. ...- . , . . • ' . • . . . • . . • a ' ' ...• . . . . - . . • AD vbaritlaßllßlTlL ' . ' .. • Advertiatinienta are imaraidaSbe rate - -", of per Witlarelbg OTEXLIIIMMtbIud,IIOI .' . . • ' for ciairsubsequeid.Amslianio amts. . , • :, A liberal dismount mid , . on - PaaliS ad - - . ' nta. • • - • ..: - ..e., . . . er ,aparet - taltid ta fait lines oftbin type - '- . . • neteedieginire. ,!• - •. - 'l•*- . .. , _.- -'• Buttatimi.:Netteps aianadw,arisad by theineerrii .41111411Bidebr MO rim load nom, ..yrill bereinerged ten mated line . each hl . :. -\- - . • . - - Advartbremanbt .abadd: b• banded In • o V 1 53 ' before .11=rdwagr o liesertion in that • ' - ' - WiNe&Baddidildit ; • Badifielld Dirattriii. . .. -Miscellaneous. . - Railroad.. • ______ -- . - IMMAWE... TAIL CAMERON, Attorney at Law "pubstaana. -. , , 0 'Beaver, Pa. Office In the mom for- Al , , TORN MOORIL and dialer In plats. merit occupied by thible Judge Adams. Coo . . --.--- • lULoakpare tnecikel Wbn bled Pliinds. GWW . Seabee. ie., promptly steeled to. grrre.arr.waysir 411' CHICAGO RAILWAY. =ye bad Perm s od Wain 0 :. 7- .•eimrsins• - • •. On and utter awe etioino. rfelOS will Mum mrsfully composmd.u. ..r. . eta-dons dallyattundays mftemad_lm Adlowe...- lee ' memo at sak - r. /Loam dat• j a. PAST:Deasrin Ormerter. rk.a. F .. ..d. ty mitt.rwe rm . rite to . mr urn „„ 3..... putouriti at ma P. x, arid. . ,--, n .. . - '• - „ Tau assear . I ' 3l ' 'II .....,... and •.. - win st. Iseplttly • Th aws oozed win. _ • , BIAVir Diti 0 d 1 . ..t i Wit itacri dtMwed. • - IMO R ue , - arrisicists. i:ltxru. 433 0 e. , Mai. Sara _____!— --- M=i. 4 A p=v2 , , • proem , • 0...51,7, 4 • Pittsburgh II WWI 1 Marx 110 An Mrs . s , r .A lliie Iftralz da t . = w ai t _ • ~ . brandath o ory ' Rochester Ird pare IMO . tts bole allauxe lag . I ibit Ha. 760 . . card la c Ut e r i 'd ir. +Z . Th ii imay lliCLY WILLIAM Ii SASE & CO.. Dugan i • ... ...' , .... ...- , •••• B .111 Thissiadabbtior id 'Land Dumas* staatr ' .31"ggsfachavrt_kt GRANO. squARLAIIII oTRICIRT . Oftril m-i r ********* 11 mi • 416 'aim mm LAMBS IPOISM. OroseVestaarast Choice Thwack L' 0 15 101 . , TO ad aim , . Ow pu l se g oat , q as ea as ties ' 110,,ar sod Tharmiblor. - als a.- mystfily seil• Crtrtlt ii---id. A...! 936 716 . 500 IRO el R. A Thatrilhuiler hi Tinware, Stoma BiILTIMORE , MD. Bear. 1 D •httOat 743 . ado ate i %J. Modes, An V. end 3d M. aildAll Them biftruseeaM bare been ' toaore the public Upper Sandusky- I, • - i r ., .... ***** rjr , W. Diti7OßL - Tneutunce agent. Dm Pa. g•,,,. migmg Ttdrm yes. end mon, their ottcolladdd Pm*: 'llltri I liti 733 i ME " .L_! Call and get your progeny, Matted. oclklY &one ettaleed uppercameepn -ftessieme leech. Ltma. ******* • -• . • Mara 1049 . MO Old pftmouncri Zs . emanated. Their Van Weft • IPITTAIMUM.43II. irrILliNE -` rat Wald , . I' Mil ' iiisia :lia- Ea conibtaes great wires. sweetness and Itne o tril umbla '1.... .,i• , •••• . • • - /hider In Roots A Shoes quality. as well se great pu e rlot Mobs IS Wlll4l/111/ J . I: l l o o . fla w t o Zn t e i t ittattnit. rt. 1.1, .. , /4: sweetness thrOughout the male. Their IW-emai l . ", ****** 11 . 41 . ! . gM - Mim i iil e t wi l iiit7t-V tg iiii" t mm ee PlL ntmsri l ig. ot li."77u lll : • is pitan and . el-T c' t.„ 7dc2, - fre' (realm i the • g iPlisi.° ! !• 11 1 1. 50 ail -° • tl:te ilindeter," bent 1ia.10.244114011r/b."';epttly siinmi:Mona In mm a My , Mew l." . 4.7..• •' I --- ruat l iss ims naer. . J. usxmlakoh a Duos., taFate Drat- In WcPX • irmart4E ,9 . •-," orraltom. •1 0-v- sa• 5..1 IriorT : l .... Lulir - FSar i 11 . gists, Siti Liberty 131.-Pittsburgit... . • eepl4:l7 Om, are unequalled. ming none ba be'very 11Writi ' ! T D RAMA LIT'I3-1. AT PARLOR . It NM Ar• 11 ,=1 11a ,....." 1 "‘.......... the . I .l".. e T l P__ TlA l l '. ° s±.._,_ o4 Chi__ . o ato ..} Maul bland MOAN ltbra el • aim, mair Market Vt.) Pittabergh. Mepttly ad •Z'L bfinm r' m '.' . '' a r''Zll.: d. '' .. 'P ....: , 717 . • valPaidao ,i• - • .... i ... • .... Plymouth • .1103risi -906 IWO . Mien t 4,1 . I I I JE LIT._, Booksellers andStattou• WAR oar Stldan Pumas hire . 14. w lm- 0 9 . . Wood et. Pisani Pa. tsept4;ly proud Over Strung Scale and the Agye Medic Cbdanitla • ' '::.;. ::: !;..., 1 . ,... J 7,5ZU bssg V i eg o it - ZkUje n , i ortj a p i ii: hoWnstion " N a l l o 4 o7l . l=lll9:44t r A l ttll crit, Wayne • 41 IP" 7 • 13U r r i lm y4 o. . Ty. 1111141,,, Good.. ite... I . „ppti, emeriti:tin Patter= Ave. IL lited iram- bring si g . • • 's* ••• • • - i•• • • • •••• 408 013Aul 415 540 . the Plano nearer perfection Mau had pm bees at. Forest • SON LIM Iso l an 1)8111ERA BRIMS: French and auble• Waled . ~ _ At. can Coated= . Dealmirs le -puts.* Anita. Awry Piano Polly Warraeted for 'lie . Fran. gr e* ono fillad . "I'7 ********** ...."• 1 . ..... i .. ..c . de. 116.1115.1311 Wood SL PROMO. 1,011 1 54: 1 Y. We bare • mailloArraugemesta for: tbe ebb „___”' '.,,,..._- . , 1 *a; ** Tim 'eta ' .0119 • •111 . 1 N. MOORE, Desler lo choler Pets : 4;IIdAM ai WAole•als Affinallbr the moat Celebrated PAR. 5'...."..... 1 m ••••./ gem no I smug gm .4 • Yamily Groceries. No ' Iglillth Aventir. Pia. Loa ORGANS and IRRLODKONS , which we GS Mansgam --- ' Ift 610 1 610, lOW hotel. Th. - . • .. -. '. sepftay Car Wholesale and Retail. st LoweetTherory ert- Wooster ," r ii - a i iiii --i; .irk.6iT i r k . -- .i r iT tho N ... tor WILLIAM RNA BRA CO m r ...m. . 1 I• i l ia jai ,- en ' jay seollikam] Mem. Akd Maiwillon ' I - .""..eilldelftog alsehines. Uttar inailiThand Itellet For Alliance !lots no It* ' Tim • . 0 4 Av r tteaj.- -- • Salem _ F..- TOW; 1N100.211i BOX,Peslorre in .tbe New ic/ Weed Flinclt Machines. U 6 /Went ntreel. , Plit • toWeily Ali p4ts. 001 4, ler._ pprOsi rates to Clergy. VI Fil th Avenue. -Milani falt.: Pa. ' [niftily ' • P.l4noneciait to' .011: 11W1 . 1. 'Dealer in .1:4. Watches. la:4m Jewelry Cilifar . reare. No? HI Filth Arras& Pittlibragb. I • . Esepltfy, eitisseiTurr — iG 7 7 • lu inde}.Bbow.cAro• fur even business.— No. 7 Fifth Aenee; fittalitilk. Pa. • (etsdlit.y . hlll.foll,3lllonfact ore: ofiltirliOles lu 1. • Furnaces and Citairst—ftettewoo& 'That. Ilahugsty:andAbik. 411iftildideld st. 1nc.15:17 =:El3:l=3 DROSPECT MOUNT NI , IISMRIEs, greens and 'mall Pratte. Three miles I sat of New Brighton. (magi • • E. THOMAS. .1 13, 12 MR, DriV ar a . Mc. New d m c n righton, ieiticceuore ."Y tw a l n .. B. No. Me.) tebtloy jig°. akeri Ac tiontationery, B. B. dived. Special attention given to wed ding, and ball.. OsePl[ilY _ 71, tistif.LLENHlSltli, Merchant Tallor•,— L • Broadway, New Brighton. Bee adr A •B. WIIISLER Bennet. Broadway, New di. Brighton. 71 NOSS, 'Photographer. .1.1. Broadway. photographs from go-touch ed nagatleec (sepitly INTBIt BEDISON, Jewelora sod Tuba- V caritas. Broadway, N. Brighton. .(sepithly JJ. IItriCITER, tirocerles, 'queer:swore and • household Goods. Broadway: tsepitly 1 4 , VAN PEDAL Dealer lo. Wall Paper, WiudOw 11 J, llhnds, Books, Btatloneeryt Niulons; Broad. way. New Brighton, Pl. • ii.VOLiE ~.., C IIIFTII3TEINFELD.DeaIers lo Dry Goods, C 1 Flory (goods 4 Notions; Merehaat Tailors it !udders, Broadway. • oetitly HEAVER WALLA: 1130 , 1 D e ln l:l i i3l. l4 .Cnr v v ed FAH, 'Pepltly ---- ualgaertreeeesrt':, Deaver Pall.. , sepltly_ DAI.L .tTANNEY:Art lab aFreoco Nfld. h et.; alao, Ilona. and talgta Palnlara, Main St.. Beaver Pa3o. • scpll;ly t FLEMING. Dealer In Boot., and btuvra ul • esery dearrlptlon, at low pncril, and , I a an. valor qualdy. Main St, Bravo, Pall., Pi. nIS;ly •Unl G6WATER: • I . A ititßilM. greet. Bridgewater:Ps. yr Dealer In Gold atardtiver Watchn, 1 . 11,C10. Jewelry and Siker Ware,Spee , aeler,te. Watch er, Clocks atolie•relry repaired. TAANIF.I. MILLEN, Feshlonabla , Tallur. Su n,. but el erleneed•worktnen employed. Shop ..n ridge rt. Itildrewater, re. • febtr7l;ly. r, limier lu fir,: top t., per and dhert-Iron ware. and Iron Cistern l'inpr. Bridge •t, Orldgewalt , r. (aenl 4 oY Manursetuier. and Dealer In 1, • lio4da and Shoe.. Opdge St., Bridgewater, • C. HURST. ihy Gam.. ilab. Cap..fr'urn. 1 • r's rods, 011 Cloths mid Trimmings. Bridge t.. Bridgn . ,vater. Pa. • sepilily 114 110111111fY;liraler limier laand Shorn. • Bridge Street. Bridgewater. sepitly IHANAUER, Millinery, Trimmings S. Notions '.:-;lifidgest., Bridgewater. seplitiy WEINIIAN, Mantirscture or Boots and I.• Shorn. Bridge St.. Bridgewater. ( 0 9 14 :1, .11 and pressed. Water St. abide Bridge. topißly I OHS WOODRUFF. Marble Cotter; Monts Iffi mente S Tombstone. or all,descriptlons made to order. lit. Maikrt and Water streets. (IlePi4;l7 itILLS Co. Urocertels, Queenoware. Win• I dow Wass. Floor. Feed S. Country Yroduoe. Duidap's corner, Bridge St. Bridgewater. istalltly 1 'RAM /MANOR, Dealer in Stionoogshela .11 Coal. Orders left at B. Clark's.'in Beaver, .ad at Smith's Dung Store. to Bridgewater. will be promptly attended to. Cash on dellrery—Lowrst price. Yard—lteDonaltre Point. I =3 11. ANKINS—DoaIer In Boot!.., hhoea and Gal. tern, and agents for :linger Sevr lug machine; New York and IL R. Sta. Itocheater. • (fehttly (MOT& Gunsmith. Nitw work, of the hest material ) made to 'order. All work %iairanted. Repairing neatly' done. Prices Low. Aciam lit.. Rocheeter. Pa Janni;lv W FTl.Ci.7kiisCiTiry iioorhe, No- if V Huns and Millinery. Madison at., near Illa. mood. Itociteeter. Pa. - irept.l;l3 1 1 R.MHY LAPP: - Manufacturer and Dealer In 11 Furniture of all Brighton at.. :More Pldwfactury. See sdv't. taryllay 0111 N KARCHEIL Baker , and Coofectk;iter.— e) Water et .'ltticheirter,•Pa. toopl.kly NGRAIIMEBOYD, Wagon & Carriage Maker, Railroad rt.. 'Rochester. Pe trepltly • ‘IAMI fr.L L. iIA NNEN, Drnggist. Prescrlp. Ron. carefully compounded. Water pt., chnter, ireptaily 1) des'et ' es iN m A ti E r i pl i crlly i . " l;f l tr ; ei t :n h , r t c :r " ::( Diamond and B o rldge •ls., llochester. Usept kly S PEY ERRIL - & - SOM`V.hT3h7rife — & — linill 151;ni• era In Dry Lloods,Grocrles.Flour,Feed.(train, Duat_stores.tron& Soil., Walt, &..4011,11, rto. II FREDERICK, linker and Confectioner.— %_A• Wedding Cahn. and Ice' Cream tarnished promptly. On Diamond, Rochester. (sepl4;ly VOR SALa iIMIIiptiILV Elf M AN, ll...dram - i.e. I' Jr Foreign A" I/mantic Dry Goods, Neirtime; Trimmings and Fancy Hoods general Water Water street, Reschester; Pa. roe (septkly C0., ,f k l;or t t , trit ) c oo t o n. r. a s n ii dj e u r l d e a r . .NI. rloiLnara . cit } uare . Deal lu Lumbe.s Lath &ell:a - herder. __lteplkly . , eurr.. , • • . lICCCOPON to C . L. - LE 11% 11:114.014 t — C Luklu,t Co., Dealer. In Sawed and Planed Lgmber. Lath .t Shingle., Rochester. .p&I;13 I>tliVlnt'S LIVERY STA BLE & COAL YARD. 1; Lein .1.t -n It. R. nation and t duo river. ocIP; ly CHAS.. — Mitimfactorer of mid — dealer In Tin.Cor,per and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing, &c.. attended to, N. York at., octlitly '(`TELL' LERA CLARE. proprietors ol Johnoton Ilour, Good Rccommodation. and good sta. ' V.. Near It. R. Depot. • ectlP;ty D dealer In Boors. &c. Repairing done neatly and promplik. Sore on the Diamond, Itochnter, octltkly W ALTER & BROTHER. Ilmlutacturere of J•Wagon.. Coachn. Boggles. Spring.sragone. he. Blacksnothlng and Itorpeshte•lng dour In the brat manner. Rochester, Pa. nolG:y EAST Laysurooir.., o. JAKE SHEN K gentral aso.ortmera 4.f t;r4Ketri.b., Qnr4namar... Stoneware.. Canr,rd Frrilto. e. Car. 3cl d Broskl.ray. rriartty TIII.4IPA.ON a CO—Deal e r. in Dry lamdp, clothing. port. t!hoer. Hai. a Cap. 'erprtn. 011•Clathic Queenom•re. Wap.vore, i:4.r ikwavray t Cook id, 5..31ve ...1, .(nwtio t 4, HILL & CO, Draggle. Brielmo.near H. ~r 1 • IC. Prescriptions carefully and accnratrly ' , m;/tulpded. . ' nisciiLLANimovs. "1011:4 THORl'4lLRY.lilanatinitu_ e rer of the Oreit P Republic Cooking Store. end a ee of I ee. len! tkble extenelon top and centre. Fallaton A LnERT HUNti.ELL.Stoumuw ihinfactur"' OrdaM. promptly attended to. Vanr.P.- Poet .me e Iddreve—Beaver,ll%. aeplitly. I . l4 Zen a tit i l .' . " }s an .7.; i t Pe rmanently t i n ed lo e th o4 ' eac til lf:inl Medicine. b enpeetfoily to aly profmelonat ..Y 'tell to tbe citizens of 'aid village and Melnity. ttlilre. In residence. oppalta Ugh" vavre I .bali alatay. be . found. corer. prolemannally •r.g.eed. All call. receive Immediate and nttonitt attention. A. V. CUNNINGHAM. M. D. Nentlltlyt .L.LINNENBRINK, Ifeulcr fn 'Watches. Clocks. %yJewelry, .nriactical. and Stationery. e tch. and Jewel., repaired. Arent for the %Ent" Bening Machine, Rochester Pa. • • 1,13.6 m THOMAS Zd'CREERY & CO TllO6. 111, cillEE111.14 Ca•Akrl J. P. DRAV 0, .... . J. ANGIKI; J. givein ieskt paid ..11inedennsita; Prompt attention nto toWeetrons. Also. buntline.. Arent. for good and repatoe Comparairt nepf inn%litill., Having permanent. TY • ly located In Hearer. would respectfally ten. der his prolational aerwlees to **citizens of Sem ver and moroundlng country. Elpedarattention pool to the tswetmeat of female diseases. Women dune with a allltal km& °Naos Med street. a few dome west of the Court gouse. aPtittntklest • . , . . , -I * - ` 3 ';', -''''! "4. .:".' , ' b , ' . ' • ~ . __ ' ' ~,,, • .".- .'..' , ir..,4 - ' . \ t. • .- ' 4 ~,,-,:., -t'i?'t - - - . s - . . . . , . , t. A . ',. . - ~' ",;!) •„. ..,': , 4 t'''.. J .!:( , ... ..., . r ,1 - s4r*, -, -• , A . .....-.„ ..,..:-: .....; ~. •:!.... . ..._,..,,,._ J. . ' 1 . . . • , , ~.• `--:,• • • , • ~ ~. ----il k ---=-----;-----------' '''-• - -" --------------------------------, 1 . . . . ' .No. 14. - - ' - - ' ' ~ - '' - &goiter PI4 I W - - - -- April ~ 5 1 8 1 . . Estabha • JR Raid at ,:• ~ , v ei A thblgi -....-....._. ' _ 2 Avast& pi , , , . , of A fret - .-.4 , ‘, , -' .:-.4e•-,•-, sit Into I' CLOC/it.e; : : 07 , gy res It In Jae! clip Ir - course y 0 .card; tine' 4 out of t.,;43ricabia iq , S i you WI Jetty of ter -- *a.cooolp . - • • A are mad; 1 , „•''...L.: •- . 1"-.. '''', , ' -,' . litighi Daft; ',, • .4i afield a Ix ....French is Efil ' - '-ffi ober right. rldred oral tv - • • Apet 'elabikalf , We ware . tolf IfiXtriiii'.' e•-• 1 - r Ail idld,t'Skiih; attl - IT , - •, •: ; • ... , . ".. ; . . ' ' a i r THE VICTO R! ' &le. int, 'tao , „,. ~.. .. • .1 , -,” A3,44,...i.; I rk • T h at ' Atka, Biltild.Wif‘ ' "'"ii • ' AllegheeNel, ~ ' llll 4ooit' . * " Tag- AO ' _'4 • r 4 ' :_....' '' i, '., - 5 5 ;• :, -:-• - ' • 5..• fOlVt s l s • s 3Ar r : 5 5•' ‘ ' - 5 1 .1 .• ' - li r arrigeili; ' s •' • .'I 1 ' 55 • . • •.: -, .0 5 .1f•.Z . 74 5 04 Prices • • ' '-t,- Larlarest. ~. -.I •,-.- •_„_,,,,,„.., ,• - '''-r- ' 55: . °l' . • t I ' leiartle ally , Rat maim clocks . A,14..,,M11415.114 , PONT if a.l all, ars aippuillui. tii• 1; the 'stile .b• sum:* a Wpiltab . .141:1[41ii ... .. • = 4 l:b at di 6. , ' . _ . t - r iingle*i b ,_, ' 4 - itai ; .• Maim . one 4 ... 5 '...., , .1 1 ,t : .)., ' ... r1 ,1& ; ' : :RI AU 161* 0 ' eillkbir,elidedl - ; ' SELZ' eL k ' t .fi" . -._:. s_ .. lILIS T 1 0441 a . VI 0 0 . ~ waste , We: ~ i ': fiat is 144 , il 1,. The Having ,been attlieted with 'that terrible coin plaintmapletely unfitting me fee business fur weeks at a thrie=tor tbit last twelve years, and st Wt found a remedy tbst gives Instant qnd Cbnipleie Relief, hist tots:laded to hate it mewed for sale. so tint others similarly aMiets , ressive thobeto Miter t 4 imurlog them that It will do all, and more thanatiOrorn , • . iced for il; and. that 17141011, ence wing. gill :war be add'. wt tt. As. numerous others who has lard it • • arm featly. embi burst tte Drug titare of WILLLAY U. BUKCHUNU. Rochester, Pa- ar will be seat by mall to any aggress lee inecelot of do altar and 1.0 coot& to PO p ostage. MIAS. B. n wrirr A Dynamo] •Rochester. Darer misty. Fe. UTA.NTMTII- A General Aseat 5* SNP T V vet county, lbr the Guardian Manua Life In. eeraneeCmopeny of New York Utmost Wham meet. to the right man. Fee tense and driveler', 'edema Antlth, Roberts s Hontneebeed, Xana get,. Soutteedat corner Rh aad.Wainst .tract., Philadelphia. [ooelpf„ 11411141111, , Bridge Street, BRIDGEWATER, PA. IS WEEKLY RECEIVING A FRESH SUPPLY OF GOODWIN SAMMY TRY voLtowizio DEPARTMENTS: . , DRY Cit CI .L) . Steubenville Jenne , 'Caasimeres and eattlneta, • White Woollen blanket.. • White and Colored and Barred Fleumels„- Delaines, • Glnghatnß, h • Coberga,• 'Lawns, Water Proofs, • • Cloths, • . Woollen Shawla Brown and Slack Tif:kinp, Print F, Cnntun throtteit , , .Tiattle Linen; . !HA 1,111 , •11.. 4 • .Cntsj!, , C ,unterputtett. fitrsiery t II Gloves Groceries, Caere, Tear, lingar,Motarrea, While tillrerDrlpir l'slden and Common Syrup.. Mackerel In be relr and kite. Star and Tallow Candler, Mao. Spicer and Mince Meat. Alro, SALT. - Hardware,. Nails, Glass , Door Locke. Door Latcher. Binger, Screw, Table, Cutlery, Table a 1.43 Tea Spoon., Sleigh Belle.,'Coll Dozes, Fire Shovel, and Pokers, Nail. acid Warr. Spade., Shovels. 2, 1. and 4' line Parke. Raker, Scythes and Snalbr, Corn and Garden Hoer. WOODEN WARE Buckrtr. Tem. Chums, Butter Peale Rod Ladles CARBON OIL, Linseed Oil & White - Lead. Boots • and Shoes ' DlEty MISSES' AND CHILDRENtv SHOES In Pent satintY. Rifle Powder and Shot, Blasting Powde and"Puse. Flour Fees" 41c. queuttetwure. VI heavy goody delivered free of eharge Hy elOwt, attention to business, and by Leeping constantly on lisud a reit &sent ted stock of el.& .ofnll the . dlfferent kinds usually kept lossouurry store. the undersigned hopes to the future as In the 'limit to merit and receive a litiera: share of.the public patronage. U. S. itA - Nova.t. • 11, MILLEII CO. Contractors and Builders; • PLANING - MILL MEI Doors. mash AND SHINGLES Constantly on hands, :Intl inade to order. Itocherater, Pa. ()rd,'rs loy moil will twelve prompt At; lout jolt. 3Inr8;11—ly EYRAN Successors to REIN E3IAN, JIEYR.IN tic tiIEDLE, No. lt! Fittb Avenur. Pittsburgh, Pa. 601.1) ANA) SILVERSM ITHS, Anil denier. in !FINE JEwELitY, WATCHES. DIAMONDS AND • sILVER . PLATED WARE. Agent ) . for. nll 11u: t:rst makes of A. M Ric:AN liv-vrcizv..c4, SETH TitoNns CLOCKS. Speci4l rittent,ion ihtid to the repairing end • Yntljuxting ur FINE WATCHES. bets:'7o.ly . . • Brighton Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A, • • PRINTING, MANNILLA, ROOFING, BAILING, - -- Hardware. Glare, Ursa. RAG AND CARPET ND 49. Mi ; 31.A.NITFACVETREEI AND SOLD AT Wkeliwale Fraziei, bluer LC., SIR Tidied Arm.. M arms& Plios,in TWOURGH. eltl"grrlolllktf ii6i niorx 1 U, Youngstown. New dials. sad' EIM Zama; lames Toimmuown al tIO p. NM Portia, LW p.m; arrh e• at Pittsburgh, Ot3o p. m. Naturatng, lemes - Pittsburen TOO a. la: arr. at Vim Nasoe. 10:44a. m. Imosustint. UM a. m) =town. New COW. sad Nittanurgii At. e on Notes Youngstown, LW I. ON Now 1...)mt1e, WlO a. an anima at Alleitteat, tall) a. to. Retunsteg loom Pftlatergi, IMP p. tat s. ere, New proems pie. • • ' F. N. NYINS, • • , Genera( liissenger and Weld Ag►nt. s C(,XVELAND t ij,i 1:1111111311011 *aiiaa►u Op and NSW INIO MO, Oats bees:re Stu *ea dally exaspOd) IN 72:1=7:1 IreArioxa. - Kira. ,Arvoal • ; 1 . 6i0 I 155 1 sio. 469 .1 410 I Cirraba 'Mend Street. 1 .. Bodeen ' Ma /Wham ; , 1140 . Bayard ..... ........rabtra Webircilla • tfb CIEZ:C=3 =ELIE! Wel6ville.. . ... 19002' 7 4 508 m a al A*l "IPle ;:1115 :111 715 Men. : ia Ravenna •:11101 fel I 1115 'lndn !1153 834 I ass - ' Zuelld Street ll—.\ 9 4 5 I ..., '" ttlevelFu ___ T. l 0 1111.••••-•-1 , lol,__ ____. --- piAtiu... : ACCOIII 111111..; itacr's Acta 1 Sells& I, 543.441 ... I 110114041 410rn ,J 563 .... 1 110 j 4151 Stea d =l•,,, j Tit • •.... 315 1015 Vitellorthe ...... 11134 1.55401 440 Sudden Terry Ilenver..• Ileebetner. 1115411540__ b ' . 1 . 5113 . true. ` -4 " trriitol4,;; 51.40. — The el Aaron] Amon . Pittiburgh ' 1 01544. 310rn 41131F71 itoeheoter .; 715 410 537 . Beaver Smite . Perry i 1 1 . WellevUle 555 505 TV ~ Steubenville itiru.. ,lll 711 315 rt . 1111 41 3 T 43 80 - - TCBCARAWA* BRANCH. ' • Leaves 'Arrives N. Plrlisdslptils. 640 a. or. I Bayard. 943. Bayard. 'kW a.m. ' N. Ptillarirspbla.SOUpar P. R. 1111BYRI0U. 411Zieral Ticket &Pet- MisceUantlams. 420 LONG AS ADIEBIOA km. the Bible, CI the Bible will keep America. Ts' Ors% Buns. Aa laspartait Beek ea Ike Great (tamellan. .4G.ENTS Tr.4.APTED, MC KIM OPEN 331331_1P, I= Auhlor of 771 r Jul.roit Chords and Slate, dr.( Third Edition Now Ready, REVISED AND ENLARGED 130 F.' N Cir It VIN Ci- IS, Liberal Coiesilealoses I Rapid dales t Quirk Polital THE SURE ROAD TO SUCCESS. A WORD TO AGENT*. There Is no acarclty of books to 'ell. , lint the great enemas of an agent Ilea In his selecting that work which meets the wants of the limes; and dab moat powerhally with the living lune: of the day. The recent effons of the enemies of Protest/Intim:l%o hamlets the MAU from The Pante &Artois. and the late attempts In the Legialature of New York and Illinois to legalize this (runs upon our civil and religion. Ilbertleo. ed In the minds of all true Protestant. a desire to know 'and have .elteulated a .more thorough knowledge .of the Intents and purposes of thii great organization. which boast they will pose.* Ms country before the clam of the Nineteenth ("rotary. Ten Oran Rizzi deals with theme question.. and the resilient. with which the first two editions have been eold andirient proof of h art r"e for re lies in gpt eb lm ook circelan. a, • J. H. FOSTER a CO., an Filth Avenue, Plttabnrah, Fa. IM=C .., ..• .; t in tE DRUGGIST, Prescriptions threfullyemd Accurate ly Impounded, THE BEST BRANDS OF ASSORTED Me 4 4 o 111 a 3. WINKS AND: LIQUORS; Paints. 0111P8. MD DYE STUFFS: UNE DYES py ALL COLORS; GLASS & PUTTY; tipectal attention Otto to seam lb* best quality of Woo@ and Lamp Trio=lop, Looter= Lc. A Liu 7e Arwo.ritnent of I'ol LET A It ' Tlt'LK.,, SNAPS, EUELUBEIES PATENT !dEDICINISS, Yalu Strret. Mrer Pa mocny.nv. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Third &red. Bearer, Pa. Mem below the Court House. Berra, L'. P. mum% Attorney at lAw. OSea In Me Kinley's building, east of Mlle Span. • war 31:17. • • ILLlAysnwe gager In Bee — i - ti• an lyboes, triter, Slippers, he, ant does to Porter. Tin shop, Bridge Meet, Bridgewater, Pe., where her severed to smannienture nod sell everything In Ni Hee et tesesentge noes Hav ing released hi. pleas of ileneteeee fear the earn er seer the 'Mgr' to hie presest loadios, he la. sites his old Meade sad perces to give bine eall. inyfiTlety. Maltoitt. A IREMINDER. To Debilitated Novfo !, To' f i k=t iel tiecirxdoolotO, *Apt ! To those hill= rite!, To those wn • 970• • otluitlons ' • • .4-Tig•Nervooo ..t1=•• ToTblidger)ffliding A rity ;•% 0: • To anY '4 4 0 1 " 114 , 11 - 4 ' P4eg O rg ve Or Surefhiff with =e e = tar to or jr e AicA f nth is • Coootlpo t.t• tfl a r ti • of Mod to • llood.'Addllty of toe SioaukehAsiookiloort. tmr'orloiffiilft_ossotibelfood. rolf tothoOttooodi. &our - i t i on,sliMaie . Mit t , 4 1 %4 sti tho n P org e O r i m l d spinout • ead, fit It • •, Isis oe PlotterfosPotomotiou ofbilkto alto" Swum, Mows of VislolkppOtfif . I .root to! flore . ±i faiflLeiz and Dolt,rfieuo hi the— Ns cir u atbs ni4 • • -staijkammostumetwa=a• - • ' • 4e0 , 7111,111011•14`ilett,• • .httl a be Flook_Goostosit • • of tfilifftr.77l; . . 110011111feS. ERILMEIg Bitters iritslost Aleohoi any kind. • fa differcut,front alkothera posed of the pure Juices, or, chile , of litoolis. Walla NA, (ut as medicinally , hernial Estado,. ") - tfte worthkat or . Inert` poßlocii of the fttgre Bottle not being used." `TherefOre, in one Bottle of thaw Bitters there 'Contained as much medicinal virtue as wlitto (nand In several gallons of ordinary talatirft. The Roots,- used In this Sitters, are grown in 4Termany,• their ~principles' extracted. in Wei country by a stitatalkt Chemist, and to:warded imam manufaei tory in ibis rity. - .whote they..us coat 'pounded and bottled:: ~C ontaining:nd spirituous ingr this Bitter* is fret from the objections urged against all ooh' era; no desire for stiraulents can "twilit dared trout- their use. t.iey cannot •• • drnakania..und cannot, under any eirciuM stances, have any but nbeneticiel epee. HOOFA ND'S GERMAN lONIC, Was compounded for those not incline(' to extreme bitten% lad is intended for use 'Wawa when some alcoholic stimulant is required in connection with the T o nic properties of Alia Bitters. Each bottle of tee Tonic contains one bottle of the Bit• ters,reomblned with pure SANTA CRUZ VOL and flavored in such a manner-that 114 extreme bitterness of the Bitters is overcome, forming a preparation highly agreeable ; and Omani to the palate cud containing the medicinal virtue of the Bp, tern The pries of the Tonic is $l.BO per Bottle, which many persons thick too high. They must take itito consideration that the stimulent used is guaranteed to be era pure iluality. A poor article could be l'urnialaid at a cheaper price. but Is it not better to pay • little more and have • gaud article? A medicinal preparation should contain none but thekest ingredi mita ; andi they who expect to obtain clump compound, and be benetitted by it will roost certainly be cheated. Ell ICI HOOFLAND'S German Bitters, ' • •'"" . OR • - I HOOFLA - ND T S GERMAN TONIC, I II 11 ND% PODOPHYLLIN PILL. WILL CURE YOU Thar are the Greatest BLOOD VIUIZIFILMELS Known to sht• Medical world, nod will from jnir,ure blood, or the I)igestive Orgsru+, thwtowil.Liver, in h shorter time than ally other kilo% n rtnnedir.. Tile Wholt Supreme Caul of Powea. SPEAK FOR TIIESE REMEDIES. lilto would ask for snore Dignified - or • &rower 11•alintony f j UOIL till;0110i W. WoODfOiltDJOrMiray ehlt .1111- Ike of Use Serprfme Uttiyal of iVanayfron at prveta ..11ennbo• of Cowers. from Pronsylrania, PUILADILLPIIIA, larch IG, 1,47. I dad * Iliudead'r &krona' Bitten " le a goad tonic. undid la 4lseases of the dire due organs, end of great beuedt in cares of debility od want of uerratoi action la the infirm. Yours tru y, • (1601116 E W. WOODY/AIM. Hon. Laso TUUSP. on, VAiof Jenne, of Lie .4a. pule. (hart qf Ansaylrania. PUILADULTIIIA. APtil i, 1b67. I tonelder Maitland's Gennep Bitten' a value. his medicine In erne of attack* of Indigestion at Dyspepsia. lan rertify this from ray experience of It. Yours with respect, JAMES THOIiPtiON. Hon ee SN.lllll , ll,llllillef lII' Me &appeal.. . lim n of It !nsytrar4a: Putuaret.ruta, June I. kVA. . • I have found by aztomirtme that illoodatore German !Attars" 1. a tory good tonic. ovulating dyttoentic tymptutus almcat directly. GEORUE 81/AUSWOOD. lion. Wm. V. Modern, Mayor of !Iv city of Afro- In, Nero-York: Moor's Mx. Buffalo, Juttel2.lMS. I have need Hoodantro Merman Sitters and Tonic" In my family doriug the pool year, and can recommend them so an excellent tonic, imputing tone sod rigor to the voltam Their noe has been pmdnetlev vt decidedly henedclal ettecto.• WM. 1 0 : HOMERS. lion. Jas. M. Wo•Xl, Er.llavor ql Will la:avert ihrinsytranla I take great pleasure in recommending ...Head land'. German Tonic" to sus one who nay be of. dieted with Dyspepaia. I lid the Dyapepela so badly it was Impossible to keep any (011 d 013 my stomach, aid 1 became au weak a• not to be able to walk half a mile. Two bottle* of Tonic ado tad @ perfect cure. • • JAMF M. WOOD. 11007111931.11a11t HAT lI O OFLAIERMAN HITTERS, AND • 1100FLAND'S GERMAN TONIC Win cure every Cast of ut 4a at a. sts mr or Wasting umlysof the Ihuh. 11 130111 , 1'3111.1Fa1. THAT IWOFLAN WS GERMAN REMEDIES A.e the medicinee you reunite to portly the Wood. granite the torpid layer to healthy action, and to enable ;V pare safely through any lord. "him or earn. DR.4IOOFLANWL.O & &baillute for Mercury Pills. TWO PILLS A DOSE. The Moat Powerful, yd Innocent, Veg etable Chtharlic known. It is not necessary to take • handful or thmenitle to pmduce the desired effect: two of them act linkkly and powerfully. clesuolug the Liversßtoeu gh and Bowels of all impuritice. The procipal gretilent le Podophyllin, or the Alcoholic' 6a- rent of Mandrake, which is by many time memo lewerfol &ming and .4-arching thau the Mandrake Moir liepemliar action le upon the Liver, ekes lug ita predily from all obetrudious: with alt the purer of Mercury. yet free from the inbarione sults attached to the use of that mineral Pot all dismem, in which the u e of a cathartic tr inoicated, these pills will given:like satistmethe In every awe. They NEVMR PAIL Incase of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and no Dune costivenese. Dr. lloolland'e Berman Blom or Tonic should be used in not nation with the Pills.. The tome effec Th e the Bitters or Tonle hull& op the system. Bitters or Tonle pull( Sr. the Blood, strengthens the ffiervitemtamatexi the Lver. &wilier* aneength. mown and sitar. opeep your Bowel. Icily. with tile ledd tone the system with Itittrve oe Tonic. o nod d y. owe can male its hold. or mos armdlyou. Recollect that it le DR. 1100PLANDli GER. MAN IMMILDIER that •re to milt enmity awed end highly recommended and do not allow th Druggist to Induce you to Mite anything ciao tha he awry le Just as T cd, because he makes • hisargmffMomPrugittian•DiaLlocalliy. it issa umilU• eppliantlam . will be to ma thar il PRINLIPALOPPIC6...at M. GERMAN CDR BMW& SU Ami. 11 4:111A11. 1111. i EVA NIS, Props Soler Formerly C. H. JACKbON (CU. • [Leer. `tort -- • - These Restate, are /or hale by Drug. gists. Morekeepers and Medicine beaters cretywAeri. juttlkly MI MI • 1100 . tha'S • AM A Steal We I. • 13 :11 mak lintialimildzimil, .to menda Amid thee agairtytete to. dajt . , Yoruba! rie*Meyr tomble , Xaci always liym to pay ; _ lt, Is,a good alld‘aulat i bri Nhiela Deola4 " 'Ol4 iiimlibed Dial cross dm ge before you, . nail that lo ruched. Too ailed bye - much slyhlas: If you irooldllpiep In mlad The thought, that good sad evil At. always Imp combined ! There moat be aiimedilag wantoa, Lad though Jae toll la 'mania. Tun may mho dons your motet. That. precious;Pwel—llealth And though yotd are rant Ina study Yon may havnan crtipty para•, . (And tooth has (bay trial*. Which I conshiet worsen ' But whether keg sorrow inn up your litywn. • * rutin mato y pathway brink Orr sidle w you can. 1.1 0 0 :iiii kff:SPfo:4o - ifekl A HOW - Armaa; OtrLD WALK. . . : . ~ • A good 'num ,i l :4e#lviii*44 . me leek In the emit hair dye,—y :41010 , - ago‘l, was r . Itttrlilaita~ students. Just below stood" iCtOok: bindery, and it little above, the resi dence of a poor widow. A girl of twenty, years passed - backward and , forward, from one to the other, sex eralfitnes a day. Very rarely did she pawl our office without one or more of us observing her. Very natural, you my. But you don't un derstand me. , tihe was not a hand some girl. Her dress wed of the plainest-calico, and, somas* on ac count of her occupation, it was nut always clean. But, nevertheless ' ehe was one of our :staple attractions. Our office was on the main street, and above us were the resldenoes of the rich. Hundreds of girls with handsome fates and rich drawee passed every day, hilt we were not on the lookout' fur them. It was only the hook-binding girl that drew us to the window. One of the fellows would cry out, "Here she goes. Come quick, John ; quick, Hehry. Curious, wasn't it 1' And what do you suppose so exci ted our interest. She Walked weal Ah ! lam :fee tier now! What *queen. Queenly, we exclaim, 'with refer ence to a certain manner of walking. We never say queenly mouth, or queenly eyes, or queenly nose. The word is applied only ttiacertain style of personal carriage. When we see .a iv a n pass , awrylhg her head and shoe era in a peculiar way, stepping oil in grand; elastic style, the wont gums/ leaps to every lap. Our tx.rk-binding girl was a Metho dist; and 'do not mind telling you that I used to go le the Methodist church pretty ()lien, and always set In the gallery, that I might see her comein and out. She frequented a little _ , vial organiettion, In which youn . men and women assemble for con versation, resellng,.. singing, etc., I Joined, although there was no other attraction than our queen. -1- You :may think it very strange, but I alas never introduced to her; I never spokezwith her. Indeed, I carefully avoided a personal acquaint ance, lest a lack of intelligence or sew timeut might break the charm of her peerless bearing. I think that noth lug in any woman has es er morello pnarsetl my imagituttion than that young woman's splendid mien. * * Obis, the Creator has not made you all handsome. He has not giv en you all line facets, or noble propor tions; but He has given every one of you the capacity to learn to walk well. Why, even a little woman, weigh ing but a hundred pound.% tan make herself grand by a certain style of walking.: ' liow any of you who desire to ap pear well; to nutke a tine impression, can consent to crawl about, poking your chins out, shoulder blades stick ing out, and wriggling yourself along in that stubby, stumbling way, amazes me. • Why girls, if you were to give one'; twenttetn part as much time to learn ing to walK, as you ive to the piano, you would add immensely ,to your attractions. Everybody plays the Viand. It is really refreshing to hear one who siays, "I have never learned to iday." • Why net a few of you, in stead•of sitting four hours a day on piano stools, weakening and distort lug your spines; why not Just a few Of you, by way of variety, culti vate this beautiful, elastic queenly fanner of walking? loll' have no ides how, to use a Ytuikqe phrase, "it would pay," us .411 Attraction. • , ROLLS FOIL FINE WALKING. There are certain perquisites. /VW, you must have low, • wide heels, and brbad soles, especially about the toes, affording a secure sur face, iipon which, in taking each Me=can push the body forward. si t " body at the waist mint be perfectly at liberty. The corset is a deadly enemy to tine walking. But given perfect freak= at the middle of the body, through which all the movements In walking must p tr a u s n , k - w v hg oo s ho r e e s e , s a a dyou f hae ' perquisites on which thisointeral exercise of the body depends... ' SuppoSC, Instead, or free body, that you press a onset into Ow pit of the Stomach, and press It int as to make a scoop-shovel dip in that part of the - body, of course you draw the shoulders , 'forward. and push the bowels down out of their natural aum,Then you walk like a del Whiled pawn.. WWI liberty Of feet and liberty of body, you are ready to take yostirfirst lessoit. ' oticerread. a book about walk*. It aFte-Frettch book, and If-I re; tueinber right, It contained'about hundred and twenty pagew' '• In - it the Most elabtnitoe'directions were given. We weretold haw to bold- our heels Mel tuesclhini•, 'when the - foot had betn,lketight, down.' it • was to be I 411'..thiring :the - stesyjust'. what niutit;'be - niaintained between •tww bet,'.the style of movement 'taThe "ankle Melt, management of •nees, t be,hipt, the-shoulders, the • the arms, the . hands, the i le.—thellosition of the thumbs F 10 Illthieet of several pages.A, Onset tlymght• ll* I 011"Akittf- I - trwriteM bettereue than . • , , book, oaf my book only km wards. Let mist have tit% kavra, and each lestf must be as large as your thutith null. We now have four --- Now, we will proceed to priut this book. On the first page we will print one single word, "chin" • on the let end a single word, "clime"; on the third page "to"; now we approach the end of the volume; torn, over, and ou the last page` we print the word "neck." _ - =9 ~U~E, Wity, Yearly. /am aoeb iia 'IIItANIN t makes clocks vs..; 1 0067 if a.l Itst.East .llko 693119)0 9 4 , 441C0t Wings ' • safely °BARTH, . . The volume Is - complete. Xeres planatory notes need lie given, not another word need be eidd. Whoever carries the "chin dose to need" is all tight from top to toe, and, will walk Well. Strange to my, the . chin is the ide . if , tlllhich the whole body turns "731boward, please stand here before us. Now push your chin for ward after the manner of most girls In walking. There, girls, don't-you see her shoulders are wrong, wrong ever3rwhere? ""Now, Miss Howard, draw your chin back close to your neck. See, she has brought her shoulders iu the right position, hips right, every part is right. Now, please walk? Don't• you see? Although, in this first at tempt, she seems a little stiff, and awkward, she exhibits;the elements 15 r of a fine, queenly ring? if she were to keep It up a f - weeks, and make it easy, wherev she :night go, people would exelithrs, 'Queenly! queenly!'" ' ~ Oh, it is pitiable to see the tine American girls poke along the street with their chins away on in advance, hastening to inform the people that the girl is coming. Come, to this window with me,. and look out a moment. There, there are two girls passing. Now look at their chins. if these _girls would draw their chins hack close to their necks, their *hole appearance wotild be cnanghd in an Instant. . I have often mid if my adopted daughter .should come to me and say ?. "Father, 1 am going to Japan •, I don't expect to see you again in this world, and, now as I aul about to Wave you, tell me how to reserve my health." I should - say:— .- .•!.;!.d,y daughtei, I am glad yowc.inie thls.,:l haVAl.Sitien My lifettithestiidy or the laws of health, and lam sure I can give you value-. bin suggestions. "Listen. I will give yOu fiverulat and If you observe them, no matter where you may live, you. will be al most sure to maintain good health." "Father, jive rules; that's a great. many. I am afraid I shall ful•get some of them; give me onty—the most important one, and I promise to forget`it." - - "My daughter, if I eau give you but one rule, It is this; Stand up; straight, wall: erect, sit erect, and even when you are , in bed at night, don't put three pillows uleler your head, and watch your toes all night but keep yourself straight. If you do this your lungs, heart, liver, stom ach, and all other organs 'tithe body, wilt have room for work. My deur child, if you observe this rule, you ' will nut only have the air of a noble woman, but yuu will elmtribute more than by any other single rule, te.the vigor of your body, and the mainte nance of your health. \. "Why, .my daughter, yoti cannot have a good,voice even, unless you stand erect." Piltabovh, Pu 7.lrY f ie —l---- YOU, 'VAIN. IOW!. lon, • 11 i side d,; ! ro, lei 'log:'. 'a •rely. b e er you cut. "The Creator has fitted this little yowl apparatus in the throat to It cer- Limit attituile of the body. "The yowl apparatus of a cow Is so Hied, that when her backbone is horizontal, she out do her best bel lowing. If she were to stand on her hind legs, and stick her now directly up towards the sky, she couldn't half bellow. •"The vocal apparatus in a girl's throat is tilted, nut lo u burrizontill spine, but to a perpendicular one. The portion of the spine in the neck detertninm y mostly, the action of the music box in the tnrait. • • "If you drop tour chin down on 'our chest, bending your neck, and t lea try to sing, you will thidat once that the vocal box is all out of shape. to to the opera and observe the sin gers. When they wish to make it particularly loud or line sound, they don't put the chin down in the pit of the stomach, but they draw 'lt buck closo.to the neck, and hold the - upper part of the spine, and, indeed, every part of the spine, in unable,erect at titude. No, my dear M ar • , you cannot even speak or sing we al with out attending to my . yolutueran the subject of the 'Need I say again, that only in this upright pd salon of the body can your lungsand heart find room to do their great and vital work? Need I say, that if you allow your head and snoulders to kill forward, and the organs of the chest to fall down on the organs of the abdomen, the stoiniu:ll and the liver and all the other' organs in 'your abdominal isithy will be displaced, crowded and trammeled? My dear Japanese missionary,. I have given yop the most Important rule of health, and if you observe it-during your life among the Japs, it will du wonders in preserving your.lnettli and strength. IMPORTANT HELP IN LEARNING TO You are in baits to become a queen? The ambition i noble one. You can hurry the change by another prac tice, which 1 will describe. A charming lady of the grand, old fashionisl pattern, bore herself like an empress at eighty six. I ventur ed to ask her • "Madam what was the source of this remarkable carriage of your per sun ?" She replied:— "During my young life I tarried a large book on my head one or two hours every day. My mother lied been taught the practice in an Eng lish school, and she transmitted it to her daughters." Some years ago there was devised a pretty iron crown,in three parts, which has been muc used for this purpose. The fi rst part, which rests upon th e head, weighed nine poundic when an iron ring was placed inside ot thls, it weighed eighteen pounds. and when the second cinemas added, the weight was twenty-seven pounds. This devise was ornamental sadism vented. But; while. the crown is the hest thing, any weight will do. A bug of corn or beans may be ean4 played: .A, book will answer very well: I have frequently 'Keen books . wash. You van use any largo bookof 130 :,,valuer - a11 . .Y . a large look, .- anullial.• will Lind that the.efiand 14 retalliit on the heatewilf:secure i ri perfect balanced; accurate mainensent of all the' muscles. of„the body. .Whatever weight le etupfoyed, let It baitarriett upon the ion of the , head, holding the chili close 10'411e...beck, thirty nsTaWes - ln the thorn/at atop about t beam° time before lyi mez at night. -In thlisconpectioalet that the use otthie.k . pllki*attedds to produisa a ctfratekt: the neck, I can glad to see that hil‘pillows of Mod• crate size are being gedenally intro dysed. • . Let me explain the way lit which icarrylege haul upon the head helps the spine into an erect posture. The spine Is composed, of lwenty-four separate bones, which do not lie upon one atlother, but are separated by MAJORS ofelastic cartilage. flop . - pose the thicknesi Of these cushions 1 to be a . quarter of an Inch . . • Wheu ' the spine is erect. t hey areof the same thickness all around. When the spine IS bent aside-wire, sty towards the right,, the eintle cushions be y come intoner on that side and if the beading is decided. the edges of the spinal beno+ themselves' will nearly . touch; While the loam of elastic or India-rubber substance will be prem ed over the left side. Now suppose that one follows au occupation re quiring this position of the spine., Atter a time unless pains are taken . to countit-balance ttau tuLsaievous Influence of the occupation, thes.e cushions between the spinal bouts will become fixed in 1 this wedge-like shape,. being thin on the left side. • • .blowsulipose, instead of bending sidewhe, one bends forward, as nine persons In ten do, exactly the Fame thing takes place In them; elastic, rubber cushions, only that the rub ber Is pushed back.ward, - . and the spine bones come together Inlkant. When the chin is drawn back close to the neck, and the cushions are brought into their natural apiality of thickness all around, irat the same moment, a considerable weight' is placed upon the head to press fiord upon the spinal cushions,- much will bedone in a little time, to fix them thisnatural shape. Umpires hut a few months of this nasnagement to induce a very striklntchange in the attipide of the spine. qy yeprs "ago, ' when my wife was an invalid, we spent three win tot in the &Stith. The' plantation negro was a shambling, - cartle, un couth creature; but occasionally we saw a negro whose bearingsuggested a re eat oceupaticy of one of the queeenly thrones in Africa. After a little we same to understand the source of. this . .peculiarity. These uegnse. of .the ertvt, lisfty pattern, were engaged in "toting" loads upon their heads. Everywhere,- in certain large dis tricts of Italy, one is struck with the singular carriage of the water-car rlers, who bring from the mountain springs, great tuba of water on their heads. How often we see German girls bringing into town great 'Gads of sticks on Weir head,i. And we never look at them, if we are 'thoughtful, without contrasting tiieir proud, erect carriage. with the drooping shoulders, projecting shoulder blades, stuck out chins andgeneral sliphod- Uinessi of dor wives and daughters.— From . ./10. DkilLcorie tufo' book, on MATH IRON Ili UNDER DIFFI CULTIES. Author of "Orerland through Asia." Some time ago there %Vas a wed ding in a town-in New England, or, rather, in two towns. The bride's father lived at the top of-Chigh hill . , and it took a great deal of horse pow er to carry the dozens of invited rel atives, friends, and enemies, to the scene of the hymeneal execution. But the difficulty was met by the as semblage-of all the one boos., two horse, and tour-horse teams in the neighborhood, and it was currently reported Unit some of the spectators, arrayed in their store-clothes,. were furnished with ox-carts and patient diced, that were in no danger of run ning away. And another difficulty' arise when the preli iii inaries were a ranged fur the wedding. The line ti division between the two towns rat through the . house where the etrei iony was to take place, and not only through the house, but through its parlor. As the bride did not want to late against the grain of the floor ing while she was being swung op', there anise the possibility of havitlg the couple in Jiineffigro', and the clergyman hi BrownstoWn, while the fatal wonfs were being pronounced. This little dilemma was met by sta tioning the parson km a temps made for a bay window, and bringing the victims as far hi - the front as possible The three important personages were thus in one town, while the specta [ tors - were tmetly in another. As soon ' as the services were over, the bride and bridegroom were faced about ex eactly en the line, and there was a vigurouS amount of kissing from one township to the other. And a few minutes after being united in Jones i.oro', the happy couple sat down to ' a comfortable dinner in Brownstown where the dining-room was situated. There is u part of the world (in Central Asia,) where marriages are made on horseback. A day is set when the young men in want of ! wives assemble, and the young lady who is-to be disposed of is there with a good horse. She has her preferen ces, as young ladies do in other parts of the world, and gives a signal to the youth Putt she wishes to capture, so that hcmay know how to ride In iirder to 'distance his competitors. She is better mounted than any of her pursuers, and mu generally man age things so that she can be picked up by theyouthslw hasselet.ted. But it at iellow that; she considers u flat is likely to overtake her, she digs the spurs Into her hum and leaves the entire crowd. The nice is then de ehwed "off" and - another day is set for the trial of speed. Sometimee when her papa wants to get rid of - the girl at all hazards, he puts her on a horse that couldn't outrun a turtle, and thus' makes it certain that some body will capture her. There la another part of the world where a young man must take his bride trout a houseful of old women who are armed with whips and have their lifiger-tails aqiecially sharpened fur the 1X.1.1161011. They surround the bride and fight the indivipal who wants to take her away. He may push them abide, but he* must nut introduce the practice of the prize ring and allow their fixes to Mille in contact with his tistr. Frequently he 1 emerges front the fray with his clothes pretty well torn from his body ',While his• hue and his whole skill have so toady' Marks of while, and finger-11Mb; as to resemble a pike Of sake of Shift ofa fa ncy Y you Pa t it h ofhe ern i fr li Dr iai t tZ k States it brio be hoped that this mar riage ceremony will not become lash- I 'potable here .A Mend of •ruinc, whir once lived In lows uselto tell atdory of a wed ding that he witnessed, where the ceremony was performed on thessmo couple three times in one night. He was vrainderiug through uorlheru lowa, and southern Minnesota. on a search fur timber lands, and was ac companied by a boat kwoods auiven . CM I= hed 1818. turer named Preston. Near the line between lowa and Minnesota, they *topped a few weeks at the Masse of *limner stapled Jenkins. The latter lOid a buxom daughter,and was well off fur a backwuochanan, and the Mt ustUuu awaited decidedly favorable to Prothro. be he courted the &ugh ter,'and was polite to the lattentd the result was' that a wedding was arranged and all the neighbors torten tulles arotandt vete honied. . Jeukins was a liberal provider, and 'weddings were not frequent In his (amity. He laid in bait a barrel of whisky, and his wife and daughter cooked enough for a MIMII army, au that nobody should go away hungry. There wad a preacher in tne neigh borhood, Who had arrived there re tently, and be was Invited to unite the pair. He tied the knot, and was rewarded by Preaton, who made a mesa of the affair by droppinga wup le of sliver dollars into the punch bowl' while trying to hand them to the parson. The bride's arm was called into requisition to lift out 11w cash, which she die with all the skill of u native of Long Island fishing for "Blue Points" with a pair or oyster tongs. , For the invited guests, the serious ' business of the evening began with the supper that kIiIoWLAI the wedding ceremony. Preaton - took his full share of punch and straight whisky before retiring to the bridal chamber which was reached by 'a ladder through the floor of the garret. Mrs. l'resturi had been taken there by the bridesmaids half an hour earlier, mid ' when the couple had disappeared then' was a fresh "asrault upon the whisky.' It leaked out in the course of the 'evening, that the parson was not an ordained preacher, but only one of those ministerial fledgings who have been "licensed to exnorL" When old Jenkins heard the rumor he went for the,exhorter and extracted front him the horrible fact that be was not realifaathorized to unite maples in holy matrimony, but be. had ' ted on this occasion because he thought It was all right, and nobody would know the difference. Jenkins flew around like a boy witha bumble trep in his sleeve; he kicked the un happy exhorter out of doors. and went up the ladder like a monkey climbing a window-blind. "Ikre you, git up, gir tap!" he shouted; "you ain't married at sil. sit up this minute. (lit up and come down, quick." The yobs: of Preston was bean' to drawl out that he wouldn't get up, and that if his respected father-in-law did not clear out and mind his basi licas tie would get his nose busted. • Jenkins explained the situation and the couple mite. In a few' minutes they came down the ladder, looking very sheepish, and the bride blush ing like a red waguu. There' was a Justice of the pram in the party, and he performed the ceremony, which, untortunotely for Preston, took his only remaining silver dollar. There were more drinks, and then the couple again ascended the bidder to their bridal apartments. Preston muttered, as he climbed the dodder, that If he ever found that,parson he would hurt his face so that:his friends could not identify him without a magnifying glass. Of course the party downstairs, who were making a night of It, talk ed over the peculiarities of the wed-, ding ; and their talk developed the fact that the Justice of the)peace lived in loWs, while the house of Jenkins was in MintaiNota. Jenkins was in formed of the altuation;eind away he went once more for the ladder. He was louder in his tones than before, and his first words met a prompt an swer from Preston. "Now look here, old man," said Preston, as he bounded out of bed, "there has been tooling enough around this yere !Addy"' tu-night, and dfird if you don't git, I'll bust yer held. He picked up a cowhioleiboot, as he spoke, and advanced menacinkly. kali:ill voice from the bed, urged him not to hurt "pa." "Don't shoot, don't," said Jenkins to he retreated down the ladder, till his head 'was level 'with the garret floor. There he paused and explain ed the new state of affairs to the en rugel bridegroom, who stood over hint with Attie boot uplifitd, and ready fora blow. Preston accepted the explanation, and the result was that the toupie rev and dressed and descended the ladder. Then, with Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins, and all of the guests who wt re.sober enough to stand, walked Italia mile down the road to the lo wa line, and entered the Badger State. There the justice again uni ted them. "And this time," said he, its he concluded the ceremony; "you are married, sartain, sure." TIM NEW TOWN OF AVER. The Legislature of Massachusetts having at its recent session, passed an Act incorporating a new Town, named after the world-renowned Dr. J. C. Ayer, the people of the sur rounling.country nissembled to (vie brute the .event. ,At the meeting, when organized lustinouth, the Doc tor WM called upon and spoke ay fol lows : Ladies and Gentlemen: . - . On the western coast dr Scotland, where it slopes into the Irish Sea, a river, rising qn the mountains of the Inner land,..winds down mmong the hills and empties Into the Frlth , of Clyde. From remote time it has been called Ayr from an old Scotch word "Ayry," mtmulug an eagle's nett-- the river of the eagle's nest. Near Ifs mouth and a contiguous harbor, long stood.Oamlet which became a royal burg town named from the river;. and mow about one-third us large as Lowell—the city of Ayr. Fur more .than a thousand years it has been noted in the history of Scot • land. During the wars of Robert 13ruce It was one of the resorts, and WIL4 ewer ially favoredby him because he was there cured of leprosy. Oli ver Cromwell made It, one of the dir pots'aud headquarters of his army in hisattack ul.on Scotland, and one of his old forts is now the Citadel of Ayr. but above all its distinctions, Ayr was the birth-plamof the poet Bums. And what a poet ! What a voice has he given to all the endearments of home! now has he hallowed the cottage and all it covers—weans and wife, patches and poverty, beam, ! bark!. ale, hardship and the poor 1, man's toll. How he wraps with ' tenderness whatever he names, even his black leaguesof pasture,thestub hie field, ire. snow, slyer , and rai n ! brooks, birds' mice. thistles In heather, heather, His Bonny Berson. Doon, John An m v Jo John, Auld Lung Syne, and Highland Airy roll round the world in ever ringing sytnphoriy with what is purest and best in hu-• man nature. His songs woo and melt the heart of youth and Maid ens, bring solace to the sorrowing and courage to the overburdened by their lot. His inspiration basset the affections to music in strains that are immortal. No othet one man ever made a language classic, but he has rendered Unit lowland Sc ratch. a Doric dialect of fame. The name of his home and his beloVed river Ayr Vas lifted on tire wings cif his pathos, and now the approaching traveler yearns-'to reach the spot his genius has ranett lied. Along the borders of the sea iu a pandlelograrn and surrounding the Is publisbed every Wieldso. In tbal old Afro bu Id/ug on TWA illariskilem. Ver. i f 114 ec pier year le adenoma oommnnlastlone on subjects' of load or geseral Interast are ropoottiliuy coo. Haat To Ware "aittestkei krona o tats kind mute ineffably be ammonia. Med by the nano of thesethaar, - Lectors two oessounicialene should be J. addressed WEYA 2 n4 neaver. Pi& town is *county of the.raine tlliYfe— Ayrshlre. It would weary your • patience to hear the history of my &amatory hum ancient John of Ayr. then John Ayr.* down through •he centuries to this now . beibre you; through their vlcissittniat of poverty and plert ei t t 4 of fortune and ushdbetune bow • ham inteentuvied with En Ireland and fiCotland e and later witg the Americans, Who ate an excellent mixture of them all. .fraradi_;—you have chosen the name I Inherited for your town with an extraordinaryunanimity, and have thereby oonierred as honor up. on me the proper acknowledgment of which Ido not feel fully able to express. Ilut I beg yvti (0 be as; tiered that it is appradated and that it .will be gratefully remembered with sit living Interest in your prut. perky While beyond - -that remains to me. and I trust, beyond-that by my children after me. • if this name has become noted nasals( the many that are worthier amend you, that bl greauy due to ihrpubileify: may I be permitted to state whence thet came Until within a few centuries all the civil ised nalitina, al the•globe Irene peat upon the Easton cuntinent. TIM or three hundred years ago they leaked over Into this: few and fearfully at drat, then snore and snore hut always In their settlements, timidly. hugging the Atlantic emu*. With . In the last two or three generations, they have burst out, sa it were, and over run these vast continenti of the Wett. Now they are scattered here and poveas these weasurekas stretches of mountains and valleys, Mills, plains, forests and prairies . with the boundless pampas and Mountain ranges of South America. Fortner gen eration lived in villages and haw ns, thick ly settled together where physiciatu were plenty, and near at haml. Now, tbepito. ple ore widely scsittered, in many sections of these many countries. Forgreat nom ben the timely treattiteat of physicians - cannot he ha l ; over large tracts ol coon. try good or competent physicians cannot he but at all. Tue.,' can not visit patlenti enough, many miles apart, to lire by their profesaiou, nor ran they carry med. hints enough with them on horseback for their I equieentents. Hence has arisen In modern times, n necessity for remedies ready ut hand, with directiona for their use—a pre,ent resource for relief in- the exigencies of sickness, when no other akl is near.- It is IS new necessity consequent upon 'the changed conditions of human want I have spent my years in supplying, and will tell you something of its extent. Onr labonnory makes every day.s e ane6lo,ool/ potions or doses of our • preparations. Those are all taken by somebody.' Here 1. a number equal lei the population of fifteen cities as large as Lowell, taking.them every day (tor sick. nets loops no Sabbaths) nor for once only, hut again and again year after year. through nearly. one third of a century. We all join in the Jokes about me mines as we do about the Doctor's mission to 1011, the clergyman's insincerity' and the lawyer's cheatiug - Yet each of these la bore among .1 lie moat serious realities of tile. Sickness and is suteadant auffeiing are no joke, neither I. the treatment • a 1 them. This system of transportable re lief to he made available to the people. must keep It, .rentedics- freak m their meteorite This is done by advertising. Mark ha eetent An "advertisement, tak ing the Mu of the newspaper* with which we eoutrase palate HO) annually) is mewl oil in such numbers, that when piled upein each other fiatwise, like the leaves el s book, the thickness through them is sixteen mike. In addition, At takes some seven millions of pamphlets and twelve millions of circulars to meet the public demand for this.kind of infer- mutton. Our annual hone of pamphlets alone, laid solid upon each other, make a pile tight and one quarter miles high. The circulate measured endwise reach 1594 miles, and these assertions are mat. ters-sal - malisetnalleal certainty. What. ever the estimation ha which these publi cations may be held here. they reach the firesides of millions upon of men ho do treasure and regard them, and whojn. their trials slo heat the *mud they' bring. Not only over these great Western con tinents but throughout that other land so little known to you, under our feet, the Australian contistent, there are few vil lages as large as this which are not (alai]. iar with the name you have chimera, and employing the remedies that bear it. ' 'I had, gentleman, have I striven In my humble sphere to render moue service to my fellow turn, and to deserve among the afflicted And unfortunate some regar d for the 'mote which your kind partiality bangs ant thew wait: around me. He may bask forward with confident hope to the renown you will gather under it, and the prosperity. which there is reason to trust the future lees in more for you. Sita anted as you are here on one ol the main arteries between the west scat east, be tween the great Industries of the plough and the spindle you must aid in their ex changes and thrive with them. Soon these channels will he Ism wide and pouring thrmigh your precincts sinuous' of nem mat inerchitelme Oust will need your furtherance and must contribute by your growth. Located hens in the centre of New En. gland to what deerer spot can you turn that turn inhabit? Beginning life rich . with the honors of your mother town whiter influence through her schools and her scholais Is of Itself an halieritanoe,. with such examples as Lawrence, Bout. well, Hoer, what may You not hope for of usefulness in the councils of the state and Contrast our condition with that of the Europe in nationcalternattly torn and hu tHiverlahed with wars,cretllt It as you stay tothe better education of the people, and you will realize the ealue of the example old mother Grotou has set you, SU worthy of your ambitiou to follow. Build schools tor your children and find talent to teach them, then intelligence and integrity In prtoperous and happy homes will he our sure reward Associated as yam hive made mu with your weal and wo, I wish I Might heal. lowed tocontribute from my mama ruph as Goy ar•, 'something towards this dna loUlltialioll of the publia good. • Gentlemen, I have detained you too long. Oppressed with the fear, that I do not deserve the distinction you bestow, I prey God to mike me worthier and, t.• smile upon yon with as perpetual blessing% Wast or Teel. Arguing with an opponent who is lame, and assuring him that he has not a leg to stand on. • • Telling a man with only one eye (in an insinuating way) that you would like to get on his bland side.. Urging a frleruLwho stammers not to hesitate to express his opinion. Declaring to the possessor of a Arise. set that you mean to do it in spite of his teeth.-,•• • Informing an acquaintance; who nevar has his gliot out of his eye, that you consider he takes a very short sighted view of things. Telling a 'man who squints that you are sorry you cannot nee themat ter as he sees it. "S'or.t. RIGHT B'a."—The Wor cester Spy says: A man passing up l'inisunt street oneevening MW some nneleauliig against the door ore:,4 , Baptist church, and on looking more clately observed that he was In the act of taking a drink from a bottle. On seeing the men approach. and probably thinking him to, be a pa trolman the fellow reeled around and taking hold of the door-handle paid: 'Well right s'r alias take drink fore I go to bed." The man called his attention to the fact that the building on Which he leaned for support was • Baptist church, and suggested-that he had best go twine before the bottle had him in the gutter-whereupon tipsy corked his bottle and said, discourar ingly. his ther third Ume'f been mista ken an' of I 'find many more lisptis meetin' houses that look like my bonliu' place, bottle won't hold out. Glad gouging p'leoeuutn, s'y." - - , , • Grid has not varied over ii ppt. cent, during the pen three months.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers