The Riiiii. Ar i. us. Deaver, Po.. Aig..111,1170. ', if. , Ciroilation Over Twelve Rinotri-ed. , Rates of Adr--; woftlolig: _ .. Tom ' fr. 'GoI poi 99.' '. 1, no l - - an 7-' t ror-1011001. $9OO 93 00 $6OO $7 00 $lO 03 I plan*, do 000 6.00 7001019 is 00 I .yriono, do 600 600 900 111 IX) 15 00 4 two:* do 600 800 10 50 15 OD 11 00 % coluroo . 8 11 00 15 CO 10 110 151 91 i 'column , 11 00 1000 93 CO 'OM 40 00 I column . 111 CIO 011 00 El 00 60 IL 100 05 adminlstrelots`,lnd Exerntare',jrotlaee...•ssoo opeebil ocelots per bite, telecast& Or Permeate to be neje Quanarty, except tar traosieut adiertiesowntik which paid la advance. State of the Theralooteter tbr the week ending August 27, 1870. ---- 7 — Z - 3r -- r7-117-o—r.—ii tig. 21' 04 deg. 71 deg. 65 deg 22 60 deg. ,74 deg. 64 deg •Z 3 77 d og. 57 d 79 deg. 74 deg. •i 2 4 og. i 39 deg. 78deg. 25 78 deg. ' 18 1 deg. 73 deg. o 20 63 dog. 71 deg; 01 deg. a deg. 79 deg. 67deg. .11. T. TAYL OR. TIME TABLE. I Cleveland Pillabargh 6. R.—Bahia going t'aet leave Beaver Station Mtollmve: Moe. idng Expnee. 937; Evening Expreet,ll4; 5.13 p. m - Tedepsolse West leave Buyerl4l/1110n ao fol. gOltiC Wilt Irene lows: 43 a. m.; Capra's, 655 p. m.; Ac commodation. 5.43 p. m I Pitt. FL, W. At C. K. R.—Trains geltiegrit leave itcchester Station (at end or orrdkor is tot. lows: Beaver Fano Accom.ll.ol am.; Enna wpm. 7.10 a. m.; New Castle accom. 831 a. m.; 11. Falls scum: MAO p. m. Trains going West leave Rochester Station. (at end of bridge) as fellows: 1. F. accom. 10 a. tn.; Boon arcom. 5.12 p. tn.; Eels night express 5.45 p. m.: 11. F. accom. 2.32 p. M. I Trains going East leave Rochester (Upper) De pot as follows: B. F. 'mom. COM a. m ; Elton ac corn. 7.15 a. m.; New Castle accom. 8.40 a. ; Chicago exp. 10.54 11.1 n; Beater Falls accom. 13.15 p. tn.; Chicago Mall 2.05 p. Cele emi. 410 p. in; Chicago exp. 6.02 p. Erin mall 9.55 p. m. Train. Rom West, leave lit:chi:ller (Upper) Di. pot a. follows: Chleagomall &15st. Ede exp. 25 a. m: Braver. Falia *seem. 9.55 a. m.; Chicago exp. 11.30 a. m.; Chlearto exp. 2.55 p. en; New Cas tle accent. 4.161 p. brio cap. 5.42 p. in Beaver F *acorn. 7.40 The attention of the puhlle is directed to the following New Adverthementa which appear for the first time In tho Ants to-day : Dissolution Notice.—. A. Pendleton Now Ad.—Hugo Antlrlessen. ksneelal Notices.—l. llnnaner. , New Ad.—T. 0. ptor n. Special Notices.—Noble. Special Notice.,-A. s f . Cunningham. . Notices.—Bluo Front Grocery. Apninistrator's Notice.—S. E. Fer guson. ripelal Notice.—S. .t 1. Snellenburg. Furniture—llimry Lapp. /Subscriptions to the B Ar gus.—The following named persons have paid the numssot i opposite to their names on subscri p ti on to the Beaver Miami, since the date Ut our toot publl. action. Capt. 6.8. Barker, New Brighton, 52 00 0. W. Engle; New Lisbon, (0.,) 50 John Shoemaker, St. Ilcutta, Mo., 50 Mtn. Ellin Sholdrake, Beaver, 50 Robt. Henderson, Molt, 2 00 Mie. D. Ikert, Beaveri . 200 Dr. A. V. Cunningham. Zelienople, 2 00 W. M'Coy, Beaver, ro A. T. Anderson Service, 50 M. Cotter, Service, , 50 Chita. Coale, New Bilghton, 200 Henry Ripple, Beavefi Fella, 2 00 S. at J. Snellenberg, New Brighton, 2 00 W. D. Fisher, Freedout. - 0 75 Dr. John Bryan, Water Cure, 2 ( 0 W. Supploo, Smith's Ferry, 5 00 John Barclay's (estate) BatlVOi 2 00 T. J. Power, Rochester, , ti 00 J. J. Power, Charleston, (West Va.) 2 00 Committee illeellturc.—A meeting of the Republican Colmtv Committee wi'l he hold at the Court Rouse on Sat urday, September 3d, at 1 o'clock p. in All the members are respectfully urged to attend, Jul very in4tortant bUsliiesB Will come before the meeting. The fol lowing lea list of the Members: Big !leaver.—J. S. Littel I, Robert Wal lace. Beaver born,—D. L. rubric!, J. F. Dra y°. 1 Borough tp.—W. C. Fisher. Bridgewater.—M. Dairagh, J. C. Levis.. BrOhlols Ip.—D. W. Scott. • Itaden.—L. J. Berry.! Beaver lealla.—Jamps Patterson, C. White, A. S. McCreery. cikppeuu.—Wm. Thomas. Darlington.—J. P. Martin, R. A. Coch- ECO//0171y.-8. W. N4ly. Falleton.—Thos. Canwhell. 6'ranktin.-11 C. Aiken. Freedom.—W. W. Kerr. • g Frarikfort.—J. B. Vlinco. Greciae.—J. H. Trimielo, B. Swearinl gen. Georgetown.—EdwaroiSponce. Hopewelt.-1). E. McCollister. latiewendenee.—Robbri Sterling. holastry.Josoph Amnon. ..Ikrion.—S. Stone. MeGuire.-11. son. , Moon.—Daniel B. 8116 rt. New Brighton.—C. Wendt, S. Mo- i gaw, J. C. Boyle, M. Townsend, Dr. Stanton, Benjamin Wildo. New Sewiekley.—Gooigo Teeth. , A'arth .S'eseickl4.—John Swick. New Galilee.—P. L. 4.4 rim. _ _ ter, W. F. Daw- MIMI Patterson.—S. A. Dickey. Phillipsberg.—J. A. Irons. Pulaski.—W. W. Irwin. Roceoon.—M. Campbell, L. 11. Crail. Rochester .11o'r.-'—Thol. J. Power, A. T, Shillenberger.' Rochester Tp.—J. J. South hearer.—Bann .74eCorrnlek. St. Clair.—J. Paul , I cater. cl Lawrence, N .v, Cha irtnax 24, 1870. D. STAN New Itrighton, Aug Moo Front Oro of perfectly fresh, shelled almonds JUST received at tho eery a line assortinent, tine candles, also softl and fresh roasted pea ti The First Apple Treat or the N .—Our old and valued friend Mr. Peter Reisinger of Brighton town ship has been the "firat to treat to the apt lea" this season.—Many thanks. Fans n roasted coffee at tho Itiuo Front Grocery. • . Noma , : will give yo l u a bettor bargain in drugs than any bolus° in tho county. GINGER SNAPS, tiplced Jum,bles, Cream Cakes, Boatonl Biscuit, Graham Biscuit, Milk Biscuit, this day received at the Blue Front Grueery. Attention G.A.. I!.—A meeting of Post 204 O. A. It. will be held In their 11 all on next Friday ex' ning at 71 o'clock 1.. in. A: full attendan is urged. It. 1i... , k XDX MON, Adjf. FLAvoitifi to EXTRA4N.Prepared COCOS Not, the Justly celebrated Snow-flake Milting Powders, for isle very low, at the Blue Front Grocer: : —....— t Tux Tux Home Kunio wing, machine, tally VG. call ou the !olt, J. Linneri brink, Rochester, and, them. 3, Matiotale. —The eldest livingmember of the Masonic fraternity In this country. if not In the world, Ii said to be IhtVid :ivies, of Prescott, WI cousin. lie Is in malt year, and welt modes Mason on the 21st. day of May, 1197, over seventy three years of age. FINE assortment k perfumery and toilet articles Just received at. Noble's drug store. An Item roe Sperfnmem..—The Hamilton Freeman, it newspaper pub. nailed in Northern loWa, says that'neeer berOrti WELY there "'writ a crop of prairie chickens" /1.1 there inthis year In That state. A Buchanan county hunter, who was out eight hours one day brought In 123 line, plump ellfeldtue.. • A good sleek of ribbons; CO black, red and blue saAh ribbon, at $1.95 to 1.25 per yard, always otand, at I. Han auer's Baser of Fashl ,In Bridgewater, l'a. 1. ang3l.lw R.—The Fall term ad on Monday of Academy Opeoi of the ACademg ope this week. • Tim Hume Shuttle the beet sewing mach J. Unnenbrhalt igen seeing machine. ne sold under 160, Rochester. 8w Al/P . Aluivanon LI Iket lime at the loty e Kline, Vitoport. t pries. • [Jo22tf Tim stet; lienr7 Illcirgpus, of Easton, Buritiaibeptlsedihe'Oldest woman !PI 13 9 1 _ 1° .ni !'44 I •• o4 Pth , 41 1 11F, 249 7r aid ifin•lY-ini years. IlefAtthiireraislieu tenant In the battle of Bunker BBL Her husband died la the last war with Great Britain. . , COME and see I. Hatutner's beinhdlol gash ribbon at only $1.0) mail $1.25 per yard, In Bridgewater, Pa. ang3l;Sw Extensive Real Eatate Itale.— The property a:mortised at Trustee gale by Capt. 0. S. Barker, Trustee,-located In and near Beaver Falls, was sold at public side on last Thursday.' Mears.' John' and Joseph hoes bought the farm containing 100 acres, for #15,000; the Ramo parties also purchased the bottom land containing about 21 acres, tbrll2.s,6ooJaa. Patterson esq„ purchased the piece of hill Ihrm land,containlng Shout 20 amen, paying tr 2,800 for It. The proceeds of the sale aggregated $43,800. Nuats, The popular Druggist, corn er Falls and Broadway street, New Brighton, Pa. , It you are a farmer, and raised a thousand or fifteen hundred bushels of wheat and bad to trust It out by the bushel all over the country, would you not think those you have trusted should make every exertion to pay you, so that you could get in your next year's crop and . live while It is maturing?, The printer is in the same predicament, and taking the ease Leine to your selves, don't you think you ought to pay him? A Cutting A Mdr.—The concluding scene at a circus in Rochester one night Fast week was a "free fight" whichrwas participated in by one of the sly anti, we believe, two of tho nai Knives and pistols wore freely 91 suiting in severely wounding ti man. lie was convoyed to the which the circus company moo it is reported here'that he die day following at Liverpool, arrests, that we are aware of, lowed. , Grape's. The grape crop vicinity will be more than an one thin season. The vines arol clusters and the clusters are I places unusually largo. The crop now. ripening and grapes have made heir appearance in the market, bring' at the.present time about twelve cents r pound.—ln a few days however, t y will hardly command one half that pri Opening orthe PablieSchool.— We aro requested to state that the Public School of ilesvcrivill open on the that 'onday of September (next Monday): Teacher~ and pupils aro requested to 'take notice, "and govern themselves ac ,Cordingly." • :„T.43- What's the uao of saying Catarrh Cannot be cured when Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy is so suro and positively cer tain that the proprietor offers 5500 re- Ward for a ease of Catarrh which he can not cure. A full pint of the medicine is made by dissolving one fifty cent puck a( the powder in water. Sold by: drug gists, or send sixty cents to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for a package by mail, . Bronchial, throat and lung disown and "Liver Complaint" are eaally cured by taking Dr: Nome's Alt. Ext. or Gol den Medical Discovery. Accideat.—On last Saturday, Joseph Moore, a young man employed on the mainline or the C. & P. R. R. Co., .was very severely injured by strikingagainst a bridge underneath whieh the train was paasimr. He struck his head first and that knocking him back his head nine in contact, bruising his taco somewhat; Ile fell back on the car senseless, and would have rolled off, had not the con ductor caught him. It is thought that he will recover, Norimia but, strictly puro drugs sold at Noble's, New Brighton. THE WAR IN Euttora still goes on, and so does the sale of clothing nt the es tablishment of S. at J. Snellonburg, Broadway, Now Brighton: Having just purchased in the east a large assortment of clothing, and everything found in a first class merchant tailoring establish ment, wo aro now selling off at greatly •reduced prices. Being thankful for past favors, we hope by honesty and liberal dealing to merit a continuance of the same. S. & J. SNELLENRIIRO, Broadway, Now Brighton. l)ry Goody. To Wholesale buyers—We havo now In store a very large and well assorted stock of Dry Goods which wo have just bought for cash in the Eastern cities and to which we invite your attention. Our stock or Dress Goods especially, is very complete. N. B. We will cut any of our goods for you at any desired lengths at the piece price McKim, Ntunpuy & Co., oneeenaora to J. W. Barker Lt Co., 59 Market street, between 3J (t . 4th Avenues, 3l;lin Pittsburgh; Pa. "Johnny" Steel.—A paragraph has been going the rounds,- of tho papers that "Johnify" Steel, who a few years ago was a millionaro, but anbsequentlY sported all his money away, was recent ly notified that $70,000 was laying In ono of the New York Lanka to his creilit,hav- Jug been left there by him in ono of his drunkon sprees, ' The story proves to ho it' canard. A latO letter from Oil Creek to ono of the Pittsburgh papers says that Johnny Steel Is now considored ono of the stoadiostand hardest working men on tho crock. lie can do a Job of toaining in less thno, for lets money, and do it better, than any other man in tho busi ness, and says ho wishes tho papers wouldn't "tackle" him so often, nor state that he has $70,000 lying loose in a New York bank. "Johnny also states that the stories of his marvelous expen ditures have been greatly exaggerated ; that lie never had touch money at any time, thanks to rascally agents and im portuning friends. He is now happy and correspondingly virtuous." A MISERABLE poltroon, styling him self a dentist, has been circulating a re port that I have no license from the Good year D. V. Co. to insert teeth In the yid base. Hence I ant constrained to say, that such is an infamous lie. I have a license front said Co., and consequintly haven right to all tli immunities granted thereby. This individual, and others of the same class, aro circulating algo that I am not, to use their own langtiage, "good dentist" I claim to be a respcin slide dentist, and if any of these pro fou n d.a nd learned men, who would lav e us . believe them so well versed in ell that pertains to the dental art, feel like entering into a contest with mo on any subject relative thereto through theme: dime of your column., the field la open. In this way an intelligent public will be axle to judge of the merits of each. _ A. V. CUNNINGHAM. aug3ldw.) Zelienople, •, • THE Lani' lentzzo, for September; a capital number. The steel plate Is is quiet, domestic scene, the colored fash ion plate specially airy and elegant, mei for this magazine, and the colored ma broldery pattern, brilliant. "Under the Ivied Bridge" looks enchantingly cool these dry, hot summer days. The Il lustrations of children's and ladies tigh tens are graceful and stylish—just what ladies of taste require. The music is a 'now and pretty song,. "Eollne." Frei& and spirited as the literary matter of this magazine always is, each number seems better than the last. That favorite Ifni ter, Miss Douglas, begins sinew contin )ued story—"SOlid Silver; or, Chrlsie Dean We Bridsl . 42lllta,'F, which lain her best vein; and Min Priso9tt, "ever phirm- iiig;evse nevq!.OPlthusi "Thu CaPun! non's the Silver Sea" la a 'PAOLO,' luuirllPPll/Prhdoi - storyt end the poem.?Dnly - Dreams," la **Wetly, ittovk4able novelties ire of Int/nest, attreetlie to the indus trious i and the editorial, aausualswell. eared for department that one may Min to first. Pobihibed by Deacon /knifemen. 310 Walnut Street, Phibidelplik - Price $8.60 a you (which also Includes a large steel engraving), Four coplea,lB. 'F . 19 8 copies (and one gratis), $B. The Lady's Friend" and "The Saturday Evening Post" (and ewe engniving),llolo. Sample copicci 111 cent". BDA.VIII. Aug. 29, 1870 A meeting of the Democratic County Committee will be held thb Court House, to Bearer, on Monday, Septent- Iserls6, 187/, et 11 o'clock, a. m. The at tendance of every member is earnestly desired as business of importance Is to be transacted. The following are the members of the ComMittee, via: S. B. French, Patrick Mulvannon, Ht rpm Nye, Thocnu 'Russell, ; L . W. Ca rothers, IL' A. Bryan, Daniel Bunard, John McCarter, Joseph Doutherd, 0. C. 'Minnie, R. P, Convert, J. 0. Nye, Isaac Black, James Bryan, Charles Calhoon, Charles Stevenson, J. C. Langlit. J. C. 'Richey, John C. Reed, P. A: Blmber, P. V. Cooper, W. If. Powers, James B. An derson,Samuel Barnes, Daniel Brenner, Wm. Smith; T. J. Irwin, Geo. Grim, T. Russell, Thos. Neal, Jr., Rymond Ganne,- Robert Wallace , Daniel Smith, Wm. Leaf, J. 11. Willeler, J. M. Hartford, Wm. C. doll, J. H. Cooper. Sad Aetldent.—We are pained to chronicle,another painful accldent,wh ich occurred Tuesday last at Beaver Falls.— The facts as they come to us are nearly, as follow's; 'Four or five little girls ward out doors playing, and started a tire Id an old cook stove, and as the fire did nok burn to their pleasen4nt, queer thellitia girls,whose name we did not learn,went In to the house and during the abaen4 of her mother, took o u t the carbon oil can and proceeded to Ipo4r Its contents i Into the stove, when the elan exploded; and the little girl was In an instantSvrap-.: pod in flames, and before iny assistance reached her, she was burned to death— 12:13 011 Ce. d, re. r show oat on d, and on the io. No ye fol- In 'Ulla ventge ull of many her feet and other portions of her body being Crisped to a degree rendering It sickening to look upon.—Ncio Brighton Herald. . . EDITOR Assns:—Can you tell now... it is that almost everybody has a des ro to come to Beaver and live, and yet some of those who do come are hardly known by their nearest neighbors until they be gin to find fault with the town, and insist on having our streets converted :into raoo-couraea, race-Niue:es, our beautiful squares toot ed up by bogs and one or more whisky shops set to running in our borough? Taking it for granted, that you, cannot give a satisfactory ans wer to my ques tion, will you allow me say to these grumbleri, and in most of the cases they . are non taxpayers, that'lf they are' ciis• satisfied with Beaver, its ordinances and ideas (by the way it is these ideas that has given Beaver Its good name both at home and abroad) they will give offence to noone, should they see proper to pack their trunks and conduct then:- selves beyond the borough liMits. I write this situ at the earn° time do- not desire to be looked upon as effffer a "Saint" or an old FOCIY. °BLOM ITN CORRESPONDS NCB. COLUMITUR, Ohio. Aug. 24, 1870 Oh my, bow warm it la! has been the almost general exclamation of perspiring indiVldualS In Columbus during the - Past fow weeks. Yesterday and to day,swel tering minds have in a measure been re lieved from fears of coup de eoliel by the welcome change In the weather which has taken place. The early appearance of Autumn is foreshadowed by a mild sun, and cool nights. columbus la dry, very dry and thirsty. A good sosk ing• rain to lay the clouds of dust that fly in all di rectlnna wriuld ho welcomed With pleas- The all exciting and absorbing war news from Europe, occupy the minds of our citizens to nn Intense degree. The gigantic struggle in arms, of those two great Powers engaged . , and the momen tous events that undoubtedly hang umin the result of the terrific contest, scorn of sufficient Importance to account for the Intense Interest, manifested,by all class es. In the war. Tho Democratic and Republican, con ventions of tho seventh Congressional district have been held In London, the county seat of Madison county. The former on the 18th and the latter on the 33rd inst. The Democracy nominated. as their Congressional candidate, Mr. Hugh J. Jewett, a gentleman well known in Railroad matters. and who lives at present in different places; ho owns property in Columbus, on the Musking um, and in various other places. Of course this Is a bone for political conten tion. but it seems to be the best the party could do under present circumstances. Tho Republican contention nomina ted as their candidate, Samuel Sheila barger of Madison. The election was made unanimously, and much enthusi asm was displayed. In Mr Shellabarg er, Mr. Jewett has a worthy opponent, and one that will no doubt war against him suceesfully in the apprnaching po litical contest for-Congressional honors. The city has been visited lately by Ma ny excursionists from different parts of the State. The capitol buildings and other public edifice; forming the chief objects of attraction to them. A number of excursions from this place have taken place. The different places on the lake have beett x visited and enjoyed. The eastern watering places are scarcely at all patronlzedlky our citizens; moat of whom now go to different points on the northern lakes. Pelt-in -Ray leading the rest. -„ GALEN. A FEW ERRORS NOTICED. Can Quite a number of word,. In veryc'm • mon WIIf are almold reormantly 'pro nounced with the accent on the wmins: and thin error he not ennflned to the illiterate. but It be committed by many who lay claim to a critical ednca• Hon. inquiry Is, perhaps, more &boned with regard to accent than almost any other word so frequently and generally used as It is. The accent properly batman to the second syllable, but moat people pro nounce inquiry with the went on the first syllable, for which there Is no en thority whatever. I know that Among the Scotch it is quite common to place the went on the first syllable In inquiry. and also on the first Ayliable in eommii ire; and Milford Informs it. that Mont gomery, who was at one time lordAdvo rate of Scotland, when Sir Fletcher Nor ton was speaker of the Mom* of Lords, moving foin committee of inquiry to be appointed.'gave the strong accent to the first syllables committee and inquiry; from which it is reasonable to infer that, at that time. such a prommelation of those wordy; by an educated person was regarded an something very unusual and remarkable; else why should it be giv en • place in history? . The word obligatory is most generally pronounced with the accent on the sec, end syllable, and In a few insianess I have beard it pronounced with the ac cent on the antepenultimate; yet no au thority can be found in any English or American 'dictionary for either of these ,piOnnnetailons. The usage of good speakers Places the accent on the first syllable. One of the wont barbarisms of thi many that continually offend good taste tho use of ottr language la 1113 pronun ciation of tho very common words, bar ns( and squirrel. as If. they were words of one syllableonly, and Opened ear/ and march . And, as ilimininingly,not ded with robbing harrsi at onir of its syllable/4B distill flarthir bsibarised by giving o tbs Italian sound. ss beard in far, instead of the short word es board In Oat. • Hereditary, although Dot its snob Com mon use as the wards ;which I bays mentioned above, is frequetitliwrongly syliabled, and pronounced - Witit the as cent on the third syllable, dit y der which there is no authority, whoa correctly pronounced, the accent Ur pieced on red, ,tho second syllable. Correct and Clear pronunciation forms the basis of correct and agreeable speak ing; in fact It may be regarded u the foundation of a good educitlon ; and is therefore, worthy Of the moat careful and criti cal attention - . Those who teach should study the' subject thoroughly; that they may be able to teach it accu rately and (Anciently. o. No. B—New Jersey.—The next in rotation would be this State, from which fine signers of the Declaration , came. Three were born in It; one in Pennsyl vania skid one in Scotland. Two were students of Law ; one of Divinity; ono an Agriculturalist; and ones Civil-engi neer, via: Abraham Clark, who also acted as the village Lawyer, as far as ad vishig en all matters of ordinary host pili 4 11 noici such as conveying lands, or settling estit . His education was mlacellane ou.; and self-taught. fly Mamma of b s) ess and his integrity, he became 1 lar In his neighborhood. He was a delcgato to the Continental Con sin MO. He afterwards took a part 1 the politics of the Day In his native , until his death, which happened only in the rtionth of June, .1741, M. Ho was 'universally esteemed l i: ' patriot, a man orround mind, bon.: '. . true to duty. John Clark was ; IF• .. ruin this State. and was a man of . nd decided character . Ho woe an • lent Agriculturist and wan puma is peaceful oeurse,when he miscall . ..n to take.* part in the tiercestrug. .at was preparing for his country. as elected a member of the Conti. ? Congress In 1774: In which ho ro. ed until 1770, After this, he took F. . let, but decided part In the affairs of country, for which he suffered much British enmity particularly after rey carried the war into Nevi Jersey, or the enemy had orders to look alter the signers of the Declaration and make exam plea of them if taken. Ile died in 1780. Frauds llopkinson, was a native of Pennsylvania like myself, only he was born three-score years before me; he died in May, aged 53, A. I. 1791. After passing through his preparatory educa tion he entered on the study of the La and became distinguished in his profes sion ; he also devoted part of his tune to lighter subjects, and was celbrated as a Poet and a Wit. The British tiovern moot ,properly estimating his talent.% appointed him to a lucrative office, but this he asteritimd to take up the cause of Freedom, and of his country. In 1776 he was in Congress. Ile was also a Judge in the Courts of Pennsylvania and 'was esteemed for the Justice and equity of his decisions. Washington thought him a great and good man; and his name will go down to Posterity an a prominent patriot and poet, of our cotlntry. John Witherapooa was a native of Scotland; educated at Edinburg, and after completing his course, entered the study of Divinity. .lie removed to the country in 1768 and was soon inaugura ted President of Nassau Ballo College, Princeton, N. J. In this situation be be came highly popular. Ilia patriot spirit led him to enter deeply into the affairs of the country, and he showed himself well versed In all the great Doctrines of Freedom. Ile continued In Congress several years, in which body he was a highly efficient member. Be died on tho 15th of November 1794, aged 72 yrs. Richard Stockn lit US born near Prince ton, New Jors o3 October Tat 1730. - On loaving College ho studied Law with David Ogden, Ind rose rapidly at, t Bar. In 1767 he retired from professlo4l life, Mr the purpose of visiting Ecgland. In 1770 he was Sent to the Continental Congress, and arrived there early enough to take a share In the debates upon thesubJect of Independence, and to affix his name to that instrument. Ile was taken prisoner and treated with cruelty; .. Congrese interfered, and or dered General Weald ngton to take proper steps for his relief; this was done, but his constitution Was broken by his con finement, and he continued tollanguish for several years, when Ito died on tho 28th day of February 1781, in tho 53 year of his age. J. it. x. (Fnr the Argus.) -So full orjealouSi Is artless rant. It spills Itself In fearing to be spilt. The com munication of JallltiA Rubin In last week's Anous is viewed and con demned by the friends of Arthur Shields and the honest Republican voters on this side of the river as adding insult to Inju ry. It N. certainly a very Mind attempt tts divert the public mind from the true question at issue by introducing matter (as the lawyers term it) dohors the record. Why this subterfuge? Does the Herm , able Senator imagine he can stay convic tion and silence comment by introducing charges entirely new? Ifashissuperior winder's no more commisseration forour poor famished intellects than to suppose he can hood-wink us in that kind ofstyle? De that as It may, I can assure the noble -Senator that it is with feelings of pleas ure and pride that I,lnform hint that we,' on the south side of the river, are as yet possmsssl of a few faint, glimmering rays of reason and sense, and are not to be de ceived or lulled into a state Of Indiffea, once by his voluntarrand prevaricating explanation of untold charges. The unenviable stamp of duplicity can never be effaced by substituting one sic "cusation for another. If this kind of ar tifice could be resorted to under all cir cumstances, then a man charged with the crime of murder, might, by parity of reason, exculpate himself by proving that he had never committed burglary and thus escape punishment by mere substitution. This-will not do. To say that any man ever preferred the charge scptinst the Senator of forming a coalition with tho.Democratie candidate for Sher iff, or premising him hts individual stip port, is alutdr,nonsenet no such man ex ists anywhere,\save as an Image of, his mind, seeking &cunning device to evade responsibility for lily nwn base perfidy. We Republicans never thought of char ging the Honorable Senator with enter ing into an agreement with the Demo cratid nominee for Sheriff for individual supiort and influence; and yet ho seizes with an avidity the earliest opportunity, consistent with his extreme modesty, to, refute that which was never imputed to him: It looks to me a good deal like the conduct of tie treacherous, dissembling, conscience-stricken Macbeth, who in the agony of remorse and without an semi ser, cried out: "Thou cant not say I did It." Would it not have been much bettor for the noble, learned, and distin guished Senator to have observed the instates of common prudence and foster ed a profound' siliseen, "that his virtues might plead like angeLs,trumpedstougued against the deep damnation of his taking off" This 'he did not do. His very fruitful imagination was equal to the task of shattering and scattering all dam ming reports concerning his Senatorial dignity, and he conjures up and parades before the public gaze that admirable lec ture of nonsense, Which In verity iiigni flee nothing, because it is evasive and foreign to the tree issue., Alt,' most no ble, but unfortunate Senator I The lure may have seemed to you abundantly efficacious, but It did not:squire the eye of a lynx to dfsoover the frand; Mar shal the ingenuousness of your soul, maintain the true dignity of .a noble . Senator rano . • - lbr - ~ 111 a ,rnocuederto slava*: • • la 0 0 , 1 tlitnMictins of Bearer mono, *beiller , rni :drink e toast Ito tfei "itairele .of. :Sio'llnimpiredic 'candidate tkaSlieritf or nttt I wbniter you Pointed: i bitn le' cattail diaitilieted Re: , e publicans * , In*uleoe lf procured would olou rto Wm their towruddpe„ Thaw' are a rhinos claiming your attention, and if anoceedtilly eijulduated inaylicwalbly roluce idoubtlnif bat caw did party to : - tate betbre"comtnebd• l eg , the ui` chant to y own lips: , . _ - • ~. L .: • : • "Itiircautian., - SliipplopPort, Aug. V. !STU.' . TIIE, MHOS PINCHES, ' . . . Our Stets .4eristor Mr.ltutan, Is eat- dently labormg under painful digu m i. ties, and sweating under I load that Is far more weighty than he ever llama' it would be. When, In 116 overweening imbitlon for 'political . preferment; be shouldered it, 1 In the Alsolat of the 2,4 th instant betniits his constituents In Bea ver county. ton; dose of Illogiail denials, quite likobia;defenee of the Radom/ In a late number bf the Pittsburgh (brinier clot; but, l brig leave to assure Mr. Ito. tanthat the further he wades into thbi muddy' Peet lof intrigue the deeper he will find himself in the mire; and, If be persists In bbt present course, be will get In so deepthat no power 'can get him out In shy other idUips than Mat of a politi cally dead as. 4. , That he witat a private conference last Fall, In New Cialllee, is so well known 1 to the writer of; this article; and several other citlienu Of ' this county, that no amount of denials from,Mr. Itutan can possibly alter die facts in the case; mid that ho tad mech' to do In the defent of the Repuhliclir candidate for Sheriff last LW is firmly believed by a large nuns bet of Republican voters in all parts of the'county. 1 . I do not'donbt that Mr. Ratan did, in a certain way; ',urge Republicans "ono and all to support opt only himself alone but the whole ticket ;" yet it is pi:enable that, whiles Candidate Is ostensibly urg ing Republicans "to support the whole ticket" in orlri part o! the county, his satellites may ;be doing vigorous and successful: wirlc in other lerta in not supporting ' the whole ticket." • And when a candidite in one party drinks= the success Of; a candidate on the ticket of the opPosbe. party, It Is fair to Infer that ho is either a hypocrite or a knave, and Is likely to be set down as both by all who know ' anything about =mnion honesty. i 1 , This whole subject Jenne that has nothing plea ant connected with it, yet • o people of !leaver county have become heartily sick et, ,the disgraceful and dis honest 'tonne !wlticit has been plumed for several years kr'a feir - aspinints who claim to act and speak lb everything for the entire *Publican party; and I, for one, ant willing tit contribute my share toward crushing qut any set. of corrup tionists •wklt iehieb the party may he cursed here o f elsewhere.. • In connection with the defeat of Ar thur Shields, and tho consequent election of John Gnebing to the office of Sheriff, I postman some facts which I bad not in tended to Make public ; but, if am 'forced to do in vindication of my own integrity and voracity, I shall produce such evidence. as will clearly establish the &titbit the confidence of the Repub lican party of Bolivar county has been betrayed by men upon whom It lutscori tarred hononi, and by others who sought pOlitical elevation from It but failed in their efforts to reach it. •••- - - . Mr. Rutan, remembers distinctly, no doubt, that, on a certain day last fall, he and I went tOgether to New Galilee—he on political, lon private bosinese. Ile remembers, g , that we both stopped at Mr. Grtebin s hotel,anci that in [leaven ing, Mr. G. tient for Dr : . Shurlock and that we all, Mr. : timid ng, Mr, Ratan" Dr. ShorlockosnifilsetsgPfilenwm and I spent the evening', together, Mr. Gra3bing was quite liberal and- accommodating, and furnished the party with all the wine we could drink—the wino was good, we' enjoyed thel occasion finely—and the political situation was quite fully dis cussed. Mr R. wa.l unquallified in his praise of M . prrebing and deeply and repeatedly regretted that, so good a man as Mt. G. watt not on* the same ticket with hint, for lie should be glad to heloto elect him. Air. R. drank. to Mr. Grsobrhg as - ", ur next , fiherifr"—Mr. (lambing drank the health of Mr. R. as "our next Senator;' nod, if ever theie was a party of good, " hill fellows well met," it was on the occasion alluded to: • . Mr. Rutian , thought Mr. Drtobing was . ono of the cleverest of mea t s:nil bow sorry -he was that ho did not "belong to our party," for there was no man in thoworid ho would', like better to see elected other tli of IleaVer i county. ' Mr. G. must work hard ; he must " go over the river" and ho must:site Mr. Trimble, and if ho was all right he Grathing) could carry that township, and he must go to other parts of the county' , and see others whom Mr. ~ i R. Mentioned, but whose names 'cannot 1 n3w recall. I , . _ , It may be possible that. the peculiar effect of the I potatior aat 'Mr. Unebing's extionao bad•sueb an oblivious effect upon Mr. It. that he has forgotten all that' was said ;. dud it may bd that their exhileratingl lath-tours were so great si that he was not con ions of all he safd in praise of Mr. G. a id the advice and instruction Le'gitve ; secure his elec. tion to tbEl dffice of a tditf, _but that be felt warmly intereste 'in Mr. G's. suc cess, his talk clearly proved; and what agreement ho and liVr. G. may Lave en tered into dining the long talk they had together in private ;dun. the other mem bers of the puny left the room, I can not tell. I give l only what was said and done I in my presence. • - i I will suldithat Mr. U. and 1 slept to gether on thatenemorahle night, and the last thing . l hoard from Mr. ll's. lips, as I fell into the at embrace of sleep, was Mr that robing was not a can didata in "our party," . and praise of the excellence of his wine. In -rancid:dint, for this time, I have only to state, that whenever it becomes necessary, I Will make oath to the' facts above Meted. C. A. DECAIUSE, Beaver, Fti. Aug. 27, 1870. Stateutentstor4. N. Raton. J. H. Johnston:J. A. Fnmier and .11. H•. Trimble is re lotion to the Gnebimg-Mbielde Eleetion. ' --- • Daavan, Aug. 27,1870. EDITOR Axons:—lt seems my state ment and tkatiof Sheriff Grtehing , pair lished in this Week's ARGUS are not sat isfactory, alihOugh theyseem to ine to he very coinprehnslve. The charge was as I have always understood it, that I sold 'out the' Repablieau candidate for Sheriff last fall and I replied denying the charge fully, and stated that I labor ed far thaelnetion of Arthur Shields. I showed Prettyoonelusively I think; from the vote at that election. that the charge a'aild not hel true. If there had been any selling - or h i rsuling,lize election would have demonstrated thO fitOt and the evi dence would be easily ssbiained. • sup pose I wasluilty you , cluirge, in what 'way did that contribute to Shields' defeat? Drinking a toast to the next alierlifiwould not' o very far to: wards hie elocliciti. But now that I knob what the charge really is, I am 'prepared to meet it fuliyand demonstrate that it is as ground leas as the one actually made and privatel l y circulated which I met last week. Anditlrts, I deny positively that .1 drank to:Grarbing's success :or be to Inintiand thatl directed him to I. : R. Trimble or Asher Republicans as dlsaf- - footed Republicans whose support he might obtain. 'ln Ibis denial I sun au thorised to say Sheriff Unebingjoins. I went to Ness QaliloBwith C. A. Decsrme, then residing In Beaver, but fornierly reldentof:lewtialliee t Hem fauna to go 'John Firtoler,- seq. tells in his statement,. and I refer to it without re. peadng:•.:Bkerlg Grabblg the only hotel there and of coursewee to ppe4with him. rspent tbe intoning talking tit snob Republicans ets P j.. Grim. tug:. Thos. Grant and "John 11. Johnsten. .erv t iaearly ten o'clock p.ort.. when tripled Johnston's store and went to the betel—. lohnstotigoingnlong. There was noth log occurred that night or while I was there between M. Gratibitig and myself that the *hide world might Mot have "sell andluisid without objection on my part. Decline's's °Wain getting me to go out with him was to. put me under sante obligation to hint (by using his great influence there for me) and thee Induce ole to urge Dr. Sherlock to get him a place* Harrisburg . last winter. He told me he was going to send for SlairloOk to come In, as he wanted to talk to him about It, and wanted me to du so for him. Ma man Decarme lathe ituthcir of the falsehoods you quote. Is ho a tileistercated %linear. What is his motive? HO fulled to get a place at Har risburg, and then, and not until • then, did ho thitiktn repeat these charges. lie said before Dr. Sherlock and I went to Harrisburg, that if we did nut get hint a place he would "blow us up." As we did not regard his blowing we chose to disregard his threat. 'The way lie raged and stormed about it was fearful, I are told, and this silly falsehood was the re spit. niters a few reasons to give which I think Aotteet niits will regard as con clusive answers to Dectunte's story: let:: It Is not allegesninct there was no appointment to meet Sheriff GraMing on that evening. (Fritaler'siestlmony Sae" this). '24. If I had intiuded making any ar: ningement with Cinching I never would have taken a babbling Frenchman along or used the language quoted in the pres ence of so teeny persons. • ' 3d. If I had permitted myself to be betrayed Into drinking *meow to Gratb leg and giving him the names of Repub lican' to visit In the presence of De came, I would have purchased his si lence by giving hint a place at Harris burg, which was all he asked. If any improper bargain was made the vote at the.election would show its existence, and the Republicans who were induced 'through me to vote for Gratbing malty found. ,I have no desire to take up more of yOur space - and will not pursue this subject farther. Dec acme is contradicted by,four men who were eye witnesses, one ofthem John B. Johnston, In every way disigterestea. Is he to be believed and all the others disbelieved ? I will not attack his character, but will merely call the ktlention attic editor of the Au utis to a fact that he will remem bar, that less than two years ago a prominent Re publican stated publicly, in speaking of Deesrutea applying for the post Wilco in Denver, that "if that scalawag applies I will open out on him in the ;Paper and drive him out of town." If he was such scalawag then that he must be driven from town for merely applying fora post (Ace, is it likely those who know him will take his word before that of Sheriff , 1 Graebing, J. B. Jidiusten, Dr, Shurlock, Frazier and Trimble? in conclusion I may there is - aot a Republican in Bearer county who trill say I in any ray influ enced Mai to rote against Shields, but all !eon - versed with will testify to the very opposite of Ibis. Read Trimble's state ment, and IfDeausne could be induced to tell tie truth, which I very much doubt, he would testify that I urged bias in Sheriff Gratteg's house, after we had retired to bed, when I first learned of his Intention to vote against Shields, not to do so, telling him that Shields was a sot liter and a poor man, and if he.wanted a place at Harrisburg helsught to stand by the'wholo ticket. I certainly will °Mei Into no controversy with Decartne thro' tho newsrapers,_itut hold myielt nl. ways in readiness to prove that no.fle pubticas ix the county was is anY way ',dated to rote against Shields by me, by putting ox the stand any one suspected. I wanted to cover the whole ground this time, and I think I have done so to the satlsfactlon of all honest men. .1. 8. ItUTAN. Statement of John B. Johnston Poit Mai ' ter itt New Galilee. NEW GALILEE. Aug. 22, 1870. J. S. Revsw, -rsq., Dear Sir: In re ply to yours I have to say I remember the night you and Decarme visited New Galileo last fall, the only time I ever saw you here together. You told me that Deearme bad told von some Republicans bare talked of not voting for you,-aid you came out to see about it. About half past 'nine LlT., I went with 4au from my stoielo nebing's hotel, whore I staid until you wore ready to retire. Gnebing brought in a bottle of wine of his own manufacture and that was all I saw of the drink sort. I heard no bar gain talked of, or anything improper be tween candidacies cif oppokite parties. Youri, dm. • J. B. Jouxsoic. A S i er the appearance of the A nous this wee 'received a lettwr (Wen A ugus t 24 th con ning the following: ..1 authorize 1 yon ray that the mimeo( J. 11. Trimble was trt mentioned by illy one at (lute bing's the evening we were there last fall. None of the party drank freely as there ICSA only one bottle of domestic wino brought in, and there was not a sin gle toast drunk. There was nothing said or done by any one present detri • mental to the interests of any candidate on the Republican ticket. Truly yours. • J. B. JOHNSON. J. IL Trimble's statement John Graebing never Called on me last fall, nor asked me to vote for or support bun. What I did was ofmy °Wit accord. You never tried In any way to influence me to support Oraehing, but on the con trary the only time I saw you during tho campaign, or talked about tho matter. you urged too to support Shields. Yours, &c. J. II: Taimnts. J. A. Frazier's statement I remember the evening last fall that C. A. Doctrine and J .S. Rutan went to New Galilee. Deearme came to the Court House looking. for Mr. Rutan and while Deeartne and I were talking, Rutan drove up. Decarme told hini 'he was waiting fur him, that he was going to New Galilee with cigars and wanted him to go along. Mr. Rubin said belted been to the country and was tired and would not go. Docarme said, "you had better, there are some Republicans out 'there not satisfied about your nomina tion, and if you go along I can make thent right." I think he mentioned Thompsons and BleClures. After Do. carne left. I urged Ur. Ratan to go, tel ling him Devarine staid do him good out lie then followed Decarme and said he would go. I was lirged by both to go along but did not. J. A. FILAZIEW Bloaeroadss Cinbartle Sirup; Used In all eases Instead of PILLS: EPSOM SALTS. CAS. TOR OIL, Ito. inghly flavomd. Pleamot toloke. Chlldres like It. Pr Ica W atop. :141nanale. 8. Y. Sellers 2 Co.. 4S Wood sheer, Illtstinrei, Pa leftly Married. HART—KERR—At Beaver. Pa., AnK. 25th, 1870, by Rev..l. M. Wields, Mr. Henry M. Hart, of OhioviUe, Pa., and Mims Annie Kerr, of Glasgow, Pa. Near Advertixements. X111.T.0. BiOiWAN, Bridgestatar. tunny obtained Uprose to orb Lintors. WIcell• arc.. by We queue or upward, Is now selling at Dist store to Britton's. %whom and a verymporlat wilds at Westmoreland "minty old RyeAlMialtier. Pay- Asians *Mt may are It to their practice tor eon entemaints, or fa low typo, .pf llbser• can rely ao POW so snide on lala am ma &nand. bath ,Mparity and suesnal mooL ssigaan. Atkuvilatieestait 1, Grand Clo'sing - Out SOl?' OF ALL OUR SUMMER STOCK, .2bgdher with as . ; Immense Sioak qf STAPLE DOURIC MOM AT IMMENSE BARGAIId MIMI • TM. it a bonojkle CLOSING- OUT SALE, arta prices will, in alt cave, Le/mind exactlyas we represad Mem. mar..ed down many of our goods to price* fmns ten to twenty fire per rent. lowa- than the very same goods were cold before Me war. Itend 'Our Firliceu. • Call mut see our goods and compare them with those of an./ House in this market. Vie .A.1.11E SELLING Coclitco Prints 'at • 10 cents. 31erri mac Printsut 10 rents. Spruguo Prints 'A 10 cents. American Prints ut ...... „10 cents. All our list Prints at every make lv cents. • We Are Selling Bwitatiful Mrtitelt Alparag, worth 25 cents, at 5.2% ceots..-3, 1V e Are Selling Thin Gren:ullni, it .1'2% cents, marked down from 24 cent& For Men tic, 13oyes' Wear s (kssiutercs nt. cent4,...Worth 73 vents, CosAlther,st nt 115 Co!11(4, Worth 473.: Petits. Ciissitneres Itt. 73 cents. Worth $1 tiO. White P XE.'l4 White P IV" P. K. at 1234 crnt Worth 21 cent& P. K. at 20 crat... • . ..... Worth 31 centg. P. K. at 25 ...... Worth :r1 (vat,. P. K. at 47 a:110 ..... GO cents, Linen Towels, It) rents, ' t Wortlll,ls cents. Linen Towels, Tali cents, Worth tlit cents. Linen Towels, 2o cent., l , Worth 37 cents. LADIES' BAL3IOIIALS. At sl.oo—lttilaced front SI.r.AA 40 PIECES PURE MOHAIR M POPLINS, At 31 cents, toad thts 1 4 e4141111 75 cents. AL 12 1 : Cent& BEST SHEETING-MUSLI2V: - - - • At 12 , 4 Cent% VERY FINE BLil.tellEo MUSLIN, The Best Bargain of the Sea Boll. :MIXED I'OPLIN•DRESS 00013 g. At one-bulfl . .,..fthe price .of a month ago. TABLE: LINENS At :30.:35, 37. sad. great reaucimn in prices. A VERY LARGE STOCK OF While Barred IC:admit*. White Swim (Plain stud Marred`. • Vittoria' White Light Summer rilemeN. Printml Ctuthmiwe Shawls. Black. White, liheeketl& Striped SlutwlL A. 13A. TiCGVA.T.INT. Deal Irish Poplin Dress Pe,lierns Plain and 1 3arreil, un $9 a Fannin. ad! soon, and secure some of the best bargains tint! hare been offered this Season. A. W. ERWIN & CO.'S, No. 178, Federal Street, , AI. LEGIIENY CITY, juni:iy-1..29:jr20-17 PROGRESS! PERFECTION! THE NEW WEED Famil,*.f.frowitair Machine The Beal, as Hundreds of People, who have them in use, can testify. Persons :about purchasing a Sewing 11nelaine will do well to will on the Agent of the " WP.E.D." 7 .l..Linnenbrink; ito che.ster.—and :see these machines, as it 110 tniulde to show them, eren - ir they do not pnrulmse. ' J. LINNENBRINK, Agent for'lleaver Co., Rochester, Pa Agen for the HOME SIII.7TTLE SEWING 31. WHINE. the tirst Sewing )Lucnine ~01,1 or 10.4 Glom *ll—lnts the under , tte,-M-3111 • GROCERY STORE In Briilgdwater, Pa. Jr. Itwr*.i,Es R (2(),- Duntap'it Corntr. near the Bridge, HAVE OPENED AN ENTIRELY FRESII STOCK OF FAMILY GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE. , NAILS, WINDOW GLASS. FLOUR. FEED AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. And in grueraidAtiharaidee nanally found to each cwasectlun. The *tore mom ho. been remodeled, wad conveniently andnemi. with lone win. Orme, dc. AINJohn mile& co lone known In filid comma:My. will give hie penmual attention, large experience, and Ihorcnclt acquaintance with the Trade. to the *election and maths'° of choice Reach. and invitee the patronage of alt who wbh Abe lust goods lit the market, At the lowed meth poke. All kinda of enuntry produce wanted. ' J. ttTiL h.S CO. Bridgewater. Pa. ». ur eggitstee's Notice. xIeTICE la hereby given that the following ec. /II comfits of Executor., Admintatnitora, Guard fano. have been duty owed In the ItegLace's efSce.aod wilt ho presented to the Woken.' courf for reedinsiatiou' and allowance on Wedneeday. the 7th day of b.iptember. ACV2IIOI of W . 11. Pnucier, adm'r. of Jceieph Withirow.-deed.. Final account of John Armor. executor of the wilt of ZdzabetlXAndenoin. deed. Viral sea rant Of Adam Kneel, executor of the will el t'aer ta. . , Final CCIRIDI OfJ. B. idoer OVA testa , gisestooaarza oriutto Weigle, deed. • Account of Mary A. Cainuan. guardian or ba bes (:altamon..eldid unite. U. ealhoon- deed. Thud .le/nuot/f r of Loot., K. Weinman. guardiso o AdAosFzeabooro. child of Adam irodkcorsa. da ce/seed. Partial stoma of Cithvino I.loffoun and C. ex=llllll2ltai Phillip licatuast. clued. account of Win. m B. It. Dawson. giro. Usortfc Dawatate, dee'd. Account of A.•IL Thoonton, executor of the 101)1 of Jane Brunt, deed. Accounts Thiituao Moore, Luanllau of / 1 " 7. and Martin Ti Moore. chtalren bf Samuel Boma &mood. I • I Dad rotate account of Nathan Battu, odor. of Ws rotate of Joules Murray. deed. leconn.. of Janos Wunock.strocutar of rho last will of ItanuatiA. Hillman. deed ' Pinot account of Joan Whales. adner. of Jame Wino .• deed; I lioucaut and Ansi (rest and postman accounts of 11,..D•rker,, totateo a abefetouto of Thomas A. Bilft4r. deed. -Asnocutt of Robert If. Ith.dea, gnardlatl of Ann Elan howl ctald of Nikon . Po cal. dec'd, nod account of Paulen Ctinulap, guardlon of soma 1.. 11100prv. son ofiatnes Mooney. dec'd. Final account neCtoo. W. liandttoo, tier. of Ibto wilt of Barth Bernina:. deed. Account of William Secant, adm:r. of the sonata Of Goarr.rattnlib,,oked. D. 0/NOLBTON, Eq. , (111## gam . evok,oAs.r.46 • lipitti v i A meiridut I V 4. l3oSte - ft etrit i I of Megirit, end WIN dinPU . llld. rejorgerelratr4lrciltq autemberid 111 , :cOtelli 0 'lt. mg Mtor Iw►taßppltmVe itt _ All tight, alereetalli fiallo of defendant of. W. sod to the bellortidg Ateribrel situate to the borough of NW Ik Nom coanty, Ye.. tO wit: the natant rotioar West g of Lots 1/1 and ',kW:laded north by 14114.u5pi4 on the auk by rut ends of Cote amid by Wan; bye on routh by lut 111 and ors ale WINO Third grout: oo *bleb hi erected • brick d i m hog bone two store* high and 'bona Net trout ou 'MO meek and lb feet deep with a two story taki:r-minhn,=.; -A:x.14217;05= We, W m o aren ant claif deMadant Of. And W • ram additional Atop to thou.daze and edge. tout factory. be et feet wide and MOW deep lot Na. 11 of wow lou In New Medea Wane Company lbw; bounded north by gout. hog. out by cull; south by Vetter, Vetch ob Co.. and nut oy Deaver Creel. ' Weed and eaten ezetation u the property of Penmen Mitchell and Juba T. Wilma, at the and of Edward it, flumes aid o.hers. NO. '1 At Messina Muir and place, all the Sight. Who. interest and chino of defendant, o 4 1u and to the to.lowing piece or parcel or laid, situate In lb. township of Korth taiwickley, county of barer aforesaid, and bounded as follows to wit: tlegio tang at • White Oak. corner of land claimed by Jona Daugitertte bells, flume by land of Funk. houses (formerly /WWI Betinetilsouth In depose sweet 71 perch; ; thence by land of rune, math 1 degree west, hOyi pen:bee: thence by had ista of Jounthin EVaoe, aura aJ degred east Of perctied thence nonh 1 degree west. 14 perches; thence uurth tridcgtoes east, 9 percher; thence by laud al root Daugnerly • [tel.... south 1 degree east, a 494 perches to the place of begluchig; outlawing $t &cm said 111117y-ono perches, to include a hwue quarry. according to a surrey Memo! toad. Its Jusetus 110141.1. suit aioo a eniall4ece for a road or way Isom Um Battu ou the Mg yes Rives to the great rod lots out by wild sloops and describ.4 a• (odors to wit: Begloulng at the road one-bait ut one degree west, two hundred andeightpuloa feet lulu the Bonk thence nosth Mil deg's,. cast, 44 Suet; thence 000th one-half-of one degree mul e 131.1 feet to the great road: thence aloes the seams tenth di degrees west. Al feet. homed sod taken In execution as the pitopetty of Joseph U. Bennett. lieu. 1.. UnAwri and Queries IL Hawn. at the suit of Amanda lAttcheU. ALSO. KO.O. Al we name Mao and pls.:all right. title. Inter est aua slants of defendant of. In std to the billow. svg " roper:7 to wit: Lot No. ind to Economy plot 0/ Ude w nearer Valli. Dona county, Pa., 'monk ell audtleacrib."l as Odor.: myth by lot Nu. ilk ma by normal A 'by' non by Thud bin.. sod cm lbs. avail. by lot :su. ta; au which Mars b etectdd • tiro story flume dwelitug boaae with four moon sod two ititclielac, cellar nokroastb, pouch on exti skto U. house; kit eucloriaL belted and taken in execution as Lh3 Levert) of litmus, at the mull of Wise itainsey. ALilli No. 4. At the same time and plan... Will be expooed to oak an the right, tide, Ittivivitind claim of [turd, !visitant chin and to the tuilnenng property being Lot Au. nun in Patterson'. plan oi low of Deaver Path, lien el COM,. N., bring 4U seat front and extending beat LIS Sect to an ahoy; and bounded on the :torah by lot No. tuft on the cant by Water strett ; no the multi by lot so. NA, and on the Wont by Water Alley. Lot euellated, with email troll tree. thereon. . seized and takro to ezetitton as the pntberty of Moans it. DIM at the malt of Martin Mclougb -110. alot et the lull of Ma. Routed:. ren CM • _ At the same thus and place, all rt.:ht. title, In tenet and .halm of deleuttata ea, In null to the lot- Wow sot of ground hejdoarerlia, Bearer coon t; and moulded and ddcribed us follow.: On tuu south by Mulberry weal, ou the west by lot of Ur. encash:in, sot Use moth null eat by lots us J. IL Eloups; all under truce. Seised and taken In execution at the hrelsali of bluona %goyim at the bolt of john it. ALSO, NO. 6. At the :ante time mid platy-. all right, tide, Inter of and Gaon of delendant of, lu sod Co the futluw. tag ;frown,, to wit: Lot Nu. WS In tho Pailersou plats ul 10. lu Bearer Falls. hearer cuualy, ra.. bounded and described as follow.: Vu the uurtb by lot No. Sta. on the twit 11 Yuma atreet, ua the south by lot No. alga, and on ma rest by trout alley; tto *Lida b meted a too •toty Irma duel. Ilag abutt Id by AU. cony:Wag fun: rooms 01111 cellar underutaut; out halttlinga on let. and all ea nitre& belted and taken In execution u the property o Absalom Belly at the dult of J. b. Valium UMMMMIEIEI e all the right. Mk, rutercin and claim of de reuMiut 01, to arid toad that tot Wu piece or parmil in land antmito to Mouti luirnahip. beaver cuirtitY. Pa., °option., Vanport btatfuu uu rue Oulu river; bounded on the north by Me Link. river; uu Wa tad by land, formerly oi :Suva (au* owned by an Ott Company) and Geo. Dottier, on the mini by lands 01 tinitorga Luckier and uu the eicat by bum or Onetutt and Ur. Juliti 10:11.uo, containhig Any aura mum ur 4+a—tai acres uf which rim let and do river bottom, cleated and under tenor., the bal ance well timbered. Abu, a lot or place aground. mulct fence, lying near the above descrowd preculatm, bounded on, tne north by the YrankJort tirade Ewa nod land ufJolsn Wuson; on the's.' by Onstott t on the roaith by land now of tipeagettlormerly of Nom}, and on the weit . by Load sot Outdo% (formerly of ilatabo): containing three-quarters of an aert. more or Mao, and ma which I. erected • large frame bank barn. no bet Wog bysal feet *lda, rub stone 'basement and otabling unuerneath tha whole. • Velma and taken in execution Es Nn property of joint bleu art. at the and of Jamb lining. ALSO, NO. Al the LllllO limo and place &a light, title. Inter• eat and claim of defendant of, In and to the follow ing described property mutilate In the borough of Demmer Fall., Soarer county, Pa., being lot No. U/1 in the Economy plan of tuts iu said uurough; bounded uunli by lot No. 1107; ou the twat by Mao areet; on the South by lot No. Ago, and uu the coast by MAW alley Lut 43 feet trod sou Main at and extending back 143 feet to Main alley; on *Luck Were la • yeller dug and walled, about 10 by 01 krt. Seised and taken It. execution ea /he property of Junta A. rad - at the roll of Anima Miller. MAO. . NO. IX At Mesas= time ad place all right. Ulla. !def eat and claim of dtfendenc. of, Itt and 10 the follow ing property, to wit: 40001 six acres of lead ml[- 114101/1 New Sewickley town/dup. bearer county, bounded and descilbad as Antony: On the tit by land of John Stiesd: on the hest by land of David Stewart; on the north by land of Ito ter Snood, ou the south by David Stewart; sou which le erected a fraMe one story house with 4 rooms; apple trees nod other trait on the premix.; all en closed. Seised and takJu in exec asas the property of Edward Barrett, at the salt 11 Wm. L. Visner.• ALSO. Nu. 10. At the same time alit place will be expired to sale all the right, title, leeriest 1011 a lot of the defendant of. In and to the-following piece or par. eel of Land situate in Moon tosrmitilp. &weer comity He., bounded and deacnbeil as lotion.: Be gulping at a post, near an elm, thence by Lands ormerty of tlieberno of W Wl.m lento , deceased, south tr*-i sine.. west 21 perceive tor poet; theme by laud iunueriy Itickervelf, north krt orgters west 1-1 perches tom post; Ahem.: •outh tau, degrees west O 3.10 th perches to •po.t; thence north zlSf degree. west el perches to the Undo men thence by old river north thiS degree. east 31 7-10th privies; thence by land. formerly of Jai cub Noss, south 04 degree. mat 30 perches to the place of beginning: contsuram atz'aervis and fifty rive percher. more or leas. Also, Fel that certain piece of laud Attune to Moon township, county and Mines aforesaid. and bounded am hallows: tro Mu mirth by low.water . mark In the Ohlo river, east by Mace it.. smith by ordinary high water mark off the bank tat said riven on the west by Two hide Rani upon which above described premises Is a two story [mum: Wu*: and frame tiro, fruit trees, an.; all enclosed Seized and taken In egfe 4 = am the property of loom Rambo and M. bo, at the mitt of John Moore. • ALSO, NO. It. At the came nem and place all right. title, Inter est and claim of defendant of. in arid to the fol. hewing des, rtbeil Minding slid lot of ground of C. V. Bradley, to wit: A frame dwelling house and store room fronting on Main street. being tan stories situate on lot No. 113: Pattersen's plea of Lot. In Heaver Fulls, Beaver county Pa.. bounded north by Luden alley; mist by lot No lit, south by lot No 14k and west by Main street; the lot being, 33 feet on Main street and extend Lug back 131 feel to mild lot No hid. Seized and taken in execution m the property of C. V. Bradley at the atilt al Hillman .t Bruce. ALSO. No. It All the right. title, Interval and claim of defend. ant o(, In and to the following described building and lut.of gtOPllli of Anualatt Bryant, to wit: A two *tor} frame building fee: Sy to feet on the eround. lower story ten feet. upper story nine feet, baring die windows and a doable door with lean • ruin ligkm Iu front. Said building being online on lot No. GM In the Economy WEI of lots In the borough of Beaver Fall.. Beaver county Penn a, bounded north by lot No mat by. Johmtun attest: pond' by lot No. Sal, and west by Johnston alley: having a front on Johtmton atreet of 43 feet and extending back MS feet rat Johnston alley. Seized and taken In execution a. the propeity Amara-in Bryant at the tont of W. W Power, o of O. C. Schofield. ALSO @EU At the name time and Mace. all right, title, y !crest and claim of defendant of. lu and to die following building and lot of ground of T. W. An• demon. to wit: A dwelling house. two stories high, having a front of ad loot and a depth of 16 feet, with kitchen And room above attached to north end, making the house L shape. Situated' on lot No. 4, of fiernard's addition. of Beaver Beaver Co. Ps- Soloed and taken In ezent• lion as the property of T. W. Anderson, at the atilt ufJll[lll.l MED ism At the same time and place, all right. title, inter. est and Chihli of the' dekvidant of. In and to the folloa.lng property, to wit: A certain or parcel 14 land , situate in Ike Borough of Pension, Beaver Co. Pa., bounded and described as fol. !on : On the east, by land of John Convert and Mrs., and on the south by•land of John Betty, and on the north by land of Joseph Stokes, and on the west by land of James Andrews and William Baker: on whirl, la erected a two story frame dwelling house, with 4 rooms and kitchen; also stable and coal houses, alto an orchard of different lauds of fruit, about • grapevines!, raspberries, atravrberries, and a quantity of other small fruit, all enclosed being the same premises conveyed by James !laden and wife to Chrhalan J. Knauer by indenture. dated Aprlll3. 1967, and recorded in the take for recording deeds, In deed book No. 54. page 1.53. Seized and taken In execution as the property of C.J. Knauer, at the snit of B. Wulf. • ALAI, . No. IS At the tome time and place. all the right, title, interoot and claim of dcleudant of, In and to all thine parcels or lota of rnmutl :Mosta in the bor ough of Beaver Falls, Bearer rtionly. Pa, via :-- tote Nos. =7 in Economy Plan of Beaver Fe b , adjoining each other, and together boarded norm hy lot No. 1312; mot by Beaver alley: .oath by Henry street, and unit by Brighton. reef. each of feet front on Brighton et. and extending bef,k 1 35 Get to Braver Nlel : a triune dry boon. for oi7thf brick, loving a frontof 50 feet on Henry at. and extending endfeet to Waver alley, being ono story In helot tun lug " """ lhe i b t' r e e n d e t: -elsoit 11 feet lu width and extending , to hoe.. Iwo of the dry house. 10 foYt. withP r : * t 16 t lu 11.1011. In height also attache d , a in e et i A d lo th e on . Lo ile s nry .. bounded north lot No MIA east ritre3vctke....nd extenithingobafbek.2oinfeetthe old boning by tot k 3 to 1317. and won by by ik. " l"'• baring o a th a front of 43 Pet on Brighton ir et and .sanding righlo° l4 lac k ha it 143 (onto Beaver alley. s Also Iwo Nun. 1413. 1419. 1410 and 143 . 1 lo the Ewommy Plan of LOU, In .ald borch. ad oining each other; and bounded north by ug lot . 4 OIL be Brighton Brent. south be Henry strut, won hr Brighton - alley. Lot Na 1413 hating • font of 42 feet and Non. 1419, Int/ and 1411 a front of 43 Get on Brighton street sforeraid, and all extending back 143 feat to Brighton a :Bey. • Alas; Lots Nos SO. 511 and SO. in Economy plea akin. In said borough. adjoining each other pad bounded north by Baker street, east by Un. coin street, south by logos. lialt and west by Lin coln alley • Each lot having a front of 13 NIA on Lincoln street and extending bock I.3lfeet to Lin coln alley. On one of red MU. Na Is erne 11d a 1 Mtn double framodereiting boost, shoat 56 by IR feet, with eight rooms Osman. Alpo, Lou Nos. all alit 613,1 n the 2001111101, Plan of sold bornogh.adjoining each tidier, and bound. ed north by lot No. 651, ewe be Lincoln at, aoulk by Baker street, mad west by Lincoln allay; ma lot baring a front a 43 feet on Lincoln strimit, and extendkg back 110 fact to Longa alley Oa awl del d jgail l at i t=o:,trilrylit la Width awe brealrh. - 4= B ll•Vi l airrrilraldt=ra i t au. at the weld ot. ittnittedr. :Leo At tie mune doe and stare 40 1 11 4 . all *erre titirOateriot aerl, dale et dedot of, ta et he le trtUr. All Chet perish' C I" "arst Bid Alierelteeraddp, Attar al 1.41 iide . Wiltirer Mao heart. Ifqrl Wyse lateidiajii.lkge.. Wit prod or Jo• Smith tad John Dasaly, eolith by il a t . 1,48 C ileilbolllll/setbi Wadi Wane/ niree. l4". wttith Is 'DOI! • ea starlets s ii t t:s o ll= b rllZg Tbe Itina, le welt tbnie g otta of =ed. altbl4•7=4 l Wm wed die was woken' aluirfiV a Ztlimmi cum:alums uf Johathaa belle. i!" JIMA D. Yon: Seized sod tiara to execadoa n lh biooerts or James D. Vombeile, tithe eat et J August Abillipe sad Elisabeth sir • ta• of • writ Ith, homed oat of the 'taw of Deaver meaty. ALSO, No. 17. At Aerate rime of place, all' the fled, tltte, Moron and claim of deleadeat of. la and to the folios:lag described property to we: betas lot No. Ille la the Ifroooaly aka of Ms ot Surer Ma, Weyer ontaty. AL, bowled oa be north by lot o. oa ad out by Task alley, _oft the math by lot Na. M. sad oat he west by Nam avow: on which la wand • two awry brick with • store room la float a ddr ersithed wit h , hike ry attached: tel aderseetb: ice bowie and oth• er nut betiding.: all satiated. Seised aJd ukra le ezecatice we Lb* pravertr of A B. tketirkg, at the salt of J. goatee. JOILN OR.BLYO, Shit • Cke. Beam, AL. Aar IT. nr:n- rt , LOOK HERE. Craning API 011111/111X11111100006. —1" b• 1.7 anderelgtairl hots kayo to lateens Ws Meade and the public generally that be Me Just received a new stock ot tootle of the levet styles for Sprlag and Hammer wear oaten ba offers st nary Madam Mee. UENTLEJIHNS FURNISHING la ON HAND 000 , CONSTANTLY . _ tbothlne nude to order on the shouteat notlea. Thankful to the public for peat Issas, I hope by close attention to business to malts matins- AOCs of the mew DANIEL MILLEIL,PA, aßmur BRIDUIVIVATNR. roar 24:tr 'isAF):l444 31 PRICE ONLY $4O t We are now able to offer to the robUo A FIRST CLASSSEWING MACHINE of 1 , . operinf mile or !bleb, Embracing all the latest ImproremenO found In Europe and AlDelia, at a Price gaits within Shoresteh *revery dleaseo hold Mahe Land. V1V1301..1C IME D. The snide ni.seri members of the Sewing Bocie ty for the hewed' of the M. E. Church, Brewer, ham, in had the WILSON bin:TILE bE hilNo MA CIIIN E in wwi for some time. take plessum In Mating that, Ibr simplicity of conetnictlon. durw billy. ram of operation. speed and besot, of per. Ibrmanee. we belle.. it is not stopured by air Machine In Me market. Mrs. J. F. Duro. Pres Mtn M.A. Gemindanner. Pres.l Mr.. If. Phillips, Tram Mrs. Prof. IL T. Taylor, Mn.. Rs". J. IL Miller. Mr.. Her. W. IL Lute. Mn.. Rev. F. D. Fast, Mr.. Dr. Me. Nett„ Mrs. A. Border,' Mrs. William Bowser. Mrs, benalor.l.S.llutan. 'Mrs. A. M. Atkin, Mrs M. 1...00. Mn. J. U. Butler. Mn. X. W. Dickey. UN. M. Tallow, Mn. IL A. W nation. Moo. Agnes Johnsion, Mho U. U. Lyon, Ilion Elects Allkon,, MIIIILoo..C. W Sim Andre. Mato. .7. WILTAND,&ey t u Ilitn3 St., beaver, P.L. ANDERSON, Arent., . Otnee and SAWS 1101:161%, umartt,tyjoltn 8. J. tborlillat Book Concern, i 200 Malberry nt. New York. •Being In emotant receipt of laqateine from uor brethren reverting nyder Machine,. with re (iamb to resommend and pastime. we hare In suninecelun with some lady.hienda, carefully ad thoroughly examloed the varlets. OUIChIOCO of IfiCt/Cill value for family awing. and god those made by the Wheeler .1b Waren Mandataries; Company. BM Broadway. New 'York. to folly corn. bloc the casentleila of a gcood Inanmeret, and each as we can confidently recommend. Mitring tees an favorable moults from their rule In our own, end to the beaseholda of one friend►. we are de. dross that their benefits aloud be eared by all. oar brethren. and hems lave intageted ourselves in their behalf. AIM STIVSNO Tuna.. CAILION, Jamas Fair. J Penna. DASILL .1 BENJ. EDICULDO, DAYM Timer. W. A". Cox. Bay the Wbeelerk Wilson Kerrie/ Shaklee. WY. SUMNER i Cu.. eogleodet) _HO Wood St.. PlttoteuTh. Pa. -Reduced Prices! Speyerer & Sons Ilarejtutt Returned from thezEast WITII A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Bought at the Lowest Cash Prices, And will sell some Goods AS LOW AS BEFORE THE WAR! Consiatineet Dry Goods, Groceries, Pro. visions, Hardware, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hope, Ocuin, Packing Yarn, Iron, Nails, Paints, White Lead, Oil, Putty, Queensware, Wit• low-wa re,Flour, Peed, Grain and Bacon, a • ty or Printi.,3lusiiis, Tirkines,Delaing,Checica, Al pclEi.,J Ca Ili. Din / C rash an I Donery ; also. Teas, Coffees, Sukara, Syrups, Mobilises, Carbon Oil, 200 Wa. of Use Webrated Canton Cia AND NEW CREEK FLOUR, Just arrived and fur sale. Wholesale and At Pittsburg Prices. 200 Kegs Wheeling Nails: ONE CAR WHITE LIME; Land Plaster, and Akron Omuta/ ; A Largo Sto ck or. White Lead and A cry superior quality of St v regi laptu antl a lot of Ca Just Arrived and for sale, and Retail. ALSO, PURE CATAWBA, I —and— Concord Wi Or our own vintner, ror Sacramenba Purponen. are4il , commended by ihrre b used them. They arc also Agents ter KNIFFEN MOWER AND And Pitt. Nit. Plow Co'a. Plows. • Thauktng the Public, for t eir put pat mnage. we hope to merit a Went dune in the future. All Goods Delivered Ave ofChan" You can rely on %P. triode being fresh, as all our old goods were sold at auction. SPIABRER & SONS, aprlliac List of Appliauts for Licence at Sep tember Sessions, 1870. Maria 110t111:14 • " . JUNI Audition. Homer Tana Pa. John Bounell, Nov Me m& Po. head. Blow Now Intibtoo. Pa. iingrAte ' JOHN O. HALM Mr*. Paints. z& \Vet. bon Oil 11Vholesale ABELLA. es, arm' tint' t lily Re : have MEM
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