===l The ,peper_Argus, i Heaver. Pit.. July 8.1870. Circulation Over Twelve Htuulred. linter of Adirerthelag. • , , 1.• 301:-' qir . • ' -•ill lion. $3OO 03 10 $5OO $7 00 $lO 00 0,03rc0. do 350 5 00700 10 10 15 OD 819:I 3 warp*, do 5 OU9 00 If 00 18 03 00 4 .quareo, do, 0 - ISE 10 00 15 CO 81 ; GU ti c01u0,,1.: II 00 'll 115 00 WM as a) c01umn,.... 11 00 15 10 0) WOO 18 00 , :llitlolll 93 00 30 00 08 00 0000 100 03 4.lmln4tralons' and Baueutirs' N011eet....611U) tiotlees per lint, letaccuta. Ilr Payment, to be outdo quarterly, except [Si trituolent atlvertlaemeota, ' , daub aell. l be paid lu AtivanF,____ • State Oriels Thermometer forth° .Lvk 919192 g Jyy 2,1870. _ L : • 7A. .tt. 2P. X. OV. M. Jon , 75dcir. . dog.. • 72 deg. 27 74, dog. 83 d6g.. 75 dog. !, 28 - 75 deg.! l 79 deg.' '7B deg. 73 deg. :78 dog. 75 deg. 8) 74 dog. !!!. &I deg. 74 deg. 28Iy I 70 deg. ''7B'dog. 75deg. 2 it deg. ' 75 deg. 65 deg.' U. T. TAYLoito. TI IIE TABLE. Clore 11. R.—Tralaa e,,111)( East leave Beater Stallon•as follow*: More Exprose, 9.17; Ereolog Express, 2.14. NMI, 5 43 p. Mall, rut Tesinsgoing west Itavu Heaver ..43 a. m.; Express, 3.55 p. m.; r0mm0dati0u,..,6.43 & C. R. R.—Tralno going East have RoelesateStation (at end of bridge) as fol. hos: Beaver Falls Aecum. G.Cri a.m.; Eminccom. :.tea. m.• New Castle aceons.o.3o a. o: Fags uvrom. 14.10 p: tn. - • Tokio., going West leave Rothe+ er Station, tat end of bridge) as follow.: 11. F. seem. 10a. m.; Noon arc0m.6.444). in.; New Csistleaccom. 5.011 p. its.; B, V. *teat. 7.07 p. zu. Trains ,"ring East Ivaco Rochester (Upper) Do. pot to. folloti : B. F . set-0111.6.W a. M ; ZI:101:1 ac c0m.7.15 a. in.; New Castle aessluns 8.44rn5.111; . tileago es p. 10.51 a. tut Beaver. Falls Mow 11.15 p. o).; Chicago Mall 3A5 p. to; Erie exp. 4.10 p. in; ctile.mgc( cxp, 0.01 o. tn; Erio.rnallo.644)). m. , Thins :mu W041)1)1(4 MoelmataW(Upper) De. pot as rt , WOWS : ChittOlniMUS ft. tn.; Erie exp. n. m; Beaver Falls *geom. 11.63 In.;_ehleamo ,•v p. 11.31 a. m.; Chicago exp. 1.08 p. m; N ow (14- tlerolll. 4.300: ' fiettTer scrum. 7.40 ' The attentigat of rho public is directed to tho. following Now Advertisements whilti apnea' for the first tittio in the AlltiVS to-day l'Atent MedicincA—Werner. The Bible and the Public Schools—J. 11. ..S; Co. 0 rtlin:loci.—ltoberi. chi N. tiers—.ht... A. Fortune. Worm:dim' for the People—Bearer Book. Stow. . Notice—ll. Wee Choice Music.—lf we knew who it ea. that came to our dwelling on lust Montlay night and played a few choice , tones wo would'ot institute a suit against them, bit give them as good a notice as we voultli write on the morning stteekeil- LIM the 4th of July. CAN DFA`ENDED ON:—EVCry 111. ducenietit announced in the witlely..dif 7 fused tulyertkements of 'Ulla titlititlithrn k faithfully earriedout in Its c•durso of study and busitioao training. To all who desire a thorough, prnetleal hued ! ions Othltlltloll, we Can, heartily; recent mend the Iron City College as ',without equal.—Clark's , 'MI: place to rt Cellar clajrits Vt . at It. S. Rnger's, 12ridgowater. Je 3w ri:v Essos Wirrisit, Iteal:, Estate Agents at lleaVer Falls, hal:, for , sale nver,'2oo,lo acre& 'of 'choice 'farm and mineral land, in Middlo TentieSsee, In track of 5,000 acres, at 81.25: per acre, An intyluonts. Those Mai been nO ter chance fora specUlation ()tiered to the inarried men of this region for along time than this one. Three railroads will traverse this tract. For Particu lars address the agents as above. They have also about tCPIXJ,OOO worth of Beaver and Lawrence county rod proporty for . "ale. • • - AT II ananer's, junta 81.0 e. .jultqtf "CHARLEY," th7ngrene for tito l book on Mort 1111 l tisin, by Beadle, is now can this roomy for subierlOtions II wlll no doubt ho a work of thrilling interest, and those who aro disposed to know moroof [lto Institution of polyga ny inthiuoountry,sliould procure a cojiy of thin work. Ile Is also eanviuislog for a Pokytrlotii I uuily,llilie with iltustrations and ex iiielatious. This Is a superb work and -herald be in evOry fatally in tho'county. inayll.l2t BON 0 I.lmßx, onttoo atv.l ithpor Fanit, fit Itenvont's. jelS,4w lart:e lot or hentittful euninier Miuw6 al .1,4. A. rortilltio..,.e.lling le'rt - A sr recAhrry made or pure laces and I ~, , ,Uork, by Mn.e lieeoem: 1e15;4w . Mr.' Wordly,%• Deputy •Noc,tary of the Commonwealth, . and ~litor of the Carlisle Herald va,, in lieu tivron 1.,t Sat ortlav• .11 . er . m, hats 75 cotilx. Je4s;tr 1•,I1 Jao, A . it'ortune7,` Ii =II The Beaver County Agricultural So , wiy, will hold itii next, Annual Fnir In NViallnesalay, Thursday anal rniday, &pt. '..llth, 29th sell 301111870. 11. It. Moon#:, Socy. e - ll:manor's ltazar of Fashion keeps :or hort 'dock of trlmmoct tintrilit hats unit bonnet*in neaveroutinty. .ivo hint a wil, n eorner Bride and Mar lirldoiviitor Pa. 1o15;tc l'relielt.gipghnum at .1n•. A. Fortunkiv. A intlful artletr, very cheap'. VAltl iiry of cuffs, collars :nut neck ties, at Airs. E. H. Be:tennis, Beaver. .1 AT Hanauer's, hhts @v scats. ' jen;a: 1.. F: Cold SparlilinVioda Water, fresh trout I the fountalua and flavored with dVikil/lIS fruit juices, at Hugo Andries-, 'oven, (leaver Drug Store. Jet how Etaa via, this clay at 11. S. liatai.Tr's, ton Out() irld leatl. lilli FOrt r.e . P., very I r vv black rop milk for Indtos sacks; a Int of dross goods moil-able for. tho ...120111 at It. S. Rangers. Je.2:43w Going t,,Eniropc.- 7 ,Ourtow i nan.49, .1, IT. Ilemfe, esq. will leave this country t”r Europe on or about tho tniddlo'of this a...nth. Ills many friends In the vicinity s, ill wish him a safe and - pleasant Jour m to and from quo old country. Nick: and fresh assortment of mil hats, bonnets, flowers, ribbons, .114trecelved atld rm. E. If. Ilerussitt's, ur. This stock will bo sold at the' possible price. Jels;.lw Ilate and bonneni trlinnied to or- Hanauer's, corner of Bridge and mtreets, Bridgewater. jelrittf Errs vno at 11. S. Itangorn another ht of ilanneed oil; alto ono hundred and fifty - kegs annorted Wheeling mill& ',ate i.t.ow baskets and chiltlrott's school, I ..t.licts at 11.angaesl a * • lott2tw I 'mance., hats 60 cants. Jal4lo:,i Aft, the Jp..A. Fortune: milt toduce, price,. at about coat. . 1 i shoulden4 . onil Rides of ilia ba.it 1 .r.111,1. at TS. S. it; , mger's;rtiidginialtili. 3 SIN) cured hauls and -leapt cured 1..,4 at B. Y. Banger's, Bridgewater. 3t Mnlvanon Limo Kilna, Van - port. limo at tho lowest prim 134=tr.• PAID Yon IVOOI,--,•4ioiare. Orr c.,,,f,0r will ra,,, aiih for Wool daliv'or .,l at their *toro In lam borough of Ben- Wet:with:y.l'nd Sethrrda.o arc Bet Tart tqr the reception orytrool. jez,3t tr Hanauer's. Ladles Hose; 16 cants. jels;tt ,—... . LADILS lilloll CUM and Collarlf - .and bury rit,bona always on band at Mrs:. Iteaponeft. jels:4lr Tate followliMadvortisemont Jo from the Washington (I). O.) mar, of a rooont date.: Vidvertlsemeut.] , - looter Slur: s MOTT trAtiot on;to b rillood hkusolf, both all mars term, it would not be improper to look around for a successor. In that connec tion we know of no man now living In whom - aro fully combined all the el& moots necessary to constitute a Chief Idattr ar sto for this Government as John • present Governor of VOntisylt vsnla. t'hi duo to him, and to Pennsyl-• vania that ho bo brought forward by his man 3r friends as our next Republican candidate for thitPrjahlancy. Maur' I'SSI6IYLVANIA.NS. • Juno 10, 1870. The Fourth.—The Fourth of July, as usual in Beaver,,passed off quietly. The various Sabbat Schools of the place held Pt* an T"O'll i °10 011 14 VO I,ro - scholars and leachers enjoyed themselves. In the afternoon a largo number of those who took en interest in tho Soldiers Orphan School at Phillips', burg and , the: pursued Mends :of :lhe Principal's family mado their appearance, at the latter'a dwelling and tlartook of a euelPtqolul dittnemireyitioti.fOr AG: cm.' casion. Atter the repast the visitors Proceeded to a grove near by whore an : essay Was read 1.0 tlitlO songs sung, little speeches made (of, course wo mean the spooe,hosivereshort) toasts read, and general• merriment In dulged in. Tho meeting was presided over byf Sant...* yVilson . k i sq ,o 4 Ithis place, and Mr. hiastin of Bridgewater tilled the Wilco of Secretary. The com: pany seemed dollghtod with tto enter: tainpamt,, Nuclide!), late in, 4ho,,afternoon tide .Tay lor—and his ostemablo family all kinds of success, and the pupils of the school God-speed in theirjournoy through life. After night set in wo had a display of ilre+vorks on iho rlyei Matt 44.,10t 01P10 * flOte Pittsburgh whose names' we did not learn. • Examinanon and Vacation of Nol-, Meese Orphans' Sehool.—From a circular received from Col. McFarland, Superintendent o! Soldiers' Orphans' Schools for Pcnnoylvanla, wo notice that a vacation in all of them will take place on Friday July 12, and terminate on Thursday, Sept.!. Thla vacation will be preceded by au ea; mole:Won ; the time time axed Or ea taleatlou oral° pupil.'af the Pllllllombiarg reboot le met for Moe day, J illy 11, e x arnica. tione will be public and conducted according to the following regulation: r l l te) it In be (Decal, partt wr tou And init• lv o ,Jboteigh clunaetpr autaracc,Aa tuantimoreaatitotatabe lutti #6216' 63 the several grottos. he emitting Board will never consist or loon than tire, nor more tttau nine member, two of whom may be teachers of the school examined, one the onitmr conducting the CiAtlliMitioll, and the remaining members persons selected or ap proved by hhn. Examinations will. commence promptly atU a. rat: fmi coptlnpe l lftufcessary; till 10 p. m., with the usual Menke.' 'l. Boys will be examined In military tactics, girls In ease and grace of movement; both sexes In tinging, speaking and composition, and in phm• eal condition, neatness, &c.; and the entice In. saltation, beds, clothing, grounds, farm. d*.c., as to general condition, adaptation, Sc. G. It an elation hold at the Hall of the Grand Army of the Reptilb= lie, in Beaver, Pa., on last Friday °vow'. ing, for' olflelntifor pie rdst,,Bgritig the onsuing:iirtn, he - ibilcniing• emdrades were duly chosen : .Poat Woyautl. - i —Sainuel Dinsmore. J. V. C.—A. G. White. ..4djutaat.r.Robert Asppi. • Or.P*.iblrA4iri 3 irei f 1 Ouorteiwus.rrer—J. B. argon. Officer of Day—Louis Bance.,_ Officer'of Guard—Charles Ruhr. Nergraillotajor--John McCullough. • Q..8., 1 4.--Jtunesll 7, Cunnknichaut. ,• C. SJ-3.441!) . 'J . ; • • Post Meets on next Eriday evening (July Bth).,' Let there be a full attend ance. I=l , New Brighton Endre lieminta ry.—A correspondent of.tho Pittsburgh Gazette of July 211, thus opmksof a Sem inary in our county: "This worthy institution has just closed its first term, and Prof. JOhnson and lady have proved their competency to conduct a nest class Seminary. "It has boon my privilege to visit them both in the parlor and in tho reer lotion room, and I have always found them agreeable companions, - and compe tent instructors. '"rheir examinations, some of-which I witnessed. passed off creditably -both 'to the teachers and the taught, "The musical department, presided over - with d ability l 4 , M iss Mary . A. Liouseit;- 11 ,2 3 !/ t, ° o 4 r U ti bnisithint Ire. ,• ' "They gave a very good literary and musical entertainment at Concert Mail last night. 'rtity intend to open a normal school In a few days for the benefit of those de- - siring to teach. We recommend it to such with all confidence." Com silence Anent Exercises. During - Oft week wo hnd quite a-utirripti thh,b Addlititirios" of Vi4-t t plit2e. The terms In both- of theta closed on Thursday evening. The early part of the week was, taken up In the examina tion of via:lse:4 and although not present. ourself we have learned that the pat-, runs of both Seminaries were highly pleased with the progress of the differ ent pupils. Music, both vocal and in strumental, was abundant ,during the week. The following young ladies, pu pils of Dr. McLean's school, graduated on Thursday evening: Misses Lizzie Bailey; Joule Crawford, Emma An drews, Rose McNaughton, Annie Fer guson.,le I', 1 1 Olt tin; 'evening , dipl6mits trie r conferred upon Misses Irene Barr, Sadie), Weodroofe, Clara Ewers, Miriam Wilson and Amelia Moorhead, pupils of Prof. Taylor's school. Later In the evening a reception was O ven by President Tay lor'and Lady at their dwelling which was attended by a largo. numbei of their patrons and personal Mends. We need scarcely say, that it was a brilliant affair and the gmas all i neOnied highly pleased with tbooritertalument. MIN A Fickle :11nid.The course of true luve,is often ,tough, but , not often % so much so as In the rase of Mica Ida liuth, oho committed suicide in Omaha not long ago. The girl was engaged to ono, youne man, and thought she loved hitn, but another charmer came around,• mut as she loved No. 2 better, she threw No: 1 overboard. And bore's whore the trouble came, Ibr .14'0. 1 wouldn't stay overboard, but came back and swore bd would kill himself If she didn't consent to marry him. She consented, and No. iwent overboard, and with him her happiness. lie hadn't sense enough to come back and swear he would commit suicide,and make her have hint ovor again. .. , fo she moped and mado ready to marry the man she didn't love, and just befoNthe,w4dipg, eikotaji*,4of with,' MOOS AO rfln &al exit.' bition'of frantic grief and touching des pair on the part of all concerned. Blow is this for lligh, Heavy Anti Munn ?—Thoro is a bdy in Wonslwarfl i tqwFtsblp, "Teo:fling county, seventeen years of ago, who stands six feet eight Inches high and weighs over two hundred pounds. Ills name is Goorgo Wurstar.! Thero•le.ulso girl living In 'Middlebury township, Tiogit'oc;6llo,4bin l / 4 44 yArit 6r ago and weighs four hundred pounds. John McKibben, ,Slierltr. of Mintkon oonitty, lowa, Is' throe feet high, twiTity: two year* atttl twenty-eight poundi lit weight. Tui LAny's Fniscrip, Fon JuLy...' Truly a superb number, in embellish ments and in literature! 'How the pub lishers can afford to give so much for so little is a mystery ; the half-yearly sub sprintiorkfix Drealastilr4l.2r, 'Theif Nr! graving, "Summer Hours," Is a deli ciously suggestive picture; the Colored Fashion a Plate,•group .tif elegant Par fidelities; the Colored Tatting Pattern, beautiful . as. yell ma useful ;, i and, the woddends enough t3' give' thd hints on (Iron they could want. :rho directions for making paper iloweig will; interest many. As to'- the stories and'poems, such names as Harriet Pres- =:==9 Sett Spofford,' A. '9G . Douglad; Bliss Promote., Eleanor Donnelly and j Vie 3vtirriut altigh fur; their " superiority...; '. a Should have mentioned that the 11111 Sit, is a March, a "timothy to - Philadelphia," by Paull Bents. And the editorials, written by a; lady for ladies, are particularly attrae-, five. Published by Deacon .& Peterson, 919 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Price : 12.00 a year (which also includes a largo s stool engraving). Four copies, sd, rive, 2 1 3 1 , 4 01 01 .4 1 • 9 1 4draif0h1e. MT1, 3 5 ) M.15 , nerid"'lUld ""The''Satiard4 "Erv9dint Post" (and one engraving), ft. Sample OoPIO9 44 AMIS. Virt=7,3ll;l2:c n iumvirway., -, b7Wlllhun andJiobelly, bon—in two. ' imperlolOttitil MolotoW.-rigo Met sad ZOOit•; lustratlans. In the American , edition , is presented' the lateat revised, cheapest, arid most substantial of all previous editions. As a book of reference, it hi both intelligi; blo and exhaustive. A book for thet dme,o 1061,04;iip',‘ ifbidr4 . 4Sr! farm. Tho'work will beprinted of good! paper made expressly for it. At the un-! procedenledly low price to subscribers,i payable on delivery, Fine English Cloth, i sprinkled edges, per 'voln'tne:At.).6o.l Library Style (Leather), marble edges, per volume, $4.75. P. S.—The editor of the Anus has( just purchased the Work, In ton vol.! umes, at $BO. N. 8.--Subscriptfons may be loft at, the Beaver Book Store.' PAM, Fart Tlme.—Tho Pittsburgh, Port Wayne er, Chicago, and Pennsylvania Central Railroads have put upon their line a fast train—the time being between, Chicago and Nev, York but twenty. seven hours—leaving the former city at It a. so., and reaching the latter at 3 p.• in., next day. • This short time is made, , not bY increasing sPectl, but by omitting' stops.. Between riktaburgh and .PhUi; dolphla, for_inatinoo, this train stops' at but two places—Altoona and Ilarris burg. Fare fir the Whole distance only eighteen dollars. PleCreesi, Esq., whoso card will be found elsewhere in the Au.' ova, has hung out a "shinglo7i on Third street, below the Court liouse.—' Mr. Me., possed a very creditable examt-, nation before Ms ndrniiniou' tcOthii bar,' and as he lie full of energy sueiloss as a lawyer:ls pretty well assured. Child Killed by is Itat.,—Qn Thursday night, lath lilt., u child four !maths old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Belies, of this city, waked its mother by Its screams about Li o'clock. There was no In the room, and thinking nothing unusual' the 'nutter, , the mother soothed it in the customary way, and it soon got quiet and went to sleep: Soon after as the mother was lying with her hand about the child, ono of her fingers was bitten. Sho immedi ately arose and struck a lightonul to her horror found herself and till's bed be smeared with the blood of the littleonc. On examining it she discovered its right hand had been bitten in five place's, and (Meet the fingers ontirolY bitten through by a cat. She took medical advice, next morning, and applied a wash and poultice as pieneribed.l Tho wound healed without• sUppnrating; bnf on Sunday the 'child sickened and • got worse till Tuesday, when iefookionvul.' sions which continued 4 short inter vals,.always getting worse till .Thurs day aflernoon,Lld, about half, past' tour o'clqck, when death atme!to It !id all the symptoms of belnk pelSon edf The child was strong and, healthy up to the time it was bitten. This.Ls a sad affliction to the parents. • Little Anna Luella was their only daughter.— ..Yew Cwsllc Courant. Lawrence Comity Items.—Tho Lawrence Antrim/Of last Saturday says: The threatenings on Tuesday last were followed by a heavy storm fir different poltits surrounding our city, North, towards the 'coal Lanka, the rain and hail was very heavy, doing much injury to the corn and wheat. Zhu Willa blew a tornado, unroofing several barns and blowing down trees. One barn belong ing td Mr. R. if. Peonies, another to Mr. Tease. Within a limit of three acres on Mrs. Johnson Watson's rni), lifty-two forest trees were blown down. Three miles mist the storm was equally - severe, unroofing the barn of Mr. John (abseil, blowing glow 0 two apple trees on his thrrn; fnfi a ;tip aboint twit todsifrcuo ttio.honsip ittehfCby Ifightilitgi Tho same programme occurred near Plain grove... No person that we haVe heard of was injured. Wo only had a slight shower in this city. —We are informed that there is a cer tainty of the old "Lawrence" iron works changing Ilmas .within a week. And the prospects are that it will be in full operation within a short time. We earnestly hope that such Inns prove to ho the fact, and are 'certain that evor2,- man, wollllol and child in this commu nity will thereby be benefited, and will rejoice in stieh a.cheet;ing i ptrstret. • r you don't Want' to disgust every body with your offensive breath, cure your Catarrh upon which it dependsi.— $5OO reward is °tiered by the proprietor of Dr. Sage's catarrh II:glumly for a 4.28 0 of Catarrh which ho cannot cure. It: is sold by douggistia: • •Cati }let it• fur 'sixty cents by mail front Dr. It. V.. Pierce, Buffalo, Dr. Piervo's,Golden Moilical Discovery is the greatest ('ough Remedy and Mood 'Purider of the ago. 'gold by' Druggish.. Struck with Lightning. —On Tucndav of last week during a heavy thunder storm at Pittsburgh, the light ning. doconded and struck several olk tanks near that city, setting them on fire, burning them up, and destroying much other property. The clerk °fano of the oil refineries, viz: Mr. 11. B. Foster, wo are sory to say, perished in the flames. The Sharpsburg bridge over the Alle gheny river was also consumed, having been set on lire by the burning oil float ing oh the ri , Mi Underneath it. Tho OA lowing losses aro rrporicd ;„ 'Citizenn f Stock tt50,000; building tz:'2.l,- 000; total Eii 3 OCK), fully coveted by innur- i ante. ♦ - Eclipse: Eulldingt34oo.ooo; stock fcleo,-. 00di iir.Tweddleti residence $12,000. haul V 1. 1 22999; ineerancesBo,ooo..., . filiarptiburif bridge: $:A,000 to 1:40,ee0. Boll's "Astral" NYRFkei !Wilding and etock 140.000 ; fully insured. Forsythe fire's. tank and oil $-'0,000; no Insurance. Cochran's tank n 1 oil $23,000 ; no in surance. • Dilworth Drcia.4ll,o;ooo; fullyPihisitred: National: $70,000; insuretl, Total 105a,5652,0001 'Total ins:tram:a #205,000. Clarion Couutr Alsrad.--John C. Kisstugert of gotly, towitallw 'Clarion eeunty, Pa., is seventy-four years old, and is the .father of thirty-threeehlhiren, ninteetiti?fili disk tAfe and fourteen by his second—is still living, and is report ed to weigh 303 pounds. - , A Wiatsllll l ll4 Boils +4l hytettt many boys complain that there aro no places. Perhaps it is hard to got just such a ply, et re; liite.,,Atttewkaglypf ti are p crountry, we are sure, has need of every gall boy and girl, and man an" woman in it- 1 -wheln`yoti 'get a ' piketf, vOe' say, make yourself useful in it; mato your self necessary to your employers; make yourself so necessary, by your fidelity and good bollavionettutt they' ' , cannot do without you. Be willing to take a low price at first, no matter what the work IS, If It bo hornist work. Do it Well; do it the vary best you am. Begin very lowest round of the ladder, and climb up. Thb great: , waht kiverywhilia I. raitmul, i caiibi9 vil3rll7. Ihltare never a Ltirity, tn market. . ake yourself one of these, and there . wilt all ways.he a place for you and a good one, too. = IftsaVkr.t-4P14.!,w,000.41 ru4(l' pear Utdootowucaays_that fairer' copper head anakrioroptinto roots' tbo i"iutd b!'aildb` 7 1n .Soaiortiet: txpunty , says he found eluFen black . makeukthe tonged of iihhit, tocasartil; mimeo 10,4 In:hla bed. aro:ok t ' ent t " :;i rtt PA g t ons4Eva• -,' Pittrood topentle-A, , orrihle sI.:: falrneoerie4On the New Brighton road, four =llea' hint Pittabrugh, . on teat Sat:ll4sy night. A.dwolllng house, On at:filed. hi theft:mai of Joseph Huniell, Las destroyed by tirefburnhig.te death .tWo.l.lttlO4dplioi;:and';gitiiely . ' *Jur-. lug the , entente; .., who, by endangering theliown -lives, succeeded 311 reseuing' ttiolrUiria n Othor:Olitidi4ni eitho'y LlUillgia Into thetod ream and catried ont•these, but Weienijured bilitellaines, so much as to render them Inienelbk) for . a time; 'The sympathy and akliir the p eople of that, omntunlty is being gtv ) bn thotn:i . AL Wealthy Glpsey.— he New Al , bany Ledger says: 'Ono o the 'glpslo. movie! detrApirs tityl44 ; I Nplii York soinethrtO • wiroks ago, - And ad h• silver tea tielitelyttlaßulecturtk.4o JeWeler,pf that city; asp present forth: Bohemian 'Wife, sending,. with the ardor, ono hun dred dollars, eh agnarantee; and order-. Ingtho bill to be sent wittrtho tea kettle, , by express, .C.• 0. • B.' TIM tea kettle was received thiS Wylo Ma r o e bill, call ing i6r ono hundred dollars m. . ; rho glpsoy Irad' the kettld Wolighetl;: re . Ruin& it all tight; paid the hill, and presented the costly venal to his' with,' who Immedi ately put it into use by. placing it over the aro i nua polppg yater.lit lt, for tea. In Pip udfor it, (lie glpioi L.lrspla . Yed, it roll of twenty ono thousand dollar bills. ---s- ---- I Went for Illm.-,-Iyo.nptieo ht, one oftlietiiiir being meal '144 :bid: . old follow citizen, It. G. McGregor, a few days since became sociable and attempt ed to cultivate the acquaintancoofatatne ,hl4 belinth ti: the Riot. itt4iii cintia .**Ctit 'llltifon tp; Law.ion4 "14144.'- r Result: Bruin resented the advances, yr wasn't .a bit , genial, and biq ly sunk his twin tito•afack's riot:Vic . At last acePIWO. iiipGx• - C'dJtoi .wat doing well lint fiddliq' ethielinled 'to ina •o a second attempt to form the "bar' j" acquaint ance. , . Cos*!tette Mejeting. the legislative marerees tro ty met the conferees or 1411. at the : Urinal - gala/1a lion and tho tiainc.4 of tho follm men were retitled sui legit! , d fitritlibt dkriet : Dr. leek; denim M. tethereent Mickey. The con fermi wer lor, J. It. Harrah, of Beaver tritiitty, antITT. U. W. Vtillock and J 7,111104 P. 1 h ingthrt-thunty. Female Kenllestx.—Th ladieA aro on tho more. with "running" a tenialo ri others of the fair ones of th about to outer the sculling Chnonic44l of; last rciday- tiny!, bat Miss Lotta MeAliee, sculler, has joined the Mad Moat Club and has the upper Motion; irou cral days: Tho also practicing co prcparu b on the IGI w(zir rowing, cosinn:AO dress ind red , Jaejr.ft. ;The likely *ear jackets _ _ _ . Tit loan Zeigler NOM and took charge of the itroat afteritwasyelinguisbed by eceetit to bdl~` ntro Yii~aiu. I, week a telegridli' 'waif rtleui . farshal, from a town in making inquiries enneernirit such' after n requisition froa erlior w:e iiftholandsoCelli arrest and removal 'to that emineetiou. with age Tito matter cif rtiteit to an .orneer %quilt' who, being it drunkard, gave him self to drinking ailbabbling, and so af forded Zeigler an excellent .hpiair to gu whither ho would, andj.vhither he will not soon be fulluweu. lie kept while he was hero, as is 'believe'', a drinking ;Id gambling deb town Is t h e bettor for his •lt escaped on Friday night morning la: A.—Solent Jour,. What Shan ma Behet phi or weeks ago we publl. Anon s a thrilling story of tl blowers belonging, to a cireW into a cage or none, mot o concurred into fresh rucat fu supper. or breakfast—we f Now,pervcrao anskunbolievit say there is'ut a word of tt shocking story. The lions musicianns wititsiingnyhpc.. tion,mnd politely escorted hemto the Uocir of the cage without b oven a single juicy steak from then icians ditent tumble inttT lions at all, but went on bi horns with melodious comp lions wero pot, at all hung** hot thgest the inusietaits i swallow(xl thorn. Thdro lions attached to_ tho eir • ',wasieitiatr3r i cyin.liat I)lett a ilea *or iars--Lilut VC/L-110 Ohio I'ntri• tirecn, .rosiding in the of East Liverpool, started time ainee,..witli five (niacin. poeket,witli the intension Leg a farm in Missouri or _.... ... ....... .... Cincinnati ho was met by a {tie() young 1,1 m em' to , whom he made his usinessaud prospechi known, the latter greelng to i accompany him to the steamboat land ing, and, assist hint in selecting the host 1 boat, On reaching the In they ware met by a stranger, N i rho r ilunnulthe. nice young in:tutor two hundred dollar., which ho claimed was duo 1m the lat ter that morning. Nice ,ouug man Ailed time to goc up to the bank, where ho had money at his eontaiand. The stranger, however, refuse( '1 to wait a minute, stating that his boat was about to start, and Vett ho must r unt would laßti ila l iffe'rfeltinid [hell' sfiggeVed to nice young man that perhaffs his friend might loan hint the monear a few minutes, ydreretipealir.,p n was alf- Pc tni War4i4tuhily Wu 4tiiil init"the two hundred dollars. The money was paidto the strunger,-who i onmediately !often ids pretended journey. Thu nice yfiiiiig Man them Lad Ifin7ir'een to take A seat IT fhe could run till to the batik and.gat ttlananey,e'tatingthat lie would be back in about live :nine es. Mr. 0. theiventodotrirthantatt•thel . tdrn a tita friend, and ,waited, and l 'ailed" and waited, but filo niCif y6hild Yl hblalled to make his appearance , and 1 e will ever ho absent, while the two hundred dollars ha. 'tione elliene.tho:wegille twineth.' We are satisfied from what we :have since learned that out. PittAburgh cor respondent Lsat woe', ' did gttat injustice to tho Pittsburgh Council at a body.— cji 1 Weteliere that a majority flit's` man burs arc high., minded, hon sable men, i and wi th hat opinion of tlith I, we regret the!. a • teary, view fettudi , ospressieu throng 11 rMig t the'colutntis of the . nuus. . ......._ Penitentiary !.mates.—ln the Penitpittaq loe?to4 in 411fgheny city, there are . confined 'ati We preset', ' time Oulz Nuo !LI undyed Aga tlArly r ope pr 1.4.; onors. This if t a much loss number titan has fur many years occupied that coiree tivi institptiou. s , Viiiht ci d ( the. aheye numWirre' fothhiCs, corhibett thlu'e for' offences running from the lowf..t to, the highest. - I ! • Thu weather, daring, the lal has been good for harvesting, niers ut availed thenmles xA'SM~IK+<::. xoa~<+V~'~cv%i:" ':.~~h; L•;~~'8:_ ..t: Forty - First, Congress, SECON rb SESSION. . , 01.i14J1T/;; Juno 27.—,..2110ti0n to, bold ,et - , 41 , 0,**02 11 road bill Wati. agrodd ;to.: •li . ti e t ax L H ( W l V.4 , lighl l lP• was. l . ntrrehon out minima oirbilon ; and ea atialoadnidniVAVT maw. Ron districts was agreed ld. ; (pts o sugar; ceff , ri . 410 . v 4 'moved, t 9. alaidlabedt,.it wouldeli,tiLio off $.141,900,b00 of revenue; but, before filial action, the deatli of RIM: DaVid sul .h01111004091.1.0,4j. 4b._ 4 ,.n4P111. - icaslutlons the scoot) adjournod out, of respect. llouso.—A bill for thOtlistribution pro; ..res(a of; Alt MonOYo POO Vr to be paid. the Ropublic of Venezuela for claims of tho_united States utidoi th'o'aWard of the mixed etimmission. was Tho Senate amendment , tie the consular and diplomatic appropriation bill was non-; co n curr amb,a ue d A edininittee of *infer ence ordered. - Nothing , further trtuts-' 041 )f) L. 1 ) ; SENkrii, rune :Z."1101 Atritiitie and, Pacific ltailrOadbi/l.iese Pro& *dad with; tutdonlationdultut adboupOr o bibui thog_rantingef - lamis in the Indian rps-; a tt;l:// e feCdthf Ifir.l/7 for :depots, Au.; wax a g i ee d to. genet° want Into exacu' tire session ; after which, it. was agreed tp / limit, speeches, t(d fir° mlnitted. ,a 4.1 !AAtstimilidtuelit'tk; the ditty. en ,coksn, filigar,_4., was no agreed to F . tlib rates are thiesecents pc pound. Tho bill was discussed until jouriunent. „,.; • fililla 4 giAttCprot.smiencei . to certain chills of eicleg,in the U.S. courti was passed.: The bill cintstNms section: fifty-flab pf the hatiiiiiillititoney act oi - judo 3rd, 1563, whith provflics peunititts fur nil'ences against It, to ripply to overY president, :director, *liter, teller, clerk or pgent of tt national bank was passed.: The:Civil so: ryfea iipprepriatien bill Was then autoodod and *nal. ' After sonic further: littslnms . or, little Interest the Route aidjeurtietl, tionati, JIISIO 5 0.-L3ly. gliOrllllol • pro sontod a wonioctabupen tho importanett of making it full appregrlathui for the Louisville, Canal, according to the engi neers' esdnYtteet; • rererred to the Com mittee on Cominerditi: !The tax and tar iff bill was amended dnring Um remain der of the session: • . Wr.."4" 1 1 0 P•: , lf rear: fir ifousi:.—The following Senate bills passed: itmeudabiTy 'l)f )linotet of July. 27, ISd, to 'protect the right; Of actual settlers on pitbile landit; to establish the Western Judicial District of IVisconsin ; to amend an 'act to eitabllsh and protect the tuitional eentettielesi; to regulate for eign and ocastiog lade en tho 'Northern . and Northwestern frontiers of the Unto test States; to regulate the elfeet of a voti; of thanks of Congress .! - ti promoti On' In the, navy; in rolajion to certain unsold lands in the conntlefa ot Porter and Lake Indiana; to establitth no-additional land' district in Kansas; for iulnittudon of pilo tographs for the eichltiltlort free of duty ; in giving the conseittof Congress to the, 'reception of a certain begirt, by, the State of Now Jersey, under the will of late Edwin A. Stevens; for the disPosal of lands within the Fort Itidgely milita ry reservations, MintieSeta; . authorizing the coristruetien a' bridge across the' Arkansas river at Little Rock; to ainend lin net of lure to carry into 1.140, ll r a pod'. ViiiicMs of treaties . bet teen, the rnitdd States and China, Jeprin,. Siam, Persia and other countries; ghq.ngpOtailujutti dal powers to milliliters .14.1 consuls, and other functionaries 'of the United Slates; to repc.tl certain seetions of acts passed by tho Territorial Legislature of Wyoming. Mr. Soolield, from the Con fekeneo Co mpiittee, on tho bill for dare- Rile of eortitili officers of the bill nude a report, striking out the second section of the bill which referred to retired olD coca. The report was agreed to. The Doorkeeper of the 'louse watt ordered to retain the ctipplix‘seldiers employed by him, during the sass pf Congress. The eiinfereiii:o report on the currency bill Was t onside red, sup& rejected, itu 41 another eon ferrets) asked for. Adjourned. last.yriday 1 this roun itingtpu Co., Pitti,buri:ll till.; gentle tico C; hur- A. . T. M. Tay tPatterson, rt of Wash- Pittsburgh 'et content het smiety, at city are krona. Thu : We learn the female Moorhea , l It...tieing On se for sev festants aro boatm, Glonwood, !cAlloo. will Swim white othets in color". pOWII IZEI Ittoay Itl;lodes, nto (lily last tr(al kiv the 'llllll, and tio 1:or -1cm-A for His tato for nl - liorsu arrest was SENATE, Julie 30. 7 -The Muse tonend mem, to the Senatd bill to prevent the vx• ttnininattion of for-In:3irittg nnintals in Alaska. Woreioneerrel :4Evt.ral re. port, Irma committees wore made, and intradut..d. The taxLU 1 tariff bill was thee taken up,. ilisettsed, consid• eredaret ,enienital ilutiiig the day. I, and o'6 Bence. Hu .r Saturday li:ngthy fliwassintt aroie un the non.conearrencein an ttmendmeat pr, riattlig s36,7:l3—(lifferenfec between colt] and currency—to untutnitteo Inftrottv ordefi+,l . bin J vrsrx ctty A imp. 'Clic Mpitt: 1.,i;,t14Tiute..0.!,- c ?—A Cou• . lied in the ren iumbl.ng ,mthit ntly thu hop,' ::ha a v a rz of delivery, p.i.,+,14. tt Sl.ll;itifute. tit ,4 tieitate , i;111 thi The iiii provement of water entninunirattiist•liC LWerli the 3fii , ..sh:Appi ii . eer and Lake Miehigan by way id Vikeost,h, and Foy ricers, was agreed to sinil the hill A hill ass repors,..l .rrantinz Keasii-• vin e ';mii southera 11:inins the right p. build a bridge r Ittg \rat, t , h :i:or; olio, ti bill t:yitii.•nil the Art At 4 hhrizir.:.: t e , ii•trietian cit bridg' :tcroisthe 31.i,soari rncr, on the liiiitary rest rvation at Pcrt Luvenworth: to %villas- An RITIt•Ilit1111.11t, ri•ittirilltr the :Lear: of the tint , V--Itit lit• otr:AW --1 , . teni't 11:01 tiell 1;44 is thqe.h.ar, witcsigrwil tl4 pill lash. (aL Al , , a hill to:mien I the Se: 15111, further tri the cr;p l. l ,;. ;;ling relating to ship purelsa,e3 sit thnimlian port 4, titl4 11.3. 4 4.q. ' repori of the conference commitlee on the hal iLlintag tho duties of pen,ion agotte, made a report taxing thin lin e s of claim' agent.; at $lO, ext•ept on wrtnen agree ment tiled in the Departineat, la which evn , the maximum fee shall It,: •:',25, was agreed to.' A bill for the reti "t pre. viiiption settler:4in Yichr:A . t, teas The hill to refund and eon,oliiiat” the 01011 taken up and ill.sent-; at Wrest length ; but final ;ir!.. , tion the House adjourned. • get which. g mhowinen ath him the treated the oonsidera- . The inu tile den wiug their sure. The and. could tlit y 11.0 !oren't any cis. There I.l.l.!ii,,itink- • t : A igliburbood ' l est a short dollar>. in of pun Ika,.- ilrill..l-i. kt SENLITt:, July ;.—Mr. Ant!ant:: was elekttal ! Pr(itieta„. during , the abienee of, - , \lTVolrzot or liPePourtil ,!r' .I,liiy lodi-; ildos:k The Ititt:se bill to klaitgo*tiif, limp or holding the I)ialriet and ;Cfrenit.Courts or the Nirthern District or , Ohio, WILi IMSNit t . 1111: 4oftselutendftlClati t.? tlif btli'fAr ' Lieu impieveinhtti . tit ) Witter Jdnl niunication hetWten the 311 , ,,ig,ippi Itiv• cr and Lake Mhthiiattl, IV: thtl Wi4eonAin and Fox river-a, wa4 eofieurr4,l in. v, Atlantic ~i.,1 Pacific Itaiimul hill was briefly' iiirt:ll,leil alai en ineffectual effort made to get t„lin, cotititreiteetypoit on the army :All. s lTie iii - x bill 't\ . :l:4 !then taketi ~ k 11 . 14 op t ,and after a lengthy debate,nn aoleid. meat con.i n ,th ig . th i, ineorne t.ixun i! cud . of ink aCtlin 'r.itD o .. f 23; _him]; ti of ti Per cent., was agreed, to. Alter f niter l'elil*lll;tie atostarounti tlielf wkt.lfVut at quorum, utithidjOurfied. hiP jyuittitBl4. relvasing all legacy itiijisthysion t;ix oh devise:. or bequests made by Matthew I,'assor, to I' "WrYt I AWFhIIiWYA A r F 4 ? 1 4 % i114 fF' questing the President to deniand of the. British Goveniment:under what pretensu of right and tinder wiinse order American fishing vessels It:ere artt.;ted in the Straits, eetth - e 'woe the &Ong grottlabi by vessels flying the lirithdi flag, was ad opted. The considenition of t r he fuHing bill 1%-yoliptsrmtinft 9it,dtrkiltfd at treat rffie !louse bill was then subStitittell for the Semite bill. Alter the tran'saethin of some further tuaimportant bustue. the .louse atljuuranal until Tuesday. - -S-7 Stancrossil ig Cathartic Syrup, Used In all Case/ Instead of PILLS. EPSS,II SALTS. CAS. &;,; litchi). flavored : , riefiauai to pike. Children Price GO cents. Wholesale. It. NZ Seller* A Co.. 13 Wood street, I l lttsbnigh, Ps • Jetty t too dart, and our Gar• MEI Stable. Struck wit k ,14ghtuluiti ixtturiluon of lag wiAik wllllO u Imtyy TON vin4llilling in Heater, it aGthlu bclo + lgi+i* to 1f r. t 9: A+nlereh+~ of illlll4 'dace, was etehek with liglitningb •AttitWlLlttuditithtlY,doMaitca.; il l jqgW. to It pt, filo timoiwomiknbeked down but Worm re.,.toihnit hig foot ogititi. • , i;if ~..146111444, . 1. • ‘t ,. j . lIIPERMICIFY VONVENTION:' 4 ee Distriot Cuoveation 0: 0.T.: motitt .400. •C 4 T.; 'AG, pions -In the . - ehalt) 7 7 4 iio!'fol.:. preathiti, T.l Vrikv ,MifiAgi i l l4 l, ?iPtE 4l .; Piev l 4l/ ) . *rien* 4= 01 4,91, 0, Jolla Cedar; 1. (14, D. Vishor, Chaplalu; 3.,11: Alexander. , • • • Oponed with prayer and hinging. , The ; W.C. T. ttpithintod tho tolloirino :oom tnitted brodontinis ; Bros. field; Tiorklo'y'; hn !Onto .tiooN Pros. •E, i Altrsaudor, C..C.hapinan. 'Bro., J. H. ,LninMon, of yltyibufgo, , Was then litylted toXildrass.the conven tion and resipondedat somn length in a hlghly.interentlng and able manner.. lteports +zero thdii , received. from Una Conartittee' ' trinlential4, l hda 'Mei fel lo*lng kielegitni rreseiler‘' : r : tuala 14dite, ' n. Belnle, - "john Docker; . flintors Johnla Eeedr, ..hanule 'Krunk;' gattlu .AdY: Amaranth, No. 4,i, Itro'nit. 4foura,:ino. Carter, Wm. trayas, WM.,Ev.ms,Sisters 1. 'tinilth aunt . Andersen: New Brighton, Nn,301, Bros' B. 11. Alexan der, James 'Hnelonlairg, James' Blonnli Barclay; C. IV SnYllh, M. Vista 'tinnier; W; kink, I§ . .- Chas.'. Br:CV:ley, ' ''Hlatent - "Anna Nanner„'. Coapar. 4.llritsia-Lloyd, 14Lary McGowgh, Lizzie Johnson, J. Schofield, Sarah Lloyd, Mary Earley, Lizzie Wilson and Emma Coatn.. , Mound Valloy o 7:13, WO: Jones, John Kennedy, 1:111- worth, and Hinters Mrs. Jontts Mrs., Laughlin, 'recite ltosiner, G 2 Kendlo Banks, Jenuto Wright and L. Pishor.. Induntry, No. 781, Bro . :16; 1 M. Engle, J. H. Itrigg.:, W. Novll. lloniawood, No. 80t, Dan J. G.. Chapman, Win. :14 Graham, and Sinter Boyd. Darlington, N 0.755, Dra!s pant:tat W-11.1-cd, S. M. Eldet o Sainnol Dunlap, a:AM:nem Ems ma.Burten'inid' V.,Eardey. Ennui; Val ley; No'. &11, -11ro!s It: end Ilariry Alcorn. ' • ' 'Sniffier ' lle4twielt Offered lug Which w.v4 adoptbd: Pesolvid, That all, lqrsenh attending AMA donventlen dr& allowed thp pay). lege4',Adele7ateA, - eveept yotitig' ' 'on' the eleetleifofoilleeni, and pineO of , holding thb next meeting. • • • .! • • On motluti ntflrd. KotirtedY, Ilro'4 A. lid4Wlek o J. IL Jorli , faitil John Cider 'Were eonntltiatod . e6Motittei to revNo the Congittitton and report at the ne.'s!t ineetlng. Iteporti front ! fralge.4 were then railed, and all reporied progre:si— initiating pOrS , JII,4 every Week and doing a good work. limo. Itortwieh. give a very Interesting report of his pad year o work.aq 14 fr.— only one ftiltire &feint! the year, and ill:1(310yr 'OBO4 instituted: Noon having arriv'ed, adjourned to Meet at I t; stock p. ot: M inet.: , 4 of it. in: ,e-edon 'read nild proved. Coininittoo on roiolutionA re ported and ninde spodel order tor Ati p. to tiloewon of oilleors being in order, tno following were elected: W. C. T., liro. Itrig;sl, of IntluqtryoV. V. t,31 Si;t1I110 • Ecoir; Trea-ntror; , 7>t iiia Floyd; Secretary, Jame,. Saieleubueg.-7 Industry we. selected its the phwo, of holding.; the 11‘):11.1 , 013Vell Lion. October Ith, thothne , ielocted. liro. A, Ilebtwtek _wet linatamoasly recommended to the 6. W. C. 'l'. is next 1). D. Ou motion the convention. adjourned to attend the funeral of ltro. lout., of Dirlington Lodge, niter which the fol lowing roAolutionzi were taken up, can ighlered a n d atlopfetl; Mum Ear:, we as a temperance ortmn ir-atien have not contemplated as yet to make any political demonStratien, further than to say to the - two leading fittlitleal parties, that they cannot expect our support at any time, unless. they nominate for the various offices men of strict sobriety, and touperance habits; and, whereas, our feelings have been in sulted in seeing the would be two great political parties disdainfully turning their backs on the temperance element, and disgustfully bowing, down, fondling, truckling; nail, intriguoing, discarding thereby all moral and religious ties; crying -out in their actions, "great Is the goddefts of runt." and shiging'llesanalis in the highest to the whisky ring. And whereas, we have witnessed with indig nation taro bold, defiant . , impudent mu. rude assumed by the supporters and de fenders of the hideous monster, whose hands are reeking with the bleed of his hundreds of thousstids annually plOng cd into a drunkard's grave, tilling the land with widows and orphans, and tending with 'rapid strides to the' down fall and ruin of our t;orerinnent, by the election of inebriates to. our Con gressional and Legislative hallg, Anil, whereas, we have see:[ it marshal its armies and Tally and unite forees to defeat the nominations of men, although nut members of our organization, but whose principals as temperance men are well known. 'Refusing to sign petitious far license, boldly mid above board, af fixing their names to the reuienstrancts and lending their aid to defeat the crict ny, thereby bringing down upon them the wrath of the resoles and 'through that inthiance defeating, the nomination for the legislature of a good, sound, open and ace:: ett temperance 11 ( 111, theleby making the issue4ringing the temper ance clement into tile political arena—wo awe it a duty as adr °crates and actors or the temperance r6naii, mid in self , de7 reuse, to openly and ayLmedly nelefrc„. That WU will support mj 'Wan Car OiNts; tie matter what his politleal opinions may be, unless we know hien to Ile a good and'true reraipersnee nittn. ficlotec,/, That itteNtrallell as the great Creator.himself prunotuices the use of strong drink. sex u beverage ra (aline, and. says wo Lo W hina that putUlth.,the bottiu to his neighbor's lips,; and' tart a, ,natithi we profesA 'tO ha gornrnot ! laws. We therefore dorik-this , right ofi 'anyte;:tislattire to enact lava- Rtgatisitigi instead 011mo:dolling in tofu, tipti.puni . isking Mr the violauun of any of his lowa , • .. Roam!, That we are in caVor-or cu• tiro prohibition in the traffic in Midst eating drinks, end knowing that we are in the right, we openly and hvowedly deelatv we will maintain that , right. by our worth, acts, influence and vur Cotes. - . Re:iv/red, That the ..tieed 'Templars' phalgo Ls as hiliding at the polls as ,it, is In the 1./Ago-room, in the ,elittrell I/r at. /Mr altar, abroad as ahrinme ; and itittlAr no elrenmstaneas •V looked upon as justifiable: '• I/ • ,•, • Betio-Ire/4 Theo ovary lexigo be .u.r/Toti to bold, opendloor- temperaneu piemblgil• m4'ollBll as ratiefibleist, their in.4l.llttinci, meal. • • . Resolved, That lids .eduvention,lagsin ttrittly,urga the import:saw of. At rgttu izing the youth af,this county, itt• sumo form, to train them in correct temper ance principles. Result...7cl, That Query Lodge be re nuosted to appoint a cominlitee, whose duty it shall he to arrange for the preach ing of temperance sermons frequently. by every /enlister who will..s.tusent. to do so. • Resolved, That till's eon vcidioh again urge upon esiery'llood•Templar tho•lnt peritutce of eduCating public sentiment on the temperance quastion t - and to this end ;hey should renew. their st.a.erUous within the lodge room and uptpflt. Resolved, That's coditujetee 'of 'titte9 be appointed to present the thanks of Ulla convention to the I'. W. tt t!, It. It. co., stud thu l'a. It. It. Uo's,l.esvee, for • their kindnesa , rpentaiing . speidal cars :Lod esettrstiot tickebt, and to the Trustees of the Nr. , ll:•Church for the use of their houaolor thd meeting of Our convention; anti to tho:Daritngton Lodge for their. kind and muntptuous 'entertainment while with. them, ,and In Jiro. J. S. Lemon for his services, and to the unicorn of.the,couvention fart/stir uniform courtesy . ' and the abio, molter in which lino busily/taxi:Li etintlnclad. • Wu igtEs.s. , sqt , • ItNIR4I}. Cy the Beaver. Radical that a s.irpto • i Lcaane is being formed, and that' thb dettniati= thou is to 110 trimplkad on'' lb's) th "or July next, and that they have ward+com mittees upon tviticisthey call for reports, tte ; therefor'e • Resolved, That tilts eOntlattlet . r Co:. quest all lodges of (Iced Teldpfari" irr this' &stria; together' with • hail 461100 ttunporatiosorteanizatioul; to nate-aid matter into notions and, eacneet nortaids . l ' eration.,atul-urgu utoop all. Inemiana - AS the various organizatians• to . give theft Influence at the court at house and auto polls to defeat aU oandidates that may = • :7 . ....detz.l • n • Lo.putt udoilnat Wilco by , thei fultuoiton or mid alitur.Lesiguo, and all attempts they aro malting' nr may hero , after mate to pruettro Inoonse, bi any part ut Mid 4:011111S., nrll46,lallutt ra• vur ttio ht liquor., its any nay'. lin.e.S,J, So, Will), .1..:, _LI., Alexander and ti, 14 liennwly were appointed. a isidunittea to Kilian, and hash publish. ell thd tirrierodings aftho tioqvuntion. • i flerditil.' W. iilluild, John Deeker , mid . --flianitterly,weraapplibied , -tor toning 'thanks to the I l ittiburgli" korf Wayilii 1 kC111444 ;laid.* plimpaq s : and I ntact :la :laic:al* whit:oily for. iliiiii * kind• miss in'faynishlng ipee4-i rand _ tx. eursion tickets. , The pinwiniiig hour oi , ilealiftermaill ,was ispout in U. tr.. lorefecist.' Ph the ireming - an open mooting Waaltiki and addrossed by Her. Li nit . Alex.. imder, •LlKEdatitiiind &floc In °anew •sion, th'e'eiiintti)thlf,thltik tliiy" . l.l say !lir ati, that (Clem Icouci:fe'r ns to ho tliero.:, - . gaitUttiag ' ' eutrgrinilOc#4.l.-4 . , wrlter, in • la r d liaturtlay'r Loiwimina.fotirnai,iallis thus semilbly on the Cougresalqual quwithm : ..Ida. klarreit—l iwa i Vila:nu, of the itepu.dicait pawn:, and bairn [ruin other sources. that great 4:digit am being made to .4eCtlra the noadratlen for ,Coagreas of • a citizen o ono or the satithdim counties in this bistriet, Is this jnat—is it Paul la f While lam not a politician, and n 0!. so welt postial in sad: mutters as others—yourself Inclutleti—from what I understand aboutauch things dm claim hOULUS to WO. (AU it•S "unreaspklablo. I tun told that in two years Moro tho law,ap portioning the BMIO for menfbews °Won. grew will airplm, and that a :Mir dlittriet4 ingot the State %slit ho made this winter, to routain for another Mu years., The counties txruspoalugthiliiiiiiiiiitiunder. stand to, be iirtxne, Nliashingtoibiltsiver and Lawrence. I have just hobo tidal:, ing a little ahont thp nrsuitil and mak lug %Pelle Illquirit4 as to, which of thoso eoun- Ilea - lava furnished tho Coogreitsymen since the District wasifdruledi. and 1 tun info raued that the counties of liroollo Alld Vi allaiugton have furnished every rep' remnit.dive. If my information be cor rect, mill either of the sontlitiiii emnitles should get the eon:Udine of thadotnitiant party di is time, the month is or Beaver and Lawrence would, to my mind, ho treated IS " bowers of wood and drawers of water," in a most emphatic sonata.- ' Why this partiality or want, of twitrto sy between eountlei? if I ft.ILVW any proper idea Of the productive Industry of the several parts of the'districi, anti the character. of the population; either one of the two northern tame ties produee attire, 611.11 ill 1 Arlety and salmi, of ulati ufactures, than both tho twadleru coon tics combined; and that Lawrence—r h o smallest of too four-- produces tunny 'Units as much, lii tho way of manufac tures, as all the other' three, particularly in won in its.various forms; and that lei point of tdoiiity and chtu - sctur of its cid anis., tho two, northern coantit will emu pal e favbrably with those; of the two bundlers), ' Why, thon—l ask —shOliht the Ll\i., RtiVilli.adll . stodk growing coun ties furnish the reprosentativw: uni ("un cross for. ten year*, - tux succession 1 Can ..yoit gi‘oanygood reitson.forsuell a most singel.w fact r Tee inure I look lit. U 11.4 thing ale snort, I aut mitinished th.ii such a thing should hd tolerated: In , talaitfon to Illi4, I am told Undid:eta Is het a man in either Beaver er .Laivreince 1 holding s. singlo federal aim of, ally In:porta:tea whatever, except the Collector. of Inter nal Revenue. if all this Is, true, is it. possible the people of those counties, ulio hart, furnished the member* of Congress ever mine° ale ii is the; was mane will persist in claiming the remaining' two yoors f ' I am astoninited at yaw Lawrence and jlturor vounty c.tlitues, Iterping entirely un ; a matter bo taanifobtly unjubt. fill you o4ntinuu to (NM?" It redpun,c , tfie editor bf .010 3PIZTAU . Kll : r r " In looking, at the euppOoed fade of ,the almisi letter. tlAy. prwsciii the oi/eO - In, a light dliXercait from-that In which polittelans bay° been . presentlM; it, and we Presoinei the theta ns stated ainnot be Nosily emitreverted; L and, little the author inav kilo* of poltthus, bia liaise of right and propriety Koenig quite el.-ar. Editors, we think, aro no more, responsible, for the wrong complained of than other's. The :olunins oC the JOUR NAL aro open to proper dimetv.sion or the s n eet." ' t Miirket.4. ec Rl* :NA ET. , . TILE Pn i1.5.A7431,1:. ..s.t f m DAY, ? filly -1, /570,. • . . .teddy with a fair local demand bat and a. tn, been the ear, for with ter flora Iti14.1,01•10.11 acre serf-in.:Efferent • abeint rellni4 though, as a wafter 4.1, count, they are obliged to rip p ly their Coo Inia,r• at quotation:. We iontlene to quote scab. tu 'flour, In atore, at tai' i4twl for uru I.staldlelitat kande ttfelliterWltl -10 ..r Fancy licande sltt.S. (lye llttur.,js. GRAIN. , -The vernal. of whoa. continue I.llr,but with a gtarri local Catalan, aul ..matt- Inquiry for .hip m e at, the inarket 1, aria awl price.. 4,1,11 pap taing.,l cat, P•port sate, of ettramtm to ',new at $1.015:1.25, and chOloo, of a. Melt titere le bnt flub ,2, rit g.wettld bria t l nu linPrut tat demand Cur Core, and the market le Caner natter 1t.., influence of pallets fkom pbla, and prim, are Wber. Wotan refteft *ales al tat eta., free on cam, and we are cog • ntzatit of Ibis tbrare Rasing been offered fur more nutl refin.ed. teatn firmer, not,, bin.tandloff illele to aa et nu Intpro: ducat li, the denowil, bnt bol der. generally are confident of better paid, rollU Bud wails of 'nem are :melba:; to .Hl at Darden ! quotation.; we vaillnue to quote at r.l.(ut:4!e to LAI i.ln.rfauck track—sale, 1, car ,at 51„ /lye Ia al-u ..tronzei, becoltined by orders from the and price. aro Wok:tat i:p : u e eau report a onto of 4 car,. 04.2, MI private Irma. ustdcratood to ebbve ;anemia:at In Roles. I:ll.3l"ElZEK.—Market fin F.t. DIA mdh bet tat! , 1. to I,c cAioodeit lltn. an.vo 01 tier )tar, as our .tuttry !role i t : tinny* 14;14 daring Abe butte trier •of done,' utt , l' from that until inter' hart c-t. tagata told Colli• ens Wolk isitta•draclpinl, tetr. thum bi, eyttipafny u. inn. the ; tivelltloaat Fuld, tlauvrt there 1. bet' quotable 41.dige. 10 hake in quotation. bark' NOM littAin, raola.ae,Thtinkt bat Arta. :vulva dull. ' • • Sew A(lver Ilseu.'elets. I= t.E.Clior4 I. • Ik 1l orucled nod us.4l.l¢eil Ily:1110 t 1.1 tite 11,01,11./1 1),..1), I , . I. r•-••• t11.11" • Cli I.) /11 . .15{:Ild . 11) ill 05 1 / 1 0 1115:. 1,) or ie.r..tee.. 111, Phall 11110! s.uy ul the i.ullllll .4111.0 e, .11,14 to alle, 5 (ail. atareaaid. itertat.liag bag•l4ll.V, nit: at.. ur 1.t4..r 1e1,11141,,, %law.. the rattle are rill: in U". la oiettrty jaitt ',Meet+ Made). •tt. l l l ‘ pleat. c III I I IC II 414 59r1t•It and pay 0 111,u of .1101: 1.r.1.,110 000 Luc 11:1.1, 14.111 (LIU 4.411440.11115 All co•t- tant litJj aCerat, . and 111 t1et..4111/131 . 111 e 11.4 y. Int It, di-eal,L SALT .1114 coal. ;any NY I,nLoattli i.ll 1191 prrunk . 1,o; Fr.ooodszaz 14,311.. !taLl.:ll4. yralitallre 4:411 'tot auSt kind ,ehn.l,left .11(11 Ilm.rniplr.S. • . •, I • • ac:. ii Multi and :Jar l!te j. 1.4111.1) 01 .1 11 1), 14:0, ra•rArti a hit ettalf tkat • ttat go. or Calt..te 10 by Lhebotg,C. any no, ova, ate:csherta, turt,t, 0 1 ;n1r 11.er91/(10.Illor/folo sts, ol Mu/ .4 11 1 1 .1 1 1 1e Ilireo, 32x:1. ite.lllel.l et 11141 rioruuttlt or itinitu arum!!! upLU ti,,,:ittita,t . ioirrii mid porn enln nett 10, giaopnt 'thorn tarkla 11 , 91 ittottitric aaut it 01.11.. thli tetsmt o 4 ir il .P c• rtfi ` iA F rev:, ttr.;y 1k eoloinitl4 I 0 IgtiVoi,fo(.llliy excuLl.lll4 twOnty , • • :1 . 1:11r not 4i . tau a ' on 0; 1/1 1) nall Wpou any of Ilse 0 0 4 rtrrel,.oldyr, ory,lldxn rrlctinon 91 1.119 1 1 .9r0 11 gla ...ran 11: n- 0 ho e r 11{4 1:43/let1 , .11: 4 . 445tk) 9051uar , ...rand • rminln.4l to ill.penit nll etletz crun Ito 01' 11110 or .11/0.90r1y and lu LW event of their isonim,ol:i ilkena in , nuy of thom, nhd ern° ey hefore the Iluig,a,e Who opals doe prool of 114,1! guzlt. Imouae 1I al 1.01 lee, 111311 two not taw, Mau nve 411110311, nnd eve. ntlk/ 111 tialiintuut the paatuem ut *la ruig 411'1 cult thaillllll4l4ll ur per. 4.111.14 to tirtirokut , :qip toralty tietilra not vtheittilig twiaity iottriOlurttaiudi ji:44ol4LlalP6lfeDkagulnal ttle provit 11100,011{ lIIt, mut uro of tir ilttlatat fallgttage, , It 101110 nh, is, I,o4l,rlftiftho-111:11 Cornllelblo-•1110 . 110 ehjoitted. and rNairrtt.,uratiitlee tnerrof 44 1 .111 to to art, iucalutio. torocti .ll4 4117 ittliolt• 1T per.uni , olt, .11111. rtpou irtitofprotarot NU. aar;rir tatattrailti P.D. Us,aFe .140.9 . '1 Itat Ir pay rule or drier 9/y Imre, gt l l,lln4 01111031 n or ttiPo' aa) . stiottetuai it.'le) or Atalanta ut horuti,•• or7:JuV,l*ll JUL , 111 ePwld• Ulu} rive mile,! hoUt. • aihd .11 . 411 6n; iherrorlilta fe l t coovittrd:uVeryoersalliao otletollOg4hati furftil awt pa) a 4110 hot taut. titan two maul ion Nauru Ilittst nye iioilars and code, Sud lu daauitut the paY• meill 91 ikAld nog ind amt. May he cuaitaltruit to tin Wrathy pentad out t.aaao.llutt tuooty• four hour.. SIN' i That guy pc/sun dr pctrenso•De shalt break; cut, tuublilo ur la azy "ille:gutu We posts owl rniliull rudtattutj , shtlitibUy • hquarey of, The lArroull or fftho Yr or ;my trl tlit• shay! yr ors ttaineUtat in irrtilvluit in rintLtYtinfe Strangest or' lu any, 01 use streets, lanes rt alloymof stlif shall nitou courktion torft•it aunt pay a atilti lop( 10.3 clan three Slur wont than ten noltartt, amt all cue.. Mit may accrue, snot. itrrlclattl: of tairay• lucuL of sal/ flue MA coats be [Auto to the locirinilar any prlitxt lot esrettilnz4or urs, ur 'tither id kiln sr ttfe iffsertnitos Of Ile ZtugtOtty 1 450. Y. It .ht tn! tplig, dot, 44 • llirtllol , vves* M. ce nt an y duly appointed yetlie alarrr, uf Ant haniallissferesahl, hismi their ono *for, or tithe uutity giro/ to thihas or tins vlulaittrmat any ar seclionr ctt Als ortilhatico,tant,r4p, out awry I d tlthet' output - thin t bertbi Souta hiribinitt to arrestiuel °Arty person ar • .00*.eu adevellag . , before the Unruar, t.,„0„ or bli, bt , r,or, Alois gult.lfllptliov. the praaltyrw priialdee vreverlleat tP U s . ;leveed , . 10;4 rectiona id lb* istittaaace.' nic. i ,11' he turegaluytuntlaar that . :ph hills, rAnd tudll on Out atnal011::: IlVt. • Urditaed sad left lowa is to Conan! ibis , 41 , ,jtdaly A. L. Nil b . ' • • rrirt ter •ttrom - y. rres• • si .PW 4 " i ttl .l) - = 4 , ?P '7,, 4 1 0 jpiy lint! o; •ji JI I.; • i ' . • • • IGFUN. AiborroyalLitir. AtlbroLs 1111‘. litt , l,,y boilitlo; ) , , olo of rtabil9Optoptb , soar •"?. ; eckitct, pf Au, Otiollor l ot the litvisine Mutter Lt.s cthur , supd.nOved,Rol w t6l pren2l.4, un .gomiaybh , lera, ,1070, go, went-tit. cc; to tblkhrtor. Ororrl rrol toter. lain of Alsibarei4l Robb; aerrase;L t> brit All em ort.= lot or purr, of iroostl hirusts4 In tbr boroartror Itobkootin. county ;Merolla. bounded by trio Nihu:in:ll road And lane. or J ultn h.od ann./410 Sterling. JOIIN G. 1101111. jrV;llo 1 Aihnr. q..Vurgaret Robb, ;Itr'd. pty gluon that sit 'Ali pliostion trill lot lioottolo 11is Extmllenvy Joint W. Geary, liovemot• of tho Cun monwealth, fur ttio portion of James , 7. tiouscro, seittonoodi at ttto loottoruiurtho COurt, ofQuartor' &Astons, oh au Intilei r . for , it . if ter,' • • - Afinrniir Jainni L. soinerAi 1. rraellalland Wins 1n tho ' Pao4olmt at liarbee4or; July 111.,:1870.' • Tialutl ttaderhoine ••• 'Jahn II 1011. • - IV CI andirian • - John lforton •., Watson Barry .11 D Gilt Jones Misit Bhlwor -Ilatker Linoi • Aleouto Ilitkok.. • Jli Itoberle • , .111 to. Sauna liatalllonl Willhuu I:3ladtum Willi:un flatten.. I o.Whit•s , ., Chaticallutchlson - I . - ~r. • ; T. 31: TAttou. I'. 31. , • Uurlalnlied haters in OA ,Iloiver natorllttrialy•lst, I ; Atitentim 1 tluie 7,oviiry . JotA i.ang • • • I , fir -- •.1 t' Xtirrintan marenruttehristy t• 15SII1riun Matta! d'• Abrpittana iticiiit.4l • .EloptFladlay JanitiStulth Dana Ilarrittua AUnittr Ttunnto 'lkoltunin.iftnrltnkl Jnath Ziegler TliiiiugsJaarixon Ortirp Varna I. A. Methuricic. P. M. . The editor of. tho:iLiv.erpoet Itthlei Record sou Ineroaeo. In his family trutkoka An Increase iu bia subscrlptlon actually necessary. ~11nsinesa la buts'. news.--.Fetnege. • , • ' • • • You, betsa - the Record' suapeutled • week or two after ttio, above annotinca. Mont wee 4=lNT:a are leg. to infer c that the reipooso to the odltoe n a call. was by tto means a favorable,. otto. Miry • all; therefore; there, asn't much "putlawail in tato operatioa.. , ' .; Mairted.... ' .aLl.l.4(iiiL.-11.1061..AY',411 the July, 1870, at the real 0110 P. or Um britla'B mother, In ikaver, l'a., by the '•,lter.'llk. 11. t0&e,..31t. I.ben. Allhxun tri I‘ll.BB Stild" Hanle . ; all, Itt' ;Hearer, The happy couple havo our thanks for sharo•of cake: hailploomy nud prospOrlty attend than gll :thcictigh 21fo. IkliDifir-EItWIN.--4ffi Juno anti,,, by Rev, J. 11. Walloon, Mr. liiunuel Lou.to Minn cathrlnu lirwln, all of Beaver munty. RAMIIO-,LONI/18—On Juno 284 h, by Rev. J. It..Wallam, Mr. Levi 11. Itnur 'ho, to 511.4 Margaret Tomlin, all .6C Meares. county, . . on the Ith of Jnly, by Rev. J. It.' Witt loco, Mr. Jon It. Train to Mho Mill° A. (Amble, all of Raccoon townohlp, , Moaner bounty, ren Wm. . .111.LICY17—FOltli . tuou :Nth, by Rev. ~ .1. It. Roller; Mr. Jamos and Milos Mary„ lord,,all of Bearer . . A4ve'r-tieentents. . • TUB lAMB .. . And the Public Schools; geis and. Women <1 Christian L'hartiefer, - Yin biters. Mown T.:others, and all others., dis posed. to act as geaeral ageots for that new awl Important honk eoliths! the OPEN BLUE, or the orph nand uf le the Adkins of Mc% by Item. Jo D.• ' pat wyrk ham a greet mission to perform, and It readily rect.ltlncr the earnest and hearty endorse. mot of all evangcllca I denoutlnailbulb Toms:eats h.) .work larneuta greater attractions as Ministers lend It air iapport everywhere., It Is Just bite irork fur • times Apply for deserlpilre circu lar and term.. State the Portion .yet ‘i•hdlt ak. r.ar - Prospectus books. fu lv rnlr I,IISTE tual free R cd c ur t lyr..Sw] • , Leek Box 410 Pittsburgh, Pa. F31(.11C1 7 1'011.11 ROTS 176,-:-Tsetters mantarysiharbig heels bed to the 1.13 b. *critter on.tho estate of Rich. and •Rart. deed-. tate of North ttewtckly township, Dearer County. Pa.. all porno. Indented to said estavo;aridtterchy n inland that Immediate paymid is requited t: and, all perronir Laving claims egalmt the same will (,recent them dilly authenticated few settlement. JAMES P. it.a.tcrs)...y.... New Brighton. P. O. ]e115.6w„ 11 sulrerlbvi atfen fur role kn, house and lot to r.tynth Ream. townwhlts, m this cnun • ty. 'The Jot contains attain liiae.res of Land. true. ouh•d in, with good rden and fruit trees. The se Is Ili awry h igh, with font rooms and good cellar underneath. 'Altnowther It Is a derlrable I le ' rmn f o' s il:garltitryotela'l.... farthe r t repult .. abiecittlMN. P r:. Ur to Ruth (hretab al Ruthann. IRO 71 , XECLT011 , 11 MOTlCE.—Lettelv 'fette. 1.4 tricatary. hathig Alien gt antral lts the tlegarri. Ler on Vie manta of Jame. C. Cobb,vn. deed., tate of{,outh Uravpr townstop:lleaver (Innur;Pa . aD itITIPOOP ludebkd World estatn, ate trsrvbr salt *AMR lusnuallate payment Is rya:mired ; and, all perse. as having chant against the same will pre• mot them duly authcatluted fan settle:meat. • . jeirkka, JAMES ItAlf.l4,ker. , • FIRE BRICK WORKS FOR SALE. (1•11 E P(ICENEY ?WE BRICK WORKS, at iantrd sat Smith's Potty. aIU. all lho temb and trta• ckla cry couvicto, am for pale al i Iny vire. Pur darer.. will ((tido,. t:, LUDE.W at Pittrburgh (No. an I.l(xTy suer(), fur Twit , .trtMliw Reduced Prices! Spe'yerer & Sons itettinn Irma the Eno 4.0 STOtik 4.1( ißou Ott nt .hr Lowest. Cash prices, A lid on mit Willi; 4;1114A AS LOW AS BEFORE' THE WAR! Con Ni-ti :in;; of Dry (.4,3.144,1inw.0rie... 1 / 4 Pro. Yixi.ittc; I lar:lwnre, I latm, eat:, • , Nuils, I kite Lttilft, Quctits%vurv. -55 • i t ; . Teed, ' Grain and' . `. • troll' • ' ' • • , •Alitacmg..lefflan,DifittnN,flrivst:•" ' • ' 11114 IliKlerY . ; Teivrgilreik. l ISllgAtiSyntiCA, litolomes,enrb.ni oil, ••. • . , 41q,!.614. 044rOleil quiti»‘ (*a Just arrival and for ,ftle, nn • Itetail,. Pittsb\ty;.:T 'Prives. 20Q.,Zegs ONE CAlt AriflTF. ralt ft ; 4pity'fagleo, ; AGL-01:•,6 loYlited-7:Lead A Yfiy gopc'tfor quality n 1 St rintiz it Wet: zel's Room' ind vi Int of CiFbon ()il "Of •Irrifrd . and for wk. fl'holexalf• (tilt( Retail. • • • Lso,i , t;RE 't;ATANVI:Ii APELtA ~.; '. .',oncor(l.• . Wines•: • ~.! •..;I' •' Of our' n.viatatn:•Gut Afalirinal toad tiatninelebilkurpodukatir highly . comktu•nnletl: ,tba.l zu3.t . tg. }..1 for 41$e ithiiTt.„Lif:.t9 l l",JM I)„ ,I i anT • IHtt!CAL Plow 'Cos: Thanking. the Public for tin* rehttiut rituio% .wo bopo Inuit tlilnral share in Aar tututte.-1 .1: •,11? ), • T ::1 to 1.• ' ;116,Goatis Alirened .I.lw of Charge. inn rely on all. gi*Ailxsing 5.4 all our old goods ‘Fere sold .itt,ouctiou, SPE1"ER1111. itpr I 3;t c MiseciEmmons. .1. 211ecir1Jat Aq."FORN ,A'J Third Streel. ikarce, l'a. mine below; ot. Coast Wm", Waver, Ps., it , (IRa - wt.:KY fvroia.l • 4; "^tli.A.iis l)thilap'a Cbi:ner, tkar • .LIAVX,OPESED AN .11:A7711E1.Y :811.4.Y STOCK Of FAMILY GROCERIES, 41;FENSWARE. NAILS, WINDOW ;(11441/38; , FIJOUR, FEED AND COUNTRY PRODUCE• ' - Alerts aveitil.lll artle Wept ... fogd itelMt h euedetlitia.. Tbe dent to bee and tunteulebtly &mutt -pd. with lerar= i tt anwe. Ifr. Jahn alike, ND 50[1 . g 'Moen in tombinity, will gave lia =alkaline. !street'NW i with am" rurt i ra, seloct=l pert &kw WO dear. ;molt. sea Invitee' the *trotters et ea titlie wish tbellebi hood, la tbe teetirat, at the loveret deb brim, All bled. e/ country pioeste waded. aTtLECt IblageWstrr. Pa. jaette. . _ CLOTH/NG STORE ,TEysT G-003? Sting uod Kummer Thr nnarrhignoil token pintinaro k in forming nix, this public muwr oily that Mt lour Jinn remand niiil opeturl „ Stock of Goods, fiTYLE4 FOIL saING and SUMMER Wear Ile kerps the best tit workmen in Ilk employ,: and fools 51311111h:1a of his nbility hi cut and tnako up mirtneults both FhtiIiIIONABLE&DURAIRLE. 11:14:1 111%1101 ft 111:11Iner as will j)leas . e. hii ClLiii,fUllik GENTLEMEN'S FURNI3DING GOODS • ALWAYS (►N HAND. • aril wad lee us rbefore Marbly yew Orders there WILLIAM ItEICH. Jr. n0,y4;11!,1y New Millinery Estilbllshment IN - at ›cf-rukrlan. S. .T. WEAL AV;41,1 of Rochester atul vicinity that slw h:tqluNt uptluul u NEW MILLINERY STORE Isiticativcorti t4pitklitlr. 41. 4 . list4tive nipavu Crum' Pkbre, ROCNESTER. . PA. 01t22 MatIDS 1113 MILLINERY Li 311 it 4 brat - idiot Children,' clothing, Shirt. &a, ii ile to order; Work to b n lled'on. r4ll soficittA, R l 4 P* T. PEAL itty2.l4fonl. • Newspaper Advertising. A Wei of 111 cionly petaled peltrb lairly ed. confab... :a fiat of the beet American Adrertlin Int. Medium., rielag 11.0 name., elrealatm., and fun particular. cetwendog the Insdinc Daily and Weekly robtical and Family Newspaper..tugetti or with all these Lorin: lame elrealattos, pule Hatted luienatof lbillkan, A gricultaro. IJ t. Mantra.. &L . , etc.- KY.') Adrertlwr, and retry rwr4nu alto conteraplaba hernmlog soda will AIM this book of OVAL shine. Mailed free to any ad. dre....at Newlin of iSfieen real tutcomuis P. ROWELL & Publisher., No. 10 Park Itow, N... York. .1111 . itOdoirgh (Pa.l Leuter.ta ltd loode allay ISTO: - Tbo duo of U. f. wbkb loom,* 11,4 inteeerrite; mid vslustild bovk, I. Cm largeitt sod Nut Ad5 . ..11,44,r ALmley Id OM Mil. led :RAI.. 4101 we east elseyrfully nlsfotoquia It to thy niteothoi of !hoo. who desire to ddrerilee lheirlimoinoes orlentifflealty and systemittl• 'roil) in rush awar Mar S. en to swore the Weir,. Cul Albd Ll* sl primll• titre eleiones.•• jielslte :SALESMENZ.sa.,T - -""-"q* — ' 5.412 " . ‘' . 11. t a t , MI.. jobels.lo salitailraias lIIN eutor. who ulela to take nal ?Aileen Paint are ad , 0 r j1..4 w cenweet with MUNN d W.. editor. or .114erle4il s w ho haw proetecuted below th.• Pitent °Mee for twee Twenty Venn.. Them Atnetitan awl Ywrup•/a Patent Azuncy le Ulu wont 4xleuelle in We work*. tlinr. gee hen mil othil rrl labln agency. A tounnh • lot funta tnitit fiat Inetruct lons to Inventory le *eta gratis. MUNN I:0, 41 Row, New Yoh. June:74M YES ! IT IS- TRUE! ThOnto lied .11,eftra—the !felt Droppers-16r Set".7:al.r.t ti. bo ("cud Wee, world we the thigtoel met Relleldo Donble% Nollon /Etna Maolilnirly world by lee MANPFAU. TURING CO, of Salote, UlOu. bead ti p3myh- Li tatrtleidate. 'joie IGaa Kir 111 , i1.11t 1114).9t. ILUJ Frre'reir.tlairip, ItitliNT , inarrLin - . • • .•_ _ r APANICKE CORY PIGR Truma.. Odna kitturat Klee 1.5 e. *old M drat .ad Moro, Armpits a:WM.I on rear* or prier; and war sm.plkd t,y TIIK'JAP.\S}_`U: PORN YILKIvt,. $ Pim> • tn.% Near York. }t^lSlanl l•oi~+iaDl:. ;otr•i ? f chc An i.sl uma •. .. Mi;Eiiiagiii , • LN, Y F. A.v B Ik , A . .tIW . onoiotownt of •DRUGS, , Att e ci , I lit IT : 041 - 14 . W 1 NlO4 .: , A.11141 tt I iri i 1 14 . I= D'Y FTIJF P% TolbEr A HT' su,Ars . . i • , )11111/A LIXE:S... r. I? 4T E . 1: . : SZE /) I-C INli $ . a ir.. 1 8.1 Wickfl 4 11 . 4 th.. b ird .„ r y.......„, .1.0 . .941:11 , 44 1 Z it. .Te1: any . cottony ' v. ' . • . ornlp #1: Chnit)o. h. The. looted Reek 'et LAMP TIIIIIMINGS LA XT .11i119, bTATION Kl{T c WIN DOW GLOM & WITTY. How Pawl! oundly of do dd.. at Xeerue's Drum Kee.% and, oold tbuto.r dud too be beetAllt sitty. i t sr Wm else. - utt ibetetistee doubt. th oin aud leo, sad tbel will 114Id1i Yu mum. . !sly IV: xuogit. 33kei' , • . zi n ftlyid rhtter u g , .: • - r •' ' State, mien du 1 0 a: Wert boom,* f le . 4 eb"r than , 11), 4. 26 , 11Valy ta. „ i I 4,.rt . .084 ruatertalp iseahltultared to Grad dud rer 1 1 / l lnc performed tu a style that defier maw , ddun Sall.faetton unamnteed WWI operstluotil, of the money returned. 1710...b1ut a WA, fern',
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers