbeltalogs; good endlised of boning tralttrom Mid a variety cut small trait oa the tame. ties Seized Mid taken In . execatbn as tbe seesaws of David P. Scott and Xllmbeta Scott, hie wtw, at the suit of IMO Roots amino Bank. LISO, 30.53. At the same time and places, all ,be right, title, buena aad claim of .of. be sad M. all that oaten pleas, penal tract of lead stasis In Chippewa tostatdp, Hemet county, Penoryi. . marts, isontsfel and described so adatens, ves: liNs• glonlag. at ...stone; theses by Mad of Wesel taaniaghaMs hers, north NI degrees west. M mtchet to a Moe ; thence by Mad of James Welsh 5 ( demos 010 ton own; thence norm ni degree* well, 406.1 to 5. stone; them aorta 1 dogma east.,%. 1 perches to / stone ; Roane by lON hasserly orWllliant P. , Akorm meth RI &gross rasa sal peTtile/ LP It stone; thaw by lasi of f). Cocluan's beim, R. ReConoley af.,; south I degrees west, 111 Penne* to • sumo 10 the Moos «hognming, coutatolag 13t sores acid lb perches, wt tg Atom once; about 110 scrim ander fence, and m Watch - titers•are• orentea a' large frame doable log basse,o Legs from tarn sad doable log bars. Two orchards of bearing Oita Uses le l the member; menthes onboard with mot Seated and talons la =mutton A/ the rowdy or Mow D. - Welsh, at the sett of Jacob timed sad Jonathan Lena tees;Trai and at the snit of Dr. David lictihme, be me Ito. . J 011.74 lIW itherif, Shard's Odle; ibtno. Pa.. /4.7 11. urn. WC -AL R. MCI. 0 ci ug kV Od,c•rtrnmst Head and Foot Stones. 1.20 I=9=l . - . '•We Seep os tied to oat warec ills Wrest askedow of Masi wort Urns the Wm works is the wants snalehted; which ds• sirbas to erects Kellanfl these tas ile to lock depleted Mods s been t ..t salsa • walks Biamumat or elsewhere. We will saarassee this el• - a - ths '' N4agltl Pria mp L az innitoaele== i ':=Ltre es aid iodise egg . ins* Wien elsewhere, and nth* MOORNTIL Also, ,C3tiind .8 txrnos, ~- • it 1 .8• Hi milt *nip - Pirjolod• ad ea ele so" AO edlur So 611 4 W . wpwitari OM '• •,, , • ..,.:./..., •• , . 11 u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers