llELßermmetztatlm. arS IB XrECIMP: VAC. .::BYKATE . a4IIIR. Brightly gl(Mied the Am !Lithe pol- UMW graMs,qlzid brlillant Oohed. the alop, o.o, o ,fOßzfr gas jets; throtiing I s tAropgh; crnitscincd • curtained .whi dews a deft glow_upetitheanow.cov-. era! pavementwithout ; eptakingto the weary hearted, toilworn children of poverty; passing by . thelrehogrless bouteiet warmth and .comfort and blessings 'which might never be theirs. ' Within thateurtalned room, where nought seemed wanting of beauty or luxury, a young g irl litood , behind, the ' drapery, , gazing , out, into the stormy night, and tapping her little fooCimpatiently on' the door, while an 'expression of ,angrY discontent . shadowed a flux) perfect in Its outline and coloring, marring Its otherwise exquisite loveliness. . , • The snow fell thick anfl ffist, and but few pecienrlan.s were ab road' none but those who were colnpelled by necosaity to bravo the . chilling idasi end blinding storm. . Suddenly, with a.gesture of vei.a.: led and disappointment, she dashed he folds of crimson, and' advanced the fireside, •exciaiining:': :.. . 'lt , is provoking. Hero .I have 'eon watching for the girl One hour. Vila! dose she mean .by this delay? shall be raging! ramdlsappointed ; my dra.qa this evening' or all 'oth .rs.' 'N'Vhy; surely, .Ella, you are not •oing out in 'tills tempest?' said a noble looking,• silver haired nine, Who entered the room just in time to catch her Words. • .' 'lndeed, i but I am, Guanly. Ikx.•••'' for Hunter is aiming forme to o to 'llfrs,irristen's halt; and I Would not tniss a for the world. I am deter-. alined to crownine reigning belle of the season by bringing him to my het, If posslble_ r ...before the dawn of !uglier day. -- Ha It.the best . match to the city: fin.dl iilcian to secure him : tonee. -'rhe•girle are crazy 'about' him, and I "long to' triumph over. lienr.l , •• • . ',‘Ytiu speak eonlidentlY,7 said •Mr. levere, 'so 1 shall expect to wake up in the small hours of the nagning . with tidings , of suceeEd.' 1. Turu . we now to another home, the bode of poverty, where Mary Grey, the young .seatustra,. is bowling ver her work: a richly embroidered ress,!ivliose silVo; Miles of the yal ,ll2y, with richlrtlnteclblue bellS, are Artistically Wtalsght to graceful, pat tbrus,on a greund Work - ef white silk. I t is the dress f - O - Which the beautiful 1 (grass is waltier,Ahe dress in which s me expected to eaplu re the best match f the . • Very Jovely is Mary,Gray ; though Ao rose bud• tint Limns on, the pure WhiteofhercomPlexion—verylevely trugh the glorious py,es, shaded by. ug silken lashecaro dimmed with Inching and tears..:Her' .lingers fly nimbly over her taSk2,: . nearly completed, the payment 'fur :which is.to• bring needy, supplies to .thaw' who, :for two days, lutVe scarcely tasted food—her invalid mother, and little sister Lucy, yvho is now *ling her feet, crYingl,with hunger. .The work is completed at last; undliary drawing the child fondly to her side, says, iamthingly . • 'Hush, darling, hush ; sister is going to take home thu dress, and. bring you a nice little feast I Twenty five dollars yve'll have for this, won't we be rich my pet? • Tears tilled her eyes ; but she brushed" them hastily away, as a Well known rap at the door was heard, followed by the entrants:, of an elegant looking - man ; • who•holdingptit hit hand to Mary, said, pleasantly: 'Lam earlier than usuaPthiS even in' but I um obliged to escort a -fair lady to a ball at la o'clock,, and thought I would look in on Ty pa tient before snaking my toilet. 'OhMoetor, how can I thank you fotyoUrkindness ?' said Mary,ralsing her spetkling eyes to his face, but dromling them *du , instantly, us sheanet the warm gazyof admiration Mills, while crimson blushes brigh tenecLher face Into new beauty. • 'Mother is worse, I fear, doctor,' said Mary; 'She seems quite exha us ual this . It she had proper nourishmen t to clay?' Mamma has had nothing to eat to -day; doctor,' broke in Lucy ; Sand 'sister. and I havn't had anything, either, but dry bread; and we are Very hungry ; but sister is going to get some money to night.' , 'Hush, Lucy I said Mary, 'While u painful -look - embarraminent fell upon her before bright, countenance. 'l)ector •excuse her; she talks too • An anxious inquiring gam nt4ted on her, and, in a ,voice trembling X4ll b emotion, the doctor exclaimed: 'Mary, is it, indeed, so?' She bent her head in assent; but, after 'a moment of silence. - found yoke lb say : '1 shall have money to night.' (living but Adam:oat his patient, whose i pale Pica spoke of suffering and want, even in sleep, he left has- Anil Mary followed her work; :mil, carefully placing at her mother's side the Medicine she might need on waking, at the same time charging little Lucy to stay by her in her ab sence, she started out in the tierce form to carry the dress to the heir ess, who sat chafing at her delay. Mary's father had once been rich ; lout, crushed by adver6ity, he died, and left his family poor; and his wife an invalid. Dr. Hunter had known them in their days of prosperity, and on his return from the continent, a month previous to our story, had sought them out, and offered his seMces gratultously—nn offer gratefully ac cepted, lie knew they werepoor ; hut never, until . Luey's revelation, had he dreamed of the extent of that poverty. her lovlinem had made deep illlprMiioll on his heart; and when lie left Ahem th:it night, it was with the ra4olve to 811101(1 her in fu ture, Muter hid protecting love, from All life7h cures and hard:llllPa.. was'indeed, firm storin that Mary Wes to encounter on her Way to Mr. Revere's splendid mansion, and her progress was necessarily slow. . As chilled by the stinging blast,and blinded by the snow, .she staggered up the steps of the 'handsome man sion; hnd ntng the bell,a sleigh dashed np to , the limn, and, when it was openetl to the .girl n gentlenthn itlighted, ran lightly up, passing in ere it was closet!, and saying to the servant: . - 'I wilLwatt for Miss Ella in the drawing room.' Mary started.. She knew the voice of Dr. Hunter, anti, not w6hing to be recognized, drew her hood close ly around her face. Poor girl; What It night fora wo mite DJ be abmndl mid the doctor. He little dreamed who he • was pitying. Directed by the servant, Mary tap ped lightly a t he' d oor to the opposite room. It was Opened by Ella Ray mond,in n towering ragedier face diti torted by maim. 'so You have come at lust,' she ex claimid angrily "two hours behind time. did think, Mary Grey, you were 'Ma w enough to haV6' that one i virtue, punctuality. am sorry - I have , disuppointol you, Miss Raymond. I have , eat up three nifettsoultil daybreak, to ann.. • pleteß In time ; but m3r mother has been very ill, and needed my ca which must be my excuse.' • . • . Dr. Hunter, In the drawing room, caught the slivery aecents, and.:-for give him, render--listenol. - • • 'What is your mother's sickness to me? • , X 4 14 promblodi the dress at seven ; now It is nine. Your excuse is almor one. • -. ..13f1t0v0 mo, I o t ler.youimposSible for nuttblear will Oblige Me, MI dud In haste, It • you will,now pay me for it and lot 'key; you,.lndeed f. Not I. :'rtz' • Ptkiish i. iiidibeloar - lard" Ines&'f '. I'll teach you -' to ',lnalte.poMbliti. and break t heni:',,, Arid allude Whir you have kept , tire waiting'. Pr , 40 e 88 i. 80 . 1 *, riiikri*Plike e r . . - u :out your. CD money:. . ' , - , •r -,- ~; ' „'Oh, Miss Raymond 'You_.*.gi "" -L-yoneantiotheacterueilllYMOU l 9 l : is ill, Hod-needs nourishment; mt little sister Isidervlng; ;Ind X delit'fid on this twenty - five dollars from you to supply their ,W . lnts.; , ,:..l'Mnst ;have thernoney." ,- ,: , .- -..- - , - , ... - . , • 'Not frota•nie,"-said -Ella; with a asaho'shitt the 'door tauntinglaugh: :In her ce, and turned into the mop)! Ito admire the exquisitegarment. Faint :from want of food, : and crushed by her disappointment, Ma rylon the abode of wealth; not know ing where to took for help in . her lirouble. On • the - . pavoinent, -still ) right- with; the rich tint from ••the rinison curtains, sheslippedand . fell, nsensible. • Strong arms raised her tenderly and lifted er Into - the fur lined sleigh at the door,' and Swiftly, sped away 'liotneward Her fit of insensibility produced by exhaustion and distress, was a long one, and when she - awoke to conseloaaness, Warmth and light were around , her, while a table on which was spread a Comfortable meal, sat famished little fiAmy, eating to her heart's coutent-'-': Mr head was pillowed'on the breast f Dr. Hunter, . his arms enfolding her. - BluShingly she knight to with tiniw from hisembrace, but, bending Over her, he whispered: • . I. 'No, darling, lie still; close to my heart;-sbeltered by my love. No ' More poverty, no more sorrow, if Yea will only give me the right to shelter you from it, dear one.' i Trembling . with happiness un- Speakable, Mary hid her face against his shoulder; but, gently turning it to wards Idmehe looked down into the depth' of lair wonderful eyes, and reading there how hilly his 10V0 was returned, preeed a fervent kiss upon I her lips, and, rising, led her- to her toolbar, for the consent to, and bless. . , . Ing on &kir union. • , - .• , ! The clatir'struck ten, and the doe-. .tor said, with a fond, glancent Mary.- ' I''.l must leave-you how; to keep my apPointaientWith the heiress. She Must display my- darling's work at the lxill tO•night, or die of vexation.' 1 The es tested fair one waited half an hour for the tardy (wort, but no Wok of anger on her beautiful bee -;-no d discordant 'notes marred the harmony of the soft sweet tones with Wilich she ellided IYr. Hunter for his Want of punctuality. . t Alit 6110 111011111 sham :the, fight of Mrs: Friston's ball. In that time Dr. Hunter had bought' and furnished an 'elegant residence on Fifth Avenue. -lie was weary of single life, he • toll' his friends,' and Was preparing the cage for the bird: Of his choice. Invitations were out for a gnnal house, *uniting, at which the world would know the select hride of the best Match in the city., •' I Every one fixed their eyes onthe belle of the•season, And were Willi dent that the charming helms , ' to Whoni, of late, ho ,been - paying Marked Attention, was the envied oho. • • will certainly propose to-night, °nerdy.' said she to Mr: , Devere, us she Stood befoni the glass arranging -her ginceful ringlets,. 'you will not have me on your lands much longer.' •Hisappointed once, Ella,' he an swered, 'you may be again.. •Still,• you linty wake me if you mine home enraged la Dr. Hunter.' IThe rooms were crowded as Ella, superbly dressed, swept into the splendid hall she expected soon to (mil her own. Many. curious eyes Were turned upon her as she passed With queenly grace into the recep tion;,-,room, and reached the spot Where the host stood, witlfa lady be side him, in bridal attire, 'lovely ass Rbet's dream.' !She started and turned pale; but, recovering her self-possession, ad vanced, while he, holding out his lnind, greeted her as a friend.: then, Wadi% her gently forward, lie pro seined her to his bride. . [Stupefied, she gazed at The face of fthwy Grey, the despised seamstress,' uttered aut hysterical shrfok,and faint ed away;, , She had indeed Met an 'unexpectel rival, and the shook of seeing the Child of poverty elevated thu position her ambitious hopes had led her to belive would be her was too much, even for pride to cOnceal, , , ;fiery, over considerate, canto to h r side. 'lt is the heat,' she said to the in quisitive crowd. 'Do take her to the conservatory, and leave her with me. Need I describe the recovery—the shame and remorse on the one side— thUcharity, which thinketh no evil, mid forgives all.things, on the other. 4The heiress rethrned home, bumf,- I and subdued, having learned a ie3oll that might neverbe forgotten,' She did not, as may Go husgined, awake her guard inn; liar did he won der when he read In the morning paper of the surprise Dr. Hunter had prepared for his friends. , ontfort , and hanpinco soon re t4ned the invalid mother to health, and, roundtsilhe limn of little Lucy, who never complained of hunger. ' o Mary, life flows on like n fairy dram, brighter tier by contrast with eh , past; and we need hardly add, tht t Dr. limiter has never ceastsl to ithiss the night ofstortn in which he opened his antis and heart to take In o their warm shelter the poor, un laid seamstress, Mary (trey. 19socular . Suicide . , T Co lie ncord ( New Hatupsh ire) Pa /riot, of the l'ith inst.,gives the dm tt t i Is of the suicide of a hypochondriac MI that . city on the previous day, Patrick Raine, an unmarried "Irish man, in the employ of Mr. Joseph B.Walketvwas found lying in a pool of . good ill an out house:- Ile had sh t himself in the centre of the fore i head With a six barreled revolver, the ball pa.ssing, obliquely to the top of ho spine, aml inflicting a wound wl lel) must muse deitth, probably he ore evening, from bleeding on the lin in. • The revolver, with all its Walvis loaded but one, was lying on the bureau in the room, together with a letter in the handwriting of the su chic, without 'an envelope, ad dresses or signature. At ten o'clock this morning the wounded man re tained conseIOUSIIOSN mid' could talk sonic, but not . correctly. Ilk pulse was a little over thirty and fail ing. In the letter he opals 'adieu 'to'. the world; wishes that he had never I been horn ; life miserable; love for lal religion; no hard feelings against rely mortal ; bispiest of $lOO to Rev. J. E. Barry, the rest of his properly to-be divided among relatives, the nMrest being cousins. IKtiine has always been a temper ate, industrious man ; hasuccumula -14.4d. about $l,OOO. He his been in 4 ..tovernment service, but not as asol dier, and had the revolver with -which the rash act was conunitted at that time. The - cause which led him tdself destruction is elenly hypochon dilit, he having 'labored long under an apprehension that he had a heart ,c(lniplaitit which might mese hhn to du dead at any moment. As lately t to ast Sunday he talked freely about et m atter, awaking apprehensions eni e all sides that he would make : way with himself. —Mr. Charles T, Brown. of the ge ologind miarvey of •Denierara, has found a it agtilficent Call on the Pohl ri4a' ' river, 'hitherto unknown. The •er r—setsesOVer a table land•compo of slightly inclined beds of sand al ne and . conglomerate, 1375 feet shove tho level oft he set,and descendi perpendicularly in an unbroken fall of about MO feet.. The river k about F. 10.1 feetr Wide ' and its greatest depth as / from ten tollltuenleet. " ; - ' • —Mns.Billie J. Clements, of Albes. :Mule county,- near StOttsville,. Va:, • w to had reaclicilthe remarkable age oil 110 years, emonthol;and - lii 'days, dleo - on the ofjelY, 1870. She • retained. allheirfaitulUes up to. the ' hrtur of her death', with the exception. 'l i tter hearing. 'which: %veg.:slightly L'','Olittel l ittlAk i rlicathWTWU• -., !...`,..;', ,4; , ,....7...,,.'..aj4*.:17. , In e sninOrT dbninp s th 424,15 Inflbrita4.lk . ,' Andirt... 'ctifibetl'lDifiliaidditilh ne: . _l, , -.., In Ibbriledlseases,thereisdinalidaed fibrin:hi the-blotid, and diminished, - tirie acid in the urine. - . ;- .' • ' la arniskf. theiblebOften Of albu' rbeiln thbblcklialidti boh'Wpond:. .ing,excers of thitt.nribstancelbuud - in - the uritie:"Whiltit In Cholera. there ltralargeexcera,of 'albumen - iti' ' the Weali and nonoitOdiri'.fciund in' :the urine.• . • , : ..: AtidielneviiiiiiiiiSicetAllaenev life blii.Abiartnilitrare liii definitely. ; and almost slatultaneously alterecrin couiposition, that anydeviatiou from. the natural standard ofhealthy bleed,. involves a corresponding deviatiem from the natural standard.ef healthy urine; and :we need only' .know in what this deviation consists to.be able Codetermine the, nature of any •-di;- , same with murenearly mathematical , precision than is possible by any other metbodvfd,lagnositi-; -' ' :.. e There arsany conditions. near ever; that litre attention . by the 'patient,, irk, er to n thOrongh,- seri entitle and correct diagnosis.' :I' .' - We therefore,sugge-stthe fallowing points of eteervation roe than icho contemplate Seliding.to us' for med I does ore medlial diagnosis. • • .l , In collecting a spedmen of urine for analysils, take-that tirt paSsed in the morning, or immediately inter sleep. This is the only kind to be di.;pended on, . - Hundreds go away from our Oleo without receiving ettention, .cause of not having observed this rulllllle, „, Send about two ounces in ,A clean vial. ' A less quantity titan . two ounts.s mutat be well tested. by all the' different proceads ne ry in complicated eases. Always give the name of the Pa tient in full. This Is neectsary in or der to avoid the confusion that might arise in thousands. of pules Ihnt come before us; ni3 also in subsequent :pre script lons.of 1 / 1 0(i/eine. '-..-•' :"'`' " Be sum to give the aum of , the: pa -- goat. • ;Po know the ego is not only necx'ssary to:the regulation ordoies of Medicine, but is indispensable - to the correct examination of the case ;.as healthy urine varies in infancy, man- hood anti old age.- , . . 1 '''' - We give them prat:that-suggestions in the connection, for the information of those living at a distance. -1 : . • L. OtixoluE, Id. y 132 Grant:street, Pillsburgh.!/ .. 'ane was Much worse; It had ogi only sucked list liuntlm, but wiggled ita toes. ft could not ,c4ntinne long.. 'llw doctor with a grave face, entered the sick room. Bid• dy rubbed her mistress with camphor.— 31r. Phillips :stood by, wiping bis eyes .with-the dinikrY or his smut attire. "0, doctor. will it die? Only save it and you May itake all I have rcried 3frs Phillips, wringing her hands. "I'll g6t clown on myi knees and'thank you nor: eVer7 ~,;,- ~;, . . . ~, Keep ;Your i Sitting; . martin kee p your sitting,' saiditbe doctor, taking ajar& pincli'ot rata .i,°., .. ,' . • - ......I.nira keekine inauspetitail Only took' I at its preciou.slittle arm! ;What:Mit' For the love of heaven tell Me—let Inc knew ';lie worst I", ~.. .i .. , '.. • - ;.',• •:: "Nell, niartii;iff - hui/fc nut; yen prom. Ise tiokto, blame mu?" niitml, the tletitor; gravely. .: ' . , ' ' - "No, no." "Harm," said lie with along face, still more elongated, "it's my 'opinion as a man and a phystelan, that the clink:Plats been bitten by four bedbugs, or else It has been bitten In four places by one Insect of that deicription."..i .. , 4. . ; . • ' Doctor Gray,",itried the father,'' "do you mean to insult us?" . , " By no means, sir—l repeat it." ,".Ko you don't," yelled Mts. P., " It's enough to Insinuate that I have lasibugi. to say nothing of your libel on that little angel cherub. Oct out of the house you insulting vagabond I" ."A Saat.t.rcioi correspondent writes: There is ohe lady 'at the . Congress Hall Hotel,who registered fearful row before'she ctme . appear twice cluing the season In the saute dress, or With her hair in the Same style., Fancy the dreadful res ponsibility she has incurred: She. allows bem.if but a two hourS' nap in the forenoon 'during which time her maids sleep 'standing, and then she is up and at,:it again. The amount Milner:aid concentration, de eiskm; and ingenuitY which this woman employs, in walking t he pins -7.11S in a trail and playing the role of the DuChess 'of Hatidlton, and oth4r wise,advertising herself as a belle, would - suffice, if 'well directed, to settle the woman question. Upon my word, I . believe a few more such magnikent devotees would settle it speedily without intendiny, it. MI - - --Dr. Paul &hoopla) has written a !Ong letterflo7the CiiiThle Herald denying his identity with the other Paul Schoeppe, in Berlin, and pro testing his innocence again. It is written in a style 'hothl elepint and , scholarly. t• —Thu Bedford Inquirer says, Very few •fiorses cat Bolognmsatutage, but we saw one of John A. Cesma's horsei; thu other day standing in front of Jno. 0. Smith's Confectionery With a bit in his mouth. Is Bedford, so far out of the world as to be emus tomml.to drive horses without bite in their mouths —A Sea thptain, trading rt-gularly to the coast of Africa, was invited to meet a committee ofa society for the evangelization of Africa. Ile was asked, among numerous questions toil - Rims the habits and religion of the African races 'Do the subjects of the King Dahomey. keep Sunday?' 'Keep Sunday,'!he replied. 'Yes, and everything,elsc they can lay their hands on!' —A Moscow journal states that the railway bridge erected over the llnei per, near Kiew, is one of the greatest works of the kind in the world and the longest in Europe. It consists of twelve arches, and is 3503 feet in length, Capt. yim Struve * who bu ilt it, has beempromoted to the rank of colonel lv the Emperor Alexander, on the recommendation 'of the Minis ter of Public Works. , 1„ —ln Kansasthe setters • are very fond ofromst dog,and new comers are soon initiated into It liking for that diet. But these prairie dogs are not. like the dogs we !pound' every sum mer. They are .very sivall. •In form and in color they are almost precise ly like our ground squirrels,- and a full grown one. IS no: larger than' it rod squirrel. They have bushy tails, and subsist wholly upon vegetation. They are pretty little creatures, with soft,pleasing,gazel le-Ilkeeyts anti are quite agreciblepi pets. _ —The papers had a paragraph. short thneug,o In regard to a remark able horse Ire the stables of Edwin Thorne,of Duchesscounty, it now stated that the .horse has trotted, half a tulle in 1.0(11, and a mile In the road in 2.17. lie is. If dark' sorrel; about sixteen hands high, and very powerful. He Is.ailled 4 Cloudtuan:' Hiram Woodruff and Baniel:Ptlfer . have handled him 'with a view of rendering him useful on the track, but they were oblidged to give It up , as a hopeless task, lie isnow seine times speeded on the road, and ek hibita wonderfel Speed: Mr. ' Thorn paid 810,000 for him. • —A carious 'lnvention, and one that promises to i become •of much. practiele value, has been made by , a dermas .photolmmber. It is it pro cees by whichan exact likeness of any person may be formed in relief upon a seal or a stamp. .A - thin lay er of gelatine sensitized .with *et- remote of potash,lll exposed 'to the action of light under a photograph positive, by which theliarts acted on are rendered insoluble in- water., T . The gelatine ..filin -is lintnemed in water, and the 'parts not acted on by the light , swell up, and we . obtainit picture In relief of whieh,a. plaster cast can-be taken. • A galvanic Mar.*. tic copy being taken . or the east, we have a metallic fee simile of the pho. tographi which an be employed ash seal; This processsuggists u method of obtaining perfect likeneasert Of per sons on metallic checks tor the use of the 'printer . , auid ;also an admireable water illustrating scientific-looks. =KZ !t ,11 .; .41.14.2 , 1,2.10ENT1L- , r ; ' oo.;;tikkfirk .,6 4 ol oo-4P44 ; )10iStEditie . " 1" . , •Glood .; Brown .IPapereu--' *indowlei..itilli.Bandsod* Trim! 1,09,5;01.51 1 .4 1 4:, t y, c 1497.48. figAlik and 71:1*Tte. 'Puyintui'lituflng.their ea 1' piper "from ni bavii l ibr Imaging . wlttinat - extni.thargolit - WELLS. & NO; 10a .gEpER4I.. STRfLPT. . , ALLOGHAWY TIOTA: .treb.s.khq: atig.l7;cled. , ; ( fflo.lsCpwitutpialt*,rociwie.st.itbe Altagpo . . Foundry- Repa i r; S hop Ilartn ben Engage,' to thn ronadty Bothers int morn than hart/ yean4 7 —doting watch time I hare accoinnlated a sarkti of useful patterns, be. rides c3ristniettag ntoddiand taking out patents ter Inintorements on • ,2 COOKING ;. STOVES . . , . . ~ —Ain] after hawing thdronetly :Jellied Anew fa proreinenta, I feel trarrenied In Offering therk to tho public, ' • , P.l.oOWss- . Itlie 6t06,11* WEE 111hUilit inf ea • porton! flit ads Loci/Lair. • !It/ • J y. uivelicii*eie 8 The'Grfiat ReinlblictoOktllt StOte-' Ilni Itio belt Record. Otani Store ever eirqed In lOU narkvt. IT TAKES LESS FUEL,. LESS ROOM TO DO MORE -WORK BEST BAKER, MOST 3DUit.A. BLE ALTOGETHER THE•IIEST STOVE, IN. USE. cannectiint irilli tbii stove Lard gin •• • ~ t qi•ft Patent. ;,•• , 1E81L1.N2, f ', igliicli IccuplFs, (410 *mud ant isnot labia ses with all Pipe. Put' Mr at ray dime. and wale ecias . #4lo4nytii, of ipwsizo or jpatt?rn. v;:, Fi`tre • I - Inudri,tl '•l 2 lkiri of . . • Who have iiurehased , and newt GREAT REPIJBLIC, COOKING mo,t ottyllose names have betif , ytubllsh• Win the dimes, are confidently . , relarrod to, to beer witness'rifll9 stiponor , merits a. 4 It ccoattlg stove.. Italian three. Oat 'clan eatfiSell on hand.. et about fifteen horsepower aPecitY, Ibefa • otrcred 'to tho pnptic ar rationale rates. • 19uN THORN apt %) tf. or - Blan k 3torrga.,. , e4 fur $lO 4l l la Ibo A tirlitaukNOtei tot si&iit the Aziausoilke BI8SELI;'6•CO, 235 Liberty Street, Fittsburah, 311inuticturens Size :64 Styles (RATE JI,ItoNTs, SUMMER FRONTS, FENDERS, COOKING RANGES., . . Cbaland . nod Cbably6 . slorea;den, &c TILE TIIIUIIYII STOVEFOR The Jackson Stare for . 0:421 tri nod, And thell lack erica:l:Rove for'Wnitibnly; A 40.: PEST szp V 4. 'For We . Warta!l4 their Orierntinn TI-I1E.13( N 1 VER FAILS Mar:10:001 C 417 Maui: • Suramon's for sala •t the Ammo oflke. LIST .OF .P.13.1:131:11LIMS To be awarded at the liereateenthAuo ant Pair of the Dearer County Agricultural Society, to be bald at Bearer, Pa., Wednesday, Thinaday, and Friday, Sept. 28th, 29th and 30th, 1870. ,OFFICERS: PA , *Ldent—JAMES DAIMAGII Vice Presktents—Joseph C. Wll4OO, esq., . Hub. JoscpU Irvin, Ruben PoPer. amt. Recording Secretary—ll. IL Moore. • CorrlotuandingSecretorq—Wm. S. Barclay, ' Tivoli:ter—Luc N. Atkins. Managers Skte :,' Capt. C. 11. Hurst, gam. nel Miaow, 05e1., - Ilirant need, A. P. Lacoek,J. It. Pantheism. Wet .51114 : Martin L. Knight, S. D. Briggs, D. M. Donetum, D. O. C. Patterson. J. 11. llarrah. Esq. SoulA Side: Wm Bkroads.ll.lllm. bar, M m. kmiug, Simnel Patterson, Dull Swear. cogeu. TROTT6ai AND PAcittO RACES Find day, 'trotting match—tounty—mile beats, beat Ibree In five, go as they plea e; throe or mere entries to make a race • one dollar entrant's Find premiere, $l5; second:s*4 Third, f. J. Thar ounce. $ o'clock p. m. Pacing match —cone ty—mlie bents, best three lo live; go as they please; three' or mote entitle to make e lace; one dollar eatrancayee. ~ First premi um 143; Second, $7; thirst, $l. 'Mac of race be tween Mute of :totting race: unless entering for above razed cannot compete for the Larger proof- . . ' &owl Day.- Trotting match- county -mile beets; best thaw la aye; gv u they please, to rule. Time of recut n'c'ock p. in: Find premium .I.W evmdlii, IBS; third, 515. Four entries, and three to go. 610 entrance Gus. • . Peeing match-county-mile hosts, beat three in Ave ; go as they pl..yse, to lute. .Time of race be. tween heats of truhlug race. First premium 660; second, 143; third, Sta. Four entrby to make a ,race. 010 entrance. feri. Moises competing for these nip:smut t have been owned and kept la the 'county for thirty 'Jaye previous to the race: and will nut be allowed to parapet° fur the swat! premiums. -: - Competition Open to AO. ' • - Trotting match for dtalllonaezelasietly.' PriVela • purse, rine, by aubeerly lion, and not to be' pald tit of the fends of the !ay. Premium $llO. First home, 5100; seam4.lo; Medi entries to make a roe; two et. l.en per cent. entreaty 'fee. Milo beads'; best th • - In Axel go am they' x,,. please, tu rule: Time of race bettio . en hula of pro log and !rutile, , • matchtav above. '" 77iirrr May . ll- Ffteliten. 6160; competlaa open to all harem; Trotting mat. M... rum premlam• Slat; second, 130. 11mi - entries to makes race; Multi inert. -515 entrance fee; mile harts,' beat three lu dreg gees they please. to/rule. • time el race 2 p. in. , Facia; oittib-kondum Pia • Pont prouitam 1100; second, IPA Three match:lto make a race; two 10 alert. 515 entrance fee; mile beats, but; three le,live; guns 'they please. 'Thee of race be. tweet'beats of trotting match. , _ . - . .. . CLASS NO. 1-..finas, Garden - .5 Vineyards. ilest cultivated farm of not leas than fifty acres; , strict attention being paid to the style and condi. alt n of out boors, arming, skillful management: Gt.e..„:”.14. - c.11.4'. , .i.:: , --"' i - lid 00 -ld boot do _ do • do,, do 111).. do 5 W Best culthraie , d vegetable garden tt W ' ea'. ' do - do ' do " 2 W 'llestroaer did ornamental garden .....:... 6 MI - lid . do du 9UI Drat t vivant of not tree than MO dam. —JO MI de du do' .... 7 W I ./sid iy a r ai lem."Shrtaile.'lllrariaiteed, - Jas. Dtio. ram on.--tkiiiitisilliiiii'dti6ing to enter Class No. 1. mut tarnish the deamarY with Moir °mica W*. Ylea r7Di t thelde."lB:doedi ji;dl:florrn,:',:4lldtate.d7:7ll-.:kodvri:', 'l0.::7:1400° UlAdd -No i ll- Horses' ' ' ' i '' . • • Zi -.-- 3° - 40 '. 1 00 , ~ dO . • :Tixr sOi 6 .t.....,,0,..- do. -, 0- , 40--i-- - ..sio - ' - SW 1000 Beat blooded awe, innallshow Waldeck. Best blooded spring soh 2 op .1 pp - - dualoa for all palpate* 4 loan old ripWardy .... ii.,... , ........0..-.50161 7 00 .• .. do , , i -,- do' 1 yam* TAI) 5 PO ' do do do: ' ‘ I. , do. 41)0 900 , Spot tooodantre-,:statt tliaw stock{ yrs ..- old' and upward 600. 4 OD Bea heavy draught tbdikol, 4. yeast Old . . i and binned 10 00 700 1 do ' do ~ to - - 3 years , do .700 SOO , do ' do ~ do II years - do „id) 1 40 i ' do do ' do l. rest do SW 2 12) ' 1, t la. ' Mg ' boi%iirilligiktioseitaiiiiik iiiihil tr.rliq - thn i ,Ffr . I. 1164 5.455446::: , .1.1.41,1'h : . r . 4 , 15 i 1 • • a' Uirns. my. 41.44144 * le r, "* Ar ti oa"? ": ;:: hAr , ./ 4 "dor - 7 40 ' a 1.46 , 0 0 9 41 dr40:1 0 1 iA r a; A : 1.76 U crjos , r_da.'s . dd 200 ' ' ' - stg l tf" r : :- 111 1!. *A 9 11 IP _ _ lltala tidal fir IMO; le -I *straw:aim .4... 4111 ;5 00 TY wows II 1400 Sot heaped WO: 4 0 6 . i I • add • ....„. ......302 1 '.'"Oo ', 4 3 pop do do I ,I DO nu t 301 1004....ia.,..v......t..........' .61 sla Bestaaek .. " ' 5 1100 don oPael mole" 414551140 d upwud..'..s ,4 oa best pule 'L. .1)- , g•t•••• 1 - 9 C 0 11 x ) • • Atioillik " . tfil. Panda Jcobicistiv. ,h. Plllllla, 11 W. ehlowlel‘d. Warren;ll , Belt Ofittl3l/ !Ain $1134 . 0i i) 4 er•-• '•' -$/ii l ( , do . do , !yam-tko ".• . 4 .3,." 4 i y izsi d„ : „., ... 4; . -ii Bea LiiiiMu coW $ yearn or OTer:.l ' .0 3 1 0 au do do syr.su; - do .. al ' $ Sat Dada, bent/ I year'br 01er:.....'..A ~, 1; s, t Bess unborn out Wye/ Ilea clid-A...:At• 1 10.v4100v00 50115 ytorocor aimed JO ••' .5 do -de !yeas. do do O. s ~ 4 .1 0 do 1 yew , do - ..: do ; 4• , - 3 do ' do II eacedha do ,04) , 5 ,, - 1 Brut Devon cow 3 pint GeOtet ..,.' .!...3` . . 0 110 , d o .3 Imam do , 04, .r 3 • . 5 Hod Devon heifer 1 lovr or over .........d ;- - '1 dest DoToo (maunder oda year ' " ' %I . 1 nest asthma; crositOWS yeard or over. „0 14 A do O do ' do! year* _do 3, ; ..0 Bea ninvutoreruaspulkr 1 year 00 olio/. d , . 2 Bost tiatiVll or eroasitudrooder 1 you. - 5 . 1 8r.4 yoke work oxepp sem or °Ter . - ' 64 doe 2 Yokd 'work exordium or um ' 4 ' 3 &at Rwr or or cowl:. ..........,..J..5 . 3 destilehl of ettdeFkOt. teas thin As to I 9dolodo the beta - ' /8 Awarding Commltee-lleary Urfa. 5r. 1 Clark A. Boater. toseldi A. Fleudnz. I , C(4 .40 1 , 19. 4-atep. I --' Drat Spanish buck •• $ Spanish eWI ..... ••• 3 yearling Snosisinwel • Saxony bock • ••" 3 Saxony yenzilag .bladoy ewes. .• fiotsWolo Ludt., ••• J eetswoldeirip..• •••_ 4 ,y9trillig getebrodcwoo, - 7 1,0 14 s;,e t t i kojacti . - • YoarZug &4i;;;;;;;.;:.:. Nombdu wuj** a suathaum ; u ire*. , g ut lag tionthdown awes.. t rietheri Robe. .nhasr. '• , • ..%: , N 0,,, .3- Sulks. i Seat Sartilk • " sa o) 4Si bp{ sowish and, pigs intro& ur "Ctunder- 100 . • , w Wit Stitfotk libesterbroodnow '4 6 410 Mi 00 .own Sigrulk or Chesiprwhitu Pign coder I t 0 months - 3 Lig 00 'besittiesterwhite War' ' • ' VW 4 Wm.• Starling, • .0.; and ,Jottu 4F,14a1kuu... , • • • - EN • CLASS NO. ; : • tifPair unuiccivey duck. dip. & • ' :1 U 0 dip , I Ibi " " kuritco ' • I , 1 00 ". swami y - •• • 'SO.& • 'IW 2 ken.n4 cock clung opeclut chickdni• ' I ..1 ".• Collection or chickcus alp. A.... .. .. IJU Awarding Lina.-4.utai C.nhoi, es +, Waver; N ut. Lindmay, Sharpe ; Coal; New 113righ• =I Ist it .14 . . best lot honey tillasa dip. & ' 'St 011 ,5 14 4 ., .do . , do. MA wood and gloss dip. 4.3 tio 3 OU ..• ao du ittartrolial , My. 4‘.5 01.1 2U3 -,• ?'.. 7 1, a1it targort Oolicktion otboney from • I 3 01 . . biro dip, .3) _ ' 1 ' .itadOsi.-tbirlorpenp, Jot. Brunton athiSant •,,iel.Datibu. 1: ... L • • . ' • . , 1 • ...CLAWS NOVS.-tiontsatlc Manriflicroirl.; best 10 yds. brosile.oth dip A.• e... ....... .• i 4 . 1 •) " do do - satinet. do 'C . 314 .'.t, "dtisto costmero' do • • • • -"' 3la do do illimstok •- do-. ...... , 1 la. " . shawls . du • Ls .300' ',.. 4 :'.11k Nteettag /•. do ... •.: ...... ......1. 1 ..3 00 P . .mode 4rties.colit . do 4 110 do • overcoat. do • ' '• • a (10 • ," '4 duos:min Or relrot vest dm ~• , 300 :.',.. ,_,_-, 4° , .Pfi , Raßti , , .- dip , 900 ',.."..--... 1 .:m11,;:ui, Wm . linnt Ono linnets :(2. .. - 0411.1*.N1121-nanta and./kaers. , be.i:.;:. i . 2 .'. j, •• .. , .Ist.P. i b., st obmader.'.,:::',.; • ,.. ...... ..: . :-.•:•.. .... 00 • GU ..' diftill ' " .`" .. • • .1 00 IIV . r .inseitllla;rmique.i.....,... ..... -. ~ ay) 1 -A variety or cot roses '; I ?.0 . S. blebs; tattoo/aro . ' • 4 - 1 tal ; tu ~.". dalt r dt=tat , , : 50 ; 25 "'"5(1 I 25 ..-" .roratdesltot dip..t, • 1.00 . to . 4 .. verboost 13irulatles t ...,... i .... -2 03 1 (01 ..w ittilortik ' - 5 do -• "'1 nil , bit " rows • 0 i ..do , • •.1 110 :Al • valet: ot,,ofr , atiluins .. ~:l 1.0 M I. rams ' '"" • • - ..1 :it, . Li .5U . " rariety.of 3ol*, • ,1 _ Amu bonitoploota. not tees than 13 varieties' I:' ' - • a Judges.. 4 -311miltstmle Atlenson, Beaver Cal. Purdy,ltoc,bcster; 511 sskhaffer.Pidlillo CLAS4 No. :12-4.polry aitil other rrollift . - - is! I! . $3 00 1 , f ... 3) - .. 4 -.! (I.;' 223 , bed crock batter . ...... ".. toil r" %Jo 4 1M or morn 1111111 do Alp '' do -.' eboriaollkltleittromie... I - . 6 apple mota,sea I.,lpart.. •" sorghum I. Selo° ... amid ham 1 .. 4 tlrled heel I Ma . or more If. . - bard romp .... .... .... ........ ..... 1 (I . . null mop 1 p " crock of butte!' not !call than 3 Imo, , old, weighing at (mat I Iba with ! statement a(Dme and mode of mu ' king' • lit ••opeelmen Meech varkke . of bottled fruit or ingetabliti hermetically ' tented . " tpechnetteackvariety of pickles pre portal with kpecie and vinegar .... I :a . imechnen of etch variety of fruit or vegetable butter rill . kpeclmen °leach variety of fruit or . I • vegetabia peerlemes 1 plot .......... fir, ... opeeltnen of each variety of Je11y..., 1, . tomato satrap A " catsup of any kind , r. " Prverrred green corn I ta . cherry hotolcii..,. N I specimen of cavil variety of wine.. ' hi . timeline° of each variety of del vi fruit—. . , ... I .. ... ........ .... n, . domeaticYlrimar I quart .... ...... . i Judges.—Mrs. Jo.. Struck, 51re.. Copt. libroder, 311.6 s Aviation lien°. , • - • CLASS NO. 11—Bread, Udko, ef c . leg ik .. Boot family bread: lOalres ' ' $l l ll du Dt cak • • • - 1 do ceborn es . - bread ' i . do biscuit 1 01 • do pound take ' . du sponge cake I:at 'do fruit cake " 2 15, do spoelmeu cacti vorlely vegetable pie kd do Jelly cake...-, 1 of du debente Cake,'... . . 1 ti! . do sliver cake ............... ........ I°l du marble cake I VI do domestic cractem cum,' ..... ~... .2. do apeOrtiwitt roVeol lad Calteo.. I it do cocoa cake ' 1 11 Judges—Lm. D.ll. Donehpo, Die. Gro i pert, Anse. Mary 11cl - trout. Ch.I.SS NO. It !bill., 111 P.: gal. Best fancy quilt St 01 9 11,1 do patch work quill ....... 01 do scrap quilt 4Od OU do milk quilt. 4 ud 900 do dclalne quilt ....4 a) - 00 do quilted skirt tW 00 do whin: quilt 4OU Oa do counterpane.. 1 50 1 oil -du GUM double coverlet 100 200 do quilted colntart 100 !Al ' Jadges—llln Hanel E. 111cCastey; :Hrs. IL L. Imbrlvaalrs. lllltua Townsend. - CLASS :40.11—Crotcacd Work, fit. lt land Best domestic hearth rnq... e .l 900 I oil do crotchet clank 'llly 9od 100 do do barna cover ...... : 00 1143 du do stark •do 2 ISI 2do do do , sp.:Sown cake cover 101 • Gil 'do do spechneu Insvnlon. ...... 01 cal . do .do toilet seri IGI 2.15) do Arooieo tome or !Of boot 50 21 do chi Moms wool lloce• .•. 3 do loony, wool Lori do du co; taw •••• do do Ilnel base:— .. do woolen tultteas..7. do rag ,9 •'• do - woolen lump mut. ' ..... . ... do pttornau or pianci ;Id _ , ol corer 100 ill.) Jallgea-111s4 Marla (Abb. Idles Gnats lbirails, Mrs. 8.11. Beacon/. • CLAW NO. 14 -Oroautorlal .Yrr4l,t Wait t, ,tef Al trod. Best r Ilk bonne• 1 Ol• do trhomrd bonnet , ' • 014 11x1 do nude 'Girt dud eadltr -310 101 do boddrd iisfout radon' ' 1W ;GO du lorttaith3ol od :nn do braided drow 101 ;34 do and - neatrst MI4O ladridrets......: 01 `YOU do silk or lire tdr I PO du /pedal= priirocurrdrpodir, work SOd . 11a1 , :do rushlon.. ... • • ....... • • 21 ' 'do ornamental hair 11007 " "" u ;(dl do crystalized w0rk. , ...:t1'1 a/ .14 do worked poeltochandlrerchlef I do pen wiper . . do loilded pillow ........ 01' GO :have-Mrs. J. S.' untan, AIL,. Maggie Pablo', Mrs. Hiram Reed. - • • ; • CLA33 240. IG-4:m6,oft/frier. ' . Irt P. Y.J. • , . Meet cmlimidered otioirdni cover 100 , 50 do do- stand newer '' I err , 51) do du lamp Mg, ....... ......: 75 .50 du du rkirt - • 1 W kW & do do en and Ware: • . ... -. .. j W 50 do do Collar. .4) • 1.1 do du chemise band 4,:alzeveg :00 len -du do intuit Milne - 1110' '5O. do it,, intent filuiwl or wk1rt....1 41 50 to du tidier Mart - . '.„stri Ito ~ do do pillow e11p.... ...... -1 WI Ml. •do ,ilo .llpp,T. .... ...... -.11 (1)! 50 do du • - tilti carillon . . ... .... '.'... 1 50' is ,do inning Lee caging 1 yard 0 4. 13 .."1”--line Mary Agnew, Mee VienneShrodee, Mr...31.1V. Miller. • ! CLASS MO, VI-44nm Irapinneultr. ~ /1(1 two bone plow. r . • do one how same do bill Side do corn plow • do gratis drill do rodplartinachtne • do mowing macblac..„.. dororn planqr.s ..do square harrow ' do trlandlo •• do Mover bailer *l - ' do home bay . • do Calling box - ,• do aulchlne tor gathering Clever teed. ddo ;nibs o tbreantog nsacblne • • • • • - do earn .. .... ' .3 do Cider dastannlnd rani....:... . ... do consasarrato • do bone anode': do.har ' do tarns ladder so toot l do a nit=.l ..... lauded ladder SO Soot - laar— ..... zana do six area . do collection sirdedtand Pophoooldo stool. roller Notsi Join' !Stair. Odoisid Lemma. hiCLitolighe' MINMNIONEVIIitiIIe Or bear% v.. 4 10 AMP.' hdeligAertatbaltift I, "Atiai DM two baryi iragois • ' • dipai{oo. dO alzilabovaky dudrs , a II 00 dolts Comma dinky • ' dolt:CU" 4IE de do imakeiNig: • • toktFieiliks do =Our oo wood ''do dosegloaotr • • 'v•• tint[. tabs.; tabs.; • ; .• do white lead kegs do ehnrn • ' ds• doW dvodfc aw .k.. 0 •. • - do IPOICIIIIOS Ind Whig cooki,), ' M , ora •- ' " • " afp'll2 13) doeoal dere foram:elm esebowis;•dlp it 9 00 do outings genendky . • , B' " 4 &intone wire' ofp'3l3l OO - 4 2 ,0 R 4 13. lax% qta.l -• • :Alp soo 0 CUM . •.•; • 6. dipl4.lol dodo, brick " '-'" '•L 800 , do cowman brick dip 0300 reosktfollbottrefateOid: titccodeaqiiitnall; - Ok• P 34. ). i,l .. , MASSIB-4sotiee and Ma Apanocadfirea. bantam leather 42 do a Itirttng loather' •-• • , • doeo ,le,losubor , , _, • , ...2 doubt' s losibee • • g . bidle Wolter' ' • 5 -, klrakins 4 leather _ . - do call skills 4 do • ` • Ci do double) yet ofesstringd barman ,• • , • , ,do Anglo set of eatrlago !wawa - • 5 ' tin stonlabs'latufbainees''" ' " 4 otases ,• - • • .: 4 do ladled saddle do brifiht and toastlngdkr ' ••• do horse collar ' • do loather trunk • • • • .' do pair Modes oat boots.• „ do pair gene! kip boots • do pair pinta stook boots • -• • • - . Ci do pairgeurs attiga 'boats - , 1 do palrladlea' boots : . do. p4r lodks• shoes ' 1 do pair ladies' slippery • 1 Judges..43)lward Thomii, Marton Itatooro, Badatoln Rohr Ilrndlbrd. • - •• • • " ' • • , 'L•14.1.2 NO 12—.1fIreitkose0 • elt '34 • Drat leather ork frania 00 ' • do cony basket or frassit ' (CI Nil do Doak or shell tualtet . hit do ibell (roma hi do artilicial fruit • . irk bi 1•11 de width case • do bread b.wkets) -35 do oil palming ! • '-- . dip. •sOf 2 tO ale gratin vanilla.: dip. 2al 1 Ott do wax flowers dip. IPi S Ott do wax frail • . . alp. 200 IOU do collectlou photograph; .dip. '2 A) 1 Olt ' do diyplay fancy good; dip. 3 00' do ape:illicit pensitianship dip. it Ci 02 ,list npeelmen pentaanatip -with I hand ' dip. 2ln IUJ _A wording tbroratitee.--11104 - Ma etiaMck„ Reaver, Man Ito Ole 51,c1.0.3n,,13)aver: of. 51 4 1 03. cortis:lleaver. -4.11.383 No. 15:-.4irdIns'and . a.. ' !kw) white or maimed wheel, I baibel, 45 2d , du do ' do Met aced rya; l bothel... ...... t tt, sued mita, 1, hushed • •i., . 2 send barley, 1 lanaliel. • ' tt seed corn in the car: - 3 bnrbeb , clover ondenothy seed, 54,boabel, • tt flax-aced, badly), aced beau,. barbel. busbyl of any specie* of pOtedaes,' ,. . ahel or imeet.121121,0(21 .1 “. optimal of Mono sugar cane, ' .1 tut of iiiangleWactzels, • it do tenets 1 du tondo,. • • ' • 1 . do rutalatetes, du onions, - ' . 1 toroipa boat., tt 'do gauping. do /meet pnmpkins. '1 • 't collection of yonoshei.. ' 1 " • do ' watermellona 'do • citron. or niu;iikmeliona, , tt . peek of Ammonia. 1 t• peek of corn or sew beau., •t• 14 Dubai bunch bescia, : • , t 1 / t gallon Limo beana, . , • tt do blab beany. 1 ••••• pc..2•1012:2te1ery. , 20 cents . six beada Marble Rigid cabbage, ' . 4 ••• nix tteadt'of Plek:e cabbage j ' judgey.- - --lobn Roberta. Itrightnn toWnatopedx drew Qingitora. Ctdppo , • townablr,lilltielllfoy suldOteaeer, b0h324. •• • 4 4 • 1 1 S —1 a EMU • g .1- . .. . . . Isl. it ( S . . . . . Bert svarletles fall dl winter applos,s each4:l I ell " and • Isrgest collection of apples ' --,. 5 ,91t) " 3cm dotes of Jul perul.3 each. ' ', 2 1 U.) . " 3 do winter do , 3 1 tid "4' "do of (IMMO. 5 . eerlt,' 1 .". c alitMono( plums . dozen quincee, . 1 " "ihi'pescheA, collection greeohonse grePees . 11 in ..• Caltawbogropt-o, 5) . , bollltll4.' ' do • Sll . g . .. • . _ . .• IlledwAro: 11,1 no .• • 1. , ........4.:diing.i.,' " , . . • :s0 CO:cello.; do, (4) Unix:burg, du ' 411 " 'cllection frititgeneralty to fine person. a W - dried penelies,nlililes, perinrOr plums,' ** giepes or any species, , . , Jeediem—Dr. A. C. , Ittilleubertier Rochester: An. drewe R'Stenun. briglitou township; 11,11arrligh. titurron. 171.A5i3 NO. 32•-Direntlouriry . Csmuoirtcs. J/211114 irlison, NeW Itrightutt : Johnston Snail. .Dridgewster: Witham Ewin3, Itaccoon Township: tletirde • C. tspeyerer,, !Corbusier:, John B. Stop._ Ise, Itrhlgewaler. ; 4W ,; )1I« *burg. MI MI Mrs. Ju4enbine D.wrstib, Sharon; Mrs.. Ell Iteno, New Brighton; Mrs, Tb MIA J. Poore, Itoeheeirri Mrs. Robert Potter, lbsecenni Ines Annie Linton. Rochester. ZE Cass No. V, wad VA will embed a all nrticlen'not enumerated on the Preinhou Wt., of the Society. A C3llTet lint Of VW Mall With indttllCll4ll. will be liarnittiol by the Seto:buy to each Committed on Thuredny exhibiting o'lk wing • ' Pernoun S Ibichlees will be re: goiren to forniell Melt own coveting or shed. Rule+ ilia' Regulations for the. Goir- er , ut of the Falr. • DILL EcrroNs •T 9 COMPETITOILS. , I y Competitors 11111Xt beeoinammuLerg fl, Society, and show their certificates oP Nierrihership to the Secretary befbre any entries eali f:e made. I . . .. 2. Numbered . cards imist be attached to all articles, stock, tlic., which will be furnished by the Secretary—bepig 'an exact copy of his entry. • :I, All tiniinats. or articles must , be PH the ground before 10 o'clock. on Thurs day, that. they may he arranged in roadi ness for examination by the awarding Cozninittees or Judges. No entries Will be made after that hour: although arti cles may eubsoquently he exhibited, but not.for a.promium. • I . .• • • ' • . -4. !The same article will not ho permit ted to'conipate in More thiii ono class. 5:--iiidges must not be interfered with in any Manner, by'stuy per ion; competi dors wilt, therefore, not make thenuretroi known to the floluel, wilmos , iteconles aleiehttely necessary to tho - c:ta thiation Li f of Mai-binary, stock, stei- 44 . '.- • .. 0. No animal, or article eats ed fora premium, eau he removett an the close of the Fair, except by special pe mission. All articles, - ..te., will - be subject to the, :eider and - direction of the Board of Man i. flay and straw for stock Will be fur nished free, and grain at. comFprlce,And an abundance of water: dill i.o an the grounds for all purposes. .•. _ ! S. No premium will be paid. until Oc tober 30, Me; and all premium* sent for will ho paid only on a written order to' the Treasurer (Isaac N. Atkins), to Mr retahied..by hlin us a voucher for the saute. In all uses premiums, aro Mho recolpted for to the Treasurer,., U. A Committee will direct as bi the location of any article' which may be phiced on exfiltiltion. .' . ! t NNT.IttreIIONS TO ..11.7D0K.Y. . ' a2rui . sl r,e) !A) (VI I I )R1 I 34 ' V; IA) I 1.0 . , An the Judges are requestatto report themselves at , the stand at 10 o'clock, rt. tn. Timi-Ailay: otherwise vacancies Will belmmediately - filled by the lleartl.,- 'they. will make full arid detailed reverts, and return to ,the Secretary before 10 o'elork, a. lit. Friday. ". Judges will not permit exhibitors , to snake thein.civl44 known to them on. less allsolutely noviswary. ; :L Judges mast not be tittupetitotit in the Kant() Oasts in Which hu or she tiuuy he competing, or in any way interested. 1. Judge's will twriiiit no persons to be Pre scot at their examinations, except as above directed: . 7.1 S 1 1w :14 I es IU// nil 2.1 • • OEN JAL% 4 RULES.. • Corti lieZtOm of Lire membershig (s3lo each) admit, all tionnbers or the family to the privileges Of the Society, except males over tit years of age. Certificate's, of annual membership (II.) give all the privileges for ono year, including the succeeding election, buil admit the he:uls of family, and their children ressidingat honfo--except males over 21.yesum of age. Single tickets (25c each) will :be good for ono admission only. • ' 3,• All artieles in the, Manufacturing or • Meehanitml Departments, main.; be made in the, county,. within, a period of ottoyimr previous to the . present Fa: The Board of ManageN'inay award pre miums on articles of special merit from other counties or States. • . • . 4 All persons having horsas to train In lho'lling; are required to show their eer tilicanxs of snembership. 5 Bach: horse or colt (except these en gaged, in hauling articles to the Fair, which Shall not remain), will be taxed 25 cents a pair of horses—ono in harness or otherwise, 40 cents... ;. The Board ofsranagers,which includes officers, Will be'present, on tho grounds, and willbo pleased to give Information , tOcompetiters or others desiring It. I . The Secretary i of the Society. ill be ready to revive entries for two weeks previous to the Fair, and Would„request all, , wite can. to . make application betbre the • Fair, as it may:facilitate' arrange ascots thakmay be undo for their serum rumitition. 4140 dip 4:1 lip &3 Ot iIU 43:10 IM=l El , In 'iirtnontlng the foregoing "L of Pretniume,". the Board Vialt to Call at . tentkm to the fact that It has undergone a thorough revlalott and correction, and Wylie a '6trefill perusal; fedi:* that in, 'variety and extent It le not kurpmeuxlby any other. County Society. Wool. State, Taklrig these factatatoconaldenalon %re tfivlto all to compete, hoping that Iwo 'may have an exit' hltlon which will prtive algae creditable to our Asooeloiltm; odd totheragricullatralis B krostoxitouroodS- 11. . MOORE, mei. MEI filt 40 1116101: Alp f 4 SSOWO ' 131=1 Is the great iljuretic.anil is a certain cure And 1 11,dis.eamm e l 1111. Urinary Orgnu4 4 Wile4111214:X1144111g in antic tor fetallt'. front nwl no dint tiearlido: ' • It no, reutment, is submitted to, ( i on• gumption or Infinity may eIISITO. Our float and blood are supported 'frOut tbege anarott, and the health and happla...4 and that of pooter4 depends upon progilpt. `use n( zi reliable fenie4l) lIELSIBPLIYS EXTHAC 1.11:11117, tabliAbeilupwurd of 10 yeurs preparell by 104 South 10th Street. Phia'd.; for SCL3O, delivered toaDy addrneet. Sol 4 b 1 all ' . .piugg 4tal ,:aseprrehtre. None are genuine unless done pin steel engnwed,wrapperori}h. ofi:w cu rar widelocie 'and itigned 101.1:4 maslB4. Pprrptrpi t fe 4 , f:j;1 ) tit , 4 , • -1 ' rp 11;E S S .4!.1 14(4; %:%•• 01%, ....... Nerlimit 1.114" Dohilititek. WHOSE SE?FEEENGS HAVE BEEN' PROTUAUTEII. FROM + CAURE6 ARR . waosr, CUBES REQUIRE' - PROMPT-TREATMENT. Ti Boxier Erislases desirable. I.IIIIMINI ' If you are suffering, or haye *offered from Invol untary discharges, what effect Is produced oil your 'Federal health? Do you feel weak, debilitated, 'easily tired f Dees a little extra exertion prUdnee palpitation of the bean? Doeslyear liver Or art nary organs, or yoor kldneyr, frequently getout of order? Ls your tOne; sometimes thick, milky or ducky, or is pt ropy ois settling? Or does a thick scum line to the top? Or 4 there a sediment at the bottom after it has et.al",sw6ile i Do you have spats of ehort breathiug or dyrpepeli?: Are your bowels constipated? Do you' have tpols of fainting, or rushes of blood to did head? Li your memory impaired? Is yourtnind constantly doe I. Dog upon Ode *object? Do you feel doll, nodes*, moping, tired of: company, of. 114? Do you: what to be leitalene,teget away frOM everybody ? - striy little thing make Yon litsri oijonspt , rani sleep broken or restless? LI the Insts ofloar eta . as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek es ? Do yon senjoryoorself o socielyes well? Les 'do .porous your business wpb thei SLOW enerp k, DR you ;feel as, ?ouch, somildenee in yourself ?? Are Soar spirits dull and gagging, given 10;14 of mob aneholyt If so, do not lay It to your livery's. ayss• pepsta:' Have you restless niainsif Your-back weak, your kneed weak, and tura bat little 'appe tite, aid you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver. complaint ? ; 1 . • NOW, reader, seltabure, venereal dioceses badly rued, and 'aexual excuser, are all capable of pro ducing a weikneas Of the generative organs.", The organs orgeneratkm, when In perfect health, make thou:lan. .1/14 yonorer think that them bold. de l/mit. .X/larc-4k. successful boldness men am . alwaya ewe whose generative organism In perfeihealth e'l'o ! i never hearanch MVO corn. plain of being melancholy. or nerionatieas, of pal.- pluidon or the heart. ' They are never errata they cannot seamed In beeetnesa They don't become and and diaconraged ; they era always polite and pleaaant In the company of hallos, and look you and them fight . In the face—none of your down tut looks or a 77 other meanness about them. I do not nteati those who keep the orgins'hulated by running -to hereto. These will not only ruin their conatltutiona, but also those they do' bu.l., het* with or fur. - . How slug um. (11311 s badly, cured diseases, from the effects of telfabuse and excesses, avd - brought about that state of weakness in those or glut that has reduced the general system to lunch as to luduce almost every other form of silsMse— idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spiny atfactions, suicide• and almost every other torsi of 1311 case which hu manity le heir to—and the real mule of lltetrou bla scarcely rev+ snopccted;and have doctored for all but the right one. DISEASES OF THESE ORGANS RE QUIRE THE USE OF A Mum :Tic. HELMBOLD''S FLUID EXTRACT Et TT 40 13 117 for dise.:al4tN of the Madder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dnlvey, Organic: Weak nvsy, Cvinpiai nt, Genend lA•tdtity, 11. T. pRUGGIST, 594 Broadway, New Ypitiand pigc . g.--41.23 pi.r bc4ife, al: &lint. Ma=== W jp! ; Of, 1‘...."-r,i:wl• • = lt: ni•,ll t ,1 111111 MEM -,. . , I • tit , 1.1 1• 1.. 11.0 riq kl et Cr; 2, I C . c-r = - a CD M Mil "in I I • INI L HANAUER'S BAZAR Of FANG% aura intraga sonscrawATN, PA. l. HOME= I - ._ ---,-‘.- ,7 0 11 • kiriAinfill'llTOßlll. : t- v.ll. I: -N: AW-GOOD 8! imps Mi l d Sus suer. Wear. Tlie - undamped takes !demure II in. foriolqg bit (fiends and the Da bile r. any thatite,bati Juat.reeelved and epe„,l =EMI 'llifew Stock of Good s , ,TEig STYLES Volt BRING and BIIBiIdER Wear. ji, em the bpi. ,nt workmen in /411 embiiir; and reds eonfidetit t,r abilar to cut• •fa make up gartnentn both udln• FASHIONABLE& DURABLE. an,d in such n manner as will Aut. etwitomerii. GERM'S rifininG RIOD3 ALIC&VS ON HAND. Odl and see us before, teari ng Orders I . 2 setehcre WILLIA4 UEICII. Jr. Enny4;7o;ty BO.lglrWater, `WAIt'S.EIVPi PILE ItE3LEDI Warner's Pile Wetted, (uotcrtu to une C. 4.45) lu Lure tLe ,cr, avet ut 0111111, Itctiing or Ll;elAllig rthe. oft alllicucl KboitialinturdlAtoy lali un Ulm 'WI.. gIl; nutt get 11(Aiu.ri • 111. a lt/LALDT. prveily Jul ,1441 I. dot ctire *LI Other It Lao cured au) of over al yrlife sit Lain. Ill& Ulu: /ha.. I •akt eversutirte. 11 YI4J'EFI4I.A.- • \Varner's Dyspepsia Tonle s expreasiy Jur Dlopeptlce aLd I . l .oe.ullcfm; s • batottPall COAlltyclium. 1t is Ntlz, • WWI: gad■ opleatlkl appetizer; a. oknaseb ned, : p..tunse the CllgtellVv orze, beatnik".tale. %%alb, armor autam ow Darner. byerptp44l Lahr 1.113 b • urukgiett. Price One VUtiat. C U no M.tln %garner+. cough Baisauiii cuilimud expectoratiut. - Ito extrainittit;?.. et puiradellkil I 4 lowesairirly rrilts , ur 11y Cll‘l4l‘. Oa Wand allwitlMA:e btArnntuUtlille, lad tin., 11•11/1.42 Maid." a L... SOCtedi We. Su is lac I MA 01.10 ill ell If. .Arai a ra,r, army UMW... L., Wt.., and 1LL1.140.11/...1t I IA daily Fiviitriiiilag . 11, ue,l one uaa an 0.1) I Um' must 13011141; dial cs,..ecturdiuld kuuvrat. glue kiiiaa • Must. °ilea oils !Malik . , U. guits, lu lair4C th..; Duda, yialf.eWb laWl.lll jot .111cai,„1. add Ina? , Slubukill Wile Fuca, NV I. .I,IIOE. 'roe Grtatt Bletal l'arider u.ll Delmore warner. Vllu u us l7layor V. Lug of LIU., Ire Iruul auy pulauttuua tir utts or illy /hie, lug 1111•1111rell br thew MAO retitetc g - tlmm ._'._ It is a rpletiditt appetizer and a:11, tiling la .Uir br purilittu; Il.e 4.. an! the Multi pleataatt apt. tlelltatan, t.l tattle ynhlle . lar sup.M( tuheantly, C., All ter.,, ur any Other arlielth ana cheaper. sloth hale aati 6nunte..1...; uf „- run take We 11 me of Lain. 11 et, in ur. Tlwue wbu vn•U fu wwill gIsAl a !fee duw ut 11l ely epinto,nwah no w nI to II luc ut Life. It Is tlartrttlt fruw wa)lal, . 1 . /clory 111 10. II IS lultl ti druzg!c• ; Icspesl4ll,le eclltiOng. Pitt,. Our -, I!;.3.I3Ik7.NA.GIOGtik Waruer's Etumettazogue Llte tt.Llt title known to cora the 'Nutter, CI *EI ,r • so•ry cost. Wot ro is the lamily to ~;i,l Import:WE ioctilrttot t. IWI ranted! Mott, • to Ow grratet4 littp•ltix Icr ,doollo ;goon cl . 1111) pttortity It. It t• • • for Ft.n.ato "Irrogotalch., tnd may W d upots In I very ram, w brro the kern ohntructrallvough cola urtll.mo;. , Price U11t..04.1/I.lr. Ur Awn: tramp[ of ttoo Itolloi,nutt a Qualt,. , Add,. 019 t.t.or .freer. F.,• pule br t 3. r. 11.1NN0N.1; ,, ,,,,0rr:11‘11N& l 111:t 0.. Ilridomalt r.endllUt.o lit.: C _A_ 1.-1,1- ) ET S, Oil Cloth &c. Wholesale and Retail, At towe§t Prim, M'CALLUM BROTH'S. ri I .14 - 11.111 Ave PITTSBURGH. I'.l We Have Fueititiee for supplyinz it ITrA X 7... 'll3 1 , 71 A LE US INY EASTERN JOM:I! lioUsE EMI HOMES FOR THE MILLION!! Ram onportuottleg arc now od,ve - t tor home,. Ina mild. Sea/My and • on,tenth of their value dee ye' r• t:, THE 'NATIONAL REAL EsTA I V. .It.EN , hag for gala real eidatl of every de.cr 'anon, tnt In the Middle and I , ortthern et.r:e•:.^.l r• stock, graln,:audfraii farm.; ri. r. r woe lon plantations; limber and lefiN , lll: rifiage and rand re-Aden...es-a...1 t• mill* and Mil •Iles. fact,,rir.r. . . Write roc Lett' Reiri.arr rontaininzew-c , i , locatiou, price and Icrn.. , f pruperlit, i‘c for pale. ;.441d,ecoonertc1 w!th n. r WA/ E•tit , • Wive. • generol and /le,' A/eh., Ile •Upery Pl,m of th.. r. P n Thom. TA• late at the if n1,171r,/, 11,p rim , tit. yaw u b• aciehliff:azol and toUn tl,4l,il,•rent .rumour Iwpartnirm , ., yeciaily lb., Wit :ant Naly„Ontrotic , .72: l 4 P . A.'l'loll. - Vl' 0 I'FICE. /111.., int rtl , :y pm, n.! V3eClll..d. int! P1t.,.11, i” the ohorfe.st p.a..41. I on• Spetial alteotiott gi‘tql to fnr re iosu,,eVir . . oPraimitLary .‘• 10 111 ' f mr On Mr math. ,at 0: Ilan mudel 'l4 rtvvre! ray.r I.hown POOll. IN by twining 111.2 n: In procurinz runb. tttlitr.hig their in rent iutt• Coothirilt WI hi our- intdit.e-A Terin4 Wore nr.i‘minble h Un tint itztvc7. eirealaremitalultitnawM rrul j Athlrrop: ' 11. W. 77, _Votin,,al Skirl Ara, m 7 0.4 1) lima. Arexar, _ _ • rile Mr of nrarly ell the k. Nile tattle A 11.1.4 °MCC. 1;1.2f) A:1113011 11AS RECEIVED A newt and v 4-4.11 seleeted .iSSOUTMIINT DRS' - GOODS. •Z'll U - 1.11 NSIV.A.I?. 1:; 11.A.RADWAIZEL WHIM lIE 'OFFERS 7-:ow 12rioes- may 113 r MMUS. 1:to .1 to McCAI.LIIIIIIII O % FIZZ AN!)'
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