TVIB eaves A ros. WIOrAND, Itbrroa * Aim ointriipa. Ileiver, Pa., x.ll 97, £S7O. REPUBLICAN TICKET. 1879. .Fbr : • MIURA EL WEYAND, Subject to DlAlet Cottfems' mtifimtion, plorAtiseuilfdy: • WILLIAMC. - BHURLOCK, • DEMAI3 M. LETIIERIIAN, WILLIAM A. MICKEY. For- Prothouoitsry 2' • ' JOHN CAUOHEY. - !For Cbutmidutioner: SAMUEL TORRENCE. POi• Jury Cbotativriourr: •, JAMES WARNOCK.. ' For Poor Moue Director: • HIRAM REED. • Fur Auditor : • - ' J. If. CHRISTY, For 11 lateei Of :Academy: • REY. D. C. CItICHLOW, • • , M. rfARRAGII. • • • "FATTIER ABRAHAM," published at Lanatster, says that "lifackeY, Don Cameron do Co.; are now at Bedford Springs, busily engaged in "setting up" things so as to get control of the Shit° Treasury next year. had taken it' for granted that Mr. Mackey would again be a' with date for State Treasurer at the next session of the Legislature, but as his organ hero (the Rat/kW) brought but Mr. Simon Brown for that office last week. we judge Mr. Mackey declines the further use of. his name in that ismutvtion. ' MK: Brown; it the pres ent time, IS in the Allegheny munty . workhouse,,sent there eleven months by the Mayor for stealing' four dol lars. How the Radical will get its eandidate properly before the Legis lature, under the circumstances, be -1411110.4 a very interesting question, to I he "lookers on in Venice." I:list:men:lug we commend not only to the ladies of Beaver, but fo'the sex everywhere: " . .11. may "mollify the opponents of the edue,t "Lion of women In colleges to know "that the consequent expansion of "intellect does not require an equal " tsprettd' In the way of -personal dornment. A Miss EStelle Woods, "61 . ' the graduating chats of the Ohio "Wesiyan College, the daughter of .n "Jtalge, delivered her essay and re "velvet her diploma, tirekst:d In neat "ly fitted 14 cent callec4 . Yet there was no economy of sentiment in her "essay, and the free and easy use she "made of language inify l be judged "from the title, Spherophobia.'" 'fire President has decided to send Lieutenant Gencial fiheridan to Eu rope at once, to observe the operations °lnto contending forces on the Conti nent. Ho will be accompanied by two or three members of his staff, and perhaps prominent officers represent- ' lug the artillery, engineer, and infan try arms of the service. Instruclums haVe also been forwarded to promi nent officers of the United States Na vy, now in Europe. to watch the op erations of Prussia and France, with a.view to reporting any new improve ments inomina %%maim Gen. Sheridan is now in Washing ton securing instructions preparatory to his leaving for the seat of war. This movement is not a now ono. on the part'of our Government. It will be remembered that Gen. McClellan, and two other officers of the regular ,armv were sent to Europe min FliMl• kw errand during the Crimean war. IT Is stated that the friends of Mrs. Lincoln will advise. her to decline the pension of three thousand dollars per annum, voted her by Congress at the late session.' The \ reasons urged are that after what ivas`said in the debate in the Senate about Mrs. Lincoln in connection with thepenSion, she (=- not, out of respect for herself and the memory of her distinguish 4 hus band. accept a boon so grudgingly grantetl. Some of the friends of the , late President propose to bind them selves to . raise Mt* Lincoln three thousand dollars jr annum during the term of her natural life, provided she declines the pension voted by Congress. Col. Ward 11. Lemon. who WILi Unite! Stets marshal for the District of Columbia during Prw idea Lincoln's first' term, premises to ke one of three who will guarantee Mrs. Lincoln 'a thousand dollars an nually: In the meantime, Mrs. Lin coln. herself has not beeicheard from on the subject. A DIMPATCII from 'Berlin, dated July 24th, says: The' only written: doeutnent which ,Prw,witt recelved from France sinee, the beginning of the quarrel reached Berlin-at I:3e p. In. 'Nesday, and was a declaration of war. It declares that, the Emperor of the Ereneh da uhliged to consider the propreal to elevate a Prtanian Prince to the throne of Spain as an at- hick nu the security of I."ritiee, unQ ,he de 'sires Prussia to, disayow the ... scheme. This Prussic% refused to do, i reServing her right to'be governed by (tiro:nista:wes t The Eniperor says he is forma to COuskliT this deternii :-Anction as equally; menacing to Frame and European equilibrium,.and partkilarly , as it WM rendered the mote signilicauct by the communiet lion made by I liussie to the cabinete of Europe, giving an account of the refusal to receive the French Ambas sador. The paper coneludes: "The , French Government is taking steps for the defense of its honor and Injur ed interest, and baying adopted all uustsures which circutiistancei render tweessary, tsinslders itself at war with • Prussia. .rpui.: whole civilized world Is on tipux) tweeting' news from the mid of war. Frm►eo and l'rust+ia have been Mobilising their troops for the last telt days, and a battle Is Inomen-, tarily expected. On To - Way Of last week, a detachment of two hundred French soldiers craysed the frontier Into Prussia for a reeonnolsance, and had a skirmish with a small PruSslan . force. The'Freriehmen Were drialik surrounded / by the (irman soldiers, and all suas‘e prisoners. None wens killed, and only 'a few Wounded. The 'first regular battle, according to all present appowencts,, Is likely, to take place on the Moselle River,' near the frontier of Franco and Pm* oda proper, u few cubes north Of lkfet4 which place is the present heatiquar• tors of a portion of the. French army. This battle,.i r t occurs, be lunged il oh the sid e Frank Whet is ternied the Army of the lsfoselle” Which Is Composed of the isecoutt, • Third Ind Fourth CorPos,and'iosconi.‘ ' minded by Marshall itaralise. This . army must be mot hy:the !nestles' forces under' the command' of the Crown Prince In PerSOf.' The BLIP!' position Is that It will be a disastrous' conflict. as both sides will fight Wlth desperation, knowing that mach of the prestige of .the war will depOn . UpOn the -result of this first engage. 'neat. A EFFECTS OF THE WAO. 4,18 we predicted,' lust week, tho mice of gold, MI/ up, csmelef i allkab under tbd Wskineivir,indlthattramiam r brought to bear upon the market by gamblers In . • the . liieeleits .Metals. From $1.24 on Thursday last,' it ,del.• dined toward ttukeloso ,of the won't. very' considerably; awl will' doubt: . leas ere many,weeks till below ' wlmt it was Mier to the late Etii,4Mottn.W,nr, panic. We base : this , prediction qp_ thn grounits that there are More purer• ); chasers Ofour bonds atfl.o7 mrsl.oW than there nre, of that class • f seort tier; on thq , market; that ":‘ eaters 'in government 'securities abroad will soon discover ' that' our bonds are a far better and safer iriveatment . than those of Europe, and gold Will come; here .for investment; that in the, natdral course of events, this coun try will supply—to a , very ,great eic-' teat—Europa with provislons rind brendstutfa, (luring the :Nur ; thus giying us a balance on our export trade which will relieve the money market , and hasten the resumption of specie payments. In anticipation of this latter presumption, we note an advance In the price of grain and flour In the Eastern markets ulrcaldy. • We would advise our farmers nut to hold back theireropi, in anticipa tion of mil i zing oo healii ly ; because; it is nuire.than irobalilc, the preseUt European war will be, of short 'dura tion. Both powers Were well pre , pared, and have every , Ihellßy of railroads, and bridged ' stmiiers fist to concentration or. troops. It, Is nothing like a campaign in this coun try, wheremarches . areperftirmed on foot.; where roads have to be niade and bridgelibuift for the transporta tion of apMlino" - ' xtlery and' subsistence. luntry'is not mach large, 'ark and Pennsylvant for ages. 41. concentrated . . time. It IS most likely . x onpenuttitoek of bottle will be Immediate; ter kble and decisive, Should this not be the cage, and tho' majority of Europout Powera become - involved, in the ten filet ; then, indeCd it may be pro tracted(for years... But Most of the European governments have amoun ced t, t ; fir intention of remaining neu tral, thus precluding the supPosi , of a enoral war. A other roma why It would be had policy to hold back grain for a heavy advance may be found in the fact that late accoufits reprcent full average crop of • Wheat, with more than an average of corn and those who do not take advantage of an early rise in the Price of bread stuffs will run the risk of being the lasers. Early 'to market, there fore, We think the most advimble course to pursue. ANIATIC IMMIGRATION The Chides° inuudgmtion.question is growing to be one of vast magni tude, and of serious consideration In its brings, nut only upon thebultei try of the country, but in its politiail ampects.• The Asiatic immigration is no longer local—confined -to the 'Pa 7 cilia coast—but natiomd. Southern and casterupitultAticuti and manufac, turing towns are being,stippiied with laborers shipped directly,froM,China. Of course, they, Workfor for, wages than native, pr ,European laborers; otherwise,, they .wouhl not be.lqapor tea to any extent., ,This arouses die . . Indignation Of the latter dais of our citizens, who are holding meetings hi Qtliforniu, Boston, ,New York, and, other Modifies where -the mlestials have been introdueed, protesting against further immigration and pe titioning fur ligislative action to pre went them from becoming Ciiii.4,llB: kstrong elthrt, was made in our last Congress, toward the close of the ses sion, Moss an amendment tO the naturalization bill excluding Chinn from the rights of citizenship; and it MIS urged is a'rcason for its passage that in less than tea years—if llmi gration was- uneheeked—the Chituse would be in the majority in Califer- nia. The_Aslatics have the swine right to coin() to the United Stiites, seek employment and lx..con4Atir.etts us the Inhabitants of any other power. The questiofis ! - 4 labor and polities will regulate themselvps in due course of titim It ill becomes us usa people, who have just closed a bloOdy and protracted witr •to CAnblish equal rights in, thOlovernment,' to raise objections to ei tizeaslt i pon the ground of nationality or color of the Alm. The • XLV and XV Amendments to otti• Censtitutibn. adopted since' the t;lose of the war, guarantee to the CI I i-, namen !UV well as the African or En •mpernt, the rights of . cltirenship rin complying with tht? laws. We have, as'A party, iioot4- ted the, doctrine that the finalienithle rights of Main were deducible from' the laWs of,ttattlip,whielt an ; itothing else but thelaws:of ticsCdlsanterablo ky the light of remouhs.,w4has by limit revelation p , hence they are an erior and, superidr s to' eonstittt , ' tons end Goveratients. The grc.►t end for which visit society is institu ted is to prideet . , defend void vintihstte —lf need be—tlakse rights, among which are life, liberty and the um'Ault, of ham • s. These Tights we bold by virtue of our tuahluxml ;-they are inherent hi, and eonstittitelt; and hir the e"cpress purpose of wearing their, we enter into, muiplud !7 sitihst ozinstitution and bill of rights—as the foundation upon Which in-built ship," 'by cOnsent ,t4petiple'i:a gotern-, ntenf. This, goversinsit, stituted,: must. show no partiality— rats., and colors Must be trtstteq tlid',!)11.41!1 'of 'equality 7 Iherefoiv, COlt!aiptin . bias tho right to eonie over here, labor here, eltiken liere;vate here and hold linVe lutid In , abini4ittv. wish t 0 ... labor ; for tine suie-wautts the Chinese taut cult Witte' the . land, A,* we said heYore,' the 411(41th:60Na.. horwlli soon '',regtilfito itself` by 'tlid law of supply stns, We pnotrat. against violating, in lour tresilinent of theehlnese, theprlnj el plea nod tavie of our Constitutiel:quid pEvict,u, give the eorn..spondenvo : Ministil Rowe Prince ICrenst,' of Chins ; ny' the' death 'tit 10,1 i. Burlingame..,dintregrat ',ex- I;rattt 4 l by the the event. It Is stYted , that,litr. game's Iniwien hits beim gratifyingly Humessful.' and gird thd posthumous upon "was,Atte pulp* griAin tug one perial famß. 4 5 ' *-- d ymdo, two MOW PfitTieltJttnil Grisahtim4ere afrcateefor pating\ht tile hanging. of Jams roil, some days since, and bound ovep for further trial. This is the first instance in that territory where thelciaTitif,tho4)ies hive Inteifered in the acts orthe so alled vigilante ' idghitt th eu . do the FRANCO-PRVINIA* • Empriis Elise*" Dellghteil, LONDON, July /9.—. A imeckil' patch to the Tinues front Paris evil the Empress Eugenia is , delighted that the Prince Imperial will now soehis first eampaignwith his father. Oliver avows ,entire confidence In She iltvomble result, of the war. ' , , Austria Joins Framer. • Nisw Yorx, July .10.. , —A special to the Times from London saws: It Is positively asserted hero today, on what is regarded as the highest auth ority, than Austria Joins France upinst PrusAa. . There is much ex. citement. Naval Rattle flapptimed. , 1 " THE IlaGrE, July , Noon,—The rumbling sounds of heavy cannona ding. as If from a point oft the coast, are distinctly heard in thIS city, crea tinggreatexcitement. , it bt supposed that the French fleet have overtaken the Prussian squadron hem England end that a great naval battle is In progress. LONDON; July 20, Noon.-:—Thero are rumors that a naval battle is in progress elf the coast of fIoIWO. 2: 00 I'. \t.—The .2 . 7fizes-ef thbffore noon reports that it meVitinent of the French army has begun and that hostilities" 'Muse been' openedi near Forbaeh.• • '••,/ . & gefitioniap"just returned frdin 'it. trip up the Illtine,•telts hisexperletWe to the' 77tnit4of. Mb+ -morning:l Ho says thit(lernlan army is quiet; grave, anxioo anti rmilute, and On the nth-' erhand the Freneh are drinking, Yel ,llrig, swaggering,lnd - literally spoil ing for a fight. For every one Ge r soldier Ile saw a hmulred French. . Telegraphic commenleation be tween France and (iennnny haslbeen destroyed by the authorities. j Franco places an army of 3;0,000 men upon ;he Rhine. All (3ermans in the service of the French have been ordered to return forthwith. MB ved and NentraMg in the Bahia; and North Seas. [ , LONDON, July 20.—1 t is rep o rted he c that Enatudi Russia. and the Unit's' States propose the neutraliza tion alto Baltic and Nortir WM. The Prussian Government has an nounced tIW the MerchantineueVon of the onetnY\will net be . Inteffered with oir the . WI seas,.uniais for fame sts which would , xposo neutrals to seizure. —. 4, Meeting of North k.ertnan Par• lianiont—Derlaratio o f War Announced. 1; , . • , BEILmN, July *:h—ftelch leg. or North German ParliaMblit, met,yes terday afternooh. The Grand Duke of :Weld ngburg-Scheerim was chase President. Vehement cheering foL. lowed Count 'Von •BismarckN an nouncement of the' Declaration of war by Prance. The King then opened the session with a speech, which WWI greeted with the wildest enthusiasm. Ntirring , Sperch from King Wit. liani King. William charged the &ape ler of the French whit seeking for a pretext.for war in a manner unheard of lit the annals of political intercourse and declaring war with that disregard for the people's rights to the Washita; of peace of which the first Napoleon gave such .au analogous example. But Germany now had the will and the power to repel mrgrtssiou and before the judgment seat of Goa and mankind, the King solerimly. deelarl ed, the•responsibility fell on the man who had dragged ttvottreat Tamales; into a devastating : wanfor. the. fur-, therance of his own Personal Interest. The King of, Prussia had no Inter est .in the selection of. the Prince of Hohenzollern for the Spanish throne,. exeept.that It might bringTeace to a friendly people. It had nevertheless furnished the Emperor of the French with a pretext fur war unknown to diplomacy, and scorning peace, he had indulged in language to Germa ny which could only been prompted by a miscalculation of their strength. Germany was powerful enough to re sent such language and repel such in solence. lie said so in all reverence, knowing that the event weighed the responsibility which rested on the man Will) drives into war and havoc two great and tranquil nationsyearn ing for peace and the enjoyment of the common ,blessings of Christian civilization and prosperity, and fur. Conte more salutary than those of blood. .Those who rule Frame have shrewdly studied the proper method of hitting the sensitive pride of that great neighbor nation, ,and, topro .moke selfish 7interests have atilsguakiil it. • • . Then, concluded the King, as .our. fathers heron' us have done, let us light for liberty and our rights against the wrongs inflicted by a foreign con queror, and as lie was with our fath ers, FA I (led will tie with us in a strug gle without which Europe can never enjoy lasting peace. . , French • Chantherm— Anoonnor moot of the Existence of Mole of Woe. LoNoyx, July 2.0.—1 n the Cnrli !Aegislaid' tdkday, Doke tirananond announoed that war, Ida been dean , ed.with- Prussia mid her the following words: . Newsieurx: The exissa., presented .to you on the 15th inst.,,•nuttle known tho• causes we , have for .war against Prussia. According to the rales and usage of nations, and by order of the • Emperor, I havereluested ..the Charge W:Atli:neat Berlin to notjtythe Cabi net of Prussia of ,our resolution' to seek with arms the guarantees , ire could not obtain by discussion. This. has been done, and I have the honor to ntakc known to the Corps Legisla. .tif.that in consetpance thereof a Slate war 'exists:since the 19W between France and Prussia. This declaration appears to be to the allies of, Promla who ,give :her armed twistanco. • Alleged ladrigne by , Eugenio". It is now stated at Berliti.that the 'failure of the intrigue between. the 'l , lnipretts Eugenia, to mirry- her niece the' Duchess of Alba; Ur Prince Leo iwitd, is •therild cause of the piment trotlble betwee.. Pranee tind Prteksin. The • father of the Ihiehess . is now ih Madrid, drowned in debt awl gitiOt ally dcyplseth • ••! • • . • ••• rrteler Ntsptileun goes to tbe'llal. It Is rtinteitsti that l'rinee Zlnpolenn to the It:title, .tuul with ,Itim, iiiittllortt l 6ttipbrate with tholleer.: 'CitcOlor to' . Cieueli Agenix i -NiOttire dl' Nego ' tllttl6ur' , July.:.—The Jouinut QP • publish 44, of , .inter of riitAnt Affairs,' t tinted. July; lidtlieshed ''t o ' ,the ,I)llllontatte' akents iit'Pritnee at ' forOgit• The circular nientionalhe e.whination made on the'l,lth of7til'y hi the (:hatithers in' regard 'to, the hiptil events, of negotiation. in which iul ast tLa wci redotibled our efterttl to lire:serve ' finer).' the. seeret dealgns were d 41 evelom. of an tulve*y re ! . 'Solved to, render it litsi)iNdble. IVhethtir;',lloCabinet' has ,juilgOd iieetissary ,ter'the. itivotn• plislunent . tlibir pritlects against .the Self-governittent ,of the Vern - tan orharol3.#;,sAtiSfled Tut in e4tabitsbeti 41 'the' centre :or:Europe. a military I 'ifillWeits ifelghboni. they:hal:hi/died totiturn tb'neentint'thepower,'tilrendY netinTrett hy',displaylng definitely to the advantage of I',r la the oettilibrltup; - prehieditittetl'ln 'fel:llion to refuse teikuaratiteeKwhleh' • : • Indispensable to our security as ~ ell as o o honor showed Itself by • o z stro o, 'evidence in their con 'duet of .- o nation: •, , i . The ~ ~ , iprulat then mentions the ilandldeabre ofTrince Hohenzollern, Ind declare; thiat the Berlin Qibinet hoped le - place - the Prince on the Throne of Charles V: by a surprise, believing Europe would accept ; the accomplished fact, and that France, in spite of her temporary diapieasere, would hesitate to oppoee the express will of the Spanish people, whe were friendly . to her; .The French govern ment,' informed .of danger from this intrigue, did not hesitate to denounce it to the Representatives of the-peo ple and to'foragri powers. 'All have felt that Prussia was alone in her tin Scrupulous policy, and that knowing herself to be withent support in the commOn' iigh,t,,she .htus nevertheless, fought to 'inipote 'upon :Europe the further abuse of - so dangerous an ex tension of her Influence. France, took . Up tha \ rnuse 'of balance of Ower, icnowlnrit ' te` be ' the, aurae . (of nil pcopleenioniced, like herself'by the disproportionate • aggrandizement, of one royal housb. In doing-; so, she has not placed herself in opposition to her. own'inailins,and' policy, or those of the Great Powers . :-.The,cir cular cites as proof the ,ass es of liel7 giu in ; Greece and Naples—the refusal of the Great Powers. to all(o , apy of their Princes to mount those thrones. • The' circular 'then mentions the ' withdraw! Cot the Hohenzollern, the refusal of.Pru.lit to give guarante&s, and other incidents which , have 'fol. lowe,d; adding that Fruited ought to dethand guaranteeiaincePnmitthad• al - ready given het word' that Prince of Hohenzollern should' not mount the throne of Spain. When In March, 184;9, there laid been a queStion of his candidature Int that time tho French Minister at Merlin told the King that no PruAsiatcaved reign' in Spain. (bunt Ilism. irk Said that France need' not concern liorselfatn contingency so iinprothible, and Herr Vontblle,, Prussian under-Secretary of Foreign Affairs, staVe his word of honor ' that a 'Hohenzollern wits not and could lat be a (=dictate.lf assurance; thus solemn cannot be relied upon, diplomatic intercourse must Cease: In repudiating such pledges, Prgasia challenges Prance, who now only ;lemmas, in view of previous tenth . - ersittion,that the former renunclailon i of her designs be madeoreal and per mauent. .The circular concludes by deel ari ng that history must assign to Prussia the, responsibility for a war which she had the means of avoiding and which, while she effects to deplore It, she' had rather sought, and adds: 'Under what circumstances has she done, this? It is when France for four years past h:ts retrained, with an 'almost exaggerated scrupulous negs, from invoking against her trea ties concluded under the mediation of the Emperor, but to which she has failed to given voluntary .support. Of all the aets of this Government, which has only thought of Means. of freeing herself from . obligations of treaties, even while signing them, Europe= has been witness. Let . Eu r Ope pronounce upon the justice of the cause.' Several Slarmilshre Iteptivaia7- Great Secrecy EntbrZetL Pmt.'s, July 22,--0 p. m.—The eve ' :ring journals report several skirmish '',es yesterday between the advanced guard A a lolng i t s h ex f t on m t e ie l r y b d u if t fi giuvlet no to obtain intelligenes, as correspond ents are Wetly forbidden from ap proachinethe army lines. The nuthbrities of Strasbourg no longer permit iArangers to ascend the steeple of the Cathedral, because the movements of tiuNtroops on rixrtli sides can be seen froinAhat point. Quarters were prepliwd for the Emperor and his staff at Strasbourg. The number of volunteers\ enlistal for the war is 97,000. Manyle: offer their services \ us monies - fo r he wounded. While 1 , the scrvi ey will wear a costume similar to those of the Sisters of Charity. .. - . . A General Council of the Bank of. Trams, by advice of the (fovernor, have voted to give 100,000 Inures to ; the Sanitary Society, and resolved to continue the salaries of all employes calkxl into the military service, whether in the army, the reserve or garde mobile. Vessel have been sent to New Foundland to notify the French fish ermen of the thelandion of war. The Journal O(/ich'l reprints from the Journal de I ,% rance a serious lie.' eusat ion against Count Bray, Bava rian Minister. He is charged with misleading the Bavarian Cham4crs, by announcing, that the French troops had invaded Bavaria, audit is;alleged that by this falsehood he succeeded in forcing the Chambers to void the repireitsubsidies. The municipal eleetions in France Will be held on the nth of August. A 1114441t•tddrudoth. i:xTZ, July 25.—A Prussian force froM Sitar Louis crossed the French border on Rtturday to make a reeontroisance in the direction of St. Avolt and Metz. After proceed ing some distance they encountered an outpost of the enemy ant had a brisk. skirmish With a force of French chasseurs. • • The PruAtms 'retired, Imtving tem men on the field:' It is believed the Frenehiost ten or twelve It is confidently stated the, Prnii- Mans are 'strengthing Coblentz only with the Intention of making It a late of otierations,.and they intend to throw a force dowel the line of the I.laar and carry en offensive War Into Prance. Bridge Bllfwn'by' the retas-' Maim. aricAAltouta: July 2.4.—YostonlaY uflorioxnvn Prtin4lati form on the 1311- den Millu faith° river bleu• up the ouiteni side pf• the bridge come eting this city with Kchl:• 4 ----- Suicide or Yi..Paradol. , WAlunNuroif, July 20, 1870, The French. Minister shot himself Ail, his sleeping chamber„ front room of the second story, and tho eireuns stances attending it show that the•act 111.9 premeditated. The. inmates .of the house attains time were his house keeper and .a French servant man. The Wonsan hearth the report of a pis. tol awl rushed into the room, where she found Paradol lying dead on the floor, bleeding from the left breast, the Dull having entered Immediately over, the heart. Tho weapon was a smell single barrel breach ioading Colt's pistol. It Is ascertained that lie walked out yesterday.and purcha sed a pair of pistols of the style descri bed. The other W ki found upon his bitieni with. cartridges beside it. The body was esolstimed andprepa red for burial, but nothing further will be dont-until the arrival of M. Berthemy, the lute Freuch Minister, who is In• New York, fund who. has been Summoned by telegraph: The bedy will no doubt be taken to France. Pantdol had prepared himself for bed, .but had evidently remained up iq his,chamber for some, time, medi tating suicide. Ito had nothing on luit,hts sight shirt and slippers, and, apparently, stood fiwiug the , ft replace , and near thetotter of the room. • The bodY, ;was found lying on • the hack,. inie it drawn Upward, the left...arm otitistretehed above, the laced. The. Fose!' Minister took possession. Of 'ids en Friday • last, on ,Sttnilay .eveding. he sent .his Son and daughter; necetimatned him to this country to : Newport, 'Abode Is land, Intending to foie them'3hero In a' feW days, and, spemithe tatmeier. 'tie , lett a , note; Saying,' "I kill myself, MAlcrthy, F oote back : end stay'.7' The members Of' the French logatiOn were absent from Washing- . ton,' with the exceptipa''of 31. Do Jardin. the phancel lot. That gentle maneommunicated the Met to tleero= tary Fish; :ivho, after eipreashitsur- Prise and profound regret; Suggested Corenerisingticsf,,to ;which Y: Do :fertile assented and seven o'clock this evening' Wt ,(Jeolimitedr trythe 'tlorefier for:that erpose. "'lto entire !etimmunity'ia shocked'hy, the tweet. At InceolVett the body of the , tete huusterraradolA not was resit Which :w lett ye for M.'do Ji*- dittrzwytesting to send his fob lly and servints. France. 1:10 4 610_ teflifieth that P*adol's nd llPPeared. atiactodAkf thOteat. "The jury return a verdict of death by his own hands while under mental aberratkon. -, y NEWS illtinKAßY. . . Ar. "Mudding, .the. , phusee,T perlodiddist •of Boston ( (lied 'ott Thursday last. • z' • —The Emperor rif Chinn .hns Ap pointed a Consul at Portland, Oro . gon. • , The Spanish prow . generally rid kale tho proclamation of the dogma of --The steamship. European, from New. ; Xork, arrived -At. Glasgow on Thutsday last. .- . . —The President and family left Washington for Longjlranelt Thum daY morning. • Colerick has. received ,the Democratic nomination for Congress In the Ninth District of Indiana. . • —Jackson Orr has been nominated for Congres4 by the Republicans of The sixth District of lowa. • •-' —The Liberal party of Utah have nominates" Gen. George It. Maxwell for delegate to Congress. - —One of the Paris Journals accepts the war between Pranc and Prussia as God's intervention to check Pro testanism. • • • • —The steamships Leipsle, Maine and New York will not leave South, ampton untiLotllcially notified that it is safe to do so. —An anti-Chinese State Conven tion has been called to meet at Sa u l „Francisco; Autin4oth..- --Ayoung' woman named Sarah Omen committed suicido-at Indiana polis • , Indiana, Thurs&ty morni ng last, by taking arsenic. —Jilt Oshkosh, Wisconsin, on IVedneßlay afternoon last, Johanna Thompson' aged thirteen years, was struck by lightning and killed. - ,-The fact that Austria Is ordering. an extended field of maneuvers on , lintagary Is accepted as proving sin wcrity for her nationality. • z• ' —Dispatches from . Athens. Greece; state that theresignationorMinfaters• has been accepted,' and the King hits charged Deligerges with - the forma- . tion of a new Cabinet.. —Cincinnati was visited on ThursT tiny by a Violent hailstorm, and hail stones fell so rapidly* Into the river as to form, in appearance, floating cake.; of Ice. —SenatorAmes inanied the daugl ter of Hon. B. F. Butler, at. Lowell, Mass., on Thursday evening knit.— They leave for Minnesota shortly. —On Tuesday, near Chenoa, Ill„ Daniel and Patrick Quevmy, while' riding on horseback, were struck by lightning. Iktniet and both hems were killed and Patrick severely shocked. —A • letter from Fort 'Amalie, dated July Gth, says: "HO Cloud state; that if his people do not make treaty of peace, he will leave them, and will send his son east to be edti-• noted." —The Sttornev General at Colum bus, Ohio, on Thursday had eoni menced proceedings in the Supreme Court to test the legality of the recent annexation of territory to Cincinnati.. —Tim boats and fishing tackle seized on the St. Lawrence river have been ordered returned, and hereafter pleasure fishing Partits . will be granted permits by the overseer of the fisheries. ,—lt is estimates]. hap! a Boston telegram of Thursday, that the de cline in the number of (lerman emi grants to America thlst - year, will reach fully 'POMO on Kplattr, of the war. dor. — 1- N.,.l l 7iiiittnt Sanford; it :iilicksmitit, liting at Young AuterlM, Illinois, on Sundav last was struck by light fling and inshmtly killed: ilits wife; who wak\standing !time him, wits t i r considerably Injured. - ! —lteir. Dr. 'Neuman, o Washing; ton City, will stag Indays for, Utah, to delivpr an-art:tit mt. to the Saints against polyg.hny. This Is in accordance with a ehallta it extend ed to and iceeptod by 'dui me time ago. —A San Pancisco , biegrat L id l I Thursday Sqri : It is ru ored tind 1 a tlllibustering impediti is being'l fitted out to capture and , under the French Moults of Tath it and New Caledonia. The French nsul here is preparing for the enter !ticy. —The resitional of the Lte French Minister Paradol is untie guard of the Marine Corp.:, subJectto the or ders of' , the French, beggion. 'The body of the Late minister raS sent to Now York intFritlity last! for ship ment on , the steamer Mayotte' for France. The Children f Paradof will, together with"tho Heralds, onn bark on the sure steameron Satin , day —Lieut. Gen. Sherldiniccompan led by Gen. Forsythe, of Islthiff,-Ond his friend I )r. I lityden ' lit Chieago for Washington on Thunlay . morn ; lug to receive 'his instru/ons; and t will sail from New Yorkt the Cuba on the :10th, It is undors Gener al Sherman will assume et mind of that department during ti Lieuten ant General's ahsence. . '' • • • -:-BaronGorolt on Thursd evening received the following . an 'et' front the French governmen, "The French government refuit to' ex*- oropt the North Germailstilmient from capture, except tints( t sat 'lg norant of war, which may nter the French•i , t ,, lort,i." The Liam inunedi- atoly tel ~raphed the abr. to The i l Consul-(.(metal of North 'crinany 1 at New York. —A farmer living tat Elkhart, Indiana, has refused for . si Y1N11 . 3 to sell his wool, because h Old not get the ..price he demanol. His stock ItaS, literature, inerea.4l, until the office day he ceucludedito woo down, and brought, to lewsver five thousand pounds of wobyettetract ing it , at from thirty, five 't lhi rty eight eents per pound. F a large proportion of this wool he 4114 long ago offered sl,per pound a refused it. —For sumo time indict. we been eireulatod through the dit lit fron tier pasts to the effect tin a MN. Dorothy Field had been alluvial by the Indians from Menordfunky, (In the San Saba ?Liver, four nes below. MeKuvett, State of Ttmasod *offer ing a reward of MO in go .for. her safe return to any point into Unit ed Stahai. It lw been ilertabied that she was shot, timilpeditid. tied to a tree, where she ol left, to starve. . —Peter Illimni,Who a' Ort time ago killed a boy eight yed old, at the house of Mr. lieffman r Bur lington,: Boone 'county% , entucky; and then attempted to 4inge the Wife of Mr. Hoffman,wterniptly urreded. A. Brioche! gran ury *dieted him for murder i he first 'degree,,-Wednesday .1113linu was tried by ' a court al ly con 'vened, found guilty, am ntsnetal to be hanged on the Nth . AugUst next. ; lie , pm:fret:led litticoncern ter hls fate.. - • I • • 'terrible 'nflhir •deedei near PlYinouth,'Sheboygtut Wl4- consult, recently, Charles u ' was hltchlnglils horse toe rmi,r, Olen they became frightened iti••harri clap of thender and threw I own, dragging the rattier, over 1 Ho was terribly' mangled,ate i d on the following day. A reale : pre 7 ylous tollte ['mend of ' :tT. widow disapputred; and at i • her body . WILY found in e hanging from the limb 'of had committed suicide. —Six. hundred years ato Polo, the celebrated Venal. ler, vlsitcd - Hang-Chow.. time it contained a populatio 2,500,000 souls, and was the ,-- - oils of Nina . .wns Apciosed-in 1 same ke w eeno -*lran ed a ..,• . thewealth m• pop :, . us; Mks- Ott- , co 4.l ;the ,4. taut t h • to .'• ~ , ...0 .' .w' w 'Mr in t ) It..before_christ. At ths lime Cart and Troy were flourishing, ltonlq dno . : .. fomaml- , Athens wean lierJe .. ... ehilomon had not yet dedicated , °temple. Today tiwirrayalte of-Troy le lost-A•44l* night of antiquityi tho,!!kliolas of Na tions" is in the dwit, the' 'gory of Athens is known only in Os l ohyorp, Ides of Homer. and traces of the grand Temple of, Sokornoa are only Co be Tone by ; htborinus research. What; a train tedreamy 111113101111. It suggests tbatiotil4l all. these - 01mo and chancel! herisstaitd 'thole gloomy walls and towering , tempiery-con teropmaneous .with hoar antiquity— wh lel!, to all - outward - appmrances,, Mill Preserv6 a set calm . and 'statues quo composure! -•-, . - . WAIt ITEMW • —Tluidernainitateraislng patriotle. hospital nimbi :Liverpool and elser Where. —The :Cologne Gazelle reports a combat near &artwork, between the Prussinita and the French. The lair. .or wore hcoten,olid •pursued. —The S4ipping Gazelle considering theextediled coast lino or Prussia, doubts if the blockadeenn Ix; made effective uteler the law of na tions. the proposltioiti and demands made by the :Prmslan Government, have been votedby theAteichstag—s Legislature—which, after an ardent speech from Count Von I3lsrpark, adjourned. • —Cmirlers left Paris on Thursday, list with despatches for the Califnets of Austria and' Lally, It is believed the Emperor,. demands from thift powers theTulfillment' of the agree ment already Made tetake'sides with France. .. —The Paris,./At Liberte reports the Prustien .- troops massed! between Troves and Saarbruck us having fell back to concentrate between the for tkasesOf Coblentit and 11fitYrince. " - --I.arge , fardeafhave Ixten'llifUied by 'M fritis hgovernment for naval sup-.. Plies. There Is : great activityat all 'the !naval' stations. ' &vend war Veit.: ;'sets have heenerdered-toeoneentrate• at Plymotith.i . : J, ' , . :- 1.. ~ :c . 7 ,-;The - (kaftans of Cincinnati , are 'exerting thetaseltets in it (inlet 'but determined Manner, to render pecu 'nliiiy aid to Prussia. The French, who number about roe in all. are demonstrative, but ns yet have made no organize! effort In behalf of their .mation. I —The Paris eerr&pondent of the .Pail Midi Gazelle Says a foreign legion Is proposed, and four hundred Amer icans have . volunteered- to' fight for France al,minst l'russla: Others from America 'subscribed 'liberally to the hospital fund:. , . ;- - - , lt is thought the French frigate, off Eddystone lighthousKis lying in watt for the German steamer ifoisa tia2l The British Admiralty decline PO detail veteelS to watch French -cruisers. Tim _Hamburg - statmers, however, will continue to run. —The Berlin (lazette declares that befiire the war is over Germany and Enrepe will effeet from France guar antees for the oliNervilliee of peace 'hereafter, and in 14114fUr refusal, to so .cripple her its to preetit. her making :now mischief. —lt is re li . ..ted that the French army, on the Prussia frontier, will make Sirk the basis of Its operations., A French gunboat is cruising off the -Eddystone lighthouse, and French cruisers are reported off Emden, lfanover. ' ' • The North i Get man Governnuint offersa reward of two pounds sterling on the first notification of the decla ration of war given any German ship at sea; the go to the captain., of the ship'.gildng- such. notification: . —A council 'cif Ministers was held at.Yienns, on l,rlttirsdatir,wldell wordtwos • receiited, - tha Nrs4„ria should briaint4tre position: SC* 'b rut nentnilltylTittrAtisittlia &Ma .II: meta itikuyjn . it bois, .1 - Itedltecutildf:+, listing surplh'ii- -/fer eltetier r pettily lialepent ent upon thatotl.hciV*.t y -.I t irreportml 'tliat' . .tlie Adt - ,01 I of the Europcan fleet of .ilie Uri I States has ra-eived Nil* to k , p his vessels well together.- and italeit events. .Varieloid • has broken 'out on board, the flagship franklin, qut 'tintletiiiiA. I . • , ••••-.,-,....-.-,...._.. 1, i .11„!•Bult ror Ike Tigipajrend. ' That\ Chu 44.filit ;of tin) , Illaugbjz Treasur3""ring heft .winter Was a for tunate event Iron fie 'berm+ of Pennsylvanian liinnifes4 its we - are.affortled letter opportunity, by tfictitipse of t.,1ine,.., of contrasting the present managotaclat of the State finamta witktheexilitept, dinar) , mismanagementclimilayet4 . Mackey'. 'ln iOnniemotally't, ~, '. statistialN published -._by-ctw.- • I' weeks ago, it'waSifite,wo; Mr: 31.ackey's'edininistrgiOdg, •, , were retteemeCOt i ,, tlllllollV i ad over ilue ans, ettc. PI while during tile co - iienditig year, of his predecessor; (leis , It`Witt, limns 'were to the amount of $2,.879,:133,6711ih0tvitig . - 4Ailatticre' Id favor of irwiti!:( financtering of one million, eight itundadantilsixty.tiVe thenstind, eight hundred.andeighty seven dollars fOnd twenty-live cent ($l-.865,8,137,31iy, The"Satue Abitistiai revealed the siiptillcaut fact the dur ing Irwin's administration' the. "un expended' traltufee""iy , as 'decreased ' $1,506,0:10;431 whilealurinr, `lllackeyV term of one year thiscorruptlonfund was increased over one , million Uul tars -($1,002,:01,43). ~ Had !ilieekeY, devoted this million of dolkirs44 payment Xif thief Adoeltleht (if 4 at by Samba' iiillingfelt the -year previous) instead of keeping .it am a !political iarruptiOnfundlnthe';'vatilt accaufit," thouatuds of dollars would' havelfeen saved to. the taxpayers Of the State in hitereSt • on . the Iniblie • deht:r Those, rlo4weie set forth - In' detifil in the 'Didly'Empress of May :Di, and June 1,1 and republished in the 11',ekto ../..isprem of June l; het damagiegats3.ll4 wpre.te ,liiii repute that of Mr. .M.lV:ictiy, as a "great fi— nancier," and li e utillatlng:as the ex = ensure Was to his friends, they have not attempted (oft& hour to' contro vert asingle fish, figure or thstuca thin therein presential. . • ; ' I But a still greeter humiliatiim awaits these old 'l'reasury, bummers in facts and figtirchs'still to came and which f.llyaikq :likt:.-repiejilidiiil menitmers wrier bolted the Mackey caucus and yo edifurfGeo. IrWin, the soundness I, Whose republicanism had never been qutationed. Althottuh lienerat Irwin 'has /awl possession of the Tieasury 1e.4 tidal tad Mouths and « half, he has hi that - time "mid 'dr ylv.t.mlo7,l,llclihbvit* '44fert4/ 87417,141.1, 1 1.P 1 in Than 'trial a al ay Marlaly derby his entire term! Hero „ am the figures: I 'in' 'paid in Mi . iy, i5i0....5160,13:12,73 •• " a anc,l - ... , isfmkott Jelly 13111 .... :5W,385,10 lir 1 5;;1g20,597,83 Now, we eall•the attention bf; the untie:4i taxpayers of the Slate to the fact. t h at ' if lienahif 1 Billingfbit hnd ltelmehl,andtheirfellow bolters, had been bofincr by thich'n' resolution As waS adopted by ,the 'Ammeter Omnty 'Contniftteh'. the other 'day, 4 'requiring a pledge from all, urndi datta for tlriegisiu,tuse that ha 'will attend all caucusei for the nomination of State Iroxisurer and other ollicers,, and that will 'abide by the deciSlon of such eaucus,'! this million of dol lars yhieh has just been usql ip pay ing off that much oft thtchtute .debt and thereby to that'extentlightening the burdens of the ttixpaYerS, still be hid away from public gaze in Ilatt ihysterloir:"Vimlt account,*lor thibenellt, 'of Mr. Mackey. and 'his treasurrioosters, including sonic of hiseditorial champions who had the use of $14,0011 tipleee; . "tind' whd are' novt, - of course, thoroughly disgusted' web, owls She reo ve that over Ip. i i---a--. - i - - - i'4,;.`•.' '-' masses of the. party. l " -- l ' ' Er 'el*l., ' ! • , !. .... 10,aya1 Partielperaietla the War. , Ilethlhe' EMPertif at. ilia,*olo: and tha.King of Prutt. raweid entitighte.las thhiktragoillSWlF ,fithign than Wat., - 01411 g iggire , ly-two yeah, tir age ow . l of, Aptillastotnil bia freoututtahl'Of 111-. nese, and bltilfitabaitititlOnin early. WIN rendered, it- extremnif 4oUbtful Who reaches, iiibehleielatWeil. DOW Wore and ten. ~ K inglii#llamls even• older, havingjedhoptstp-the .9-Bpd 'MO of Ma ~ 1707. 11th 1 IMO - of Ituatia, it yl4lllf s x;Vetztp l ial4 a haa ttEito "soVatis Moelten ti ed. %He was ,Pern Mort& W, itilPi . els a 'nephew of i thp /eg PiFr/l i r titit si .0 l'he' nniperbr of ustrta w 1, completh his fortieth 'eared the 18th of AuL;uit,and the icing ofDen ma rk, 1 who may naturallyho to _see, the province.; WIWI :,-sausteti rfraal 'the re l r e' i isl o Pt er weeks he 'sen o 'o le Iu tin: tnoharCh. Kit* LeOpold. III;;. - et Belgium, was 'thirty, five ' ye?, "cf, age en taq 911t 1 oil (Aptin. Belo the: - Sortotgdoeit Vietbrla% iltvorit ur - , do, family sympathies, as well as consideratious, ~ et *tute„ reuder Atm English lietrerrlment ‘Pery.jaallel that the neutiallty.ot his o.keli dorn should . be preserv ed. I log Williain 111., of Holland, another,of the crowned heads who is naturally desirous &keeping out of trouble, is, /he son:1071w ,of the King of Wur temberg, and a nephew of the late I Nlcholaa, of Russia. He was born [ Febrnary , -19th, 18 . 17. Victor Em 7 f 611111.1014 At Italy, who may he involv the war, is fifty years old. He was' born Idarchl4th, 1870. • We have been asked in regard to the relationship which Prince Napo -lean bears to the Emperor of the ,Freach. Ho is hilt Imago, being the son of his uncle, the late Jerome; youngest • brOther of Napoleon . , ~1, Jerome it will be reemdlected, mar ried Miss Pafterson, of Baltimore. This union his brother refused lb. teengnlze . , and ft)nxid him to espouse •oneof the daughters of - the King of, Wurtemberg... His son by thlS"mar ring°, Napelcod,ToScph Charles Penh, was horn .Aplenater2l/,' .18 - .)ithd_ -married in 1859 the Princess Clotildtt, daughter of Victor Emanuel, King of Italy. The Prince, who is niek named Plod Pion, Is tut and jollyand affects liberal principles In politics. Should the" Prime Imperial, Nopo- , Icon's only child, die, he would be 1 heir to the throne. In the severe contest betwcen : Prtuata - and and I Austria in 1866, the -Prince-114)yd of Prussia, FrtcleriA Williap, NMI his' cousin, PritneVederriek Charlda took active parts. The former who is married tolactarla'a oidostdsughter was born October 18, 1831. Freder ick Charles, who is. the sou. of, the King's luOthe4 !Primo 'Charles, was born March 20, 1829. The Duke of Baden, whose dominions lie very near to the scene of hostiliten on the Rhine, was born :ienteruber,9,..lB26,, and is n son-in-law of the King of Praksia. . • - Amerleas-Feenelli lesia•Clada. A writer in the . Tribune sly "There is• nt.robability Ithat- • the French ironcla d liochturt beau, fortn% erly the Dunderburg, built by M. if. •Webb,..F.sq.;.vAll soon have anoppors Utility of displaxing her prowess._ The ofliccia . o?3.llelVelldb navyliabk upon her as the most formidable ves sel they. !hive; aild ate dete.tinined put her to the severest tests. I had an opportunity recently of virigqg this terrible engine of war and con verging .with t her etticerri 9 .11 ° M t] bu iv. ter the fastest iron-dad In the World, and capahln of pertaining her....evolutions with titornr celerity. afi'errtainty than any vessel ()Viler 011114..11 in the navies or Eurolie. I ler battery has been changed mese htt . left liar, and the.lataviefl for 1.0 nu In her ninny afloat. The French naval officers tire very reticent in re gard to tier performances and he; itemilinent; an. Ainerfainlthiay have uniformly been quite comma: illeativtp.-and-eur eirontrymen-have begitallewolite en others have been reflpied. uislted\ French Adrillral , /iifo fnediti %triter, oedie ininitll34tinte; s tliat - the Prussians would 13e the first Ao„feel t he weight of the Itoch am bat u's Allot. and inure than one of their frig : s. ides wutild be. §unk4iycikee Ite_yriNef pain. AnierlitylS-itlil7 .60 torwara, with much interest to . theteitormant: ees of this wenderlul vessel, the urea ion of uur mast celebrated shipbuil der,'-wholins furnished nearly every ation N iu.Europe.wlth lijkitimeals of. his skill And handiwork."' • '-1.1 The Trestreflrierps: • The Congress ' or N Vani.4lit.W.) made W dtvlanditin - by whkth the powers that signed it are bOnnd. The arti cles:re four in tituntter.lgr4r.'4 , ll. '‘ and temalitiiiabolished. Second—The neutral flag milers the eneimyrid excerit contraband of `war. — Neutruigtiodso.oxcomtia l .. ‘ band of e*, &revtoetlel utultt the ,enehty'S flag. POO :-- )310 1 tide% to - be obligatory bb lye. It id itiafei tfieo rale* that I.l.`qteco fend •PrhOslit.-totalUet their wit; on the'Whe,ri ; the dettlaia- Lion of ParisAte4 thp States were'aVkdd` trolsre it. Hats they refused uulets the other pOsiet 4 d would alhot to furthers 'istuitibtdit' Attu privuth,propertt-spOtil empt. as well from neiziiteh pal armed erufseraas'privateers. In Is 6 Mr. Steward tendered the . iieisaisoon of this;country to the Paris Declare i tion but it was declined by Englaud ttruilVolum unless to apply prospec -4414i. So far the States of Bonnie have not accepted!the.ultimatuie N of the United States, "That free ships make free gootilsi , i,tipilly against pri vateers and national .vessels. ; ,Icese Advertimimentitil •r. ATTORNEY AT lOW • v Third Alreet, Bearer, 'mike below the Court llottic. /River. Pa. jetttf TIIE/1111LE. And the Public' - .Schools. If 'afar 4, Jfenand,Won t richf Christian r 1 Chargyki, „ ; ) ]Unlatch. Sciartoi.T.,44 iiiotimersp o .d ift oestid, , to act as gcrreiwiti tor.l4l..isettaind Importaut book can th e PIR,LE, thqt, Hand of Mad hi thc . A 411,4 r /14110 by is..oh Rot D. D. - Thle work hao kgrcat mfral p'lq perform. and Is nastily rec4thlicartioat haul)" eV= pent of alllc dew • To no work preaca greater.a tractions an minister* • Wad It their eimport emrtelPlif. ju , lto work for thO 11,tutaa•AtAspbc.focualorIPodr/M4 lar and terry,. *44oe frwrilaqt,lOß le.. ProVeSillf , 6 914.11 fosilehed,iree of met. J I POSTER A UAL. - 17 . 6'B" I ' t i t?. 4 1? A GENTS :WARTIEW:4.4IIIW PER DAY .11. by the AMERICAN ILNITTORI M1A.1.3/1 E Co, BOSTON, MASS. oreM1101.18.; 31o: 11 1 - tpletta- •The %lactic Lock atlch," and Is ,warranted Wr an ti , I.lllce 1411.. ~citiret ?tad •r-ford mold Air ;t Ulm" 114Aturmestow Atare . vie OCTAGON' SEII/ING • ILNE St. Loula, (0., Chicago, 111 .. , P1Rabdr$0. Pb.. or Dorton' Minn ' tr4;;Me S/0 VALYaritv ;It! n r' sli e d calarn fret/. Add/cagy- c u. MLR tlt CtE l .= ford, Me. I/ • ,r• WAIRTED , A43PNTIV.s?d, ‘511 7 4/bez 'ROW e e tiIIt.TTLIS, MEWING: 31AESsINE: Mee $30,. It maker the" * l..o4 it iWlsh..! . (lllo6o bulb aides) and In the osly osedestfeed Wools lisehlne sold Ibis less. -M lisomeed Wheeler Wllsoa. Groin t olaSer Co. All other tiodn-kordllhatds assoasai mid (Cr ins than' 00 are totrinsermeale. and the sailer ausi i utla i avvritzto u si t rp%744 : re% &logo, 111., or it. Louie, Mo. " Oetkani g a 0V1D...t . Ara ad In N 4 . or Nsrrolle hese* bateptied aril to Ibis Offidifyrilteheeflol AV: 1 _Aran WINO sarremost ammeoleloronle Neisralgla our Porrie . . • dll4 ll .lo 4 teriterial.: ooo o . Yearn. l l d Ir. .um oaks yom..tta =or slew mn • - •ear si weeks as maths mnat. :volt intelirtall a i n ut=te r tW ininittit cure. It cop no , ...drats . l other meta tnetisttyktest .weest ler tbe'l inr " 1 " 14114 4"17.47°A. Mad Vial 1 • 1 g beets its eonstaidints by,mkof of our morel eminent Physicians, who glee It their munt• mow end unqatalreo. *Twu""'" l4 4 ...I u ttatrt ur l !,.. . 1uir ,.. 1 ....., ... r ie l hetrih v =ing curd ,Dr. Turner's Tle•Doirkerrnar, or sit 'ra/0 PUS pereanally—and In no• V:gl i w i ir a ne n u c ral, r ,T u ffl ed r=trZATu nt„- ccrltal. l l , f,__lrt Nam - air: 111 later three .. 4. souton,Yeb. lath. Fea rs I , r. il. hi: RAlrronr, for many years an spothel• ' [ I • . In this city, and fix- Wen years dining the In the Hospital Department under . the U. b. Yil ei hrorAClr a ..Trea r rTilcilloitionsg-C l o ( t Universal „N0v:4;44411 for twenty y'ears., , I lam sold it and mien it 'melody, anti I km 0 never known of weeder whim et did toe sleet eller. Ow tomer* Italy tralt4 me they vomit/ not by without It Mach pill oast SW. 1 think it the most reliable and .rantable remedy far nqaralgle mfd nervotia di.essee hi theworld." • • ~ . . ' • - • lissans. TtUtiltle 4t Co: • • - ...14 a tong time n member of My family bee ad it severely with Neural:l3. Thd pals was al- Terholr l ud e ‘ e7 2 .ai.l . h;f7ir nn d thl a ir l i rt4r, i t dbe lime ow n yourkill.• It tateprored ;:nlrfe;d ' y sec. c r and no trtaces of tho disease main. lima gle ly recommend your-remedy to all lingerer. , Ito lienralffte. ,, Respeetfullylfdare, P. W. PELTO'.,„_,Uor at Law. 8.1013, Much V . fr0t. , ,4 , .I,p „ tiFnl. hy mall On recent' brhilee an pottage: ,V. Pacbagei. SUP Postage...A cents. IV poiCklixes , .5.0 u do ....V Cents. It Is told by all dealer. In drum, and medicines, and by TUILNEIi ..t. CO, Sole Proprietors, 120 Trtninclatrbet. Boehm. Masa. ( letteisr Gl 4 ;, s e`fiV 't (6 l • • \‘• Z's J ! N I f Y i ,AIS I / tr tij 4S , ")) oe- 7 4111 f ' Mild. Ceitai ulai ii;Saf ) e and, Efficient.. , at otiCe tame and Intlgorates ALL the Tat rintertolts, DiTheid ceroirtl, at any time, Or under any efreonittences, the. rilehlest Injury to similar theist. 'Melte:id complete end conforto sue (xis hos fee uttoY7prre attended De mein France. awl, In some portion or the Unhed•htates; and it Uter* oilseed to the teem' public, with the most, absolute overt letter/hot keen eater fell to sauna ! that 'lll dead Vol tr. IF is 11111WATiourn TIM trrnMrt, aft times, and under all Clectletstenees ; •endhi etwequeturn hY, II 2 I Y rented, 7edgmovne tes the - wOrld where purgative teemed. It produtecliflN or we rant In U. operation ; leaveethe weeny entirely tree from Irritation, and Dever, In the slightest de gE:taxes or ezettee the Dermas system. - DWG uwAskskelbs„ festapja4ors eIhIPIP• invALeards. It le the grant, Pt•tunan /400.0:11114 be teapot AM to aradiewte from Illeisystem Itcyrfuka..Erytipaas. Salt B.Asicae. fged i s " :tlrtTsralpAG, l loAltqt i Z t A4M Dronehttlik'attorrA, t o Io Awns, -~rhelo. Weldr-Brashrbnew and BIRO blonattil nen and faint/ten of the same ; Impure firma; Dixtinits.,sympotha IC, totroosu.or slot Ueodoahq BAreinatfon, goer, and Jeftenuseallom In allkilital — wi these oux arnica ni by Ills mild kledred tllaeaaen cad always De yet powerful iwn4ly. Dozes c Deeit.try, ith its %Peps:Able accom• pudimsts—metant awl i hyslcal—auch as yrren• sidedera. lased Inlud s.tid body.drousinees, isedlopoettion ..rsrcisr, nral of the faoliogaordesp fem. y. eilotogratirm. nt al4 do tryst—all dlsapp,ir under We u.tpc regulates µidl.:Nunges lie bowels, asr UZ 'AIRTIDOTE for Waglidtc,COlMlle aat andpiZea; a r wed renewed ewe' In theits etoid6; etokee the Des Fl.lO WILE ; dhodpetel the ytllow dye of JAVX. olell-nodtotTand'citYr=sm the e. ' eTc . Des 6Li an s s i kty " . to renewed, ',tumor end healthy action: and lo `certain to lens t prompt relief In all awn of War rhati end Itsott /defy. It hi tottiototly riftrtual In the cure of Au. Die. Lags OP ctiLLOUS.N. two er buten de. especially for colic. tre.rois, sod ‘ristafu(t • aud irttfutottit white teetAisd. • • . • L , I •L. L iAir DINNZA PILL on 'nuts* a, It ho second to c e n i U ' VX: , ..3l l ,,ti r ref.l=Ll! Odd= stimulated to renewed energ), and to a healthy vigor and,) Reidy. II l eAtertaieelyseAn DT Tan PAC% Let a cotittutent andAoreolgh catholic hes We neActlott otbautuia thootni tended. 1.47 - bent by mall on receipt of price and weitage, viz; I Box *0.25 Potstatges etas .I.OD af• IS etas It 4 sold bw all deaden In do hosed me e- by TURNER & CW., Data Proprietor,. 120 Tr , tae, Bastos . lllnet. — , irliter AGENT'S WANTED Flat It WONDERS ,11 OF THE WORLD." OVER ONE THOcll4-Vt U4L:frillATlPllfi .3M , hl,r• gat, beet selltn. mad 'tnno f dftraettre obbnelptiOn book e'er pnbiohed. send for clrrol2ro. with Lem. at 0r0w . "., Aettremter 411.01mOutgio. Nott , York: • --. jylktyr t Ilistory of the War la now toady. Agents wanted. Send for circulate, with terms and a full description of the work. National pub 'Wang Co.. Midiailelphin, . Utlaw I will crud thorn: O ,OIAN CUR E . veto by „ au ," arj • CATARRH ..w ua uv U o an u C s r ,. CD DEAFNESS _mfrree. . lasr Addrros Mr* . iiett, Jythlw I:ii=l %Is numucc: - tr - ii &muting Os) GEMS. With ay. height, color eyeo and hair, n re• naive by return walla correct picture of your EU ture husband ur vitro, with lame and date of mar riage. Address W. Soy, P. U. Drawer, No.ll. PuDanville, N. y. . A feirTniore AGENTS T WANTED for one Cr.or the EAPEST En lire?. !look. In the world... Dow. W. A. lIINGLEVN NA IThJ AL 1 - 1.1131"0.11"1" GI ring a envi' -- "r deocr Iption . ofrovirty eviair+nown /Toxins of DeiranTEerterr,- Plahmetriverlv: leer dc„ sex., enlivened by one thousand spirits. Illure tratlona anti replete with entlith*and etaialtirkoki eedotra of their manifold peculiarities.. The cream of the famous London four vOinfue *Mon. with valuable addition., Trout the works of other di.. languished naturalists, Nutlet', Agaeria, Wood, Adolsou,.andanivoy others.. No trouble .to Agenb. about 'oct or party. Everybody Is de lighted With it, old and yontig,,ln g like It In the 114.1 T. f rt.% nits infra g6llll ProoLD to .*1 per dae , ,' - aail knit in oft the Meet and hest edition of extant. Send for • ilinitratod clrcularp_nd utak imt Dime fo r , Book and DiNft Publisher 404) Cheetnut fit, Phtlied. Pa. jytklw Thai - llama-I'll4 1 Lite Inauntnee 4-I .bmpany — stanterleulnber at goodNigeuts; aloe, a good general Agent for Pitts boilarnal vicinity: also. argefteculAgent Dr the {tiettnati counties of l'eutownla.. Atklrceethe thalce, No. In South 4th S. Plated. Pa. Jyth4w THE-GAA 4 T AID d r AL RISC RI~I Dr. wAiiraurairciwzroladar s !, I.NEPholi-AI ZS.. • More than 500,H Malls ail Bear test: s rori t ygoZg . Vicoildef a it •. 4 - • WIIAT ARE WI WI P. .7 • - • : f • i 2 y 1 1 IT 44 . 2 E I Slade of Poor Runs, Whisky, Proof Spite . - !toy S aud Ilteforile I.ll4ntryiu utsctoredotufeed, d ., tee trued to pkaan the tute, called Toa. ^ Ica, Appp_ thn.asr•7••••lttad • " dc, that 1.61 Th. smelts M - MaMffe'Ml , 6 - InL '' ! n :ellttl, ntu - EfFiT 1 situn =il u t nun , 1 ' Deli . u. t i li c luu th ul o Alliflilrit 11p nclp • Perfect tr . e 1, el era r i f_. t .., 6 F i fa nr , Is al ma and um f•nal nIIIII ;au th al• rig t ti a reiva KM l: 101 l Id u fur cu cfg c 4,41 hb. la t d , , Ilomblscother maul, and the tits organs waah,l C t l " I t yoltit or repair. - - Vll_naunmator y & Climate Rheu matism and Gout, Dy . 91 Iflldi' ge:t i Wt litlllonu, De wad Da ta at Fevers; Dilemma of oho llr ud ttensiac 1. i f i c ß tl i VANZ r a used b I 41.1 D ire o w capr rxi. .... od 4 4 4' .- 1 . , clogUnelho,3l44•loll4Uvaslorhocover you thea Itallmpurttled bunting thryugh, the Ala in rm. vintliraptiomdraoreir o arrie•wwein iOO . , n oatruciva and elnVttigh le the vt4LO: en:anat. II WWI :If Imil.and I .. li:t will tell yeap r at i Kaiip it blow per 4 I eallh Of fte , nil ta, PN. r did' el' *Ol6B. 1.1110111 3 ,2A d be Itutgr a ur 0 10. 24 , th00!.0d.,... Offecttlally e ll -hVlßLrfigwiiiiit iaterianmi ryea s 6.0 Biter. bay., PO oliaai- .recioli3OloxiloP4 Dad curethltf the &altar around each bottle, plated la four butguag.ct —at, c n** cud stpaidsby4}TS A= elltr e fiK 'Lit IdeDUNAl4rtlar, 1 1 4 Arlo Dr,: gm lfnUldsco IM 64 , 9111ra. SUM act IIIEIBLD BY ditintrOalgrd AND DEAL /UM 3146;tar lksyshingb . :Loan., OFFICE OF FISK do HATCH, v BANKERS AND 14G:uk1 IZ2I ; I Ns. 5 NAmtu *titre, New y e ,k 1 • . rehrtun 4DM • , • „she rtaaarkabie saettosa which ottendwt Orr or. todidos of the Lotto of the Curtest. Kcirte Vin:IIIOADOCANT sad the' WenTtair Panne RAttatiis Coaiiase.iod the popularity sad trail. Jt irbkh thew Louts barotealatalaed 10 the mar. kits, both la thin country and Europe, hire shown that tho Plea Moators Boodisof widely heat.. 4 ibilhossotably masaitxt Ualhoeda an promptly fecogr.limiliMllleMlitrthken its thrtlhart roltm,t, age, and atliaathgeous brio at tovestssent yntl. lug a Owns /theist income than tin tn,, rM truntthyrenommarlhowls. sod mitotic 14 Wm theft Ogee. • .Mtairod that, In the saki:dolt and negotiation o t . inpeilor Unlined /Anne. rre are sleeting • ten page Want, and rendering a rateable aerrke health the holden of Capital and to thee. great National works of internal Imprevrmrot it bun, hi. trinsic merli and oubetantial donor, rt, Li t to the, toe of capital and dm Confidence of 0/-W° now offer with opeci al corttideure awl utisfactloo the FIRXT MORTGAGE BONO% , 0 in' E Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company. I . . The Musa/rake Iliad 04i0 Batfroad,ounneeung nib './t thande coast and the magal•ituit batmen of the Chesapeake thy with the Ohio river at • point ; of reliable tuivlvitlon, and thus, with the antler Whomd system and water transportation of Ihr. meat West and hoathwest. tuition' die aildi ttosical East and West Trunk Line, ~o' Imperatively demanded for the accommodlen t el the lannense and rapidly growing transponsdoe between the Atlantic *onboard and !Carew ou me we lei tl, and the west proded4 regkma - OT the ' Okkta d Mieolsslp - pl Valleys on the other. ' The portance of thls road ma newctudlt from the Wild to the statoagothetit late mai Of sonlon kl beltl,eeqn etre.' and hums to It an extetudve threekle trate from thd day Of Its eonapkilon ; while. In the development of the extensive Agri. cultural and mticril poioarter . of VI/11111i sad. West Virente, ft ponemmos, WOO: Its own line. the elements of a large and profitable local bu, Dees. • Thu. the !MAL interetts, built came& and I oat, whieb demind tho aniapletkru of thO CA.dyna, Clad Wu° RaifrOad to the lltdo zirer, adont thr stuts.n guarantor of Its toot.. and rah., render it lA. aura Lowortard disui tratt..twaw: A 2 road rarrprire nom bs proper,' In IL superiority na an Kest and West route. and tbi promiee of an immense and profitable to awaiting tin completion. bare dawn Ed It the at• tantkm and co-operation of prominent Capitalist, and liallrosa mon of this city of sound judgment and known Integrity, wham connection with It. together with that of cutinentelarans and bust• hi* men of Virginia and West Virginia. Insures an energetic, beasorable, seal successful mans" , seine . • . • The Road is completed and In operation from- Richmond to the celebrated White hutpbur Spring. of West WirgiuM, al miler, and there rental; bat 1410 tulles (now partially cons tructed)p be comph• fed acarry it to the proposed terminn s ou the Ohio river at, rre.nitar lite mouth of the flig Sandy river, 1:0 Mile; 'ibtrio Cincinnati, and MO milva below Plitaburgti. Lines an; now projected or In proem& throali Ohio and Kentucky to this point, which will con e", the CheeePeelDS cid' Otdo Wilisflho emirs Ratirdisd spasms of tho Wrot and oral [mot, and with the Pact& Railroad Its valuable Cranelama end superior advantages veld place the C7tesapeeJa6h Ghia Railroad Con. pant among tho richest . 14.1 mast powerful sod truPtworthycorponulons of the radon yi sad there tends 'a present value, In cutup:dot root ace stork done, equal to the entire amunut of the saorgage. The details of the Loan have been arraLgell asth epeeist reference tar the wants of ell eLvw of ♦atop, and combine the variourfini on, of con lenience, snfHY . nud Ite Bonds are In denotnhuttlous ul $lOOO, Or. - ClO nett 43100. -They will bo Lisued as ,Co' upory ; 14,0t. {Air/Nit., and may be held In that tone; or Tire bond may barlyierered In the name of tile owner, with the coupons remaining payable to beam 'turbot', the principal being tarn maw ferrable only on Me books of the Compeer, oak es reaxOrned to bearer; or The coilphus ivay he detached and cancelled:The hAilleriade a prominent nevi./ red 11ond, wan.. fereahle only ow the book. or the Company.. O. IntervO nude payable only to :hr rrgkierel owner or Id. attorney: The three wi ll be kuiritu tedpectively lit. 'et ;avisdepayaUs ere bearer." .71ritirterect Bowie, eritA eceeepeenteettgerhedi "Ilegistired Bonds .rtA ['crypts,. thrdea est," and shoald be so designated bj corrfsrand cote In elienitylint Le etas* of Bends desire's!. They hive thirty Tears to run Irmo January 13, 13:11.41th intercat i ,o4 six Our Cent • psi annum Rom Scoter:lNT 1, PIGS. Principal and intvr,t P•3• 1 4 1 1 1 a gold in Uni city of New York.' El Tho Inierert M paybie In ?b and Saivceahr. that It ma) , take the, piaci of that of t 4• earlier I. gues of l o ire•Twesitlto, Lonl suit Wr CODVtliielivr. (lour friend• trbo etteinly Ino.l .. ,ceutral and W!*!' tern Pee9lc loacts. 'lntuit/4 tegalle in .I.aa ary and , July. and Cir Ito nuti desire, In itisto: addttlotuil investments, to Mato their Mitten..! rt.- °citable at dittervut season.. of the den,. .;,Tbe Leen to eeuteil 1b 4 ntortkiste npeo ' rit entire Line 4t ito4d Gum Ricinnonal to Ow W.. river, with the equtgehttuf sad an other prttperi ASId apPartemocet wunectol thervwilla. . . . 41 Sinking Fund of iilW,OUlt per annum i.. p.O vide* 111? r the tedemption or tbe tka.dc, to like cdret Mau jeer after tbe completion of the Wed. The doniPatO i+4l , 415.11Augu.01 i.klth ilkilitt• .. le* benewer/ tal held P or t:fr"-TMT d nof cmitebtudinir Wade or the Virsticii C dr Railroad (Tryany, sum merged In the C iikc d. okra. ' rir .. ini ., s meimum„ • makin amountamount g OUnt betel to complete the' Wad lathe OlhlotIver : 0d impkirri . the portion now lo OW311(1044, and Ihorou oiy equip tbo wholu for II lame and active Widlle. .. • . . . : ' - The plvartit pclce fiiJO mitt aecfre4 taterest A Luau ea amply attired, so careftilly coward, &Ealrtain hereafter to command a pnmulneut 'tee Amos; the faeorlfe aitsatitter, 14 the mark • , both of this counki and Europe, Will )n al OtICIYIIp9POCUIiCtI and qtdeltlrabaorbed.' 44V14‘CIE: fn ft) 1. 7 .8....-Wa haw I.Led . 1 41,044; 2 v:0uts Inln c fa4pertleulemetetistleel dotallikrove, etc...elect will be fehisbed epee appliattlos. 4 4 1""Vo bey and sell Gortirodient lands. and Iddietoo,tbe accounts of Books, Bookers. Corpora , Ilona, sad other., subfbet to Matt at Alta, led inoir internal 00 daily balance, aprii).3a3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers