The'ab:aVei,/Kreis. J. WEI(AND; Enema AK* Iliorturrois.' Beaver. Pa IN Cala - len o I hatiberatie. part the following pl. %%11110 1.11 Intly 10 I State or Italted 14141,7.4 i b.rcutli aw,Attitil Iv sugm only we Nrellious. In 31onmouth enneittete, where negreee a lusa . the .Denwervit63 et*atat.._ .t. about eb, t i many ell.ei;etricieCt tVettegetclii' they AO wbites.lik ti ijkb.:s. ps 014 t, there , le quite a cord on of preeept RA eitaidpte oicithette in dersey.'; . j , - . • Tint' )Berfiliodisiinfitir says; • the Pittebtith stn dattnWsvllin ''Til,q l 7 . 'roadhilipireValitigne ''..' Vi 011441.1 twentyrkair hundred tneitput .pAirk On -tho'lroad: 'The Unit throe:lntim. east of Counellsyllle are cotnreted ba . antlinokpoon:. The . lAol*ortho , iund is , well. advanced ,qd iiii,iii, invtott. that the layin of the-triel6 will ho begun fit June:l 'Rim pitied:, ed that tho.road will. ', .I..4sinidetttd by NOvember next an I in running ,order to Cumbarlautl.—. . .1 ~. , . . „ . Is the U. S. Senate o Tuesday of last week, the house esolution .do elaring the 30th of M, the daylip t :which tho National e inutories are decorated, a National holiday forev er, was referred to the Committee on Military AfiltirS.'• The .iisposltion of the Senate was not iisliomble to the adoption of the inealZu e us was the I Louse, still we think ihatthis tkibute of respectleihe Wienif.ohliers of the country; wilt:lie aecon;ed before the. session cos 'We earliedLY liopeTt, w I .. may be so. . . . ...„ . . ' - ', . . Tina Secretary of rho Treasury has directed the Assistant , Treasurer at NewTork to sell one Illion of goltt on ettchWedttesOy in ho mouth 'Of May, ainnoneing Ma 4; th e itrik and third saieson aceou tor the Sin king 'Fund, and the sec° d and fourth on account et the Spec i 'Fund, or / I four millions in all. :, iso,:to 'put.- chase ono million of bods, each, on Thursday; thelith,' at d Thursday, tlie Nth, Ibr.the Sinkli k•Flintl;' and two millions, csich,.on ' hnrsdaY, the 4th, and Thursday, th 19th, oh ac count of the Speelal'Fu d, or elx mil lions in all. ... Np.little indignation is manifested in the eastern portion f the State iff,. the conduct of sevend ofOur Congrct. men, who were away froin their posts when the thitron.pig iron . 161.9 redu ced in the I.IOUSe Of *presentaties from 44. to $5 per. ton. --The apology that they •were. "pained'! . off. with Free Trade men from the west, seems to satisfy nobody. The tieoplp he; IOW: when a marl is sent to Congrcga, bola - . sent there to do aolnelli no, and ,that "pairing"? off or agreeing ivitivn par ticular person',in qiy la,notatf element:pi ilic 9ritOnall i cianiraet; ; he t ween.a weather and hi ,constituotits. when they agree ihnt•ltia Wind repre sent thein in. the Ciadiies4 of the, counit*... r qica . i.,iiiike,i iiiWiLiii • did ,, end we presumelways will lifer. Take • Ulises an Illustration: ov. English; t I /9in'oeitlt) of cpiirti;cti ut, in In auguralT wassage ,iilid Wiiek; ,rei4liliv . itientliskiesonvisilien for therevision of the Stlte:Conititutto , in order to carry out'the+ iplrit an letter Of the Flfteen i ti . .A.iikeudineut. ;12leri*xwts 3: our Ile mottle .docto I are bitterly opposed to thei: onforeeinent , cif the _Pi ileentir Aniendineni. under • any sad all cireunisliince, ! I \rico' ' lifl.', we asuuriain what the liiticise pest thin of the Democrat.) , on the Likgro muff- I rage (tomtit - 3p is? An imtitorltative and early ansWer would. serve to throw a good dad of liklit on a very; important subject. 1 I t I 'rut; tuneutit of risluotions of xcs All as proposeddik the bill introduced in the Senate' by Mr. Mliertuan is /is fol. lows: On Incomes, .Sl.l', 100,000; sailer; z..' 4 ,763,11 . 00 ; gross rect. , iii s, $6,612,0001 art kieti in schedule A, *Siei,lloo ; sithi-..' rlis of United Slattotilt•et4, S 1 g.. 41 , 0011 ; lossports, $27,1)0(1; legaelcS' anti ,t‘tte ..t eeNsions, SS2,B-18,000; ihei4littwoUs, $ 115,1;01; apoeild taxes, .xcept spirits and. tobacm, which Inc (atm license taxes and.all taxes on 11111110y111011t,' 1 :i!l t :li 1,000; total $4:1,q 744: • This will leave' the taxes tat la a rtieles in tomtit , on 411 s filet!, spirit . I , rmen ted liquors, folniceo,•gss, -in. ' I:, ane,' itt ritteuo per ceni. All stump taxes or taxes 'eollt.vitille are tn 'he eollectettby stomp. • ! ;. •. • i THE U. , ficonato Territories had under on Wednesday .4A, Ili nlielishing polygamy. matter is 118 to whetl)C) Lion vroposed in theme ret roaCti en, tn. to take el ture On this they tiro di vide#lind adjourned ing to uny conclusion. hers of the yonitnlttee't of adopting uny verb lotion, or the expedient king hostilities. A sq prevails . among hadir The NUM: etantuittee ii 0 hill orgttnizing what the Indian country, (xi 'llcroltres, into 0 Terri( Tile bill Is vtfi drawit, unil through • it the Indians lire nit oul till, but are permitti in piplerrltorlnl. (Jove unsideration, iAlotiAti bill r the legista tsure sitttll be bet In the (h. eonsitierattly vithout coin , Some mein otlbt thh hunitt 1(!gis 7 , ey of 'trove.: oriar, g Serintors. vo oveim is known us vial L the ialal‘Govere- , try . previ", , riene t pity prutee tie participate - 7 - . 'C111::Lton. Li .13. Plitt enden, Nun - i‘rly liegister of thoTrtiit;sury, is now in :Washington. city, qtherinz up ' testimony in itlation It the ecaintei , felting or iseuirtli - often sl,ooo7.ldhOtitiA..,' l :it i ti i iit tidrentern 7 1 bered'Unit tlativirgrittn itrt...(l4:teeil " about WO oilthesetiond4 for J4tiouk ..t: tio:, yernillyeAst2o/;* +if !fetch, timt . ntlint- banketi v til ' , /jeli'tii7; l itric found 01'4 Witre':,tiOnt''Ytilt;llo4ani --(led that, the monoy t he elitroieti i ntxt also refusing to lasts°. 'lir chore , of , thew, it - tiPpenrilik' that a litnibc , t 4 4F 1 flaseSpurioust.intids,kiel, g.po4:iii!,K hands of sonte,u(tiie hit lipk.s.;',4.dp .. 7-do plate was titolen f .frem the Tram.; ury. Department dad rot •• frhpreftslbd t;tkeu on lend, :unit •tinin . ll)ls, • thil -1,00(5 were produced. :lubsequeptly • , i~Date of the parties were ernratts.i, and, 'I Um platedist..ovenxl, bhtmot beiure. a number of botteistattilittetr piueed in circulation. ?riii , Y airs . aid ',much like the gentlitiO that ' , ll`,e InO4 ox pert tankers were dei. , ivet.L . . Time' it ioverninent now intends enteritig salt against the tathkers for thy:lipi- • ounbof the bonds whitli it retteetta;tl;. - rand the bankers intend to titillated , payment for the bonds they yet have on hatal,.ns they claim that they are not counterfeit, but a spurious or over issue, • for which the tiovenunent shout bo responsible.' Mr. 1 phitto ilen a counselor for the ' N. The .nit: %VIII be brou , dit 1 a• Neat York ; . ,i ..,.! 1.. • ...—.,— ~..._-?`:- - TUE readers of the Riulleal . hiivo no throb poihrd for seyerahave i lispA that:il:GhttorAti/L1.644 1 [ 600 9" ..lag, in every rpsikble way, lii etia . lo the liiiirrieii Iliatiiiikii "bliteniess of feeling" existed In this kikillity'lX3-' tweets the h rivai eandldat& flit. Cdn griAs. '; Their . Ospktlve'filends; tub; ,, on; iiilrc.s . ddlisfeis' beliig In •readidess to claW,"l6r,, pint:Mel,. maim and 'ol.4erabiiwel birch' &her 'it the triti . of the'ditlia orittin,droV of the hat:'We need'Seareel4Minittie'PeliPleik the tilthblittlet'thitt'ho :feelfng ilf 'this kitid'existihkre-Lthat the'Whdle ito trirtiinitilkittlbli...'Tkli;:tls, 'eauvits '4t iittit6;liiii'*ii goion 'iii 'this . botiAty'YOi. sdirie'tilnie Pied 'between 'lllr. itei - ifyluid'i c ifi:lL Weyand for itio' i Codirasfsliiiiiii 4eiiiinittioni ) bid' 'that thli(eitiv"akri has beck iliVesieiA ' <Olt o.riirog, , rinJ iiioio thin ' the 1 'axial feidldg Ve cVeen , candid tes 'for thesanieeillehibMitluitliiicidl.f den - Y:' Tiutthr, ire belleve,.they. lutvet eta-. ducted 1$ Ott:wood itis highly.prob r able that but few .pensons hereafter ' will takh evtrystrbag Rand in the llght,rend Thcirilnenor grow delirious, 'over the riulti• whatever it may be. The aspinirits themselves, we under 'stand , are geod fr,te nds n o ad Wit ilekh is- 1 is so:it ii,n9l, rea:= . pnableto 'suPPae that !',Outtilders', havet'alrMily taken, or will now take on more gall than they'. .:itn conveniently toddle along with: Indeed'ae'far het the fniniddiefe . friends of. Quo ofThe'lOctualidatesaw Coneernod e wo have, no hesitation . hi saying that . 14,4 'Vr , lll"stand bp ito the ' trougli-4 o** or'',,i,id:iiiddor4"aad we wt,U go 44rther:otikeilla . ,ii)e.dge thera v in cese their , favorite candidate. :.3 defeated at home that theywill not atteini the District cealbrebeeloassist In ti4artipithet4r*ed Ni'llror oe. Itepubilians of /3enver.county by pp isming-his sumssful - compatitor in that body.: • Will the i'attical make; situil4;pora,l44. lii 6Cinilt pi die or s t• .ertaddidates,in.the event of ifievote of - this county .going as it did . two years ago? " We iiWait: an answer, J.) the adopted I county, the An" 10. her ittc TIIE TARIFF'., reiiddt's,*hotive wittebed the coUgr*louait,ianniAlirY the Anuus are,ne doubt, surprised at the preentetlnutimund diseusslott ou the tariff To shoNV them bow rapAtlli the liou‘e,eptepresentatives prey ixitit we;itsert 'th...4erjpr , . . licm of thoVrOceodiugeirt that body on lthe_dth Mgt., made White tho tariff' 'vas • antler eOatideiatioh'.' rtvoudeht. '4114? N,! - The , 11111 , was utkiin up at ItUaut 'mu tholirst two hours consumed fu ti , dutermett light nver , stlic . Bea:wince steel rail section, the: ltepublimui. "'tore ititte.iterormers7 anti tlictrentocratie ultro rue, ;1* enders doing their vcrS, beat „4.) ( 4 1 -kieuekiulliut itit;,conuu4tuit yiPAI in twit:lug, 14u,duV lierhtt,4 , Liu ttiy. ,first vote ;kg,/ were bvoteu bx . totir'vates —7g to .2, tueffi. about .. . au:tubers absent ur tint •dtiaLi. bi 3Lalti I through Nee thiltiLtriAtt d boiu s friotutYe s3'..ciler tub, !At' it' Utile& • rite' Prtitecti tionists pMpu,, , , r; the sathe imitiber; ot troie4 u.t. on tire • ptUyluos xfuestlini, \Tillie f111.!= 1.101111-1/1 ! ' , lOst , ttm. Allison rolL loutA%wil6 :u1 mileiltlruent and It; proviso which was - rukst.out or•w:a•der.: Mr. Mel.. kaau•theli canto fluvrith u wholesale reduc tion; but it .wss Outten badly. By this thou ALr...itrix.kslitutgoi.very angry, uud taatie a silly :ow tiuu,:tu deprive eermiu piasuns huluteg ttiu Bes.muere steel Put t:his iu this cauutry 14 , }heir right in the ttstiie. This Chairman, ruled the mo y on but Ilnualts thought hequAst ,uia3o: bottle ;Junior , if tiptitul-' eil eld:',lsion'Ot the Chair. l'eVeri t weio .paitl;!.tiritt shooks .stobd'hfthe 4iipiiiist'tlic - ridinUt 11.V . :.C0x 'nukt toots pitrtint it e Ylirce with ItieVOMI 14)01iblr Neal: .vottl them.' ':•Mi.';lieitlelein•relldnied with till unenduwut apeking We duty 44.115(.1 per ten, Tellers were ordered, butjued es they w'ero about: to ()Suet, en !Alums:Dewey:et -objecteduMr. Morrell o$ T'4.exubytreule heier,o4lAtre4liel ty,Ute titAiiii* I :loititc Ittt the altideltt iu ti4lcztiltd.., TALltt ‘ III . C.LVAILIdeII 11/U ("Auglit4x, , re,poFt thy . Aee i t, 11,Oese, • hu . t ideutUlt %I/4,Y tald it c4n. lit() uuau It 0./It/red stet eveltt • du:Jebel* Thej4lkrY Men re•butill.d duel' &lees tti ,tcik it' Vote oil ; .Ir..9leNeidey's 0 . 4110. 4 llf011;&V4twitlistetillin••1111 :Irene; rots liatl, jiist ,()swarth toTheir'dailles da'• • • • ptebept. 11' viaisohlethlte. u iluortutt euttlU urotitki, 'tt,lblencv th.i'''ttouriitvitieri 1 augicseut 11111115I:r of 1111:111 1 / 1 :141 Wel u brought irons tlic.itoluouitra:o,rwiurs, ti loublis.ssi , stew re u sinursith, Ault ;the lelett'ol she shosiou. , lississm Ist croty, u(iut, 311 t I;s:ujoions nuolun infort,, hs is sii(srei! t4u .1,44: of the nth v,„stud, is. liil4puni,s.,sosimulusetst—zuurssiny 111.X.fisi sun ullowest So tisunsi:' h.lh•Uulp tom tiatp prolisairil with ors; the , next section, usisl of the Coate of ;suck the bei;lisniilli brels dtit !tdelitW,lll;lLltlil n'isswdeil • (if !,),r tne (Issy'ertsrk. • ' •• ' • • .4atut .pleuf•tlie, alumina. in. Which s: lion of the thrill bill. in considered to the Home. if a nYt ng!,•ft more pro_ traetetl debaielet, since occurred in fable' the atuouut of tity.ou manu factured Intir pins. There are many ineinbers of both' partivs---especially from the'sbii44 anti t yyestoppostst • to the prott :Live principle, but they. I do not net in cunt.vrt. They arc afraid 1 , to net outside of their resp6etive tit tot they, bu .y . issir494 anti they,. iatallut against that didture. llerelliis tin). • rong 11Ope Of thi' ' tliti , pert i,f fbe;crleinis:tif haul in d lieuco they light tuelhsts'llon, Melt by .; i nein-, Many items kuiw!, been-mate : redneett front whattliutariffim t he; it noW. tierseggil?ti ut areautuolargiAY of tiny, other stalk-4mi, • it is hoped' and"believtal ferasinoch its a I!! most every .fiuniA46- inend.r.:!'r hats some, special intuit:to, he Wishes pro tet,,ted, such a combination , many be termed lielbre"tlre'cltfge'aif thi!'kittilofr • ;Is Will , (4C;i1:4;46:11i.4::agi0.1‘ tariff 'A i l nut only protect Uw. interests of Penusylyanin but those. of the Union at `srgt!.'” -' 1 • ~•, n it tne united 'States " . ..nalto ipg,O ht i .4tieistion'giving•-altS. • .bointsilii/ n jpgnsion of :sl,Oou per year: 41440; lieYtit yearly eyeily•Stiallnie 'SA Oiyt , revaol.roo4ab,i,inei?la. : -It, Ilk! singular I hat Senators; should tuf , distfkd tot' 'ii, rtleiniturpti , rso ;to . bete: is no soldiers wiqow iu, Abe, whole country, • who Suffered more -during the' War Ilium did Our • I,l 4riYreil President, 'and' Wily the Latter shlfttlit iiot be U.S tetuld Is/ 011151 for: as tlOl, foraleris inure titan- the p bl te gist era be tibia. to • tub!. derstan(l. It ft' generitlly Understood that should Congress refuse to give Mrt. . I,l4l ololw.lipnsidli nskcd' fur, 'states •will take tlielnatter In. hand, and • by volttntury eonttibritionn ron Thn ,subjcvl. _their part ralso the rain &quirt:o.l'6r , the widoleof ttselr dePluted„4l4eNt3 - , , , f 4;.. t , -,.. ter. 15- i ,... , ...: .... v !IN therlittlaillMi M 1 ipg .... A... _ ec yen th e n as,erfAlcil,Th Wm ngt '', Maa tatt;-PrilohttAlitulli ti, ogtimiteti t offered :n neolution that no distlne• Hon of rum or UAW' shalt exclude persons from claituing admisilott to the .Amociatiit %rho ore that neered- Irsrtlielair:"TtriffeAtintitrittaltt `&l,Ved' ),ilfh a storm or tit,. .'"Dr. it3ands, of the Oomli tee in ins 'Ethics; explatned'ihereascm:ibittioeieluskni 'Of the tllstriet'Of CohintbhiDelegateti 'viz: that the,y'i4ie ineinbeii of the I Nufkiel Med leatikicleo; 'I'M iih.soci etk, retetNiei media' men, who , Aie not Itcdfitiates,' openly . violates the rulic 6'f theAsseelation, uallrepresen= led thifactlon of "the Medical ASsoei 'atlen 'or Wel:nth:leta Colninhhionid is dishcinerabtimderiiidring to i3r6- cure the destruietion` itibreof hie inda-, clog Congress to abrogine the charter; : ~ • ATIVIRAL`VORTEIt a Iletteritt which he saysi that the Dela wari, is the luesti defensible' river in the. :Valid; . toad thlttlChester :is‘ the yeti , bettr: locatkni 'the' , United ,States , for' building iron ships. •Ile adds,. AtThere is going to bean lin znen..4e.busitie done, In the next len years in iron ships: 'Our Govern ment:is awakening to theneeessity of reseuing our commerce from •the hands of the English, and , raust• nee .essatily from year to year leant litr earl drawbSeks and subsidies, until we can stand on our legs again.' , • • • The Cannaliteit or ; the RebeWeet At sTeeeS.tneetieg Or theCPfed erste *lief WA 4400*, o. o, 4tetYl'. heid AtMvmphisca, PAP.g:w 4l 4.Xel4 giving thd,tnanAttiel etYtii€l a ebb side ,during the.wer ' freel 40)345, It was asserted thaLthe_avnliehip penfedende force, .apable of, active service, did riot during the entireyar exam! ~600,000 men, , of ylos net inure , than 400,000. were enrolled at any one thrte, and of theie only 2 0,- ,009 were in the field.; These figures, It is alleged by ,eqinpetent statisti c! ', D s, ,require corroboration before they an be admitted as correct, the :number of soldiers in the rebel army lxing suppesecl, to be much larger. With the above sisis the statistics of theuUtualtitifetts follows led, 413,773; wownied, 194,103; prisoners, .:302,283. The death from disease lu the rebel army cau only beestimaled, but the rceoids of partof two years sliowthnt they weroubout threat/raw as great 44 the . 4;leittbs from wounds. -The gmnd :401 o Meat Its l in; the rebel army is therefore Macxxi ut 24)0,000. 0u tho part of the United States, the estimates of the (=dallies are—deaths !min wounds, 90.089; and from, dis !enge-.18.4,341; giviuga total of 580,4 A). It.willbesoeufrum the above ligures, ,that on the Union side the. deutha from disease were ,twice UMW from wounds. ,if to the above tetals be added tli soldiers who have died of?, ter the War from wounds and diseasia :contracted, in tha scavlce, there is no, doubt that the leastawsecl. by the,rer. bvilignarnouuts to over :10(),O0 lives, knon what ..wo ciiu lagtrl,or the' 'Cungresonal i:ontc.4 in Greene:OM, between the filen:is of SieSsrs.bovin; ey. awl Douley for the vote there, we juOgii it partook of a bittetness rarely equaled in similar ,conteStS. And while the result was hr Mr. Donley's favor, it will he seen froth thefolloW ing letter frontr..'DoWneY to 'the Pitt'sintrgliaiMm#:eiol, of but tiny; that the s .vntl!is not yet : , 7L the Editwi of Rilibig4l3 iitercuit'• The unit:itch published in 3 • titir paper id t..duy eons rue gruct injustice. .1 was the candidate who iniliostsl.3lr. Donley. La Wayitesberg up a on n animated emr lest, beta.; the .plfiee itittie your einikis -p,,,,c10n, 4,t1 rushles,:l.nentillouley• inure than, le nue.; e yp,te . sloncl Downey woe*. Donley totty•ene, lu Donley';" two riventpstatiorlty,Qn /inter! idar nisi, top toy, tWvot . fivaisd - cix, ,ty.. In Center lie had sim,yome ' sti - enti-theee • i ' n ' V - fititigitill the .pulls' were closed at Intir O'clock', being I hi:H11010mi : to the: beard, Ilidwiltwertlettfc the Ilion est of - Donley, that tit, that too; went thine was a sutaillitaPiriry - InV ',Yet in less thawun hunt' ten UMW Voters, 111141 whom werenty Irlemils, weeks ut. thy !Polls and tittered to vote, but, were re.ul• these been 'reteivedllai , in toy. Whit' would Idetiro 'been nix. lu ' .. ll ice,pithJellersuu,lCtulttiorlaud, Caret tad;, Wayne, qiltuoce, - clueltront told Bich-, kill l had a very. rcisfintici r tie vote. When !!it ts • linown`tlett' the •thee for lifiltlldg . thii eletalou..wbieb eves litasl by. Mr- Donley's !chairmanoilluoiai InC•but !tile Week, alter a t wii - Weeks court ti, Cativess the eutitify ngnitett tha sitting member. unit wiis , islit • _Nitigtlits earlier than the usual 1.4110:11t . hold log our cleettiots' the yictory . , rwtog it I may ,he celled. is one pregnant • with innetet iifitcreat told r. Oetolier. .More l'espc!clulty will it be so regarded when the. faets are known that,thls is tut ellort uu his part So urcure smsand term—that: he has - silt in' Thi&N'sitry gacclett Seeds aditie I cpurts to Influence the weak. —tint lie had County Committee unit county press under his control, and yet it required tt talperldnutui clibrt or hair catle diutite.itail two of his uncles to prevent au ilorcat in his own counts-. Th hi - tot:wet:um in the ltElitsrreitv of te!claj is too chart to give the truth. prirksit was read, tiaCktiti by Louie iti .Uttl 'he'd. Mill in the Convention, egainst the nomination era CoaLpessitnial candidate, but tile papt:t does not publish it, ner even lucntipu Unita proiCtit oar made. 3lr. Donley /net succeeded ddiniraLly ifs, sow; lag ol discord in theltepublien par ty art l district ' The etintestlast'Serur uia intessi.dy , bitter,: and Is cot: at au end, ,it .15 but Jrangerted to the:lithe( cbutitiot i.fthedistriet. • W. Dolvnir A Y.atlcMick !guilt q 54. 0 34, troyerg has araeu conisrning the reh`oltuus tielik t rof 't ho Htt PrestdOnt solo 'final. of jhe'whole patter 61;11k1S to ho that Mr. Linuolm ' at no tzrly. period of his ble was sltett-i I tkul, us tuousentis of young nien are, tutd diet even et a later time ho was inclined to be speentetbee'in regard to dogn tid ' t heofogyt 09 i tltoututtdit l 61: ulti leen-err. dupot l'shutiootatot ment, „dir .I.lnrudon, onett his tiu?y ixtriner, a dmits this; am! he ailt., , ltraV tildes to 'the - fits of "disep, - liitenSe; terrible ,, nteinnehely't• glitch 'Mr. ,Lineoltimutkinitiluvt. lint. lie gins a fetter wideb we tutty rt.wro ite ft Sill ot the - Metier in in let 'outbids, tattateigh lelteA Mid no spOtt.ticl:k.l eititOltioUr nicht 'lolVltg Mtitteli liy Aftti:LilletAll on the , 12,141, off 111110.41, 14,11•4°;44',.t0tt4,1-li Mr, h , v u ts.u.s ws; , • "I' iti66hlt &Otte Uttle'fattiet'ina.v. 1h..§1 'Waiver Ids :htaittt ;I: bat: ut a ~ifaus,4iaktiim to.retuvattior ;saran . Oureeti told good, undip ,ereiltd . •er, w will not dirli'iittifyqibid . Ili tiny , extremity. ' 43 .lfechtrithi, thd , fall :of it sparrow, • and numbers • the hairs of bur heads; and he wlll pot (molt the dying aum.whoputs.hts truster :§tty to hiut that, it the "could *meet 'now; It is doubtful whether It ironic not bemore.-peinfutthan but that, lilt. Ho his- lot to go now,. be will Won, owe uJoyous meeting with, many love 'onesgone befdre, 'end Where MO Mit' itle , us,! through' the help of tied, hope .ore long to Join them." "A, .1.1.,420_L.N.". La:Ms is hot the letter or ii:distict 'Hever in the essmtisi truths of Chris- That the mind of bir.'Llu tole was soluetimee 1 hammed flhy . ~ donbtalkextrowlyprobable. too was that of tkm excellent Cowper.; et w • have never seen that poet c. 4 with Ity. We confess *l r • . this belt , which we are not (Ha lf post lii" - i lulge upon teekniert Et e l Is. I asked ler the relief{ 3 of - . Llueolu,• wo we point,to his blameless life, to the comp +e IL lusive lamevolence o d il i is let tere, to the alacrity with - W 1i hi n. resix) Rim' to every caledft aid of vale du i ,to the bo dam., nud I , ~,..:: tch - hinidlietliptitt hlovivithitelii*Okins.OltWhittihmitay and the hour demanded. Instead of an atheist, we believeltini to have been One of the; moef..thoroughly "Christian men of his time.—N. Y. -Tribune. - - ----- -- - 7 ' DECORATION DAY. G eeeee I Order to the Greed Ar. my—All Groves of Loyal Sob diem to be Vevered-Wlth Flow. The following general. order has been issued from the headquarters of the Grand Army ofthe .Republic in ''Washington, By eider ofGett. Logan, the Commander-ifiehle4 'relative to !the observitucebf "Decoration day," Monday, May 30th.. ..,..• READQU'3IS. CiluiD AltltY 01 , ,Ibtp.} •• Adjutant Gen#rat's Office, • • 1 WAsuariciros, April 30th, 1870: i GiKNERAL OuDirats,, No. B.—Pirst—'l'he annual ceremonies or "Memorial' Day," Which has boon firmly established by national choice skid consent,- Will take place on Mandan May aa, • . • second:— Alt departnionts,. districts, posts and comrades of the Grand Army of tho Republic, whstrever dispersed 'throughout the land, will unite iu such ' manner, and with such coremodies for the proper observance of the day as may be best suited to each respective locality, and all organizations, communities and , persons whose, gmtotall aid, sympathy and prayers sustained us throughout the dark days of the nation's peril; and those !whose loyal patriotic hearts beat in uni son with our own and who have here tofore, or may hereillter, join with us In the observance of thisnationatMemorial day, aro befeby cordially, Invited to unite and aro earnestly requested to lend their aid and assistance In strewing the pure garlands of spring that come with votive memories of love and prayer, over - ttio 'mounds that mark the country's altar and fold In rest eternal our martyred dead. • . • - This is the third :public obeeivance of a day which has now become notional for this sacred occasion. Many aro now .missing from our ranks who were with us before. Time, with busy lingersxmnta the hours for all. "In the midst of life we are in dealt" and one by bne our veterans are "mustered out" to join the Grand Army on high. Let this teach us that wo ithould so live that when we too are gone, it can be said: He was a citi zen, a soldier, and oonarade"without fear and without reproach." Third—lt is desirable that the memo alai services may be preserved, and De partment and Post gpmmanders will forward direct to the Adjutant Mineral at National headquarters, a record of such proceedings as may occur in each locality. should the same appear in the' press, or by pamphlet, a duplicate cor rected copy is requested. . Ikr ort1okOr• -• 1, , • Jolts: A.`Lou.i,S, oont-Inzefiti. ' _ Wat., T. C9LLINtsi Adjt. General. Official: .)lAssos, E. VaAvanstasals taut Adpitant General A MEETING of. the- Ctilored State Equal' Rights League-hr. session In .Harrisburg, has been Ostgaged,ittre forming its organic structure so as to adapt Bite the new condition of things brought abonthy the adoption oftbo .Fifteenth Amendment. Among the objects sought to tiq attained by the LLeagUe,are; TbeitiltiroVement of the colored selaxils, which can beaccont= plights:l-by the oxereiste of the colored, • - vote and intluentv•An the ;choice; ,of, • sel4adiretdorsOtemnl , ioogriaing of all common' schools Tor eolo'reu ' 'children, when their numbers . are ' sufficient, •and their admission in the publieschookt, 111w:elute asether chit. • drew t according to merit and aequie meat. Wherii the metntes are Instif-' lictegt for seratate training; • the pal per -location ;of schools, etc.; the re-. movel:of distinction on •aceount of' color M regard to the admission of labourers into menu factories and pla ces for mechanical instraction. A memorial was adopted addressed •to the sellout authorities, settiug forth that under,present management, eur our put:rifest:hoofs& not givtieolbr6d : children' the chabee'and attention cc eorded to white children, and asking Allem to. grant the - colored raige, bet- Jer,settool houses and beher,tewthers Auld in schools where all meet ahead' together, that all receive the same attention.' Rtisalhtiong were.nlso a- • dopte'd . thanking Guilder I tile priv.i.., ;lam recently, bestow ° ,4o° Age color-,,, .el . mice,. andtl:lging • them (Co use 4 4 Ahcar vote 3 w f card nit& thlelitYtei 4 prlheliAel set mitirtg - the Repnbli- - 'tan prirtyras• the. meapaisof I deliver • Inalebabil•ahattl heY r9gArill.• tho• /VI i James Bible as the true word 'or 0 ,Which. they .commend to be read in I the'pubile schools as*heregofbeci .: • 1 vottiA 10mirTiox. ' We have on' our Boolts.of :Record the -name,. age,,resideuce, (late% tils. case luta : „Vrtlefhtqau. of PvgrY Sase treats...4w us duting ifiki" fast ttVentY ye itA.'" lh'thct beelta are contained the tiaint*ofoinit sikt3i thousand per sons; and more than two iiiindrql 1111)044nd prescriptions. .1., this vast number of r—ses,every kind and' ret rid)/ of diseimea'haVe fallen under 'our observati6h,' and every form of treat matt 1193 beertfany tested. In Consumption. and "Lung. dis-, eases," we have had ample opportu nity to test'not only every' kruilof treatment, but every kind of•nThdl tine. We knew that there are many. UN es of disease that so. pearly reseinble consumption, but'Which Is not; that with Out n very - it -ireful diagtosis, se rious mistakes might bentade,which. would lead to veryiNtidkkatreinp Inthe,treatwent., It is the . ilaty of every pliysiel li n toascertalttUfk Itetir fy . ins liossible The precise atu re or eVerY: inaindy=. , beforw .No more imrtaiu,:sigii is Vlier4in 4I case than is found.ln pta ie,inarY se cretion," says Sithoii.' Ani In this 'fire' - especially' With incHmtions 4n the mine • which enables us to determlnertet only the, facts relative. to,t,he true nature there of, bat'te in'ea4fireldlorablY cerrectly the :extetit of ' -• • • • • • We have:thus detected. and deter in Med the exit:dor. hundreds of mos of laquitinptiog.ruAni: of which belug , incipient miry, fiaVe.heen cyFe - ci by its in it • verf slttirt' t I ine: . • And 'Whilst we wouldlug :hold ;out Inducement or:premise Aluure,:in Lite !`last stage!!: Of•tkisoirtwlfta, vpdatii, vo would just say, ,ttutt we hitvc cured* many cases that so neari 'resembled ton sumpi ion. ) that it was impossible- to determine. the fact ' , by, any other means than by examination of the urinary secretion. . Among these we might meritiam• Liver. Compldint,• Dyspetsitt, 'Henri biteme,,lfetriale .Wcaluiess, -totstkillsot‘lfs. ortiB“;§ Itemplp,V,nspittption m many 141141 7 Thej. may , condo ofi': with cotigh' and elipectotatoteof bitted and tuiscuty paladin tthprbinastlandside; hods awl follow,ed hy,me t *. ; tulm, 14ht Alytatp,,i,,y r • l'„hci 3 ell}-, Otis am fitifetefor uett.iumptio. , thepatienViblitiTiriNetlithar tit '; se , 13 it 4htifoe/eA one,"::whempetliaps it t was (ttoolti.e.urableshi,sikit-tentitti i ef. our *p o st . tmAntnatt,ioscrasltt, and when soute,•prinnpt atut ellleadhitit; adirtlfilstktrttd''fcit"the'vr , rift disiettie would dispel ittitialtersishort time: t'sZ:l:! !lave cured many cases of this idea, even after they had been aban doned as hopelessly constimPred; by their relativee as well us the -physl , chin.. :Whilst, therels-iife there is hope;iasuch ,talses. , 'l , ...eSt.tiStitiki, it. O. Miii;E:l • The toZLegislature ,of. Longinus repouled trio ohlatatutes for the pun ishnwut of crimes, etc, t awl 'enacted the laws now in three; but wade no prdt/Ision for prOsecuticrn-of•per toes 'Charged with critnes'eutnmitted prior' to April 15t,,18;0,. leaving a hiatus through which one hundred and tweritS.,tivo persOtut - ItalietettfOr various offences wilt g,o,un punished. • , by fitorer4PAWlL: N •ill itedr il r .... of the r , he Oth. .. •:" 1 thu ::: lee , , , lly uu ' of n , •- ~, ,1* 10ft ,, , Be • end Biome und public baildinipi wens unroofed, some private dwellinli 1 9 1 131 At 1 , . 1 gadip 'el IRrully dlont, ham!. All tylegrupli- tadtbY the lweakintoftbe•WlKtt. tag the litlasouri river ;. no -town. succeeded hi g cTlug tho elver • . atMnl,o buter mimeo bMwa 7' • , and abandoned the attempt.. Passen gers from tho east were obliged to , stop on the east side of the river this saYr • 112"VE;akil () lb l th i o rett Beeamail r :F to his bands befOre reply reached there, but that a runner was sent to i tips t vith it. onollning*tpeclit Is re T tli glargnivintbreementsdMly at Cheyenne and expects to Mart on the 10th or 1611( RfAhis nidiath. The !Kris and Pittsburgh Hail• road. The"Erle Dispatch of Wednesday says: "On kvis i os atog,liN officers of the Erie and Pittabingh Railroad, lion. L. Scott, President, F.:N. Pinney, Superintendent, and G. V. mid> Frei gb t wftmAtt; t 06113 a special train for 'Newcastle, where they?lax. McCullough ...General , Magi o,l..itytigaiutazillitend-K ent, m. P:Shinn, General Freight Agent, and Myers, ,(leneml Passenger Ngent, officers of the Pitts burgh, ForMayneandChimigo Rail road,and representatives of the Penn sylvania Centml In the transfer of the lease of the Erloand Pittsburgh . Rail road to that corporation. The party stopped at the various' stations on their way up to this city, to look over thebuttlfings, milphintirylindituaterf, belonging to the road , and alSo looked through the shops here, when they adjourned to railroad and the) fogad ttettlickeed was efrtrled:, tithetherans gefiecar)oLon office,led tvill be at Pittsburgh. It Is not probable that there Will. bo any ; sweeping changes in the officials and employ ees here, but quite likely that some transfers to new duties will be made, and some-assigned to duty elaeirhere on the line. The road Is hereafter to be operated as a branch of the Pitts burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, which Is owned by the Pemnylvania Central Railroad. — 1 , . . Tltatt mthei iutereiting scetab lh Olottpless 'abide 'days agh; while the Tariff bill was under con sideration. A large number or the members had absented themselves without leave and in consequence the HettiofeptrAltanif wjthopt itcatn, A resolution Vaspoushd the Speaker to send for the absentees .nnd a warrant was issued to the Sen. _gealit-at-arms for theirrest of the ab scondlngstatesmea.. , Quitett number were hunted up and brought prison ers into the House, Many of times cusesolfered wereabsurd in the high est --degrge r C! This Haase, 19wever, wattC intless and a tobJority or t truants were tined at the rate of ten dollars each. This is a new and ex cellent ,pOlicy . „ and if the Xlouse• will toe oldie rsist m itiAheXestltt wllll bo that a nutnberofßepresentativeswill be found more frequently in their seats, or a considele sum will be .tulded to the revenue of the Govern ineuti-, I Vashington. ANOTHER A aw 'now 'believed thatbefore Congress adjourns an enabling act will be passed. to au •thorize New •Mexiew Womanize a State government;eleet two Senators and one ItepresentatlVo to Congress, and apply for - admisslortinto the Un ion next December. The proposition to create the thirty eighth State at first Met :with some, ,npOsitiOn but this has disiippefircd underthe fissur tine° that New Meticii will,bo as Re publican in polithiens She wilt be:ite pdbilean to fliftph,l'bo Conotgatted on' Territories aro itlreitily.lireliared in the HOuse to report • • New Mexico contains nearly eighty mill ions of acres or land and n population exceeding one hundred thousand. ' . NEWS SUMBILILET4k tr 4VX) pitlilTirdfsdot)t; ttgeit *sevezity-Me. —The 'Phiid Arnty'Clreps Mt-3ocia- , tion harp chosen Gen. Sickles l'resi dent' far the ensuing year. ""' '," —The Jackson, Michigan and Ft. Wayne Railroad will 1)0 completed in nipay,alay4. The.Granil 110,414 antrlbildhtua rAiKU will' bit Anniilitkl about the middle of 'June. —ln New York, Thumitty.• Mary Ann McMahon, a teacher, fol. 'iloWn the stairs of the school house where enrplciptd,"recelving injuries which' caused her death' in a very short 4te.Frederick Fremont' Lovell, pastor of the Universalist Church in Essex, Mass., is accused a gross I ken doneness and -it pi reported left his paristyaqd tip Icovn yudgr t)ltrt*t.lof h cootAifilltirlatild;feathclri. , i 1, -A di. - Astrous fire occurred at Wilkesbarre Pa., yesterday morning, Which destroyed some half dozen .barnei and outbuildings and the ex tensive livery stable of P. Corucff, in Which thtrty-one horses were burned to death. —A disastrous storm prevailed yes terday at Council Bluffs, Iowa: A church, just completed at w cost os,ooo, was entirely demolished and numerous lilnan buildings were de stroyed. The loss i is estimated will aggregate *.1140:to. —Only twenty-live persons all re rteil I)einneint9, B,:itqnbletl'nt 'Do; wer, Delaware, on nutAay, 'in re 7. 1300/IS(3 to ;1 CAI r.a . a "White Man'S thnvention." xpoatuoudulim .1,9* so Bihall that it tvastkehled not to or ganize, and tia_ moveußenk is proba 7 bly tloatt. —it is understood there is u final and deterailuod secret anovem en t among the leaders in the present tval itrikein _the _l•••xst to persuade _Lb • Lehigh and IXyconling. wyt to pia them. Theynrete&nuidgeonlniM that unless other regions suspend they umnot succeed. —At tia"dainazeo, Michigan, Thurs day, Fred. Warner, sixteen years of age, shot and killed Albert Smith, of the firm of Uuni Sarah; hutehers. A quarrel hadoeeurett belween Them, when, the boy went into his house,, got Finn, And-Mot .81140 in' that. head. lie is in eustrxiv. —The tiertilleht iteplAllchys - a tree was cut in that eal4 l 4 t Pa past winter, which4kalod five Thousand four Ampiredand eighty feet, and Andlidteil tut.fity 'feet 3(0, , one of fourteen and one of twelve feet, whleh4lould' airs -free, without sump or branches, three and forty-41;10ft itnkg4 ' I •: —On the night of the 2d, ninr illilhille Station, on the lienesrlale brunch of the Erie Railway, us John Mayes atithrift miry rptiriAg, i a ups et loaded with buckshot Was tired thterllio wiudow, i lev . erul , of the, Shot l odging in the bnun of tyre far ther.:lie musAixe at, ktst pp ants, but no hopelftddaitied'of fecov . —A' Leuiocratic politician was en sged in earnest conversation with a one-eyed colored wan on , Wallace ' s P corner One day last week; rind seeing a lady paw remarkedlo her that he 'Was making a convert to the Demo ,eratic faith. "It is well,y•on tried the one-eyed dark les first,'rehe rentarked,"for ydu can never find one with two eyes that couldn't see through your miserable blitniey. ,, rd, J 11 iiE UVA igtid the.tiewly franehified, "if thisiitarkey is got onty. one rye, helms two pl.s, and he lets 'the' c•opperheada talk In at line. and out it goes at-the . other."—.Fiyink/fn Repagyors. 11 - 05,OdItitr,Rallroad,7Whfell _ • f eat Best tend ipol.• nay to n •th 2raligh „, g t 10t V BMW]; dini„ ( 06thblop, o 6 enneetting •-the O Stic4utdraih Valley . road at _Sharps . hur? . theAntletam n- Works. terbtif veal tity New alp ore, o l lhff 1,000 reward . • L atpattleatempts... , . rd to maws nateow t., him. a , few days (3 , _ i —lin important suit • Iti t linT pro -.1 ng in the United Ste circuit rt at Clnelnnatf,-involving ' the watifOl" ';the 'Patent' of _Richard Tilghman. of 4 Phlludelphia;- for the rof! decomposing' fats • into t eel& and gl,mring ; also, wheth certain truuluW, urersat Cincinnati are not infringing upon.the patent, if the Mine be 'valid.Yesterday was consumed; by'George Harding, of .Philadelphia, in an argument for Mr. Tlighmanthe.complalnant. New .4dioertisements, ICE 'CREAM SALOON • AND, The,_tuideriligned Intiing 'bought out the Ice Cream Ridoottand Conttettouery esiablishmetit of .1, C. (Lys, new the Poet ollice.ln Rochester. Pa. wood ttopectiltily Inform the public that be nrlll Keep the beat quality of ice Crease during the Rummer, and respectfully urges those In want of that article to givelilm an early call. Ills Confectionery department Is well stocked; )ir n teardca. tweddinm te, will be supplied with e thing needed ou short notice and In We best o style.' Families furnished with fresh bread as often so 'dealred.- mgtfily. .- OUPPMNIP.COVAT BALE; IN PAWL ‘IIIOO of MI order of the Orphans' Court of 'Beaver county, the undersigned Trustee appointed by sold Conn for that purpose, will cx. 0 to Isde by public- Tendon or out.cty at the `court Lleuse the borough Dr Dearer, In sold county; on Monday, Ike Caddy of Arne, lic O, at 1 o'clock p. al., all the hilkoislug real estate of Ityl ve.der Duntilin4 decd, Ida: Part Of purport consisting of out lots' No.lr6D and IWkdloinlng the borough of Bearer, sitnitedin heighten towns/11P, .bounded by "ands of Joseidilaliclaell,Lect's hin,L Cooper's laud, Sc. and eA6I containing 10 acres, . Puttort D",—being lots No.'s, 0, 10 and 11 to Itamlltoe'a plea' . the. boroutth of bridgenater: bounded by Clarion street, 'llickory and. lots No.'s 8 and 12. Paryartlot In Ilnebaster townsbly, bounded by, lands) at A. • lacoeles helm D. Mangey nadetthers,'enntalnlnp, about one-hall An acre, Mara Orlesc Terms-4.lne•third at tha Purchase money In baud on contlmusilonof We by the Court. and timbal. soca In 2 Mast anntalinatarmants hum that date, with Interest train the same, time deterred Instal mental° be aecured by bosurand a:forma...2. and the purchaser 10 pay weasels of yrelaranirdeed4 l , bonus and ettetes, and erramytng t to UMW. may 11;21 ' . . SAMUr.L J, C/toed, Trot... , ra,ovicr, JS PARTITION. STATE 07 PINFISYLVANTA.t.. la th e Or. Diann Cotters,- f phases coo in and fur Had Bono y: In the matter of the par tition of the re relate of Karma Reif Ibblu, de-, carded. To thenelm and Lagoa representatives of nbd dece...ed, to wit: Robert Doak, residing In the Stoic of Iowa; Thome Doak. raiding blithe Slate of Missend ; John Doak.and Nancy Adak bin, ro.ldiag in'the Shakier Ohlo; Doak's heirs, to wit: Martha and Thome, Doak, residing lu the Si de of Ohio. You, and curb of sou. are. hereby nettled that an luquisa. to make i'ariltki of- the Reel ketete of said deceased, situate in Ovine Township, in the County and State afore. said, will beheld open She prembwe ma the Gth day of Jane, IMO, WAICti time and piace'you ato " tend if you think proper. , Sheriff's °Mee, . 'JOIIN q'ILERING. May 4, Isle. I " ' - _ DListvll4Bkins.n de Pliy• atelata.--Oalee, during the nay. at Danlap'a Comer; at night, at my reeldence on Wale; street, ilrldgarater,P., prac t Ice Surgery and Me& Rine. . - [marnly:eled apr2l Mercantile 4ppraisments • • List of Itletleni ht Goods, "Warei and 1 1 2errhandlzellallho s Counly of Beaver for th e ;marl/ITO.' ' , - NUM I, , Cial*.i.Nrall.S.. efa.4 nzArch Zaino. ! A $ Coaling - . 11 Simon Snitger ; II Ilunt 61 Other 17 Azarlah Wy un 14'D Stewart A; Son 11 Jane, Moon, 1 CJohn 1te1d14.4 11 J. U. 1:12e1:' • • 11!Jaa Duncan . • .• 11 Jae Barclay 13 John Sterling 14 Janie/ Allison. 14.13 5 Newton 11 Orr S. Cooper ; l' Charing' lwel l4 I. N. Atkin* 14'Wha Bann. l4 Bohm' Tallan .14 LI P,Notellng .. .11 Henry Nem ', , 14'1t C.McKee ,11 J.,11. Ih/hen • - ;13.1 .1 Cowling. : 14 De Comae d; r 411 111 M A.Townreful *Son 14, Strtailla Adkins 14 AlcliOnnu A Irwin 13 Thomas A Warm' 13; Wm McCartney ; 13 /Logo Andriessel', ! /4 /Ullman rt•lhrueo - 13 401 w 3looru I - :!, .I.ollughes Brother,' 13 F. 11. Foal ! 1111 A CalvlU 1 ' 11 IJ. 11. Peras ) 'I4 I D D Bummed' . •14 111WDOW,Ltili. A T Bradley , 14 T. o.llorgani , • 11•Sartivel 'Ain/ea' • ',14 J. IL 'llarturs ' 11111uu can & lho.oti 13 B...lll2lhehin 1 1 , 10It A. Craighead 13 Linea 111 4 er , ; ,- 111 1 .1 r Mc<juald • 13 L. P. Weinman . 11%1 Al' S 144Ft= 13 A. C..lluretl , '.. ''• Arta maw,* I I Win. Itelehl 13 John 31 tnd: I i ' ll, S. hang .4 . . 1.4 liwleman .12 Hawkins 1I Wm. Itarue.4 It,Epward X 01,, ,, I ll j Al S lirtn i ll A ( 14R234,.,11,tr. I It 4 11. Doherty . 11:11 W Smith 1 1 11Fory Brown 14 J 0 Bunter 11 A. Hanauer 11 st••wart as 1,44004 le. It .11. .F. S. 11. Dsarr'gli 1I ,1,„:,,, A 1%,11 11 lalylee .0 Jusroy . II Crill 11ohrl.,to • 12 no 0111,4011 1.111)0. ' It ..or,i 1 JA Fortino. I•'.1 V /darl.- II , 11 W Se, 1,7 ' liin 1: 1::4d,• 11 John C ay' W D .1014,4,11' I; Ib E 310ca1... lkullao 11 J I.llwro.:a I 1 1 9 4 1112 dieser A 4 I'o 1:1 L 01.1111.11 TO. SR C ',when , I I'IVIn 114 rral, II Pl 7 1, 111 01,11 •II /LIEVI• 11-,a 11 !hill). Ptollor 11, Way, .lulu: . .11 II J. li. Nelhlr: I 1; 01 , 00000 1 ,11:0. 1/ Atiolwollati2ll I IIW W E., 1t 11„1' Al,mool. r I , :iNV 10 1 , 4.:11 'I I. .1030 Korolwr I: .4 oloi IV So •.w1 • I I Art:row LNI,• , 1 21 ,.1‘,1/o 14 Ch ney • 14 Jottn Lot tot ;-4 v 3, pi 0r ..,,,,r t 1 , 1 1 /4 1 11...0 . '11 • olel 1•I' 1/ E L7;wary ; 14 W IV Jolmnan ' 14'4 11,:olo.. I 1 Coo ..t. I F.ll/1111 Buis It 11 S 4 cr,p/ .54 4. Il • /r 1.11,10111 i Tr. A Si!oormao Spoyeror & Sono 11, NEW nEwiri - LEV TIL J . li Colin , ISA 1: 1411.111er 11 . .1 W Ilanklila : .1 1 '12.! .1 Parts., 14 Charlet, Tuner 1I • 1' II Heckert II Jacob Deltriel, . 111 001111 s2WIOOOOI' Tr. John Sharp . 12, AAi 11,, , . / 2,1,1.. 11 BrY en LIAO/', 1 1 ' ;' I / 1. ow I.l , AVerr Tr. ' Charlei :whop' It .1 Motor 1 1 S C 1100111-0 I 1 J C Evan,. I 1 .30011 Como • 14 tr,,hort Port, 14 Lout. steles •1.1 II rlvott .I: 4 0 12 29.• as 21141,1.111 I I'.l 11 .10111..0n I! \I ,Bootllllng I:.1 1•1111.1.-.. 11. 11 Ililei.el , 11'.414 Heleto•r . II W:11 Zimllli .0 0 . 0 11 . A Homer II .1111 Ale.lutelo•on 11 .1 11 WitlteN.,/on 11 Wm Carey :4 J C Cluproao 11 J 1) Ithier • 14 UAW...VI:VC:. 11 Y 4.111., 1 i ; ' 14 14,•,/.1 It El-re 1I (Iry Froth:rid: 11 J l' Dog 12 ' Sr T Nea/ /1 IC 44 Cook ll MEWEW nutoirroi collo. IFreemon Burk 11 A 1) 1,111111a0.1 11 1 W P pall II .IS Ilert;or• . lIA F 21.4 II , I lit. I Irma. . I I I]„0151 J II Atoloson 14 4.111.1. 4 ,11.111 11 J. Wile.. ~.. 11 Aloe .0 110,4 13 4 2 1 (. 0 , .M . .01 1 - II ,1,.-1.1, 11..1. II 0' !Appel! 1 I'/1i14.,,)0, Shaffer& Co I.: Whiner .l 1:011.011 1I .111,. Tr. A 11,./tw !eh 1.•!.1 Is 'l' 11u--••11 I 1 Al N 111110' 10 If Warrick 1.1 I ScllllT A: Sletidield . 11l Mlehle•l 0,11.1 11 John 11,,,,h ell i I's,,he Mod ! 11 4,p,,, c,,,, , ,,,.. . ...;.1 31. 14 . •loloy • II .1 S 1414:a, • r 3 .1.11,113.1••k•,ot 1 I Wsl Kohl. wy I. (hors Lora II C I.' 21.-) or .t co 11 r , 1 1:..14 11 IInIT.O T1.01111,.0n ll'A 'l' Adam. 11 ' 4' It 111 ai I' r"";:: ' 4.!4 T' A " V l' i - c-' 4 - le*. •e• 4 ....!..2i :.,,,' . 41....,A t i f f , ii, i 11 11 NIP,. I I, iIELLEE Tr .1101/Cll-/ .L: .'giant 1:1 Cll4rlo, C41:101111 11 .1 I' P•h•.• i :.1 II 10..1.1 A 4 . 0 11 C 11.1.••• Cm:: 1 C'srt!.de A . co 11 Tho., gorgos 1 I 1 1 word 11.m13,1 11 Si II .1.11 Todd - - • 12 1.. el .1 Si“.llm.M• 4 l- • 1 :.l 1 , ....- 11 IV NI 1,1.••d•Iml ..1., ..:o 11'.1.110. Brittaln It 1,1, 11400,1 ... 11 ; Wm Elliott 1.1 .1 ... 111 9. 4 11 .1 .. i 11 ,,L vs/ern , 1,,,, , p(A4 ow eal .." 'S mew, Murra-on 1., Sow 1.1 i 14 1 SI room , • 11,.1 I: w lb.. ii It l: I..11.1;0 11w II Feuzier 14 • A thinner ' 1!• ttA, 4 . 00 N legrusn: 11111,•r Si CO 1.:!Jamol Scow 14 Wll AleDonatit • 11'11 Hail 11 Idilkr .0 Burlier IS W spring., II I. II Noise Jr Co ' 1 1 .1 IL,/ • y L'lalAty II 11 0 Erna 1, •. 14 isourr.Nozzon Itair 31344.01 f 13'.100ep11 Davi. II I' 4.04, , rnetker 111 Wm larch II 0 W ..lap/ • 134: 1•11 - 45ee 1 T .1 l'ai 1, . 11. 110P41,014. Eh/ Ili.ion. 2 irlOrts, I 1; Calvert .0 Spurn 11 liHnVLII VALI... 1 . 1111.1.11,11•1:0 u01:0 Jo, DWI., II (: I' Entelter 11 CE Eoilk . 14 F I. Gutthm 11 G E :31:4111a ll Ailtltuby linappvr 14 G W Stcwart ' 11:1F.c 4.,,,,,1tt II P n Ditul,l ACo 1I 11.1101.,NY re J F Georcd 11 , 11untict A Lent/. II iri K t, Wbt e' t i I it ti,4.4,17414 • • lit r. 11144 ifirmeditEit )11.! unAtnn note, 'Todd A Itniiiii 3 Jobe !loose I NEW 01061ITOri. Hugo Amide/..1 .I,slorgno Craig 3 . nninotwArtsc. I. 11 Aolili: .t. Co ' It Smith , , :Itl, Kt toll . 3 Ilaierii A Ilriignu. rr. jI II W..: rid: Li, W 4,1 En. I S'C 11 alto 0 1 . tfar•hati A Irwin 4 W Diochllen • i 4J A Coglev • 4 111.:, Ilinhenl .1, ::i O...IIIINUTON. lIKATtIi VALI:S. W F Dell 4 A. E Aug:rt . 1 ... Ii ' rettnom 0000. 'IWIIOO.II A Wiliniel .t. TI., coops ....., . .4 , Breiters. 6111DOCRA71111 IIEIV6II FALM Conrad Wel.gerber 9 Jae Anderton 9 ILIOCIIPTLIII. W Leopold 9 Goillob Kline ; 10t ' • Blllleird saloon send Bowling Alley C J Parker ;latter ILO 03 1J Ilublson I alleys $lO 4 Dlsalle reseuoi. Jon .F Mueller • 7 Real Et late Brokers. DEAVER FA/Le. Wm ' 3000 Steveuron,Whlttj.tolo C 3 aim 811 WICKIXT. II T J thames,l* SO 00 John Drown 31 oa C IV Taylor ' 3000 1 Bill Broker!. maven woo' ' I ne4ren rAue Tbotuititir4nikrAßOO apillittßAlTO4l4l SIM narourox I !esthete. It a le !loupe 3.1i 1 Exthange Brokers. LEAVLVI hFAFICit rat.t.a. Thomas 311 '7 , 103130.00 I Ec enemy havlugs :caw 111:Icatn. Inflate. • 130.60 REsUllaopot $10.41 • Appeals wili be htlo at the.Comnil ,, aloneta: of flee on the 10th 10.11 , :iiet illeter • , •,. • " • • W. B. LEMAION. Mreetunle Amostrier. • MEM New Ada: • einiintkit ' Notice. In ind*Orikr fa the *int, " VITA hearter 44adoos. as mutt* of arrer. al March terni Jos Irwin. Itai Edda mud Lon rn epparinted cnislas 11101.V12 deturtnion rorrdi=rtrna r r w:trey of Output of tito)kwellerand. as originally laid out. Bans a point $1 or neaf i the toildellea WE, P. Townsend to Heir Bright° to tho Blockhouse Ran bridge on the road haul leg from Npw Brighton to Rue seine, „s•rmeskty to an act of Assembly approved April trth, NgUee la•hereey given.that Um Commission sow so eop ., utr ... •will meet at the New Ileilt.tu 44.1.910 Itko dwy or B iZ r 7d 9 0 goat s!nftr the purpose of attending to I/soden/4e Ofikletre29ollMank at *bleb time and place those interested may attend If they think proper. I A. P.LALOCK. maylliEw WEATE ' A Nil) to trig* ir TAXES: • The County Trelastialr will attend in the several townships and borough', forthri_pairp ore Of newly. ins the Eltate and County Mies TOr the Year 1671, It the times and placer desitmated below. viz: 'TJ'f• 4 Norouokt.l. ANS , Adm. hull! burglo . ro' May Capt Srodee• •- • ••• yr, M'Caskey.them`a Baden & Economy, " nS, 12 In. J. T. Barka' store Harmony tp., " Itt, p.m/. hotel, Mhealer two, I I • • • .. bester tp. `• 19, Doneavter's Hotel, Brldgevrater boto " Cant J. M. Red's, iFallston •• " kl, Toll house, ' • New Brighton " 21, Huron house, ••r • .11agawy hoed; Patten•On&B. Falls " NAIL lietelnear depot. Georgetown boro•Jtme I, a.m, Calhoun 'a Store, Glasgow 2 " I, p.m. Jesse /Smith's ' Industry tp., J 2140 2, Abet's atOre. Brighton tp... " 3, David Brett's, Dig Beer a: N. Gal. " 4, . Haden Hotel, Oh:Beer ilome'd G, Johnston /locate, North Sewickley tp." 7 , •NPthap nazen . . ! Franklin tp, •• s, Auteurelth's store, Marton township 2 2, Goo. Hartrell`s,. Pulaski tp., " 10. h. Wallace's, 'New Sewickley to. " 2r, Galway , " tp " George Dallngtou bertAtp" IrJ, Anderson's hotel, I , du, J.:. Dliworlit's. South Beaver tp. July 1, Jrst;:ph Litt rence'N Chippewa tn., . " 5, Mrs. Cuntilmthato's 8. IltwverleGhlo it, Adam's store, t Ohio tp., 7, M. It. Iherhuter's, • ilookstown borafireett tp, July II 12, lintel • Ibunterer&-Gmen tp July 12,Swearengen's brkshop Frankfurt boro, •• la, Mrs. Stevenson's Hanover tp, " J. /L. Wh'os'e seam Raccoon tp., " store, Independence tp " 19, John Mime's,: do ds Boltearell." Mk J. Davis' storm' Hopewell tp., 21, Robert W. Sci At's, 'Moon tp , RaGro store. Payments can be made In stijointnr townships All Licenses must be pad on or befon3 June 15th, otherwise they will be collected by pir)per ofticera with costa. - EBEN AI.I.ISON. maylitf 7'res, &.,r, - 1 ,4 11C49P AMR IVA IL SPRING- GOODS 8b STEINFELD'S DRY GOODS & CLOTEG STORE, ZTEIV BRIGHTON. They have phrehase.l!n the East at the late low, panic prices, stihenvyly of Domestic 4,Toreign DRY' ''' GOODS, fcazit)niaa,rizz, . • • • zat a vain - vit: ME Ts GOODS.,!- ,• NOTIONS 4:e Wldeli ilny , nm n;G•rin!% nnw al low t 1.4 pell?ri4 :Wu v. MiE SO ISO ttV, Running to Pittsburgh LaNG \ steitiele Otte gnc•h "BilrgalvF, NSW ts; . <;lling Good e. on fart c4tfit:oit. ' It cows. voki,"t p.•(te r tatT,...::•.24.Z.A . .1, • 2 " 41 IV;a121•4"- d •• A ,'". reel 4a — firriahkacheo 4 It I InLdin< 112 0 N 0 * - a 1%41 C 7111.4 Welt A I 25 per cent, li•As Ilmu Last FOl (lualmtl(hw , •Lal Smtv., pltr fnr fl ctg. Good likuelicil Lat lEose, 111 NA. All alltor i n n t i z i nTmpontlingly low Their 'Stock of Clothing, 01 . 1.4-kEin OWN 'LAKE, Is Now COMPLETF i• in ire I lie Plaine liFy _Merchant Tailoring ittilf,Abli in way_whielt :kIEETS APPR“VM Ev,ry one who 113.4 rat IN/1)17111 tlum Unit lIIIC price, is thelr motto; • Lnw I'tia•; theirnim— Honest Dealing% the i r prnetie-, and Elegant Pitting liarincntr. their recant mend:Won: TIIEY EMPLoyiNG Now, in Mi. :)e:nirtinent, Allll art•, thertit:pq.. EX I.:yTE ;tll ninERS lAI4I, k EMI NO ONE WHO ‘VISIIES TO ET 4,41t4 At .14 . • SIIIIIII(1 to Call at. , Schiff & .Stcinfeld's . Inatio;:liii I NEW BRIGHTON. • Ten Years viz; • Wall Street gooK,..tuF,Nll4 IVANT ED TO SFALI Pronoubt.dlhe pit olio .aget reports, 79 order?, fn 5 Gay, It Includes all myetertons and , interesting In - Its of 4% 1 11 1 1:n 4 d lncao; :F.P.Vr'grt,"D',,,TYTIL. Gould abG tzumy,ociere. Filled with Illn,Alfmls. Great InducementA • u azent Send for circular.. o C onn WORTUIMITON, JUSTIN & CO., Ila.tford, .11 nprl7;lo. WELLS'• CARBOLIC TABLETS. After lunch study and scientific inemilgation ae to the remedial qualities of Ca 111102.70 Amp. Dr. Well 2 h " dt".""d by proper nunblnal ion with other uticiestln the tuna of a Tablet. a epeclfic fur all pulmonary disealles: - TUKANTAALKTK are a MIRE CURE lor all diseases of the REAM RAVI. rigliggrZtlflietTrtal l M i grnit . ! smug; alessa successful remedy for Kidney dial collie.. Mem near= per lkm. tient_by I upon receipt orPrlee. by JOITN K. KELLOGO, 11 CHIT street, New Toth, Kole Agent for Ow Cal. tcd Slate/. ' iiiptftfkr ElZ== 'Ol/717‘0133 FISKA HATCH' •BliNitmts; A ND DEALEas.R4 cillYaitrolgrr. SECI'RI • El No. 5 Nc'thritrk. tottbrnary 15, ISt. • The rritarklible sore= which attended oar ne gotiation of the Lonna of, ea CRWITIALL Patina • RAILIWAD COIITAIS andfge WAITS/AI - PACIFIC ILAILUOAD COXPAOI", d tke poptilarltynnd ctet. It which thew Loans have maintained in the mar kets, both In this country and Europe, have atm= that tile Pint, Mortage loads of wisely located and honorably managed Railroads are promptly recognised and =day taken as the most f, ratable, safe, and advlntszeola ft= of kneelneat. yid/l ing a more liberal income than can hereafter be derived. from Government Bundy, and available to take their piner. At3urcd that. In the octet lon on:I u. , dlatlgn,o f superior nall . rond Lnnr, no ale meeting a jainif public want, and rendodin: a raloalde erevlco— bolh :0 the Malden -)/ Capßai ind I 0 :noon scent National nrorka of ttuerual Its prove went n bare f ta trina I c merit and as natant Lai ammeter exalt:ado.= to the nee or ca p ital ant the confidence of !Deep:- ore —we now - oder with pedal cm:lade:ten and ratlefactlon tin" FIIIST :MORTGAGE BOND% Chesapeake ani Ohio Railroad Company. Tay Va•sttistde amt. Olito I.elfraat, conueettug the Atbottle wan and the tnagnillcent turbots of the l'heaf;wethe nay with the Ohio river at a point of reliable navigation, and the!, with the entire ., rallioad system end water. trattsportallon'oCthe great West and Bouthwast3orma tit? addl &lowa! East, and West Trunk Line, r? Imperatively demanded for the aveumetodatiou tit the Immense and rapidly gruwing transportation between the Attautle seaboard and Europa on the one hand, and the great predating region of the Ohio Mut Illaslatoppl Valleys on the otter; • Ttie Importance of this road ua nesr,outlet from the Wad to the stet magahles It Into lane of softies al ennsegnenci, and hum rem to It an extrusive through traffic from the dug of Its completlea I while, In fhe development of th, extensive Agri• Filtural and mineral re4ourees- of Virginia and yest .111rgInla, ft pessesnes, along its own 111.11:, therelements of d large and profitable local hull• Thos the great InteNsts t both iNuerti and t uul„ which dCrttind tln ettaaptctiwn of tl4 ('hr.aprab and o.tio Sal[road to the (lido nice, atrunt the scrod guarantee La its unces a and cal de, and ranter it th , must iniportna andseArlts,li , e liali rou.lel.(erpride. uwu in 11(0.:irc44 L. Ais Its wiperior!ty a , .11 Ex.! and Wen route, and the promiee of All tuna -Loa and piontalde trade .011::.itifq: its CWII4OIOII. WAS: drawn to It the at• ICI 0I anu l;.-01.Crla(1011 of pro:nit:l:Ll Capita and Ilructumas of MU city of, toned jud.grtcut tout latownitttegtity, t‘ltty, connection 1, ith It, tiv4i.iher with that or Znato.frit, and hut. maa int ti Or 111-11ret an euovetie, The Ito•d Ls cmapktod and to 0,,r.1 tloo from Itlch mond to the celebrated While Sulphur blirlugs of West Vlrghda. 227 nttlev, nod there remain tint 200 Whet. t now partLlip constroctodi to be rumple• teti to curry It to rho proposed tcrntiuns vu the Ohio river ut, or near the mouth of thu Seedy ricer, ISt) miles shore 'llnetnniti, am! :no miles below Pittsburgh. , 411y1 , 1W 117.1,F!0t Ut AU 11.11.11,te thron4li Ohio Intl K,lstgici4y 16 thi, point, w turh wtll crtal ilea the Cl csapeake U¢l Ohio %nth Ilse 11111ruall ry,kenp. t,l the Wt..: gutt r!otillmt.t.t. and v:1111 Ili, 11.111ron I. Itt 1.1;111'0:e fra.cli;-,•• att.l Yll a.t‘plita,:... VIII ilLto.• •L• ty.:o 1:.1:1 1 , , 1 Elva /PP.!, 1:.•• nip.; .1:ol 1 ,..,,r, 1 1 nod corilar.St:oo+ of the nNIGItIy : nilll there ci.t• a 01,•ttt cuta;::.34,l ru td and %%or:: dont. etri.ll to Cr tolttrc amonut of II tnongnt% Tne detarle of the Lonit hart , arni e with apecial to. f,reno• to Ow Uants of all or In uml ...inborn the v.iriou, fen Wres ~1 con ymiciaCe, x.tR ty, grid profeti..zi azalli-1 to, or CM uomi. ato fu ualuinL~.Wm.e u(; 8:500 and :::3100 They 0v01• rf 'IV,/ IL,idi. ihy•Ole to // ,, :ter,onl way 11414e14 111 ti4At form or The Itttlitt tut:). It, /.. • ! iu tltt• runic uf tit oWner, .nth the cou,m, ImyaMe to bear! # uttnelit4l, I lie - p,,.., t IMP *LAO. ft•fr.Ml.• only on tliv th, Company, unimoi I= TLv coupo:, , :n.ty do:.11.11,1 and c.tnie4led,tlw Lund itig,tertd 110411, It ne f,•rr,o,l~•th,l,oo:::o or IV, t'on,l".'my. !Le Ititer,•t tea ,o rcrnt h& art.tnller The three. clan',, w i II be kuown r•%vecllvel3 Ist. •;11,.tpsrt p 1.) 11-artr Bowl.; r A Coup.Le a!100..1. ~ , , 11 ~,u '14,11 Id. - .11 ,il.l.lid 1), ra uwy;n-1n . .! by rtirrelowd ciaL. 1 / 4 . of /bauls They thirty ycla ns rnn tr. Janitary E . % /..70. Ccilt :41 Annum stnen.t.n. 31111. illrCrha ppible In gold In tI, tit) of N., The 141. ro, in Ma! an.l Not. nit., tc m.ty the place of tlm: tif 1:1.• uu•, of , 41.1 :13e cou"w,•uce of our frivnth a tm a:Nady li.; Wt.. Prici Ird.cre-1 N1 . 1:.7 111 ; lutere•l re .31.114 . 4r. • , r 1,, Loan r, ttred by a martqa, apoa ' tire etitite Liu, of itoxl front It1(111114,mi to the 111116 rn cr. .tv:t1:11! . t. cquipluent met all oth, prop,rty and nvi.urtetimicel. coun,tod thort, ins A Sim litar:Fluol of .{O.k),0111 rtr 11111111 W IA pro mlooirifos of Ihe 1101,46, to take ellot 1 .1.. rear filer 111,. conit.lel lon of luo ltw.l. '11: ni'ortz.;,i:4(o. tri,olioym,iitvlllcli V2tlce,. iKlik, ill 1,., r , ,r...ed and held ii. (nu-I for W.. .e• duns tre..T .t. P# 4 l49 . 4lPf ' , Q.T.'• l.f ti‘• ~yi rvi„i„ (11 ,, tria ,-,. il4 , ,lfhwat,./ r pow theriT)ii 1. the Clailid .4.11,!•14: . ... ',.• ; 4 . - •• ..." ...-.• ...... 01 tiAlin , limig4l3,tco,o9sl, ii ...IV. ielt,t,jir ~tug** Rill t: 4,0 coaiblete ill. ind lorylk, 011 . 0, s r. In!rial k ::4l lillirtriill Iti , 141.....4.111iitk...iti0, and Itsurotv;ltly equip ill: whole for a i age and active traftic The present rite fa the MA mtcrtivi A Loan eo amply ecmvil.. cArt4ally ama:101. and laartraliateafter to canantandii vcabat:ilaiest place Iltntllilf UV LIS 11, Ole wart. eta. both of thka creantri and Fairnie% Alll be at once appreciated and gnlckly Very rrvectfully. FfS/C & HATCH, I :1, ditaskeni; P. S.—Wd have laAmed .pauvhlets cuutalnlng faltparticularcAntlstleal itetall!.nurp4, pte, which trill he funtWwil upon apPlicirtiou. frtir, I.v , ruot l Clarertruhritlitondil, tett 'recoil , . IGr errelliiure tin., un other. ont,ledi 'hick id' dies( add a Doff Intomt on dill; baleucce. M=E=M FA/ads. ToAr Foundry & Repair Shop lb., n.: EmirvA In 'l.^ Inientmo than. tkirli pl lllll , -- 41 , 411h4 wy K l r lid Ime accumulated a Tarte) 4? n.fvl Ds, fur y giet Improv ru er:Ws cilk models and takik; p t.atee as EINE COOKING %STOVES —as e; after haring Ittartraztdr rt, plaartneute, 1 frtlwarrantext In neer!, t h, T . itte'pubtle. . PLOW 1 19 , The GIIiKAT WESTERN perlor for this Lucent,. STOVS: ti tore* of Different Styles for Drain. n ,01,41,. The Great DOE Cooktez 8t ze IL I+ the best Itecuttl of ntr,7 WA Out att. Tbn folinveln; namedaronna- hxy,• :! and used the Great nidic ,to, a, num, tangth of tuan—art. n 1 n t o to I,tify to ItIO IflgrajOr 61,110 1 Speyer/. Mrs ,230 Morim .1 s• it 2 Lsornbroak John I:31 Moous,r 1 1 1. s 3 Milts Mrs. John J 1 ~o s. A. 1., r II brutal 11 , 0110 2:.'s 311v1.- , s 31,..1„,,.. I O'Leary Mri .. , - '-, I Murphy ham, s L. French George 111 Myr, n Grim Frank 1.; ly.r. -- 11 Anghlohangh '2.11 311:1, - VI A10.1(tIVI• SIN Robe '1441 -- i - 11 Aebesou Doc! _ 1.4... , 3111:1r n Allvto Willlaui aal M ,J 0 ....,, m A 113 Anderson James Il •7/1 31.1‘5,11 1000..1 17 Ankon James 12.2 Ihrlin 3 1 , * Jo. ph lb AriuMead Mrs ,ssair Mor2au Th r 2 :1 1 1 v i' l !. 3 lE d ct a ha l , in ui f n .. ll l . ‘ s rb s S l ; 4l . : „. , '=; 1:.111 . : 311 1 I t t 'lr L11 :I' s . :1 M. I .'‘ :1 ' ~... zy Bradshaw Milo 1 2.:51 Mark* John Y 24 Bradshaw Robert 1 ,2r0 Moon Dort ei Bradshaw Thos C 1 179 Malwen Mr• V's Braden John ;171 Mldalkton Wm 27 Bonds Arbor 1272 Metz Cleo 23 Boon ame* 273 Ilart.oft Jacob T.I t ße t iogton Cap/. ,271 31ortitJaroes 194 Bryon Mn Ana . 1 ... 274 0 ., .... )1 = 1 _,_. 1 q 9 ', 0 , 11 . ,' I al Baker 1103,, 2r. Maws Mrs Itu.,, s ; fal Miner Frank sI X.I 4. 1 1 1 / ,,a ck e u n i to r fl d WO4 11 iu.. l3arslt ra t Bar r ; G. 2 2 - 41 1 3 1 . 0 111 a no, n „j., 7; , ;•• :hi BiackmoraJoslophilte 311 9 .31 r 1 . W . 1.1....• a 7 Borougns D. Sr., 1„.4 En , v b.! ~,....•, ,: 1 : : ::: u r rd : ; i • : , L, , b,:,.„Dj; i sllls ' 1 McCreary .1 . 1, , 411 B r Remy . iF''' N kek.ti 1, h. _2813 51 'Crony A . ,. s . 4. 11 u lto em ra v, u J r a i sp b et ilip ,l , r. i..,...-' , ' 7 , :11„ , ,: - . I ,, ! , , , ,, , .. , = 6 .'• .lii . : :, t, ,.r E , 44 Boyl David ...,S.l M'Cresry In J U 4.7. Bruainger Henry :.',',.1: l i t '. ( C r .' ,. ' . ' „ r) „Ii 11 . ' 40 Beatty Milton, 1- 47 Brlgcs Spencer ...!, 9 '.1 3 .J c .. 11 / 4 1.1 ' , '; 1 , -° ' . ..'els. 44 Bear. Valso I.lrewerys-"... 4 . 3 3. , 3 I ... .0 1141101 rat," 2 . 41 11 . 1/011.1/0 Mr. N rn 111144105 — 1 2.. , 1 11c1husuos Jur, . :NI Boyle John C '1.4 31eDonald C .1u .Ih. .101 Balms JO.OOlll 10 . ..7 111 11 ,• •• 1 ~,,i , 63 Bunks George , 1 ,-7 ~A 1 D D :111...1 ; 1_, _,./ . 1 Z.l 111usley John a.; tow, Henry 1...1 '' 2 " ' , 1 1 , ,F -- , -, 56 Bel., El...neth ,7 u ! , o .''"' . '''''Ph 1.7 Bosswell Wslham ,' ,l, M. 1, G. l u. J on , . I'' 11 *II Met. swan 11.,1n h 59 11:1. 0b0 r0 0 14111 W ee "t A t i 1 411 ' l T: on Brown Mr. 3,,1i_ 01 Buckeral John :Art ,Ken711..101, 4h4n ,slo7 McKee Jams* 02 Border John hil 11001 Jo.onls ..'OsS 31,713110ght“,.1.1 i n 1309 ..11cLus2hiso 1110, CI Ca.. Edward lan Me.3llllon Is 1:', Caldwell Jain. LI , 33 ,3 30, ,,, ,, ,, , , 11°1, , 06 4 lox* J 0.0.21, , 11113 teNary Jam. G 1 c " 9 ' l ' J.. ,`''' 1 • ;ul.l ePhlllsour Mr* 6.1 12 " .1.- ` 1 """'" 'SDI Mlll oud; 111 Child. WlPlasn .„,.., melio `a i.. wm j 7n Ca5r..1.14.• 414 McDaniel. Thoma. 71 Calhoun Do, Id . , Ils *Dnald Thom*. 72 Cunnitmlnatu Wm :3 ('bevy hslw ~." m. e , arti ' - ny win,. m 12.12 M'Coy ...11,1,1111..r 1 Carr 1./..vid 1:120 M'Collonch John 75.C0.t..trd 1r zu 1321 M'Dopalsi Mr* .N,l J , 713 Cherry , 421. 3CDonald A solr., I 7'7 Comm. J M .0 ,f 123 M'Cage Mr. W. 13, 7h Clark ...../111110.1 •341 Nk.(1„„ . ,,, 3 ‘,,,, ~ l' '' ""••••,I'''). 40h1' 1:1 • 1 - 5 McKencle .1.31 0 I. ,4 4 0 Conbile James 32'; Delan. Jo-. 0., el Cunningham John ~21. P al ls it ,,,.„ , '2 Carson 11 sa 3 Pallorsoss Mr. • 'l4ll Crept,* .. ,:24 Purdy , 4414:. , r , !; 1 V1 z it01a '''''. ,:`Ol rienc .kl:r u , .5.11 I'ler, .1,..55, ' • '. Caldwell M. 1., o ...II a N. uss .1 .... h ' ~,-; entcru.n William '1.7.31 Phillipe t.s, Cubical:l George ;..-. 1 .,,,,,, ii 1 ., . • 5., 1 4 Corona Daniel ',1:1.1 Porter NV's t" C"". S ' e ?b . 'n ;.;.1.-, .Dark,r 1/....t ../1 Chandler Ir TJ •:,,, ~,,,,,,,, _ 101 C 11.11.1 1 .7 JAM:* 4.14 Frtothlt .1., to 93 Damon Joseph ,.' 111 Duncan John M N ,34, t Parker I:, him, Th,.. ..s.; Davis Milton . izi t Phin,. ma. 1 , , ' On Dunlap John - B - 2 POWs* J M ..e.: 91 /2401,1- 9° H"10 •Ad Itustand %%so 4el Donlan Samuel It !',,,, „win., 11 11 112 Donn W lll .. 14* ('ark. David - DA Douthet 11/1 Bl4ll l na Mr. 1 1111 Dttun ,317 Pane/qua WI Davis Th. R 1 1 1 ,0 , ./ :, 1 1 .1., D Ua37 . 1i ,.. ° 11„• ,.. .. ' J w ' u5t:5.:71.1 1 .1 ,,' .. • ;, 0 1 i j rrn t tr : k : : : : :: ":- 411 1t5....) M Isoss Itol hamuel 5 3. ,..., it , i ,, ~,, pi; Bowls Wm 31 ,4:".11 Itt, 00• 11 Mrs 110 , DIIIII 3 I , NI Ohm ,: - 1 y .. II • .... 0 5 .,..., .., . p.... Dunley John .3. - , - , Reed 11 trs Pon 110 14,4rid4.01 John • ~ ,i ., ,,„ 1 ,,, , ~, 111 llomllng WilllaM .. lc ~,, r. 04 I II:1 Duncla Ito is: , ~.; • itoh,rg..r.,, Il m I 1 0,10 II i; J D .; s t r , l , s s , s u g .i ii ., 0 ,. .. ,, ,. rt L... „ :„ . „ , ii.. ,, ,:, .. ,31:::,. ~ , . 1 11.. 1..,,,,,t, ssm. ...;7. E..... I •A ..• ... 1 W. 11,,0u W 31 ;I: 11mo L'., 117 Dm - risme rMII ~ ', 1 ,.; 1 t.,3,1:, , , ~ 11 , .11.uorsh Mr. 17er ~,, 1:.,,5, 14. 119 Elan. 1..... . I,n Ensilris. Robert ,::s l,-, /Loa .•NI . • .:, 0. IL, .. 121 01131'? Wsh.lalngton , 1 , , . , ~, i,..i, 4,,.. , 1:4 E 1110,4 14, i s 1 :143 1.1`... 414., X ' 11.0 1:1v4,00 TI:moso :',6.1 1.,, m , _ , ' 121 E4ano 14 0 .... 41 12:1 Er. In ll', '7I 1133141 .1., - 1 111 Y. 11.1111: W..... •.7:3 11...1 111 4:4o , sough .101141 ' 41:1 I: 41. , 1'4,3 , I4m • , 121. Eric. 1100,0 :111 II :3, Nis- -- IM I 1:11110; OM, 1 1475 111,......1J L. • IT' 1 dellorte r(; 7;.1 11.1.0 .1 .r : 111 I:cider DAs.sel;77 1:4141',, NI so II 7.2 Elliott Jassit. on 1 3 , it ,, ,, , it ., ~., lu.l L . ,lgar Hubert 11 1:.:19 11... z. 1-- 12s I.rn 01 NAJ:111.1e1 1:1 , ,,, 1:,..., • ••1 T.., i /. 1.13 1.1111 . 11,0.11/A !:"...1 1:.',..1......1 . . 11.4 Fr:oll.lin 1.14 11 11331 14.31er o,r 13: Fronk Solomon 1••,.,4 s,m t s, i,,,,,,, XI) 114 0 l'lddler Jacob 1 . g..1 111140 II 11../ Fiddler Gov W.:, blll‘l 13 1110011 OCu 14411:1110oser .1 W , l aAl2:l,i,dy ~•,, 111 Fetter Henry 14,7 Stllluy lilt 0.0• J 114 l'ulton Mr+ Gtol 'll3O 4 .1 1.1.041 !El Freual l'apt4.e.) ;heal. 1111,11 lii Fullerton John sap s m i th , m ., , 115 Franck Hobert 391 snso,, q , „issi E litl kr000•r &Mu A '3W Shorts Alron 117 Foll'olima...r Ju0eph1 , .." 33 5103001 Wlll3Oll .1 1 1 4 5' 4 '. 1 k kf l l-' 71.7 1' , " i u *k.e m" . 'hn.s; 1110 th a '' ''; .r. :j4 4 10 1::" :41 ‘1. 1 ‘ h •hr s s i rs ' 1 : .1. P D . '.. n r y 131 FunkhomerJanat'n *2l Strout Jame. ' 132 Frs'gs George s'es., Stoin I)antrl, 1:4 1 misclo II 2 •khs Strock Wm 1. - .1 (laden Menry , 14'41 Stetl ) o4 MAI John r 133 (?,flay— 401 Slrstfer I 1311 Cows e Boston ;41,2 btslos Mr. 'sm.'' , 1:.7 loro4o J 010: 10,1 Stn., 1 3-1..., . r . •12 , 1 141. ( .1, ON e CC ki ha la 1 0 1 11 0 010, 31.0 , 3,•0• 1111 . 10,1.1 l illo , oll JOlllo li .403 01,,, , 111. 1: DO ( 11 e1.111 Woodson:0 0. -,.41 1. • 11:1 1.1110.4.1. • 1 ' 21,1 r..J. 07 ,i.,.„..,..1..4.1.11 'lO2 Drahani Itobt , 1 101 Graham Choi ,441. monis Ils.1,•:1 it ,l,r.s 0n,.,, r 10.1 1101 Gro.r Samoul , Vol 1.311:, EiMr on 10. 41011 o A. 4 o 111 Stott Do. id I:. 1 I'.'. liotll4 A Co 112 Shoes( sits .1.-,;,'1 11,1 li031.• A 0 o 111 Stro.trl JaMe. 1: 1 It, l:01,1. • .11 1•,. ?II : • •100•1• - 1 11,9 1,1.00 - Ili muall Mr. I's.• r 1 ns (.11111.11,1,11 I o. 'I a) I. e s•ass. m• I 1:1 Itill Jllllll,, II: 11, for .1", 1143 ; 13 . 1 1407 St 1.1.1, 1:13 lliomp.m 4 JAM,. ' 1; 1 1100,010 y S.lllOlOl 119 '11.040.Th Mr. I , I:I (1n o,il (1.40 • 3.. • 43) Tisi on „ a ~,,,,,, :. 11, , h4slis 91.1... '4:l Th mai.... 1: 11 131 Woodson 11..0 CV 411 'Fume 11,1' 11 1:7 11.301 421 Thorni.4oo --- 1 11. limner TIM, 121 'row.t.,it Cl,. 11.1 Mors?.,— 4 •rs , Taylor Wo. 1 , 1, 11.41111 Wm. • 115 Tirelll 11,112 ..... • 1 1 , 1 lis , .toin John , I:: r o od s.smor" , ! .1,2... IL'lsteln ' ,I'. Toon-mot 11,... it,.!f,,, 1. . Too , 111.1mr4 1,4 11mteie117 I tst i . ,,s: : :: : 1 r,.: 1 ,511‘,:o L nw1Lvlli,.; :1 i 1.,, %; 1 , 4 111,4 - (12 W 1553114 J 1 1 , 1 11 , nriel a: I,no ,in w 5 . ) .,,„1 NI . , I .4 ' 14, 1114.100 llola•rt ill 11 ~y.ssol NI - 1 IDO 11euticl 5: Lenz ' ix, wi1 . .... F... ...s Bo Boutin Front .•. 'l, Wlooos ~...., 191 lloa*.d.ohler Mrs 'l.ll , 5r5..k..1.0.1. - 19-.. t Iturett Ephrturn . ( 11, 11;;,1:n,.. ---- 11)1 Ilannlton Geo 'MS. 0, Isll,. J.: • - I'd Banter Woo lin Wall., I: s" 193 Dan Dold. 0 (Ii Wade 31, Ir., 1111 1114 11103 -- 'lll W.,1,0,.1. 0 , 137 113.110 g John 11l W, .31 02. ,43 , Be Harvey Alnt.rt 'ID Wa.rm r Wm 1:41 liondoreson Wrn II 111 wm, - 01u 112r1nan John 1I'; Wosi.• Al, 'SA Ilsollt.worth ' 11 , 1440,.1. .1,', , 1 ' ' 2102 10 .1 , 4 1 0 Jytn W ll' 111111101. 11, INOI Inzrant Marthew 'll. Wlmrsso.. Il' NMI Jack.ost !oho I:o W0rk..1.1 1 113. 1141, Johnston cant J. +..1 s wo rms f; • -- 1: 1 13 .110,1,001 Dr .la* F. .1:'.2 WU, in. In 1- , h 11,6, .1,,,k..,.171,,i,,,, , W 4:: Wt : .,,, I'o3o 1 • 2. , Jaeloun Jame. , 131 Via.l,l.e Thu. ism; .1 ohn.ton Tlonnision: IX. 'Vol' CriAn tqo J 01043010 .1100,44 • , ZA; (I'll-on 'I in 111 Jour. 11 tilt tni . 131 11,00111C3Mare1 212 /11.14,1111 A 131lretl i• - . WI/I'C'05•111113.1.11 213 .1.11:1,1/11 On ol 11:. 11 11141 Isilyartl d2ll John's's:l 11, ',Walter 103 W. 11,,,, -- , .211.. 20111,1 , •, .1 b ' 1 .1 .0,10 I 1 114 3414 I 116 3,1146 \V,,s I " " JIM , : 217 GM', 14 311114'4 I'4 Wltlll. TIM/11 . , 11 , IvAt. r‘ r 140.1 , •41 Wri4lll .10101 ' 1: 1 • 1,0100.01 1 , 0 •4 1 1.1•13 Whl.tler Jolla II 111 1,r,..t.1•00 ...r t SI4 Wail (.....4,.., , ."-'4) Isok A 3 I'o 1101 Wright .111.1 r... '2:2 1333..49 5121.1.1' 114 0 W1,,,,e,, i 4Jy n ”.... 3,31 hr.,. 11104 ,4n, W l .Oll 31.4110. 1 u 1 . 0 1: 1 1•:1 0 .)• 1 11,,1 uWA :nu Warlock Jon.. 2:3 hetuss"lY 1,101 111 111 W‘surr John 23. hum, ti I' Lgsi. 1172 Wino-, Co'll.l • 13 haile. S e ; 17.1 Young John N ~ -I 21 , Kis, Y 1: 1 171 in Irina M 1401.rar Jortily In C 3111..1;1, 1V,,: 112' 111.1/1.9 A Ilt, ,Cr,,, 43. 111 1 , j.,1,141. Tx„- 'l4l hen:sail L ,117 1 , 4,1.1-oss 44 to 31 212 !Ashy John . 1 47 h 1131.t11 John 223 Lossrovelor.lecosh . 1111 Ila,. il, 1311.10.,1 1/411,1 1,1 lies no, I: 2 1 t 's Lowery John. , 41i Lowary 110, I' D. 243 ,:sessel , n David 'l , l laneslii. Joloot.os 2:11' Lyon Wm 1 , 4 3l'l O r...Jett. . 2.10 Lang 0410 I. 11 , 4 M'Coest7 Wl ll. . 24 1 Lund. Mrs John 1... N NllOll 10, 1 m 41 211'41..11.,k, 1ttrm..7,1 :1411,.1,11 11 . v " 1(, Ledlie Jos 11 no'l , 1 , 1 Nlblikeli In t . r.t Lots, Joseph 0, 25 ,1 310. - 11 : 1 Lukina.Charles ,4 , 11 Pronli 11. , or) Sti Lewarvi 14)1411011, 1450 0.. zrr Jacob IL' 1.1. - Dalll.l, . 091 lousy! John tin Linsley l'hons. • ,I'll W 00414 Jo, ph 247 Leonard Dauipl '4..n F. 4 cut t11•' ix•fr: John ..... - 1, lull Crltehk. Bev li 1 . 22 1 .0111.1111.3'm Mr+ Thow497. 11.31.1t.r.0n It., 1lov1:44.1.1Irro Ilrat tlaro 440:41,.... on Fund o f 'about tlt teen Insole power ea law I ty, they are odors.' to t h e public at realOnable rar.. ....., .4. 10111 f 711010. D z • s p r so i m. am Xi: Ini 11
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