The Beaver Argus. , .• Beaver. Pa.. • &pill I*. telt • Circa/talon" TTierteen IfundrerL " '' __— Rates of Atbreetlaillg. , . • I TIVII. 16, 6w.* Sm. le. 11 ywir • • I mr- 10l 1.ww, 11l 00 0 do ss co in 1 : 6 sots 6 .yosiww, do II 66 6 161 'I 00 Jo ip ..15 OD a .orwww. do 600 - sle 100 "1100 ism 4. wowes. du lOD Ballolol6oo 11 cm 3, .sses..... Ole 11 OD 1106 *A 16 1 161 OD I. euiunao II Oki Ili 01) al al id T 40 In / culinan..... *I OU 30 Oo as oy um 100 W) &dmWhitmore and Eitoct4ste special puttles pen ilea, itocooto. . /11r - Payments to Inp:milo Albottorly. we Incident adv.-Ida:4lw* wide! aliado Mkt GEO. MIONIELLI'4O Park am N. York. AND U. NI.P.INTNICNININIL Car, SY Park Now, Nor York, antlkfa sols wan toe Tits BK.aras Anat.' Is tawdry. cad art sachorlsed is contact sue lose:star, adrertbawAsto for us at oar low. rot cork rotas. Aanntloan to that thy are ras quonsa kr heave thole lame *kb, titbit of , the above kularea. • . . . Wager •111199'1lieemeemeete9 for the wok ending Aprlttith. 1871: _ 7 A. g. $ r. le. 9 • •Z l 1. . • '63 - ter*:';;4l - 4 • '4l9'deg. - • '9ll - 019.- .•:- 6ideg• 5 deg. figeteg. 47 deg •• 46 deg. 09 deg. 57 deg 7 57 deg. 79 deg. 69 deg s 57 deg. 79 deg. 62 deg • IL T. TA YLOli. I=EirE33l Cleveland dt lea R.—Trebe go rep rant IceT. BISTOT Memos es,lollvero: Mee. ug Amon's' 9.11; Mall. 2.41 p. oX;Breeleg U.. I tio; Local Tretekf (marks pamengers) left p. to. Tr.lo• volog Wear leave Beaver endue ILJ Iowa: na141;411 aas..4 Weal 14.491. joarrylat( 110.entgaral Bkll l l e4 o 4A o aLmmodolloo. MT Pi to.. Pllll. WI. W. 0.0. 1101—Tralva gong mot leave Rochester Baena tat sad of WSW) in fol. Inv: Beaver MY deems. SAO a.m.; law leeem. 7.10 a. .:Newn Culla ICCUZI. &Si MA Balla avm. 13.10 p. in. Truitt& ealmt Well leave Rochester:stake, (at eud or beep u Mows: B. Y. seam. 10 a. se.;: E.lll mean. 11 p. m.; Erie ulght s exy 6.40 p. tu.: B. T. em0m.1.07 p. m.— , Trains going But lame 110..tesler (Upper) De• polo follows: B. I+. 'mom. 0.05 m'Boon ae man. 7.15 a. am.; New Cann IMMO. 0.40 a. ; p ChlCage exp.lo.Blla. le; Braver Palle moms. 1t.15 Cbtraeo Yell p. _am Ma sap. 4 10 p. le; iThlcago exp. 4.04 e. et; larie ma11 . 11.50p. Trams some We.t. len* Buelamr(Uppee) tellian: taleagomall3 s. 111.1 Ed* exe. h m; Beaver Fiat seem. CM a. Chicago exp. 1130 a In; Chase* exp. 9.61 p. is; New Our Ile sera= 4.10 p. exp. ILO p. Beaver F Jb ream. 7.00. • .1. - oioureenafmt Fees, lowing are our Charges for announcing the names of Candidates for the several offices; also our 'rates for printing Amnia and tickets: For Astembly For Treasurer Pros. Attorney...., Commissioner A !mutilate Judge ' Poor House Maim... Auditor Troplces of fitadamy, Cards per KM 'rickets 1: ,filtif attention of the public is directed To the following MIN Advertisements which appear for the firni time in the Attars to-day . : special Notlre—S. C. Cqyle. • Watchmaker-8. C. Civic . Adielni.tratoei :(odes--W.. H. Frazier, dc.-11.ezrz: MeCillara. Nee Ad veeilierizent—New Tire - Mena ". Sizrele Works—W. 11. Marshall. ' Ice—G: W. tramilton. • ,yacL*l Notlee —Dr. R. F. FSeree. • krricultui el Netire—T O. Aoshatz.. special Notice—Henry Ilccalena. .pale) Nedra—Anderson i Frerrogl.r. .r.l—George Ilembirger. t'. rd—Dr McNutt. • Notico—lt. T. Taylor. ItepublleanCouuty elfin —A meeting of the Republican County Committee will be held at the Court Muse, on Saturday, April 22d, at 1 o'clock p. m., to take action on the re port of the Committee in .revise the Rule* and Regulations. It Is iinportant that all members should be present. 1). STANTON, Choirmaa. . . . A. Starchy asparderii.—Sherilf Gnebihrs lonsirdipg house Is almost de serted. • He Jigs but one prisoner under his care, at the present, than, and that one, we believe, is held because or, men tal ileragentetst. . Ir your wittiih or clock• needs repair . - leg rail at Coyle'• on Third St., Beaver Pouurnr.—Among the finest fowls We have seen—park Brahmas, Light Itrah- MIDI and Heudans—nre these of Charles Coale, , of Now Bightoii, Beaver county, P.i. If you *ant to buy eggs, order of [mnr2Pplw. Res. Ilw lira Baker left our place yiNterday morning for his appointment at Phillipsburg, Pa. Bamlin Is a good young man, a goiid preacher, and wilt ho loved and esteemed by his people. Ths gond wishes of 'Carrolitonian• go with hint.—airrott Press, ilfareh 29. Thelter.. - Baker here referred to, la a 0 of the Rev. Sheridan Baker, former ly of this place, and well known by many' of the Metird l st &unifies of this SEW ‘VACION YOB SALkt-- . A pplendld new - two-horse wagon with The celebra • ted lad spindles, and completely finish ed in the latest and beat style. Oury 11th). Parties finding themselves in want of a new wagon will tinti it to their inter eq by purehabobig. Inquire of Cleo. P. smith, corner of Brighton street and tb public squiiiti, Rochester, Pa. mar :,dt Golden Fonutfle Pea.—Somo- . tiling new imd novel. lie sure and real the advertisement In our paper beaded 41 realest Invention of the Age." .We hideove the Golden Fountain Pen to un surpassed. A good pen is aneCesslty to, everyman, Woman and child. Aienta hore Is a chance to make money In Intro ,/ Oi ng a good and saleable article. ly. FOR FINIS Jowl" Pry go 'to Coyle's, Third St., liteaVer'Ya., (nearly opposite to Moore's Drug store).. 1. Renairruil.—DT. D. McKinney Jr., has removed omee from his old reAhlence near Moore's Drug striro In Deaver, to thb room formerly occitpled by E. P. Kuhn avg., In the IgeKinley Building,. on the south east corner of the Diamond,. Where Ite•wfll be happy, to respond to ~111, 1 front thb afflicted. - 1 Wlf ITEW. Mli I'l ri.—Tho 'Well-known Holier of Bridgewater, and .nu leas re !Trued end skillful whitewasher—Mr. Ituitig--desires us to make known lathe pal.lip that he holds bitumen' in Feedlot:ea 1.. till all orders for wh Rewashing during Sprinisesson of Istuise-oleenlein and repairing. It would be sopererrogatory ,a).' he . understandir his business in that line. The community of Bridgewa til'. Beaver and Rochester are acquainted s Ith his merits. Mr; John alw..e tonsorial ability' is well-known, sill continue to carry on the Barber S hop. opposite Smith's Drug Store. 4 strange and fatal disease has at. , tklial the Caahie race In East Liter 14a1. Al,Out twentydeallfs have emir ?bi durjnig the pashwo week's The "at , Akied porps" froth it the mouth, take "P' 41 112. and die in a few minutes. The dmesse is supposed to be occaslottod.bY, W Not•Oderate use of strychnine. • - !totem, A ppclietead,—Capt.. Horst or Reehester, has received the ap- Polutuient of Notary Public, from Co*. (mar ti'eary. B On Llbel.—Hob. J. B. Black, has • Vit co mmenced writ for libel event* Georg* It ergeer of the Harrisburg raellraPh• Tbo mike coluPlain6l°r le" an edit°. Hal In the 7 WeirraPA of Feb'y 704 Mr. Itergner give hall In tbeetnnofelfrhihuu dred dolloro for hie appearance at the next um of the Criminal court held In York ^ "inlti'. We harclitofeeen the publica tion referred to, raid hence do not know What the Judge la aggrieved at. • \ ATTENTION directed to the adver t theinent of Mr. 8. C.; Coyle; praotinal w aerhotaker end Jeweler In this week's Annus. Mr. Coyle ,comae among nu w with 11 goixa reNtation ak,AUltal orktuan,liod to !wapailc Ibr We t patronage. Dweilhata Ham" , enatel; Few Ammo of Ground for aide at a bargain. The' unlperslgped ; Sabin to ter - Intllat Inatome rtitiodriog. all tba capital at Ids uomonutd, offem i tor-aale ,tortr. nomeld choice •ati Dwelling 11. use. Thirty-two Willy appletiom in run tearing, sedan *bond. ante ofuneD India meta* ricLbilrfailia , corrode. amp* 4lninenk' 0 4" - -Ws above, property, la beautlfUlly !Minded adiotitinithe &trough of Deaver, On the public Moron*. or "Harlem Li;e" of 'Barrer. Persons wishing to Machias a property champ will do Well by calling on D. M. lioneboo, BeitYar.•.Pa. untrAtit] •, • i 6 Tite liesTwe retailing Comps, ny."—The following Is the twill. of U. bill now heroic, the Leßia'store; Weer. pondlog . the , i •ien y e!.Piletlng clotn 7 Pabi;i ..• • • • . 4N ;ACT 'to igiorporalp to ,13ticsoii Priiting awspook. , , throws I. lie it eiuseted thlik/OlOeite and Howe of Repreeentativerqf gleams, wiornocalth, of l eaiuyyteasia ' in Geoeral .Assetobly met aid it taliereby exacted by the authority of the suite, That' M. S. Quay, D. L.,linbrio, George W. namil ton, and their succemsors.are hereby Om-, *Ruled a birdy,politio under the mune; style and title of Beaver Pnnting Com ' piny, with a capital of twenty thousand dollars be to divided Into shares of the 'Value of twenty-five dol tans eackwl th the privilege to increase the same by a vote of the stockholders Man manual meeting . from tithe to time to an - amount not ex ceeding taro hundred and fifty theusand dollars, and erfib aitthority Ist bevp and use a common seal, the same to &tinge at pleasure, and by style and title afore said shall be cambia In taw to sue and be slued, tftc., da. • . &viral:lmnd. There meeting of the officers . and managers of the Bever COunty AgrierdtutarSoolety at the Sheriff's Mee on Saturday the 15th insti, at 2 o'clock. P. in. fly order Or the President. T. 0. kirilnurs. &ex I Swain ems Remevals.,--fiieveral bus iness establishinenta In Scalier; hive re cently snide! a °gauge of base: Hugo . Andriessen's . Ding Store haw been re moved to the Mckinley corner, where Mr. A., 'will:be happy to meet with his old customers.' Mrs. Beacom has taken the robed for merly occupied by fiat late Judge Ad -9113g. She has her new mum tastefully fitted up, and well tilled with a choicer assortment of Millinery and faniy goods all of which ffie will dispose of at xery reasonable prides. - Mr. Fart's grocery and provision store Is about to be removed - to the corner of SIO CO to 00 A 00 aOO 800 200 1100 ow Vo ° 0 inl and Seminary, street, and the minder of the stook on hand can be pur chased at coat prices. ace intends. to , close oUt, with a View, - wis . .biltive;-or• opening a Orst•claaa; Ladles' Trimming Store. Soldiers' Orphans.—The number or applicationslor the admission of chil dren into school received at the Soh diem' Orphans' Department,. at Harris burg, during the month. just .closed. Is 41, The nnmber ofadmissions granted during the same period war 44. The number of applications on file for chit, dren who are' eligible, and seeking ad-.'23l.• , Nuinber on file seeking admission, but rendered ineligible by the act mowed last.stessioni denying ad-. mission to children under eight years or age, is 110. Total number on file and unprovided for, 381. Ir you have any Jewelry that needs mending or altering call at Co3rliesThiril Bt. Beaver, Pa. 1:51=1 Filtranige Salelde.—A very strange suicide occurred upon the farm of John GSMlen, °sq., near Sodom, Allegheny county, one day last week. The Samuel Montgomery, lived upon Mr. O.'s farm enemas a laborer, and was subject to melancholy tits, but no ap prehensions were felt in regard to him. On the evening of the occurrence he went to the barn and procured a throat hitch from a bridle, and unobserved took it to bed with him—occupying the same bed with his wife. Some tithe in the night he fastened the throat-latch at . the head of•the bed and looped it around his neck, and then placing his feet between the foot-boards of the bedstead, st - ciTeded In strangling himself hy pulling downwards. , When found he was er tirely dead. Thera' appears to be a nil. •nia in the Montgomery family In regard to suicide, es this Is the second menthor of it that, has committed that crinie. The deceased lived for several years in thO neighborhood of Canonsburgh. S'arAinutort F...ronthier. , R. Meyers, evil., the popular and efficient Genend Passenger and Ticket Agepi of the Plitskurgh, Fort Wayne Ar. Chicago Railroad, has ,been appointed to scimitar position on the Pittsburgb,Cinefunatti fit St. Louis Railway. Mr. Meyers will fill any pos ition to which he may be assigned eredi-, tably, and We her!) no doubt but that the latter road will be largely benefltted by his ripe Judgment and great experience. °penl mgt of the II Paiblle lieboola.—tho Public Schools of Sea ver, owed on lamt. Monday morning. The to beds area follows: No. 1. Miss Mints AndCnton ; No.:. Miss E. Foulk;, No. 3.1 31rm: i S. Marquis; No. 4. Mho: Bunn. ThO teachers in Nos. 1, 2 and 3 receive $45t r Month, and Who teacher 111 No. 4, per month. , , AL Mau Last:,—lnformatlon' wanted of James Taylor, an Insane man, aged About fifty-alr. years, about five feet $ Inches in height, had rather long hair: partly grey, wore brown coat, grey panta, , soft black hat. Sald:Taylor wan dered away imm lilllavllle , Lawrence county, Pa., on Friday, March 3let tilt. Direct Information to Mr. Wm. Taylor, Lawrence county, Pa. Pa persu please copy. Re•usliam—llattery IL Ist Pa. Artil lery will have its anneal re-onion at Mt. Jackson. Lawrence county, on Wednes day, 31th Midi Jam. A . nardner, and Rev.. WM. P. Cowden and . J. W. Bain will be the speakers on the occa sion. The Mt. Jackman friends will set a free table nt noon. All are Melted to attend. Attempted Nudelde. Lowe the Cwwee—A very prepossessing and high. lY respected younglady by the name of I Mary Catnaham,.attempted to shuMe off this mortal coil by drowning iterselfln the Ohio river. at Elliotsville, nine miles above this city, on the evening of the 23d. It appears the young lady had a lover who had been payllg her attention, until that sly boy Cupid pierced her heart with his tiny arrow. He proved fickle, and on the evening preceding her attempt at suicide. told his afilantxd he would not Mary her. The next evening, after disposing of her s :worldly goods, she proceeded to thef,ritt*litut plunge In. Two biothers named Neg ger, seeing the act, ran to her 4seneand atuiceededin getting her . out In 'an in smoothie condition. Had the men 'been a moment later, the foolish young we. man would have been pad earthly hope. —Steubenville Herald. ) • ca-U you have a discharge from the nose, offensive or otherwise,atoppMg up of tin nose, at times Riving nasal • twang to voli.r, partial- loss of the sense or smell, huge or bearing, feel doll and stu 'pld, have pain or pressure in the, Sued, take cold easily, yon may rest assured that you have Catarrh. Thomiands 'an nually, without ofinifesting half of the above symptoms, terminate In Com, sumption, or Insanity, and tmrl is the grave. R.V, pierce, las. n.. - or,Budillo, . N.Y., the.bropsletoi, of Dr. gegen Catarrh Remedy -‘a Perfect swift for Catarrh, which beam& to any address, pumped, for sixty dents , ' Itolti by Moss druggists everywhere;' " • _ W 111.1111•6 plAvit % .4kirittiPz bath rreohniMoil, and at'olth time, potioiffp#,Trilh the Lothil of this place, has} instp,#r* No .on pr' lke , inottati pon.-ttleiltietod o shwiel see on a tripOsgthtsthe health, and feli'm tiailitmfmived : nil& he got nearly home op his return, when be took much worse and is -um!: detained Ohio, We' anziouqy hope M hear or Ms improved condition soon,. and illipertianent heilib. LATEX—The Pittsburgh 'Gazette of Dlooday . says, Th omas Williams, pip one of the' SobinintlithekilditorsPC. l 4o Moil, arrived yesterday the city ha a veryloW condition of. bealtk;and , ' was conveyed to the residence ortounuodnie Mounts. It will be painful' news' to • the Many friends of Mr. Williams. to leant that his sod 'ls rapidly 'approaching. Mr that awful discpar=amatiestplkm, knows no bunion master and Ha victim cahoot escape swiftly drifting into eternity. Canall.—Au''Altdou correspon, dent of the Eibi asp:: "A. tirire number of men in different sans: are busy at work making repairs on the canal, which looks yery much like busi ness thecoming secluid. One thing is certain, it does not indicate `that the owners Intend abandoning It fur the present, and 'the repairs' require : thou sandlot dollars to . make ;them wieful.", A CreWded fileuse.—The BrAl iting. aro at Powers' nail; Rochester, on last Wednesday evening drew a crowded house. The entertainment, was a very fine one. andsvery, ;person 'assetned pleased *lib ' - • MONONCIARELA FOUNDRY' arm MA CHINE WORKS, Ptrvasnann:PA.—These Works, the hugest of the 'kind in the coutOrY. haVe,,tAittlY 0 1 41 1, }1 :Nth the bandaelltatere; AbdenkithigllF#Bl, who will continue the bnalneus, retain ing the same 'workman that have so long been In the employ of the former pro- prietor, Mr. 8. 8. Fowler. The new firm have natele:tnituriabarbliepqNkow so the works, width' nOw prep e. cute all orders for Heavy Machinery, Caatingu, &e., &e. The Machimoy consists of During and Turning Lathes, Planing, Slotting and Drilling Machines, of_ eveiy variety.' suitable for 'making the lightest and most delicate" instehinery to the .largest and busy/Cat rolling mill viork. 'Oat of their specialties is Grist, Dim Mill and White Lead MichinerY. Patterns are is&ntr,tle . tod !OM ik sir -to this line of business: ' and' coati:lMO -- with'accuriey and symmetry of construction a multi cleat strength to make them useful for the purpore.„ . . • In addition, Me; hives complete as sortment:6f Palley Materna, and appli ances for Junking any diameter and width of like, line line, suitable for cwt ton and other light inaeldnery, perhaps the lightest eqer. Coll' or send for a catalogue of pat terns. The Kula*" Tharetstge Law Again. —The ;Vow Castle Gazette and Democrat altar publishing the details of the Bolan Marriage law thus concludes its article: Wo conshler the . bill a useless and nn- Just one.. It may be for the protection of ministers. and magistrates, but toe Iresent law prevents them from being mposed on If etrictly lived rig to. We believe the bonds of matrimony should be taxed as lightly as possible, as the coupons attached draw lisse/ly, on the purse sometimes. This law looks like a dodge to give somebody &dollar without earning It, besideepu Bing the s,pplleants for matrimonial honors to expense, in convenience and ion of time. The bill was introdured by James 8. Ratan of. Beaver. who, though marrledfor several years, her rio coupons attached—as cot titicates—to his. wedding bonds. Per haps It Is for revenge that. he has °tiered this bill. We hope it will not pass as fully nine -tenths of the people are . op- : posed to ll Personally. we Italie never been able to leant our Senator'■ inutives In the advocacY of Uslatinirrlagelawl; but If xt is true, an the Gazette says, that revenge c b is t theliottein of it, we takeixwasion to as here and now, that we envy not the bear f tout man who gluts his private malice at the public's expense. ' More anon. . Sad Came or •Drowning.-Wo re gret to learn that Zachnrialt Standish, on of Thos. Standish es 4., of Independ- CIICO township, this county, met with his 'loath byilrowning on the night of the ;:10th of Watch. Ito was employed on the t -steamboat Hornet No. 2, and at the time of the casualty the boat was some nine miles below 'Munson, Indiana. He was on watch at the time, and it is supposed that he accidentally fell overboard at about 12 m. in the night. It is thought the casualty occurred about one-half an hour before his absence was noticed. The river being pretty high at the time, his body has not been recovered. This was the filet trip he over Maclean the river. Ho wow a young man of good habits and Ids sudden death will fall with crushing force upon his parents and relatives, who are among our won. thleat citizens.. CARPETS, CIL Crania, ETC.—In anoth-. or Part.of to-days. paper, will be 'found the advertisement of Mr. Henry McColl. lulu of tie. St Plfth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., Wholesale and retail dealer In Car pets, 011 Cloths, &c. The firm doing business at this place was until recently McCallum Bros., but Mr. Henry Mk al lum having purchased the interest Of hls brothers, is now conducting the business under his own name. The house Is so well•known to our readers that it is unnecessary for us to write at great length with respect to the integrity of the gentlemen composing but we would Just state that Mr. McCal lum has In store one of the finest and largest stocks of Carpets and all other ',mods in his line, that has over teen brought to Pittsburgh. , - ; : Tome Ming Ilfeemr:—A thulium ecninty (Pal) paper .of the 27th Inst., gives the following details of a scene in George town : • ' On Monday last a writ of habeas corpus was Issued at the Indium of Mary Lewes amorist Mrs. Burrows ; of Milton, to show cause why she illegally detained a little boy; Warren Lewes. son of aforesaid Mary Lewes, The foliowing litaraili elicited: The boy is an illegitimate child of Mary Lewes, and when quite young git:en to Mis. B. to raise. The boy has grown to be seven years of ago. and a deep affection eildebetwoen him and his gyardlau. The moths: haw re-, candy Married • and Claimed •her Alla; while Mrs. Burrows refused to give hint up. Alter bearing they facts,' the Judge ordered the Sheriff to give the child to his mother, his natural guardian. Then followed.* scene which beggars desert!). tion. . The boy clung to his adopted mother, and the old lady, with prayers and tears, pleaded that she might be al lowed to keep him.' The boy resisted the approach of hie real mother; ' and told her that he knew she was his moth.' er, but that when he was an Infant she had deserted him; and but for Mrs. Burrows he would have cone to the poor house, ind that he would rather die than leave her." The child used such tan- gnaw; and evinced iluch spirit is slur- prised every one. The erica of Mrs. Burrows brought out the people of the town. The boy was tikes to the Sher iffs of and still. he ionised to have anything to do with his mother , but af- SeVbe imMummui had subsided . the ,IjihrUf deleseadtbelittle fellow to her ... Hid" Iphilms 'ler - Glama;-- A fellow ''r•,,, i In New Ilrighton,. th e o th e day. who as w very barrilyialded with whir: ky, went into Gilliland tt IL 'z # d . rtig store, and laming ailickonatody on the show case, the glass broke and a portion of thtinflOrtS94 e4l ) lent thco-,IWIL - . ,..:t cosi him $l3 to amend m at ter s, w hic h shiglifiggat. Mid left, it lato ,1* hoped 'a, wiser man; • . ii IllothisivAlailldafoilliri aew eral count* ' u„ Two or thmalgualw . llla fri jo i w i n ' s "; t thitai Ude Ideesitiol9 the bench I el* want to !Inn die thin-1114 1 6 - ibcf;o 4 4 XraiikulTVl tit* 'hive tbur doilro tis-proniintal*liido alsi and Enna dye or alx..want to pull up In the. Commissioners Wks: The °Mal,Of:riji 1 .I , OW .***6141.4* and 'MONO at lbe liiiebblyibetebec had fibitnio • TbOli#ll4lo,4a Oa NlG.4llbelif port ofthettithiuldihink Of thatViiisnit. ty,. aboalt t h at ctoellent Instifution to be IdltaiiinniVabita healthy - aisitAV nisi: It will be seou that on the lath 'of 'Slarch,thethanaand dbwountaatnounted In' upwards or SIOO,UOU, the oven' rafts to bUt SlAPtAile4myrY. hdiee"Pitliu thand 3 1,1500: tne surplus - fund to near =ly Meiktorbili theideposttamf idividn .ale • and bankers' reach , nearly $70;000, notwithstanding the present and exces sive tightness of the money market. This is a very, favoodde exhikit, and is evidence thartheittralidofitie Aanleare In the beat of hands. An inatltutit n witlcecapital of ikkitiAlk) needs shrewd and careful managetnent In order that the large Inveitintmliinsike tussle in pay fair dividends. That the National Rink of heaver meaty; is podiallaily for tunate in this respects glance at., the above tigurea will filly 'prove:" No . in stitution of the kind ?n the State can show better financial" auceesia.' the" stockholders: should rAioloo. that jig their good loCit_tO.piisaredis' a ictri'therr oughlT gpablo t ltour of w11eer,8.7 . 1/wr - rev Os Indy " • • ' On Monday/of last week; a little boy earned David Horton, aged len years, a grandson °lift. Levi Slater, formerly of Albion, Erie county, while With Mr. 81a- ter In Briggs & Lane's car factory, .at Irwinsburg, Warren ,county - backed np against a circular saw, cutting bin! almost In two, and Imam instant -daub. Jerry:.Gonad of Middlesex, Mercer county, during the thunderstorm on the 14th inst. , while at Tidloute, was struck by lightning and Instantly killed. At, the time of his death Mr. Gould was sand pumping an oil well. The electricity. struck the left side attic forehead and passedl down the left AL pnd left leg Into the foot, laying the foot open to the toe. rfete Ibis point the laid. west' through the floor of the derrick leaving no farther . truces of its presence. Mr. GOuld a ursii 24 years of age, aid with his berearllid wife leaves one child to mourn his loss. Swindled Aga Peters; of Now Lisbon.- not being satisfied with thealow,dull method .of accumulating money, deter : Wined. with ono bold etrolle„ to:pile up is fortune that wifild make '..Yeinderbilt! or lite Wart ~tare' in amazement. A Now York dross find written tu 'deli that for .ton dollar* he should bore all his wishes' gratified— Aladdin's lamp should be his. - .11. swot the'required amoiint sind Witted eagerly' - . for a return., Ile ordered,it Sent to TR:e ta:dr: For three days Se kepttrainplng to the express oMce„ at that plice; to see if auything had come for him. On the fourth day; a box came marked with this strange device: C. 0. D. $L7l7. With trembling hands he counted Out the money, took his wealth and started for New Lisbon , 4t.,first he, did not dare to breakthe seal, but finally.screvr. leg his courage to the sticking point, ho opened the package.' Ho. 4.36, - sawdust. what can IL mean? Surely beneath that dust must be . 00uosslod some rare Lela°. lie stops and-wonde thinks 01,1 1 :amassai things. • Little did . .he Intagin that ho hod been, bulidlug sir r castles, • th irottlesonia 'Vanish' ititai thin valor. Slowly and cautiously he removes , tbe. dust, 5 until. be came Oa ii4diage,:f - '. hatni.pbakes, . teeth clatter, Ida pulse quickens, his heart throba,'his Ictires quake, 'ibis 'eyes dilate, and lie hastfound IL lieezelalms ••Hdrelca." • Ile picks' It is heavy —what hen It be? He opens stand find); that tor $127. heAuv. received a tIIIIIIII Ills fists clenched In anger, he rushed to the exprara office in Leetonia, to get piew of iron. Seeing that bewail a victim, back Isle money, hut the money had been chipped. Ile cent a telegram to Ravenna to' have the money Mopped. We have 110 t learned whether ho received It or not. It would,have been better to have remembered the table of the hen that laid the golden egg ever'• day. It seems ineredilde that there, things can be sue . eassfully pnielleed. We fear that Mr. l'otera doewnot spend much money for newspapers. We will send him the Patriot forlwo dollars a year, and guar antee Mai lie shall not be viethnized again.'—Ofgo Patriot. About Gypseym.—As the season for gypsey traveling is near at hand, and as numerous bands of tills singular elassil people will doubtless soon pass through our town or encamp in its vicinity, It may Interest some of our readers to know something of their strange history: The first notice of them which occurs in European, literature, is embodied in a free paraphrase, in German) of the nook of Genesis, written by an Austrian monk about 1112. They are described as "tab. =elites and brasiers, who go peddling through the wide world, having neithei house nor home, cheating the people with Abele taielis, and 'deceiving man. kind, but not openly."' Two, hundred yearsister we find them settled In nun: ga!y, at Cylima and in Wallachia.. In 1417, they traveled in great hordes Into Moldavia, and many. parts of Germany. The amount which they most frequently gave of themselves. was, that they orig inally mine froin " Little Egypt ;" that the King of Hungary bad compelled about 4,000 of tfiein to be baptized, had slain the remainder, and bad condemned the baptized to seven years' wandering. Yet, Still another ;moonlit was, that they were commanded by tbml to roam thro' the world for that period, In expiation of their want of hospitality towaris Joseph Ind Marv. The outward appearances of'the gyp seyi, *wbe haVe 'been pronounced by competent . writers, to bo one of the bandsomestratos of humanity, varies In some degree, according to the climate under which they 'reborn, and in which they reani. Their women are, Indeed, eiguisitel#Nbeattliful *ben young,'but they !Oise their good looks at a very Owly period, partl# on account of the squalor of their habits, and. partly from their resettled • add precarious life: Like Children, they are fond of showy colors In dress; end do' 64 disdain to adorn themselves with dubious trinkets and fine garments In a forward state of de cay ; but (Nei obeli+ mania :their clothes, however poor, With great taste. Of their other qualities, their manners and customs, we can only say that they were, and still are, supposed • to be cow ardly, ravengefulapd,trescheronir .ThCr have4weved- Iltimuielves; out aeveraLoo. sodomy bold and courageous as lions, bat they prefer runnltit array to fighting the battles of-tbe foreigners.. The In 7 crease of population, and the growth Of enttnre all over the country, are their worst rinenshis. - It is dOuhtllll, wheeler they will, is a eetierate race, survive many tnoreOenturies. They gerteralktleadaraming In kennels ',iinta under, Ueda: from' ;one end of, We , yair to thi :Other; pining their scanty iiireilhood, like their fore titbits's, as best Wily can, fearing and detesting nothing an In nab 'as a died and continuous occupation. 1 • The following Is s specimen of !heir lingnsge in forth of s *bort hrpeorleed• There runs s swine darter 'ander hilt 4 . As`fastal ' . 2 • Add as be runs„'he Meth still I "Come steel me. gypsy man." • P - 1r tinny num Vs a . SaicaTa, April 1.-B•Yetal Mit a tatiaduaed. Tho_nanltition for aixnumaulciallit frau' theoolßnolaslay ata of yai Making VIM.' tikei 4114: ToOtiogiti!ithe talana• the ; Tryy s , u , y . a as apaod aria aanaldfri at*, ontitt, saw diatelaps4 Use iaal44 , s ll . lll sl l cOr Wilma) got f 03, 11 id the DiroolgiirZ :Pandas a•• nagl9a - !atiar - 4111 . 7arik e 'subject, tyi 1511111114114. ,11Onsts.:—Tite Boom! ' !pent i . mining In discussing a Itepuldiciu caution relative hi their late , suoooss at the estistutetlui" electien4; , th e twoi i i , lion was ~de O t ed , Thejoint cohventloti awarded- ,the puidlo PcJillitiii to Benj. .tilhigerty who was the laWilltll . l4dir. , • t • StIAT Ap ril 2rrie I:re”ury in. , =OD lO.W= l. onittiftlei . nifalft 1 0 1 4 14.11 4iP1ti whit:lolM? Lim filo lied no' pewitr tw eet, and that partly silpiaved must re sort to law; .114 Wltitadisaaated,sind soda he shistild *present a tniamiity report. Amendments to the Atiportlonmetat bill. I made by the House, were now -concurred r In. The new 'Wheel bill treat the li ,. .ussi was defeated. A bill living Olinda the" power 10 the' width Of 'State- Ilea& to feet, passed. " A bill empow- Ming &Mimi Directors to borrow money, Hotosz.-,Thelleusa:apent the entire day in discussing the ramuslderation of the resolution congratulating the noun: try on the result of theeonneetleat dee lion. - B tit Houses will adjourn from to-morrow unlit Tuesday afternoon. liallrirad Oineer4 4' Two .11m. poohois Roads.—The Directors of the Pennsylvanla Compeny, and the Direc tors of the. Pittsburgh,Clacinnati and 81. Louis Hallway Company, completed the appointments to the , several depart ments, on last l'rtday. They are as rot lows: • • . OFFICERS oF Tl[ PICNNIFILYANIA COM PANY. • Themes A. Scott. President. " William Thaw, Viee.President. J. N. AleCulloush,:aeneral Mager. W. P.Shlum GenerMAgent. • Thomas D. Messier, Controller.. .1. P. Farley ' Auditor. J. P. Hendersun, Cashier. • Felician Blataper. Chief Engineer. W. IL Barnes, Secretary and Tress . • titer: It. Myers," Genera:i Passenger mid Ticket Agent. •-• '• • . W. C. Cleland, Assistant, Passenger atm Ticket Agent. -• William Stewart, General Freight Agent. ' C. L. Cole, Assistant Freight Agent. W.hin I I I ns,General Purchasing Agent. J. D. Layng, Superintendent of Eas tern Division. Diehard Assistant Superb'. tendent of Eastern Division. C. E. Gorham,Snperintendent of West ern Division. OFFICMIIB OF TIIM PITTIDOROII, CINCIN NATI AND MT. LOUIS/ MAIIIIPAY COMPANY. Thmiss'A.lkinte, President. ' Wm. Thaw, Vice President. McCullough, General Manager. J. D. Layng, Assistant General Mana ger. John Durand, Superintendent P:tts. burgh and Cleinnati. D. W. Caldwell, Superintendent Co lumbus, Chicago and Indiana Central Dicisldda, . • T. D. IlloOler;Onteoll•r. , • Jo g s & johmekliteo. 4_94491i. . ?J. Ihtkai r . Chief ZAtinesiri. WI sti Stoingt, Gainers, - 'Freight Agent.- • - • • • June' Means. Assistant Freight F. R. ?Oen'. General Ticket Age Agent nt. . W. L. tY Brien, Matinee, Ticket Agent. • J. C. Morris, Secretary. C. L. liiliowell , Treasurer. • - - W. Mullins. Gen% Purchasing Agent. LAW Library. AA' AOT estabUrnt a Law Library in Beater. (beeqt. for - sae •of (Wizens tAereq4 sad app Fi at .. Forfeit; Urea; Penalties and elect Raegni:. zancea,:accruing aro' tbtosty for its dwartote 1. Ile it enacted, lc. that the Commissioners of Beaver Camay are authorized and required to provide and tarnish a suitable room la the Court House cf said County, for alas Library, for the use of the citizens of the County, and to appropriate the sum of Fetteen Hundred Dollars, out of the County funds, for the purchase of books for said Library. Sec. 2 That all fines, forfeitures, pen alties, aatersements awl forfeited freeog iniZanele, hereafter /misruling le add Couglt *Neil Wider e;istlow Jaws are not payable to AD Commonwealth, for ifs use, are her db y directed to be paid in to the Treasury of said Cottnty, for the maintenance and enlargement of said Library. Sec. 3. The money - appropriated for the Purchase of said Libre'' , under the first section of this act, as also all monies socrUllig from time to time front the sources mentioned in the second section, shall be expended as provided for in said sections, under the direction of a Committee of three of the resident mem bers of the Bar of said County, tit'be up pointed by the President Judge and hie Associates annually, ordgener if requir ed. SW. 4. - The said Jodge4 and Com mittee shall have power from time to time to adopt such Rules and Regula tions fur Wu use and goveremeut of said Library as may be expedient and tans sistent with We proper care and preser vation of the rause. Sec. IL All laws inconsistent here with be and the same repealed. J. 11. Wean, Speraer Ho. Reps.'s W A. Wu.s.Ms, Speaker Senate. Approved, the Nth dayof February, A, IL, Joubr W. Qz.tnie:4lor. Soldiers' Orphans eflolallilpe. berg—A Basun /.eldest.—As Prof. Wr" G. Taylor entered his ogle. Monday evening, he found a num. bar of Orphan.. who said they wanted M report, (when titerde wrong they are sent to i the oltlce to report). One girl stepped forward and said, - "Mr. Taylor please receive this as a token of our affectionate reward." It was 'a silk tub chalm - with gold ring and slide. On one side the Midair W. G. T., and ou the other. "Presented by Soldiers' Orphans of the:Phillipsburg school." It was a perfect surprise to Mr. Taylor and some minutes passed before he could reply He said, "Ily children, you have ta ken me by the greatest surprise. This form of report is most perfectly ;telex. peeled. I Joyfully receive it In the words and sentiment it Is presented as a token of your atter:donate regrrd. Your speech Is brief s , but, broad and comprehensive, and will be Indelible in only memory. If you had told me of your design I would have prepared a response that would not have been en cumbered with the embarrassment that this unexpected and pleasing incident forces upon um. This incident - shall ev er be regarded by ma, as one :of the most.pleasing of my life. I have never worn a gold ornament of any kind, but I sin sure every reasoning mind ,and generous heart will forgive use, If I de viate trent my wonted eim rye; and Swear this souvenir of -the &facile:in of my adapted children ; for whose training, education, and spiritual, wallet it has been alike my duty. and pleentro 'to la bor. De . assured there was no danger of my forgetting the , donors, but now,' often in the future, alter we have parte as I note the passage of time will my thoughts revert toner editions and sumo ciationi settord.... And now, to the contributors to this beatitillei token entaffection, I rehires my heart-Mt thanks, ,and bops: that. the , bond that is so beautifully metspbored by this chain of webbed , ink: tnay, ever bind tut ebeerfally,- willingly and lov lusty together—May ibis beautlful - nnd pure gold ring be the fit =thieve of the eontinualtionshincy sad ensue) , or pair lives, and-may this suelloyed gold slide be the this- emblem . of your orialleyed trutk honesty and intrinsic worth, that will pass current in the world, einkfirmi whinit thirst pm be no dhenand.' - And new - my children may Islimnireti; Said at' isle, givo you the crown of hl lad bap orsold that is the portion of thiredeemed in heaven:, . g e • Eintun Attain -.1 ear ant- accustons; tio writing eonstuunkatiour tbr now Spore, but3ltinkillg. that - aletter ;fro, tionith'ePerryntight, baacceptable boons of your numerous readers 'concluded lot you .iteer„, from,llll6 Pen . or„Lllever tiount.Y. XPristinte neediesstoste Where Oda delightful town h situated but Ow the bandit of those who may no *Misr,' will first outy.thst it le forty mil. below Pithburgh, on the Cleveland an l i ittsburgirrailioad. and Mao, acceesibl by the Ohio float'. - The town atpresent is rather quief q little tnutapirine to re :Reis thattneintstotlyi except antoitaLsiona 4oglight that Li generally well a - 'and the combatants amply cheered on I thcdr pugilistic endeavors. - As you • 'tin doubt aware Oil Is the chief burin 'of the plebe: . 'lt lac been 'rathei ' bits Sir omit than haelt,.:hringing a. fad p Sisveral ti , eitai. * M going doWn at the present tinteam.nwill he oomplet *the summer.; Thi Slssorh, Odd Fel ** and Good Templais have organize :dons lure and Ft* II! • very . rdeo hall Corned by the . Iyripoivq, Protn' What can learn, they.,e4e all In flenrisbin coodinon, Mid appear - JO be exerting a geed mural influeace on the ()outman ity I There *rebut two .religiona denotnina ' tionedifethodisi 'and Presbyterian, former being served by Rev.P.D.Vast, latter is without si pastor. Edulaulon I by no means neglected. themes there a • a "lbw errors in our present aystemi o adulator.," and the young idea Is train ed how to shoot at early at, pstasibl The pubUcachool tenu Closed Willie tw weeks since, with *spelling contest; prize of a dictionary wee awarded *. Blaster Jeers , . Bruce, for spotlit) twelve hundred and' fourteen (1214 words ohrrectly. 'The school is laugh by Mica (tiara Dinelt.h., 1.. r your place • Vannote of Pittsburgh, delivered I lecture In the church on the twenty third inst., to a good aiaed anal apprecia Live audience. Ilk subject was, "Ex- Citable People and their stiniulants." The gentleman's lecture we well receiv ed and considered a very able • effort, by all who were so fortunate as tube pros oat on that occasion. A Enstidying" Juror:—ln the Court °Demi:tow Pleas Iti Philadelphia on Tuesday of last week, several 'colored men were on the venue as jurors. A white nous said he refused to serve, and was tined by Judge Ludlow and ordered Into custody. Ile exclaimed, "(let your money If you can! 1 will rot in prison before I will ;Nerve on a Jetry with a nig ger."' The Judge ordered tho tuan'eti be kept in custody until the fine was paid, and said; "Every time yOu refuse to serve on such grounds, I will Dna you IMO. Judge Ludlow Is a Democrat. raiding sad rip!dim ■1 Harris- burg The editor of the Easton Armes visit ed Marrisburg a short time ago and spent cosiderable time In an attempt tri fathom all the mysteries of pasting runt ' folding. He gives the following- as the result Otitis re-searches; For a gelitlemad of social tames and indolent disposition, averse- IMUCh work, but looking kindly on good .pay, there 11 a millenialapot on earth where Ma dreams can be fully realised. It is to be found in the basement of the Capitol at Harrisburg. Hero Is the loafer's heaven—the resting' plated where the weary bummer. wiping the dews' of ex- . ruling runt from • his :heated brow; out pause ;Mal cry out, "I havo found it. Let wo paste and fold until I die." To an unsophisticated yeoman, or oven to an experienced publisher, in the hab it of mailing large editions of a daily newspaper. it wouldseent that the busi ness of dispatching the publiti document% of Pennsylvania would be a work .of easy periormance. requiring but a few busy hands and a small expenditure of . money. But Into no graver mistake could yeoman or &Wisher fall. Past ing and folding is by Err the most mo mentous and elaborate work done un dor the roof of the Capitol. It employs • body of brave men equal in numbers to a full company of soldiers. It exacts the most cornplicated anal sod minute division of labco ever heard of on earth. Not among the boats of high officials, doctors, apothecartea, nurses and sub n urges, who used to as slat annually at: Windsor Castle In pre senting to tilt loyal people of England' a Troth prince or princess—one nurse bear ing the royal infant's right,sock—anoth er Its left—another warming its little shirt—while the great men offered con gratulatloila and the doctors lurked about in . force—we +myopia that august abode, on sucli an oeuclion, was there a sub• division of labor greater than that which exists In the vaults of the Capitol at Harrisburg, Three or four active fel lows soul(' do the - work of the whole body,a'h - d It Lie matter of extreme deli cacy to so apportion the dilly stint among eighty that each shall be able to declare that be la not eating the bread of Therefore, Much thought and time are expended upon every detail of the mystic process by which a legisla tive document gets from' the press to the mall. The boiling of the paste la • most nice and critical operation, requiring some twenty or thirty clear intellects and active bodies. One chap knocks the hoops from the heads of the barrel of flour—another remotes the head. An other produces a scoop, which; he hands to still another, and this individual transfers portions of the flour to the ket tle, which is borne by tiro sturdy public. servants. The Bucket Keeper then de livers a five-gallon measure to the Ws ter-Tapster, who. having tilled it ak the hydrant, sinks -back exhausted, and glees It over to the Bucket-Bearer, who transfer it to the Chief Chemist. This official, with threa assistants has, In the meantime, been watching the lire with Intense interest, while two' subordinate. have poked and plied it to the proper heat. The Didier: is (wiled, who pro ceeds under the direction of the Chief Chemist tomtit the flour and Water in due proportions, and when dual have been adjusted, the Chief Engineer seta the kettle on the griste. The Assistant Engineer, watch the rise of steam on the surface of the mixture salt heats, and report from time to the to their Chief, When at length, it has attained Its prop er consistence, the , ldfter removes- the kettle from the fire and given* in charge of the Cooler, whose duty it is, with two Deputy Coolers, to set within a conveni ent distance in an arm-chair and wait ,till the paste has given out its caloric (N. D:-There is a great competition for places in the Cooling Department). Af ter It his chilled sufliciently the Dipper transfers It. to convenient pans, and it goes last of all to the Drushist, who places In each of these • bran new brush. Yon will 4b,erve that this makes &large this'll job and enables a heavy force of our fellow-creatures who would other, wise be in the ahne-houso toget an him eseliving without dangerof an early ex haustion front over work. The after operations of cutting wrappers, folding, and the. like,. are ;unified. with equal minuteness, and the Pasting and Fold ing Department of Pennsylvania May be pronounced a triumph of executive orgahleatiest. These Meese' ire greatly coveted and largely sought, but they generally fall to debated candidates for the Senate or House, or to the brothers, uncles Or eons of the sitting 'members. DeDicarik., :the BreMch creole who suarried the daughter of a colored caterer , in Washington, has determined to eery to it - higher eau' the' snit he - brOught against a Chicago restaurateur tbr ex- Pal lll B *ln Pod UP 1, PIO Prl lini " see intscconal of Cola.. The list k Will,becinienebeind. allowed Do MortiOnly. one cent damages halm! of VIA" se he claimed. end AN Alleaditalee—Tba ammo meats luring porthole(' .our community, - trill to plenual to seehi uur ialvertlslug coltiniuslhat- a l linuntuath ciromi and usemagai:i• wUt visit Itueheeter,ots DJuu• day Lap/ii 21. Our - eschaugw speak vsiy • highly of tide 'inutupany, and `are have no doubt but Mat many of uur pea. Tie will anut tiaauu.atraa ut Mir °ppm , tuulty.of witsawaing le and the gterruneettelog to the New . 'pre eh, tretilllte•-••The Itisear he and vicinity Will reintsuiber the itxture, Tbormlay :evening, by. due, /ter. lir. in the /J. I:tsurcli: - The vb. pot, ruble:4mnd le xurrr , alieuld either drew e. huge euilleuee. Jeentinster amid liewlltute.-11 is gnuirylug to het that ilia detouring in- .:inmost or learning is bumming more widely known each tern that it WWI never wore Ileserylug nor snore highly appreciated at home.. We none° that .a large stud peurnisingelass of young num, several from .the mind districts or our county have entered this tern'. Pupils shay enter to advantage for stuns thus, though he earner the tours advantage. wUI beret:siva:l. •• Married. -=-_ REED —.lluUntiii.t, U. we reel doom) of are. Mary Moorhead, March Sutti, ult.. by Use Rev. J 1111130.1 M. .11r. Jewel M. need, of Van poll, Pi., and !lbw tea P. Moorhead, of Bridgewater, Pa. WAItREN—KELLY. -;. Jan. M. by Mee. John grown, of Knob, Beaver Cu., Mr. John Warm, to Mee Mangle Kelly. of Allegheny Oa - PARKS—CAMPBELL.—Ou the o,lust.. p a gl i ej , .. „ John Mpar e ik Ca, M p ri le r :he r ISearerVe., Pa. POWELL-1)0811.1.L0o We Mit ult., Alr. Thomas Payroll, to Miss Joustla bath of Pnuilallu tit., Bearer txtuuty. YOLIO—FURY.—on the 4th lost., by Hugh Bonnet, erg., It 'lobo to Itllso—Fury, all of Notibtiewjek; ley towtoph.p. FRAKIEJR—MORROW-31artit 214, by Ker. William L. Lucke,. Johner. Fru :ter, of McKeesport, Allegheny wuu ty, and Nandi Morrow, or (Yak - Dale, !Waver county, Pa. • DIED. 711ULTElt—Ou Dinah V, 1871, at Car realdanue near llolaarHle, Beaver to., Pa , Margaret, wiro of Other Molter, atted . 4.l rears. . New Adtwrtieement. Carpets,Oil Cloths, mattiivrs, &e., &e.. AT I,OWP.ST :PRICES. - Henry. McCallum, • (lAto 1%1(.0:M1n1 13r0...5.) • • ay FIFTH AVENVE.. P3'T'rhi4IIIITIFLGII. Fo . ;1. I Lary rii r , .12.1KTA.111. DEA.r.vats E 1../ to ally .lohOing frosute. Henry McCallum, S C. COYLE, . r.rt . • "srAta. ig Hit= 41.33. MEM AND JRWEL/14 Ora VlErd Alfred'. I Tr.r. ltr. want, oppaaira .Ihrorea privi Store j All Orders promptly attended to. Mandolin Windier. Clocks. Jnwriery, _Mend Ware. ripeetader, se.. always on haat. yE drnlinlintrattear•na Peorgiticae,—The undersigned having been appointed admin. batunte of tbe estate of Willlam Emory. deceased, Into of Renewer township. Beaver county. Pa. hetea~ llol /11e. all potent. Indebted to said innate that imumediiid payment Is required. All persons haring <Jaime against said estate .re requested to present them duly authenticated for rettleawat e anrl4rtsr.l WILLIAM P. FRAZIER, Apo* r. DVMM RlAEZ e tigll AND tIEWINO.—The Undersigned geld respectfaLy Inform the !midi,* of Ilearer and vicinity. that they are now prepared to' do all kind* of work to MO Drew. Raking and Sralng Hue. Reeltienee near Punta' Storw. tarot end of Bearer). Ti e patronagtof the public Is reepectfully eolitited. 31.5. 31. LAN DR R.boxq, 'inn:llo9 Lies N. 31. 1. tiIIIELDS. ~tuditov'me Notice. IN the Orphan.' Court of Bearer county. In the )mattet of the Ilnel account of Huh . Itanow, adesiniotratords heals MOO. OK 4 11.• elm tethumode Of the rw .. late of Jaded. McCown... drummed. Nor, to wit: March al. lit'fl. on motion the court appoint E. B. Daucherry. e.q. an Auditor to ttl.tribute the balance In the bands of earl ac countant, to and among the heir. orlscatee• and other tanks entitled. Frohrthe record. Attest— JOHN C. BART. Clerk. The Auditor shore tamed. will sweet Ste the gime ot . lna m apAl i n e tatent. y a . t the Coart 10thaia ll;rte. of April. 1871, at one o'clock, p. m., whom and *hen, panics In haterept may attend If they pee property. E. B. DAUGHERTY. Avdiar Auditor's Notice. IN the Orphanie Court of Deaver County. In the matter of the account of John Doado, admlntrtrator of the estate (NE- 1 0of Buy_ Dondr, deceased. Now, to wit, March on motiou of 111,. Blown A Moore, attorneys for Mary A. Park. a danehter of said decedent and lotererted ha her ...tate, the farart appolat LB. Dwarberg, erg.~ an ending. to dietritinta the' halan In the hand. of rant administnitor—as shown by hi. seeount to and among for Warr of raid decedent, or other parties Interested and legally eotitkd thereto. Wen' the Hotrod. Atte. - , JOBS C. BART. Chit. The Anditer above named will meet for the pan pore of his appointment at the Conn Howe to Brom. on Yridwy 9 tail OW e 1 Agee, BIM at I o'clock. p. m.. at width time and place patties In to tercet may attend If tt.ey see pamper. Atudairl Z. B. DA Utill Y . Auditor. Air ILLIIIIIRIST SKIM AU Mrs. Z. MOOSE would Inborn tbe Ladleie ef Bearer and Tidally that aba baa on band. and I. receiving, the latest styles of MM. 13011N1111 awn 11117,1171(14. Dream* Braearta. Sappy's, de, mode hoarder In tite,haest style*. LOOMS sod Cblldretata Bonnets and Hate altered. cleaned and preeeed. Drees and other Petteme far Nee. Bating years of experience la the above baelneri. the public can rely on recelvtax.entL-e eattebetioe Call at bee totablblunent, opposite the (Jahn Hotel. Third Street, Bearer, Pa. Apr ire Yam Z. WOOB X. 81N811.131.1...... —U. C. ISEGGS. JAB M, BINGHAM& Commission Merchants And I Dealers in all hinasql Grain. QUICK SALS, A:CD PIIO3IPS RETURNS Guaranteed in all (..`area !Vice .281, 'Liberty street, PITTI3BUItOII, PEil,,i'A irr"WON8ION)1 END' SOLICITED. gj CM= Dry. Goods, Carpets &c. SPIKING STOCK JUST RECEIVED. .licCracien i %Ryan & licClellani. 13UCCEt380103 TO SA.WL GORDON, 131 Pelletal Slew, Allegheny., The CHEAPEST CARPET awl DIM 'GOODS HOUSE In the TWO CITIES: GOOD CARPET only 3 cents pet yoel, AND AT ALL PRICES. We are Agents fir wend of the berst.Car- Prt MannGicturrni in del* count ry, And we out offer Extra laducemcnis to Buyers.. • .- , Cone sued. bee oar Complete LINE OF DRY GOODS, awl evilmine oar superior wide No. I Brows Audios veil Leavy. at 12% et* sod all other goods at asiarlbilhlgtv low priss. Dolt forget to give as a call. tati Fair& Nitres. • N. B. Mr. 11. B. °sorsa. Balootam. for of Beaver COWay, wank] be please.' to Neoltli many Meals. , 10111 M e. WWI ALD W• 2. • ISTSilig. OW C. ilelttillUUN wa. a r. spIiWISISER ilk.. 11/IcDONALD. BANKERS, •• Irakr ‘57., Roehnhr, Sirlitermt pidil es Thor Deposit,. Collie- Oro protiptly atisad.d w Government Cbupons Bougla. Ilavorablis 717 ass. (brrovxmidenak Ebnedta. . . ~[novl6;ly. • WHOLESALE, HOUSE MPH HORN & CO. • ta. tr,at TO .M.lll l . lEt-t f t.'l ° . ( • ; PITTS'S LTUI lE. . • mei.emd .1 be Resal Deoiriarit of our Xeekad *nee Bove, to the •W oust rooeu, 111 sag 11113 Prep Mimi. Meaty Bandies, me are better mell,iiirlpMNly say mum Mende/Me to meet the dams& MM. Alabblag Tra4e. We maeld nopectolly ooildt scan tram., Men al balm Ii Notion, bang suried Vie gni auf atter so nod. ft not teems litocki matt Priam ftisseany boom, Zen or Wart. Is HAW Gook Robrry,Nsairolinitt.Caliam Trial ,eitagir awl "Fop. Hoop .WV /brisk 711stelaw, raw . Goers PerieWs• fay (Midi, lOW W a. Taps. D 1410•11. :redoes gad Aisatt Werra . Moo. m l l Ollll l in MILLINERY. AND STRAW GOODS AT LUIFIat LOTSIIII 75,77 & 70 Market Street, ( PITTSBURGH. New Goods Arriving Every Day 8 8 U &&& & & & 555 5 5 5 SS Baaa II 'II II II 222 2 2 2 `L% LILL -11 2 I 2:1 11011Vrit9 It. 9 1 9 9 9 ,r-''' VVVII,II AR Mkt vOOOO6 Merchant Tailois St Clothiers, & J.Snellenburg, MERCHANT TAILOR.% BROADWAY, NEW BRIGHTON Sepl4l;nci2l3;mr29chdly 14 CARPETS, */1.3)=1:11130 lit Ms) MATTINGS, WINHOW - SHADES, .3Tallt 110.8.• ett% A full awl well selected block of, . AT THE LOWEST PRICE& bar A Llbentl Reduction made to 3lIn• liners and on Church Cnrpets. BOVARIL : ROBE At CO.. $1 1111)1 AMOR!. Inurt3;llLlyi PITTSBURGH. Pp. CITY BOTTLING HOUSE, N.. No Moriket Street, PITTSBTRGH. PA. q. Ma d l i rton . 4 . To. BOTTLERS OF Sarsaparilla. Minerai and liaspberr7 Soda Waters, Syrups and Cider. Smith Kennett, Wainwrights, and all the hod brands of Ale and London Porter, select ed and bond bottled for Modkail and Fam ily use. 'Gonda delivered free. ruuthill;ly J. B. SIOAD dc HAVE Nn W oPRXXD A NEW s a w- • and Planing Mill x*3P•EMEI:,O3f, Haring Me littestimproredmaehinery • • far as mcougaebure qf IrMaC,C,IRXMIMIr; ALT fL &o. and are woo preporeit to moinience the osegefing and repairing qf Stevnboats, Buses, Flats, &e., &c., Keeping eassituitly nu hand a superior quality a/Lumber. The pstrouage or tbe public is respectfully sollated.• all orders pmeeplly executed. Nutelliat .":, .. "~llfeelfihtdaiui. ~_ --Y ~_ ~__ ---- • _. madder wnr awl Talswol., looptoremets. w. iur larales rt. dare. of roped worlwomuldp 404 11•61, rat. war. will de well to /Pre so a /MU MA exam . Iwo oar odschliww. Whewpercirwliw Owe tisawlnta. Pla.bwrell Nat West now Co Po. • Xardattima. . • Jolasois fikellitic MINA Sellers' Imperial Cough Syrups. Lindsay's Improved Blood . .%,rther. Illiesimatlaii awl Niendalls. No medicine ever ofered to Me pante bribe ewe of Rhea mations anti Naar*Wt. e.jmn Raise M endi a erlde emend myertaiton RHEUMATIC CtiMPOLNLI: It la intim* dianlit mu Icr.toabM Iresdielac ToNIIM0111•10 Ravin hors reorient from rich and 'mar, inward axd raleara, Int ciriitas lad mddl,r. *AIM nitreklane Mom., mend It and i.e-If in their practice. 10471. E•tabliMed 11333. Srlllere IsuperiaLCArugh Syrup. ber to call to the sandr ot oar trade's that thl. moron at the rear. above all others. ta Otiose In ethlth they ata baba' to cocas.. cos.. ssinv -1510. ate.. That the trrraz oats are In comma doom tat ihat t atom*/ mid Arafat all Once, crate. It tr. them. neeceesty that every tatativ should provhte a truant.. remedy, eat, tact 11, lad,' Over. of ail flew. If; LUSO' COMM IYRCP los W lad amu sade• ope arieln Imoerly remedy th e.. mgt., 046. and all 410- eaoem Lasmtaas% as••itseaftker. The Bleat I. lb. arty lioeulaln or bit there Care, It eleh to .ton ',metal. we meat Iltetq: the Wre ad. sad In future couthreed health, It pare. LIXI.A1(11 tune SZAIWIMI I. the me and facet effectual aledltice for obtalehlic Ma de gree effect. I. &fray. oak , . and the oust dentate rail fate It. These medicines am sold Gyall Drug obis rreryirhere. Prepared only - by R. E. SELLERS it Co.. IrhOlesale Druggists, LIM («MS 41 N0.41:4 Wood fittest. Pittsburgh Ps Rowell & Co.'s Advertisements. 14 to $lO ter Day n onr new adapt. snake toms .3 to Ste per day, In :belt. own locality. lead poilentans and lad...action. twat tow by snail. Mote la owed of permanent. pentbable work. tbonld addront two. 11E.O. nTINSON CO. rodlaud. 40rWEEKS FOR ONE DOLLAR TUC AllkatlCAN RURAL lIMIN Roes Aprfl MI.- -A trlrsimelar. DlAlli4pegft A ealitundead ramilly Weekly. Sped hueHOPKINS& WILCOX, Itocesster, flit. Pi. I. VlTCll 9ll Faintlyloyelletais afi--11.0 paw.: ,rent by bull boo. TwcMr haw In core el discow• of the person: skin, bah.. romplellow. Wr!:e to ill Ilroadrisy. New York. Hand and Machine Sewing. J.& P. COATS' ]BAST SIX-CORD IN ALL NUMBERS. iNroso No. .14 fo No. 100 iodic:ire. 1011 SALE U AU lkoler3 In D BLOOMINGTOP-lII f ,-NURSERY. Itlth Veer. 1101 Acres. 13 tireenbouses. Lara at rises. Beet Stock! Low Itkelo Would yes know WlOl. Wbes,, Bow to Mott Fran, Shade, Evergreen Trees, Boat Grafts. Serdlings.ttesze Mut, Apple Seat/Arty Woe Potatoes.. Shrubs. Roses, I/n*o3cm . and audee Mats. fut. Amer, east littstoele tiessts: Figs, Best :olleetkon—iierts and tbaably. Seal 10 teals Go ilhtstrEed deettlpare Cablogne —SO ^es. Seed stamp, eeds. Zoo eatalones ot Seed., wlth plain directions-61 foxes Bedding and Gerdes, plant.—:.d party, and Wbolmio prie s _ tat—!l pats. Address }. K. PLICENIX. Blum. • Incton. 11113 c.. SEEDS! SEEDS ! Market Ganieners wanting uld reliable ilrhoold bay of the growers. We glow the s; vedette. of Devi, Cahtnige, Carrot, Atm ono. bale. Lettuce. Melo., (Woo. Parsnip. eg• etabie Seeds. Catalogue* with pike 11.4 mailed lieu. WADER A ILYSTRONO. Ai:cameo, 111 U Moto Street Philadelphia. Pa. {' I~f;p' Cleans KW Glove., dad ail Shade of Clo to and CM:whiny: removed Petah °ramie. Iler. Se.. la stonily. without the least !Wore to the loan Whole. Moldby Draddiato sod Fairer Goods Destere.-- TILIOSANT SAPOLIENYI CO.. SI Bartley dt.. New Tork. Id La Salle Street, chieten. 1826 rvigollTuTgraLt... 4870 The o2d rtandani remedy loy,Coa:tum, Voids, eau ramptice. .•Notillay 141. r." errarm, Rhos. Co. Omaha. QiY Eti4 It. how made In li hoed drags. Ulrartlentare In cent*. V. NA aB. erosoweliNoon.. , 11 1 I 1.1 ' TO TUE WORKINU 11.AS:4.—We *renew pree. pared to furnish all clime with constant employ meat at home. the whole of the lime ot fof the ioare momenta. Bwitneve new. light aid proem- Pe.son• of either sex essay cart from 30e. to FS per vender. and a proportioual aunt be de.. ruling their whale time to the Huber. 80-ye and vie:entre cearly no nosh as own. That all who see thus entice duty eend tbniroshlrees and tsst the business, we nuke the totesealleled offer: To inch as are Dot well sitldied, we will fetid I 1 to pay for the losable of writing. Fall particulars., a valuable ...ample which will do to commence work upon. and a copy of 7714 Ilteptie I,4(trary Com pwioa —One of the largest and beet hot:01y Dawn pawn, ever published- all sent free bystal. .Reas der. If you want permanent, prodtable work_ , IC. U. ALLEN d LI).. Acacrra. Ile. DOWCEICIYIASEIf.—AniUiy ur gentlemao A can make SLOW) a month, secure their own happiness. and Indepeodenee, obtaining PSI. CIIO)LANCY, FAISCINAT/ON. ur tiOUL CUAR. MING. AS pager cloth. Full instructions to us this power mei man or animal. at will, bow to Ideolaerite, !stoma Trance or Writing. Medi ums, Ulyination, Splitaallead. Alchemy, Pelisse. t.hy of Limns and Limnos. Brigham Tome's-Us rem Guide to Xanhote, de.. all mostalleed In Ms book: 103.01.0 sold ; price by mall. la cloth SIM. paper coven. $l. Nonce.—Any person willing to act a• admit will Mel , . a simple_ copy of the work/rya As no capital Is regale d, all desimse of genteel employment should send for tbe bent, encluelng.lo etc. for poetere. to T. W. ENANS A CO.. di Booth Sib St, Philadelphia. A VOS lb QUACKS. —A victim of early A ever lon. causing nervousdebility, prottatnee decay. etc.. baring tried in yolk, eyes., advertised remedy, has a simple means of self-cure. wileh be will send free to his fellow-sufferers. Address .1. U. TUTTLE-"'ai iissau pt.. New York. THE OLD ORIGINAL BOTTLING HOUSE. H. Al. 13111 0 1 - 1731 Ac 22 and 24 Market Street, PITTSBURG, PA. Established in 1844, by H. W. Buffuni. oldest and largest &MllnCiloare prat of the mountains. has made extern re p be 'applying that, Meads and the p=ir their celebrated Mineral Waters, Ales, Porfer, Forithe Spring Trade, at the Sollowlag price.: ParAyrrllla ............. :7% per tr• Miami Water • VS staspbeisy " :WS " Mopeds° Cider ...• Harter Ale. small bottle; " Kennet I Id • Whiterton, ..... " Syrup', ......... 3 (X) » Imported London Porter and bottles, 'lroned Scotch Ales and but. ET1:13232 Syrup. • 100 T bottler 7L crow per p.m aztia. Mao? rim... , w1;01. reforme!. Ooodt, dellrmed tree, and freight pearorial nor/ rtatinar and steamboat !airline. Ire LNI...IO4CrION.—The stockholders of -Ike Company tot creator it bridge tree Mt Brow Creek. at or sear Wolf Lino. In the county of atillret." are hereby nodded that eiserloo for one President. WS Managers Lida} Treasurer. wilt be held In the Toll Mom of told Company. oilvthe het Monday, the 111th day of April next:cootrooncler at to mkt*. a. re. 1 inartSAlsr4 JA NIBS ALLISON. Tivislimir. STAIR BMLDIITO ' • Wood . Turning Shop, -', WILLIAM PEOPLE'S. Allegheny City. PL. Ls prepared to do all kiwis of Wool- Turning, Scroll-Sawing and Sltull Mout. Slop. No•erll's Balusters and Rand Rana, WITH ALL JOINTS OUT, READY TO HANG. furnished on abort orate*. leftorate ar suut “ po ssspur abided to, iw way be with 011).. tit Co., 1111, ilk AV, moms; Ps.. and at the MK miser u/ Wahatar Wen and anthem Alley. Sent Free for 3 Monthi, to try. A new Slum illaatrated paper. AWOL !WM' Whiten; will be Read num el . Oa tan sad nag railer Innen in the land, anbeatta_g Jona r :, Litt*. (unbar a U* Dramas tad Jai Bladie.) ie. A. D. Indianian. azalea Bawl Wows& Ca. 1110 1. Pea Nalasois, wow l 4 aerie* Warthlidonae Gilbert Mi A. Benet. tram . Ill M inns. AZada. Mlle. ( n in *Med i = t rafrilnle & ~NA . VY. ad neon to ANIEJUCAN P 11.7111121111 Apiektii Ilanted. Coml. SE MI 1:31..xbi and Notiont. t VO " SI pm pale
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers