~ :,: The. Beaver Argus. r Oorroni inetod hit Monday. If nothing ”brestas'!. In the rneanthne, weArill lay the President's message before emir seeders Ina leek; Ix Canada all *mien, :whether 'wives,* wido'we, who pay tares in there own right, nre entitled by - taw to vote . for school inspectors. r The Detroit fibitern• Otthigio assorts ; that they exercise their right on election days, without hinderanoe, and are treattrt with the greatest respect. InE Washington Per in ßA/por al I ud. ing,to the candidacy of Messrs Mack. ey and . Coleman for the State Treas. urership Mys "as bet Ween Mr. Mack; ey and Mr. Q01E413E114 la one point of , view, the public need not carea colt- Ilneetal. 'kith belong to Cameron. body and breeches, and the eiectiqn Of either would be a triumph for Si mon." TitsP....PEW—The new Ttemocrat lc 'daily at Plttsbunkb--inade Its ap pearance on last Thursday. It is about the size of the Cbinlnavial, wed has an inviting appearance. Its edl torialsare well written, and the jele graplils irtn7 freely used bflts thro. prreiors. •We wi sh' "The Paper" fi nancial, but neepolltical Hama& 11:X1 Yhuhhei .the ldiseledppier, who murdered Col.' Crammi U.S. military officer, eighteen months or two years Ogg, was finally i brought to trial a couple of weeks ago, and sentenced to the PenitentlaiY for life. Tbe re port that he was tried•by a Jury com posed entirely of colored men is con- - tradicted by responsible parties. Thq Jury wadinude up of both white and colored Jurors, THE N. Y. Observer says that "some congregations regard it as an affliction to be compelled to listen to a sermon un hour long." Ono would like to know ^.how many congrega tions do dot regard a sermon: of that length as ,an affliction. A salb rule 1 1 on this subject was ante laid down by a distingub3hed English jurist,though not cx cathedra. Being asked b' a young clergyman how long a see mon should be, ho replied, "Twenty minutes, with 41eaning to the side of mercy." Comma in his "Task" states It rather differently. Speaking of the sermon of a first-class fashiona ble minister, ho rays : • W ust twenty intrudes huddle up the work, And with a well.bred whisperriose the /cone THE regimental bands In the Prirs elan army have something else to do besides making music stet the men to march to. When a battle begins • they are o r dered to fall to , the rear and keep guard over the knapsacks of their respective regiments. Tho only atms . allowed them are swoids worn at the side ; and taking this' ' fact Into consideration, we are better able to , appreciate the bravery dis played by the band of a certain regi ment during a late battle. While engaged in Watching the mountain of luggage Intrusted to their care, three French cuirassiers and ten infantry men appeared in the Vicinity; doubt less confiscation Intent. However, our martial musicians did not watt for a chllenge, but sallied forth and • captUred the whole band and tri -7A'rTgikrffiFigidb of Illinois has a —woman attorney-at-law. 'The Su preme Court at Chicago refused to admit Mrs. Brethren to the bar, al though her acquirements in legal science were - idMitted to be superior .both' in kind and degree. But at Effingham on the 16th inst., with no ble disregard of mere technicalities, Judge Dean licensed to practice in his court Mrs. Ada H. Kepley, who graduated at the Chicago Law School - last winter, but who bee not hitherto been allowed to employ her talents and learning In a proper manner. In Making the, order in favor! of Mrs. Kepley, tliOlearned Judge said that - by did It because "he thought It wag .proper and In.aceord with the spirit f the age." We hope that the new attorney and munsellor, will get a greiit =4 eases. and be well paid • fos her services, notwithstanding the barbarous, statute of Illinois .which ' renders her liable. to a tine of tam dollars,for every dollar that sho nr reives as ram: - At- tin election held by theLeglsla • tumor North Carolina last week, ex- Gov. Vance was claosetkto a .sent In the U. S. Senate, to succeed Senator Abbott. An examination Of theacts •' of the XXXIXth and XLth Cow • groin, and of the first acasion of the XLIId; show that his political !Miles for particpation in the Rebell • lon'have never been removed; and It isea -general opinion that!CongFess will, certainly refuse to Jelleve, him now, and his adinhadon lotheSenate 14 therefore regarded at Washington City bYßeilublican Senators as very. doubtful. It Is . suppostsl that the friends of ex.(lov. Vance will urge in his favoti that he opposed Secession until the State of NOrth Oirolina want out of the Union, and that dur ing the war' he was elected Governor by tho people of that State on a plat form opposed to the Confedeiate Ad initilstration. Ills opponents claim, however c that thew facts will have little influence on Congress, since they . also remember as Governor of North t Carolina he was as bitter a Rebel as any man in the South.. TEAT Governor Geary Is above the reach oftnoney while lu lbw die t harge otitis duties tie Governor of thc State, we. do meet emphatically believe; but It is highly probable theta matter will cense before him next winter ,which will • anise • his motives to belmpugned, let him dis pose of it as be may. We refer to what is known us the "Nine Million Bill." .It will be remembered that he vetoed that nieabure just before the close of the list session. Afterwards too, he addressed the voters of the State by letter; and urged upon them to elect 40 man to the Legislature w Id nut Oppofe the passage of the aet In question. Suppose now, after vetoing the bill himself and • after thus warning the voters of the State,tintychosen body of Legislators. Who will pass Slat same bill at the coming session. what will be the Gov ernor's duty in the premises ! If he interposes his veto, again It will b, add that .he sets his o wn will up asilost the widen of _the people, for they knew• what they were doing when they elected these men to go;to garristmuy ; If oothoother hind, he 1311=1221 . . withholds further 'appeal that-to the" nimiure, and permits It to riteame a law, he will be charged witlikaolPi been bought by the Railroad' corn panics desiring its Otsego I. Govera onsimve their.troubles and are liable to have their nets misconstrued as Well as calor mortabs. . •. --, :' • • THAT miserable humbug,- the CardiffQardifGiant, is on exhibition again, this time in Springfield, Masichits-, se tt s . It is, as usual attracting largo, number of confiding visitors, who 'treat any suggestions of imposi tion (tom the incredulous, with con tempt. The Republican of that town fisks : "Row !AR that but one form of tie mighty a race as this should be granted this strange . preservation?" - If the Republican will be patient for a little while we judge It will hear in. due course of time that a female Qtrdiff (Rani will have been found imbedded deep in the earth under the roots of some old tree, and also of an irifient Cardiff Giant exhumed in' the, same lemotlity, .Report says , theywere planted abont ono yeatago, and it is high time they were dug up and brought into market. The pee. pie , the Mated States, therefore, need. not become unduly . excited, if within the next few months, a very respectable ,ram of Cardiff giants, males, 'females. and infints,; make their appearance in our midst. At all events it won't hurt to be on the look out for them. :THE Nevi York Sem Bays ono Dr. /titanium, an English physicist has propounded the theory that mind is not confined to brain molecules, but Is equally contained In other parts of the body. If this could be proved, it would afford the lawyers oppor tunities for ilhe introduction into medical Jurisprudence of some new principles. , For lustance,..a pick pocket's counsel might claim that al though his client) brain was evi dently sound, 41.4 fingers were afflict ed with klopemania, and urge his ac quittal upon the ground of insanity of the hands. Or,An absconding bank official could plead that although the impublim of his head and heart were of unimpeachable integrity r imis legs had . become mentally demoralized, and run away with all his goodprin elides, together with whatever assets of the financial institution he had happened to have about him; and that it would be an act of manifest InJustfco to o iunisb, the whOle body for an offense coneelved . andexeouted by such inferior members: In view 'of the possibilities suggested by time now hypothesis, it isle behoped that its originator will fail to establish his extraordinary proposition. A LIVELY time may be expected in the first Senatorial distritt In this State from now until the,adh of this month. On that day a Senator is to be chosen to fill the place of Mr. Watt,deceesed. Thedistrict is close, Mid only an acceptable nominee can hope to carry it. The Democrats held their nominating convention last week and selected Col. Dechert as their amdidate. Dechert is a lawyer, has a good military record, and his nomination proves satisfactory, to his party. The Republicans hold their : mini- Itudingconvention today. 4, Price ‘iretheriU was fixed upon by the norreamed to The dkdrici a suffielent length of time. William Moran es+ has a number of active friends who are striving hard to nominate him. Ho is said to be an excellent man and if nomin ated will more than likely win. • A MAN inyitcliburg, Mass., un dertook to keep altogether too lively and rapturous a thanksgiving.. Ho, in the ardent pursuit of domestic happiness, he engaged. to marry two young women upon that festive an niversary. But, ELS the awful time approached, Mr. John 0. Bell began to be alarmed at the great and, we may say,duplei rwiponstbilitylwhich he was about to undertake. " r ifis gen ernes, capacious heart' said: Marry both of them I" But the -inexorable statute said:`"TheSbiteVibiotij John, If you do!" Under titese'embilrmss ing circumstance', he suddenly be- thought him that ho tead it pair of legs, and hp fled upon thein to un known regions. in thele days of emancipation of ,women, why could not one of these dbrappointed virgins —by way of consoiatlon —marry the other? Tire report of the State Treasurer ;or the month of November, publish ed herewith; shows that from May;• 1870. to the 30th of November, 1870; General • Irwin law redeemed State 'bonds and redheed the State debt to the extent of $1,521,1166 16: In the corresponding period, Mr. Mackey paid C 100,170 22. The Improvement of our State credit is seen In the fact, that while Treasurer Mackey paid three per cent. 'Premium, Gen. Irwin has redoeined.sl,3oo,ooo at par, mak ing • a saving of $39,000. These are, some fit the results of the reforms in the law regulating the Treasury De partment, Air which the CbmwreiCll Magid earnestly and long, undo( the . management of an °Meer fully in sympathy with theni. With 'such results before them we apprehend that there is no danger that either - the people or their representatives Will: take a step backward.-Pair. Cbm nserekil. • . TIM losses sustained by the Prus slims In the battles around Paris from November 30th to December 2killt eslinutted at about 1,800 men. Four regiments of the Saxon force-.the 101t14.106th, 107th and 108th;--loss A .Paris dispatch states•that timed lyantaget gained by Ducrot and Vl-• boy, are highly important. Vinoy, with two divisions of the second 'corps, was perfectly successful in cut:. tint his wily on the 90th, nslarsouth s Dungls ; and only retired In order to allow Duct* to . overcome the ob stacles retardibg his farther advance. fifteen officers killed and sixty-three wounded. The total number of French prisoners token' was about three thousand. Aihrkie from , Paris received up to a late hour on Sunday night •my there has been no further attempts ruade.to force the -Pram:lan —Dr. Wakefield, of Ittedmver, Washington county, who Is flitting years old, has wheeled as high as 00 !ambler dirt a day trout ocollar lie has larn recently digging: lie lute alio relied two civil% of potatoes from boo piece of ground, both good. lil . 1111111 E AND . THEItE. ! A countrynsair who was. once I alined with ten in:llmm( whiskey:, which a publican had pat into an. eight gidkm keg: said he didn i t mind the money so much - as he did the strain' on the keg. •', ' Spangler, of South kid dleton townshipoCumberitmd county was foe :14(16W to bed on Wednetairw morning last. The deceased had complained of cramp before retiring for the night, but no serious results were upprehended, —The total eclipse of the sun will take place three day's before Christ maa dayi,, and by that time we shall lmve copious accounts , of the obier vatic:as' of the phenomenon to be made by able men from all, parts of the' world. This will give •a - solid and scientific seasoning to holiday conversation.. • • -..Disgusted at last with ' the row-, dyism and inefileinncy of their vol untari?' fire, organization, the Cbm mon Council of Philadelphia has parsed a bill abolishing it and substi tuting In its place a paid fire depart ment. The department will be under the control. of Commlasioners appointed by Councils, who serve without pay. • —The editor. of the Herald (Col "Jake' Zeigler) says that ho com menced business In Butler thirty-six years ago, and now there, are but sixteen persons there who commenc, ed business when he did. A few of them' have moved .away, but. the most ; of,thebii haire died; The editor philosophically concludes that" Time makes all things even." —The Uniontown Genius of liberty says: "There is a white turkey hen that has been seen upon our moun tain, in and around Three-mile spring where she has lunged for the last fifteen years. ' She has raised a brood of fifteen this season, two of which are as white as herself. She is fear.' fully wild,and very , white. Hunters have thus far refused to shoother. - —George Bush, a resident of t3alesp township, Cambria, county commit ted. suicide last week by shooting himself through the heart. He was• aged about flfty-five years, and leaves &family ofyawn up children. The deceased had . been laboring under spells of insanity for about two years, and his family were in constant dread of him. --,The.school house lately comple ted in Wyllie, Johnstown, cost $28,000, and is one of the' fines t and most complete public 'school build ings in this State. 'The building is large, anti contains eight 'spacious rooms, which' are furnished in the most approved style. The old school house, which was constructed at a cost of $lO,OOO, is also a model build ing. —tin a Chicago hotel, there Is a pat ent heat Indicator, running from ev- . ery room to the office, so the clerk can tell at a glance how hot it is in any room In the house. They.had a wo men's right's meeting in one of the parlors the ether day. when all of a sudden the indicator:said "red hot" and the firemen had a hose in ,that parlor in twenty eight seconds, and Olt 'em out. —John Millerto boy of Canton township' Washington county, was nihrairal threw the boy 801116 ten feet in the air, and when he came down, went at him again, but overshooting the mark, one of his horns ran Into-- the ground and was broken oft The boy crawled out from under the hi:ll4nd escaped. —W. - D. Fnir,the first husband of the adventuress. who killed Crltten den.was a native of Lynchburg,and a die tingulshedgrad uate of the Virgin in Military Institute. He cotn mand ed a company in the Virginia regi ment in the Mexican war, after which Ito came to Aberdeen, Mkt., as a lawyer, but soon engaged in teaching. He Was there elected captain of prob.. aly the first compafik from the south that went to California, and with them crossed the plains in 1848. . Is stated that Mias Terry, the Young Cuban lady who married So nor Roberts. the Spanish Minister at Washington, on Monday, in New Yorlf; received .from her American friends wedding presents to the value of forty thousand dollars. Since the "Diamond Wedding" in St Patrick's Cathedral, in 18-59, when the Cuban millionaire Oviedo was married, by the late Archdishop liughes, to Mist Bartlett, no bridal has so deeply agi tnted the . fashipttable world of New York as that on Monday. —A wonderfpewspaper wasl.tte ly prepared b a - correspondent in Paris. Ile had cut all the news col- Urns of - the Paris journals of Novem ber lit * had pasted :them together, • and then photographed them, redue hag what filled seven columns of prin t to a space sell' ceiy more than an inch and n hall:square. This he then tor- Warded by balloon mail;. and, al though to - the unassisted eye Its 'con tents were undecipherable, by theald of a very powerful, , magnifying glass anti a strong light it could be mid. —The Republicans of ButlidoCoun, ty,"Minneseta, wire somewhat 'both ered at their late election.. Their candidate for the Assembly was Mr. P. Polin; but they were met at the polls by tidingsor hisdeath the night before. Their county- is large and new; its population thin and scatter ed ; and It was utterly impossible that they should commit and agree on another candidate. But between a dead Republican and a live Demo crut,"they had a decided choice; and, rather than be misrepresented, they chose to be unrepresented ; 'se they cast their vote solid for Mr. Polin and elected film. They are perhaps the only constituency in the Union who have attained an - absolute cer tainty that their representative will net betray his Nth by selling his vote. —The people of Unit's, Stimerset county, this state are greatly exer c4ed:over a clerical scoundrel that has list' come into notoriety, and which will Fulminate In a trial for seducthua at thergular term of the criminal etiurt,"ftleh ii novi being held at Somerset. The amused is Rev. Jenks, minister to the congre gation of Winebrennarlans at Unsina, and the prosecutrix is an Ursina belle of s...veutern, of engaWng manners and ropooseising olVorance. - Dr. ilarais t of prabin, recently delivered her of a . healthy male chilli, and two hourssubscquent to berateoucharent, her mother gave birth to a daughter. Phis is considered a remarkable air; eumstan#, and he; added not a MO to the ,ciretilatlon of - the • squidal. - The deposition of the proseeotrix, contolns theallegation that she wns, ifidneedlissubinit to the embraces of the clerical gentleman by sistatement ho made to the effl that by doing so sbe would be eotnmittlng:nosin as all clergymen were privileged In that respect. The people cof. _Undo& are exceedingly wroth about the matter and there was some talk of, adminis tering a dose otter and feathers, bat, this legal steps taken by ' the parents of the girl soaked the powder indig nation. —ln the Kansas Senate. there is one lonesome "Democrat," a Dort of political Alexander, Selkirk, Or "Last Man." He votes with entire unan imity. Nor is 'his mind distracted by any danger of a split. It must be Just a trifle funny when he holds a caucus.presiding himself, offering and seconding all the resolutions with nobody 10 help bins, supporting them bystioquent addresses to himself, and then putting the question to himself, and announcing to himself: dlt is a vote." How he likes these tweets of soliloquy we are not informed; but human nature is always pleased to have its own way; and her ..is "a Democrat" whose "right there is none to dispute"—a comfortable, un embarrassed and self-sustaining unit! —lf men were compelled by fash- ion or for any other reason to dress as absurdly aS women do; a great many men would unquestionably either go mad or die young.; Uwe. is Miss Susan Rickert of Springfield, Ohio,. who, not content with tbe waist which nature hid given her, must put herselfin a tight. press. She pall ed away at her comet-strings fur p long time, gave oue final wrench, and fell down dead. Before this opera tion, which may be regarded as sui cidal, tha youdg woman had been in excellent health and spirits. To our mind, these stays always have bee► and still coating() to be an exaspera ting mystery.. Even if they condue ed to a symmetrical figure, they must be excessively uncomfortable, where as they sham produce decided do. formity at the expense of disease. ANPECT OF TILE WAR. WO have a few additional de..: of the abortive Hartle from Paris on Tuesday. On Monday and Tuesday the chain of forts-to` the soak of the city maintained-a: ' . vigorous eannon ade, which was properly regarded as a preparation' for a' sortie - In force. The attack was made on Tuesday. on theSthPrtualanCorpsat V110 , ,Y, the Prussians ' being supported by their gunboats in the Seine. Feints were made in several other directions to prevent the Sixth Corps from re ceiving reenforements, but ' they proved unneceessary. The Prussians easily maintained their positioa,and the French were Soon driven behind their works, teaVing, it is-reported I,GOO prisoners. ' The battle of the 23th at Beaune resulted in amore serious defeat of the French than was at first 'report ed. It seems as if the IntenUon of Gen D'Aurelles de Paladines was to brake through the Prussian left cen ter and push .on to Fontainebleau. With nearly his - whole available force, including the TwentletkElgh- , tcenth, and portions of the Fifteenth 1 and Sixteenth Corps, he attacked the Tenth Presidia Corps at the village of Beaune, which lies midway be tween Fontainebleau and Oct , : . iacntirlirnik - in check' wit e ar rival. of the First Division of cavalry and. Fifth of infantry, when the French were repulsed with great loss, amounting, as the - King reports, to .1,000 killed, 4,000 wounded; and 1,700 prisoners. The Prussians do not Seem to have pursued their advan tage, evidently carrying out W WI 10 which we have before refer red, of delaying operations upon their deft wing until the extreme right,. under the timnd Duke of Isfeeklenburg,has fulfilled its errand In the west. These desperate efforts of the Army of the Loire to burst through the living wall that stretches from Chateandun to Montargia, and: the equally fruitless 'endeavors- of the garrison of Paris to beat:Abele-way out through the bars that2ettgo theme demonstrate plainly enough the straits to which the Army of the Re public is reduced. In spite of the resolute proclamations of the Pro visional Government and the heroic courage and energy of Gen. D'Au= relies, it is evident that the end pf resistance ii drawing nigh: It is 'a problem as yet whether the capital or the metropolis will fall first. The army of Farre has proved teapot& of a serious struggle , with Manteaffel in the north. The half-organized claws of Breton's and Normunds in the Department of the Barth() far from being prepared to oppose any substantial' obstacles to the march of the Duke of Meekletiburg'sanny, of the Loire tun no longer tight nor fly in the presence of the invincible veterans of Prince Frederick Charles. The fixed imPrestiloti in Europe of the 4srobabllity of 'a speedy adastro phe Is seen frith° ready credence ob tained in the Stock Exchange of London by a spurious dispatch an ' pouncing the capitulation of Paris, the capture of Paris and of Tours will Ise, it would seem, almost- sim ultaneous, and Prussia will be left to make peace on her own terms and ip her own way. 1 , It is doubtless this near prospect of approaching peace which has made the intervention of Brassie so pow erful in bringing about Ithe, arrange ment of a Conferenes in London to settle theEasternQuestion. 'Germany is already considered us virtually victorious and unembarrassed by the way: The public men of Europe are already busied with thecouibina-• time which are to follow the furling of flags and the *silence of drums.— N. 1. Tribwie. TUE PUESIDENT APID Neatalik- M Geo. Spinner, U. S. Treasurer, writes as follows to The Eseni4 Post: "As tho President understands the matter, McOarranhan claims that a patent should be issued to him, on his paying the usual price fixed on Government lands for agricultural parposeis, because he had heretofore paid a valuable consideration for the same to a person, as heclahns, acting under Mexican authority ; but which conveyance, it now turns out, was made by an irresponsible clerk in the Mexican Land Office, after Califor nia had come into the passeasion of the United States; and that he ante dated it, and forged to it the signa ture of the person who had former- ly, under the Mexican Government, been authorized to sign land grants. "Phis gives McOarrahan, in the opinion of the President, no !mai right to claim a patent for the land at his hands. He therefore, precaution ately directed that his name should not be signed for him by his Secre tary, to such grants, withhout his special consent thereto. • "Now this, you will seeiwas aimed at the MeGarrahan claim, and- orig inally at that only. And yet, in every article in the .k.'rening Post on this subject, It Is either stated in ex presi terms, or so put that no other Inference can be drawn therefrom; that the President objected to the laming of a patent to the New-ldria Company because he favored the Ifdlarmitait claim.' . Now nothing can be further from the troth than midi*: nnitipe, - ot siteh infslidbrenotf. The New-ltitrie - Ckopany Claims pri , PrittPt - right Ito ,f pates*. under a law in - rto .. .• lands of,the Sthte-tif Wnla rid hopes to ob tain ld a lutialnal , „ this very val uable rainerd • • • k that I of n edit the United States hu • • reds tho of dollars to • . . • against_ dui kb garnthan dahn: -"kit Kt: is hargli.V vrorthithe while •$o Vita upon the ' reenonyorhy this coutpanY is men' titled kr a patent Its the land; it is enough,to know_ did U. President hrur all along thtiught and still thinks that heithee party a- legal right pateap anita to demand a• and he doubW whether.either of ' dies has any validdaim tothe ... He believes that the land bdi Übe property of the United States, and ache believes it to be worth many Indlininst . he thinks (knives Should pant a law for its profitablediskoard for the bene• tit of th t LPeople of e United States. Upon this e President has acted throughout the various transac tions. relating to this land claim. ---- 4 4 4 _.--- wasstmenrom mug sigrommenps. Arrival qf agXen—improvs "meals in IV ton—Agricultural Department.: ionnrs— Cbnemiestoner 0 0 —The &mu BlFeau—itAbleiler Cbrps CbounlitionernfPatenfa—General Land' Opee. - !I • ,WABIIINGTON, XI. C., Dec. 1,1870. • Each train to the Nation's Mecca is crowded with..Cottgreennen and their familles...,Tfie near approach of the meeting ofbanyess each year, is a most happy time for Washingtoni ans; eipeiallY Die business' portion of them. The preprietois of hotels, bodrding hozusas rind restaurants, feel good with "their fake prospects of re euperAidgionin t.hOr adverse condi tion, and be able ace more to stand erect upon a 'Sound financial basis." As the meeting of Congress brings thousands to this ity, the adjourn, meat of it carries With it an edual number, and tharlaithese longinter mhalontir 111trusetill embarrassment prevails. . _ There has been Considerable .inter est taken since tho close of the War among the large o.4erty owners, to make Washlcier self-sustaining.' Congress has s beaa - petitioned from time to time to - nanke necessary ap propriations for liaprovlng and beau tifying the city and its surroundings, t o and last Sassiani they succeeded in getting aid toil' several avenues, clean and purify canal , ruining through the city. hick has, hereto fore, been a 'grad nuismoa during tlie summer maths • and 'a small sum (prwilding it ; be used Judicious ly) to deepen thechannel of the Poto mac suilleent to i ailew the large aim I vessels to reach Washingten• • ' The Agricultuhti Department is becoming more and mote attractive to visitors - ,—Whifb this . . Department should receive, attention from Con gress, second to nape In the Govern ment, it is*: noted fact, that. with the exception of the Educiational Bu reau, it has herekiihre remived the least, compared With its . demands. Through the able management of the Commissioner of it, however, a most magnifica* building with the nem sary outbaildintrs have been comple ted at a faqirs' expense to the Gov ern ment, end glow With as assessment upon the people of iess than five mills per capita, wotildmake It one of the grandest, most interesting and useful lostltationtr - lif die 'Government: 1 Com mlatioaeir Capron complains that theapp_rsl e ig=r4 n ongress are li Pourtue / mom or the country Making inquiries on sub- Nets of scientific natur4 pertaining to agriculture, demands Mere scientific labor than hlithuds wig pay, and the agricultural interests of".the country suffer in consequiated. ior the Mu seum, for instant*. only sl,to was allowed by Congieosin the appropri ation bill for sustaining It fora whole year, and only by , private contribu tions by those - employed in the de partment haiitatbied Prof. Glover to make it so inte - Msting—By the way, t id this tonne . io n; ( will note that on visiting the P ?Ps ,Lobratory a few days since, I as Shown some fifty Varieties °rappe r s Moonily from N. C. a State whichrparmetheWar was not known'to corWe to the Agricul tend Depart, at n'ain,glo apple. and to the people, generally, of the Nort 11, it was not conl(idered an apple grow ing State. I ..i. The- musts fluid cure Of Fungi,. known as mil ew eii mould on the i t, grape vine, is veiving practical at tention. Pm TaylOr, a skillet ex pert, late of the Ordinance i)cpart tnent, is anga , ,Ved for the first time in this Delcuttiatut to ex:nubile ti)icro mit:mil:ally the krowth and causce of the varietiout Fungi which Juice: the vine in so many %Mimi forms. Ex periments arebAngitiacleon the vine branches with. tha view of discover ing the best maga dcetroying the mould-like threads' which omtains little spherical billet found in Au tumn on the branclim and especially near the butt, which .cotitain lit tle sacks titled iith spores oilman that one huntirall'etil fifty Ultima/al of them :night kOlt on a veig small pin head withbut Mucking each oth er--(t world ef' interest to the scien tific observer, butadmad to the fruit grower. 1 , Heretofore it has barn the custom to apply solution of Sulphur to 'the leave; only While the vino •was in fruit and leaf, butaince these ekperi itents hox‘beenlbstituted; the' ees discovered, haveifterge.stol that the best time mayproire to ba in Autumn and Springjust Wore the buds open Into leaf. It Li 4 10tereitinz to view by the aid of Ake microscope, the vine buds, many lor which are sur mended by the Irungus spread out like se i muchtal . work.. waiting as It were, for the ture development efthe tender leafezi" over which the mould (mycelium) spreads, carrying with It the Work of death., Tee practical gaits of: these expe riments and obseentioti will be pub. 11,shed by the Department at an early day. - 4. I Since the agimilon fur Old removal of the Coin misoloner of the Land or -11(9,1,6 PreSidentand Secietary have beau getting bored by pofiiiciaas end office-seekers *aloes M do their country riervica with their counsel. The majority :Oft thew) .Honorable gentlemen Mc= Mend his immediate diatiaissal for the good of the Repub lican party, doubtless on amount of bailing, a particular friend whom .they are anxious to be appointed h ~ successor. 'A :feet prominent W ern liepublis, however, - W is re- Ported. hienended upon the Pre il dent in Bir..llrllson's interest, advt.+. tug his retention inoffiee on amount ot his . eitideney If for uo other. air. W. has dodo certain M. C'ia great service in finis gone by, owl he now feels them in duty bound to come to his Mena In this" his time of need. Therets b‘xllttlejuseTor an. outsider totv to obt , tda tk.lengthi • Interview _with hbn now nearly his whole time Is ;aim up , In button•hollng likeudonsiind tepresentatlves:- . The work : in the Census Bureau. goes on much faster, without doubt, thanevestie - Atm: Thenreaent. head, Gen. F. A. Walker prOves to bees I at first Predicted; the- right-man the right pike. ,; In his classifiestibn of thelbree under him and his close, critical and untlringftttention . to all the minutia of 'the Work,- as akai, of the individual workers, or clerks re spectively, alimAng nothing to pguer unobserved, and seeing that each one la doing the work he is bent fitted for, and that no Shirkers, or Puy who are disipateddin'remain In the ofikx`. Is the great secret of such an immense amount of work being done in so short a time. He does not desire either to overwoik, any one, we fire sure—he so `expresses-himself. and those who are neatest, to him, know that it is not his:Cluu-acter, but simp ly requires, and,'as Nelson said, ex pects every man' to do ids defy.' Thu clerical force as a whole, owing to the great care observed, firstly, as to character, and secondly, to the great trial strain of examination, has made 141 unhesitatingly assert, the ablest of. iti 'numbers that was ever before employed in any depart ment in this city. General Walker may well be praised fur it as the re sult of his &nstant care and effort, and the country May well be pleased with General 'Grant's selection of such an able Superintendent. ?Ir. M. P. Norton, a Patent agent 1 from Troy,'N. Y., Is hero' making a vigorous attempt to ba made Com missioner of Patents. It is said that he had. strong backing, and that he had even the approval of the Presi dent. This man has not borne, how ever, alvery enviable character,"and a great inany charges have been made and placed before Secretary Delano, and it is now thought that ho has no shadow of a chance for the place. He took the . benefit of the bankrupt net while indebted to the Patent Office fur copies furnished, anti a bill of about $l6O is, we :understand, yet un paid.' sidldavits. have been .made that her:luts received money from in ventors fur entering their etses, and that said MSC's were never presented, although he solemnly avowed that they had biten. It is sincerely hoped that' the Patent: Omen will not be saddled with a man like this. The General Land Office has just received retufN of additional sur veys In Montana, extending over an urea of forty-eight thousand acres. The lands embraced within these sur -vem, iare situated in the valley- of the Jelfen;on • *river, and comprise some of the finest agricultural lands '-in the territory. The bottom lands I are natural meadows producing two tons of hay to the acre. In sections 31 { and 3a toWnithip north range, 4 west,' a number of silver lodes have been discovermE (tIEL. SOLDIERS ORPSIANS. As Appeal tor the Sallowish llonaestead at Gettysburg. An appeal has been issued In &quiff of the soldiers' orphans, the "wards of the State," who are domiciled at Glettysburg,lnthisState. It is signed Rit MA%) SimiWin, of the Methodist ayor ox,miu kteargo - tr. blunt, esq., and should meet with a beady response from all who take an inter est in the welfare of those who 'have been deprive& Of parental care by the ravages of war. The appeal is as fol lows: The National IL:int:stead for the Orphans of Soldiers of the United State;, incorporated by the Legisla ture of Pennsylvania,. was formally inaugurated at Gettysburg in the yew ISt& Thu orphans -now enley ingit4 shelter and the benefit of its fine school are natives of Arleen States, to wit: of Massachusetts, Vermcint, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey,Pennsylyania,Delaware, Maryland, Virginia. Ohio... Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, Geor gia and Florida. The institution owes its establish ment mid continued support wholly to the charity of the humane public. Anuing its most generomipatrons are more than eight , hundred' Sabbath schools, in eighteen States of the Union, and connected with almost every branch of the Christian Church. The Homestead Is not designed to be lost to its present friends and pat rons. It is chartered to be a perpet ual asylum for orphans of citizens when no longer needed for orphans of soldiers. Now, Les the war for the Union is fading front the public memory, and sympathy for the soldiers' orphan Is not the tender anti generous feeling of the past, gifts do not flow into the llonicsasul treasury as heretofore. The decline in its reeeipts threatens serious embarrassment to the insti tution in the midst of Its noble work. Intim!, unless :liberal aid is soon provided, the institution cannot possibly ennlinue'to support its Pres ent large fatuity of dependent chil dren. To h compelled to dismiss a single child for Walla of means for its prnper support —to turn It out ofdoors in sight of its,fialier's grave and the trenches where ho fought and fell— cannot be thought of as a possibility.- The patrioneand hamane public is respectfully ;and earnestly called upon, therefore, to lend timely aid, that these orphans of the Republic may remain in their school and plemant home until better tilted to be 4ent forth into the world. All who would share in this blesses' ministry to, these fatherless little ones may please intimate their desire to the gen eral secretary. J. Francis Bourns, M. 1)., No. WO Walnut street. Philadel phia, br sentirtheir donations direct to the treasurer, Peter ii. Simons, No. old Senora street, Philadelphia Pa. MamtEw SIMPSON'. G EMRLE G. MEADE. 'DANIEL M. Fox. GEORGE G. STITAILT. NEWS SUM %WV. —The Woodruff sleeping ear pat ent has been extended. —The San Francis:xi Mercantile- Library made $310,122 by its lottery. —The mink :unison in California has set' in, Aispelling the anxiety about the mpg next 5W.4011. —A St. Fetersbat3g telegram of the Ist says: "The pacific solution af, the Black Sea question is assured to day." —Cattle shipments from the West continue lively. Fifteen cur loads weatlEsst from Omaha yesterday. " —Five priSoners attempted to es 6tite'from the Nevada State prison Thor:slay. One was killed, three mortally wounded, and the last_am tured alter a desperate struggle. -4ames Duff, of Pontiac, Illinois, TreaSurer of the State Reform School fed nt that place, has failed, with fifty thousand dollars of the School funds in his possession. The State Is secure through his Ixmdsmen. —David Miller, living about two .from , Wellsburg, W. Va., on the Wellsburg and Bethany turnpike, while returning home from Wheeling on Thunvlayi: night. was stoppt.d on the road by four med..who tied and robbed him elf $4050. lie was found tied, by a neighbor. %%emits Mk clue to Ur robbers, 19' A c z AN r a New and Elezzad,CUtestreted VOA. 'OUR SISTER REPOLIC • • 4 fit Cot.. Ataxitr B. rums. atm simians% tSlaglateigoolupg And Adventure lu the Lad of the Aztecs: with Charming . PEN AND PENCIL PICPUREN of Maxima Life, Character and Boanery, and start; Hag and romantic Historical Ltemieicences of this Land of Ihnnance, Wonder and Mystery. ilt Is a bright and racy work, written us a bell liantstid attractive Style. dillsout a doll page In it, and cannot fell to be popular With clawses^— /beton Rai. ' • Ile pages eptritle with wit. and are instinct with; ever trarybig pictures of Mexican Lite la all itepbases. The Illestrations are excellent, and We shall be mistakeu Il It does not command a very - extensive sale. gym DITIIIII should put thls boori tutu the hands of prier chiWstai."—L'akage Vibram *litany stories of adventure are as livery arthey interior ndd M ea luife rong h nd t en sa o re T d ra e v i e g l ht n u h y piquant and entertaining. The book has a germ• tae and substantial valtie."—Oluistian Union. hie competition, and dells to al. clauses. Agents are meether with remarkable success. For circa, lara and terms address the Publisheno..CLUM HUS BOOK CO., liertford. Couu. dec7;4w Election Notice. NATIONAL BANK OP lIZATLACOLTITT, I NNW Illuairrox. Dee. 7. Ibio. f The stockholders of the National Bank of ben• Ter County are hereby notified that the *nand meeting for the election of nine (9) Directors for the. ensuing year wilt be hold at the Banking- House, In New Brighton, on the eceond eeadar. —loth day—or January next (I 811), between the hour. of 11 o'clock and 2 o'clock at the bald day. By order or the Board. EDWAItt) IltX)Pri. Caster. MiZI • Orphans' Court Salo. Tract qf .Latiti it: Darlington 7tncn'p. By virtue of an Order of the Crphans • Court of Dower county the unanalysed }-reenter of the Last Will and Testament of Soutiellfltchell, deed will expose to pubic sale on tla premises . On Wednesday, January Vh.1871, At I o'cloek, p. m.. the following described real Wkin of step deceased, Vizi All that ter. tain tracfof land situate In Darllagton township, Be a rer coney_ Pa.. boued on the east by Wok of John Ur/Being and Joseph Sharp, north by Ands of Wm. McClure, and west and south by Ands of Alulah Chalky, James McGeorge, sr-, and James McGeorge, Jr.. coatalulag Eighty fire Acres and 57 Perches of land, more or less; about II) sun of which are cleared and in ,'good state of cultivation: the bal ance well timbered. There are on the premises a to tuz7 frame dweilloglsouse (recently built); a one-story cottage house, a log barn and a large frame stable. ne land la of lint rate quality and 'le situate within hairs mile of the B. Et. W. S. C. Railway Station at New Gallike. Tress.—Onc third of the purchase money to be paid in hand on the confirmation of the sale by I the Court, the balance to two equal annual pay ments with intereat. For further Information apply to Geo. M. Young, all., New Galilee, or 'he subscriber on the protean. tIYN'YIIIA dceLaw BrocutrLr. fXr Deeds, Bona., Mortgages. Justices' Blanks' Cart constantly on amid and for sale at this Mike. The Best Paper, MEM . • • Best Inducements! • This Qusster's 13 Numbers SENT FREE to nil subscribing, before Decembers!. M.O. fur' min yeses Fifty-Tyco Numbers of MOORE'S RURAL NEW = YORKER, TUE GREAT ILLUSTRATED RURAL AND FAMILY ..WaILY, FOR TOWN AND COUNT IL. Tue Itcna4 how In it. Yid year, le net only the Isirgist, Britt and L'Arape it, but by Lir the Largest Circulating Journal, of Ablyl, in Me World! Nutlet/Al In Character, Edited, Stf - pettily Illuitrated and Printedelt Is the BEST AMERICAN WEEKLY: tt Is the STANDARD Avrilonrri on ill branch es of Agricuiture, Horticulture, cte. a Litera ry [Ma Family toper la a favorite in many of the beat far:Wino all over tho Union, Canada, &c. Indern,Nloduin ItenAt. Aas no Meal in its Otters, and the Latymt.lllustrated Journal on tte Con tioeut—tmeh numbeemdattlulug Si.rfeert vow Jtiges, (doable t_e alas el mee t papers of ita clonal, It la the paper for the Loot. Weat, North and South. Teruiti, inducement:, Acc: TE14301--$3 a Ytuvr of I'd Numbere, and only $2.50 In Club, 01 Ten. Thlt qua. ter 13 N ben uuOt Flt Le. as uttered abore. Our Club In ducement,. fur 101 l ore unprecedented. bpecluttna, PnAnltna sent tree tu nll funning Clubm. —and we want a litre Club Agent In every Town. Artdre,• D. T. 510014.t1, 41 Park Row, New York. deef 4w The New York Methodist, Alt Eight Page Ireekly, Now In its Eleventh Year; 'subtle'. Sermons, a Serial Story for the Ism'ly, neve Chilarer's Sto ry every week, (lusts with the Little Folks. !Edi torials by the bent Methodist writers and others, Foretell and Domestic Correspondence, full De partments of Religious and Secular Prim. 1 4,G0 • year. Liberal premiums or c‘sh Coe, missions to canvassers. Sulocriptlons CtellMellee at any time. For specimen, enclose's two ccut stamp to prepay postage. Address THE METII - 114 Nassau N. Y. dcastir •, 110LIDAY JOURNAL For IN7I, Contains a eIIItISTMASSTORY,S)sIesktid -La • ral_a•a•sa._ throe rot ert tot dressAD.N.lls Publishers, Boston. O7: tot .Alaeonic h ooks. AGENTS WANTED. Send for Circular. Address PCII. Cu. 411 'grooms St. N. Y. id7:4r 4.411111t 1T .11AS ann. to ma liarty Sub -111. acribers to Appleton's Journal, pub lulled Wrobly. Two 31outt1.Subferipc1011 The mouths of Noremlier and Dsreuilier. giveii gratis to JO subscribers remitting Sl,lor the year Id:I. Any one th strolls of titaking n trial of the &wit- NAL to roe nnether they Mu It. can have it for TWO. MONTHS on remitting al Fifty era, Pieltir”9lst Arno consisting of rplendidty tleVeleli *IOU* Of American Sm.nery, commenced to November. D.Ari•LETUS S Co.. hers. .Nl.l** I w ( - ZEN. ROW E. LEE'S LIVE. Near -I._lll ly ready fort blic,ition the Biography of lieu. E. LE *„by John litre Co.kr, author of "Life of rtOLCIVMIII Wvaritg the Grey," etc. 1 vol. het, 111.tratot. To be sold by aubscriptlun. AGE.NTS WANTED. D. AreLyrost .k Co.. Publishers. New York . _l4w SHORTHBO. ,1- .74 ..,21'."d4na., - ,i,;outhethlmnp':.o ,4.', CirtUlltsr. P. lion 4517, New both RAVE RS Wen Ait ACCIDEATIA.VItAACE T A COMPANY. of Hartford. Conn. Cash Orants LIFE and ENDOWMENT Policies of. all ap proved fi rma. Ample security, low. rub.r. Alto, serum, agaluat ACCI DENTS canslug death or total written by *lle year or month. Iles Paid 1571.10 per day forst.% years In beuVita to pollerhoiden:. Idecalw DON'T WASTE TIME AND LABOR by using up aau old Azr, Sa,aut *LW to LIPPINCtiTT 11A1i.1.:WELL; l'lttobarglt, tatttl they et lip-top Axe, Expremett:o paid. Half day lon In grinding will thus he oared. ro-777meomaigtrxty 1 i , - M PrOYMIN Ti PERKIN'S & ROUSE 'S PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE ' :Ketone Kerosene Lamp. Is abiolutelp stale from eZpioolota or break log; burns any Coal oil, good or hid; gins Aire Light, No Odor, and area leas oil. •dt is perfectly tiorccridosire. Tim light L. het ter than Is produced by any other latup.”— It'... Clark, Prilittrail Alassachu.lle Agricultural Cut. It is perreelly non-expleralcc, giros a WV, light, and is More eCJIlOMiral than any other lama Wm.'— W. If. Its Tis. late Eulit. Public iotua, Chicago. 'floe appalllugnleathe and area from glum latupa exploding and breaking create a great de mand for Chia lamp. It PAlitt to sell It. Hold by Canvas...ore i damns wanted every where. Scud rue circular and tuna. to Mout. cautery di Vu., VA:yr:land, 0.. 411 Ilarcl..y St.. :Sew York. dea:lw $25 A Week tiallary.—Youog turn watitril as local and trurrhog salertuen. Address Yvile*lamp) it. II WALKEII, P.ark liar, New ork. tlec7;lw $3O A DAY, sure. LATTA& P 0.., Pllech, Pa. Agents ! Read This! --- \\T E *,3l; l p L e`r.L. A .L'a Gg i - p 5 '..T.„``,„ 8 , A ,, , `,...,%"1 ! Y 1a 0 r g i n coutummlun, to aell.our hew and wonderful Imam. hone. Addrma L. WAGNER .t CO, Alarshult, Mich. dect:lar 1826 the “Vegetable _ POL:110NAllY UALS.IOI. I7 1870 .Imc add rtandard remedy for Cough., Cubit. cou- Ner.iptloo. LUTL6II, Bo.). Co., Baotou. Orel: law (Amenity PECL un LL yezziss. An, superior t I oad other. for Coughs, Cold!, Nish- Mi. Bronchial andinngdifaucittep, are exceed ingly palatable, have none of that uansexting •nd horrible Cubeb taste, aro very soothing and act like a chain: ?holster., Singers and Public Speakers will dad they are especially adapted to too voice. Sold by Druggl.tr, Also litivlitou.s (V. V.) Cud Liver Oil, for Consumplion and Scronals; yen us other. idlft UPHAM'S DEPHATIMY POSISDEIC. Ite m:owe. Soperiltious hair in fire miracles, wlth out Injury Mac skin. Sent by mall for 411.2.5. Upham's Asthma Core Rene,. meat Violent turulymun, In .flt: minutia, and erects a .peedy cure. I ft by maiL The Japanere hair Stalin Colors the whWrers and hair a beautiful rd.xcx or Rumex. It coastal. ul only one peepitration. C Ms by mail. Addresa S. C. UPHAM, No. 7`.11 Jayne St., Philadelphia, Pa. Circulars ient free. Sold by all limaghca. olillw Itoyal Ilavazu4,l_.uttorr. Prizes cashed ar4l,lnforoustiou furnished by GEO. 31 CPUA. Prosi nee. IL I. due ;4w 13811C01101 , 1ANCIVs—Any lady or gentleman du wake SLUM a womb, wnure their own lumpiness and independence, by obtaining PSI CLIOMANCY, PASPINATION or SUUL 4LIO pages, cloth. Pall instructions to use this power over men or animala at will, bow to Mesmerize, becomqTrunee or Writing Mediums_ Divination. SplritaMlsw, Alchemy, Philosophy of Owens and Drowns, lirigbara luongs Herein, Guide to Marriage, de.. all routali edlu tide book; PAM/ cold; price by wail, lu cloth, el 2d: Papa' coven et. Notica.—Any person to acts* agent will restive a copy of the work/rev. As no capital Is required. all dcalruins or geoteel employ ment should send tor the book, enclosing Id cents for mintage, to W. ILVANS A CU., 41 booth nth Street, Pulladelpida. deet4w. A CARD. A Cler,:y man, chile 4-..ttilog In V. - min Anonlea IA 11 Illimlio.llllll 116[01,11A 11 rote 1.01 pimple rrlb rlly tor the Curt of Nrrvi,u• br.., e.arl) PC env. Incecera of the Urinary and nentical Orator. and tho whole train ..1 dimmer. br.nbrbt oil by kthidi out Itabilo. Cleat beltabt•nr bare bm•tt rand by thia mold.- rebtray. yn.wpwd by a de•lnt to loortit tbt aftlicon and on (pullout , .1 will crud the ttaipa ter plena:log awl ['ploy tiala methelor. In a *rah d rovalol.o. to any ono who no•do It. frer j tlarge. A others ./tink:lll T. INN AN.-htattoo lichee. New Turk city, droll4w &AWL MASON BON3, KW BiIIGHTOII CURIE Nig MANUFACTURERS OF agtrifiriEDSZD ; 41.1112:4111 1 24 • ma ebi>?&l.: l l3 IMIIBVBVI44 &c., *c. Spectal &Genitor' Is glretito too • _ Hardening 2impering of th - e Blada, and we feel ad know earselvee to be competent to make the very nest. u weemploy nu u e bt ex perienced workmen. and use the best of steel 14a tauel Mason baa now been In the Dula's forty a l so Ids lions are all practical Workmen. We ant mentifeetnrere or ' POCKET4INIVES, - PEN-KNIVES, - ' PRUNERS' KNIVES, PE.SCIL KNIVES, Made from S. & E. Wirdlow's Reined English Steel. and Errry Made Warranted. Slin.r.tal attention Is caned to.our stock of— Pocket Scissors" • - . _ Ladies' Scissors ••• Bankers' Seistors, Barbers' Sctuors, &c. Ail orders Will he promptly tilled and shipped na advised. IW Price Mt furnished on application. OFFICE AND WORKS NEW IJIUOIITON. Pa. _ seta Cli:octllcb;deel'cb Deeds for iislo at the AMU. Oak., JOUN - 13. YOUNG. Attorney at law Beaver, Pa. Mice on Third St. east of the Court lionae. All law Winless anima ted to my airy shall receive prompt attention. Also persons baring Real Mate for Sale, and those wtsning to buy town property, coal or farm lands, may rare time and money by calling at my ogle. , aprlLly A DM IN ISTUATtIdr NUM:E.—Estate of Jae. 11 McMahon, Jr. dec'd. —LcUens of Minaltdstra. Bon upon the estate of John 11cMahon.la, Into of Brighton township, county of Bearer, Pi., deed., having been duly granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to the said estate are niquested to make payment; and those haring claims against the same will present them to coraiGsv kIAItUAIIET kfcMAIION, • ,k DMINISTItATOWS NOTetlent of sd.. /I. ministration having been ICE.—L &minted to the sub scriber on the relate of Archibald llcesughiry, deed.. late of South Beaver township, ikaVer CU., Ili.; all persons indebted to said estate an notifi ed to make Immediate payment, and thato bating claims against the same will preterit them dilipso. thenticatsd for settlement. itEvalcs WAIT, norgt6w dlodier. ClegEtrie TILE undertagned la now engaged In the COAL DCSlNlind.and eupply patties with l:lo at gate article of Plttatough coal at 11!4odd. V". -bushel Order+ left at Joeeph !thawing, Orr & •Coopeekor at the Banking Bow of Thomas Mc- Crody &Co. In Heaver. w receive HELLmop , Coo. Lnrl6;tfil . Nirrc UTAN'TV.I32 —A Genera Asstfor time vet county, for the Guard= Illintnal life In 'armee ri ght ymr Nem ork. and Induce. merits , to the man. ! or terms and ciraulan addrem Smith. Roberta & liollinknehead. Mann gen, Sender:lst corner fith and Walnut .LreCti [nowthif. KNITTING - I(..tra NS. A large Popply of the Celebrated SPRINOPIELD WOOLEN YA RNS In al: colors °tad qualltico, - )ast reitelved bj S. J. ROSS at CO. Huth tiler MEM AAatlitor v i,4 Notice, IN the Orphans' Court of Peaver County: It the matter ot the account uf George S. Darker. Ex ecutor and Trustee or the estate of Thomas A. Barker, deceased. And now, jo wit: Nov. VAI; DM, on motion of W. S. 'Morten, Esy, attorney on bebalt of Susan A. Wade, Caroline tr. Morlau. et al.. legatevs under thr last will and testament of Eliza o.llarker.de'd. the Court appoint E. It. Daugherty, Esq., an Au• ditur to make distribution' of the balance to the hands of eald Executor and Trustee to and amour those entitled thereto. From thd mord. Attest— JOHN C. DART, Clerk. The Anditor above named eriilmeet for the pu•-. pose of Ida appolututent, Id the Court. Mose in the borough 01 Deaver. ou Thuteday 15th day or December. A. D. le:O, at one o'clock, p. m., Sr which time and place parties' la Intercet may at tend lithe) , ace proper. B. DAISWIEUTV, ,^novlar,:tt Ault tor. 13ISOLUTION. natersigneethif fie'Snliftfrbtilfitkif tif tween the ough of Fallston,Beaver county Was dleworeA on the I.sth of October, by the withdrawal of!. W. D. Smith from /odd elem. All uneettled ha/daces will be attended to by Wlttlam Sager and John Herron WILLIAM[ SAGER., J. W. D. SMITH. • JOHN lIERICON. The busince. will be conducted in the Warn by Sager. Herron and springer, be whom the patron• age oldie public he reenectfully solicited. tweitgw Point Planingr, Mills, Water klYeel, Rochester, Pti "Whitfield & Anderson, 'MANUFACTURERS OF' •41. - " Such, Doors,:lfouhlinvs,Floor-boardt, Iliwther-Loards, Brack et:v., Sep, fic. A 1.1.0 , DPALEIZS IN ALL KINDS OP LUSH BELL LATILSIIINGLES AND BUILDINU TIMBER. .11eving unrelieved the tevriturlid Interest Of Mr. C. Anderson. owner of the several l'Atents cov ering certain litupouventents in the c0t...n.11011 and Joining of wretherboarila and lining fur hour es and other buildings. wo are the only 'swans authorized to make and well the same within the 'halite of. Beaver county. Partin interested will please observe thl,t. Clopenters' S'opplies Cbnstanily on jArnd. Every rnakner of 41op work made to order. BARGAINS ! /41.1ien Satchels selling S vents, $lOO and $1.40 Just received from our importers and manufacturers a largo stock of 11 . 0'Wlit01111, FANCY )IAS li ETS; CHINA and BOHEMIAN WARE, HOBBY HORSES, WA() 4 .40, WAX DOLLS, ate. tte. Oil! and Eramine our Goode. O'Leary & Singleton's, 148 r•edcral St., ALLEGHENY; PA., nprl3:ly) elt*gd June, rept 111 V? UAW, MERCHANT TAILOR, BROADWAY, NEW BRIGHTON,: PA. a llaying rreelrel n large awl well eel %fed eta!' Pall and Winter Goods, con I Ong or BEAVE72B, CiLINCHILLAS; CLOTHS, CSSIMERES, ENG LISH MELTONS, VESTINGS, of the lattst end moat feebinnable Mike. which will be made [portlier on the , motrr ngAsoNAntz Tintais stud on the shortest poesiblo notice and am :ranted to give satisfaction. As I emptoy none hot Lint class N, nektons and having considerable experience , In netting. defy competition anywhere In the State, as to maize and fit I keep also on hand n fell stock of PC4t y made clothing of home mantanct ore. ontltatf. 0.;... Prab"llii - Ski Piet Dilitl. k o=6=4 Ci. aid IlaGlNlNM.__si —I k :....1:16:41 X.c..w Nob. etli 15. r:. sad siliblennie nee NW On it am; tibia la I 0 VI lirosei l l . 0 ... romans. limn * * abNps Ors. lift Sir =Mi. ~as sot 0 ogm.. rola mini imemie. Me Mr aim wee Imp = =I EtITATI Or MEL 'LIZA MECH. REVD.— Mottosle thereby gins UM Wets at Moths wisdom es tit seta. of Ore Above mord hew gent. trte:of the Smooth ot ligarsr.la the tottety of Beever, two grantut to Robert Dade. feithilot city of rithhturh: all per. 'Wok tbentore, baring claims or dretatter the *Otte of IM sate deeedaat requellml to Poke ihe IMO brown to the osl4 whonalsinkm Wil P., O. helm, delay. ROBERT DAV th. Ada' r twthirere4Oth street. rillsbar h, s PIMPLES. Tb . am s.ipme will ebeerfally mall (free) to all who wish It. the Recipe and tnl dtrectkwe aid pan a simple sad batealfadV riiihi"Gals. that will immediately remove Tao PreeklesaimPleß Itioteber, and all mawos asd hipesitie• of the halo. kering the same sok clew, smooth and beautiful. !w an a. amid (free) itistomtllma for prodse feig„ by Tell staple Mimi, a lexarlont growth of oe a bald head or smooth We. Tha above can be obtaltvd byn tone mat. by gi.dy,..les Tlltltt. t: API librathi Doatim.. 1% Ucoadway, yoh. BARGAII 8 A. W. ERWIN & CO, Al 75 Cente, One ease 4,f Vory Vine Merinos °Ng DOLLAR f ood IVoterorof. Extra CENTS V.xris Good 'ruble Linen Bargains in Many .IVrin Drota G otAls CALL AND SEE THEM. A. W. ERWIN -& CO 'S , No. 178 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY, juntay—jease2o-27,spt. Reduced Prices! Speyerer & Sons Have Just Returnetl frau il". WITH A LARGE STCWK OF GoODS the Lowett .CasV Prices, And will sell ,only AS LOW AS BEFORE THE WARI Craisiiting )4 Dry 1:/,,,ds, visiqrt..., Danl. arc. IlutA, Cal, ana ()cum, l'ackiat: Yarn, 'lron, Nail:, Paibl, Oil, Putik, Qumnsware. Wii- \ • - - Grain and _ flacon, a carte. ly of Priuti.,Munlins. Tickingg,Delaitts,elo , kg, Al pacut,Jeatis,Dittint. , ,C4•ll and Hogtery ; nlgo. Tem*, CoIL.N. Sugars, Syrups, Moiassus, Carlo.n Oil, 200 Upla. of the alebrated Ctinlnsi (tilt! AND NEW CREEK FLOUR Just arrived and for sale, Wholesale sn! Retail, At Piftsbtirg Prices.. 200 Begs Wheeling Nails: ONE CAft \VIIITE LIME Land Plaster, and Akron anifid; A Large Stock of White Lead and Paints A very superior quality of Strum/ W r ! zel A L.:4 , 111)s; and it lot of Carbon Oil Jnal Arrired and for sale. Whob mar =SIM ALSO, PURE CATAWBA, ISABELLA —unit— Concord Wines, Of our own vintner, for 'Medicinal :IN Sacnnuenlal l'orpmiot, ant highly C. commended by i 11 1 ,24! tiholl3l,4' USIA I hem. TL.•y are HIM, Agen.s h , r tlu KNIFFEN 3D)WER AND REAPER And Pitt. Sat. Plow CO's. Plows. Thanking the Public! for Mein mit Pat rotiage. We hope to merit n liberal slime in the future. All Goods Delivered live of throw You eau rely on all -goods being fn •h, as all our old goods were sold at as nos SPETERER & SONS. aprl3;tc r 3. ANDEUSON, haring taken hold or I • his old Foundry again. In Rochr•ter, I'a. will be pleased to Meet his old elastomers sl.‘t frieude who may want either the REST • lila. STOVE. Healing Stove, or env other kttel of Valitinge of best material and workmanship ort.• 'business will be conducted by Jegttfl J. J. ANDERsoN .t.stiNs ARTIFICIAL TEETH PERFEI - T• • As"Ns ED I— T. J. A. II J. CHAS DIEU rat , on , Chaveti the eselo•h right of lies, er county • - to tiseltr.Sturte. Por,,t • • • ` b hl h Ines can pul r; • , • ' as tleld Plate, stuns I.eha . find ehatueled 1041 so light and elastic as to pert..ctly adapt halt to the mouth; oterlatingall that clutu.i hod holly lwaeololeonditlon, so much complained of mote as.l ihtlle y o 10) deed, ao one seelnt. It wowed be willing to wear tee old style plate any longer than they rOcll4l CPO ra• trolly get them exchanged. All broacher 01 listry performed In Me toot and mcs , t substantial manner. In Gluing teeth with gold. etc.. we dal. lonic competition from any quarter. and con rerer to Iloing eubjects whose allit:s lka‘e twecn thirty and forty years. Among the :lmber lion. John Allison will exhibit ellinae day te " the m y e w 3s em y" fl ed IC . La ; Ithigebru teeth P i t . n '4 lla ."' new pLen.freein.! It from all unpleasant an da • galena effects. making the extraction of t eth a n. 0000CIS or pleasure rather than horror ato nines tut • lbw as any good 4e011.1 In the 1•1.,:r. Uhice at Bearer illation. Rochester I'a. novlLlfl T. J. H. J cIIAN LER. . - - Clam!. n. Notary Ceni veyabcer and Insurance Al.gen Dodo, Agreements written and acknowledgement.. takdt. &C. Having been duly commissioned to.‘ gent be several find class insurance Cotenant , . tn.': sentlng the Fire, Mt, Acchicnt, and Live `net DepArtasents Is prepared to Late rltts and s . t n in; Poneus the mast liberal terms . Ale or the "Anchor Line" of Met clan. Ocean nnste era. Tlckats sold lo and Crum all pert. laud. Ireland. ticotland,tlermatly and rru le th actin Leaf 'brkk row; Dlamond. llodevter. apegrGS • . - "TOM KING" FOR SA In ciuteconence of the death of one of It I* ~1 U. celebrated Enull•li her, Ding" win hem:fend at public iialeon lb. I,IIIIIIW . of the late Joho McMahon. lu Ton Dearer county, Pa., on Tharo.Lar. Der.enitor Ot tlre " ) .;ehwk. a. in. This h;iree hay lnhrn the, prem.= at our wanly Fair. for 111 numb. yean mat, and hY °alto air arms the Lea to found lc western renseyleasta. Plttobarkh weekly toartornekir and Laawao' eckuily Jarmo:, Coweara Um and read Mlle to the Boom Amos dim botal• I=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers