.4~ li.i~t~~l~~ fh~~~t 1J Advertisements are inserted at therate or 1 1 1 A por oavainfpc Orals/IWO: and (or each initeltkaidtit'll sitrtWOO a A liberal discount MAIO on yearly ad vertisements. rt . Inca amo r arr4a - Fir 6141 , 4411 Y tliontholvca hrun ya 4 r the local news, will bo charged ton conta a line ror each Insertion. Advorgoolab liandod before Mbrielay l letr i kA Insertion in that week's • ilia. JOUR 11. LE 11 41assnreposi .1k Play. lJ ale4n.--001ce, dng tho etaTAtt Dolls P's Comer: at flight at ros ari Idinte Oa water street. Bridgewater, Pa. Wlllpraetiee Surgery =died- Wee. (marittreh'd apral TORN B. TOUNO,"Ationter at law, ti !tracer 11. Udine and readmit* on Third OS. cart of the Court Howls. All law business entrust. led to my cut shell metre prompt attention. Alto persons hieing Real illstate for Nate. and note withbtit btu town worms. cant mama heap, may sure time and money by calling!! my °Mee. • • • lf B. dler/I.lrriAtilLe Navin! Osetnn s , jocatvd. to Beaver, would der hi' profeesionaltertices tolltelrteroTtllle: ver sod entruendlog country. Spectra Attention 1.30 to the treatment of female dtaeaaes. Surgery done with • eldlltal hand. UOleoen Thtrd street, a few doore'weet of the Court dopes. epitY.'7o:llM J. ANDEBSONi'haring taken hold lot et • Ids old Foundry spin. in Rochester. Pa, c 11l be Owed to meet Ma old cuctomers snd friends who 'may, *set either tlsW BEST' COOK MI STOVE, lleatlng Stove. or any other kind of Castings of beet material nod worknivuehlp. The , Ilmlnmia will he conducted by . • . . jes: VI • J. J. ANDERSON &SONS. t r ni Ali m N ppe lhi i t f next l nd oor Boo t t a o ` l'orter'e Tin chop, Bridge annet, liridgecrater, N, prepared he lc ppared to manufacture and sell es erythlug hue at nimonable rates no removed Inc place of inoincve from the corn , er near the Bridge to his prevent location, ho in vites Ids old trends end patrons to give him a mytiffibly. •—• • . JAS. CAMERON, Attorney at Law Beaver, Pa. MCC In the room for merly occupied by the late Judge Attons. Col- Icctlune, &e., promptly flurried to. , • i;. P. KUHN, Attorney at Law. Ottice In Mc. ;air: : " AVlrat b uitilliNftPoil 1 44 1 "15n, y: .) iliillNET,W4tetienaker and Jeweler, ad I ttreet, Denver, Pa. (In room adjoining J. t': R'llecnb °dice.) Vold watched and chron ometers •rdpitrod 1, and , warreited:a ,Zagpitrag done. to order., Tbe.*tionage , of , pablle .ollt Ited, nnA , atlefaction guaranteed. (live no a apr 17*:3m. • tEiNtHY MEUZ, Dealer in Boots, itlbemi, Slippers mot (Miters, Roots end shove made to order. A long experience la the basinemi cue. tile him to do work in a Isuperior manner. Terms tnotlerate. Shop on Third street(neer Rev. iktn 16'0 Bookstore), Beaver, re. titre hint a call !wrote perclmstag elsentero. .l v i l t /8 94 3r .,—tL1 eik e M., and mua nce • tAhigtAern . 'g Davis c n rjt Agrenmentawrittenandacknowledgementatakon, Haring been duly commissioned asAgent fat several Snit •Clars Insurance Companies, repro th Fire, Life, Accident, td Idea Stock ' eifts, is prepare ol d to take risks owl write polleles on the most liberal torms.• Alva,' agent ha the "Anchor Line" of Ana class Ocean Strain . 'rickets sold to and rrom• all ports in Eng land. Ireland, Scotland,Dermany and France. Ot !lce in Leafs brick row, Diamond, Rochester. aprritii W AGON FOU NALE.—The uudervignod V T hao a Two hors Walton, in good md• oho: unlor. which he wilVocil low for cagy or ox. rtlno-o a good bone.•„Alro a good cultivator for tuck. t ...J. C.MOULT/SIC. uprZitf ; I Bridgewater, ht. LINNENBRINK, 110-tiler in Watohota, Clunks. 14notlicul, uhil.Nalione NVateltes and Jewelry repulred. Agent for the Sewing 'Lachine, Itbeheater Pa. • • XECUTOMVNOTICE.—Letten, TWA tucotary, bar:oh , ' been granted to tbo Hoto,hrt hrr on the estate arDaVid tliowatt, deed., late of inidgewater, Titterer County, Ca., all persona In debted to said slate, ore hereby notieWd that int. oneliute pnythent to required; and, ail rerroua luring riultns apinat the ram° will prorate:A 'them .IW, :tut bent tented for rettlement. • . _ . JAMES McCONNEL, }.. . azr a j 1113 . ra. ' W. P..McCONNEL, • prt-11 In nk Nolen for rule nt the Munn, °Mee. lOU SE AND LOT FOR NALD.—Thr subscriber oders fur rale bilis bowie and lot In nowctinen, South Deaver township, to this coon. ty. Tint lot contains about 116 acres of /sad. Was. .1 with good garden and fruit trees. The house Is 116 story high, with font rooms and good Cellar underneath. Altogether It is a desirable tliruperiy,and will be sold low. For further par k:Wars inquire of the undersigned on the prisitl.. JOHN HAHVI.N. Jr., or to Hugh Garvin. at Rochester. , hint ini• 1 4 % NECUTOII 9 I6 NOTlCE.—Letten. Testa- Jt• mentary, having been panted to the Subset!. lier on the estate ofJames O. Calvin, dec'd., late 01 South Denver township, Beaver,Coanty, Pa.. all perfons Indebted to saki estate, are hereby nein) 61 that immediate payment is ' , entailed: and; all poreons hyVitur claims again.% the name, will pre ..mt theta duly authenticated for settlement. - JANES (ITT Isla Dmle fee sale at the Anew. eMee. FIRE BRICK WORKS FOR SALE. r h: PIREN I X FIRE BRICK WORKS, 'tooted I at Smith's Ferry, with all the tools and ma chinery complete, are fur sale at a low price. Par chasers trill address G. LIMEWIG, at Pittsburgh 317 Liberty street). fur price and terms. jet:the IDeritlistr"Sr. Dr. .1. II rnyof Midge- Water.ll deter. mined that no Dentist In the State shall do `work better or cheaper than he offers It to Ida patrons.— Ile lunar the bept materials mum factoredln tho United Stales. (told and Milne performed In A style that defier , compel. tu,a Satlefactlon guaranteed In all uPerMion. , or the money returned. (are him a trial. tehtls RP ter - Meek Conetable•e Bales tor sale at the Au t-. °eke. ARTIFICIAL TEETH PERFECT. ED t— T. J. .1 U. J. CRAM/LER have put. - • N.... , clesed the exclusive right Of Deaver county to usel)r.Stuck'd Patent 4 by which they can put a If A, J 4 apVnicantte as thin as (LILA, a ....114 Gold Elate. wlth a bean. • I r ilrertirk Orel enameled pollah ; and so light and elastic as to perfectly adapt itself b. the mouth; obviating all that clumsy arid balky ...million, so much complained of heretofore; and 5.....1ng their liability to break it percent. In. :teed, uo one scent.• it would be willing to wear the ::h1 style plate any longer than they could conven. I.dd ly get them exchanged. All branches of Den tistry performed in the beet and tubet substantial manner. Tn filing troth with gold, etc., we chat. Inge competition from any nuatler, and can refer to pubJeetn nheim 11111n7n have stood to,.' t weal thirty and forty 3:ean.. Among the number John will exhibit tilling.. we Meer. oxl sonic 7iS years ago.; the teeth as perfect as the day they were Aged. Laughing one prepared on a new plan, freeing It from all unpleasant and den. geroux effect., making the extinction of teeth a source of pleas:are rather than of horror and imin. Primes, bye nanny good dentin/ In the btate. &Mice nt Beaver Motion, Itochenter Pd. noe3:tf T. J. a 11. J CHANDLER. Singer Sewing Machine. HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINES, The most perfect and simple lll:Whine of the kind ever invented. Itotip of the above .popular mnchlmut Luxe Itocti lately Improved mull they eland without a dial. Price or the SINGEIt PAMILY SEWING MA• p'l LINE from tIW.OO upward.. Prln• of lII?KI.EYP KNITTEttIt SIII. Circulars and Samples mailed free on applica• non. STRAW i nowroN. , GENEItiAL AtiENTS. 4 .4) . SLIth Stnet, Pittsburgh l'a A cents wanted for the itinkhty Machine every. and for the Sinl•.er In Wamtern Pennnylvn ola Eantent (thin and Want Ye., Where there ere Ivtile already eatablishod. ,I0V11:1y. BUYERS, LOOK HERE ! Puv und6rrlened, thankful for twit favors would r ,. .io•rtfully Inform the public thnt be bas one, of ih.• fluent relections of WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, 11,001 t OIL CLOTHS, Etc., Etc„ oo baud to be found to the county. tile assort :lola of ,!iflgoolg 31beellatnooni and Belleau' • 0 . 13Css EFS I.com i tletet whiten° palog am spared tot hts part to make ht. STATIONERY DEPAItTbilfriNT I . 4inal to the best of City Establishoteuhf; Ile the exclusive scent for the eelebrstod Vole : v.'s Gold Von. for this county. Those seeking* good Gold Per %Maki do well to Ste them before purchasing. Ile is the Agent for this county for tinder's Photugrapa Marriage Certificate: The attention or Cleagymen ft respectfully called to thu gibe • eon sell them at the same dlscosuit as they would get from the Publisher. Atwater's School (tor• eminent for side at Publishes , . prices: • Aden do hand, Toys and Vanety Goods, suitable for allseasuns. J. V. IP-RICE:, Broadway, Now Brighton 0 1,1,10 1y , THE PITTSBURGH - ,VINEGAR WORKS, aliou &A.d4pa§ um, lON, I#9.andl7o, • B econd Immo, Pittsburgh, Pa, Arc now prepared to furnish VINEOAII at tiro Lows= Ratner RJers& Attention is particularly called to our EXTRA WINE VINEGAR npaMm . . . . . , • ~. .:?-... . . n . . • I.lii.l . lilii‘ l V% •o lll. 'it ti.... 1 Is...WWI' I.IIIIIItIi 'Nil . ,i1:•? . > s til/111 o -1,:- ./ 71 :TriliKTITIZili r iTATTERITY;r1 7 )::FIZ t --- ••• .:.: --, :ii:of iust ri l'; - 7 7 - ,7. ii7i7.,„, - .)76 - 7,Fif.;;71 - , - ,7; - •1111;.,..;ii'l '..`, I,lnltlfull nl9 ll llO i :111 41 " 41 ,•!.... 111"11i1 q —.4iit .. " 1 . . i .t :: " I lbj ,,i , ~.:,',.. , ~:-1 1 . : , C .,'; ', ,' , ' , . , / : ':, " f 1 ,1, ..,,.•; , .....4. , .' ? , i I#lll'.+4 '.f i , ~f 7 . ;.. .41 , ' - i • " . Illk ". , I , 6 l 4l , .r) i lt_it•fyla!')ll--i it - . .wilt :, , •.. I t o, .A! ! . .1# -.! i' ,. 7rtJ: :91 0 %II A ...,-; ; .., ~.„ .. tut 0.,, , ,, , ~ ,..,, , ,f ipi •'I $ ' : MA a illkiJl l ~ I 141 P, 111 'ItIV rib •-I rut ,tr nri'l i4l s.tt to, • i d oi l ) 1t,,111 • •••••••..1 1%9 - 'vie '/1 1.'.. -- :! . . - 11 , i+.1, . - 4rd i ~.' )1.; r , : - ..r /I .I)ty li k !daft ' ' 4: 7 ti.,,. ..k-rII:" /i1:11 , ' 't . :07:1411T "lpit llll'll - ih ...i 51i1y...) ~ .1,41 )1v.. , .1 , ,1 r.) . 4 ...Jai I,lil ...,---,„. ~ .••••'.'!,'!,, ~ ! ii GI! 'IA/11 , ot ..• .„. 1 , 0 , ; i :::,,;' . i 7 1 ., 11 , 0 j OF, ) . „L., ti , ..,•,, r ,1, lc, , ) , ,,,,ilitv,, me •-• .. 0,4 •,1,1 ~, ~, ...,t.i. - ig4t .01.301 "..-...... , Ito , /It.' .0 j;oo o „1 i '‘ c.f 4 '.' I: r ! ',lb. p. l / MI ..;1' . .. 10 / /;ii • . • • Vt .! " . ...:. , ;. - -. ''.. * '• . I t . IsPI , P I ' 1441 'lnn it s''',. '''' : ,10111 /1 , -.oi 'AI It ,r,/i• I- '-1/01'011 : r..,,:: - . , d'f , "I: , 0 1, •' , ;!,• LIT. . L4z.lr.:=> , (. - :z 7 ...,411 ! ~. i . :, i.. r lin 194 .1::4-..1.1 , CriLti I I,ii,e, J ,;: .!) 1 I.l i i i % II ) 1.1 ; 1' , : : , .. .1 ,1 ); .i l l' r1 1 ::: 1 , 'II . 1j 1 1 ;re ... "9 Yt-I.';'l' 111 I'ol j 7 rAi• 2in ;:',.' 4 I ' /''' • ' ;•'.. !Po 111,E5/11104 10 1//U • '" it 1101.,. .I, IliT/I .. . • itlpo• iIII . M1r.11:' O: . --.---,-, -----, - ------ -, , ,i) ~ , T .h, i..f. ii.„ , ,." :, -.:„ , 1. i•Jkii I_ , • .1 . 1 , !.:t Alit, ItoPlttil ;Lilt •' • •'-' '-'''''''''''''.. 1 . : :o' 'IP 't• i /..H 4 I %,' (I . ! 1 '411.1 1 ' - ' ,, 4 1 .1.a.1.h.....4•14-/44-1.1-ttron .-... : 7.--"-1 , 4 0P!.,...... I • . .....-.........,...................-...... ..... .._ ~.. ....t . ....' . ': ' ..P •..P , .. t., . , „„,., . ~ ... ,•.. pi ,•; ,t. .to •••• 001 ti li'r+i ~ ..`r. , ' s",; .- '''. ,- . ' • ' '!".II , 11 , 1412 'OW. !)/1 1 :11 :!..ili.: - .Vini , tol i 4)(i . lan .7 ITCY:; 72- .77,111477:-1. , - 4 ~- -11 0 . r . /,:.f.,,, .11. , ,ir0•i:,.. , , .. i -1., r.. -• 0 ..,„ 1 ~,1 i,,,_„,,,,, • Beaver .. . 6 . 44 s-" 29 ~ ''. , l , . .%•`li;:„.' , . I , - - ';1•.!:;. - ; . ; ..i',',',l .':•;t '' I . • -Pa W.,if i ,': 1 * -kil:tilyl2 ' ..- ..„-.,....--..- ..,/ ..,..-, ..c..iLlitt - :(0I•I .I.ltrt/:Pot .1P , ..,.. -.;/:.t o'; • • ea-. . _........._____ ...• . I ...r,„„mp . ,.. f7r7F:i',.., a 714!)! ,,, .;.tinurirr . .ft , ~te c t . ) ; - ... .. . jne TR4 owe Vykit fiThit y_l►l , 21Eiscellaneous. 1 114E , SUZ''-.CANALi':, TirlilLpho World is moro'Pricas ex- VV.Meisal over the opening , the Sees Canal, the Public, in Beaver and vi• el nity,. should pot lose sight of the !Pettiest S. SNITGER AD Co. At their old stand 'in Beaver, Pi, 'aid tarnishing to their customers everything called torin their line. They always keep a fUll assortment or • ' GROCERIES , Rout, Red, aeNs, ,&,Ott, ':••-•, • & lace*, " • Tobacco. And Cigays; allother- articlestumally fopnit. Inn First Clan GROCERY . STORE.. From their long and Intimate acquaint ance with the Grocery, Flour and Feed business, and their disposition to render satisfaction to those who may favor them wilt their patronage, they hope In the fu ture, as in the past, to obtain a liberal share of the public patronage. Give, us Call statute if we do not make 4 to.yout In. terest to call again, jans. S. SNITOER kr6 CO • COUGHS, SORE THROAT, ETC. No olecliciiip or iregtmeAt ean meet the Ixprerfutrei realism pincer DR. SIMMIS':•, , . • , , • , Pil,bnOnlo la la :16601, with rapidity winqualled by any other remedy oftred for Throat ind tong dimwit. It in recommeWded by or er LOCO persona in Nalhulng. ton, and hundreds In Philadelphia. Baltimore. and °tiler tido/Ojai' counoMOttes thromOoni the coon try. Mr. Pennington ' or Wiltutegten, Writes that there la not (with a rdw exceptions) a family tq that eily who will be without it if pose hie to procure It. Kea is iM popularity whatoret It is known—and thin populearadam, horn the 'fact that it univereally cares art who toe tt. 'These la no case of COUtilld, COLDS. SORSTRROAT; ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS_ CROUP, BLOOD. SPITTING. HOARSENESS. and even POLY°. NARY CONSUMPTION, where the system Is not broken down with the wear of the dtseaae, or pre tended medicine, or. Inexperienced adviee, Red this Balsaniwill not care tf auerally Toed wont in; to directions. We guarantee It all we repro. sent it ti) be, and MAMA trial train the afflicted everywhere. Price 60 cents, medium Mae, and $1 for large sized bottles. Prepared only by J. IL SIMMS. M. D., PRACTICAL ORGANIC CII.E.VIST, No. 707 Market St., 1171.1UNGTON, iblisdelpitle depot, Johnson, IloUowny dk, Lbw den, 001. Arch covet. - • • lieltlinore depot, 8. 8. ileum 108.11n1tLmace 8L For sale by Medicine Deniers ncricdally.. ; BEAVER D STORE§ NVq 4 ) ' Y3sIPASAAP•g34, • Druggist ce Apothecary; 13F,A.VE1 - 1.. PENN. . DEALER IN PURDRlloo,olllllllrllp3 o 7li f PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, DYE- •STCFFS, WINDOW GLASS PCITY, &c. Choice Family C121,7DR AND REFINED OILS; LAMPS L LAMP CHIMNEYS, BURNERS, &c., Of the grisitest Variety, and nt Oil, Lowest tg, Prescriptions carefully and scientifically componiaileil nt any time day or night. LW - Agents for Fahnestock, Ilaslett and Seidler:es Strictly Pare White Lead, the oldest and best brand tit the, market, at manufacturers prices:li* MOORES , DRUG !MOUE, I IN BEAVER I • May be found the beet seenrtment of DRUGS, ig 43,1. 0 1 XL 0 CMCIDWEICILIJS. PURE L UiUOUS. Paints, 01 LLD MEI STUFFS; TOILET ''AIITICLE6,"\SOAPS P A TEN-T: ILEVIVIN OEM . • In great *Artily, all of the beat giant's., and sold ,: rlwaper than tea be buteg at any Ow Druglitora LE;the •. • - ...mewefa..,llEddysalenladkdesta Pet Ilk . :9 ll4 rPt ; • e Lerftesi Stot t of LAMPS & LA M P TRLMMINGS, LANTERNS, STATIONERY, WINDOW GLASS & PUTTY. Ever ollisnell onlaldo of the city. at Moored Drug Store,. and void clasper than can be bought any where Mae. Let those who doubt thls call and see, and they will doubt no more. lutylV 4. MOORE. SLATE " I: • ,• 7113a.'. I T VITMMT. I' SLATE comVanr' Are prepared to furnish Bulld or Slaters. lb* Very Dark Blue Superior • Roofing- late. From their own quarries located In liortbaanpton county, Pa.. AT gummy Samples may be seem end conuniudcatklne ,E. L.'GOODWIN , Agent :Ir. N. sawarnruiriestsis4 Pm's» . Mee 1111,1=1111 BUTIDDIG, DUIaIIXIM WAY censer Sighttillt4 littstuargb. Pl. • sialka: • . - INIAVITAtINPIVEct:g 7 . 'AT TIWBEAS, lemma a, om lII TY it zw ir4l :yew_ '5 ' EiL 1.;...„_ 111.01114 • 1 ; . ,1.:.•13.1tt't t• • •••-• •- . paid OS this diemantili ?MIS Wool* :I I S rDI " tj • • Sits otelotolottinoo ad the =sr& 4zuvc.t. eta tles midebollessiGt all peroool .lottobtod to told. iltO tO Miko lopoodtatoymest, and U 1011! WOW 011121214 the em s toluestot to them property antheatkoted., wilbottdoloy. UR oodertigued settlmot. -, • -1 . . . ... JANE AWE BONG. Adw'rs. 4 . . REMOVAL: Thomas ..,Allison HAVINGI itEgOlis iifswrcittE to the Rooms' forideli Occinga•by Orr 47. C00p0)... yarns 4 'nolif 4tt and jntencl, lk.S . rl4Pg .' • . „ , , A*Geritialltodiebt:L`: MERCHANDISE recelvcxl from the East, ‘ritllin 11 f9,V daY 3 l P 3 O , An° Sa ket j o. u -.„ . DRY ..GOODS, • .. • : , THE • - I- • ; latest-.Spring."-stook.! cbioittotit46 , lN PAT' 0F " • , A ; : ,•• ; PQP-LINS, , . • De LAINA, CHECKS, CLOTHS • • I• , TWEEDS, •'• • " • I.X.)TTONA DES, DIN ' ) ' . I I• 4 BANNBLIS, • A • ItOSIEItY, BOOTS 4•4111)1):B, • . II A,1. - 4/ iIidOVELS, ' • SPARES, ))46),)C; • ' '; TUBS, lIINK E'TS, QUEENS WAItE, 'TO ttic 'above articles he inie whits' a • 'choke eduction of " • COFFEES. wurrE d BuowNywastrts, MOLASSES, TOBACCO, All the above articles will be sold low for cash, or exchanged for • eountry,pro• duce. 'Call skid alumina .his stock and prices. TIIOINAS ALLISON. ;ICE CREAM SALOON AND lilEIVIiitiliP10 1 )131PRi:1184 The enderslgned having bought out the lee Cream Saloon and Conflictlottery establlahnumt of J. C. nays, near the Post oince,in Beeheater. Pa.. wou:d respectfully Inform die public that he will Keep the beet quality or lee Cream Mutt theluntunir, and inspetthdly imathoh In want adult artic le twrtre'ntnt an arty eatt. Ills Confectionery department Is well docked; and guiles. weddings. Ste., will ho supplied with everything needed on short notice end in the beet of strip. „. tarnlabed with' bulb bread as often as desired. GEORGE FREDERICK.. maylldr -iykr raa za:;,s.) Ar i 44, 'VV.A.I.L. PAPER. WINDOW SHADES BOOKS. STATIONERY;•&e., TILE LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST assortment of these floods that has ever been brought to the city. Call and examine before purchasing, and be con vinced, at F. E. WELLS & COS., NO, 106 FEDERAL STREET. ALLEGHENY CITY, PENN'A. septltiay.Feb.9cled The Most Complete Business Col lege ire the United States, Sanctilag facilities for acquiring a thorongh.prac. Mai tontines. education, possessed by no other School In the tountry. Since its incorporation In IRiP. manly Sixteen Thousand Students. representatives from every State In the Union, have attended here. Na vacations. Student. enter at any time, and receive, priests Instruction ituoughout the entire COlllll3 N. B.—Circulars with toll particulars and all ne. cessary hilbrutadoss. obaddreasiag SMITH 2 COWLKT. Prinepali, Plmarattil. Pa. L aanswito Bridge Street, - BRIDGEWATER, PA. . Is WINDILY RECEIVING A FRESII SUPPLY OF GOODS IN EACH OF TIM FOLLOWING DEPARTIINNTS: • . DRY GE 0 0 Stenbenrillo Jeans, Cassimetes and Sattlacts, White Woollen blanking,. ~' White aalColored and Barrel Flannels. • Coberge • , . Lawns, _ - : - • . ' , Water Proof's,' • Chinchilla. , Cloths • Woollen Shawls Brown and Black Mullins, 11)nllings, Ptinte, ' • Canton Flannels, Joortneta - Table Linen, Irish !Anon, • Counterpanc•.l. Hosiery, Cloves it Mita wixtta i I it I GrOceries, Co Teaa Mugu; Mobs*" ClrbitaldirerDripa. and (Unman Ny Xsekent in bar rah and MU; Star 'and w Candles, Sop, Spines andSALT Miner Meat, A 1,., Hardware, Nails, Glass; Dow Loselia.lioae laddhei.llltgeo, Stream Table CadeaT,_Tabla sad Tea Spooaa, BIWA Bells, Coal Doze% /Ira Shovels aad Pokers. Nail, and apades. Mama* 11, 3, and 4 The Forks. ha kes. 0 . 811 1 4 8 3 4 46 a, Carp aDd Garien Hera. t 4 - wooriENWAmi- !'; Elaeketa. Tuba, Charm Better mg. and iadki CARBON OIL, - Linseiml - 011 & White .Led: Boots and ShOeEi LAMS' )IIBS AHD CAILDRENS' BROWS •m great Tandy. Rifle Powder .and Shot , Bleating Powder and Fuse. . Snotty resod .Queersaawaro. %II him goods delivered free orchards. gy close liteatloti to bssinees, and by keeptne eonstiatty mined a well mg ted stock of goods of all the Merest kinds usually kept Ina country store. tits undatstnedlionss In the Num as la thepan to merit and receive a ilbcral share of the yobIM __•_ "tmage' L ItANGEIL decarotely.—lfickgd. \ • 'RAIL OAINi. •• • - A 4 9. , PL11.1 Ir , no(fl MrsaprZlß 81 CILICRAILWAY. MI, am...martin Wive WOW t, 4 „.d„ari, mo 17_45 11 ! , 19 1 ". T5 F 1 C . ,h41` ,-. :1•.4:; „ o)rtaiiidgc. ii**7lLiii4Kixeat t 7 7:1 WO 141; Pittsburgh I . l,ggs k . noebetee.t.tsitt.u.rt 4 • 11 , ." Wooster " 500 ' Mansfield i 815 Crestibur . .... Upper 1hu0..4... , 1 1 ,71,6 Porett , • '" Um* • we,: Port Wayne. — llOl3 Colombia Zra coy :::: .• Cb1eag0.,...... , 11?0,4111, Valpandiro: .... . :2 , ...; ' , Plymoull . "1 .150 Ms; Warsaw 'i Columbia:" ".,.., Fort Wayne.l.,..!.i! 315 - illo — Pil =Wert., .1- • v t i . ~ 4 1112., „II . 315 . , Forest . ' .' " ' `'' at a i uppersiiiitiilii.:iliii ~ 063- ; al Bucyrus.... .....1, 615 1045 MO IPA 1 A , fiAl . 1115 620 426 Cl"Ubt , 1 , 11 , ".; ca - . 41105.4 mob/ Loa .1100.11610.....•.t.i.,. , 1111 •1= 642 gl Wooster' •'1661" " 201 " 025 Orndlle '-' • . , •1 164* • '231 - - M 1 . • 'Ol5 .. Niumillon ~ 0011 ,: , 356,.. •03 11 , ' 111 , , Canton__ 9 ,1 1. 313 ' 957 ' 735 itillancer.c.l . ..• .; . 9611'r r I 350 111045. , =:- Wu : Mem :two, $l3 'lllO 901 Roebestor..., OW 1 Ntim. 1032 Plttnbarch'). • ....::.+ll•s•lo 105 , !I 215. 1155 mr7l -- .'fftvii - t - 1.141 - . 7, :iirr - I.ltriiiiilipreii lames .yoanget.own art:ls p, m; Nev.. Caulk, 3: /5 p.m; mites at Pittrhurgh, - s:rAt p. in. /teturalng, leaves Pittsburvh 1:15 a. m; arr. -at New Castle, 9:50a. m. Ypringstwn.lo:4o. a. tn. .N. 'Yottllgledram,'NeV • elude • atrd Pittatittrgh 'AC commodation leaves Yerangston-n, 6:10 a. m; New eastle,2..,io a. m; arrives at Allegheny, Ictio a. In.' Returning, leaves Pittsburgh, &NI p. m; sr tiros New M ut e.lllo p.unlfdalintown.-7:0543. at. P • IL Y 15113, - Gensrar Pi:toiler cool 7lttet Agre. • cLEvELAlttiTi . rttstit)iiiitfliAtfaeo - AtC -.lht.and.sithar: MO SWUM., trains tut/1 1 lure dial roll. daily (Monday. rueepted) as follow.. GINGHAM, CASSIMERES, =MIES Cletelnd EneU4 Otreet. Raecups.. Alliance... Bayard.... %YallAid.Ur 11T4TPAN 4414 1 4- pNir.*Aga."' "i Weltevllle ••7i7:ll- £71511; Bazird ..... 1 dal Alliance Vito Rand ' T4O 816 ' 1 , IVII 1,886 1111 , 1136 Cleveland in.' 1920 IMO ' 1• ' 11.0LNO 467. spqlo!lif Belhdr • • 645 AN! 'MAX' tnilpllll ant , PX Bridgeport ...... inn 1 210 1 015 .71X ) .l 1 221100 • 915 • 14/ 413 Amides Ferry...;_it;4 • 94.l-1 1011 LOH - Beaver"— , Rochester.. ' trxr. ral ,•• Roche • 1: Plttisburrtt '•• lilOSS • • ! G 65 • 77, r• TEAS, STIIIVS, SPICES SOAPS. &c __ Ifitfiq4ctouAmor 1 az.> ---- .2.4.lmiri — idg • •:"' Pittsburgh Rochester ..... ... : flr.,' - 150 5.10 8eaver.1 1 :4 . :,./. 41 , I 1 ; , ''l I:I !. Smith a Perry ,SI 440' dal • Wellsville....,. .1 tzo 00, 4...;w -, Steubenville.: ........ r We , ' 7.o.'' : i ! 1 . . , :. ~ i :mail Bridgeport . 1111.1. , ., ..7104 i 'lilt 720 ! I 815 I 810 • Vas ts a mixed train to Wellsville and an ey..- press train from WI: Saville to Pittsburgh. ' TLISCARAWAS BRANCA!. .', Leaves . - . Arrives N. Philadelphia, G4O a. to. I Bayard, 015, a.m. fl.yard, 11:50a,m. J N. nlladephla,S4Opm P.. It. NILTERA, General Xig.,l•o*,:ilitarts . NEW MARBLE 'WORKS. ;~ MONUMENTS, ilend quad foot ktoneks, Marble, and Stone Work 'oR snoirr NOTICE: Ir'e Mini to do the Best 'Work in Viieutein 1 , 012 TUK LEAST MONEY, Awl Mews to do as ire Repivitint. WE CANNOT DE UNDEWWLD AT HOME OR ABROAD. Persons . work in our line are invited to'call and - eitimine our work and prices before purclinSing elsewhere, as we will guarantee satisfaction in eve:) , case; We have, also, a very fine selection of work' nt the Rochester Works, which can not be 'heat, Tor workmanship or price, anywhere:. W. 11. 3IARSIIALL. marld:Ont--je22;cl. DEAVER .Al3.lllloll.—The next Tena willeommenne w n /Monday. Maginot 29. 1870. For etrentar apply to Mc trudenden,A, or doling vamtloii (July and august.) to dinner. D, I'. imcary. Yrerldemt., or Bev. J. M. &Mtn, mem ber of the Board or Trurteer. Beaver. Tu. Jettarn] Rev. J. W. IiCOTT, D. D.. DRUGS 1 DRUGS &.-MEDICINES 719ELlt7'eiSMEli ! W. BT3CHT.,I'qr Gernian Afiothecitiy and ThvggLlt IN:rn DIAMOND, ROCHESTER, Weepteonsitnntly on lumil a well seleetet stock of. P 17111: DRUGS. PATENT MEDICINES; PERFUMES AND SOAPS, Medical Purposes. Cignrs end Tebneen, Crnde nntl Refined MMI!EIME • All kinds of Trassea' will he'- deliver:a on shell notice. Physicians pnieriptions will be filled at all hours orday. and nlght. sfirA slusre gepalrpqiujesis -1y21:1y. ' • Railroads. CTN . 3,;i. Ittu moo nezt 11* us 9 , 815 111 lid • - 2EO 310 419 .103 95 91:1 • El M:=E ataxy. EM talrx 11 It 160A2 11. la 419 5 1 6 •, 1. - 514 K/5 611 T GO/NO 11(11.1111 MCiM 815Ais ISlUrn .114Brsif 1 •• 646 1- T S5B • . 1 L 57 .mot . . 903 'll iY/'••:3a) 444" G3ll lO / 06 raf, 417 i • TT' 'AND ALI. KINDS OF PIN IN WINES AND LIQUORS NOR ALSO MINIM t ltt oifr • • r ^u rte • I , • . 22 . 2 .. ..E1 : 1 11,4 L; t ;; " , Hl . l •• • 'Mir tchit0. , 74 , 111..-1 -LP .I • rbeisead v , top treatutit, '1 10-111 ' 13.4/011:1,1qt.'11 ire !, ,lin wax 0 9 11 7.1:: , • L lxvoimplumungti )h ~" i; 4114 *lffspowMO 0 1WVALI#49 11,94 e, NJ gArsoki :1,, I f 114444 4 Tho Ikkla WL'►- r 1 64 5 38 . , P. 411 9m: tp , , • 0.! bilro wOnt 4 116.44ign0rdii.., bh, Mu 01 1 1419 4 *.I! ir!IAI4; I ; '4 7 .41 " rd6 A) ;;/ , " 4 "4.141!1P r: •t. I 4, 9,w0 1;,; ; ;•;;;;;; 'l OO /F4:Awl - wit '11144+. ;4..., 1 6 1 'V ;1T,44 9, 4,1 • Mbit Ping It TO,I, Times dingo • rug fstAlal l il And Iter if M t I Vus ethfi WWI/ • 0ikk.10 0 .4 4 3 ^ 0 9 ri AGUlght lApoomsittOti An,d .C 14410. 1 0. • ..9 13 9en n!lPr' Sinolrien bnt f witty.= mottl Tlva atm ot the Flo unzip )• .1)11i;uclilt sic Her ti Wliatb r in -• and El NagrAßTE4n:.i l'A.4llilf I I V 14 41 1 Italia , d iiiiiiMiii.L-' insifignter in, a-Wanderrid - ~ • .1 1. , A Baltimore vrrespondent *Mho New York hkessiprrlOwrites:, , , Mod ameJeronie BOMpuinblssow eighty four years Of soh [Ma 1 retniiis4 O. a m mt. resuarkableillegree; the, harms 0 437104 ph04 01 0 1 114 tAiinAiti? it feet! in hig t, sYnnp ly,,forinct and up to.this • ~., jprrauVand careful of herb o o 4..30, gleOgial lon., 8at0r:444 rL I W , 'Z''t ' ' owl wrinklae, w ... , iBp9i p .killeo of,umetipersons, , t . thauced,akpa r m4 scarcely to be sol444l)!Rnly .sign 4 offneuta) combat" . ,),w9 4ParRAPen PO each Ride 0 ( hitlVll.Avrin a' still frequent.l4,init e i &Wing, more , Alm lbcks and failing• • b * thfilitilih that this,reinur, • , 3 .F.pMan tiM njil.s ged With her 'p r ,r - Tlid Wbill'lbve .doesnotsecca tot . , , k , thisgrengo worpalNNombit 11 1 ! hipabad Inciit Jeklb 'WI v.,'a ~ . - istr , N ink., n poi r it n i en, q . 1 . _ j..4 4 . 7 .,' 4tCaule of her.sOrmw.. i.'''s .: , "1 , 1 . ,Of 110 MIAOW 'She w 0 0 , A' ijp to: ex+. Claim,' 'Ohs .I'W,, 1015!frayika i Oh! how handsti., . • If Win& b nev er lanVr•lbved ...vi'ltdrt hi is girl& and. elasti 4 itiahas thitt4elling put-your-foot-do'. - llik Width; even' before her actual, vis felt; .ilm. p,ivemei one.witlr, .tind really Uncomibrtable ido wr 1: force; of character. '• • This ime .tiv be wholly natural, tell wheretr' Waimitoffwit Her face, will in. its ettat,.fe possible• to the convey' five:.minnteti. evety l l3llade 01 by-Worriali, thit-peveroini appears,*! A edge of her 1 Eea.trdirtilarit .sparte, that you . ...t. sandy of 'French when you heard that Jerome was coming to Baltimore?' . • 'lt is true,',sho.replied; 'was there anything wrong about- that?- I reck on not,' with a fIuMY ,little tote of her head. 'I was O r young, proud, wealthy and.' beititiful , American girl," with an 4terecirct - On :beautiful, which, from the His ore younger orr, another woman, would have been -to the last degree rit etriou4 and , dis gusting, but, strap ly enough, from 1 her seemed miner ly proper. 'I felt myself on n equality -with any Prlncem of the din r and • had ' sense enough to ow that ignor anee alone could ra ke nie of less consequence to hip So -I studied French, and whe he , arrived was able to do what no dy in Baltimore could—talk fluent!. with him in his zt, own native tongue end that was a victory.' • • •• ' fr - I lere the bright, ay eyar -spark led and sciutillat and for a, mo ment seemed. hol d • hack to the time she surprised I ' royal' brother el with a welcome tc.;itimore in the language he-loved t; then, with a click in • her volts which was • al most metalle, she ,a : !And I• suppose t .) a r t You have I d • heard, too, that ined :upon the conquest of nryband when I first heard of hiss' rival r In .New 4,8 York 'witirthe Frog f'frigato?' , - Not quite so certai about the pro; priety 'of- an afthi tive: reply, -I wisely temporized id r with an 'Oh: I•don't know ,a an li l'• and . an 'in deed!' managed to• pear profound ly ignorant of studL ndal. Again amine that harsh !yr' • • click, with—: 'Well, what if f l j ildr? That was no more than half - - girls of the first families decd . o do: I sue ceeticxl—that Avrtei I - oh,. success maker nil the di do the world —differenar,ltooi r em' sense of view. rLeta' , .u3llll- omen fail in anything they and Ake, and they have no prineip thievenny thing you pletuid II them r 'But, 7 let them succeed ' Ilie• sames muse, and their-pmurseundelyby half the world.' • • Ir • • rprr • . itiel Oh, how Alesir di was Of asking Whether this ste ever been re. grotted; but thetitling eyb and de cided manlier of thi4d lady:warned all intruders from II coast of sent'- , 'trent. With, thie.tr ge worinin the admission of a regre ouldhen mor al impassibility. , , ~ r ' i 'You were firstrifik husband at the races, was thenextquery. , white wig?' ,_• r` Yes;' she replied,- vogue then., r On were simply bitted by his manner thii , satisfied until we* • ted. - The - next dui net party given b 4 and I wore: my 0 I was very enthusi and - abundance,- it ' be I never would until there was ai 'You Must have ful Madame Bonirl need to your understand?* nd wearing, a IgB wore in 4 oassion 'we but , I knew r• Quid not be 4 ttetiacqualu ;; et at a din ~• end:6l3llolr r.. — J.ereine • .nt Its shade !o me prom a wig•again y for it.' cry bestial- 'lt;is no 1180 Or undue `Yes,! she anew at my age to MR modesty. You • the ashes of the one consolation I. so fragrant that t disgusting. My tions were axacti Medici.' As the+ careleady: threw her dreo,displayl Which • any mod pardoned for en and examined He that the owne Hely moulded ar be eightyfour `How have you so.fresh and beau nothing but *till, there is e—the resewas Mean never be ; 6 bt and , propori. = of Venus de lady. spokeishe 1k the sleeve of n arm and wrist belle might be !.. ' I drew near paid it be possl4 such an =guts ; .4 hand could ..Id? thitt4l thing of ; if the pages- I to nuke it so. keep:the Jewel we dusted.— do-rwith the ABy rememberi beauty is a Joy to ear only has the , have endeavO bright andAtiv That linbaut all exterior of anythl :Her exprceslo part extremely and shallower :tor the nurst god orighud, king of hermit 3161)14 , :l .I,of Itiliur) bolt JO : 4 ts;t:,,st 'lnto "Jfil Nl:ft O r lit 0.4*, .I,i; rt ~ /oiiiititto" .011' 7{rtl•N«prti t •~ 11 b0!0,10i. +rt 111177 - 114114 - '7'7: - 11 • I gig• I van , d 7•18111,441111 10 With !OM; )11 ----- ; vtiflr Edtab b,qa 101 1.. J ' NW ,'1 . 411111 .1)(11, •r.t f • ( Ili 911) r • , 11.3it ilvra jlll- - • AVli*nrikieakiftmottlpaituinsialteltdoi notilikttc - bllmatoantaditteiniita inetm jitrnbet.. l Itatratoktakuntlsonbeati • rialtbl=Atikaddarkialti ti 6 has • thill atteibltkeittatch ' ntreatinni‘ 441* away , briber:Masada In'lttiltintdenWitbilef iyipatat MIA Inal OW • dtong lpy tatihtllibai r gra , ktalthmiJ 11 , Ma Mail Ws !Advent •nr t ifitni in it_ Nt , batiVrtsba-• bty • ben ittottatuala time tki her tatitnate friends; lajoia and vik r tist thig late daylah It war years!' ;''whett•llla emd •iblver ware palm ilkonturminvied te - Jerntntr Dtnamber Napbtainv ?nu d iciltnot died tarittgitbeq ntatal,l but_ mealy' *babied. *cam ittiMgc naystepain,tba =II - Jeanne kiund•rat , ,nteestary tto Altura •:.10 Firanaerinearly Ivey nojEllban both4fatbei f waneatthy:thip , anit owneni of fitted l autg In ,regal atyle, ane .hltr tbateatavnen Bela to convety• his , :nunt lobllctrenntd Franea.r ;Upon: inriving lattheits the/3 4 41mnd: tbd! pat alitillsta tbernotameiliasievery other pion nog don JPrenah•sutiherity..llWbeni salad hi:m..464a* rarbett;atioidinywhatd ifS!,rotnaci,vibb. iine.pr.o 11 . 7,1, I 41y: 1:,". , , or; tho4NI • hOpedfrttr, Conquer at tal,4 thOugli L did ot, think Jerome won kl have much Isdinence:wilh, hie brother.; Any Alonaparte. -against that Bonaparte would, never be, table to accornplish,', much.- I did. expect him to return, howevek, if only, fen a ahurt : • I..!That must have Weft:very ,fliard,', I remarked, ea nivlslon of the dawn" et wifo4ao. young.: and.Bo:.fait-nex,, peeling hi a few-weeks.Tio: :become 'a. wither, pus rd before heart - breakingimulvw.' _•"and -wltat alhard-4toar- led! wren* Napoleon:. -41 , Stale• Not ,content !with break/law the hairt ofithe Woman who loved hini,:bab , ,wunld..tnurder the wonunt who,loved,:his trothor.A . I.7hete I log are...mlstake%'• ..she quickly. ,replied,, 'Napoleon. • hadn't,th e aliglitest objection la my:lying aslong. as.itholiaaw-llt-1141e ilidn'tri believe:, in, aentimierit - wrio more dui., d xeSpect • the ebsalcter of Napoleon more than that of any olharntaa wink ever 4lvgd. A orioeVeeleallo*ed, have taken niy place in the French Courts +di . Jeromata , the,,Einperor's 714410 1 /Q4k' h.livatbeen y removed: Pi how -toy mo rias'beezi Vrti.4ll ' "! This is' che • 'Whiile ' burilen: bf fhb song... Never Jelin:most excitcd'inii. ments clop she let fall a single Word PEA'ame.!!9 , 3'l4+ l ,Y 7../805, ancetuber- Well,. 'noir on., Madiuue: Bona: mutt game birth AL *ilk/ py nure4eroinoitiakuleoa l ikuutparttet-1 Ifureagatt plidoitakes.prpeedence of loYer,l.Von kelv.Yaurs alto warded hi Extol*, retaiviniusa! atuivikv: Swat the Lniperoc GtiveUutudand,pounde ber....111e4n .Kuro . pe. she seems. Ai isposied ,tesuY:verY /ler friends nay al ie lived in great re+ thterne44 { o 4" :, the PPITIO3O , o r, saving all:thalsna possinky mould! from thla agewitneedar ,her.gon'itfuturnei-+Sho took:great pains:with. ler, son's edu cation, returning; to Baltimore in or, der, to ititYY Idni.Proilat‘ted,inr college - He? - laluatedtrout,itiluvard .in: MM. wec, tuatatlecde,- hard• to Ind Ili mad. ireclan Ade- Sum Tested in a thilence, rexpre leased anti. peculiarly „apoleonie, - .afx, same square figure of the Emperor.' Jerome married when quite young, a Miss Williams, of Roxbury, Mass., a most excellent young lady .of weal thy and aristocratic - family: • When Madame Bonaparte found the union was inevitable, her disappointment and chagrin know no bounds. In speaking.of this she said : • 'Oh, that was anothereruel blow to my ambition, and came very near riling everything.. To think of a Bo naparte marrying the daughter of a common shop keeper, when he could have married a Princess.' Notwithstanding the apparent lu cidity of Madame Botamartes intel lect, one thing is certain—age must have (Unlined all consistency, or she never would have given utterance to such contradictory sentiments. 'Your scin'a 'wife waii not as pretty or accomplished • as yourself—not so well fittedi to he the wife of ttman of rank:' -I suggested, endeavoring to draw out some excuse for her strange remark, or some acknowledgement of her .ineonsistency. Not another word on that subject' would.she ut ter. The 'shrewd old lady saw the point, and in a twinkling changed the conversatiorr. - • • Did•you each. see ytourltitsbaiiii af ter your separation at Lisbon?'. - 'You know, of course, if you know anything about history' (this With a littlemmusx.ssary acerbity) 'tlutt.Je rome Was coomelletto yes compelled —you needn't sit;there shaking your head—to yieW:to.the will of the Em -f peror,and marry INA:lime:is Fredina Catharine of Wu rteuthe.rg." . , 'Yes, .3kulame,' with considerable humility. „ 4 Wel ',after Xapoloon's banishment s I visited Europe, and one day met Jerome,.., with the krincep .on his arm, walking in the gallery of the Pitts l'ahwe.at Florem.F., Our. eyes net, I did not speak. or move. Lift-. lug one hand to his head .excitedlyi he exclaimed; , 91.31, Mod 1., ;Madame Pater:l4ml' and ,• walked . quickly. away. %or UsdaMe, bow did you feel?' ..l almost gasped.. • ,• `Oh!' sho to 'the next (lei dressed myself Just as beamingly as ' I knew how, anditv.ent to the gallery, hoping that he w ould come again; hut he did not. I never saw him af terward.' The old lady's Voice was as firm as ever; when reviewing what to most *Omen would have been heart break= ing episode. Not at single tear' was visible in the bright and beautiful' gmv.eye. Her own words express all the feellfigshoexperienced on that occasion: dredrrnyself as l*mt ingly ail knew how,' . &c.. '• • ' . What woman under such cruel circumstances wouldeven have thought of toilet' accessories? • '- The relations or :Jerome with the Emperor were alluded to. • 'Jerome,' she said did not like the Emperor. • lEfe: was afraid of him. No•BOnaparte Mello he governed, and the will of the Emperor governed every one absolutely. Oh i he 4(ts a great man.' Ind you love Jerome?' came to have ALnaftt attachment for him. Our married 11Ib was - very pleasant. We enjoyed ourselves a great deal. Ile respected me and I respected him. When-he left me it was to plead with • his brother. lie said he would return, and, I expected him in England.' ,r • . 'Did you ever meetJosephlne?' never met Josephine, although she sent me kind messages. She should never have left the throne. She did notmaketi fight and only made a fool df herself. Jerome did not know muck of her, and - she was never in favor with any of the pone:. partes. I presume they were jealous of her.' yourself I spoke • ot the' present Emperor, harsh° had never Met tim and did not - know him.: Her gnmdsons were high In favor,. and she understood he wasrmery:kmd of them. Elbe had no relations . with - Joseph • Bonaparte when he resided In this , countrl.. , : , ' • btadamelionaparte is veryroe 3 of her grandobikkeNJerome °pod leon, born id 1832,n0w in the French *whew edwvl~iyabueth:tpitti -ufereiseptteot:holins tow airfurketeh Itrovidtlthviitthwi 2 ireihhr illaanq mot h lit hiethrr stub blether tali Oaf liedeldrullt.thene r whojai *fflyitielvo eta yew kmotee itolthets ;owtv, iittndedfthri-6LiestephiL cheek l ikwlithaitAtiticit he thaiiircollyno.septi. Therrutitrniar itti tlerotne; she. tialtli.inthit , . . suppcomf Inwin4 . nt- the el hes, tool.' ) f • . • -.Wet; iflendituintale,P;h• whaVetrdi. I sots may lxveetiain: It it ; ; :The bid. intlyithea pellatilitmotittr :tengthatistavi too thil#ltivecelutd , they: Isiah thearwasylitioNting, I • . /1:la ilniumbeen•aureivey rivortiid:tha Mediu* Boottowvieis hither :oppmed heritittioh with dviamnoilintt tdolt hest ;to Vtriiihia; in loftier kidthdeak,up the -Vtdittliehtedaniviceredsto .tyltlmit* shut •tuwertay that' iho ‘.titas 'qtiltwavddigehtettwiti-rthii;Pitstwet, ;of the match as she wasi•betseiti aiwu i that! it Wei toot antih Amami! that shit eclat toot.he•Veoesenhiett as. the iltwaliwifsofJ.Feroweet **tie) three!. omit: tiliylurjouptonuriwt. ihilatisteeq llMPetiMattihtblefor...thekeluetaiehlYtt .beenottoutbletsthe t. tuntlsr.,; 4dr.i/Pat., birmuvifiradlymat4his ;dime** WC from htir inheritanceisiniply deedirig tejter the bons* in , poliely larte,menr Beath street. , i ,!-' • - : : 'This was done to mrsitify me,' . mid:the Madameo 'Just to remind the that. itty, .gratitifather fwas It shoo t makae.--am if I should ever forget The sal Mull she betrays . When spealf. ing of this event , is really incredible tonne Acquainted with strongly. arregantrand despotic dispOsitlotre—g Mein' keen, Mull brilliant, emit ea,. klemollsh Mama halt the : aid of istabllsked . pemifitakteverytbing ta Tien w er ineled ertic , er etswituirmi She imagines every persowlhat visits:her tol hirve, Ss she expreteied 1 t,-ssolue sx tagrihdiinbhorespease, and would: nevus al late 'herself lobe !nterviewed Witter way. .tBhe la.ibusy Attrition her Own. I ife, and intencit , to ' , tell her own, story.her own wayif wbbo assn. tgata . mwy,ti. 18S7.tce1841- she spent thn greater part , of. the:aunt met* itt iloelutwar. , ;Tbeee r ill 1301114: pony with - tlunpbbllvAnd/..Wythe r members Cbugras, - and • same of therArrolitoa ,stitti was the gayest of the guyitrnitsidered; by all as ;beheld *mat whlrh- to Maw:sit that was necessary for intellectrull. entertsinmentl. , :. ' • =, 'Did Tau never fee) .Mulitmo 80. attparte,timb there-were other men in the :wend.. litidet Jerome -Bang' parte,lind that it was. foollsbto give np , yotrr;wholeilifo , fo something of little inortractotmt than a dream lu .L enquired; desiring, above. All thingB,l to get nt some exproslon . of. feeling.. ::.tittutf and. co:inseam r her re*: vlVas it nothing then no- ,be the, tnother of a-lionspartut!: Nothing to lboilliat-thsi recompense would; one day cometntaho eliabilahmentofilre right of my ewer ftesb Sind( blood:; to thoiltrembotifranoegt, 4: tremble to thhilk.what isiallerf}nma !we Wonkb have If all mothers wereasmentimen tat as you would.hotve had me.' Ttik ribe4flail illetkattiliritthir this women indebted, to the first Napole on thtlfirldatitlifiChtidtki , h6lientdch to nab , ' -loathe on therefUsal of the Pope' to confirin'the order of Napoleon I. • declaring' the murriago'null and Void, and the subsequent persistence of the Pupal Codrt. • 'These are the diamonds given me by the Emperor,' said i(he, - placing in my hands% a stomnehdr of precious Atones,more tx•mitiful and costly than nny Jewels I hod 'ever before beheld. 'And here is another present' dLs pinvinga breastpin, lyn , slinpt(l stud. (led with tnarvelOnsly expensive dia. monde.' • • I - , ' The, you were pmsonnily ne m:minted with tlie l fird Ea( peror—had probably' more than one interview with him '' 1 r, • . • 'Wed, the Emperor Was very kind and thOughtful o :my comfort. I had no titief - that"wairldrthe trouble.' 'llityou know much of Tosephene, :dada e Bonaparte? and what (lid you think ot her character?' 'A sweet woman,' with a little i i sneer on sweet, 'but not dignified enough.' - . - She lived a quiet life in Baltimore. She said sometimes visitors intruded Upon her.' There were two or three others that day ; - one wanted an cut °roil ph ; or mum*. she did not give it to her; how did shn . know what she wanted with IV? '-probablyto ;make some useor it, and gain nn advantage over her property. She saw no one butt( few old penchial friends. It seems very straugei hat a woman of:Sradamel3onnparte's wealth should occupy simply a suit of rtxiats in a common bOttralng house down town. I ter l ooms l are plainly' fern ishettand ' but fbr a • few articles et,byrantine, which have been collecte d in her Eu ropealt txnvelm, therais• nothing to show t h at so distinguished a woman Occhnie4 Allelic.- • There'ls, indeed, such 'n mint of adoinnient OIL over the house that thnplauj seems barren and comfortless.' . '' American . 131 *Mac& The •Ameritan Cemetery its the City of Mexico has recently been, placed in perfect enter. by directions of Secretary Belknap, who, it is ate-. ted, obtained the tussessary sum of money ter thLs purpose out of the contingent fund of the United States War Department. The Two Rept& tics, a , journal published in . the. City °Latex ico says that during the French oteupation the troops tilled -up the ditch which surrounded the western and sothern bordens of the American Cemetery, dug .a. ditch further out, and cut embratsurth in, the walls for cannon. The recent Mexican Gov-. enunent, upon the representation of the atm° Awls, reopened the-:ditch and restored the former boundaries. Under the supervision of ihe United Statee,Consul the walls have been. repaired and r;tisecto a greater bight, new.gstes, doontand windows have replaced the , old , - ones,: the grounds, have been filled in, . shrubbery has been planted and walks have been laid eut • • The pedestal erected 1847 over the remains or the United States sol diers, now defaced and nearly de molished, is to be teplaeed . 11Y another Monument, the tabWts of which have arrived at Mexico. The ohipedestal bore the following_ defective dr than: 'Mho remains of 750 are here interred, under thefact of the Ameri can "(.7ougres, 1853," but the new monument will hair! Inscribed upon the tablet, "To the memory of the Ainerleart soldiers who perished in this valley In 1847, whose bones, Col lected by their count O's order, are. here buried;"and npon the opposite tablet, '"Rontrerasi Cluirubusco /NW lino Del Rey, Mexico." The ceme tery tery, It la stated, now presents a ro- nuultable contrast to Its former sad, aailniclitinol*ntolectitseddlsgraccontlitananwhen• is it was the constant The reprr and of night marauders.' resort of aninuls tatives of the United States n a t h ei r e d t d o e l ah: g e r th artel e ce n deicri' lt tn on eter i etedl 7 . tot . forng , • —Tilehtnite have gotten furiciltei deei,of Oregon and ventsna la In that State... . illlPAJY4MlttnatiTr l r ll l l 4 4 Lritt ' al ,"" • ltial l ibt g a ate. y li el ll 4l l :l:77 7 7, , - •111 , './11; . .t 3/*ik~iil,bu clecalqn era hanque to tho children-and vited guop3,of. pit:C.ll4oyd or tlla Solders' _Orphan' School' at • 11111-‘ 11pabetgi heal l4' &nutty, and lt pro - al a very- enigyable_ affair.' The village or ,l'hllllW.turg mituabst ckl)uslte Redeker, tihdlid liner& he thost Refunding on' the , Ofild• rtvet In this State. , •The School, or liothe.liel, at, the ant. of Al% , PA 9 p0. 11 4 or ldlifs A ildeli ,ceyOr With 'rendetingthe by Jr arhelpetoorss , hder ''pied , by. dew Edward ;Mk nl'a , As roars water ug% .I. l l**o limws-owiohme. talce place Rypy, • thb guests among whore I Were several, gttrtlbe, *era alieltolgetorotArie;lo,- water, I y t t i i 3 bled at th • edA %if 1 tititti_kti . thet eft tit s 't et &V thg.)Alsitnicl vwt.*cr Otithist e it r table s weir eeettplksi-bYithe bhys end 'girls, and' those 'in, the • renterby• the, invited gussts.„ „ , , • „ , I W;lien 'all Juni eaten to 'their antis.: faction' 'they asseinbted a small' grOve Artsitioof the building,' whiny al:meting was Organized by nppoint-. lug S, ii Wibant,esq.,PriniiWnt,ap.d, ,C. „)lasten, Oecretary. • 'The mid Oiled 'Wm then entertalru4' by Master 'R'.i•Oleot4 l 'Ate' hr the Ornhttein with: en: eilsegientitard "The. j,lTha PrSolinctiPli 1141TilYeiV Well zemivell. fas yle itutsiiited by the vtidairelion,l.s*n 6f , lhe :girls , of the' hiahool,,. then.f,dreredlthe .tooeting. wits One: ilf*AriiPit I losPi dug !theirs.. .L B. were,mtcle by Itevs. J WAIT* :bills;' and I;oirery; tiftee'Vvidigh• t follow ing tombs: were: as naniit ously t he daY, ,wie:hrite an; ; • • g ore T 'I;: '• ' Ous r merhories. • le'tiflicelif bf -- the tleminemirealth tfieytdhey ahraye prove Ur be true friends of tbn soldiers' orptuttal-,,, Thu Phillipigiatg W1;47„ Orphan School—LAW) honor thelir nelparandl - esteediecl" bidy," its' . filtet's' end' teachers; Am 'their etticieneyAlthful.. • ness and thwetiori,to tiw,lnterentp 410 0r1 1 , 11 44*. 4 111e4' cure.:.Th waters+ OilitlitiAjAtee con gratulate them ow. the '•hulipy cumstanee3 by which they- are sur ilardObt thelfltdnelsebksertrdart their mpid advancment in studies, theft+ 'lightened) moridity end relig ious sittainthente, i • Vur _Visitors- 77 ;Aapny ths °nix • tuult,y t , h s day erkleyed, wewish intriyased find Increasbit'interest, thelestitntfori whow.guests wn andittith all , oUr :hetwts we ;,w G t : ; iilV l ;ilsi)tie ;xid 6 reittarks;' s i ugtherOim: teflon.n(trit . . irreiontl. mace. to the manner , .in., wli if flitiaLo3 QCithwschool anß.runi an top that it -might cow) tici'tttlt'Or gutio:s In thr • 16:1' .1 pop. T.. 0 rules — requ. tl.. ...ey be re tained in thocuStody of the Principal or as an apprentice until they are six teen years of age. A common school eduaition is given etch pupil, and there is ono scholar whom the Principal states comes up to the eighth grade. , The State thquircs that the girls shall be educated in woman's life.- 'The other' rules are- m follows: Hiso at 11:20 o'clock A. v. ; roil call twenty minutes later; breakfitst at six ; miscellaneous till seven, play. till eight; front eight to ten the first diviAlon is on detail work ; the second, third and fourth divisions are In school, etch child spending two hours daily, those over ten years spend six hourain school; those tin der ten four hours, and under seven three hours. Tho boys do all the chores, including gardening and car pentering. They have had their reg ular duties besides, taking their turn in order. (if the health of the Home it is stated that one third of the pu pils were diseased when received ; otherwise it has been generally good. No deaths have occurred, and there has only been one eaiie of severe in tim. There fA a nvular physician to the Home, and the wine kind of food is given the children that the faculty and visitors cat. The clothing . of the boys cOnsists of blue' and grey uniforms, for daily wear, and a dark blue Jacket and light blue pants for Sunday. ,A light jacket Ss worn In the school and for fatigue suit. iL The 'girls 'ear blue Merino and pinkettileo un forms. Whenever one ' has been. in the Mottle two l and a half years, on leaving she receives seven ,dresses. The common school drear 'is gingham, and three of the ' (trews are flannel. The girls all have two pairs of ahoes—one.pair for every day and the other for Sunday. The clothing Is all furnished In mate rial by the State and manufactured at the Home. The girls are taught to- sew and darn, under charge of ex perienced persons. Religious servi ces are held every Sabbath. Only dest.ittita - scifdlers' orphans are receiv ed at the•lforne:, ' The tract on which , the. Home stands cotnprisee eightY•two acres, twenty of which are In a state of eul tivAtion.' The garden vegetablei are all raised by their •own labor. •• • - The principal Imstweiveasslstauts,: male an d f male, four of whom are in the school mom. Mr. and l‘fri.Tay !or hipie a class in Philosophy. Three ladles have charge of the sew ing room, and there Is a matron for general supervision of the girls. The cook,lng department 14 in charge of one' ladY, and two ladies 'lnstruct in waAhlng In live &aka. The girls occupy the tint and second floors' and have small rooms with , one bed in,. two sleeping, together and the boys the thini floor and third floor of play together. There Ise bakehouse, the second. building. The pupils sink, cellar and bred kitchen, pantry and dinning room, the tatter *siting two hundred persons. The' visltoiswere highly delighted with the order ilnd cleanliness every where apparent, and expreaed them selvesas having enjoyed much real pleasure In visiting the Home. The Principal spoke in the highest terms of the conduct of theehildren, and the visitors were also gratified to learn is. _ --OnThuredayevening week, Mrs: Mier, orEsiton. Pa., retired to bed withlier child when the little one said she felt something crawling un der the pillow of her bed. The mbther took nu notion of the remark, thinking the child only imngined such a thing. Next Morning, how ever, Mrs. 'Mier discovered• some thing lying on the floor,opposite, her bed, re a rope, which she stoopedand picked up, but imagine her otror and surprise when she found that within her grasp she held a copperhead snake about • a foot in length: .13ow the mother and , child esamed being bitten by the reptile. and how the venomous creature ever gained admission into. the house, is a mystery. . 411=rtrtiarAlitUyld . Arms bnilliny oti ybitA . Stirt,t,l3o4- tOZ. ttilet CogisnwileSo.4ll9o . 1 11bie brAvfai t r rt:Vlif i l7;t9 .7 :4;;:r: l Z Y "°- tLts ri V 4 rnnartavilearA99l6ia+dthis- Stied try Us() txamo,of Lilo; aUlpor. • l'"thrlAP7 4 regiryntikeliymil rpm/1 , 11. , 540r5am44144 ' •." • .3; *MY Pa f_ r .1 II I , x EirawdZIPI.I.ICIWISAAUC MA 1. ,1•110-4. JII /* The delightful mid tender game of Iktse ISull,hating bruken out with fredi vlruletatia, tlila.seostArt, the fol lowing sketrik lc Irintdertn Tile doeter bald wenovile4 I WI erel.e. Doctor knowili.:ditintobl; tut to. Join; we Joinq.k,.. ,Bougittpkhook..,oflastrit , lions, • and foci ge tin.►pi; studiel lit wisely, If not, too well., Then %ye bought a sugoc4lictlep my, u nst Exit, green shirt y,ellow, trMyserr4.puntp kin colemd,shoem, a Foliar, and a purple necktie;; wk , i t h 4 lot 011 Other delegates, movixl gently to the IfiVeij*N , ;Oiiiii&i._ 3414.4 Itntakthiiititg. o'o ty little drop of .toofthito, ,Pl2lif of • I,4octse egg, and-live llegrees harder than t in rabid?. • au. i tworninedi plhy Ogg/4101614h Otheiri ix 14..0 gaol, gen to , r - 141 us* ulf.P chafe thundies.i. . ''rh6ttY'Vull im i litni;it6: ll lll.4 tient; awl tv rain,' Om 4. tae git4"vpMt7r : box • inad; yells Mall; i;i duty. ! aevere. • . 1... i I took the la a murderous Weir idle?, btrt' ttf:keht•thEll balls hets • :Wiwi - thin behind roe iwna a catcher. Lie taught it,d9o I Umpire oisid play." It 1, stko this mast raillealplily ktito . r; tli • latlll•Saiiing wised We- We" beekle WHO bail. 40, the pitcher sent a ball toward-I nee.,, it hxdmil pretty eutnin,, ,, ,iso.l let it mane. hen lei sent another. 'I Wit Walt thi• I dull and hove it *entlyWPW'ard.--- Then 1 started to •walicto the first The ball hit tire pitcher's hanils, and sonfelkoly wild !Ito -eaught•te fly. Alas, 4xot delound,v tpWarst the. lotsy. ,Attothes7inautnok ' the bat. ' r,turneil ty so: how he wies sintkrat n mule kirkefttini en the elieelc. !The Mow -said it: was the It- ,Mt -11Icelo.utulei- and I.re pngseslon,thoPitit,W9lPHl Pretty :soon therewere, were, two niorti t 110; and t hree of trs flotv bat.' 'Then the other wino eametti; and uis nine Went out. •I:This was:butter. Just as I,wy.ostitading.mijny-,digait,yAn the , left ;field a. 14. trill; .as,, tliey, Cali it, came skirdekelfrimtoulatd rtie. " My taptain,yeiltol.'::takeit . • 4 - hastened gently forward lei Where th'eball i 5.119 atiiitte,.todekl:ritt. I have' at good eyelet factosero dirka nous,. And esaw.atf►glatxvwherpihulittlalenr lib vynkt ki Might. .I.put pp my , hands. How, sweetly, 'the ball slesc•entled! - •E'VerYtiottriosilt.VC Wartif Itiniy eye.' • ' "Muffin:Pl yelled • ninety fellows. •..” Mullin be tir•td s We uszinan. ball !" Fur threu days I've ' had,two pounds of ran; beef on that eye, and yet It palnetlf! ' Then 4 vrailtkl togas lueiuu,liut my' usptaili.sold nay.!•• ;la neightsi ,Pretty sioop,it.was.iny . strike. 'To bat !' yeUou the um pire. I went, bitt.not alt stiiikne; rts • way uty wont. 'IIW pitcher, „sent Ut one hip hlgh.• It struck 'me in this' 011104 •s• lush' yelled thaurapini. lii aunt cilia b It.again.:This titan; I ,tunS. It „Ignore,. stud ant it, dywn the right NM; tfirolfgh at . kft'WhidoW, it keihilne Mmp, and rip ,uptigntitilt tits...head °fon Infint who'. ;Wes quietly, taking a nairin itsmotb-.. prtµw r ThUu I slung. the bat otal • theitnilere,4'l6oll in the dist lxt-'c. lidwit high' words and looked. When' raltlhr, tha hatil I had with It broken • ,themnipiro o tukilinukenpL. south tirrtuiltOM higel - trio ham Just iit time to be put out, Or to • chase a ball three-fourths of a mile down hill, while nit the -:heetator: yell "muffin!" "go it !" "home run!" "go around again!" or "gu around a • (lomat time. " ! Base ball is .t sweet little game. When, it come my turn to hat again. I noticed everybody - move !milt about ten rrals! The now . umpire retrimted twelve rods. He was timid. The pitcher sent 'tau in hot. Itot halls, in Una: of war, are good, but !don't-like 'em too hot for fun. After a while I got n' fair clip .at it,,and you bet it went cutting the daisies down the right field. A litt man and a dog sitt in the shade of an oak, enjoying the game. The hall broke one kg of the dog , and lauded like a runaway engine, in the eorpo roslty of the fat man. Ile mt. taken home to die. . Than I went on the dmible-luiek to the field, and tried to stop :t hot ball. It rune toward nm from the hat at the rate of nine miles a minute. I-put up my bawds--the hull went swiftly singing on its way, with all the skin (Kum my palms' with It. 'More row beef. That vrusan eventful ehap whathvit Invented base kill. it's such fun I I've played 'lre' games, and this is the result : Twenty-seven ilollar4 paid out for thing:4, One bunged eye, billy 111111 IYt. One broken little finger. One bump en the brill. Nineteen lame bark'. A sore jaw. One thumb dislornted. Three sprained iutkli,•l4. Five swelled lo g 4. One ithiloented shoulder, from try ing to throw the ball a thotriand yanls. Two hands mw fro n t trying to stop hot Mills. A hunt) tfie size of a hornet's nest on left hip, well back. A neee sweotly Jammed, awl five uniforms: Toiled fruin rolling in the dirt at t h e S hrive played two wooks and don't think T like the game. f'velooked over the scorer's book, mid find that I've broken severnl bats, made one tally, broken Oneuunpire'l jaw, brok en tun ucitailows In adjoining houses, • ,killed ababy; broke the leg of a deg, inertelly injured the - bread-basket of ft- spectator, knocked five other play ers out. of thno.by slinging toy bat, and knocked the waterfidl (ruin a school warm who was standing twen ty 'rods from the field, a niet lookfir- I've used up fifteen bott Im of arniill liniment, live bottles of lotions, half a raw beef, 'arid am so full of vent thatit seems WI if my 'Mils; were hot broken Isits, and my legs tho limbs of n dead horse-ehestnut. —This is what the New York Itus nierelatAilrliarcr laws: "1 tally hon ors the memory of her sons who fell at Solrerino, with a monument erect ed on the Icittle field. America tom ors her crippled mid distnambered veterans, first by vouchsafing' them thoprivilege era monkey, and a hand ! organ, and then by taxing both the animation! theinstrument." Melo ns, any piper that wished to be Ant and patriotic and ordinarily decent, would have said: America honors the memory of her sons who fell, by a monument on every battle &Mond upon every village green. Italy hon.. on the surviverauf Solferino by *ril ing them the privilege of a monkey and hand organ, and then letting there loose in thin country to' liasii the animal and torture box taxed. • . —A London letter sys in the' Divorce Court this week' a purely, American woe. The , oner, Dr. CI tarles James Russel 1, tams Aruerittn, a and was married In Ohio, in 18.12. His wife left him, with man named Harris, In ISM. In 1.4, - 1K "Mr.; Russell came to this country, Kindled, medicine, obtained a degree and diploma at Glasgow, and Is now PraCtleing in LineoinShire. Wish ing to marryagain he applied for n divorce, and It gas been granted chiefly on his own testimony, neither his wire nor the correspondent op ,. pawing In court." :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers