II The P4averArgAs J. WEVAND. Xprros Aito Psiirsirros 8611111014 Ps., Nov.,. 1870: -Tho editor Ig.abeest. HON. COLUMBUS Diwatio took the oath of office turEleeretery of the Into- tier on Thueadayliov. lat. • A Coat inlailoner of Internal ItaiintiO has not yet been appointed. 'l' • = "Jut" , Fistr, he ofthe"gone where the Woodbinetieltreth" notoriety !tali Hued the Nevi York Tin►ex for dam ages in:the suni of one hundred thou sand dollars, for publishing that he consorted with "ballet :dancers and kept a bagnio4fer thek entertainment ander the mune of an Opom liouse. Cvenas returns froln the Southern States show that while there litts iwen a ticcrcuse In some States, there has been blethers an increase : of col 'oral Population, and that ins the gregate t here will be found an increase of that class of citizens, compact! with Inc Census of 1869. . • AT the recent election in lowa, all 'hut two c(Mntles' In the' State gave Republimumajoritles: Molly Dein ocndie FAlitor in that State threat •ene to turn cannibal and eat all hi., relatives If there is not a .change soon. To start with lie proposes to swallow a mule next year if his coun ty does not go Democratic. THE ltevonuo collections from each State and Territory fur the fiscal yutr ending Juno 30,1870, wore $ 168,51;0,- 107, against $143,027,988 for the fiscal year ending Juno 80, 1869, New York State paid the largest amount, $.36,861,550 ; Ohio the next largest, $19,563,763 ; Illinois, $18,864,866 ; Pennsylvanla,fourth oh the 115t,•516,- 748,704 a3farisachusetts, the next,slo,- 864, 090. All the other States paid ) I IXI less than $lO, ,000 each, -.. • . IN the =, . S. Supreme .Court on Thursday last, the ,: Attorneys of Denning vs. the ' ,United States, made nnaotion that their ease, which was dropped from the docket by mis take at the last Session of Court, be again assigned for hearing. This 'ease involve the constitutionality of the Legal Tender act, and is brought up In order that the vote of. the full Bench may be had, and with the hope that the former decision of the Court may be reversed. , THE Armistice was, on Friday last,Concludeclairdsigned. It extends from November • 4th to the 2tlth, and and the elections are to be held. on the 15th Inst. The riotous rehired Of the Parisians to eccept'any armistite threatened at one time to break off negotiations; but that danger In past, and we are happy in .the faith that the suspension of hostilities now tie- dared may be folloWed hy'u speedy and lasting peace between the two nations. • PAYMAATIMJRW. S:(4lraWl of HO' • Navy was arrested In New York on , Nov. '2d, and is now confined at the Navy-yard in Washington City. Ile h#eharged with the einher.zlemeid of about $30,000 of. GoVemment funds. Tho-cdscof Paymaster Lockwood, now in yonellnement on a sindlnr charge, will probaby be brought to trial this week. - Ills friends ur(C• moving file his release on a writ of 111dX.441 corpus, on the ground that he. was illegally arrested. Pr wlll be remembered Gott Gen Morgan of Ohio mei among the mos prominent mining the immix:is ,o the House who insisted on th Cadetship corrupt km investigutiOns. : [moue of the recent speeches he his charged greater corruption saminig his contempuuries, in cnuusaie i with the rallro9d land grants, nod it is now pniposeti to compel iltn . , er to rutract or pnwo his ua•Jortitins. -A 'member of the House, • now in Washington City will have n rOsolu lion to that eftl , et prepared; to • intro duos Inunnliately on tho of Congross. Nam - Moat cases um set for an early hearing at the Ikeenther term of the U.S.Supreme Court. The Involves the constitutionality of (he Cotton Tax law, and will be ar gued by Judge Curtis and Mr. Eva rts, against the (Jovernment. The sec ond concerns the constitutionality of the Contiseation act. This will be conducted by Messrs, Curtis and Cushing against . the United States. The third collies upcm ii writer error from Kentucky, and. involSm the Civil Rights bill, tits special Luse be ing that of a white man tried In a U. S. Court for thu murder of a negro. JAN Black appears against the tiovernruent, and will hold that II is unconstitutional to 'try in a U. !ti. COUTi a citizen of a State for murder when tlw State Courts are open. OUT of 22 offloersairtsidy sentinel]. ell before the army Ex . nng Board, of which .Gen. flanetiek is I'tealdent, 17 are olileers appointed from the volunlistts, and live only are gnel untes of West petit'. The West Pointers are n. C. Plummer, Caw taiu, 7th Cavalry; U. P. Cotton, Sec ond Lieutenuut, 14t Artillery ; M. Merriman, Second Lieutenant, lat, Artilleryo Edwards, jr., Cap. Win. unassigned ; and Edward S. Godfrey, Find Lieutenant,' 7th Cav alry. There is considerable feeling exprmsed In Washington City, at an evldent'dispeartion to shield tad' kit vor Wi;iit Point ut the expense of oilers of volunteers appointed Into the regular service, It being alleged that these 'discriminations are made In every,hrunch of the service by the coterie of the Military Academy wherever It .em be 'accomplished. (len. Terri' is the only volunteer adleeron this Board. tUpt. Kellogg, aide-de-etuup to the lute lien. qco. U.' 'Flamm, is one of Um officessappoin4 tell from civil life whose name has been sent before the Board. Pink: Republic.= . Qmgressional Consmittee at Washington City have been examining trio advance , sheets of the Blue Book fur 1869, with a view to having a list of Government employees made who are charged to the Distrlit of Columbia, together with the annual salary received by each... The Investigation thus far fe -1 viols the fact that there are now four hundred and seventynix clerks of ' Varktus grades employed in : the do . parturents who are • credited' to• the Disttlet,'WhOsantittally twelve o r ilagAL , This nuns* it nani no],tai lieludelhe Pint 011 ice meat; amnion employed In various capacities around public ground! and *Sidings, which amount to as many More. It is claimed that the trict has too large a share of tha lie patronage, especially wheat has EID political influence, and that It eit elmiee more clerkships than any- hillf dozens States. It will be recota inmte," lucore Fluter t mosiOf tif* tiettaih;Nfeeldeila_ order thet inc4ilieia of beiorrees - from the various Stator may ml them with their friendsvtai hate! donor 9/6lrVille to thejuirtyr; Piedfeu filet& hers who amyl: snake rtsvninit4idili dues. , . . , ItEXIGNATION OF • SECURTARY J COX. We tituf in our excluniges with Ri)- pubiteun papers, ,titt lahnost trona regret that Socreiarycosshould, have thoughtiti expedient to resign his position lei 'head' *1 he Deport ment of the Interior. The refermS he had- inaugurated -in his depart-, meat, in regard totelecting employ tes—giving 'positions only to those who were found, on cxentination be fore it ,competent *and, to be the best qualified—wore wholesome and for, thobest bitertals.of the public ser- Vice. His *agility to the system •cif levying a tax opeu the employees, of Ina dersirtment for political purposes, is also, justified bra majority of the Itepabliclinvess of the nation. ' His reasons for so doing are published At large in another part of this paper., We think them satisfactory: . A few of our Republiemt'papers of Pennsyl vania charge Simon ,thmeron with having been Alto prime movcr and in stigator of the removal of Mr.. Cox. Are are not of thatepinlon. • He is in for every rascally scheme for levying money off ofpletict4 . ofilee-hollers, or any one else; If there is ani'Posaible chance of its subserving his interest. This Was his chameterl sue while act ing in the Democratic party ; 'nor has, he lost that reputation since ho joined the Itepublicans. His career in the War Department; and 'gni:eminent' fight for the office he now ileitis, led Thaddeus Stevens to denounce .111 m as a very corrupt politician: We have no doubt the Senator wished it to•beunderti the public; that it was throng 'his influent* that Sed retary Cox swas removed ; and that. I a Pen:to:Antigen would be his suc cessor. 'Cameron is a shrewd politi-• and; 0, the evening' of the resignation-of Cox in company with several, others, was at the Whito I Hoban . 'rhili'„fatt he was shrewd enough to have telegraphed ell over the land for effect—leaving out the names of the 'distinguished person ages who were present with him at the Presidential, Ninisifsti.....ltogit 'of the !elograPh ,correspoial&ita.aio,la, Mr..Catneron's-pay ; more epeciab.. .Iy, in eittitingeneles 'of this kind.' Hence, the inipreseleh that Cutnecon was the intitigabir of Una moVemtilie . political chew-boon!. This is, a pw, shim his politimi status 'does not warrant. • Nem Slibtild it be . credited, . • to him. General 4 irant made up. his 'aphid to form a Nbinet, when 'first culled,' upon for such a set of 'cuancifkitS, fits he did to organize his shift` In - ,lhe field of. military. operations,4tecord ing to their merits and fitness for their • sever.il statkais.-,"&o . matter Whether from One 'Stitt& di' another, or all, front the.hanie. B 4lo- aM not 'of -those wher-bolieve...his eelee- Lions for etthinekotlicorsnro for politi cal effcet ; imLfor their competency for °nice. fliffieet!rd from ,ifti ; hump tie!' is against this: idea. . Besides It. has been serni-oilleinily .dented that the President krieW of nuY intention . of the,resign'ation bf kkv.retary cox, until his letter lIIIDOMICiaIfr, the lion in redgn WIN placed In his; hands: '• Many mucents of the 'lleputtlit:iM great have, Melodiously been severe upon the President, in refereturu: to' the, removal of Seerentry Om. The oilleiul didd is, that Cox 'wished to tire for , private reitsons. Grunt i'it speeted:illll4o reasons, and accepted the resignation. We are n.' creel tht+ most viirdial, friendly and tsiollden tial relations always.existed between (ien. Grunt and the Into Sel•retary of the Interior. In relatkat to the animadvertions, omasioned by the publitution Of AIM late eorrespentioneei It hi stated that the President has beeilb advised to attempt no reply to the severe strict- MIN passed upon hint by the Repot; limn press, which has seemed not to understand the true position of mat ters. Whlle'he'belleves he Iris lieeu uujitstly eeitsurpd.„ said the Gesiertirs letter . of ,reshpuitiou doesmot present the ems) :in its. true light; still ho deems it better not to enter itito u eutitroveNy. ',7'flienuteter will, there fore be dropped. . , WE took °musk))) last week to in terrogate Dlr. J, ti: Rubin us follows: F 1 ral, then, dill you not, Mr. Ru tan, seek out a mAnber of (Mod Tem pters, before the elegilm, anti repre sent to them; that Mr. 'Sherlock was a good temperanee man, fiemmble to prohibitory legislation), and point ont to them the "Fi velf:al lon cider for Beaver, as torts)f of whatyou were asserting Y. • .• ' ' r. '.econtl, 'did 'you not afterwards vh,4it taunt. of the whisky (Widen), in llociu.ster '&6.. and mire:unit to then) that 1)r. ightirlock wwiriot a tentper totee man, but 'l)r. Jili*.voirirat? Mr. Antall "tit . Tllllol to 1111!4Wer." We now it4k Imo ;mother goes , - tion. •I)id you r .not imtnediately after your defeat for Prosecuting Attor' ney in lain, in thin county, }Mu. tha 'Third Party ((((( velment, and labor. during , the Cainpaign, not only to de feat the regUlar lteput4ienn dattli, but do 'wipe nut" lite whole Itcpublienn party ? , . . THE Cbhue6uc .Shy Hugged ri , the Hint. John elTkollt 118 WO proper win to iotsunne the bat of 'Chair.: titan of the . State (entail Co I,t e e about to be vaulted by llon. , John thvotle. The Spy says, and Cite rea sons 1400111 tO . Yls to havti coesidetable form: ' The. position Is Ono of immenso re. sponsibility. The destinies of the itepublicarr.paity, and the State, re toe certain extent. in. Ws keeping, for upon hisovigoroun lidniinintration and inanageriwnt of t he min tr:tign de• pend.s the sucees3 of our tickets. The gentleman we with to Haire is ono fully toxquainted With Stale polltlets, of the Must executive ability, power 4ng determination arid energy, and one who understands ika 111wInge meat of the Most .oliflicalt canvass. We refei fo non. Johq (Aiwa, of Bedford. , We know: of no m ali tO• )Yo7,r,d ' , 4ioner tAust:o o : la- 1 tfreito qiftWr•Part,4 lll 4oire,m.)P9 API many b(ilP!Nted ;or WO:4i wa.JA,o*,ini**lVNlL.. n ' "—menl * lnattaaed' a 'failihriet sirinikly or the' -Lvgbdatimvi which - Ink J;eid . lo. , Notet.bot the Governer NW viktedd thir " " t5.7 2 -colored .wan eIm:OLN We In sevanK unduktho , ration . Joluiston, who ;t2eoriptst Yincett ter?louptk tW, e. el nby Democratic Votes.. The I West Chester rsilage - Aiixnxi mays': • - "W"e - must &Infos that,we had hardly expected to mail the eleo. *ln of the lint colored man In Chas fer thCitiork of IthedAlfteenth Atnitid mean JO stamp ship that rolls op it• Dentottatiema- JOrlty offorty-six-on a-total vote of MO hundred and sir.." The Democrats voted for Johnson' out of spite; but they probably never - made a better choice." r " This will be highly gratifying,. we have no dattfit, to the 'thin skinned RepabliOuts' our county,. trli* dread of the negio drove" . theinlnto voting Hut Demoenttic ticket. From tlau . lieve Trllnum Of . Thar .I t., .11BOOKLYN WHISKY WAR. Rabin's the:lllicit Distilleries.of the ITith.li'arti—l'he Revenue Officers. Supported by 2,000 U. a - Trooper, Oillisions with• the Mob-4. large number of Distilleries broken up-- Scenes and Accidents. • The U. 'S. troops which•of late .have made their rendezvous 'in this -vicinity were Intended, It seems, for other: perfumes than protecting the elective franchise of our citizens.' At an 'early. hour Wednesday a. they invested thellfth Ward of BrOoklyn,' where,' under. their protection; an arniy Of revenue oinclals; directed by &Merv's:it' , Dutcher and. .Aseessor !Wass, captured and destroyed the numerous illicit • whisky stills which 'for several years re' rattemsfulty de fied the Government: ; ; ;. R , „ . . „, . In December of last yearje•ttev °nue ituthoritlet, suppo by small military . detachment, . made a mid itt the same kteality, but ; Incon sequence of • the limitedef troops employed the offenders Were . only scotched. This feeble demon, strationVolyeerved to embolden the distillers, and their openditaw were grea tly jnerewd. They openly de-, Sled the Assists:it Assessors and vl eines. Detectives, .and . hi several In stances a:mitted .acts of violence when detected in their nefaihtus busi ness. . Hardly a night passed but hundreds of barrels of whisky were 'shipped (rem the docks ad,Wmt to, Irisktown—the name of the, beatify in which the. dialideriett !Readmitted. ,About a . month ago,: .Supervisur. ,liutcher.and a nuniberof ills subor dinates,. wit ile.inipecting the digtrict, Werwatticked by a mob, and barely eXutied with their lives.. Mr. and. was 'badly s heltie', and. Areeseor Patterson was knoc ked dowti and robbed ; his geld watch .and.chain. Since then Mr. Dutcher has visited • Wailtinglea and heltlseyenti. eiufer enqcs with, the knOiliNA. end Coiu uti Thej,,President 'promised thalia,eutti4ottt. panther of troops. sitouki be. aMt the 'Depart,' merit of the Briat• assist the Bev dime officiala Ifisanitreedug the Illicit traffic. „The:two:lof ,fee Die arrival of troope feotu,tbe various 'Points ou tbe Atiantle,tiouSL • ' • At daYbrealilVeliteOly morning . the Navy - Yard and quad. The two, retie& of the guard . Slept quietly in their bunks, end the only Sound' to be heard *sail* itauly tramp of the sentinel at the gate. In the I%ta rine BarraCks were 250.11Iitital States -Marines; under. the, . command or `Lieut. Col. Broome,. drawn 'up 'in line awaiting the arrival of the military Oros. 'The revenue• agents were lying on their axes;erowbars, and shovels, endeaveringteget it few winks of sleep, . Atan. (day hour tile Deputy ASSeeerauntler the danitucuid of 11,:;Wass itatietribled akthe South their: - dmtinatroti; and, . for which they were amen - was arranged thaViC,Log the'' Navy lard would call !droop: The" bait nut urrlying;iimEthe men lug waited 'Sometime, AntesSur Ward decided Mr.taklng a creetsLtowpft2ir at width tWo :Of ids .pren demurred. They announced themSelyes as Web ster'mea, and deolaretl that If the ex pedition lucent Ifislitcaviethey did not, want Miro:. "Mr.:Wass said he wanted no cowards nor sneaks, and all ,who felt as they did might, step The men declared that' they I were toot .cowards nor Sneaks, but they 'believed that It would injure Webster; and, therefore, they would !mtge.: . 'frhe malcontentsleft the am, and the remainder pravollat to their •tledination, which they reached at daybreak. s. • ' • " The Ist Artillery, under' 'Major' prailllanjef(Fert 'Hoodlum on , the steamer •dienty, Smith, and arrived at the Navy Yard Obeid, 71 o'clock, followed by a lanallion of Lugiueers, under Major Althoff, from . 'the:same place. Thp Sth Infantry left David's Is hod I On the sustinor TotthifiliKletY; under the ]lent. Col. Bo infonl,and arriVed about 8 o'clock. The, movement was intended fer a surprise; but it failed In thutrespat: Arrangements had been made to' have the 'military' arrive promptly,` and to firttii at once, on the turtval of A bel to surround • the' itlieledEstilling district with an' plc force. Unfortwitely, however, the military were behind time for some reason, While the Marines, the assessors, and the' truckinen were ready and waiting within full view of the Imuset surrounding the yard, thtis expesingthe , purpose to the very Men from whom It was desirable that • itsheold be conceded. 'Crowds or theinhabitants of Irk4htowit,drilted ' into the yard, but upen-attenipt- • ing to retire from • the , place the found a cordon of marine guards confronting them, with'erders that no one be allowed to pass any of the gates. A more bewildered, coning-, 1.11, and forionilooking party was never before seen along theSe streets. • A stating 'detachment of marines waS•stsithined at the gate, under the claimant' (Jr Lieut. !tubers:tn. • Sev eral 12-potitul howitzers, loaded With canister:, were placed in the btavet isd'Uting ttiaind•the gall', so as to tr.- • Sist any at biek 'wit ich might - be made fl.4ail:Witheat. At 7l o'clock; about . . Wi irk itteit swarmed through the' Irate, on tile wity to their vtalii4 workshops. ' The,Attaek. • , At a o'clock exactly; the marines under Col. Brlxinte, passed out,of the gate, followed by the military.. Ev ery comisuly : was IW-companyed,by a fleputyAloq„-isor who acted us a guide. The marines .timved into.llickSon's alley.. which .is.euly fi ft y feet fruw the Navy X•iird gate. • There; 'under rickettYslasl, were four mush-tubs filled w ith a slimy liquor Which emit tedaosr- 'smell. •rhe streets were filltsl.with,men, women and children shouting like so many Indians Ev ery Aopectuble ,pemon who passed was hooted, at, and 1110140 whu.stop- Pod were assludted. The ,noturious Gorman distillery' Was first Utfaelo.si. here wore Pill gallons of Whisky ready to bo drawn °IL As the MI.. eines approached, it heaV"Y fire of stones, brickbats, and iron halts was received - from the roofs in the Wein ity. The officers kept close to the fence while the men pulled it down and, with their bayonets lowered, charged un the Mob. which retired hastily but:defiantly into the adjoin ing built yard, where.again front ev ery position of advantagethey could gain, they showered doWn it hail storm of improvised pmjectilisi.- • ..fTghtbag the kob. • . . . This feneo.also Was torti.doten . by order of Col. Thuorner, and the troope renewed their "charge, driving the riattitie.eroWdrintolititinttlidthelos uni; fitiiii'MOltiliej . 'Wefte ' in :him dilVen . at ttnilxiitit tit 'the' to*Vninf. € 4144 'NW- arthef retreat lit. - tilite-tif the r ip • . 0: resented 'itself; itiiirthe itigrentAleireitikthrtitigh ttilitir's ore orlt; TifiatTiOniis into 7 ir *street; and Ulertkinutitinty swal lowed up In the eroded tif angrylook enka. in each* theie itiniutts the I :Toed to II • whiek nate did little . 4 the not In their U. sutlickmtbt secure to Justify in c !t_qtp t lattire4i i i n br i ate n1141 ;01, 10 lahy - th . s ol there was rota ariore of brktbats,erhientlyiehi by for use at - . ...- j . rimoletiine.. The dolt\ . ' -, ; . l eg 4 Broothearid t, . , -- _ 'itis . . a t lumarumandoint) MitirinthmarY tithe marines, w 1 IffielititTnat a. nan o- And des 'le Sham lual thavictorywm lietily,neeiirded. , As soon 'as the, 'hist 41 the , widskr scoundrels hnd retireaVlCol. Broome posted Men with NetbxiwesPansitmi iixed - bayonets ufbn aid sheds and prominet points in thenethborhiaid. There was. not a' point in'the'vleinity r that was not eihtered br their Mow kete. The Colonel then •notified. V* citizens hi hls t viciility thatAlit UNE man who efideavttred ito, • *fait the attack upon'hialmitinimia niuktill; killed, artilhaYaiiftritlff 001* the ' the Colonel ' meant 'ivitat'Ateaniti.. , There Was necorillingille!ther outbretik thotlghiCsultertetWroiNng toweringly smund,thp-Irtztpa.' ," - _,f l '-' , A trite driven brriflitsroshil dp;', pettrei ' hi,' sytaS with .UM at& tillers, drove th linen - Impart& lines of trooptid d . 'fitelf yttnont , efforts to arrest his 'prOgreat, ~ 1* ing a ponderousclub4tral three . t ~ his opponents with, broken ......i One of • Was bar ~ • . - . verely.but Without nirehting b - . . grear, and when, last seen , he was thundering ' down the o'Vetine at' a furious plushly it' hurling back lid. equs baths or wan°a at tba. remittal; lied. rank 'through' which he had . broken. The aokUers had taken alai it hitrclitit the - would not give the order hi DM, and the Shot: hardy driver riweti-Nirsetfety ti) the leniency, of 110,,tOntier . of the ilwleell in : e4;ttitter Water , at., , Marshall M., John st, Nay> et; Pros pent st.;and the 6• . t alleys Were plum& Oder , nal I' surveillance. r b About Ml' I . eats were Mixed, and up • ' A la% our . Sopervisor Dutcher rid Mr: Mum were hunting up anoth which' they expected to seize t i me dark., Altogether the work w very sapbeavini. About b o'clock( the, troops .I:vegan to return to' thelsyy Veal! where they will retaallt . fu the Maralagt when they win reaurpe'operations. ' ' • W.A.ltt EWS• : , Vgja rsovemour consequence of this , tarts .propOsed ypiterday by Thiens, and accepted US.; day by Bisruarcl4 tbelatteioffera to the French an innistlee .of, twenty- .live, days,' to allow. general elec- Gois to be held throughorit France the anmistice to be ,hased on military :talus ifs quae,xisting on daY ottsigna lure. ilkaras, Nov.3.=-The" following royal order of the day la published 'this morning: , 'SottlinS qf the - iniAl"frkrate • lir - . mien:—When, three mon the al nee,we. took the field, T:Nalo Goa would he with our just cause.. ',That • 'this' con fidence has. been' fbUy realized. wit ness Woerth.filattrortick, Mets, Sedan Beaumont and Strasburg, each a vic tory for our arini. - To you belongs the tnerikand glory. -You have main tained alfihevirtues which espeda— ally. distinguish' soldiets: With Meta the list army of the enemy is destroyed. I take this opportunity to thank you all, from General •td soldier. What ever fliturel look forward to; it is calmly because I know , ;that with such soldiers victory cannot fall. , ' '!WiLtaast.". Los nos, Nov. 3.—A - correspond ent of the Work, area thettrat elvilaa allowed to enter Metz, :Menthe capi4. tulatiou.. Be found two Atuerimus who had •been in Metst , during the whole siege-Charts klastice, of, Welton, and Dr. Boylon, of New liavette.,.._• Th e latter beroalmrilo.: a Agneciallf - iittlbrihatee4"rellietcftkerill tatisteVaitlly condemn theenpltuhatoo litid'condoet of -the defense. , ..There waspoisitivelYno starvation and very little Stiffertng. The city. was hill of ' all descriptions of proviStirmis and prices were moderates On the walls in puWic places, the inhabitants have wrstten , Bazaisie, cl ClVlseieyeers Dice Tryilors et Due r r Laehes." The conduct of the French anny•since the eapitulatlou has. beenmost, exem platy, and ailluingh tltti'whole anny was paid off Ali arrears' and six weeks in advance, there has been very lit tle drunkennessand no uproar.. The l'russian °dicers express surprise at the C1C4V0111i.43, and celer ity of tho,French In making; camps, cookingruittnetking all comfortable. The forts in and 'around Metz were. amply provisioned nntilMarch'next. Tho port-offlis was reopened on' ct. 30th • under the cadets of Herr Ste phen, Director General orthe North Genounlsostal service., " • • Tones, NoveMber 3:—The' otrin ids publish extracts front the Jounatt Wick( of•l'arls "at; froin which it is untivrstond that the Paris. ernineot had decided to accept,an armistice, and that Flertens; 'who awaited a pretext . ; raised a tempont ry riot.'flusi,josirital 'ollclef says th B e oni chsl, idle Wag' invaded and committeeof public safety preelisini-' , ea. The members of ; the-Priiiision= 'ul Govenuncsd were , :dersiltied'ibr several hours._About Otglit; Troche, Atagr and Ferry were freed: from the handl of the rioters by 'a battalion of the • National ,; Guards.. Fevre, Gamier clear ul Larrisier said the conuitander of, Use One, ilundreth Iteninneitt were. still held Prisrawrs.: :It wastetnetil. three o'clock. In • the, morning that. these latneutalsio actartrote repteimied. by the ihterterwm, , . denies ,of' the, battalions of. •NatiOnal:GlatrX, Wit ran up in guilt • rptinlidisi and tpOk up. a positions Mound rho . . Hotel 'da Ville, headed by Ferry. ..„. ' • The court yards were occupied by they. Mobiles, "-whilst soveral.detaetr wants of National . Guards mid 'ear- Wooers were Clearing 'UM 'paha. from the mob at the same tip?v,,, - The Na.. tional Guards, taxaSpYlistetild square, - quays and line do "Moll; shouted tadbuiastic,, gfloptiuo honor.. of Trschu ho Wait . or tho . . troop.. The report of the day's eventsfeen clutieses "With thd slice tendered are •.conneeted other advantages which Paris tan 'easily enust rue without the neenscsity oriel* settling them here, and now the Gov-. ern nn ent of National Dere/Vie .le . tp:f budded with its acquiesence; • :LS having Welk. weak. perhaps' tfeacher ens. A feeble FFF ii Drily, which Coo not aim at repteNenting the ientlL /limas of the Parisian population, taking advantage of public emotion', tries at supercede. by violence a GOO eminent which if consWous of having protected her Interests, such as it was uever given to any tioVern meld to harmonize the interests of ii city of two millions of inhablhutts, shut up within their walls and the Interests of an unlimited ilbisrty. You have *participated hi this arduous task and you mut your continuance will be our force for the future against our ene mies, both without and within. • • ISignesl.l • THOCIIII. Losoox, ;Nov. 2.—llazalno's fare well to his twiny' was nsafollows: "Soldiers of Frame: 'Wo lutve • been conquered 4,Elinlne,—compelled 'by our necessities to 86100, fp the des • tittles of war anti cOnstifuto.oerselves prisoners. Any attempt to break through the enemy's lines would on ly result in dirlititer unavailing IoSS of life.- Againitt these direextremi ties it %casual be useless to contend. Our only recourse la in yielding to the overwhelming twee .of the ene my. .Soldierint Is`rance; a:lntrudes." leave you within GinkiStiregrt.* ; •-• !Yourierrtininder.,. ' ••• • -.,:"lblitarS:k."' •• • • '' =Therewiisatiiii briwn'in Blom- Ington, Indiana ',a sliiirt time 'Awe, with a perfect iihiterfall, as lupins a ntaii'leftt, 'on the( tack: of its' head. Tho pinata bad' f it"etit • Off, tirhhtfi ceased the Oath *if the chtitt c ;#k* hairs afterwtirdi: - " " • •••••4*,-, ...n.:,,,.....,..„,,,,;-: E- •.,- - v6. - Tx. 4 :—..........1a5t -:.=7Utxikt":leuf: v'e—'k 61 41 .1 ! * 1 1- - - allidd , • - *a. lej thong. 011.-te,aaAAlV`Aa!n_ b l i rli an i. o , 4 P uzlll -V 1= . laf4 ,•lifireUnnialiteid ' nWe Se itilio.4*.at Shalt publish . ... . . Vuti'!-,insdfikitiimationthinif hilitpose :his aliplitieid rascality. He had bet- :ten getAlitftedif Ole 'him 4i> ialtri itilli i Went" 19. 1 . 0 4 Y pim tip..4llitihreat_4l:evidently an 1 /4cirilo,4okeineat of his , liability,• . to :*4 - 4 i , ' WV 81010 Rath * l 4: 44 °, 4 1 1 014 h al i AY ikticider! -:' 40 X 1 '4lllllol.CsWildli and cries tint, with. I'rkheti:B..,-, ~ M ay on, 'Nfaeth4 arnl - tzf. - .liir s ti ' 'mho' firat'Ojea -*id, I ,40j44.9 1 tre11, Mi. qM4?):mi MM.* .4ittoin*ooll and as often as he pleas-. :(itL , 41iion, kind of argument'well a& I stotikin'thefturie fie !splaying. , Ho Ain iiiiiiiiiti mid publish tor"prlir4iii , Wet, Stf,Mt...lieirsr. InelOtbls ko- )Itical IP ritie?. pimpi).astiftin ,as he :1311114***Ori'lie*Ppk* ao'datr! 4 kir ;11theriiter tho, Ontinienb3 :in- Vni4l(,-/ii:jsk: omit:yeti cli= blelythave,nothinK tube Or *sitie' .Aninitetheektnpr defer:tritf Mini :. 4ikiala - ff : Wir l inAPlPO kil l ; Nticif turpitude, and inii&tethl,de. &Ilion at*, ppreioutlou Af, porno of his P ar **. Ileat andAstastAiSaloipt friends. Thudiderthat Lint. . ~ vein's+, iti write in , artipi . .. _e 'fittorbe piddlc.hed his 'Odic . ...,JefissiotT,:ji 000. 41 kiitAlielqbaistieF ,' " Niue °lll. es PeriettO acknowledge thlL I have told film , * frequently.. ' I never at tentOtedle divides tnot cod. - i Mi mi*, at,ihe Sametline, in. moot , On phatiii ilituage, that .lam as corn = patent We sop his pliant tool—the present 'Senator :ions this district or hb.i: 1 4004 Simon pnneron., . Leat - wteles Aeons stated that Quay, Malan and fibula& had gone r 4 14 t&lit4P the Ste firr theelee tionetf the =algae Treasurer. You wasoinret In your surmise as to the pliirkee ef their Journey. They did arp Cor tU. fabled. filieriedt. ,t,weee New Galilee rind New Brigh ton:pin Itla way to Philadelphia, told gentierWan'orMytarquallittinee that "hdi*rie:going *ft fdithi ) o l , Or 11/0411111rWillYer Riqq ll 4e.Wielke - • ursyhip.“ wasjoined by Quay, lititan, , and Mackey whoi lir comps nY.•vildted Harrisburg and Philadel On their arrival' in the , littler city, „QUay—the grand tactician In this campaign—bupressedltutan and. Shurloek Vlth the ides that it was all-Important to the suecem of their plans that Col. Thos. A. Scott should be huh* to withuld his support front me. In order to eiTect this--at Quay's cammand—they proposed to a Pa. Railroad man to, rote .Ibr the nine-ilia:km-Mg next winter. In con- Siderallia Wet Bcottahould vittitaAti Ids support from me. INA; here is just Where "they put their feet in it,” as Ittiteh'elWays doci. ' TWO:Mosel Svas laiiiitiOd to, and neiloubt ilidt reach the ears of Col. Simtt; who is an lionorabler and high-Minded gentle man; hini who scorns such contempt ible;irolguestsfthatalluded toaboye, buck holds in utter contempt the sa l ouidAwitOueinumit,bi, •' ' I i 'o :elll4lEr. 61atet that *idld film 1 Dom lite,yer . tmtharareurent of 'us infernal u conspiracy as ever was imtched*ln tho . tepiiitef in the broths 'Of eirrUptgang of mica! gimblers, composcA•or J. D. Cameron, M. ki.ttuaY. R. W. Meek ry and the Martrious "Bill Kemble," by which It was purposed to &cm. him out of two-hundred and fifty iliousand doihrs in the transfer of certain bondsk and they would have nocomplished:thcir purpose but for ticueiihrterposition,,. .The'manner lit which the Janus.' faced • political villains--Itutan . and Sinirlock- 7 -seught au eralookie en thy the Beaver County. Committee in September last, for their treacherous :desertion of Me. last .Wititer,by coupling II with a, resolittictutippmv log their opposition to ilia. nioe-mi IL ion hill—ft of have heeri Ibrgotten, No sooner, - hoirevei, • is the election over, and trio anion of theThig getii?: butrcelY flouted away, than they ;hasten''East with the' avowed. land. !RoastedpurpisSiof "fighting Dello," Vial offer hi lid:Vance of the ses4lon.tit Aut 'the Legislature to sell their ,v9teti in the market price, fur my deltsit. They ot* hi ' r e for the, very nine :2#ll(ion 6111 0. tickred the pcople:df Ilkiiver coutAY '. thank them kr,i3P,-, 'posing last Wirderf And thislto.se-. ;cure the elect* of ftz . Wi Maekey,• 1 ler—txmoe other OW Of the !trikig,a - this INOril+46 Wail e l lkr di'"iegio f 3 r0, 1 .0! 1 dui*. - political i:doubleldealluk Wad; Ide • !" ception more glaringly perpetrated leper - in omfiding,:, honest, ' intelligent 14niaditueney thitn thht? , Was ever ;perfidy morerecilikss and boklf Did t Beaver county ever send represenlit4 lives to the Legislatrit , e so lacking ' In ird4irhY .. iio;l l lloo l :-:P0, 1 4.Vi . 8 1 wanting In µII 4 e _elemen ts Which , 00nstitute , the Character: op fliithful 'loglSlatersi , as- licetil-'llehitl and B .htirl4elt - isietEVii 3 lire ti:PeattstlY and Pendatentlystatlngenclorsemetit i Iron] ' their constituents, and as re ' petedly forfeltinklheir confidence by the . betrayal 'iif their trust?, .. This 'people Were tOftErfa?ie Mat Were of otlw rings" tricksters,' ;', Sand-bar". speculators,"Sontiveidentlimaders;". and Pliant' tools fbitlfe.tsinilng out of ankfichente.:44kted: by the Un principled political tgembler, M.S. Quay. • Theserharg‘ are mormbera ted by the conductofthese Mach en= doried men set:l4EOlA to the , last election, in theirlitetrigirlat ; and, however -strong the aspirations of either of them may, he kw future po litical preferment l XlACl, r ; CPUrER MS been so boldly.eredieue to havo'ful ly satisfied thole 'lit 'the futility: of anyauch chanCe; Itetlee'theY are ea ger ,to embruceMiy:jr.hoela . which will tend " to put rummy . in their purse." • .Th4kv hive , become despe rate! • If it' welt imt;se!, 'why did Dr. Sherlock Make stilifin,extraerdina; Ty effort te 'fietwni: iikklrehlre4re! curing his umnlnathat _through fmud and his election by the use of 4inea" tiotutble trans-whep - * beans that hispractit.e,its a pkollefalt . il Worth four thousand, lloilmilper annum: ••, I di,why , the Benator-4ekhurtoreas !9e-', 4 /* ll o:t 4 44 l o lll ' ,l o l i.frorti the elteet.s 9f "liik:tioaljeAlltrle--tMdti3 use of itetettletut,ctil:fiii prawn*. went, when he Omit, toeistiithorably resign to'lhait of Idatordtitheats fl#4. kilt.** ll .**VOttliriNle r#4 o 4.l 4 k4ftittehtilliiiWillhi M tik4kie or Whit:bale - publiehp hoots Amid ? • - The Beeves RialleatirtiS started to lipkoaaagiaridoe -- :_t,; , ii4 i sisf a tenit, tiortf:t!tattsAgragari ,het Intensity ClAtintAlier 111013tate, .r o - . Ottelsin . .l , . 3A32ll4ll:hertiOltatia belt& anbservTent - Ftlßititi& -- - 'nein* is not itelfsitiettining. It ClEsts Itqkitigretititto be when estab !lithedNltit'SaPPVt must be derived 41telnaltilriasi*IlliktilieNCIPiti.Ofik egabllshnsaAt,,,,lit t ittenamtfihurlock" Deere elected to stibieive'Quars par ea. iyie his repreeentelver, i 'not tbei etati* of Alierl of deli ' They l wW ;through fraud and deceit, and"must sorry out the behests of their master L;-Quay—who the instigator of 'thetipaL' liter:Were tiel iteg tir F E , r . jaArti ir tir aria eliciett"Therb " iiitialseVe 9fitay " 0 . 00 bestards...- oaire hlm from what? BinkruptCy. !Movie'! " 'Hy I the 'electlatt DU/Mickey as State Treasurer, Or by ," snaking" some Infam ou s bill - fie depleting the 'publisfatubt titre' the Leghluture. • VlielkOal ins Cheet of deception. Quay never, goes fqr the position he advocates in his Paper: .. He publish ed; aVtltuf- time, i An Ale - ndljaial in aupport ofex-Governor tartin for a ,place in Piesident Grant's 'cabinet, While at the . same time he went. to Washington 4o assist In having Don Camesm'aPpointed Secretary of the I Trealltri:"iilis otieet.,belet qn hay' gag.twci Candidata{ Rein l'innsylva - ida for pitterain the Cabinet) to bring neatens* prawns to bear upon the . President as to coinPel.:bim to reject them both,: He put up Gov. Geary's {tame at the Mast-head of his paper, for, re-txSaination for Governor of this State; mid after. his Destination WO been effected, pulled it down. He never had been, in favor of him ; he only put tits name up to deceive the Republicsitiiif , &Direr county and get the cciatrol of her delegates. He published fn the last 'Radical an ar ticle-hem the Harrisburg Patriot, a Democratic paper, for the sole pur., pone of deft -lying the peigileof this county Into the' belief . that. he is op- Need to Mackey_ end the Cameron ring, And in favor of amending the State constitution in such a way as to allow ' the State Treasurer to. be elected ! by the, people: : While that; siOsure, fof which I have always poen an advocate) has always hith rto been defeated by the Cameron faction le which he beiongs—they, hiving had the control of the State ,Treasury for the last thirty years, with : the exception, 'perhaps, of but two or three terms. I merely men tion these' facts for the purpose of I showingi ni t t hatMite. eitct of Quarts ''le teals ,' teklinprog the Peui. pie as to his objective points. - And, As I sild)before, the paper being but a bill of,"exPense," he liinst - have an ulterior ollieet to effect' through its Agency, 'which cannot be other than some scheme whereby profit may ac yclic! front the public crib. Quay Is 'in the same beat with =Mackey, Cam emn, tit Co., and must float or go to the bottom with them. It islife or death, pecuniarily with them—or at 'howith Quay--to have control of 'pc State finances by the election of the next Treasurer; because, on their itsteent in this depends, in the mind pf their captain, the re-election of Si iSistedirsistiti, etlilettlYtiti, tithe Vatted States Senate In the winter of `1872.' Should -they late the Tretu3ur ex, this winter; it will be disasterous to their figure political helves:" -'... . i. - , •;-. Th i s' letter frith Harrlsberg,, pub -I.t.thetl in the last. Radical, signed "W. 11. P.," was written by a tava tare whom Josh Billings would call " the yeller Borg of the ring." It chow me with :havieg a, note in I v ph,titelhat.place foritleptit . It le attlseluSni. it also . charges - me with ihaving arnothlbr•.'4,olln, endorsed by 'Mersa - end ' Geist, in the hands of !Daugherty Beds. '4k Co., which is al 'so false. I never had any financial ibasineseiedtb the Above. waned gen- I min highly to note that the Radi cal published that. portion of my last communication which gives the in- Iddent ; et the sitito r ting at the Jobs !House in Ilarrisburg, Mr. Quay 'does eitt• eentrovert thramt, hut en deavors' to weaken its fore, by say -11%. thP. first lie heard of it was, that I told my nephew that on the night u: the TOitsurer's election he (Quay) entered my room and attempted to tire at nie. And further, that Admire :tlki not vote for toe but fur Mackey. Now, the truth is as it was related in the anecdote. Ile did shoot the pis- Itol in the room at the hotel tnention ;aloud 'through the head-hourd of ;the bed i upon which Adair() was re ilning. I- The statement that I had itold that he had broken into my !recur and ' attempted to shoot me icooltipnly have originated in Quay's excited b urin; for I never gave ut iterenee 'to such an idea—never en tertained it 7 -ft is not true. Ho dare ,do no sitels thing. , Mr. ' Adaire Is an ' hque , tyi - uoright v , _truth ful architect and pninilticht itat.%ie l tiuilderef Otfl-, ' adelph la ; has represented his district fur the five years. and would have returned this had he been, a candidate, and has persistently' re ttisteti all attempts at bribery from ; the Caniemn ring. Perhaps they Can get his cortilleate, ' ; ‘over the left." More oluitlo the locker, Look out! " W. W; IRWIN. OM drawer to the application of the llriiteil liiates'Ooverninent for iterl *lssiott, to „survey the Isthmus of iTehuantepee with n view to locating n route. for . tr ship.eanal, Minister Itertkt de Tcjailo:writes t 0.,. Mr. Nel son;' the .Statea :Minister at (Mexico: • • I"President Juarei gladly grants rndislon to the surveying party ,to make the exploration, recognizing the advantages which the con struction of u ship-ran.ll would pro duce if Wuhan prove practicable. The of the States of Vent Cruz and-Caxatat have been requested to inform the load authorities . of those States te aid us far as possible the ob jects of the expedition,-and to pro tect. the exploring par ties.. Similar instructions have _been sent to the Military Commaiideta at Minatltlan and other points on the route. The DenartMent of Public Works will ap point a commholon to accompany the survey and take, part In Ist !a bets." ' , !The toile of the:, astrespondencv it exenedinglyeardtal and satts t r i a, and shows that the Mexican • . v • .'"•* 7 7, it i r l i rtStat m 3 tailiere 1' Ay w M 16414 lie: hafted I * l d at tlirofiVPlA • , dm h gt , f el t " rt "l * o 6111i= 4M *MCjI _ ~snrsingiurolusSOVWClMA _ , _ a [ ar el." -- ratairseral • Ae at Y Ainsinal W le Coarse. • c .,•1 Tills Troy, Nor k s il spat is even for what gilds wh .• 'hero really something stradergdibigTOb at the 'Watervliet Arsenal at West Troy. The force of women employ ed there, whkh has for some years I been very small, Is constantly tells—Ord- w o tA i roat, group aro puiting to . on war leek, The utriatist•dno token to prevent visitors from entering the rounds. The soldiers on ftfy•thVra have explicit instructions not to con• verso with cIPMI i n regard to the: recent :sibitietkneti of 'military ' equip naentsarid anus. EverYthiegisam dueled with the greatest - degree. of I motion and secrecy, andAlse women are.aluicat,constaistly undsissystem of espionage. This is probably ditended to pre- ' vent them from makleg public what they" know--that large amounts of [ military accoutrements have been. end are-being manufactured. Evegy day; [almost without an exception, boats belonging to the Troy antiNw York Steamboat Company car iinterms and ammunition, ostensi bly for New York. harbor. What New York barber wants with so [ many arms, or #0 much ammunition is a mystir). that puzzles Others, bet sides the people of this busy little elty. • A contractor named Lawrence, and doing business in West Troy, it is known, has recently entered into a contract: for the manufacture of a thousand sets of artillery barness,and harnafrmakera are • being brought , from a dal:anent° make them up in short order: Of' course these things create a greardeal of suspicion in this vicinity, but so far nothing of &relia ble nature is known concerning the reason foe this activity these "piping times of peace:" Dea**Me Wickedest Mar. John Allen, noted two years ago as the "Wiikedest man in York," died on the 16th of last month, at West Perth, In this Slate, where his father resides. John, it may be re membered, kept a dance-hon.% and a drinking saloon In Water street, and turned his establishment Into a place of daily prayer, under the influence of several gentlemen connected with the Howard Mission. More than a year ago he moved Into a large brick building, which he had erected at Roosevelt and Batavia .streets, and kept a grocery on the ground floor. The upper stories he rented to fami lies.—At first he attended to business and prospered ; but after the death of his wife his old habit of drinking overcame him. He lived In Idleness for six :maths previous to his death and his store was without goods. In August he wont to his fat set's Ginn and remained there until his distswe. He leaves' over $lOO,OOO, earned chiefly in his nefarious Water street pursuit. While residing in Roosevelt street, he frequently visited the How act Misshin sober moments, and profeased religion.—N. Y. &In. Wes; observe the report of a case in a Chicago_Court which shows how the proud and stalwart despot Man May be maltreated by shrinking and opprmed-; woman.. Mary Buckley demanded a divorce from David Buckley, tipow the, round that he the said Davidovits often inebrated. The charge may be true or base, for the case is yetpending. Meanwhile, the Court directed David to give the woman the moot his house and $l5 per wee l 4 Ile was also graciously .to. borrow. $7OO upon. lus property, so that be might pay Ars. Buckley's allowance. .Now comes Mrs. 8., who informs this Honorable Court that David dpes not pay up. ' "Very true," .responds, he, "but when I try to. raise money. un my baugtertr“•-enr - wife gees to those WRY Whqui atil..negotating, and' telh; them that my title is defective; and moreover she refines 10 join In a mortgage. When I go to see my children; irk lam permitted to do by the Court; .she abuses me, threatens me.with violence, and locks the chil dren up." ,'What can I do, your Honor," concludes David, "under these circumstances?" Righteous was the decision of the Court: "If a wo man," it said, "interferes with the husband's business so aas to make it Impossible fur him to comply with 'the order of the Court, slfe must take the consequent es."_ This is at. wise judge, be he young or old. We hike pleasure In stating to the world that his name is Rogers—Judge Itogets of Chicago. A st NO VLA it ease of insanity- hats occurred at Lawrence, Mass. Mr. C. T. Clutmlwrlititt, a highly respecta ble man, experienced an irrunstible desire to kill his children, and every morning he was accustoimml tevount them to make sure that he hid not dispatched one or more of them (lut ing the night. Lint Mr. Chamberlain was sane enough to know that he ought to be restrained of his liberty; and acobrdingly, at his own reqm.st, he has limn conducted to the Wor cester Asylum. ' lie has taken a bet ter course than some murderers, who plied insanity in the dock, and then expect to be let louse precisely as if they were sane, as tigrrat many of them are. Not to restrain a man who may at any time, by 114 s own admiasion, kill another is simply to legalise homicide. Elfl ng The following is from a Des 31olues paper : "At the funeral of a young man in DOA Moines, 7 recently, the servye for the dead took place at the dwelling of the parents. After a most pathetie addres s ; which brought tears from ell the young ladies pres ent, the minister inquired If any . of the dear friends of the deceased wish es:l to say anything on thisselonm oc elesion. A stranger here stepped for ward, and after expressing sympathy with the friends of - the deceased, re marked that theways of Providence were inscrutable, and, in this connee tion, he wished to - 'mention that he was the agent for a lind-rate article of hair vigor teethe State of lowa. The corpse had used it fur years with great adVanlage;ittal he confidently re.o 1111 l :ended It,- especially to the and undertaker presentoes he preeeived they were both pain fully bald. "Shake the bottle, gen tleman, and rub the matter well in with a stiff brush," said he. At this stage of proceedings a slight distur bance occurred, and the . vigor man disappeured." • Peuumylijuila Cougretonueu. Gov. Geary,-hits issued his previa illation in regard to t hoserel urned as elected to Congress, in widen he says: "Now, Therefore, I, John W. Gea ry, Governor as at - on-sail!, have 'mu ed this my proclamation, hereby pub lishing and taring that Samuel J. Randall, John V. Creeley, Leonard Myers, Wm. D. Itelley, Alfred C. Harmer, Ephraim i f . Acker, Wash ington Townsend, J. Lawrence G etr., thiverJ. Dickey, John \V. Killinger, John IL-Storm, L. D. Shoemaker, Ulysses Mercur, John i ll. Packer, R. J. BaideMtut, Benjamin F. Myers, R. Milian Speer, Henry Sherwood, Glennt,W. Scofield, Samuel Griffith, Henry--0. Foster, James S. Kegley, Ebencier McJunkin and Wm. Mc Clelland, have been returned as duly elected In the several districts as here toftweLymentioned, as representatives of thelwople of this State in the House of RepresentatiVes of the Con roy I -of the United States for the terns two years; to commence from and a ter tho fourth day of March next. i • •r*Of the members of Gen. tinutt's shiCat the time the latter was sta tioned at Ciro, Illinois in 1862, two on are now living—Gen. Htllyer and Major W. W. Leland, of Hereto -I_....Those who have since died were .M7.McPherson,!avenue powers, Aild . Graluta. • : . ,_ . ... _ Kew llama Cassersis Keeps Ws tr 011100. • A. * *llo/111(110 0 0 letter to the. Chß- , clittatt` Thiso has the following in testing Han: /here wa l / 4 - conslderable talk here shout flenatorAmeron's part In the late change in the °Meese( Secretary of the Interior and Commissioner of Internallleveapeow rattier ht regard to tha Oleg, or 00-letter: Dos ti It is well know that It Was tli awn blairdluetstv that tk-Penkrlvaldibt• recolifed•the a ppointment„tushe come en In'hot hngth'its - sobit Its It WO &lanced tliatlherawits to be a change, t and demands • t he President tlutt I rupnshoold settle place. Thera are.pre•bab t 0 hundred TorsonS In that city wl hold po si tions ob tained by WO uence—oillelals of all_classetr; -f .. !siesta of h oreaus down to in discortmentB — to may 110411(. AN citheritun:: dreds In his owlmeta - and through: , out country, and-ofi foreigrrinisi, slow. His friends- muse have taloa tions,L arid he - makes It'it.,Pernoliol matter to 'see that they !get them. When Juhn W. Forhey watv Seem tory of thelienate. and •Ite and Cam eron at that thno personal enemies, ho put a clerk In Forney's office and kept Itim there. Aud.ho has been known to make the trip from liar risburg to Washington to have a clerk reinstated in his place. Politiß ioes! Reeling at hoer°lk— ting rod Bloodshed. Nourot.x, Nov. 2..—A large crowd ogwhites and blacks collected before the city hail, last night, to here po litical addresses from lion. George M. Robson, Secretary of the Navy, and Hon. James N. Platt, member of Congress front this district and candidate for re-election ; ex-Govern or Wells, of Virginia; Professor Langstonegro), of Howard Uni versity, Washington, and others. Ex-ilia or Frank de ordy was elect ed Chairman. After Governor Wells and Secretary Robeson had addrisseil the crowd, and while Profeasor Langston was speaking, the meeting was interrupt ed by a disturbance in the crowd, which soon increased in violence and extent until firearms were very free ly used, and several volleys from email aims were fired in rapid suc cession. At the commencement of the firing, the crowd broke in wild disorder, scattering in every diree tier). The police attempted - to quiet the disturbance, bat, owing to their small force, were unable to acconf plish much. • After the crowd had dispersed it was found that no one bad been kllled s , but many whine and blacks had been wounded. Among the se- rioted) , wounded was John T. Daniel, a well-known white citizen of this city, and a leading Republican who occupied a position on the speaker's stand. lie wine wounded in the head by a bullet. This morning a negro, badly at, was found dead in an al ley, a few squared from the scene of last nights row. - • , ' lisiririagie In lltLaola. For instance, nt Bloomington a young gentleman bearing the prim itive name of Adam, leads a young woman to a private altar, and is sur ruptitiously joined to her. The new made pair keep their secret, and the virgin wife returns to the residence of her papa. Becoming impatient, the bridegroom goes to the parental mansion, produces the certificate and demands immediate possession of his better moiety. Upon this the ungrateful bride, seeing a 'tornado gathering upon her father's- brow, with an impudence }which does credit to her acs, actually denies that she is married at all ! The poor, reptalatcd husband is ferociously kicked out of the front door by the enraged pater familias. Recovering his center of gravity, lie proceeds to institute an actimi for divorce. This shows that under the rude treatment to which "has Wan subjected, his hive (and Who can wonder at it?) hats been changed to a bitter hatred. If it were otherwise, why, in the name of common sense, he not sue out a writ of habeas corpus, which would speedily have placed the young wo man with the short memory in his arms? Moreover, it is extremely difficult to see upon what ground poor Adam's libel for divorm can be obtained. Certainly. there has been no desertion, fur the knot is only three' weeks old. - But a first-rate . ne lion, with a nice prospect of damages might be brought against the pas sionate went—and that is what we should have recommended. —A Mils Ella Frerer, lu years ofd, and a Virginian, died in one of the interior a counties of tiie"Old Domin ion" a few days ago, after a slain at tack of typhoid fever. The body was appropriately arranged for the grave and transported to • Washing ton City, where it arriVed Wit week. While waiting 'removal to the grave one of the friends of 11w-dead girl in casually placing some flowers on the body by chance touched the ?Wads,' folded on the breast, and scream...o with horror ut fludinc the: . quite warm-and life-like. Medical assts. take was summoned, it was found that the girl, after three days of appa rent 'death, was in a state of suspend animation and might parsibly be remsciated. A strong electrical Lmt tery was called into play and a num ber of vigorous shocks administered. The form graduallywr,unied a life like appeuranee, and at the moment of highest exptalation, when all pres ent thought life successfully restored, the' feeble flame, apparently for a moment revivtsl, went out, leaving . the body rigid and cold. The physi cian, one of the must eminent in Washington, believes that the phe mammon was yawed by the too free use of opium in treating for the .dis- —Albert E. Frazier, a full bloode.h Indian, is in Aighland University, Kansas, preparing for the ministry, and there , are told to he ten there de siring to enter for the mime purpose. —At Terre haute the other day, a little mat of D. W. Voorhes lost an eye brthe blow of a stonethrown by , huother boy on the street. Evan Seine Journal of Ed day relates the ghokily experience of tWo sober men who left. that city for ItoCkfortt In a buggy; one night re cently, and were troubled on the way. with the titutemuntable uplifting of their horse or vehicle two or three feet from the ground several times.. When the buggy was up the horse had no power to pull it down until the invisible foriv let go. Jinn Advert Iscanciets. New Millinery Establishment IN r MRS. 8. T. NEAL Would inform Vie public nod vicinity that slw has j n it opened a NEW MILLINERY STORE 1117.IC,r'UTON wi'veknitrr. A short tlistamw above enr.' aun• !Wel i F ? S'.I 3 E IL PA. D 128.3 Strl3l/0 BEI ANI) • : .• In ell ib braneliet. Children' !Oohing, Shirts, mile to order; work to be re• hied on. A cali stilleitAds . 1 • myWol. . . • • EZ:3 p•3o.a ,A, wzin ' . ld mow, raw br Mine.- r... k . i; ........... bestaera at kuu4 . ... cap - " rOkkeerigtukeL Address Arndt,' .. .N.e Aron. 1 . .SiLESIEII WANTED. 8...wi ha, t ,...... z., ~,p ,,,,....„,„, 4 . w.... ~ g i... ....aant rtl 3. 4tk M., JUL,. Wi fitlib - MUIVIST746 - ,; 1;,;,:: to - TOM fur. Joun,ll. IL. , Alarm'. toeuruZ, book 4 Se IFtwoolla eh* fbe. Pram...p ram ; slam Mann • Aih• hal 6 Pet Nr + .i.1... k „ A/drata B. 11. ItkpriLll. lk ku. '111:•. ..••_11 . ..`.e..•n-.'t:"."2" , ":' ' . '.....„suko u to re1t? ,, g7.04014 - Agr,4o. ~.: with.4‘ bandidme I'Verktfiir uf 4or A; lUnetraird 1 u-IttOdr to any mutt, A „,., *talo:v. A dru“ . l34"geopp I Pnj , :i.A113.7 . 0, .ph !!!! 1 .4. 1 4* l''':.... . ._ , ..n1 Pa. s oysr u ug mew ly need hy ewer, r --. t ( q r 0 DE PRO SODn vdexirgatgatillmr,:fre, A. J r i k / 41 ‘.1 0 a.F'' 8 .1!.!" • porZran' 100,000 A9Evral WANTED poi - - ow. W V ~Aii MAKE MONEY MA other blut Book. In the ka r t,. Me/ [7 '& MadFriA. rum l.t I her:n4l . jt,,, ptila. l'a .. _ . . t's FAR MF_:ICS'. I 1E111.:It. Shows bow to {iambic It.. v.Alto ,. 1!•1 and bow Embers and their 01 . 00 P.Elt 3IONTi f In Winter. 10JUI aides a 111 he 1 2 .'0 si tr.. Aeud name wed wmte.. to ZI1.1.111: Jr. MCCILRLY, Philadelthu, ro• to.: 4 talilterla WA ArilliD FOR THE •.L.1,11.41t.r or the tValltl.l/.. Containing Fleet-~0••• •• tee Lt ehngy , of the ApiNtler, Eanzru.i. atal !lotto; DOddridge's .. EvJdences of CloLdanitl. • pt. louts( the Jew.," by J0...1-T.lu: - 111.44, 1 teligkuts Denumitunithe." treau. relating to events c.muectra snit -1bb..../11.1.;., contalninz many the The she, funning a complete wry a brie iat.'l,,,s;. edge W. VLIMT,I6 s.r.,aa se. 1 '414 • fit kit. I d n :.eF The wild sdteutures nod man claw ..I?erlin,l Or Gro- Act.orm, known a. tbc ...Croat Rood,. ' and taX•khu.s 100 lodges, hula tan to In:u. A book of TAnglay Interest, les/V.4, • ?fob. ,qpirttel. Au, sating. PUrfl .41 F01i,,0 Ald:y ttlurtrstrd anted paper, elegant biudulg. Will titans e‘er, body everywhere and sell to r . .rteeNi any book Lice. wide-awoke Ag.vola wed rany for iltserst.4 /sample peg.. and 011:1311. Atelllll I nr. .4 to Cup pal A. 11. IlUlteAltD, Mier, 010 Chestnut .t. nuttbr AGENTS W % TED FOB "LADIES OF THE WHITE HOUSE" kilandard mod cdrieleltootts. phlee or errrmm u ,.. of the Presidents Nsuslon from Wielderna te flout. Superbly Illustrated on steel. tot rum lass and tern,., address NATIo!IAL P1a1.3.111. Co. New York. 51,1 t. $l,OOO TO $2,000 SALARY WE GUARANTEE , TO PST TO BOOK A 0 ENT'S of.oidedelwer. or a lari;et ttap sntseion than le uttered by any other PaNba ere. At.tente are mating $0) to fit perswi can rweins for our wow Illastratea h0..k.. W. pinnate. Agents n ealary_or • Urge twentaiwka. with a choice °rims new sad papilla" hook. eacJuelve territory. We ogee Wm Chews I. rw emetic awn or women to make inawry. Meer. your arency direct from th e pabliebent. J. L. Malt a CO.. Hartford. Coon. tril.`k" CARBOLIC TABLETS. An entailing remedy toe MI liromehiallllMettl- % Ceasing, Cold.. nuaroesinsa, AMAMI. blear,. Dryness a the tlreat ur %lade Thal Macao.. The wonderful modern diacovery cd Catt.g, Acid. id destined to beCome 01:11, the bleselngs to ananthihd to 11l apyitcatton uf the anat.( and tie grest-itaratfre quatnk4 e, alreedons of the Cori? AND LUNY.. Dr. Wells' Carbolic Tableis, berldm the great remedial agent t are., and contain other hired lents util•tivally te.oattrag. ed. t 4 hich chem cally combine. tat More highly snedlcinal and better adapted ar dleemies of the thrust than any mrparatteu ne berme offered to the public. FUR COUGHS %%D COLD.. W911:1' C:tri)olic•Vabh2t, ARE A slit?: CURE TRY UMW st)1.11 1)111. imsT t.. 111 IsTlit 1 . . 10 IL., A 10 re 7 e.O.,••••• 01.1 ill r uar 314 . 44,6...4. I I: • INENZ 141:1; AGENTS WANTED fka womEN OF NEW YORK , Or ,Si.eiat Life in the Greg! (114. Wtott . ...tin I dcreloptociatttottiLeg Ito .11140.(1. Nitortril oottiou'expowell,ac.ar Itcst book to 'yell polgt.lotal. "Mr bt-to o tn. Agent, ever itivrlt. Alltirtn. N. Y. Loot o to N...an lit. New'latt. onikt. BOOKS TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Futtnoc Teller.Uletr; Couttenlp ta-lo 35 ch.; Correct-Etiquette, 'Oct,: Broll 23eto: Bow tooin bwerthelct or 1... e.. .A rt.:. riitt eta: tdrl ronnuntl: fn'." 1 . ..M1 Utter Writer.::. Cis: .mutt ur :Octet Book of 31voterlous Comic Specc. co, al rrul•; lion tiont• It , c,:c Crete; "Ling andW rectllng mod -y. Truo lage aide and B.A. ‘,l Book.. sent poctage paid h) return tcan 3 Aster Place. 3;co , York. eel. to Delapierre's Electric Soap. Warranted better and clo r 11140 fn) - Fur Pl.lll.ldelpbtx. ilt.burgi. A. Jitney & Andrew, T t•llurcau A %h.,. A t 0 iloooleh & Slulan.llsrion a 0011. .1 o.Slsrpn. lions 4Smucker.keat y, E Waterman & You r...;.1% I.l:ra,cr, 1101:g11 A to , 'Thompson & II h ran,. T Pam, Wainwright &CO . . J 61rt Watcrman. Son a 11.3Mithr, r•nrt S 1 . 0 Iforrhoon, Ilwr A t ...it .1.11. fn. 7. "CAVA AL CO arhAekie a Cu.. di and noisy °M.o. octiltlar - - SEASON OF Is7o-71: NABOB & HUN CABINET ORRIS. Inspor!tine Insproveineells. IlatentrA June Ilk, and Miens. rid, 1. 7 4 RED'UCTION OF PRICES. Thu Mawm and Manilla thgan Co bale IM ;armoire of annonnelmv holm:tont Ininreressoas in !MAT Cabinet Organs, An which patent. sov granted them In dune and Aar ust het Thew sre not metely merchielmis attachment. but roamer c the vuthrtanthil cseellrerce of the Itninimento Thai are also rushed hy 13,a,a..41 Y.. 1111 1 ,0 ,114 manufacture to make, :wet llov Innlir Ia thirilon lit price. on tieirnit trailing llaltt completed and added to their former Le Minks a larde, new snanufw•tory. Inky hope le, ant, to supply Ml orders t.reurldiY '1 he Cabhrt Ot gone rit3iiittictisti•il hr M s t. Coe lAny tie of such universal reputation, ma or,' - 11trounhqut America. hart Meant Europe. that les will need as-nuance a their supevirolts. , They now ore , hut' It t N. - TA V E t'AltlNl;Tnt: GANS. In galls plain rate.. hat mod r to their espied!) to envihlne Mee nuke, 5.F... etch. The prune. notuLrritxßP. M vi" tx'rAVE noirm.t: Han) ottwool. Vt‘ twTOPS. with Knee 'swell sad Trennutrnt. Itt Mtill•cm.e, with several of thr Mation Intl ' imprmnsmente. Vox Montana. wkh Ant/Matte kern a, IP*. • FIVE (VCTAV ES. THREE PET. , It 1:).:1 , * vi` EN PT. rPto with Et'YNON E. a qilet.l:l 2, nun I. $213. • A new. fllnstratett calalnzoct Ir,!; time. end reilliend Mere 4 nnw reedy 'and rent free, with a testimonial circular, pop,' Vest man of evidruce n. (a Itn , - there 111111111111VOlO. to anyone owntlitt, tie to the 1.1,t407 , ; .t 11A311.1S OIaIJ NI or to h 1 shout ttrrul Boston. or La. Itrosdwii. N. o %•.• °cede.: lw kte y the Arnoricomi K•4/11.i Tool. N 1.4., or ST. L)cle. Mo. ll i'hNe'll.tl.ll3el7rnAi‘ei b :kSTtt i MAt'IIINU 1140 I he tal. (alike on both odes, -.Anil k. The Imo( sod clo2.4lx•et the market. Adirr.• .1011S,WS. t'LA HAN market.l:l. CO., ?boo.: 1 . 1O•lourz. , • • ' - k . or St. Lull. Mo. C' ' Ir.: Itl Writ. Pr, F°IITUNEW ',Ally It, I k. ttrllloat ()cells fur foal. At h e A Point inanincv Miler .Viyet, RoeOster, 1•;. Whitfield & Anderson, MANUFACTURERS 4)F' Sash, Doors,lfoulilings,l7oor-twl' If, lreather-lioards, litfingr, I'l-'.•''l•' f • els, &v.:, alc. ALL°, DOALERS IN ALL KINDS OF _ •BELL AND BUILDING' Tl3lllEa. Pt Haring ourchared the ttorial interr.l e( 3.C. Anderson. ow Der'of Der. real Patent. e Friog' certain timproremente to Ibr rot•li. l,c ? mind kinking of weatherboard. and noisy S.rh'' re and other butklinea. we are the outy,t ,, o" authorized to make sod sell the maw w seal limits or Bearer Meaty. • Perth., Ntrn :"1 plc.., °Nerve 164. arrpenlers' Supplies , Ctiusla .tfcy4 . manner of *hop-MD.4II3We b ordrt Smr Deed►. flood►. Mosioges, ittssis 1(4.1;4 constantly on mad ►sad tee sale Ws olio 01 1:=1 e' oom z• *=.4 ofri 9 . z 0. , '4 3 ; / • 7:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers