Theleavtßo4M% ;xo.l.6arilit*4 .7=Z!. ° • ••=- . thlibilkaae_ l 4 4l 6 l I am lir. , So. iOlO / 1 I .1 .w—go 0666. Os 00 00 00 $a • 01 i s 6000 1 rh• . 1 ~ . , „gam 2, ,Hp i ir l 4, . I 0.,—. r.. ,:" "P l 1 1 0 'I I ' a Wawa .. ... 31 1:0 1 1 11 • 200 am 60 d d. ~ • .." .- • l i .'.7t'‘• - , - .. ' - ./.. 4 ...: • 00 lir d4 I I MIII 14. 'WW ' t JlliW - "lit -- hiadmialo..64 , ,, :,• I .lii .1!11 -I'l9 A 111 t ilitirsrerl Wea an EUMO - • pa • 9 a • ' 1 4Yde5. 41 . 14 451 * l l l . elbow. " 11 SO &Igo. , '4lO deg. 511 deg. " 12 '52 dig. 61 deg. sods& 42deg. --54 deg. 49deg. 14 40 deg. SO deg. 49 deg. ' ISI) `{Iq} I I P .IIPT: ;1 Tiaismanras:. CliveAAA IMlNlmbwrib Oaf But lA lens ftweilluillosilis Wafts 1111*.' .was NunsiN,94. 7 i.Aßeditg !NM , . /Ur Man. 5.43 p. muirma Iv r y M IN' u....,;„mi4,,r Pr00i.,4. " ritlerk-411416 9,11 1 1 . 114-11 aIA 9r Dr. , R)*As ors. .; EDOSISCCOOLi :741 "'tart.. '1024' as ailraraU ralemaill Met.; xmoit Ts_k_s.l nom 1.44 Et • Silk aceida..Taix p. • • CLt= S 1 r 1. i 4 P. am n e i ss e . e ll b l a l6 a m a . r i sft ) D - 1114. , 0; era lM Pci.,aoo . a. e w •. llama exp: NM a. as; IlaaarrSalla asap, psis L,*; 1.1 . = 11 11 :=LN tart% ; Iti icsr: iftwortweaftsii: 1k urea. tfill Vara talipreapilL ',LaMar/lbw Villaadmar.T.le ••:: C. xbell44,lt4scalbil public/a. IQ tlit ' talltiittkr/q.*..:40/. w big), WIWOIO:Ww . 4r",:dest :thaw, ta :Um 4 =ol=ll. l a4wliani ..) - I ( f '._) Wodig MoliWrw A •• 0 .0 .4•10.• 01, Spade NoWase.-Iktg A 44 5 Wit ..... wreak= 1.10-6atiwoana, , , „, Woodil /I‘. T.:o4f lact .: , .. . • ~ Laat,Twie bWi& cr . Spada , /300 a. _ _ card.l=LliazliltabW k i 9914, T 04.. ' ~ cant-4:Ww. Car4-fiwlllorM. . • , .. txrd,..r.r• Ituim ~• licwAAreithossiset—emojas.' ,', -_: ' n(WWwr's Notoa-D. Wagletook; ,' ~„' .. - rizeeesetivalk. Aaaftw's Nall D. Dsagfuti sq. . , a .• a *a /Timor -410.1 • 7,rtbta.M.V., n i t: I a l ' i r e a XL VW r t • "S i ll , t o:; ..UP M4 l l r ie it lilitilasertptless tolattileatter I..—Ttni follnwkig' nix perT:To Itatrtittlfillte anima oft opponto to tnoir nowinit on inlbooliption 0 1 14 goiker -..4 1 * 1 .05'10"kthe . 11 ,5! . . ) .. cit o.r.,lll4''Pob!l .160441 . 11402,11eai1it; ..- • •-; 1. •r. oo •Jee , Neely. Jas. Oldham Pulaild tp., 4;00 J.lll ~ 'Whit • • et I , : tr_ zq 2 OD. OD A.IIMINC.NIIC odme •I v., ,I 11•1 IA W James Reed, , • : 240 WllflMr SIT se" Sheffield, .00' (Walt. Ynti ;14eiVer;• '": • ' ' Sillo Robert Drabs er. Fallston,',,,",.' • 00 William Polder, Rodbester. I '2°oo Jobb McMillen, Elder's Mill;• • 2..00 A. 'L. MclObben, Greene UeMen, 1.00 J. Bell, Sr., Seaver, , " , 1-00 eligtaise,lPiaipkisms"—A single vine groirti on the tolutdo" dr Hide, Imbrie a Weyand. neer the. edge nfirawn, has this simian produood sixteen pumpkins, all oFlL4el wilth tw/ eycefitiohyf large sire, and giving an aggregate weight of, .2:17,1ka. We fir?not well rough versed hi&npithiellogy io' Aetermine wbettior there 1s Ans.thlng remailtablq,JD this yielii•ii:i3M.DitiltlifiliplgieptArtir ag ricultural friends can inibrsn us. • ; 11.1114toombol,allowiNsioit s titenly 12; kt ! irdrtettle . , hes •- • ter. octl2;2w. BO**gixla ririiwhefetAlllou allßid 44 eleap anni," RoomV, at Wilt But4thoct l2 ; 2 w • • Yon new ntyienolf,pry Gods, Eastern go td IBlinhe's, Quay's budding, Beaver, a fine large and fash ionable stock lust opened. It will pay you to make your purchase at _Bence's. A, 1111AUTIVE , r1 stock of lloppakirts and' Coiaata, - at Ir Ilinta6r dant bf Fashion, prldgewater, Pa. Dept. 21:t J. D. Herod; Outier Eli Atenne and Markel atrellei.PFlltairs, Pittsburgh. Importer and Jobber of 12ibbeie;"d'ilka, Velvets tint La*" sod Chi:L.64l4'i Yete , iiats i wholesale fieimr! . :wn.ll*'lt." hcmse ono of tie Mad kui and pribag us low iwk tw , found .any where FAai sila'West. . ,sii*-Orders protnitlyslitend.lkoV (49;4 .13u1;iiii etatAnge • for ml)llneti . - le r: . spwl4l7 tit:Bences atm, , Bea . Or ;or, 4 o ; mi-iv. pith gkiartory, for a 4,1111, 4rayreri,ol• eints for either alariUt Ile 441:4111 144.. tin• • dorokublpir 4. & Sqellaubstrea,— . Brordway;:Piew Beightos, Pa. 10 ILsAvf &Kite for , $3..00 ; Vizie C.alf Boots Ibr 4450 ; '''Mlt."l/3fulAl, l ia r ff. , D 49. p d.. ° . go .0 91t r. Lour, 04,iiiii,eu7 1 tet 000:bile Wk. 4e70N.1n the borough of Roebeeterag MOB Or 11101111 J-4119 4411.144140r a11y retierded:bi• returning the isms tril this otThis: EMS iS Go to Fortunteski .tba_Dbuitond. Hoctutatir, fter'PrO'llOode; ebispest In • Beaver AIII'ATTIM -- en4h . 1 1, ,k414911 1 14Pit, I 'll4otocketaldr..L.Wlit oiieisting . and via:sateen satisfaction. He can take you a picture small enough fur • locket or sat Ws° as yoursolt Far,. " • ' Geirrutsw, buy your underwear l shirts, drawer* and furnbthlng geoids . 149e ",_ r P 1 14 1 0 4 : i l ni ce.. s ,Qu ?rjd t .a bu il d. ing, ...VIM • • Western Vineyard", Fiult (ann. isul N r .11,14, Aighl s ten cents forour desbri ve ita guide to the flower garden and fruit culture. Every , linnet and fruit grower should have it. ;Add Rh FE rir prraly, Near 11.11,,N.aet DION or Bloomington, Illinois. 00148 g Lam' A fact worth knowing, that S..t.J. 1 3ilfewitr16j . BA g ht " n ' are selling, and will sell until January 1. 1871, hens) , ribbed tam and draw. 4 ' 0 7 5°15 71rrif1",1 1 / I ,l bv° ' twen yiVe cc ti nt trr d . • 7Z Mulvanott Lime Klltts, Vanport. Beat lime at the lowest price. Oteig Ilsnst3nn: ibis •beautiful Stock of Hats, &bonnets, plume., dower., tin '111914,111g.5.:49•111-ri-41111.Fidt Sept. 21:tt FALL OPINING ■t I. Hanauer's USW °Mashies. Bridgewater, Pa. sept. waL Sti Neel 14. 'names, keg unst, Pltta,t?Bh, ' An the novelties is Hats, Bonnets. a 0 . 4 1q 1°1 * Ri tPrt i tft ret. vet! ! Flown, Featiaets Ur J. IL RitiminaiNnVen peonlsto aincrx — ErsurAWilthel . P6 itßiigt upon advice4abe well for our tenni* Ma - 114/Ikikit. is "belligerent" at t e present Uine, - and that in a month or two at furthest his "pet" wIU not only have passed cinUrely away, but he will have Mosey' enrolled satin sea subscriber to the Beaver Au due. We will 'elfikkiferpeelt or two, of turnips on that. IE3 1110 emu I if 1/0 00 REMOVXD. J. H. Benoe's Dry Goods, nairearetwa,maal: with an extra large and well .PNINWATA ° O:IOII I OVINN.,47? do. •ct; w U1(1d11.1 Al AT mimes Al 0 CMS, Cheap illealirAtadhilitoraWll,liinhh dr. Co. octl2:2w 4-41; h'd ...E*E.t. Ur At Joseph Horne it 'Co.'s, Market Street, Pittsburgh: Boulevard Skirts, &ewes'', Haidkereldetil, Laces, and every variety of Trimmings and small intros.— OrUPPIIVOivikSNPMt4 II % I IIMSI SUAWILB I Shawls I! Shawls! I ! Any-; body In want of a abawl should go to Quay's building, Bence's etoro, Beaver,' Am them. A large stock on band, both large and small, single and double and: the fancy nowZia:6in stripe, call and are them. octl2;3w Tun latest and hest styles of hats and bonnets and as cheap as any house in America at Will Smith .3; Co.'s, Roches ter. . - octl2;2w ..git'tVIVASI 4 O4 I9I O4)3 ( 7V 4 SCPACKti9 I / 1 " . , tWairranted van:mind/mak lasimuy• fiteured , by , AVetru N lcittf TA triaisetwilfill4nt ariFnaos. SeArR ' ll4 atil4s 4l lN l Mk l iiii o 4 l#l ,l4 l 4'l° gi_4474,111:60 1 =4;',P,..0409r aixt, Ater to Plat yaw wono,c4. sem, op = 1 " 4 . 6 ' 0 TiVre. Perfectly lab; g ex pkpilve a Whom. ChtlaNt w . w ., ,15 , 2.,nt,z0ve.4401,y0,;x,2r. .Uumes..oinizetth:4 040242 w (4;1 pikiddii.w‘rth 7;i0;40. a yard at •!The-4.lhaavdkdGOLibxdiea , tar. "WM firatih-&-Co,i • •• - ocifJP;dvr t di to Bought .atal , ilattlpi'so"dar..• 'Nilt!'qrrldtc . „laM I..l44pii,tqi,...*_;:i)l*;il l sD 6 lolla4relirt pas,l4l.novers, at 8.. & 139011rattaria:ri-, Wold*mYiNeer Brighton: • • -- uu :1411.104010.401;•77,4111W FAPII4O7I Ing Kerosine all exploded In theippeery Atcp,l? el' Jobe p l a rk In, Beaver on, last ,f! 1 0. miorgulOhe ars , Na wilp44l;,ll6.3V AVEZlMiratiadAtin liliantlol4.444LQ Ana • ly whoisumrha Irrthns testae the butkl- Inertial liehig dottreyeitk , : •u" —DisT•!Goonisl• fi,e stoeig- , llr 'flaw Vecite,'QuayNi•bitifflltlpp t ilearerev:itt bt.e— • ,/ • ~,f iite.B6 rote andealtiat Vortomes.o+ deti4l,o. - slt?tkirilefitainrAirr:.AND-berrrrciit +. I.qf ' AtN A1.r.51.4*,...cnit. .IA. 0 1 .0tt.,00. r.L..., belOad MUCIt otrius,4o4. igeLers, ..,\ Pi' •riee of- re florae "Talkell.on Goal?: gy, illus ram: with vatioas . Min'erste - and . fosip;;, 4 beim aive!lby tho p&oriv,oi be. 1 41 '0 th .001 4 111 4 . 6 041P 0 .:1 3 0 0 0.,add s very a ly-toThaphrisureisztil profit to be titer! ed from MS' intereetinOtudy.-;- Tfiimys iir v ,lfeyiyi:A . s9l:o ri;ttiriiiA'l4lhip coons in. Imr; ir...Na1144.0ffe4C41 11 , of momil agatero frotni3iloshurs, through. the 'ltittdheas ofdLient. Ilamlicor,of oar time: Idru - are pleased to reltitte.'lll4o, quities arc being .ucule alter catalogues with reference to next session. l'upils may still enter roe the present session. to adranhtie. Bend to prorssor Taylor for catalogue tirinfortnatlOn. „IV-There is still a great rush to Schiff Qr. Stelnfeld's Clothing Store to get some of those Cassintere Suits, which they aro selling at 110.00. , Ltnisztt and. aetit4( .4uldozw,gart. all kinds, at J. IL Benee's Quay'a Deaver.oetl2,llet • Wine Vegetables.—Wo wore toe recipient a feir dap . ' ago of an assort ment of vegetables, raised by Mr. Goo. S . h e al "Tier, thall (It t • db, 'shoo . 1 1 tho, I t re° squashes—a Turban, e Boston Marrow and a flubbard—that would tempt any ones ne . petite. Tho swort potatoes loft with us - by 'tile same gentleman, were al it, very tine, and the largest we have seen this season, one of them measuring' Inchei idktlgtli, t 31i.rYoung is large ly engaged in raising vegetables, any} Judging from the specimens left us, hi will prove an adopt In the business. *All gocids at Pittsburgh prices at Portuno's„Dismond, Rochester. !w Xilifeeltigatell figroillet hat for 75 oenta at "The Cheap Store," Rocheater;,, Will Smith do Co. oetl2;2w, par -Call Ladles' and examine otir goods, splendid assorimant at Jam. A.' Vottaibea i. ,•. oct4;2nl 7 Pr forlAW 7501 s for a down COMM crock l RI, S. &AI liurrym and Eggs tu en in exchange for nuillinKttaxid Orip.gikads, liences store, Quay's building, Beaver. [oclthtw Mr. J. ll BENCE who keeps one of the finest, stores Mille county. has his room rm? ‘ . 0 -45 . t, The 'nxturis are snppliOd by Mr. J. C. gprhms or MultaimptvOlittitand,Monnets,i.atih bons, Flowers. and everything in tho Millinery and New York can offer for sale, in both styles and colors, will be found at J. 11. 'Zi°9, 3 15 1 ,10 1 19 9 7 4 94„31,9rJ C u t' .18 tahlishinent, Quay's building; I 'S A 'word••pwrists to awlliclens.. n.pcdl2:3w 611"'.1):4;,rotyarh iliiiteog"6 . 'iliaciol,i' Ndeir • !/;• I'a. Largrst utock unil titr prim+. Wlthle Bale and Udall Adjourned Conn.—An Adjourne+ j elinit'inktlifid 1 / 4 11'1%104'6h teleiliiirs- • day. Judges ail present. Considered*, bushman was transacted, but none of r ippcfnholeir4tErgipppltliir 4 at ; jorge. g3!-Keep it In mind that Schiff& Steiner foartsetplityst fashionable Gents' and Boys Garments at the lowest figure. In Beaver county : . (Radica/ copy S. dr.. H. notices.) water, will, on acoonin of special butC. nose, be closed until Saturday Oct. 2.1 4 1... , W i lltratyln e l44l 44 then Washington and Jefferson Col., preach in the Presbyterian church of this place, Ints,tegad )iikelltive , ~..4 ,T Dior Goons( lino stock at rdlrTho only subjects which attripi. , .ttin admitinse al ridden of notrapaPirr now.a.daya ire the European War, 4t(t. 'l.l3llNeildintlidlgriiiiitailAgentbahu diar it-DrX.c4lF*PFP.Mi l lsille.V4 l l 4lllWllll' fold's, New Brigntoit. 5.3 ou wir - „ Lan an an taskuon it aby med at Will Smith d. Ca/a.. • ,r actl9: ffio i- 'V' 11.:tiiii • 5. &,.r,.., t='4.-. gr ~A.,, , : . ..,,,. If y H t l ia4l:4 4 ' g il/UaTiO w & g liai t itlei II ' t'" gr - t ' j:'4. ' - g gl 1." . er41011400901 iqf ft • I ( C 4,4 1 . 41 . ) `,' i , ... ' 1 -. ;140,r" r 4 • lif I.:: 1 i I 4 ••• 3 • 1 1 °. 1 ". ro Siliiig • •04 t 4 lb 34 terry,44l3: • . 5.3: F' '0 t 111Zrea t- 4 . / 4'l a2 L gsl 3 tr1342'063 Sph 4 0 t . ct • 4 - 4 . f.,..„ • - • . 3.--- - : ...- . gl 4 itt plie/. . 11 1 7- - 1161.41_17 , • 4 - - Iisr.: , t3O4MNIVII 3 ' t. tv4 !, Tilt 'Tilt : I_ll • - . a 0 034 11 ?rtrlie° 4 9" 43 1:zeii 1.).1 , 1 w , - 7. If v , ::ii.,,q:!"q...7 . ilagio i ty. - - 7 4 . 4 1 ; * 1 "4.7 1- { riv e 83retatesaiigs•ata.016wiplingit ?'"'"iri -tisVgovaEs2stflßli t :'u .4,1 t... " al l ir%" 11081 1 3 1 1 1" .- 0 14p..)10WW34,Attr.ple_sst.....:::eaLs__, • ~.. zissitgredAdlngstsineav_tLeamwkwailf96l 23 _...La ID r~~=~Es~s~~ 110,,,SertilipriPa a rtg0444416514n nig ## tr,caditi &riot& ittl. 4 .Wit 808 - s *l4. lOU 634 liallafilkiiitlisVatiakiaii "isaiesiftt.4satilailatertmalo, 14 .2 WAPAP 2 OR & W -- ii,4, 1 4#042g_. - .r.E43.vsksask ol 4 Oisk qr . :7:1 . 51 atto4l.B eSte V- 1 a-"JaM S - 21 - 1 ------- 11 - 11 -‘ I%etitAriPt 2 ; I IrMIPSSI* 164"*131!,"2.,1!,„ I theta CODethoersue auttilibtlet: 111atintte la 031/011E - . Achtleth7 utut Mituay."lll : • „ :,•! For Borklamtil43imtatikwie malettolou .13/11in,um Ffy, ZiipC Stet War Sucker State has. placed ua under renew+ ed obligations for late western papers. , 4:4: I •• 4 .: 4 T- -- 7 - 71 • WANTED—Ntirq „ x,to go to nce a new store, Quay's building, Beaver, for iSeittlir,lll3tlnaly;Sitawls, Furs, dre., large stock goods. $ " -r4r Itaily;•!setat, see: luountnias ni•rivareaswor tlhir nwa wake; ttualarup -*Pah thisAti I et Sid Eatelluulturg'a,Bnetn• way, New Brighton? ."; ,; 1• " • ....• : littWethil citaL.tiltVstaks /hive yequesteil inflpnatloii of us ro- ' gaid to the livipaisett of tlolast session ( iTreit i ro tlM le tilirdil -! %Vainly° taken . palu. to inv,tl - •isia,dfteikult giya iivary tor of a section of land, of at pleasure, but is only a modification' 04' nor, p*on. who had seivefflr'thostrany or: navy: of. States. in the late rebeplon• gif i Er .42t. ( t E 4 ri r v patdAtt 0-, for mules iii icauteste4, lysli; that is, ho FIB; übfec. t si = lLil i nis other con -41. .= 113FR+is t ,Al t wt QX-' 4. 114 , 4304. k. litialileairitsitnibti The istnli.ouer bun . PAVIA& ril.i!r ger& cIM bekl i at . 2if.bisliig limited je'ellihty acres, as Vovided in the home -4.1.46t,4100 ;Ifells ' I PCS# hm "'"" te q d ha Y e . - Pfl i g H T •io 444 . tar lE= - WANTED—Everybody to go to Donee's: new atore,;(lo44spßiltlipg, Beaver, for new styli) Dry Gouda, j i linery,Shawls, Pura, Ace., largo stock and now gouda. 8 at lecirtune'a, call and examine. 2w ) tArrik 1iftr,*(4107.511,y(4.u1k,01d, or ;..11.,r4; L iles vy , iittdArtdid4r4tlititfiili dr.t4eri - Clillia S. J. Snellenburg, Broadway, New Brigh • 1.Q66' dttliig' , lo.s6ll..q\i4htillte:ifi l irt and , OrapeNliaria 11:L4444 4r; `4l.cti • 10.r.04i0 or drawee.. 2- • 2 I • WANTED—EverybOdy tO go to 110nCo's now store, Quay'a building, Beaver, rot. C4POSOjkIi I IAPCt. Pura, Jr,c,„ largo stock and now goals., 3 ' • t To THE MEDICAL PROYESSILON.— , 1 4 2 hi it lul , Pertivaik 11.16 k: 813 , 111rani Ter rated Wine or Wild Cherry Bark, Puio ;tt bast price to ,I.,byseails—Carboliti and Crysytie acids, l'epsine,.l.:44, :Or Bismuth, Pancreitiz, ad CAxilivei• Oil, lodoforni . , Bitter Wine 04,419 0 0 ,r 4:A xiph9sp4oMuil,;ll.ll;irs—a . fresh supply at Hugo indriessen's Bea ver Drug store. , dlupu(Nra.,xe s , who require a good light at nigliks.hould ,ifitrodnee Spriggs gas fixtures into their houses at . Thaelpetisa is trilling. And,tly brilliaut and sato. oet.le:" Trials of a tanutrylli TholsOtiloxities of da lly jour Serves is itext ttr the editor of t vt lie (Pa.) :IfinersJournal.wtin laittda - tiiirldati i. .. I .. 'fitO:iii:Onei 'einteted -- lic:i . liiii. Sanctum Editorial'', of . a newspaper ar frequent , II fie! aftinis tilt itr, 01ring. .. Imag no e era_aid rep feta seated 'at,alatitrataninardeakoerkia ..inmrVilig • it, on e Altus tilinfjeop3•ing tthaMotaam douucil pro rAilurieedirdit i-,tttp . l;oloral , itratt - Aisittait'OT thee lb of the day. etc., ap , d , itiat..:,tur all a settled and %Muds atAilalsd irt:Ytitd,r York. a, man tuitt;ra,., 104 .Iml:dres siarnahody sv IClt,er4 inlisplagsid imbiditisembrid dintoly ale , td4 4l lttcWa'•‘diiter MSOII3 • atxd :satisfac tion foy,gross injustice di th , 1,1,1agt,,,a . Ja yor, wl,th n yard of , mann )p t , &nu el:story' befhd reporMi, wico as outraged his clients, by accusallona o net'orkbiS gu illy. Close 1411 41Q0111 icolimys,n champion bil impfidaydr, .wk whin i Ltd I int ids chum • , acter has been assailed by tho annotanco lea' Aga in bin game. Then comes one of thoito man, about town--bearing the tidings of two . broken litkili&aCieL?filyi_followed by a tratnping Jour, printer, all tho way front 1044 60•Iboctittie jr itutrtera' to procure a nights lodging. • , 51+4,41.-14-1-r-4441 / Itsmmankit—"Tlio Cheap Store" keYf 4n4Ss i enC4nett n O i rl t ll V l iT ag l i • 'to ter. octl2;2w. Cif - Mayo rumen those tionhle•hrewAk ed, new market ja"ket,4—zilt the go? If ni)el 4 Itroatl: wiib . New.pciglft9it, whim e the are, to be lefa, weillis .to 1.1v,,1ti0 octl2;4r. ♦-.a.t~+tlir.l,lt ~ T i ne Scrap! lipair.-Frvittent InvMee 'lo6lllstep id Tifeitenel4td . the I . nodeidf . pr co min p? in gasp of estray horst" , cattle, efn,, !Cho law ititlikie UttpociAs itiatiladhnee as follows I . ' '., "` ../ Whenovee.a stray beast is found tress= ldistgton tbejiterittersi of any; one, It Is. the fluty aitter s piti:trfiriavo notice to the owner thereof under penalty of five dollars, If he can ho found, and witbaht .NttnAlaysgfip,sr . ,l6 ,Itti? Town , Clotk,t Thll deseriptiamot ll* lando..tfla ' fiti ' f, col gr;" a' . : , 0.Y .1 "1 1 40AV:4 11 40. 1 12 .1 M1 . 0" of such atrav or odrais, together,wWi the liti4;k `blell'irb 'fdi'A,44l 16.1..4.f. foots' Itqltfce, t twenty-five cants esudlf sheep, ar.! •4, : rilln I. I I. ""il tf ti , . .m• a !ti t . r ' •• W I LMOS - Ateh stray shall be utibitiltp, and settle all dam ( tr fMtiKl,P"'Y'ai , . gin , FAY. . Jiall. 6•• „ q,Arp, ,Cu' mai, lye! tVity:;otatririllo be , iutreiidaeal for 'tf;eiimilf444l44l,ll44e..nila:newajpaper orbiotaaniswilido....itod. if . 410 owner s,ltalH •!xot ' borer appiourel , witlain , sii . kty, ,a,Nadikki**l3 , :firtlol44roi*iza fili 4 ; AO tlkirmminabkr. roan ..ana dithiagissi iiiitiiismoi4ioatulAilitSiii 2 a4 '014.04 .4 1 4!),!!PRI! OP n •to a Ju'Orr or tik. 6 tiiiiiiiigu‘viiiiisililvilietit , tablii, !r . .11•8 ''' thi Ii N I V IAL‘ tigisbiti r druna Is ..-... •. etiffiis o 41: eferlifyr • he r lith; " 7~7" V3S3 1 - - _ rliS M7l yt lie !< 6ti~ Brit tivitirtiii days' notice OM! Printed or wHtteithamt-"bills. , Anty afterbo etrll . have sold the oenne,lo . r ll______„ ll ° l4l *_ o sball , erler.paylng: au :reirvi. m ,,lgth m , 40*i #9 8 ,t' 11 .4 lce!?Piog'ailA*o"id• pay ova the prides, if 'their° beany to the' county Treasurer: bat If the demer shall aPpoitrWithini aim year iAer„ inch sale,' and ",prove' hts' property to cab stray, the laid... Justice shall certify 'the same to wild Treasurer, who shall pay the' Writer , UM whole anummt 'or mach rbtfOrPitts,.l.lut if the dwner.ithan nolep piy within •the:tlintialbressid he shall .tlierriacter, a dal ed from recovering, nod the money en?reduthl may beappiled t° l eTudY PitriajtleiLk 1 - • ••••••••-•„. ,': i .yzkr•No purple to µpow goods td, Jae. A.,Fortutters, Dkanoud,:noolicater. ,2iv. 1 ! 11 . 4110 7;• — if you want to: Wign* Of your. therchan ',disei edvertini in the AMOUR. • lf you ward to dispoenotor purchase town lots, or any kind of proper ' tY..ll4l.vgliMiliA tim Anans,. n If you havoc ProPOEtir, to / 0060 9 1 : rent , or if you era in pursuit of such proper utatdrYtha fwd. laufwn • through, the you iviinC any kind oflaborers,tne chani9a, inFkni" &c.,. advertise in • the Annus. . If you, want to. autumn property, or to borrow mouoy, advertise „In Pro Anous. • • 11' you...itaill to loam, or 'recur% a 4181 , name partner. "(Werth° In the Alums. • you itrpt to'illoPose of S'Flor loess odivertleo Anom •• CM If you.wanebeeeOlsen any kind of eat pinyinent oe , etttiatlon,•edivortlae the • Anaue,_ • Y lD Y tial il an tir. / # 4 1 .0 In e",'”i t lir a ;! t o ho known to we plibili; j eu er; Use In Use Anotnw Au she% tviuttever your. business or wants, if you would have that busibess &Ivo yotaaktd.your wants wound, and it' you would have us contribute to your ininplitese "Ad Ilthbv jou poated hi the. ()yenta of the day, advertise In and sub- Cribe.pititikWarttitteit 1 4; ' 'Bun prints and-unmans only 124:ents at "Tiyebilir &ore," Rochester, Will Smith tt. Co. . ut7l232w *thew John Saxton, editor of the Cantors ;t0) - Repo/40'1V; the oldest pa tier in Ohio, heard of this battle of Sedan,_ and the rapture Or 'clic Emperor, he wroto and. published theaMmiit of the avant bra eolunin parallel with a reprint or the acosennt he wrote, and pnbllahed in ' the Mlle p npee of ttscrtiarienirei of 'Napoleon at Watericiain-1515. 1 He Lathe only editor, probably; in the worldwl , hay Written of the exit at both Ni eons in the same paper. Tint Goths! tine steel: at T 2: w xt4re, Quay's btildrng, Mayor I i 1".... J silica L 'Potts '. Lidulge, , )7 liroon the Newlirighton Ilerakl Fun Ahead. • Atnur election on lad TAtesday. CA Boyle, (who:used to run a canal with.a groat deakbeUer rumets. Mtn B r . drett die itolitical marbles in tbo Middle WartU'ofllliod 't b• present me with the beift, - uhl,en• be bad In' his flock, If I:handier received:l)4 yotes Inthla bor ough, .Chaudier. has. received • , the . .aftr votoe.• Ho, (Boyle,) also promised. me the next best chicken tells flock if we got[ :14 Intodretl ; and fifty votes tot*, Chandler le Beaver counki. We got them. So,he has agreed to wheel the bird!. MO*6 ,tenie on Saturday, the V2d Ming • to start from his house at 4 o'clock. p. m. t • • wil design', **Joule Al Tp .gnlitutoret pe irdan ill e....,, , a 'Of the F ~ dart Atha ''' on u hoyha " ' p of lee an . f, like ith e . e e is to. teae `he "Attle'bl . au to t Wit4ightlit etc ;litltO , Is to repersent those who "allowed the white feather" in either party, and tract: ed votes. 'I - OW InEtwined that abotte chari l trenty sold themselves In Ude ward. r Ageay* hadrfieltdk . P,lirthlnsbe wee aolyed ,l ;4o4, furA" ) *94/ 45 iri the poet ofllelOon rotttastboa.. maehtsla bonen' saddler, John C: Calhoun. did not. cur". waded. enough , witlithle. 4/alley—or* actor ho.tuul solidalned flee vote ,ot a ma,. nil .010 ikepubilm ut tb.)- borough thA nee the sl*l3lWrilin gingmith. I . 4nlted Staten revenue Officer to l• hiejailinfry; hatieVor 'OF he allpped.througli the Itlng,finad4polnted . a lad; who cleaned op the office 'WWI' VAlatotill:litlnAti9gial/sPhl6 l . . 1 41 1 4144,690 *PPS' , 1 109° eti*7 ibutleo of. s public., ; .01:1a4.• , No. 18.--Tie Stars and Arripies--411 t alil j VV: p a illa hu er-r i t E tutiorti noc ri4 : rouLllkini:fliergadt.iii, wilt represent the number of States of Faders' Unica:room danand to Anibal- Rah additionally •stThe Star Spangled Banner." ; I .kit , l3 o ' l .9l B 9oti&v:T# l ,Pli n Leo and Carter Braxton., In audition ut the putlastLtrunationeti -einem of t i lt Dec Oration of indeVentience;'Werenls6 Virginians by, kyirthilo4 4 P00P 16 44; in the prime of life And vigorous. Al I fottrideci NeMen. latent tolfhigland to so quire. au A ft e r entering ClUll ldriff6oo,6 astir With rep motion; lie reierned 74 , his native land; Fhod entered 111 , I elected 'to Congress in 1775, and arab -4Pwkquii • ibi n o, by vvrast. , ...—= ward a regiroeut. midis Patrick Hin- . Wald k r ii.Wr&tAi• iitPst,tst(iitrAillegetinforktown. Ile bead ed a column 'of militia and bombarded even his own ruanaloo In which British' calkers were. then domiciled, tie into cal ll4 o l oMilieConlrgitih4and th e s "" manor of Jerenson.‘ died :WOO eV • ; lbeltnn" Cilhk.ifroS'Aigirowiud* « lteicvr..fP,,r:l,•7oDt,h.runcriiiamm-.• bvhealtini:migiiigperbrii tirtiziwir•klirr iined- A ubtiberei. ; • ' a etik 4,1 . 0 1 await*" ualttAi_ .n:':n t*igttmg 111101 ~`ag r~+' IMI=IE::1 ... . . _ Onset hi anaispplOßlFlA vim Ili lIVISHICIPIONISPI 4141r0vr.01 1311 jolditimillMlCVol• . r Elc a lkl .el . lidlialli til _ vorliailt . . i .1 4 9 1 40*., ..; Q. 'l' #ttittlekno *ll .. 4 *4410 0 VN l OPZ ' ltbklir diroZ* o6 . ** ilia . eetifieteide. "tendMiltlestekAke. . gitbellOmitidgisilivOlinof etttichaterp fie Mettle April 171 fit dell ddliplitiela NMI bout Sliblielliiii le, 41,4 if .ime 110IFIIIIiial tied If"maail4l°HPLlViitit"re. - 1 14 e 5 4 ,e , 4640 4 . wife: , 10, 1 °7 4 , 1 1tr impwg,otp 1 memig , ;310016 : • - ' 10$01 1 40414 0 : 40140 9 7104 vAtalfffr : Irtembeiseri vislietilitialisleAMlPAlPl let A. 141#0114, .-,1 HAI Oro t Cllo6• l 6*.adralt , arlareela II; friktr; it , d 'aii ltir rilis liityr i"."l4 I 1 .. : • ' ' li t#4r -14,41 .4 0 054 1 01 . . 1 4 4 4 • . i 4/40011; 0 10 . 4.. ...- Airli, .t. Brattlon was a elldumlut 4t I 'ale& add rallbealabki Idallsl , milk( al- ' hie Oequeoldreuerardeelailimeri - etre*, ifitlllitelttleed LeskideeveleJ ioise idirPlitiliPleid Ids mad-, Ipi,s iiiiiiu 44 #ll ,ll 4triebkk ; 1 Mk *ea , re., 474044. 6 7 1 iiinaide4ra. Alt, i,timifi, 0.3, p., . ' lk • * aso abe oelted iliatteilike: ** r J,NoW*:etiotPiol*tri'dsiii bi ild l'Ait 0 0 1146 b ia N'A l * ';‘q ia 't AC logilthil SW"'IV•101 4 1 4 if 4,1 1 116 witsPnr" l6 o l . -Armsl _til Its ouripareliseelealiedemesil*Nuelle to wagtail. DO tlte Vetted tirateso . We I hope* day le iretkr fades* idles elr.l r et'y goreitmeeet :witrilmllow ear Idea -1 ptelra, tbla regreti v 'aied lien all good UM *lli lai—ln the la,t. "orb of the celebrated Piago Iterld, la apitektog of his=tric ll c" 4 4 l TrY* c "Ba° ....Prod 0 0 4. ailfrillras, ell* sad 0, still tbylisett'llete gditadt %\: '' Preserved hyTlleederietes poe t i For alparloriXar kloolirerkked r , , .1. it. x.' Tall ILIIINICktit SLAM DIM& ".INfid IsSlloMasb Sad Spurned Ihe. ginT. V W. WF-• "SO Ihpf. Id. ay eel .da ii. thcrsaiib.o . , : c644. ...real of 10th Dist:, 'it tail be ass Due Xi: quay repo at!K *v. iilappagn ihowkw • that I Ted s anded Als4 l l l leghklDiaSso% antic Senator tired rtes Use Id = 14 P • l 'M'Ai m * 14 , ,4 1 °I*0 • to 6 "tea I '' , di" U nit 1111210 10 si oandblateofile dor Logliusturo fro. I'ldt olslOhl. akths ' sladkOosc.'sohlk• Pi th° Redie4 An 1 0400 . 44 40.0 118 'i etlegre be _ee ll 4l file , .1 1 1 8 11• 4....i 6 d *tom ht Slut a 'titsi , w•WAlarisys: ;71f is tato beanpede4 Miii ~of' ii" . Ilossithtif Irwin • df.llloelnefesl4 goo fas • the oonepiretrilltad.ifisiOw Utile ds ofortbJusti o.mila Se ICWllesAltdwio aserti.” . Lase* lelte•belaferred , .thet , IlditillW 4/1 sis irooliblldod is thleasuca' 4 This anklet etteagella lifaipmee seer of muillifeltione mipteleslokatiastanfh die chardelorof s ,lo. o lnine" 6.° l' *Musa ' , kV' Vet boldite hall . ss lad with ',Matte utter* eskiPle • '' .' '. l • . I mvePgiori.points!fir,', ~ : I Sitri , t t 0 01 1 1 1 11 4% 14 A ' *.iii.'. ileigilda, itioshiall. ,lte .pkietniattinCif iii, ow ihardt • [ls I. mmollllo4 tab, GitcAssaellitea twO, 1 lieeahlinta medithdat lir. ging amass, 1 ma with Ineolng elfseed messortedneeed, I do iste haterof a IbOaddlcses eradidete Mr Liplidelare, ha brkaadtdpitle, a the lahlshatlon.,adsms#shsd.l deared. sea L Wl' Aiilo4/11111111.411111011. 1 wealet art; PP gratify Dos le eau as II •plorobst 411 bi gress'ilignblkusupoirty - elo be assured e 4 It wad& owes With • better gees !rote titiewhalesale 111belki ttS *sine the cod dldsbos he slludoS toss belag thiagese of a pun:baited debit. it hare always been • Republican; expect td .earn such in the fame. NO eenabluation of elloneti rings and ganiblens caw**. we linlalde lts ratite. I have been ligko. hog the Comma ciao ' dine .1eli! tad they nerarCom: , ll,e4d in bantageltranch 4 of that, corrupt ring is Demo* ochay, , 0 until alter Q. lainestable defeat 'of ,An -1., draw. Q. Curtin; to la; for the United , Status Senate, bid's& princaot pained blacktop, mouse Cameron-aided by his 's purchased tool, IL 8. Qua/. who a° m3l - tertonaly went over from Clean to Cant 41r0111 daring _that memorable eantest..— 'Mellon. Tb(ie. lecholsoa wee isoetruch, by this politica turpitude that he dad to me—Just subetePtest to the aces nonce— ohl. S. Quay will never be able to gads. 4 the people Of Dearer etenty ad _ to the reedits* or /dot ?"" d . i iill . ° ibi . aildell treader o f his support mom' COsila to . Wiest beire— ,Sa oct.dsdk 10 p.m.! Xrun'vety ogridably -intorrupssd by a renal. from the Cornet Dead of New htod. led- by Capt. C.. F. Whaler, " bleb diseoureal musks la enchained. e well, there's no• art trying; 1 't remember the cooletioa, asel am nodnusleal critic; to, bias, if 1 fall St of :' ideal folly ety high appreeistiou of ilti +catenates Of lour mask' sad the cam. Wawa% losed,' atribute•ilia leek of tenue.ln width to rollloroo, cdroiltl _+.-, Is • ricerioto la th e drugs Was I •. - , •Mr.ltsglo menerio detest' Re publican candidata. In Plillideleittla, r take an euttreet from! a WSW PI Dud VW tient", obi:twine dos odliaillos lo *deb Mi:4l,oors venially is bold obrood. , iii. meit • ••,I••• - i , ,; i . "tieing WO bikeonvenietkietleith the editor 'Of - the Desice• Badera, iner.with edged/0P paws wherein your name has, Mira to any .asst for reisang to , faun hes befog sit waned la tbat, xsipor. I think *oh go tat& , your way *hen, ybui notleit 'whit Dud editor übllabeal; so; lb od'ddm, ' you-gloo ma Impertaboe toblautkdesUwAtes/11 not reherwiee obtain.. You alkoaldA : by tials am% knot: astlittio. ,steight. the peddle' attach to anything which appears in tut paper. Tip editor's declaratioa that Ike- COI bi 4tUalltied ishOmirsof Owen, se the ettaefels estansmi edit Wallet, Inaidas, its was klsfaharglt ,01nra mswtaP raaew ls s ha P as l s e li ,r o w l a le fhide ll'imrAbd "s kshfeie of ts al, who' . pia NA tealluony 6f-hott Inner Weight iminadibe sett to iklitettbl , anew by Ihsrpiteptief shill Cniestions' i amylases cosakf lanai& haw* giver, .01PL Donlei, !Ilopsbllesa osadltbdo loor Vent 'sea. isle lelootkoptsitsUlOH. itr ky iiteiatieo:64lo4 l6 audria, 4W, yL . , ,. , ig,-„,,ii 4 0 : 0 Sliotdd bitvo*lopf! ' '' 7 ' '''" ' , eidieLakittaerets. Inin4pol otekilltkittatl-Wealtingion Co. oitght to have given dig the party vote lied this Weal dime this dela* woad. .hayeamta-M ta ptmeaddiganha*C A M P grass by a sound and able Republiceeki AdfiwaX 0 ... t ./),,i ll t iA P " ‘ " were needed to secure ma stesaattl, .gh l dotx • t c4eay kntrw that • lldli . ~• ' date for the Deffha's,#,F• vim_ atilma k =me RepOhlicsuis of Heaver comity; 1 114.41*h@AV1164,, bOitqlo":"Akt a (rands and, the ldsetecticht could cooly .lii telottrid ..... shiodo OP 'l l, V - shelte r Plree ; Cep. Donley maathit aid krat;l7errUiett In bay* Waif Wear higtoolleindee broserompllsb dot sad: • a man knooril bolder, Was Mr. 41,14 IsAr . tits mutt was beslsr. oboes. • • v• labralit 'lltii iilionvior - Colo? bellii liGilinalkofiVul of Pedal, selvanbi'ss-tbli law oloodwor Why hus, .14.003411"*“.1411A t!t iAa 84. " oiwiwP o + 6o44 " a al. N'''' , iad curio iilvAdost. eitatflom this Dee% a eta mum am:NSW ,g,, r the poime otading la theta/4W leiliikettissen a h l4 WhokbPsYswailat i gr t ab l g o i mwe , Wi hareeltai icithits Direattia,aora tiOss l oot•tlii4osk hiW, W 'lei Stele odiesf itillelPf leisehesselly. enegmea UPS ibIia'AWIIIMOOPss 4 i b t Omptppm. 9 enure the suiloorr WM .... .7 ''. l a * ' • f , itlerale ifirillaildir lillkililiskilo fartifillettifilliiii iiii diferfalt; Wawa tliePtitille Omit at las siabrelex Itle jlmpell.P~verlalteesillearipmemer rialithierlylailentleig Sr. Orimmill NW *ire lise hilbrirlealimeaftlimpral iler gesmetarimaathabeliel.4lB.loll be lateireabhoes hia **ea liviltelke, miller, femithowlemillelltstaresirMro *ger berried TWA , likaireldastrele mig yiliallosktimsPOlNP•MClPOP aralalltollasill weblike rlmAirtunti* 41144 , 011 ft, ilin P40145 1 414_, Jotfift RIFI.ii . , sallithY blOnbllia Illik .. _ ....Pg,149. 111 1. 4 4f. alltrilleartliP*ltht PIPOOIRTfI. , ~ , ISOM 11iti4,114 Ifl PIIII/NY. 0 , 1 f., , h She ImtAirollif YlPf*,l . ~-L .•.r yl refilellild Dr04Ph1eg1:.4421,• oi l 'i ?1 0 1 11* *tare. lest - year.- I appeiii4, • ollr , .0 1 •iff . 4 = l, L tiii it o ,,Yr r , frit i 9015 I rli al l g ar., • r e. i l l ? Di . - -#4r -. l rV i r i: . 4, : I ! akE 4 1., i0.1 . 6. ~ ; t .„ . •!T. -- 1 nog . :Prim Pr.rtgYt d si zi ) , ...d.. hiavtd' 'Pad ".a, ' ' 14.7 4 1'141 1 .•;!*** i ri, iii704..f.t.10 ,41 46.4. v 44- p,....0 fi 'o.,itims imieot sileJam= kir4llalmshintbil beeastectithiaretifis login, wit* thn.fall of the LisiOakuifi: lliwai thi,,Aba r idle s' kiithai *Arc 0.... ,.. 4.... Ti11!4 Arairars #itia* #arry ", *t uf Old iii san q1&W4 3 4„ - okir'iwitoor.*4 .ga- AO-4 , 6* -- I.* Li ibo'ruiww !. — ei insOiliii; t#R "•i4Outi ins, 0"s. ..uvuorp.4 l .4 0 .,g. , i pilltleel' girl itrai.,:ll; a paison riat rite tfolli *re 1 Aire or imp*, of titer viewiT ,',I w tun. fio far it! 4 - sm lodividiefly par. ,itertirl, I do Dot are bow Dr. Slitrirsit mites. sr. tip=; be did vote, lir taiite ,Trasiturei. ' I:lliiiply "Martha for that Whit Aleotrithe wirers at rinrelly f'if she riDaili:Oeflie - to7 . ") . ! i i,' $ l 4 ll bit iillabi'lrarir44l' '• . 4it' reply tii - ,*. itibill's aoratiaals Doi, hi thi Beivrearidirst of O. ugh. I have simply to say. he seeks' to evade the *is made In my risissaaleatlon la U/ AaimeTis i 4* he way 4414 benne - ill ulglit,hvetimpeay rlthDritanuiridt :' ' intitbatithilettiiett. l tiel -tidal 4oloit• tartly risme* ille:sit asily of Hirrrtp port fOr theateletreesitrarahlil bet of their siszlety Ilkir 'my •earatiii•-•Thi, pilobera asartioe My**, Might Warp. Drat' virgartarni ' Ibr 'llarriebaig.nt , I aim* te eay.• "ore allbl tsars •itiy *film' ibriterrhiberg.” , • •, • • 1 - Ifivairrl ri Vt. tqtatt's *Hid a* VI., Mit tollie Lerida Houle In Harr as ihiiiiirlif Olin let Tuesday, of rating' bilk Oit wild; day the itaglele hiri irai orgeolvoill, rod signed a paper pledging himself to support Xithey. I rill itotp4y *tat* bluierg fllittaktk. { ri#Vaalltlrk. were in Duillugtoteit mom nt Chit fin*, Ha* iiii ihweilinhig; ! wire his turreiz-41. 'til. Iktiitiainoti upon than and 4bassmist" a luillihrise of Hiatt Pindlle. l l mete Air .Hankny in: ere their votes wry needed to secure a roalbeitlesel' , ll , tairealar thegirfltbm' Douse to Hialfeti iiitnn. at the Lochlel *OA 61 4 aPoZ {h.!. sliPied rho ,Plodlio SeilliOPPC 4 .44frkey,',* ID* Trisisrar. brim lattAlm4PAH UM. Tilnife4lr4 o 4• losimpwearrbier Hai Ihaireallailfra Of Dertalreasareir was tairdei-ligf iteerlSi, Way ha ilahlog tour ar:ggeriap:, 1 . Ur:ll4o.llitre •Tfritigir alorillft*: Wirral reetio,thiniiiifidillialtilsiera -414!4 irdailke , " tiSlatM llll " 6B / 1. ' 43 .• sins Ifik" 4 4 i 1 0 . 41 t•M;Oliel l does: titled Osi 4 4114 .§# 4l o ,ag ' ww.114, Wfrilacialtgi.akiiii • .Ibr Amur AA .411.01174110. Obriteiremarblintrifiegy .IPercliisaK *lei , llnereirakertis-kbrierlee+ltbk tram If elßarkfiliiiiledi A .6h* . pet.h,l ii iirliii 3.,,c."00;:„. , .,.4.66,avir.. n 0... iiii.:Aii„ , aoa_ .._ ..";,(44:*.i. palmed i 5.......... • Ity. •It would , ba stay ualUtely •. OM grin* iheilta-for is mile a purpose. wouldlie skprosa air* who roomy airmol4 00'011.0*limivatia , Would at earl repos. the gang . *Hesitated' ta be Awed. 1 pron?unoii the cheer! , taw en 4 &rap the bah nee of tberentormis ,cooratort la.* *Mr,- - , As to Rittisilo having laid to reagent of the Permarjimila nallikagareurey. in Harrisburg. it Chir doer of the. last sexton of ilia Legialatirs, 'fro dial film Oro for soytlibia 00 - otlivitigi WO" want next rioter." I hay: simply io say Dot comperre agent ea inDramil =lv unirialual ; anal. world elira more car' limes told word than to the Hetiator's "irk • • ',. ,' '• • • • tri &Wog Me ntiiehilla the lest Dodi gal; Mr. Ratan' tragratulates himself thatilta 48;mM:so Party to Slaver Co.. 1* 'tbei naafi el DM Ism election. has en. denmodl Jul! Ai* Sr. 814aFkmiles coons to theiriablPare_ leskiiiiille , ..--"Ao!." 1:16 My,thataalterlog ametkaa to bie vein:" , Iter. las* - Ins :aerie st. the-.primary 'Aerials' la Jasylait.** Dr. Druid ler' Mkt is' Napery 'of the Repabliegii, at* 'Dr.lfßiatitiski bit, Womb, loud( iii.istifr i;i'llioilai*l 1511,1 afid• a°. 400 sgi ta a • in semikenvi MI Pithp,t;r4 ' . ' 41114.11ss f er of the nnliMli , P 4 .Ys oo . l Po illlP° 4l _ " sleet* predoets. Tbeihnlie *MI hit. Art* wet to envy the Whet la spite of thereat risighlef Da. Sherlock. : 'Hie ARM is odd airs Moe virus'my odt lit'n - dilikriet i alObleh • esits)ly! glair frogs peva; licutdrail iiitgbi higailredl . Trit' 17; If ft lirl bra the red" Mies lite**, might be ortrit*Vd 'an • lindonarmt "not Wow, IrPolS,lwe s • Tb arli ' never wee Imarit a Wet in *II 40 011 / 1 1 of elusions let DeaysearstatirPhalk Inirw ly•llaae ' weer drum INCO:U0 1 4 and OE blab' '44' dilleipthae NO' untsseetastly v. pilift loifitsdir irhoiriefi diagaissia 10,.. tot iglidatakein4 l6l6o , SS daring Ofh .iaiii.ri4VONT*Yildik, at, tius Anima :To maior* Awiii . ijaileigir'irmisi Nrocass id tmirsfirir ONO** !2 60in aulostue. , r isioromard many . mirth' Dorm awl( they, mo, amyl , 1104rifitpod tbs:iitioresot Dr.: obsgigwrie.nik. last =efiyhmars We hamar** tit& ritr*lnd'essisednigli 'Ogg 111 0' 1 ",1 6 , 1 1, 111 ! saillilass041 .41#001131111Viit: 1 nOra r i, l3. l o 4 - . • , t• trall " . 1 4 bmiliev*, H k3 o mer•4ol l4 ..elitiltillid .Itill, _ ~,Mlog.ltom raid" rtlpparean IffiveIIVIIIPAIM iii• sat Ovlg.` asideref the esaantridlerrer ;.. party lash so severely applied Asa** .; • 011 ,14 0 104 IC=ci.,l soy other potty fr Beaver county. Tict 7 , ~., S c ',Ark t ill** . , , lattaitfthe•voilai striate Dir.fiberiocr.,: .' ...,ii• ow ' .J; - .; . i • ,'t • '' I ""' wee. I t y l esplii/Ati." a was, idg ir tf w ''t b r ie l =t, oiaria iht/ )60Z1111.• wine* iftibiftineliii A * 4ll o l4 o ii tM t = ere" 7 13 ==.74. ,„ ~ , ow , $.04 4 .I*Wlir•Ft./. 11 ,1 1 4 ii i r e M y,.02, a its: tM.V toteo 4 o l listArooLia tie' - •T. tract . Dom ibis district--that I oieelll ar,±linythrot DR lustre / *Willa; Tiholosistill tn 1 .44 tf,„_ l ° o ° A .... 16 * =4 ir e l s = 6 ",„ s r asidealetit; II lieverlial• lesWatestiog i l i T emi a' M amip ,: emosigici . , . .., iilth ertirettrilier Ees ary ad*, fkar, .ariarr-reip Inr1M41;63 111 1 - riiiiiiiiikefiiiitto• so third:Wm : ow, , ..., ~, • i.,1 ,___, ____, 1 : ..11' spa`,lo.ll4° Wm; Tor neural him ti e li ria ur a=s e s7 — pi S dpo44i . 1 0q, arinehr t 51rt,?!1y er r w a s threna, Thne No ii • oft :6 1 4 1 7,101 1 4Cix 4010 ,fl.(*. - -4belith eireaestria l p air the arresDria of Dei,Ma ippfs, irr i Stis nwera .10s it.. as Mt lealn Of the; hingelmoisie Impe. re& itr ; aritr_., - • 6 ..• MI wish the Diateerati kr .410,elsmaleer. on P,t o bis rho afliresieriablag..• Illauerlimikaarebri la, aii a m i ss ' i s sorogra *an meg ' , go' 'lda iplill Itaihreelarep•oreno trim V, "l ami e•eig,i ' ak otejj e ,t Affra•D'illi *MO the I 11116111 eek alt Wig - , .....- , the late elitiatir' 'iililnirt - thlak Do °` lb' 11 , I ~ , . . -,-: T. "474741iIVRIPAIMItimk:B;i: • 7T-4...41f$ !, MP "F. ar. 1 40 . , , P 1601 E N ., ,I - ii•ga._ ftlit 11 .0 11114 " . •: ; • 1i.19441 1 .0 11 We,*.a..../ !I Irlij i tilatig erwt lamlallttarespinitieset . tareisemsrl i tsi lasedis.• ,Ii .' : 11.1ilqi 1.,.:"W4 Illignsi• .. 10 111 1, 6 „ j a. rintisior ki r: ~,,,,,,I 4t.a......A.:.......- I,' • iii r -ti-or•-•14" -i . •1 -, prior fori/li• 10. seira 1111, ''' OrlieldilANllia 311111E.1.1 MO! r , . 0114, „ i .;,44igganivklett.14:, largnieriehlr alit** tor eiMstralierilm . , 7 - 7•7 ri. !, . . a• .i.1.r.f . ! , 1. , I .Fi.7l I , /jilt. I 01 4 4M14 4 / •i JO ' e ri adlß - • It -.;4, 1, - lb il °Wel & lite die likeil al *.i•. IMO 111 talk em A s e1111:111e14000' a eepplisl==lCefkneiw it r ss ie L... wm 4 a 56g. if' NM Setrestroinfr , 11l ) " •Alie ___,, illill 111 rides 41445.1 4 14511059= i v gist _ w. t i :. , . •-•.; me ire/ , -1 , 11,11e1 , 1•1' 1 .... , 44 =I / Wain !man rsllo 41 . 7154415e446 eferiat Al PS lierellri 404 sow 4liiii 8114 , 116411;01 1 - ell e emigisleillyiel the Wee I fe l WI% t : 4 "" AgE viatar I li m ama Ii letlill ••,I J 111• f 1,:. : '.,:. ' l ' 4411tAinbellimpriis ' At. Awl al/405411/17014•401. . u dia l art illie"l""w 7ageett l arce • • &kW rill , lir %MU ipleeet II 1.1111.1br teak .mia MAIO ler rip MU otllisr Mutt% Z i a i rl i i i =o s o l U s g. . t wi t ilkir o. 9.l o4r4erertWe l l e i leteelii Niesilft. vrW=el4lls vele etiebted_seM eLer'i Nier be rperargall NOM delleisdas 411141101111411. 7 1 0(3111111*-1151".1119 , Pg Mark* t s : *AY v. 104 &AA= Waii rvi r m uiL i r=al wry* Ille ' IOU& AMP. t i assess* Bev, eatellidd A*: 1 54 1 11551; MI /ft. b 4. ;. *We s .. .. din ni. iblmr• 1110501eettre, . op imaile el ,ilitrllliA_. ,Iwee lad ' Ilsse, wale ids, from ealtetry wippeeeteltacleper 111111. IiONILT-Pries at Ade exam. j ~. 1 • -PcmatelP4-45:18.5t tumbrils •17116 -71144 a per , leseli,, lliteste ere apt qe:4ol 45 $2, 4 14 01 , . . ~P. P „ - te al... sod LW e! • noel emote et 4 WC ' t es llllllllB-41ehr •1W .141 i ' rlbbed'Uleirti:: dime do 15: Imp* , lo , eseiii Amour swig : la bantl6 Ilambd , becout zlieetilwiLerEL.lo4s4 . 'Mi ls}:. terampl beakeeirj#os 4 . 1515( . ~"' L AM4 I/ 4 1 ' 1 1"11 =eriiiiii1 4 - er 115 40140.4 mai 111 PO 51111 be ' 'Zi ll ah. : .114 Ail 411e11 mad , As eddy quad 1141, thw iellE Salk la dew- • ..,Mingi 114.11641055 L =3 re q 7 w W. J. Dinkel/4W New Goa* la Ulm Ma._ • ma Ll** atilerlse Tarns .011(.11.1.1L1114'- 101 ru"i i ; OA. IlthilMo *0.4 M. Hal*/ Mara' bkilllavar Mg% It Jra Tallar,OWClreiralield, nary to • I ii!oliavrJ: Walker. of t3..ear UMW' ' 'Mt by Ilay.'Jelha L Ea. . - ,bcblea 4 ousbinv nuttaaystilab Ipt ff4' ' • enteaut,Luaos. 7 44 , Sr: • v 4, ttsta tn + stasimmi ; Li pc; - j -P. l . Ml6*" Jolui:PAbdonv se. vim :'; 0 , 1 ,111,,,.! i t titArmattst fr. ; ! LrrrYfit.,llo.. FIEZZi 4:t7Str.A.Ritr9r . .4 - tilitingArvxo.,r! atistr mousing, coons. amprisiew lama inac poi Oder *46 'Mkt 'Orb I turas, init issortint t or 7121VIC:CO. - a . e l ifays ea r.a abl 11114inits 'l!zrrixioa to roar J. K. CllAWreitp. ammo ; • •• .• . A LlAtreritaaltil NOTICIL.:4IIITATII .I=l " J a m=r """., .. Oman kaaira. les we ail Ihreborrir, mall of Dem r .111111., , draiesi, br re Yr [MIA siedOkalik . Oit Oil NYMAN to macs pq lust, del Wile loft GOMA es sirs via pinstems • , . yAMMI. • ri• '••‘ • " • mum To aLI ob.* it my *own 2 • Ark. , ' a MOOS OS :41101.14112 et amissLabous,,idaie sww latk. • , sworn 'VI soul zr saigmeasiur.-Tki. ~ • s. ago id, Wise mpaiiiitim Yalu, moor on at Um Maori 'Wit rif lbsesoreertitr. fee ilipligirseenlikalm stAlliil wag iiics wirst .iimmeN m. Vi. we *dm worm: lie ' irk • Napes UM, lei oll==i a r___.eber en100.1&frill; ~ alta r , f 771" 7 11,7: 'LAMM& I tilidllehaglillaildlosist. ime4l4ll. • 1-,,:1110. - .1101111 ;• •MERCH . ANT TAILOR. • •. :, • • ; NEW . SWOON -; • I - " •,• rid odd wdl diddiett igkolAr fir • ,•,, ; , 1 ,, : ; • i Fall, Asti' r • •• .•BEACVERtk:OIIirettfIUZAB... 'CLOVIS. CAVIIIERF 44, MilisP LW I AVELITONS, vEs.rnras, • . • 41; bib "lids 1 7 ,4 ' iu ' . Torrionuonnerniter . ' dill 006 olisideddddddiW daddelddiddiasOm i.MWatt adiditidolitaddid4itt4 ara latrabatt, be tba biatb ea•o• ..gtiVirreihko"l". I=sigroaligalt Ae rs t e.,.. , -•1:, • • r.;' 'Matt* Wok Pltogigit, LOU' Tat, al i a.„, L _ itew up u W.m ul•:1:1 4 lot Mk li u ra7o.= • ! tr i . r., - • toWe ' irei#ollo4 . =tSM • ltegb3ter ' s ! Notioep. - Jades la hadiby Ova dot ibe lai=uaz 000114 t 55•515,05. ida., love bap 4,07. b li rreastame• Of- We; of als lat proemial aa Oa Ombra' amid. be eluellrembee aad allawasat, on 1114,4a1ada1. Mids day. air dtanta**s • - docalat Maws Ilialfaro Da lbilklia tirjaabs • fballats &lid al Asitimr " A`mimr"444._""kb=" .4 " 11 Masai, agaild ' • Phial soma ad Th Dia=, Weer et ant dledasat all I= l 7l, Zer. atarat ,Os 'Mot Sum! Maar% dateased. • , Pital :ecolid - adaddiad Calk* thumb. el, 0 , -!aa. _ad Jong. Lizahaliao. ltaaritia 7: lose. hint . iiten caibie) l l o 4. Ilaey mals, .doa di rirt ,;dare. tzsiom da *ill ad Mabel asd =a lik .o., how* sposimem.dassvir tdr, arm& D 5 • kigs i rate lli alatrersitallosk .figraising sasaty,24ni Meow Pa Ist Ow talons boolonna on kg kb ON et Mow. - Pox p 4 • "01l 4., •-1 . , 1•4461.111'.114c00d5,.. ' • • ' AMINO 44 o,llliendhP ... , .4•• , «,..,-r.,. ., SU lii U. L /44444 so want MAO OU U. IL mow mad ad ..:: ALVAN Des 40•14 14443ortaisia •. • ' • • IN =MI a....w... w.... !•1!!••t•,,...vnr. , di i or :a3.: . ..... LJ -- ,:..::..'.3sa Cull bir Marl ,• , , 111444 or. Duke • ' MS SO lmbgWl Ume4447, Oacked . tag silusis) 4C VS .... ... OP ~ , ,= . . " : 1 r i : . .*:,4 4 , 4 4i, . .: . .. 7 ... .. . ... ;.,.,.......,___ la.ragßOe, • ' • ;; • • . . . *PAO Intik liald4 . ll. • ”tINGADO 11.41128 ... . Oat • LOW 31 - • -s• beak doolt!lift. ostOssOof.. tra.4. - i r d4..• • • • Likim sir • I ` .• • : 1. •,1. 1 11 4111 = 41:11,111:4111-1111*Ili • lam OM or o , rni mf m t e niii.waps Inota s tAnr= l } l I . =WARD ..011001Ortelbre iay at Oa. •, • . a. Ilimsta,./. P. OolopO—LOod . 61,1 „ - • ' O. L • • , }Oloolo. •W , • • • Lit& TOL. , —ll4ll A JIMUMILITOICINOtiairirtan OF 4"111."11=11=Ctoli we VW " rd 6 1 1 .1r.,11iM00l die_ fipo to . MINNI•b= *7 0 the Slot svoleaW==. o4, m, otos a mem& eloisol t riow 0,0 lapilli& Is oils taws , . film Ur witbisi lutai J. =Tibiae. WNW. iIIAVII,t 01. 4 t iiii. itlrdtess: toefWat, Votive O• ft . X TUZ wirliacie ctiiiiar - or saiiviOr ciOtlATT.—la dor =lbw of a. ..W. of laws Siffroloollosol. • Woo, food& October 1.14 31 17 4Z i leXaf arm sorl LAT A05,.14. potful fa lis• .10001, Wm* oppolot.X. enieserw. as Yaw *a mom ishafttlas W. , Wows of Woo WWI • Amok ats 184 P. 111 Son, ma. rbdowsoffs tborfabo ridiloookol, nom • nisr,deit. leinwi. Atm' bilet. tiff MO dim spoolor. ea *Weal's,: Ikon-0 Wm' day of Xotenalmor: 110, at 1 r wilds UM, Owl plow, Pliof fa MOTiff oft' oloes‘ X_X,,Bk_doolompor. • *MOW •INIUUOMM. Arottior. Vivirwjekunii $441(130 OrValsiable Eteal 3Mistatet . . • tplif Mae ' el WO/Wet de Orseree. Veen el tho Call Sly at iver IW.reelveeL a Tz tel ; Vralor et' = ,red " WI INA Lei* el ledneW Neeireep; la will wag% eeed, ewe le meese„aeletety No!lacee Ne•Orti Far 80.,1810; • • *OW, R. mi.thid =ter=WC 'Ws tedieeleU et I — ,ureTt• , , ; m umi imp f 4i OW 'Dimity of liner: Tout fair ftiloolloa to Ea: etittator Wald*. salwArisres r:74.4. 4111112 " =4 1 1 2 A 44 . 4 4.4,. ....4144.4.4&.:m risse rrace:L e isil. 6 41 11 P 4 ,1 MI 'oake T . tbr, Ore ot % w `'. tat '' • 0 . 2Whei.eigAiOrel OW lOW Peiches: t ot s . 44, 4 Zl a tZ a kar is lai t.r ti 10100101 1 1 w jelt I=gt."7, .FL a sill=r . lbsel, miltl ii• wwri goal eirolit 4464.4 44 .. 4 is sdnic IrirTied be mg' .I:ia s e . , a rt= l •ll I e i = disetir s u s . : et diersTirh h. gleam ro lg ar i.,: - . 4. lairrat trout loredl in emaniiraF t44 ti k)' , b 4/ 41 4. 411 63 a rg. • Tar Orobergraft~iiTra 4 Tori . tlrd;. lIIV4 bisiE rsi ftsc TT • ra: • - ' 1 1 . fresurit :I ow* amipc Nat* We awe. Iit:OHMIC CUTLERY TM, itfithit4C l l . 64 l l 07 • :I 'SW 14 .‘ ! .l lPtliM KNIVES l it ' fORIW -I' •:V7. . •. • , t ,••th -...1 1404 1 id, AltrOff, Aq 1 4.1,71 1 .A l otiott: *l o4 o .4r • eiliklalixiiriscialietaLluin sat • t rim I:I ; Ili 1 4 1:11• • VlitierV" ' l . l . "L . ./ %, Lii . :l.' .1/: .',!:!:: n PA.'S. • , li iljilti:S; ,Llt .f• :II; ... . 3:sl 7.!,t'. '"alfJaiiiitestioiol-04. qthdiliidraisc .4 Ibmpartaft as.Oit wr,11.11 leg f led owl SIMW 10 cowl's! , IA oiii•=4 „ l: w ii mink* Olho ' Oo o!Wt 1V = p 4M o l o o i! g o As : •,' w '4Mlmild as Mater— :l • '"'l' Adt44eVlialwes* ntdti•ilpri".4 l T L a , WI le aft : ; m e n . d i m Alarii . 8 ). Aar_ Ao. ow wait Is lirsil MOW fif... ....-- mom , na4. 1 glpleilitidliale. E W - W=fMl: 1 2.74a:P.H.L 1 1111. ! ililatifiel l td* ! I , , , • .;s44litorNi M. 0141 c .: , g 1 i.rog oaraanuggirjr=ri ..„,„K-AZh,=ll4 of of 4oollgiot , Thum ELI shessOftimmioLLV:L / 184P:4...i.;;J ALErroSlT.P k a=t • r. to Oti s imps : 4 l •• JO* . am ...... t m e a. , VW IsisoolZ bi 'mg.( ..... . • „.. " v .. " }CISS 4*. MOM Cbefk. lir iiitOilitta wns . iird. Ait es au oisparkriM. a ifs Cooft-lipei tort .. .1 1 iM a T i ti a : uowil t:! • .AM Y, -.............---- ...-•-...a. Itais. Ise willsailla Amami olllpg. • IT •ot. gg •; • . VNTA , insµ 4iirmlotstorit 14/‘ J; IWiti 4111 '• '1;0 U. I 'To r4:t if Jirnsi 111 "tl3ll r 1111ovirlaig b. , sTp. turf, biti." 111,14110kklebb* AO*. Mal in fxr. eisigitY • • - 1. 111:18 5'191. .8 6 , 1* .)I". IP .:Tniil,k4LAVl.oll .y,41 PinOtits 'g ! tpirehobsito **whit iMeloloiiihWiiiiieldh IoV o wads silt 10,4bie'fittEri,'.41:146 4 1,4 1 m 14 1 - 4 6 0 4 4. (4 4 f lio "di Me 11+4 . • • •• • 440,4 If they do out purchase. • ~ ,j 1 „1,,1 • ' • iii .0141111 Nit • . Agent ' or. .01011. ?• ., 11 L.'. 40 0 0 ;k 1 ;4400104111vms vy,;ol4looo,okkpooft lier z ooooktp!volog. lisittolt't „ uttirlArr • /. gffpb-a s tbl it 7' ittli - k FIRST INE or beflOgrilft.lo P1 1 4 1 04,:11041 .11107thealltiliskilledifromitiviests d ikpa . reol,auracii4 iell hal ( lifial 10861 inqameharrfbar Inesio. ' ' ' i '' **kitoi.rentlol1 1- i l i b ir b M S ' ' s u l[ m i t i a :• 1 !:: tbovuom it imile. awitpe.imsve. 4 =yorkg M.eit a d*...•• ••=' l .44' eiter• ••• saw. , It bar =brag Alitigq• NOR OWIN" .q_ , • .pd '.. •tti,i Xis. J. IP. DIAVO, lrfn MN. A. N. .l Mho i...t..%gidanafn, Ig• Da • . . -, •' • /MN : JAL : Mrs. IL riayffook. ri.e i w i x isv . r_Ptior: , ..rom.4,,,_=. „,"..,,..,... zuvi r) p.p,. zio - 1 . Shi. .7 lirys. - A. - I , , • magnmixousires. iia. raw linersii• Ars•4IMAIPIP• ma.seastorJ.s,sstaa, •• ~. . . 11. Dirs. :fiiiiiiilk: kiev. ',_ --t-.1...L1 ,• • i ,; .1 MEE 49* rigsdis kart ot. o Sloss Fs Maga &wing Xatli, A. HINKLEY KNITTING MACH LINES, TM moot perkct sad rktsbow "spa* taiNalig ad“ cmlii w ga. V=lriarehltax mr.u. YrMecarribl. • • " , 1 - • • 21 4 . - 1 . 00 10 0 . • .rff . 111 1 11e6. 7 71 . 1 '0 wow a is 1, • • -4 : • •r r • 1. 4., f.l • se- le WA wrb illtsb!O " 4446 nisei thematity . llll•lllhbe wiry- Wien; lei if tleMr in Roils* INseile••• illoftra ,Olie SRO yip., !lb" dig. we "="../ e ,'! a • ••• okikan 'COUGHS, SORE ,THipAT,: ETC. /11Ib 'Mediates °pinata's/dean ams 4 ;fr ig4t / it 4 tt*thwl'iMofro Qf • - •I 4 , DR. IdiMl4l3'. :: ~ . , I. l 4l :lae:rist a == diklikk iailitiw . it • ink.oolllutailkik.l• If II MNit i koki. mei esker dek. sad mammal Ukase. ti 7. Alt. resalnika. a M , Ullaulho, eilisi-Ulatilker Wags WO Om ••••litlimin) • kap* 10 ihma.ttrr i bo k w i ri r reilas2 Is = 1 ; thrb i =sig th i t locils koss tke diali la* emi.k._ Thaw Am seek VIM= SORETTINOAT. ASTIMA,_ clinic • emu rt( Igyll21). 1 111. - gi 'lll/AWILIDS. hernAgysi rki CMog4uxrricramitb= k set --a with OW ok pr.- Waded Dellklat. or timeldillostiikkk. Mg,..i,...uwr ..,..: ..,. ....lir, orrtsea:idal 0.0 9.1701+10 1 1 .Meet Prim le lur. end 111 11 "i b r! 1 . 1w1 .. " T.7.77 1. 1/ '4 ' '"'jv Hj , 43 , INIMS; MAX, , . 4.4 ti . 6s4zac &Warr . . . It .V 0 W , ;., T er m a ikat IL" • lit • . :.•••, 4 cow. m 1,421016 kat. /*Wei •r•- - • 04. ,..zwiu so_ n .. erl ra aimlooni IL .r.asigh t *pia 1187=iikir ME rriloll IT MAT. CUPCZIIO..-461 smart rissirtl Saving soil oppOScolSottlil Mt 'lowa. Shiltforol:alttogso vomits bits do payslssoopetoLoo ottnistatot certkil- COIL Md. MIL , WiTlitifibares. SoNsor beds • Swim Weft giros so Al ototi"Wl*, blt=11!1.1110901; :, =Me BOOT&,114L - SiVRE, Pt4trim •„-; • • rdAmolfstipiiockugirim. 'Hi I 4111 t Volenlvaskillisviog *who vtoglas:J..lll . 4l-4440 6 114311 . / - I • rii,l•_,l , 11ThWialiarifi r ; 7 1 ; ViltA °N •,li • Invites tbe I. iakl. I • 141,. Tbe Publics Gesubililly b-J1.4111111•tes ' 1 , . iii./01,11 , rya ki t war dui.; vil. MID • lIIIIVyaIIO 9 I :LOC UarA 4 pairas tero • M . tt""r;77t ir : _ C l ustaak,j3kia4o.i , ork • ispriTONSTANiltleto ll .10 1.-o ALUM 42.1. ..411 , t1 Wft . Nia@t# o4 *4 .l. **lgi tialit Y • I .;•ir;: 7 1.1 %di iti 1:! , : • 41 : ,1 4J4f , e4 11 .4: 01 0.*:! r ! D !kiwi '4otSitliT l•':••ii 1•••!1••.t.;: a u . •• • r. MU 104.3.....÷ . 190.41:4117.1 in 1'... - Ilitass, so "Ma icetegod ; I •„;;X• • 4 =perjoss e 6 oggSgAste :1•,v1 , ivaa , 1 3 1. 0130 0 : 4; 11". .iklitsll.4 .:11' itioillnAi w.dr. , , /41 LI I IRA Ire ilv LA tx1.3 . 11t.4 . " El 0 El inin
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