CIIISTIOPitaiE. ' Thert) It e lri,* tns ttstveiiet bed,k,a Pale given +nth lot il 4 xlem"'"' shade, thnuauceld, not transparent, cool and reStful to the e 0 so differ.; ati t y i Un i brittle-404 pogilloo. Mtia a to lieldipulla at Ut life in them. Do You know the ehrys opnise? It cuts like a cameo into white; and thisparticular. ow/ob long in sha e , with rounded mete almost too l ingo for the slender ring that held It bore a tiny %dna flgure. etiquisite beyonil words;' It 'might be a goddess, or an angel, or air doinsl Frangepeci , ll. , . • I ter than air, witli lOW . .• 9 , this aspiration. An'd t . s stone, this chrysoprase, which needed •no en , heaving, was set all round with tiny diamonds of purest ,liglik-a very wreath of stars., - ( - 'The tenth, a chrytioPnittus;' I said to myself, remembering the founda tif atA, filloy pa Citytits- the A ha(l never known i Lich about precious stones. I had n .ver lam' - " - sod much Jewelry to le tic of, nor eared for it. It did not *yin apart of our way of living in the dear little old town wber,o any bottle. was; end whoa Jew& and I-were , ongsged'w e. neve! , thought of anything tor Our be trothol ring but a Wain 1 gold band which would do forth° wedding ring afterward. Dear Dave, 1 must tell you hero, was only a clerk yet. Of course he would be pronaitaltiy and by and taken into ;partnership lie was to ' faithful and efficient-' but meanwhile there was.only the clerk's salary to depend upon, and we had calculated pretty chitely what house rent and furnishing . would amount to, and the living itftert i tar i t:S. This economizing mats u, rad. 11 i, tire, mat all our little plans -lift into each other as closely' itS alicin ' bee ' s cells. . We had been edge alinatt a month, but Dave had It nt - :glven line uny ring yet, for he' wanted it to be 'the very nicest possible of the . kind, the finest and purest gold, a broad rich band ; and he had it vague • no tion that a little wreath of. blue for };e Lone-pots Would look lei/ely areu lid it, done in enamel. So, as I was go, ing,ap to ,utottaile's In Apo vity,lrler 'it brief visit;'und to tieMy lit/U.4l4°p pi ti g .wi tit a list that mother lan' (Iwo fully made out, Dave Mkt nie to go to the lx.t jewelei there and chose the ring for myself. 'And then order :It sent down' ter me by exprem, 'collect ,o a delivery,' so that I can have it first and put it on your finger, lie said as we talked it over; and !I titotight how oleo that';Was t sfor we could not tell how much it would be, and I knew IDave's salary for' tile iluarter. would be paid the. next-Sat urday night. -- . -4; 1 '.--e. Sol went up to the vit.V.With my small amount of wisdom, andtjhere 1 met—thetchrysoprase, i ' f j. Aunt jute's house was Very Negant. had never seen it before. The mar ble paved handle) black wainnt stair- CaSe, the bronze Silence leaking down sweetly on the card tray at her feet, unconsciously ..impresised me at the very entrance, oven while 1 was thinking how much dearer my own little home with Dave would 1.).0. Aunt Jule was almost an invalid find :1() pale and gentle! :She took me into the room' where siity cousins were—. 1 kim and hell— whom 1 had not, seen Mr years. Pura was fluttering before a. ptirror, , trying. au a; tittle .Bwiss ntuon, and Bell was at tie window arranging : hyacinth.. .They kissed ma utrectionittelyJ and were very kind, and very glad to hear of my engagement. I)om was Just engaged,loo, she in formed me; it was not out yet, but would be shortly, as soon nsshe had her ring: And upon that! said, 'OW, I was to see about a ring, too, and Dave told me to choose whatever 1 liked.' lbecharmine :exclaimed Dora. I mu to ehoosolnine, too, and We Mil go to Crosby's :toimorroW morning the find, thing. Of course, you will . have a diamond.' , 'I thiuk,not,' I saldollitlidentlY. 'Oh, yoU'antst have a diatnonti.— Nothing else Is really koper fur an engagement ring. I hnve mot decided myself yet betwOn a solitaire and . a cluster. Percy wanted me to lookat some Crosby has just anianted and I know• they must be elegant.' 'I wouldn't have a diamond,' in terposed Bell. 'Diamonds . are common; every girl that gets engag, eit seenis to have lint Just one Idea cif at ring, and that is a diamond. I like a ring with some meaning in it, some ,poet ry, something peculiticand fanci ful.' ,'Oh, yes; we all know about your sapphire,' laughed Dora. 'But then, we always expexit you to be odd, Bell. 1 own I alway s like to see a hand some diaMond ring. I wouldn't think much of a man that didn't in sist on my haying one.' 'llush,hush, Dom' said Aunt Jule, gently. 'People's circumstances dif fer. Every one (=not afford a dia mond ring so easily us you think.' Now was my Buie to have spoken, and to have frankly stated that I tlanight of nothing Ina a plain gold ring as best•silited to my wishes and alreumstanics, But a false shame touched me. I wavered. My C6U should not think :Dave Mean. It occurred to me that I could let the topic pass by witnout many words, and some morning slip quietly out alone and get my ring, without say ing anything more about it. The very next Morning, a letter lay by my breakfast plats from Dave. lie so much already, he said, and begged Inc to hasten the shopping. Then he spoke of the ring, and told me again to ehhose what ever I illicit hest, ,fur. 1 might, see some new - deAgn prettier-than any thing we hail thought of; and he wanted me to have the prettiest ring in town. Dora was ready very early to go to Crosby's, and tailed me. 'You mn look at rings with me,' she Add, good naturedly, 'and.thentome home and .think them over bekore you decide. It won't take vie long to decide, for I know Just what I want. , . . . Thk seemed safe; and, Ibrtified .by Dave's letter In my pocket, I star ted out with Dora. In ten minutes we were in Crosby's store, and it was wit long . before. Dora had,' the , glass ease spread With a brilliant show ; rings of all siz& and of all settings, the gold plain, tlia gold enameled, 'or curiously cut, but they nll hold dia 111011liS. Sonic In clusters dazzling as little suns, anti set solllaire, large, clear anti lustrous, some rows of three or flue, and there wns one pret ty ring with tut oval of deep blue enamel, In' which was set a blazing cross et small diamonds. While she was looking at these and trying them on I wandered down thestor.xlin a minute eame ton show case where 1 saw plain gold rings. There was a clerk behind thecountex. glow -much would sych a ring • that one cost ?I • - .1 Aced, Mbar tiro-' idly, pointing •tootte that was wide and 'dolt% and rich looking. "Thirteen'dollars,' ho replied brisk iv, and drew out a velvet WiTull of such rings. 1 tried one on, It was a little large, and I took up another. 'What are you doing Gertie?' call ed out. Dora, looking around from her diamonds, and then grOssing to my side. 'Oh, I woo guard ring, is it not? They are pretty, but how, do you know you will need one ?" glow do you think one Would look With a wreath of forget-me-nots in blue enamel around it?' I asked des perately. don't think you would like it, tiertie; it Would haven mxed up common place look 'a little way bit Do come back with Me, and see what. I have decided upon ;. the lovliemt itrent xolitaire you ever saw. It is worth dim hundred dollars.' • . Five hundred dollars ! As much Money. as Dave could earn in six months! I foll Owed her mutely, and she held up her ring with Its glory of a diamond. It looked like a gran., pure drop of water with the sun Ai . ning in it. I am glad I remembered the teeming' dioPs at howie;Ond . lkir t il ) :44 l itif u ldded for t U rj, g Itle for ye l 4 to la 'e en his way up• own at nowt, nearer lalimn,iiifif fetti TAr A nuitl44/133e1l BNi - tinier turn to take me out, and what a rare day-it was! We went into picture stores, and she showed me all the great new paintings, and going to the great portfolios on the mcka, aho I slowly tqrnoitovet th°o o - 1(1 Z i t s % wings one by telling me know about them, fur Bell had n rail Went 1304 of appreciating art. tpsCpt to a florist's, among Muumuu the mast exquisite marvels of flow-, cm, where wespent a charmed hour ctatel m acme awayßell.brol with her a 1411e,ttfo, k2tOtintigiAirtto I an d Next ~ we Wanted Into' water(' WhertklieY" geld - 13 tar curvingsof the most dainty and woe ticnhrtitioniVeitiftt•into, hoax Store,w•nu re - loosen rnroug, volume after volume illustrated b: Dom.. 1tY' 11 44 3 time wymind was 8 excited', and lily imagination get fro to such delicious revelingsr,'•thit seemed to walk on air instead Broadway .paxelinat i Vl* kerthat'llib Waslivln us Pun all the beautiful things we could, be trained by them and exalted.. was in this mood. that I notiet_ with a start, ,we were just by, Cros by's again. 'Oh! then,' exadahned Bell, lot us go in a few in Pinks and look at rings. I think I - know a great deal better what you want than Dora does.' Be, w we went, and looked at glut milky pearls, at chaug,efulepalawith 41111(1111g . flame Ln •thelf how-hi, sap phires of intensit 'blue blood rod' rubies, sunny topazes..L!There was thesta grecit peridotthatßell point ed out to Me, and whispered how to her fancy,it,was truly a tiny wave of txx - un, ,roeuded Out . and iwpriaoucd. 'DO& Midst of th6se 'sparkling beauties and glories the clerk brought' a newlY 'opened ease; and there, fur the first time in my life, I saw Itlt ho, chrysoprase! Bell seized my hand in a fervor, . ..'lt is a dream carved in shine !' it c exclaimed, 'a vision of an angel flui t hug in Af tar eff ether orpale,•••• Ore green! It would be like 'bearing the signet of heaven to wear •suclearing as that on one's linger. Oh; Cllrtiet' I knew what she intant..The tho't had limped up in my own lima; even before she had spoken—what an en gagement ring. that Would -he!: It seemed muting the rest of the rings like Dave's love among that of other men, so strong and pure, so lofty and rejoicing. A chrysoprase!l. had never heard of one in a ring before, nor over thought of it us a rail stone that could be bought; and now sud denly, it was 'become • the-very one thing necessary to my happiness., Bell took it in herhand and studied it. wonder If it has an occult mean ing,' she`side, half playfully. 'An opal has • an .111 omen , to manyt—but this—why, it ought to be a guardihn genius.' • 'I believe,' remarked' the clerk, 'it brings' prosperity and' bapPipuse to the one who weamit. I ilotinnally know much about such things; hut there Is a little manual of preckfus stones in the store somewhere that might tell you more.' • Bell Leggett to see the book, and l i e turned to find it, While I, takinlethe ring Into my awn bands,%examined it with an ever gt wing• lo , '";ing to possess it. But cot a•rd it? Could Dave possib '\Vhat is the prig 'Ninety dollars.' 'A bltuf heaven murmured Bell( But Ivti..s/ thinking of Dave's quarter's tetlitry, and how We had M eanly 'minim' a use for every cent of it, 'ley& thinking of more than twelve dollars for the ring. We had felt(So happy and rich while we were punning;_ and It'had never occurred 'to me, as it did now, in ono swift Moment, that, I was going to marry into poverty after all. Never to be able to buyinwthing but useful and necessary things; Bever by any elutnee to be able to indulge in such Tare hit # ,A4 statuary - and:saeli choice paintings - ifs Bell 'had shown me that morning—things that would add such a beauty to every day life. • , In my reverie I heard Bell and the clerk commenting on the curious old manual he had produced, and read ing that it was the stone sacred to the tribe of Zebulon, the tribe renouned for moral courage, _perseverance and readiness of pen; and I could not help thinking it was just suited, to Dave, and that he had as much right to It us the Zebulonitai. I had a sem ile for myself next, for Bell read on that it was the December stone, and De cember was my birth month. It was also the stone of the doubting Thom as, front its wavering color; and was not I Standing here, doubting and. wavering about a, thing I eould,not have? '- For an Instant after that conclusion I felt a bitter disappointment, and then I began to think. again. Could I not have the ring after all? I could do without other luxuries we had talked of, if 1 might only have that one thing of batuty with me always —mine. WaS I not going to give toy whole heart and life to Dave 7 It scented as if he ought to let me have the ring when it would be siimuch to toe. \ LAtalwe could put of getting the heti Wan carliet, and tho mirror, and the new great Ludy chair that Dave thought would be so nice by the fire, a n d we might do with fewer things in the kitchen, Just for a.little while, and save the money for the ring. 'Do take it, Genie!' whispered Hell. 'lt .suits you, you are such an intense and quietlittle Must I forever deny myself and be denied'?. No .With a sudden pow er determined to have it. 'You may -put it up,' 1 said to the clerk,,`to he seat to Mr. I /avid Gray, North Eden. • It is to, be sent' by ex press, collect on delivery.'. . The clerk wmte down the address nipidly, and told me with his finest bow 'that It Would go by the express thatevening, inquired if he. should show us anything else, put back all the rings iu the show ease; and turn ed to other customer. So the deed was done now, and we walked out, Bell congratulating me. All the way back to Aunt Jule's went in a glow and a glory, thinking of in) , chrysoprase. We met Dora at the doer, just going out. She said there was a lettyr fur me upon my dressing table, and-when sho heard I bad chosen my ring, sho scolded me for not twinging it noun: for her to see, but said she would go right down to Crosby's and see a duplicate. ran hastily up stairs fur my letter. It was from Dave, of course. My heart leaped at the sight of the dear, familiar writing,and it brought, home before me so vividly; :114 thought of him waiting for me -there. flow short a time was left now before we should be in our own home, keeping house, with everything around us just as we had planned: It was the little house around- the cornet- from mother's, with Wait bushes in the yard, and a sweet brier at the gate. 1 thought how I would watch for Dave y nocm tug night. and how ,fast lie mould' walk, aoifig and &mint, so •IN to have more time at home. And I should wear my blue and gray print dresses. the way Dave liked. Thee thoughts came nestling into my heart awhile I read his loving loy-, al letter. Fur a few moments I for got the chrysoprase—forgot it utterly —and it was only when I came to the end of Dave's letter,- where-lie said he was now looking for the ring eve ry day, that I remembered it with a slight sudden feeling of repulsion. The glow and glamour of the day's sight had faded, and the one uppermost thought was of Dave and home, Thechrysoprase, beautiful as It was, seemed inopportune, and Jar red upon me. It would mach North Eden next morning, and how startled Dave would be when theexpressman would hand it to him with the bill. authu would be too seusitlim nod to 40! •pretal to say, a word, know; Inn would -rit latomee; , lbot be would think a bout it, and wondered imp,. dwAlll boiihollgoWle . mu s t *Mold. noeexp flit ntiali I %palled 111 ti l t r 4 time werOuld o fon he r thinks. Moth ° wouldlook no grave , en Ip At, Ob.OSNIVer itstnir ir oil woriti.priplolinst p ness as kad, What could a 11l e fiat plow of green atone add to it, oven If It were carved with an angel ? , Were not all h .. ft _ l ., ~ meet' our (Hon • , • • sweet itt el vest W , , ee. hal= , A A 1 we had t ltiy~f -)'. • ,k'a ev ery day, and thoilue sky, ?nil . the unit',-the Shy Atherone while she was looking et it a ad miring it a lady a ono In' and bought Dora thought it was : ,vere, beau tiful, though nut exnetly w at she would have chi en pit. tin • engage- Meat ring. • I did not defend it;. I left ; that, to Dlyenthusitism 'Urag all tone. I Wall hesidaehoi witS , Sunted by miagitrings and,t.regiet& had never really, felt so bad abOut the yseprase, now-that I , fullydzensltl- Much It 'Avail(' eustlatrire and 111 C in every • wayl. Autit Jule sent me to, bet early, because she said I looked pale; but 1: sat-up in my teem, and wrote a long, letter to Dave telling Jaya t- nll the dedre of:possession at • first,. ell .the sorrotoliftefiVatil: + And then—l must tell this, letstiae it really seemed as if it were heard and answered. " I felt so Sleepless, so sorry and troubled, that I prayed —prayed that no harm might come to us, that It might all be taken etre of momehow, so that Dave might not be Made unhappy. There was cons fort in doing that almost useless though it seemed; and oh how tired I feltof the city then, and so 'full of longing for home! Well, what do you think happentxt next morning? It seemed like a miracle almost. As soon as I went down to breakfast I heard the news, It was all in the morning ,paper Ifow the express train had ran off the track and no ono was hurt ; but, in the-engusion, the box containing theexpress packages had been broken open and rifled by the thieves. `Add, oh Gertiel' exclaimed Bell In real dismay, am afraid your ring is last!' ,said Dora pnwthxililt,i 4 it tvlll rte dietompunY's loss, tbrit.was sent to be collected on , deliveryi and 3lr: Gray won't have Willey Ihrwhit Won't receive...Gertiermni! go -to dAr's ohd etiocamantpthift - ,Lv.'-'t altoo c r of ijgbt.rcoaid 'possible! I aa474llino, with her arms around 'rae,AAtighed and cried till they thought;! *as go ing into hysterics. And they gun to say how sorry they were about the eltrysvpruse ;'but there I stopped them. I was, bravo enough now. I was' to glad'' and happy not to be brave; and so I told them aim Just how it was, and about Dave's little salary endow plans, and how. I nev er ought to have thoughtof anything but the plain gold ring. Then Aunt Jule kissed me, and Bell had tears in her oyes, too, and Dorn looked kind er than sheever had before. She was sorry, she said, that site had talked to me in that way about diamonds and rings. Aunt Jule helped me through all she went with me to Crosby's ,• anti when they said they would prplmbly have more such rings the next week' 'from Europe, and wanted me to wait, she told them that would notdo, that I did want to make the purchase now, and she was so dignified and straightforward that there was no trouble at all about it. I suppose they did not cure so much bemuse it would be the express company's; loss. Then we looked at the Ode - gold rings again, and chose a beauty, so rich and heavy that it would last u hundred yews, Aunt Jule said ; and it was only fifteen dollars. So .that was packed up and sent to Dave in place of the chrysoprase, and every thing had Lyme smooth pgain. Then Aunt Jule went with rue to do the rust of nay shopping, and help ed with her excellent 'advice about everything; so that I felt perfectly pleased and satisfied withal) the per chimes we made. I was glad to get it all done at out*, for I was terribly homesick now, and determined to go back to Tiorth Eden thenext day. That evening us we satin the par lor together, Aunt Jule told me that of course they should make mo some present when I Was marritslmud they had intended .to give me table-linen and silver; but now I should have my choice, fin they would Just exact ly as soon give rasa chrysoprase ring like the last one, If I preferred; when the new ones came front Europe. I felt myself blush mullet, 'I was so ashamed to have eared so Much for a mere Orliatinent. "0, Auntie," I said humbly, "I would so meth rath er have the things for the ' table. I low olive that would be!" But in deed,l did not think of your giving me anything!" Then they all laugh ed. It was so pleasent to have them so kind and alftetionate after what had happened. It rode my city visit a beautiful thing to remember always; eager as I was to get away front it. I went home the next day.* Pave met the and-put the ring oa my- - finger,- to stay there foresee':' Since then life has gone on in perfect content and happiness. One thing I was glad to hair of some tiMe later —the express robbers were traced at het, and almost all the property re covered. I was glad there would be no loss to any one on my account. As fur the crysoprase, it is Just as ,geed as ill had It, I remember It so perfedly. 1 like to think sometimes how exquisitely that angel figure was drawn on the pale green stone. There is something chose and fine in having it for a possession of my memory. That suitsine a great deal better than to really own the thing itself, with all the cure it would have brought me. ollara,' —Speaking ofthe duelling tfuntia in Fmnce,an English paper tells the following anecdote of South .enteri can origin: A rich ' , merchant at Val paraiso, being challenged by un offi cer to fight a duel, wrote to his ad versary the following simple letter: "I,havo no deOlre whatsoever to kill you,and still lass do I desire to be kill ed myself. Here is what I propose. (Jo to the nearest wood. Choose a tree about as stout as myself, place your self tifty,thirty,or even fifteen steps from it—just as you like,und . then 11re brave)y, on the tree. If you hit I will admitthat I was In the wrong, and will offer you an apology: in the contrary case, I shall be ready to receive yours." Thuoilicer laughed, and was disarmed. He invited his adversary to dinner, and—bumper in hand—thareanteillation was agreed upon. This event naturally reminds us that duelling, after alhis but atri-i al of skill. Why not, therefore, settle it in a manner where equal skill is re quired,'but INS thiuger encountered? The reason, no doubt, is that, in the combat of man against num,: confi dence and courage ore required In ad dition to skill; and the person who Is in the wrong,* having knowledge of the fact,is supposed to become ner , vous,and In consequence to be defeat- Cal- But unfortunately too many pea- We l ejN i gcnixAV ;14ttendriiii - viewrittroAinftqn on 3Ao Frb!lif 01° i f Y° ll the:right.— PATUOLOGV. id a Pertion,whoge, -growth .iiista tiollig...thq auallitki?.ittAX4 Wahl efaidy In a given time is , ex actly equivaknt to tliii,iluantity - of litatter poising, awar it( *i_doiet:ei cretions.- • -The whoki of thefoOd Is -dissolved In the body and thetterealer..Pation abeorbW into the blood to • renew the tissues, the • nourishment lotlhe bedy tieing dependeutuporithia ity the A. ___A,rioh blood Aiiora,..iiiitriti o n. and' growth, whilst- * pealed qualit9-of blood depresetW 'and' 'destroys that which is already ,formed.„ Avolist Wed thlis glves'oii la orgail i or, Part er tka,boily the "Hieanaof.repalring itself by, furnish ing It with material of growth,. it at the. same. time. washes away as it wine, whatever elements ottheir tis -sues that haito become diseased, worn cut or useless.' . :. • f' - • - These are passed elf iti' lite; eiere tie*, and in healthy - adults' exactly correspond to amount withthe gnaw titv of food taken: , • . ' • When the body becomes diBcimed the urinary excretion gives out these diseased particles inexceii while the decline of the body is-going on: • • The same when any organ or part of the body 'only becomes diseased ; The urinary excretion givee out an excess of diseased particles from that part, when ti - dewy of -that organ Is going on. • • These Urino-Pathologicet facts are so apparent, especially in chronic dis easin, that everyphysician having the welfare of his patient at heart should, inprescribing remedies, watch their Influence upon the urine, and perse vere in that particular remedy which -produces the most healthy condition of that fluid, (or it points, out with certainty. the changes made In the condition orally and every organ of the body. " These Urine-aerated Anvestiga; bons have been our constant practice for more than • twenty. years:- And we would Just say, that' they have revealed to us the existence of many serious diseases long before other modus of investigation had been able to indicate them, and have thrown a good or light upon the cause, prO 7 gress and treatment of many chronic diseases which would otherwise have been involved in much obscurity at hest, and perhapt never have been cured without. livaders, if any of you have incipi ent Consumption, organic-dilate...4e of the Liver, kidneys or Spleen, Heart Discus, Asthma, Dropsy, or Scrofula; or should your complaint be at all obscure in Its character, or should you be In any doubt as to the true pause of a decline in-your health, or of the aches, pains, derangentaals, ditlimilties, and weaknesses under which you may be laboring unto de cay, have the examination scientifi cally made awl secure the remedies thus scientifically prescribed. L. OLDBIIUE, u. , D. NEWS SUMMARY. ' —Charles F. lientaann, the Ger man historian of the ,tritited 'Shaw, dui] n few "weeks since, In Berlin. —Tweidy4Our emigrants left North .and.Gouth Germany du ring the. first, four. pouths: or the present year. —The wine which is drunk every day at the tables of the .Emqeror of Russia, cost - upward of two hundred roubles. —in Guatemala the harvest of cof fee of lust year and the production of sugar have given very profitable re sults. The cultivation of indigo Is becoming more animated -The Empress Eugenie has for the past fifteen or sixteen years annually paid-upward.of three hundred thou sand francs from her private purse to Catholic churches in Paris. —The statue of Columbus presen . - ted b e y the Etnprt. of the French to the United States of Columbia, to be erected In the city of Colon, (Aspen wall) has been shipped. —A french Journalist traveling in Prussia, writes to be Rappel, that he )s surprised evrywhere to thud that Count von Bismarck has lost nearly all hisjormer popularity In North-Ctermany. —The Crown Prince of Austria, who went to his first communion the other day, is described by those who have had good opportunities to ob serve him, as a dull, indolent, good natured hid, who cares for nothing in the world but dancing and music. —A saindalouipulilication Intend ing to give an authentic account of the love affairs of King William, of Prussia, is circulated in largo num bers in South Germany, in order to add to the hatred with which a por tion of the people there looks upon Prussia. —The Gaulois asserts that M. GUS- Uwe Dore has latelysigned a contract for five years with au English pub lisher, by which he undertakes to go to London for two or three months every year to" make MO deligns • on each occasion. For these he is to re,3oofr. a year. —Henri Rochefort Mids. the life a Luce Hui, in his yell at the St. Peln gle prison. He gets his meals every day four timer from Yawn's restau rant, for which he pays two hundred and eighty francs a week, and quen ches his thirst by drinking tinily clime botths of Si I lay: . —The voksim'or Cebureen, co, continues in full eruption. Red hot stones are thrown up from the crater to an immense height, and at night the sight is most grand. Thu air is filled with ashes for a distance of forty-five miles. The inhabitants in the neighborhood ate terror-strick en, and have abandoned their homer.. -- 2 Sifys the Roeligster' Mon: The water of Lake Ontario has been ri sing steadily for n month past, and does not appear to have reached its head. At Charlotte, along the shore audio the bays, it is all of two feet above the high water mark of last year, and it was than higher than ever before known. —The Etupres..4 of Austria shot herself through the hand the other day in attempting to wrest from her son a loaded revolver, with which he was playing. The accident gave rise to a rumor, which spree(' all over Vienna (luring the next few hours afterward, that the Empres4 Eliza beth goaded to madness by the infi delities of her Imperial husband, had committed suicide by shooting her self through the heart with a rovot ver. —l)es4u.4 LeMoustler,llie Belghitt wouwein, who has been convicted of 'five murders and sentence to death, has had his sentenced commuted to imprisonment and hard labor for life. This is'conildered..emilvalent to the abolition of the death penalty In Bel glum. M. Barn, the Minister of Jus tice, is reported!to have declared that as long tar he was in the Belgium cab inet, no: .more sentences. of death should he tarried into - exeention - innd King Leopold the Second Is said to have taken a pledge when his little son and heir died, not to sign any more death warrants.. . . t —The St. ththarine Times thus; de scribes it recent debate in the Domin ion Senate: "Sir George E. Cartier called the honorable member to order In English. — Mr. 'Furgiiion asked him to repeat. Sir George E. Cartier did in .Fretteb.lTon. J: • &infield Diacdouald replied In Gaelic;evideirt; ly denouncing the ministry, amid great laughter. Sir George E. Cu tler defentled.the government in Lat in and Greek: [Greatapplause.l Mr. Abbott protested against,the de being carried on In Choctaw.(Laugh ter:l Sir John A. Macdonald said It was all Greek to him. Mr. Livia. conte sp9ke, io 13 Pankfh.7 • • - , • IMMONI ".7 PubliciNOtteemA WatrALUCkm•dy im40,16* 400 , a473=-WoUratil.."-`31. , ASPS Altiltattogftw l... 09•0110 4 lioris to brae-tad same UltillApllttrit . MI Havtgarborrie Mao midi r=31.1. °64 TV* I t tbe BIMLIit. . *cala& ids , sir v end iiitel . 111000* Is Teo as 178 0,1 meet atitielalVarn . • ' - Oui 11410111•7" PM IMPat Map eltiaryg at Ilsiedoeks. month* at wakame to the deft& agjiwir mid& thee If Oft Mak proper. - -' ^ Al. P. IA . r 7 r; STATE: 43D COIFNILIrTAXEIL Tbe Conaty.TreasUler windbag la tba awsral: townships sadbeesogba, toe tbdpexposs yr recistso lagtbe Staterand Comity tam 5 1 * 7. 4, 1010, at times dad plasma dodpated below: arts: Xussitc. U.Ah1e 51 1, 11 % 11 : 1 2 lleorgetOwil lioro7Jinte- 1, ma, w Ollll • • ' Glasgow •". • -Ltipas,Jasse findtb`s - • - 11 sdnab7 JorCe,, AN:ea dom. Ml6too td.. Gelid SWAN 7 Big Barr 4 71. 011: Union Ho W, • Warr& Homed 0, 'Johnston Boole, ' Nos* Iteltddeir tp," 7, —Nathan Lissaa'a Ynnlibp R, Autenrebb's .top,. Xarloo Wraith) • h, Geo. /tartzeWs, • 4 s • " 10, h: Wallace's; New warey 47. , • MI: 610 e, Naisemy 1p 90; George Neelm's, • Darlington bei.Atpu 10, Anderson's Aoki, - sn; P.lllli/orthl. Sontk Bat - vet tp. July k . ;,.;JesaptiLairrencole, 9Oppews tp.._ Wea.Cluintaxham'p' BatverdOblo .04 0 —" • Adsnt's Store. Ohio " • 0 -7; . wee*, llookslosnr-bordGross to. Jalyll d 15. Hold UsaineraGreen tp July 13,Ssrenatencen's brkshop. Irninktxt born. 11, mrii. litereoswes, Hanover I P. • - '• 15, . • J. H. Wilson's store Raccoon tP., " 10, Ilan store, Independence tp " .11t, Atm Holmes, do d 9e, Goals ' store. • HaPewen tP,"ttobert W. Scott's, Moon t 9. ca ts . • JCL , Hair store.' Parmts PIA he made hi adjohgaz .lownshiPa. All Idtwests mist be pad on or before Jane.l3w• otherwise tbey be wall/cud by pewee °Seers with aura: MINN ALLISON, • =Air • Trer. Anew CV." wiresT ARRIVAL SPRING GOODS SCHIFF & STRINPELDI = DRY GOODS &CIIPIIiI u IMRE, NEWERIGIITOIV; IBM ' They have purchased in the East at the late low, panic prices, a heavy supply.of Domestic ,frForeip DRY - GOODS, tiaaLVAUM= D VAltn i Aith MEWS FURNISHING GOODS, NOTIONS , Sc. Which! they are offering now as low as Itothro tho 'Wm% 34.0 . i t '' to 14 ° fratsbu Itt t° AS WI" i ONa la 0 "', I-,nce a ./k %u rn., scla s a % ilwv 4 ow ''' szco Thipy aro now selling 00041 comfort calico at Splendid dress calico at Tian veal beat dress calico (elegant pattertnit. • 123; '• Spring styles of Oa:tines.. ..... „18 4 A No. !bleached and utibleaelosi 4-4th Mt , lack and Colored Alpaca*. 25 per cent. less tlum last Full Good unblewliell Sucks. a pair rorli cts. glmml bleuclicti Ladies Hose, 10 cis All oilier goods ut correspondingly low prima Their Stock of Clothing, 01.THEIlt OWN MAKE, IS NOW COMPLETE; And they van :Kitare 114. Public that they (kni»ot in liuler liy ilny'Olie Merchant Tailoring ken 6,1 on thi :Finn in 3 way whivls MEETS THE APPROV A or Every one %%ho hat Patronize4l than (tidy one prier. maw,: 7 LOW PriVl., 'heir their imietice, and Elet.rant Ihning tiarawnt.: their recant mead:lo2k 'rimy ARE EMPLOYING NOW 114 illuna% fu ilktig Ileparitutent, Anil nm, therefore. enabled to EXECUTE all 0111).r,IIS NO ONE WIT° WISIIES TO om' (i'rootba at a Bargain Should fail toTall at Schiff & Steinfeld's, atir3o,3m I NEW 11R1011TON. BISSELL & Co., .tza,m,lAberty Street, Vitt sabourgh. ItanutictpreN of all SiMI nu,l S!ylsof Grit_A-rrn , FRONTS, = FENDERS, . . COOKING RANGES, thalami Wood Making Mares, tt.e,iti• THE STOVE FOR COAL, Thjackscai ore for (boa Wood, And the Mack Cook Stove for Wood only, ,IRE THE EMT STOVES Ivor SnkiuQ ac c Warrant their Operation THEY NEVER FAIL: tuarakliat d er blank Hoinebett'e far rile u the Amos EMIR= =3 . ~. - , ,• - • . ' - '1 4 t or . I • ' -'=,-,' i.stif;A: alUfra 4 W411‘ pert -, I .1y 5 3 r !, firentli* ~, ,. 1:%; 44:',, ,".Mai , irr.,.!; , ~,, 4.. 4, i K I ill r ALligAititt VAItii•PAPER!V • ~t)..)14r ,t-t,:ii iil;v,i on:irdk 1. ': J d 1: ~i: CFROA ' xeivelpeuy. cargib l / 4 Carpets, CLO+ff elt (71XiT11 • CM= ( Madcap . fflatuksh..frandoso Madan • :i411 . 7.114 7 '; • i;~7., `~ILIfJ~ ).!; . 1 , .; Tii the Stoie. - .FormerlY • oggIPIV A: 6 IfikltVEY: 13tkt. Bridg Is Jnst liCatiln ono of the Larout 'tint • 'Bust' Bctedlitocks of i • • • di "... ' taricia buitiiniery;Tkaytilng MO, BAtchetti, Tritrilcs;Tallemi• Toys, • • ••: Mita, Ac- •• -• . cordcompallkintlaqi Mu- . I . I r.ISki....eLETSLEM. (all: aizas),/.Piclurn;Yralncs, Bird Cages, Inka,Blank Ilinluaßieroacopes and Siam, scup& Viewia and everytliing.tlcsintble lu lip line that luui cier pren,brought to this nontity.. Ina IStock Is • CAREFULLY SELEth'ED, IPnrclased frin•Hrarban4N, and t wilt be qori! at Greatl y' Ile used I'l lces. 0'44114 kXniuiuu for Yoy nulvet. • OIUIL BTUCK UF ,CiIPETB untuiandly. large for the pnsen smarm, and mom for the keeping nn mato of Carpets ?will adjoin th Store. nuir.' I:Yni] (NEW BOQT Bc,SHOE STORE, 1%1.E.L.501VE4 DIAMOND, 104111FAT,Iilt,„ I'ENN'A The Undersigned, haying taken the Stc)re ilmiskfortiwr!y rxvi!plett by fi•rEwAitlr lir, WILSON ['whet; the attention or The Public GeriOitlly To hig Stock or z , liomtl 4 C 4 ait6i4s.& , • enstora Ala(lo -Work KErr CONNTANTLY UN HAND S01)1 1 )Z Aatak -MVO' AND OP Tllll Finest 11.11 d best Qualit:k CALL AND RE CONVINCEO that hr rzll9 as CHEAP AS TILE CHEAPEST. D. llltl,lJ R. Diamond, Ruchoder. aprl3:l REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice la hereby given tut the [0111,1014 ac conuta orikeenture, Adminlatrutora, Gesollana, Se., have been duly partied In the ItcrOoter'a or Pm, And will he ptowuteil to the Orphana* Court for cohnrmatton nod allowance, on Wedneeday the 15th day or Joec, A. U. Final account of .1. M. Hartford. ttuardlun of .6 rents. 10 .•. &metal M. Mceray..oll ofJoecoll MeCray. Float account o(.1. Mctianlckand M. 4 Kuljb Admlntatratura 014. M. PIAMe. deccaacd. • .-- . . • . • . • . • Final account of.lulin MrElhancy, tluardlau Sarah litcEllusney;tuinor child of John licElba Account ofJaunis Thinupeon, Executor ul John hointsion, deceased. Final ran! estate xenon ot. of )Ulu A. Townsend, xecutur of Talbot Torrnaeud. deceased. . . Account. of Samuel Marshall, Admluletrator 'atonal Mace, Jr Elm:costal. • Account of Hail{ J. Wallace, Guardian of Mary Buena, minor child of George Rallxe , deceased. Account of N. Barry, of Elisabeth E. Marts, child of James Marks. MMMIiZE= Account of P. ALS J. A. Kerr, Administrator of Ellen Kcrr, deceased. nerd rind persosAl accounts of Jos. C. Wilson Adminictrator of the estate of John links, de omsed. Accounts of 11. Benuen. Gunnlion ofJernsba A 41setel M. Rosenberger, clandren of Mary J mooed. Acomint of J. C;Chaproan, Guardian of Samuel E. Chapman. chid ' of Luku F. Chapman, deceased. Account of Henry Winkle, Adminlotrator o Mari Winkle, deceased. Accouut of IThourasleou, Executor o 'Saucy Stephear. doe wed Actuante of bear Wiutms, Guardian or Shay E Wrigley Clemency Tucker. chlidreu or Ketone Tacker, deconeed. • Account or Henry Mum Admlial4tretor of licit. A. Vonzo, deceased. • Accounts OrJohn & Thomas Allison. Executor of Smnuel Allisou t deommd. tid, was tioardiat tfNarah LeOra 11t Juliet M. Allison. children u Dr. tleor.te W. Allisou., deceased. Ancourit of Wm. %Vitus, Administrator of sit t state of Jas. McMililu. deceased. • Account-or Yr 'qui. he• lianikm. Admhslotralor 0 DaMid UnterkotlFr..k.vessrd. . - Aecooot of Urging LINT, Allies :or the PAW ofJoba Nlller, drituord. Accouut of IF.ol nett Audit:root!, lioardlan r. Ellxib4lll A. ChM; eN1:11 of John kirk, U. 21:itILErON. Iteglotta. CIE LIST OF APPRAISEMENTS. The folk/win?, atoraistetneata under tha aet Assembly of Ito, 111 h of April, IST:, of property allowed to be retained by the widow or children of a decadent to lite Titbit, of Ruin. hundred dollar., have been flied In Cite otnao of the Clerk of the Orphaus'Voart, and approved alai. Personal property to amount of SIOU retaloed by widow of Jame. Kmmely, decriord. J. C. Wil. son, adzolukstrator.j , • Penantal pooperty to amount of VA Od retained .y widow Waahington I.audis, dreinsed. 0. %. Slirtales,adutiulstratur. Persona• property to 11133011,1 t of rrtalned by aidow of Robert Temple, Sr. David Patten, ex. ocular. Itraleslate In amount of f''-1t retained by whine. of Samuel Seasi:ht, Ilecese.ed. Sarah Searlght, adadulatritrix., Notice la hereby ghee to brine, legateev, tributees and all othrs e Intercated, to appear at Um next term of the.rald Court, not lake than Um third day; It twin: the lath day of June, llt tI, to allow cause If say they have, against the dead eon. ant:Bath - 1n of the above Iltlptai.lll.3llii. .1011 N C, ITAltT,'Clerk 0. C. tltadleal copy.) 1= nIarIIANIP COURT BALE. IN PART". TION.-117 virtue or an order of the Orphans' Court of Bearer county, the undersign.' 1 rustee appointod by add Court for that purpose, will ex. pose to lisle by public vendee or outcry at the Court Ilan/elm the borough or Dearer, In said count/. On Monday, the ta day Of Jetaf,lll - 41, o'clock p. m., all the iollowlng real Moto of 141- vests? Dimhato. deed. nix t Part of purport ',ki"— immolating- ,of out lota No.). td and adjoining the borough of Bearer, titnatitil in.l.trightun township, hounded by lamb JinlePb idlinbel4 Lents laud, Cooper' s land, de. pod each containing 10 acres. Putout ' . .D"--Iteing lota No:a 11:10 and 11 In Bamilum's plan In die borough of Bridgewoter , bounded by Clarion street, Hickory Alley, and lota No. e Band It. Purport —A lot in ItiW.htiter township, hounded by lands, of A. It. Laeock'S helm, 10. Ramsey and liters, contalnlag about one-ball au acre, more or em. PoWlttoß - -A kit of round In Rochester W. hi said comity; adjoining hods of Lewilanollo% Y. Connelly and othen, containing two acres and ki perdu'. ; - • Tenno—fhic-tldni of tho purchase =mu in bond en anodirmalion of, idle by the Court , and the bal ance Mil equal atatlitaillnatalsouts arms that dab, with tolerant from the ume thom deferred instal mentsto be secured by band andv=aordt parchaser topoy espouses of bonds and mortagck and stamPilig..* mayttd) • - ' - 8.111108L,Y. CR OSS. Truster. NOTICE IN PAMMITIION. STAIR OP PENNSYLVANIA t lo the Or: Demme ILNittille7. f BB ohm's Court la sad fur mkt omoty : la the am ten. of the par tition of the real estate 14 Margaret Melt IbMn, de. messed. To the hells sad legit represeatatiom of said demased,, to Wit: Robert. Doak, emoting is the State of lora t Thomas Meek, melding to the Stets of Inroad John Doak ad Neat, MOllb hut, residing la the Mete MOIL* William Doak's heirs, to wit: Martha &ad Thome Ike*, tesidlog la the State of Ohio. „Yoe , od meld yos. are hereby fettled that an Inquest to make Partition Or Me Real Setae of vaßt deemed, situate Ise Greene Tows.** to the Comely sad Sts sibra said, will be Ite/d soon the mambo' on the Mb day of .11 ass, M7ra at width Mae and Oboe you may at tend lf yea Mink main Oate,lT lC l r ofiN akißtßa, SIM • 111140870. • awn:ft ~~ .ueWs3Cbl~wtx~i.'-; EKE fbv.Li3rt...) 41410 I , f; Fq- ‘4: '• A RANAVII, 1081111 =I CONNER or'BRIDGE AND NADKEt• OM i~r Brid~ow~tsr; ~ Pr~• VAlLs:alleullon in tIsi:sct.1101110 fiN,UAiiD, AN D. 1V11..L RECEIVE Difutgo rat sEAsos, The. Late . st 'Styles of Millinery Goods, Utailial copy.] Ti.ininrted I'S: Untrimmed Bonnets ec Hats, OP ALT. WIDTHS AND COLORS VINE LAMS, FRENCH FLOWERS & ORNAMENTS. I would uhn Inform my Clisiomera un the Pula'? that I have Engaged First Class Milliners Anil will 114annetta and Hats; Ever 111:11ie in Heaver ronnt3 In Fancy Goods, IiosIERY G 1.0% tis. OUR STOUR' IS COMPLFTR, And we will priee4 In deserve the A. lIANAUER, Caruer.nriage awl 3larket Streets, WILSON'S MIMING. A 4,1 thiproite Nixru Muse Bonnets & Hats IN THE NOWT . APPROVE)! ATYLE. spelW .7 it, lEEE =I IME RIM EIS ME lIIIM Spring and Summe , CONSISTiNG OF EIMERNI RIBBONS, You the l'itte,t NDIINGS NOTIONS FAVOR' OF ALL RI :11)13 EWATER, PA., A'FIV BRIG117V1V; Pa., .ALIAIIiCE, 0 iliescbal lasi Pressed DrO:Goda. • ,; I= GOTAi` 0.::4;.0t90 . :A::,PR••9 : . ROCHESTER, Inds recdrett‘wltliik ihtilititt • tesiiit‘ya, the 11410wIng tOods," which they prnposo to aell nt GOLD . PhICES:' SPRIYO tITYLES OF anaurrseat DELAINES , MUSLINS, FLANNELS, TICKING, CHECKS, JEANS; TOWELING CRASH, HOSIERY, &C., &C. Wl l , • COk FEL ME I 1.;1 HA H moLIs:4ES, SI HUI' 100 Kegs of Shcoderger's Jutuiplta, ONE ESE B. 14: Fa!lnaba it, Co's PHIO White Lead 50 rat-ssillnk FLOUR, March tm, 1870 L.Vflittuiketttalllttlitellta for ale at Mu Auatat aim trrillants of orally all the darrertoat land 4 for oak at the A MUM °lncr. CARPETS, Oil Cloths, STc. Wholesale and Retail, At Lowest Prices, M'CALLUM BROTH'S. rIA If. PA. Dr. WALKER'S CALIFOUNI.I VINEGAR BITTERS. P. More Ilion 500,000 Persons Behr test b oln i y ivc lo : =er . Wondfrll2. . - f,AVIIAT ARE TIIETt,' ANY EASTERN' .101;I:ING 110USE.11 We !lave FueiMies for Supplying iz Evr.A. LI 11A I: ill kl In McCALLITM BROS. =MI Le" . lllAnk tbn•tahle • tt tie+ for cite M the Alt 01, ofnee. 3:3oll.tlStr3rs Dr. J. itlur ray - v.(1144s- T. *deter. -3: Uti l‘ i e..hlthat no Gentipt In the • State shall do work better or cheaper than • he niters it to '"'11:414:101/10 41 6 e t r, r l .l — . be-t material.. ntanuhiclured Is the United Stales. Gold sod sil ver 11111nd performed Ina style that detles compe• titles Salisractkot ruerauteed In all operations, or the money returned. Give hint a fehtly -- JYTlllask Notes for pate at the Aunts entre. GEORGE BRAUN MERCHANT TArLOR, B.; 'hefty, New-Brighton. AM(' .IUSTIIU A LAM}, AND WELL SELECTED STOCK IF SPRING AND GOODS, ( ( it i 1 Ot. CLOTHS. CASS' M ERS, Lilyli.vh ilellopx (mil Vesting; lie is Prepared to Make to Order, IN. THE LATEST %TAMS, N Tlil•: SHORTEST NOTICE, AND lIEM REASONABLE-TERMS. Parties wishing any thing in hi+ line, and dcciMn3 or SAVING M(7NLY, Would do well TO. GI VI: /..31 A CALL Before.l'itrchasin,4 Eln•whcn x Iris Mori of lioixls is all qt* First Class ifTliclarture -ALSO A Von P4taolc of iteady Mado Clothing. ROME MANUFACTURE. mar3o:3m New Asiveitisments. MIMMIZEI FE= AUX.V77t WANTELL—SUA fo Moser Yoftik Ciepmekerea-mnori Yowl R., unt r = l =ro tbstrosafor Me N., 101:11149attgirelifEtOUSE, or The Unwritten Word. ly DAxvii,'lrAgtets:auther of the popatu ..N1414 ecenes.' This muter In thought .4 languaz, shows to entold riches sad Itututles In the lirCit MAW., with US BigatOthif dower*, gin gln4 Link Wardle palms.Hollis* clouds. Cast dui Wm. end Igaigaill, Wttlrleen.Ykht7 Thatukfing y.4,4it lug nearena alld 'Jot um . verse lath coimUms he la mlll toes of world. end reads tons In each the CIIIITItten Weft it.; Cold uper, onsets searruings and 14, 4 tag. Bend toe ached/1141d which la a tad de,i p . tion tend universal emsonendatlona by in, wa de . and utlegszruots. •tr0u4...1 Namibia, language. OEIC, tiaCt7R Y CI, lit South street Philadelphia, y •IMES /RAND - HAND )11171gt:Aj. tafts teseuttee Company wawa a mann, or mood Agents : Al., • good Grneral Ault for potabugh and ran dy; aleo,• Geueral tl;,ut for the German counties or reratsylranin. (Tome Olflee,lio. - Ili Bomb roman ',Wet:llllh delphts. . marina AGENTS. WANTEI) FOIL TIRE. • P'ELICSIC4tL. LIFE OF WOMAN ,25th Thousand Now Ready. - DY.GIBO. . The moot remarkable PUCIt•I of the dl ) orillnz. with nopmcedented rapidity. It c. e what eyetillau and Woman ought to kho few do. It will an meek onTerin. Ac ow, reputable work opou the 'lngle and man et fir.. It u. carheelly recommendol by Prefer.,. A Ilamtnond, President Molt II :id nr) Ward Ikether Dr. Boatmen, .11re. H. D.. Prof. 11. N. Leaman. etc /kill Poil;:!.1 for; the avrare work le th y. Ye .I.llml, fur pamphlet etc.. to JIACLEAN,PubiI.Ie, 71to haueorn iit.. Phil. P..' 3 School St. llostem. 11.; nsayl;lw 14 Nassau bt. New 1 eri, $lOO to $250 p•V MonlA [lure par. wuckl, to Agnika everywhere. .)11' !la, „, Miro' .WAils CloiAtA Zee* permanent. For DIU partituLlr• 4.1- RAM, WIRY: .5111.1.4, litnta. Pa, may P A A I NCi s G b AYS 11 1 1 nGld Wort direrlptivior the .31y.coim as, lipkrulars and Crbnr• of thP City of p,„ It contains a hundred. and Any Ant ett;no ..f noted Pt:tees, LUC and Harare in Pan, .1,; wanted. Address NATIUNALPVIII.P4IINi. 41. l'hitadelidds. Ps. Agenta—Canvaaehast Bookie rent tier e, . SECRETS OF INTERNAL REVENUE, Yoe meet remarkable hoot ever pointer `e, In- a complete exposure or the powerful rev et. renew ut "1t1n„..." prying ou oar tievereit.t: Sleivring up all cliques from the lowest to de , cut, Wend office ...and rbadressaten a. tad nor operator.' systematic depredations, canel:r. der, official corruption. political inlinence, pad.. age and mire palling A (farms to Invaluable to every citizen ; containing mu by a prominent thavertiment Detective. Over v, MO copies already sold. .Ag..dits waled. vassintrnui free. ILIUM, W. FL.116T;h41,1. et, Phi Iphls, ra.„licreton, Chle.izo, 1., or Cincinnati, Ohio. NV 1V.W1. 2. 111) I..HAND BOOK TlB l E 'o gl e E %V • OF HUSBANDRY. A complete guide lot Former., Young and oi Sy the celebrated AnthOr and gueregrfuf GF:0:. E. want:414.4.1r. of Ogden ll'arur, The large experience and rece,,,ilo „„ the Author guarantee. a work of sterlo2 0. rn Amax g the gubjecta treated are Uttylug ..1.4L u. , Ina a Yarrn,llealdlngg, Improved impmmcni, .l dicirma Yertlllalnq, bub.holitog, lion of Crop. Butter-Making, Cheeve Fx ton, Ltreecllng gad ('are-or Lave Mock, thelr nod rearolLeg, de., Lc., it /tit many. twin I'2o, GOO pages rich kith lust/action and iii.L with a hundred different tingravlngit. Tett, eral. Circular free. "Hecate an Agent . ) at onnre„ . rf A. 11.111.11111,11.1 J, r. -go nut street. Philadelphlr. 1, L. WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, After merit atudy and rekuude in% etc. oLoo to the remedial 'qualities of CAR/PM' , A. In. in Well* has dlikovered by proper eMnblnalb,,, n :;t, other articles In the form of a Tablet, a .p.4.n. all pulmonary 11.earev. TII ESE TAIILS'Is !Win: Cr( 'IIE for all di:oives of the %'to KY ORGANS, 5011 K THROAT. COLD, tAllikt. LtleTllEttlA, ASTHMA, CATAIMIL or Hein,. NAAR; also, a earreanfot remedy for Hid oy clot ruttier. PRI, 25 cost. per Ilex. ben '.7 in. I Upon receipt of price, by JOHN K. KL LO.ot, gd Cll It parent, Njor York, Sole Agent ft, S< 1 0 tort States- THE NEW ARTICLE OF F .For Twenty-Fire Cents you of your Druygixt nr Grneer,rip kx :; , of SEA .110:S:8 PA /2/..17:7, 7114(1111 - lured front pure Irish 3losx or . tineu , yeen, which will make sixteen quart, r t i Blanc ilange, and a like. quantity of Plublingx, elidar(l4, (W(1111.4, 'line. loolte Thome, ote., It ix by foe ehettpext,,bealtlsiest. and innxt oletieb,n, food in the world. ISAf 1)N, ERE RAND SEA MOSS,Fi4RII4.&.CO., Plantation Bitters S. T.-1860-X This tcondolut Vegetable Resto,Th ire is the sheet-anchor of thefoble I mil debilitated. As a Tonic-and Cordial for the aged and languid, it has w, equal among stomachies. As a rodo dllfor the Nerrous Weeknes, to irlorh Rimless are especially sit/dee', it i• ,a persceding erery other stimatiod. lu all climates, tropical, temperate frigid, it acts as a specific in (Terve , cies el disorder which mab ensims ILA bodily strength and breaks down th, animal spirits. Joe sale by all I ku ! , , bwr:Po;Bi THE GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY! MI itH :,~ ~=o a :., ~__ ral 0• - - te. FANCY 131tINIC. Male oi Your Bum, 4Wlehtity, Proof SW Ilny wad Ucluoo Liquors, 1J0Cteted.,..1,1...1 and euevki."l to I.lvbac the tuvtr, tailor •• Appetizerp, - - Ite.torent," Se., Iliac the ii14114.1r un to W 411,11“ MACes awl tuts, hut Ji; title 1.11.1 e filial HlV 1111th if HOW, ..not Herbs uf Culiluruus, tree (room all Alcoholic Stimulants. They iltu 1.44:11.11111idlr ISLOop P11'111.11 , l lilt tool Life Gl•lnet Principle. • perkvt lteut•ttuor acid luelgutalor at Its • Ittu,cluT)tuu t 1 alt pulausiuUs uwikr, mitt lug the I,:uod to a kcatthy tuutratuu. tau take these liatter•acconlin to iliret Mu.. .0. reauoolook . 9D% , _ *lOO will be gheu for au Incurable ed Mc bones are not destroyed by 10111, .1 I. .0149, or other Ineallf; and the Nita! 0r,.01. x ,•.• . laryund the point of repair. For luau:natatory 1 l'hroulr H bete mailman awl Clout, inyarryslaa, or Ind r• iteatton, 111111oniaa Itenaltarnt, and in arritaltient revers; Dboraato 01 the Illood.Llver,Kidittry• and Bladder. , .. [lave been 111101 eucc,.ol:l Noels DP. rases are caused by Vitiated Blood. ",.. I. „-rurially produced by the tter.lll,,ln "• Digestive Organs. Cam.: the mated 131u.1 ‘‘ het., l I I la. Ita Impurities burall.); II“ . r/.11. •:. l• • truptlons or ',wee: :t a hull it obstructed and oluggiott to the vela,: c1...11/ Avlkell It 110 10111,1113,1)our tell.t.m a:. Keep the Wood pure end llit health 111 tt, . PIN, l'ArE and othcr NV4)II3IS, I.aniaz ryatetu of YO many thou...wide, are eitectuan) .1. atroyed or lu 111111oup, Itemlttent and Intermittent F. r. ill eat) !Mien. have no equal. For full ruail a:morally . the circular around each nd.. printett In four langua-ea Fnuibh, t;, rtit..3 Meech tad Z•panloh. J.WALKICIL let Commerce at 1 It. 11. IfcLIONA LI/ .f CU, Drundsta and an Fraucl,co nod Sacramento, Califonila, .... .1!31 Commerce , St. N V. jfr s nOLD /1Y ALL CIIIIIEISTS AN L/ I En. The Magic C0mb.41.`...`" undo wort u. 11 by ots .4) puts., .11.0 can ure It. Out sent mall lot fl. Adam, . MAGIC COMMco., Kpringehrld, /1.4+ , Itliran3o, ttittquoiltui IVOR FAMILY USE—blnyle. Read!, EXITS ItYLUTIIIIX4.I. ALEXIS WANTED. cular awl sample stocking FREE. Atlttms lONA LEY KNITTING MACIIIKE Ca. !lath, , Illoadway. N. Y. tinsat.:tut Conniaosweitlfb of relosasylvonla Thomas K. COginaltteo of Juba Kerr, a no natio. In the Court of Common Pleas of Ws*. r County No. 168, March Tenn, Ina. lutereated parties are hereby notified that the Ant and final account t f Thomas Kerr, committee ofJohn Kerr, • lunatic, now dear/Wes. ttas be. ik4l In the Prothonotary's office at Lktrer, and that unless sufficient cease to the contrary be shown It will be confirmed by the_Court on ant day of next Thai, being the scswud Monday of June, A. 1/.. Prat n3yll 4 te. JOHN CAUtiIIKY. tat.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers