The Beaver Ar 1. WETAND. EURO& win Prof*: arever.ri4;Arril p. - 11 - EN CLAT, for Many fears tho leader of the whlg party in this country, wig lxwniduetY four years Eigu, last. Wednesday, April 12th. lie was perhaps, the flnestondor this 'country ever produced. ' A maim% statement has found its way into the public papers, viz: That about four millions of dollars or our paper currency wears out, Is de stroyed loch year, and. Jr of county never presented for redemption. This Is clear gain to "Uncle Sam." IF "Republics are ungrateftd"' it seems that Afonarchical Governments are but little behind in the same re spirt. Gen. Moltke teas beaten ut the recent elections In seven out of the eight districts in which ho was a caediclate -of the Conservatives " German Parliament. . I°.xt: of our exchanges propounds th following' Query: If In the sp log of 1868 Connektent went Democratic by seventeen hundred majority t 'and In the fall of the slime year gave Gen. Grant'a majority of three thousand, hOw much of a ma jority will she give Grant in 1872 when she has gone Republican in the spring of 1871 by a majority .of a hundred I'. U EN. BuTLEa lilt the nail squarely on the head in a speech in the House of Representatives,' the other day, thus : "Let the Democratic party, through all. Its' loaders, North and South, of all its organizations, pro. claim that it is noxseary for thesuc me of the Democracy that these . Southern Ku-Klux murders, mars gni and wrongs shall stop; and that 1 life, property and all the \ rights of citizens must be respected `or or they cannot elect a Democratic President in, 1872. and from that hour, In, my belief, profound peace and quiet will reign in every county In the South ern States." • That the recent outra ges In the South result from the re- . newel activity of thelkiuthernylng of the Dethocratic party, there no sort of doubt—a fact that needs nor comment. ' ' 4. IT seems that the pleasure .seekers meditate a grand rush . to Long Branch this- season .-- Fr ye hundred carpenters are at work there now engaged in the erection of new build lugs; while masons, plasterers and paper hangers • there, are reckohed without number and all . a s busy as bees. A cottage is bu ild log n ave., which it Is proposed to., present to Bishop Simpson, who with his family, are expected to take up their residence there this summer. The propoSition to erect and give this cottage to the Bishrip and hie family was started at the close of the last sox son, the lot was given by Mrs. •Ctioper, and the Brat .subscription of $lOO was made by President Grant. The building of cottages has greatly affected the value of real estate, which now almost reaches NeW Yoik • pri ma. Property on the Ocean, drive. which sold two years ago tor ~$l,OOO an acre, now sells at $5,000 per lot of 100 feet front. . MIDI. VICTORIA .iVoonitux,t:,, tuid her Unmarried sister, Tenny Nblish a robust, spicy Pa per,' In New York city. Recently they made the statement that Jenny Gold Schmidt (formerly Jenny Llnd) and 't.ber husband, Mr. Otto thild richmldt, were living very unhappi ly together, and that he had squan dered the large fortune which she had earned as a singer, previous to her marriage. This statement was cop. led by three of the, London , papers, whereupon Mr. -guldschmidt . corn meneed an action . for Heel against their editors, and beat them In dam ages imounting in !the aggregate to $lO,OOO. lie might have, had more, hut 'it seems he only asked for an amount' sutheleht' to cover the ex penses of the suits. The evidence in the Kits showtsi-that Jenny and her husband were as happy as larks,.that he has no bud habits', and instant of spending her 'fortune, he has more thausloubled It by his good nulnage meat. Junorso from the looks of things now, the Democracy in ,1872 will have anther n hard row to hoe. Atioutone-httlf of their number In ' slat Upon Ailing many years behind the age, and squarely assert that the XlVth And X Vat amendments to the Federal Constitution must be treated as nullities. ThiS wing of the party trains onder• the flag held. up by Gen,. Omnic Blair, now a 47. S. Senator from Missouri. The otber , wing of the party has imbibed some of the progressive ideas of the times, and thef insist that' the amendments hen; referred must be regarded as established facts, and that if sucers.4 is to be attained ut all It can only he rented •by upholding Negro Sur ferige.- Thl s is t he doet ri ne ot the New York Irbi l :Nand its followers. What the country will want next yenr then will bq a distinct decision between these irreconcilable positions, and a candid avowal of the choice of the Democracy in • their National Con vention. The party cannot ride two horses galloping so fiercely in oppo site directions. Which of these two courses will they take now beoutnea an interesting question. • Tun 'most exciting feature In the consideration of the deficiency bill in the U. S. House of Representatives on the lath inst, was the • passage of the Senate amendment •by, one vote abolishing the March 8e93101) of each new Congress: Messrs lherea,Farns- . worth, Scofield and Ranks were the leading Republicans who advocated "It, assisted by the entire Democratic decgathin. The latter were stimult. 'tell by the hope of carrying the next Presidential election, and, In asse.of realising that hope, It is clearly their Interest that the next CengresS— where the Republicans will certainly have a majority in one branch should not be able to convene until Decem ber tant, instead of meeting on the 4th of larclt to act as a 'check upon the new Adtninintratlon.' In ease of an election, the Demciends do not mean to have their President's hands tied up, a . /a Johnson, by asltepublie an Congress, and they haveset about "fixing things up" in good time. They say if their President can haVe nine months to ran, without con gressional Interarenee, he will be strong enough to manage that body subsequently. The Repubilauts be. Witithiced that *am imtnit a political bidWilleY lowed The law' to het re • and the end, with . sit Oeitptiome.,Voted. for retaining the , kW; bat those six; united with the Democrats,-carried the clause for its repeal; by pee i rptei -1t the speaker' bad voted 11, "would have been against repeal ; Leading Republicans are not content to allow , the action to stand, and will after all tha,amendmento are - ifisposed of move to re-commit the bill, with instrectlons to leave 'out thia oblee f tlonable elattie. Dlany leading Ite: publican members say, rather .than It should puss they Will vote against the entire bill, and defeat it. As matters stand, Itte,Defieleney bill' is in great danger. Ell AN. Interesting editorial on the Law Library question appears in last week's Hadied. The writer says ho hai "not seen a copy of the law referred to," and by Inspllcatiou gives his readers to understand that he never heard of the act In question until ho saw something touching It In theArta us two weeks ago. Singularly enough, he now denounces the law and Insists that it should peso "stip pb3niented" as to leave it optional with the county commissioners to enforce it or not, masks the Legisla ture to repeal it entirely. It ki not our purpose Just now .to say anythingin favor of the law, nor yet to denounce It, but wo think we can give our readers a hint or. two in •connmtion with its passage that will serve to make the Radical's editorial. as interesting to then:resit wasn't:ill to us: Mr. Quay his been at iarris burg all winter; Messrs. Hutan and Shurloek Pee the Library 'Law through the Legislature; those three persons are as intimate as "brothers;" they have doubtlem 'seen and. con versed with each other almost every day for the past three months; and it Is therefore passing strange that Mr. Quay has "not seen the law referred to" nor heard anything of 9, - al though it was ptissed by the Legisln ture and approved by the Governor more than two months ago . .. Nobody here believes that the editor the Radkal was so Ignorant of what wes _taking place. at Harrisburg as this would , mein to make him.. On the contrary, there are those who allege that he was die first - to Suggest the propriety of such an *jet,' that he signed the petition for its pamage,that he helped Messrs. Itntan . and Shur lock to engineer it through the Leg islature; lnd that. acting in concert with these'gentlemen, all reference to, the law was kept out of the newspii-' pens, aid a knowledge of Its sexist ence from the people of the county. . . Now, Mr. Quay may or may not have been the Hire of the law under considendion, but certain it Is that he was present rit the actlouriunent, and concealed. its birth, until welleei- . dentally made the disceve3yihattlie bantling existed., lliajmndilng the qthine up now,after cal thunder, iiiglkiing It do non the steps 6f the-Commissioner's Office, hoping that it will be taken (hire of by the inmates, shoWs more inhu rnaGily and cowardice than ive sup. 'posed M. S. Q. was possessed of. Etter:oh Aituirs.=-I heard it pertain, who by the way has had no little to do with mankind, say the other day, that ho believed almost every man in this country had his 'prim. I was somewhat shoeked, at the remark, and on noticing my surprised look, he thus explained his decimation ; "About one eight of those ; who take part in our elections can be control led politically, by a few drink of whisky; one eight, by a good dinner; another eighth can be manipulated by presenting them with a fret pass on one or two railroads; and still another eighth can be reached by paying them so much cash in hand; while the other half am be Made to link themeelves with men of dolibt ful eharneter, and will help to push along villainous schemes, if flattered a little and are promised an appoint ment or a political position in the fu ture." wakes, Mr. Editor, 'that this man's reasoning made mdeep imprecision ontny Mind and set tue to thinking; and I aniat loss now to know whether there way "noire truth than poetry" in what he said. What do you think ? • .• NOT AN °PERT-SEEKER. While we cannot subscH.lbe to the idea that all men can be bought, we are nevertheless painfully conscious of the fact that the support and in fluence of a large number of men am be obtained through one or another of the• appliances•referred to in the above communication; No one who has been n close observer of men and politics l in our oiwn'county, for a short time peat, stilt doubt this.— (KO. ARCATA.] • ' GEN. JACKSON ONPROTECTION.- The following letter which weft(' In the New York Tiibune has a local interest beside: affording evidence of the belictuf Gen. Jackson, that Pro. tection E ' is the true policy. fur this eountry, • " • In XUea' Register of April 24,1830, vol. 88, image 173, is found a letter t 6 W. Itanwey and T. Ilartlyprawford, ps , . ' ' • . ' Waentsurox, April 5, no., GEN11.1:1421:—I hare. thu honor to acknowledge thu receipt of your note this morning. presenthig usi with an lot and hatchet from thu manufactory IPi Mimeo,. Dunlap Midetia, In the borough of Chantherehurg, which I accept with pleasure. nets sumo In of the skill employed In that et tabll.bmeut fully illiterate thus capecaly of tear Wiliam, to contend etwowstully with the Ingenuity and en Uri Wee of other nations. They, infact re- Pad thu id.l7-100 prevalent in *rural portioneV• the Voion-,That the polity or protection is, in rvery einem" iteefette, unequal to the anticipa tion. qf itojrianit.. • I pray you to prevent thoec gehttance wannest wish.. fur their prosperity, cud to accept fur patronise' the -wisewal of the oblige:lune which I owe you for the many twinuces of our Wentlehlp and regard. Your obedient aerrant- ARDMILW • Meseta. llamas' and Cowherd. . { ACKftni, . . • —The following is frinn a telegram to the &ate Jouraal,liarrisbnrg, Pa., dated Washington, April 1, 1871: ' "`lt has leaked out that Gen. Caen emit is beading a movement to put Speaker forward us the lte publican candidiate for the Presi dency In 187'2. The plan Is to get Pennsylvania pledged for Blaine, and to start hint out with the united vote of New England and l'ennsyl yenta at his back. Grant has been Informed of it, and he begins to 81111- ,pmletunerotesprotctitations of friend ship.. Mr. Cameron, when amused ,stoutly denies It; but there are several prominent membeteof Congress who 'assert that he has, on more than one occasion, mentioned it to them. Mr. Blaine being a native of Pennsylva nia, and Wvorable to protection, Mr. Cameron'thlnks he will be the most available candidate." ' • —lt is bad enough that politicians should accuse each other or wimp tion, but It is beyond precedent t h at a minister of thegospel should lie ac cusal of attempting - to corrupt a pol itician. Yet thii is the position hi which the, lion. Mr. Hamilton, an ea-Member orCongresti from Florida, proposes to leave the Rev. At C. Os born or Brooklyn. N.Y. It appears, however, that there is another aide to " the Wulf the lbalacorraptftde 31r. Munition hattat eotn previous, timemadeOpliestion for a 'Orrsent e ra* ralirnad bonds that wern,to In flitenee hitt action` in timiput4,nad : met with a refusal. Whetheitiainr. Hamilton did actually refuseikbrOie_ or was virtuous as Robert ,llacalre was; from geeeAlty, I,t' is admittid that ho neither got bonds-nor glivit his vote, It Is to be hoped that. the Rev. Mr. Osborn eanentirely 'free himself from the the imputation of mak pug the offer, and then we can have done with the whole affair. Other- Wise It, lli appear that the Auxins. ion of ideas so prevalent swim 'air mentip to the distinction. between publititluty and private Interest, Is extending to those,who are expected to guide In moraisas well as In doc trine, • • UERIE AND TUESE. : newspaper in .7the Week. In some reminiscences Daniel Web gel'. alludes to his fattiness for read ing the:Bible; and, id the fact that "ha dwelt with profound interest on• the magnificent prophesies of Isabel la." That newspaper's theology Aeeda furnishing.. We incline to be- Have it meant Isaiah instead :Celan bells. Ilekston paper Is authority for the story that John 0. Whittler never composed a stanza without bringing on an attack of neuralgia, from which it is inferred that hie verses cost him more pains that; do those of any poet in America : It is a pity some of-the common sort of rhyinsters were• not 'deterred .from labor gy even severer ailments. —The following is the infest pro gramme I.suisi fur tho observance of wedding anniveniaries, viz: First anniversary, iron; fifth anniversary, w'oelen3 tenth anniversary, tin; fif teenth !anniversary, crystal; twen tieth anniversary, china; twenty fifth anniversary, silver; thirtieth anniversary, cotton; thirty-fifth an niversary, linen; fortieth tuniver sary,_ woolen; forty-fifth 'sanniver sary, silk; fiftieth anniversary, gol den ; seventy-fifth anniversary, din- . mcind. • ' —A Tennessee lawyer, recently married to a widow, fell asleep the other day In the court-room, and was middenly awakened by the mention of the lady's first husband's name by, one of the members of the bar: Springing to his feet, he exclaimed, "What ! what ! you shan't have her !" This, , ai. course astonished the Court, and ho blushingly explain ed that he was dreaming, and thought B— was coming back to take his wife from him. — ; Lebanon, Tennessee, has a vent able grove of cedars that;are of some practical use. gentleman wile lives near that town, et:minding, re cently that his 'house needed'is new roof, proceedeAto reuTove the old one, which was Coupiesed of cedar shin gles. Notwithstanding the fact that' the roof was put on id the year 181 a, nine out of ten of the '-shingleis were found to be as perfectly sound as If they had been subjected to the weath er for only flfty-five days instead of as many years.' —The assassination of * Mr. J. Q. Dickenson in' Marianna, Florida, which we rmonl this morning, is on ly tineof hundreds of painful Inns tratkins of the need fur the early op -1 plimition of the contemplated bi I fur suppressing• the . Ku-Klux. This man, the last lending Republica Iwo county in which sixty Republicans have been murderded in two years, was shot dead on Monday "night, for no other offence than that of being a Itepublimut and an office-holder. In the face of twits like this!-and we publish others on the fourth paw of this the Senate long hesi tate Inlthe duty now clearly before it? —N. Y. Atillole. - ---The comparative statemen t ofthe net receipts amteirpenditures of the United State; Government for the two 'year's from March Ist 1807 to March 1, 1869, - and the two years frotriMarch'ist 1809 to March let 1871 show a net increase of revenue for: the last two yeinf, 0f581,931,019,74, while there is a decrease of expenditures amounting to $1N,700,919.26. This makes in fact again the last two years named of $211,691,998.95: The state • went further shows an increase of the reduction ofthe public debt,from '69 to 71, over that from '67 to 'B9 0f5178,- 312,427.09. . These facts we feel satis fied are arguments for the campaign of 1872 that will not be set aside.— Pittsburgh Gazette.. • • • --L•Thejtegistration Report of. the State of Massachusetts fin* the year ,1800 gives some 'etirions marriage statistics, 'twins which impatient youths and desolate ~old maids and bachelors may all take heart. Dur ing the year 7 . malyena were married at the age of 14, and no fewer than 41 at the comparatively mature' age of 15, , The lads are venturesome as the' girls, the youngest husbland having wedded' at ilia wife of the samelige. On the other hand, an old maid of 78 found a husband, and four . other women were married after they had passed the age of 741? One man of 32 was married, for the sixth time, to a maiden of 30; also ,another man, for the sixth time, to a widow of 62, it being her second Marriage. The ages ofthealdest parties Married for the first time were the „mole and fe male GO each. Thegreatest disparity in the first marriage was the male 67 and the :entale 20.. Forty-five males were married during the year who were over 70i and one widower of 80 united for the second time ton widow of it being also hersectind mariage. A widower of 30 was married for the second' time to a young widow of Al, it being fierfouith Marriage! But one marriage is reported where both par- ties were married for the fourth time each, their ages being 73 and 62. There was also one marriage, the male being 73, his %milt marriage, to a widow of 57, her third marriage. One male of 21? was united to a widow of 30. it being his first Marriage and her fourth. k widower of 56 was united to a .widow 0f42, It being her fifth marriage. ; The sixth marriage of a male is reported at the age of 32 Ito a spinster of 30. A' second mar riage of a. man 56 is reported to a fe-• male of 02, it being her filth Venture. -Robert Dixon, boatswain in the United States navy, came from a cruise to Europe, when • Mts. Dixon refused to let him Into hisown house. He has accumulated $33,000, which has been Invested in Mrs. Dixon's name, and he bringisuit for the re covery of the Property. She charg es that in the last sixteen yeari he has stolen thousands of dollars, front the Government, and as he has al ways treated her well, she says she only makes the charges from a sense of duty. It would have looked just as welt If this excellent woman's sense' of duty had taken effect before she got $30,000' of plunder safely In her own hands. d For4t-Swll VMS? lisrunes. 17- RENATE, April o.l4tte Juanita; Committee reported the' tiouse.Ku- Klux bill. Tee Dudek ofthe day was 'spent Ind—YsMAhttlist Blodgett; did ,Geldthwait ;".:offiiWted": eiegtiPA auleybut dedahre action was had. introdutsed fur the rfmentkotall leoltutd political - eieluding only such members of Congress as withdrew and joined the Southern Confederacy at the time el secession' and officers of the Army and Navy who aided the rebellion—which was referred to a select, committee. Tariff resolu tions were offered and referred to the Committee of - Ways sad Means. A retiolution to pay Committee Clerks orlast Congress, who continue the present session, was adopted: Oa motion, .the rules were suspended, and the disability bill passed. A bill to improve the harbor of Buffalo N. IC. passed.. The rules were suspended and the following resolution a&pted: itesolval, That &Wallowa re-adieus the resolution adopted on the 12th of September, 1870 by the House of the 41st Congress, declaring that the true, principle of revenue reform points to, the abolition of the internal revenue system, which was created as a war measure, to provide for extraordinary expenses, and the continuation of which involves employment at the cost of millions annually, of an army of ,e4gpaosrs, collectors, supervisors and other officers previously • un known, and requires its repeatot the earliest day consistent with the main tenance of the faith and credit of the Government, of all shush) and other internal taxes. That properly ad justed rates should be retakes' on dis tilled spiritsjobaccoand malt liquors so long as the legitimate expenses of the Ciovernmeat requirecoltection of atuy sum (now internal taxation. SMATE, April 11.—A resolution was Wrens' instrudting the com m lilts, on finance—during thq recess , -to carefully examine the existing so% tem of taxation, with a view to pro pose such amendment to the'bili of the House repealing certain Wes (now pending an the senate) as will simplify, both internal taxes and du ties on Imported goods, in such man ner as that the revenue shall not ex ceed the sum required for the public 'debt and current expenses of govern inent; laid over. Tile House disabil ity bill was received, read twice and laid un the table. The Blodgett and Uoldthwalt casewas laid on %hatable, and the Ku-Kluft bill amendments discussed during the remainder of the day. 1101J8g.—The bill to pay Minister Schenck his salary from the tune of Isis appointment, passed. Several' privatebilispassed Amendments to thetienate Deficiency bill were then tuseusseti till the hour bt adjourn ment. SEivaTE; April 12.—Theresolution instructing the . Finance Committee examine our systemt of revenue Minden during thu. , congreadonal reesst, was Adopted. The Ku-Klux billi was discussed till the Senate ad journed. ' liousE.—After'the transactibn of some unimportant business 'the House proceeded to discuss and amend the Deficiency bill, which 0t..- capied 'the time until adjournment. SENATE, April 13.—Tee Vice Prey ident appointed Messrs.. Wilson and Carpenter as visitors to \Vest Point. The Ku-Khlic bill was then proceed ed with, amended and discussed at great leugtli,_but no final action , had when the Senate adjourned. • ' iiOUSE.—A bill authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri near Joseph, passed. Thudelligency bid was then taken up and dffiny of the Senate amend ments concurred in; but was not got through with when the House ad journed. SENATE, April 1-I.—Mr. Howe ap ologized for having charged Senator Sunnier with acting In the interest of -the Democratic party *lance to San Domingo tin nexatiOn: Sum ner said the Senator did himinjus tiou in his kitty to his speech, ana he 'Sheath' haVe known iv. lie [Suni-, per] had simply tried to save'the.lte publican tarty front an act of wrong. lie was a faithful member elf the Re publican party, and could not see it made responsible for a violation of International law andthe constitution of the United States. The debate on the Ku-Klux bill was then-resumed, and the bill finally passed by a party vote. . -Liovse.,— The Senate concurrent resolution to priht 21.1,M0 'copies of the report (.1' • the Commissioner of Education was agreed to. Mr:Lbir rett'S speech, reflecting on the char acter Q 1 Representative Ames (color ed), was refusedpublication in the Globe. The deficiency hillwas then proceeded With and several amend ments agreed to. The hill was not .disposed ofwhen the House adrd. SENATE,,ApriI ll—There was an ellhrt made to get u vote on the Am 'lefty bill of the Meuse, Mittending the discussion the Senate ad aurora. HOUSE.—The .deficiency ill was disposed of, and a committee of con ference appointed on 'such Senate amendments as were non-concurred in. An attempt was made to pfxst pone the repeal of Jbgeh sessions till )881, but ailed. PeNintylvarlaileserve Assocla= Una The Tenth Anniversary of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps will be celebrated in PHILADELPHIA, on ,TU)§3DA.Y, the 10th of . It.ftty;, 1871, pursuant t.o . a resolution adopted _ at the meeting of the State Association, at Lock Haven, In 1870. The District Association in -Phila delphia have engaged Horticultural Hall, on - Broud street, for: t he dqy and evening Id' the 10th. An (Nation will be delivered by Geti. Wellington H. Ent, Of Columbia- county, and a Banquet will be given in the after noon. and a Grand Re-union Ball in the evening. A cordial invitation is extended to members of the old Division through out the State, to lu present on the widen. Delegations intending to partici pate, will please report, - in advance; the number who:Will be' present, to the undersigned. JOHN H. TAGOAILT, Secretary Penn. HeserveAssociatiou, of Philadelphia County. Address-0111w of the' SUNDAY Monstso TittES, Philadelphia. Nappleozies,litaisces.., '••• In an article upon. the fallen Em peror, the London Siiturckt,y Review says : • . Whether the Emperor really dreams a restoration possible how, no one can pretend to know. Proba bly, with all his experience of the bitterness of Empire. he still' longs for the sweets. There' Is many an old Indian living in Tyburnia or Kensington who wishes that he could again be a Lieutenant Geyer or, even though he knows how bad the climate would be for his liver. Such odd things happen in France that it Is within the range of mild possibilities that France might be persuaded some day to think the ex- Emperor the best man to get her out eta scrape. But the present condi tion of France Is not at till favorable to Imperialism after the pattern which he made Imperialism as sume. France does not now want P to d medle with the affairs even find and the French journals even E find a source of grim satisfaction in explain ing to England that France can be of amuse to any one as an ally. France does not want war or expensive ad venturers. It wants an army, not an army extravtgatit; showy, and disaffected, like the Imperialist ar my, but a cheap national army, such at Williea beaten Republic. It dim not want a gay glittering Court. and even Paris will for some time be content to be frivolotts and naughty. In 'a' cheap sod humble manner. . France Is liken weary person who Is =V=== ' to nMs~ea Hotel 4 1 11 2 Ipld fonts Dirro. ;[0 ;en a,, n's` • !te Iliamen‘ mind SW ntew. f netedd wimee only akint .t 6 tantt46lstutaillaborate diatom° unwelaturfe bate., Even if Idetgand Sedan malt beforgotten; and frßnehtnetkehuld pirtion;l4 tut of crtmo i f oh water .tlith Emperor' seems to be qu to the Wrensinawfor the presentsituation. Whatte his to offer sprially ; as his li.exaitly What knee does not want. .I.l ) ;dtably, therefore , he will have to 'orintein himself henceforth witka pivate station; but hiStory .14 Ikmayrhoped; it, does Min 10 more than witiee, will yet 'do' him Justice; an if it points out the inhe rent evils of his government, and the legacy of misery and anarchy which his mle - .bequeathed to France, llt may be trusted to speak of him that Inkas akinagatileent • LATEST NEWS. Tho French civil war mint soon end; Praia wairentnpletebe Invested or ?don day 1 the fighting was sanguinary on Sat- . urday a summons of 'lavender was to IlOotottr In to Parte on Tu sday7-4, N.A. Sexton, over il ft yl years editor of the Ohio Repository, died on Sundaylast.— The Legislature of Illinois adjourned on Saturday last, to meet In Chicago in No vember next.—The Republican caucus at Washington, oti Monday, was stormy, and, the result will probably defeat tbo amnesty bill.---Senator Anthony was Welded Presidentpro torn of the Senate, on Monday.--Congreas It was thought, would adjourn Tuesday 18th Inst. Pensions. The \Washington Republican rays: Some,romplainte are now coming in to the pension office op account of the dropping from the rolls of the office certain pensiebers in the south. These pensioners were placed on the rolls In accordance with the various actaof Congress, and at the close of the war when not obnoxious in the terms of the law which forbade the payment of pensions to persons who were "in sympathy with the rebelP ion," the payment was continued to them. But the officers charged with examining the archives of the rebel government, - found-therein a memo rial in the Confederate Congress, signedby a number of persons who had previous to the war drawn pen. sions from the United States Govern ment. These Memorialists set forth in their Memorial thatlliey Were en titled to pe nsions c under what . they were then pleased to designate the "so called. United States Govern ment," but that they had abandoned, all claim on such Government, and asked pensions at the hambi' of the rebel.. authorities. They -pmfessecl unflinching loyalty to the "confeder 'ate States." This document was at once transmitted to the Constnission er of Pensions, and the names of all the signers forthwith dropped from the rolls, as this document ibrnished indubitable proofof their ',sympathy with rebellion." • . —The full evidence of the iritud practiced by the Democracy In New Haven has been made - Potato,. lit is full and explicit, lind leaves no 'room for doubt of its being entirely correct .in conclusion. The whole number of votes registered was 1,401. Of these there were .199 who .did not vote. There were also two illegal voteS cost. ' This leaves the actual number of votes polled. 1,216. The returns show for Jewell 579, and for English 718. making a total of 1,Z7. As a proof; independent of the fact• that Democratic counters and Democratic moderator governed the return, that the fraud is on the part' ofi English, the. Republican cindklates for Rep : reseutatives received the same vote us was given for the Republican State ticket,' hat 100 more voterwere cast for the Democratic State ticket, than for Detriocratitr(Reprosentatives.— Pittsburgh, Gazrife. ezza , • —Withinache-le 01" one hundred miles, of which: Pittbburgh in the western extremity, is the center. there is enough bituminous mil in the earth to pay .off the national debts of all the governments of the. world many times over. And It has been estimated, from geological sur veys, that thisemi would pa our na tional debtli ft y-four tiniest its btu.' pendous value could be — r Used at once. • Far dowm.ln the mines (in some instances.= Mtiekus 1,500 feet below the level otthetivali) t lee. have in a small antlmmiteregkm 400 miles of railrAd, not lacludectlnpesiare gate of railroads In. thelikettim* These subterranean railways crduld afform ed into one continuous• line, reach front Boston to - Washingtoni'or they, would form a double truck from 'Phil adelphia to New York, and back a gain. These facts areal' the more re markable as the production of grain and. gold was 83.000,000 less 'An 1870 than in 1869. 3111Itary 31ou'Its eoiegrems. Iu the Senate are three major-gen erals, an additional by brevet; three brigadier-generals, and one by bre vet; three colonels, one lieutenant colonel, one captain, one chaplain, one cadet, and one private. The in fantry arm of the service is represent ed by ten Senators, _the cavalry by three, and the artillery by one. Sev en Reunions are members of the Grand Army of the Republic. Tice House has two hundred and thirty seven members, of whom sixty-two have been soldiers-011y with the re cord of a Union soldier, and twelve with that of a rebel soldier. The peo ple have returned to the House, of the men who served in the Union army, live who held the rank of ma jor -general, and four who held that rank by brevet; seven of the rank of brigadier-general, and live by brevet; two colonels; and one by brevet; one lieutenant-colonel ; three majors, with one brevet; five mostly, two sur geons, two iniyinasters, onejudge ad vocate, one corporal, four privates, and seven soldier meiotic-is whose rank-In the service Is unknown. The army of the rebeilLwn Is represented by one msjor-geueliti, who received his mill Rory education at Wert Point, two brigadier-generals, and ten of various lower —ides. & lea. -, ir !Sr' Poor = The New. York Trlbanessys: we' . Called attention a few weeks ago to the necessity of Hoodin g seed conr nnd • potatoes tq France to insure against fam i nein the . coming year, as well as provisions for the present immediate need. Since then we learn that sunicient seed wheat has been furnished by the English con tributions. Oats,* barley, potatoes l and seed for esily forage crops are still needed ; how imperatively may be judged from the fact that much of the corn sown in the north •has been' frozen; and in the south the vines have been torn lip, and 'a failure is anticipated in the crop of olives; Two of the principal sources of sup. port are thus destroyed/ The cattle plague is broken out in the arrondise. ments of Lille, Dente, Valenciennes, Avesnes and Oflubria.. Normandy, Maine, Anjou, are also places under the interdict. The butcher's meat to which Parisians are just returning, is now eaten at the peril of life. It hi eaten however, horse flesh being, ex ceedingly dear and the starving Parisian ordinarily choosing to runf the risk, while the scientific men are` debating how far an animal must be diseased before It becomes unfit for food. A 04 JAMB • OFFsvaEARIV 13TANDING CURS!) HT 1111. Its .; vounes PscrosAL kylitor. • - . • • . . • Mu Kirratras :—lly wire bad been at- Mated with a Ind cough and tilljleultY,_,_of breathing, for . Ave or six)Yewn‘ wh ich rpo pid Inc several years back had 'tally in creased in violence.' complaint la hereditary; and ens been treated by several pbyllclans: latent any relief. In this state of her ease. :I procured some of your PeCTO[At. COM! tray. I bought the first time a small bottle, which relieved her very muchL I then called and got a law bottle, which cured her entirely, and eke lion' tun no trace or tbefterner disease, except weakness. I Would ithio state that I used the Inedl- a ,. a'~M:: , ty , ~w~+i.ica~.."+: c ;.c. ....e~ic~.f,•.u+sr:;:.. s= ibis tityiNtelbr - iSold aid Mg* The MOdiCillii OMNI ine by Mktg; Mr closet l,espress my endetimUslitelloa mita thit I M•dicido. sod - you aro at !memo to pub -11: you Oesire le do 6061 • Lie . = ar;ir s iird To be Wm the Doctor's Its medi cine store, and, °Moo for lung diseases, Liberty strest x Pittsburgh, Pa. . WITOT JOSEPH 'Market Stree ' lls►leg reememel the liatill-Dopertalut et me Market Basle ROOM. IM, 4emit room. 191 awl :RI resintnet, r an bettirpreperidtbea say same hermilore to sell the demands of time &Aldo: Trade. i We would peolirettitte *Oen Ai cell #OO, -1411 men aii,Dealert in lotion, oh., as gook if Dot Wittr littieks Yd *lees. thss inthgood; N 44 Or West, In GOIXIB, fioistry,Nagrolderks,Cogon Trim mings and Mallropo; hoop &tido Carats. Trim:oA7., refire l Mod.. GettfrAeraGA lay Goodadipoot Miens, Braid*. 7 11 PM Ibtflosui. Nonfat and Swat) Wares ; Alfa anffylblag In MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, • AT LA ML? MMUS MUM; 75, 77 & 79 Market Street, PITTSBURGH. - New Goods Arriving Eva) , Da New Advertisement. New Trimming Store Cor. 34,41 c fienalssary sweet% Et 30 A. Mrs. F.D. Fast: ay. Just opened scholar lot or fashionable Millinery: Ilata. Bonnets. Frames, Rib. bons, Fine French Flowers, llinskto, Le. Ladles', MisseAand Children' Rose, Gentlemen' unblesebol .Cotton Hone— extra quality, • KID GLOVES. CORSKTS, COLL&RS. HANDKERCHIEFS. EMBROIDERIES. TRIMMINGS, - BUTTONS, SPOOL COTTON. Machine Silk. VELVET'ItII3I3OI\I44 and all artielet o=ily kept 1 . 11 First Clara Trimming Storm In adittnii,she will keep a good snort inent, of Toya Lead Pencils, Stntolnery. Penknives and Scissors; Presh -Couree tionarrand Giugensnaps Onstnntly on baud. • r (sprlPar. WILLIAM:MI[IYR, JACOB TRAM. MILL. MILLER &TRAX Manuftuguravalul Dealers Jos Dressed Lumber, SASH, DOOllB. iIiUTTERS, SIDING • FLOORING, "AIOULDINcIS. &e Scroll Sawing mid Turning DONE TO ORDER, ORDERS BY MAIL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED, AND PROMPTL ATTENDED TO. • Qupciisile the Raitroad 'Ration. ROCHESTER, PENN'A. April 19'71; ly Mercantile gppraisemeat Llot or Ik. Voider" of Meoelfaffdlie Ifs alio Comely or Iforwor (or flifo year 'lB7l. • V 111.4 .1 Sots. 1 .11 II Pardo 11 81mop aol4tcrC Co 11 A Wyuu 11 Orr & Cooper It JBClark 11 Jour" A Illron 11' Cohen 'Ligon II! IS Attlua , ' 1 4: Irma, Illuere— 11, Mornay AlU.uo 13: Bunt y X, tz 14' 1iC1112,1 & Alktus 141 lieu Eli I.leutour 13 miluntwuTrit. JAMMU". U Barbour 141 .1 11 Bulterty • „1i A Brehm 11 11 Union . 14 A 1.1 Buret 11 A B Harvey 13 BIS Hanger Alullumu 14 Stiles& Javeus 13 Al& till I/amyl' 14 'LW:LIU - MIL not". iI W Seely . John Cowany 14 4 eldar. I.l,D . Manila 14 illaternan Maul/Ina 11 Drineein allawron 13 Wil lam Heed 14 It A Craighead 11 A Fleming • 11 Wm Met'arly 1J It F Nowthi.,_•• 14 :WI W Donnell 14 I) Steuart & Sas ' 14 Hillman a Unica la ,' M A Tow mend h. Son 11 ;C C Wnotler • 11 ;Jorcult ilenivr 14 .I•onti Sterling 14 1J F a &novas. II Jav Duncan& Co 14 Thulium. Fleming 11 TEDull John W Sioud 14 S Morgan 11 W 11 Fivlier - 14 John 111 Chaney 11 II II Lviory 11 Sr. CLAIR 80110. B F Cox a Co 14 nanny. MI Diddle 11 14 David Susith II =1 barnuol McCabe 14 J 11 Cotli s , 14 Wh John Sharp Ltuanbrinkl ' It iai ler Ja 8 It Campbell II 11111 Inger 4 Co 13 Minium Cary 14 J ti McCutchcon ll' J 8 IllbbarJl 14 8 J CM., a Cp 9 Henry Lapp 1 N Ila n 14 13 Coo d Darragh 11 W W Johnston 14, I. Stoll:Meld 13 J Lineuhrlak II Spryercr d Sous . 9! I. 81elo4k1 '.- 14': Charles Both :4 David Angbenhangt I4j Abe 811rennau 14 Andrew Deg 11. W D Johmon 11! George Frederick 14! Job!: A Karcher 14 Benjamin Weller 14! J II .1101cr ! 13 ! Nakao ken 14! Ithlr DIZIWITer. Sjilester ncludleid 14! harreD Dmeap 14i John Gllmou . _ 14j Cleo F Wanton 14: Itubi Iluastou II B bt,lndeld 111 11111.11rigarlitl. [rase One Wit 11 L LeGoutou ksibouy Kospper. 14 F linurbet 14 I)=ZCO .10 !Oita Tr. !William !lamb •" !4 I W Joborton 14 :Baker Reed 14 IScososT Tr. Jseob Breitenstein 13 saw •131rICIGLILT. Pll Beckert 14 lames J Parke• 13 soma stwickirr. C bletidem 14 ritIJILIN. • Aateoreltb • kw men. 4 .1 Biotutoton 11 •J 8 Hodson 11 !It Porter C tBOVer !J II Whbentpoon 14 ,Caron Dick 14 • A Center Eng. N L Co 10 i DAWANOTO.II. Freeman Boa • 14 A . 3 W loonkau y tc..41 ca I w v SI Settlll Andursuf 111 lAt U Slc Du:LIM J t Duff It O Cook J U Boor bran Pugh 14 .I.J tinelkvbursr 13 E II EWA E Roberts J B Ml.chell 311 W : II Waddell it W. 111 out. yr. jliku A eur.ley 13 , D 31 Irwin 13 t; 31 I.loyd 1 I .lackffiat4 a. Walibun , 1 1 31 Griot 11 Niches! NeLaughllu li Tilos ;Morgan 14 1 T N Butth 114111 p Minicar 133 Winter & Bedlsde 14 Frank lAngueeker 11 C U Ilexes . . 14: A D 1111111sed 111 .1 8 Ilerser 11 J 8 Anderson • 1 , 4 James Wilrou • , 14 A Hammer l 4l Jl l llllleFerten 14! 8 Merrick • 11: Charles Coale 14! Jae l'ortuur 13 1 J 8 Wiese, 13. tWlllte Wes D off KrietteBdy 11 11: 14 Ham ' • 11. ! rar kd It. lagnuu 2 ]farm It. L 8 p kiper 14 Boots a 8441ek 1111 14 Ilankhz ' U JBLAVIIII PAUL D C McCann 11 Fred Motu! :,_, In Jobe 11 fleeter 43 0 II Smith• 14 Joie Rebeske 14 11l N 8 L ra idd KlA3 ell 14 Il L Mull a Totter 111 Ouse Wiud 141 0 Ramer 11 BNewton .l 24 Kenos, 1 1 i 11 Warrick 11 J It P Hanel' 11 Aber 42 Reed 13 P a Boyd 14 A T Adams 14 NASD. LH Tr. - i 3 1.1 It W ikon . W II Fraser 13 ;Jas Morrison .E. lion 'l3 "John Bigger 22 Co 13 1 , 'RACCOON Tr. • 'JOON Tkott 14 i ll gagager 14 14 ' J r II Christy 14 11121grIXTILTIrg. Milli= Leech 14 slosepri Darts 14 ;C P ItelLso 14 ORM Tr. Marks Calicrun 14 IsT It Todd -It Jaisph McParran 11 David Ramsey 13 Itiritalu & Brunton 14 Elliott 42 Bradep 13 Trimble t. Co 13 . J II Diehl i Co ' 13 ISMITTLT. JOlin Jackman • 'l4 Jackson A Briggs . 13 ASTrlt n li r 4;e:d -13 i4lClariat I ?OM II . Pa r ... "Y . • 14 14,11earki t lavas MMN2M2MiM Patent 111•41/eiswa. - SLATS& solo. 1 lIIMMO. 4oba Moore 3 118 Hibbard 3 Hugo Andrieuen 3' am ruirlairroa. DAILMIGTOX. ,R L Kedah 3 W F !tall 4•Korpa Craig 3 a l Tr. .011114 ad & Kerr 3 That firrearines 3 4 ILICAYZU FALL,. lIIIIDOILWAISII. IR C Watson Karma' Woe 4 0 B Todd BlSadib 3 II 8 BeGoira uanitorni. 0.,0 ire , . uat utiTbiii ---- . 8 1. 1 8 Colgki 4 8 C Moro . 11111111r418 4 W Bust.tlut 3W 11 Warrkh . 4 'lll4lnriers alibi Datil Beni. =Mit PAWL , name. Yolk et Mk 10 Jolta F Moeller 8 Jr Anderson I 8 BRIDOCWATILIC. NOCIIISTYIII. , *mad Welsgetbrr 10 Clotlelb Mtn* ' .10 - • illattairel Iltionuh • a ashiorres. I sums& ram,. Johnnymen 4 take Illtatrhoo• 4 tables The appeal mid fordo sr the Cesuehelseares Mice. mew. Big WU. MI- W. NELSON. X amain" •ppoir - • 11 OX aft ' CO . rtheesdater erten: WO* C a aid thsathe. or • • ) l 0 cents On Mill swthr sworn. 1211 . 1 Modem 'Neer estrn.,is Wit 1 ! • • ULM . CARBOLIC„_ - TABLETS: Tbe tire Reeve= war ewonnia out new dots or IM wonderful eglowy or Cobs& Auld Ist than and preventing &mote. Truth Maris persist the Add to Cousbrestlon easterner Wrath* nth , tales fa s fur the Cu. uf elt Tithost and Unto . , Hothicesse sod,itzeiuts. rios of the Truth are homed Istelyernerro. and statetuents • are eonenottly Wan rem( to the pro sifter of Mk( la ewes of 'Thrust dibleulthe of klite e ligsain imo's be declared by _worthless thr beaker Oet only Wine ttetholle to. I 5 arab per box. JOHN 44. CM LOGO Math attest, N. T.. Bole Agent for th e Vulletatnitth. bowl for *War. • thrtbur • N NTHE CELEBRATED • W A N RANGE ) With Its tipeelol Attachments, the 'DUMPING AND BRAHMNd GRATE, 1116.riaboir Mort visits Sabilie Omar& celebrated For Its ReHnbllity, Sim: • ' PlicitY. Economy 5t ConYenirce. FULLER, WARREN &,C9., MANUFACTURERS, N; 238 Water Street N. Y. - N WARRENTEI). nprll:l;4w • rargt,c l l9.4,, 097, ? PRIFS litEllaiCT . 1 . 0 . ai O F avUTInS; Great Saving to Consumers. By Getting* Up Clubs'. Fir Send for oar new Price List and a elnb tom 'ILI accompany It. containing MO directions. staking a large wring to consumers and rename ratite to clan organized. GMT ARKIN TEA COIIPANI. $1 & 23 YESEY STURM NEW YORK. • P. O. Bc . c. 6413. iusa&tw • Orphans' Court Sale. /3$ virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of -Beaver county. the tinden loped. adult:slop 'woe of Elijah 11.441a51. deoweed, will expoie to pub lic sale on the pretnivee, on Wednesday, May 27th, 1871, at I wart. p. m. the following described real estate late of sad deceased, to wit: That cerulo Lot or Piece of Land, situate in ht. Clair Borough, Beaver Cb. c Pa., [Sounded o the uotth by Madam Meet, eut by Lunt of Jame. rub, south by in alley , and woes by an alley, whereon le erected • Tito Story Frame Dwelling Sow• TEltilk—Oneibird of the parch:we money la bead on the ronlirmatkm of the le by lb. Coot, end the remainder la two all annual lastaintenta from that date, with Waal intereat therefor from the came time. VIIISOZRICIE apri%sw Adoer. T.redota. ATTEI TION Is called to our largo stock of WALTHAM WATCBES And we cobalt the following, re4sons why they should be preferred to any other Ai:writ:an Watches: In the Ent piaci. the Waltham:Company Is the oldest, and has bad fourfold the experience of any others engaged in the liminess in the United States. in the Fecund place, the machinery In! our by the Waltham Company le far more pertyct sod tarled, and as' • reboil to the Watchee are of far higher 'grade and of greater raliety, Ind are riaced In the market at much Mier prises than any others, quality and ityle fully ionellered. In the third : place, the Waltham Watch a nos • staple . mtlcle, Its reputation fully established. and, aa a consequence, it Is *old at lest- profit, than any others la the market JOUN STUTENSONIS . OONS Jewelers and fUlvereadOny! Prrrsnasots. PA. anrig4in.l . A ainiirlistrratcriem rot 106.—The / - 1 undersigned haring been appointed admin. letratorof Mediate of William Ramsey, deceased, tate of Mama township, Dearer county, Pa., hereby notifies all persona Indebted to odd amaze that Immediate payment to required. All pereone baring clams against mod estate are requested to preeent theta duty authenticated for oettletoent. apritflw.] WILLIAM H. BRAZIER, Adner. r‘llBllll MAKING AND SEWINO.—The andersigood sroold respite:Nal., Inform - the ladles of Bearer and vicinity, that they are no =to do all kinds of Work to the Dress. end Sewing nos. dissidence near Purvis' titnrl. meet end of Benverl. TLo patrJusge of the publle is respectfully solleiled. • dim A. L. Ad:DM:O4ON, aprs:lm9 Mt.. E. M. I. SIIIELDS. Auditoi•'N Notice. IN the • Orpbane Court of Beaver county. In the • , Mattel of the nest sustain of Misch sat Bernes.indutinietrstordejtouitsam. sr .a/ • nem fesfeatento,,ut (14, es tate 01 Josiah Mettoatmedeeessed. Now, to 'lt: ?latch At, Is7l, on mot'ou the mull appoint K It. banyherty. esq. an Auditor to distribute the balance la the hands &Saud, us. ennntsnl, to nod smutty the heir. or leystees sod other modem entitied4. From the record, Attest— _ , JOHN C. 11A . ItT.Cirrk. . The—Auditor shore Lamed. trltl ineet for the purpose of Ma appointment. at the eisurt Ilottee. In Bearer. on Thurtday. 20th day of April, 1811, at ono o'clock. p.S m.. when .and 'there parties In Intemt 1111 attend If they ace property. E. B. DAIL.TG Audi/hr. i oditor•o4 • Not ice. f\ the , Court of Beaver Cougar. In the ' matter or the account of John FA.)Rondo, adminbonitur of the estate of 3lary Roads, deceased. Sow. to nit, March tit, IRV. no motion of ll • Lean Ignore, attorney. ror Mary A. Park. a daughter of sal d deoedant and Interested In her estate, the Court appoint E.D. Danghette.eso. an auditor to distribute the balance In theband• otsai,l administrator—as shown by his account_ to and among the helm of told decedant, or tatter parties Inteuestud and legally entitled thereto. Prom the Record. Attest- C. HART, Clerk. The Auditer above named will meet for iite per lane or tda appainturent at the Court Hon. in Dearer. on llPaktay *lst day of April, lape at t o Hoek p. m., at ottlett time and place pante,. In Miamt may attend if ti•ey ace MOW. ,Apektiri E. 11. DAUGHERTY. Auditor. NERY Axi) -7.ollll2lo4lVlAUtitilll /Mrs. Z. NECICIrt.F. WOULD 'INFORM TIIR LADIES OF Beaver and vicinity that *be has on hand, and lo receiving. the latest styles or liter*. BONXlrns AND TILIIIIIIIOII. Drerreit DANl7ltr.. SAegrto, Made to order In the Weft acne. Ladles and Claldeen's Bosons sod data altertd, Cleaned and. •• - • Dries sat other Pethrrne for • lining pan .ar experience In the above hurinyve, the public ean rely on rereklill entire ratiallecitua Call et her cotabllshment, oppoeltii the Union Ilona. Third Street. Hearer, Pa. Aprs:Cor bite. Z. MOORE. .. JAS. M. BINGHAM &, CO., Commission Merchants And Dealets in all kinds of Grain. QUICK SALES, Als:D ITCPSIPT utaureNs Guaranteed - in aft Caeca. Office 267 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGIII,"PESN'A Iffr CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. - aprk•'aa. Dry Goods, Carpets &c: SPRING STOCK 41.::4T RECEIVED., McCracken, Van Ryan lacClellai. 1313CCV3801t8 TO SA .111,. GORDON, 13S Federal Streat..4.llegheny.. The. CHEAPEST CARPET aud DRY GOODS HOUSE In the TWO CITIES: 0001) CARPET only 23 et ms per y'J. AND AT ALL PRICES. We are i_igents fir some or the best Car pet Manuiacturers in this country, And we can of Ettm inducements to Buyers. Come end see our Complete LINK OFDRY GOODS,and evsmine our superior Wide No. 1 Brown Muslin. very beery. at 12,4 i eta; and ail other goods at astonishingly low prices. Don't tinge' th give us a call. 138 Federal Sired. N. B. Mr. IV 8. Ociren, Salesiman, for. tuerly of Beaver copnty, would be pleased to see his many friends.• fartli:3m JOSS T. II'DOXALD W. J. IMETILRICII. Sc.. C. ITITS2 I / 1 4, S. J. SPITEIIitI,COJWC. SPETEUEIII, & MIeDONALD. BANKERS, • Water .61., Bcchetter, ~ tt u i rp p oneity Depoqt... coue- Gobetnanent CbtyPons Bought on Fisturablet Arms. la n TespNi dalat Iblitilett. [RoolflOy. ; ware, .dter .otirpets,oll Cloths, IStrittinus,, Ste., AT LOWEST PRICES. ".'Henry McCallum,: . . (Late McCallum 'Bro.'s.) ; 51 FIiPPI AVE:41.71 1 . piorpfitl3ifizGair. - have kicililses for supplying RETAIL .13M.A.LE41114 • Equal to any Eastern Jobbing Hcptise. agnry . McCallum: s. C. COYLE, 17 tail 33311.1M.M ' _ AND JEWELER, On 7Aird.,Nrett. Brarrr. lb. (niurly oppcsite \- Moore. Drug Sloro ) All Orders promptly. attended- to. Aimerkan Wacky, Clacks. Jewelers, listed Were. Spectacles, lc.. alwars ems band.. aprrktf. El 2 7 ,M 11 'ft 2/ 2 0 kt V It iS: Tt , 121 S It Morohaot Manors dallothiprs, S. & anellenburg, MERCHANT TAILORS, BROADWAY, NEW BRIGHTON; Sepl.o"l26;mr29phdly , •i CARPETS, 1) 11 :I= IF:ila 0 11":11 49 MATTING'S, WINDOW - SHADES, Mat RM. bea. =Z! A full nud well melecteirstock AT . TIIE LOWEST PRICES ler 1 Liberal Reduction Ramie to Min islet; and on Church Carnet.._ BOVAIRD. BOISE& CO.. 21 Fifth Avenue. martifil--131 CITYBOTTLING HOUSE, No. Market Street , P.I.II'SI3TRGI - I, PA. 260/am 4. BOTTLERS OF • Parsaparilla,• 31iperat and Raspberry li&ta Waters, Syrups and Cider, eolith's Kenuett. Wainwright, and all the best brands or Ale :dal London Porter, select etbfind bond bottled (Or Medleal and Fam ily use. Moods deli verett tree. • Lou-Sill tly J. B. SNEAD & CO. HAVE NOW OPEXRD A NEW Saw and Planing Mill IN FREEDOM, Having the latest improved machinery for the manufacture of irIi.aCiOoPLIINTi3tH -S I D I 'N. LATH,sr, 0., and are now prepared to 'consmenCe the building and repairing of Steamboats, Bargesjlats, &c., &c., Karpini constantly on band a superior quality ofLumbcr. The pattortsge of the public Is respectfully solicited. All of der promptly executed., tniarlsl4 We are now menutomorinu the .Tore for the harvest 1•71.' We base added nrw in 4 valuable lmpsovemeots. aut. are luntle; ost au. chime of superior workmanship andend. men trill de well to give no a all and , o ur ',whine,. Wore purcht.sing thtm rtt Pittsburgh National Plow Co , Itnctowter. Pn. kfarthtlttro. Joluisollis Rheumatic Comittd. Sellers' Imperial Cough Syrups. Lindsay's Improved Blood Searcher. itlieuoutelat aaj Plearalgla. No Medicine ever offeredto tbs puha: Cc unroof Rheumatism and Neuralgia, *e.. ha. : yi n _ ed sorb a wide rimed reputation as J085.../.3; RIIRUNIATIC CX)11P0M•11 it to artihnut &mos as inrainable medicine. Tevtimml.l. received from rich and poor. 1611.4 ea.! •,. and Stalin% while phyoickn.rcp,... mend It seams. It in their practice. 11471. Eatabli.hed " Mellen. , Imperial Cough syrup. We beg to call to the Watt+ of oar reader. ta resecot of the year. above kh °awn, la the one m In which they are liable to corona. rot.oa..tert:r• 0000. AC.. Whilat the LITTLC once are In eto.unt danger of that most aJanal.7 end fieol of el dlr. It S, 'tbereaore, aepe4arr tsw taeß aboald pros Wepositive remedy, aloe thattio ready for taw as all Slew+. SKLLEit a' COUGH SYRUP joss will dam a • a , a asrt speedy' remedy to, ewer,. wide, amt lot dk. eaapi arkdur: from them. The blood la the very Moatslb War: Ito,d'r, lf we wbdi to restore heath. we mad brio pew, the blood. awl to Imam continued health, h.', per.. Ltxusay's Bump Seamus.' I. the „ and most etlhetoal medldee for obtaluinz aired effect. le alwaya gate. and the most drio.; t r me am IL ' These medicines are sold hyottp r gists ererywhere. Prepared only by It:' E.. SEI.I,EItS & ('().. If 7101tartle Drugyi,o, 4.1. Wood Sue«:, 1 11:0,5r,:h h =TM $5 to $lO Per Day w to oor new Muhl.. make from Ali Per day, In their own toentittm. pm:hei r r to instruetione omit free by mell. Thow permanent, peotltable work. oliutild once. f7EO. STINSON* C0,1'0,13114. Ile ~~ 40 WEEKS FOR ONE DOLLAR! THE AMERICAN 111.71WL UUME rem. ICI.- -A Firsteelues, ptchtepage, re littoral arid IFitially_ Weekly. Free 110PKINe WILCOX. Roche..., h ' ‘, TAIL, B.& WITCH'S PbtW yx-90 pavr: rent by mail free. Trnrhe. h to cara alt Muse. of itte person: akin. to, h. complexion. Write to 714 Uroadicay. New aim.. ma , eartimmomommommamin..., & AT, J r 4 2 - 2 Hand and. Machine Sewing. 12 .2. All Dealer , in pry BLOOMINGTON,--111.,--NURSERY. 19t11 err met.AAA: vott WArn. IN, t.. l'i.sitt? Ftilit.ii•ll,le, F.% (Iroftii. 51111.11.4 I, n _. troy irotirLittrtri , . AMA., lAirdrtt Kim, 11 , Oh , l F'llc-t. POW ',11:.1 Hun an.l:tir 10 rent- Air Attir t llt....irdrtl 1161 f..... Stid {02 , 0. 14-I:inr.:: 1.11 , 1 Wlrden pant. LkiLtrit. nc of-0I ',1.:T.. IVlLlrcor F K. IMES lAtrAitt. It SEEDI-:.1 SEEDS! Market ttenletten wasitalt treo. rrlish'r P 1•13111,1 a the rrywrr+. tCa ztuvr ,11‘.. Reel. Car2l).l4e. C•rtot. ra. Ea!, Melon, Onto, Par.ntp. . - Valoauer IGO Price LW 13.1..: tree. WA RR O ARMSTRNG. S:e0,1!1( . 1. Market Street Poll4de,pbta, FRAGRANT SAPOLIENE Cleans Eli Wore,* and all kat& of ulo Clothinr.: removes ralut. Geeeee, 'La. stantly, ieltbont the Irma Injure to lbe Sold by Druz:: !Flo and Faller (1.1.1.• 1,a:or• FI4.I6nANT SAPOLIENI: (Al 81 Itarrhy •:. New York. 44 let Salle Street. Ch!etZo 1826 /810 Tut otd otandard remedy for Cuael, on; .nziptlon. ...Vortking &tier." et Tim s Co.. Berton. VIM EGA It. how made in tllhoa w. tr iiholit 1.13 Particulars Intents. F.Sane.Cl . olllNr; I :1 1 7 1 . TO TITS WORKING CLASS,—We arra, 1., pared to furnish all el saSes with cia..tant 'meta at home, the whole of the lime., for the quire moments. Business bow, bald Pertions of either rev mistiv van nom i. to raper evenlne, and a proportional slim tit r. votind their whole time to the hasiies• Itot• and sins earn .early as much as tm n 11. a: all a hri pee thin notice may said their a .1 test •i•,• bualness, we make fla• nnpamli,led oher' So such as are rot well satisded. 11 en 111 send 011., pay for the trouble of writ in, l'n II tonic ii:ars. saleable sample which will do to t . OlOll/..,,, upon. and a copy of Ms Lif,wry pardon one of the I krz..,t la,n Ic t 0 .. ., paper. o, l l' published • .I!'t s•fit Ire . der, If you want ru.llll/114,,i , t. I,l,llmoble ati• dress E. C. ALLEN st u. Ard< t. Me .1)P6111:1 ,11 lie -pit V.ll,llrn, ells Month. • 11 !amphoras and Independence, olltalultrz CI OMA FAsCINATION, or MA' 1. CH II: 400 pazes ; cloth. lull• are this power over' anima:. al is Pl. hies to Slesmerlte, become 'trance tie Wriiinz fish ems. Divination. Spiritus:lam. Alchemy. Peii.s.• Yhy of Omens and llomms. lirhiham Yonne. Ih rem, Guide to 3farriage, ste.. all coutvliiill In ilii• book: Pared Cold • price by mall. In cloth ti t" . • paper totem fl. Sorter —Any person villlll.o tii act es agent wilt rerelve a sample copy of th• work/ere. At no capital Is respired, of eeuteel employment should send for the h.s•ls• enelosinis, 10 eta. for pootave. to T. W. ESA st CO., 41 South ath St Philadelphia. A VOI D QVAtIKOI,-A victim <dearly eretion. eansimr memo. debility, premaime decay. etc., having tried in vain every miter,. rotaetlY, ha. a simple means of .elf-sore, a filch h , will amid free to his fellowooliffeners' Adder ss Tr TTLE. Nusaata St., Sew York BOTTLING HOUSE. U. W. 131;lfFl - 31 t CO 2 and 24 Market Street, PITTSBURG, PA., Established in 1844, by H. W. Buffo llale olcie.l end I*' rut Elul:frig Ileum tte.t the mount:tine, has mule ['Mellott.) peel/ate for pulpit is their Plena., and the pnttlir their relehntted ,finest Hitters, Alei, Porter, For ale Spring Trnde, la the follux‘litz 1,0,• Barvparlll3.... Mineral Rater liar ',berry Champagne Cider PITMBURGII, Pa. @EI Ale, email bottle El= lin=l72! Syrups, . .. • Imported London Porter and bottles, ... Imported t*otch Ate. and Crab Cider, Syrups ••• • • • ft° " l " " C.. 0, * per pox. eYltt. Morey telnud ed when returned. • • . Goode delivered free, and freight 1.31,1 to rail road stations apd eleamboat Itr .TI - 77CT70~i —7lc idockhohleoi 1./ - the Company for erectitm a brditc Bh: Beaver Creek, at or near Wolf Law. to u. county of Beaver," are hereby notified that election for one Presided, inx Manaorry Thwart?, will be held In the Tull Maw Company on the Let Monday, the llth dm! d o April next, commencinir at Pi noniron. • la marls,6w4 AMKt ALI I ISON • .Ir.r. STAIR BUILDING AND Wood - Turning; i•iliaP• WILLIAM PEOPLES, Allegheny city. Pa.. I II prepared t" do all Foaled Turning, Serall.Bawing and S-1,11 310 ,0 IlabedeN and Hand It•dl• WITtl ALL JOINTS CUT. I:EAOY TO HANG, Itani•Onni on $llOll node, Orden hr mallpmnoptly attended to. or turY left with Ginger 4th Av. l'ltO.hpq n • Pa.. and al the MIII. corner of Woholer Wert and Graham Alley. lebt-41, Sent Free for 3 Months, to try. A new h rare Illustrated paper. A elets h. c" • labeler* will be rowel many or the b..! *tet popular water* In the land, embrecint: John l" , • (*tabor 01.LIttle Breeches end Jim Hicetet.l A. D. Itlehardeen. Junius !lend Breen , eel Knox. Prof. tamloson, (loser! %Verve. hel , b i Wonblepoo.l.lllbut Gilbert Itrowee, Mb. h. A• Brach. 11•14 tarfaie...Alexander iln Ar• calltars d I.) and meet others inl Tiraint wilt rebuts artistes occartehsay . 81194 1111111111.0 ANZILICAN 1104.1 lisittord, cam. ITD Limbers flood searcher. Rowell & Co.'s Advertisements. J. & P. COATS' • 13 SIX-CORD 'IN ALL NUMBERS. FDIC MALE 1111" THE OLD ORIGINAL Mi= .. ‘,"/ ~ U .'.~ ~t: t ~9.~ ~1.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers