'The Beaver Argus. J. WEVAtill, Eurron AND rizorulaiuit 6, 1870. iscarcir. REPUBLICAN TIpKET;.:IB7O. (I»igre-sa': MICiA.M.Wii:Y.A ND, : i ubIe cL . W •IN# 4 4:LPHANktiV4HWAig.9.4*- • • lin. .Assonbly: • WILLIAM C. BIIUItLOCK,', rioldoct to District Contereas' rutillaattoa Jibr Pit‘thontlear:o, .-• • CAUGIIEY:• Ftki CtomthissidneP:. l. :' • SAMUEL TOItItENCE: • • For *Turf/ Ctiormissiimer: , ' JANIES :• ' Por Ibor ;fibula. PirOt t for: 11111 AM ItEED.• , . , • For ..•lialiter: • . J. IL:UIIEISTY. • . • Pot , Tiritalec•l nj -lersdeln.V . -. ,;..% , ; M. DAltitAoll.. •• ' " A sixotmAttelrannstanee happens. srl hi 3013913ta1ppl a week 'or Itttli, akoie I ;ov. Alcorn of that State ,appo4a* W. 0. Ilenderscin to a Judgeship oa' the reopmentlation or a former. slave OT the applicant. Who say thht the world does not yioyt R h , ;• .1 THE Deiuoeriey . eounty on Tuenkty of iost,weeli.piric -141 in nontinntiOn the) following tick et : hind. At:isolubly—leioinh' "0046 Janicli Donaldson.. Sheriff ; ---'071n . .10.. Itninfvy, OominiFoloner—Jusi . Crltig , !wad. 'Director 'Of the INoor-iininee Mcßride. jurytinnWhin‘rtn. quail.. Auditor--Chas. 6111'136;1'1;j T I I . ):: . aCpUbilcilU9,ot /Q4it 4:lli.:iipltt ' aState Convention at Dps:34Oints OJ the 17th of Augus6• to nominal three candidates for, Supreme 'Court Jtabrim, Secretary Of Stale; 'AndltOr,, 'freasurer,lkvister of the Land OttiCv, Attorney-tleneml, and Reporter. of the'Suprente Natl. As the Stitie'tc almost entirely Republican, tiie'gen., tlennqi who succeed in getting the above nominations will bp sure to Tilt.: Radical in giving th Senato rial vole lu Crawtord county allow' • • ~ .Mr. lieorgii K. ,Anderson, just 1,005 t vote+ lessi than he rveeivetl. Bearing in mind that Mr. At.lyn "Beaver (Inuit). boy," li4litele' Win in the eilihnattou itieglihors lathe nnostuninnolyititing Nye 'Awe seen for aonie'':tiftlell .tilderron .W 11.4 blinVett ; :mil not 1412 as the result Inn vote of nearly ~Bawd that INfr. A. 'hits .niore loFolt strength than the 'ring" pdpers ont slit°. of Crawford county, have felt ilisixmett to necord tilm About three weeks ago a couple .of adroit thleveo entered the room in the Treastiry.builtling in Washington where are counted the national bank hills and Mehl a package containing s2o,oeii. 'On Tuesday t - f last week U, S. Treasurer Spinner was Incortned that a person was arri%tql id` 1 15eW' York who was supposed to be one of. the thieves,' anti itti,4oo found'in his possession. • There is simreely u doubt: huLthat thisinftiortlarrof the Aoletf hinds. . 'rus: Itepublican eptiventlon' 01 . !raw ferd county met '!in one week ago, to foot uji the result of the orlinary meeting4Uu! the pretiety., ing Saturday. The iresult . ttS, follows,-Congress,GultinelS.ll.l.Ack, 1,0.5:1: • Van Heine, 1,414. •Seruttor**. 11. I)elatnater,ll,s4l; Cloo1C: 1 A117 denim, 3,03.1." Presl4e4t,',.. l- "940. Javinat Doughes, 1:,1114,; 1,9,4'1; Richmond, 4,1i.15.- Gray , . :uul pr. Ashley were' nointtated for A:' ;age.. Auditor—F. H. Iltanhi.. Sour, person signing hlinnelt in last week's Behold cometout'aguinst the popular vote system of nomina ting. eandidatt for office. Withottt any intimation as to will) the writer is we venture the opinion that it. Is 4intie one whois looking ahead for' n nomination and at the 'same time has w liolesonip dread i?! . . the tiepple. rt. lie tan help it be will. never. „tru.A himself in their hands.. .tiet be.- Ito wants • delegate conventions Where trades eau be made and voteis Gough if they are needed, death of rol. Thus, n writ known Kati.ng ..bonder roMin," Is connuned, torturell lo death by hollastn In Arizona.— Weishrn nl4. qt ton If our roeollmtion Serves .114 this "Col. Titus" was one of th&rinult cruel penrcutors The Free *tate men ever had in Hausa'. ".. 4 - No outrage was too gros, no erimc too Meek for him to porpetrute.ou the inoffensive people who went to that State to make It free.' Justice; it 4 , 01115, howevi*, has overgiken, at hist ; and as he bunt shown no mei'. ey himself so none wns shown Mtn at, the (lase aids 'eventful and twister-' I.: total reeelpts revenue for the fiscal yair.onding.ou: Pritlay last, are Within aetion 'of .1158,000,00 d. The total reeBlpti 'listen's are astittiated : at and from ituhlielanda atitl4ll , otlier. sour Las. about :?:111,00(1,0o0. This win hake 111 i -income for the noverrtfnntit of nearly $100,0n0,000. 'rite Sittkii4,l fund, tip to Friday Ixtt sit oWs tt37,,nii.1,101.na tlionpocial sink.; lug fault shows r1,ft:17,770.`J0i, or it total of $12'4,202,1Xi541 to Ito' 110.1eted` from the natioutiLdeJ)L. Tito miner, Uon•of debt for the past trtobtli reach nearly V741,L01},001/,,• • A Cliwitat4:4, writing:4lln% Ak cram, the new Attorney, (;ener•.}l ileseribtvi him w an orighuil. Uniti and II sound Republic:Laian adds :. "lle is not a man of 'sbnary \ ' talents, but is oue of. the:lnds( !Niii'- ' headed, indbotlimil and thorptaidy, lin - or:fled lawyers Fluivo eV& known. Ills hinguagn 14 rbinarlcaltly tenelind, perspicuous; ha', sii4itii...i.' ,the Hi*t• English I have:ewe: howl :from, un American; null , hli words are , lio,! well Glicisen, •So ' ''6ic'pre , ssive, that' I,f, they Were takda",'llloWn .ha theY, ;fay, ' • from his Ho, ,they • would liavo, the, eitcet on paper of a , welkorisiderred; carefully correcteilnimu.script.'', TILE antipathy . of certain (fall ftn•-+ newaptipera to tiniChitiesenlilietit, hurpa,k44l3 belief. A Lkirreepontlent. some weeka ago, relater! In' tho - '7ll. biota the tilabollal device's .b.f . ivfildi (Ito retunilug Chinese eniigpnat ve4 Hong 'Kong, and . .litunatif and' faintly are tiohl into itlnvery, be e4use, the Enllish Goyeiniunt, kti= reale thitl.,ellYi eounigns the 'puling "InellAl..whicit the Chinese' : Government . 3elll not; p6rnAt . in their nlvrrclttes. The fine rainiento ::16'portei• reprao:tliolpiter, mut, commenting upon it: IMP! n the eorrespOmlent nß3erts, the En glieh Government isthrowlipg otrta Wei in thowny entigratiOit to the Shites, we most eertalt9yowe uttrbest thanks to the I , :uslfsh Goy eminent." • . • Tit La Crowo Lrokr reports the dth .113 the nullity poor house, on Tuesday lad, of Mr. Lnte• ant litueley, uncle of Horace thretey. a;uncelt ,14 frprlgyar fttVrtlini : gura.tac. . rem " • • We trust that the . Tribtuy_ctllter *ill decline to i ! , (leliai tfi e expenses i#14i'4"1441.iLei.,._44 . ." , a4 ut ;hexane t Itee to the the "autnos• theloviatety •or It tort or LBCrespe bitOni*s In . the . {UtuN, ,Wb . 44 461}otlia4 t hls Ism progressiye age, we have stillttot retched thopointlet at Orhlch Indus- Oros, Ocentitpleal'And thrifty "neph-' 1 .04.1:t,04 °M% n;10; foot ,:tbepWs 'ott. Jaay,.,imProyldent,, And it Iney' be, .Intemperate +andel. f . ''tlh3'yl. l 3etartiti l ! f inutltoritles" are "4...PW4 141 ,frit t , 1 1 4 ; light, would) da • thew up, hnita and, pasiblyit grtntt deal of .good.• • frtrr. . Republlnans of the Fourth tHstkiet lilt thts l l3tate are in'volvid in• a didleftlty yvtile4 ; keg defeat in bi:t;itr. 1 L43e l ite erydeh,i,ege the . tepublicannarlmaryitnoetlngs were wittily Philadelphia; aact }lbn. Wm. L'Keilyl44 ninnlnated for'ciiqii•Css, wel ) oPVettbi'.4e.einiwk-: f)•A . 'Nk or, dna days ., bttentt: hirge number of, .Iteputilicians of that city, held w meet, I ipr,l . dattaassed'reaolutlons denouu rilf:*,:h.}ll4›:44:4)(lo .Cole t 1 4'(;, 1 0r3*, , nud _ at this. gataering .Cole NFilliam 71.1 Thomas was.nomlnated In ,olipo• , 'eltion • tt) intl;;e l ltelley.' :Col. T. 'was p4t,p,(`'lli4 +OA It4t lunrneeepted nominaticoak 11l At;sl , 4 7 r 403 4 Li ' tistriot Is hirgely I:l,epublleun, but Judging from prelent napeantnees neither ICelly otJThOiiitts Will be elec ted In Oetober. . , I 1 • ~. I . . • • Tiu Crawford 'timid)! Itepublie ma,- at, their comity convention a weell or two ago adopted a resolution' again id the pdPulitr . ore' sYstent of isiondnatingtaudidapm., : Atatlouttlid siune,titno.it large body of. the Itepub.. limns: of l'llltadelphla, 4 magi .sheeting; ado : Pled relolutisin iminst' contiPulug te s st . epA cifsua : king nominations:lu that eity, , Fraud , it lk. alkvediAdis hew., prueticed hotfi:tit f#111.464 tieing-arth' of khe'B3st&ns hie' vlaly` OM* oqu tE;illus,,. n9Ol 'MN a 'tswintllo cealill be perpetrated through' Ilidbobiritionfix.th4iloputai'vlice riPgelW9t 1 , 4 1 N1C.4 0 9. 1,1 IP' 1 4 (1- mild4r:olo ll 44tuw.plAia9 l :s;AWlT! thg,lcandidateia. i %We alvtayo • were, and tlyd atillcverdanti ettough"to he that' wheo 1.7111 cheat the peoPl,9. gci u44V.- our Iprenent mode , of nominating ,cundi 'dates, they could swind/ethent tartw Mid& the' (14100ite 4Y.steiM • ' 'Jost;f;tl'N'ta.t3ax, of Sad Intiwis eo, arrived Ili Wiedlingtoii aty on' last week„ nod is mid to he about to present. :to: Congress in the name'of his,State;—u mkgitiliettittliag made,of .. Silk: It was 'played ou Tlfursda.y last, lithe Mare, nieltoom of the Senate, ,whereit at tracted gniit:ittentioh for WS Site and beauty, ILK well its, its being, the: first iimieiititu flag, ever Made. of ;native silk. • I Via also.said to be,the targmt silkfltig'on the globe, being .% by :20 , and.eotttainnig 82 stiare: iitrds '4 ;in/4 allef:tir i lfhl ttianufitetureti in Otlifornia l .tind is,of ;the . finest The ..stem !are henclly eintwoidered; 'find' I Are 'of golden ts4or. • l'lnt flag ,is lxiultil with a !wavy sill: ribbeit six invites, iwklol And Is furnishedvith red,white and blue Italllard4 rittiflkeord,niso of lulruriiiu produetind anclinntritifue ,ture. „litenhati . Slnts tlat.iintre are now ,Over' 25,000,1xX1 mulberry , roes set outfituf growing' In Califon'. nia, aitid hfi l 3 eonflifefftiltai. in it COIIII - short time tlw Slate will. be able ito supply .the , country. with raw and, iminutheturell 'silk. Tii.tt llitfiertO almost 'fdrrn ineog tiga. 7 ' 7 ilie, ,XfPilionytle:Atry, nortlt'ol littlie 4 uperior—ls abo9t- N. be intro deceit Aoltic: 'World; .-ProG , Bell, of eet:teni; hilt receAtEY nAldei an eltkir-' sfolilip Nii?ltibtt:ritfet: itnil sidled on NipiguA, Istke,, ..111e Nipi‘gen river Is the only one of miven teen vivers in: that district which floirs . Into Ldke titiparlor; the others euipty litto Lali'd, Nipigou, and, odd to its hitere;iit con:st• line lof about 64 wiles:- The Like is • el i ptical in shape;:nhon 1 50 In Ilekitt : breadth &Itlitt; lb itg•th;studded wit h islands,'"iuest of *WO AFet,belq,l' wooded., Slut tnlioulA coul4 . not, us• i vend the :.!II pigmy ritrer more dein teW ittiles,ds beyond thdt there 'are rOtd,i. le plied high roas, oT a' liits . tiltif ill:A:1101F, bordar the ri ver, tNnioy on the atsferit sb.l4;,,fiti.oll!4r parts., it expands • Intea eletitt.ef •lakes.:•::A.! week Wig (;)ct.ti t iliedi le ‘foingi hum s r,411 t . ) ,N.tighti A . i i ,LL i k e , ' . 4 4 ,!V0 6 it mat OnVelkiluts:ACLlA Weto,Alx. itliil.4,7l' thevoudtry.baynnut the !Lake I in:be— lieved a tlavelteeef dttodfetekvtid h °lO -1 Y ,l i r” ; ,k i btli t rol*. r # 43 : ikitPrlir, ~ Is . far,lii, , (l, ;Ilif: Of • Aid'. lVootbi..: Its:dint:ate, is:naid to be not unilltiatiatltly edltfvhlxt.itd 101 l is Sta niar. ter ableillitire:'' '' ' ' ' " " Ell , • l'l'li i t:' 'Metluidist l . rpiseopal Church in't"incliinati is lust' iiO* quiqdorably , ruttled ,in 41in equntinity, anti 'calm ticss : tistully-Jmunifestal by .that • re-; ntieclAte brancli or 't lie-clltircli•mill hint, , ' llo, l 6#illng catiie!ii,\ : t:ri4. 1 1:474 -NMI, Cott haV, liqvn liiildefl ifs. tu-reguldn Methodist preacher; by. a 'tinsiterlitonterenceinTroyi . Mine tfittio . l l . ldlici f fiint.en prole inlnkters ol,that,de itoiuutti . on hotel ii xpeciiilii in Cincinnati, on the ldlth,inst.. end resnlveiragainst tholtev. Mn Itliza nSOt hl . : hViltiOnY',:lth the' fieiiptJ uryouir to healliwipd&S /l k4freOial 311eaStl re. lir. Wiley cut her scriptu-, ;nitllwiting ;cub telp 'away, and -leit hey! i nd . ko4Pel ‘stitnitinF 9 :eiltitteveti F-171 4CUril*;t1i 4, .4ii, __y•31,_ 6 445 . ',,,:r . eovereddhat sbo nov3091.11) vitt ofi Int time, • and tl aught.. die:, ptocomling f"enc l or the (Firintwor o.icOatlsrp4ind I;iiiiideiitS ) td 'riiie thiAtAtikilrl ,try.'! ..01loof:the:/iPisker/l AlOniktlf;t l ithnt , John Weiler Licensed women et( .'te i titigi liA nC'th i •imor6ved ,on' Me n30.1iOs:11V10, ' tAt;O:O4..4l,ciaed ' ule %rowel). ‘ pit, itlfifi.4 . !hc Wl-%•• leyan Fonalo - C . OIIEI4N minuted ncry of 'flitirnit "Wii Ore, tiontingito,,per t tide nr,*,79lnt . loti." nr• ,I s l !gbe 1110 4ifie4:4 1 4P 4 :reSSltill ly nosing that ha, womnot.relerring• to' -Mrs. Vitus chit ur , ao other wo-' 'niul tithe stAtiters indiento that , . Xigac: IVA 6 it 1 04 P diVeWO445 of 'opinion in the iinatter,.l . „ 14.17 it"7."77 - 7, Tut: terrible `!frfttiiiii."AlittEpelnkttsk by (ko. K.•Atitldrikmi eta*, , ari(l his Titrorrillft Ittio publl6sins iirbatarYClocilotis i Were'tio-, lug held in Crawfone counijr, itiid of M= litchiWilly° henttleetnuchthrough !the 'rink jutnemiutely,turn Out to be 'mere fancies after all:. Thu returns :show {tint Diek- 7 -u Meadville rnan-441 894i/otos iu Tltusviilo for ern:ogs ; while ISt Anderson had but 21 votes snore in his own town for the State Senate. This fact seems to limiter the large qutint ity of virtuous indignation which the "ring"papers of western - WansAvitiiilt have been sliowerlng.the public with for the last week pr two: Itgi.nrs; to theiefint of George K. Andersen Esq., in Crawfordeoun ty,for the Senatorial nomination the Titusville says: . "lliindred.4of republicans doutalms voted against Mr.. Anderson under it conviction that he was it resident of Philadelphia a year ago, and had ve led in that pity. Such was the charge of outside newspapers, Iterated and reiterated' by the partisan:; of Mr. kielemater in every part of tho coun ty, An authoritative contradiction &Oho falsehood was printed, and cir culated on the eve tif. tne election, but too, late to, counteract the effect of the defamation: Other electioneering canards. of the same damaging char acter,were also circulated against Mr. Anderson, and of course contributed I to his 'defesit.". A MURDER TRIAL. (• I The ease ollkilierldno for Killing 111, Wile. One'evening In January last, Thos. Sheridan shot his wife on the third lotir of a wooden' shanty In Forty seVenth street,. New fork. It ap pears that in ISfil. Sheridan weld to the War: During his ahseenee, it is alleged, he furnished his Wife with sums o( money from lime to time, Sometime after Sheridan 'had enter ! et the lionqui field his wife came into ppisimmidort afarie worth from it:lo.- IM to !Clamor) by in bort bine° from her father. No sooner laid she became thus rich titan sheskindulged in the wildest 'fables of dissipation; forming the acquaintance of disreputable peo end cohabiting with men the lowest of the tow. Sometime before the' fatal day Sheridan had Inter views with his wife, during which he urged her to return to him again as his wife. By this time she had spent all her inheritanebond was living in the emit 'wretched style. She no iierded her.husband's entreaties, re fusing to live with him. The result wits.thelLarful tragedy given in full detail at the time. One night Shed d:lP went tolhe:place above named, enture.d•the shanty, amt finding his wife in the company of a man named Thomas Powers, .he drew a pistol, aniViluxiting her in the chin, killed heron the spot. A struggle ensued betrieenSheridan and his wife's para mour: Powers, who held the former tilt the arrival of the police. • The tri al of Sheridan Was to have been com- Menced in the. Court of Oyer and Terminer on Monday, but the sue was adjourned to secure the attend ance of the full number of jurors no tified. Queer Uomescic . Arrauguitesit. ,WA4binton Cornmpoldeut C. Commercial. Some years since a gentleman in this city married a widow lady, who had one child, a triti of a dozen years. At the time of the marriage the hes hand's.newly acquired step daughter was sent out of town to a hording school, the couple not, desiring any embarrasament upon entering upon the uew state of marital happinuss. After behig away for live or six years the gift returned to town and to her parents' house, having now grown to be anaoeOmplished and beautiful young lady. Presently it was eel ticutthat her step-hailer had fallen dwperidelY in love with her. Her mother, or hls wife, very soon saw the aituation, and, after a brief Istrug glO, with herself, 'Oeparell to accept ijs, unairtnnate consequences. Terri ble to relate, Navin' procured a di- I N'oree for-herself,. she permitted -her hasbaiid to marryi. her daughter; to Whom she alao gave a, young child which she had borne during her sec ond wedlock'. She continued to live in tlighopse as a friend to all the pat ties 'butlit'Sooli happened to be the ex-wife's turn 'to be courted by another aspirant for her hand, to whom she was, after a time, married. Both of the parties, and all parties, continue to dwell , together in one household, and all the details of the affair., alainjaeginning Wend, having been arranged satisfactorily and with out the least misunderstanding. Is nut this a fearful incident, as well as a queer one° LIFE INSURANCE REPORT. A Denial by General Porter—A • • - Swindle Exposed. • • From lA, t; INA kog •t:. . _ It was reported:U:l , ns, a few days ago, that Gemini Home Porter, one of the presidents,secretaries,•and Mr. James Wheeler, 'his brother-in-law, ' had' been for some time soliciting sub scriptions for a }mid up life insurance policy of $50,000 for the President; also, thatjuThiladelphia ten thous anti were subscribed ; that In ' this city nearly admen subscriptions ' were„ obtained, and among them timb or Collector ; and that • no policy had yet been issued. It is true that such a paper has been circu , hated, but not, It is now oirtain, with ' the Imowledge and consent of Geller nkPorter. • Jlisattention was brought to,Ahe Matter, and he remarks that has been accustomed to uphold Use fair name of the PreSident,instead of uniting iu schemes todestroy him; .r that.he has neither. been knave nor .1 feel enough to; solicit subscriptions for an iusurarnx policy, for him; nor countenance to any such , t. projeFt, ,Isielther , the President nor Mrs'„Granthas ever heard of such thing ; ;; A4. he is 'very sure they Would,not t ,amepett. Lie remembers belpg,spoken to about some such in : surams) scheine, to provide for Mrs. Omit! after the President's death; and LObakli it DMA not be thought. of; that Mrs. Grant would not accept it, itud,it would be a . positive injury to the President.. This, coming'from General Porter, is enough. It. is a public notice that any one who goes about soliciting inibscriptions of this kind deserves to h,o,shown , the door, and is acting without authority, and under false pretenses. A RhdOibloglEleuseut Removed' , ...x.Orriporident of the Pittsburgh Gywititerclat writing troM Washing ton nnfiek; . date,,Of Juno 3(11.11, says that thySail . Dtmlingo treaty has been got cad, etf the , way Is a fact in which nettrlS ,- .o;•orybody finds satisfaction. It has,doiMnicke than 'all other caus es 4 . )A:hate, and foster bad blood hero durMg, tltq, present. se lion of Con g!rca,tint.l has alicatly caused nreteli es u r .ltepublietta ranks that will bh a long time in healing. There had.been so much talk about San Do toilgp that tattst persons say It was Wise_ oti - the Part of .the President to get ,he„Nvishca,Of Aiwa put Into such it.iterm ettuld':give the Senate., a ,tcipass upon tho qhestion at Issue. If he had stopped ' without makitg, the treaty Ana laying It be-. for4 l itattiOdy;,accompanied_ b,y his t*ons. for thinking It had.better be ratified, ' therelvtiald 'scarcely. have been, a voice to oble4t.to • his action. Trotible lunitrOWn up from the - fact I that hoUndertook to the Influence of lita .great othei ' to get favorable consideration. 1 . Ito ho doubt thor oughly and eonseitintionsly. believes it would be &NOSE: step to annex the I Island ; and there Is no need to hn -1 pug; ~ttion. the . motives: by z • 1, h cpi e haa,'heen . governed; but I IninlY Oftlitse ! Who'favor annexation tiro ...decided in their censure of the tninuer in,whieli, he has sought to brtng t‘ittatt such a result, anctif the tountry, could have a full catimption of lAM email ion of aill'a i ra here it would heartity rt:VOice that the question has boop:.deiths4 pnnekationists have had three lettdem: Xor- . ton, next Cameron, anti finally Conk ling. The antl-annesationists would probably maul° that, while Sumner has stood firm as a rock, Mr.'Sciturs, aided by Ferry, has been the active spirit in marshalling their forces, and he did his work with a vigilance for which ho Is entitled to the Praise of those who think the treaty ought to have been defeated. The executive SeSBioll to day was hut' ittle more than tut hour long. Morrill llnishtri the argument he began yederday, and then Schurz and Conklie bro't• the body ton voto which resulted In the defeat of the treaty. THE Democracy of Mercer county, , Ohio at &minty Meeting.last week adopted these resolutions. It, mutt be confessed that they exhibit , more honesty and less discretion than, the generality of their brethern : Restdred, That the so called war debt is a fraud and swindle, and was created tinder (also pretenses and In violation of the Constitution; we are, therefbre, uncompromisingly infiwor .of repridfaling the tohole of' the bond ed rear debt qf the United States. Raotred, That we are unalterably opposed to negro citizenship and ne gro sufirage, that the XVth Amend ment to the Constitution.of the Uni ted States was torixd upon the peo; pie by trickery and fraudand against their well known wishes, and is there fore illegal, and void of 'any binding force whatever. "Mr. Anderson gave to Col. Par sons,l member of the L 'filature from Dauphin, a cheek upon he Mechan ics' Bank, Harrisburg, for $1.500, and to J. 13. Deininger, member from Lebanon, a check for $2,0(X1, taking in return their pledges to vote for Irwin. Witneses—Messrs. Parsons and •Deininger, the banker upon whom the cheeks were'drawn, Sena tors_ Graham," Brooke, 'total], and forty others, to whom the checks were exhibited." This statement is froti an edito rial in the last issue of the Beaver Redfral, edited by M. S. Quay. It Is the statement of ono whotook a very active part against. Gen Irwin in the late epntest for the State• Treasurer ship. The members of the Legisla ture named In the art tele, were there fore active in his 'merest. It is to be presumed that they were and are his friends. ._ , We must therefore ac cept as true the statements which Mr. Quay makes concerning them. What are they? I. That Messrs Par son and Deininger pledged them selves to support Gen. Irwin. 2. That in consideration of these pledges they were paid ,i-1,103 and $2,00U twpee tively. ;l. That they violated their pledges at the bidding of their ters. NVe du nut desire now and here ditherlo defend Gm. K. Anderson, • who is charged with bribing Buse men, ur to oundenut Mr. Mackey, in whose interest, they accepted the bribes.. We liave only to say, in brief, that men who will permit themselves to be used in the manner in which Mr. Quay declares these men were used, should not be allow ed to hold any ollim of trust or profit. If in every other way fitted to be leg islators, they are morally Bimini'''. tent.—Barrisburg 7hpic. An Indian nominee. Grace Greenwoixl writes as follows: At the Land Office, the other day, Mr. Wilson, the Commissioner, who has - collected a remarkably curious and valuable cabinet and museum, showed us a singular trophy of In-' than tvarfitre—a headdress of the most frightful and illabolield derwription. It was composed of buffalo horns and skin, adorned with wampum and tinsel, and long, wild tufts of buffalo hair. Depending from - it was a tail of inordinate length, also tinseled and tufted, with small sleigh bells run ning all the way down it. This unique accoutrement was once the property, of Tall Bull, a Cheyenne chief, who was killed in a fight with the S. Filth Cavalry and their PaWnee auxiliares, under Gen. cam, sonic time last shmtuer. When this chief, who watt a gigantic savage, saw that the day tVits lust, he put his wife upd children on u pony, and sent them wain our lines, telling them to surrender to the whites: The In dian woman, who was kindly receiv ed, said that when her husband told her she must give herself up, she urged hint to go with her, but that he covered his ears to shut out her entreaties, and rushed back Into the tight, which was the last she eater saw of the lamented 'fall Bull. lie was speedily killed, and these are his Tem:tins. In the same engagement, anotiterCheyennewoman, young and remarkably handsome, rune dashing into our ranks, with two children strapped to her pony. But she did not come to surrender. Sheen me like a fighting fury, armed with a long, knife, with which she struck right and left. At last, seeing herself about to be captured, she stabbed to the heart first one child, thou the other, then herself, and so perished a Medea whom there is no Euripides to immortalize. . Still Impro ~•:ug. It will be recollected that Mr. Dawes in his New liampshirespeech set forth inn strong light the vigorous collection, and economical expendi ture of MO revenue by the present Administration. Prom the figures presented by him, it appaared that Mr. Johnson collected during the last: year of his administration, only $368- 000,000, Mr. Grant, during the first year of his, while encumbered with the fraudulent parasites, of his pred ecessor, and with reduced taxes, col lected $:16S,000,000. Not only so, but, while Mr. Johnson spent every dollar of the ti 508,000,000 collected by his dishonest olficials, and had to borrow $60,000,000 in addition. Mr. Grant carried• on the Government during his first year, with an expenditure of only ii 314,000,000, and, with the bal ance of the $394,00t1,000 collected by him, palitolT 50,000,000 of the public debt, and still has left an enormous; suplus in the Treasury! The telegraph tells us that on the 21st inst., Mr. Dawes reviewed the work of the Committee on Appropri ations and of the House, showing the estimates for the next year to be $B,- 000,000 less than the estimate for the present year. Thus it appears Unit the good work of economy and re trenchment goes bravely on. 'flu E Tribune,after enumerating the achievements of Grants administra tion says: "But we need not contin ue the recital. How poorand beg gardly besides these things, seems the complaint that the President chooses to take such relaxatlon.as every clerk or shopkeeper seeks to secure; that he does not nominate for office poli ticians with whose cliiims noisy Iter ation has made the public ear famil iar; that he does not make! rhetori cal speeches, and does not seek to es tablish some great and brilliant poli cy of foreign aggrandizement or du medic expenditure in defiance of the will of the people! We never advo cated. General Grant asa great State sman. We haveprmented him tothe people asa sound and safe man. We point to his record with hearty satis faction, and are sure that the coun try will unitewith us in pronouncing I him a sound and safe man still." —ln Perry, Lake cOunty Ohio, last Runday.,threesuudi boys by filename of Clegg, rlAding near the Red Mill, and on returning home called at the house of Jesse Perry. It seems that the 'family were absent, with the ex ception of a son, James Perry, said to be fifteen or-sixteen yens old. Two of the Clegg boys entered the house, and shortly afterwards the Perry boy went into another room, as ho said to get - something to eat, but immediately returned with agun In his hand, and pointed it toward the oldest of the Clegg boys, who ex cininuxl. "Don't cock it tame!" He then turned and pointed it at the oth er brother aged ten years, who was standing close by, when the gun snapped, and he fell a corpse, the charge striking him sideways Just in front of the shoulder, cutting a deep gash, and then striking him in the neck, tearing his throat and half his neck away. w*nurramos . - Closing of the anigrentional sedion— Hot treather and Aviation — Me Muse deeleionsof adjourning on the 151 h proximo --Lea f tobacco— The Ainlang .fund—Thn I:taming Ckmg, mittee—hiconse lax—The Soldiers bounlybill—The National anuferies Attorney General 1 oken; inah--The .pitaus . Betr•etat—ladiai. !Make not WASHINGTON,D. C.411110.80t1i 1 7 , As the Congressional season hi! fast drawing to a close and hot weather fairly set in, the work of Ccingress mpn-inereascs. Members are visited by!svores of people from early morn till elate at night, daily, at their board- . lag houses and at the Capitol. The nervousness with which members re oilve their company is most appa rent now. They have now time to attenitto their, country CollBl[l9. In- . stead of inviting dismeion as they do at the beginning of the Session, they place themselves on the defen sive iota with adroltncs3 scarcely known only to shreWd clever p,oliti clans they manage in a pleasing way to 'dispatch their business, thereby dispatching their visitors, by the sim ple utterances of the monosylables, yea or no. We have had no rain here for ten days, ! and the weather has become dry and hut.. . 'Vegetation is matur ing rapidly, and vegetables and fruits of all kind are plentiful and cheap': New potatoes .25 cents per peck, Green peas (late) in the pod, 10 cents per peck; cablsige, onions, turnips, &e., proportiona ll y low. Ra spberries, blackberries and cherries from 5 to 8 cents- er quart - . The intlinatlon that the Senate will ask for antxtension of the time for adjournment is revolved with in dignant emiunent by members of the Mouse. There is no probability that the House will agree to any exten sion of the time. By Thursday it 1011 have concluded original action on sill important measures, and will be waiting upon the action of the Senate, with a very strong inclina tion to press that body into a more speedy dispatch of the public busi- HUSS. 'rile revenue Collector of the Fifth Virginia district, has milled theatten tion of Commissioner Delano to the increasing retail sales and consump tion of leaf tobacco throughout the South. from which the the Govern ment cannot derives cent of revenue. I Io estimates the am ountof tobacco so used la Tennesee, Diississippi, Aia batno,l Arkansas, Texas and- South Caro Him during the past year at over five million pounds. The law pro vides for taxing only "manufactured tobacco," and the collector says that he has construed the law as applica ble ta,thls class of tobacco, it being ready'for consumption. Copies of the letter were yesterday -transmiited-ta the elly!rmen, of the Committees on ,F inan eand Ways, and Means, and the revenue law Will, undoubt edly, he amended so as tb provide for tax ing this branch of the tobacco busi ness, which Is rapidly increasing In all parts of the country, and if not checked by taxation will soon exceed that of tax-paid tobacco. On June 30, 1869, the sinking fund amounted to 88,691,960. To this has been addekby purchase, (luring the present fiscal year 1CM,151,000 in bonds which will make tho sinking fund on the Ist of July 8.36,812,900 which, ad ded to the perch:6ses of the special fund, (86,589,200,) all purchased with in the present 'fiscal year, gives a grand total in the hands of Treasurer Spinnbi of 8123429,100. The; committee engaged in exam ining the affairs of the bureau of en graving and printing, concluded the labor of counting the money, yester day afternoon, and found it correct. To day they will finish their task'by, counting the stamps. The income tax is bound to up this pull Sure. The Senate Sly a . vote (4 3-1 to - 10• has adopted 41 1 / 4 amendment striking out untlre from' the tax biiLtheblennui tox...The the tfestsecan no in its furtherance; Ls' o non-concur which; owing to the Me time reninining this smion for legislation' will allow the Income hut to expire by limitation with this year. - The action of the Senate on the in;• come tax questions is by no meaner unsatisfitctory to the private feelings of the majority of the membem of the House. This will clear the skirts of much further responsibility in the matter. They have all along been. .very 'nervous over this question.. The wealthy liorliou of their unistitu: cuts-ktes° income are greater look to their members to vote for its repeal whild those of small incomes, mostly exempt from piping any income tar who•onstitute tie majority, look to their tembers to do quite a different thin , , I rite bill for e‘jualization of boun ties a hich passed the House several 'days since is exdting no little inter est as mug the oddiers here who will he ell ‘eted by tie passage of this bill. A.m cling has leen held during the week in its inturost, and addressed by. ienerals Gibb of wisconsin. Stott bton of 3lichignn, Turner of New York, WO others of note, strun ly advs.:Xing the passage of this ill as the !moot equitable one 'ever ntroduced in Congrtas foe the •benefit of the sidliers. An appropri 'de resolution wpassed for the ap pointment or committee of two c from tacit State c o await on their re spective Senators urging its pussug,e. in brief this bll provides that ev ery soldier who served in the late war shall be paid after deducting all bounties, if any, previously paid, the sum Of eight aid one-third dollars per month for Oh whole time serv ed. i It Ls thought t ere will be no little opposition to tl t provision' 14 nib genetal Antnest bill now before Con.' grew, 'which t ea away from the late insurgents tes, all jurisdietion over- the territ occupied by the National cemetthes and place them under the entirt control of the Na tional Govenamit. it will be '"ar gued by some t t the enactment of h / such a law will t Ely lead to harroiv up in. the people if the South antag- Onistic feelings to a Government which suspects theta of desecrating. the resting placed the .Natiou's dead. The oppositionto the confirmation of Amos T. .Aelt e rman as Attorney General, was Ina at the instance of a ramorset ailthat the nomina -1 tion *was a con oink* one, rather than the result o ifigent search after the best man fo that high position: The fact that hg in his application for the removal d disabilities, emelt ed that he wen into the rebellion voluntarily, mac his case, it was thought at one title a desperate one; anti ho assured fiat no little surprise was manifested it his hasty confirm, ation by the Sentte. . . Gen. Walker,Superintetident of the Census Burtau, is sanguine that he will be able t; make a prelimina ry report showing the actual popula tion of the sweet. States, in season to determine BP Congressional pp- Portionment of he several States., it , it is quite certain that one or more ltepreseetativesltiarge will have to be chosen in streral of the States, which will add huch interest. in the coining fall campign. - , • • It now seems t is quite probable, that after all thse years of treaty making- with ti Indians, after all thevast expendi ut attending these treaties, and e sacrifice of life among lxith the •hites and Ihdians, 'that it will bed ermined that what has been clone i: eyelid and of no ac count. The H se committee on In dian' affairs, tc:, to the opinion dint tone of Eli treaties are valid ;' for thereason ti t all treaties or con tract made beta 4 'nations or indi viduals, pre-su i:t that both parties havii tile intent' undtho ability to malatain its art ~: and the Indians being a savage and unenlightened people,who t the forests without houses to live In are Lorne condition to make a ratio. treaty, and if made have not the : i of obligation' to keel it. ' - (hum. 1 stave Or.misso,s E. .„But few persons pass any 031114dora tole time of life without experiencing bbute of the aches, jades, weaknesses, iffeknisses, eet., which are the mind otexititing disease.t . • z Thdle.nlenitortiAihoulst.netilir ho Passed over lightly, nor considered Slightly, as their neglect is the great 014PP91 1 /AtiLlingeringsickne 4ses . .ElanDrghlt chfcinie disease of to daY might have been arrested in their fadpieektlieres; long since °blab*, he4.,,timely up-. lineation been mad to accinselentious physician'of learning, of,Judguissit s and of skill in treatment. Thnelightest feeling of distress. is. pi/3111W evidenee of existing : . 11P 1014 e, and the sooner it is removed the bet! ter. • . ' • ' - By thus nipping disease 'when these Signs first appear, hundreds of lingering cases may be avoided and much suffering prevented. • It hi not enough, however, for the physician to know the anatomy of the human body, the pathology', Of 'disease, and the nature and proper , ties of his medicines. ' He must know how to interpret these signs,nf dtscase i that he may „antici pate their actions. He must know how to determine thenature of the disease, that ho may select that. apptopriate remedy ...with. which' tunbbreviate its course. , ' lie shiustknow how to estimatethe' strength and endurance of the patient,. that.he may calculate the prospects of a care. • , These aro some of. the. advantages we propose to gain by a scientific ex- . =Matfett of the urine. The/ails which the opticleappettr anon, chemiclo anlysis, and Inver scopleitehservations reveal to . the physician it compensate more than a hundred ; ld for the time required to make the examination. • • They throw such a flood of light upon themiture of the disease, and give such demonstrative evidence of the extent, that both the kind degree may often bede fi nitely determind by an examination of the urine alone, and, whatever the disease, seldom !bits in furnishing us with the clue to tho principles upon which it is to be treated. , No ono should disregard the slight est feeling of indisposition, no more than the severest suffering, but re pair .at once to a physician, whose whole time and attention is devoted to the diseuvery of the best mode of relieveing the mint afflicted, in the shortest time, and at the !past possi• bie expense. .L. 01.1k4llUE M. 1)., 1:32 (.;rtit Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ExeitinglEueounter with allerne. The Montgoniery,(MksourDSTanfl ard says': One of the must exciting scen6 and terrific encounters that it has ever been our privilege to record,. occurred at the ford near L'Outre Lick last week. Thelacts, as we re ceived them from au eye witntw, ure . these: On lust Saturday evening Mr. Thomas Moore and a gentleman by the name of Thompson twitting In.! lower ' L'Outre township, weto turning home from and stopping at the ford of L'Outre pro , posed to taken bath and water their horses. Mr. Moore was ridings very fractions mustang policy. Ile started into the water with her, and when he had ridden in to where the water was deep enough to swim her, the pony cominemaxl rearing and plunging, and finally succeeded in throwing Mr. Moore, who received a wound on his right ankle and foot from a stroke of the forefoot of the pony, which somewhat disabled him for a while. The pony mired up with her forefeet entirely out of the water, and Made a dart at Moore, which would have'ended him then and there, had not Moore, Quick as thought, darted under her body, came out in her rear, and Made forthe shore HS fast as ,his arniiind legs could tarry him. The pony saw him, and with the blood running M from her nostrils, in her fury and excitement, and the . d evil ittherlyee% li/heeled and Anode anothei , . plaint at him,-whiell was avoided by Moore, diving under the water and swimming Stine distance under water. - This time Moore riiitehed thq bank in gaiety, but had no hunt to•elloW the. Trioo o g row under his Net. Thu pnorivab after Ida/ immediately, and t Cfei t rhae took place on 4the'fiank' for the distance of about when 'Moore was compelled to take to the water again to as* his imam. 11. seined a stout ehibllthikruppl I oil the lxitik into the thitt ist i t lie pony following. Ito strain tepidly to a log lying about midway in, the creek artii• Mounting iShe gtive thy pony a severe: blowate, she onne'tp in hot pttrsuii. Th*:iteented to cool her excited teelitimandlhestaticid back 1 - 4 r. the shorn: ';pursued heonne the puOnwrainl Moore soon oVertaking•thepoiiy, tuoliated, and after talminiiteriolg iteverak severe blows on the be qf thepOhir„with suceeMM 110801quering her. The battlewaspiNiltpati lA:were. Moro saysfilipony tnifit): dirty It:matter, takdoestiot Anna to :wash bet. again' bliVawiritiminic::r, • Perinifelhe igiOt.tigikitiblii duel ever finight 'took' place' In' 180$. It was pectiliarly.Prenen .1n ity ;tone, and Wald harldly have occured un der any, other than a Frenellidate. of society. tirandpre start-M.' Le prising, out of jeakitelly concerning it lady - engaged at the' , Imperial Opera, one Made , : .( 2 1 1 # niVit-i r PheSial.ifFeedi tP. 00 11 t. a duel to settle their revedtiCe claims; and in order that the heat of angry; ixissiou should not enterfere with,the pplished,4lewas.A ,qf the proceeding, they. postponed the duel for atuontli—the lady agreeing to bestow her smllc~ion the survivor of the ttco, if the other was killed; (Wet thietwnitinteittd44. the two urea, it not'actually expms ed. The duelists were to light in the air.. Two balloons wereeoustruete d,. precisely alike. On the day denoted, Ile (irandpre and his second enter ed the air of one baloon, Le Pique and his second that of the other; it was in the pinion of the Tuileries a mid an iunnense concourse of spectii tors. The gentlemeii tv i ern In„dry, net itt,eileti otlide,.but at ellth.othet • s balloons, in order to bring them , down try the escape of gasp , and as pistols might hardly have served for this perposd, each • aeronaut took a blunderbuss in his car. At a given..signal the rom that re tained:the can were cut, and the bal loons paean ded: Th ewirgivos mod eratn, and kept the ballOoni at about their . , Ltititilatticiee - pfpiiihinirrds OpartWlfehlibonfludrtimillitil9lhve tlieouonc l otthoeartkaPrecorrert 4 /0 signal jfor firing was giveh: M. Ile Piquemd,but n AL de Grand- Pre fired and sent a ball through Le ique's, balloon.•ThO balloon collaps ed, tbeear descended with frightful itqclih is qoini Weeertillhed to pieeths. , 1)g Urablpto eonlintied his ascent triumphantly, and terinitudenloterial voyage sue cessfully at a distanceof seven leagues from Paris. llot Mummers. Front the published records kept at Nuremburg, in Bavaria, we trtus late says the Detroit Free Press, the following interesting:acts relating to extremely hot seasons, In limes past: In the ydar 1135 the. earth cricked by reason of the beat, the wells and streams - In Alsace all dried up, and the bed of the river Rhine was dry. In the xea; 4152 Bid' heat waft so !great that :mild exposed to 'tlie sun's 'rays was hot enough tq cook eggs. liGo great numbdrs of soldiers in the. atinpaig,n against Bela died from the effects of the heat. In 1175 and.:= the crops of hay and oats failed completely. In the years 1203 and 120-1 - a mac could have crossed, dry shod, over the rivers Seine, Loire, Rhino and Data Me. In 1393 and 114 a multitude of animals perished by reason of the heat, Which was so great that the harvests dried up. --Captain Sagpuel orapacp, an old citizen of flume Gillet; died on tho 13th ult, utter ; . seven and lingering illnem. qlo Was one , of the veterans of the was of 1812, and serv ed under General' Scott:, at lAndy's Lane, and In tiikwa l *jilt Di .° ns captain of a company he - again served under his old chief. Flo had been wounded in tho wnrof 1812,and drew a pension from the Government In consequence. As n citizen he' wus Xew' tdv Aèblbnta • -- • AnNiravw gEgiaa "-ELEM. EfEtlirir patrols d IMO Seribdr to sever Billed (not Warta' One ease) to cure the very wont mica of Blind, Hebb* or Blordlag Nadi. Throe who are aftUctod should Immediately call coo their &lay gist attd get Wasoasia riga itutsor. It la ea , primly Am the Ma, and 4 pot mom/waded to cars say Giber disease. lt cared many cum or over ira""4. l * , trYfiq u itNF l' IX I?.yt3P~PEJIA~ Wiitisarls Twos L Pfltr,' 4 =7 lot DMerkl, sz4 Okra *ear idre ecallyensisa iCks anliabal stnuauna tunic and a splendid appeaser; It h Wa sloatacb and rotates We dliyestly• orglauLlo Aar health y state. Weak, nervous and dy d ieptle per shoulAuna Wetssisy,alifsome. nor sale by &VOW Price Infel:00111r. Warilits=sgh Salaam Is b,.llEg, colt ea lag and ea „ lot: The extraordlastypcnv sr It pormapvt I ~ toy rellorip.a4" diluent , /Latta Ctltrag: thditt . W7ublusteNmileu breougha, Colds, Sore Thrall. kirOachUltinn/ 43,2 4 Calsrrt ‘l Umlaut/64, Asthma mod Comaumptiou 1, almost .Incredlble. So prompt Is the relief and certain It. effects to all the abort, mom, or any athmticmor the t da hroat aoit louts, thatahttusauds pt physician, me ga ily pttiwAlatuttit4 'NA EMI Mg saes Wet It Is the must Maltag and ewelpratmg r Wino kror Suchrtl. - . Ilho N a rte. alp spa alfortV let, Ithl 14 mastsmsea oust bottle saws a cum. Id by drug gists, St Inge bouJea. Prted•Que Dollar. It sa your mat Milt If .you Mlllcougb atl/1 aUllor. The t sup. ' 7 01- iurilEr 0 lib Is free troth any porauouns rdpa or hopurit a be ing prepared for thvori "tau 'woke a atrutalaut. It is a aplendtd appetizer and tonic, and the lineal thing in the world tor. purifying the blood. It is tLe moat pletwaut and delicioth article era oilfired tothe pblic: far at:Tater to brandy, whloty, wine, bittern, a ny other article. It IS more healthy, and cheaper. Poth male red female, young or Phi. can tithe theVi'lue of Lae. It to. In fart, a life pre ,Perver. Those who shah to enjoy good health and a fox dew of Ilt ely aplrha, will no well to take the Wine of Lira. It is iliffl.rent from anythlng ever before to use. It Is void by druzg ; also at all respect:4ola saloon, Price One Dollar. in quart bottles. w=inatzimai ratalatenagogue Is the only ar ticle known to cure the one, pt will cure lu ever/ case-) Where, in the luridly In velikh' Important medicine Is IRK Wanted r Mother*, thi. Is the groats•+( Itle.*lug seer otlered you. add you should Utusediutuly procure It. It is al,o it cure for Female IrreguLattieo, and may le.: Ll:petaled mum In every taro where the mouthy bow its'. lazy obairncted through cold or bold 14 , druggist.. Price Oue Lollar. Or rent by Mall Oa rticelpt of One 'hiller and a quarter. .Vldrees—' alp State street, Chimgo. Vor rule by S. C. 1134N0N. linelmatert atxr 11110., Bridgewater, Pa., jyti,ly HOMES FOR 'THE - MILLION.!! Rare opportunities antricrw *desert fur sequthur. hums in a mild, krulthy told rougettial etiolate fur one-tenth of their value Ilse yea . . hence. TILE NATIONAL REM. ESTATS 'AUFINCT has for 'silo real estate of et ery description. !mat ed In the Iltddle nod Southern Mates: Wilortict.ii Wort, grabs, aud .1 reit fore.; vin, aarae and cof fer/. plantatious; amber and mineral lauds; city, riLfuge and rural resldeli.am awl Luein<ee mtnlltin : Mint end ml/1 factorleg. ,Pr. Write for Land Ittyister combining altltcript i OE4 location. price lOW I,Cfl4a of properti. tie hard l'r° 4 ' “e4 ; t V • -Itao, count:tied with our Real IS cake, we base 11, getic.rot claioLjunl Ilitenk.l9 racy under. the suplindaina anti! ItanraThwala Ts) h,r. late ot the Ordnance lisp •rtM , Ut• WOO 1,, 1 .0 , a ads nttftc and practical Mechanic, and will nalu_m ted isetlngtirretut Vaa eromaa Dvpalutento, vuctmar.ui tb t NYsi iwgzf.vi • Vtthuti!ca 1 3 A.'r kIN 'l' C 1 I C. 1.1: itaesit payers carefully prepared. Dr ratings tiatlly executed, and !Went.; secitra for Inreht. or. Iu file Mortar po.sildr time. topiebil itterition even to relanred oisec dto awe. for rriO OW, earaliOn, 611erftnliet:1160M1Wr. Meta. dt. . . Preinnbtary crantirationne to the patentahlttlY An mike, nude on n.Telpt at • bele( cieserign, non of the rave—no model helms requirod. . Favor rhown by .61Attn,1 then! In pructning. pateuts and tater: wards utitiq their inventions. Cutdidetn itrour - bueiner.si rel4lons MVlllOllr. - Terme inure rehroulthle than ankthec reliable 4 , 11 1 11/V Cliethlittehtsinhtzraftu e YiVe t sent fra.' .Ithlretr : CLIt. ire Pr" 4 . The Nettiehqf BOIL ,reterle Agehry, , aid up itn.4 Art ,,,,, Y 01"41 , 4 4 4 NA P. kVA( • A. W e ERWIN & CO., N 0.178 Fdcleral Street, i3I,L 111;.171' !'l7'3', , are lane offering xruur extra pt)atl bargains in all tbt• latest and mast pop• ular stile.? of Airco : G(l , 4s. ire !could (vat special attention toourr xtoek of I•renr/t lawns, Organdies, Chinlza, lw•nns, Ilernanix, Cheju Japan to l'oplins, all ncii: arulelefutat desigux, pailiesda;gy ad- aptetlft». the ,qettanft =MEE A . 1 1 .434 At 23 ccuts, Whitt' P. K., A t r I FS P: ni t'6 l Y int r P .l At $0 ccuts, %VIM!! P. K. U 2O cents, Fi.vred kL jO CUllil4, At 12t, evitt.4, Light Chita., • shetinio ltl.u•k shrthitl4l Shaw Settlt *11:1%11... ~tnpl•d feII:HMV: SildWIS V bite Lunn Shaw 1,. Black and White Striped Shunt. , likirk anti Willits Cite. k Slu m 1.. I I } A. Slitting ?nod of stor,v . ,(a) per shot= Lt pro- I ~. • -f i • ekd for Lho roderopttosuot .the ligutL4. to toictt 4 - etlegt gue year after the completion of the Ruud.. • The mortsiogebi for $15,000,000, of it bleb ti,uno,- tea wilt' he D., , ,,,,,,a and held IL) truot for the rte tieliiiiii 7 i — tifilTifiraiallirlriritrfirilil7:iglitlY f :- 3 . ~„„, ..,.. 111 . 1110, l' 44i e i ~ 4 o .a I sth„. matt taut I, ill Ito . tlete Si bit r,, 1 et t imp l ' the on w 101 l 1 , II utth tip what IEII WE HAVE A 14:1$1' . 1101;k: QF iSL 1.1 44 1 :•eN 1 Merrimic.' 'i?Or Chintzes, 4:• ..sir,,,; , Whirli ware stiltselling . • Lti hs• • k .; • AN.g •. ir:Wl4l4 co'*. Z. - ALL EGUENIC CITY. PA. jtialk.t-Y:•29 . " Banking Lonna, CoVVICU OF I TISK do HATCH, , 7 BAKERS' ' • AND nur.g.t6illiiriiii4lit&t. SECULLI 'jk AD Ti n ' • No. 5 NAIIAAU tiTLlgrr New Yuck • , 1.. . . 11obilteff1 3 . WM. Tito rsoiar►abto suttee* which Itßentle4 our DO gollattote et the Loss% of t►e Coretut Peyote Rettatottr Cooriort 'and toe Werretitt RAILROAD C . and the popularity and cred- it ,w no *k th +t 4 i4 I T T i mil 4 4 ". / 1! 4 ° ,"0 'kers, both in thla country and, E owns,. have shown tAat the iiret' Niitge„le Ronda of Wrsoli Inc:tied and honorably managed Rallrouts an, promptly reoCtlxVl sad tidily taken as the tucastanitabi, safe, and advantageous firm of invest yield lugmunL a more liberal income than can hereafter be derived (qui kielerqtrtent, UOPIIN ane r avallfbloto hake theft • ' "1 Aiisdrett that, ht the eehet:ocrafol•e;ollathui'of superior. Railroad Loans, we are ro+ting a grant , pabile want, and tendering • tralselde serrke— , both to * the boldere of Capital awl to thoft. Amnii - National works of futerual Improvement whooe ht. trioalc merit nod betantlal charac he entitle them to the tow or isplud and - tiie . cuigleno,; , or to, ~.4 00,...-WO now offer cootaleace and satisfattluo the .. • ~1 ; I,, -• • ' FIRST iIiiIiTGAGE BONUS IM;a3Mil nesapeato and Ohio Railroad , 1 Company,: The I,lorajogile aid Ohio MOlrtitot,oniiiectieig hu f 'lthanlic and the rusitaiffertit liarb?rig or!. he Chesapeake Hay with the Oido river at a point f reliable naviptbni, and thuP, with 'the entire Woad typuin and water Tl 7 , 020pOrtStIon of the great %' It and Soullaw.t, teems illaa addl- Eonal East and West Trnuk Line. Imperatively domanited for the accommodation Of Ito immense nool :ormbp growinfz trausyortatuor Jetormu the Ailaßtie seaboard and Earlqle 011 the 'mud, and tip, grcat. larocknettll the 4JUiu land Slio.i.ennol Valley* un thu tither The Importance of till. rood a♦ a new on tivt front tbo Wo,t to the Kat =gables It Into mic of 11313011. al con.. menu. nod Inlitre* To It en extenaire throngli irate from Ova day of Ita completion white, in the ilerelopiamtt of tpe aztob;iive ngri• cultural and mineral resource,. of Virginia and Vte,t Virginia. It possess a. along It, o•.vn line • the eletu•..•nto of litanyo and piogtanlo local Time the 4neut both gener.tlao.l I which demand the completion of the Che.dimoto and (ihiollrowl to the tthio fiver. afford the nnafantnn nt It• rua•+. and ralnr • and newt, it the nu,so impartrtai and = lig superiority am an %V,•l rutkfr, um! the prilthisit Of zrl. imma-, at.; prattubl.: :watltink'tb. L cotniit,floll:lLave thump tot thelit• le4titA4 suit' co-owl - adult of prouttittla and Itailrukau turn 1411Lir cilj of .and and lnctirn Intmrity, irho.c cunlnT :10 sh it. to..:et&T o itb that .af eminent ctlizet, and bu-1 ne.• n..n of tn,tyres an encrgettc. Loathable: and • incesq.ll •Inana;:u. MEM ypie ItaltkiAlaxpi,t,l i tip urr..Uou frouk Itichfound to the eachr . ..ttett tiollthur Sitriu4s or Wept Virgiton, toiler, anti there reut.ou but 1, 1 14, aloe portio:ly culcstrtl. led i to he rumple • curt it to ibn proposed lerrnlnna On the Ohio river at, or near the snout!, of the Big Sandy Area, ISO adtaa Kbuva Clocinnallosza MO Who' " - below pit ! - burgh. •• Liner are tre . e projected er w prZ . 1.1... through Ohio and gentarety Wilds pant, r bitch' COll - the t'heraln•ate and Oleo with th.• entire INllroad +~,.t,•m. Of the We.: and Soutto,..t. and with the name J 44110.4 Ita v . :ll4:Able fr.lotilivev .4 I , TV/ion 34 . , /13.LVAIV, will pl., Ow I 7 4 , gapoLle .1- I':, oltel Com itiAy etionr. the rirho,t mid nin.i I;4Nevrfill And trn•uturthy eorportt het. ii he vomit, v ; :14111 there 19=1 uork .N 11.4 t , , uk initim .1011111 of m. CEGEZ The tirtAllt of the Loan have been arrarr.zed al th special nd.'rro.+• to the iv:mitt of nll el.htot, Itt SlNltatet. Inll COlllid WILL.' ROO. kitSIISNII uC COlll I= =I ir,41()()(), ti.ioll and sloo They Ivlli 134 finned 411. 0/1 , ..p01. to Iteurer, and may, bo held In Mar form t or Thu bond may b 4 I,o,Jereil In the name of Ito owner, uriabilau cualyous re.Lssuu. {Ayala., lup tearer attached, ate p/ uaipnl being tlik , o fvrralile only nn th4ltook, or llicCotopsny:rttilevs = The tiapotet RAY bidetarlea.l laitl cancel It ,I.the land t* a pird „.. /Zaliffact .1 Mad, MM." 4 r,.....„.,„,, ~,,.,,,w,...,,iny, and the le . . teg . 1!110(4 . I.3ylsle , ......;141 .1e• rezkterell c.wurr 041114 . idlerneY• . ' ..' ME I '!":4•" , .':' , •: - -••: c. .--•'-; Th'lll2l ., .., ~ r . ,. i 1 , ~ . enti.lF . ityely .. T.. 4. ., , '' • o rs i; Jul. rrith I Id . ;1 4 . 6 ' . ! lels mgr el. di, ../ w 1 . . ,' • " go ..i. zuled bu il. ..pon - 4 4. , - - I ciaL4 -. t nu; cl• . f 111 sled ..1. 4 .; 'l:Vit .r' • ro''. Z a 'lL``' .'L• ' rty irimpuo .. riii Irmo maim I. 141iNettiigereot ti 7; ok I^ , lill'.4q. from ovonl.4l* , ..I. Prlnglol 'I: i1der...4 . !.' irly . "In gold • city 01 N. w l'oelr: , i .? , 1111 D SEA MOSS FARINE CL'.. ,-. . int.t.,,,. 4 1a • bla in 21:11. and N*III /K r, I 1 ; . . ' '. . 43 r.ail r .. ~! , . -.- .1 lis 'fr.' ':1414! -: :' . -A l ' F 4 . ': 1 " ;1 ‘ 7 :: n "rt Plantation Bitters ' •i-#0 . ; ,-, --x --.= -6. iv - - ---.-- ' - rut • ' 5;. '9;.2_lA(;i)_ N. - ....• -'v , ..... ...".:'..:...=-• --- 1 • ••••• the r Ii .kin;; atlitational iii‘,, , tmento. to huve lite c:lltsitlie :it tilt:6nd se.d.lll) at thS . Luau b eccatre‘t Dy a toortztgo op.! th4l indite Lbw Of Road frotu 111Chtukto . il to the Ohio river, la tUt the equipnieut gml al? other property and appartettaneea connected therewith. 13111ES11 The preAent price Is tiO and accriseti Intern! A Loan.o amply - aapare4.l.o tarefull> guarded. and morertain hereafter to command a prominent iillifFAßtAttait- -10 6 4: 0 4%10 6. . • eto, •tMI ikon , ‘ 1 , 41 .' " one, abotober— vt•ry FISK & HATCH, "..• r. S.--We 11l Vt . bylled 011101/01.. run pa rtlenhmetatialleal details...maps, tde.makh trill ha fartdabod upon appncatioa. tr4e buy and sell Gavernalent tkmda: and recelaa Ole saint t op, ii)rp4- 1110 n,.. and Zlassa.saNtyl Ity7tlsack ut algig, sad allow Internd On dally balsam.. • • , . NeW - eAtivertine»tents AGENTS WANTED Yo st "WONDERS • OF THE WORLD," ()VMS CVIIJI 1110111Allb ILI.COTMATN,. T, >;.t. bed...Msg. MIA Meat AUtfiCli‘n b.* ,TIT polblislied. head . far !mulct,. ,„ , trnn. 4.,,mr, A d.ln++ vrisi4,lll ( 411 iSnowne St. New York. I , Irlig bEAIUNI) ,„ / 11 11 I STEPHENS theett e4 4lll• ,,us tory o f the „ the Wu l• LOW ready. /1-e, L „, with Iris. red ' ~..,i atloalptioa ore the wur n Thdelreri Nnaunnrpt 1141.414 C Co.. FLUAdelpfila, PA. . JAI. 0471 A P. , C UR E c, 1 ,. . , , 1 1 , ...end are „ GM, , 1 uloi4 1 .44 , 1 curl i. of . :: ArAek Fk •tilrfh ad begh,..,, CM - DEAFNESS W - . ", - ,' . i t l: l %. , i , re lemma, N. I. , • 1 "' Mt. M I LL: IS NU lit: nn G: , ors My BU 16..n.dinz OILY elthr. „ d4c, beight, CON! . or vy..C.1111,1 L alt. )uu 4 .;: ' ulna by rcturu mall, a correct po 0, 4 , , ~,,, ? L .e b.her L et or wife, withi.dind and date ci . L , rlage. Mamie W. Yoh, N. U. Inalottr. No. si, Voilmerille, N. Y . be ~ ~ _ .. , A r more AGENTS are WANTED e, , of the C.. EAPLAT sod ISE, y ii,,,, . ~ , s.. world WeV. W. A. BIN 1.F.14.1 NA.'171.11 - 141.L. Ili. Toz „.„ I . 6,,,,,,,. clear elc•ulpt dote 01 LK a ) ni.r) n 1 •., .packs eat lira A r. . Viol., F,1.., I ~.. • ,„... ~ ir.c. • dc,C.Linifellnd Ly W. thou, 1 ' . tmt mu* awl replete it lilt eit.lin4 , culotte or thew utahifohl tercuL•r . of the fume. Lohtelem (our +tic saluahle add Itici., Ingle the S. tiogutaLett naturalnds. mils:.. • 4 • licon. Lud m. 0.) •• to Agents about sLct or - part ! ; • L.. lighted uith it, old and y0utt,...44 :Nothing Ulm .1. In th., fil• from V' to Irbilloor day, stud ti latest and lest ...Ilium of. hi ,„‘„; • illuatralad circular att.( OJT Nark 111.4 Bade- • A. If. 11l IMMO, Publieber.loo Uu...tout ht. 1 • int...1 ) 4Le 1111111 Mill11:11 Lilo /11.1.(mil k.., :1)0.1 A vrnt.lll.o, at :0..4 UM( ~ ..... ; I , aroutt: 0.111.1. .•( .. • , (nu t . N u . 112 o tab 4111 THE GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY! Dr. W.ILREIL's CALIF - MINE% • VINEGAR BITTERS. More than 500,000 Persons Bear terlltcony Id/ Ilicir K'.rt.C•r.; q' IMZEM .?.:.:wzr.tin Aim Tur.i:j.;7:. Rade or Poor Ilttni, Prue I" %or itud /Leaman I.lquo, n.t our! Itlvnetthed to *vac the. t.gotr, Appetlitry, ."I:t•torere: the tipylet on to drunlata..oa awl itzliu, i . • true medicine, wade trues the native llerba of Vatiforaga, free from all A label.. stint Wang,. 11,ey Al, the GREAT U Lim/ prigigriEg and Life (Heinz Prtnelpli, n pert.a.t. Renovator and luvigorstot of mr or. tern, carryinlr off oil t0.i.,.0,14 ~„ , lug the hawd to n , t.• 111 take thl ee 1:1I1. - re mccortl:llg to .l.t• .• remain lung nnr. : ,•;l $lOO mill be ;i‘en for an int:W . :dr: , • bunce nr.z not ill,trOyi.4l 1,1 r M=IM=CMI Voetin 'd ; he V anhina ''nt"f Try 'r do Chriuult. inallsen and Gout, 14 •pejtodta, or lode atatlon, ISllltouh,(tient, and In terinittent reveral Diwea.e. 01 Ihr IlloodiLiver,Kidneya ono Gladder,,-- IS Men bait? twrrrautet ru•ce—:t.l Mud. DO: caws ere Cht.ell br Vitiated mood, 0 , I,llls in hy. tim tirrattz. • Dig,C•LiTe Or=111111.• l' curve the 11.33t01i i.•• r Ith !overt tit.. hurrtitrg thront.th it •tsth pier, Lrupt,orh , or ho.r. , ..1,11”.. it e 11 It htt•trut - ht , t iii fins • t It :a y.mr ir•Putt,••;:l t• • Ixetrp the blued f , :ry ctrl th.• h. t, • : •,•r • MOS '• 'l%ll' •ad ott.. r WUIIII 'l•tr.a.g u. fygteMol e.rtnnfly tuutt•il.o, nr7 tir .1.1.1 Intern. rt. ut rhea• Int ter. I.ave ut 11,11. nar 3.1!! ralka tart ~111, ll.e ...trt ..trouLd •. • a ~. printed In P•nr 1.211 av, EnJII•11. ,r.t. r'r..A.th J. ‘V.A1.1,1,1,, Commurt••• , . N 1 R. il. AIcDON./11.11.t. (13 .1)131;zg1,1••it.A A. r • dab Fr3nc.ro slid twentilieoto. Commerce JL N Y. Litr: AULD fl ALL imulilil3l" .32t11,411 A GE 1V IWANPIrCD.--4410 Pgit 1 by the AMERICAN ENITEINtt 31.0 11411 b. or WI. .. • AIrrANTED ; -• TO ,11 1!”. 4,11 sEWINU.II , ,Nt HINE. It Arlo," and a r•u o d , • Prlee tl3. nth, oki,;:o:, • ,:. • ong!.•r-ret.iloold for fr. or I. arg'.larlnz; r • (JCT.\ ‘;‘,lN \FA( 111%!.. . 11,1 1:1 . 1 . , lk.tou. 1117N - Kin ::-. 7% ,, hit.4 lila, I) \P PO: -Liberni Inclucemeit.;-.U•serip.. I" 1!.11 - • ( r.e ./. C It \ ;I/ I. MEE \V !..ii r t 1 ;1 1 11:.: N EN r % .: I tg. " rr I JU.A.k..• U.. .. ,4,1?tA , • , 411:4 rv..-4.•11 Mt On, Wll..eler t • Co. All other unior-1 ,,, 1 oto.tOt- • - tor , cot then AP' And 11., tot,o- , 1.•,111 •• 4 , • t . Lkfth, o. 111 or St. M ,Agents Read This! $6 to $2OO per Mouth made by hub Selling IS HOE OF WHIIINGifiII Oat 5(.1,T C cnsnN AND V• 4 O. B KNSOS LOSS/...Vii. uto I..tpo,ltrincl.trtmrly bon rtd. only t. 7 lion. Very ltberett touts gist,l.rr 1p 10,trAteti nod Iltga, our c,r ",' K. 11.111; linrtfonl, Conn. WHY DON'T YOU TRY WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS? They are a sure , ure for Sore fhn'•+ (IA I , Croup, Diptheria, Hoarseness; .Ilan, a sltere.v.lfill .le, h., dll.for . . . Price c,nta 1, r Sol,l :ir /I: 0111, , of prier hrl; K •.: l'utt \ ''lt 1:1" DIM (.I,T. TEIE NEW ARTICLE OF FOOD. ra4,id4 g = r:,.. (1.41.; you I'l4OE, 0 .A.N 01 4' NI'Ll if I_V la11%,1,1,: , tilted /0)111 ill; re 11 . 1 A MOS.'' r y'y wltielt will milk,. xi.rleria f l oor , liAurr 3fatqw, awl a like (limb'''. 17, (Of , ' It I. 4, / .f. ele,tpe,t, health iePt. (fed 11104 , I,;; "rood in lire tmettl. tripirinful row, to , ,•" ire i.r the shed - 01 ,e1m,• 1/.1 •-• • (Phil i1e , 14,1. ••' Jut the (t.yea and hin g ,,,d, s: ~ ."1 &pal awolly ,t,,,i1(whi , .. , , ,i •.. ,-''.•- tly for the Nerrortg Werl. - )1 ,,, 1 ,, I".• 1 9 0 4 4 9 4 - o, ';' 444:eitt.'ly 4 e,L,', , •/,, ii ~ ••••• peeseoling err ell of/i ,• ...ei, II ',:,,.°. Cl! rt i Itt WO+, •(l'opict iI, I, alio tab ,•• ski:lid, it (Fel: , 1(d a ,Yperti..• ;it , .., ~ i '''' Cir. 4 (If (liBbrder •rrhh,h,irml.eleile',' ti, loftily .viechyth an( he, ai..: , i 1• .,, e fl" animal spirit , . the side by ail 1) ,,, gh , tl. • ', war:la:Um Notice to Bridge Contractors. (....,,x...10x.....rn , .. Is..vg., Jim. 1,1 , ; ,, ed pnn•ft•ni. nill i.e r.., et. ed - "it tl., .: '1 the Itoemt ..1 Comity Oinoint•-is.in r• :111: I: r d 4) the __.lea) of .1 ttly. I , :n. 4: '4 At!.. , 4 t• ' fdr the two,ntry utel tditt.,:rt.• i•lre of bet tiro (der . Bra-lk line. fp :.4. ,,, : , ii ,,,,, tidy. istlett.the ',Mtn nw:d t 1,... ,4 th , P.m , u:' t , re.1.1.•11, - e of it A: Could , . S.! tt e ... r .... ~ about IS of 'in 44,L , Ittnit and Im fre,:t t 0.1.1 rr0000n• 111:1•t b • neeomtunted Si 111 , : ' ' • meta givind . th, tole n, l'zitt of ti, . •: 1k row,lit iron, th , ti:•nter.t.7 worlittn; 45 r.' •'' Ilse until/sty or Intnidit4 4trutt,4th tkr is • •• '" t 4 n ell IA the gredte-r. 1 , .•.t1 least III.• ..1: . • coltati. - Ann wd opecitteatlnoo for th , nut.OurY .' l , tattl; mil - he seen at tsl•orti, e nNtil 1.70 The eornntl,aloner, On. r P nJet t any or All Untie. ortlerof Melinn N. ' 1,:;11.3n r.d.y. A 17C"l'ION S.\ LES-. Aticlirot Nth, In Ids yard. In mar of lu. 4tA , On Thind Yttreet. In llnt borungh of VOA \ er. let purpose of .Nnitsjal "Mi. Itot-Crt Vox.. Ilor.ea, of any artlrle of win be told for other parties wlshlt..: • 0. , Day of sale Frid,,y or rash W 014.. at the h *Oldclod, m. Prnions wielalm: to late If. •• O .111 be regnlreel to glee three Co. eot o' th'• article they tiri.tt to Off, for pate. INll.lh • 'VIIIIt o I tV i ''" th".' sale. aprlt.tm •.(n • • t • L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers