El wasuirwrorg consusronesnclig, WABitzircrros,D. C. Apr 11 6,'71. . . . saw Doittsrao DEBATE. Thew days of the we ep: weal spent In either forestalling the report • of the Slut Domingo Commissioners, or in an attack on the Adminkstra-: tion, which, the facts wilt enable the country tin determine.. For several days, week before last, Mr. Sumner made eflbrts to introduce a set of rat!. olutione, contrary to the rule adopt ed by the Senate, that no business (with a few, ..exeeptions named in the rule) shou ld be transacted at the •present'session, except such ns rotat ed• to the suppression of Ku-Klux .outrages. , without unanimous con sent..., On each ef the °melons refer 7 red to,he,presistedin effort until called 'order three times by the Vke President, and on the last occas :don was reminded, that the rule of the Sedate for refractory Senators paid be enflamed unless he yielded. •• Alter these Mite efforts to override plalrffule of the Senate. he consent ed to come within the rule, end asked unanimous consent to introduce his resolution, which was at once grant ed, when he gave notice that he would speak on the subject on the following Monday (March 27th.) At en early hoer. the galleries and,corri dors were crowded 'to .their utmost capacity; the assemblage being made up largely of the old rebel element of .Viashington. He commenced speaking at 12,13 p: t o and continu ed about three hours and a half. Ills speeeh was greatly !Metier to • his reputation., It was read from print ., at slips, and was -made up for the most part of precedents and euthori , ties, the connection between which, being far mortiof the nature of miser tion or:'testittiony than argument. The point sought to be made in the. speech was that the President had assumed war powers, Which are not oniy.not warranted by the Constitu tion, but are. expressly forbidden. • at all points seeking to =show that • President Grant lies been guilty ,of ' ao t es w blis h, Would co n stitute strove him an usurper, and who should be removed by impotehmeet: Mr. Schurz followed Mr. Sumner In a speech equal In length . and of more bitterness, trnhesitatingly de claring the acts of the President in .relation to San Domingo as unmiti gated usurpations Mr. Schurz was, I n many-parts of his speech; brilliant but sophistical. The substance of higspeecit, like that of Mr. Sumneqs, being in effect that • the .'Presid rit was guilty of acts, which, to fo ow their legitimate conclusion. th • h he did not say,so, could lead onl impeachment and removal. , Mr. Bowe, of Wisconsin, n as speech, about one hour and a half in length, in reply to Mr. Sumner, clearly put several good pointswhich had a tolling effect Mr.Trellnghuysen,of New Jersey, In tishort speech, made a simple but telling defeece of , •the President by sliowttrfr 7theb everything --in . his record wae.opposed to the - cha rges untdeugainst" hint, and referred to serenal precedents : Justifying the President in - the manse pursued by .him towartliiryth itllother nu- Sims pending negotiatirins with' San Domingo. Mr. Harlan, of lowa, arose to close the debate at 3,30 on Wednesday, March sth. His speech was Short, ' but earnest and characterized by dig nified •and telling arguments and precedents. With the hand' of a master he reached through thesophis try of the speeches of Sumner and • 1 Schurz, and brushing aside the bare assertions of those gentlemen, in u few minutes showed to the Senate that there was hut little In either of . • the speeches worthy of attention or • answer. In• a very brief spate of time he showed that their speeches, - whatever might have been the inten tion, of the gentlenien, meant that 1 President Grant wesguilty of mistie meteors more danger:ids and damn ing than those' for Which . Andrew Johnson was impeached by the House of Representatives. After showing that such was the effect of their speeches, he proceeded to an alyze the motives governing the speakers. . said: • 1 "I agree with. Mr. Sumner also in the Conclusion that must follow, that it is motive that gives moral color ing to every human act, and, there +' fore, whether he may have succeeded or net In establishing the grave charge brought agalnst the President of the United States, he must be re ' gitrded as morally innocent; but men who are morally InnoCent, are sometimes misehevious members of society, and are:oftentimes misled by ever-zed to the perpetration of grie vous evils. I doubt not that the Jews who clamored for the crucifix ion of the Saviour, were honest in their judgment that Barabbas should be preferred rather than Ile. I do not doubt that the ROlllllll centurion who plunged his, spear into the ' Savlour`o side, .belleved himself to brit the performence of duty. Ile was•lnit obeying an order front his superior " • In concluding, he referred again to the iuotive which led - to Making these speeches In a manner that none can fully appreciate who wag not pre-tent to see the effect on, the See:- ate.. After referring to the words of Mr. Sumner, which were as follows: "And when I speak 'for the Repub. lican party It is because, front the be ginning 1 hale beet, 'the faithful servant of that party, and aspire to . L see it strong," he said: ' "I have no doubt of it, with some . body . else In the executive chair. Whet! -the executioners, took down the bcidy of the Saviour from the moss after his crucifixion, it Is Buhl that they parted Ills raiment among them, End for His vesture they did east lots; for it was without a Hearn mut not capable of division. Which of President Grant's executioners its to be clothed with the executive vestment, may be decided by the Atnerkan people in the autumn of 1+472." ' After which ho unwed -to . lay the re:tolulion, offered bk Mr. Stunner,. on the table. The vote standing 3:1 . to 16 , all the fernier ,bc- lug itepublieane,; of the tette, ' twelve were Democrats and four th , publican -4 'Chet., Itepublieans votlm, ' against his: motion being Sumner, Schurz. Patter:um and Itohertmm. That the animus ,of Mr. Su .r hod Schurz may be Intelligently • Judged of by the public, the following fitet4 are given. Mr., Sunmer's 'WA direct and' bitter assertions. against the President, were not made until after the removal of Mr. Motley. An intimate frieed of Mr.-Sumner. said, , during last summer, that Mr. S. was • perfectly Justifiable in making oppo• sitionto the President, heniuse he .-did not consult with' hint about San Domingo. Since the debate on San :Leming° last 'December, Mr. Suni ., ner has constantly been the object of special admiration and coinmenda ; tion by the Democracy. The- very. virtues- fore which, they had. before cursed him, And attempted to beat his brainy out: on the Senate floor, they now (Nate as worthy .of all , praise. On Vriday, March 14th, Mr. S. was in close converse with Mr.Cassserly, Iktmocrutic Senator from California - for half an hour or more, explaining to him the rmolutiolis on which his speech was.made. Mr. Queerly af ter leaving 'Mt. S, conversed' with Mr. Thurman, 134ard and ;Mali.. Mr. Sumner, and Thurman of Ohio frequently conversed together, as they did not do previous to the De cember debate. Other Democratic • Senators frequently of late, came to him to show him letters and - papers, • which he seem!' to read with great rutisfmtion. These things are- so palpable that many Republicans sits. ling in the galleries of the Senate, have observed them with vain. ' Mr. Sumner- was urged t o d o k. • his speech until after the election In ' Connecticut, by. pa ram. who knew that lie Wended to wake a rpeeeh on . this 2nd of March. demandthe impeachment of. the President; but • he nagged all appeals. The .speech =I herein referred to, is this same, ori revised,. :twinning the ante ts• bat la Milder On` Std • arch; •he was ngisested by Senator Buckingham of Conn., to write a letter of two or three lines to friends who could make it pubs, urging Republicsubila Connecticut to support their ;ticket Jon would 4 of April,tbut he replied he con sider the matter• and on The follow ing day positiVely declined to do so. He was then urged to 'lnsert such a page la his speech, urging Repub licans to stand -by their ticket, but this he also declined doing, and in neither case even giving a reason for his refusal..:.. ; • : Hr. Schurz sta nds in a more sts% lelousatUtude. It is well known ere that he was greatly dissatisfied in March, 1860," with - the disposition of patronage Of the Prieldenflit Mis souri. iHe bolted the Republican nominees in his _State in, 1870, and entered into a combination, which resulted inithe election of Frank P. Blair to the U. S. Senate. He has fur more that, a month, had with him "Grosvener t " : who was the po litical editorof the Missouri Demol crag during the canvas of 1870 nan Qv:nye:ter is believed to be in the Pay and interest' of the Free Trade League. • The%Westllch Post In St. Louis, of of which Sebum Is one of the editors and . proprietors, is now , opposing the-1 Union proposed between the two wings otrthe party to Missouri. Mr. Finklinburg, M. C., a bolter froingt Louis, soya that no effort to harmon ize the party in that State will be, permitted to succeed. until, repara tion be made by the - President in the matter oftMpointeuents. S. H. Boyd late M. C., (a bolter) from south west Missouri, says: "There can be no union of the par ty until the President restozei Abe Federal office-holders removed, last fall for aiding with the bolters." • Both of these ffentletnen favored the election of Mr. &bora to the Senate, and shied with him In split ting the party in thelrßtate,and may therefore be supposed to reflect his sentiments. Mr. Schurz:a speech on the San Domingo question last De cember, it is well-known, has been largely circulated in Connecticut as a campaign document under thefranks of Democratic Senators and members of Congress. Such are some of the facts in rein lien to these Senators—given with regret that there any such to give— but I truly and fairly present them without ountnent, for the judgment of the country.: Justice requires , the statement that Senator Patterson of New Hampshire, one of the four Republicans, who voted, the other day, against the motion to' lay the Sumner reiolutions on the table, has said that he will not• vote again on that side of the question. Up to the time of making that statement, how ever, WS had acted steadily in accord with Mr. Sumner In his opposition to Sin Domingo. MULICH PARTY? Ten years are but a point in the Na tional cycle; yet that is the duration, so fir, of Republican control in this country. In that :brief period,. re publicanism has developed the true principles of governinent,established the national unity and supremacy, restored a dismembered 'empire, de lined and defended liberty, abolished slavery, reformed the constitution, opened up the interior of a eontineiit, challenged the respect and admira tion of civilized government every- where, organized and disbanded the largest and woe powerful armies and navies known to history, preserved. the public' honor and credit, and laid the fouddation of national existence in the imperishable granite of the :popular affection. And this Is the giant which is about to be asalled by a crushed; but desperate foe; this is the party whose mission is supposed to he absolute. Shall this grand his tory be ignored ? A Shill the progress of, whole people be brought to a dead stand? Shall the work of the dead be bloted out ? ' Shall the natiort now commence a - backward moves' men t? The throes Of an 'attempted revolution have left but two parties on the surface—the party of the re; hellion and oppreeion,athitho party of liberty and progress... ; Letthe peo ple.choose,which they will serve., IVIIITII itiAll:E *E ' DItIiVIISTO? firing the last ; decade, itepubli cans deemed it unnecessary to give this question any 'lmportant consid eration, except as it related to the gloridus destiny of the party. The great work it had 'newt/THAW for the country, tho sacrifices it had made in neculug the country from the thraldom Or rebellion.' and the principles of public - pone - Y . it hid in-, augurated were "themes which' had , been elaborated by every patriotic 1 statesman in the land. But it seemed that no one had the, courage to look into the vortex 'of lowly disietegra- Wm and sum up the issues of such a dire eternity... , . It is true, that party ascendency Was tho agitating question. which entered into every campaign where l lee publican and inocratic prin ciples. were our dered to ' the crucillleof public o [Mon ; but while victory perched t always upon the Republican ban er,: the question of party disinteg iota had not been se riously conten lated, and the dia; metntserment of theltepubilean par ty was not deemed a matter. worthy of serious contemplation. But there Is now certainly some grounds for fenr. What high and low tariffs, for revenue and protection? what the acquisition of foreign territory did for parties in the past, and, What the Kansas—Nebraska bill and its cense quent fatal ratifications through the whole body politic did in the mere di:mediate past, may with some nta; son be reganled as probable in the. More. - History is forever repeating itself, and it is now high time that the Ite pablisatts ``arty was Woking well to the ices abilities of' its permanent maintainance among the powers that be. There is tto adequate cause for swerving froM tali Republican prin,' tole. 'They are grounded on truth,: and ore the offspring of ;martini's and hosst-st aditeretwe to the doctrine' of go at good in the masses, The. Only sear is, that while we forget tht; wn e prinel plea upon wltleh - the party, is (omelet, we follow after tlie diets thins of oneman or any set of men . . I L. 4 to what should constitute our practical duties. if the party would only adopt as its motto/we can live either with or without President tined, Charles Suniner, or San Po mine°, there would be' no fear as to Its ultimate and triumphant future. ' , • Citiet.. l 714e7.11;iiiit Ilia IL:ousaitsollom.' p WASIIINGToN, April. 40871. , It is stated tAhnight, on well in formed authority that the laborsi of the Joint High Couuniasioss will 'be flpished in a fortnight from the Pes eta time, and that the treaty, which 'will be the basis of settlement of all points of difference between the two eettntries,.6lll be ready to ?submit to Abe Senate at that' time. • It is not improbable that the Senate will be in Session two weekshence and that the treaty will be considere d before the adjournment. Gen. Schenck • has lately expressed theopinion that the work of the Commission will he fin ished in time for him to fell fur Eng land before the, first of May. __ • —Last Thursilay, (April 6th,) wee oloerved as a Fast Day, and also as a Day of Humiliation and Prayer,- in Massachusetts. ' As evidence of nub, lic repentance, there were afternoon and evening perfommaces In all the Boston theaters, mainly for the ben-. Wit of the suburban population. As furtherevidence, Batty were needed, there were many base-bail matches., In order to get themselves Into a ser ious frame of mind,•tnany, members of the General Court an excur. elan to Plymouth Rock. Of tnurse, they ate no dinner, but strictly med. hated upon fasts (veinal* and Involun heat by the Pi in Fathers. ere wasa pletsant li day,butno"hanifllation" of, . • wstfaissi nunctuoir. Does ilecrotrationtis the liaiitatiar.v ImpkDivorott I—The indake ,of Prousi La*/ Who Thought &t. , , • • The hist sensation oat id. Nelson county, Ky., is over a matrimonial mishap Which °cecina' nutleefialdee. The case ls Gator a sprightly little lady, aged thirti--eds, who laboring undeethee mistaken Idea that a hula' band incarcerated lithe State Prison at Frankfort amounted to a divorce a vlncitlo matrlmoni, without inter vention of a decree from a court hav log Jurisdiction, to grant dives •• gave herself In wedlock to a gay old widower of seventy-three,summers. Thoconsequence was that only a few days of matrimonial bliss were:lll6w att them—they were as happy es two very largo sun flowers—when the stern, inexorable law stepped in and declared them twain, notwithstaud hig the man of God had pronounced them bone of one bone and flesh of one fifth. They. twalned accordingly. and executliraelrmeneY has already been brought - into requisition to re ileye the lady from 'any prosecutidn for bigamy TThe couple ere now quietly resting on their am, waiting (or the net term of the Chancery Court to come, when a divorce will bwobtkined from the "old love," who is still in prison, and another wed ding gone- through with as in the "new." The bridegroom hasaiready given substantial evidence of his af fection for the lady. On the day of their first wedding he deeded ber two hundred acres of land, and made her a pre pint of three thousand dollars In money. The day following he was so well pleased with his , choice that he Increased the land gift to five hundred acres, and the money to five thousand dollars. Should the little huly, tolbrthertesttheafketion of her lover, make a • demand for, n few more thousand, on the day for, their wood wedding,' it would , add another interesting nature to the ease.' En A WarrUde Tale—Extraordlustry Occurrence Oat West. A strange story, quite as horrible in its dramatic details as any .Mrs. Anna Radcliffe ever devised from the Coinage of her imagination, come to us from the region o(Fort Sully. In that neighborhood lived a somewhat noted Indian, Yellow Hawk. by me, who had abandoned his noma die life and had taken to farming. Ily itniustry and economy he had be. come possessed GI& horse and cart, and It was his custom to go to the different posts within accessible dis tance and t}la p oie of the products of his farm. Onthese expedition he al ways carried with him a canvas tent. Which he would pitch on the op proud* of a storm. About three weeks ago . Yellow Hawk went upon his last Journey. He was accompanied by his wife and a dog. While he was in the neigh bortipod of Fort Sully a terriblestorm, attended. with thunder and lightning. passed over the vicinity. On the day following a party of men happened to coine across a little canvas tent pitch ed upon the river - bank. It bore a neglected appearance, and one of the party stepped' up to it and looked' in. What he saw there paralysed him with - terror, for he gazed up.bn asight the like of which he shall probably never look upon again. At the end of the tent were, Yellow Hawk, his wife, and the dig grouped together. Yellow Hnwk trat, upright, with his hand firmly graspingthe.neck of the dog, who was sitting on his !launched on the other side of the dog reclined Yellow Hawk's wife, leaning on her elbow. All three were stark, rigid, and all three the eyes were wide open; staring with a look of fear. The Shock of this. dreadful sight rendered the observer incapable of motion. and it was only when his friends came to him that his sense Of movement re turned to hint. The three were dead; but wherefortk' to-'said that. the ligetohig3cllled VAIN , ilut lielther tbetent.nor about the , bodies was the alightest evidenCe of the presence of the electric destoyei. • • • —A Washington correspondent of the N. Y. Tribune of April' 7th says : The opinion is generally expresses) among Republicans to-day that the President has greatly strengthened himself by his message upon Santo Domingo, which it is belitived/Will commend itself to the good sjmse of the people as a • wise and / patriotic document,since,afterSenatorMorrill's speech to-morrow, the vexatious an nexation project is shelved until next December, with little-danger of its revival at that time. It Is believed that the dissensions it has created among Republicans will be speedily forgutten./This happy disposition of a quustion which threatened .to trouble the harmony of the party -is fortunately foll Owed by the passage lathe House or the bill to suppress Ku-Klux • outrages. • These two events, together with the result of. the Connecticut election, have given rise to a feeling of confidence *and strength among Republicans, which has not existed for many months. The croakers who- have been predict ing the dissolution and defeat of the party are silenced, and the belief is generally expressed that the Full elections will show that the Republi cailparty has .hist'initie"or its" hold upon the, conlidence of the people; The Dernocrida admit - that the events of the Paid, wcfek, have -been greatly advantage or their qpponeuts, and they ate;`,maulfeitljr:ALvppoint ed at 'the' harmony istad -- confidence which theßePubliamis•begin -to ex hibit. . =A gentle being in California is on trial for :Ordering a former lover in an exalts •of Jealous rage at seeing him seated :-between' his wife and I child on a ferry-boat. , She seems to have been a wanum "of,most 'intend and affeetionale disposition,' as she states it) Court that AV lies already four husltand4. She made them• all too happy for this world, for, - as she naively confetwti, two of them . died and two emmoitted suicide. The marriageable Californians are ,pieced in a singular dilemma - In regard to this destructive angel. it is ;equally fatal to Marry her or to decline. -Firys ! aiarlowo 1162 K hu YClroe 1 tol4te►Ne billed Ly het Ii•~e i~t pIQoNJ by . b r bii . • 'Cabe ii not triumphantly ,neqult ted by a subbing Judge and a tearful Jury, it .will simply be bemuse they are afraid she wilt marry them all.lf she is turned loose. NAN FRANCISCO, April .5.-:-/Ifts. Fair (gained to-day In her own be half. tihe Admitted having. been married fouir times—once sluice her adulterous connection with Critten den. Two of her husbands commit list suicide; from .one she . obtained a divorce, and oue WAS living undi vonsxl when she married the last two. - She avowed the most advanc ed _free-love sentiments, declaring herself Crittentientii true wife In thg sight of God, through his wife to whom be had been Married 82 yeaus, and the mother of his children, is still living. She said her recent mar riage with Snyder did not make her his wife, because she did not love him. Two women. who applauded fair yesterday were fined $2, each for contempt of Court. • -Ali! what will they discover in Alaska next? Already we have had coal, grapes, gold, silver, copper i to. matueN:pointoss, Rua, fish, and about everything to be found- elsewhere in any partof this world. Now we read. with rapture of the finding in this bleed land of millions of pounds of "(mail Ivory." which Is worth $1- per. b. in San Francisco! Nilw for guano! We are sure that theta Must beguauo In Alaska,. NoW foes soap mine! f these. isn't a soap mine In Alaska we shalrbli Much surprised. Now for a mare's nests! If them are nonce these In 'Alaska, full of pronslaimt young colts, we shall be much dhow-. pointed. And has there been' any smith for milk and: honey? ; AGIRITB WANTED. ARICH HELM A NOBLE WORKIII TILE NEW FAMILY BIBLE, wrrn OVER. • 11000 Illustratipna, SO.OOO BEFERIANCES, A . AiMiLi'REtORD AND FAMILY. ALBUM • - Ai rdittarlinl 11111alw contains • el merit Intonnatlas that can only teach tite wiled tbrongb tie rt/e. -Its linestretiello alMws• beck bathe meat Important ors of Inwwork• and are Ulbseret es • comondlelative review of tbe dm demist Laterestlng Cliaratters. Illetoridel &este. barna. Antiquil Cesbunes. ipo sects, Pkinb,_llllllterale. beents nose and It redevredn i atroegboat tive Ba wd Teat. attract *be eye. correct arrow. one isapreselons. awaken new tkonitts, and fat. dab clearer views of Divine Truth. A. • kelp to.l Parents. Illaistere end kibbattslickool Traere la Inlaid:4W Windt their separate, blab a I vocations—and to all When to whom immeeto souls are Intrusted—this eplendid Pictorial Vol ume minx be ovvrestbnated. It le dor Minton Most Sagablefor the Moat Va/uablejor the Vockd, Moe Instructive for the 21sacht.2., NustAppiopeiate for the Child, Mad Pr/La for4e Minfster. Mort Interesting fat the:Barmier, Moat Elegant far the Parlor, Moat Profitable for the Study. The Mete unlig Bibles In addl. lion to the features y alluded to, madam the d .. halms ha Metre. a tiemnraV i t l ie Booed the as taught In the Inspired Book. la m togethe h ntuneroue end com i m... pneenalve Tables aad lte latorlcal 'ode:plan. atory Matter. embodying t labors of many of the moot emitont Biblical Be la m . It Irprlnted on the Swat =tendered pit r. from dear and opts type, In one large and quarto vol. wee. and hi bound In the t durable and at tractive manner. while the graze etteklently low to place It within every 'a to:sib. . Experienced! Agnate are wanted through out the country tbr Its male, with whom -liberal ar. rummest.' will . be made? 'AM opportunity of a%e wirmit be Ilmited y to l in i' y e pelodn i n e t will We 1 thane for a lin:elute, eoustantly inentielng with the 1 growth and intelligence of the Country. It is there. 1 lase draftable that those who engage with us, shall do so with a view to making the nalneite-a per- 111111alwieraii 'readier% Stwdesita, Warm. et* Tomas Ales PO4 W•wheas—thate rho would meet with the meet profitable of all employmente—are Invited 10 cotreepood with as with a view 10 an wean Not • few ouch are ral7. l cltere ' l'ru tu Lrea t t want re n tre beak pad ta a rich field ordered. while It will elevate the spiritual condition by amuse eowt*t 'with and comer witiose upon Its beautiful aadatanal truths. • *snits op lye Imolalsmail Wan .111 be Webbed the work In fine bindings. Mb plan is quite parties and ptograble In cider zed law towns. - We have an edition oldie boot. superbly bound ; with ineselve paneled elder, which IN ev. erywheie brat received with marked tour. ob. maiptione for the ?Mortal Bible, In this style amd in this way, can be obtained to en almost an no limited extent. to there la no outlay of money that tue tale reader can make. latch will yield Ina no rich a return, We are it.o the publishetn of Potterha Nue Bari afalltlose of Family. Pulpit, Pocket and end Photographic Bible, and Teetamenta.nearly ano different sulks—.o well known every whereto, their wear*" of test, beauty of ankh and don- Why of binding. Always ask torParaffn &UN- Dalin EDMOIIt, sad, get the Wm. containing slyks and ierloraftnilabed C ol t : l = • For Circulars cootalatot •fulldit4illne of 171. A/lariat Arad", 800, rtth e thee% mid terms to Agent., addrthe ...Puma a &MM. MID BlIF41,A111;1 Te. Aaolr novas," JOHN E. POTTER &To m ., ""` off andliffe - -stret, PHILADELPHIA 111:11 $3OO PERt MONTst s All persockirosoi or old, dadrlig tm• ployasent MA= Oleo to dred Doges per month. Amid addroo ,„ 0 soedlealy OEM CADY,IIoIe Ilsoutoelar s - tororralarsball„ 311.;Idsia. VSPTAT.I23 of Mrs. E't3 deord.—Lettem Tersamesta t7 upon the mate of Elisabeth 11•11 th, deemed. haring been granted hy the Register of Wills of mid town to the undmigned residing in Smith township, Waillnalon County. W. Alt lemons baring claims or demands against nail estate. are requested to protest the name. and Mom Indel.ted to tasks reptant to JOAN FERGUSON. Ben. mthger•l Bartagton P. 0., Wimbledon Co.. Pa. TVAPITMII!-- A Geuend Agent Pw Bra- Ter comity, Tor the Guardian Motes) Liar In genues Company. of New Yoik. Liberal Wine Timis to the right man. For terms awl &Mary, address Smith, Roberts i liollieptwed, Yana `en, Southeast earner Ith Pod . Waleut streets, '[tiov9;tr. • THE SPRAGUE MOWER FOR oREAPNES, . LIGTHNESS OF DRAFT, - A l " ) DURABILITY, .1a without au equal We ticsire toad! the attention f Far mers to this Mower. and rcqUest them to examine its merits before purchasing any other;inachine. Warunded, or no sale. PM $lOO,OO. Seri!tallier partfculars, call on er ad dress the General Agents, PPF(ATT, JOHJOON e f !co No. 145 •Liborty Slreat, .PITTAIIVIIGH, PA Manufacturers of Plows, and Desleis in all kinds of Farm Machinery. aprS;3m. j .1/PPCD. W. P. XVIIILLY. J. C. PAWCWIT Boyd, 3lurray it Fawcett, Whp!rosie and Retail Dealer. in LOOKING ELAM Picture Frames, Mouldings, &c. OIL PAINTINGS & C 0110; Or the Me (tithe Old Threatre Building, NO. 88 FIFTH AVENUE PITTSBURGH. P ENN'A. aprs:3 . Ferg son & Rotzler, SVCCINSORS TO JOllll A. SCOTT.' Wholesale end Retail Dealers, Choice Family Groceries; TEAS, COFFEE'S, SUGARS. PRODUCE; ?LOUR, &c., FO.IA MHO STRZEF, WAMT OF DIAMOND • Allegbimy l,Mty. re, Manta*ly 4 . =-1; ai pin C-81411 LANE BROS. Stairawas to B. WOLF Jr.& Co.. Owner of Liberty and tradk Streets, • • (Wein. Chur Street.) _ r rT aBURG4I PITITVA; Importens and Dater* in -3341 St 3) 17 Alt tit 16 7r Haw: Dow In Store the Largest and Best ticketed Stock offered In the City. ar Special loducernenta offered to the country trade. spriiihn =l!!l=EM== iAtMgMM Ce .10trATOPM faesdirliawei age so "r Mame LAITA * . Cu... Atte, 8. O'CLOCK. 440•ffreat uh...iffirienscri a • ZDITII CrOOKaßas. IFINVANsis, • 1 slim disdains* no uuluing • , • n . hied CM OW L fWILR3/I"C°'• - : 4 all • ;:p r; A 1 s .3i.. -1 -k •.. - - .. wish the. fibuss tits , . 1 , '- 4 Warnostai io nit all bestes.-. '0 e . ifi r e. t= r:4l : Arcot Aik,„ae& Lb., S Muck St. Sew , P. u. oat sun. &Agri 1* Nester armor. - - . - -,sprisciw TARANNEBB, CATARRII, iscaoruw.-4.1a. dy wbo baa sabeted tam" Dom Deaftwoo. Wow* and mural& woo cured aye atm& Der mute:thy rod panda yeatopt tow to seed the recipe free of to 5111_0511 oballat. &Dieted. address Hfta N. c. LRGONTT. refaly. New Jersey. • sarefor i te g‘' Or Wags cold By-Ways in Ole Masa Life of American Detectivet. By Meer IcWATTERS. A .amithe Of RS Lite=anon Gant Robbers. Counter -Plektaaksto.t ottery Declare Coo ldroos tarn iqa Berfsdlera of all dames of Soda 1,7.414405:um nuked Instances of diabolical at game and deep lald planswf inbehlef and out rage, and showtort the mass by which they were traced out and seoundral• brought to Justice. X Urge volume of • A L: 030 naVe: 30 fall page en. Ermine , for r• • tar an* terms address the Tahltsbeni, J. • B a BYDB, Birtald. CL raraw Cough Cough ! Cough • • Why will you Cough when Yoq can be err easily relteval, by using Dr. Wells' Carbolic Tablet., They eve a ware care for nary Throat. Cat. rrh end en maws o f tu Pow Throa t asl Broaellial Tubes. • Front lhe grest - numbcr of Testimonials aa to the effidmey et this Invaluable Inedkine the fol lowtogla 'taw. ad: • • 4T Wahpansch Ave., Chterso.lll.. Jan. 11. WTI. "got the Ism tea years I have been I _great nut ..ferer from frequenrattacks of Acute 'Bronchi% "end base never found anything to relieve me "from More attacks., unfit I tried Dr. Write (Ur bane Tablet..." , ELSZASII4I T. ROOT. Cio4'lONl p i n ned dr !et worthless articles • be op pit, be sure you get only NW Carbolic Dibtels. . . . Joni Q. RittLooo. Platt M., N. Violet A nent. Doe* by Dregrions. hire it cents • Doz. Apriliktr. . ItBAHY IPOK AGIBIPTL—Tbe book Matt. aalllog. The ehea_pra arid But Ihstoty %f Me Lat. Har, to both idrouse AIM ...... Pro fasely,Plartrated. only 131600. Orer Agent re. parte Se order. la two daps, Ho quieiuy WWI Coln money. A. lA. Askrll3:4w. perrarber, *XI BNA8 NA Phils. min MIK i wirecc picture et your future bur baod'or wife. with DODO end data of. suarrisipe.— Addreee W. PDX. O. Drawer No. 21. Futuna. rill,. N.Y. • usrft4w . _ _ WANTED—AORNTS.AIMI per dayl.o .it I the Celebrated GOMM 1:111IIT;LE SEWING MACHINE. liar the soden/WA makes the *et +Wire: (alike au both shier.) lad 141 , 0 1 11 &wed The best and cheapest Fatally _Sewlat Marbled la the market. Adiresi ' JOHNSON. LARKS CO.. Boston. Masa; Pltbh lll lo l . P 44 CM4 1 414. ar Lords Mo. • autritlar *Emu wasted For; ee W-OVEMEZtaI Orin. o a stuand l7 lllmasunt.. lantest. best selling and twat attractive maw:Option book ever published. One agent; in Denver, coieradn. sold 100 copies In four days. One agent. In Mil waukee sold IM cook+ In belt a day; de and a Imre number trout 10 tom CoPied Per g. Head for arentari with terms at once. Addnos U. 5. Kw. LIMING CO ••• 411 Broome st..N. Y. marStAw AGENTS WAN rm. F , tit THE' N(STORY IF THE WAR IN'EVROPE ttaroutaim over 100 dm engravings of mos scenes and 'beldam In the War, and is tee only AUTHENTIC and OFFICIAL history of that great conflict...-. Published in 'both Enlists and German. CONlnferior histories are being elm , laud. See • that. the book son buy ma 100 dyjr7enpaviags and ma. &ma for deciders gamma our term. and ato lldemen Lion of the work. Address NATIONAL PPR LIBIIING Co , Philadelphia. PA.toribtsw __ deripeonv and Science Aar loud Waive and fader/Aare Aissed darA otter; 801KNOE 6 ZBIBLE A book of Aiding Interest arid greeted tumor. taws to every human being. The Papers. Pulpits turd People me 111 - dtenNeing the subject wad book, entry man woman and child wants to read It. The long fierce war is ended. and honorable peace Imeured. 'Science la true, the - Bible...literal. pare and beat:Uhl; both now selladed, and Arm blends. God's neck days, six actual days, got long periods. This book gives the very cram of 'tierce, making Its thrilling realities, beautko, wonders and sparkling gem. a hundred fold morn interesting than fiction. *MINTS WANTIID. Sxperimiced Agents will drop other books and se cure territory Immrdlstriy. Address for c molar NceUltilY, 16 no, nlithttt. P6l . 4 jurilbebaell l • Hr 1 ! T 18 IT? In Ita sure and perf remedy for all diseases or the Lherand Soleort,Enlergernecit or Obetree• non of lotest/0c... Prioary.Utetlne, or Ab• doming Omens. Poverty or Want of Blood. Intermittent or Remit. twit peen", Intimouttien of the I.lver. Popery, • V•loggish Cl (too of the Mood. "Abeerees. Tomer. Jaundice: Scrofula; Dyspepsia. Ago e Meyer, or their Concomitants. • De. Wuhr haelno become aware of the extra ordleby medicinal properties of MeUth Amer can Pieta. ceded JU RUU RE B A rent a special commivolou to that POMMY to pro- CUM It In its retire purity, and having found Its wonderful enrstlre properties to even exceed the anticipations formed by Its great reputation. has concladed to otter It to/the public, and ia haupy to rote that he has perfected arrangements for a rex • 1 . . is , ffinuthlY rupply of Ws wouderful Plant- lie rpent much omein experimenting and Inver tn-ating av to the moot efficient preparation from It fur opolar are. and has fur mute time loco In his own practice with most happy moils the effec tual medicine rem prevented to the nubile no Dr. WELLS' E.ERICtof JURII}3EBi and he confidently mmenda It to every fatally an a household remedy which shooki be freely taken no a BLOOD BLIPTIZR In all derangements of the system and td animate and fortify all weak and Lymphatic teffiperaments. 4011 N Q. KEL LOGG, Platt Sr, New Tart. Sole Agent fur the United Elates. Price One Dollar per bottle. Need fur Circular. mufti* Manhood: Ho* Lost, How Restorel Joct published. a new edition of Dr. Culver. Well'. relebrolled Easy on the roditalCave (without medicine) of S AAAAA Tonnages. or Selo. bat Weakness. lovaluntarl Seminal Lows., Ix rarcxer Mama and Physical IncePacliy. haPedi mettle to Marriage. etc.. also. CoNavalPTloN. Erttcrov. and Pm. Unlaced by Pelf-Indulgence or sexual extravagance. VD'Price. Ina waded envelope only n rants. he relehrated author. In itil• admirable rawly, clearly dernoratmerti horn a thirty )ears' enemas- Ml praillee, that the alarming cmweirentra of *elf alma. may he rwlically rated without., the ilanzenwa tc.c of internal medicine or the sepli cotton of the knit.; pointing, out a mode a runs at once simple and etrecinal, h , / mean. of which every coffer,. on 'Wier 'clod Is condition may De. may rose Mood( eheap`y. p irately. wad ia " EV' This Leclato tw. the. hind. of - emery Tooth and every roes In the hind etent, order peal. In a plain envelope, to any rtt dieer, pm/paid ob receipt of *lx rents or two prat stamlro.. Ap. Dr. Culverwelra "Marriage Guide." -price 23 cents Address the Putillobera. . CHAS. J. C. KLINE& CO.. .11.7 how , :Pew York, Poot.ollki Box A prs;ls . 0. 14. F. A. Bliricsa..C. A. Rfekoa. G. IL RAHUR Art*. Arty Drigaloo, Per, AND Go rta MARKIN," It CO., lear , .e..Fight. FJ 13A,NIKERS; Dealers ill Bulwark Cols. Coupons. dr..-ac.— Callectlona made IP! all sox foible points Is the trolled States and Canada. Amounts of Werth. sate. Masofaciium and indiOdual•• Interest slowed pupae deposltes. deuce will rerelne peespt attention.' c tdadttly r Manta. Th. best selling book era Pl i iVher Miran wbo roil oar Dew work. PLAIN soarsicAzac AND DRIP/CAL OQIINDON SWIM, to competition. There never was a- book published Ike It. Any body can *ell It. Avery bode wants It. lastly sleets are now making from Pail to Pied per mouth Denny this wonder- Id book. 14 pages Descriptive Circular sent Yee* on application. W. want good live Acmes men wbo cnn tally appreciate the merits of the work. and the het *EU Beets • eminent want. Agents who delve to do rood as Well as make nuatel Address, WILLI A 6 CO atIOUNI need. New Ynrk. iiiiiiilffl SUCCESS''' . --THR - PEMODII stikissrint co rd." GRANDEST: ENTERPRISE . OF .THE CENTURY. . . , - • GREAT MAMMOT.II - , NEW-YORKcißcus.,.:.m.wtogßlE 33 tio63Eozlerig3ru wyvaNTINT , A.., NondAy - April 24th, 1871 Or r a,32.a Vireo Spe o 1711 . .. GR.4 - TUITQUS 8.4.L . 400A".:48CE,Am510X! actioleing the Circus PoviMoo, at 1 o'clock, p. In., and prior to the arenle EVRition. ... • .. • • , . ... . . PAOF. REN NO, .. • • The French ..Ereoniut, will make ono of his aerial flights in his monster Balloon, ".TALLITLAH," entitled , JOURNEY BEYOND 'THE CLOUDS ! Eight Ahuntnoth Air-Ships, 100 feet high and 6 ) feet in diameter, are ear tied with this great establi shment, so that an 11S1! ension is guaranteed daily =r3:N*G- WILD From the almost iingenetmble jungles of Asia and ; Bengal, and the .dark eayes.of Ethiopia. M. F , ATM 13,01TXR11 , :. THE GREAT LION I~INGi, will enter the raze with these untamed denizens of the forest, and 'FEED THEM RAW MEAT FROM HIS. LIPS. The Avetite I3opartmen Is replete with the tirst Equestrian fll Acrobatic talent or the writ!, are among the brilliant eonstellation be fount I 311.1. E. E. STOKES, Pretnivr I:miwstrblun. from the ltw It: Itritain. Nl'l4 .I , >; A N Onlies Elastiipie and Volade, fro. the fable Hamm. Cirque, Paris. The irreatmt Bareback Rider , in the world, with pupil, boytprodigy, MAS TER CLARENCE, introducing his two ruin: white , ponies in an net of equitation. , • 1 ... SIGNOR BLISS, Grand and lofty Tumbler and 'Frick Clown. JEIIOII . IE TUTTLE, Terrine VoMiner and Double Smnermulf. J. C. LONG, Modern .fierculni, Light and Heavy Balance. BILLY ANDREWS, the Funniest Clown.alive. j JEAN JOHNSON, the World's Great es t Jester. And an endless list ucettleient Auxiliariesand Assistants Ilerr Eopp's Silver Cornet Band, ' Drawn by-1 Arablatillarsetf, and in the - Ori dtnl Chariot of "OBERON," will parade the atreets at precise.) , 10 Wflock a. in. • lEeStrleteet order onforved, mitt no Buick itim allowed inside the Puylllio !Itirearkletedfients foriLadles'without extra charge. - =rMM=Mg= A PEIWORMING DEN OF "CVARLFS FILMS, Greet British Somersati4 and Pirouette WATSON BROTHERS, . Three Flying Men of the Air. EDWIN WATSON, Unequalled Gynnuett and Equeatriari GEORGE WATsON, Tutnbler and 'frapeze,J ex tntordinary THOMAS WA I MON, pke, Horizontal Bar tuul general Artie ACE SMITH, \` ~ :.' -, HENRY t HELIBOLD'B COMPOUND FLUID xtntat,'oata-mbil, GRAPE PILLS. . . pousent' itzirsetßArbastr gad • lilvict aria Ostawba Otyspriidee. dor Liver Orritetalnto; Jaundice, BUloor Arse. . Mot. Slat or. Armless Ikarlark, Coollonooos, rte. ?weir or . twat". tiotio conio4skw no Mercury, Minor* Drugs. These pills are the most delightful pleas ant pu motive, supe reed ng motor oil, salts, Magnesia, etc. ' They are composed of tee /Meat issuredfeato. After a few days' use of them, such an invigoration of the entire system takes pima as to appear" miracul ous to the weak and enervated, whether arming from imprudent° or disease. H. T. Belmbold's Compound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pills are not sugarcoated, from the fact that sugarcoated Pitts do not dissolve, but pass through. the stomach without dissolving, consequently do not produce the desired etfeem. THE CA .I'AIVIIA. GRAPE PILLS, being pleasant in taste and odor, do not necessitate thej: being !sugar:Coated. FIFTY CENTe PER BOX. r E ILIENIVY T. RELMIIOLD•k3 mYaLT comeorrarna coarecso FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA ,Wlll radically exterminate from the sys tem Scrofula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ul cer; Sore Eyes, bore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore Read, Bronchltist Skin Diseases, Salt Rheum, Cankers, Runnings from the Ear White Swellings, Tumors, Cancemus A ions, Nodes, it acts, Glandular SY Dings, Night Sweats, Lash, Teller, . ors .of of kind*, Chronic Itheunia „; , Dyspepsia, antrull diseases that have ;i. In" establishol in the system for years. L , • axle. Being prepared expreasly for the above Complaints, its blood•pii ri fy I ng properties are greater than any , other preparation of sarsaparilla. 1t give the complexion it dear and healthy color rind restores the patient to a state of health and purity. For purifying the blood, removing all , chronic constituth mai liseases arising fnun an impure mute of the blood, and the only reliat4e anti effectual kr own remedy fur the cure of pains and swelling of the borne s, ulcerations of the throat and legs,blotclies, ptinples on, the lace, erysipelas, and all scaly eruptions of the skin, and beautify in. , the complexion. l'ltloE $1 50TER HENRY T. HEM/ROLM CONCENTRATED 04#0.0,4*411 1 / 2 1Moillialle):11.1 THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured every case of Diabetes In which It ,bas been given, I-ritation et' the Neck of the Bladth.r.and Inffismatiob of the Obeys, Eliirvittan of the Kidneys and tladder, Retention of Urine. Dt_seases• of e Postage Gland, Stone in • Hie Bladder,• Calculus, Gravel, Brickdust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges : and for en. feebled and deliatte constitutions of both sexes, attended with the following spit. toms: Indisposition to Exertion, L 0,0) of Power. Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Ilor• mr of Disease, Weakfish's:sr, Dimness of Visi9n, Pain In the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Roily, Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face,Pall lid Countenance, niversal Lassitude of the Muscular Sys tem, etc. Used by persons front the age of eigh teen to twentpure, and front tbirtyflscto flfy-flt•e or in the decline or change :of life: after confinement or labor painsbed wetting in children. _ Ifeltubohrs Eitract Buchu is Diuretic and Bicxxl•Pu ri ly lug, and cures all diseases arising Imin Habits of Dissipation, and excistses and imprudenceslu4ife,'lmpuri• Besot ay., Blood.etc..Superstxling CopaiLst in AtitAion.s tor which it is used, and Syphilitic Affections—in these diseases nsed in connection with Helnibiilu's Rosa Wash. , LADIES. In many affections peculiar to ladlmy the Exttact Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy—as in Chlorosis ot Reten tion, Irregularity, Painfulness or Supproi sion of customary Etactiations, Ulcerated or . tichlrrus state of the Uterus; Ikucor rlgra or Whites, Sterility, and for sitcom plaints incident to the • sex, whether aris ing from Indiscretion or liqbits of Dissi pation. It is prescribed eitensively . by the most eminent physicians aE nitilwittes for enfeebled and delicate constitutions, of both sexes anti all ages (attended with any of the above diseases or symptoms) H. T. lIELMBOLD'S . EXTRACT BE CHIT CURES DISEASES ARISING FROM IMPRUDENCES, HAB ITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC., in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change In diet, no inconvenknee, and no exposure. It causes a frequent de sire, and gives- sttength to Urinate, there. by removing Obstmetions, Preventing and Curing strictures of the Urethra, Al • haying Pain and Inflaination, so frequent In this chess of diseases, and expelling all Peisonous matter. Thousands who have been the victims of incompetent persona, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have found they have been deCeived, and that the "Poison" Ims,by the use of "pow erful astringents," been dried up in the system, to tennik out in a mote aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriage. USe IIEL3IBOLU'S EXTRACT;MU OHU for all allections and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether exciting in Male or Female, from whatever cause anginal lug, and no matter of how long standing. lIENRY T. lIELMBOLD'S I3IPROV: ED ROSE WASH. • • cannot be surpassed a's a PACE WASH, tu,d will be found the only specific rerne• ily In every species of Cutaneous Atrettion. It speedily eradicates Pimples,Spots,Scor• hutac Dryness, Induratlons of the Cutane ous Membrane. etc., dispels Rid iness!and Incipient Intlaination, Hives Rash, MOO - Patches, Dryneskof Skalp nr Skin, rost. Bites, and all purposes Ihr which Salves - ti or Ointments re used; restorLa the. skin , tro a state purity and softness, ;old in sures coutinueti healthy action to the th,she or its vessels, oil which depend, the:l2:re, able elr.true,4 and viv acity eottipresdott so much sought and tulnortd: lint how• ever, valuable as a rentvdy for existing de frets or the skin, IL T. Iletnboltri Home Wash has long suAtaintal its principle claim to unbound patronage, by possess ing qualities whice render it a toilet ap- Pendoge of the most Superlative and Con genial character, combining In an elegant formula Guam prominent requisites safety and ejlifoey—tlio invariable accompani ments at us use—as a Preservative and Refresher of the Complexion. It is an excellent Lotion for diseases ofa Syphilit ic Nelms, and aim injection for diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from hub , is of dissipation; used in connection with the EXTRACTS BUCLIU, SARSAPA RILLA. AND CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, In such diSeaies as recommended, cannot be surpassed. Full and explicit directions accompany the medicines. Evidence of the most responsible and reliable character furnished on applies cation, with hundreds of thousands of living witnesses, and upward of 3,000 no-, solkited certificates and recommendatory letters, many of which are from the high est sources, including eminent Phyilclans, Clergymen; iltatesmen,Yete: The pro prietor has never resorted to their publi cation in the newspapers; he dots not do this from the fact his articles • rank as Standard Preparations, and do not necil to be propped up by certificates. Mary Helerboldos Gemodne doxes, Pre- Delivered to auy address. Secure from observation. ESTABLISHED UPWARD °TWEN TY YEARS. Sold by. Druggists every where. Address. letters for information, in amtklenee to HENRY T. HELMBOLD, Druggist and Chemist. • Only Dewing: H. T. HELMBOLD'S Drug and Cheroot' Warelniuse."No. 594 Broadway. New York, or ton. T. lIEL BOLD'S Medical Depot, 10.1 South Tenth Street, Thiladeiplibt BILITAIUr OT commutrzna: Ask for Rms . ?. Ibu.susomial -Tams Noarussx maylBrAhlyj cbd WA. '5O Cents. t e s " NvPII e.nrirrarm AEZ.EMEDY Wrimiertss PM 1114nre4 . has her.: Win ! r (no:uvela he one we) to care obi very wont n .,„ / of BMA, Itubhog ortßleedlng Pilo. Theo, eh e are emitted should Immediately tell ou their ere:. kW nod rat it for It v . 111.1.1116 the Ant appilnuon hlstsatly 'ford complete Tenet awl th e 1,,,, wi th .: lug appliesdotte are only required to .Gera a ta, abating Cent arttbotat asy trouble or lanotantown In ke use. • Wousrusis Ptir Rzir. I. eaprenty t o , t h, tries, it'd la not reanamenitol to care aniwttn J etiatahat. /thaw cored warty non ur tn. thin y years uggst' strue very wh ding, - et*. Price Doe Dollar. Yuma, b y drs No More WEAK NEIL YEN. Warner'. DinPeP•ta Tonle I. ied pals exptesely fee o,repapitce and tbuov eutkrit tolap habllol.l Cralerebut., 1 here ire Niry ft, lust nut employed payed.. for year. to r et , d _ ;Mat this preparatma rill no strenidttentag the nerves, there...ln t tl.. OM, leltUtiflig algt gh hair e:reuxit and paystatity, enabling inc. rlu, way °MAIM: 1w yea •to their twee. 11a• 14:11/0 imam. Mar occupailo. auJ all IP, sl,lc. al tare. One. teal Is all ad ark to eon' k tnn rem edy kiscirettitactid Iteelf to the lowa ekeptual It I. • *tightly stitatolatittz tuttle mid a •laril,l patient Itiiitirengatien. to ts the 'tumid. and 'ewer. Ma digest e urgethe,' hea l thy W 4. *wrung • dlisrptic prirains teeth] oar hi e : nee. Dyspejatu iborie. Fur .ale by Urtkp,t,,,, Price One Lluluir. C()LIC11-1 no I%IUICE Waraierin Cough. Balsam I. (slag and expectorating. 'lnc ezlrsurdni.ir,v,. tr II plxilar••‘ .li inailediatoly feller Ing.simi van, curing, th, moot tibollastu uan of Cen.lo. bore '1 hroot. Itroortu,lnduaaa... Ibranairela. Ambrua. and Culumainpben-I• Incredible. Sri prows la ilia raw, And ettaah lu antra: ~.bora czar,, orrny ant Tr/1101a liw throat •nd loin., that thOliara•., of 1 , 111.14,b• daily lorswiCTlbilii:ll. and oi.e std Annoy Ind the Mud /1.;41110; and ripecturatinz riwnitrwe known. ("be rime allay. robno., bhrt, and I. snort aspen one bottle etracta • cure. buiol h 1 dru: &lib IL large bottler. Igke (Am bulbu. your urrn huh if ,you !till cough ano Liallenlin will cure. WIN IL ()JP "LIFE. The Great Ithaat Partthr 'and D.het.e.e, Let, IX rarneen, Violas %Ur, ur nine of lar t , L treat tram UM) yuladuutu Ils 4 1 , 1" Ws prepared lot linens who 1,011, - It to a rpleudni eppniz, awl e0nr.,,,,1 thing in .Lt 114Vtill for Vern*, lug the 1,., Me owed pkaawl and etto 8* WU IlstabllC: far ettperlor I, to ool; h..ty. • is.. blitenh orany . other anon, poth ur eon lake the W oI LIP. I :P. IL let. a t , / , . for: , senor. These ehl) .1.11 • tree due. VI III;ely Wine rd Lire. it t• intro, id Cute anytner nor before to tint. pottar. 11l quart but.., 11:.313.11:11. 4 C; 0(i 1:1• Warner'. Eruriaeuemegue e tide LemoL to curt: 161 , 11 bin P. Iu Oil ve e r, are.) VI ie re fo the lamlll h Impuriatit medicine i• not warm r . lA, grean.l blroolIP.: t err u 114,11.1 yoe. ri/011141 11411.1rilistely procure A. 111 4 for Fannie Irregulsran a. and 05..) 1. 1 11p014 ill re er,) mu: where the nt"..tvt been otetertved throcmh CON drm:gior. Price ImilAr. • (.o — Sold by all Druz,:Oda. or orra rce..lt ur our Dollar namd a govt., 619 Slaw rlnol. ut 1.1• sati , by N. C. 11.1 N NON. llortrot:r: 3.t0N1.‘ .t 111(0.. Ildtlgtorater.entl II rt., Iscancr. I's.: • 1•. ;.0 :1 . , ... • . , tt - 't .' I 1/ 0 + 1/ , • ,I CI OF THE AG £.l PATINTZD DIC XXXXX qtr, .66q. OCR CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN UT! mot rocro4.,_ Katy /lam wrltte• N P. a Ink! IIIII•stomar • dams 11011 1 1•Tirt B i ntra-77. 1 21111kt I. memo say weer .. . h peres. . tease trel ll . .17111CLE. /1=.4 111.6•1 WESiEFLY PUBLISHING CO. .7 ' Martufaanrcrs• AgertA, Paubtugh, Pa. iperi , prittlest Ihes ksoile4 to =say lin ea NetirylCr i lle Th y. le 2! giro Tour ToSonsp, orior• win ant MY P... V HOMES .OR THE NILI.1()N!! Rare opportunitice are Dane:wt.,: t..r. , c - t: home. Ina mild. Ara/thy ad Cor.gs ni.o: one-tenth of their vane flee ie r. TIIIE ;CATION:I.I. ILEAL EsTATf. a.EN , I Imo for lonia real estate of every de..c.lpt...r. • ad in the Middle and lipoth , ra Ott',. or, fl 1 StOCE grotn:andJrnit farm , ;net. e.cir NM plantations; flatter ad mow,: riltage and TIMI/ !Widen:es art milt. and mill •1174. racturitA . .• Write fur Land Begat, r ciaa location. price and •10,01. , of r. Iro for sale connected IT Ith orr Beat e httCe a gramal Cialna and 11.41, 1 .I? the onperal•lon of the well k11111•1111,01113 1 T:.! ,, r late of the. Ordnance Den rtM , ll, •cat. hai trientifte andiotraet lent nve-Ft c 3,1 Irrll.clu ar ted In the different tier ernmet.t I.lartattn . . • • pecialli lrythe War and Nor. or.r.,r , 1,1 P.N.'1 4 1.7.7c 'l' OFFICE. /Went paymt CArein':y prim' , .1 bm , ,' tactliy , executed, and Da. r,j•nrnn , t .r tut ors in lA. sAorbef SPeCtal attertl cn 1., r.j.rlr.l t M.m for reissue, c ri,/,..00/1 frrforhet. rft4r.d Went, he. Pretintinarysratuluatluu to lb , patertat , or an mile,. made an rveript at a brief dew 7. lion of the lame -110 Mudd 1,1.1; It.qtr.ttli • Farb.. abown . . . POOR I N N - 17.1• 4 :Toits by am•lettnif them In proCUTI.: palrnt. iYe mord. their hisetti Confidential In our bld... relatln• rentonf. Term,. more rearofialde than sr., flirt fr. l ' agency. Clrkilt.tr eoolnlnitia raluar4 , • sent free. Addreelf IL W. sCo The Satiosmt ReatEetee 31": and 4711 /lona. Art•trie, iternt JOllll It. TOTTING, Attorney at taw. Ihmeer, Pa. Orrice and resideute to. Raz r east of the Court House. MI law Ino,ne...tort• tett to my care shall receive prompt rt ,, Dr .r. Also persona hartme Real Beat* than. rathingt to buy town properit. rod e t or land... may 'ate time and mono by ratlitt_ st r , artier: rprt...P MONO N GA:ll.lta.A. C) TT JD R -11" And Machine Works. Anderson & Freyvogle Successors to S. S. Fowler, Iron Founders an rturers d Mill Fornislo .VatiroU of Griqt.Suw-31111 unit IVhitel.ci. l . l i , cliinery •, French Burr, Cccalio.. l4 11- , op'A Mill Stones, ( B Fount Clernitul Anchor Brand: , 1: , .:t1:%; Mails ; Water s Wheels, Sinn; M , chines, itfaiifig Mill to:n righlery; linnger-taid ,4 " it. in g. No. :39 WN'CIP.Ce relills;:tio ritt,j.przh. 1871..8P - LING -171. BO4GS,k. BI1111„ 128 .Federal street. ALLEG aENY, , PA. NEW DRESS GOODS. AT ATTRACTIVE PRIM,. 44 CinYleil Poplins, all Colon,,' rents'per yard. LARGE STOCK BLACK AND COLoRED SILF• BLACR. OROS GRAIN SILK $ 1 ' 2 ' l AN EXTRA BAI:GAIS • Fi;.iest Shawl tAtck'k TN Tllls 31 ARK Black Alpiciti ::;),; ivnt• 50 cent* EXTRA FINISH AND V A IX): 1).11:0AIN !!1` HOSIERY AND GLI)Vy.g. • WHOLESALE ANI) BOGGS dt 1.11,111..: 4 GP.r5;131 NoTrcisA Alf aneerment of right milk ou ,- ar levied or the Usable, Prnr..".,,,r rWer'ill Burry, for borough pc!rPoe„`i hr I Injurer. The Court of • pr.l. t•r , et the Gad of J. Le to oa toe Nth &I— int. between the hour. of and 5 o'cloc tt k makt day. By order of the Torn Collodi, Kt. Ilsaillton. Preeo• J. Laths. Secretary. Aral'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers