..:,.c.0.•-+w....+:a~ i,:~:.m; ^.~:ati:7C:::~.Ja .a:ta~. ADVEISTUIEJIMITI6_ .Advertisementaare Inserted at the rate. o f $ 1 ,00 par square Ihr drat Illetartkat, and her eaelksubsequotit insertion 50 mita. A liberal diaconal ma t e on yearly ad vernsenumta. • • i • A spare equal to , ten 41nas otth ity44 l measures a square. Business Nathan set under a basal by themselves immediately after the local news, will be charged ton cents aline Advertisements 'Unica ° l au d e d i n before Monday AOOll, Inaurn insertion in that Week's . 1 .. • ~, , , 8~~~8_.~8?` . oIIN B. 1110VNG, Attorney at laws eJ lleatekrat Ono, aad residence ow Third bk. ,1 01 the Court Ilona'. AU law busineatenton• to my tam Wall tweeleh prompt attehdon. .th.o erroma having Real Bret, for Sale, and lb.. ebbing to bar town property. coal or farm had., mar rave Woo and monry by calling at ray orrice, • apratly IS. 111cblurr, 11 IL.D..11artng pennanent. . ocatelklu Beaver. "mould rapoatutly ten• drr prutcesiousl fel-vices to the al/VMS OIBEI• er bud rurroundiogr country.. 4000 attennott old to the treatment orremale tliamaes. Surgery dom. I.lth a elllllll hand.. lactualllitrdinreet, a kw that'll Weal of the Court lionset rindt:tddu. - .1. ANDEIII4OIII, bavuld taken bold of al ids old Foundry again,,ln atoctitader. itlti plyseed to meet Na old cuitbinors'aud f r wa.l...ao may Hata either ttid B ger COUR: I r. sTove, nesting tithve, or our otter kind of east Os .4 nest material and workmanship. The besiiims will be conducted tin, J.:kW .1..1. ANDEIIOI , I it 80.18. •. Iv Ir.:LIAR( HAHNE* dealer, >s Joab' IV shoe., Gaiter", Slipper., Se., uext door to l'orter'v Tin 'hop,' Itridge street, lltidgewator, here he la prepared to taannactorts and 1811 erythinn in Ida Murat reasonable Mee 'Hay leg removed bin plats of buvinees from the earn , r near the Bridge to Ida present location, he ins %It., hie old Mende and planner to give 'him a call. 1M703 IL. P t . iC t IV BIN, Attorney at Law. ottice lu N7 : l jr:a tot4ll, east of Yobllittpato. JAS. CAMERON, Attorney „Ctuw Beaver, Pd.' in.the roan for uwrly occupied by the late Judge Adams. Col. 6, tom., se., promptly &added to. MEE@ ,„,•—• LENYIEN.—Wanted a few reltableoca ..rgetic ualevmeu to sell hy !Rumple standard ....Idreas U. IL UIeUA&U & CO.. 1,1,10:1;10. 413 Chestnut street, Phila., Pa. 1114: MONEYMade easy with our PAT ENT kwricuta, ELT. TAO and STANCILTOOLA. clreulars free. V. W. BORMAN & CO, ir23:3tni 9i W. Lombard Si., Baltimore. ' 1 LEE NET, Watchmaker and:Jeweier, .tivet, Beaver, Pa. (in room atijolulus 4. t W limes °Mee.) Gold Mathes- bud chroo; ywww. n'palred and warranted. Kngraving dom to order. The patronage of the public oud .atlvfaction guaranteed. Give as tr;./1. • EiVIDY 21E111Z, Dealer In lioots, Shoes, skippers 0.11 , 1 Gaiters. Boots and sham made i.,..rder. A long experience in the business rus k,. him to do %kirk in a superior manner. Terms m,derste. Mop ou Third steal (near Her, 166 lii'. Denver, Pa. Give him a call 1.. fore purchasing elsewLere. • alia,mhg: Ty r 111.1%. L. 11U118T. Notary Public. Con , veyauccr and Insurance Agent. Deeds and g resilient, writ:en and acknowledgcnients taken.. ay. Iliu hir been duly commissioned act gent for ...rat first class Insurance Companies, more ,on ring the Fire, Life, Accident, and Live Stock iiartmenti, is prepared to take risk* and write pooch, on the most liberal terms. Also, agent ir the "Anchor Line" of first class Ocean StOIIM cf, Tickets sold to and from all ports In Eng land, Ire Inuit, Scotland,Germany and France. Of tire In Ixara brlc4 row, Diamond, Dochmter. ritf I)Arv F ...Nrrs Obtainedinventors, by lir. D. IIItEED, Cheinivt, and late Examiner in the Patent Mice. who has devoted eighteen yearn to the patent bualnevii,. and will promptly prvltave Papyri, drawings, Se. Tenna, Sal to WU. Writu for clreuiari.. liireiX to 818 Y xtreet, ono• r ue the Patent (Mice. Washington. ,t). C. • Her to .senatora l'oineroy and Sunnier. -.hhemitim I 11i.IVIilt SEMINALLY AND INSTI - TUTE wit open It. Spring liesslon March 31 9 11470; lacy.. la. T. Taylor. Principal slsied by sir able instructors fp the dLtforent Ihp.dtments. Claim arc being conducted, :mu ,in tireek, LnUu Ffenph and German. The I'nlet !NA le n successful Lecturer and P.xperimen t• r ulth his Apparattni, Philosophical and Cheml- Music on the Plano And Organ taught by a mcf,,sos and s °cal music by a successful vocabst The Inuit° Mut 111 flourishing, and Is no experi ,, of : 7nui it Is determined `byMos° having the nI Ivolon of It that It shall stand In the van of Ace. It. Imes sod Seminaries, as It has done contemn:4ly for Pa burs. Address— REV. R. T. TAYLOR. Denver, Pa. • ...r...Ltt • - • - t dzillultatruotorm . Inn' of Atlnthdatrellon Wing been loaned to ttw .ulaterlletra on the estate of Mrs. Ellen Rued°ll, th.r d , lute of the tnernahlp of ralmkl, Bawer Co. Pt m..11%111011, therefore all pewits Indebted tosald t.•t at. are hereby notified to make Immediate pai ns all pertema having Malmo amduat . the ato will preheat them duly onthentlented for pet cement. _ WM. Adner. l'ularkl ETISI XEiIIITOIIOB NOTlCE.—Letters Teots- IU luminary, haring been granted to tho Sub. ...tillers on -the clank. of Sainhel Allison, deed-. I de o f the florolieh of Bridgewater Bearer Conn ie l'a, all persons Indehted to said estate, are In rehrnotined that Immediate payment Is re. ydred ; and. all persons having claims against OW .111110 will present them doh y for r, fitment. iirlihner] • TUOS. ALLISON. ". NOTICE IN PARTITION. ,T.vrE OF PEN:it:MANIA, .„ to Ora Or in:aeon COGNTY. pita. Cana 111 and tar raid county : In the matter or the Par -1111,111 untie Real Estate otAbagull Hoyt, &read. Ta the have and legal representatives or John Holt. der'd.. who was sotto of paid Abagall itt an: of acid John Ihryt and two thattren. Ellthu and Alice Hoyt, who reside In Faiton county, Ohio. You are hereby noUtied IF, a an Intl neet to make parttilon or the Beal Ee• or Hoyt. deceased, altuited In lu aa.tr) Toe tobip, Comity and Mato aroremid, will le twit on the premiers on the 7th day of lone. a t n Melt time and place you may attend If al p think temper. JOIN GILEDING, SW. .ottlee„ May .1, idSi. ' maw lEtta• NOTICE. IN P.tILTJTJON. •I'ATE (IF PENNSYLVANIA, /_ In the Of - Iles. en Cocsrt, pita. Court to del or said county: In the nuttier of the Pars I etet t of the heal Estate of Daniel Evans, deceased. heirs and legal representatives of said de ie.e, d. to it tkanth Evans (widow) and sin chit :l. to nu: Julia Evans reeidlog in Iowa; Nan Ilia 1,,..1m00d. Owego, Emanuel, Edward, and •:”..11. Jane Evans, whose guardian H Ephraim `,0i1,. Martha Ana ltemlaglon, minor daughter ..; Mary Remington, deceased, wins resides In Ma- M est. You, and each of you, um I..by 110 lied that an Inquest to snake partition the Heal Eatate of said deceased will be held on ;he I,einlmes la the borough of New Ililglitun and Ow township of Rochester, county suit Stat. 111.re.a1111, un the 9th day of June 18th, when and I: re you may atttuldif you think proper. • . JOHN GILLS' Nt %tdr, (Mice, May 4, 18111. null II:3w , 11. t L 11011. unden.lgned has ronstautly on ham • goad article of Lump and N.' I mil, which he will well at reasonable prices. it twr at ine bank, or will deliver to purchapent.— I, loath Is located nii - kictilnley'a film a few rad. fron.tlitt I'll!. Et. Wayae6 Chicago Railroad, ,milmt a short tik.tance from Beaver station. alsoa good article of Fite Clay, which 1 will of at reasonable rates. t order,. left at my residence In ItrldgeWatert or at hael Cantp's In Rochester, or at the bank, will ra a ette prompt attention. J .C.MOVLTEIt. .1 It'll FICI.IL TKilTfi PERFECT EP!—T, .7! a 11. J.. CHANDLER bare par . c r l i tar L d or t i tz.. „. l . lcl claire , iteepr.Stuck'a c Va u t n eZ • - t ü by t i t c.. 6 dltl c ik I. ° a. " T., I N . Plate. with a beau. Wel ettatnelett and PO 11.1111111111 l•111•11C MI to pertectly 11112110 it...lr to the month ; obi haling all that clinnq and bulky .110 Itloll, 1.0 111101 coniplalucd of lie retutore; and Ilit it liability to break WO percent. In • 11,11; 00 one !welt, It would be wllittg: to wear the . 1,1 -t3 le j,1,,t,• any longer than they could cone.- , otir ;;et them exchanged. All branchea of Ileli• performed In the leaf nod toot 1 1...1 . lo fining yeth with :told. etc.. we chat , ..• 1,0111 011011 muter. and ran refer •,.110: I. 000, have .-toil be .ool for.y earn. Afuung , V. 1•• 11111111 N, 3.440 01:1 exhibit allitiv we laser : .i n;.: the teeth no perfect at the et e 1111,1. Laughing Gas prepunui on 1.1.0 t, Ire.vioLf It from all iinplea,nit and dun , ro.t.. etieet., making the extraction of • .I,t I,l.,Htre rather than Of horror and pain. P.,.. • 11. 11111 . .y good dentist in tile ~Isla, l bacer Station, Itorbenter Pa. '`.; A: 11. J The Southern'States. I Y , \ stir WANT A RELIABLE:y(OI'IIN AL 1 ,111 the South? The oldevt, nett Luon n and MOBILE WEEKLY REGISTER, ~ , •114,1 over half tk CcUtUff. 110 , 4 J oun } "0- tit• ardent suppertM Urtkr. klreat Stephen tiremittur.. •• rt Northern Uesmicrat mints the Iteglstee, an able A g ricultoral deplltrtment ; 1100. C. editor. 1. , . r. nigtorr .and Mechanic wants to know all r•onth, now millertnit PO many attract lotts t •gibe for the MOBILE WitEit.LY.REctS i Ut:ly 1,t11.00 per year, 111.00 fora MOP. Try 'te :ar month, erred SI.IIIU. Cinbs-4 copies tito.o l 3. The Itegtster In the largest pa ' tile soap,. Spechneu copy free. Addr/teti, , W. D. MANN. I'roli• . 14 ' 1 "i". r, ti in Mobile. A l abama. _ . I'l\A V Eli FALLS WATER COXLPA V.—N OTICE IS ILEItELIY GIVEN that tho • .er.v.:iied—Or not teas than three of the reale— mu...loner. appointed for that purpose A' of A,renibly of.the Commonwealth of Yonne rserOinir and eatatillatitnr, , rbe BeeVer l'nn Water Company, approved the ad day of tl r 1011 meet at the otllce of II T. A; J. ,01 Mink Ituildin,,et In the borough of Bea- Itelver coonty eta at ola y May at 9 o'clock a. and daily thereafter. • one hour, on long as necearary,aniton hooka r, e autireritolona to Ike capita l'slunk of ~.• Fails Weal. Collanale IfOref Old. la Ile. • •••;.te• a Ilk the litoOlohnto of the Act f A.aczn • novo and Solicit all pereaua rode •. 1112 Mal aoh..eribe to raid capital ppet. ./011A ItEKVEri It. • I,' W. NIORIIISON, ItOBEICT 111INCAN,• AMt EL MASON. 11. T. ItEEVEII, IthNltY N. MEYEItS, SIMEON ItAItOLD. EI.ssENDEN. martaw LOOK HERE. 1 „1. 1. 11IN1: A N1111111.131.111 . E1N GOODL—Tkwi . I wi.osioncd begs leave to Informs Ms friends ...NIA tile public generally tbe has Jost received Gw stock to goods oft the latest styles for Si.thlg and Summer weer t athich he offers at very tn...l , •rst rates. G FURNIBHING GOODS, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Clothing made to order ort the shortfall. settee. Thankful to the for past favors,' I bops , `Y close attention to tresinese to merit • cantina ee, of the Mae. DANIEL MILLEILPA. BILIDOE RT.. lIRIDOXW4TXR. tunr 24:1f . .1 r 0 .n . 11 ,it 14 .... I*g .. •,,,,-- :, , 1.... t ri Mitv: k.1. , 4i111 -.110•-• , :i •11. .Lii. IA iii... Ju- ,tit'l 'i... 4 1, .'t a.e ........ ~ - .1. -e :e Eye. PR - 1:2 1, ~- • • • 1,, , : 1,, .1; t - bt's4t - ,t iletigsr , its% ali ,- .• ~.., o • • ;,. .. 4 - .c, :• ,- , . - . .:t` • • i f . -, la r pf tiq' -' l, . IV: " :I' 'I; • ' Ol. '''''' '' 1 ' 4r, /4/ 4 ): 0 ".4 6111 17 J, il '2., ' ,kitalt ', ',4, 0 '‘,,,,, ~. ~ ,-...,.. - r t t'' a , 1 • 11. i'• 1 -.• . '4.141 -ITCrt I :o,l.t.ttiq tt.,,e4.4. ••• i 1 . "if WI Pt: . .71%; i ''' • ' .`" ~. .1 , '.14;1 k. - . -', '1•• 4 t 4 '4•- • 11 , ,.. ;`, let 1 i'r j 1 ' .•;" ~..... ~. .... , ~; , ~ . lid ,-; ~. (.11;1 t .:7, rt - , ,i , !.. - .-t' • -., a ii1..'1,14710.. 44 .%.,,,ts.,ml ptl,f 4 19 , 'us, : ,.. t , , e,r." ....., 411 , i I • } ;;___. 4 _ '/ .1 1 /. , /I , 1 „,:. ?1 , ..... 4 1 1/. , 1 ,, , , ,....• A. 7 , .. t_ . s , , , r 4 ,t. •• • . -, yt •-1 ',„ 1 - :.1 I f ''' 4, .. 7, - '''',;-'`. '''' L ', 'I, 'it' ''' , l xio . g• 'Vs )4.4 !ma' s 444: a.. o'll., ,q 1 1 tt,ll ! i '; ( 4 411 ''''-' l ' ''' l. -'i + l i l - - 1 1 1, , , , 1 4(1 . 1141i,,jai '". ' - 4 M. I—. '' ' , •' - -n. ~-; 4 •-. , . - , ' ...-- •.- • ' " ' - t • .1,... ~., - -in,' H.I. - , 11, :,;.•-e•-.. It .: , Irs.'.:', 1--,;' •,.., lc , . '.,... 4 11 1 ,-,.1,1 .• -, ' 4 . i ' • . • ••• , ‘4.4.." , i .. . ••• ......_...„.„.„... A.filittr e , ; V 01.52: Misceizangouß. T. O. IffOUGAit. TJ.TINBERGBR BROS *lllll* Fine %Family Groceries. Queensviare,i , Hardware, NAILS„ • WINDOW. •GLAB9. , WOOD AND WILLOW WARL, BACON, FISIL FLOM; BALT, LIMA .• . . Countr! Produce A., in Fichatelor Goods delivered free of charge Wall the-Villages. sugl9s6 THE. SUEZ. CANAL! WRILE the World Is mere or leas es °milted ' over the opening of the Suez Canal, the Public, in Beaver and vi cinity, should nollose sightiol the fact that S. SNITGER & CO. 4t their old stand in ldaver, Va., are still furnishiMr totheir cestomers everything' called ror in their !Me. They'aivrsys keep a full assortment of GROCERIES,, Flour,. Feed, (Veer, qbaa:llsllsrars, 412 mar, Tobacco and Cigars; And all other articles usually found Inn First Class. • GROCERY STORE. From their longindantimate acquaint.. twice with the lanicery, Flour and Feed business, and their disposition to render satisfaction to those who may'favor them with their patronage, they hope In the fu• tare, as in the past, to obtain a liberal share of the public patronage. •Give us a Call and see it we do not make it to your in terest to call again. • jans. • S. SNITGER & CO. HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINES, $30..00. The mciat perfect mach6 yet Invented. Will widen and narrow, turn a heel or point the toe. It will knit plain or ribbed. It will knit stock ing., drawela, shirts, ac., An. It la cheap, simple and durable. It seta up its own work, ma but one needle, and require. no adiniting whatever. It will do t iro swan wait that the Lamb saachhut I'lll do and coat. lea. than halt as much and has not the tenth part of the machinery to get out of order. Circulars and samples mailed lane on ap• plleation. Agents wanted. All machines guar. anteed. I4TIMAIV a MORTON, GENERAL AGENTS No. 40 Sixth Street, Pittsburgh Ps nov3tly New Firm! New Goods!! O'Leary & Singleton, 14M Federal St:, ALLEGHENY, PA., Have just received a large stock and splendid nesertmeat of and HdpGaarL.LL. Notions, Children's Cktrriages, 2b:ya, Hobby-Ilona, ants, iragons,_&c., dc., d. 4., Which they are selling at Reduced Prices To JOBBERS and the RETAIL Trade We make a Specially of LADIES' SATCHELS, FANCY BASKETS, AND CHILDRENS' C4III{IAGES. OMELET & SINGLETON, aprl3;lyJ 14.8lent1 s3l.,Mlegheny. Pa. BEAVER DRAG STOE'4, N . Vq*C ANPligiPg.ll Druggist te Apothecary, 13M A.1 7 .11:Ft. PENN DE.A.LE 'UREDRIMS,CHMICALS,EDICEE3 PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, DYE- sTeprs, WINDOW GLASS; PUTTY, 4:c..4. Choiee 00 - E - RJrMS, (WIWI:: A ND REPINED OILS, LAMPS fi LAMP CHIMNEYS, BURNERS, &C., Of the greatest Variety, and at tile Lowest Tauttwal. 'ar Physicians' Pro , eriptions carefully o ' . ! an compounded at any time day or night. V)"Agents for Falmeatock, Haslet'. and' Sella artex Strictly Pare White' Lead, the ablest and best brand bi the market, nt 1113011facturers pricer.' [octilk.ty. SLATE plosal TiVoirriVl arrme SLATE COMPANY Are prepared to tarnish Builders or Staten• their Very Dark Blue (bloted Strpenor Roofing - Slate, Prop their own quarnee incited in Northampton county, Pa.. AT QUARRY PRICES. Samples my be seen, .and eommuniadiana ad, dromfeil to .E. L. GOODWIN, Agent. . J. N. IIIIIAILLENISIBMIGS“. PM . Offios: SEWER'S BUILDING. DUQUESNE WAY, earner Eighth St., Pittsburgh. Pa. aprltill; ME • .,1= , 1t.," • ,•• iim,itatieetss. kaititatw V 'II 4, Bridg Street, ATX*WATP, PA. OH OF TON FOLLOWING PIPARTILIDITS: 111 WEEKLY' or (10008 In GOODS: Stenbenvi White Whi Bit • Jeans, and &allude, ' oollen blankets, and COlored and Flannels„ • • Detainee, . , • • Coberge,• . Lawns, IVatet Proont, ChlncbUla • " . Cloths, Woollen Shawls, lack Musllns, ckings• Brown and Dnllings. Prince, Cato Fla; eels, .•• nets, • • 'fable Linen, Irish Linen, ~ Crash, Counterpenci. Hosiery, Gloves Kit& roceries, Coffee, Tao, gar, Yawed, Wblia BllterlMp Golden sad COMM Syrups, Mackerel ID tau eels and Mrs, Star and Tallow Candles, ' • Soap. Spl andSALT. Mama Meat. Also, 0,, Nails, . Glass, Hardw Dooe Locks. Dr* Lathes. Magee, Screw.. Table Callan., 'table at.d Spoons.l3llelich Bells. I..Nsal Boxes, Fire ShOyels and Pokees. Nall. and Maks. Spades, Mowers, 2, i, sod 4 lino ifesirs, Rakes. Scythes and Snit , Corn and Garden Hoes. ' • DENVIABE. Churns, Butter hints mod ladles Buckets, Tube, ; • RBON OIL, it & White Lead. Linseed Boots and Shoes LADIES ; 11L48 1 10' AND CIFULDIZENS` 8110E8 In great vatlety Rifle Po' vder and Shot, Powder and Fuse: • do quoonsware •,• , . Blutin I Floss: delivered free olden's. lon to business, and by keeping e d • well aaweted sleek of goods e • t kinds INV le • country breed hopes tature as le end reedy share of the 1;, /le Tat - 40SGIEIrt. I *rd. .11 heavy • Br close .teen constantly on ha of all the Mere' store, the and the poet to meld public patro • • d.dvrizar.-1; fa IP 11 trISIZ, PAPER. nit A ~ w • WIND !iW SHADES BOOK TIONERN:;&c. lent of these Goods that bats t li to the city a . nd tland p con- THE LAI.I BES.T aaiort ever been examine belt vincetl, at ' EELS* 00g.. FEDERAL slim. F. E. ' NO, 11:011 NY CITY, .PENI b.9clCd ALLEGH septpay.ih e Your Life T ONCE!, 2 lnsuit ' , EMI We went thelerchant, The Fanner and the Me chanic to Mist f and know the benefit to be do med from Inn ortheir Ines to the John Hon cock Mutual LI Insurance Company of Boston. -Mw. This posy presents the ad offered by compsntes, and is ceddificra "l'Ll = Company make all Ito rollcle* nonforfeitable, after one pa a It also pays dirkfends In cask after nee psym t—and for reliability Is second to none. We tho Id prefer that parties, dealing In surance, shoal apply through the went for the county. COLE M . Gotoil 404 Mae, HO do I Smith eth Street. Hallplelptda. of the John Ha Lift Imamate Company of Boatels : Man. wlstracometlc and responsible yenta for this d the edlMalugo ceantims- Ap plications ham of known respectability and Integrity will o oly be; entertained COLE dt STROILII4 fetaftftm] General Agents, Phliadeophia. . for sale at the Attars alike giraumk Complete Business Col the United States, The Most lege in 1... for &Nutrij a 411milloai.eau'"31rk.Prae i,outu. •Ws by no other hicSO ilcal litioloesc School hi the c • • don In UM, nearly Sixteen •ale, representatives from erery 0, hare attended bete. Students enter at any time, and artructket throughout the entire Since Its Inc. Tboutaud Stud, State In the Uld :to vacations. receive private mime with NE particulars and all no , lion. on H addrowintr_ • IT & COWLEY. Prlnclpolo. Prrr+BURGIS. Pa. Jan110:17 N. B.—Circa clasars inform all Paper, 1.?4,13Witt.V, ND 5 . 173131 ER STYLEF.I Vie SPRING Old Stand, At th !El=3l = anithftelit Street, Ni,.. 59 rum Fourth Avenue, Secoml ll,wir PITTSBuay, PA. .1-WiY2 , .t • silppljr-tlairdtltte of * We ad] tht l rons anthilik now prepii = tnendou3 PAPER, ity and excellence. at low• a can be had at any other of superior er prices hment East or !Vest. QM LODGES AND CHURCH PUBLIC BUILDINGS, the very lowest rates. Ftirmshed AUention Pak/ to the ale 'Department. Whole , L AND SEE US J. BRIDLE & SON apOkaml BetOtt; P a • =EIS= .:,~ °..~it~roddd~ . -.-, •Claot ea at, Oa sat far , win Ism Satins daft= diespesass , at SA 2..ispes - WAMsititi /1$ r, man modifier. 11111,mi 06=a 111111 , ' • Vent u n ited , in tsso sis • .1111 us 1101 as( ' • sia - 411) tt@ gam MO 6111 152 ISt . vu 101 les 1115 • 1•11 . 135814 • 14Ir • SO, SR. 666;4.:; , 4 7 1 SLS 110 TIT IMO WI . INS MOO MIS MO =3 Mitotic Arveliester.!l‘C:, - .. ... - Allkusee t mote. - • lilemelllos. Wooster Wooster Yeavalked. cosine's 1 t k i lr:. Was. via "fat • 150 I fes I I lit IMO OS. 49.1 Callum" Winne ' _Phan& .... I 1 3=-21 ==ll . Va Cdnalid. Fad inne. Van ert. ' ' ....... Voragg. . Upper Unarms , • Cradling / Itandield Wonder Ornrina. Yeutloa _' Anlanin • &dew floadtar Piltabargb • Twit' owns aad arse • Ittpremea leases T at tl6 p.m; Now Cade, NO pm; who atl7WYug.6t6o p. listmwtom Mom Pittsburgh VP L ut; an. at Now, (MOM, IP& am. Toungstww, 10:11). st. . T Now Otsti• au• Pittsteigh AC: Mum Timagmans, NO a. log low camicoso L m; snivel a 4 Aftkqr, INN L ma.. Reissuing. isms PittsbutM .afar rt.eartres New Cisstia.Wlo DALTOIIIIIII6IIIII6 A: IRS. a. General Alswager watt ?ki ST d4lomB.- —"".wIINGN.RATUROA ci.svxLAND a Stations day (BsuasTs extePthil)a. °news. ravings. l' 11. m. Ire's. lAivon ' Clerraistd. .1 SLasis 1 5 0 11r4.1116791 —, . ~ •Ilndl4 Street......it BSI L . NS Basco l' 1111 140 4411 venna& ..... ... IMO. SW 1111 M Ra ance rce IS . ' iga . , . Bayard MS Wellsville Mrs is • . . WTI frOrlir. mimes Yalu. Egg's: Amon; Wellsville /Maxi Mrs Bayard SW 910 Alliance - ' 1190 1911 7115ani Ravenna 1101ingl 511 gla I Mason. 5115 IAS guelidlitreet. 1141 145 119 906 4,levelsnd. • SO 110, ‘lOlO 00111 a Wt. , • rr e Axiom I . iiii ---7 iiil t Alk «nig Dow " . s4sars -115 an . Nora Olin W.= 96 . 514 OD . Mir • ILO lOW an gnu .." Wellwrille 815 1 11647 CS 1 - ,-" 8,01131 . 4.1ang 50 911 . our. : . BOWS itothesiter. fiS 010 PittoWith ' 11W 11,6 . • 50 TOollii WEST. ..—iiiiisiii-11-ITi - Pittsburgh .1115 a, 155rn Men Rochester ' 176. 121 160 . Beaver . Smith's Ferry SIT IRS- BM Wellsville • BM 415 IN Steub Z en o vll . e . MI • MO =is m -B e ......IORlO' 6 110 5 6 15 EMEMISEMEI TIISCARAWAS BRANCH. -' LaK erala. Sing ni. 1 SINK M. gum. B.yard. 11:15f1m.m. 1 N. IndladePUo 4 l 6 9 l a Y. R. MITTS% Cloperal Ticket Agent Dry Goods. CASH BUYERS AT WHOLESALE WILL FIND A VERY LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY - GOODS, At Very LOW PRICES, Father by the yard, piece Cr package _Am A. W. ERWThr 1e cos' 178 Flderal Steed. Allegheny juntly. w MEM lii m iT' . 7) A ilt Dru44 l4ll , : l tif II 'ttorm lot on§ no 7011/f TM/ ao WI /11110 toes Ti' EZ Nara 1161 - Mut SI alars m Ise ifs isms Iss a us niso ISM 11 41g— as 'N6 M 9 105 Reduced .11r16es! Bpeyilrer 84130ns Havejust lieturnal froilf*/$ 1 4 WITH A LARGE BTOCKtIjiIed4XWBI Bought at lb, Lowest Cash l f. -nee& liE Sul 200 Just 200 EC A Luis' . . 4: . t i .' Er White Lead - nd -. Paints. 1-... e 1 A Tx; wps.ri.oraiwilai4ttritruinza it rbon or: Just Arrived and i i ii t 'sit, 16qtesale and ' { ,I, ALSO, PURE. CATArA,:If#ABIttiIF:A . .. . ~ . •. . . . ...". .• • 1 Concor ,Wmes, Of oar own vin f oe II dteltia . I lid . e tas4 6; Sacramental Po aro highly Itn. coonnentiesl I s l e !V io llo whit hstvo .. vii., 77-.. W They are ilhivAlrentilai tho . KNIFFEN 110*1 AND REAPER, And Pitt. Nat.. w C44•Plewe. 1 • 9 p .. ' ' • : • I . 4 Thenkterthe idler their putpat ronage. we bnpa! merit n liberal abate In the Intone. • , • ' ;,- .• • I All Goods Deliji:med Five of Marge. g i i, You n reli' - ` ik.ll : . goods being fall' , ca, as all our old - were sold, at victim 81P10101Elli & Sollili T ' npri3;to ' . ,•' *. i ... .. . .., ~, ~ , Worms , iiiiveareas, . I N rY . i tii, j ,Alr 'l3 It i • I may i... ,Iborimest Omotosoat of .' • vas . . „ 31.( co, (Xi 0 13:1 01 , . ar-TlliT6Ati:9; . ~ , •,41,2:Arit., : 1 s 4'l, .." ,0- :- . , 231 . . • i - 141431;ty Ril, WINEP A. -lihrandies, I. 1 :1 a. ilif t se, Oils. 4 . " 111 yin , - TUFFNs TOILESSAIITICIAte, 80A15 itSEINS . ' PA T •fi Mx tct z s ;it. irssioar ru•. essispw bc;z • " 11,11: alik . P. W.. • LASTA MPS Wintibt i ummr.. =MOW ..-- 4. Vie r"'` at fba Ibitimes Mae. on r! r 11 . 1 4 let • doubt Ikb eall ' aid we, mid wN ' trall • K J. omi. 1 i rAr. . ti, -' ' ' ' - -)t i -Lii:tiioit.tcl - , ;1 J'''..1..';. , .. - ; 1 i.;.1 ,-; titft• :liZt I ./.-: .;:-•.;•,:' 'it-ite• --i [I ''' , ' -1 r • 't ' ''' ' - ' ' "--. -*- , mr• w ,.... .....f.. ~ i,..., Jl, I—.o ' II ! " . ..'Vt4lsl litl4s l ,iii. I.i ; .!011{ . 0 ~•.1 . : Lt}lt (.1 , ;-+.. ,;I _ - --- . - t%gli ...7 ass H TT ',.: . i iii t• ~. Natal In'. t i . 4:1:) ,4 4 " I ' viiiititiiliitior beti t iiierta: , , ';:;, ~., .. - iinillir t mellislitlntattele:* .iiitpostAia4lll•Bos Went awil 419. :.:1 !ti Will& ottillitia.4:l4,. intidikiethosibiiiithirible tilist :- '", • • • •- •;.::- :Altimistpaiitititsio*Parilk? * ' 7 ':''''' ::4 111111 0 1411. .. 1 . . :GO 00149 1 09 Vert* 11,4 441111: ;l id - Q1. . 41 c i i ii i : l,tli n u .. g .. .• i • a l i ii iii i , ii.i i i , i il ' .7 a11111101114 6 , fildeibiltiali'" ''' ' ' 7 ' .. "l • - a ' ' i tilimillsoraimillbilitaahisii. •, h , '..' 101.4WPRIOLAIVW 1 gisfityPINii.: ,, . , : .1 Igo =r".. 11 b •eis ."4". ' ;I' • ryes v ' ` - z-lipirriesisibilialiktilliell toteVirtmit ellasig :',711. 1 !: --1,, , 1,J7:- . ..,1:::."•:1 W . Itrr.! _•. l - 111 :111 . V . :i 4 .1" 6 • i I i tt i t " . llW A ll . 4l .. , r,1 . , the fat is Int; ' r i,llslomOrieilbimMlegl; It tobottgo km' '-• aw. pijimitteal l iattaallotittato. Vd.lsiMMAlrPok."Val,Fieli... • .. 1 /1 11 ,14,1*1L : ' iiiitkoilllis tsAtfoliiitOM heaps :•- .' l . Imodi-OOPtits 4 statimeriti , i• . 1 t L . ; ,:. ;t- I . ME UV _ * 4 4 tie" reliti of "Edward the Tided. l sedate period of to rtMeWonasaloptdsomoaseeh radii!" a1iV 6 80 1 4 4 48-riitice‘riVilleh that oar . .llFeeme aria bait*: 04,dr m== .... jittry d 'ammire , • elotheataitio oldkil yvdaarad.be aldn berimeArage en Ar LrIM Fi ll titmct i t e l: broatikkarhado. • . ; "Iliderme,,datosel," he exclaimed, , sibur the love of heaven! Quick my Wet imapprnacidurl" • • For it moment, • Bitten% scanned Abe noble diattues and well ircdtform Of the suppliant., . _ - 8 ..rotlow me,T! Mie.rePlied; :'there la but irnirplace wherein there is the' kind vestige of seecirity,t , • - • And. she led Martino the. co Mtoan,lnner Inotd,Where. trraaffeedd on abed of palp, ;van aged !roman. !°j" IM up my FrandMOther " c'h'ar add, hurriedly; land'you maid gethetween the bedsuaderneath her. It will be.very warm, • but the .0% sae OM.' Ido not think they w disturb her." . be WaS oniered ; the bed - was Awned down • andthe old lady' lityi kr* On ibectlicivr, uncomic= or the scene whir had just occurred. Barham hastened beck 45 the daor, r Old place, • • a Whey party of horse-; . Mopped, eritiml• eye upon , Wrote them. Cottage, my," .alum Kiss is here' Altim.,,lNownor ' - "Ouktomeinhiniself lyo4 seen anything When he entered, he cast a quick, searching glance around him. There were but two rooms to the cottage, and he could see through the loose boards above that no one waa•hidden In the lon ,"Will you have itglais of ale, sir?" she larked, pouring out some of the feratented beverage in a glass. He - took It quaffed it eagerly, and then passed Into the Munn/Gm. The oklgrandams was muttering de liriously.-having been disturbed by the strange noises outside. lie went over to her, looked at her for a mo• ment, and slid, "she'll be desepretty soon, and you'll have to mime to me, pretty kW' Barbara bowed low. "You are too. kind, sir, to one so humble," she Aid.. Give me a kiss, my:lasel" he ex claimed, his rude eyes riveted upon bet; "fur I. must hurry from here, before that wretch gets too far." "No norahe cried; "oh no, sir I" But he hurried alter her. "I will not be putaside by a pretty one; I've no time to fool. You are only coy;" and he grasped the strug gling maiden in his arms, and kilned tier OWN tout over again, dilate her violent resistance. "I wil • coui again another day, my pretty sweet. heart;" he laughed's he release' her and passed put. , • Treinhling with shame and indig nation. she stood where he had left her, uetil abe heard the retreating clatter of honks'. hoofs. Rousing herself, she- went to • the door, •and Mond there was no one In sight; she then returned to . the room, closing the outer door behind her, raised the Invalid, and allowed the stranger to eacape from his "liiy_poor giriM his facedush ed.). "/.koow not what .to say,'! as his eyes tell on her crimsoned tear. stained. countenance. • "You . have saved. my lite,:and I was powerless to pro/ea/iron from in suit, You shall be worthily repaid ,by—the one whom you have rescued who better days come." lie pitied her agitation ;-ne sym thired With the beautifill. herolegiri; and a feeUng deeper thazi he had ever knownl for any. living being before, stole into his Mae, '• • • L atilt tart t your kindnere he flaked, r"hybeggingthat I may be allowed to stay?' If i go now. this will prove to beonlya respite. Have y uuP Where ootakl ypu dftuise rne?" - The flush died oufof her free as she reflected how to save her strange There was something about gm it' which nudellor feel Instinctive ly that she could trust him, and in terested her in his fate. 4•Nos my hither is dead, we are all that are left," poladlig to the ernati .auzl Pour la the bed.. "But I will g ive yee•my father's clothes; You (*adrift is Ahem, and I will sayyou are my uncle from Yorkshire." • He readily fell Into her plans; and she, plating a beadle before him, re• tired into the inner room. When she emerged she could scarcely recog nize In the bowed; decrepit old'lnan; with a slivered wig, the handsome, manly, youthfril "stranger 'of a few moments * • - Berg Imaged, fore: BIM the ggenvg' ried at the oottage. He era delight ed ' With Barbara's ' well • Informed mind, and Wandered bow she had ' ever obtained ad Much. knowledge In that 'secluded country dfatrld.- But It seemed that her mother bad been much better educated than themalee• ity of . her sex; andd had taken great pains with her daughter before she dial, and Barbara, being of an intell- AND Mil GMEI /04Li.(Ali/M5.14,1' _ ~•• t. o.4mL,arl' AMA CLAITON'III LOVE Atyty, the color Hue "ht i t i n i t " t 42 r n . d stow this hew be soluewitere near 4 1 1 " 4 " 4 31":433160 4. 511/1-11&Trairtlii inilLand dying." /PAD llinagh;ahtloed was tender where (era thesupplianta. tit to be=nd ugh tbe i trying' out maim and unoonoer • thrall= withap. should god the. dew only too • well rutpans Would in- the spot, or per. a fats worse than lii tanatisalod,badthonghtand, rf ek ur own. bate sielikjirld'ii thintiendiddp Only Up 'between -0 11 a yell, Jtre bad aotralantissed . .by • what Wear rank wiSstaur * n—ta • • - we you ,nOW, erroelr leart,"' he"riald.' pridiving khaki( doWn-Wher one day. "But , l van. notigo t away conterstwatil l You give me: the right to ; retpon.• Will you, Ilarbera. 1337 love, mrlife r come to theeinurlh;" he pleaded. "and let the IlWr• t rieninheour *oars, andi will happy •rWillnrwe, liestera, , VT7 1 .40 ' •:. itt' sh e ''•,:•• 'had • risked her 1110 itotc Idni .- ona-'wisi willingtO:aiuxillecridlnOW. by hie wordsi shoorukinot resistl&n,. but biltally-lbllowediplin to the altar. • What 40, Whisp to. the _priest • 'we ceremony . tich she did • • ' g -"Yesilinl noldoubirny love,i soy awnetheart," hearth& Meows" I have not "yet - When reoneraerrin arllisgurie alone wer thyforinn to receive,"..., • Ke.beadhesekkgseetso4l her, typringlita prWatlckover again as e : lea her,. and turned his hack to • 3lonpassed W re she heard bum • h her s lover-hustsuul..and she Arced. he must have Adieu into the hands of his thes. He came at last:taster glittering on his breast and disarm + kingly. Her heart., fell within her as he hastened to her.witli outstretched • my love," he aled, Ma lt* het to his breast ""'I have yams at Janet - But-why do,yots shrink? 'Are you oa t my own true lovestilt"! "Andyou are—,",she queried. "Edward to you ; t the world the Pilnee of Wales, hedrta the throne, they , were; Baking my fife--the reb elsf lintAtli.? do yearbook so mile? I have waste up myelin*. to fbrvake. 101 fOr yea. dentat t n, -. But the Princeis?" . she cried. "All Ragland knoWa Of : your mar-• 1 1 11 7 3. wi1l not have tia,';. ' he ted, sternly. "I will resign n a- e- Magmas. to the throne, and fly with For *moment, the bibs of being once more within the arms of her, be lovall. intoxicated her senses;. - but then !ter resolution was taken. . *lzyvLadd: yeue—.,” • "Hush, Barbara!". And he placed his link' r ernn nesdiP. cannothave. so much formality from yo or lips.. I am still only Edward' yott saved and — "Then; , my. beloved." she cried, I "you , opium, do not doubt the full meet my love—the love that would only too 'gladly thisinoamet give my lifetopreserire yoUts." ' • "1 .do not doubt it my stveetheart," be returned. - . _ • • :"Tient,,,ph,believe what. , I say la only proinptal,tik: that hive. ' You must kae•ve' nib; treroor must go' r atstindobey tkV ." 3 Yom ottr ser.shell. be .iiiitheallg„lockedlrt-iny,lap i my hestbreath shall breathe a g for 19 :101 1 = 34 , erefeWedYlflisl - nif on the slightoixqulsite.Dirm:of his be- loved; ;Ind. even • nosgawae t ttembliogl with emotion.", _ "But it must' be 50... Ediard, la* love; listen! Go—go tadiniPpy tare ;- do not blight your own precious 11113 wsdl_m_paine. Gio, spadeafia AnnILW/11-thluk.npon and bless the love of 'Barbara .„.fle•walsileut hit" a Monputr , stio' Beak& the trutfit bat theeteritalstwat too grent.to endure tiluelasrina. am wept like a child. , "Your wiadom is greaten' than Mine Barbara," he-dried In a hoarse Voice; flout*. more Worthy /Arable! than t. Oh UltHed fate, that, divides the from the_ prime 1.,, Barbera botnerelful I" 1"I am nierethilitrik-lifet w she said her cheeks stowing with 'passionate love; "more -mewl- Int to you than you are to.aself, Doyou know that this reu yow enclation IS costing me more than •my Mb! 'Go; be' happy, be brave,. be good, be great :' and oft-. en think of your Ba rba ra Chaim." He tarried until his hone chafed .with restlessness, And his seivafitis became Impatient. ' "I, accept my destiny," he said, bowing. his heari,."you have prevail ed.. I live no touger for myself, but for my people. God bless you forev ' er, and when you need " a friend come to Edward." , Her emotion was equal to his owa, and she turned away and weptquire strainedly. She had given up her all freely - . Tone passed. Often news Of the Black Prince's prowess fell upon her ears ; Me never heard his name. but I what it was linked with bravery or I with gOodness; The nation revered hint. The old grandame died. • Barbara, I whose beauty become more striking, was left alone. She sent a petition to the prince. "A cousin of mine,' friendless, for saken, craws a situation •as page, messenger, or sonre poet near your highness. . In remembrance of the past. 1 pray, grant this request of your faithful BABBARA Cbaxrede." Perhaps Edward divined her mea ning ; perhaps it was olden memories that shook him; but he trembled .strangely as he dictated the follo*lng and signed it with his own hand :' "In memory of the brave Barbara Claxton, the Prince grants her re- Mayquest. Let her mean come Immedi ." ' The sent day a youth of - meet graceful symmetry .Was ushered :Its; I and f dropped on one knee before the Black Pr. Ile looked oray in stunt on the beautiful contour of the I noble face; the Whir clustering curls, and the gay, lovely dreamy eyes, shadowed by their heavy black hash `es, and geol. • "Rise! the Prince is his friend," be said, in an unsteady voice, as he laid his bowed head. The touch thrilled hint flora' like a magnetic shock. • 'I go to the wars," he continued. I must leave you behind me." "Oh, no!" cried the youth Impul sively. "Let me go - with your High ness. .1 can endure, hardship, brave danger—sell my life it peed be—only, let rue go." How could hereslst •t The memo ry of the past was straw within him. "You . may. go,". he said. kindly. "And Iflnit ncnnt„You Pitt Otani' here." Ever after: that the yenitti` was the I brave Prinetosehadow.' He hallowed him throughdangeratelthrough vie- I tory. .Ever.nour,,,ever- owl, never smiling. Oft the the Pdoce tried to turn him to something that would Theer Min; but everything''hilted:. He grew more delicate, more softly beautiful each day , ; but it wash:Ayala the Prince urged him to !slum to his palate and await his coming - home. "M place' Its bar yea * ! aide 'MY Prince,' he would return, "and my [ only happiness bithere. Surely , you would nist deprive ma of theta' . I • • At last, lust saute Prince's army hadgained a great victory over the French,' one of' the retreating foe I turned and wok deilberatestim at the rine, and the' ded. Hbi saw it mid interposed his body before the Prince, endreeeived the arrow in his own brew; -Ho fell. backward Into his master's. arms;looked into his, e , with asmilei es the 1101 blood dealtbremt bb. find mist rnered, "t die happy 1 Oh, maybelov ed, remember that. Barbers 'Caxton has given her life for thee!" "Barbara, my Barbara!" he cried, f:iß.Yrn~~in•i 1 1011; • r is Eg4lOblihttit 18 XS • it 4y• ;4H/4 f/t , /:..1 • •1••,'• TIM .holdbig': her &se - embluce i l !`. tied died had 414 for theel The weary eyelids :rimed there wee 'it lidnt of berbreatka smile whit* remained • after deathi• and sheaves dead 1 The Moue bath, ad her fscai i, teirraaauti his. attend -,aida milk hew strolig . Ls his to eciloh - tbr t t youth I* • ' HO =turned to Hnatand, but , Ms' badthiwit toeats perceptibly to hill ; the litt• west j unr w iiiira b jlaction e4' 14Fl ehmichiri Th. reac.beti his . otrti,iri g different way .• He sink, deelitied,! , faded away, and died.onthe eighth offuna,llBo. The oat* wash) rizoemitiglor the good iri=(wag Joy( hint for hie un fflixity, and England inlaced having one of 'the' beet And purest inotuuths to alt on her throne. • BR4IIIT . IFEL araugoi mi.. A.K lIISOOFINZT Eleaatifol ehUd, ai thy tiollaw's taea. Is the mystic Mum what tat thou be? A dream orals, or an angel anbHato— A potaota of View, or huaeorstt. Thyme— AWrit at evittlaohlar down With tha *aril tight Or u with wigOkey t w ra a c w k. a tal & bena n agO & thatWar teaks tart.. Dahlia* dramas that ever Width wilt Mt* ba way batatial clad ? thouttlial child In romniet v bowers Friend of the batte birth and llowors t , - Pore sr the Sparkling, chaste/lino strum, Jewels a/ truth to thy thirreyes beam. Was there aver a whiter coal than thin* Worshipped by hoe to a mortal shrine! )I,r heart thou lost Oedema for two sweet years With rainbows of Hope throes* mists of team— Mists beyond which thy satiny Cobs With Its halo of aldry beams alt the while. Beandfolthild. Jo thy look. le rt dive • • A glance Male, Dot a earth, bat of Dairen. With eyeaand priMilqa tontine, Would thou coulttet ever that be Atha. Ulm the WWII strain of the From stair to hall thy volts now oft In the girders soots thaett With Spoor, thy arty head wand! And tootling - beside sio is so quaint. Ohl wbo Wadi OW data ea aryilthd mint t -Besstital lide dull Do • • PetthiobolikvisolY Men Dos zoo. A fallen steeds°. insyst leen my side, • And ee paw sad thane become the We— Alvesing. qairedn. through th e cold street, With •t o baled and bitumen , Stet- - . • lamed to live and afraid to die t o bornsoso friend, and • Sinew Sty.' • Merelftd Tathat, my brain grows wild— ; Olt, seep hob evil my besidifid child! BlliatifileChn4.lo4l6lt thOG(lO4 . A d witbdr cheer of joy Led Wee. 1, 1=Cm.=.41...._ Tloeting.ionerlng mesons, • In the Waned light ot the golden shore ; MA ea I ease en thy oinks. Mom. And thy eadlant face. they dlapel my gloom -1 kettle wln keep Iles andeifte, And his WO protect my beautiful chltd. JONATHAN BRADFORD. ' More.than a century* and a quarter has now elapsed since the story of Jonathan Bradford' was converted Intel drama, the interest of which shares In that excited by "George Barnwell." The dranaa is very sel dom played nowadays, but the main circumstances *ill be sufficiently re membered by every " . thentre.goer for the suttioined synopsis of the octant facts . :won• whiCh the drama: wee fotinda ; to be read withAptereet:- • :Jonathan Bnidfoid 'was executed at Oxford - tithe year 171e;rfor the ',slur der otairistopher Hayes, mq. This Bmdlbni kept sua inh on the road inam ; London to Oxford.., Ho bore an unexceptionable character. Mr. Hayen t 's gentleman of fortune; being On hislitay to visit a rehltion;,put np at Bradford's houseof entertairunent. He there Joined company. with two other gentlemen, also incidental tray elerailke himself, with whom ho supped, and, in the coulee of comes- . Ration mentioned ungualdrdlY that he 'hi d, about Ideirr.a largn,.sum of money. Indite time they repaired to;thek respecilve chienbers; the two Entlemen tolidotible bedded retinal tranVa l garnTrigiVit r lehliatr i nTAl! er. Some hours after they Were babe& one being awake thought he heard a deep groan., thkadioinfiak clutinber. - re This•belngrepented he softly awak . - cued his' friend." They listened to. gether and thegroans liscreatiing as - of onedying, they both arom and pro ceeded silently to thedoor of the next chamber, whenc e the sound proceed ed, and. the door being Ajar, saw a - light moth. They entered, but it would 'have been diflicult to inlet their consternation on pereeiVing a person weltering in his blood hi the bed, and a man standing over him ' With a dark lantern in one hand and a knife in the other. The man seem ed q petrified as themselves, but his expressien carried with it al l the ter ror of guilt. The gentlemen sow discovered-that the • victim was the atranger with whom they had that night supped, and the man standing\ over him was their host. They seis ed Bradford directly, disarmed him of his knife, and charged him with being the murderer. By this time he had recovered his composure, as-. maned an air of innocence, positively denied the crime, and asserted that be come there with the same humane intentions us themselves. He-aring a noise, he said, which was succeed ed by deep greening, he got out of bed, struck a light., and bad only' eu tered the room a minute or two be fore them. These assertions were of little avail; he was kept in close custody till the morning and then .taken before a neighboring justice of the peace. lie still resolutely denied the crime, but, nevertheless, with such an appa rent indication of guilt that thejus tice made use of an extraordinary expression in making out lhe -mm—" Mr. Bradford, either you or myself committed this murder." This extraordinary affkir naturally became theeonversation of the whole county. Bradford was tried and con demned over and over again in every company. In ihe midst of all this predetermination came on the Reims at Oxnard. Bradford waa brought to trial. He pleaded " not guilty."— Nothing could be more conclusive than-the depositions of the two gen tienieli. They testified to the finding of Mr. Hays murdered in his bed ; Bradford at the side of the body with a light and a knife; the knild and the hand which held It bloody; on enter lag the room be betrayed all the signs of a guilty man; and a few moments before they had heard the groans of the 'deceased. . Bradford's defense on the trial was the same as 'before the gentlemen.— He had heard a noise ; he suspected that some villainy was being trans actite struck a light ; he snatched a kni e, the only weapon near him, tor de himself; and the terrors he discovered were merely those of hu manity, the natural effects of Inn*. intim as well as-guilt. on beholding such a horrid Scene. - . _ Bat this defense was cousidered weak, contrasted with the powerful tirriniudanoes against. him. Never 'was' circumstantial evidence more Conclusive. "There was little need of cOminerit from the Judgeln summing tip the case. No roan or _pea ter extenuation. 'rim InrY rAi d tt In the prisoner guilty w out even going out of the box. Jon athan Briulfonl was executed in due course of law, still declaring that he WSW not the murderer, nor privy to the murder of Mr. Hayes ; but lie died impaled and disbelieved by all. Yet were thaw assertions not un true. The murder was actually com mitted by Mr. Mayes' folitman, who, immediately on stabbing his master, rifled his breecbts pockets of his money, gold watch and snuff box, and es-caped unobserved to• his own room. This could have scarcely been Live minutes before the entrance of Bradford into the unfortunate man's chamber. she world owes this knowledge to a remorse of conscience in the real delinquent, eighteen years after the execution of Bradford, on a bed of sickness. it was a death bed repentance, and by that death the THE 411i14‘111116 Al#4llU, publishintnar to the was!.Pl l 4 4l 4C VF. i .1 411 . 49 * A s * , Ser. Ps, as itlistryosr In =mem I :Mtuttus gcnideetei . nsitfiello l ,o4 eu ff ll,- -P o As i ngq iHt OPIIMPRt !)1. ;. tut.kpikt awit, Prrfrt,, "led* muno 45 . au; Latest assirsonsitM ilislAttie: • addromed , , J. WVIAIID‘ Beatiefoft" law' Met Ile 'duo • victim • It vieems-z -tha- au, the Ism tit urn that. hum'Mr- 1 114 4 01 ,7 lus had large sum *Of mon w ith • Mph: they did not March Ws •*thew : to ilosirft had becw getzicied,Andat, the eame titne 'examine the person'• of Bradford to detest the 'plunder in his posemelon, lilt WM ou blm. Its • abeetKolvould hove &sesta. point 4 In „ •his fayor lithich ought , not to Jeer° been ciOrlooked. , ' .o- would r itoiiriara tiatlificthrt If account could clooo /MI; but It cannot. Bradkord f ahough innocent,, and not a party 'toLtionMiniallatt Ibr • Iw6lc_k_be_euSseligalii33ollll6Plp*A ty of the law,4 4 , :pt:na nas'qi , murderer Ind 11,e as well as 'the' ti,'W Hayes had saidids-eapper.low having a .buge aum,ogrAtioney about, 1... him, and he went to dm ebembek. • • • with the same diabolical Ntentlcals as the servant. He woe struck' with' tunasinnent Ifs could not Abelleve ,, ' his ; but, in turning leek flea • bed clothes to assure himself of the fact, he, in his agitation,dropped the ' knife ou the bleeding body, by which , both his handand the weapon became bloody. Itusweirentustatices he act.' knowledge to the eltsgyman who at- - tended him after his sentence. • • 'A lifew we'd A cry of tll.4tMoi . froni the wilder ness of Washington' Territory has reached • us. It comes from a log Ilona:In the centre .of , magnificent • . wheat farm, which promises to, ylekl Its owner filly-five blialiels of wheat to the acre.. But thlsitatlntot Ise doetincot content the lonely man. He wants the Stmbelims of aivOntan's smiles in Ids- house.. .Ife"ifittds 'the music of a woman!s laughter In it. Ile wants a ifinypstlaetic, cheerfoi.., hopeful' woman to. ,welanne when ho coshes In at' night from the field. Ho is utterly sick of •his own • cooki. , Ilts wings to eat : tom- • thing c ng ooked by p woman. ho writes, "this ls.ope d cot, ,Um true fields for the - blillanthropy of the Fast to work in. , . For Ileaven'imake send out Some nAssionaries to civilize thib community; not in the sharle'of preachers, but of , marrlsgedble wo men. The introductiortotathonsand virtuous good girls, such as abound In Idassachu.setta and Vemuant,wbo have been raised' to - work, and who would not • consider themselves ton • fine to marry workingmen. and help them build up sattsfactory homes, would be the greatest blessing that could be conflgred onTugetSound." . This man cries very sensibly, find It would be a very good thing what ho wants to have done. Surely the or ganization that Li adequate to confer on the women of the. United States the right of suffrage should be suffi cient to give to. Washinn Terri tory thqq amount of eivilbation that Is prayed for. And right well do wo know that a bushel basket full of halide to each of a thousand Yankee girls would not do .them' the-thous; • andtb part.of the.good that one goads 'hushes' apiece would. And there • those husbandS are, waiting and km guLshing. This correspondent further ' says: " Throughout mr inclu illng the disputed islands, there are about four hundred adula men and only twenty-four adult women! The laboring population - floating along the Pacific coast Is almost who- , ly composed of single Mid; and of such mainly is the population of my coo try. Now see one loatte a piece oldelicioustlarul. 411ebuUdsa eabht, dechaudileilAnstaw: . Alawmaeh comfort can he fordo) , after a „hard , h41 1 :'*11111.E . -Hs enters his' dark ouse' t nigoclusatr mght hid owri are and cook his. owa supper, with out a soul to talk to; or to cheer and, enclurage him. Ho may mPed, from his nearest neighbor. This , Wu tindes &wafter day, week afterweek. • On Sundaystat must wash and mend his owa clothes. This is what all have to go through who settle on.a piece of land unless they are married., Men can't stand It. • The result is that Fcmreely ono In 'fifty endures his condition for three months. Then they either givu up. and aliondon the land, or they go and get an. Indian woman. Three fourths of the men in this country are living with mamma,, nod fain am 1 to admit that seven per cent of our children. are half-bleeds. The result is Mewl, table. The onirremedv for it is the, importatfbn of good white women front the east. And the husbands they will get are Just the manliest, biggest, bravest,' handsomest fellows in .I.icierica." —Amotig the Cus-44..k.s of the Uk raine, leap year is eternal. When' a young woman feels a tender potion • fur a young man she soil:shim at the residence of his parents, and addresi ea him' as follows: "The goodness I see written In your cOuntenanoe Is Sufficient assurance to que that you' are capable or ruling and loving , a wife, and your qualitits en courage me to hope that you wiU make a gmxt Inisbund. It It In • this belief that - I have taken the resolu• tlon to,tsune and beg you, with all - due humility, to accept mu for your spouse." She then addrtxas the father and mother and isolleita their consent to the niarrizige, lfshe meets with a refusal; she declines to have the house, and such conduct is usualla crowned with success. The parents. of th e young man never put the young maiden away, if she still persists In. her stay, believing that by so doing they would bring down the, vestguince of heaven upon their heads. TIIE Newark Advertiser Riir Nev. ! . terduty a muttons. young man drove; his team alongside .of.i a car loaded. with:lumber standing tin the railroad tract at Somerville, and preparatory to leadharhis Smagon tied his hems to an empty coal ear that stood in front of them. In a few It4nutos, while ho was busy about the wagon, a locomotive wits backed pp and the car to which the horses were tied hooked on: The c4r started and so did the horacs--after it. But tbr the Weakness of the harness, which" ths tunately .broke, the noble . steed.l would probably have made the fast est time—either dead or alive on rec ord. —At 12yelock Sunday night, forty men took John and Levi Shine out of the Glasgow, Fry.. Jail and hung them. The death of young Proctor and Jame:cat the !iambi of those men. while iekilsting the Shedd' in an at-. tempt th arrest them, so exasperated the community duct they took the law In their own hands and lynched the murderers: A Dutehman, In describing a palr of horses he had lost, mid: • " wag very mooch. alike, I rian), do off one. One look tso t like both. t wl h ewh e e oll nk e ll- r wn : efl a )t nd tin° •l l' w t°r' hip (l°nee ped r IfKi d n e in ime nwYsh m ich ; got et 'dead because the oder. kicked at me." Ax-Eniertild Islander who had his eyi badly bunged' tip, when asked where (tette(' been , "Down to Mrs.,Muirooney's wake. an lingua time willed of it. Fourteen fights In fifteen minutes; only ono whole nose in the house, and that belonged to the tay kett.lo I" , • —At Zanesville, ' Ohio, Friday morning, the believe of the now pow er ho u se of the Water-works explo• ded, demolishing the building. The fireman was blown ttuough the roof and alighted fifty (bet away, receiv fog probably fatal Injuries. The en gineer was not much hurt. No other pemons were In the building. Loan .100.000.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers