II W 744 Ft•NEWS.. A LONDON, September 21.'-;The !kers rinati for have occupied-'NeMomst Sand.lesard. : . ' An Ofilchtldispateh froin:the Prus -1 elan heielquartersbeforeParki reports thatsu'edoubtavithoseven gups had bete_ stuttered by German -troops. Another-dispatch from the King lo the Queen, dated - Tuesday; soya: "The French abandoned their post , don near Pletrefittei north'. of Tort St. Denis.' At the same time the Prussian and Bavarian corps, eras- Sing the Seine attar ' VilleneuveSat tacked three divisions. udder General Vinoy, on the HeightS of Sleux, and -'cliptrtredsteVed guns add many -MOIL Fritz direeted the movemenneweath• .. er is superb." BERLIN, September - 20; Midnight. • —The following information haSjust been recerved ' In this city' from' the front : On Sunday night the Prussian forces surrounding the city of Tout began a furious bombardment of the French position. An inemsant fire wits continued throughout the( , night and on Monday. 11Iauy breaches were made in thewalls of the city, and a great many buildings burned by the well .directed artillery•flre,pf the Prussians; On Tuesday morning the Prussians were preparing to re new the bombardment ' with the gradest vigor„)vhen It note was re ceived from the French commander by a flag of truce, offering the uneen ditional surrender of the city and gar rison. Thd offer to capitulate was promptly accepted, and the city of 'foul la now ocettpied t by the PIIIIIBIIIII robps. : s'• • . . a . • '• Gaittßilolll4Beetember 21.—The newly appointed Prussian Governor of the Proyinm of Alsace has issued, a proclamation to the inhabitants, in which the following declarations are made: • The State will not interfere with 'the Church or edeldslastlest. Preaching, speak lug, iir act ing against '•the autheritiee will lie punished by militEani. The Government will W • 'Y, ti9grilDislcOrlinfiretlengef • its tut rity. by indiseretioes on the part of the clergy • -- •', PAltlNSiepteasher 22.--It , stSiard k that Clem Trocliu intends iii '6lll. into Paris all the troops which are...nows outside, and not engaged in scouting' The heavy guns of Fort D'lvrY did great harm ..to the Prussians massed in the woods.'' The French losses are not yet published, Mit are reported as much less 'than those df the Prussians. Thus ;has cowmen: ctrl a- serious. -of . struggles .which inauganttes the siege : Of.-Pitris,•and whicli must now be terminated eith er by , victory and the Withilmwarof the Prussians, 'or by a- defeat that , will amvert every house Into 'A ,for tress. • • ... . - -...• • . . The elan of the Garde Mobile. is unqueationoble, andthe resolution stf the National Guard is not less" firm; because less boisterous. Provinces and communes aro •fitstetnnieg to the rescue of / the beicitgared• tapital. ' Three communes have already sub scribed five hundred thousand dol lars and - thirteen othens have sub scribal two Millions two hundred thousand dollars toward thenational defence. The aspect . of, the street changes wonderfully fretted:lY to •itly. Pew& people are to be seen, add Mere shops are closed. More soldiers are in the street-4, but very few women. The people grow solemn. At ten o'clock p. in.,the cafes are -regularly closed, and by eleven the boulevards are di!serted. Ambulances with wounded soldiers are continually passing, and we hear grave ruiners of houses and whole streets being tattled. Curl:w as pirating the line of fortifications are forbidden • to' go off a walk. for fettrof opatsioning explosions.„ - The dread of Spies teasnot yet died Out. 'Each man looks'at idsneigh 'i or with suspicion. . : 's ) Yesterday morning-the moat cdri • limas Sign of siege was the mitt:Mos of foreign:flags flying about Paris. - At • the English 'Embassy the :Union Jack was flying over the gateway, end in order that there might be no . mistake, a grad blackboard was put up to inform the public that "This is • the English Embassy.” Also a similar board on the garden side, facing the Champs Elyse. All the foreign EIIIIXISAW have their flags flying, and every foreign resident of Paris hangs out the flag of his Indian. The number of flags with stars and stripes that meet one on over-y street gives a vivid idea of the regard in which the French capital is held by Anieriams. The. English flags are , much fewer: It is supposed that all houses covered with such flags will be respected by both belliger ents. The Red Cross flags of the "Sudo . ty for the Wounded" are also very frequent.. If any one sets up is .pri vateanibulance in hiS house, that is, ,allots one Or two beds to wounded, he may hang out the Red Cross flag. Among all the flags the American is the favorite, and Mr. Washburne is perhaps the most popular man in Paris. LoNnos, 'Sept. 26.—The ' Times publishm a special telegram from Saarbrucken, dated Sept. 21, giving the following intelligence: " Yester day, at Metz, Baziene made a feint ' on the side of 3lenty. In •Htnit, and attempted to escape to Thionville.— There was heavy eannohading for, some hours, and a sharp fight at Mon len, seven milts from wets. • The French were driven in again. Their losses were serious. Ilazalne sent back the Prussian priaoners te had taken in the engagement. A heavy feral, , edmposal principally of Bavarian's, ' is penetrating the cottutry towards Lyons. A call fur a levy of troops/•1i masse is hourly expected in France.— ,The French fleet In the Baltic , has 'The charged with the dutyofcutting the cable, conneeting North Gornto . ny with London. ' ' Advises from. allitarts of France show that the { , rei ns -nits rising in 'arms and concentrating on the great ... cities, in which kilo GoVenimetit is k rapidly accumulating antis. Imper fect returns ' from six departments, show a totalof 250,000 volunteers en - soiled" since the surrender :of Sedan, and municipal votes of nearly 201),- OW hums. • , ; Fighting all day, Friday near Par is is reported from 'l'ours, but theac counts are.so.- cimtradietory t hot • the 'English Journals reftise' to 'publish them. • • The English press 'compare the • war movements In Fneneewith those of the late Antedate routed, espe cially with the campaigns of Getters' Grant against Vicksburg and Rich niond. The letter 0f Victor ErOttnuel to the Pope, announcing the necessity for the occupation' of Rome,is eon downed by some as too dutiful, and . ' by others as toe arrogant. A correipondentbf the Tribune, at • Brussels, r telegris on the 2 6 th:— Travelers °sat .(rein Paris State 'that guns are ring day and night. Fugitive &eaves are executed. The strietituthority of the government Is much questioned. The Lloyds report that thepolice of Calais were instruc ted yesterday to allow no FrenchmOn to embark on outward hound vessels, ..whether having passports or not. ' LONDON, Sept. 27.--. ,The Gennep Engineers lutveitelected theSeinthern ,zone of the forts of Paris, composed , , /of five, uoon,which to coneentrate S their attack. The works,upon Oat side thby. esteem .compsseatlvelylee bit) and vulnerable, and after redue ing these works bra, heavy and in cessant fire, they believe that the -breaching orthe wallsof the city will 'he au easy matter. - The following French account of the tate 'victories has been condemn'- . cated to the Government here:', On ' Sunday is division- of -French troops attacked the Prussians who were nested on the heights anti plateau:4'rd , _Villejuf, and blew up the redoubts of Mendon, Sagnet, VilleJuf,and Haute. Bruyeres. The Prussian 'loss was considerable, as theyrench assaulted ' with the bayoe4. ' Admiral SaWet, with a force of two hundtedlusilliers and four hun dred marines, with eight companies t of lanemeilafteleettbriliteN rciegiOn ol9 ' sance•and drove the Pruseriaularom the village of Dmney. Gen. l3elan ger attackgl4: ttnclerman tl il who were in heavy . ffirce3 te, dislodg ed and drove them &tele Aplendhilitr after a short engenteintAP. se:t'l A dispatch from Brussels T.V. 1 1 3 1 i 1 flt,Velerticiwiro ,have esaepeel _ th *IV cItY. state tit" Int ' ' reports of anarchy and inisru reign- Ing[within the city Art , Jelqu'.": Vl° statements that drunken soldiers are lfJiigAbell` gullskin. OPillkreletql,R , [ rhesus manner are uuWorgiyjit b4[ lef, as the military polic la e are fully . able to suppress .:a11;. promptly. 'I he Zouaves who inaug urated the bolting movement in the stet lonat 31endon have been exechted for their cowardice in face of the enemy. . ;. CAIiLSRUIIE, September; !7 . .—The latest advices from Strastleirg,: coin munlealed by parties, who, have es caped, announeti"that - the besieged have at last abandoned all hope of relief. The Prussian the is terribly destructive. They report that Gen. Ulrich declaia ho' cannot hold out mugh longer against the overpower ing armament which the Pruitnis are using against him, and that •he resolved to dispatch a messenger to Ruins to !represent. the Itepleirtbla state of affairstflthin. the city, and to ascertain the,Judgement of the Gov ernment. Bkar.xs,Septeinber27.—The Press in 'repelling the Charge that the born barment OfStrrigtarrg was' rartictl'ori while the City' 'was - crowded ' with wornen oral children,.taut Gen Virieb, the French :aim Mind LT:. hal; poiststently • refused to allow non comhathints to leave. • A breath broad enough to warrant attli44ifilt, his bectirMailtf at - Sttaf: burg. The North German Gazette, the official journal says: "Whatever May be .the..(3ernaaa plahi-abottt frame, the restoration of Bonaparte is not among theum!'.. ..- • ' I Paris id completely surrounded and all fixfnunuclmtion with the outside WOrldLMccept by balloon—catch, win; MOTHER OF ‘2II,III'OLEON •.- 4 111.1 f 4 .4. On a mild October evening, not soon to be forgotten, a brilliant Com , pany of ladies and gentlemen gath ered du a railway oar far. out Mlll the reestorp' plains. 'Amcm4 them. were - iekesentatt ve"lteifi= 'neat•lP evety State in' the Union, scions'of French and English aristocracy, wanderers from the utmost parts of the earth ; men who had distinguished them selves in the field, the mbinet and the forum ; es pled isto who controlled ;millions; authors who had gained a world.. : nide I (alike ocuolars ,whams profound learning had adoined the. nation which gave them birth—a delegation, in short, which might „fairly he considered as an illustra jlon of the culture, the energy, the progressive genius of Mat nineteenth century. The occasion that • had brought Aleut together. Nei worthy of their presence. They had ' that day participated in the ceremonial which marked the completion of a grand national enterprise to a point where its future su .ess was reduced to a mere question 4f time; they had seen the first 'odor totive cross- the one•hundredth maridiam.aud.heard its shrill scream of triumph break the primeval solitude and silence of that _vast waste which stretched be tween the Missouri and the Rocky Mountains; they had penetrated to the heart of Alw:continent, asssisted at the betrothal of the Atlantie'and Paeilicomd jollied 141 anticipating the'gloridus . results *hie!) MUM, fel low the consummated nuptials. And now the excitement over, they were whiling away the twilight hours in social intercourse, but the event they had just witnessed seemed fo over stiadOvk 'them wit 4 Os' niagnitude and signiticiinee; and in "spite of all efforts by the leaders of the circle the couversationl dragged heaeiti%•'end would have ceased altogether had it I not been (Ara fortunatb circumstance. The door opened and• a gentleman entered the ear who was evidently i stranger to all but one or two, of the patty, hut these recognized and an !Wed.:lor at , once, and .begged aid to dissipate the atmosphere of dulinms that prevailed. He cheer fully consented; an arm chair was drawn into the centre of the saloon, and Professor W. taking his stand Inohinfl It, announced his readiness to test thOcietko Of phrenology by practical experhnent.upon 'any ;IMO chose to submit their heads to his manipulation. Neverxertainly;was there better material, for the variety and quality of brains in that little group would have delighted the soul of Spurzhelm himself.,, One : and on othor, all, however, 11111010W11 to tile Professor even by name, underwent an (*tun illation, and , he delineated their characters even to the n inuhst peculiariths with it most wonderful fidelity—making not it single mistake ill his mental diagnwis, if the *evi deuce of the subjects themselves,iS to he relied upon. There was one feat ure of .these examinations which at tracted attention and gave rise pi much comment. Not it Mingle Mall of note in any profession, whether soldier, Statesmay, flnaheler, writer, philosopher, or inventor that was not at once pronounced' le i bly, in the words of the phrenolpgist, " his mother's eh i Id." The sl Igh tt.st touch of the lingers upon the cranium ap peared to reveal this curious fact, and then would come the measureil phrases—"l do not know this gentle man, who he is or, what he,is,,but i .l am sure that , tvlialeveti2lio bt or may be, lie owes primarily to Ills mother. Ile is emphatically her child„., and bears the stamp of JILT nithitt and' dilon his 'soul." In every instance the verdict of the Profmsor was endorsed rby the individual,. Without accepting, all the teachings of phrenology as absolutelY, correct, we are inclined to believe that In this eitse e il rehmaltid.,9,..gront. truth. We belia^o ir_st tiote . .ptwaible to invosil gate the lastly and parental antece dentS,Of ;Mb greetilitettliteicry Face and age, it 'would be foutuLthat the large mujuri ty of theta inherited their Inotherls.trails, mulAlerive from hrr the Ny lA I eb ina4e.-IJeln ..-L;- Washingtrt was'pre-ein in ently his 44 ,1 4 1 P/1 4 1044, and ‘l3 l #l 4 nieF. nolite unselfish arid heroic iii him, lle Inherited *Mkt ltdi Ni j ountri•Who was ritto be.a Roman matron whenJtorne prodtimd demlgod4. Napoleon was the ofiliprhig of Letitia atnrelioi, rather than of- her Charles; and the unchanging. devo tion and respect which he lavished upon her through and the trib utes he,paid her memory when , she was dead, are proofs tint he rt.cogni zed and was proud of the fact. The nephew of Napoleon sits on the throne of France, and aftern 'sucewsful reign of twenty years, which has given him a gintthnt no subsequent reverse catt'utterly efface, has. begun at 'War' which may make Idin master:of Eu rope or consign him, to an exile 4.4 ig nominicties that of St. Helena. The chequered enreer'of Louts 'Napoleon 'Bo - impute—lda • early .bh.R*rity' t his folly, his many failums, his unyield ingconfftletieein his Owndesttny,fihd the tremendouS game on which he has now staked the fortunes of his empire andids dynaiaty; all• combine to mitko'filikime of' thb'lneist mum treble Maniacal that his ever appea red .upon thestage ot human attains.. What auditow much of past, the, lie the: powibleTuture 4(3E13; lie Owe , to lsts mothrr? Jogeidiine Rose Tilscher was. 13 , VrenCh creole,'. born 'oft the island ,of , Martinique. At the'age of fifteen isheWas betroth ed to the Viscount AleXander de /SO auharnals, a French:nobleman 'of' Wealth and, high imcial position, Wlib' hail met her while on:n visit to-his , Colodint ehtiteS. Tradition itys that Josephine was at the time deeply teched toes young manwhom she had know . % fiord - childhotsit'lltata partial engagement exteted,betatimu' them which wasto termlnatalti mar riage all sotat as he hiul coinpletixt his' snottudwicturna.r: arrived,milibrblit•o-fdliPonespecer. ately enamoredrand proposed for her band. She wits disposed to eject irriNiedAlsedttrae • his addresses; butter uncle and tunedian was flattered with the brilliant match Muir offered his ipeimiless nieeo.and urged •her.acceptanee., ,Itehttives and friends .Jolned their. iiiiripprtintities o argrY Urgument IlkelY to,tlatter the pride, and atabition of a young,:ul unsophiscated woman wss brought forward, and,thonattiMl alidgenbrid result 'followbd,' She conientorin dishitrd the nunishe lmied,liecause'he was poor, ind to marry. the man she not not love, because he-was - ' , Crossing. the ocean in 111714. Jose. Ovine:took. up her itsideueelft Paris ,pending thearrnagententaLhe conk litgo ARAI*. Here:4;,le,:paid, she inet,her.'phaftdcaied "op.!, mat, the old emnlte i ns Nihich''She, thought and Ilona Were detiii . titid tiuried, Olved in fulliftretia balite had ' g , MO' too far:teretreitt, and' after an interview of painfal agnhy and •madness; , the thud 'l , parting• : came: ' Ftw-m.thrtit months she sought refuge in !hemp , vent of•Panthement, striving to .for, getter.unavailing miorrowaluid the quiet sitrreundingstind ,religious In , fluences of defiler life. In 177 G nti6 was / Tarti_ql ; in 178 L her first And only, Son; . EUgene,was born, and"on the tenth•of January., 1783, her first and only , daughter, Hortense. Beau hanials was no.bettvr and no worse than the majority of titled French men of this day, but he. did not up. predate his wife,..indidged in every. speeles of fasbiormidedissipatien,and love sootlyanished from the unhap py "Iniusehold to return tie more. Writlng . 'le an intimate `friend In Martinique, prior JOsephitle says :' "Were it not for my children, I should retioutwe France without a pang forever. My'duty requires me to _forget William. And yet if we had been united together,l should not nowbetrottbilegyou with my grief:" .. Dymmt unlucky chance thehoshand saw the-letter, and a stormy sum:mew sued, ! which. (sided in temporary ageandiell-; •Taking Hortense, then lipt Ppm: year old, the almost, brok en-hearted woman returned to her island home, and there remained for i several years living in clftSest se lu- . Sion upon 'her plantation. - 31 aril While iteminharnels wag smitten ith repontence„ and urged his wife t for give time his manifold transgressions &mitre : loin shim. She consented, not for, his• sake, however, but for the sake of ter.sett who pleaded pit, emisly.fera Mother'i. care and affix:, tied: Slid lauded lii Paris hi 1789, When the 'lleVollitien Was beginning to throe( its 'terrible slindOw 'doer France and before that shadow had departed; it hadrobbed , her of her tushamdi -• Beaulamenals' was:guillot, ined An.duly,,, 4789, and :Josephine!, 1/giself WA* only waved frqu, sharing thg,t4uPe flt.i.b.34 , ttin 1 4 •or :goes pe.me.. 1,a,arch, : 1799, she i married iimMoleen 'Boilaparte,, and thence forth:tier !mister). IA blended with that Aftliti last At the-Cie-Sim."' frartense; then hut thitteen years.' of . age, wit 9 plaetshat 'The celebrated school of Methane 4.3anpan, in company with Napolpon's sister Caroline, afterward the. wife:of,..lllurat mid Queen, of Naphi-m. „Here she .remaineti until site had... 60 ' sontpleted her. educlitlem winning the love of ff:tellers hii etasi4meteml;.by a iiiiiipfe, unaffecteg intalMy of demeanor," and bright and • eheerfal . temper which never deserted ter through all the changes and bitter trials of a weary life. The Duchess° 1)' Abrantes .in her sparkling "Memories" gives the followiug sketeh of Hortense Beau hermits et eighteen : "She was as fresh a. a rose, add though her fair complexion' %Vils . not relieved by much color;' she had enough toimroduce that feedhneemand bloom Which was her chief beauty - 4 A profusion of light hair played in silky locks around her soft awl pene trating ,blue . ryes. The delicate roundness of her, slender figure was sot off b r t...logant, arrange: of bei head.* fer feet were small and pret , tY ; he ' hands very white; with pink.'well-rountied nails. ' But what tbrnied the chief attraction of Hor tense was time grace and suavity of her manners. She was gay, gentle, amiable.-,She had wit which, .with out the smalleima,in 7 temper, had Just enough malice to be amusing. A mmeliSilpd Pdueatiya hail , . improved tier natunil talents. She drew excel lently, sang harmoniously, and per formed' admirably in comedy. 1 have seen many 'princesses, both in .their own courts:mil in Paris, but I have never known one who had any pre tensions to equal talents." The nearest and most misefish friend Napoleon ever had was, undoubted ly, 3fiehael Durex; grand marshal of the valuee",under. the empire, and Diike.of F riuli. lie fell at the battle of Bautren, May 2.3, 1813, and .the Emperor never recovered .from the blow :which' his - loss inflicted.- --He speaks tenderly, of him in the St. Helena memoirs and one of the lar gest legacies left in his will was to the' daughter of the man who had loved him so well," and served him so faithfully. When Hortense enter ed society fhinic Ives a, rising : young general of twent y -nice, handsome, braVe, tied already : distinguished. The. ,p'air ' were..uecisairily• throtioi Jnucluntf) each ether'samipany, and love sprang up between them as naturally! lia ilowens : leap from the earth to. Welcothe the smiles of time sun. They would have married but for-Josephinev She had tong since givelkeil attluipes of. buying , ,A ,child herself, and believed that if a union could he effected between Napoleon's brother Louis and her daughter, the offspring would be adopted by 'Bona- Parte 'and recognized as :heir appa rent: ..T.N.Tapoleon.was not unconscious of her plans, and am . .ording to Aour brenne,ence remarked: . ' "Saephine labors 7 in:Vain. Dorm and Hortense love each other, and they shall he married., lam admitt ed to DifrOc. lie is well horn. I bal:l3.ltii7en ettrollue:.,to Uurat, ;Ind Pauline to be Clem. • I can as well give Hortense . to Thum: lip hi as mind as the others. lie is General of; Division. Besides I have other Views for Look,' BM -Josephine succeeded, never thelesk, and the mairtage'oceurred,lo I Louis, in his • memoirs says : . "Never 'WM there n'-utoro gloomy wedding!. ?lever latd i n 4Titerld'lnd wife a - stronger nresentmerit titt forced anti unsuited ; 5 3 forellie'tvremopy, during the bene diction, and ever afterwards,. wit both and equally felt' that we :were not suited Wessell other." '• The couplbstvere int _mutually wretch ed from ont4et; saint ne:ther . the persistent eifort of Napo and not the birth of children could ever bring- them Into harmony. 'fluey finally separated, and after the banishment of Napoleon, . in. 1815, Hortense retired to Switzerland with heryetingest son, :the present Em peror of French, and ;devoted all hertime and care to his education.. TO her lie owed that thorough men tal disc:lnfirm; that &swage in"adVer city that indomitable Will, that fixedness of purpose, that fidth in the Napoleonic star, whicli have ac cent panledilrn throtigh poverty and distress, sorrow and disappointment. Imprisonment and exile, nnd placed him at last•upon the proudest throne of Europe:. He,. In return, repaid her-with a love umennting almost. te Idolatry; and when in '1857 the tid ings reached him in New York that she- Jay. on the point .of death at o.venemberg, he hastened across the itta te her shit:mut...arrived just in flute to close her eyeg.' She recognix ed, -him, threw ;her •arms about his neck, whispered a mother's lust Messing upon his lips, and died. . To-davilis the French :soldiers are .for; the defence Of Paris, the , bandift of , every reigment are playing' the Melody which Hortense, in her. happier hours;eomPosed; and it Is the son's,iaffection for the moth er-which As translated - in• "Part.cmt, 0 5 11 r firAatiie.'! • =Christmas was first celebrated Decembcr 25th, A. D., US. • t A::lll.A,Takilt: WHEREAS. la and it sa.Art chr Ilet &sod ..AamiaLi of the Lbinototrwalkkof Voir ajar.** rotithpi .Au TOLO.OgIo *eketlq4 Conuaenweartb, w ood tbe Idoimg JOY. A: L, 15:0,1t lima& theft, eithoZWIZ Oar. eertfy offibleOlLiMuidisonikeltlitokive plate. lid tloo , cos the Goasealf Electiow.iNM. :MUCCI to ellUlPPAltri c i4 ot , . 1 Toe olponst3 big , th iji . ": ol . be lei!? YIP t !' e ag rl i ° •la 0 OILSOINO, ffigtiAleeriSOf the caw. Erte l :L . of te lL Y O u = 2 (1 10; 4 1 1 t al anAter .oktiiiker , 4 1egr-f* ring t enye a d d ai t t eels isuP p tta =r t. , ollaihabr le - A2l;untriewlateilliii theporM Tao by ban •IRN the' ditetral bonicialkermaiacit Oat' . • • •• WIZ ZNKIIONfor4INONFziOmecaso IMO =it Eff ro ttl y l i o n r.PhLtrifs, , ifpeotllslaA , 701 . 1.14.1 • Timex PRESONSite antics of Nembeni Of the Andeenbly of th e COMilliwinvenqtl •Ponsylt rtula. . • 9NAi'Nfritotibo Wilk e fitRroPWSKOKT 4 the 641'44 ONL 4it the °lop, of Cummfgaloner of the toes of-atiitit. •' • • ' • : ONZ PE ON'lbrabe 0111co'd Jaay OlumniV f COMILLOr Ne a r er. 1 , • *IC ( rile Pi t r4SY Ilia 0411 " 9C tfu op1111.:avel i 03, mese. 'WI; tete orPelt !Nude INI teem ohbodtreerty Dower. • • •• • • TWINE PkIIPSONN Sot *lb aka et•Temapos of ttu d00d4311 ei tho cocuili,of • ThU seld e le c t i ons, will; On hnitt.tlatingliont the ceuaty as , • . , .• The electors; of Boroagn InWilshlp'aill'tneet the Ortelesehool•bottio, fn the viJhgr ot Yuman: Theelettuts of Bridgewater borough will mut in put Town Halls in &Umtata's.. , ;,, Thnelecture of 2 Ptilliipo burg 11111.64. will. meet at the public brick ;school hOuso to 'said lairengti, electors of Muou township will meat at the house fOrnwriyoectipied by Asuarhth tieudrkkson —now by Juba D. &Mott . 2 . ; Thu elect/mint' Jim/tell tovputtilts,Will tenet at the echo's/ 'hops, In - Ow . of Scutt/wine. IP veld townahlp. , The' clatters •'of IndePendeneu tOwaseilWartil meet at the heave of Alexander Thotapscra..dec . d; lo said tewnallipi. a 2 2. • ; 2/ ; , • The elect/04yr Raccoon IsternehlP Wit wet the bullet of David Ewing. In add Kovno; to. The ulcerate' of. Prebtfort.‘ district will meet at the hones or Mallets DOn'tunt In Frankfort. • I 'Cite elector's .0 atctiains's District will meet at the nopenor Jot/kronur, in the, village of Naito- T qieNit•etori /if iil'oeio tininehlP tedl'meol it the house or . 211.1.0 e lewanker,'ln• llooksttista:-' ' • The olootons a , Ohio itrentsblp wiltwient at the WM... Moir occupied by laraWun In said towrohip. •,. • • • • • . Tlintenctora or Vir t i i ihloritownehip (ant euihric• ea In lodtient dis ct will toed at the Wino! how; near Richey heckles, la sald tervaehip: ' .•• The aleetOrsor Oug.uSungh of Fenster will tie.* _ the Academy la Pelham. The electors uf Pattersou tourtiship,w nriplat lar ;reboot hotwe the vlintgn Or tilightbn.. The election of Chippewa onrush'', Will Went at he house of A mirth Inman Weald township. The electors of South Berner township wilt meet t the house of John !Biwa, In said township. The electors of Darluigtun towushlp wili meet at the Academy In thallognnu. Thu electors of aid Bearer township will must et the house of widow Miller. le sued iqww , hlP. 'tile nurture of Franklin township will meet at We house of Mark It. Clark, lur sand township. The electors ot , North .sewirkley towushlp a uß, men. at the [loosen( Nathan•lisken, ba land tut , inerly of lkal. Chew.•, • . The electors cat l'ulaskl townehfp will meet at Daugherty's school' Sonic, No. 4;lti WM*. h lti.. " lllt;g:rs - Of 'Marlon the Mame of George Itsitmll, Jet, in meld lownstJp.• TheFlectura of the-nliper, or north ward, In the. botattgh of Nets linghton, wilt Maria the Car penter khcp or Thomas Millar, to sea hOmagh. The ek.ctopt of themiddle ward of the borough .r of Ne lirtghttni will m• et *tithe &chola house. Itt Thu electors of the lower or south wa • il of We horbtftlie of New Brlgilltm, will meet at the I.Sir Factory, In cad,ward. ; - • . The electors or Rochester township wig meet at lbe liolesellle school booze, In said towoship. ' The electors at, the ,lun.viah of Alachua-ex will ; meet at the school hc.usuluritochest sr. oTho Skttate of lYroadem:Butungh anfl dlstrleb' nu Gavel at the school house ha Freedom. The .K•ctues ormAriftiveickto l ruty.bip•witi wont at lint boost of.lledurllrsoln, Weald. towns' he el ehtors or hultristrY dfs trier iitletalrek at the schoolhouse in lininety.. . _ . '1110...W ee of llanittay t ownship will meet at lbehothrin Econtrety. ' ' " '''" The elects. of.ll,prtway -lownahlp. at the hook: of tiftorge C. Moots, in said township. • -TbstsleetosiOf tue borough orb:meet NM tuts 1, ShortiTa tat:V."3n ertW borough. . • 'llie electors SL 'Chile borough will Miet theSehool butonLin cold boronghi • • ' ..•• • The electors orate borough Sada,. will t oo. at tlidpublie 'chord' lions° in'said borough. Tito elucion of New (lattice borough will moot at the school house In New Calibre. • 'the clectare Of Beaver Ph)lo' borough will must at the school honattiolleweer bath. . The electors of the borough of Georgetown will meet at - tiklinblic *n001.110.0 in tend borough: l•nittlw known and give polka, M is load by ttio. 13th wabou of the afureseid Act lam directed: ',that eery person except Juatice of the Pearce who shall hob any Mace or .aintmeut of profit o: trial( under the Governmen ppo t or the United States,' Or of rids Wm, penny city or Incorpormud dis trict, whim Ul a COialasfOaed 0111 Car or otherwise,, etthordin 'ofileer or agent, who IS ...ball be empluyod uctler tba.Leghlative, Judiciary. or Itx. ecuUve departmeut of dd. State or United States, or or any city or Incorporated lindricr. and also Ural putty int:Abut r t ltonigessanClAlart•tkate I,egT . lalatune, and oT the Select and Common Connell of my City; •eummissloner of any Incarfpornted• dis trict, Is by taw Inptprable of bottling or asorctstmr JC the ramci!aza Cat tallZa or appointment or udge, Inspector Or clerk' of any election of Ibis Commouvrealth • and that co hospeetpr or Judge or other °Slur at any such election, obeli ho to nay Mace than tuba voted for." • Al.o, that la the fourth sectlon the Act of As senthly 'eatitled "Au Act relating to execritions and fur other parektent,". approved, April Ili, 18.10„ It la enacted that the aforeatud 13th aection "40411 ten be on construed as to prevent any tot Iltia Cur ur borough, Oglecer from aervlug as Judge, lir speclor or clerk at any general ur s pecial election lit Ibis ComMouwealtb. • • •• ...If any ',emu shall prevent or attempt to pro tent any ollicere of n. election under fhb Act from holding 'Mich electlii, or use or threaten tiny rt. Oleoco to any such oMeer, or shall interrupt or Im properly interfere with him In the executiou ofhla duty, Or shaLiblucP. op tlw, .window, or avenue to any wittdois where the stone may be Poldlng;'or shall ring:melt distarb'the peace at adds erection; or Awn use ur poreilete • any intimidating threats, force or violence, with design to Influence unduly, or overawe any elector. or to prevent him from voting. or to rcetrain 1110 freedom of cholco, such person on conviction than be fined in any without executing are hundred tionant, and Imprisonment for any limo , lestt than on,, Manta, a 0 7 ,11300. than. twelve mouths, cud If It shall bo shown dhe. court alterellw trial of such credence shall ho hod, that tlio person so offending we, out a resident of the city, wahrl, districtt, or the towustrip where tins cold offence was committed and ndt entitled to vote thlreht,-• then not COSlViellial he 6.11 be eve, Unmask happy kaoo, Of nut leas thao one hundred nor more tLuin one ttiousuid dullara,- and he Im pristmell out loon thou mix moutllli nor lour/ than tWo•yeun, - • ' lf any person or Perham skill Make nay bet oel Wager 111100 the mania Of any election this Cummontrealpi, or shall oder to make any much bet ot wager, either by Velbui proclattnniui, llie e. to, urea any pi intell or written advertisement; challenge or InVite ally person or persona to Mahe 'Rah be tor wager. upon conviction thereof. he or , they shall forfeit and ray dove ihrptht Lite L'agtua ett uge,red to hot hut. ; '•trinty persoli aluill'v6o at Mops thambne bleu: thin district; or othenrlee fthadtilently vote bore Man Ondtfon the surnoday; or istiAll .frsodulently foldoud dthbcr to tlw_ inspectoe..lwo. tichets ; .tar 7 gether,:wiLlt the lute* Illegally to rota, or *deka and procure another So to do, be or they *hall on conviction to fined In hay sum not, leis limn any nor mato than Iva hundred dolls.; mid' be bit prison.' not, last than three nor morn Shan. MA. . • elf " "1 . 'SAS • any peratio not onahlicd tra vote o Com- Monwehltth *grim:ably tolaw, (except the 'sdna Of Foriallietlbitixens,) shall appear'at , any 'Platit or , 1 election for the .porpolgt.ol braulag •tichets ,or of , Influenclng citizen/ otiallited to vouts.he dually 00 1 CU/Wit:llop, forfeit aod pay,pnyatuu not exceeding. one litindred dot fruit,for every spell ughtite,llnd tlu Imptiabnad for any term but eXceediug tad. mouths, ••• •:, o • ..‘ • • • • • •. . 10 Caw the nevem who ;dull haveireceleed the MAW.' highto number of Wafer 1111.4.15YAr 4 1 4 11 Dot attend on the slay of elec./ion, then the who shill! have Si.efoisd ihsi:iiiikondttlgthot nein , tie eel votes fde Judge at: the.. next 'eprlsig • ekttiod shall get 4141 Inspector In ale place; and fit ease the M inn who shall /we received the, higloat nun sou treZ4l,lo4s7fll hall Inun'llectUeudOgrolls place ; and fu C. 44414 e li/ergo* t elettiaf jrnlgit then not attend; then the ihspectot who nasehred the higindc number of Vetes shall appoint a Judge In hd place ;•srf If soy vaimongsball . synth/hehl 11u Udall tot didepace of one hour after the U 0313 Ix• ed by bayr fdt the awninged' dwell:001411'e qui. tiled voter. of the township; ward or dbitiht 'foe which ouch oak& r Wnll buys bean elecand, present ot : the Place of eloctlett,lo4ll4alect °abut of their 7.4s4ocit , I!IdUISTRY LkW. , .„ ' sterkilve • otlicfal notice to the electing of lid/•' ter enmity nutt by an set emitted "An Act. Nab or eupplenuirdal to the set relative lei the Mendota of ShintlOnimonwenith;,:` .apprdtsd. Apeill Nth,. he L. IMll. Itta provided acioilolons • . • , , slnenitit 1. .1k It rUaeluf 'Me &kale greet 77oure Reprrsentatires q f Itit ttmunsmweaffll'cf ftiouryltawks in °MIMI Anvil/4 Slot. and le4 &reeky modal by Ike aillkorityqj fAa *atm; Thai 'lrr • ail.be the fluty of e clots us dm 411.4014011 within 'lCommeuweasth, on the Arai Monday in June each year, to lake DP the tradsctipt he has le. celved trout the coasts eoramissluarrs underthe eighth serlion of the act or sae fifteenth of April. stighteetehundnitlandlitlitylour s aud .proceed to au immediate revision of the same, by striking thereflom the name ofeeky person who Is known by Mtn to have tiled ur remitted Muni the last pit moils assessment from the dbtriet which ho laths asses or. ur whose death or removal from the same shall be nude, known to him; ma to aditto the tame the name of any signalled voter whoshail be 'mown by him bloom tooted into the district slur:tam last prevloos assaminent,.or araare to, motel Into the same shall be yr shall kayo been Made known to hint. and also Lb* of all whoxhall makes claim to him to be gush& d Voters therein. As soon as this asision Is completed he shall visit erery dwelling lemma hhislistact sod make cannel inquiry if me; Person-whose mow is on les./Ist has died ur removed from t h e district, sad Use to take the IMP* thCIPIrO6I, or whether, is; qualified voter resides therein whose name is nut en his list, sod If no to addthe same thereto, sad la insect where a name is ended to the list a tax shall forthwith be as led itiptbist the per WO and the memo shall In all maw ascattin .by Spooky Upon what ground the person so as. sensed claims to be a niter. Upon.thecumplation Mtn, work It ehall be the doay of each assessor as aforesaid to proceed to make out a natio alpha betteal order of the foremen 'shots twenty•une year* One claiming to be qualified voters fn the Ward, boruogh, township or . , die of - which he lathe assessor P. opposite each of said names state whether said beans - it abr. Id not a housekeeper; and If ha Is the number of his residence , in towns where the same are numbered, with the street,4l; Icy or muth' which *hosted;and): in 'a town Ware there are: ap'auntbers, the name of Ihe street. alley *coat onlehleh said bonne fronts ; "also the otxupsitketof the parson ; • and when' - he Isaacs hansekeepa. ;the orsupation,Plarnorbonni* lug and With whom,and'ff working for another the cameo( the employer, and 'mita opposite each of osidnatnes the w ont . trotert" whew any per= son claims to • tote be 141111011 son be shall exhibit his ten irate thereof to' the assessor, unless he hoe been tot COQ coorecialte yaws next preceding peso r In saki dbittlet and In la i s m s stash whenethe n has been otteralized^theime stash be narked with' the letter .11:^ where the pens/eh= merely' declared his biomass to be. cornea cilium and designs to be haturalized tore the next election, the name Mull • be - marked :' where the elaim4s to vote by reason of being. itytwern the RipOWAILIIMI4 6 OII6IIII34 Muggy. two, as provided b 7 bort the ward Nos"! Allan he entered; and If the person bas moved' Into, the election district to reside einee 'the' list general slectlon the letter .11'• shall be placed appoetta the name. It Shill be the Wither duty of sash so npletatit. tO • sew, moisemen Initroattilirotimed • 4M A ft =ild_ y" . Mall t=r s" %i the ' 7 ' . t . peas at imuirami, l44 l4aragli,lolllllllll/ 01 ttiltrl , 1 146, 6 wb,/tAY . l t im i terc ift ereneed w a pkte r s i d t,i i i as albrrostilit MOM tei*Wllllllolectented, to tile tidal elliwbo *ban Mroed . illtplicattettp 0111%i, iltitithoOtrotoutiOniand 0401110 1 00111 1 1 • • Ito matllol3 ast Aieltrimalt=Wintlidi beide , hat awe& worryt. who lbeidt MAN- tlrst:# 44 1 1Inthi:la Wettywd.. Int otee copy Utensil cm Van po w = Sam Of WI. 0 1 / 2 trAbal p.e =eklo be WO, arld.slardridlr In b fortheburpecthwt, • orirq•pieteb tweldebt turtle Mkt ellrethlwl entS,IS ow • riedflettOre ee er a brae' COW • tlaw a ilertild perreoin!rpennetiearensynwe diatelywheeas Illerwlib a ter+ notlag 4 Abi 'On Other, -Mim i , lig=loo, neldeibees • ' hottlak , ILIA If it! • • et' II WheilictiVoiddidandediethet eleAbtfitti bik Marking In MI enchrouici the appbnte abs m OO % "tP s ix 'l/.`1." , Xlier 7 = noce.be:.ll theto Ore erebtr e t naturalised he e i tM an egh e tt r the damns ot his wenweaxerton ; u lialleneto.bamottrailmit .Irolace„r er ag ta t et suing electlo6;he - that exhibit' lbye wecnlraa i dea n llarokaton;adtom = icatea • - n diVid q dgOtraOe d giV 2ll ° or Mall note la ail Ids mommente P_Letin„.4 =roma* Memo, reatible.= sssn ' ss itUth of Melt 10 the inissitatent. alerpha whicisea •rotrint.ro Aro. rod from him by the provisions of Werke; and 4n rod provisions copies of all emir interns OW, tusks ' 1 7. 1 = 1 copies of the names of the voters to each separatety; a shall largish the same tit thrimeillatit and the mules impliind iey thibhat Pi be AIMS PI Snodoon oforOn elettion Maces, *on or bane the Ira of Aaron in each year. Shan hoPkitty'dP• the doer of omit, the election plaorylniierrytt tti tiattt Mot preciels 11. : - ..itfter.thaameisairode have been term p~at;d on the tchth daypencrotag thpaemmau.... ,, rosy October bf earo year the amrolior Wilt:way homcdterely rutiowlntr. Make owls to the county ectmulasioners el the names , of all persons meshed by him same *erotism reliance to he =de by kids by We second metten,of act, noting opposite each maw the oratlon• and Upbeat:omm required:vibe Mel UteArotatte. ceitunlaelOPMlL shall AMMO upon came the sane to Madded to the Mon 45. mitred bythoroserold section of 'this ieksitt a Mk mud esynnctCuff thereof to 4,lOsslOt .cop lug the mom of in ti re uditufnou as t. dent tasahlts In r>d wird, beeonfilk,rosiaddie • tinadil9., rod furnish the mole, together. -with urorasary elation blanks, to the atentreof the electron Inambit ward, borough lowaship• or. pros clam, aut or before sig o'clock hr the morning et , the second llarsitd , at Mauro?: and Oedema shall to totittined to vale et, the elerAl94,ros Mild • MAY, wrote route le not on sad list, unless be shall mare proof of his right to vote! flalgeelaenet Obtrolt • , Om 4! 15n aw day (deletion_ autieiderfliiiraned ' toonerest goyim said hat,:and et:riming , the likblito veto at odd election, road produce at least um qualified miler otthe day la's wltstele to - the do/Mince of tat Malaga in the district la 'which be claim to he a rutm, tor the period. of at Omit ten nort next preceding said elect:rote; ores shall take and autioribe • maks. or bast AY written aud partly printed allidult to th tachs anted by him which alithavitsha.l delloerokarly. where : Me residence Mad uospetion aso alsitang, the light .o vote, shall aro Mat sod sobartbe anlireu, Or putlyinitten end partly minted• wht g a tothe ud when ' o ve r ' l4. l,6 "!w tir ° th of the Commealtlr of Ye m uLylvanissad 01 the liutted Mato; t has 'nodded to the t herein ouwesith hue yeti, or 'lf formal, I(k:dicta atutims and therefrom, that ha 'Minna -alded therein six month* ncY;tutio.OobOarld elan tide; that he has ot Mitred 6 'the district ler thspurpoesql-mtlag therein; that he A11e.1 111 4 blahs or comity to, within two Mao which *ea assestrod akkait. ten' days' toldee !sat elisetkili and Us Dittlitailledettifenatelikehla Will w ' where and ro , whit court be was naturallsed, an. shall alsoprivilinte Ida oartalleate of natural:al* lot efiOntittalisrot I the mid affidavit , shall. Mso ast • rod'when3 the tat debited to harobrod'pal • the Milani unnueeneed. esawhes. - where to whar f paid. autt reogld prod'sPar tramination; Maar h taro elate la his aindatitthai it has 'beds lost lot strove, or that be never received any,. bet iR• penioti so clahningotheright to Vote man - • • •roliscribe lea andarth Ulm hq natkee,w, tlanUnital States. lid 11 born , w • ~ shall slate trot raisin Me sintrorit, and:rotall. lobos t tlace.eykientiblifit hit Aro herob•PeloMPlijo that he Is cabbala to citizenship by troatio !tathertShaturallastiten ard Mall farrow stale ; his affidavit that he is, at the time..Of "taking - MI • l iididas it, between theatres of tensity-omi and *wen. [pie* years ; that betas resided' the state • , year cud In the electiou district ten Mae lilMente ; ceding such election, he Shall he eartned'Ury • ,aithoughhoshail mrobaSepeit taken Ala! Add 1 1=1 . trr r o a i l l= g tb== ' bo iireerrieditY.: .ektdee Weide end.* • close of th e e scam they shall be enclosed wl • tido fiat °MOM de ft, lt rod Wroelepiperseemi ed by WPM bri••• ntat..)w•s• • 7. 1411 ,th I prothonobuy,amf atilt remain on Me therewith the pectittandWellics, *stied. to' . • as other election papersera thaelection ufike shall Ind that theidaplicant or applicants , • • all the legal dealidestione et Totem' be Aar. shall be pet runnel to row and the name or nausea. roslibe addedl6 tad tat of ambito by lbw Mery 'lieu (Alen, Lon word 'little'. Wing added ve • - :the rotation( clams to vote on las, and the word .dje*.atbin tur claims to vote' on arertbe 'don. o4rda bang added bythe cleroa,rs ascii cope stclively. un the lieu of persona voting it oath sec. 5,, . shall tie lariat for any quslitled cid 'ten of the dlstrial, notabu thsidiuk the name the prOpowed vow te ordained out the Use de • .deut tatroks, to, challenge the vote of such per sou; %Abe-reap:di tbe ounel,inot ohtho eight ondrage as avow malted by lull shallhe public. wade sod octal on id the eketlen hoard, ad' the vottfadmltted or rejected acedtdlng to Itsn'er Idettro i ererypenrou crooning Labea astandlied, .cittron shall be inquired a:sorrows" ids natural melon certificate at the eketton dam Troing, etx :ropt, khans be tun been for ten yeimi- ly a voter the Markt In which be o ven hi, and oil the vote el sub person being' nacetrodt shall ue the duty of the election • ofikers to writ or natio On such certificate the worn wittithe month and year, andltarq-cleetkm • ,• car ur °Meer., Mall receives at:cowl vote ou • • name day, by virtue' id this 'smut brothililite,' eg. cepting where roue ore rattled to voistby , rothen ,the tiatnralization of their fathers, they, and the person. wtto Walt oder such second - rote, .ttpottalf °treading roan taT,gnilty ota high; Misdeibeannor, and on a/negro thereof he fined or Imprisoned, or both,st the discretietv of tiro wart:abut the due :Olen hot rocood one hundred dollars in ntilt4 nut the imposonmedt on. year; the like punish ment 'hat he Inflicted on conviction um too corm ut electron \vita dial neglect. ,or ;velum make; or Canso to be made, the endorseineat re. gifted 11/1 ittOrsataid on said nataralizaticlas Cotten. .. ' • • 04.11. If any elect on alter shall reform or neginct to tapir° such proof at Iles right of mdf , rode as is y. • toed by this law, or the law. tit olden this lea ouppletneut, from an Priam oink , log to rote whoa.. mine le not on the fist of poresi. toed voteni,or whose right to vote le Challenged ti , soy ithalilled voter mount. sod Ash. edultralle4 poretatio vote without requirboguecb proof, surety per.ou so ottendlog slot h upon Counictlya, be • guilty of a high mirommoner,sadvhall be esti. leered / for every, otook ofieuce,. to pay -0 line 110 t eieeed ng oqe hund.rd dollars, or to undergo as imprismosientaut more than yoro r ne either or both. at the discretion of the amt. ' Saluda t. Ten. nap precede:o: er.47 idoetkrb for electors of Prooklent cad Alas treat:Mkt of , • United Metes, shall be the duty of the Assessor to attend a tint place Cued by law MS-binding • • election in inch election districl, and._ then An. ,there hear all. application, of Pcrions whose names haro been omitted frroritho IbPuf arose. tied -voter., and who cone ton right to vote, or , Whose righte hive origiusied dinin the same was • made out, end shell ssid the names of each • :sous thereto as ,roan awe' tfl e i'•"' l "l, In till: right of euthage much • out a personal aprokatkrouf. . the elifmaotoolityr had tin LWOW Assess them with proper las. per completing [bend, a ropy thereof - roan' be • • on the Mum id• or on:the home where Alt. sho. tiro I. to he hero. at Arnet eight dus before election; sod at' tic election the Mane -MOM than by purousti: An ill respect*. ,m la strithlnni by this Act and die Acts to which this is a So d , plement; at the general electhros in Weber: Amessershall also make the same retainer to th • county coiumlosioutro of ill asseamdenta I)l , a:rtes. of thUs , rouriii; tad tbe , eonoty co - antreioucot stun; fluidal' maples thereof to theslus. don Mitten 'ln each !Monet, la like manner, 1• all rero o ects,. , Li required Si limgemead a inger none t W - h ebr. a , cerfol. - ' e Ili saute surer -aut. tivilithatO shall:apply aviary epode eleciron s iqui pintos,' ropanite . slty, bo ro ugh or ward election: In at respects - mat tir•geuttral electrons IntOtinibar. bneTtith IL The nerpactive assounka. haspectorit and Judges of the election shall cite hare"the power to editthibler oakn to sail person clam tug. the, right to sta,untnati a dui right of sal' frage, or to regard to aty other tolitikr or - thing required be be dune or toquirro 'bib IMF of mold takers under this Act; and soy wilful tsleo enuring by Xhy'perion . to tetanal:ro arty or thine. oniciasiug , which they seal attenwated by. ituy , .ef nod !trams. tri pew Nand a. pedals.' ' ' •'• Itiortes lit , (ate Ammon, lban i yeah 'metro the same rompebrotrom, fur the Uwe necesaudY spent fu periOrtuhik the anthill' hereby ellPitilid atria, Viall&a-.0/ hitt, Sue the porlorokitum their other outlet, to he paid by the, molly coot. stiothorrs IS elbercseks mad' Mahal Sot be lawful foe any romeesor to uses& a tai stroked soy person whatever within ten days neat Or* Cell th e electron-Us -be hair eattlie seeded f Octotter. In any. OM. tea dale ext.' trelbre ' atir skein& kir' aecftots cif I IteeldentwodnriatiPreiblest or tberUntordnistee; any virdatirre of the protionkni shall, be a Wade ' thoulbr:Mad ltutfiecr the °Otters SO Ofirodllig to I on hoiroktion, aiot exceedhts• ona basdreti dollars, or to Imprisonment net anneding them months, ustrotti, stoic diasrothm et the cap 01.,.! Samos 11.- On .rote petition of. Ale; or mots cldrent ot• the sequty,etetotx flakier, Calif th e I they.verily. balleve:thet heath( sail an y prattleed at the Chx.tion abbinver held In distriro, natal-he the duty bt the court Of emulate Apless of said county, If 1, sembub all 1101•4 indite User...Ain vaestion, to appoint twojadicionsimber sod culaous or. the caddy to Mt ae overseers tt said election; Mid overseers' Sharbe ' Selected from different poildrol *mks; whale the inspectors belong to ddierent.putles, • end 'Where bout of saldluspeetorta robot to chorine peUU calparry.bothoftheorer Ws 440 be takeu from the oppuelie polltiqd patty; ind overaurni 'shall hove the tight be preeent'irithi the obleent of the etectiou;• diking the stole title Mebane te ' held, the votes °gaoled, and the Adams mode out sod Awned by dwell:4km to OM? , of voters It they *ea Weiser to Cald.eligO 1 1 i/7P:7 son offerforto rite; and interrogate toms.° 1 witnearea under oath, la repro lobos right el sof ; bag° at said &MOM, and to elainine his pipem produced; maths tithes» oitiald MectlittAAMl troinul to afford to ealdeverocess aelectro ' appointed, gu l l convenient.) and reklllty iw I 0 methane of their duttei• tf irold'electhro ' ens shall ithme'to; l Zialt odd orotseire ter be mavens sudgerferm _dance AI aroninkt. ore they attain be thriven sway, : frets thy= by Nativ *rice or lutlendetioa, all the volas ahrolpt eleCtien district' may ,be rdiMea by SOrlas" banal trying Somata' ander saldtwatua ;• • Alin ! Wed I-That leo person stgalllif Ole P ssi M I SOILI ! bs appolated an ovelierol ,!•*- • , trocrumi 11. If any prothonotaa,. deputy of either, ot• my other peruke, ' the seal Of allot td any coduralleatlon penult die none to be attired; orgloOmOv rises 01 , .o,: nit the mum to be gin= ant.. Ithinlit ' wherebJy It nags be lrandalmitt Dead-at kb a telu..uomm.eeettluebe enyirson who shall not have been duly cbendne4. coart," In presence oftkitne'M • , nommilturtottie Adroit thiageseasSontoiterokl, 1 Osman it; nein any way permit the hose of any fraudelesit nataraisatioa ,rrortifkotes be aunt be r s tig of sidgitrohroeuesnom ocif t ' e tra= trod. =rite that - It rrsadidendrbehedr at shall vote. roriattempt to vote thermos, or if an/ one Man rook attempt to I ° o4 i tut lY ht g rb i n • °lgo of ninesitoutio aut,imat4 40, be entity et a bigh-Misticnieihtirl and diner' so y of the inklonclbetr a m 111roMarli. •, of either of the mtarimementard • Conviction, be licmd In a Mt= arfl. er e . . 4o " D. thollinand. keptilofled *Abe pgupfc . d- tie 7 fur qpqr. rod quogroedingthree yehra, • • alle:11. Amgen:6k Who . OS OI" se to watton lb or be!todibb mut UMW, oral*. 111.4 • • bl coal( eld • ram. ni 1.. . • '''' se emu, Mog i • ZPZIP iromfall#lll OMlllllal4 =liligtip pe r. 7o W mi ; 4OW thejsa filt ll tbet- eindlie tea bases M= vimi tal l a rti l aret= yob ha al !Wane dtdaidiaho iddl I" weli way mid te,coastre at r w jdnalte am adard what. ever ban leillkadlMief snag ellatisaii., lea lidaaknaareeeldnied NOW OW T i =j a rn: Paal Woo" Ilia tele the l i t mita - alise' aims ' aberat Mk: or gat dui* "Fg =t c l the tr..nlditneVrlinte 4. jaws iiiM ina inaidair, edemas wad or refuse al sialsr aitilitaltrr i r s niftier kb a rid enuansaulie les Mal a enainand dealer s dad in say aiss ri o rreadi , ar &a lio‘ lier t t= i trzir i z i bo wi t a s 1 !fir Vi en mlettEltd.,,,, 0., IN on qxne tearisoluain Ned d a i: bra en era asw ati=tratiT. ;411,10710 Wil llet drawn wide di" :y r =AW tti al =k of l iar dilettounlans alter ant a hapeopar i=l:lc Vdtie g ig i aWbe a by . t Inentit;aradtan a 'Of' 1111. , = t kr e lethe, : i n M a t. - C I ! , i. , . f!; . S I IC*X4I.• Ail .Z.be 440tf, at Omni on". towealsi wid a'he Wenn the • ri rig tli e s Wore aeV 914 abd g e fat i l t s 11 1 ii i = tz ' inia taw INV =ci *. IMO= ME W ' lb al ' Mile Illooki ti zg t: = at the W6baE gra wint'atier, a ' 'WeWeei• for' the °dee orseenworer diddle.' eilisseersdan be held. maiden thleat s witll the year one llama t bundled sad eerearr - ---- nceptatP. tAk dedlea bracerhatde t! e d i sL law. of thui l frandanthone pas shall be opened between lotus 'at six aud o'clock a. la., and dined at serer o deck; p. a rin dicta rt, I=l.Le i t p 1 etc i o thZ oe s= bienia Ind. IIeiIONIII, by Uda "cf5 .„.... ....„ .... * ad :Main the of the same to as co of the wad Maid of , ins Iti%thiessind the mars , amomOokmere 6 4 11 1k: 04 a o b l i U at soon se weary atter receipt a edo at the etelietalabc akkee 'Ow rOth'' Mr ia t cripetlgs ,geors or this ei•cdlXl . 40ff • Mai of reipectire • Ohmage copies a( nick halm lama awelitee a ay be wedged sii% """ 7 . am tie 4 i•clatiP of °l* 4glief .!/ , ftr. 441 • • • f • 1. .• • -.. • •,, • • 1 Samoa. 19. That chit:earn or this State tempw. , .. athf to the Erma alba State or of the • Ualkd' 'Mum govaraste94l9aclenealwe oars, ehll.lLaelli who do not vote wMre thus .aaplosed. stud oot, themby dela/eider the flea ile• rote in' We, ••Fvgalekcilps diftnos olhanr/000•17.9.9•5ik DESSRTEUIf DISFILAMCM.teitiO. f.WM, Its therein directed I also edictal . notice of, the following provistona ir 'alAtt. approved Jane 'MAWS etithied supple:mut to the election laws of this tottunonwealth Yawns; By theact of the Chasms OW MeV ted States, Witted An act to_areend the wenl sets herd WWI 'pitted Si Welds lb, {he enfold and calling out the national Josue 'and Mr ea =d71414 epprared March third. awl thee 4 atat haatloekeadytaty-Sra. wkei• •base desseited the natitemor soils Wat .tilted Stater, and . who Wive Docile:ft pr relieved Scan' the peneny distellity tiliwers provided; ere dessead and eaten • 404 Mrs ',velem, • bully aillettnished, sod; forfetestef. tailacaship and thelp ell, ha null we tlegfettl'of au r , ,X,r tbdt.x,timitt , • ." • • . Wualiaaatiaim lOC elllzetartafiThir , Vatted' %Wee. saw not. wader Cousietutiew malaria Pentwylyeate, ylorteta hie , Colateletn wealth f. tetietietWthe tienite"itur tlikiet? , of ftepueestitltei ante! Cantattniwiellai entetlfaw sylesplataMeweral Aeotsaltilymett and hihislosess• eriertlitt bt the ileibOriti edibe,sesek MIMI* your . neon; to it held la . thhr Lotounoth. • wbelth. Maffei natmarfor the Indgee or up !rpeeteueafuny enoltifieSow le re •Ws•n'imy bake' ortisßota hanrasy pawn , as twitnees emelitileed !la the twerlalowe end stibjout to the the ' rg 4 lo44l4oVlllh e rra e :dittfa ll r oti elatic o hihall ha unlawful toe say Ti :fora rote sayitiUos or ballets:- • • Sao.lL That If soy eackjudyewwi laspetteni of el 4 ellt"W ed m' so/ tow ot thelt4 rearm of cott. rut to re any an*aptawtnt ballot or ballots tram any such dtsenallged ;sewn: be or WO ea eibeellsg shall tar ralliperlidedestineS. own* 'coassictiesthereat Meng -(4:art:or Wizen 'Hew .stOttertoCollowolorvaltk. he OLP letteadt ; fw min •••_.. • to pag a, k. Lea , oh& fired d=tes, LSI to it a* lipwrlsenr anent in the i rgectbirproper'wenn lbr At* iGtil ihu e/ Bead That Mattypeses depilated- of,ehlaus',‘ !elap and duallltsd acuto AMA .118=. ;election be •Ter to be held lii this coaawes :xote or tender to the ottlaus thereof' and Offer SO' !sore • ballot .or , liallote: Soy penile soctifehtlhag' shall bedewed trallttrot a oisdasessnow, as . 000. 1 CdO• 01161 , 1011. soy Coact et Visitor See sloes of this eommonwejlth. be Own tor eech.PE feucebe.patihated to like Manner as Is presided In the prestealegvectirra of thla act; sad In Wee . !of Mean of destine nenuvlor each :WSW Ist bi Sec. dThat it sal WSW* shalt litreklil Ptr; shade tir advlst lay pram or pates dept et, citizenship and diequaltiled as aforesaid, to offer aer Maks or liellotateithe billtxre oreni election "heradter.te be held :hi 'idds .Coatsionsedffts, of' sh e l u nar . r io r t s illi b t o seg fr oxii alas. to tot ;rived crteitlzetuitli find each penson'ins offending shad be guilty's,' a ads: ,deansnor, sad opus ow:victim thereof Is sag eittirt otquarter iseaskaas at this.l: 4 / 1 1/100WOWN shall be ;wished la Ilk. wawa &ale provided la trat second sectio not[ esel in the tweet edicerit of s etch electiod recetving soot' unlistfol isnot or Cl%4 ll dig KOOA UP vanNa: As therein Visaed l also'eve Aida notice ' of tho follirolog provisions of pa_sctspprosed Mardi 30. IBA rallied "Ao at. revealing the mods roan: at all !actions kr the soden' eataitles of ties Oomilsonmoiltb :" • ' • • Semmes I—Se St amend by the Senate soci Haase belfelpreemdeallee et the thiennorismalds MPenasylvenlain Glesthrel Aseembly tom, sad st Ss hereby enacted by authority of the dame. That the (puttied voters of the several counties QUM*, commonwealth; st general. lownilllK boreettli and spacial Mettles*, are hereby balcony author, (zed and Inquired to rote pi , tickets petaled et written; or partly printed and panty written, sev erally classified a. lbnorno:' One Paler 'shall em, bracuthe names Mal/ Judges Mcoarte to be voted for, and to be .libeled (ankle .Judichuy," one ticket dull minim th e pumas Mall !Male Geneses voted for., ihd he labeled "State," one ticket shall embrace Tae names of all toasty °Meer, voted for. Nth:ding ofaceof &maim; member and members of A.. 00 01.1. if voted for, and. membets of .Con geese, if voted fur. and be labeled .1-Manku.” ene ticket shall embrace ins earn. ofall Learnable oil cars voted (or and be labeled -Township." nevi ; ticket 'shelf kiebrace' the names of kll borogjb albeetavoted for, and be isbeled..tlonmutt," and 'each atom *hill be. deposted la Nyasa bona • CIII.Wit)V.I - 7011LAW:' • , Ttui following Inetroitlouktioto Ids Exeullpum Gov. th;u7, trplailli the Males or lieseeettohleg , Wire and eleeuuu oaken In eczema to alt . heed tos of this Commonwealth: t. • • e . Umlauts- mAziar. . A " . ni.11411;110.1. PA.. Ategrlui.27,lB79 7b Vie haeriar Wilts Collety (of Braver. •wunickm, The Fifteenth . Attisieiment el the Oenehietket tithe Uettad States teal follow.; I itarrial,l •The right of cid:lens tithe United Stews W Vat. shall nut be deuced of abridged by the Uulted Mates, or by any State, co account at rare, color Or pnetkattftUdttion of sertlttide. no Coigne' shell hove pewit , en. •loran thisarUcle by appropriate. eglstmok o:. And whams* The Covanuteeldw United KAI no tileManh, Ittat. poured n qf eftis enact out tied 'As ad( t o ol neybrre sigeele of MOW Eilaterlo Iva• ire Ifir Mara Wifelory , trii' Onion, setifor Witerpialposee,'lthe IncileCese. .asiteectione ofethicitsrossiellowa: . decrtoo Be 14' tonged hp the tangy esed • Rothe or 114priabdltIdes'er OCelialleiC Maio rrf, America, in Congress uevio4blect, Thettli of the United Settee Who ate or shell bo olkertela (gondol! tri that to vole id any idectiow y: the citY.Paris township s ecttool d Vic; meet= orottier tenititrbitSub dtHirlou:eltsil be enti tled and olktised to tousitt eat lelediknat with 'ostate:tun/on of nos coktr.w. I peedens tonal. don a( eerritudei any goostlialleau laic.- cutout, ware 0,1 %7 111 E 10 u di any •State or Terralan, or b w y ftr a trlg i r "Itto.rity; to tba . e . ° l tt* l b : t* Bat% a. d art be If fiulker awake., 'That if by of ander the anthority of del tkenilletkinur Uwe at •sIY 144 e. or the taws of any llenturryi pay •ect is lbe reqatreal to be prwrequte, dettnalltlcition for toting, and by' seal LlntedW. • doe dr laws, persons ...tr sincere Inver telhall , charged with , she pertrutmtucei ref dodeolailertualt. tag 002 scout opportunity to pedant *MI law requisite. ye to become Raddled to vtdo,. WWI be the duty of clad stick person alld OaneT MVO' to all dttnits of the United Utah,. tbresmer sad. eqtatlappertaelly parialrie sea reinnerquisite, and to beowsweeatithenthe vete ratledek tkes *ince, color or prelim w s coodittapw.l, tads; and if any such person worker r efuse or knowingly oath Were full taker to pec tins, be 'ball for unify offence forted, and pay tho stun salsa hundred dollen to the pervert *gorier. en thereby, to be recovered by on action us the clue, with tall wet, and each allowidies Al( COW set toes WI the clout easy' danitJast,inddiktikils hit ewes; iniett'afersaiter deemed gottty of • Cat deaseasarvaail she3loo [Wee be la , ad waled. lam are handfed' duller% , cie/ Ina pf*Gokaa nualeestkung one. moth lot woo iww ''wary..7ru:zf'S.:l4, .se, Pr ttta. Ad' wherein, It Li &aired by till :h1 section et Mali? padrie id the Constilduon thei r tintteet Waive, that t'llas Cdeetinatios and tbelleseithe United bused which atoll-be' wade in parsenua iisll umgal4a l v44.ntbgAuprorao law ut tb• Go • . anything In fite hiriote .or feud qt . • ctiar ON, falai' coittrary rug asd wiennere. the ingblatunt of this dleensurn. wealth. la the ash day of Simi, Alikapeemi enact. entitled': di further impalement to the act rehulag to tbeelecUblis einnutedirrealtli,% the tenth settle* of Walk provide* se fellirersil dricrlost 90.2 That Ise mach of every WS of sena* ptaikksOst OW" white freiners shad be Addled. to sate un to be mildewd se town, or as claiming to vote et any gement at special drakes of this Commonwissith, be and Ins rune hareby repealed; end that ttensiner idliteedtel Ochish disdnesho of colue hestedi mairdineso wdliterittua.arillng,tollw prellisionspi the• Vet section at the ect,epworid .mordeissa,Z AO% 40. anti tkil,"da net airthii= to tide mei labling to rho elections' this. Common- Masito• otheirw order ea. Wing loin, be *UAW. u) veld el all dotiol had stroldOOklltOlhht,Choss9wOauli• _ -hod irleN lite ray cosUtittkeisl and socist itats,l9 talte case. that hoe be Ssithially tweeted ;" sof it hal midi Why kozwiedge that *Maki aplaimanflaa• Mrbtenr d.votets sloe re , , Om* andleereardiap la moos sad reglinerAh. ors caiurediotecittees cd MOO era OA cum' w gwWMd se 'Woo: • , Now theretaie, coosideratlai 'of the anest• Ha, thi ly cartuaissicoers at add coati are herabyn coo otlfied and dhoti* to learobilbeeeio rat ariessets eadlethiroi coolers 00,48. obdyerOceafeemiO Ow redaireemtioteruacear oltatiessi ameadamart sae haws; thitibetilf at odd cutatLis Oteby *allotted eat tared to pebtha O Ids cholas the oat eiriehat decider, the oath Woo secadocot act atCaedoo and hce el thalothleterelOSPO the/ilig ugh, Rited sad ono is all *glee Oleos we dem, the irtgh wigpirgestaaloid thereby lig he sacteid to ell the WOO at - thy thashiieweilth alms rider mi_kis m na the i rs t tJw E tt aaW alta ta t i ni att•r= tVall Afig*TY.+P.l.ir .1114.1711:1111°rItilli,L • Paniaiatta the golden, mislaid la the Illth sod=Oho Act Int ekoseld. the ledges Otto eibresald Oen mepecholytaitetheiee uoveniteates el town at the sambas ofgaillt paihedive districts, and produce them et n mot- IV he todledite tram oft Wefts is Os 110toyek hou datki 117 , 11 Val add Witco. _ w g t o.tbt ai wotzn sAdgs = ale a ks i es i s or iulairot a d: = ze z=t ofpa=z=me Illna Use dada spired al amid Maw ' Tits Bans whip& gamest la triZilot t etrßiVnentt =Mit v ti vizrptqttart ;i4rhia at Wallis 1 6 1 1millem " 2400 101 . - Pl 4 124 C6llO nous. la' leiTerAilbe MALIK iligalir.46lllllll% "s.olo l Vfffiq af!tql , %94qP l P . 'kaf . - less sakt boat at sr fate I:Wiener, 611v3 . 44 dt • . Viat • " a r*ta ct • inenty. losa la c atr* VilliVi a rirs. .1 /WAIN IIIoWIV Solver; Milept."l44 , ~ .1-44.4-amm-4, , rao.:: BEE YellgallaiaMEMSJUE 111116.111 CI• I)J1 ' • to toe ho, p i ! to mce ltedirutrn. # 1676 0 0t0 " dibtni';thidhtepritalcusd= int tio the - ecientllib ruler they ar- e4n:1844 tad published In the fEeleei. , otir prospeobalof , 16 Trestle° •, , tiL • ~In.,;lB4l4;rProf, My Olt • 11 .• Pig t in :411i,.411;ge ,w9rl6, tAia, mart*, praotlsta. a long arg ' int Outpaa,setUng forth the sclen-. tifi:e 'principles br '"Urosehean. Ptteneer .irftvhfch'Weelititbea •to itirvel4o arranged these he to be able to teach-them - to' attidenta'ectith as :tench , •linecess and antisfaction ras given , in: Surgecy,Materia !Medici, tin.P.Prentige.of Medicine, In maw.; sistein prae- Alen; and in'lMltaieliedtheeppoint in etitto•the Chair of Patholdatin the ; EclectiC Medkid'eollege at Philidel ladc . • ~;‘ ;ft: • ... , In 1864, Atogirc-e the' firstecoarse of special- ketures , on- Urino-Pathology in :Abe Philadelphia University. of ..Medicine and Burger- y 'ewer, delivered lin .a. 1 40-1 11 * Coffeini.tiu.the• Patted Btitea, And fik Xov. 1864, at ,lefotio. Of out' liettiree tilt* ect,' •trieetliik of the Mailehr s i Was called, and the Ibllowing were nmohg the proceeding!' adopted; vie Wliziakas, Peer. , Ormostrun hav- Ing favored.this clam with a series of sdentitic, Practical And Instructive Lectures on "UrW,PatholoKY". we Cannel' 10 . W hint to leave ua without 'somepifestation of tbp apprecla 7 t i°!) l t Vrg ri ! in ,CP r b Ot i r : ,•7 l !!Sr ;hilt,. " • '"" , that' eintiffrOsigneto Prof• :Ohishne'd /Inv& Plh her, bear= Itik-ttn spprotirtota aa • a lake"' toteurapprechltien anclaiteeni; - - , ./keti-titalmthatatcoprof=allt the roceedings. -be foranuded.. to , Pitt 4- his system 'hes' rapidly increased; 'and Ifessora, h .heen ,appointgd.;to IgiVe;' 4 !SPea ay() it'Dedlaree lift the, sulk.. Ject lirmany °thee Medical Milleges; •‘, - • 01.nsituE-,11. Di -! iszamtkated Ewan illustration .of,aerman . f iti:atoln of„tgannPottatiort that tb t e,transportation of.the a lf.lng's a tea wan,alrectetl aecordlng to a pre4trrtitiked,inliterlin:r4:, to• the. Yuniairt tirne breery mSdn- and' tiraneh rat toturrnnning thfoagtiont Germ tinyy and so perfect !wefts all , ectnneetkins that...A(l.r one train was• behind time. •The move went or troops, by this :phtn.. began on the .16th ,of July-ono day alter the deelaration_44 ,war—and on the Z7th 'of the same month 600,000 meu had bOrrtrabsEerred to the frontier stfithcatt this 'slightest accident. 'fffiseellaneott4l,;' .KALIDit•IN ALL KINDS OW.: MIIR-111123 & PICTURZ TO O F 50.1k:3 :67thirtp,p3Ttibito,vie. - Brighton Plow Factory; ROCH.TER, PENarit. The I/memento* IA Deaver comity conituntly on hand, and. utellhrz rekk' lowest rice.. Caen* WI DOOM tided tbruilluflout wino Having • large °fall kind' of furniture on lulskatnedurniblut To antitumor', for falFand win furliatka burp reduced my prim auctardingly. augSlitc. 13 EAV ER DRUG STORE, 1 -1 9 . q 14 ? Pidiiiiii4e*;mo,e.cary; ri v ENN- Pytfi Drugs. Cheiiiicifi,',.MedicinOs. • AND. ALL THE OFFICINAL Pharmaoeuttaal Preparatiorip, ALWAYS ON J L pulow Grusa, ;Li ih*F.irTiVigi'scilai Agesats for :Fahusstock, .11asleU tt ' : ..Schourleos 14 4 .30 0 - Pure. :*eVid ‘" Ae Malt ttfadiblefs'' • Agents rer. the Chemical Psinni, one tirtsl different ohmic* nll seedy fur tine. - EarlllYsidawi..Prcacriptipop . ,airdully sejfalliticapy cpsiTotkn(lol.atitux time 4 3 Y. 1 /1.n.'1,10; • iiiiig3l;cllll MEMEi =MP ' " 'OP— ' • ICVA .. -;i fi vi ‘ /F, Ir° , „ rj • P 1 j %vb., Stitil:? ll , : 1 i; • ! Great Closing-- Out Sale I Pr 03iiiiione-r I•• • •••' ' ' SCHIFF'SZTE" NFE'ID"'S" NEW PA. Mcibid bress Goods :tit 20 j,e? yd Uudigesched inthdin 0' '" • , " • plendkl biesebed do -lU'" "• ." Draw do _lO esqloie, • 10 eta a pill., t ide INktlat. ' '• • Oh" t tit 81mb:ter 20104 troth SSM@SO.. El 1 ' Ali 4X4: , Goods at Cbrrapond . - Lora Prtoea tall culy. tryou wanltoscure real, 9ARg AT'... , ,i I I 1 MSMNI • 4, .a.: '',!:,'Al)ljlit'A Ell !.1,01 • ••:' i ot strviEn6rdirllivE PIVISTRACTEMYHOSI • BIDDEN .• • ' (..titUSES;AND -WHOSE. C ' E4 41;1,1u......ucE .:a PIIO3,U'; ;L ITItLE;Ti =NM lb Render illrlsernee deefrable. ' MEE If yon are aufferlng.'OC'havesuffCred from In rot; 'aim, discharges, what effect 6pm:ill:iced on year general health? 1/o. you fret weak. debilliated, easily tired! Dees a little extra exertion produce palpitation of the hean?7Does yon: lirrr or girl nary organs, or your kidneys, frequently g, , t Ont of order? , .1.6 yoar sena sometimes thick, milky or fkwky, or I. It ropii ow Fettling? .tartima a latch scum rise, to the top? Or Is Maw. a in:dims:et at. Oct bottom after It ton stood awhile? Do ypu have spelis of short yreathlng, or dr.:Pep:is? Aru your bowel. constipated? Do you have ilieeti et raikesof Mobil M. Iheitead? 'Gaynor memory impaired? , 1a yudrialudedristatitlystweJ• 4 Ling upon tide subject? Pp top teal dull,llathiss.' moping, tired of ctuipsny, of 111\s.? Do Jpn . vr,latt Mbaleitsione, to ki.ismay f rom , e v e r y body i,Does. any little *innYit'ydu hart or limp! gem? bi °kermae ristffair is the of your ryi Thriiitsiiin On yone cheek ie bitifitt 'Do you enjoy yourvelfhillQP.lYAAW , ltt y 6 u . . 1 09R•I° ,3 .0 1 "ha'S" /to 4.uortheita L. V. ypp feel as ,unicli coukilencp.inzeuricy .Ara,; . r mull digging, given to lits'of melt, atteholy?' tf so, do not lay It to yo'ur liver of din popes; I . Waitaki buck' mutt, year lamas kid hate but ilttilvappe.i ,lite,aritir you attribute•tithr to dyspepsia or liver 2 • . . 'frifw,'rettdei;s6tP6biroe, venereal dtreoelot need, and vex nal eieeJshOl, fire . aft rateable of pro, dating awealutossuf thetunerattvo comma. °memo:if geoeratkto. when trt loudest bunk. make the man. Did you ever think that three bold.. de. eneri ettc. petverefll4t, sure...oral hiodmire men tire ilwais fttlitteNskwee zrnerittive - or;;si.'esire la perfect hcallbl Yee rover hose inch men ions , ' plate OfdiebsCambiterioly. or , nervonsuhea, of pal putt= bf tholhaurti They are never Ninth] they cannot atliteied They don't brume sad and dluetitiratt4E; 'die:etre always' pollto 'and pleasant In the e,ilapan - y . lif Jul Ire, and look you add them right In the •Tace—norto or your ditit-o cot bona or a^y other Inconele about them: do oot - mean th.et who Ict...p the organ. lodated ly, sainting. la <Liters., Ttnitemlll sot naly rule their mmtt t atbw,• bat alba those they'd° burl-. arra anti or Mr. •t, • • - ~ How many Ittert.l front trolly cured dlseavev. mot the effeeta Ot'Velf.ttlinse and exeevves,/harti, brought, about that state Of weatnes . rt ln gamilhailtaa r rotiqeed thrt general eyit , ejo'err nincl4 as to,(roldit 44;k:every other form a eiocas,- Iditiey,littacy, peraljsto, signal siiiirtiuns, euir,tht and altnrot every other turn of dieen.e which I.n. Inanity Is heir µs—soil the nullerause 0f.,11,e tp bin IKartely ever sovpe zted. and have due lurid all btit the rizht one. DISEASES OF TIIESE ()ItGANS it r• 4il:lllE'TitE or vim= lIEINBOLD'S pLuti) EvitAcT ' kg 13 1 I Is the great llStiTilfo, :nit"f ii:Crortnin cim; ; ••“:“. .• • ••••.• • for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, 0 rewsl, tirpyv, Organ Co a lainic CMI2I Gofers/ IMbility, =1 41i) -1. . And tl Weasel! a(i the, Urinary- • 0 rgani = • I , lth:tiler o.p - tiol..tsi.otle, or retuaje,, fiput, veliatevere"&iltte'oritTionting, and tin mat; •` I • to . r of loot •ILrr J~ ,~ J 1~.'•. 11~~ 12" I 'tt I t (' (11111 IS, )1111 . kintly niqy - nsue:• Our' fl us h ond.bl.o4ofesupporto..l luau . %3n sources, ali,llll. I ii , areh iiiul happiiici4 int - or in , 4tioritY dei)en(ll. opal • prompt ==M ELSIIIOLD'S EXTRA° lila:ILL% Ex o ) 16'y iltr4 I=ll3 T4. l 3?Vii`,!'?. x.-- 7 4?. • tuaA 594,Broadway, New York, and 104 South'loth "Street. Phila'd., Pa. PRiCE-:-$1.1 ) .33 per .bottle, or (3 boll1(.11 for $6.1;0, tpelly*ti io any whitest by` ;afi • irtifigkrs Ikevirhere. Ifitne a rsgenufnii unliOs (lode up In steel e'n,Onved .Frapper . .' wyh ft!oktilnlieorbay ClicOtliPidh9tl 6 e. ll o Ovid • • . cetertiffeiiil4' 40i;OTSING 'STORE. . N-Lre-VV:GO' D 8! -Sri/so and Sunssuer Wear. jbor, unilenegned •in. fanning Ins friends and th.• 1 , 1161 u. 2/I, :r . ailsibnt be Tuts Jest awl optm.,l Setv - Stook of Goods , 'OP 'TM: LATEST STY I.KS Frm BRING. Ind' SWATTER Wear 4,alcups Hur .LO4 41 orc ht , ;„ ein ploy, and Wel% cordid..td 4Lility to cut and uutke up garndld,i. , ,th o. J 'FASHIONABLE& ISCISAIII.E. aptl tpsucle,a.rAntwr 1411 custmeLts. OENTLENBN'S FURNISHING GOODS ALWAYS ON IiANI). 1 0111 and see u &Ion • orilers ElseuliPre III:tell. Jr. nuty4lo;ly • .I•:_rt }.3 1111M1 WA.R.N.I_I/ , .1. -. 1.14Ei It Ell 1:: D ENE Wainueems /Vile Iletaird, L , (ban even In 1113 r 111PM).~r 7rbt 1111.1 . 4 6 11 1.0 4 44 12 1 1641r 1,13 1 1 : 1 7 1, 1 a ' ;e 4 5e .' 1 ' 1 6 :1 " ;,i. girt ahtl get W.:mei. • 1,„,. „ 7 preesly Int the AnEt i t.n r. can: 611, other 411. , 1-,. I of Over e3fr. etneling. 're Odle CVI•I7 where. ' War*acr' l.Mlr.lu vow , . ‘• rxp y 4 %1. Ilan/M.l Gall. rite., I Ir. 4 +ll4htil rll/!,,,, • and riil,lll.llii /IN, ; it •fr •,• pit/MU/ andk CUllote. the 11:4cnt t• twaliuy *Wu. IY c.at„t pi tvuu• i.• 8008 {Ilar•••r • hyopfp..4 it hy.thii,;;lrtp. Prox Ow. amt.. CC...11_146'a," no 31.01(1.: Wartier 9 l. tough Illataam . • allll VA1.CU1...E.111,,, 140 extraurdss,.„., a at Ittouwaa.lely tiall7.A.uritr::, Ihv utort crtAtiaitc rap..: - COl.hr, tuft 'lldeut; itionChltn. In re 111101, and /- luuttlit.iv;. pfuultd le 12‘n flan ..W1 • rsruclA In • , Ihto-13 atn • alultr pr.,/,.111J1104 if. nod tun- 1,1 • elve6fugulle: , One num., ninu3e unoqua.nu....c.lndtle,rll.... a ~• n. 41.01.. 10 Mr, ," I, ' lout' unn 1..011 )1.,1 Pe!: • .1. : .1 . 105.1110 011. rule. WIN I.'E. , cot 111•••,1 P. , J • 'allies , * %Intim 111 Jr, %%Inc of Lite; ‘ .l. Inv t•y • • • ~ •., :14 1.105 port I or II.1•••2 I• 4.4 r a •tlL.E . ,..elit. g • ,plouilit:l app:-1.2,r cc/ 'vet it. 1.,11 ; I 11101.{ (11: '1..1..4 4- 1 c • ; j! L and 4.11,1 par. Loth utaierno..; ilaar :L • • ••• .% 4 itr.• 411' D:11. • s 11.1 e• no 4 7t.1“.“... • . • It Iro•-•.1...1,•te •Vurtier. o. Einnienagezur tu (h c• r• el. ry IA re . imi.nr•vr I. VIII Wanted , vl ••••• ter ollere.l 1:.:1111 thately pt•nn..• It. It f. • anti • 11..0 n her, it,. 111 , 1, •' •i, ,n rol .0 . 1“ I . a C./I.Mb Orl,Zlr, 1,11, • r• ..1 ui,n I,Atirt t:Filrr•-• (...- 1411.1 A 111,.1,1, r.s!•• IiAN •• • 11 /:Nl.l. to .0% :P S, Oil Wholesale 'and Re tail, At Lowest Prices, M'CALLUM BROTH'S. iTrA 11. 11 LE ANY .1; I.'o It LII; 1 1,1 .1( ) N.! Ift Lu r. • t': how. , lon nrd./. /.all 1y :Intl n ,, , •'• ont-tenth or only s - alue five • TLIS NATI , .N.LL itl:x I. %. ft. .u.l..\' \ Ila.lnr te.tatt. C . % •, rn , '••• ' tile Middle and Sonlil , in St an•, , '.wk a: .and /roll fart, , tpropl.e.n+lliona tin2nr and • rat Tit/a.9.• a 1,4 rural ,I•innitjelltn, , IY 'rile fOr .174,1 girree rnctalnlrtfiy rivamn. raft. endUnnlS 1.11,,,x1111, .• • !Or 111,1ln. • 440. clort..eted wiat 0nr.14.,1 ..tote ee, 'have a goi, 011 Imam ai.tl /tar • ,the orrery lolon nr , l” , wwll- kneoWn 'Mom++ late ~! tip. I hhhww.• I.hwwrgrtwill. who h I '.03041 , in and Nrywl al Ilk wid well ar.it `Jed it; , ht. Gar 1/..partnwhip.. War and Nlll‘y,ortlmaco and O.I O I O IC 1.:. 141.10 t • papers carefully leretarrel; Dr ta•et 9y cxarftgd, aL,el Ibl•dijA oketirl'll f, •• • • !•••1 in r • tr.) frit. fleet , . • •Speette I ..latt • alte•te cl‘ • .-..• f• er re tJ :LAO IL 11. Leib rPe 0 , e• • ' •' • eh • r.!. ' 2% to It 1111111.teto nraiW on F'Lci{{N of .thin 01 ll,' an: -1.0 ; , • • ISs•or khown • ' _ a.m. in 11...1r In .:min.. oar n T,11.,....p10r0.T.',.011.th1i Olen 4111, v tti?l . lfry. 1. Irr3l.lr • ' ...lei Jrre. Andrei ., : U. W. lAA l: .t The .\1141,g11.'1.: glue Age , . .177 ,P , ;:i." - iii11111:, Or nteettly MI the dltretrut Ai .r.le Ow A sestmomeee.. ja:l-.51 ,A . 7; on 4. 1 ,4 _ 4 .. 4 • 11=3 A. new I well melc•vl4•A DRY - GOODS. IMO C1.V.1.:11N - SIVA.IZ 1 Low .rbioloes- tanyllaf — Ornbiakeisiiiistiliiiiiki Axal) •t thATA&' ins dam • 3S.FI JL 1•: \i . % C: U C: l.' i•. Vifth Ave., • PITTSBURG If. IVt• liarts 1..01 d 11 , e4; .1.1.1,i :IRON MED HOMES 11.1.9 . 31ECF:1V kssoin - mENT intoliwaxatt, DM HARDWARE: WHICH HE oFFEIIS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers