T_ k: , , "B:: r' YAND. lIMTOII.IND PISCIIMI/TO# , r a „, Nay WI, 11370. Inuit Dumber of a weekiy p►- oted to Woman's suffrage en ' oodhill ih aaJtin's Weekly, is table. It is, 8 sixteen. page rge, well filled with original yoliticalsod miscellaneous a prominent eignAt 'tbb smile to' elevate..' It b 3 cdite orb" C. Woodbilland Teault, In... Terms $ per year.... • Tux I .> per do titled on our uheet, I Mewl) matter becom PartY by VI „ . . Intost a dispatch received at tiny headquarters in Chictigov MAY • 21stifrom Georgetaye, Colorado, it iistrito that a large party: ofinitroika ht,bortut nowlat Hit . Carson, refusedto wor on the road another day =- leen they am furnished with iVrtits Ibr defeat against thibidlatis, and that they a threatening to seize a train and came east. General Sherldattis therefore asked to send six'' hdridied stand Of ariaa'lii thaw, Men immedi ately, t o Kansai.Railread Company tavern' g responsible for them to the Government. In' • the 'absence of Lieut. enerat Sheridan the matter will be (erred to,General Pope. • Tire .v , ry of the Treasury has. add :.. : omelabOrate cireninrto the rush:a • and revelineeffiedis," . Whiela ennui:is information to be (*wan ted to i the masters of vessels fishing in Cat Wan waters. The-Dotninion i, author ties have terminated the sys tem of granting iketere . to . foreign vtele to !fish within three marine leagn of the shores tber9of, e x cept oh the soidliern aid westft coasts of Nowftfundlartd, the ahem, 0r,";44 7 dalen'lehind and through the liltialts of Belle Isle, Indefinitely.. Itvetssels are fond within these boundaries, and et. ea to depart after "warning, they.Mie liable to seizure and search: itesistance to the (fingers will result in t be:forfeiture of $BOO and Impri* raiment for two, years.' . .. Mn. r afIRFIET.D'S Committee had I . the new banking find, currency ' , bill under discussion on Tuesday last. A number of amendments Were reject ed, and the bill now ternaltissubstan tiitlly its first repotted:t.'o die Aouse. The mimbers of theCeinraittee think It will lifter very little fromMope+ sent shape when Ipresenb3d, The same i'ombnittee agreed t6*.`ifill '. for redeet ing the present nickel curren cy in l nil tenders when presented in sums f twenty-flve dollars or up- Wards. Also,. to a bill designed to prevent National . Banks from eyed , ing the tax on circulation. The bill provides that .the bank itself must collect an d surrender its circulation within,:ixty days of - ancli notice to tile Treasury,•under severe. penal ties i 1 . fur now l ompllance. • - ~ Import of the SenatoJudiciary ince on the question Whether lsor improper means were used i t ipted to influence the voles of ou the Georgia bill, is to the tat efforts were made by ono very, a director of the Bruns- Ond Albany Railroad, to hn iy influence Senators aping ngimm amendment; that Low er, a clerk in the city poitof empted to aid him in the pur l nd that Rufus B. Bullock, In , Ithe publisher Of the Washing 'l mnide triple prim for printing lids, and inserting articles and is on the Georgia (Auestig al, met. • Senator was influenced.. rrirr 1 Mnint corrup , or atm' Senate effect t. 1 , ' wick proper the Bi is I'. lice, ati pOSC. payini tan eh) ram pli speechi. w. ---4 mat am Tire: lon. Thomas Irwin,for Many ytars areAdent of Allegheny County, and forerly United, States District Judge for the western District of I'cmBs3 Ivania, (lied at MS resideine in Pittsburgh on Saturday 20th ibst.,. at the advanced age of 87 }mum. lie was born in Philadelphia,: Feb. 22, 1781, and removed to 'Washing ton, Fayette Co., when-mitten ybung loan. ?To began the Kt - retie() of the law them, and represented that coun ty in the State Legislature for sever al ycan. He wiessubsequentlyerect tsi to Clingrerks, and was appointed to the Judgshlp toy President Jackson. lle tentinued In this. posithin until 1857 or 1858, whet) he resigned and, Was succeeded by Judge McCandless, the pritent incumbent of that Court, Judge brwin was a man of high in- Milts/ mil acquirements 811(1 unim peachabie Integrity, and was respect vd and lksloved for his social ameni ties *mac tristian virtues. . t!s Tticsday last, lbw. Bullock was before the Senate Judiciary Commit tee witb all his books and accounts, showing payments to the Washing toil LYatinticle on account of the Gear gii, question. The whole amount wok altot four timusauul dollars. Cot. Foiney Yclaitns that all the money Pahl was fur legitimate newspitper work, such as advertising, printing speeches, pamphlets, &e. Settlement wits Made by Gov. Bullock on the part of the Slate. Col. Forney had the following on Tuesday as an edito rial' concerning the matter; "When the Senate Committee have made uP their rt. ,, tlord on this last attempt to destroy t;ov,. Bullock, the publisher of the Washington - Chronicle. will take oedtsion to comment Upon the ntaimerin which he and his business assistant kvere treated when summon ed to answer the extraordinary ques tions oi(! this extraordinary inquisi tion. Alt many versions of their ev- 1 biome have beed,regularly -commu tated to the distant press, -Most of them un ust and many of tliem un true, thipublisher of the Chronicle will exe 'lse his right to defend him. self mid Riot paperas soon as the sub- Jed . bivoines a matter for honorable public diseusEton." ' - udiatt Outrages. ,- A dispatch from port Leavenworth on NVedn'esday last, says the Indian raid on die Saturday !previous, on the line of th i e Kansas Racine Railroad, I SWOMOiI aunt first reported. About fifteen ra iid eniployees were kill ed. kt 1, ntleman, cilrect from the West endf the treat reports every thing in ia demoralized condition. Sheridan would be considerably more popular it that quarter than Vincent colyer, ekeept among the Indians. More raids are anticipated: B. C. Ektunders, of Lake Sibley. writts. under date of May ilth, that the luditdopatme in on the White Itoati the day previous and killed one malt and tau off with a. number of horses. ' Prom the number of small bandshe yeas led to believe that large numbers were near by. 11. 11. Lyon, ofSolonton City tel ~- graphs Maymth, to the G ' ' - C men were killetl‘beyriltuhr that three e' ,bultarts on the Grindstone last likin. General fume' repaired to the scene of the disturbance. .... A dispatch of the 18t 1 rinst. 0 4 te im Denver City says: Gen: W ltil u been placed in charge of . eligas,, Pacific Railway line, fro* . Denver, and will station hi f at the best point to overktor it. II has four companies of cavalry, three of inAmtry and the__..n.6...mas...ganisons of Forts Walltkief Uwe; IX° 1 1 itibisdiukted bit t%/ 1 .. the ding. be suspenaed, for want of , gnipsOmeninrtethemorkinen:,- • . dianq •;who raided. the - route • were , * band .of -Northern -.Cheyennis, wko wenti South last, Atli and are now beating buck North. • OMAHA, .May 18.—A report .from Cbeyanno , stated that:ooAß' Hero e xpedition is, entirely 1-abandonedi About one,hundred and fifty mem bers, who are- now. eoctuttped , two mike frolic there,: will ,go to Abe Sweetwater mining diattiet.., : • .„II! I:iiC 7 i f• lTT --- 1 i t reel L" .4 , 11 , Ag fr At.— a xe, eV ad• two' numbers of a new weekly pa. per entitled PittaburtA .Reviesdisii ..'.Priee l ,Cl; plifiltdaid,'et `,1,114 7 11 . 1 i.4 1 00 7 . 4acCouiPir# 0 .4.; st* acriptiou price three doll= alearin advance: ' It is 4 tlevotkdlo the'mans ufacturing Mid mercantile lidei•MtB ofPillsburgb. and. Western Petinsyt , ab le and and is in all reveets an able and well conducted paper. - 1,,,-, nomroteads lbr Soldiers. ' We congratulate our soldieta and sailers who survive the many battles by land and "seal in which they took part in defense of the perpetuity: of free institutions, in the late war of the tired Rebellion, that. they now have some evidence that Repubilei are ,not altogether ,ungrateful. The Howe of Representatives of the Uni ted States,.on Wednesday last, passed an amendnient to the homestead lav4 which. provides that . dV6lii :PFivate soldier and officer who has served In the army, and every seaman, marine officer, or other person Iho . served in the navy tit the United S tates or in the marine corps or revenue. marine during the rebellion—for ninety days —and remained to the Onvern went, shall, without 'the pay of any fee or commission .to registers or re celvers of laud offices, .be entitled to enter one quarter section of land-160 acres—not mineral, of alternate re served sections of the public lands along the lines of all railroads or oth er public works in the United States wherever public lands haVe been or nuiy be granted by acis'of Congress, and to receive a patent therefor tin der and by virtue of the provision of the homestdadacts;and'on the terms and conditiOna therein prescribed; and all provisions of said acts—except as modified by the present act—shall extend and be applicable under this act. This bill has not yet passed the SenatO; but we confidently look for such a result at no distant, day. The capitalist who, advaheed money at round interest , fr the , purpose . of carrying on the war, hasbeezi eulogt; zed for that -evidence of his patriot- Ism, and no suspicion of.the repudia tlonof his debt or. the depreciation of his securities fur full:interest in gold, have been suffered for a moment to be entertained. This is well. We are satisfied it Is the ; Nation's ditty carefully -to guard ~its honor and maintain its public Credit inviolate: But we submit that those who loaned the Government their bone had sin ew—their strength and courageln the bloodX. conflict, have . quite as strong claims upon that GoVentment which their valor saved, as the capi talist who simply lent his monex for latterease we recognize but a simple business transaction in which tholes ' der was the gainer; but in that of the soldier Aiazanling his life for his country's safety we see duty and pa.' triotban united; hence, his claims upon the , nation for Its fostering protection anti gratitude, are immea surably superier.to those of any other class. These facts are appreciated by the Representatives of the nation; and, : there can be little doubt, will influence a correct- action on the part of Senators. I , 'Gov. litrt.t.mac, of Georgia, has ad-, deesseata letter to Republican Sena tnrs and ReprmentatiVes in Uigress, to the effect that the charges made against him are the 'result of the machinations of one Joshua Hin t , whom he denounces as a secessionist. The Governor claiins having acted honorably and fairly 'throtighout,the controversy, and concludes by ex pressing opposition to Mr. Ilingham's amendment, or any proviso substan-' tially like it, "because," he says, "it seeks to deny the ltapablican party in Georgia the fruits of the politic:al victory they have achieved after the terrible trials of the past two years of contmt ; because It seeks to restrain the full effect of the literal execution of the reconstruction acts in such manner as to promote the Interest and ailslnts of every man and every party who have persistently and by every. /MIMI and Manner ,; sough t • to defeat these acts ; because its adoption will bell reladielind will destroy the Republican party, which has main tainetlthose acts and supported the Aministration and party in our State; and because any attempt. to Mold an election there for members of the General Assembly beibre those al- ' ready elected have enjoyed the con stitutional term of two years as a State in the Gotta] under the new Constitution, will result in the 'utter. abmidoninenthy them and the party of any Minter attempt to uphold and' maintain the policy which a Repub lican Congress has inaugurated, and which would thus be shown a Re publican Congress has abandotaxi. will not deny that this re-alt would bring peace to Georgia, but it would be the lieu.; of death. Republican principles would be altandoned form ever, and the 100,00 loyal Inca who voted for and•tiarried the convention and constitution would he:Mill:am no more. There is no lunnesty with rebels for Men in Georgia who have , darts! to be Republicans and sustain the measures which enfranchised the bled:Men. There is no ° relief front eiceept in death, in sub mission, or in flight. —Pullman's •train of eight palace cars, just completed, left Chicago on Thursday last for Boston, to receive the great excursion party for Cldifor nitt. The train is one of the most el egant ever built. A billiard table will 1)0 one of the means of enjoyment. , --- -TheToionto Wohcand Telegraph have strong articles on building , a meal on British ground round St. Marie, and that the privilege now enjt!yed by, Amerimn vi eels in Canadian canals shall ceffbif until 'the question at lame Is adjusted. . p., of thot United_rresbyterian tor ihilreohLproustes. of ao mho 011 e tykes, Uri la !dawns . 'an vf the afodetWr ofillitentoWbniogihaS Plat/. atter as' solo* of thrjoi dam Re*. D. o,..4„MeLoWit4thls• borough waeone the council In theme. An arrangement was entered Ito between the council for the prosecution and the debase, by which It wee agreed that the prosecution abduld heiermitted to read so much • Whiltiiiis 'Waimea ak her by tI diet. PobtOi iut rutted ,to the 'heti' of hbt ea gagettieht With'itar,'iitd that `lth 'am not. bieolc It otilT under the plea Ot tier aigrilal 48 . 1 44"img: The, _ 44. Bl4Poisiii previously oldistilted-by pr. : Clark, •who Plod jhstltiaktion en amount of :Mlle flawkaeuentql.• weakness. • It was also 'greed that no civil snit should be bulb; What:and ttutt• lettana Uwe tit 12 0 0, 4 . bPrishPiiid 4 4 i Ptt p beibr.° tb iltott or bier Ptiashloiy, l and' deposibid •4•4:a bor hr that body to be dui* kketso. +6904. be der ttFAYRdI4 tho4rowe4 of Pr., L.lark or :, • . -. Under thls arrangemehtthe Arial pro- IttluSilawkiarras ii*Orn 'to the blithe! her stateineet, which was • pre tented find load by,tho Clod; bithe Pres bytery She;SiVe “Der, Sohn 11..Clitek e . D. D., was so iltiainted with all the details respecting my illness in the fall'of IEIOB. About the beginning of Dooomber, DOS, be signified his desire to have me tbr his future life companion, at the same time expressed his wish that all should be probund secret" , To prove hor allegations site quotes from,tho volundnows love epistles with which he deeded hor loiter-ho;; and-we think we= no mere prodtably,llll our space thin by reproducing Some of those extracts. It ,will afford enamored youth examples for tho expression of orna ments of burning love for their Asir dui cones rarely to be , met with. To prove the point above quoted him refers to. Letter So. I—December 4, 1808.. "I Inure ono request, (It Is not 111000Sia• ry I Suppose to make )L) and that le ttutt our relations must bo a precious sealed secret between us. None are to have any knowledge of IL" • Letter No. 17—Febrisary 9, 1869. "I told him (Mr: Mtller,; that he might tell Jane If he chose, bat It must not be related to another." Shis then proceeds as . • "ills expressions of love during our Intercourse wore generally clan exttav agant nature, leaving no doubt In my naiad of his sincerity." Lefler No. I—Dee. 4, ISM. •'O, how delighted I was to be with you and beside you on Wednesday be. holding you as onoin whom my soul do .lighetb, and of whom I fool proud. Now my dear Lillie, I feel very happy. My beanie quite at rest. There to not a shadow of regret upon my soul." letter No. 2—Dee. 8, 186. "It should .bo ono aim with Us to ,bo as nearly blended In ono as pbsalble. Re. member lam wholly your properly. I havo no heir bet you. All I have Is your ,. • Lc: let' No. s—lke. 22,1888. "You are all to me. If I have not your entire a:mildew* and affection, I have nothing earthly. that. I care for. Did I think that there was in. your heart the least wandering from me, the least bide! sion MIS to whether weare to. be one In love and life, I would be miserable. am perfectly true to you. lam prepar ed to make any sacrifice for you. I have already seen more •perfeetion in you than in any other human. character." Lefler Zro. 12—Jets.. 20, 1860. "I feel inseparably united to you. I look upon the relation In which woetand as equivalent, to L a real consummation. That consummation I devoutly hope slialttako place ln a year from this spring. There are two object* from which I nev er swerve—one in heaven, God ; the oth= er on earth, Lillie." Letter No. "0, , my seal lot all thy powers be fixed on thy Creator, and that beloved Lillie, given thee to love; fairer than the Mlles of the valley, worth more than the uni verse of matter. To thee my heart is ever turning. For tliy happiness and prosperity I will willingly labor day and night." " Letter No. 219—April 8, 18419. "My love, I seepialuly thatone source of your worry 15m..." wait ra you five .s.".ohiryou wish.' It would simply be shameful for me, because Providonoe does not restore your health perfectly and almost Instantly, to think of turning away from you." . Letter -Vo. 49—May 11:), 1869. "If I ain not true to you then I cannot bo true to any one. I ant say in the sight of Heaven that I have been honest In all my professions to you, and intend to abide firm; coma what may." At the deicer thls (May 13), IS 9) my physical health was not good. I was under the medial care of Dr. Dixon. Dr. Clark was perfectly aware of all the twits. Letter No, 73—August IL 1869 "I delight lit.tho. Idea Alf having one close to tno, who has had the 'strength manifested by your dear self.' Illy temp tation will bo to lean on you, but will not. anymore than I can avoid . I need' not add that ,you aro still everything to me, I have ...eon none that I 'would. think. of exchanging you for, You fill my soul and meet all my-desires, I love you• truly, only." . lie often oxpressoil and manifested a deop solicitation for my temporal inter est, that led me to believe that ho loved • the most dowitodly. Letter - No. I—Dee. 4, 18d8. "Allow me to anticipate Christmas, and mako you a little present before the day arrives. I give It in this shape be cause you know what you want better than I do. It is my marriage feu for the past two weeks. They shall bo all yours in the 'Sweet by and by.'" Letter Nu 2—lke. 5, 1583. "All I have hi yours." Loiter -Yo:7—Jan. I, l&19. "In Cod's kind Providence you expect to enter upon your school duties next week. My heart and full sympathies shall go with you to that work. • With all my heart I wish yon happiness and success in IL- But you know I am mu ter now, and as such I have a few orders to Issue; and first please don't tax and worryyourself with the school. Hyatt find it Injuring yotkin the least, won't yon quit? ' Why my deur girl I would rather give you a salary of a thousand donors than have ou fretted anti worn with such la bor. Tryon flhd It unplmaiant or ;Wear ing you must let uto know, won't you ? Support must not coat you a second thought." Letter Nu. 30-11arck 11, 18611. "I will ho only too glad to provide yoU with music and whatever ofso they Ito re quired ; and finally to get a oleo now pl. ano for my own dear Lillie: tam proud of you. - . .1 am proud of your talents; of your true, unselfish Christian character. I forgot to Ray to you yestorday that the Trustees have raised our salary to three thousand dollars. IVllllhatuupport us? I think 'so If wfkare oconothical.,' , Lefler 3.5 —Mardi 25, like.t. "I seerthat during my absence they have ruado me Vint President of the Iron City Mutual .Life Insurance Couipany. I have a $l,OOO policy In it tbr your bene fit. You see I want to make you ns corn tunable as &stn." During this: time of our courtship he claimed end exercised the right to , 0011-, tml my :actions. Letter No. 12 --Jan. *.a.o, 1869'. "1 am really sorry to give you the Trouble Of dissolving all Intercourse with Archie. lie Is proud and pendstent„ If 1 could do this for you 1 would, but I cannot_" . . Letter No. 7—Ja w. 1, Isla. "But you know I inn master now, and as such I have a few orders to issue." During our last interview, about the middle or February,-1870.• ho eipressed disploasnre because I had told my broth.' or, sister and mother afoot oogagokorit: On the evening preceding the festival the Doctor spent nearly two honrs with me, and Lie devotion to moivas express edam ardently as usual. I however re ceived a letter from him the next day, which hail been written previous to our interview on Monday evening, evident ly Implying a desire on his part to be re leased front his isontract.. The effect of this letter, however, was nullified by his conduct ou Monday evening, and also on the evening of the supper, on 'which evening lie escorted me Lome, dad spent at least an hour, with one—bitt conduit dor ofitibid r ini And an iiebintth s iiersi isaboima. nineteen Arra sapper, be Upraised to" into. ..n....nzawnatkiniiitherel be 711irriegi be usin n g o thelle rora lm1814. . '' . i 11,...Ume wad or woe, . swim, Ure.or die, survive or . parisk belong to Seth Ohm." , . And in his note of Itepesslittr 1 lt i e he eddnisses met 44 11 W Dia - AI .. . . the . . _ al !aid ilitos • ' .k ' November t iliS yet •I did Woe consider It broken diddle twortht Di; Clark tlatil near the close of February, 1870; when In letter No. 90, dated Yebrnarylli. /100, be addressed me an tbliows • . L Dear Friend— Th e pasiyeer my lilb has been fhll of lerear and to iliending my neck to the yoke of labor.' ./ have endeavored WIN along, feellngthat if no reward should be reaped from this sel fish world, tome remuneration• would bostijoyed in the hereafter.' For notelet tea yeses I- have beak:Whirled Meng mare by the exeltsment and • interest or work than by the stimulus of earthly. happiness. In the noniesdefikm ,of My nate" chiserfel and_ hopeful. :God did much for me; bat under the power of different circumstances' Mesa elements have largely faded away. -' • I cannot COMO does to human' hearts as I once did or Mel thatother beats are close to me. I am deeply impressed with the idea that- in all circles of society, mere convenience is • predominant mo tive in the relations established, and that self is the first thing consulted. 'Yon do as I wantyou to or I will have noth ing more to do with you,' Meuse to be kind of motto under which most men and women act. lam sick of the whole thing. No doubt there are specimens of unselnsh affection. but It strikes me th ae quite as' Ma t ce as foe in the eq ey uato r r. mandible con viction, but It snakes in my, mind in spite of all effort to put It away. I set up no claim far myself as unselnsh. My nature is like that of other human be ings, but I do feel that I have been more self denying than most people In the di roctkm of accommodating others at the roster my own ease. Ino longer attach the value to ; earthly, reistionships ss sources of oven moderato pleasure, that I once did. • I feel that. I wane no nee W' nearer me than the confines of simple friendship. I would lake to.. marry lafio If twee thoroughly convinced that v i ould really minister to thendwitege o my higher nature—that It would be a Means of anchoring my soul to •some earthly object, whim wiild, iu Its influ ence over my moral nature, tend to make it more pure and Godlike otherwise I would prefer to remain as ;, am, for the sake of the other no lass than myself. Unless I feel right on such a matter It would be a great wrong to enter into any alliance with any on God's earth. For months and months my, mind has been • quiet but fierce battle field. I have boon, as you know, in a dissaileti ski condition. In your presenbe'l 'have repeatedly called myself a fool; and' so I have been. I have acted t 'those. jade ment and common sense in many things. Ail that•l know of you gives pre a thin Ail of your moral excellency. but. I cannot butquietly doubt your at-. parity to furnish' the happiness which my soul 'craves: - An old tool is hard to cure. I know 'I am peculiar, but it is as impossible for MO to got away from my peculiarities as It would be to drink the Allegheny at :one draught. of your Christian clammier I have the highest opinion.. Your Christian' elm is high--nos fully eallsed, but .whose ever reached In this world t • • , 4, • My soul has been vexed within ink for months, but who cares? Whew; God's arm is extended to me I shall quietly, bear whatever comes; -but vain ls the hopo of man. • Woman is called man's help:meek b ut _ how often is she little more , than' a help This will no doubt atrlitp.t as the WWl:anima crazy man, en I am not sobertain that r atu precisely sane all the time. But I guess the court still knows itself. I sun resolved hereafter , to do. what Judgment and comeience dictate, and to cease obliging and disobliging the world so much. Swots:l . lo and satosarltie4 In Presbyte ry,. this 17th day or May, M7O. .1. W. WITMOISPOON. Clerk pro tem. Rev ? Mr. Collins, mused: Abe de-. fenseeeald: "I will itatethat wo admit the genuineness of the extracts from the letters, and will not offer any further tes timony. I beg leave now to present the itgaitiVerypcslin the — samenan ' nee and form as ttur paper presented ' ; by Wise Ilawkes, and In order that it may bo . done.' uosr, present the statement, and ask that It be road." Tho Moderator—l suppose It will be necessary to pursue the same course •as we did in thocsso of the statement made by the young lady. A member moved that the oath he ad ministered to Dr. Clark, witich was =t ried and the oath was adminiatored. Dr. Clark's. tatentent Mr. Witherspoon then read the state. men!, as follows, t ' To the Presbytery of Allegheny to wait 4 in the &mad 17.4! Chard*, Allegheny City, May 16,1670: In reference to ''the matter allegtal against nie upon yourlable, I respectful ly present, the Ibllolsing statement : 1. I admit that tiMre existed between Miss Lillie Ilawkei and niyitalf an un derstanding Involving a purpotit and promise Of marriage. ' • . - • • ' 11. , That , otter - much deliberation and mental agony, I asked her to release me Imw all obligation in the matter, feeling it my duty to decline the consummation of the marriage. 3. I present in Justification of my re fusal to proceed further in the matter a fear - with 'regard to the complete mental restoration which became so fixed upon my mind that I conic not remove it. I struggled against the power of this Impression until ot beni,w hose judgment I regarded as reliable, and more than my own, unconscious of the relation ex isting between Miss Hawke:sand myself gave expression to the same opinion In my hearing. I became thoroughly con vinced that there was on this account .a great risk in entering the marriage rela tion with her, and that in a Matter so solemn and important I would be doing a wrong and committing a grievous sin to proceed further. • ' It Is with the deepest regret, _and without any spirit. of malice or. resent ment, I fool constrained to mike this allusion to Miss Hawker, In Vey own vindication. lam not conscious of over Laving said anything derogatory to her moral or Christian character. 4. I - thereby - acknowledge my. iniprin. deuce and want of Judgment in entering Into any understanding with. Miss .14. in regard to Marriage with ber,itud I can only plead in extenuation of thiabohdect my impression at that time that -her mind had boon perfectly restored. • , The /Moro atatement Is humbly .sub- milted: in confidence Milt the. Presby tory will exorcise that jndaane ,tern-. pored with. mercy inculcated „b ttit. y the spirit of the Divine Mesta.' Respectfully submitted, ' ' ' " • • ' 'John DLADA. ANNOIINCEMENTX. Wo are authorized, 0 &immune iho names of the following piraoria as can dhiaton for the various of for which they are named. ThoPrfmary meetings will hoilield on Saturday May 2gth 1870. The Return Judges of the primary °ler Lions will Meet at the Court Rouse, in Beaver, at 1 p. m , or Tuesday 'May 31st. For Congers'. - ' WILLIA3f MENRY, of ralliton. • MICHAEL WEYAND, of Dearer. For Assembly., DR. WILLIAM-C. DR. T. J. 'CIIIINDLER. or 4c4Alost t li. For Proihopoisir,r. JOHN UAUGHRY, grin:aver, For. Conalealomer. JAMES SMITH. of Itseoxm TR. GEO. K. SHANNON, of Hopewell TR SAMUEL N.E h ieN. of Gremlin Tp. , • ; SAMUEL 111 CE; of lianotrer Tp. W:SHROA °Moon Tp. For Jury Comiolosiower. lICOII ANDERSON. of Heaver. WILLIAM B_ARNES,.of Bridgewater. JAR, WARNOCK, of North Sowtekloy. .Poor nOlllllO Direetor. GILBERT PENN. Iloolueter,„ HIRAM REED, otNow Brighton. SAMUEL' APMANAMT, of Economy • Auditor, J. H. CIIMSTY, *Mammon To. , ISAAC San% of H elf Tp. ; JAMFS W. JOHNSON; of Moon Tp. Trusters of Armless,. 1. MATTISON DARRAOII, of Bridgewa ter. Rev. B. CRICRLOW. of New Brigtdou. debited anew sir ' " and at th e Same mornent, with I *l ffsear4t n dt &Power . fe11144 40** •MN", Vta r* ith • Canti .fte ideces.• kr. .B.:#tappepi to strike • ii, wherealii lie was tripped down tw-Fisher; and b=ta mi t likikiiiiiii. 'lite '' : * • eons attending > the ' ' . ' '' $ around, 1010littre severs :.. . escorted to their le- BP.ecilVe , ceis, Thisencounter gtew out lathe . feud between these gen tlemen, . : , 4,1,0 IH ffie since din connection Witiaffie John IL &wilt trial. bed tgailbeeqiiiini &upbeat of Irt g ra 4c•iir Win . IA L' CoUrts by Ttr, the she= higq_ , al td94j ,Filift Or hitit]tist . edits 'MOW' , Atturneyjwilgntsijettbut a shOrt time since tifte - fafforkatit jus tice of the Suprinne Court of the Ills ' trict of. Columbia ; and It Is andpr- A n stood' that "Mr. Bradley -lieen waiting tido change in his po sition to avow himself of - ed wrongs Igoe him by .4 er in his disbarkent. - ' '''' ' '' 1 It is difficaltto surmise leff [station on thetas:4Am r- Illa Will end) -, The - fore the yesterday, a ilveLy time ensued. Gen. Bu ller: - "sued a proposition that it be ' , that When the :bill should be .4tpor,d, • the . lioreviitus question bee "be • "tliev'ed, debate cut off, and only peemission givett to the Demoreele members of the Com mittee. to - IMO amendments,, IL i g won. This course is intended to li9Xenttlat hiusteldoofAhe fiu- • don 'reeeivl " cisisidendati. ‘ illte way thlngsapliettr now the °emits muddle is by do means near its end. Yesterday the Naval aplitropriation bill Wsftts4ugplAtuSdi lit'Jta, hate Mr. date ten the Nevi De partment against the charges of .ex travagance, whereupon Mr. Morgan of Ohio stated that the pay of Naval officers had been Illegally increased 88; per centovhile no more than one hot of lim 'Neval.Officers were, , ao- Wellrentriloied ; And that tint,eitiat ing of Admiral and vice Admiral was subversive of Itenublicim institutions. ' TlRAttelltion 9 1 % 14 0 InciPPn Pi 09 0- . aim Ferry to itrike outln the bill.to enforce the fifteenth amendment that part of Mr. Stewarts amendment; af fecting persons holding office In vio lation of the fourteenth amendment, called up the question of general ton nesty. and an exciting debate follow lowed. It was soon ascertained that the Southern Senators generally , are as favorable to granting genend am nesty-,itathey were universal suffrage. The Begpblicaniiktuatore and Mem- tent held a COMM in the Hill or the House of Representatives Monday night and agreed ,on appointing a Congrmnpaign ,Cfartirnittee motet" remtuutrumgresstenat election. It was moved that each of the State delegations designate some member for the campaign committee to be reported at the next • meeting. Prominent Republican), here are ful ly aft= thatthe Party shonlil Zlitci early organize and agree on some de finite plan of action. i The labor and anti-land grant awm - viations are now ready to join•their strength with the party which 'Offers the greater induce ments... i • • • • ' • f The thousands of Mainiedand'dli abled soldiers, their widows, orphans and friends,lri fact, all the people of this now happy country, heirs of the peace and prosperity ,purchased • by the sacrifices and wounds °Niles° he rods, cannot fall to be interested' in' the debate 'which occurred in the House the other day upon the bill submitted to the Committee:on InVal- Id Pensions,proterihinglit4lnatuterbf paying penslints, the .Idle bill tilde% was brought Ihrwarti by the Coin mlttee last December, but was laid over on account of objections brought forward by Judge Lawrence, of Ohio. lie objected to the whole system .of paying pensions, as cumbrous expen sive, 'and unjust to pensioners; the bill proposed, being but w veryslight improvement upon existing latirs. Ile thought the present system should be abolished with all its' machinety and ties, thustraving the Government annually $269,060, and relieving the: pensioners of all the burdens of fcs a to agents, making out vouchers, de lays of correspondence, &c. ; and ack. vocitted`the inying'of the'pension by the Assistant Assessors er CAtlketers who an: accessible to every pensioner. Ile said "I'ensaters nee the only per-. song 'Of Wflutri ilWeinittelit exacts fees to get their dues. In the n a me °Quitlce, maa piiiiit.i.us A bolis t h all fees and ails now exacted of these pensioners ? ", In consequence of these objection.S, the bill, when it reappeared last week was sfigitily improved. It proposed quarterly, .10stead trfl semimmmai paym ents o f , pensiotis," and that the fee to the melon agent fbr preparing the vouchers shall be paid by the Government Instead of the pensioner. But, as Judge Lawrence showed, the system is cumbrous and expensive to the.pensionei+, besides involving • the., tinVertiment in the' eiliendltare l or te250,090 1 .fqr • agentined, $:*0,006 more in fees; allowing them, on tut average, :the enormous whey of tl'li.; 169, and still leaving the pensioner to I pay very year -10 cents to local otH• errs, for verifying each voucher, ma-. king an Minuet Aggregate of 4388,800,' which with postage and other e:xpen-, set; as Judge Lawrence estithated,s will soon ;reattitit hesuni of 0up4900 nually. The till introduced by him mine time since, he stated 'remedies that "by bringing to the doer of each: pensioner an aka' who shall prepare the proper vouchers, administer the oath, deliver a check for the amount of the pensloit, and all without any expense to the pensioner." I Mr. Ilan&11, of Pa., Mr. Cobb, of 111., General Butler, and others' urg ed the saute otdections to the bill of the CkintraMee, and proposed plans for removing; them. 'The plait.'dit Geri. Butler, advocated by him,very earnestly in a ten minutes speech, 11,y, Itjubsltuted:_tha Post coantty"tistentsitbe act iii; pei rbsirmin lo n M eats. of the,Com trdonliZ add )tloii of 11: thew the - neiooslty lent ofsoo additional 'isOnoe, to which 'NI, "any body Muter mid; "any not at ft, Ida were in bill palm! as repiti, 431tibei,' It Is ,to'be . 144 that it iney'lie-tunended by the Simati In tweerdellii with Imo of the plans premed In the House. At all events the pensioners and iheie Mends throughout the . a:entry =and non e will bo Willing to be eu chided' /from this category--}eve ' el* tube grateful - firr the etibrts of Judi n t i rrimce, lir►imd others Who - 4 0 411 'nistly. though "for the t in vain. to sense Justice to the pen sioner. and economy for the Clovern 7 meat. - - The ( 114 — 3101110111.. and °Rice halt,' re. ceiVed- Akin= showing that doting the'month of Aprli lest, UM* firm died arid sixty eight . armsliiiibrac jug 85,202 ems wine* added ,to, the , productive area of the state of wider the , operation of the homestedd _Also, In receipt of returnslrom lanai:dices showing a disposal Aiming the post month of 36,289 acres of the public lands. Rules and liegulations [or the G aaaaa :neat orthe Republiesh Primary Meetings: Summit 1. Candidates for the various offices shall be nominated by a direct vote et the Republican party by ballot. Sao. 2. All who claim to be, and are recognized as members of the Republi can tarty, legally entitled to vote at the ensuing VOctober election, and residents of the election district where they _pro pose to voteat_the time of the primary election, end minors who are Identified with thelparty, and Who will. be of Mil age et the pelt ensuing election, shall be entitled to vote • for candidates, for the various oboes to be filled at such elec tion. r- Sec. 8. Candidates for the respective offtoeethall aunouncsthemselves as such MAO least one +minty paper, .for two walks belbre the primary election, and thereby pledge themselves to abide the result of the nomination. . Sr.c. 4. The primary election fur nom inating candidates shall bo held at the usual place of holdingprimary meetings In each district on the last Saturday in May in each year, and shall ho opened at 2o clock p. In,, and close In the town ships at 7 o'clock p. tn. and in the bor oughs at 8 o'clock p. tn. - Sac. 5. The Republican electors pres ent at the time for opening the election, rjtuedlgeectt vice voce io one. osocretetto: Clerks to amid said eleotion,and discharge the duties incumbent on such racers under these regulations, said clerks to keep a correct list of the names of. the I persons voting. Sac. 6. The electeri- of each district Shell also, at the same time •and..place, elect by ballot, as aforesaid, ono person as a rnemberof the County Committee the ensuing year for every Re or free- Ron ofloo Republican votes cast at the last preceding election for Governor. Sac. 7. After the polls are closed the officers of , the. election shall correctly count the votes cast for each candidate and for the member or members of the Co. Coro., and shall duly certify the same over their signatures, and such certifi cates, together with the lista voters and tally papers, also certified by the officers, shall be carefully sealed in an envelope addressed to the Chairman of the Repub.' limn Co.' Corn.. which envelope shall thekbe delivered before 8 o'clock a. m. on the,Tuesday following such election, by the Judge or one of the Clerks afore said, to the person who has been elected a member of the Co. tom., or either of them, where there are more than ono in the sante district. In case the member of the County Committee elect is unable to discharge Stec. 8. The Members elect of the Co. Com. shall assemble at the Court Howse in Beaver on the Tuesday following said election,' at 1 o'clock p. m., and shall or ganize by the election of ono of their number as President anti two as Secre taries, and when so organized the mem bers elect shall deliver to the President the returns of tho decd.:m*lo the sever al districts In the same cOndition as ro colved from the eleattop plikiera as afore- Riad, which returnee° delirdediball be petted and the votes fdr. thy el:spec:tire ciuulidates eorrectit counted, and the person reeeivherlhalargoit :number of votes shall ho dit:clared the nominee, and thevommittee shall also caustithe pub. ilealon of the cupplates nainination to borriade in the party papers:of the coon- Stn, i Ady ityob - r mere peraona hay itig..an—expild neither, of vptis for. the same ollko shalt* P,r by the COunty roinnditeo;spd Bid person re wiring the highent• number of votes shall be the nominee:- , . Sze. 10. .4 Majority of the Coiinty Oconinitteo on being itatisfled of fraud in the returns or othersalso, of tiny election district. may vejed tho voter of such district to tho extent of tho fraud coin initteil--;and, in case it shall appear to tho satisfaction of a majority of the fitembers of the County Committee aforesaid that such frauds - were procur ed, aided or abetted, or counived at by a candidate.* the .thiLtro' Vote Of - anch ab illet cast for the candidate thug procur ing, aiding or conniving at such fraud shall be rejected iu tho count of votes. tlar: It . Theperson haying the-high est number of votes for any office, in the election of which this county may be connected with any other, shall have the right to appoint tho conferees. Six. 12. Immediately after declaring nominees for the ensuing eloction—Jhe members of the County Committee shall proceed to permanently organize by electing one of their members as Chair man and one as Secretary, and the ap pointment of seven of their number as an Executive C ittee, for . the ensu ing year. Sze. 13. The delegates to all Nation al.wtt•State.con weidoosaludl be elected by the Conut.v'Vtito tittle°, Lat. it shall be the duty of the Chairman of said Coin mince to call meetings for that pur pose. Ity order of Co. Coin. .1. It. JlAun. tt , Sce.Y. County (annuls tee Tho.vorienkl , db4tric4.o wlli•tiuxorn•Com initteenumvai(loll.lWit ; Itlg linter - • o Indortry, • 1 Beater borough I• Newton 1 Borough towneldis 1 McGuire I Ibligewaterborongh..4• Boom -I Brighton townehip ....I • N. Brighton. (N. W.):.1 Baden Borough._ .. ... 1! do (idlttd to W.).1 Bearer Full. borough.. 3 do (S. W.) 1 chlppews liNew Sewickley ' 1 o' North Srwtekley Darlington ' 1 Economy 10wn51i.V.,..); Nom Gulden borough,.l Fannon - I Ohio' . 1 Franklin,. „ . ~... —I, eatterenti Freodonfdildrlk.......l4FkllllpahME I I Freedom botouoh 1 Pularki Frankfort dlairekt..,„„„l Illimasoy... •• I Greene Inamind ' Rachnoterboroegir, , .....o Georgetown bomugh..l I Koehn. ter township...A 1 Drm0rtr.:....... 1 ....1iti0nth Bearer ~3 lloOeire 1. ~.1 .. ..... 1 St. Claw borough • I ludtmmulenee " 1 I-That Is 'rather an unpleasant monomania of a once respectable merchant of Louisville, who has an irrekiitiNe lijission'fbr wStehing pie 411116 they Sleep: lit enter pet). ple's houses In the night• time, and stands by the bedside of a sleeper for 'hours at a time, without moving or disturbing anything. Ile is. mew , slonally arrested for a burglar, just as a gauge we presume; but has been as invariably discharged as a "harmless person," untill The other day, when he was held in five hun dred dollars to behave himself for a year. Possibly so much watchful ness might be utilized in some of our hospitals, where nurses who watch for the love of it are never in exems. —On Wednesday last, the bodyof Irastilep, a German,about years of age, was found in the Cem etery of Massillon, 0., pierced with. two bullets. One shot entered the head just over the right eye; the oth er- through the breast. A re vo ver was clutched tightly In The left hand , when the body was found. The evidence produced at_the Coron er's inquest goes to show that the deceased luul of late Beau suffering from a slight aberaticn of the mind - . Suicidal death was the .verdict ren dered by the Cbronq's Jury. race between : ttat.-...2 1 0eht Sappho ItlidifietEalfto YaShlo o3- brio was wow by tixOnnaeili The London lintesthiabikl do tails: Both ya4t e Iffire " for a long that.Twee= was winner for th~.Usisty-as I at the race, which was a boat to wind ward and wiletbate - &the Sappho un der Boneburda CUM Between there and St. Odharineet she ticked to whalw l 4 of her reurteee On leer I ns to the =trx nemw, completing the first aide of the triangle. The - Sap. pho Ames het felletetiellgtit of fete gellAcki gait on tbe doubling the mark forty seconds ahead. Here the intiliveCisxtbetace ended. The mark steamer had to take the 'Cambria in: low, us she. drifted with the tide. A good breeze' Cad ibr . the' Ant score miles. struggle arr the weather position occasibmil considerable excitement. A dense fog prevailed during the greater part of the time. The jopenato concede the victory of the Sappho, bufthe reports of the press aseodation awards the race to the Quarte t on the ground that the Sappho is obliged to allow timo for the difthrenee of size, to the amount of five seconds per ton by Acker's gado of measurement. —A lady was recently walking, accompanied by her nurse and hto children, near lit. Louts, when one of the latter was missed for a few moments. On being called he an swered from a little distance, "Here I am, mamma, behind the stum. I'm - playing with a big beautifu p l worm. I've got a chip, and it opens its mouth ever so wide when I touch its teeth with the chip." Anxious to see the character of the child's play mate, the two woman went to the. spot, when, behold! they saw a rat- - titsnake two 'feet long coiled against the but of the stump, and the child thrusting the chip. against the butt Thcsnake appeared passive, not even giving the usual warning with its rattles. It is needle ss , perhaps, to say that the mother was frightened beyond the power of motion. The nurse quickly removed theehild, and one of the hands dispatched the dan gerous.playmate. • OREL. —A committee of seven, 'headed by the Presidents of the Boards of Al demon and Councilmen, is to go to Washington to urge talon Congress the Importance of immediately up peoiarlating a sirtficieut sum of mon; ey for the enlargement of the Louis • villa canal, so that river steamers 79 feet wide may be enabled to pass through It by the Ist of November of this year. We hope this committee will discountenance any alternative proposition looking to the organiza tion ofa private.corponition to run the canal on any terms, and that it will insist on Con aceepUng the I canal by joint molution immediate ly, under the terms proposed before the war. This will insun3 an early reduction in tolls.—tin. Gazelle. . New Advertisements. = By virtue ad sundry writs of Vendttion I M pones, Pled Facies and Leval Facia., issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of the roomy ur fkairer, audio me directed, there will be tapas ,n to piddle sale, at the Court Douse lit the Dor °ugh of Dearer. barer county. Pa., au Saturday, June 11th, ISIV, at len o'clock, a. m., the bil lowing property, to wit: All right, title, Interest and claim of defendant of. in, and to ttefollowingpropedy In Utuo tp., dearer county, Pa.., bounueu and described as lowa : Otto the cast by Land f Or. J. W. Palmer, Ben). Little, Henry C. Chase and ahem, on the nordiweat by land of I 1 1. Lank, on the nokh by the he of lieu. Dawson, deceased, on the south by the Amber till Co., contalklng 2 acres, mare or less, on which there are two oil wells, bored and producing, one steam engine, sledded to operate both welts two derricks, and two tanks. Both wells tubed and in good order. Seised and taken in execution as the property of John Yet arty at the snit of the PIM National Iku.k W Welisrule. ALSO, ; NU. 2. At the same time and place all the tight, title, Interest and claim of der tidlint, of, In and to the luilowing foto( groom! to Ulaar,ow Dorongh, Das. ver county, Pa.; hounded as follows: North by =alley, east by Y. S. Quay, south by Vivid or Water street, wed by outer properlyordefendant. in, wtile.h is erected a larze stable, sun:Meat to hold WI horses. Seized and taken In exeeut ion as tilt property ul C. W. WU at the anti or Jame.. Schott. A taut Nth Moe, r. eel and claim of defendant of. In, and to a frame dwelling bowie located on lot No. 4 In Daniel llerusru'r eziouvon w plan of lots la the Borough of Dearer Palls, which said lot is bounded as Sul. Iowa: Un the north by lot No. 11, on the eat by Cedar alley, south by lot No. 5, and on the weal by North Bearer ttecL Racing a fruot of 40 feet on .North Beaver street, mot exteudimf bad: there. from, feet to Cedar alley. Said dwelltng has a trout orgy wet out North Beaver a4.r..et nod la two 'nursed to,:11, hod extetooi hack 101 fmt, with sing elill•nsi011 01 solar betght Q/LIIICCiCa titer, IA ICI II by It teet, whin a volley or porch une story to iltnlnt. Belted snit taken In execution a. tote propwty of IV. Anderson. at the rent of Sinloll Harrold. • Nu. 4. At the game lime and place will lc exposed to rale all the tight,lTile, ihtere4 and claim of Bluth. , leudant el, lat and to, two certain prreeia or lute of (truand numberA9:l4 and 1177,m too Economy plan ot lute In the borough of Beaver Falb., Beaver founty, Fa., tottether: bounded ou the north by lot No. 015: on the cast by Thomas •treet: on the eolith by Harmony .street, and on the meet by Moines alley: each' Inning a front of 4t feet ou raid Thomas itreintittld extending hack therefrom /euPotngut k "tlyntil Wadi Le erected a two story Mama dlaldttuty bonne:Pt by :Al fret. with two story kitchen attached lii feet to Width and tit bait In depth. ,el.e.tl au I gal.. luesccutwn a, Inc proper[ y of Thomas 11,0 e, at the .list of Jacob "Lurid and Juhatlmu trualece, A lgiU NU. S. AL the same time and place, all right, title, In. freest and claim of deleudant of, In and to a two Story !tame dwelling bodge, haring a front of V. feet on Beaver street and a depth of :X feet, with a kitchen one story high, and about lira 1 feet, With porch vermola along entire front, main bantl ing conLinhug three roman and hall on each story, andeittnate on lot No. 111 in Economy pled of lute In Beaver Fade, Delmer county, Pa. Sold lot be. Ing4:l feet front on Denver street and extending hack 115 feet to Cedar alley, bounded north by lot No. leer, mat by Cedar alley, south by lot .o Lid, and went by Deaver street. Seized and Liken in execution as. the property of goleph Brim, owner, and 'f eeplmi ti Bre., con tracture, at the snit of Waddle, Wthoti ,t Cu. NU. ti. At the seine time and place, all right, title, later le t and claim of defendant of, In and to the follow. og nroPertY, to wit: Lot .No. 14 In Um general plan of luta to the butougu of Freedom, Ikaver county, bounded as fullate. Beginning at the modern cornet...n(lot No. 13 on Main street, thence alongtMaltiatreet tat feet to the northern Cotner of tut No. 11, BO feet to Wolf alley, *hence down said alley GO feet to the youth corner of tut No. 13, thenee a bug the Bacot lot No. Cl BM feet to 310111 etrect, the place of begiumug. there le erected a tun story frame dwelling house, frame et:alb:and outbuildiug.. Lot eneloeed and planted WWI Unit tree,. belzell and gal:A:6'W ezzeutiouaa the property 0( I.4Ae IllacK et thesult of Muriel a: Lesit, al,o at the mut of S?kinlon ALSO, No. 7. •. . At the ratio lone tool place will Ise exp....led:to rale all the right, title, intere,t and claim of 00 (umlaut of, to and to. all that cc/ Lulu fUrCti lir tot ul ground outubefed it/ the Economy plan of lute in Waver Falk borough, Beaver rouely, Pa., bohrided on the north by Ilenryerre, eke by lk•uver ereet, eolith by lot No. Ige, and re by heron' alley; Whig 43 feet In width on Bahl Beav er erect um extruding hack Obeli:from 14,3 tee to Leaver alley; upon wench ir erected II two Plory /fame dwell/yd. hump (routing is feet uu Minty erect and ext.:lA/mg back at good out B , lzeo nod otheu In execution os llio property of John Elio . n once, nt, the volt of !Simon thyroid. ALSO, N tI. 8. stl [newton Wad lad plsce all rignt, title, inter • ant tn! clams of defendant of, In and to the follow ing dearnbed property situate its [lto borough or. Beater Falls, I:Lover county, Pd., bring lots NO, 1327 and la the Economy plan or lots in said D..tnngls, adjoining tatCh'uthet and together bound ed uu the north by lot No. Mr, on the tart by Beaver alley, uu the south by Lienry dtract, and On tbu nest bgllr4toott tmut, each of said iota 100 fug a hoist ur 43 feet On Ilrlghtuu street, and extuoung hack then:trout 115 feet to Ileac er alley. Improvements a large Game dry hostile used fur drying brick, 50.cin wet, one story high, with en gine Imam, Y stories bun, ;bunt lava) lea. Seised and talrch in ass:Cutlets as Om Reoporld - of John klacattsaur at the evio(simes ALSUI.: •I " I /ALE V. • , At the .ante thou and lilac., all right. title, later. eet and rialto of dela:Want of, lu and to the follow lot; property, to wit: One unglue and boiler, ono tank, GS feet of tubing, hull wheels, out walk - hie bakui...trAldue...teuiptY *crew, nazor run, 1 .51 ofJ-ur, 1 sinker bar, rope socket, lau legit t.l board., one lot of groteul txutalutu,, , !,; of au ACM more or letv, bounded north by - Zoorovillo Oil Co. tract, au the cast autl south by Crescenj Oil CO., nod ou the weer by well, ?mown m Mast% Oil CO, • Seized and taken In execution as the property of Ina ‘Veltaburxh Petro!num Votupany at theenit of IV 11. 11.1rsey. . . ALSO. No. le. At the eusini time and plaee . expu.ed to &ale ntl the right, title, iiit.irt.44 and Ito or the defendant or, In and tu, lot XIS ht the Ecouo niy plas of borough, Beater County, bounded north by tot Nu. t , test by 'faun street, hoods by lot Nu. ti.l7. and west by Tank al• ley; fronting 4:1 feet ou 'lank &levet and extruding back 191, Wet tol'ank,rd ley; on attach there le ecected , lir+ , trfte dike:hint lipase:with cellar 'Aftermath. and out buildings. Lot eIICIM. ed and planted with fruit trees. The nod taken In and as the pperty of Thema W. Anderson, and John hi'gner et the colt of Ilenriel and Lenz, trustees, de ALSO, NO. 11. At the saws nine and place all right. title, Inter est and claim of defendant of, In and to the fol lowing dis.tibed building and lot of ground of John Berko, to wit : A two atory frame hove. fronting V.. feet on Bridge street and extending back 34 feet, with cellar underneath, two mows, hall and stairway on the first Mot, and Iwo room& preond door, and erected on lot No. 9 ha Hemp hill's plan of lots In the txdongh of Brulgewater. Beaver county, Pa., and described as follow.: Be ginning on Bridge street, thence by lot No. it, 131 feet to Locust alley, thence by !Me, WI feet to the Cornerof lot No.lo, then 135 /33feet to street, thence by same 50 feet to corner 01 lot No. 8, the place of beginning. Melded and taken to execution 'as the property of John Becks at the salt of Davidson A too. JOHN LUILBING, hiheff. titters (Ake. Beaver, Ps., May 14, 18A—Xt. '.: ADDRESS 'MIME INEZ Nerve= sad Debilita wIPIAIIIPPRIM: Azgg puonacrm MOM MDR, CAUMI. AND , WllloBg CABER REQUIUE PROMPT TREATMENT. f 1•11 7b llentkr Eristeace desirable. If yea are sufering„ or hare isfAsed from laud- astray dhebargh>•s wkst abet Ii produces:ion your general health!. Do you fret Steak, debilitated, easily tired? Due a Utile extra exertion produce palpitellos of the heart! Does yew-liver at art nary orgme, or yourkidneys, hequentlyget out at order I Is your arise sometimes thick, milky or doctr, of to It ropy on setting? Or does a thick scam rise to the top? Or Is there a sediment at the bottom after It his stood awhile? Do you hare spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated? Do you bare spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your memory impaired? Is your mind opulently dwel ling upon this anbyecV Do you feel dull. asthma, moping, tired of company, of lite? Do you wlah to be lett aloneAo get away froureverybodj? Does any little Wag make you start or jump? ° ls you sleep broken or restless? In the Mere or your eye as brilliant? The bloom on year cheek as bright? Do pm enjoy yourself in society es well? Do you pursue your bulaess with the same awry? Do you feel as much confidence in yourself I Are your spirits dull and Awing, glees to Its of met ancholy? If so, do not lay It to your Um or dye. pepsia. Liam lon restless nights? Your beck weak, your knees weak, and have but little appe tite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver. complaint ? Now. reader, self-abum, 'enema dlaemek badly cured, and sexual enemies, are all capable of pro- clueing awe loseas of the generative organs. The organs of generative, when In perfect health, make the man. bid you ever think that than bold, de fiant, energetic, persevering, stuctnifnl business men are always those whose generative organs me in perfect bcaltkt, You never hey such men com plain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of pal pitation of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed In baldness ; They don't become sad and , discouria . ted ; they are always pollta and pleasant in the company of ladles, and look you and them right in the face—none of your down east look's or a-y other meanness about that% I do not . mean 'those who keep the organ' Inflated by running to excess. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also those they do Mull nem with or for. flow manyf Men, from badly cored disease., from the effects of self-shoe and excesses, hare brought about that state of waskatas in More or gins that has redacted the general eyefuls so much as to lull ace almost every other form of disease-- idiocy, lunacy, paralysis. spinal affectkma, suicide and almost army other form of disease which hu manity le bar to—and the real Mute of the trou ble scarcely ever suspected. and have doctored fur all but the right one. . =I QUIRE TILE USE OF A DIURETIC HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT 1B TT C=l Et 117 Ii the great diuretic, and ic a certain cure for diseases of tlu. lUaddcr, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Wunk nem, Ir male Complains General Deblll4, . And all illiscaati of the Urinary Orono whether;ciisting in tunic or remalr, froai whativer cuttse origin ting, and no met ter of how ping standing. If no; koluinclitsis..kninatit4 t!!, .:yn • ruitinn;nr_ .• finshn;l I;inodnrningoiilier I limn these sources, and the bean andlnrripiness and that of posterity Jrj cndv upon prompt use at a rvliable reaut,ly EXTRAC BUCIIL. Tea- tablisluil upward or 19 years preparytl by 11. T. 1119L.314104/.1). DRUGGIST,; 594 Broadway i New Xprli f and 104 South 10th' Street. Phila'd., Pa PRICE-41.25 per Ixlttle;oe 6 bottles for 46.50, delivered loony siddr'ess. Sold by ail Druggist 4 .Ereryuldere 1, • None are genuine unless done up in stee migrant! wrapper, with fajaitnilio ohny Chemical wmehouse, 11. T. ll=,fAti4:sl.D.- snaylB;ly. FALL - VITON Foundry 6c R e pair Shr Mao alearid !It 811 ° l 'Plmer ash% far oats gra WA, 7e l2l .—darlar aykk Ua. lora iseasurlerat a rarkar at agefrl p0u".... Mar ematalellatar Odeear lalitar, put.. foclimpismaseme o• • , • COOKING - STOVES haring Vionsum, toted pormanitt, I warranted la OfhTlig yeti a Pablid 3P' , 'Ms - SWEAT WILIITEIRIV by „ eh parlor for Ws Local'''. STOVES I Moroi of Difereot fityka for Item A. 4 The Great &laic Coottaigm Inn Om bent if,cc oed of any ntor• me, • this market IT TAKES LESS FUEL LESS ROOM TO Do Nolo; vat BEST BAKER, MOST EIUItABLE ALTOUETHEI: THE BEST SToVE IN Chi, In connection with the stme 1 km ( , ; Up P. Pakiit v.x.'rvaysioN Top, which occupies little room, no ,41, 44 fuel, midis not liable to weir wt, diva sea with all pipe, can be put on (4 4,, otr at any time, and made to mitt all vr,,, of auy size or pattern. I• lvo Iluzittrod Who Iwo purchased Arid und GREAT REPUBLIC 'COOKING MR Most. or whose names hate Lcln I , O)rA etl in the A mutt, are contidt ntly attn. : to, to bear witness of its ~aja nor as a cooking stove. , Illeteg three hest thee cork,. WI Lr e about Mean breve power ealudty, tbei are a;-- to the public at r—eonable rat. I oIIN T1(0101121 apLifflm Mercantile Appraisment 1.1a7 of Umbers In G wain. Wares al Merekaaillae Ia like Comity of BMW for tie year 1870. Mut, !WAVIER ISOCO. Simon Sultan. Azariali Wynu James Moore • J. IL Clark. John Hiirclay Jam. Allison Orr A Cooper I. N. Allan. Hobert. Tallun Monty Mora J.!! Bence De Canna & Boyd Small A Atkins Thomas Allison lingo Midas-seen, John Mooro F. U. Past J. U. Purvis 1111t1POLIVATEIL T. 0. Morgan J. M. Harbour B. Multrelm DIZIC.I Mllkr L. P. Wellman A. C. Bona Wm. Held, D. 8. Hanger Wen. Baru. J.S. Dickey • • A. Brehm J U. Doherty Barr. Brown 1. Hanauer M. A S. 11. Darragh Styles A. Jarens AOCULI , TIM 21000. ICJ V abor,... leW ' Sl . re 7 101.11 Wilde John Conway 111 VALL.T.N W U Johnson 11,J Doul.o. E McCabe It Uourau J Delllnger A. Co 11 room 01 IT S It Campbell II Wm Ilarrab Pery Brown 14 Baler lkn) Pfeifer 11 Wash J. G. Nelblg 11 marior D Anghentiaogh 11 W W Kea Mir AICIAIWeI 13 W J oho. Karcher I liJoho N sr ad Andmw Dalg 11 John It 1 . 1.1.) Jobn Lluenbrink .111 n Moran Loots Stelorleld - 1311) E 1W 1P Johnson 114 Iletclee Cued Darragh 111..1un0 Blain S J Cross CO rr A SHrersuati I I , Jactit. Brit terotem JllSpDeyCoMu efer A Sons O NE. kl.rl r.Kua J W Ilaulana a• .1 ran. Lluiries boner 11 P II Jacob Dcltrich 11 soaru•ccu cur r? - . John Sharp I=A II M..thlelal ' Henry 1..0pp II h. Ia...TT Charki hehninp, 11,11 J 1.:..,,r 14 C llsnnen I l'J C Evan• ~ John Camp II It,.h.rt l'ort.r Lords :Winfield 11 s",“ A 1:. , Nye & Marshall 11 J 11.1..hi.i.,, %.Bnechling 117 .." Ilitl-“o II B &Ape! lI,J, Pietro, 141118 mill, .t l'o 11 A Bunter .. J M MeCutcheon 11 .1 11 IVither.poon Wm Carey II J C Chsnmol .1 D Miller lll.m 1N.0r. , E'Z Kills IfMn..l II K rr :, I,leo Frederick 11 J C 1 , 41 S T Neal 11 It ti Cow. • %KW ERKIIITON 110141. 'Fre..lnan l',.:1:. '• A 11 (1111Iland 11'W F l'al 1, J 13 Merger 14 A F 11 .*1 (leo Braun ll' . 1v. ,- ,rar J LI Anderson larJolinJ3(stl.. r. Jas Wilson ll'Aber a. 11.,1 Jahn aihson 14!Jacoh lin.: ' F Leppell 14:Jsekpon. ,haffrr 1 ~:' Winter A; Bedison II! lia, Or A DettWlCk 13 J .t T 1c..,:: :, NI N Miller li J U Warrick felillr/t !Winfield 11 Michael llr.r.i 1 ' John Boswell It John Boyd n John Corba. fall NI Kviu v. .1 S WIPX/1.4 11 ! Jolin .1 .. k.... ' Wm Kennelly 9 Abe:A B e,I C I' Me3er.t Co 1: F rt Mud Duff J: Thonipron ~...I i A T A luo. 11 II Edgar --• :o rlt ,t,r.,j:l Erun high II ‘1.1,./I.l‘l .t. Irn in J II Stot,... li .I,.i.it A C,,e1.., It II ?III:. II 0tt.,.•1. Tr Roberto 4; S‘colt 14 Charles l'Aill..nu J F Priv, 1.1411 11,111 a , ~ cha.h.,, c,,,,h, 11,Th:11111c A i u Thus slogan 141)4313 1/31/1-.1 M llclAtighlln 11 J It Tod.' tt A J SuSllchl/0,/: 13'.1 .14'1'..rrss I 11/ M IVs.ldell J Co 11'.13 , 3,. hu/1313 LI. Wiper 11 Wm 1:111..t1 I Jo. 111itrbell ill ut.:o. I 0 , Boni. A S. kk 13'.4. 11orr,.r/ J•... I/ F Sietscut lI'J II Wihos _ II I/ Vella;, lOW 11 Fn. r A lunao, II; 4331,,0‘ Isgr./m. 31/11, .1. 1 . 0 13 Jarse• Scott W II 31cllunaId 11111 11311 11111er A llortlcr 131 W Spring/ r 1.11 N Obit' & 1 . 0 I I J ii.g rr. , I ial••• It I. fivush, II It Mr. ~.,,,, Ililip 11ar13141 1J Issvph 11/01. F L.niJnerkrt 14 Will 13..0. Ito Gin-. 13 (.' I' 51' K. , 3' J Taylor 11 Hort% .11 rat: Geo 8443 plums. 14 Calve/ I .1. P.Stos -411U7 ..s., A'alreit navalraw.l, a.... Jos. Dinuer II C P Kw. t.,.r C 1 Itoth IP,Y 4 bole., E smith I ;lAlllllOll3' KIIII t (3 MI Stewart II Irss Os-t.ar 1)11 lluokel a Co VS , 11A101 ,, , rr J P gleam .t LAW C 11, Hu, .1 K Crawford , 131,1 P 11,_o• Venders ol Patent 'Sedition. 111 . 1,551.1 SOCO. 'Todd 4. l'a:101, . John Itoure lingo Aodrieseen M=3=l . , . li Smith.!..' II I. k,n3h llatues d Lim 41 111,S11 rr RIXIIZATCII. i./ II Warn, k 8 C Houma I; illushall A 11.13 W Rambling 4,1 A iNgley II S Moberg 3 1.,A411.1• , , ,,, 'a ZAWII taus. IW VU& ' A E Angler • :1, rat won r,.a. Watson A Wilson r.ir I. Coops Drawer.. , • amp...rains.l 1:6/1".1t ftl, Conrad Weligerber 9 Jas Anolerton HOCIIESTER. IV LiVtimitt plilleb Kline 10 1 Illinard Saloon and Hawn.. .W' C .1 Parker I tables SCO 00 I J Robison iallevo to' Dlseltioni. incl.... / 1 Jatw F /Welk, Real Rotate Broker. . . snort nw. Wm4ll3rrl..ott aiu ei St elitun,lVlolll.6l) 00 ',Kw . •11.1. II 'T d J Hr. ca, 3)00 Juke lir.). W Taylor 3J (U Bill Broken. BLAVZII. 60U0 . : tiLAVIII:1 ,11, Thatusell'erearyl3:loo E.-onetto , e 1,1,. as.RII/iIIITUS 111.(111,t, PIM 11 E 1 11 llunpe 33 00 1 • Exehauge Broker. DEAVERB.A% ea FALL* Tb0.. 9 M' etc:luta) Go I 1 Econon , ) SAIlt.. _ , !UAW Illliaing4 1 1.,111111e. tn". B E & H !loop., 130.00 APpeols aid be held at the euinell.,:enere e, Ike on the 10th and 31.1 amts. W. 11 LEII3IOI I . Marseille Appreewt. IMIEI rv w. JOHN C. LEVI. 4, Surgeon a V.I. altlau•-4Wce. during tho usy, at linuisp • Cornet; at night at my residence no tVaaCr Ilrldgewater, Pa. WIU practice Stmt.; sod Me dicine. Immo . I):ctiti sprE IL7 AGON FOR ILLS.-7L•' un.leriorti V has Toro atone Wagon, In good 1 . Mug order, which he o 11l sell tow for cart,. or et change for a good hot.. Also go.l coliirstor for .le, .1 C. 110I'LTE 14 *WAG Pa. ,A 11.... 1.... , 'A 1, linthu: , 1 11.11uut .1: 7 uctrr .: 11 LI bleklr: & !..tz T II John IVbetliy 14 Jut Um,. 1 1 3 1' 1 1 11 lie ' s . r' tt ' ' .i tuu) 12 C n 1.:1 .1 1 4 W Bun-. 1 I II I , Nouill.: II ICI; ai-, 13 J J .1 111.4 , 1 1 1 ,111. AT ntn.l tut. II Maio n .11,n, :: 11 Wm Id , tru.. 14 11411 .1 I: r j,. .: 11:Ilugh r,,,,tb, 1111 Al's h 11'U D 11.1 m, AT Itradk, Il i damuel r 11 'Duncan x 11 NA. 1'r41,,t0,t ICJ P 3lettitaol 14 J 41 Fl. Ifarr.on 11. L. BChlarlry 13 JOhn X I'u Or 11' Bateman A, Harr. 11 • Edward Yubo 11, Wua 1//,,p1 ! 11 , lieury Bormarr 1117 W Smith 13 .1 G Iluuter 11:Stewart 1 Erkol'es 14 John A l'aJ 11' Iroal ltuhrisrte st.a I Mor,rtu e7+ll BERMES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers