U • The Beaver Argus . . limner. 1%4 cratton Thirst Hundrwl Era Roles .r 1111210110! N r.-10 Hwy. ! ' 81 du VI ss 40 .44nairo, du 11H1 All 3 411 1' OD 4 Net 41.64. du SOU 6 Ills tit I do 1 , , 6 Ott S a IS ob CuiUtsll ..... it BOu II ON • 13 t 5. ~euluniu I II 34 15 IS 10 1.11 rolntall 1,66 lk 6S t 5 AB IA 44n;sigIrttatore wll , Kier-Mote Nolima tett cents: - tar NlPioltr Wbe dvada liaanoriy, andvpi I.lr tilt - And advartaenvelita. width smut ha paid o advance. . • • GEO. INOVIVELLEIO Hat lhoc„ N. Ywit. Atoll IS. at. rirrrissa a rt. eg rtkrk :tvw Yocji. arctic., 'Soli ammo for lug BaAva" A Rut:. in Mit city. sod ire autlitirixe4 !, tat hiscrilad soicerticesicstc her to At oily low . at rc-h Nra, Adverthwri la dm city sr. rc. quooos to Woe their !scan with eidicr nr thf shove Lupien.. - ': Walls stab week eu'dlng Muds 11th, 1871. . . 7 . 7A. K. IP. K. 9P. K. Mireti 11 a 4 des .. - 1244. - " • .13 35 deg. 45 dog. 83 des • 14 28 deg. 31 deg. 49deg, 'lB 47 deg. 74 dog. 83411 g &I deg. 77 deg. 88 deg " 17 $3 deg. 44 deg 43deg .__• 18 deg. ss d :45 due li. T. TAYLOR. TIRE TAIIILL Cis tid&ma Plttabwrila 6t. R.—Tn lo. gest loom Bearer Math= as follows: !tur ningll.l7; KAU. 847 ;Swabs, Mr ress, nifY, Local Frelatit (metes' pamesegers) 811 m. loft West berm Bearer Station fol. ' one: 'Nal, 443 a. m.; local lfrefgtst (coning presenter.. lel6 saig;AccantiturettrOn.6.4? p. m. P re Ws. W.& C. 111.111:—Trahm going KAM Imre embower bunion let end of lninCel as fol . lows: Bearer Palle Actom. 6.111 ..m.: Imm.mcum. _7.10 a. sa.; New Castle aeemo. LW a. tn.; Lt. Falls amen. 1810 p. m. Trumq going Wert leave Roebeeter Malkin, Let AM of Midge) as follows: B. V. acme. 100.024 Rem accom. 3.111 p. m.; Rde night expreein.4s p. as.; Lt. P. mecum. 7.57 p. m. Tinkle notail Nest leave IlnOsestet (Lipper) De r% as follow.? B. V. wane. LOS e. to ; Nem se , corn. T. 15 a. m.; New Csetle metrom. IMO a. m; I:hicago sup. 10.511 n. in; ikriives Yale ammo. 11.18 Y'hm.; Chlcogn . BBBl LOS . Br p.,m e ;.Ifclei,eap. em la p. m; TraroZgo " ? - 414L ' i Ituebemerigpper . ) De. pot as follow.: t:BlB4,rutrell 8.16 m.; Boblmo exp. 8 er a In; Beaver Yells amom. OM a. m.; (Novo R 11.30attlago.osp. 1.53 p. as; New Case tle wows,. Can re to.: Kee c0p.15.48 or; Dreyer F 41.40CD= LLL i • I The attention of the public l directed to the following New Advertisomerts which appear } for the first time In the Annus to-day: New .11.td . tsr-Dauchy & Co. -Strayed—John Fleaseman. Photograph Poinfer—Mrs.H.*Darragh. Special Notice—Dr. it S. Hubbard. Special Netices—D: Mulhelm. Special Notice—Dr. Pierce. Family Dible—John E. Potter. To Contractors—H.. H. Large,' Preget. Special Notices—Evan Pugh. Speekid Notice—Jacob Price. ProptTfty for sale—Md. Douala.. Special Notice—Hugo Andrimeen. Special Noque 4 ll:T. Taylor. • 141H11..--LFarmeni and Whin to want of borne Mile rotthecomingstAmon van have them printed neatly and e4t)e-, dittotudy at tbo AROI7III Office. Come ht or send In your order,. , . :slew Printn, Cllngbams and .Dress anodl,"at A. C. Iftwara, (marls;3w. The ittimitturese (deeds ofArchibald Robertionmacp; or Beaver Falls will be glad to hear that he Is tamely recovering from ail Illnems that; has. .prostrated hhn during nearly the whole of the Paltprin• ter. We earnestly hope that he may be rearmed to big usual good health. -We areindebted to. Wm. McConnell, a ISeavcr county boy,. how residing at Lincoln, Nebraska; for several docu ments touching - . the history, resources and advantages. of that• rapidly growing young Mato. . York.—Tho gonongidiela &pub/lean says a hog was recently kill ed at the Slaughter house of Berry dr TlUmnpson, at Finleyvllle, which weigh ed 860 pounds gross, and clearied 726 pounds. The Rept&Stiecin was ahead at last accounts. • Nnw Collars, Lace! and Trimmings, 'sat A. C. Hurst's. ' [naul6;3w. . A Very, Oyer (be, Ohio River • at Freedom.—The, business men of Freedom, this eaunty, have applied to , the Legislature lbr a charter to establish a ferry over. the river at that Owl. Theleapplleation ban been referred, and a charter 'will doubtless be granted thorn. - Nstwitibbona of all colons and widths, at A. C. [tnarls;:lw. A Printing Ogiee For Sale.—ln .ousequence of the death Col. Young, .4 the New LinbOn(o.) Buckeye. tate,lhat milt* la now offered' for 'Zia. The Buck eye Mate tithe °Mail paper for Comm.un. Wane county. To any practical nerve ;paper I tnin, this in, in nnr opinion, a splendid opining. NEW Goods if A. C. I I u rtnls;:sw '•The tiobet—geeolt Thought." -•.t: Youngstown couple were divorced at the last term of the Mah - oning county, Qhlo, court:atter having lived together twenty-eight years. Laid woe): they mutually agreed that single life was not "ever bleaned," and were accordingly re married. NoNEIMAN AND Rot.TLEas.—Reati with out ran Geerltpatly's advertiftement in another chtrunn, and write themnt Mar. 'hall, Michigan. Janil;l*. A Now Kaiaroma Pi s roJeet.—Rena. tor Anderson of Allegheny county has Introdnoed a bill In the 'State Senate to Incorporate the Pittsburgh, Oakdale and Little Beaver Railroad Company. It 'names about. a dozen citizens nfAlleghe ny, Joseph kleClarren of. Washington county, Samuel Bigger, John Wilson and David 'Anderson of Flee' verse Woof \ porators, with a capital of five hundred thousand dollars, which may be inoreas &l to $1,500 ° ,000. They are to build a mind from Pittsburgh by way' of Murdoeks ville to tho Little Beaver river in Beayer oanoty, or near there, with branches not sinsetlingt re wiles long. Caen feud fur Rye. One thousand hushelii wanted at Stleyerer Non's. xvi• Hoods ai•A. C. llurien. Lmls;3w isposetrieene.—The Erie /Republican saya•blr. Rutan, of the Pilate Senate, is apparently a gentleman with a "he. hi hi% bonnet." The vessel question lust now In, wbat Is the ohmmeter of the lbee" slur Senator carries In his upper story. Will the Ilk , palliest' explain? • . The District Aseeneeess Head Is the litaaket.—lnfortnatiou has reached us that Jas. B. Duple imp., of. Washing ton county, who has filled the position of Assessor for this District for some Years past, has been decapitated, and 1f r. Harbison of Lawtlnce county appointed In his stied. So we go. Who would not be an office-holder? 111111n.-=Since our. last. lune George Braun had bills printed at Mks office, for the sale of reedy made Clothing at his store in New Driginon, commencing on the NMI hut, 'mid to continue from day to day until hit entire Mock is die. Posed of. : *John Boyle, auctioneer, has a bill out to sell Household furniture at the rest 4enceof John P Scott; In New Brighton, on Saturday neaL Quarles Thompson announces by bill; that he will run a hack from Hookstown to Smith's Ferry, and carry H. B. M. and passengers, to and from the C. de P. R. • R. A. Patterson, sip.,rof ale borough, snootiness' by poster that bs will offer at public sate to Noon toorosbiN(64ol6/611 Phllllpeburg) on Aprll 6th pm.. 6 / 011, of stobkind farming oteriells. - . PrOusimory 'lllittleis-4he I vision of the Supreme COUrthithl ..In reference to the Sib Miles of the . of a promissory note le one to le attention of every one 'dela* ' I elumid Lc topeciallY (linked, J nary promissory hots *as tilh ' the payment, of one hundred. Alter the aut %ins' usdo, the pi asserted, added the .woMs ' thus nuking It a proinlasoryn hundred stud tifty dollars. plaited Into OW hinds 'or as third party, wbe claimed the named In the note. On an ap supratne Court It was decide (hewer was liable. be, havin 'the fraud , by his own . nettl ' __ _ _ well known . that, there la a b k apace on 'all •prlntatLprittuflutory *here the amount of inotiey to be pelt s -Writ ten,- and thatAtkitie eini of th blank spaee the whni"dtdlati" hiPritt Tye: Mnpieute Court declared that liw Jew' ligenceutt tile'part ultiselreirer not drawing a line hetwsen the written rd . ' "hundicd, and the printed' word “tic,. !- lint" and that whereaucli negilganee ex isted, and there war nothing on the face of the note :,that showed any alteratloP, the drawer - was liable. The , Chief Jus tice added that the'SupretnedouetdevaP ed such a rule necessary to &elitist, the. simulation of commercial paper and at the same time increase the carofot draw - - nodule !Sealy to apply, however, 'Where an alteration it not apparent pri the face of the paper. , EMI 172 IE9 47 01 Mono PI at 4s" 11 01. IS W 150 11 MI *A 0 &I 10 5510: 10 01 OM 100 OD = tor the IF you deals rosy cheeks and a com plexion fair , and free from Pimples, Blotches and eruptions, purify your bloo4, anti invigorate your' agetent by taking Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical Discovery. It has no equal. for this purpose, nor as a reardy for "Liver Compltint," or `lllllousnas,".and"ton rtipatlon of the Bowels." Sold by drug giste. Pamphlet sent tree. Address Dr. It. V. Pierce, BUffalo, N. Y. Mutilated Cairreary Enrron Anus:—An Item On this apb• Jeot, clipped I presume from some of your exclutugra appears In the last An a VS. .344 of the leading city papery have puldiihed items on thisaubJect, the pur port of all which .is, "that Postmasters are bound to recolvc.tuuttlated currency in Payment for vtampti." Thla ink:taro, ly itickwr et.. lint to get down to the bed rock let us . • flint nee what la mutilated currency f Fortuttaiely we are not left In the dark on tlik point. If left to individuals to decide what la tmitiluicit, no two would agree. ' Thetpropor authoritlesihaving deter mined that question, the *pertinent !s -igned tho 'following instruction to Post masters, viz: " Tb receive in payment for stamps and stamped envelopes U. S. notes of which not more than one. twentieth is missing, and fractional notes of which not more than cue-tenth is missing, of clearly genuine." When more than !bat is missing it is considered Inufitaged—not worth its face value, and Pcetmasters are not required to receive it, When leas Is mining It is not considered mutilated, but is worth its face, and business men as well as P. would be obliged to receive t In coma for which It In a legal tender. Turd' latest novelties of tidies' Hai and Chignons of all colors,' at A. C. Hurst's, Bridgewater. Aniarls;Sw. j ilgAvgn, Pa., March 21V1871 1 ; Enrron Minuet—ln accordance with a previous cell published In the cavern papers of the county. The Reimer Comi ty Agricultural Society met at the Sher- Ws office for the porpoise of electing officers and transacting such other bolsi nests tlf I might be brought before it. In the absence of the President, James Darrel, C. Wilson, Vice President, called the meeting to order, and on mo tion of Dr.McKiney, G. LrEberhrriand L,-Knight were elected sectrituTiei; Upon i cell of several members, Mr. K night read the. Treasure's Report for the year 1870, as presented by the Board of Managers, which on motion was re calved.: It with then moved that the So ciety p:sxxied to an election of officers for the present year—carried. On motion 8. Magaw, oul. and Dr. McKinney were chosen -tellers to con-, duct the election of officers. Mr. David Dunlap tnovedlhat hereaf ter a meeting to make nominations be held two weeks previous to the annual election of uiilcera, n call for such nomi nating meeting to be published at least• two weeks in the county papers, The count of vptes showed that the following officers were unanimously elected: Sixty-three (03) votes having been cast for each oney the gentleman named •helow : PRIFIRDENT; Jamey VICE PRESIDENTS, 4 John anebing, rr Patton, erg., A. P. Laconic. 'PREASURER, • I. N. Atkins. RECORDING SXCRETARY. TI 1114 0. An.hum. • CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, W. K. Darnley. MANADitirs, Egst Side-11. Reed, Magaw, C. R. Hurst, John Raster, Henry Metz. Weal A;Lalrd, D. M. Donehoo Samuel Walton, I). 0. C. Patterson, I Nicholas Todd. ' Nona 810--ll.Swearingen,(Hookstown) • Namuel Patterson, (Moon) • W. Ewing, (Frankfort) Ales, Anderson, Jr., dos. A. Fleming. vote being taken on Mr. Diiiiiap'e motion, 'Owes lot 4. Mr. Knight offered the following row- lution RcMdord, That ouch election district be entitled to .send the txtrresphnding secretary one nominee for manager, and from the whole number nominated the requkito number of °Meer% and mana gers to . be chosen. Attar some discussion too resolution was adopted. Dr. ',McKinney moved the Board of members .be directed to Issue a call in • the papers on the election distrfcts to send in nominees for the members of Board of Directors at least two week. befaie election, which was adopted; tin motion the' meeting adjourned sins • -cll. L. EBEILIIIART, M. B. K 21101131% Secretaries. (11adieal please copy.). OIL. CIAMIII AND WINDOW In a large variety, at B. Mulbeirn'it Atientiota Is directed to the card of Mrs. Hart Danagb, to be found in anoth. er oulantn. D..is a skillful artist, and we are satislied that those who de sire'a portrait taken or a photograph painted. will not regret entrusting ber with their patronage. ' WALL PAPER I WALLPAP6IO WALL . Paean M-23,000 bolts . of Well Paper, .411 of the latest Patterns, at 11. M unsettles. , April F•ur*. —On this day the Spring Scanlon of the Seminary and In stitute opens lts Spring f3ension. This is the most dellightfuttitne of the year. and poling people should avail themselves of the opportunity to secure a thorough education. This is the tinutand place to secureit. You will not find yourselves too ably qualified, though you do your best fo fill your position In life. A Lama stock of now Dry Ckamisoic... 4tc.; at popular..pries% at A. C. Elatat'ai Brigraster. [taarlls;3w.- A new DealOilmniAtil Ilippr he Berger.—A circular to the Democracy of Denver county : haw, been Issued in whitdr 11i Mated WM' a new Ileirieeratie paper. to be Wined “The Bearer . thinny Conservative," will be lashed on or about the Ist of May. The circular says: The distinguishing textures of the Cinstireolive Trill lie ittrifik. adherents) to the Democratic' Prhaciplti;as laid doWn and expounded by the Fatherly Wash- Ingtotiaelferson and Madison. • Party rancor, heretofore Muntenia!, has fOr acme time prat led to extrou but there are evidences on every hand that theme agencies havespent their Mres, and that reason, and not prejudice, will again regulate the conduct of our leaders In politics as well as in business• lt will always be the aim of the Os:memories to advocate a wise and llbenapolley for the Democratic Party, not unmindful of the vast interest* of the Laboring Class in our midst. - • El 1 ,7 ortll- I up Ibr (Marg. ee,'lt is fifth" for ono MO WAR • utiocent ull sum tu the that the Invited ‘• it is . In oboe!, The Chaterrutiee will be ear nestly Democratic; and will, at all times, and underall circumstances, boldly ad vocate, and fearlessly defend the time lintiorZd principles of that, great organi sation; and will endeavor; by all Judie. hats and honest mews., to merit %egad• emus supeort of nut only every Deme an': In the Ordinty„ ,but of all 4,onaerva dies who are Interested In the dissent. nation of The Truth and the prosperity , of the Democratic Party. The - circular doer notate; who the (Al i io said proprietors are to be, but we In _ci tally learn that K.I. Mi li eus mg., lb edit of Colombians ectuntY Ohlo, yrlll have charge of Its editorial ecdumus: An Seen Toreeigh Mae resit Glasinee.—The manual meeting of the Pittsburgh Conference of the' M. E. Church, last week adopted the following i ratotutlons on the Rut= Marriage law ; Whereas, the marriage laws of Penn sylvania neither furnish an adequate protection' to me nor sufficiently guard the mart estate, while they are unjust to the o elating clergyman or magistrate ; and whereas, the Hon. J. B.' Rump. of Beaver,- ha, Introduced into the Pennsylitan isLegialature bin whit% we believe, If it becomes a law, will less en the number of, improper marriages, and leave the responsibility of decision as to eligibility, with an ottloer empow. ered to summon witnesses, - and admin ister oaths in all awes of doubt; there. fore, • • Resolved, That the Pittsburgh Annual Confimmce of the Methodist Episcopal, Church tender their thanks to Monitor Rutan for his efforts In securing &change in the laws, The Lawrence Journal, looks at this proposo low through another pair of glaaseu and thus reports its observa tions: The new marriage Retinae bill intro doted into the Senate by Mr. Rutan, of Beaver, is severely criticised by some of our contemporaries. The Conneautville thurier says "The object of this bill may be for the protection of minis.' tees 'and justicen of the peace, but if looks to us more, like a dodge to give somebody a dollar for each license and to impose upon the people a law *lllO is entirely Uncalled fur. There is no dan ger of ministers or others being imposed upon, If they Jive up to the laws now in existence." We are much of the lame opinion of the Courier and think that the Clerks of the Orphans' Court* who are to get the dollar, and are the only par ties proposed to be benetitted by Senator Rutan's bill, should make up a hand-' some testimonial for the honorable gen tleman—particularly in view of the fact that his own marriage has hitherto been .barren of even Adeline's worth ofresulta lEdltoriol Pleburawtries I The Monitor and the Local are rival newepol pees in Alliance, Ohio. They "go for" each other quite lively now and then. The local a week , or two ago 'orbited, that the Monitor eitabliabipent. which is owned and conducted by 'diabase and Milady, wan in the habit of running Its press etc. on Sniday: whereupon the Monitor folk, inednuateitkat the editor of the oilier paper wai recently 'ere 'com ing out of one of the back windows of their office, and that ever since then favorite gold pen !ahem mu sing,'and also /hit tite.Loectl man get* drank dc. Ax o!.n . P. M. Wields' to River gen tleman inform" us that there are some eighteen boaei of nitroglycerine lying in the. river about one hundred yards from the And Virginia shore, between SeitiAand.kfint of the blerereirttet known um Ceni'i ripple, some four miles below Steubenville. River :rift should bo on tholookout„ as there is danger of its exploding when the river becomes low and 'the weather warm by sudden coilcusslon, such as being struck by either a boat, skiff or pole. Our Inform auteays the nitro-glycerine got there by a skiff sinking at that place in which it was being conveyed down the river. SOLOMON in all his glory has the rep utation of having been the best dressed man, not only of his own lime but ofall ages. Louis the Fourteenth, two centu ries ago, set the fashions for the civilized world. Beau Brummel was " the glass of fashion and the mould of form," and was so:pre-eminent in the gay world as to he able with impunity to snub a king who considered himself the first gentle man in Europe. But any one, or indeed all of these inen, would look like guys if they were tip walk down Filth avenue emetic a crowd of men whose clothes wore made at S. A-. J. Snellenburg's, Broadway, New Brighton. There they maks everyttdvg in the latent and most becoming styles, and there they &renew receiving one of the choicest and best se lected assortments of cloths for spring and summer wear that was ever brought to New Brighton. These cloths will ere lung have been chosen out by onr citi zens of taste, out by Baker the artist, and made up on the most substantial way In to clothing, which would astonish the worthies mentioned auove, and delight any, modern man who may be happy enougn to own them. • . Nxw Goons! Nsw Dm! :tow White 0 ' New Lace* and Lace liars, ' New Linen Collars, Now Notions, New Goods Weekly, 'At Low Prices, At ilibbard's,New-York St., mar243w] Rochester, Pe. The Meech term of our court com menced Its sessions in this place on last Alonday. All tkejudgesAreing present. tip to goingto pram but few cases have been disposed of. A full report Will ap pear irenext weeks Astons. Wssiran to borrow on Bond and Mortgage WOO. - Good rest estate secu rity In borough of Neer Brighton. • Ala• ply.to Evan Pugh. Wall Paper and Sta tionery Store, oor.of Broadway and Falls street. 0. Fos SALE.—Corner ton brood St.', New Brighton, 64 het. front Igo geet deep; well stocked with Fruit trees, Grape vines, Ac., house containing ten mein:, abundance of Cistern water.' Apply to Jacob S. Price, on the premises, 311111 E• Weelt, It lady who for some time past his tilled the post of assistant leacherin Dr. hicLtan's Seirdnary. was on hat Monday evening selected as Principal of the Public schools of Beaver Vaasa Flusran and Garden Seeds, a large assorted stock Just• received and for sale. at Use Delver Drug Store. . Oliestata' Iteleetektiteeit.— A popular entertainment will be given by tho poptli of Prot Taylor's Seminary. Thursday evening. Tbose who fall to attend will miss a very enjoyable even ing, judging from the programme and those, who are to carry it nuts The admission ts twenty-dire cents, Times& to be employed In replenishing the Seminary . Library. Eatectu., t o . commence at 7 o'clock, ht the... 111. E. Church, Bower. Von SAix.„--Lot on - Broadway,,liew Brighton, lot- No. SKI. 42 *44:floni on Broadway, extend Emmet toVanal a very central aittuttion will be sold low for arab. Also a mortgage for pme.as, having one and two yews to runt a lib• cud discount made. Apply to Evan Pugh, Wall Paper and Stationery Store, nor. of Bmadway and Palls street, room I 101111 1 11111riiile elrUir. k Vs • T` 44 • 0 ".`1 - 7 -1, ..rr00r E . . 1„ , 440. • LOW Flampo.. . salty* kit or Moms, MI 1. 6 . - errolsis's 110,41 1 Wo o - bowleg Pregresithe 'Moe ble.• - • netteitir er begrime we wok* avoid; , so we trots* ire ree eel*** NMI • ' - coosonAnim. ' Stp ••• us .L* Uinta , Hollow • ' T, • on .., ... 'LOG OU I lafat • 1 opriV Vitle 7W I D , lfirtsocorn. mimetic, Alog (ruises Jusers HotimitawestAl eit.., Dranksid'. Corirti.ur ushinusia trims,. Rowdy 11 ide. 1141:sf. ,Senxcll 41 , 1 VUerst. lito r r 4 Rsorrerellbe It itbdnetaa.... Stattieebabe Lode—, Bloody Dolly.. Dark Tunnel, :Deborah hkrugh W Wattled IDreoloa.... ILlll•Couedeuere Vet handl equal Febroures.!.• .... —lee k Veil!) re .1* •itiv , rrerreAit... Punier Do.rt• .... USITItt42IIO. reket'4 add at ,fig/wr tivough the 439 116 try.. ASiiSaigiNiaia Of filo:lima above l'ippletrot, supplied with 77Oroirgh Tickets at rvelured niter. • Fnitti;Dninkarve's Carnegie train Wan R eakfasi rN belingiinhOribove that etationoindprineipsUyorreepretabio people. Pruwengere for all plated twswout are thrown old without stopping the Passengers imtallowad tostand orithe platform. or to put thelr heads out of lb. windows below gowdyville—the corps ration not wishing to slum persons who are not patrons of the Riad. Persons desiring to illoro - Use - in "' will find the Stages at the Temperance Anhwei) 0 Drusidtagli C07 0 :4 161411 the stilionS ;Shims espy to muse* them tee* to, an 7 ,or VW.** Ng" - 001 d, Stream River. Below Drunkard's Curve estodasees will be used. Persons living in the vicinity tide road most "look cot An the engine," as no bell is rung 'Or brakeemen employed below 'Drunkard's Curve, and the Coin pany disclaim all responsibility for dam. Alt Baggage at the risk of the owners. Widows and Orphans in aintlilit of bag gage lost by friends on this Road. are informed that the Corporation will ad here strictly to the navel pJ the- Road; and positively will not rendre lost bag- Pr- _ Passengers In the slapping qusoispee ially Stockholders,, will be waked IT at Screech Owl Fbreat, Thewler/and aid at the end of the Road. Stages from Tobrrceolana connect with all Tralaa. Notice.—AttherequestofBuperintend• eat Alcohol, there will be a Business Meeting, by and by, of the Stockholders and Conductors of the Road, to bear I report concerning ' . Liabilities ander the Higher Law! By Order of BEntsasoaa, „Presides/. Illonxnars: DRINWEJA, Secretary. CTATKMEBT OF TUE 1110111111 M OP THE .BLACK VALLEY LuLaaaa. 1.:-From amurateatatetnenta carefully made, in the United Slat* it swan's that this itoad is constantly carrying over 300,000 parlous, mostly young men, down to the condition of Common Drank aids. 2.—lf the families of drunkards aver age five persons, It mutes untold, anis. ery and wretchedness directly to more than 1,600,000 person, a large proportion of whoM are women and children. 3.—lt keeps wore than 300,000 in the Alma House. 4.—lt keep 75,000 crindnabt In Primo. is carrying towards destruction multitudes of the bravo and nobloyoung rum in our army. . tii 6. It has tarried down to diagram; for y and destruction. many of th e toast anted men of the country; from the . tae Bench. the Pulpit,and the Halls of Convey.. 7. —lt curiae more than MAIO Into Eternity annually. B.—lt dries more than 1,:i.te,000,006 of Dolhun to Destruction. A distinguhlhed observer Of facts says: "All , the ciliate" on earth do not destroy an many of the human race, nor alienate so much prop. proseeiding Ma , terrible lit g. neva against the laws of ; God mind man, and in defiant* of all authority. The people of the United States, according to comnilasloner Wells; swallowed by re tail in a single year, 111,573,491,8 M worth of liquid poison. ' 10.—Its business is rapidly increasing. NNW WAGON YON HAVN.-A splendid new two-borse wagon with the celebra ted cast spindle', and completely finish ed in the latest and beet style. Only 11100. Parties finding themselves in wind of a new wagon will rind it topelr inter rtsspts est by purchasing. Inqui -- f Geo. P. Smith, corner of Brighton arra s d the public square, Rochester, Pa. .to ot Golden Fountain Pen.—Seine thing new and novel. lie sure and read the advertisement in our paper headed "Greatest invention oi the Age." . We believe the Golden Fountain Pen is surpassed. A good pen is aneoessity to every man, woman and. child. Agents here Is a chance to make' money in intro ducing a good and saleable article. ly. Yor the Dearer Argue SCHOOL DIXIE. I'm glad I lite fns hind art learning. Wledouis height. Fin jam demeruing Far away, tar away, away, her sway: Although suunnimes rut sad and weary, And the way looks dark'astd dreary, c , away, Eli away. away, ri! away. '• Chorus— Ob! I trlet: I bad my lemon. do, I do— In learning 1 wilt tout my ma.. And lire and dte In Whidnar's way* I'll try. 111 fry try to learn mLle.eon— • ru try, Eli try— I'll try to learn my leiron. Too many children fret and worry became they can't team in a harry, Right away, right away, away, right away; But as for me, ail grow atrangrr, I will rifler to rtudy longcr Work away. work away, away, work away. Cherws—Oh I I wig t hartsuy lemon, ac. Sometimes . l think al the gunny boon • The gulden bent and the pretty dower. Far away, gar away, away, Ike away : But then I know, when school is over; I can run in the dehia of clover— Skip swill'. OOP away, away. 'Alp away. r'Aorw—Oh :4 wish I had my leanow, Au- I hive my wiiool nem to my mother: , Next to lather, sinter, brother— Work away; work away, away, work away. While I am young, and while. I'm rnddt, will work and I will stndy- Work away, work away, away, work my_ CAorv*-0h: I know II: team my lawn. *e. tanverraT, Pa., March 111, 1871 Emmett Attoust—There wax a cycle ree . pectable audience present at the school house last evening to listen to a debate, of 'Messrs Martin and Cunning- The Meeting wee called to order kir the Chairman, Mr. Wilson, who state@ the : follovabg giseition .disenaltima: Rem Ned, That the adoption of the Flit-, bends Atnendmentrwam wrong, and will be Injurious to the country. Mr. N. C. Martin argued In the af-; firniative, followed by Mr. J. H. Cun- . itlngious In the negative. ' • The discussion lietierabout 'all 'hour and afialf, and was listened to with the , rimiest attention. The arguments •of both parties were presented in nn - earn est straightforward manner, and coM mended the respect and attention of the audience. No decision. grthraros. -Col. A. W. Taylor. formerly • eh hten of thls uoutity, but latterly a rad dist of itlltence; Obit, hi about hi enter the natatory swabs, hi CbileuMM MOW,' N. Y. He lessee Alliance for his new .htmas stout the lst of April. Rztunrat..-11re.. R.U. Ileaoom'e Trienatup more, will remote on the let of Mitt', into the neat and...surly t iled up room in Judge Admere.. Third street, heaver.--, iineafteortuteut DeasottabLe millinery, aatt,,triordege will be offered to her sivirseroaiirtroirta. marldOw " • • Paoli Alain . vs of*. ;eult ,1 1 i/kdiale* ***OPPlliimit 14: *Wired uirm.the author oltibat, ociusain pleolpfi tatlis Itculica."o , l4lol."Pur Wm sod Its espAbllity Itßaisivorki and subrodhelbY une 'I. BP ft" !rim able comma ttalor "Rat Irving wiped thmirgh our masterly Production ew has lead Would through *inn better, sem, up - tit* 'mast; seideverients hy.. ea tu n hicaisit"A lover of thinisr." ''Wonder turto tell Indeed; that thii'readers of the Agora,- ignorant. as the entunientator would , have.ltitin he. _ 'Mire" tall left Within their memper one IndlVldmi wile his mffloientraisentoresdha VW merit ' and enough 'est- braes, tri tell the peo ple that he is "A Lover of Owslas." , t„ for one; think that the readers of the &WWI, had better rate' this iffristrinue ntee: akin bith."4nd 10 )*hle bide. eche ' :is anialaty the, is,tuifi. or modern times.' ni,ibip his atinnthy saying "who ' 1.11.0. Is, w half's', and what he dom. does notMrlteare" - J.. 1 1. C..wntild have told all thhtbasithat able commen tator -been qui* our crew weeks. gut mince the risinesptender of our great ' tress this been.01t0...d... ~ J/,' one ' Hemel* brighter, It sheheveir »Main a myetery anima that "* . for of Genii*" with his inexbanstableigerisol'knowledge blimp Fit to therlight. - , jAnd se he he skilled hi. meddling • WlUCthe . basin te of others; there hi not thalemst.donbthat whet he [ • Will inieened. Hat Otarhig that :delicacy onhis Part might le art obidnatatteS, we give biers °enlist invitation Wadi , and Noe Ml;Mid Vie Silk, very readily give biro all theinformatidiabont themattei th a t b e needs. Ai next Weeks us with the swiftness ht • thetudoirbolt pasting from the beareftV.' shniit s ibid WNW ravishing iyound i erhicit splitto atoms tbe ears of the ."itirbe born Repnbile." Hat as that wain rahhike ou the part of the 1 printer, and nose of Our owuprodec ' lion, we advisehim local' upon the priu ter and get an explanation and probably his thirst for knowledge will be quench ed. After extracting from that musical Mund its emenee, and Mk ing those "rags adamant° and financial povertY" from off the heed of that "young. Republic," (which we presume rewind him very much of those rigs that were blown over his own head led tall) he closes up that part of his -able commentaries by telitmethe residers of the Amnia that the crow singi. — Ohtibou "LeverofGentua." go, consult thy book of Ornithology sad tell no if the Buiraud dites not sing also. If not, it can rest assured that it hoe at last found a good substitute.- Ile next makes an awkward endeavor to toll the readers of the Aeons the "gins° cack les." Rat alas, what a drat error, for Instead of hea.-Ing the street concordant notes of the goals the astonished readers find their ears ravished with the harmo nious song ota goadir. The next ,dis covery this "Layer of Genius" makes, is that the cords which .tonarely bound this countrylo its mother country were not mulesl caner, not the sweet cords of the fiddle—(perhaps we bed better my vieli4 so as to give this "Lover of den ins" an' opportunity' to display hie knowledge of musk by teltiug us the difference between the two instrumented but that they yore curds of s different • nature. lie very frankly tolls us that he does not understand what kind of cords they were, and asks for information. In , the first place it is ten to be expected that • bead having such aeallbre as pis would understand that. -But as be has generously and freely given us such a valuable store of, tathrmethm. witnout anyaolleitation4t would certainly be a very ungrateful act on our part to de cline the invitalikm:.. Thou "Lover of Genius" those lards were tuanufactstred out of the fen-remaining raga of its poi arty Which &Had- to tinda lodging place on its "devote4heed" as that terrible whirlwind blew theta over Mend "dulled Ws, bearing.", Ile next attacks the frame work of thirty-seven Unesof cur master. ly product i ion, aid after having *pile italitiXellttabieffineld.o-dcr--Mw lar' he then ideientage of the ex citement he has It Wad by . telling us that he his red . 'Pollock's : Course of Time." Ohl.that I bad reed . It I Oh! that I had been • student of "Pollock I" I would not to-day behold the laurels which my imagination has picture& out to me, carried afraid worn by. another. But alas! this "Lager of Genius." this &Mei ounmtintattir Ina taught' me the sad story that the ideal lift of tnan points to thd'unateJnable. The next compli ment bestowed epee. us Is 'that of an "author." But allow me to tell him that he is too bit iti conferring the de gree. It has already been con ferred. That work on "politica' economy" is about complete, and We have resolved to submit it to him for inspection and correction. The next word that attracts his attention it , "AY.'y Arch," which he thinks might ,bit changed to "Key Stone." For my Part, I am not altogether certain that the change would be strictly correct; but to settle this disputa, we 'idyls° the readers of the Aeons to read "Pollock's Course of Time" and we will be governed by It'adectision. As, egards his inquiries concerning Gut "Key Arch" the wholesome cede of laws es scribed thereon; and thtfilazsling splen dor of that star; they with us are matter of imagination, and being each we 'are unable to locate them, just for one sim ple reason, and that br because we have never read "Polleek'a Course of Time." That illustrious strident of "Pollock" also thinks that the term "Key Arch". ran be applied to nothing but the Mate of Pennsylvania. Then with the same chain of reasoning ire ask the question can the term "Lover of Genius" bo ap plied to any Man unlem he be a smart I one, certainly nut. Then It is not a t .all 1 surprising that the commentator who i now imagines he rivals, Blackstone, has 1 chosen for himselfince appropriate apppriate name. We neat:behold him u be en deavor with the eyo of intellectual roe son to survey our slight - as we peas through the "boundless realms elopers" until we snuff the breezes of the tropical climes, and bathe our wearied limbs in 1 the streams that flow. through the i "Jibrigke Paradise." Hoe disappoint -4 ed we are, in our imagination we bad 1 by that flight, our visit to the tropical I, regions and that glOwlug description of ''Paratiee"lain the fountletkin of a life of thought for °editor''. mat. • Hut alas to our sad disappolntinent; that "Lover of-Genius" with his highly cultivated talent,bis oomprebetailve intelligence has with one tosideris str oke, of his smells brought it all to nonght, Jost because he hap been • student - of "Pollock" and studied ,by theorislotuiry light of Alla dises'-hnnp... Ile also asks If he an be present, when those "ponderous doors"- of Which we spoke shall be "unlocked." Our answer is in the affitnative ; for un -hits such lords of lutelligeade as himself are there, they will never be correctly unlocked. Then he speeds taring until be comes to the "eashroeded corps" and the "asitatternaekd soad'uot American : energy and enterprise when be chants ,his little replant stiff to recalled us that be has teen a student of "Pollock." He then descend* into ;be grave an d w i t h savage ear city drags forth the honored remalns o f Dawn Webster. and "tumour he could not look at him with the eye of intellectual reason calla him , • "ghost." The .sentence tleit 'routine, the words "intellectual resson," seems to beinulte an item of ridicule far HIM ardent "Lover of genius." Oh! consistent writer, when yen art began to tell us of the baruico • Mau Cokes of ( the 'craw and goose, (Which finally melted down to the manna a gander,) youicknowkdged . the sentence to be strictly 'Menem and Menai.. iltilt./Pit tuitr tiMeinto Ottl- d ea * width. you -weukthibgtsb , ten call .. year "lII' l ir ai r *lal rt 4l 9in9W that it. Walk! itkii i Wiailler..oo,o4(44llbigag. . UM you our lue, to imuniammi, ti sentence.; ./314, 1 104141itintUlids. Ibbek us fobs ti bii!llallfariaieltui, hUlit'ietal iliatenosand with your bound.. esaindoeneemneeenr. ealliatto 60001 oiled op e n the immonalvillars of Skate, - Webers essadatted Mull tstu'lhat_ It is 5 41i noi:'"nitictly&Onedstek AC - -taken hi imajpcou ,glititoors oiii laTinse.•• WorivSsialitior to seeinispisis ' i friend Areit poki4noe eit us tus he' eaten* we ire to tant.)3 o :EbroPitind there bilterasbes show him bow in pick the isloged Writ °Maths Mamboed Usits, and in his eub 7 , juiptted prawns fen sis. "American Rie gle" with the filters and litripM." Me would like to accompany him to South Auteries,md with "P. [look's Coats* of Time"' inohe hand and theinnp of Ai- India In the other, ascend to the' highest pl pineal; of the Andes; and with a ran Lai teg voice .preelaina to the oppreessed 61 that 'maul:7 that the hour of their &Ile enema had tense. We would like hi skew bleathalgreat memulehral grave which is to tbnit the burying ground lot . South Amerhum despotism: - White with the `eye of Intent/stunt reason"; be amid sea l ater understand:ill of those mysteries. But alas. to our' Sad disappointment; - we 'find that we Gave not the time, while our slime of knowledge's entitely tootle:died 'Olive him all Use Information lie Issas: We trust, that our.upponent will "never: wide he so silly as .‘ attack an inferior. Cerise' mast ea:Wetly that disappointed when he llndsi that be hair loaded • linty tiouider told! is bumble bee. For after tiii#Of bard mantel litlarr in endeavor ing to vials a minable reply to my to- - telligent oPpoitent; rfindeny,efiertiaitto be signal failures and I hive resolved to ,quit. Rut as the ktol teaches hie master. I lhadenrous to give hint *bit of atlviee bights** part. "Lover of attains?, yen in the first place have made one fatal er tor. You here entirely forgotten the old intotto which read as follows: Inexpter; Inkthe ignoranee of Abets you Onlyier pose YoUr own. "Pollork," your learned prompter Las neglected the principal; Part of your education, which Is 'UMW. nem. For if I have been correctly in - ' formed, it has always been considered . the worst of manners to correct the er rors and faille of others In public. • I ad vise you I, go back to your old preceptor,. "Pollock." Make the lamp of Alladin blaze anew, and there finish the utast iiii patent part of your education. Learn to attend uiypurown business and you will have no oat ordon to attend to that of oth ers. Poe your own saki and for the sake of those with whom you are connected, renounce those contemptible traits -of charaeter :which for. the past few yenta have made you so offensive to, einem u ni ty and caused that mean appellation _ of "Dirty keyhole spy" to -be annexed to your tuune. When you next meet is upon the polished pavements of Beaver as you have done scores of limes before, be a roan and don't be an insimadcaut thing. Don't - extend to us the hind of friend.- ship, while in the other you brandish the dagger of deception. Don't act the part of a skulking /1103/01113 by following your victim into the dark and then shap ing him. When you again attack smother personally and throw out personal in. blUlettlollS. have the manly honor about 1 you to give your name. For a man of your standing in community, a man of your renowned intelligence need nut be isshamedrof his name. When you next Undertake to comment upon the literary Production of anothei, use your own 'language. Don't rob "Pollock," don't digest the poetical productions of Bryant and Longfellow. 'tVrite by the light of your lamp and not by that of Alladin. Dolt put on another man's garments sn4 sey,, behold, I'm L the :num. For without the least doubtthers is outline:it: intelligence in thatexpenatvecominns of yours to give us en able oonusieutary of your own production, instead of netiek ieg,tho earn of our enders Wading with the exploded' sentiments of dead men.' This communication will go to you exact ly ask leaves our pen. 'We have directed 1 the printer to publish.it Just as we have given it to him, and leave the'corrections for'you. Fleas.- clothe the nouns with - usaltfteenowrin" - zotoptroteivntorpro=. nouns with' the. power of oonJugetken, and the verb with form of declension; and when in after time the laurels of fame shall bedeck our brow., as those of bitterness bedeck yours; and when our principles shall !Land as high in the cell ,tnation of our foilisw-eitisens as yours in 'comparison are contemptibly mean, then shall we look down from the filmy height of fame's highest summit, and cast a tear on the fallen greatness of our benefactor, whose untiringdtiotion in Cause has br0m4,14. us.to the light...and not allowed our "genius" to blesh meveserr. Respect fully yours .1. FL C. Which was a Genius._ To "a lover of Genius," which, was a student of "Pollock." / • Industry, March 14, 1871. ' 1 Pennsylvania Legis SussTr., March 14.—The hilt for the election of gum 5-T.Lssaurer by the people was reported umrntatively. The bill authorizing the Town Council of Beaver Falls to grade and pave the streets of thatloorongh„ passed. A 4)111 was pre sented to incorporate the Pittsburgh, Oakdale and Little Beaver Railroad Company. Mr. Blilingfelt offered a res olution expressing regret at the removal of Mr. Sumner as Chairman of the Com mittee on Foreign relations in theil. S. Senate. It was opposed fisrr. l / 4 utan and several other Senators. Mr." lt * . hite moved its reference to the Coniutittee on Foreign relations, but the Senate refus ed. An amendment was offered as "who by his tonslsteat opposl don to the Democratic party and his ad vocacy of the abolition of Slavery and in favor alibi rights of twin during tlenty years of seritioe In the Untted.Slates Sen ate, is eminently entitled to the respect and gratitude of the people." A partisan debate followed, when other , business Intervening, the amendment want over HU to-morrow. A bill passed to allot the public printing, by a Joint tboren lion, on etir April :text. Hot/tat.—The House occupied tbs en tire day discussing the appropriation bill, which passed in Committee of the whole It appropriates $l4 dollars per page for fhe Legislative Journal and five thousand dollars to the Civil Ode onstabirfigkerPc • 'firtreszz, March 15..--The bill from the House,lncorporzthorthe Pennsylvania and West Va. Railroad; passed finally, with its .corporate name clanged, 'to Southwest P. Railroad Company. The Ditutnlorisboal dill ;was referred back to Committee; the disposition of the Senate Is against its passage. Holum—A reeolutionnreng Congress to pass laws against the Importation of Coolies, passed. Mr. Skinner (Demo crat) offered • resolution `hailing the Detnocratintriumph In New Hampshire. at Re late election, as .condemnatory of the San Domingo annexation and lid re moval of Mr.-Sumner./ Sir. String (Re publicau) moved to amend by adding , -”who has for many years distinguished idurielf by his oppositiOn to Deauociracy, and to its belovid anociati, 'staving." A partizan debate ensued. 13s1A.Ts, March 18.irTher- Erie and Southern railway MU was recommitted, ,because it was broad vain and in the interred of the New York. Atlantic and Great Western Railway. A hilt author; Mug the School Directors of Fallaton boroesit,.in Bearer county, to horroir six thousand dolisie for bunditiii pur poses, was introduced. The Sumner rift .lol4oli l at tr i i .4l l lol l 4 TP- .0 6 0 4 :Roost. -- T66 Ili was engage. all day In dientesinglgre appropriation It fimaTfereed without material amend ennid. . Sigirwrre, Muth 17.—The bill providing, ! thaj turnpike rooda,canalo and *Mom Mowed 11,...,41 , m. six or Woo ..Ydrnag. ebiU be *WOO Ao1ndoo&d. ind Wleageptipp:sinaCewupsniar therein Wilted, Owned sierelod reodlioir. Amoni -the bill* in trodnoili mato as • 4/$lOl titian pad repose, provldlng la all easel hereafter "there a wesumptloti of pei• . atiat. would Aribe, like same shall be eon olus4o., The'hilt authorlshig the Coati silo of the tontines or New Ilrlghtuo to tax to build a dro-onitoto ksule, , tarefeal.' liautka•-1 1 4sOy bills sets lotrodneed, bat lame of either sped*, or general In ser sit Urdu, citimoto of ainiver county. .; Thor. woe Ito Isom.inn in oittier House oft Eistanay WM. Entrol Atunnit--Yon will not only imo 'li r e an old Otani of ti a Ammo: lint II confer a honed& on 4 number at ing man in dila community by re ) blbibing the following milelo whit* I clipped from a weekly. Taw o short time W.: • ' Yousi FAISUID. 'nit will never do. point man! NO use to stand eiti thessidmralk mot whine about bard lurk, and ear that every thing doss against you. .You are not of half the eunsequence Viet your talk would lead US In believe. 'tile world hainet declined war agatiod you. You are like all the rest of us--iir mare speck upon the earth's surface. Were you thlawolinent 'to go downin the living , tide. but a bubble would linger for %mo ment upon Itirrfste. and even that' would squash tikuoticed. The begirt Is Mil of hope and am n; Ii is not missed when it rennet° best. One such as you would not leave a ripple. You areas coward—a coward in bat- UP: There la no Mild in you. You have surrendered without &struggle, and now whine beCILUMOrIi are beaten. You are ad yet worthy elks triumph, for you have not yet earned It, le garret, but and 'dripping cellar are- ten thousand heroes wbo would put you to shame, They must toll or entree. The strife is a despond* MUD With:Ubenk. forte a web' . tie with went, while ragged aud Uespair. ones watch at the lone hearttheilmr.' Cut contest. Wrong men look death In the eye when their Mows are strung by the wail of hungry ddlifteed. Attains. on you! In the fill vittor-st health and manhood, at, nitwits butyoor own to till, and no buck but your own to cover, and yet crouching under the first soaurgings of ad verse tutu ne. You know nothing of the storm, for you have seen but the summer. Vue aloud has frightened you, and you think you are hardly dealt by. You will be lucky, If you nod no darker shadow* across your path. Stand up, young sir, pull your: bands from your pockets, throw otryour coat, and take fortune ,by the the at. You may be itirdwn again and agalu, but hang nit. Put away the nauseam+ that the world is against you. i Total .00:' Your destiny is your own strung 'arm with unbending will, and hour anti Guth for your guide, tile day your own. Nu capital, eh? You have a capital. Oud has given you perfect health. That is immense capital - to start on. You. have youth and strength—all luvulnera ble.. Add a will to do, put your sinews in motion, and you will win. A man in Vail health, and strength should never whine or despair because fortune dues nut pour a • stream of golaen eagles into his pockets. If you have no money, work and get it. Industry, e.onomy and Integrity. will do wonders.' From such beginnings fortune, have been reared. They can be again. Will: you try it? Or wilt you watt fur the sl.resu, to run by, so that you eau walk try shod Into the Eldorado of wealth?; Or will you meet thetrave, defiantly, and be the srehiteet of Your own fortune I' A igesteel looking man, and seated on a tine horse, rode up and dowrito street in Beaver on last Monday; so rank that he war in maxima peril of !ling from his horse to theground. liesttnurt ed public attention for souse time. .No ono seemed to know who he was. Anoth er argument in favor of whisky selling. Married. BROWN—NEELY—In Beaver,Pemes., March IS. 161, by the Rev. Junes M. Shields, Mr. Junes W. Brown to Miss Sarah Jane Neely, both of Rochester, Peun'a. ELEBER-15068—Sy the Rev. J. M.' Smith .at the reshtenee of. the Wes father, Mr. N. C Kieher, of Wooster, Ohio, to Miss Fannie R. Noss, of Free dom, Bearer 'county; Pa. - DIED. MILLEII.--thi the 10th of Match 1871,, at the Beaver county Rome, Mr. Solo-; mon Miller, aged CO years. CUMMINGS—At his residence near Remington Static "Beaver county.- Pa.o bit , on the Ilth N, March, 1871. Mr., Otrameittgicagsdatisegatm. v . AGENTS WANTED A RICH FIELD! A NOBLE WORK!!! THE IVEII : - .1 ) 11 , S2 1, 01111talabi FAMILY BIBLE, I:EaMEM lature. 1000 iiingstrationrs. 30.000 it EFERENOES, A FAMILY RECORD FAMILY ALBUM. Tim Pictorial Family Hllle containea dorehenee of Information teat ran ahly teach the .meld through the eye. Its Illustrations awry one bad to the matt Important eta of the world, and are of them...lees a camprehenaire redew of the scripts res,repre.tai g the moat interestiag enure, Charierxra Symbulaftletorical Evests,landarape fleeced', Antiquities. Custuntee, Bean, dirgs, In. ae.tta Mute, Illeerata Cofer, Medals. Intent. tents sn4 referred to throughout the de. trod Ted. They 04111C1 the eye, correct en on.. ono iimpresdoor, awaken new thougtde, aid rut • nett clearer Hewed Wylie Truth. As it_ dela to Panetta 110411 stets ',saes bballtdcboni Teachers fu falaillag the doll., of uhelr reparate and high voCation•-014 to all where to k ali= lamonat roots are entrwited—this sviendid Ptctartal Vol. ante cannot he eer / ftilintaWd. it Ls the Edition .1/04 SattaLie for the Family, Mod l'alwaelefor the Student, Inatrueilre for the 2tveher, -Wet dleprupriate for Me Child, Ilerfal for Me .Ifinterr, Nose bratingfor Me Farmer, -Wog Rtermt foe the litrfor, Most Prglitetble for the :study. ' 'The McMartin! Veenllo Ildhle. ha )iddt- Ilea to the linutree already chided to, roanalas the Apocrypha, thauenntatice' Wilma ha Meth. • naronsary of the liacted Trades as taught In the Book. togeiher with numerous and 0.9 • pichenehr c Table* and ether 1111.ketral and ell/4n story Matter. rinholylng the •labote of ninny of ale mod eminent Midi] nebulae. Ir ha printed tent!. Anon e•liindared paper. final clear and open type, In oeithro and handsome quarto ml woe. and le boned to the Mad dendoe and et tranitte manner: while the yeiced are endlekntly low to place it within rireryWfd reach. ItSxperleacwtl AVMtr ire wasted through oat the oaaztry Aye It. yak. whit ohm lamest sr ratroseute will he iamb. An opportunity of roO.WI pronto° la rarely or serer prfteated. rah* will sot he hotted to period, bat %111 Col. thloo lire WithlOe. amazon, lorrseshkg.llll the growth aid Intelllseeee of the cutottry. It Is them. toe desirable that there rho *mitre with Na.. 4111 do re with modem to utalthatr the - bledllol4 I per. Minent 00e. . • Toseiliany Widleita. Ohm. em s Imam XlS smug Illsemeah—thors • Ito would ' nospf with eh* wort prolhablo fooploywents—are Welted to correspond with us whit r view to sa 'Wary. Wor Ikw such ate armless Ittas OM in raw umeal profit In Its sate. There lea great mutt ke the bunk and a rich field alined. while 11 will elevate the veinal coodliffin by as stmt coodatt with sod conver sation!, Its Itesullbsi sad stem: truths. Tuti=es Ole ISseadlemesit be a tbe work If tee Shift s% ft. let e quite,popular tad poolltsble Is Mlles and Iroxe tinner. - Ws bare sit mildest cube book , superbly boatel. wits Wowire paneled side*. which ba• we errithes• beau meolved whit marked Liver. Sub .crlptioss kw the Futurist Mate. Is this ittyle sad Is Ibis way. can be obtained to as Mason an ise limited extent. ea there is it molar sitartmwe *Us the BAN reader east make. vial? Y ktd bus so rich • return. . ' load sae** patildoes of rotatee Moss dlard of lasontc rom..lforkat sad sad Phi paSe Sadie sad Tiatia""- WNW dPadUßnast et, M+—•e mailman" everfarbere for fficir of taxi. feisty of bad sad dada lathy of Mad R. -Alava sot We Pottle is an*. Damp Jrarriaxr, dad ind CM Caltaballed Centallidag 617100 sad rocs. floaabed sppdfs- Usu. par Cfrfalms coaallayaf •fall doarlpikla of The tifftrial "WWII fflNe. aid Wilda sheet. .4 woo fo Meads. adderso Persia • "last. say Duda MIS TIINCIAIOrf norm" • 'JOHN IL POTTER* CO, • Bt{tool 811 t3iumen Street,' ntse4Rni.. PHILADELPHIA Digets,usa nolimis; wad Four Arta, of 'Ground fur ktio at a bargain. The undersigned lir lishlu,7 4i eater Into . b o wi e ,. requiring all the capital k hie command, offers for sale tour Masi of c h o ws gardeu ground. With small Frame Dwelling' House. Thirty-two thrifty ;PO Wee* In full bearini, and an abund ant* of small fruits such as go. +wherries; currants, orapeemninees, ete.ote. The above property is beautifully situated adjoining the Borough of Beaver, on the pnbile thoifnagfare or "Harlem Lene"of Beaver, Persona wishing to purchase* property rbeap will do well by calling on D. M. Donehoo, Bawer, pa. mut:AC ) - lierseeeeh—Tbe fourth' lemmas befuie Young Ilea will be dellVered nett lieu taut evening by Rev; J. M. Welds lu the Prrikytnrien cloureh, 821dgewater. Leeltame—To idour mailers who reoullinitbe Awouoi Tuesday w e . would say the list Ireture attar tburie erl:1 be delivered Taredsy evening Alsweh 2tst by Bev. Dr. Pouldlelou,Prep;of Bethany College. W. yr.. subject "flow to llye." The Presid t anneal" luthiers of mune Bekaa toe reader thew at the door. Calmar"; ! A:vars large stock of the inost desirable patterns, or Carpets, as cheep as the cheapest; at B. Multakines, Bridgewater. "leenitlferegPOUpp" is the imp godly* and mewhat peculiar little of a very Interesting and readable book, wrltted by the Hem T. De Witt Tilatirr of Brooklyn.: New York, and published 14 Ennio. Stoddart it Co., 7416 Hansom .. ..104Phfladelphis.',110 autbor la well 'kenrett by the publitigenendly ea a pot/- uric/6VA" and pirnieber. Being &man of the Hese/ibis synipatideis smallogesh. er wlth - the present, and his views here !.t expressed show the fearless disregard of all old conventionalisms, and !warty appreciation of the advance of the age. In illustration of this, be is now engag ed, with all his heart, in the 'f Free .CiatreA Movement," having so labored as to secure the co-operation of enough pe cuidiry and working assistance to rear 'Off* tabernack, capublo of seating over threethousand‘piiiiple; and thbf, accom plished inside f two nate, with a con. gragankst of less than one hundred, in an old church, in the innuedisan neigh horbocid of the great Henry Ward Beech er. The articles treated in "Crumbs," are Illustrations of the many and various sayings of the present day, with pleasing skate-nes, all showing their application to a moral. They are written in a spicy and vigorous vein, 'hnnsorous and pa thetic. His articles written in his last trip to Europe are also ineMded. lie has evklently viewed the sights with open eyes, and has a peculiar happy fac ulty of word-drawing rarely surpassed; his style is decidedly original, and his many philosophic and amusing apho risms are wonderful. We add a few es trolls as they better illustrate his style We recummend for its perusal by every one, and we predict for the book a very large sale, it is printed on tinted paper elegantly bound in morocco cloth, and'A illustrated in a manner at once pleasing and suggestive, by any. eminent artist. The price, PIO% Is within, the reach of all, the publlthers'dmini being evident ly to make it at once popular_ and cheap. As it la published by subscription, it will not be found at the hook -stores, but will be mailed to any address, fnio of postage, on receipt of the prim by the publishers, by wheal reliable ers, Male or female, aro wanted to aid in Its sole.-. We advise any of our readers, wanting muployment, to apply for the agency. ANL Wood - Turning shop, • Allegheny City. Pa., Is pr p aved in do 01 kinds of Wood- Tutning,sBcrull•Sawing and 81ro11 Rout. ding._Nesreirs Balusters and Rand Rails. WITH ALL JOINTHICUT, READY TO HANG, furnished, a.; short notice. Orders by mil promptly attendodoer may be left with (limper t Co.. A, 4th Ar. Plttiburdh. Pa.. and at the Kill s earner a? Webater evert and (habitat Aaey. , harttly Winger, Whetter! Cold sad ley; • a Cloth bag, Matlaw! Warm art bell'', T. AA Regales:: as (he Reasons Change, so must we change our Lfght Gar- ;newts foe Heavy Garmentki. AND As the 31trAmalie ;nit the I.ahoree4p to their doll• litxtr, nl4 the PrtlesAktital end limbless man to 1110 r pineeti Dr bnsinent, theme ml,l mud chilly morn. Inge. the thought carol *Weir mind— WHERERHALL WE BUY Our Winter Clothing P To the 111411 who hays his gouda ready SAJ.S t itelleAburg i Itroarlomy, Neer Brighton; BECAUSE ?HET ME OU CA• Cr C=o ro =, And kerp the Bete Aaao in To the man who halo his good., made to order, (:r by measure, Re would oily: Go to S. & 3. .SNELLENBURITS; • Because flay *are a Caller, A oil Tau lorisroond I. woe Dll Beaver Ca; KEEP A CIIOFE STOCK OF Plece Gads Fres lid le Select', •• NO FIT. No 'DAV." AMIaIf,IIER, BROADWAY, NEW BRIGHTON Seplit,roctillkhday riECTIIIINNIC—Tbe atetklaZipk._ of lbe Lbapaay ter a RIR Beaver Crash, at ot =Ulf tape twit , tuaity Ilester.^ - are beret, aelbLid that Ea Artkw tat age Realdiot; MllMaaarpni an d a Temater. will be bald la the Toll Liouis at aakl Oceapea.r. , aa lb. het Loamy., the lab day at April *W. eatanteathet leb attack. a. ta. paratete.f JANES ALLISON. ?Newer. . Jfiaceltatteous. STAIR BUILDING made, we would INT: 64 - t to Reoaer 0;!toty. AND THEIIti,MOTTO.CD3 '• • Da •-• uchv & Adveitisemenb. 1111Grupg. Of . fiat ovilog. pimmur 46: "' 'te• " 1/4.11 Addruie rOiNlll' bag roirws:r.; York TU , Ss Is Nu Er att. prone. mot you din WOW/ Wt. • MIMI *lute of InotAinitua boo bolo oUr. rUit oo• sa4 .1.10 st wan - Ad trw. W. For, r. tr. U, -f !id. trlf"..l rllir, It, V.' lanfbfff irmitrolfa. beskt• Ilse Vert eirfrk.• altk• limak•blko, NP■ll )•24 b.-1•0 Mo I Q 7b• he•t ood dttiprat /MIMI .2, ofrimirt., Ada.— aousum. cLianigg 11.4 11 . A. %eft.: Pitult•ryak. P lliffql.• Gt .4 Pf. 1,111.1 *ma/No *waft wasiwpaii» ee 717 - 0113Arliit . ino The toor mot lAniroineelt Plerstrallosio. bra seillugand suet aittrarttor raberOpOds at rs. uubll.lo.l. Date strut. ID Denver, I'ol.sue,. vold lur My rat in fser days. Oar ado :4 Is MP. looker auttl dd ova. la halt a day : ants tuns. • amber Irmo Id to :al sapirr rt. day. 0404 Iw Cirralso. nigh t.tiour at OD,. A 1.9 01r. rt.g. ti s rmrsis - 111 rm... rt. f • sup/stow AOLVPI WAN tlll P Tail UNTORY OF THE WAR IN EUROPE /I CO nialofir urrt laa• rag fat amk• 11.1 *rear. and larldrat. Sir Hew War. siod Ie RAP 0 •IS. AUTHENTIC mad ONTICIAL kiWury nr laq twat candid. • PohDebra In harts ErAMA sad Puressa. ' Cluto N . ! bald. M > doer 1a pd. Mtn dud ya. cosisius 100 Sus ninth:Veld . Our doculars and *so oar scram. sad • lino Id lb. wok. Addssw„ 'SAM; •• • • 27 1.13111%6 CO PElladelpalk Pa. • W arripiart awl Sa e7etla r# surf ,„ G.nlre and &rally Ilan Otamad Mar; SCIENCEZBIBLE A Wok d thrltneg Interest end greeteeelnren. Mew to rsm lama Acing. Th• raper.. nap,. *ad Prop% se. .11 dlacseetsg- tee enlenet beak ...trey awn warn wild ea/4 Innate to send It. lee tote SNIP. Isar le tad* an 4 bettoreb4e puce *mitred ectiner M One, die Bale Ittresi. pen. Ned tworm.titst: .nalt DWI lIAI4 LIMP stirs*, Uodls2o , irk i r, six actiuil dor, apt Meg perbdr. Thu hoe Wire Ow fin emus of octe.ee. moles H. let mattes. leentenr. Weeders end •parldlo• r••• a lemead feed mem lotereetkin lb.. /clan. AUENTS WAN] ED txperineced Apltts Ittll drop earn becks sad • . run. trwritari Inntodtatety. Addroen as c treat •Mrt.ttlty, le e n Nue et Jurubeba• 1111el'ilS 'lt it r. our. and prefect worody for nll iii.o•el for tiro. obt Ppfeon. Mottos...boot r r Matra , lIM of late.ttiteto. Crlamy.Viletlnar. at A.b dotalusl Promo. iNnerty of Wool 01 Blood Intorealoont or ltaralt- Itnt Form, Inflatronaden • , al tlln bear. !h0p...), blereblob t tree. tloo of tho Woo& Aherroes. • Tea Jobodice, oceottall. . D).tolota, ot their C:paeotteltsats: WrLitt batine become room of the 'Mira • ord bony toed tribal properlbor of the Rua' Mow. Ida Pran.., .41.1 • JITRUBEBA .rut r 'pedal ennunbirdon to that manta to pea Cure It lulu Lialleejthrtly. end having Sound Its onderfut eitrille•pertlea to even mimed the *adept/we lomat ter 11. great reputation, hae cuncloded to oder It Pt the public, est.: is harpy to .tote that he has preened imantranande foe a rig our monthly of thie ei.ncerini Plant. lir iipeuetnuch.ilme in expel Interning and loth, tleating as to the nuet eMelent preparation from It for • opslar ape. and has for .one time sari ta Maori% preen.. silk moat happy frlllll6 the clre• turd modicite nun pi eseuted to the public as Dr; EITRACT of MUHL! and he eouldently naramends it to every Malty as a Inauenold remedy whk-h ..altookt be furry taken se a Motto Punt run in all deranannenu of the iiirtent and 10 enlace. and *teey all weak and Lymphatic temperaments. PAIN LUGU. hart St.. Near York, note Agent for the United State, price One Dollar per bottle. fiend for tiriniar. =eft.* 8 O'CLOCK... PlaO COVIV " frXt a a ar a e lrumsen hair t ..ct brows. cc ns is tta polies. Anyone cau sae h. One wit by =a{l to one dollar. Ad diens MAGIC toms Cp.; Itpstagteld, Mem. nar1.144... 11711 446 TAR s A BLACK VIEIA with the Green 701 /*ear. t - • Wamotted to snit ell tastes.— Itfor salt rreryttittrt. And f..r sale. Madan* only the Great 41lactilc .f Le To . Chatch M. Near 'se— P. 0. for ISM .*id for l'irc"lrtr.turGXts. 1 1 17 ANITED!--AGENTS — erretywbere. as MI a oar saw book. Itz; liihroety,aeloaly.i! t I Guitrated.) la Jolts S.C. Assort., • rplesitt4 atillatt and popular author. D. IL Nonni, umtoo, alreas ~lt~n~,t~herdayandbotlak. Do run Clads sitnation as eaisonan ai as sear home. to introduce our amen strand HAtts Wirt Cloaca Lbw, to Sad Arrow. Don't firs this "Mover. Sample free. Address Berbron it,.. Were Work. '1.5 Wm. St. N. York, or 16 Dearborn ret Chicago, marrel rvs IrAFN LIS, CATARRH. SCROTCL.A.—A la di who bad tattered For years ban Deadbers. Catarrh sad scrofula. was cured bya dept. rem• My. Her syroparby and.cralituderota her to mod Ike recipe free of ch ants to an one similar y Mileted. Address HRH. 11. C. 0117 T. Jer• *ay Oly, New Jerly. _ . rosetteie RClTJAR:Ranufsetniiiiiiid 13uyets, ire to. F tined That it biter and 1./wow '-lar than was ever known will be aappbed. nth ills wrens in met, qsallly and relrirment , and will oquell. and am un do • Roy and all edicts. Important Price 141 for MI now ready and sent Itee. Ad. are.. CHAS. G. INLAY & SON, No; CM Dock St, Inarßitsr. BOOK AGENTS! the moot aeehtraameenal. molar o(unbacriptiort Natl.. le “Playettal TrillAiall of Chlldrrn. Jad ant. It hat opleadtd Marl Piste, I. richly Wand. antferery Fattier sod Nailer •bo area it lot 201011. It hate ha apposition and deliver. elegvat.y. Rut drat netst oat cleated /111.11 h In Ire hon. l No modern haak Hite ad. emet. I!ldect• did terms. Cliental, *rot free. CaaTlllollllle arke only 1:. (.w World Pub. r a. r. cue. 7ltt Rod Market Ste.. Philadelphia. talitelhAr. _ _ _ A gent.. w tpa.--inalita &mane • zx by_ IS. derearkan -Ilde(Mte Vt., So. Tote, owST. Lot', . , Y. mart3+ General Afirents, Wanted lbe Ortreback's Cskaliktizgliatlikle. rapid. act* am, sitapk. Itaadi apetatod, cheep and Arland!. raving toitata natal:woos athittloor sod aahetrar • Hons. taking from orre lo Ilia teahouse .1 *me. at a time, carrying and borrowing Ira Dom ten., heated, rte., without the !elm I tw i rl os the 1411 rt Or the operator. Address ZITO g Z Ma. CI7IIDY Phlklelphla. 11. ml:Iw REDUCTION OF - PRICES TO coxtonx TO REDUCTION OF DITTIES. Great Saving to Consumers. By Getting. Up Clubs. girsksit far row Cur Prtro List and *OM form will Accompany It. cootaltdos MU illrertloos. loAtot * laryt. rating to easement anti IMODw. Wive to clot, organisers. GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANI. 31 .1c 33 VENET STREET. NEW YORK. P. 0. WI. MLI. martr '1`12.117 CARBOLIC TABLETS, An unfailing retlmAyfot all ItreeehlW Coniihe. C la. 14rananear. Asthma. Dlpiherla. Dry tics* of the thrust or V lode Pipe and CI Catar rhal dboserr. Thu wonderful incision discovery Of Catholic. AcW. H destined lo become, one of Mr rtest,et blevaltigelo socinkiroi hi In appl!eatkosio dimitocs of the thrall and Its frail Math, qualidee m all of the Cur.. MID Lrana. Dr. Wells' Carbolic Tablets, betide.. the great reonedLat neat t7to4totai Arid contain ether lutredlents antreteayrem••••••• ed. a blrh ebentlatlly , en an. 'reminder aI. let awe highly medicinal &batten* adapted Our dirwanatitl the thrust than ani prepanotkeL.,reee helve offerrd to the itublle. •••• CAIIIIOII TPa pens true u Wcua AIMAIrs , naoT °Tana ,INlrl4 an. rat.ntn,orr ON Tut* IX THIIM STUD. FOR COUGH% AND COLDA Wells' Carbolic Tablets \ ARC A %ÜBE (THE. TOY TlIft)1. SOLD nv Ditt'OlitOtT ttaari;t• AnuuLrruxs Plmmisr 1.701.1341111LLE11. • airUao Arent waled In env comity In ibe 1'044 *Maio to MI „Middleton • rocket Curb. paten4d slams °learn. and maim, um 4 by any cwt. Will Mal We Metall laic., Gil Wbol.oltlo 10 Ay•so. It 3 vents. Torrltimy rime. 311DRION & CO..— Ilarthbant. • seellat Wall Paper! Wall Paper!! Htiolv2o, WI!ITV, *ATM, 411.7 c, 141t11:7')' L'A'PLESS; coi.onti4 mucairr • STYLES NEW ; LOW; ou c/o/A ASToret; Shack! made to cr- der and lettered. 000 Z DELIVICAND PROJITti A? PSPOTS. DeZOITCIII6 it CO.. It! Wood edtersintets avow. iltiabogls„Pa. LaSTII.IrIEI of Miro, tite Ellisaboth f&ttralthe deCed.—Let Testamests. ty upon the estate of Elisabeth Iliettb, deeeesed. bating been meted by me , sesee at Will. or stdd etettly._to ttle aseprehreelf ja *tenth town p , Weildaglon meaty. Pe. AU tepees baste; Oaten* or dentabde spirt ejid estate, at AMIN U G to requeste dperm to * * test the eimetkeel io these Indlet• r..ted mak. te T its' WS:IW] rartegton P. 0.. Wain etas . P.. EV= saderelpsed 1 :• Pal the hApbeet.Pfiell hi ea® In fore of all de , senptkras. pie Irian the IM Cenceopy ot Bet On nasty to ben to Wad that he hoe as ones bill to xl,o •tb any tenon la the mean alio wOl catch mud Popp him a 'snood f pet bin deed or Oho.' hrOhhtell VOL IL VIM, lotia•ny tp. Kant I, Viti-IK'. = EEZZCI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers