II , ,4,63,44rr en Ile itlvr)ii . . ' . , tilverilsoineide altiiltteerted attho tate -13.7----- . - :. :. . .. . .. „".....---,.....! a LA Lou per square for tirstinsertion, and . bir ili ne• subsequent insertion 50 mite. . , . . .i. iilieraltlimeountlitaile inn yearly rid- . • .. •• : . . • . . . .t eparp equal to ton lines Of thla type :-.,': :: • '- '7• i: 30 t- . . 161.1i.lirtil 8 square. • - • 2* --------- I 4 ' ' --.. • .• Ile:ilium Notices met udder a head by -. ' ..' ------ 2 ••• •.0, ~ I , •2 • "•• iteenselyee immediately , atter the Iona( tLf• --• --.. - -e-f-- 2. -:•_“....,„:- 1 -;• • •--;- - 14 . ' 4-t ~.:10 . —......_ _______L______ _ „,,,,, will -be •eltarged • LOU mate a Hue •. - 7 - - - 111 r--, ;A i i 11 7 i .2 . f g_„t- ,". tt. : •• rir e.iely itiyartion. t ., ........„ . .. irr • -.-•.: ~,r . . c .tdvertnienienta should bo handed in V oil 48:•""r ,;0 et ; ,;.' ~..,4, 1 ... ' i,..i.iie Monday noon to insure Insertion ' . i. 2 diai * ( i.azal mi1r 1 i........ mi m '" . . - - - %, TillNittC/Itt DiiieCtOi'fb IMMO 4ILS Iltniittrn //V1 mid dealer In pnion., Pur ,, tu ,. .ical nes and Liquors, Limp.' and Maley tioodn. - Slnin el.• rliti!la nn.4 Ilr 411DINUCKIri.' (1 Drab:VA - it ,0 - criici; - Atm,. reed. J ClAPrftl onery,Tobatcoao (. r1 , 41Y 15.. :. I : 4 I 11 Lc%lY . vtirl)ttutt Arrow 4, 'Lugo I ) Druggi*gt ado, p 4 l'lrserlv• rJ7AN 13 El .TTILI - r* -1 • Vireil•D prO vial Ads rt. sr!, 11 ilkolher Co. ACOM 31m EAL.-Thisier In 3111Uriery “04,1.1 I nimolango:cor 711kji • 41d DI/1113011d. M14...17 • .t Slt)tiltE. iirocory.t Hort:tor:km Choke Te;jle-t ear.a...rotaceo sad Con ',4li Ar eery mut VogoooMoy. Nliti, , li.n'a'SlLlZ 111,Actr r• tuner, ac. Wert end :M rt, triebt:lir • i W. iro: • your property inrured. oetO:ly rvirraittacii • NI Ult(IA NS:VERN, Dealer hi 'Lista do Shoe , ,41 Market bt. Plltabarkh, Pa. Irrettl4;ly . ,t PHILLIPS. /Sad Estate ittcat.. ii.soller4l.4 (MCC. I • Ublibbero of the riteal nest free. Pittabargh, [ret,l4:l2 , lILNUEILSON 6 lflbOS.. WttuisTale MT Liberty St. l'lttaburgh. ept 1:ly • 14::Y'S t.AT . It rttilt Av. lltakut St.) l'lttplturt.t. btuttltl y * CLA It KCSTl.lii.:lliTtikeellert , did Stnt t, St Wutttl Pltult r•lt 1.13 r ts,El'll .t co, 71 dlll . LlarIM el Paz t hargh—ilalpOrtero 01111.1catera In Notlona, Wthe Grob, he. lopltly I } . can l'onredfooure. Dealearo fa nut.. lenity: St. l'ltrrhurgh, frupl4;ly I TinatAin E, Dealer In (hole.* CO . ,* S: 'I • Family Uroeerleo So 2114 , 1111 t Avemte, ur2ll, l'a. repl4;lS I InGfitirr 15FaIere In the N,n , I Weed Family Sewing" Steehlneo. Market ' • iiepttly dc COter., In car % / pota.l2lllloiloo. &C. specia to. to nith Avenue, l'lttohury.h. Pa. 1 • P. Suceeloor to J. Al, Iton.nre. Dealer In I'4. Watches, Clockp, Jewelry S :Aver ultse. No 1, Flan Avenue. I.ttleduligit. $ LYONS, 'lowa, awl Sigu Palmer: write. I I • ou fader Show Card. fur t.Very 1 Ifth Avraue, Plitrburgla, Pa. [1.11121;!y _ . • '. FULCON,ll:;nufulurer (4 and Deller lu I • Furniture null Chairs;—lte.rwnod. V,ilnnt. 4,40,euy and Oak. 45 titllllhtlrid it. - [orts;ly NiilT BRIGHTON. S.•, Ilrl ht. to .' - - . . . . 1.0. EMON, ltukeiy 4 imictionerv, II U. It. strut. Spvcial attvotlein given to ...a. . and (..p11:ly • .. • ECIISIIF:I;(% Mercittit Itto.lilmiy, N.lrligliton. tire adv bpi tty t .••• M. WIITSI.EIt, 11eRM-1. lironflx•ny, N vrr , 1, (rep Lkly . 1I SUSS, Photoginpir. - vr,,,l,twor. Hem iltuan•:,il.l” , from re-touch , • . Der:4:lY I 1 INTERS 11VIIISON. 3ra;•lrro and Tolatc -11 "rond•tio, Urandwny,..*.s, 141.71n0n, (.41.17:1) l• .1 liaucerlur. tturcliosale nn7l Hti-el.old “on4l*. ItrondWny. trenttly • • - Pt l :11 : • Irillei - lx - Wta I raper, Itadow 1 4 . Intl It.tokr.,Hintlnneery.V Nakilo.; Broad. N,,. Itriubinn, torpll.ly . _ .fsTrtniFitl.ll.llrnler. ht Dry mud,. 5, NOIIII.:• MCITILIIIiI . IIIIOrO ay. .octlpy HEAVER FALL*. 11 ' ILIA M VOREIITSON, IhNtter in;; :61ach1ts . o. 'Nialn St.. Seaver I. I: tklott-, And 11 •..... Of Main awl Itett,r nitres. r won:ly I.N ll t IL NTANNEY. A 1 too• S. Fre--ro Paint -1 1 ‘ . r , -. nl.a flaw.. fool ht.!, Plon-re. Unit/ St. . L ~,I- I fllo. I ` Kept lily . . - t VI - .lillliNtl. Ilenkr in Boot. , ood Sho, of • r) ot4trlploin. oi fon prIC3, 3113 , i 3 r• 11- ~.11.1r ntntlity. %lin St, ft.-AN - yr Pall, It. pn1,..1 R I DG ED* AT Eli k lilt F:1111, Uridv.t. +greet. 1ttit1gt.,,t..r..1 . .t • .1. 1/valvr In tiolti mod \Vvrltt.o, ry 2tra StIV, :k c . . %Vat cli 1 lot I. mot .1...v1.11 reolretl. I F.I. Fd011.0.1.1e Tnitor N;.1.4• L I leAt tl - 14:1Wed stioriono. Slay tllE TORTEit, in Tin. riio• I) tint' ware. ncd iron I:ritige BridgeWarr. 111.AT1'SF:1:. 31:inernrinrer nun liciikr in • 11,i0n , 111111 111.41:n.54., Briilizennter. ...pi I:1Y t ,„ II 1.10 , T. Illy GuO.I ;1. I',irpolo, OH Cloth.. 311111 . Trinimlbge. ITIT• flat water, In. • prpli;ly I 11. ITOIIIHITY.IIZ 7 .;CriIt 1iT7,T14 and ' MI.,. f • In ohs. EtrraL I;riTITT,Tt aIT•T IIANAI'1:11. MirlitTery. Tritimaluu;ST .N 1.41111. . j.• -11(111,:t. ,t., Itridg,t liter. • .41•1111;ly P. WEINMAN, MaTstifnelltro• Of Hoot.. nod .• shms. Iltidge ST., 11011:zemiter._ I Ls, l'lollllll .11 j0n....:1. Hair M. :lime HrltlgT, TATIITIy !THIS Winn/RUFF, lltillt•i ; M9llll . 111.111. ti ti el. of all dvsurlplionsT made. ....1 , 11.1 IN. 51nrIol mud 11'44 girechi. r een.l I ILLS X. Co.'t;roeerle.. Ilnevli.mare, %Vin t] • LI.AV ta.r . 417nii, Peed .0 Voinitry Prothn r. -I,rucr, Ilri‘hze Nt. Itrhlgen . aler. I 1:.1.H NIKANOtt, Ih•aler• Nlononviliela 11 I I 0n1..r.1,11 at .1 L. rlarle., In hearer. ot DMZ Mtn , . m Ilrldgewatvr. will he le :Mewled to. 4:a-11 nn livilVeTy--1.111VC.1 ',• ~.• —NlCl)ol.ltrif illt. .1.14:3: I y 'ROCHESTER . . .1 1N II'..•:- . .-1/eatler 1:1 'll.tuto, Sho•••• nod liaL I I 1.,. and S&vUin fur Sin?,vr'e 111:U1111W: hull P. It. Ste. 110 , 22:1Y MI'N “IttITZ, uork. of • 9.•• Ire metrrlal, rnndr to order. All turf: 1.11/1,11. n.e:ktly dune. Prlcvs JaTIls:1) 1$11:11 1I IS ICY I'll Ntantif.seittrer Dealer In / I art,lttre nll 'llrlvlition act, t • 11..1:er at4l t -t ..„I:..f . hc.ter, I. 0,1111;ly Nt.itz‘ll.l.Nl 1101 . 1/ lCarriage Nfl.:cr. .1 I:alin..nt rt.. linch...ter. let Inel01:1) %MI 01,11 A NNEN. Ihuv•;1.1. Pre.crip • , t,t.”-..rouily follll4lllllldeli, W.ller lto _ lily Nd.Electricall•hyelelain Chrol.le I I ) n ()nice, e or, Illaintool air, Itoctitdor. inept talc I . W.INS, Inoleaale .t Retail Deal. Dry IlowlaJlriarerler.Flonr,Fcett.llraln. llor. Water t J 311 1 ,0 -•••. • Fit 14111, ll ner. • Cake. and lel. erl.nm farnolictl I.rolllptly. Olainowl : 'Ali NA LE i.e A sILVEItNIAN. IW:nl A oliartor. lor Forolgii A: Indwell.: Iny F.m.y genera:l3 -1 raid, 1:ly II MILLER & ('O.. .11• 11. iintacturera of Sash. [halo. 1.11.iit1er..1.1:1 . . 11•'111 in L'lllll.l, 1,11,te - _ HUY 1.1 . : ‘VILLIA Nis. Sllll,-P•01 v . 1.111,1 n, ,k C 0.,. Dealer, In Sawed null ,Pta.l tic I ntaln.r, ladh Shim:lca. I.lN'EttY 5T.1111.1 1 :..t 1 1 0.‘1, VA Utr. I ta.rv..N.ll R. It. 01.111011 :11111 llllnl fINO.f. II IN )1 . 1 . or awl denier and Sheri. Inn, Way., Inn. ay.. n 1101 1 4,4110. N. York yt octIO:ly rFFI'I.EIt CIA UK. Tiroprieior,(ll Johnston i r, i;..4.,,Loinniod.ti.m. will gond rt a • . • N. ar II It. ' cetlttly , Idenier lti Ilattera, A. Ilepairlin: done neatly anti prolindly. ',1.. II" ill., Ili/0110nd, Iton•llee.ler, Pa. ovinnly . . . - J 1 %% 11:11"..lt & IIitOTIIEV, Nlromfacitiron• of • It ..zoro, Conches. Dr•lrgi.f. Spring..rozon , ...,,,,,•, Sr. Itlarkpmlthlipz nll.l Itor , o , hoK.lll'.! :.., It. '1,2 lirt , t mirnper. Itorls.••ter. Pa. Ii 1.1,;:) ST VW Ell POOL, Oi •111".N1,10,.—A generp ne.ionnoof of . .1111.C.1 1',11.. N.% 110r,341 A, Womb:ray. ••- - . '1'4 , 4 111 1110)(1,'SCIN•lt. CO —Denfere in Dry. 1.....,!• Boil. , Shoe*, lint. SS Cain, gtoremmt are, WiP•mare.d.r ot 610 k HI!. E. Liverpool. llOml3 -Al,, 1111.1: 14143 , 14, Ilraelwiy.nnr 11. I: I.l,eriptlotv , r.:iterully owl sexural4.ly 11.14;lv • MIUCEIf LANEI)II4; I T 1101 1 ..“ I,RY.ilanntleinfer lb, 14.111 'Cooking and l'Alentee l'or. . . tl• nriOn tap And Ce _ . . . :, i itt:lrf It nisEi.r.. Stoneware Ilanantet nrer.. t . , ....It.rto promptly attended to. V annort. 1'a. •..0r z 0 widt et.* —tearer. I'st... isepll;:y II ...\ INI: Pertnanentfy loc:derl in the t Illaet• of . ' ,npi. Pd., for the purproe of practicing ~,., ',". I teettectlntly lender my profvvviuniit ::,!' *• to the citizen. , td said village and vicinity. „ . . '","`ldowe. ” Lc:le lintel. M Imre , ;, ' -•• .A,” 11, toulkd, tiule,-• profooklowillc '•,,,, Ail cull. will rend, Immediate and ' "I'' z.,t, 'mot.. A. I'ATNNINGII.ISI. M. 11,, . 1 .141 N h•at..i• an tehem. Clock"•-1 b• try. 111 illdfrah SlatiO/1..Y. •.t P And .1 • est y rennlrvol. Agent for D.o " LED" ~, to;:" Moclklio% Roche., I.n. • • n itAxn.INC:.II664 - 1 -7 7.. THOMAS DVCREERY & CO THOS. 3PCUEER V, CnAthltr. i• 1,1.1..4 loud on how dolmen.; 'rompt attention •' h collection*. kiran, Agent* for . .:oott a.d relnihir C 1.111 r.. [lllllylStf I $,• MeNt.TT • D., permanent , , r • hr . , orshol In heaver, would respectfully tett r nroho*,lunsl ben Ire* to the Special of Ile, • •• and •nrntunding co•lnliy. Special attention f, ;kid to the treatment of female allserwes.. tinnrrry C. done with a tallifol hand. Mire on Mira street, frw door* west of the COMI Ilona.. Jracelfdiuowl.., , TAS. CAMERON, Attorney at Law. ej Ikever, Pe. Office In the room for , reerly occupied by.the late Judge .44M11.. C:01 . letlitMll. &c, promptly attoded to: ' , " 4 4 • siity-Fireiret Prize Ms Awarded. • • • Iran Gint w ir.... •. • • • - r . • •••• 441411 • .e-s:• , :ti v<t . 4 • I ... tin . -• • ', 1'99% . ,Av Oarknif ikL • sl'l',l;z -s; at. •••.. 117/IA3V.SQIriAIiZAZOXIMCIAT. BALTI3IOIIE' • Thus luattumenta haru bttrn berortOtto• public for uearly Thlny year and apon their smetdienc" alone attained an unpurchasorprt •entononettwhieh pronouncce them unequalled. Their '1•411N 1 , 1 combing' , great power. toreetneta Audi:We ringing quality, 111 , well all great parity or Intuit: on. awl n. rotnet', throughout the vain , crab. Their •PCIIIre I. jdluut 101.1 OblOtie. 1111(1 entirely free irolll the eilithere rental In no msuy /111 they are totegnalled. using toms but the very boot ICAM,DsI:I) XATEIIIAL. Ito large cipltal employed II our businme , enabling no to keep an Immenes stock of :umber. baud. • . ;Jr I II our Svaitt PIANnp hare our New Im proved ther Strung Seale awl the Agrtufe T'reble. Or' We would tad itecial attention to our Fite Improvement. in GUANO PIANOS and SQUARE IIitANDS;.PATXN . Tr.ti Ara. 14, Paid. which bring the Plow) nearer ItCrrectioU than boo yet been at tained. • • . •F.r.ry Bono ,Fay js,strahltd far Are Yore. We have made . urangenient* for the Solo 117a3Irsale Agehey for the moot Celebrated I'AR• LOU (11(021.N8 laud MELODEONS., which we of .fer Wholrralc ALM Retell. at limed VOCIOry Itl - 1V11.1.13,31 KNAIIE.t CO. Ceetgahu] Ballimore..3l4. •. lzaortitut izt!ilor For The .A.soth.xxusi. 'Wring: been abided ulth that terrible rrlM plaint—completely. unfitting me Mr. ItuFlocep . fot weelm at time—ilia. the lan twelve ycant; and at hut Mind a remedy that give. • Instant and (iiniptete haw cunrlmlcd to have It prepared for solo. 1.1.1 thtt other+ cluillarly afflicted can receive the hen. ell I.of it. restating them that • • it trill do (ill; and more than all • • ; isrd for it; Iw•niaq C ncy u.lug, n 11l no er 1 u u Intl It, • Ax nonternox ()thrrs who hare• towel it ran In• had at tho Itrug;t:tere of WILLIAM 11. ItUlit'IlLING. lignite.ler, l'a., or o 111 to out mot to my Ildlßl,o on receipt 114 . 011 P dillnr. ■nd ten cent• to tt) no,tl t ~ It. not 111,70:I) J Itoetwolee, Be. or county, Pa. General ; .. r ''''N e ' n ' t l it ' ar; .. P : 11;4: ‘ 1 ilg e n n ta t l t r f.!ro: .urance Company of Nev York. hlberal induce. meat. to the right man. :ror temp and circular., rddre.. Smith. Itoherto Mao, pi lr i Talt r intea..t Col 11, rah and WMnc o t o r s i t r ,.. c i l . to, .• pa A. lot li: } a 4 •:A al Lt. 41, 4 Britlye Street, • BHA DGEWATEIt,TA. 1$ WKERLY lILCEIVINti A rltE , ll SUPPLY or GOODB IN EACH OF THE FOLLOWING . DEPARTNIENTS: ):14. - y (.1 (.4 c.) stew...vine Jean.. cit...inteeea unit satinet., • white wntiiiiiit blanket.. . white and tworett 8111 ' itnree4 Flannel - 4_ Name, Delainc, • 1 • '•therg., • Water Proofs . , . C6it ICOIIII6I Shawk linnvi4onol 1 , 111, , •. 1 .101110 I ri-h • ra , b, I I I ekaie rv, & ahtK roo( , rles, Sonar, Mola,wee, White Sib . ..alma, ,Coltlen mut turfman SyrupoL Mackerel in bar ' ,rnl. and kit 4. Star and 'Fallow Candle,. ,nao. l Sion. and NUM,' Mnat. Ain,. ! SALT. Hardware, Nails, Glass, Lock, 114 I.lclin, Sernn.. Talon Cut Ivry. 'I atlie Spoon,Slelgh Coal Ilre Simnel' , toot Pokenn. NAI4 31/11 MN+, 'Sp:IIIH. 7•1111VelA. _.:l and I 'I inn rork, twytiwo awl Snathe. Corn anti Cardin WO( I)EN W A 1.1. E. 11,1.4:1, Tat., t•nurn,ollitt, Prim, and 1410.. a OH • V I,iiisee(l Oil tt White Lead. 'Boots and Shoes I.! DIES' MISSE' .t'NI) lIII t IIIIFNS* SHOES, groat ',Hoy! hills Powder . and Shot Illa3t.ina l Powde. and Fuse. Floui• ree4l n ego tit-ware 11(avy 111•11Vert . ti MU! Orri!Arge. Illy cwm 4tleitition to looJo , o. mid by keilith4 (101.131111 y hall a 3 nett a.-oiled fa 04.1%: nr of all the itiflerilit 1.111,1. iirthilly kip( hi 11 ....Wry ohm. the thithir.livivit hope+ , in flit. Collar as In the limit rrecivii 'Nara: ' , Nate o(thr Will le patron:l:M. It ANC: I.:It ,}‘7v6V,b =I The Most IComplete Business Col lege in the United States, A tl.wohl.• in it it 1., for aegalrirav, a ttomn7l.,prne Meal tlne.- 'othicstil,rtu, po..riortl by utt uthe seio”.l In Ow rtmotre 5...., Hp lire.s,porAlop overly Sitterll TIIIII,IIIIII Modem. repn , entritheit from evury Starr In totemlt4lll,o, • • NoVg.../i•Oil•= . shunts At any time, and week e i pro oteik,n lolon thoonzliout the entire C.111r... • • N. • (lr. - . will. roll.p.ancoin. 111111 a II no c. .;,r. info, mlti•ln. on foldro.one! MIT!! I'l IIVI.E1". Pa . ' :\ lEY 1I ; .1\ &S 1 EDLE, MEVI:AX SIEDLE, No. is: Fi9' , ll nue. Pitt , liiirtrh, Gt)I.1) SILVEIZSMITIIS. • 11.1 th.01..t. iu . . , FINE .1 EIV WATCHES. DIA NiilN HS ASH sILVEI: PLATED LO•ney for 1,11 1Io• !.rsi makes of A 7kll I.: I 'A :"C wA•incirt \ • srni i !um As(!lA)(Ki.;. si . :1 ,1 0 1 tothc repainng and 1) V "1 4 !I.ll4`'F S: Austin_ of • • FINE ANILINE DYES 'OF ALL' COLORS; oeis:';o ly, Ow - Deeds itnwt., 41tatir,,' in,.k g ,/ t GLASS r ,pu r ilry. ma !will nod , or rale nt thlonnice.'l . - Brighton Paper Mills, .to • in, r47 ,.. re Li th i L led queihy i BEAVER FALLS, .PENN'A. Large Amor:meal of ! • • • MILET A 1:T1c1,E..). :()..v PS, rittiNTEN4u.' • tI6I4.I:TREI.:S 31".-1.21'2171.144. 'ROOFING, BAILING, . PATEN NI I) 1.1,, I N ~ . , liurdurtire. Glimix. Straw. 11.1. t0....4.11,...-er Pa. , Met% "hat ; - mcgcatT. • ItAG AND CARPET ATTORNEY AT ItT L A W . I:" ..A.. .IL=P M .7t. Ei ' " Third &red, Bearer, Pa. • ~ Oftleo below the Court House. Beaver. l'a. 31. A.. 1N I.TFAC'rI3IIII.ID - 1. - -.'ir ~ , 1 -, . P. KU llNEAtturue Law. °Mee In Ile- AND SOLD Al' F., Klnley'• building, earl of Poldre &mare. mar ai:iy. . . ty , sz.LteNt BAUNESs dealer in Mete .'Wholessule ob Retail by . ir t 0,,,,,, asitrrv, Blippres, de, Next door to Frazier Metzzer &Co , Porter's Tin shop, Bridge street, Bridgewater, IN- where be la prepared to manakteture and sell I i • 'i ;e% el/thing in his line at reasonable rate, Hay : lug removed hie platy of laminae, from the earn , $9 Third Avenue; ; ier near the Bridge to his present location, hr ht. rites hie old friends and patrons to give him • PITTSBLI Irel It. I call. . , arltags taken he escheats,- leepileektf i , mint Lir. Railroa4ls. R,1!IL1191)111s. .iwrrs„ 1e1t.W.41.14E & CHICAGO wiivAx. au& after riee'r. 4th, UM ham will Parr Stations • dilly, (Standara excepirill as .fullawe.- - Vrata karlog Chicago at 5.35, P. X.,Japaya. .1 [Train leaving Plitsharult at &MP. M., es , . daily.) • I=l si.titouv.Kiri. Ai e llrels, mAu.. l , i-- Pittitirith....... :. . TrL7l,lollAtc•, 710...1, Ruchotes.... .' 2t4, futon' lou • I AlUatteia . ~ : W. i 1110 11145 1 V2l.lthrlil... f — C.... a "01Fri11e.,..::..... ' I ..1 . 7.1 i 1 •iii j;iihra .. . '''' . ..• . 1 lissrdelit... ... .1 VW .F.YI • i te* enstlthe { i ' Ms'.l IV ' r . " 11 1 tons , tr, zsAN Bucyrus .. ... . . .• '• •• • • • • Upper Hatiolia..lll.-1 1- Forest , lit/ 1 tt.ill. 1 : 11:1 Um. 13311 rs 11/10 All Vllll Wen_. 1..:. i.... Fort Warw. ...... ..no Millillila WIMS. .... W Plymonth ••411 in • Stn Valparal. chlrtyin " l'g inl faii 111.% IN. 001%0 CDT. 12131:=1 am% I 64 . 1101 iis I MANI 3115 144 it 143 = Valpamtee. Plymouth.. Columbia._ Fort Wayne. Vee Wert.. Lima Forest rppee timillusky Ritcyrne ...... . . ercellinis I A I R7l D" • • C. 50 Dansfleld 717 TYcsister °resift.* 90.5 Massillon Canton.; A11iance........ .ots Salem. Rochester.. 19.55 aw Pittsburg! .• • • 155 Yennedtowl New Castle and Bete Express lone* Youngetown at RIM p. me New Castle, 3:00 p.m; web ell at Pittslineelt,s:Wp. In. Returning. heaves Pittohnoth 7:00 a. m: an. at New Quite, 10: Da. in. Yonterotten, 10:40. a. in. Yottnesteett. New' Cattle and PlitsTmegh cendoodatinn Raves Yonugetown, OM a. nil N". , l'artle,l:3o a. ur.. arrives at Allegheny, 10:10 a. ni. Retundoe. Haves Pittsburgh, t:00 p. m; ar• rho. New Caetie.bls n.m. E= MI 439 4 MOAN rou ..1154 :913 P. 50 1130 lips 11104411 343 utnerat 11 rr rod nate dpent. i'LEV ELAND x PITTSBURGH RAILROAD. uu and after May 9.9 th Kit. indite will leave Slat on. , dally iMiindaye extvittedi.te fultowe. fix r ; .. Aocu , MilAv 111Srm MOris CI. ‘ellm Euclid qtr 9.15 alll :fat ISS SIO 11311 1.3.1 6%1 312 4..10 11u(1 ou Itm E tin.% Alliance 11 MI 13 15131111 =ltti==l 715 • 72:411 ql)a rc ;a 5...-. lAx 111.1) 1115 11.4 We 11.% . Ittrard . AMA . enna.... Ilud on Euclid Stn. •I EIM2=2I =EEO 8888IXO CAST. • .TAI u"... ACCON Exes Act am' r115.1,1i 21414.11 4lorm .... 310 430 VC • 315 115 $l.l .Ira; 440 11.1111 r Uri lac I. et Stetthem . Seery Hemet.. Roche ter. .. Piti.l,or la ... • 013 ; 156 610 1036 ; .100 ; cu 001010 W112.e. • oTATIO,.. MAIL. EXT . IC I O ,ACCOMACCII --!-- =AY/ 31Orm' 49.1rx . ZVI an rt. Smittio Ferry titeownon.. Itrldarport n. 5.5 600 t 1011 . 11:35 ", fit , / 1105 I V:11 Tl'sCA It A WAS BRANCII. 'Lenven Arrive* S. 1•110440,11.1, 6 Gal n. m. I Bayard, 94:1, a.m. 11.111. 1 N. Iftllatlrplaa,lmpm Fyt It. NlETincr..-tleuersl 11')41: . . B• 41ent. )11Neellaneo j ux. Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver." tt . :I.Arl'h:/), ✓'IG E.V7S. Male and Fnmale: Mvn and Women or and room,. to taki•+M+ler. rOf 011! brilliant. /gnarl, hag ran. pork. Third . Aid Mali wort Ready. . . . my'No TnouGuTs OF LEADING THINKERS: A trea.ure how of brilliant, pungent and living thought. on art, mence. relklon, Imtntre, bu.l - portal life and all the leading queetlona or the nap, replete: sten, aria rare Gem of Itoiro, to a filch I. appended n dictionary of 1 , 01.U12,0 0 1/lorS. anti nick real and nreunied rignaturro. AN lo- TILLErIVAL 11A0QT , E7 WWI ALL WWI !MAD AND TrUNE, Addien. fur Terme. . . J. R. PORTER t co., Plthiloller, .11.10:1y.) 1:4 Fifth Armor, lillsborgh. Its. THE BIBLE AND THERMIC SCHOOLS. WANTED, In and Wien of Christailitliaracier. Minleierr,Hchool teller,. and all ocher+ •/ix tn net ax general =mt• for that nen . 111111 i111:1011:111( 1104111‘ entitled the ;OPEN BIBLE or the !hod of (hal in the Affairs of Me;i; by Ray. Joshes! liono. D. D. . This work has a :treat mrsolon to perform,and t readily remit Ink the earnest and hearty endorse• ment or all I,lliZleai aunts no work prevents :Tenter attraction no ministers ilend It their support everywhere. It lo tart the work for the times. .apply for drreriplive circular and terms. State th.• tvriltory 'you cant. Se. .1. H. FOSTER Sr CO.. rhs;ly J I orlz Vox CO. l'lttAntrah J. MO . O E D RUGGIST, Prexo-iptibns Cirriledly twit Amtrak- IN thinpounded. 11th 11E4r BRANDS OF ASSORTED Mecll4t,liactl WINES AND LIQUORS; I-' ai a t.i.; , (1 iIV4 . '..." I) == Flie ItEMINDER. FM T%)ebilitated Persons, To Dyspeptioi, To 'uffererstrontLiver Complaint, To those having no Appetite, •• To those with Broken lkwin Con . stitution.s, kTeople,• • ' To Children Wasting Away. To any with Debilitated Digestive . Organs, : . Or-Siffering tolthany of the following. Symptoms, tehteh indirale Miortirred Lirrr or Aroma*, - • 'ExVs. :VW; 412 ta3Au Ir.i 7 I We, lowani • Mier, To'lmam • - ' •• • Or Blood to tiw • • - Wad. Athilly,of lba „ tionnarb,Niniatit,lliiirt- ilnin.itlagaalintflined.ffinl!' ,, • • ; ..- • ,•! twos. or Waigitt Wl* Itoarilzaciationaiditaalag pa plat. toga:gibe_ thealtasselaParlar.' • r• mll2O 1410 Hark emu mina. . Itreathlog. Wilav at ilia Nowt. 41444- lug or Fluttatiagaermatlnai watdi lira - Wog Mature, DIMEICOP of Vlikaio boar or 'Webs be fore itto Sight. pacer and' Dell Palos to the llotalledelrory of Perspiration. Yellow. ' two, of the altiti.nia L f= - • mola.flark , ant own" Malmo of Sat.. born- lag In the Flesh, COOPtitit „ Imagining , of Evil. ' ' • Great Unread= • BODFLANW3 GERI• •• AN BITTERS. •• AL Bitters without .410401 ltAritsvi UM Bil any kind. Is different from all otfieri . : posed of the pure Juices, or T Ital Pita clplo oritooti. Lied bi and Harley . (pt as medicinally teamed Extracts,) the worthies& or inert portimO of the there; clients not Lin' , used. Thererore, in cod Bottle of theW . Bilters there is contained MA much uat.‘lidied virtue 'WWII' lOC found in Neveml gallons of orditocry mixture's. Thu Roots, s te., used in this /litters, are grown ht tlertnany, their vitsi principk& extkachsl in that country by at scientific Cilemist, and forwarded to the manufac tory in this' city. where they art com pounded 'lnd Conmining tut spirituous ingr clients , this hitters is free trout the objections urged noainst 01 oth ers: noclesire z ior slimulecs can he in duced from tin sr me. lacy cannot make drunkart6, and cannot under any circum stances, leave any but at benefielal cllect„• HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, I=l Watt compounded rot those not inclined to extreme bitters, and is Intended for use in cases when.s.fille alcoholic at Minipill is required iii connection With the Tonic properties of the Bitters.. Each bottle of ate Tonic contains tine bottle of the Bit ters, coinitintal With pure SANTA CH.UZ BUM, and flavored in such a manner that the extreme bitterness or the Bitters is overcome, forming a preparation highly agreeable anti pleasant to the palate cud containing the medicinal virtue .4' the Bit ters. Thu price of the Tonic is it 1.50 per Bottle, which many persons think too high. They mast take Into conshirrathin hat the atimulent wed is guaranteed' to he (An pure quality. A poor article could be forniehed nt &cheaper price, but Is it not better to pay a little more and have a good article? A medicinal preparation nhould - contain none but the bei.t. Inured' cuts ; and they who expect to obtain cheap compound, ;nal be berietitteit by it will most certainly Ire cheated EMI HOOFLAND'S German Bitters, ' OH HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, WiTli t . iliDAPW.l44.2ol)fir '-4, PODOPHYLLIN WILL YOU. 'nay at.. thy thvat...s, ISL.() 0 1 . ) 1" IT 111 Known to tlu• Medical world, und will enelieute iti10 . 11.4 • rising from, impure bio‘4l, Itigr,tive I)rpna. or 1)iolis“11.1tt-r, in a slimier time dun an)• ollirr known rr u u•dies. • The Whole Supremo Court of Poutea. \spEAK FOR 'rIIESE RENIEDIES. 'i II o could ask for more Dignified or ....lronger 7t , stimony f - 110i.tizokosw.woowrAup.fornvrty /'hi t /J.•. lire of the Soprmse Court (IL PrApoqdraida, Of prearod Member ~,, Culigressfouirrwayframia, mitre; I S IIILiDELPHIA. : . 21.11 In. INIS7. I dud lloallaad'. Gentian Igitere "1. a good tome, nAWI lu dipeaoes ot the dige live (Alper, I and of emit betted% he ours of doblUti and went of nervouo 1101013 it the oyeietn. Yours iru tJEI4II6IC W. WOODWAIib. 11. w. VIIKM Tuorr ox. Mr, .loatice of MI Sc. pet.. road of Itnnsykahm. I . IIILADELTIIIA. Apr11°41,4;7. • l'ennolder Iloof Iferusau Hilton" 4 raloo. Llr tuedlrliso• ra.r of ntlaci - o. 01 Imill:ration or 11)yrovi.la. 1 r..4n certify Ills from my rxperlruer ofll. Your,. 1r lib rrrovrt. JAMES TaiourboN. llom StlAu.Woou, Jot.,lke of nit Svpievie Cot,Jt Pl.ol,..y7ornia: PUILADELNIIA. Juba I. is's. I hate tuund Ly experieuce That - 11nottand'i German hunt rr ' In a very ; r ood tunic, relieving 6.lmptonia almi.t directly. • (iEUIttiV. ISUAUSWOOLi. ilon.,W to. F. Itogen, Mayor /10.0 lily of Brafa- Nr,r• )%rt. • Movor'r Mier. bufr.to, June DO/. i hove tn.ed Almittatorr lierman Ultterr nod to my foutilly daring the pe.l rear. and cell recommend theta 31 , 1111 excellent tonic. imparting tune nod rigor to the eirtem. Their ure tow town priolitell,e of decidedly hertilital effect, WM. P. ItOGERS .1.. M. Wt..% I.:r-Jtayor II 11 itlietnixport, 11 maylrai,; : ilk,. crew pleatomr lo reconamemlio2 ••Hour 1211,1%•lierMati Telik." . to 11111 r UM' who may be of. flirted ulth Dy.proArt I had the 1.r.0 badly it u . ,0, lohhihle to lenh any haat on Illy bI FilladJ, and I became hour/al: gel out to he Able to null; halt mile. Two bottle* of Toole rife, Irel a perkrt ruin. JAMES U. WOO!). 1117311.1 . 3111.1eAt THAT 1100 FLA NDS GERMAN iln"ants, AND II0OFLANIYI; OEIINIAN TONIC Win en re I,verr Ca.,: or ataaalatwil 3 Or Wttetinitortly of the Body. IMEIMEMIMIII TUAT ROOF LAN GERMAN IIEMEDIES A.e 11., Maitieing.. you require 10 purl 4 the 1140u1, excite the torpid Liver to healthy :It Hutt, 11111 i to enable you to pa.. vallily thrunh any , hurit- Alpo or expnvnrv. 1,111. .20:Doyarra a ltall ) 01. SerlAslilitle for Mercury Pills. TWO PILL% A DOSE. Tlie . Most Plictrful, yet Innormt, Vet,- stable alharlir known. It Is not urersonry to take • handful of there pill* to produce the desired Whet: two of thou act quickly and powerfully. clean-log the Live-. Shan deb and Howells of all Impurltleo. The prloclpal Ingredient to Podophyllim Of the alcoholic th o nrct of Mandrake, which Ir by many thum more I twafal.actlng and /matching than the Mandrake Itself. Its peculiar action to upon the thee, dean Ina It oporelly Irma all otetructknut,whilt all Me power of Mercer). yet free from the lain/lona co *WI/ altathwl to the nee of that teitleflO.• For all Measles. In Which the o rot a cathartic is l un i citte g . th ew pgh aid:rive entire salirlacihat in every tare. They NEVER PAIL. in tllPcx. of Uver Complaint, Dyspepsia and ex Mine reolvenere, Dr. Hoottanda (finnan Bitters or Tonle should Le used In it nection with the Hilo. The took: effect of 'the itittila or Tonic builds an the systent. The Bitten or Tunic perh des the Jiksud, strengthens the Norila.IIXUCLATice the Liver. and gives strength. energy and vigor. Kees...year hoorah. active whh the PHI., and tone up the opine raithltitte s or Teak. and nu dis ease can Plaiu its hold. nr ever m alt you. Recollect that it le Mt. 1101/FLANDTI GEN. MAN ItEllhblitS that ere en uniserrally aced and highly recorruntadedt'atd do not allow t pianist to induce you to tate anything, else flu he may say I. Net ah gond. bevaieee he maitre a larger profit Ott th The. Rernedlea will ho sent thePRINCIPAL 6~Pl(. g llr it Mehl Sl4,l.lalla4elpid• CHAT. EVANS. Propileior Formerly C. I. JACKSON d CO Donedietare fa* &ii Sy Drug. gaga. lllorekeeere and Jfedielne Dealers - everywhere. Jan 18:ly ME Beaver, Thai3ealtim Selig tee Nay WOO • I doe* clan t: and bob" UN" r. at alai rfampudal,lts • „Soft ealiebit 4A left • • stsis ' —3IL " Mae 'din to gollidle Las — 4Ciseticui es oaf ; (pER.274, - . 1 . - xo. Arch - A ungit, kitsdurgh :flu; aettAleeleiedllgeter k SELECT PargitY; :". ' WHY AIIIK'Off OTHICHH?,': • . raox free omMulalitait. t. DAM& - • Wby ask anthems “akaldoblitik; to dal * . W y bat revolve toeunk th kitis_tant sawn? Man, Mind and noel wltlf MUldelq ough, l 9k . tied' suns guide well. illiml ,.. to their light' at.' here. Friend. never followttai • false dries:••_, It's naught bat nee Mang weatheratek. Ood'a holy counsel hi youWleasi , but prize, Let it your pillar be and fork. 1 • Filmset( but question. Wortid'i adder to 'feels I Uer natty want is idols draftee. What high sM bolds to.diaj, ISSN caprice tools,' Tomorrow all Is crashed ancltnown no mat/. , For empty ',nib trlumptilit Meet rite, - - Laurels had from gender plenum loch. v ' .. What God advisee In yes, but C d rPise,. 1; .Let it your deeds foundaioughe an roam • ;.• lim l egnrn 4. . (Joa.ln the heart. He gni of Wiwi The only wreath wet any a oat all, ' •,. Eternal Jostle°. God hinuentbwOnwx. ' 44 f.' Ceowns real worth and dna: to MI.; s•• • What God advises In y ou r •,•;1/ This rule tor -what to =tri de; ...• Ito that wnen death weighs ' fhir wary On. A peaceful glorious L e a MOW treillytele... 1 Tilt !OLAND lw;.' : ' --.... _ el m .. - , .. 'Tie not a new patent. but na , g Dees In.lusu. , And many have tried la hJellmilelk/,Illbooli„ . _t- •-• And let me describe It trom : nro!v - r - . The licelzebuh Patent Shades . , • : :=,•,:1, : ..„ . . =7.l'be young and the old mamma testify ' 'To Ms power in changing the troth ba a lie, Or a Ile to the [Mho,* the patron may Will— , -% Its very complete Is the libtadatHiU.. ", - k"t.. , t. This machine wiltrirah bintin t arechtl wa y .'*, ,' Where thepeople momenta or pia .. ./2 And the blast of bawl* igr ir ts at w 'TM crank of the famine .31IIIL ' .- . Item grind your •Chttneter ill lbw tw ;Alai -. While the millets that, awl dames, sad laugh. And the victim foals e enddsa •Alit • • • ' ' , al'. At evert tern of the fliandrilirll • - . . A!: -• . -41 IA Crifital with ens ittaltimii's Mn., ' - - .Atid 'changes her grime to stnend whore: 't.. Is While Ma handl/ ghter44 s llo, lll , ledinnal to a blot. hy A man may %bit& himself ' ' . ..• , t /1114 tratu Ms virtu*. le . ',,,„,i ..... ,'' ~• Bat la In uswtradJkod.. .' ; '• . 7 • 1 4 4( 4 '=" 1 . , - : •Ily a flag% tats... ' ' .. ' .--- ,-, - The toolliertsho tolle her babe and beeni t , I. r . -W WI • manlasi talilaalcitha Ma iNtun tails OW hoary mouths ti2 ll By passing through he Wander. Hill. Tlt father. whose wick that 1414 and child. W th himself, may pan en undefiled • T the Land of beet when Godshall will, _Li wound to dint by the litandlolfilli • 1 ~ There Is hushing good, t noble:twin or pore That, passed through - Ude mlit can tong autism When Satan Invented the thin n eel% V Ile knew who would at. the blander.VilL . So bring on your grist; rod have II ground In the isnot mill that ass ever.foiaM • eln.4slnuidy resides. and will take t he toll. . Returning the chaff, but resent:ll'oe soul. • . , , 1 In all nor banes there's a mill at work; 'Tie the human tongue—the Devil's clerk— V Who faithfully I:l7ft. hAPPiTer anti tint ' To Petahs devouring amhaerAUL V -- - - • Ototareet la thy CUlirlit by town and by tower. The green Bunnghale and the dark linden bower: Thy weverAattetydlmple, mite tuck en the plain Ra And Rhine ancient river, thou 're goals! , . The roves are tweeter, the air la mod - Mere blithe h the wog of th e bird oa tree; Theyoke of the mighty is broken In twain, And Rhine, dearest river, thou I'l Getman again! The land la at pears. asd tweaks forth Into doss, The bills. In their ec.hote, the endears prolong, The sons of the latent take up the glad attain. t•this Iltdne, oar own Rivet. ts Genoa again,"* Thy daughters, 'wood t l fver thy dalltgb' ten so fair, With their eye. , oldest azure and soft sonny her, Repeat 'mid Onalt dances at einem the plain. "Our lititne,oor ow, riner,da Gartman again t" SELECT Late upon an August in Constantinople, i or rather in the dirtiest yet moat pictures que of its suburbs' a party of five gentle- men were seated aa dinner table in one ' of.the large Loa that stood upon the ' sea l brow of the hill w itch slopes downward till it naseh l w the Itosphorus, not far front the new pa ace of lint Sultan. Their un dress unifo'ms, awl the glitter of sabres anti angry-imps scattered about the room, suggested at once that the ocramonts were attacks] to one of !the armies then carry ing on the great snuggle in the Crimea-. The frequent references made , by aft of them to 'the front,' and the tone of inter est in which the latest news was inquired for anti risen, wait' usual enough in any company at that-time itt Constantinople, but their familiarity with the/subject,. as they discussed it oyer their wine, made it apparent that nand, If not all iaf them, were well acquainted with the lights anti shades; of a campaigner's life in the Crimea. The conversation was carried on, in French, and the light-blue uniforms of the thieneurs a cbeval,' and the dark &wit of the 'elle/scull it pitsf,' stiflintentiY ' dstab• Halted the rutttonaSty of the rearm. The youngest' of the 'party, although wearing the undress of the cavalry; from the mdrk-. 1d accent with which he spoke; and' from the various shads si of differenoti,`More or less defined, which distingulabied the Sax on fmm the Gaut,was wittingly an En glishman.. At this rnoutent he wasspeakr. leg across th e table to; Lal)i dark,soldier ly-looking wan, whine brouxed,oounte l.ance bore tuarkeof nytre . thtuiento Unl earned "victory in Algiers. • 'I iiiik, Si. Itelieri„ *a prilwe"ourour ut.w counuaittler-Itechief. Mil you'.:ree serve wider Mtn in the chlonids? Gnawer here was telling me to-duty louse Ftaliei - about him tha t Svouldl augur rasher' sharper work an the front than any ire • had • hith erto.' • 'I was a 'sou* lieutenant' under hint one suiiiiner in Oran, my dear Arden.: but we were- in barracks the whole lime, Still, 1 know a gboil deal about him, and can venture to promise you wo• shall let the Rusainas see that they': have at last caught s Tartar in old Pelistifei.'" 'Well: aid the gentleman' referred to as Duclicane, 'I am grAd he has She ecuunsud,' but I should be sorry to have on my con :science the load the old fellow most awry, oil his, after that affair:at ttre , • •Pithaw replied St. Hollers.. 'what In' .the deuce was be to do with thebeirra lle'had to clown between losing t best part of Ida own men and the destruction of a hoard of murderous rascals. Butcome, a e won't discuss the matter; it's two : soon Mier ilier.er for an argument. What's to be done ton ight !Finn, to arrange where we are to mesa tuluorrow-rs Ilk you, L think D'Eper nay!' sold Arden. r • •. • • Alt right, loon eherT rejoined l)'Eperniiy, a good-looking man 4a the uniform of tbellite, as he rare frt. the table. 'Perbleu,' Arden,' be eantinned. EMI ODE. Sy HORACE D. IrALLICI. A NIGHT Efi -.-- - . . . . _. ..... . _. .. . - , A . I 4 . - • , ) ti •,.. EMS 22, 1871. before the large dinible Winch , Wil, tern latticia of which ware thrown Amit the soft night air that mine *thing over the pine-tops Then Anneal the Bosphorus below. ;nu such..a • ir yle an this. Look . Vetere" t look, D'Ariller! Mau Met ,WelLget romantic scene be . re:hititt": . • 'Napa up InotelMautsful stand• have been'aelected among the mud this beautiful city of the vast Turkish grivoyard, with meet of' cipraises; ley almost ir fetit.' On the right extend- PariPliko enclosure. Its lofty ted with myrtles and nerets, aer, foliage and Interlacing thuds deusaSereen against the iitipettinent eyes.. Beyer* -tithes dfirk dim swspt the with here and there a, shy as a 'crtiquedji' or tisherniits shot across. the straits, latßae lantern suspended from isr.,...Occashibally the moon, throttgh the fleecy 'clouds that ihe Sky, lent in increased brill- The pine and ;VOW in Alter' spires, deepen, arkoriditif.the shadows below: areas palacei of t lie •pachs a with ig, gliebering Mosel illununated. ta; were scattered In the distance; night yl breeze, cool son: mobs, from litMolll, , alma sweeping past, -.saner its stole n' 'flagrance from thre jasnilitieilindmyrtteirof Scutari. • • Ilia'frigistimt3(if Latakia win ipriarent lyitralermd to that of the myrtle by the" lit knot that collected around-the win thief tit the cell cf D'Epeniay, and meet 'Chau= and cigars were lighted In the .pair of anymore active method of killing tibia • . . . ''What borisit is,' Yawned SL Ileßefit, 'that the opera is over fur.dhe Month ! you have nut spoken for theiast two hours.' • I 6andetun you to suggest something to do.' • • 'Gam' night, thee; replied D'Anlier, "I ant otT. to bed. it's now uwirly•eleveh. and /,'yea six o'clock parade the morning,: You' fellows on leaviso4 lie id bed ail lonian you like.' • • • 'Bengt% alt, don't-go yetr saL4 frEpet nay. -41 say, Arden, .whatiirthis enclo sure next door to you ?'• . • 'lt be lon'ga to-unnoekt paths or -other,' replied Arden. 'My Mad tell, me In invt gut_ - Isteemit. ell la doer's there, at the tram!:• ~.,. By the, anenteland !" .sbouted „61„ lichen, tasking a -plunge off the divan, and neatlyupsetting I)itehestne, who was perched on the back of the 'chair, endeav oriug to see how long lie:01/11111 preserve his balance, have on Weir 'Well, pieekaidein'k. tweak my neek:_in your astoolshrnenropthe novelty, hut let us have it. I've not „fiitil such a thing in twenty.fonr 'mum' `Nor the twenty-Mtn years pnamellng, you might . add,' chimed In 14'.1.:pernay, with a laugh. • I 'Listen, you &Boas; oanN St. , I.'utt say, Arden, tlunt the cha has his I -seraglio over, there ?' : 'So my servant told me thn other Morn , But•what has that to do with your idea?' "Only that I am going to try rind get a peep at it. Thery was a' general alma of assent. at Om( announcement, from all except D',..Aplier. who attempted in vain. to: dis suade them fmm undertaking it. 'Well, he said at last, 'you will get in ., to a =founded scrape; I warn yam You ' have not been here as long as I-bare, and don't know how istvagelt makes 'a Turk tointerfere with his t: .• 'Dock botherD'Artiler,'•replied Arden. ' , We. won't let Alm old Gillo'w karrwany thing about. It., Malone limit we manage to get over2'• he continued, tuining.tei ht. bist”icomitarenth iro' oho Itigitiolg•••• :I • 'UM you got d ropit T: acs this reply. 'No; but you can take tine L iable•idoth: ['Tine. 'COMO, D'Eyieriiiix Duchesrie! clear, the' table.. Put the:decanters and their-4Utywnere,." ' : r t r .,t • • titer blughte'r the tattle - wits z". . . related-inn! wi • 1 11, 40e.' : nome!bevitatrost -bow -to • hetet:tattiest& tilt-Dueetenneveggentattilierr wunitten dithering in getting the massive di nner•ta- Me through the window, and,neting upon the hint, that piece or furniture was push -1 ed up close to the lattice,and the cloth made fait to nue or the aolid legs, Between the wall of tlie garden and the i side of the house ran an alley, four feid wide; and 'it now became a nrobleM among the four adventurers;—for , D'Ardier refused to Join them—haw this gulf was to be liaised, the top of the wall being about eight fe'et below the level of thy window. •I'll tell you,' said Antra. 4 1 rim the Hghtest, and I wilt lower myself down part of the way and seeir I cannot awing' over. 1311411 then be able to. hold the ether end of the nape while you fellows slide ddww' Lowering, 'himself cautiously, Antim succeeded, with Some little difficulty, in L."491,114111* a foothold upon the wall. SL [fellers joined him, ininu_•distesy followed by D'Epernay mud Duchene. IStopping fora moment to wave a Jure. well to D'Ardier, who promised to re- main at the window till their 'vital:obey scrambled down from die wall, and began to (brat their way, as sileotly as possible, through dense and tangled hedge that surrounded the park. Not a word was spoken,!exccpt an occasional small• ered excladtation from D'Eperibiy, the dandy of the party, as the Minns of nn tuuicia or aloe threatened destruction to some favorite garment, nettl they stood within a small enclosure, from which paths branched off in apparently all di rections. 'Now, then, fir a council of war,' said St. Hetiers, halting. 'I% hick way, Ar den, du you suppose the old fellow'd villa W lie'? , • _ '•Either or those paths, I imagine; would reach it; replica! Arden, pointing to two that ran nearly in the same 'firm- Loa. • 'hold on!' cried D'Epernny ; • let to; divide and•try them both. Four of ie4 lo gother will be awkward.' ti.dam along, then, Arden ; we will take this,' said St. !Idlers, matting forwaid. "Au revoir roue nutrour." • St. Helier anal his friend followed tile path they had chosen fin ,nmo time. winding among parterres of flowers and past little summer-houses of the quaintest devusw; painted sad Lidded in the extremes of Oriental taste. 'Upon my word St. Heifers, 'this Is enough to carry one Lock to the Arabian Nights. Look at the fountain yonder; it seems spoining diamonds. Was ever any more charming! And see the kiosk, iri...... how it g litters in t y moonlight!--Ali ! what's this r. • -- A turn of the li . had brought` them before a large building, standing embow ered in trees, and apparently uninhabited. But as they approached it. St. -Metiers toaelied bireouirade's arm and pointed to a lattice, partlyconceeled by the liter ant foliage of a running vine, through the leaves of which streamed a ray of light. 'Unbuckle your sabre; lie whispered. as be took Milne own : 'we may be beard.' Then , stealthily, keeping as much under the shadow of the trees as possible, they crept nu until they stood under the lighted lattice. To get up is the next ..thing.' said St. Ilellersbelow his breath, as lie looked up, 'thiubdully at the tangled mass 'of foliage formed 'by the vine which premised to ho the only Assistant in the attempt. 'Whet' do von think. 'Arden can we climb it r 'field on till I get my boot, off and I'll tell you,' replied his companion. in the acme subdued tones, usher endeavored to kick of one of the articles in quest( in. 'Now, then, let me see what we nave to hold on to.' The next moment thayoungsoldier hail commenced his escalade— The vine was a large one, trained by irns clamps driv en into the crevices of the wall, so that, Although requiring a good deal of ever 'tion, he progressed more rapidly than ho ,expected, and was soon on a' level with the lattice. ' ' . A smothered exclamation broke from , him, and made tit. Hollers immireengerly what was thematter.• 'hash! Not Sword Conte np is quick ly is T. , tt can and makeno noise. for Otis sake.' Although bander and Ira active tlutn ldsoncuponion. St. Ushers was soon sestc4 besldecildro tbe , bread_ stone slab formai( tho, lodge of the bat* Ca folly pqrpoi fusWo thrifts's' Was screened it, and placing 6iatye to one a the Wrath... tti ftt t•at.r. id the onsh;tt sight sebztuterdlnary burst upon his glir&that his start id delight and as- Innishant caused lahu Al.uo,t In I.l?af Itfs Eat; fur, britort} tt.ent, in all its Eastern nanguiticenee and 'oiliness, Viart-.• the harem ur the Reclining in the ulna pletumuititi Heil natural position; isune hive' buried in plies tderitnson cushions from Tripoli, or aluswis from %Caohniere other. nested, smoking, ill the low divan Hint crosses the endsa the room opposite the trench. emus -hiltitir„ the :wiz, tubes 01 their tuirgiles glittering with Jewels, there lay the dark-haired, slurry eyed Cireamilins. Chancing little children were idaylfir, Gloat tLe npartruent,•iind 'this palls of musical laughter Mut broke from within nuist onre.trained -enjoy . Omni. . . The elianilyr was 'urge, and evidently one in cominon for , ail the. members of the harem, profusely, Aletxtrated with all the rude' spkodor or the florncenie school: The son light abed through It from some unseen source lent 'and refintownt to, what, might otli ... v appl i onsi w il t •1e ....,...1 meretricious and r ,A.,.. ••• Neither of the two sol her s poke`ini ,thOr eyes fthlowed the graceful mare incubi of „the !tiocuparita of, the room; and IC:was, liftrutb, a rare and beautiful' pic ture. With Mar raven hale flowing in iareit oirer their shoulders; their enuuls itelyisit Jilitures and &Jinni; (vM,iPlez ..,litna, theagraceful Persian , cosl unies, "Ali coo blecif'with that attraction which - 'fe ral& itirelineik exert , . over men, , now heightened .by the romantic cirtuiustan ' eitsAliderwbldt,they were beheld, made the enchantment of Bt. Milers and his fiiend complete. Hut befdre long It wan evident that one figure ott meted their un divided otention, nor could a fairer vis ion of mere material beawymell be found to itatzte the senses of man. - • In a semicirck"toshiona, a little apart fmni•the (Ahura.. the pearl of the ha pant a2ersiatilwket of crimson silk lipen across the'hos um , lame whit e trousers of the same meturtat,latberodut the ankle. which was clu ß kAblitrary b ut ubt of gold above a daY, nakffiliad, that played care• carelessly wOh'it i e tiny e m b r ukt rl tsi slip per which hatjallew from it; her dark haarfell is fobri long .atrings of pearls wreathed car,elessly through It, forming at once an ornament and support. Al-. gently the fieant.rwas In a pensive limo.), for, while one hand held lutlessly is lute, the other. half burled in the wealth her dark tresses, formed a ,rest for a fritudy• face that appeared all unconselous of itx surririnoings. Etiltdielv, what (11 you think of this V , at last Whispered Arden. 'The mast glorious creature! ever saw: replied his eonipanton. never—' itcf.we he had tiMo to. - linish his sen deuce, a ahout : lfierce and, wild, rose from the opposite side of the villa. followed by a prolonged sar-r-r-e, and volley of oaths, so unmistakably Freneg. that Arlen ex claimed : 'D'Epernay's in a SUC•4 4 . end confound it all, how are we In 'help lam?' 'I do not know I'm sure. look here! We 'than flrd have to think of helping nu mel vev.' 'And, WI he spoke, ne of the dooris of :the harem was ,thrown violently open, .and it confused crowd of female threw end enntieloi rudied in. Apparently :something of the most alarming eharaeter 'hall mauling], which the two friends at once judged to be the disravery ur cap ture or Dl:ix-rutty. A hurled consultation convinced thins :that fur the present, they wore luxe . liable In disc:twerp by remaining where they were; and It was with the moat. Inteinte, ,Intereas that they watched the scene with shi the harem:' A perfeettlabel offeatale tongues enured. For . tho first five minutes, until nu - old eunuch, evidently or high authdrity, sue• eroded in some measure in restoring nulet. During. the .confosion, the lady Atrium Wonderful loveliness had on/strongly at tracted St. fielders and...tn*n,"retnaintxt itidetend composed; alttunth deeply in ., Wetted in the-tale the (Id can h, with marks _of. thernost pr.ofound ros •ot, Lattl hegun In relate to her. After isteniug tny a short lime, She' toterrnpted him, td Wer.ri ;fen- words •nUceintmentiz wide! WiFe - frdlotia by thelninieduiti• - ifetilif: tare n( several stases. Doristhk time the female shiver, of the homiehold collebtert pear the ent tame dram, and -we re Nuattedip „groups await ing some new scene in tifelyunta •St. Whiqpered'Artien, •ire better be off: they ;we going toseetielt-the park. and. by this bright moonlight, we shall he seen to a iartuinty.' There was no time for 'reply ; the old runnel,. M. if atentkikr a saikien thought. walked across the rootn In the inttice, and began to unfasten the inner sash, • You oh! 'villain, nine Sheiturn fly int with your exclnimedtit.lielierg, rind:lug his lhit at him with so much euvrgy that he lost his balance, and fell with a mask through the thick foliage of the vine to the ground. Aloud yell annnuneed to Arden that all kapes agaanceshneut were at an end, and he began to d cseeados.sap. idly as the detaining binuches of the cree per would admit; but, in the 'hasten( the' moment, his Ihnt,slipped, anti he abio came tumbling to the god d; and landing on top of Nt. licllere, whnowas busily search. ing on his lramli and kneea for a missing boot, they rolled over lovingly on the gra.s together. •; lope I didn't hurt you old felleav r ex claimed Artien..breathiess with, likughter, in spitc of 'himself", •, . . . • Onlyl knocked out of me the little breath 1 had left. Where Is-that.con• foniulml hoot gone? hook id4rp, Arden these fellows mean misehief,'r A pistol shot or two was fired from the lattice: bet, !n the confusion and bustle of the Moment, the Indls went high over our heads. The yells of the eunuch, mingled with the sh 6111a:ream* of the women,male guilt an uproar that both the young std. dices felt that they had nnaime to lose.— Seizing boots and sabres. without stop ping to draw the former articles on. they ran nt full speed as nearly is possible in the direction front whirl! they had entered the garden. Noises in several otiartetlibtlicated that I more than one party wart-in pursuit, and the knowledge that Turkish vengeanro WAR apt to be prompt and summary htl cases like this, caused them to exert every I energy to inch their inendly tablecloth. More than ours, us the flashing of torch es and the sound of voices warned them of tho approach of a party, they were obliged to conceal themselves within some of the coverts of myrtle - scattered through the park. t I'll Zell you what; alospered St. lid- • tern, as they were crouched under the low branches of a jessamine, while the sound I of eager quillitions and the occasional ring of steel, as a scabltird struck sharply against the ground, gave warning of the doneness at the pursuit, 'l'm alarmed for D'Epernay, these fellows look so savage: now as it serum to me the must of them are in this part of the grounds away from the lonise, what do you say if t've gsiback and search for hint andliuchesnef 'Wait till I get my boots on, and I sun may to go back. of muse. Now then Carefully retracing thuir-stepa to where they. supposed their oampanions had been discovered to satisfy. theinsodvm, If possi ble. that they were not taken prisoners; and taking advantage of the deep shad ows around them, they at length melted a spot a short distance from the mansion: An anxions survey satisfied them that their friends were not detained outside the home. 'St. Hellen!' saddecly cried Arden,. the.' Bosphorus must bequlte near to us.. wager that D'.Epernay has. managed to double on these rascally slaves who, you see. am at the other end of the park, *nil has !tacked the shore.wbere he may set awaym a calque.' 'True.' responded . SL'lTellers, thought 'ln any event we bad better exam- Judging now that there was loss ttin ger of being been, they walked rap Illy thriven! without taking their previou s precaution of keeping In the shade. tr den was even gnanlng at St. H.'s sober countenance; and accusing him of think- in of the harem. when the Phlud" -itz ' followed by the heavy report of a match- Incl.k.,owmaamAednitenhent...uorfAtnheir mistake. ly chance now is the toter!' saki St. It.. pitching into a ! thick. coppice. followed by t once brougb h en t Tha report of the gee a the red of their pursuers on their tracks, and it was soon evident to both that un-,. less 's calque should happen to be near the shore, they would bare to swim or be taken prisoners. On they' went. Mat+ law now of beingseett, dashisg through Established 1818• brat viand over partierea of flowers, while the'ints,a, brtaktug through her thin veil of silvery clouds drilling across the sky, lint all her brilliancy to aid their ,pursu era, wiesie white drosses mold be seen hurrylbg• front nil porta of the park, their Mint" anti yella titling the air. 'Tidy way a little,' ...alb* out ".% who, toelog the moat aetive, led the way— 'this way, sit, I teller s —b • y Jove, thew la a er ;lac anti, by. all that'a glGrlous, • ttuwo 1 Duelwanolicul Epornay: but—what tile, devil I—flatlet there tr army ! hold on; don't pnah-off yeti Whit the deuce is Ike aorta's. shouted Artlett, as. he aud :it. Heifers rujOstai down breuthltwa to the abort:. 2imilethlng wax evidently the matter, fur,. lu dellaucirof the altuutxof both, the magpie royale,' front the allure; u atrug , glo o flame 10,01 wax going ou; fnraLeavy fall wan followed by a Turkixii outhx,.ingl then a epi,r il, am If PIOIIIO body was thrown' overboard, autveeded Inimeullately by another.. A cheer (ruin ii'Epernary, a.. the ,:ique was pushed rapidly In shore, indiente; a change of ow Horeb • • • • - 'Look out, St. lieliere, hero m u ted the rascili in (tree,' elenited Arden, %shall' a ilerzeit white figure* mine leaping. the hank toward them.. • r• Wu Altalt have W , dd t y uisin • Winn, Arden.' - , , : And the iiezt" moment three-' beavi eavelry , sitbro4 flashed ou tinto the emit . CC Therge,andi u the iwtinuidreht bark, ,erhlleilYEpernDy brltiNelt *aqua!' ahouted:SC, Lietters. . r hi r n l shout% and groan w e, ad curios, , of steel i us the two soldiers, - -broad% deuvie,steadlly buck. the slaYne ; wane later. and frEpernar Was beside tlietn, - liavlim left Duertesue In tintrge 01 the extreme. ' 114e4Arileii,'eouni back, fur Ileav ' 0.1 . ei sake, or those hifiiituil eniquedjia slit swim In end taket t lbe CfiNigC (runs It was prltilrf the wisitd, course; for rrinformuients could be mien pouring down from all quarters or the garden, Irmo wearing the blue uniforms of the Turkish In fautry,abowing that the guard front the • olieeept, harr.teltii hail been turned out. 'Come along, Arden ' ' cried feEpernay, seizing his friend by the arm and drag gle); him hack, foltowed by St. Ileliers. 'Look sharp. Ihichitsue, and shove MIT ho added, as all three tumbled on board. A few vigortius strokes of the °amour ' tied 'them into the - swift current, of the Bosphorus; their Loaratiers Contenting them-elves with a volley of ' random shots, end sit flag 4.11r1.44. until they were out of hearing. • 'Well,' said St. Itclier. , resting upon his oaf s e they dilated past the eastern point. of Me Golden Morn, •yout have heard our story, Wl:peril:ly. now tell It was 111114111 related: liuchasne and himself, after wandering through the ''park in varlOus directions. hail retitled the villa on the side opposite to that gain-, el by St. hollers mid Arden; in attempt , iii ) ; to explore they haul frightened an old fennde slave who gave the alarm. I-feat! log a rapid retreat for the tablo-chttii, the pursuit was so close thAt they had been übligty 1, a•tAriten suggested, to double on their pursnere and seek an temspe by the it...phone:. They had soma:riled in making a bargain with,the owners of a double-oared cnique, when the repartee( tho pietold„discluirgeil•frona the v/1 lit - ducal them to delay, in the hope that their eninrattes might make their retreat by the Sll2lO node: but, on their ap proach, pnrsuod by the slat eA f eaNtenipt became frightentst and endeavored to fume them on shore. Alt persuasions proving unavailitt,,they,woro obliged, to resort to More [urethra measures, and; is the only way ,of *timidity; lho,etreat of the whole party, bad quietly pitched the rightful owners or.the emigre!. over- Imard„. . • ituuning the stolen eraft'ashore at one Of the government landings, with a ea • poison left under the cushion to reim burse the owners for the sudden eiestt lot), the four officers stepped on shore. • !I think,' said St. fteliers, &slimy light Eel their cigars beforeseparating, a the less said about this little affair, 11w the prot ein, the better. , We, are nut titer only Frenchunni in Constantinople who are fond of:oo6[litre Como, Arden—gm/d -elight!' •.• ;' qtaateci them nut ,to Aura. lowa on him. lie thinks that, the, reason hn received their particular' attention A. Web'' Pentane is C ourt . Sarno "(1 0 ' i ree k,i g i c , n• H e t ; . nt , q n ; . onenny i in wag that they' mistook'. him" loofah ratelligao,T6niftr watt. -Samuel . zo. BrinellinieNeOlrec.' , . -,...--‘ -.tie. scow* - eles, of Itimershurg, was defendantln a A strungcr.who was inaldi t t along suit Wherein the Cminnonwelulth was with tienerdi Winters Inuit uleposit- Prth'ecutor• maniuet had beets tried hug his coin iill the floor of. the ecxwh Mr .selliug .liquor without license, to 1 4 ., s i o n us he comprehended the sittut inta,,rs, and on Stindas. 10 these of- !,, fenies he had been duly convieted, and I °11• ,The ileneral !toys he waa moldy . . 4 nt i nq u atun b e n was „b un/ n , p ,„„ e „.. ittiont,'lt that the Jingle of hls twets toner, when Sam suddenly sprang to hew. , tit might have teen ' heard, three 'feet, exclaiming: - . ~ ! hundred -, yank, and at last down ' "HOl,l uti,Jidnel I wish till say that i, went his watch with a tremendous I'm till be married. un Thursday, and 1 thump. ''hell !lodge started Up he wish ye'd he after holdin - on till tilili." '• Well, Sainuet,',' came into town at a veryilvely ntte, said the ' ll Thi b l ° i arriving in the city but tylenty•elgitt Judge, who did nut wish, to interfere . with' the prospective happiness of the minutes. alter the rubbery; the tlis ancient groom, "you wilt please enter tuna) being over live miles. All the Ito reoegnizance fur tt:kap In ese t k of u o ,' wit,y.h.to town the Stranger was nt1i 0p,,... fur your aktiostranta. on Thursday, lIff; awl tabling, half the time on his and %;ou fun go. ' 7 head,: hunting his twenty-dollars 0. "qts, Jidge, ye see, If the •weinan deas out of the straw. lie gut the would hear of mu going till lair , surest', l ast one just before the coach reached it might interfere wed the arrange- I ~, The . rubbers did not ask nurntwoue ra by terribly disappointed. - I the ci ty. . s.uit,.l NI:L.3J. Then mating his eyes the passengers to give nue, cent—tltcy over the crowd until they rested on the knew' they hatl ne lime to spend form of Colonel Boyles, ne called out.? upon them. ••I.'.tio . e here, Colon el,. an' goice ( WV As soun us !Lodge retched the city The atsatmoutistitur (planet tame (me- 1 he guvo the sham[, and stow Chief ward and promptly complied, _giving , 1 ,, Jwi1t . 3 , Lind niter either, w i, ri ., in . atuuel thu fret9tun of Itimersburg and 1 " ilia opportunity of committing tuatri- 1 il("tion• ()Ither'i Marrow and r " t. minty la;fore lie retired to the cold datum ter took horses, and going up a rave walla of "The Johnsen House." ", in to the iwuthwartl of 3lount I htvltl- The whole scene was Indescribably I sou, got round upon the west side of funny, but we et iiiii ot picture It in true the mountain. After traveling some 'graphic coloring. I distance they caw a man upon the --..."'," said Colonel Boyles, - y ou !st ow. lie sate them at the Fenno must be here out Thursday. - -s art i n ty," said Etch _,, l, ..1- 1 1.„ litre, 1 bloment, and made tracks tutu lively no . I cunt you to lie hero till bail liu l rate. Ile was soon overtaken, when out, If the Jidge should send me tit' I 31errow dismounted, and by a knock jail. - on the head With his revolver tap. And away %%TOL Sala, as happy as II , tuns' hint. Uoingback. on his trail fellow grafting buckwheat. ' they found a sack containing tslllinti --...- w ... ,in coin and *Ail : 75 in currency. The tiolev.iu Old Juke., .1u(IX Winans:who k ordinarily as grave as a gravo-steiw, kept the laughing the other clay, while attempting to get the Speaker',; eye. and so obtain the floor. "Mr. Speak er." cried the Judge to Mi. itove4,. who wai in the ehair. tt r aker•-•Flte gentleman b pot in nr. like to 1M told, Mr. Stwakrr, how you know that before 1 say what I %%wit. I Laughter.) Speaker—Therrutleman will rake ilk NAIL , Winans-44 they. anything in the mks that require tile to 1w• seated iterate 1 haw, said a vont' Speaker--The gentleman Is not in order, and thli Speaker cannot pro ceed with the Imsinesa until order 14 restort.d. • Winans—Would It ,he Atntloing a ' point of order for me to address the Chair? (Loud Laughter.) N'oiees from over the Hotise,••Mr. kpeuker," "Ntr.fipealcer." Speaker—tientlemen will 11.-411111 e their sent 4. cox —I kx4 that inelude the gentle man from Ohio? Speaker'--The Speaker his not yet reeognized the gentleman from Ohio. Winans-1 thought as much. I have here, Mr. Speaker, it pair of spectacles of great 'magnifying power. Shall I show them to the (hair, co that L may be seen? ' !Wars o etauaitter all over tho lonise.) Speaker—The gentleman is out of onto. Winans—l rise to a point of order. Speaker-I'lw gentleman froth Ohio ; will state his point. Witums —That a motion toadjourst is always iu order. (Greet laughter.' n from Ohio n:ovetO adjourn. Winans—'Thnt was my wish when the Speaker Itivitell me to tie seated. I . l.nughter. Spooker--Dno thegtsfileman &in Ohio move to adjourn? • Winans—No, I've got over my hurry. And so, the JtrdV cat down with Immense gnivity,and t Ito Ifouse ;wits thirty convulsed with laughter. —A Heston paper ranker the fill• lowing report of the actual' duration of prbiou sentences hi bliessielausettt;* "it ffs §nitt that the avenge length of life sentences in our State Prison Wave years, while, that often year terms is sixr." ' THE BEA ti Llie pu bil.b e d every Wedno.ohry D. 110. I olil Airoa !,ukltilok.; oil Third Street, Hew, Yet; Trott* • Coolusoulodloara oe •uldoeie of lo , al or loners; liitortlit are togpottlbllk lkited. T.. !attire attention favor. o !WA kind inuytiovariabfy Neeempa ; 11•.1 by Ow name of the nolltoi. I„,:tuo , t, mot ematou nit:nth usa should be? J. WkArA;ND. WaY.Or. Yn orru4r. tlouiligisr IN NEVA DA Ulu or maid. waive 4 4401 .1 1 4411*00.. •.. io nabbed -Vrvpt e tionor Ise• Dog illivoyery• Who Topmost.- Lively Account of th e AMU., • 'f he 'Virginia f Nevada I . .I . ..Werpriat,. of 3lstrels :it Is nays: „Yesterday snaps—. lug, shortly before fonrst'elfas, a.%.. ‘‘ esi.,,,"rargo .Sc Co.'s teaChr•s werio ' coming Irmo Hiner to.thisi City, the' '-'s Is aditigstage.diivras by linty Itudge. •.-.,.• wan styppssi by rubbersoutbettslelger, • ()nide, a short distance beyupd the summit, and the treasure beret takelf ." a:al:plundered. The PhiceVliittilliii • robbery occurred, la sr narrow 'plartsf , - fit the road oat a curve beyond. the . summit, and just where the teamsters going toward Reno stop tri.put.,tlut "slums" and rougieloek n upon l/seir , wtowls.. Frons tienend John li. *ilsters.• • • who wastin • inside passenger in the; •: mach, and fauns I'. ISeitileiviutee.,• • who. Wits on the ,MIL outsiths with the striver, we have obtained it v'e'ry full '', atastitattof the mannerist stOppingthe • stage; anti what iseettrred up to the 1.• • time they drove away and MI, the... robbers In isonseselon of the trsirsurr • buxen. ":iitip him !", Was' the Mitt' int itisidlots that . ahy one • bud- that ' there were robbers upon the rued. wide then di:peered on the upper nide of the rissd'ausi ono on the lower, all itisisked and maned wlth elite guns. The driver butted,' when one . -of . men, in a disguised 'voice, spruk tug luarsely. ruiti: "Threw . that box on the lower nide of the road!"' Hilly took 'ir survey:of Ow situation, and Milling tire. murales of • two shot -gun.; in eluse proximity to his and lkiilisheitntes Antal:, he . slowly .uplied. limy 1616W-11z:it • there Were two fast freight' wagenrs, the littler stag:- and two or Alen* pri vate carriages but two hundrod sir , threw ,Ituttilreti yards. behind; just ' around the.henti,and he wananxioun to gain time. -1\ Intern Says he Was it long time in getting the bfivout s and when he did throw it down It fell es • light that he tsaid to hi o i se l-...There. is nut much In thot.'' "Throw 'old , that-other box!' cried the leader Of' the lama. "What do yon Want with • that asked !lodge. "Never mind,'' throw that box oat!" and tumbliOg • 1 about Its twig as he dared. !lodge ill . i last threw itout after the first. "Note drive on." ?mid the less jandil. 7 'lodge drove on. . - . ~ One of the rotasers.took up u posi• Lion at the nide of the coach where lie. could cover humeral John D. Winters with his shot-gun, and kept pointing and bobbing' around smut Winters began to fear that the fellow would let his NUR 1:0 of through :sheer sit•rv•- • ' ouninaas. Ile told Ida). at last that hi. would oblige hint very Illuchl by turning the muzzle of his gun away. ,„ After some hesitation the fellow turned his gun aside and -let 411/W11: the hal11111t•nt • When the etr.teh was first stopped! this same fellow, who type standing 1 on the lower :tide of the road, got a fall which ivonid have pleeed him in a bad pasitlon tradthere been mayors! position, tv; befell on lIIS, knees be twoen the whmls of the coacb,giving hits instil a bad butOP hgninst one of the wheels. Winters says• he could have reached out and taken - him „by • the top of.the hued sts.lar lay betweet ' the wheels. The edge of the bank • had broken off under his feet, bat he soon railed andellowed winters to see Into the enii of hlti gun. During this timeDeklisheisuer was enjoying himself. Shot-guns to the right of bins shot-guns to the le ft . lie says the finite In the end*: of the harri•ln appeared to be at least taro feet In diameter: He. earneetly re- man arrested k known by the name fif.loinkoti, with srVeral and was arret4etl some months agora' . the .-kife robbery at Cornell's drug stall.; Afterward Chief It.twney arrested' II:1111111 well knower a: a bvkceper and restaurant man. Ile was found at home and In 'bed, 'rho nature 'of .the evidence j` fi ii t ga kOd ns , tfarthereth d a u naeearll/y4ulnden he lirueurreil the shot-gun fund f thelswitsisirdntif.lohnsonironischoip I.lant.tnith shop. The third man had not been taken at twelve o'clock lad night: The rifled treasure boxes ‘vere found neat: the scene of the ma , bery, with let tersinal papersscatteretl about. The Head olUary Pituart. Senator Wall, Of New JeNey, in his "Itrixdlections of Abbotsford," thus speaks ore painting in the din ing-room of the great novelist: "The dining-room contains a fine millection of paintings, one of which at mats rivets attention. It is d jlainting of, the head of Mai-et/men of tieots on a charger,sketchea a few hours - Idler her execution by a young Frew:tips/Me; who visited Fotheringuy (tstle for the purrkie. The head is laid upoy the'eenter of the dish and hand l IC • an oblique position, with th ghastly neck merest this spectator so that the nosels foreshortened and-the,nes trove sits f beenrom y a ou very. Sadie ilitileul posi t tion riiust • h -position for artistic effect. Yet with all theta d isadvantages,the artist has achieved wonders. In spite o: the foreshorten ing, Ist spite of the livid hue of death, the fa:: k sdpuclatively li.tutiful, and in gazing ?it it one ear bet hwe'eny tale of the witchery of her lovelincss. The dark buictinged with gray, part ed on Meek...sit brow,milsdowewani - in luxuriant waves, us it told& the l ghastly evidence of decapitation. The nose., of the finest 1 ireelan Ibrin descends from the broad briiw,whieli Leurs that 'width of ridge' Lavater said 'was worth a kingdom.' The eye/ brows are exquisitely arched above the eickst"ii eyelids, from beneath which" you can almost, fancy you eau discern t he gleaui of dark, melunch my - Awes. The mouth is slightly open, and, though Poniewhat swhllett by sufftving, is of exquisite ilwmation. The whole picture hi terrible, yet fas cinating—a perfect image of deotli tyvlcilenee, of beauty unsubdtml by Into." , 1•121
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers