En • d vortlemente are Inserted at tho nits ofll,oo per square for fintnihsortlon, and for each aubsequent Insertion 50 contra. A liberal discount made oq yearly ad v. rtli , empnts. ' . A eipacii oquad to OR llaea ilf.t4lll4PF int.munmi a ignore: : it• L i;.4 kJ, Noticoii setuti,sertei new,-by. tlwinselvos immediately siter:11111041 W PI, will 40 charged 40503105111 1 . 6 k 1%)1* each hiertion. '••-• - • •- AdvortimosnentA shobaliscahiiiiatt insforuMondliy netou•lii i:: that week's y..p „ Baugness.,Directpryv nicAvsic. el MOORra. An/17U and dealer In puluio, r oil., pure tneuical tt Luca nod 1.1.01rn, Wnre, Lamp. 1110 Flaky. tiood.c Main .1. , I ' n •- carefully co mpuitn& T` d. _ "O I Y I U . u. Confectionery. Illbacen and Chore. 141: . :11IN and - br Boat,, Slump and Mau tt. IterAly . fftiT b A ro V u E , l4 .i t . l:tt A lL , l ol l4 b rOtt r 11%1 4. 1101, carelully cumpuundo.f. laapt , ;l; 4.1 J AN PERSON. Lailer In the traproretk Wll. I..)• on. Shultlo Sturlug Atachlar. Slain Pt. *Sue JilAt i = "l/ irra 7412 :4 0 ; ltavtaurant Choice Tear. INA Cattera:Tonaccn and Cigars, COO (vet lonery Vegettanec_ Mehl .t. ecpYa;ly /I AIIUTZ. Dealer or Stes.' 1 • Grant &C. W end .t. eciaNty hatnrance agent. Bearer, Pa: 1• t and gtq. your property Inpumal. .ottly • VI .%13VIIGII. liOlt(iA STEIL'. Dealer In 000 shoes. liinrket St.itlolnirith Ps. I stpl4:l7 Itorr teitiullt4. rol f.:Ftnt.. Agent... oi; posits , lust UOfee. l'utit hens of the Es. tate Renister,'. sent free. l'ilfSttnerti. Eseptlity gints,-*lti Liberty St. l'ittsburgh. sett. lily IIAIALErB •AT PAltl.oll.. rittla Av r), rune, (nenrdlorket St.) Pltt•lntryth. intpll:l3 . 'S s en, I ll' Wood tit.. Pittsburgh. Pd, (replt;ty iiSid . ll 11ti1tS I: t CO, 7t& 'J r) Itiltsturgli—lninorters and deniers in Sothis,, Trimmings, linslery., White COW!, [spl•I;ly Aineil t• can Confectioners. Dealears rrldle, &e. i 011,12.4, VII Wood St. l'lttsburgh, lattpl4;ly I S. 1110011 R. Denier In choice Vets. Coffees & • Fondly (.!..terten. No - tit/111h Avenue. Pitt.- I.nrgt., rept.ltly • 1011 N BUMF= S SON. Deniers In the New el Weed Family Sewing Machines. llti Marnet Stied, Pittsburgli, I's. rept.tly 111.1VEifirilLiNYCKTR7CM — Illein (Ar k/ petr..oll Stieclal rat. to Clow. Ffith Avenue. ralsbnrgh. E;epltly "1,1..1'. Successor to J. M. !Omni.% Dealer in .F.s. Watches. Clocks, Jewelrys Silver ware. No In Fifth Avenne.Thishunzh. • [septtly A. INiINS. lon4e and ifirn • to enter Show Vile& for every butiness.— So. 7 Fifth Avenue. Pittsburgh, fretll;:y C. FULVON.Thinufacturer of and Dealer In L • Fumltum and Itomqv I. Walnut. M.ilioFany and Ont. -t Sfillthfield vi. tocts:l NEW 131RIGUTON 1)1 tlai.--(tILLILAND St KERR, Wow.:tole told Apothretrier. cur. Broadway autl Folio pt, New Itrlghtott, I. (Stiecettettor, to L. It. Nt.. lei„retr.t2;ly “11)..M.1 Bakery ttooretlouery. • It It:street. SpeCIIIIIMeIIOMI given to weil iln~Fioudlnll..tsept l:ty .1 / 4 .1. SNNI.J.N I / 4 11KItti Merchaut itroallway. New . 1.14.:11 - u. Sie. ade. , l,opitly ,t M. WllltiLtilt, Dentl.t. Broadway, New • Itrlghtion. 10.111-1:13. ...1 nekatives. (rept ttly Alf INTERt IIEDISON: Jewelers mut Toltec. VV I cattl..tek, Broadway, N. 'Waldo... isepl toy tt I rocerle...• gueeto.ware awl 0.1 • notirelitAl God*. 11r..a.tway, CAN 1'U1111.4./ealer It. Wall roper. Wllltlow RI. 11.1... Itrwk..Slstloni.er) Ilroact. • N. w Uri luau. 1 1 / 4 . tsetlt.ly .t,1C1111.1 0 &STEIN 1p Dry Goodr, lunPO 3lerrbitnt 'Enitorr .i.,111101.. =d=E rd 111Al ! (11KI I Th l 'Nlk l i flT\W 114., o,ll.Naili:o.Vail.it 1 ,I - .. p 110) ‘11t7 , .. .11 MI011)141. corl.‘4lif Main Unit 11*Iger otrvio. .e 11:17 I 'EN It %LI. A.TANN Artio,V.Freero Paint. non, mill Sigh l'ainters. luitt St.. . • FLENIINti, Ifraler in Boots And Sinks of % • nt 100 01e... rind I ti fior ountity..Slain St. Ileuvrr Va. }met IS:Is BUIDIpEWATEU ; A MtEuM. Urhlgo street. Bridgewater, , Dokler in Uoltl'onll Sits er Watchm, .11,relorSr.' Wslid, 100, Je•relry rennlrt.d. . , ) ...'ta ti let! AILEt •it 1-.lurl t',"u" 7frmployr. N o ne t4c., tr pu .•riMz.e❑evramr. Pa. fetM*7l;ly. 6 ' I - AM ii.:::4OIITEIL DeUill ill TITI run. V per Slievi•lron n are, and Iron Cl•tern Pump./ Ilrldgn at, lirldzewnter. - OmPIIOY - • AILATI7IiIt, Xanniamurer and Dealer lu iloulaand pridgmvid.r, c. Ms IMM, Cup. Farr. AI • Carr( (111 Cm,hr and Trimming Bridgn liridgewnler, Sep I; ly t Lli/Iltjitri: lloohgnoll Shoe, CI • Ilr:dge st;oct. Bridges* MI . 14.1 v . _ . _ . NA 1:1,1 1 . 31111Inery.:ErinottIng.,t Notion. , -141,1z0 Pt.. Ilridgenater, I:ty F. W NM.% 3lntol6nclure of lltlos. ontol I .1• Shoe, IttiLlts• I Irv , . tent i,,•121 - lithiO;i cleunee,l .11 and imelew Water St. atm e Bridge. - (1111:1y t N WoOIIItUFF. MarltleCnitei I ~Mon. t' lartits Tomb:tone. of all deperiptlon, tondo 1:t. Market and Water otreets. ineptl:ls I s FILES , tzto•en,,an, %%sue t/ • till. .;:11•• • FiSilr, rel . /1 .t COtillir) . Produce. , ortwr. It!1,144• Itrld , ze,,ater.l94!;!.T. I I I HAM MEASMI, Icier in koniuttultela 1 'O6l. Order.. left nil It. In Beaver. thing Store, In Ltrldgewatest will In' ps,inptly attended to. Cm , ll ou tleoery—Lowe.t piirrr ‘"nrll-51c1h11):111r11 l iii. srlilszly ROCHESTER IA NlCE:'—Deal. r. Ittootr, 4111,4 atiol Gni t o .r' n:ii " ft " ti " ,l l / ..h: 1.."17: _ . e VN (;1:111%, N. work, of t the herht material, nmdr 10 t,r t r. All work ,“11ritnted. Rettalrlw hently ilone." I'rleer oath St.. Itochemer. llt jat.lS;ty - - Su- I X ILI, t , 311111 CO.. Ftysey Dry Hoods.l I Hon, sttlil Mailluery. liCar in. Pn. • (.4.1,11:13. 11 Pot, Enviory. s•••• achl. Irept 1:1 y 1 oils li 1:i 'MAL aloof t Watt, r.t , Itotherter. Levoll 1:ly jAIR 1;011).\Cngon S coirrix,:c troll! ray I: 1,1. U. NN EN. Dro=l..t. ohm. couvrolly complutioled. %Vat, .t., rill...ter. • • ovrioll:ly . _ lAlt I N ANS. I:W(111,0 .., PI/411411V. ittllce, con., of 116,1“..11,1 unit Itothmer. leept I:ly 4.11 . 1:YE1t I II A: SC/NA, &Minn Deal •l7 vrolll Dry th,,,ilg,Grucerleo.Flour,Vevil,t;tain, 11.3 t . & Jame. , .1, Raker tool Cl:tact:lto vr.—• , L.1I• %Vedanta UFO:, fool Ice Cream forol.hed promptly. On_lDanonol. p.nol Ill y 1611 SALI: by A. MINED MAN. Ittladquarter. for Foreign C Dome.llo Dry Cootie. Noiloile, Telmmlnga and FatiCy %Vat., Wert. Roelteoter. (Kept My lii.! 01 . 111.1 t -to 11l Ild /I • N. ren..:( Dell! In lawnhea Loth .t,, Inwhe.ter. 11 rorr, Bo I.E dr WI NIS, S ilervootorg 1. • Co.. Dealer.. In Sawed and Itoelte.ter.. I )Dlk AD'S 1.11; STA 111. E COM. Y Ult•ItI Vl . ll 11. 11. Ytatilin n. 11.1,14, e ,,,111:11 7111101'1' CIIIS.. MaiiifinCtoreroranil dealiW ht Tln.ropper and Sheet 11.11.1 Ware. 11./1111a, spnatio:..t r.. attended to. N. York rt.. ortllMy TEr} , * .t Dl.Allll;proprletoneot Johmtoff Ilion, flood ral:011111141iali01111!11111 g..0l .In. 1,1., Near D. 11. Depot. retlltly f 7 1CSFIC11:1E;Thi:Aei , Repalrin:: done neatly and tw ly. ofold Hare tot the Diamond, Ituelictler, hi. twill!: iy I NV.VINKIC IIIiOTII Eli, Mailataetorer. df • Wagon., Donehra. tiptlng.wagolol. sulkeyr. Illackamithlog and 'tor...hoeing .1.011.. In the Sect Inwheater. nolll.y EAST LIVERPOOL, 0 • .T M.: h generild La...omen! .I.l* q 111 4 .11.1 or, 1'aur....1 I relt•. ti, Cot. :Id t Brondtiny. Fat I.letrp.NO, deo. nuinkty TiiirStrsom co ,lienlrrp. Dry. Clothing. Ihrrp Shift, Hato At O t t, t nri, ta, Oli-CiUtild. Q11.3 . 111 , V111 ,. . alas- u are. .ke Broadway .CCoo1: rho : ft..l.lverpool. pun l). - - • Al' S. 111 U. Druggl4 Ritual , Wial pt.. Pear It. It 11. Pre:eripilona carefully and accuraPly CO. . _ MINCELLANEOES. f .11,Z 111101INTI.Inr.11nouf , trtorer of the Gmit r I 11r1 Ilar 17ooklust Mote, and Piamitee of rot. top Plitt Centre. nliii4oll. t I Itl ItT I:IPSELL, Ire Xanaracturer. . 1 Ord, m prompt!) *Wend , d to. ranportdra. P.. 1 offict r. [e. p14.1r - I';,. ‘,,iN.":,,! ;:." 1 . 1°,1,, tic ll -'!*c 1 n.Anecan.ly tender my proMp.ional N to the; Idarn• of Fuld village and %ICilliir• fire,tt in n Aden,. oppoallo rs.:lo .%‘ where I .1)111 ah, found. mdma pron4ananaliy 11:1Z, e.dl• will IN cols,. immediate and' rom tt ntfrnlion AV ( ING HAM. M. D. h 1121,1,1 LINNENPIZINK. Helilvr.ht \Voteher+. Clocks. a w indiraln an I • w'4 t' nery. v 4 1,„, 1 I rrpoirr , l. Arent for the s Machlut., Itodwrier I i. ' _ TUOMAS BerCTRY & CO THOS., MIC 11;11V, Oxfam .1. V. lil:AVo• . . 11. EI J. 11. arcitkEux. • 1%111114 paid 011i11.1111.111111.14; PIII6IIII I•ollCrittMO, ANO. I.mm :r *ule tot 1 • 4,4 1:43.‘1 Tellable Cirintwik". lmaylrlf J • I St. , eliillTT' Iks D. liarll.g ;m «• 1 sc y rr ". l . sert . o ul tte 'l, and riirroundick contry. Sprclel altrutiun lonia ti% the treat moot of femsir discern. tiortirrY door with a shillfai hand. 041060 n Third rtrret, few doors went of the Coati Ilona*. ateAtilltdas . •. ,• • 1 : - - r-' • • '. 'V'. - . ' •-• '' ...• •- X 4., '•- .. . .. . ' .. ~ ~, , r_ .4.. • . '', . ' • . .. ' • . - • ' , ~-.••-,. - • ' , .. , , . . . ~...----....-a....-*, , ~ - • , ~. : . 1i ..i:. ,1 41 .111.! . -'. •,: : ••• : • ~, .. 0 '',...,. Ir 11i. ,i , •• • ••• :: • if .. 1 /14tA A . 't' ••• - • • • . I • . 0y: 4., ..c,;•:;:it:i , ~., ~, „;,,••, 4 , ~ ....: ..,, . : .., ; • • ?;. 1 . - 0 ;'l ,-.'''• • . : 7' ''', . • 'r . •'. • - 4: IA!. ...--;-'',:ie:Ar:il 4./..1t...".. -., • , ... 10... . ' ,v .... , ~.„, :. :„ • :... ~1,11 •ti • IT • ' • - , . . i ••• ..• .• ' 1 • n.''. - •-•.1 • i ••., ~ I :, ; r -.. • .04 - - - ..... '•• :li '• ' .°' ----''• - 1- 0 , 8441 , ;A-4f tta s te• - . li p• , .,.. i i i . ~.,..; .: .: ' ' • /3 h • - • _l., ~.t1n a d y ,,,,.„,..,-. torg, -.in • ••••1•„. `-e, 1, • oir;-. , .., •., ~,rr ~.•,-,,,; •,••• ••••;"1: ,k, ;.t • si • - 1 . .•••• •,‘,,,:.: , •••• • . ' - ~,,,,,,, . .. • .....,,.; ••••••:: ••• •.•,• .• .. :.••••: i •:.-.4,-, :1.,. •t:;.. •, • t , i- - • -7 !4 -, t.. ~ t , - 1 , 4 •,;:c7 .4=•• i• . .. - -:'sieizt, i..i41 - 1,411 - tnA, yv! :41 . 'I. • r:11 •ii .11t ii•i'L „i i , ;.. i , .„, h - -, .. " ' -'• '•'• : ,•, •.-• : . ~ -.t •1 , • .•••4. ..I i ~...,•• •• , "V '..i: ',,, .i . " .1c; FLI., .5 reo• t .,. ,_.(„.. . 44%.pi .. 4- L.., , iii(k10, 1 ,j, - etna - ... . - --___ . . • . , - , - .. _ ,,,... ~, „. ; sec. ,1 4 ., „:,:: ;.,..,.. I D , ....., oinir;-4'. •,,,' 'lr-misttViverktsvrjre, ~,,, . , iilsie, ,i 1 :11/1421. 4 . 4 .1.1 ih...l.4:etit ()Ili •''''': ''' . ' ' • .. *' . ' !may er i • - --, -'. - . . - • •-• • . ~., , -- • .• - , .: -,,.. -,,:: :iv: • .. It -,- Et , ~- - ,- ~.,..;.-- 1 1 7- •..i -.'...i. , r- , 1 , -, Yu , -,,,- r‘e,..,:.` ,. .'r -; , c•;.'.,.,:. 6 ,,•.;. !.... 1 ., , ,,.... - -1.".-. *. `,. .11 ....t i e'n - ,AL..A'„......',:.„4-; ; .. , ,,,v..-;.-:,"1;:,::,!:::.'-i „"..1' . l' f : . 1 ::-;1.4 1 ; •• : ;In • l ir l '' I- - . - ... }.....1,, t . ter.... _Zi.J.l'llal mr ..l - ~- .......-::: -- i,.. - ... -•1 ' ~ - 7 7 -, •.•, I: $ :;,-.' I' 44 4 4.:044441.40 . OlO 1q. . 4.. • :41:___ . ' . .Itallrdaili.: -' ' -': • . •- .4 1 reil-iCilif4c r' . .•-„: ! , .a ..• . - - .--',, •,' ... '' ~H, ~,1. : , t '-'" - -11. 1: , -• -1. .• ~ rk.,- ,, ,:• - DAILSIOA \ Ds. - . .. ittnEß: .....,,,:,..,....,„.,,.,,,. : ,,...,,,....,.. L . ±. ‘,.. . „;,,,, ) ; ,;.,;- 41 4,1 1. .i..l 4 l T ii r iii l ptositzt.ollll7 ' + 1511 ..../ iil6iw.4 ,-...:11 .r ,t eei : ". ~ - PITTS .. .. !MCVAY i: d CHICAGO RSILWAy. ._. . - ....... Li IT t Obilir...ssl.l :,-. I nict t17 1 ,..........te i ; -t 1: .._ ,tl - 1..,!(. 4 ;.1 jr , .rtr? , un and .lux Dec r.4tb.llWll.' :WWI 4 / 11 Ill" -• • • .•.• . . . . . . ,1-i•siii-vl- , ,•‘../..:+f, rr .. +. l kk llv , W.7 artifeit.l4, %v. lemma • _ , a Stations dilly, cSandays sleep...ll at -r , . .•,, J. ~44•4 4. ..,41. . “ ,• 1 'i•- ''' '' tr: lt ... ''"! ' . 1. t 4' ...t1e • t - fit• t •i*Airlifiti ttiogsasioatorsisaglasasto iTratia leaving Chlea.go a 1.333. P. Al- I.F.DY 11,11 . . . 1 7 4 . , m a i n Im.yor nu ts< tltulranor%aiitrxti 1 4- ;:.• "•• .• •• ', • • :•; . • . '.- - 7 • . - t:* -•,i .• • '..! 4 ; , •i!. •". 4 t . 7:7 4 .•it.• • .1.r.14 447 E ). trAttdrshCsalisiolfiortlottlat•hsti ' to- , s &0b..) * . .••• • ;• *•,•-; • ; •_.•';•!", .. , :r•t- - li; !,... 1 ,41;.. 1 ta)l.l.lhwlittko'ilatillll44l4V.l9lol m#o - ; ~.v.l , •, ''' ' 'l'o Debllltatett- l'ortions e . .. ... . . . • , ....- :- - oscc xiii."asri• . - 'l'o I),yspeptlts, . *:,. , . .„, •. , lairt rgessiwillti I ti3'. : lo3,ty l i - DA,s,box,!umgrooNglo, .0 . psecd r i, t RTATIOIO/. ; 6lc 9..4. .g• . - •• li r', i - • , : 1 ' 3 4 l '' , ..' Or' -•.- Al.t.t Otiallr klii&A . lol. 4 l4okt FPFi i ,CIS' a'' -,..-.---jl""'''''. - , ..1T0 SUM/tern frutlll 4 - IVei(.4.iitipin;rit . , •- - • -• •• • ••. , • Pittsburgh : 133 as '.105511 , "a" Teal - 'l'o • those. towing tot•tippetite,, ,„ ~ • 0000 -,diottittl, - ' IriStatirq.•,* ihi„" . 9c .AF..l l l b l i T.'. 5 11:11 1 ..?ty 'iyl,l:•F ttoetetwr ' • 'il ri° 3 " , 81 °. • • . • - • ''• "' " -1. 1 l - 4 • 1 ► • . .I.t*ln!fr-..1 4 ... ,Ifll ,n.a.o l . Salem. .. r „,. +,.,,, \ . t... - • l'o those with tiroltett.l)llw,tt:C9g-. - ''" • 4 '''" '" " s •' - P - . 4 trl X . hvadow, Who ha of 10,, , 01iA 1 1y ti4v, AW.olol'cmroa..... .'' do's • WU 11 ' 44 • • •1 • ;t'° - - t • , , a .S .N tt e t r u N t .o lo us nit leo . i r , i t. - , . • , ~ , ',kg: . . :0 . /pa , 3/ . 30-, , ~.17. , ,,0.', . ~ i '. ~;., i ~.,,, F , „ . . 141441 ,` w a m k t i . - ' - '` i i; y l', 43 .„`' `'i ma ,g'" ''''' i i;',ll4 n4iip ' '" : 11 * i i a l 315 " 11°n '''' .- ( tia I • iii : • . iiirik l' iii• - .. To Chit - tire% NY.ttittor.64i'ay, ' '- ' W"-- i' i - 4 'is '. • • 4 ' ; ' 47 ';.44k - `lll • 'ilalle3acW4o6l4..34p.ltorpfy.tak l 4;,, Oreille .1. \ Wooster ' ''• •-- 11 ... \i• To any.witlt,l3ollltatwl plgestit'T' ' ' l . , '"! at- ' ire ''"'..* . 'l•;l.l;777*ris '-ÜblovAttutg4Tbitt.'4oll;•ll l 4plYtut.bger : xpesots. , . .. 7 .:', 903 lat its -; mu , - - - _ .... : ~,1 . eel s :I-A It t . : 410. ~.,:. it tt ,1 I 1' .. .. WNW 404 WAti . IP Pp tql,esortAtt. , • cw .,,.. j A +I rta 1 r-1 , too I !lie- •: • • 9rgans• •• ' -.•• . ,s ~,: , .. ~, .„ .; .. : y i!., -..„ . - I.' ir ...- -., gov thoiror Itatiftpdn9it* lakr. " - Matting .••• ..-. t o - ••• ; ,tuto - i 43 . , 1 33,341, .114 f. Or,Sffirering edam!, of !he following Bucyrus i s il A, to tiroirof . , : Al ttS vim iitir Pie W.. *WI 1 0 11 ; ..), •i.„ . It wetu; thot•ntgral smut that iela l t,spiß is I J a per Sandnrhy..,l • • •, ,•••••• •••• ,• • - ' S'bril . lllol7l6, whieh ititlioat*.DlsOrdetenti . .E•;;, ~ , , _ ~„ • ~„•,4 1, V. r 1. 1 11 • „ kW ifrwia "bout r u?..-., ,th.t..,..p..4 put or cw- 1 -4 F." 4 - ... • ... •• • • 0 127 ' jj° 7" 1 /113 ' / ireeor Slonitinh t ..•.. . ,•• • • - ,•..• - ,i ••.. BL ,A • hr • n ,e , - _pk,,, , tiy, ,-,,--.,'„• i. 1. ,, ",_ ._ , .'4k.lal• ~, , M dt ... : ti6l4 - - 1 • 1° ,, th i ? Iir ;: -.1 ..-. .iir.ig• Ca. tilP. ib 51 n tuid 81) ilu. c ' ..6)re : vei- r Lima IStilen:111411 .00.1 133 • Van Wert • - Amebas • ' - -• ' ..• ' r .'' ' ' •' . '•. . .' .. , f j : 2, ... i ,!. 1 014 11102101141 1 1. ' 100 . 41 1 1.0,1111.44 if MAIO. I tip not think •th Port Wayne 'll .3.1/ 1 123a151843 I 331. " ' • Conotlpa- '' • • ~ ___ ~_, _ Columbia . lion. Inward •• ~rii F:' ', VICTOAIN,'• I • k;V,A);',14,1 ••• • 4 1 Mmt , talammaitklitediAtil!Vii.flow , WarMAW ' , ARP, Kellner* -i "..liti • •+-'-' .: :I.lo'l (iil fie --,...... . Aibittittlakalattittiir --- My -mouth ++ . .tirit I . i,SI - `.4..leit . iiiir - or Wow Id the" . . . ... _ _ Valparaiso '+' +..1+•'(...114 1 1 r. 1 111141.141.•." - . . Chicago. + - ' I I - 114 113.1 : Sat __ TRAIN. 001%n tilt. • er - ait17.5.7. 1." ~:i., . .., Li - J.4 iTc. - i - i:iii.; , Chlcczo i - , ivoi,dl tille;1 t9lisos Wales' iso Valpara Plymouth • LiOartsi WO I Sal 11351 X , 1. ::, eninrtibia . ...'• ' • . . Ertr i • %,‘, V° vek • .•- . -..••,• 1 - ''` i t AZ4Tijuilitiditilt k efiiiinlytilekt,trensti, • • lair -ttne tein0 ......,......,, ~., ~ ~, IRO 1 • " ...3 --- 1 ' Fort Wayne ' • gin 1'25 i ligara. • 36/ • ' " - ••r , t...._.,.____ - ' ,„ . .I,tipirMt atifugloons hr their toes; an d R einu N p ui di. bpp e r e pti-. si „as ' 4°44 ' 4 ' • .1 2 r11 . .71 . .!5 , 1/! - Illr•_ i , •, ~:\ 1.. . ..K•14 4 1. 0 :i ti , it, , a 1 ,... 5 i l . .Q . I 5 .,, 01 ._. • Ilellt iFi11i .... 0 .. 16, -. .li:001, ~ ,III11, 1 10:. 6 10.1!r. . tid . . ce t t - ' - 1,.:Lir,,.,,..._..1".., 7: Yao stu in lea Limn ton piltron, 815 I 340 • ......tet'Sar .'' ' '-11 -r - • •'. .......i tt ' . - le. ''. - 1 -..1 •1:.• . PP* , •. • .- •-' • 4 : ' l2 ' : . S .ben it ': ~...q• "were 6chnOet.l .. ), Forst 5•••• tti I 4.3 Tu: ideal. 'nun' ••• •. . ~ • ....... -...+ fr. i ._..1 11 , 1 h it yr it , u j g ai t 'mit. rniwe • ntanl7: anu ' e d • tidc.,w okb n ikkodsiviothe r ~.,ffs i ithr i tn- - llpper Stuatitn.hy.. .... ~.. !... t...: ek•nh.Covortant, ..• ~, Ltucyrits • , I. i . ro. .-icy, '- T o i l . ' 1 - ift 1";;;•'•• „sings of COI. t.. • -.Peat ' Depresetins . "' ' ''' .' ' .. '"114i"."t.".': i ' * l'4-.4114 1°1 J 4 l . o3 *" f i lki q l 4 f 'i .-I' ' the door *as **Dad; atattheitlidtma -J. • tkto lt . the only, Ituums•.,l , skyinelntkspiii. • A Idditrotn • •T od to n .1. • Mil. , .•'• • t_ •_. ...-.- .oto, t•d•drotteay.forup; ... - ,Crestllae b ...,,,,,, • 4 , 0 I ain. ,.., ii„.r, -,, or spoils. ~ . • „ . ~ .. , . tish.r..sud 111 , 1 s; ihcrolit ''-' e,t. l'il.;Essi , i - .., •• -, Mansfield '. lit - re° IGm • • I loos „. ' . - Wooster ' ,adatNII S S . GERI Alt -111111118 ' cm eumi . '"*. 1...- :', - / iF.il'iP4 Caii i lo° . -I 6 lli 0 01 .0 . 1 i 10 1,4 44 . 9.0.31 . r. a/0„1, -... C''. I °Mille .... .. ~ .0 0:1 ../ rill 3 ilia 3 . . . steettn Wstftra, . Venial • ~ st the !protest ets Mk ruilluut, .atodurrn hare dont:: .. " I"° " '" U `''' /1/° " .. ... '-'' '- 1.-- - ..4.• Biliera li , ithors . t .4 tivhot,or . .. Aiirmi , 'o./. rieFL:..O 4II F - he''.' 3 o • . * * ''_. . 1. 0 11 eau t:;214 ' 1 ! 111 OM lifii hailiik'aviiist eoodich ,, lmai , * "'salon 'Applied, • Particilar, ;tie ' ' givroh to enquiries . :16 titupeilin• 'gin ie urlj i le NUM ,any kind. .., • Alliance • ' loos. 830 0130 Libre+ • : Salem. ktlilterebt Ironi nil nine . tn. -:•• 'lt iti et . no -1 .pse bt t in el li ss . d e r t eetty n " :ii ", t% ggleek i.. . " el " " gel Rochester X ,I W . Dul4pra . y tlini tuguaili them . r:oni evil, Pittsburgh .. ._,., . r , E. ~ .., .. . . . • ! 'mat toy priya - *fluid' hound tact to v irs. Ax . iii.'9.:.'10.•••*1•itr. 1 . 4 . - 4,: ) , pus , a. , 1 .d. #it t• niri Juleesoir.v,l-..."1 1 1`eh1• -*- .4p10.011100101; liei liknial Baikal, . . , . „ . E e . ii. , ~ 1 'lllejz,km - _. - • 11*.A.. 0--. • ,yonigat.in, New C. 11610, and Elio . Express ~,, i ni ditioally lulloCli . txtindtro,) the • , . . - .:. -",. ~ ..77- 7 ., "*"..* -- f7-.. f , Ait : as,!ropa tin y pray for n sinner; 10••••••••Yona t ptown ate p. nat-NoteSlantlee itoo -"' PM:, turf( es at littslairgh,ls:CO p. m. Returning, lees .1r inert to - trilt del 'air' lee Illi`.11:. , N o. 16 ~ ,i i-t i , A rir .,' ~ , , i i ie ur . -' i - p o i lout rf sinner lirinit pray Slr Mown' • Wive,. Plttsburlit 7:OL/ et. m i arr. at Nen - Castle, ' i king ltat-ti. Thirtrort i ill olio odrie dk , docht , , / ~ ~, , . • . : .Tht4.4Wit.)24 .0 twiny •oilot; ~, . to:4la. Is. roooL , ,mo, 11.1:30. a. tn. ' , v..: listter4 t hem is ••••••••iindittli .' .. .........-__:-.:--_. ..!..:___ 4 _l'_:_...'j_. , I l a w; Al4chilwai. Ili; rip, and the rod •,' Young"towu. Nun. "'mile and Pittsburgh !lc. Ina! rou Me 11' will be Intind comn+ottation leaves Youngstown, C:141 a. lin N-or .L I OR ~..{ ,E" ,• ~ A 4,,,,,,, 1 „,,,i, ,irieur l ~...51. t o 4 to m Castle, m; artives Cl Allegheny. RCM a. • or- tirditini Y mixtures. I oi.. n.10rt0..g..b50,.. rimbsreb, 53:00 p. m: ar. 1 11l ibis !littera, die ' . ' ' : ". • Iritt.i . latv'ti taught' we Abe galOcht..9l ..I . ave., N. 91 Carrie-1:4'0 Dan.' + . t • 1r vital prineiplt A u t frialt." , tre" i• - bigb/. 4 .. 1 d9/ I C6 IV 1 4% tt I A a - t im ig t . .o,( o f d ir j uit ,4,- : P. a. 311 - kos , rough lfrid • • r. Boole tawny; ,y. i I Cute rat Nase.grr and'nekti Agent. by it :I eientitie i t , coo•tmor or - •.• '..• --.,. '••; *' • '.. Wheretiihtit theta Dion hrilnklngn rui n -, t. he Illatittlite• CLEVEI-1'S1) S. PrlTSllVittill RAILROAD One Tw0 , ,C70 1 - • ilouse. lir Vol. - n . 2 istaricieni•tornxtion, lr.t, 060 whit Inning.room and •• ' •a t ••' )17 !Orli is•the Liw.of tlkir seltood, . Uu and after May 19111 lain. train. will leave .. ho Claim at ti n e Kitchen ..I. t Stable. 1 clod . •.. .. .• -•- t - Stet ono daily (Sundays excepted) al (shame. ~,„ lion.,,Loratki , room and. ' . 1 anima gird , * ' ''..-- 'ln a high sialn orealft 'l -- ' " 4411X0 MOUTH. N. , ' t ___. tient nedllear"',...l, r" tra - t•TV1•10h0. Mall. ESP . .. Ars , . i boll • ... Cl e ro eland- ..... bait lo 1.215 es rgdri. We ; • t Nadia Sized _rt.. •: t: 5•:t.:. 1 1,2_0- - ,„ t ~ • k , •- • . , . '... ' . AritleeliihieanS. ~ ~ % ;- ,' JAS... CAMERON,' A.t!nrucy nt lotw B a s e .. rn. . Office In %Le morn for- marl, occupied by lbo late Judgo Aitimm. Cot. Icellinic Sr., promptly alluded to. Biriy - Fire Pint Prize Medals Awarded. • Tit. GREAT ffign Baltipre Pato Manufactory WILLI 431 KS (BE & ...0 Jtanufarturers of GRAND; 8(4 nll4, ANb,upnionr ' • ' 1 . 111 5 11) 1011 4 1 I MS* BAIT.BAZ MORE,' MD. These Instruments hai'e hive berom the public for nearly Thirty years. and tumn their excellence alone strained an wapurthastd pn •IttßlPMClvrlttleb pronounces them taneqoulled. Their . eonthlnes great power. sweetness and due ringing quality. as well us greatpurity or Intonation, and streetnem throughout the eptlre reale. Their 7`OIJCII • • !Mani and ulnolic. tool vittirely free Irma Ilse tines.. no:nal ita so many Pianos. • In they are uttegonHett, usher none barb., very twat AMAIPONED 11/10:211.1.4. the large capital employed' to our burbler). enabling 11.0 to keep an 1111MC11.1 vomit or lnutber..te., On hand. ZYI All our Son nut l'innot have our New Int. proved Over Strung Scale and the Agnife 7re7Ae, Or We won't' t 1 opeelal attentlott to our late Improvement. , in tilt AND PIANOS atid sqUARE GRAND:4; PATENTEIi H. t4if4 ichtett bring the Plano nearer berteetlon than lute yet been at tained. . . Every Ilan° Filly Warroohd for Fire We have emit, arnmgeutente for the Sole Whottoole Agency far the moat Celebrated PAR LOR OlttiA s and MELODEONS, which tve of fir Wholesale nod Ilrtatl, nt Lnweot rectory Pll. roe. WILLIAM KNAIIIi.t enottn;nin) = ..tfallhoore,ild. Intit aus t Relief Iror .ALsst33.3XLEt. Having Been nfltirtud ulth that terrible com plaint—completely unfitting too for hu•lyeaa for rati a n t d o a ti r m en e , — e j4;rd w ht t , l A y t ti relro yearn, stud at • liistaWand thnile have concluded to have It 'menaced for vale. s Timn others similarly nniiCIVI ca n receive the ben chitof it. atodulutt titent that IR will do all, VlOre 'banal, iwani f;fir it; nn d. Mei peowine a Me tieing, will never he with. unt AN ntIaICTOIM others .who hare used i 6 eau testify. Can to' lied al. tic Drag More of WILLIAL 11. Ittifiteater. cm - 4'llllw swot by nittil to any itddr. on receipt of one daltar, nod tell cent to pay rootage. VIIAS. B. 111:1'14T. Itcheoter, Beaver county, IN. NVANT h '1)1.- A.Veneral Avant tor Dea ver Culinty,hlr IlleGliatillali /Initial Lin, In surance Company ollitacrork. Liberal Induce ineuto to the tight nein. Far terms and circulars, address Smith, !Cohorts a. tliontrarshead, Mann gen., South•east corner Mb and Walnut steeets, l'hllattelp .la. • [uovnttf. 3 ft 61 yi .t Bridge Street, PrILIDGEWATEIt,. PA. la WEEKLY Iift.CEIVINO A FRENTI SUPPLY OF tioolni IN EACH OF THE Fut.LOWING -DF.PARTXENTS: 14.11,1( V (...)(_11)S.• swulicurilli• Jena, Cashmeres and Sattinels, Willie Woollen blankets. %%line awl Colored and • Ilarre.l • • Delaines, - , „r Cloglauns, cohergs, Late its. Minter Proolit, - • Chiths, Woollen Shawl& Brown Mad: Nltolia, 1)1111'11ov , , Prints, Canton Flannel;. .I.annets, Table Linen, Irish L 111,11,, . • Counterpane:4. littsit•ry, Glove: • Tits.• G roceries, Voile, Tod, Sugar. Mn tillwr Drip, GoWan and Common S l ropr. 3lacLerel In bar rt.b. and lair. Star and Tallow Candid., . Snan. Spiel r and Mince. Meat. Ale 0, SALT. • Hardware, Nails, Glass , Door lAldtP. Door Latehro, Ser,ve, Toll.. entlery. gable to.d Too SllOOll, Sli1.111:4410. Cool Nixes; Fire, Shotelo nod Pokent. \oily tudf (;Ino•. Spni,, Sio o n id.. 2, II PIKI 4 '1 ton Fork}. Raker, Scythe, ludibp. Coro and Gurdets bloc, WOO DEN WA RE. • Burkvte. CluingA. n111:er l' _-1111.1 Ladlet. CARBON OIL, Linseed Oil & White! Lead. Bootg find slices • LA lEh' NI !SAES' AND C1111.1)10:NS' SIIOLS =9 • ) Rifle I owder and Shot, Misting: F'owde and Fuse. rtoe r en At t u re. ill heavy gaud. delivered free ul cLarge fly close tate:idiot tit toothless, and by keet.ltta Co110:11Itly oil - hand a well totoot led stock er Vootls of all 11, tlitterent Soitols usually kept Ina 41,ttlitry store. the tottlerslanetl hopes : the hoar,. no In the riot to merit nod receive n liberal chars of the po ale patriot:lp., 1 I B. 1.. 11{...b;5r41 - 41.11t: Ar,_S4 T.—J) cl • The Most Complete Business Col lege in the United States, A:Totality facilit ter for act:atria:: a ~,,, ogit.yrac. Iteai I/341114.M 1.-due:Won, imoreored by no other School In ILr country Sinn• Its Incori.oratlon In nearly Sixteen Thoupand Vndentr, reprerentatlves from every State In the rhion. have attended he,. Nt11.% (C:lo.s. Students enter at any time, anti reeelye,Miente h.,trtn•tiou Ihtotmitont the entire N. (Irrulan+ %villa full p.trilenbao unit all lie co.pury It.fortuntlon., on ndolre..snor SNIFF!, 4: COWLEY. Principals. Plrr,aluttmr. Pa MEYILAN SIEDLE, I= :kIEYNAN SIEDLE No.tiFinli Avenue, l'ittliurgh, 01.1) A'l) SI LV ElfS NI I,T s ttzl th•laler. iu FiN .IEWEI4iY, . 1\At('11114. )N.DS ANI) SILVER I'L ,WARE Agency 14 nll the !“..1 makes of Air - Arrenai, ,sETU rimmAs CLOCKS. Spmi,4l titteztina paid io t ht. repairing and .ntlpniting of FINE WAVC 1 I ES. 1.45:70 - Iy. ' . Omni, Ilondr. 7 4n ,1 0.1v , ..1.11vv: Blank. •ka•pc 01111311 d .1111 Istr rale 11411.1. °Mc, Brighton • Paper Mills; BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. PRINTING. .21141.2A1LL.4, ROOFING, BAILING Hardware. Gltum, Straw. RAG AND Alll 3 E.y.t" , riv I = 4 M AND SOLD AT Wholconic Gt: Retail by 'Frazier, Metzger &Co., Third'Avicuue. • mrrsßuman. arrtar+ tarn In exchance. trepltr:oll3l IE2 _ . Ilm ...... Ivrtion . , . !icAt Alliance 7 1131 3,11.1rx Wen. rine 13.1 •TATIONB MAIL. ACCOM 90 3 %11 :T.41.11 , , nn. ! 715 71.5 A M. Vt2 , 4.x ! *ll fll5 RN 85:7, Well•vtlle ward Affiance.. Ravenna.. 11ndw,n..... Euclid Street ...lei - eland 1; 410 ' ADM I=l HEIM Britt aoport Steuben Smith'. Ferry $l5. 1.5.1rx • 9ts ISS Z4O I Urn 400 045 00ING Wrltr. • 12512 Itod ....r. Pittpthnrgh (MAY 310rxi 41.5rn 33 41U ; 537 PlttAburgh.... {toebeget . Cleaver SIM!leo Ferry. MEM _ I Stetabenv/Ile ... 911 CZ , Ilrldzeport 'llO3 I :11 Ileltalr 11115 133 TUSCARAWAS lIIt.A. Leaver -N. I.lil:adelplila. I 4 a. su. I Doyen Ilayarrh11:10 ctn. I N. Mill: It. MENEICS. General Tit MlNcellaneous. Annles nt dill in Pictures of ft:4.II7ED, 'AG E.717,5', Male altd Female ; Yen and Women'air inhiliynwe and flary9. to take onlero for our brilltant, r park. ling •• ran• work. Third Edition 110 W Heady. UV INa Titout;wrrz uF LEADING VIIINKERS ; A treamm ho I.e of brilliant, pungent and liv ing ilsotight• On art, omenco. mlirloa, politico. hood oo.. Imolai life and Mint° leading qleattomo of the slay, teplete: aim, with rare Gems ql" !tam to which I. appended a dictionary of popnlar , oufAorr. with their real and neounted ,Igualure+. As Is- ThI.LECTI - 141.. BANQUET run ALL Woo BEAD AND THINK. Addoo• for Term, S, CO, Pothlhdo-ra. felisily.l /VIA Arrnrie. 11r. ilvT . rt - rats . LOOK - FEE I The Uadersigned has Just Opened A (('MPI ETE ASSORTMENT or DRY - GOODS, Noti44lo,Queetomire. Wage, N2iN. 1..111 Oil. Tulle Cutlery. PROVISIONS', On the corner of Midge pod Market Street:. Bridgewater, Pa. Ha vivigioui conaideralde exprrience in the IVkreantile Business, Ile Flittere Illmeelf that the Selection 'of Goods And His Prices Will I Prove SatiPfaciory to the Public Geoerally. THE eATRONAGE OF HIS OLD PA TRONS, AND ALL OTHERS, lei rempectfully Solicited *. S. 13.A.U.VE.1r. Iler21:11. r; IbOGR 113,13-G -GIST, MOM l'resuiplions (tiredly and ly 'km Ball. BRANDS OF ASSORTED IthlE cl. cr 1 rk. ez 1 WINES AND LIQUORS; El: n t 40 i r*: . ECM DYE: STUFFS: ANILINE - DYES OF ALL COLORS; GLASS Si PUTTY; film - eta! attention r(ven to Petrov the ben trallty Lenhve and Lamp Trimming.. Laufer do. A Large Aso)Kineat ej TO rt. ET ART I (3,1+;:,. Ps 1311. US EMS & PATEN I/ I l! 1 N Men Street; Perover ri • _ _ fr Blank Onfeno on Trea.oreruf School Inv tlrte, in.t printed and for fee at fhb. ntnte lIIbC/oddity of MO • • • , glionaeh,Nallree.lleari• • ; Itorwilloguat for Ifood.lfell- 'nem: or Weight In the Memel.: -l; -Soar Itraelatlong:Sloklag Or Matt. letll4 at lbetf a betlumuich.liwlm• taloa to the II Waled aft DlElealt ' : Ilreathlar.. atflihe Matt, Ult.k. • lag or flatiertnatleweakine when In a lying blume evertslun. Do Rine. be. • fore the Stglitand • Dell Ip the flesa.lltilokary of Perep'railow Vetting , tore of We Skin oat Eyes. Pelplo the suf•,Ttmt. Cheat. Liz t'her ' -ten Mob.* of Iliad, 'Barn. log ha the Fleah.Conatent, linaglillnp , of Brit. g, • " • Olivet Drpratellen A .1100114N103 17,11111,1 - 111Tilla Diger; .I;iliont ..41ko hot ni ,lay kind... iedillerebt, Iron nil othete.l It b cum pirsedut tilt:, putt . . J utc4M,.lrVlfial Pain clple.orliouts; lict listtiall to twat • Liti,ltdta,) the worthle*s inert pdrtiotte tit thti ini;.re dtelits Lid king 'used.. Therefore, in ono little of thm Citterit hen , is 'chill:tined US much Medicinal en tue ,te'will he found 11 t•i•revil geibins of - online' j. mixten% The gout.% t0...,1 lit this Ititterk ere grown In bientetnyi their vital prineittlre extratted in Clint country by a!eientitie Chemist, and torwitraled to the 1114Iltllittl• Wry ill I hos Pity, w herr they ttr.s,utat poundtd and bitted • . Wing. no seirintous ingr Jia,tr, i/lIS tree Irian the objrctions tirg,lbagaitest •sal oils ors no tkairt: for stimulants wert be in. .ilitmt from their use. lacy clasimit. male &Onto rds, uud teiuhut under any 'cireutp• stances, liar any but a beneficial effect: HOOFLAND'S GERMANTONIC • 115 in Ina 5.0 .35 611 4,0 ' Was compounded for those not Inclined to extrehte hitters, and is inteudett for use in cases when some alcohulie.t:timulent is required in connection with the Tonic properties in the Bitters. Each bottle of i t e Zi n i e emitai t . One . , bottle of Bit ters, combined t‘itlipute SANTA, CRUZ RM C, and 110 i % red n much a manner that the tAtivini:. iiitierne,‘ of the Bitter.; is iivereinne, liluuulg a iirepatution highly agreeable and idea,ilit to the pande anti containing t lie 'teed iclual virtueof the !Ut ters. ' The price of the Tonic is $1.50 per Bottle, which many persons-think- too WWI. They must take into consideration that the Ain uli:at used is guamuttcli to be of a pure quality. A poor article could be furnished at a cheaper price, but Is It' not better to pay a Uttle moment' hare good article 1 . .. A. medicinal preprration shank! contain Mine lite, the bei4 lognsdi ell IS I 111,41 I !ley x il!. fAXIII.IO pl 01114111 n cheap compound, and be bent:lilted by (t -will moat certainly be n cheated. n • 1.21 , 1rx 410rx 210 4 . .0 315 5115 110 may 4 115 I KlO rd. WS. 2.n. 11222p1112.32Upru icka Azunt. German Bitters, ~ '~~~' PODOPHYLLIN PILL. WILL CURE YOg. 'nay are lilt; Grvfsl.l4 131.001) I' LI S Known lo world, and will from impure of Ow mive Orling, I , r I)isi . iiNv.l Li, r, 3 liner time ' Limn any nth,. Thc Whole Sumo Court of Pcida, SPEA 1: FOR Til ESE REM EDI ES. IVho would ask for snore Dignified or , -• ,Vrouger. Testimony?' I Intl, I ; ‘1;-.'Cnuuo•.* nu. jjorm•riy Ile, of elle Nroprane Cu."! Buralqictima, of pre..1,1 .YruJrrrJ Cangrero from retandrap ea, tri . . . I find Him:band's tierum: Bitter*" bo n good upolful lu dt.ea•co of the dip" live organ*. rind at glent bnieta In Cantew of dcbilliyAud wool of ilorvoos Octavo In the r‘pieta. S ours tru y. G1...:011Ci1. W. WOODWAIID. , ON. Jddire qf the So• p, elite (bort p.,lLAl,nurnall, April consider Ilooraud's lies man ItnL•n" a ralua 14e inetheilor In cape of attacks of Indigestion Or Itlspepsta. I ran entry this frorn,toy ssaprrisuaa of it. Yours ivoli resorct, - A. VS TllOll PSON. • - Jo&nr, .of M iSup , reott Ilqui-tta.t.rtn A. June I. I haw (mind lay experlytee that iioolllllltrf Gerotatt llitu rtt " Ir et vary good took., Fettering t.) nynoorr alott:td GI:0111:E SIIAILSWOUD. Ilan. W ut. F. Itttgerg, .Vayor,JlM Cil y of Iluffa to. Sem- ).*: ut'a Uflico. Unit:do. June I have German hitter. and Tonle" lu tyy hunt ly daring the peel rear. Mod can fa...intend tic an a. an excellent tonic, Imparting tone anti vigor to the *Totem. 'Ellett ore ha. loco productive or dechledly hew tidal etierta. WB. F. lif.XlEltB. llon. Jai , . 31. Wolff, I.i-Jlayur ql 11 Zl:irunsport, I tike ptent plen.ttre la yet:mitt:amain::••lloor- Itoore I:crntnn 'Foul, - nnv ttttt • Who may he at. flirted nit Dy.i,pols I had the lly.pepeta so badly It woe lutpupelttle to keep nny • fowl on my stomach, and 1 became eo week an not to he able to utak half a tulle. Tsro hott tee of Tonic rffet led a perfect clue. . JAMES M. WOOD. 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, 1100FLAND'e. GERMAN 'fONIC 111, Z 2 Or Wasting away of the Body. .. 47 ilm:hl7Z3lll3M. "' • TILVP 1100FLANI)'3 GERMAN REMEDIES A.o the fDrllkinei you nttulre to parity tha Blood, excite the torpid Lltlrr to healthy actltm, and to erahlo you tp pars rlefcly through anybuod. rhlpo or eapoture, mt. 11.00F . 14.17 4 i1:1%; a> l lX . o,,OlikniErrll.ll .2 Or Subdilule for Mercury Pills. TWO PILLSA DOSE. Thedlosl Powerful, yet Innocent, PO ) dale alliarlic known. It ie not neceloory to take a handful of thy/ciao 1 to produce the deotred effect: 'two 'of them act I quickly and powerfully. draining the lire , . *WW. itch and &mete of all impurttjee. The penciiid Ingredient le Podophyllin, or the Alcoholic Ex-. I tact of Mandrake. which IA he many tinter more' I IrwerfuL netts: , addeenichlog than the Mandrake . ttorlf. Ito peculiar action le mien the Liver, clean I lug It opeecilly from all obodruethroo. wltliall the 1 power ur Mercury. yet fraelrom the ISIJOriIIIIO re. 1 lulu attached to the nee yr that mlnytiol. I For ail rtheoves. In which the a :ear a cathartic to Molested. three pills wlUgivr entire eatiotectim In every awe. They NEThit FAIL • . lb Care! of Liver Coduplalht, DyITCIIII/4 1111 CS nem.. A o.lle . be.. Dr. 1111411.1.11 . 1 47CM/111 littler, or Tlllife .6411111 be need In ret motion with tha I'llio. The tome effect of the Dittero or Tonic halide up the e}gem. The Bitten; ur Tonic purl. . Leo the Mlo•d.elrengthew Ike (erveo,nratueti the Idryr. and also eytrength. energy and dirt.. I Krop)our floweI• nethe eich the Villa. en lona op tin pyrieta et lib Mlle • or Tohlr. .rod addle. 0;00 rou t talu Ito hold. or eel nooell re. e . Urcenlret *het It le . MIL IItX)FLAND'It (MIL i MAN ItEMY.DIV-ii tl.at Ire en nttherontly toed 1 end berlify recommended; end - ,10 not alltrw•ka lirtikgiet 10 Milner yon to take anythlog etre Ma 1 1e cb,1 7 : er ;1:i5 t . w r.1 ittf ti t 1: i ... ..11 ,63. 1 y 1 14..... 11 Air. ,:r ,.. ~,.,..,: .:„ . ., : i h e ,,,,,,,, ,, z ., ....., 7, : pb0a5 iee1 iatuit he may ray le Jeri le. tied. hemmer! he mak. a ITILIiCIVAL OF FIDE. at the (ItAIMAlif Minn.. : C!I AN. Ni. i'iliANO, Props tete' '- .• . .. . r. cl;s0::;c: nem: Ren4erlica are for Sale by Dri f ic. Stofrkeeprof rru.l Medicine/N=ler/ v . .verywhore. . ' jaalfoy,,` (DrC. '7olf. HO OFL .oit 1100FLA.ND'S— lemu r =M! =I 111:;1I7= . .‘EITF:11 QM :Will cure erery Cast: tor ttrAlapter,^Vearti. I.aach a. (:ow+ - Flower gar gle:tan, of •&•ionao paid 'at ■ artalf • is Ike Stately A fall trbittelbar at Nair near tha prrtcl• IRAK STOWE. ; berries. ettrranrs art deo uttd Summer Ito more or less.. The • lien:stn. mud ittteeetre ulna. For terms tiptt itslubtpu, ur Scudder • , "Jen4;tr. EIIIMI Sowing ..i WILSON skuTTLE Pit 'Weak* ocrw A FIRST" Embraoingb, round In garo.,, I Quite withfr The mit I tor the to. in. lan tie 43(11N8 1w Mating WO. belty. ennno, fonnnnee. Ire llnchlne In the,. Urn. .1. F. On'Airn— Miro 31. A Gettindatn wautFolier .urpoll.pa b 1 a y B_ Diterpon. D. Bailer. rel Mn. Trees. Mn. nor. J.1411111er; M. 11 W..H. Lod Mn. Der. P.-D. Fart, , ]ire. Dr. Meliun, Mrs. 'N. Border. • trilthm lirsmerl W. Linke,. sq.lt. Tallott.' i. A. Whartml. Acne. JoWotan, 11.14.1.yna, , !ilen!A Algonn: Lout C. N. Andrew, While. C;M= Order and Salo , Enonaib 711Tr4 Nl., 11,1m.r.' Pa. anr13.151J,.:21 S..I•ANDES , VN. AZant. Singer S g Machine. HINKLEY KNITT4 0 MACHINES, ht ' f i I'm toad perfectas(' le usaehluc of the kind awl Invented. Both of the above " ta r machine* bars> beets lately lastaistra audit 'sand aralmut a rival. „Palau of the SINUS 1111.1 SEWING MA CRcoEtisnall Nli NA • NITT ghlti S3O. Cies:alas.a and ham :palled free uu appllca• lion. liTilt.t.lV 4121 ORTON; • .. 6EY6ICAL A GICNTN.. Nu:2o th litrreh Pitt! burgh Pa. • . Agesdo treated tor . '11100.7 htechlne every. whew, and for afar to Werlesa Pertneyles• ale fiarteru,.oltlnfita2 where there are wale already ert.W. . novfl•ty. ------ ---- - AJITIWICIAL lIIIIITIII PIIIIIVIEGIN .. 4 ED I.— T. J. & 11. J. _fi '. ' ...CIIANDLEIt have per ,4...ref.v,- s •.. •.•;•4 chised the exclusive -.`. ......1 - .-• '''y rig* of Beare,. enmity f: .-.—.._;:..„ ..... - tik to useDr.Btuck's Anent t ... 4.4.:n.,..1,,, . ~ by which they can pal 4,- . up Vulcanite as thin no s , d Plate , with a bean! AIM cute polish: end so light mid ,Usa to perfectly adapt Itself to the mouth; obvthi all that clumsy and balky condition. so mneh '' Lined of heretokse; and besetting thtlr !labial:rig tinwit Inn percept. ltr deed, to one 'mini It id be ii Ili irig to Wear the old style plile any Inn r than they could enliven lent ly get them riC It. All branchesol Dee. tlstry performed In t and most suiwtautlal manner. In 11111 v with gold, etc.. are chal lenge compstltion ay varier. and alt refer to nein... O.I4eCIP inning hate Wood be et tween tidily and forty acre . Amting the number Hun. John Allison exhibit ellings we laser. led route w e rem teeth as perfect as the day they were ill "'Mu:IC* I lwepared on a newplan, freefrif I all mrplawantand dint. germs effects, ittaklAi i extraction or teeth a, source of pleasure than of horn* and pain. Telecom. low as , dentist in the litnte. Mice at Deaver litttles Rochester Pit,i . noqtti , , t i . , J; U. J CIIANDLEi.: ' 3C:O etia4S - L - X 4' t 7; .. ... .. ,,..1 ,,, ,.. •; ) , ;.$ ~ . . DiriAtto .....", ~......,. ~1 , ' . rimer. ',Actor. I .. . . 1 . mlned.that no /4""•• • I 1 111 10411; ills, Ikntiol In the ..-c,.... r .,,„ ~. v`-''' • 'State shall do e'li t , i.. . .. r --, , . ..... : 7 . , , w ork better or. "-, Cheaper than 1 .!. R :4 , v. 0.1.,e , he offers it jo Ass • Ids putrona.__ .1. • 0 s k y. - u. Uses the ~ ' be I materials' mannraenned id .... eil Petry. Gold and ell. vertillng petfortinntinnaGle•that denea Cebiftw thlou Salisfactimt teed la all operatlnoe, or the moneyret~. ,ouNlip :lmre him a Mat.' - felrbly •• - ' - " , “•• -• J'! " e • -, . I ohniouie in the :initiate, • • To tiavenbe Its iiiiritioht no niece, • ith !. ehall gip thr the dint tines, ' That itieet niU ' atich unit *via t ir ! I Alai! tines tl.e ;iota r.lghtitand the ' And girsii..4' their Innocent glee, 00 The , griltn, and the flowers • That ure brutish& every Morning to me. L shaltUsiis iLeut at mom and at eve, iikir anaz tit the seliont nut t he street ; I shall 110N4 the Ibis hum or their sum tt, Alai the 'tramp or their delicate lets, hen the !omit's urn all enklvd: At.d death sayai "The school Is tilt. eut,sed ! s •„„ May the little 1111e4 gather around ne„ 'fro bid me gaol bight mind bekutual. MIBCELLA) 1. SELECT LUCK OF UOARINiti vAmr.", IIV BID= HAUTE. 'fl:ert woes cow in otion i u !touring. Ctinip. II could not have been tight, for in 18511 that was nut uuvet enough to will together thetudiresetl Clement. Title luitehre end were - 1 titelettede but “Tut thee grosser had Amuttibuted its rentetnher• -estifittodgwir puts that ,tattl Kaiaks We arer. inn , nvaXA leisure 10 Inn on. Pirhapstimless said other Owlet- d—.. ___ to cum: ae ....., as he - ex.; ter. She was course; end it Is fear- ;I-hatted his Linger, with perhaps mote ed, a verieitifial wciiinut.: ',But itt - the lenderncss and ture than he might. time ;the was ' the only woman In 'have been deemed - tamable of stion- Roaring Camp, and was just then lying. Ile - held that linger apart fruM Ingin sore extremity, wneu Amos' its fellows as he went out, mid exam- - needed the utinidnitioe of her own hued lteuriously. The e.xamitiation I sex. liisselute, abandoned and frre7 provoked the same original reknark dubitable,- she v.-es yet sphering a In regard"to the child. In - feet. - he martyrdom haul enough to bear even seemed to enjoy repeating. it. •.-116 ' when veiled by sYrupatititing ill). rustled with my huger," he:remark nuthignal,but how terrible - iu her , It t o Tipt o n, " the o—d little Alum" i loneliness,' The primal 'verso had , t Was four o'clock ' before the clomp come. to her in that original isolation s o ught repose; A light mina- hi the which must have, Made the punish- :cabin' where the matchers . sat. for meta of ,the first transgression so. Stumpy did not go to bed that night. druniftil.. it was, perhaps . ; part of - Aar did Rentueg. lie drawl: quite the expiation of a sin, that, at a me- freely, and related -with great gusto Went when she Mast lacked her sex's idit experience,. Invariably ending intuitive teridernesa and (sire, she met • with the characteristic condemnatioe Wily, the half eentimptUtais facet of - of the new coiner: it scented to re hermaseuline assoilitee. Yet few of lieve him of any unjust implication the eiaelators were. 1 trook, touched of sentiment, and itentuck had the by lier.sufferiefts. Saitily..flidon tbo't weakness of the nobler sei.• Wheu if was'-'rueghou B al("undlln l thee uil- everybody else had gone to bed he temptation of. her eceelition, for a walked down to the river and whis moment owl superior to the fact that tied reflectingly. Then he walked hp luid an am end two boners in his up theglitch, passed the cabin, still • sleeve. .. ' ' - " ' whistling With demonstrative uncon .lt wi ll be sisal, also, that the situa- cern. .Ante large red-wood tree he Bull' was tifivel--,,PelithS *ere _bY no paused and retraced' his shine. ; end nn-nn 3 uPW!nluoil bt. li varing LliniP, again pease(l - - , the cabin. Ralf - 'way birth Wes a neiVithiug... People had down to the riverbank he - Wanted, . been dismissed the canip:effectively, and then returned and knocked at dually, and' with no potability of the door. It was opened by.Sturtspy. return; but this ivas die li tfit Hine an.Y- " !low' goes it""" piked lieutuck, body : had been listrOdahed a 6 ingio, looking past ; Stumpy at the c andle- Renee the exciteMent. ; I „‘ : box. -- AU serene,"rreplied St u mpy. "Yoe gain:there, Stumpy." said it -.AnYthinglip'!" "Nothing." There prominent citizen' knotinaia "Kerr.' was e Pause—an embarrassing one. tuck, "(aid:Cm:leg on . ; oftheloungens. Stumpy still holding thedour. Then "Go in there. ,and tee what ypu kin Nentuck led recourse to his, finger, d 0.., You have, experience In theni which lie. held up to Stumpy: - "Iles- - things.". . Bid with - it; the d - d little enits!" he Perhaps there was a fitness • in t he sa id, and retired. ,r --• selection. Stumpy, in s ether - climes, The :next day -Cherokee Sal had had beeii I the - putative?-beincof ;two such ,n rude-Tsepulture us Roaring 'families; in fact, it was owing toSouie outsp afforded. After her body hail, legal infortuallty in these proceedings been committed to the hill aide, there MA Itruirinii.o l ml l-- a city of refuge was a formal - meeting , of the camp to .—Was indebted for his company: The discuss what should be. done :with choice. was. appr.oved, - and StuniPY: her infant.. A resolution to adopt : it was .wise enough to how to the ma- was ureminious . and enthusiastic. leritY. The:door 'closed ',M the ex- But an animated diseussionln regard, tempore Surgeen - mind Midwife; and 'to the manner and feasibility'of pro ./14urillg. Camp wet .: dawn outside, viding.for itswante lit .opeesprung sandiest Ids plpe tine! ungi ft ed the is-. „up., f 'Axis r e markable, that the ar gue.. . sue. - r . ' guinent : partoilk of none - of,',"th The, us:semblitgOinanbered about a fierce'personaliti&" with' which' d*. liaridied 'Teti. 'One or twci of ;those -mations were- Usually etaiducted IV -wen:fief:l ll A . bikini:= l s 'Rem-stlee. - .Roaring Cainp.,:e Tipton proposed setae. were ,e.tlutlitaila;, and ' till' were that they,send the child to Reding, i reckit,ss.. PliyaltallY.They and . --N distance of forty, miles; —Where 1 tit,indlealiena Of their:Past:lives and female attention Could 'be' procured. elutrueter. The - greatest sunup had 'But the unlucky Ouggestion met with a illapluel' , , face :with it prollailon of fierce and Inanimate opiiosition. It : • blond hair. :Oas .i hunit, : tlie gambler, was evident that ,po plan whit* en-' Lkdiet! (lie,melimeholy air.mal Mullet , tailed parting from their. new rinui . ut4 abstraction oto Ilumlet;theCool. .bithai WOal4 for it moment - be enter: eat arid. meet I,Ourageous :man Was tame!. "Besides," said Tom; Ryder. .s6ireely over, five feet *ln'*. height, o - them: fellows at : lkd Dog -would with,a soft VOlee and tii) ettlberramsli. ewe', Itotial, ring .in tiontebinly, else Bonk!Manner. . Th,e.term "rtiagit on us.'! A. disbelief in thcr.liotiedY applied' to them , 'Wits if'dittinettini -of 'other temps pievalleilid-Moiwing Miter 'thin a definition - . " Perhaps.' Ounp; is in ether pinees.- • • - iii the miner details cif .fingers, was, . . The Introduetion of a (Mode nurse etc.,. : the temp, may have been defi- in the campaisomet withopposition. drat, but:these 'slight onilaileats did' , It was argued-that no decent woman not'; ,deirial, - friett their -aggregate could kie le-rev - a iled to attept Roaring forei' O -. The rin* ..t 'Man' had but Chum US tier tiothe and the *fp - esker ' three fingirs Uri his * 1 1.14- .hued; ti me urged that "they - didn't *ant any' hest shat-had butimeeye. • • Monet, lbeother kind." . This nit , .... „ . Such was the physic al aspect of the kind allusion t o. tn c ,,d e fu nt .t. " t h at. 'menthe' were dispersed emend the' ,harsh as it may ;teeth, .Was The first m habin. "The mplaY inn triangular' spaMit orprnpriety.-the litst Squire valley, between (he hills and ot,rlver:: torw--Of the 'camp's regeneration. boonly outlet was a steep trail (leer. .Stnenpy advanced. nothing. Perhaps e summit of a hill that faced . The. be . ett *certain ,delksicy In interfer- Mbinrnowilluridnated by the rising . ..leg, with , the selection or a posiiiti.e 1 moon., ..lhe Sageriltli ,wPithin inighC:' suceessrirlif offite. But • When inlet ' have .seen. it frtelr „ the: ri de :hunk' 'Bunted he -averred that:he and "Jftn urhTreqa(a'elanioli-D-Wieuifigifge my"—the mantilla' before alluded to I a sitverthread until At was led In the,l —.could manage. to -rear the child. I I.eiteraaheye, -: :.:-:-.- -.1 - .. , I:liere. was something original'. Ind. e h' t ' the plan - A-lire of : withered . pipe - bough s i peudeitt and 'heroic o :4 l turn .. y was added sociability .to, the gathertig. 1 that itleasect the Mom. ._ is wa r m _. By • degrees the ..itatural levity of: retained.' - Certain article's ~,,,, 7 Roaring ramp returned.; Bela werel!. for . to Sactainete y - u ' l 1 17:47 vf 1. 7 n freely offered •• and :taken : rtganling 1 the Ares", dire. . intwinian'a :irand, - the remelt. .Thrto, five . .that o.f 1:: 1 ,,w, - : 1 1 1 1 ,:;" t i- a r nov.lia got-Aare. you Would get ' through with, it evEY.• ‘L' l %.- - ; u 'ftiligrer. 0 . Mid' frills.' l r y it 'that the- elilidLwould . survive; shu'l hi' 1 1 the et ,„ t p , , ~ •- „ „ , , I: betaas to tbeiex and etainstexionLef i - 1 4. 7, 40m . , - ,„ pil y . Me 1 in r i ee d. The'. anningatristteer, ;lotion . ..mkt -4 1- kt.thoes ow . inv i m , i n g, otande of , of an ex el tit t P Neugskan an , exchonec the Mountain 'camp - was compensu ztlowitunointrillhoseneeivai the duur I ; An d, . t ti ta .i a mp i attwad,, s e _ Wee. titan for nut terns, defirienciesd Na• *-. ..t:, -.i.•-1 .1.1 ~..-i , : : 4 . ~ t-,,,-: ,• _ .. . . MEI th44.lkwaes mut p ngi if 4 PP.!efltt:he it high or eliv-; "Wink 1 he'eTacittitiltefthifiliii; hist* stiatrtliAlfeltholurerY;w:a erylunUkel i 1011:ivia evier:beArco,heardeifst taw! oinfil.:; - 4 1 . 1 11.1IiihenPr4 .the river c enser rue 'tuid he Mt to crackle.• seethed 'lra' bath* isidltopped 60 Upton: too - Ake btiopione to !WPM WTI _WW A I •IrwaeltroPq4 4 f tA ) ' l O ar rS l Of HURRit I VIIVrx GU( 111 t.ip attitti-Atit'ar , betheetuiditlini of that Ntitt(ky 161"tuainadria! prev/Wl,f valtd'Nellysle - few , revillvers t. wire. dlsehargrflitie .whether "Win 190 1 9 Ails NRWL7R ?^: the tamp, or some other ti" wi cherotec Sair strieng ' tt were; that Togged road that led c fp the.5tenvikU4.40 , 61641.44 PO Or 49g ice ctiipp, Its sin and slunutiforever., 1, do not !Wilt annimiketifeno .411iiittitted - theut ninth; totdept in epee , - Slittidn , iiotnitbe Ade of the child; wits .0100 cr, Stutz, llte,Answer eptue NI. 7 le" only ,'tieing' of thtltit . t 7 tiWmitilsosicrniki:painllll lois, l .T,pere. nine opine (Coke; i7h 7 ; • 61fineoe, lairthd. - eiPelinidfit"*lde 'ltfitiefil6ilfProble:l 11:6 - anelento4reateterst •of 11.042121 and ReinUN letitliese4etel ii*tom ed; *met' extrotievdssifotheeliiiur4., the door *as Opened, atuttbsissidearl ertdvd.pf men who had alreadyform: ed theniselvet Into a :pie*, entered Bodde the lowO'slwlf; on' which the flgunhofithe mother was starkly outlined below the blan kets, stood a pine. table. On lids a candle-box, wits Owed, within it, swathed inA:ding red flannel, lay the' last arrival at nearing Cusp. HesiderthO bindle-box .:was, pletvika hat. Ala "tile ,was soon intlimhal.' N./cadet:len," sold Stumpy, :with' olii Arai tolictii re of authority and tx o f ficio eomplaceiwy, —"tie:ale:nen will please •prAss In the front door, rouutl the table and out at the back door. Them ms wishes to contribute anything toward theorphan wilillnd a lint handy." %The first num enter ed with ids/ aunt tat ; ho uncovered however its he looked about him and • so, unconeinusly set an example to the next. In' such • tdinlmunitiey good and kid actions are catchingt , As the pm:et:ohm Med . iii, eminuents were audible, --criticbsiiis addressed, per-' hags, rat h er to StUmp,y, In the char acter of showman,—• Is that "mighty- small specimen;" "has'nt rnor'n got the color ;" "ain't !Jigger nor a derringer." The con trlbutaiwt Were as characteristic; a silver 104 tralrea box ; a doubloon ; a navy,r,..2. %aver, silt er moulded; it gold sped linen; a very, fkautifuny embroider ed lady's hundkerehiel (from Chlk horst, the 'gitiolJler ; j a dlamend : a diamond ring (suggest ed by the pin, with a remark iron ,the giVer that he "saw, the pin, and wont two dianamils better;' a slung shot;' a :Bible (contributor - not de- - teeted;) a, golden spur: •a silver tee: 81)0011 (tie' Initials 1:• regret say were not the giver's ; ) a lutir of sur. gel is shears; a lanyeepw.liank of •Erialantt notitlor •triVand.auest $2OO aJose gold and sitver ogn. Our.: lug.thevpr:Wvialimp: Stusopy. . tinned a stlette impassive tie the said bit his le ft', a grayity• es tm.hliiti'thet of theilewEy bore - Only ows basbutf— . f) F• ME .1 At / 1 4. -, 11.•11,r• 14,;,; !.4%. tei s •t;iia :,Utitibli01161;18186 iti Alkltll;iilebß a ittii fttiif letlf4l44l.4 &lb lbw' hitti iiiiviltiheie 145 60 4i the tileilithot till ' Ling air with . latiatinktuor. itatifit . .14 1 141!tt 'n .aktv t ,t,lhAspproPe . nt i gt -e, at# uteAt t a i i . ttxxl anti risk`. k. Work dr " is: tintire'ehttiiiibtryi jhaf *Muffin led isses'• milktb.toP 4 " mid, phisphonaLV.ll4uutpy acct 100 49,tPc belie( that it was the isqir rtntipxxl: itnitrig."'"3la - tihel- that Wsi:"lle ireinkt , olisylt i "Mai km , •fitih'cr • Mul lligalion 1 ;s e ei A t i IT.-.... iiin .,'u. 'l - tylou ill , Ie •Weithk i tnsttntphliing, lt,ihn o hetet tnt le tore him, !never Ii• ! 't,l ' Ards! Onto liti :I'M a 'iiiritith , obi. he necessity tit giving him, al name -becdintappantnt.!'dle.hatl.twen Z 9-, Amity , _ium, minx. "KW.," "t3hfAVITa WY. "tite Pipit . ," (nn i llusion o its /omit pentitit,l and •etten'ity 'Ken- "hiek's endearing diminutive of ‘N1.,41 little inlet:. But thew ! men, . felt to lheNstWAP sett, .ftninthtfaCturY. 1 1 at * Mt I ta Ct r; l nt li ers u ati l d er eat6tt i n ie ; 'ens:'enervilly• sittperse Mous Mid Valshnnicastlat dechumtithatt the kapy: 641. 1 itooshOttwINI : Llii 0 .4enclu4f ~itnp.,,. tt„wsw ,cen .1 utt of t late 1 they, had ,been"inciiiterol: "Lath". "Ins the name agneedinpon, with the •tivelhe orTonuny toe: 'meter. amvki imiellat.t../Ce•ithuton woo:Plitt° UN 14 va,,.r...itiwcia 1y gi u : .0.w..,4 xt,A.b0u„...:40, ~. a v ive A 4 !,t, calla.- , . k and start ritr i ti &Tr:rt. 'A:lfty 'Was iteciittkiiigv set .apOrtifor the chrigtenhig. '- What was , menibyi th ithorrte tat: li, EtWier may Imagine , who has alrea dy some Hite tittle) nvkkes'irremence of thawing Camp. The master °teem mony %vas 111,111 U ...HOKUM " I/ - notNI I wag; anti' tho'-oeinalcm %seemed t/i 4 pastille& the gratted..fiwetioumem. 1 .'fitis lugtmlows satirist had, ttnent twO dugs in preparing a burlesque of the , etion:l2 Service, with' potoLett' twat 1114s14n*. • ' The . clink. • want properly. trained; and; Sandy --Tipton :,wits to stand tiod.tatta.T... But after the pr' eVtleShgl ,had :marched tn. the grove with music and "banners, and the Child bad been depradted tm 13 mock eller, .titumpy . stepped before the expectant crowd.. . . "I tfiln't MY style to rttOp ' fun," raid t e litt.:e man, stoutly, eying the faces around him, "hut strikes me that this.thing ultet exactly on the liquor. It'd playing It pretty loar down on this yts• baby to ring in fun on hint that he ain't going to under stand. And of there's golu' to be tiny god-father round, I'd•like to see who's gotany hetterright. than A allonen followed Stnuspy's speech. To the credit of all hammrists be it said,-that the first man to acknowl edge its justice was the satirist, thus stopped of his fun. "Hut," sat Stumpy, quickly Wowing. up ids advantage, "we're here for ultruden ing,und we'll have, it. I proclaim you Thomas Lull, according to the Imrsofthe UnitedrltutesandtheState ofodiforuht, so help Me God.!' was the Arai limo that, the name. of the I)eity.had been utteredotherwilo than profanely In tamp. ' Tint Or faring titt'perrhipa - mord •Indicrelus ltuur•the , astirist, eueskivetil' but, •ad toodir .and.looltudy laughed.- ”Tuattny!!, was bush coal as serious ns he. would_ been under a Christlan roof, !tad cried imil. was comforted In'Orthodos:fitshlon. • ' And in) this work' of Aregenenttioh• to thiup. 4.l.lmpst . had; iiilltunipy';wily of :putting it, " sorter killed the rest of ttie furni ture." So the rehabilitation of the cabin beciurie' tiecerniiil. The 'men who %%Troia the habit of lounging in rat Sturiapy's to see "how the .Lock gut on" see.i.ed to appreciate the change, find in self-defence, the riviii estabilshment "Tuttle'., i.rtsery" be stirred itself, and imported *carpet and mirroni.• • The reflection of the latter on the appearance of Hearing Camp. tended to product:stricter hab its of personal •Ileariliness. Again, Stumpy Imposed a habit of quaran tine Upon those who, aspired tothe privilege oftiolding."The Luck." , It .was a cruel mortintaition to Kent uik —who iu the rarelt...sucSa of a large natereand. the taibita of frontier life had begun to regard ail gerutents lei Ai cuticle, which, like it snake's, only sieughed off through, decay,-to be deburreti this privilege from certain prudential reasons. , Yet. 'snche'aUS the Subtle 'influence of :innovation that he thereafter appeared rcvelarly every ufternoon in a clean shirt, Mil face. still . shining from his able timitr. ' Nor were merelor sanitary lairs neglected. Tommy; who Avila supposed to speed his whole exis tence in a persistent effort .te re put e, Mina pot. be disturbed by nobie. The shoutieemd yelling which had gabs ed the camp its Infelicitous title were not permitted within hearing. dim lance of ISturripy's. • The men con versed lir whispers, or smoked with Indian gravity. Profanity was .tie lily giren up in thefiesacred precincts and throughout the camp a: popular form of.explelive, known a.5.".1.17-n the luck!" and "curse the luck!" was abandoned, as hating a new per :finial is:tiring:vocal music Was not *italic:Led, being supporami to have soothing, tranquiliiing quality, and 'one bang, sung by than o' . War Jack," an English sailor, froth his Majesty'a '.Australian. colonim,.alis ,quite popular, aa a ftillahy. , It was a lugubrious recital of the exploits, of. "the .LArethesis, seventy-four," hi' Muffled minor, •vadingwith a : pro hinged dying , hill tit the burden' of kestels verse, ."1./n ho-u-and the Arethu els:" It was a fine sight to See: Jack holding The Luck, recklng'from side hi Mdc us if with the tubtioncif ii ship' l and crotaiing forth this.naval, ditty.' r Either through the'similar reeking of Jack or the length of the song,— it contained ninety itancaS and was" continued ,with conscious dealrelinii lion to the bitter end, - .theAullahy generally*. hart the desired;eftect. At such times the met would lie, at full length under the' trees in' the soft twilight, • sinoking their 'pip - Mind drinking in the Ineicillous .utterim• I ems • An indistinctidesi.that,this was .paatond • happinesa; derthrtied: the mai P. , "TIME lore iltinti • o'..,tiiii,"? said Cockney Simmons, ineditati ely reclining on his elbow, "is evjngly. ' It reminded hitn)dGreenwieh. . . . On the long sum mur (lays the gulch, froth whence the golden storm pc Rearing (Aini p war taken. There; on A blanket spread over pine boughs, he would Ile, while thy men worked In the ditch below , bitterly, there was it 'rude .atteuipt• to ' decorate this bower with flowers and sareet sr:fell ing shrubs. and leen ellill Y 81 - ° . ne - one . would bring hint 11 cluster of Dune) - uckled, s aunas, or the painted blos soms ,trf Las- Mariposas. The men had suddenly awakened to 'the (set that' there wereliestity and signifl ware in these trifler, which they had so. long , Unitas; mreleteily !emelt) 11)0r feet. A flakeofglitterhig wire, it fragment of Variegated quartz, a bright pebble•from the bed of the 'creek; became beautiful to eyes thus cleared and strengthened, and. were invariably • put aside for the Luck: 'lt 'was •wonfiertel . how. many tress-. • urea Me atm& and till Wilesyielded that "would differ TO,111111y." Sur- . 1 sou idell by. Playthinm, such as . never AIM Outer fury lancl'ever laid be= Aire, it was to be hoped that he was _'' cohlitet. , • He appeared to be securely old A r~JT =r tOilldiol on 4 / 1 0444r11 1. Com nikations on,suldscas or local or igoooral hastionstre.respesatekr sr • Ilatsdi To 'Mimes atteatiou • arroore ' , fad by thy pioneer thotioantor. - . . Goners saamatunutlenthsessaars be ./i4 t ; ii ii i 6.4 ifliAtatl : lll3‘ Web**. irkbhut hi . tb euntoutplative math it tritlittntund..gray,i systo it fuot nellterstl i nuipy, wm Actlati .44 ti pat It Itiltixior *MOP -bilon te e. '"eorinfrionlheagoors re he Wideltramt~,ais, ttri4Milrier 94. ,14 Mc:l4p iiro 'the sidi,litd Mal ' I faint knot five Altt:traus; ttxtritsl~i~,l►jN►ttu t , x, itaur tour. • t heel to recited the ninny 0101'11i iiiiiiglietty;)whic - h litho iiittetyy:tifkoh the state llidht prejudiaal triclinia: -Smite( them were not wlthotit a tinge arse- Perstit "Lamp:. up the bank just 'how," wed Kentuck.onsu ants brepthlostetate e ** l 7 110 deru,nty sklu of he wasn't at I 'a jay ' bird at( met a Skutt' . lI IdM Titerti t hey Wes; , justas *enlist no ciaidesut you pietas; a Awls!: at Oath othutriuncHke.l.tru:eler4ll;:49./est." 119421 1 ,,Nhether creeping per pine tidies° lyingjailly . tdabielrbffhk- I hil'anite'letwes Abdist hlui, the bUds doeisqulrrelabhattesed,smillie flawers..liktuoutal l 4 , 114111tra- Va in Ma pal • pu and pisy4 F9t hint she wpuldlel weed the den shut:if - a sunlight lint 'MI just irlecyr he tiesetted; , she wield sent tranclerimeres to Visit.ltim ,with ith ttetintlou, inyamiresittoungu to him the , - ired-wootti nodded !unholy 'and Steepllyc- the bumble 'beeirttasscd,,anil thee-rooks cowed to sinuthettionsteeumpaniatent.--, Such was, the . piths; susitner. of 'touring tAltllit. TrICY . **re desk tines,—and Lurk .tray 'With; them. •The chaos had yielded enormously. The tamp warjealuttauflot privileges tutu lta,kat poplelously on ettaterem. No eneourugetnent was'rriVen to Int- Mei tat 'make !fellation - more perfect, the land ow either side of the mountain wall lluttr, surround ed the camp, they duly pre-empted. This, • and a reputation tin singular pruritic:hey with the. revoiver, kept ileetr3, l -e e. o l f .x l i = ti l m nt n ea t tr b it ir in on vi l o- y link,with the surrounding world sometimes told wonderful storks of the camp. He would My. "They've u kiwi up therein 'Roar ing,' 'that they would lay over'any-4 street in ' Dog. . "They've gut ,vines and *Swett' mend the houses, and they•wash, themselves tutee a day. Bukthey're mighty rough ou suungers,und they v.'s ralitptm Indian • bal , Y " • 'With the prosperity. of the , camp canton • det9re fur further- huprove merit. It, was proposed . to ;build a Intel' the foUuw;ng sprang. and to invite one or Itvo decent • families to reside there' for the sake of "The • Luck," who perhaps might profit by female companionship. The anal flee that thus amemsion to the sex rust these, men, who' were lleret4yc skeptical hi regard to its genend vir tue and useftliums. caMonly • I* se counted. for by their ~as jor Tommy. A few 0)11 he ti 04 "at the resulN : e could' net &I'm/tied alto - enuct; forthree'inotiths, slid itteetiti rattily Meekly ;yielded livltbethope that 'something might ;Imp prevent : it— Anti" dld. T winter 'of ls4l"wlif he ienibere 'inenthered atuonVhe hills: The Snow lay deep bra •the Slerras;2and every mountalp creek became &river, and - .evisy,riveru lake. .Eaeh. gorge and gulekwas trattoforuted.th a tumultu ous water worse that descended the ttilisidei; tearing-down 'giant 4Mes • and , '• " Ate ,110014akspat a/te En • And that night the North rot* sud dcuiy ha. and tibretit bp the triangular vallt7 ' • :cif 'Raring -• y • In the. confusion, risking water, and rushing tress elide/nettling tim ber, and the darkLese, which, meenred to flow with the water, and blot out the, fair valley, but little could be done to - collect the scattering smut . When the morning broke the cabin of Stunipy, nearest the giver bank, was gone.. Higher up the gulch the body of its owner was found; but the pride, the lioptctlieloy; the Luck or ltdirinsr Camp had tibtappeartsl. They were returning with sad hearts when a shout from the bank maned them. It was it relief heat from down the river. They had picked'up,' 'they said, a man end uninGint, , nearly ex hausted, about two miles below., Hid any body know Ilium, and did they „ belong lure? , It needed but one glance to• show them Kent uek lying • there cruelly crushed end . bruised; but still ADM- In The Luck of Roaring Lamp is his arms. As they befit over the cu riothilY assorted pair; •theyearr that the child . was cold alai' "He is dead," . said one. hentack opened his eyes.. .'Dead repgat eebly., "Yes, my man,'anel ou are dying, toe." A smite lit'the eyes of the expiring Kentacic..•"Dying," .he xepeakd, —he's .takingma .with Min, tell the boys Iv'e. got the Luck . with tug now ;" and the strong man clingiftg tolhe frail babe as a dmivn ing man is Said to cling in a' strew, drifted away into the shadowy., river that flown forever to the unknown ma. At.t.uverons.—Nye take the folkow ltm.ifroat an article on "Florida" in Lippincott's " ' :►n 'sinewiness will not alloW the ni ale t 6 approach her nest. Ha has a glutonour habitoofeatinliitAttireggs, thus nreessitating,her hunk more, which She does not like to WV.' no, whenever she estcrieir hint In , that neighborhoott; t Intsbeli hint an gene. rid. principles:— Ite.elther AA* :Otte mischief or camels 111. at M uy rate tie is meddling with domestic matters, and deserves snubbing. Faris' told that kis reall v aMtirin„otd seethe big • bully 'stick hid Mill betigren Ns/I.gs, and tawnit:ol4,the yery.,linage of a hen pigket; T ao, alter ono of these olujugaiScbi ngs. lid bb any 'retries - tented husband; and , altho' he'takes 'ids threshing •kindly, he revenges hiniself by.watching till the eggserareally hatetwd, and then cats up as 'many of theeattses .of ,the fam I ly dispute as. he eus catch.. YOU lig alligators are not. particular about forming. an acquaintance. with, their t own fathers." . ; , -Speaking of tire que‘tioat of eoin- Petion air Ishor—ohle free trade will reduce Ally_per cent: , —,Wendall phimig.,ays:—PuttingAsidialltheo ries,' every lover of progress must see w i t h-profilist 'regret the Jnteduction here ofany element 11l will lessen wages. The mainsplegef tairginige. e.s is. high ivilitrit —wages at such a level that the workman can's Pare his wile to •predde over.. nhowie," can minium! leisure, go to tette no, take a newspaper, ; and 111 k himself from the dredenieg level of more toll. That dollar left Idled all the bills are Pahl Saurdey tlightirieuisa•educa-. lion, Independencerselfirraptel,nut hod; it increases the valve preverY acre near by,. fills the tw A ms with tipens! liable' libraries (Tombs; thentrehits therontineat with cities, and cobwets It with railways. That one remain lingdoilar (mitens ma gmas ant) guarantees i miliMns to its owners better than 'lf Statute. It Is worth more than a thousand (alleges, and makes. armidand; police super throus.P. , —A Tituavijie reporter has heard Mist Kellogg sing, and likens her tieter the asniooth, unctuous trick - ling of 'the 'oleaginous commodity frees a bandied-barrel weld!.., I 2 D
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers