igeralhd. _ ~ !ter, all It n spot In my heart for e of, !opt _ago, ' Who, has Ittt Mrs. Sloper of to y, Would to tiod that entltniiasmf Ind fht%h, yt ottlfd andEaffeetho , romantic .w the Mary Ja' i, 110 kinship • • day ; and • I those days o uutl sinceri might come' In I' But they won't, nt. I crumble up,the ,'; per and thrust it bck, aw a:good 'many ing ou.in lite4l,wadther 0 the end and can look whole to know whether . nor they ring In the I and .go on. others are till we get Luck over th tg MEI PP •K IN TUE DOOR. THE ERA', ~ T h e 'weal :t house, the prettiest garden, the at servants, cod the hlrgtatt bank acc o unt In X—, be, j ouire d to MehitablastaVtdaw, a Wideith • - 4' ; 4 Ibt'oPieldsb dMs 4 AA she walnut p •thest woman in X—; but these wer not the other women. They add she' had red hair and weal too fat, and w atelthogentlemo.ktme, t m admire tu I er they couldn't gueos; ite., &c.; but . ty it as often' as'they, •,• might; every man in the pluee,was /Jetty Arms t g's devoted krVant; (Heed and, tul Arta:, and.a .dozeu .of 'them her torte - also._A brighr,dastei ing, warm la feel altionn l stutt Mtfus•; as mertt tie' liteigh' she had' Wetter known u awe. Not that she had for- . -gotten -therho of -tferyonttr=ttte gallant, btaak • putts* captain whose' ship had golf t down in mid (maul. five years belt reounimimmigtgred, face lay dent) ei.4 heart night •or dly, sleeping or w • inp—but site Was tee full of life an IhOpeIOAVO entirely . In time .past, a • loved neither hours of melancholy, 44 ushig det•,whittsame women ealta. `good cry.' Ta / 0 41 et i all-sontrfrit . , 4 Itimmt benshap py as, she wig t, wore the two rept. * nag if leer ot l it „kid, trid Eion• pie who did'n t know IDA y-:: m strongthought merheartftiassa_dpuude .., m great 'malstak . They called h 'r a flirt, too, anti that wits not true,el 1109. 1 4he only flirted with those wift begunlhe game first, and that awe atm; Imi.tsiatight to. do: i I At X=, if a g•ntleman called twice on a lady ids at ntitamaSttioXeported to be 'very Pee liar; '; if lam_'saw her home leo& in t Ing,'lnttieftleelared they were taiga °di and if ime,spent an evening ‘vit Cher, they were 'to he tmwriednext trt, tkr-for alertaitity; but 'rutty And, irongiiis not Inel ud - - ell inAltokkf 14610 Alfe &Ink , - i r tereatued to -d pis A 144 glmtme t She • went ever* OH HI 1 uftillrried gentlenien o he set. She was friend ly when she e • aim tititelnref'flirted when she .1114 .. ~ • After, setting times, she ;lab people le her' ti Annstrotat's wa no indication Q Cans. For „s_t, hatterM — liel• pm hither maul r tititl dft,lleJkltWlttaki . tutored her, and married her,nnti made his 'debut tongue:4igoing • jtower ollmllen 4- He wag tall, 11 , Was cemparatt just that (audit 4'4' him ,whigh',lo' 4 , lan'a.of ~ slan in tolletVtadt t- - ed,noconipliSlll4 .—lee, bpenl rm Artathn a'fee self her' iiiirer not mean to"imay knees of his foul I going down upo 4 . other:way:eon I the knights of on, I •ttli; but alter the i emtury, hs. &el I quite Openly. Ho sang to ant haunted her porlo glastt. lie'lmtrot • Luminary, add signed C. R. He breathed d soft glances, ant might have duel 1 this, not, r iot' o w butt for at year, at time lietty Arm. t deraland that sh • everybody to to t wood when he 0 I Mid hand. Mum t and the sweet von • tendon and tho w admirer were not nimorr-4ietty Arms it Jbegowtobe I I treinors 'and Hutt 1 enee. lier cheeks in her girlhood.. I not sober, practk nutureat tiveond t indulge, and as tit felt more con:wino. • was expected of he She tried.to bo the man carefully: she declared him t last Hetty fairly I ()fluff will to whit, long, owl allow& down the iidootti were tb letid her to' ltokewood.• She ,1 on Ids arm as he' She unitedly ltdo elm only sWille tab they love. She 'f Ise happier with s pose on; and Ifto er it really woulil 'widow to he now when white was coMplextop: Sim Christmas drew' I lletty Armstrong' eve party. , All X— or m there,eyeu time Re WIIO. amiably for{, disapproved of don when Mrs. Armst she 'adored .theni. time merriest party t and this thno M is:, she wouldsoutdo li a dash more of emit a dash of extntvan,q o glitter of rare.chi of _rare flowers in t they say wine wa and fancy does' lON things woolklie - more staliklinglaa rather. vaguely felt hadjust begun to aright. and though( er's. 'tibial dozen point, and Ode: 'lt was I tetty —that was all—anti matrimonial 'ilfll4e tra....nutleuwa—luul rlors escorted her. alg 1 . 4,4 tided Atilliii:WOU gohhip had inuldenlya stranger at X—, and not •ontl ' oven Betty's wad hoitHiscitne;ll4 , , Y young.. .146 had jtsitooout . it A ifkkOk • - .8'; %dam edkliltt titigtholkopoitiottig Itßd• ~- Ifelty OF ooutele , wo 410 Ithitt - he relined the ess - hlibiliments by than, or in any, yted ind Il when heart smiit ntunnerof thelXtli treti, his Intentions at the lady. He . Hkeawoll dressed poetry for P— ed to 11. and ep sighs, and gave l said things that le uteaniugs. And ak or for a month, the eud of which trong.began to un ,was • expected by apt Charles Roke ered her his heart chile, the soft eyes 'e. the delicate at tudeg WWI of her vithouCtheir effect reng's heart. I.:r 7 mecious of tlrtain rifigit• In his t rues , limited as they had ler dreams were is dreams' which enty should alone days rolled on she . thatthe eyes' that would be uttered. rildent and.' judge The result :Nt7ts be 'an angel.' At t go of the rudder 1 1, : I she had dun , so c . herself' ~tw rift r tXunstanifesve ikoi he arms Or Charles t her hand linger bid her -good ,bye s 1 Idseyes asVouteu I the eyes Of" tliogY It that life would I eh a txkann to re to wonder wheth- be necessary fora I led in pearl txdori ) becoming 'te her tatters stood until I car, and ' With 'it 1 regular Christtuas larty all, would be . Luther Paragon, a to say that, he gag and charades long declared that .It was always f the season nt X.'• i rmstrongdecided rself. There win; etry In her droos; nee in the supper, la. and a perfume h purlor-Just as Ins up the with e at 'times. 'All 40 11 0;! Ijiiilleit, - , now, though, or the woman who know deer. Renee d she know anoth- rich dream of silk her hair, and on er guests arrived, parlor, when r ou the shoulder; w Chariot Itoke. She stood In her I and lace, dowers ii her bosons, before I before the fire, in some one touched li land turning, sho • .• ••” , woodt .) , .i./.t I. - , ‘ ller face was a lit inure 'earnest in the and a sort of Imppy her as sheguessed so early.. , I ''. II knew sh ouldl lie st4d,l.and'l 4avq to you--semething • -7 There she ',do .' ....iyiLnuer.,,!: ,*. .1 • evening ne, before.' _calmness. Illtlti . • ~, l—l I mustask yo th. g uests' of min nio ow—l will h Ile wed. ''Yon law,' e said and t kbs.. 44 4 , lt.',;Sbe htt the wit/10;11ot di u All the evening 'Peal* were thor", evening , 'excel* btick ' to ham knew what ha m could only answer I she liked him so w 'And F have felt could' likirany Hetty. 'There Is fate In . But shodaintedsm pa usual, and no oni 1( , );,1 le intler,, , her eyes r look than usual, I terror garnet upon shy he hid come f ' • find you; alone,' Thlet,too,t 6 RAY him. 'llpn't llich caps rpc pll gagitathig/ to lvalt.; ' After are gotir I ; you; not noa..t Inv k her hand and aide_ . it. tduatdeg. ktolduk-it after the other onren . gril fth itC nye one she Au in one way— , -. 180 sure I never I thought :4!ung awl . eased tbsit she ,ge.) • tile 'three was dietunlng-z-riot oven itokewoist , who with a clpfslyt ut iend had slipped. i , ~,r4trail tile or*, and 'were 8 nlic lintitsl usdinithe dressing loom. ' a little out of sorts. Hefty, conscious of her dutit Pte.. katetsistedia . 4 limtpuliN/ T uld hot r tittered t a fete; and the women who wereready I to be talked to ho did not care about. ' ,thlgaged men are generally known ' their !wrist' conduct to holiest. Itokew(xxl, though not enga,gl, ho. Ueyedhlrusillf akr. otos!. ot. p" d to fdrgetTitSbhisuavityi and tell back on cigars and masculinefrieuds,when eve latkvilews! could not be white foof j cp&etut, Consequently (=els who thought .Ilokewood charming were wondering what could bum become of him, when Iliddy 6 thewaitri.l, mysteriously, beekoavd her mistress into life anti, ht An iiwthlwhigp&gald, l ithirespikiictwere netted for the erame.' /C;liitial*tbitß i te lt d to forget It? I'll get poor Aunt Martha's pct 41),StOcib . WA4l:o9,,tohe qtr .till canie"to And to the second floor, where she plunged tealllOW ) OglatiT l -thrlege liretsws,e; left. her ,years before by a maiden ;tout. Counting. t.be.spopus overfill sithrthur voice s frifm the next room lull on her ear. thellittne moment she caught the perfume of a cigar.— dbe knew that.Charlek Rokcwood Ind the richest voice and smoked the, hest cigars ofany trintrof his set: "rhe dear old fellow,' she whispered to herself, have be en cross to you: to night, but sonie dal I'll be as kitid ntr Yiaitis daft to ifuniti iipThr ft.' .' Then, with a loving*inan's wish AutionsAlutisau.thalaastuslearZhilfer, she stooped faitfarkatul peeped thro' , attack in the door of the china closet,' Opentiitintejltp„ligle wing roma ; 1 & - Iiited eventur gentletten'atollet.:. EvAry worthilis plarhry attilible; When'. her prying ear approached sosclesely to the etevite,i tiud . t4d:tind ;ward XiVeted lief atteit-• tiOrfi7Themen.weretalkittwormat-. alleiliinker;liie-. l ialld ilia friend. , ‘.YOu a woman's • apron strings fob jlfe. 'You (met say yohr soul is your own. Take my advice, and WO out of it altogether.' • • - 'Look here i old fellow; saidCharliti,• taking his cigar from between his lips, ''that sort of thing Is till fa owu . limit:. Now, when I marry. my tint will be to proVemptelf master.' 'As you begin so you. goon, and beftire my honeymoon js over; the woman that takes myuaille ;Shall know that my will is law,' and that hers must yield to it.' The spoons ht .)Irs. Armstrong's hand tinkled together just then , e but nif one heard theiii r :,Charlw went !My wife', WI - have oncothall haVe no chants, thshow her . . she does not like my orders, She must ohey'dient Withoutilking.. her iti like u horse—bring - her • down al ancO_to..tlieftalal/finintiincal to keep hertitr; - prposely.thwart her for a while; contra let her; ohject to her style of drisis ; make her al tertlie' way of doing her intir,rofuse tothium, attend church, and. make her .send regrets to party invitations who.: she wants to 'tempt them, show her , at once what she may expect. Alter a while I Might yield a little more,but because I ehose, , yon uhderstand-not to please her.'' ' "•' • ' 'Yes, 'fahtth'e frietidMoubtfully, 'hut you ean't think hew hard you'd find it ; and If stay out lide they make Sueb`a row—sit up for yet In a night (up, antiery, when yen taime in,' Mary ;raved in .; O I L gni down torn it • I'd Juana& 444 1 Nutt Itekewiiod, brNUty int; out every nWit.tmtil day light. The one rule I should put ih practice woald•be-i-neverlet a woman have her-own way.'; The spoons tinkled a little triore,andiAtm: Ann , strofigq, face - thrilled terribly; but the IbutAted stilt. • • 'Of course, you yield a great deal to the Woman you ore in love With t ' said Mr. ltokewood,evidently brush lug the ashes from his cigar, 'hut that's because oaf the romance and that sort of nonsense, which tiles out with the honeymoon. Youcan find women enough to write poetry to and to talk sentimental with, married or single. As fiw your wife, she's' the woman that, keeps 'house for • you, and the gooner you Make her aware of - the fact the .better. When marry, it will iii WWI" idiotic: dens oLper betual edintsihip in My “mind: I'd begin as I intend to go on, and be 'depend • 'But thot iv toaster,' whispered pietty M. 'Armstrong, 'not mine.' 'Mistress Armstrong. them spoons, 011ie.' Whispered Biddy,at the stairs just then. Iletty Armstrong gathered up the spoons which • had slipped ; loosely down into her lap. SIM' hated at • thew as fine did so.. They weroSOl4 And elegant; as was 'aldher silver.— . .Her evesy glanced about the room, which wealth and taste had made the perfecklou of elegem.* uhf win fork Hei• intim! Sliii - liteid "down, Stairs the merry chat of her guists, the sound of niuslOttild dancing. She remembered' that in the kitchen her servants were Malang ready a supper lit for n king. She - turned to the mirror ;* a handsonhc"worritih,` still yoUng,andelegehtl,fdressed; glanced proudly •baok ab.her,liArPhour • bco fore, all these,,the'ltotnan included, she' would 'have 'given' to Charles ltolcewcxxl laud fie been a beggar. Jcnit atinge or tstinvent.. through her heart. One tear 'stole 1 . down her glowing:cheek., -Then she gave a lit tle hitter laugh. • . : : 'l, alone, an, queen of rue!' she misquoted: and ran out to give the spixnet,t/ ply, n kit)r i i•rt.s et 9 tinitthem,' gm idi 'l4odr° &•0 outlast.' il'id . ••••:T. I to jy , , r slio gliectAi little' _; •: t • • u t diiind nt* quiteOutt at 1' . :•:-.' *as thktnerrleht C. '• ye! f thettlell *1 lie •)i t5:41341 he hotly Armstrong seem le merri est there. • But no one saw her when the door clascsl upon them all, and she wasolone fripliS , "if•dWit chamber. No matter hole - Bird - a - love dream OO 11n1 SireV_0 1 3 . tritYYIYILPI.. I lettrA gi7.l rniettunewefusest Marks Rokewnott 4 :theeiVekt thilk,rittdis the 'people u'lfri ght*eil ' lt • filinnOi"her bitterly:• , •A4' for•Charl es hi II ritielfil te was turnip InJurcArrell i, y grieved, lilt I t(t) nevtirt 4 it it Os ieetu e inf married ' ha it .- oml auditor ;., not that Betty.. diruuld. , • have sad 'yee• istitiad of Nlo,' but for I I 'the crack in the door of the china • closet.' J'it:r.s.'' 2 1 .1 • 74 W - Fil '2.7 , "TiIu.ARTV;e Of>the fßeaddaisiota4,l, written:the fellOUrtutlettt.i.: l „•„', • , ',', . . .. . ... , .. . . . "Covivutos,__ March 31, 1870. 1.4401ei10g knerar velettu Hew 4atle fkl:et 111 - thy !Ire.' 11'w (Warr al, while in the tirtnY;'preiliksed neti ir 1711fIZTVIT;14074=114 ,18 4 / 4 ,bevetw4lorkeWhlgior Conkrais frourldaimnive district.. He gave!sa his reason for so %hiring that the Whig was a man of thembeitbrilliaiit'order of talent' the other of a lotver , order.. ' The Whig way elected.- His second vote wow:east for ;JAL Bucluthtiii, in ittrie; froth • purely personal rviisons: :He has often said 4Mo..that any num , wlid Would tote feir'Buchanan might' to be disfranchised, andlf "tM` irlov.c emment would not ,disfrunchise,iiint' the would do it, idniself, anti rbelleve he has not voted alike. unle*4 ho i'el.-, ed in 1868. 1 believe 1w never,waa ti. lienmerat. but tirldW in Missouri; in the Immediate vicinity o 1 the'Deithl., , . he may have had 80111 C sympathy In., that direction. , . , , .. l'outs, dx., • J. H. , (litAtar, P. - M. ...AO .- .... • J • f —A man rutined.BarneY HinithaniN , istablwd and killed , ' cAbraham Here-- ton, at Winchester:lnd., en Friday' evening lust:.. The Murderer hasimtl been arrest/M. , `at' toriteni.' Indlatta.", wins tinstinfT4 b Amon Monday, tiogetiwe rith thotneand bushelsyf,, d' "fin.ll, smaller quantity or. *Ail, &ILI* M.% • Thrilling Atlveiittsu!b. • ;.- ' l r.; ;CY 'One 4. opeoldeat sgercloints, whO is so"sooh 'COla hWay, and whb Orn 3 erb r, tillrriod, bileirlexo.on Ike*: vex , street, resating--ita it,WLIB the ' etlstomlit Olden times—over his btore tells the'folleWing herr:AND which. he •ixtteslontilly'relate4 'with wonderful.effeCt i 'A ' . party had heed :eollteted at his henov , thi glee (elk? tO anise( the little family festivals Which .bNighten ;the- -dark. thaw of life, :and elle-Vt.:the- , inmate, Ateart,ht . evory, .gt4PC.- It AO 1.11 ti: , .Wetf• jog . dtiY erowds yotnig#,lpiaint: anbes Cirefed,ainunti her, and as ,the l 'fathergaital Mt tile' Cade or Itie.y6unglitid6 tyiSlied aright 'n , proSpeCt mlt p t vren Yer 'his • Ottlbt ohildren who werettmboling'reerri, Iyainongtifeerowd, Passlngtfirotigh -the, -passitgeqconineting the lower ,reouts.ho ;net the• servant. maid, ':att eguelrY-Kirl,; who was -.car. takii9A, attulit k io „Inn* w pout rcantileslic . 110 blamed her fqr the'dirtyeanducl i und Wen't make'Sdnie animgetnentS With Wife'abikit suppertable: thb gitishdrtlY return.; et} with her arms• full- of ale .bottles, but without the - candle.- The Merl chant Jtomediately.., recollectut.that sevepl harrvi.sofgeopowder hattt Wog niatxxl\',lti his ty4terAlurin,g and 1114 itilhirenian had opplled gape battle hariels tro seletit a satu . plii fora etettonier:"WherdiS Ybtir eandlOr! ho ittgOirM In the' utmost agitittleil.! —osirfvuldiVt'bringlt , tip With mefee inyhandalvere.full i v "Where dial you leave "Well cuallestlckiso stuck it into some black sand kluitts theroin, one 'Of the telm.?...Alt,e.tuyrphattt4ealext; Jitityn 'thy eightr, steps; the. passage anittikrk, held as' he groped his way en; . ktfoei threatened tit ,give way under hiln hiStainithWti-4 choked, flesh ;ieetned.suddeti-, ly to-lxvoinedrrandlstrched; . . as , IC .heistd • already 'felt , thegottfoi:wthrg blast otideatit..., , At :the. extremity of 1 1 0.1eiseetre. loth. ; *Mt tvellar.utitler, ie Tag% WhSe fe-; hodlwted theopp powlcr candle stud;' 11011 - le,' tit t 4 *riling; Witten long real snail Ofhaint out wick ttiPpittg' the anti gttionty flame: Thisalght seemed to 'wither-all-his powers, antithe merry , laugh of.the youngsters above struck' tlpell his heart lik e A Ite knell of death. stood for some to unten upon that light, unable •to advance. ' The fiddler commenced a lively jig. mid - the feet ' &nieces responded with irietertstrql "Vieheity, the "floor shook with their eXertimis;'arid the loose bottles in thetellarjingled with the motion: fancied the candle -was usgved,,,was falling ! -With deli .perate. energy he dashed forward ; but how was he to remove it. . The slightesftoucit Would cause titepuall 'lied:Aka! ofwick to fall lute Or hose 'pidvder. unequaled 'proieno of taint]' plaird . hand On each , side of the IL!ittlle, • lrit.h the •atiptin pollll3 , upward and the'disttintled lin gers poildeti towarlitho object of. to rts ' Afire,svhiehashimhaudgrarluallymet Witi.ficeurediu- the / clashing or lock ing of 10 . .3 augers, ual safely. removed it. from ,thp head barrel.- 7 the head of the Stalrs'illic excitement was Over he sniffed trtitoderiger he hail e ti ngl t ter• rt W hutttlie reactioai-too poi MI; lee fell Into a tit of :most - violent and tire:ulna! -laughter: • He was con veyett.senselesie and: many Aveulta elapsed ore his-nerves recover ed. otiitient tone to allow him to re. us habits of every day Aareeline. The Right Kind or Spank: _ ' '`Wesine.sday's•lsldn , AlbanY' COnturil4' thb :Henry Rpm, Of COvingteu,ky...is ari oiik hvii bawd and' geui ili othg 'o6lle:haft': the son of weal th. parents. Henry Iheed MOS Ma ry A:liolden, a houdiful orphan girl but poor. Mary is not licking in any of the accomplishments, grams or virtues, that uson, her sex ; but is truly most . turmingeud lovable girl, lust such , a girl es to take by storm the heart of as chivalrous and , ihishihg a young , man ate floury ItY an. And ifehry was loved In return by the beautiful .ornhan, and 'they plighted their fait ;and 'Henry asked his . parents fur their consent , to his marriage. Did they give it? Not by a long shot. The thing was not .to be thought of for a moment; for Mary was poor and Henry's parents were rich, and lie was to inherit their wealth. * They wanted:no Door orph an girl in their aristocratic fanady, and they told Henry if he persever ed in his suit and married Mary, they would disinherit Adm.. This they ' thought would settle. the matter.-.- Not ~ so, however; for , Henry told them they could disinherit, if they would, but he would wed Mary OW den if he had to go through tire and Water, poverty and Want to do so:— He farther. gave the old folks to un derstand that he was young and healthy and able to work and willing, :old that he thought , let could get along a great deal better without their money than without Ids beautiful and loved Mary., .There woes u some smite, of course, and, high old threats, end, alt that sort of thing. But It availedaiothing. He married his Mary, 4111 d they are now , on their way. to their "Old Kentucky, home,',' happy as two young hearts melted into °mean well be. If "the old'r'folka at home," 'helve as mulch corpmoli Sense it they ' °light to NS- ., sess; they Wiligo eutoneet the young "killthe fatted milt," ttiVite In all tliefriedds, tarry tile hatchet and' thank ood that they have added ,to theirtmorehotern - Mnryliolden.---- - 7 --- t - ', -- 1-1 0 111 , W 012141111 Jurors. . The Hon. J. ku... Howe,. Chief Just. Ice Of the Supreme court of Wyoming territory, has , writttm a letter to-)lre. Myra Smdwell,;etiltre3s of the Chi caguAtyldt New 4; in *Nett he relatcts, the 'history of, 'an d bis'atservations lii' ztt+Eird' to the choice of 4voinen in: that territory as trend end petit jar.' rim: !lei :toys tied he had no tigenek In the enactment•of the law eonferitig, 0 legalequality upon , women ; he found ' it. upon the.statute Woks, and .while he had never been its advocate, be felt that theasal*nj izagsi men'and women ad beep`, .und . ,the,y ;had, it, right t wa t ! itliirly oilinuu.Sterieinid he waS ' theiefore f*leed • tlidt it should not bctentieltsillONVll,, even if heleail hiettiiihiy the Whale power of the court • to prevent! i t: ; with such assurances theso.women:wero chastity .to serve, Awkward duly, empanelled as j u rors.ol,'ney • nr.n ed tem,teti, m I tir voted liasiern iallit*Arint ;greed hum or to their sex,. ultd ; haite, ; with ; %r ye womanly devotion; left",thpir„.lunnys of eomfort In the:M.oo'o iilV 1 . fortini64 of their haiibahtt.4'litii Oth- ON in the Rat' Weiit'ArtiVed lit theta In founding it new 'Shan behind t t he ,Missouri.' • Judge trowel Abe iipeokA -,, ,of the-remits att./ te e:cperiMent th the , "With all my prejudices egainste the ,Policy lAA owlet 4kiticien4leue obli gations, to,st_iy•tind,-.UINO:WitYIMuCt quitted Ilannsely,lv i elth such dig- A ptity, deeornin t 'op .tety.pf. eQuduet :and i n tell Igehisi IS tovill,..flie'.4lllll-- ration of every falr rand& eli4ett 6f WyomingV , ltey4ereffitriirlnd res olute for the:right nit 'estatilislietV by ',the kw. anal the lesUmohy.in-.i This 1 Judge alludes to the efforts of the :lawyers engaged in defending erica ina4lo, go., rid !or iOck Vionwo Jurowi VIM ; were, .for them, too, meek tin far . 9 l: f. e r i t tqcilliOiPloA'si: by resort, ing i peremptory ehaileogrs.....ll4 83 .Y* the Pretiellee Oahe Wilet,,secur i ed ',. gip . /quit., i perfect „thiarum, and, 'propriety.,q_ .Peednet, ,ead Abe. low,. YeftlOCA Atilev . ViN,Acidi eagh AthigJo cpwn, ustlyar,kowards give, iadie., Alm %NA ho,s4i iis 1 ,40# 1 *,, ; 1 9 8 im/ 040 'heeitu a l in WW I , ii Isingift:llariceehrsiop keeklfwic do ' 4 ox4ihankiloodett %veil/ 8 4 t trf ifintli Alul.l3' ..04, city Ak. . may,to eeeepe /NL ; nub* • tnefit., 9 ftWenkeil igitotiiug9ri•ll iii • i .ii# 2o l , .•• 4 11i llttriii i . ::Tra ctia • le vi 0 CL • • f 24: /11 **Irt,,WaS - Areakig, • U 1 - ,r; .*„ Pabrw, 44. - 40,Y9r, ofF9Ancil iilii.M. loft. •• , :.i., i . c ~ • .1' .., 1••• TUE • RESULT. "'What did the Ligisiatureiio' at !Wit newton? and what did ;It 'do? ' :Tbeso 'pedant! 'ELM 'asked' '9O every side; and we will endeaior answer ,them es fully, al may be in (me shortarticle. !, ,i. find,-.A , very large umber of .I 0 . ail sad:. special ~ l aws...were were.: nitteliof ate, mule chanwter asitt prer Arluassoisloaa.galls.B4NinXba tallreadS, mining au man !Atilt tlotiipaillts; and,. other• Oriteratlons. wbre'exelitdi. ...These ;and loony othr broadtpalitestrereatithorized 10 bor e 'imirntoneyi to Carty' tsi and complete , theirwork - s and operations; end mfrs .nyroad laws and supplomenta • 'merit passed for turnpike, State, county and townahlwroada; sad for itaany.otber things lulls:omit* to ouumenite, .Tho' tio.,,oae ot, these. except that for :the vatibition of lithies,may hoof much • lihnottinice,yi!t'ott Matt-hole , they no llonnf tall largely to the general pro •gtetis and develeliment of thb State In elmoseeverydepartmentofitldostryi ;is-Meerut—LlM foargetterat latvErWere sinacted,;- and these of comparativebt little gew:raLinterest, except zarelal idea to the State Trgasury. Early ii tlles4sioo; a ;lumber of.hillaw,eria in trodoced oft lids,Subject ;, bat, front the multitude, authors; 'cacti widen* 'ding • for' his' awn' tichente ? ' Mid: tlin complications growing Otit''of 'the treasury investigations,lifttle"or no progrem Was Made'. and the 'frien(l4 of the State begamto apprehend that Itothing, ;whatever,. would be dono.oll this , important, outlipot.,: airpreven this,.if,posalble,.tliocsarnalaslouers o the sinking' fandpreptitn(l , a.blll., an i only a few days . before Dna, adionrn., 'rhe', presented It' to the Senate and •Heatnte,litaliltstSted upon ItS'pagsage. This beentrie ti law; end considered -themest inipertarit one of the session: The.drst section authorizes the State ..Treasurm in his kiollectionttendldisi ..bunationis , in• (MN= to. theilecil ,sions ~of.„the",:thlprouie Court, 01', ,tbri - Iliite c isp l iE. ft n the subject, printer.; ,i,*autill wens and those's:m(l sedloif Via wens tho equititisSloners - of the'itln g-tlitit4lt6 Purehasd and tailed" t he - 'obligations 'Of the' State stlienever they , have' aiiY'fundS'.(nt 'hand.. , This. etTectuallY • (Thalweg of what is known as tiro atitapende4tbal l ,war; and. will no..iloubt save the State atauy thontfands of. dollars au-. nuallY. . Another bill was also passed Oa this Sultleet, regalring the 'Treasu- , 'rerto give bend' In half is atllliou of dollars, with ten Suretles, ititsllig his Minty- to tive . tittnerand dollars per an tom and presdibirav the 'Manner in -which .his accounts shall hereafter be kept.. . . ' 1 gYarif:-,Nottile /east important fea ture of the/ate si‘ssioneousists la that Which wasnot t tlotte.. ;Sony schemes were coatemplatixl Tor, the depletion or State Treitiati. One of these was' to' hike 'tNe' bitillons 'of *dollars' : tatt 'of • 'the sinking fond, 'to' construed . .11 , ship renal front Pittsburg to Erie,' . bydeepening tthe• old canal already thereto the caparity of.ten haet: . An- ' : other. , was to take a like suni to civet coast fortilicattions air defence, ou the river Delaware, vu the plauaibie pre text:Sint-it we most "11l time of peace prepare far' war," and that such . tie fences we're neees.Mry to 'promote mid extend the manufacture of Iron and the use of tool. another Was the . 1 border raid bill,.which proposed to appropriate sevend nsillipa4 •to the paymeut ,of , damages . sustained, ,in „ ,sunclry non ler vuuetita by rebel inva sions duringthe late mar. Aticl last • but not least i n thhi category was that giginitie swindle, which .proisased to I take all the'sksets Out bf the sinking fund'amoutiting to nine and one hall millions of dollars, and bestow them ou sundry projected railroads. Only theitest-or these seliemes succeeded in getting throng& thi;LegiSlatnig; and that one, though receiving an olnomt two-thint 'vote in both houses, was dere:n((llV' the veto of theflovernor on the last day of the scion. 'Others of them would no doubt have WWII • also, but for a wholtmoine fear of ex- . ecutive action upon them. ' . It must also be mentioned that the bill changing the time of township elections from October to the spring of the year, did not pass and that the liquor law,. known as puss , "load op. Son bill," also fitiled.—flarrishyre Pally ?)pie. .Where the Alamo Lieu. The dladel phla Day,remarking on the bad character of the Legislature, points out • the quarter where the blame lies, as follows: • r"Now let us goto the bottom of this suchienneeem of virtuous indignation. We shrill admit that the Legislature just disbanded was bad enough; yet, that it was worse than its modern predeoulsons. does not appear. It was corrupt, no doubt,„ It was unmista kably, recklem. It was guilty of many sins of omission and commis sion, and of which' most we cannot say.' The point we make is; that it was just Ruch a ' ep itdature as the press" of the Vale elected. 'lt was the crea ture of the Republican , press. The conductors of that , press knew what they were about.. They knew that many of the candidates were not good men, nor honest, norable, They knew that the nominatious were made thioughtSirimpt ',baigaining in some cases., and liarefutvil lying in others. ' Thby;: not,', generally, urge the people to'put 'forward their best men.• • The Republican preiis de= liberately ',furnished , an- unreliable majority;, and its .conductors are stopped : from complaint of acts of that majority. •In attacking it after adjournment theypublish . their own shame, and emphasize their infideli ty to the common iiitemts. To de fend a corrupt agent' while you are using him, - and curSehlM for a knave when you 'eau use him no longer, may be human nature; but it is' not decent," ' • %EWN SUMMARY. Siekifs ' was' haulm-ell with an invitation to twt_ as second in the lontpoualer Bourbon duel.:,:, —tiortsig,nlng England to the rintlins of perdition has ecsVan Irish soldier branding and imprisonment. ' =Tlm lloardof the :11"etiax1114 eopatilistaipq held their 'text • meet ,at :1111iyton,. t•otrittienclng May :nth.' ••• • •.,• The tax Yort+l*ri.inntinince companies doingintaltiess in the State has been laid on the table in the New York Legislature. • . • , llngs; of Alton, ntein l*rofit Itelllittots Constitutional Con ventiou, died on Wednesday, making , the fourth tunother ttetvusetl.; . :7 711ve thottsaml,..und thirty-two Inualktomht,arriyeil tts,New York, Teciday—_ n greater number. than ?tt 'an} o ne.fhiY4inX! the tiegintng of the . ..,144iachaisett:s Hoak of '.ll6re'salitivek rejected by a vote of 183 tolltte,"the - in'oposed amendment' Cohatittttlon enabting women ; to votes: • • • • .•_• • - • The amount . satieeriliel vane and other Mice for the family ' l of .tita late, Greeawaki, • the American anurdered , by-a Spaniard, reacheilVAO. - • • • • • —The remains of. Robert Harperot prominent vattd., wealthy • ; ei tizen Albany,whotny:lterionsly tilettppeer ed we,c,,fouud floating in. the I.liikion Sunday evening.. . , -Thcanss;.-llownard,,• engineer of the Submarine Y. Eckert, was killed ef Iteinplilz'on Thursday last, by a shaft ritilkitig him on ,the head. Wawa 'resident - of Ceizington , 19. irjoecti). Y t t,Pfi *dm, ax. Dill road iner, in the g wm t,, taw oftlde eyed j co l dgons Avhich'"wiii be eiMiplied with. "13uT father,' you- know. love Anakcs time fir,?!. saki:en ienthuslas- AkAikirteTl"Wficievna-t,DLIP, :favor . 'longer tidal: p n matter." 41 stiii: my 'deer:, 'l'' Minty' le goalie tirstin replied the old , gentle+ , man; "And yOu'il , tin& in ?the end 'that time will make love fly." , • - 1 -At Dubuque, oh . Weduesday last, 'the river was four Inches abaft high water mark and. still slowlt. WePlWard botua/ mllrosal Whir have to, run. - through from one to two. *set of water to get out of the city. .. —The rise In the river al:Wilkes ban% ,ra:„ Moutiliy., night, ,carried a-Way 41Q00 00 0 feet 0 09ifirroM TOY anna. travel on be r t ehigb & Sasquehanna liailroadls Interrupted by a land Aide. .The Susetieltanna .filmeg • , The remains n ng. ame,, 411TIval , at . Beaton, -on , last dneaday.was deposited-In Fanelli' Hall, which was open on Friday-to the public. A guard of honor paid military respects. The funeral• was to take place on Saturday. • —GeorgolVehsterarltay, a school teacher from Ontario; ,Canada. WAS ,0114.0ver oh the . Pennsylvania Ban- In Harrisburg,.TUesday night, :while attempting t 9 Eke( on A Paaseh ger train. ills body Wasfievered in &wain acid comPleielY dhleMboweled. —Brevet Brig. Gem;Weesels'Lietit Col. , unassigned, will 'in addition to his present duties preform' those 44 Superintendent of General Recruit ing Service ut Cincinnati, Oltio.. • ' . -The Ohio visitor's at Washingted paid their respects to l'regiclent.Graut .Wedeesday morning.. The resx3Ption took place in the mist zoom of the Executive mansion, which was filled with Ohioans, including besides the ,yisiling delegation vommany Teas of that State camel, in govern tent departments. Imperial Cioierntrumt, will u vessel with, troops for Red River' Id Hudson 'Nx; t o reach Fort Ybrk about the. Ist of' July. :The Canadian Govermnotit has paid over 300;000 Sterling; agreed upon as the payment to the 'Hadscitlilv Comm. ny on theisurrender of their titles. —The Western tlon at - Cincinnati; „has authorized their Attorneys h i nropOse ,tii Com mission& Delano hi ;EAU detiden cSS per Medi taxeS acerneing un der , rthe forty-eight hour rule until ttatirstsf May, the diatillers agree- Ings after that time to run under that ru/e,,unlms the seine was changed in .the meantime by law of Congress or Orderfrom the Commissioner. —A sledge in .iViscuusin.who Auld trieda ease for, the mawery of _a 'Rpmq bill, the &few to which : was that the liquor Sold waa.of a very in; ferior quality, charged 'the jury in the following sensible' language : "Gentlemen of the jury, pure and. unadulterated liquor Ma wholesnine, , pleasant; beverage,ss far as the ex perience of the_ mud extends, condo t to health and longevity;, but a bad article, gentlemen, cannot be tolerated; and if dealers from below . will`send up In this cousttry, so bless ed with the smiled of a benignant Creator; such a miserable spiality ,of -liquor us the proof shows this to have been, its this court, gentlemen of the jury, they cannot recover." The . it] verdict was of course, • for the defendant. Miscellaneous. VTR ATUIZTV.Nt. SPRING - GOODS SCHIFF & STEINFELM DRY GOODS & CURRIE STORE, NEW .731LIGHT03 They have purchase L l in the East at the tte low, panic price., a heavy ',wiily of Domtsy, Foreign DRY - GOODS, hr3.llZl.3l:ll='AZ a irl.lO'4 3 MZ: • i lEN'S GOUD.s, xoTioxs, Vhieh they are altering now as I, Lieforci the Waiv. Nto UV, Running, to Pittjourgy, .1.1510 .18 Schiffl,S rata S Offer FAiell 'Waren*, UM Tliey a,re . nvNy selling (land i•onttait ealiea'at Splendid (1 ress cafe() nt This very best dress cation (elegant patterns). 1935 Spring styli% of delatlles 18 " A No. 1 bleached and unbleached iunslins 1214 •• ridaelt and. 041nrcal Alnaone.. di per cent. la.; than lakt Fall 0644linbleae1ed Socks, fiw 25 cis. (INA 114) , 4 .. ., IU vie. AU otlu•r gormls of correlonilinkli low 1114(.`04. Their Stock.. of ,Clotking, ''" OtTHEIR QWN .MAKV.; Iti NOW OOMPLIIITE; e%nif they curl tki,u're the Public ihut tlity - thnizot be Undembl Any 01!e. Merchant `Tailoring earrital nn by i Firm' in a way which MELTS Ts! e. APPROVAL ' Or livery ono who 'has Patronized Mein Only nun: pr . ice, i* their motto; • Low Prices, I.lleir Doi:lest Dealing, 11zeir. practice, and •.. Fitting Garments their, ruenLn • • ilicntlatiod. THEY ARE EMPLOYING NOW 1.) llands.ln• Ohs Departiottenti Anil are tbeivfure, enabled .F.xgq•TE att ci1ti)E0'00141;k:);7, =I • NO .ONE Mit() .WISIIES "Pak .42 4!. 45 .0 4 o.*;, ". " 10/ . 1 I. 1:.1.11 SthifaAtein ' t6467:: i]UrBtk3iul • NEW BRIGHTON. .Pry, cifvdir Wall. papettWollPaitidt, OVALL E WALL PAPER!! Cir l pits,l Carpets; .Carpets I p4i•put ! 4 Carpets 011 4 '6ll' Cloth 2 1 ' OILCLOTH! OILCLOTH!. ,•-•• .1. 11,ingoic! _B44pg, ..11'itydow • inn V wm.kiw'STIADES It • T.; LEERIK:r Ito Tho Stoii'fofinerli br A:S. Stretti • • • geN.v - 4 - toE'ri is '4ll6l, a recviying ono of, the Largat and • ,Bi:st ::elected Stoclis of • t iLL TIAPEIt ' , 1c rpots,l3llol . BthNlYtutlimpilasuld,Boolui, ~,t33ntmlary..TrAyellug,lllg4 ,tiatO4e/4. „„ I ,llaskete, „punks,,, Tuytt, Gnitnrs Artollias, „ •'; ' 'ear . decaigfal? kinds of , • ••,: g tr i u g v : ..•7 , . • . , ±..ocittirrq 'fail 'sizes), Picture Pranieti,'llihf Cs4a, Inks. BlankMoo4v„filteroseopes mut Stero• seopid renkandevgrything desirable in ins lido thatitai der been brought to this oduntV. , Hk Stock-Is' , • • it , • • iIIVIAECTED, Plireta;seil bqiltc, 71;4 `Will be til Greatly, :Reduced Prices,' end Examine for Yourselvefi: • WK. STOCK OF CARPETS *lll be unusually large for the present season, mut a pout for the keeping and sale of Carpets's:ill, ailiont the Store. „ taar2;l:ltu] copy J • The Celebrate/ Wilson Shuttle Sewin 8TITC11! STITCH!! S'77lr7f !!! Stop. -please, and don "t Ellin your et es and roil •ti t talon by bendlnu urer theolotaprsirreawnl that ussulle s bat rase the al: Important hsaith, ti,ar and 02 entry by worn lims, a trot au. .Nevin' JI nrhin., nun Om U.kty. the Cfllo/Olieliklek stitch, alike on Loth rides, and doe- oil kililli.1)1,11/rit: i• neat. dur able and slowly in (»not methyl:: Ma wry 114121; I. cany hi operate: received the drst tllplutit.l at tar Lite fair; is iii' in 4 the best, of satisfaction to Ito parchanerat warranted for three yearn. and rice only W. Such an one is 11,, Caeltraftel II ason . 5 1.1114geiring For further lu:rile:llan call at the °lnce. one door below I. N. Atkins' Ilat Store, Beaver, , or address (or testhnonlah.., cit. calans. Lc.. .I. AN nEnsov. Agent. mar - 23;13 1 lloaver, BOOT& SHOE STORE :Nrl:r.s:c3"N•r4 DIAMO'N'D, m•iti:sTrAt, having t(3l $t ,n• Won) f.ritierly IKT s'r uwAitpr wit.l.4coN a!lf•Illii,11 ids The Yul>li.• (i..ner:llll.* t•,• .1 - mtDao# Gaiters & tiltppers, Cukoth. Made Work KEPT coKSTANTLY (iN ov3).11 imaw Alsil) OF Tilt • ..146 4 t-fzt bet Quality . 6. amts. Ai it CALL AND BE CONVINCZD that he. tt*. C6E,1:1" dS TQE 611i.A.PEST J ! ID, 311L1.1i, Diamond, Itochtster. "Pri Mcdiciu.a~.:. _---- FE 1 CumiERE WARD'S , A See II:1(1 461,3 i fot : CoughiC9l4. Asthma ifoarseness„ Croup, lighten:lily - M:olm* Cough; Incipiont, Cottiumption; : and Mutes . or .the Ttutie Luege. ' Don't , neglect a semi' ci t iNK Or threw* aw ay money on a . • • ' reiciiiirirry corns PER. BOTTLE NENAND BENTLEY 41 tORMITY Naleski, N.Y. Bold allloNgists. , •L , • • • Resioiimit h gray 'lied 'fitted jiiir Clitt Cooi; . rili)iroeil:taniltiitr; . • ,•;;...,;;;;• (ZARA;AS4. D.VSEASXB.OI.2II.E,SCILP., Prevents .Bsurttssa.snd'rnaltes the 'hats arms' . 'ic.:"l44 ; hy'' Rk i elitt 0,! kC I )11.:.11 . I !WNW. N. Y: . 4.,4 4 by all 4huggirp. . MEE/ BISSET:LI CM ' f. 14 3 .47; Street, maiaLaurem ittl Sizes and Sylvs of • caas...A.T.E ..urittcrrerp4, ipmgmt.Fit9l , FEs, • • . •:• ; • • N FIS, that rinfOrcod ebokingßore, f .& e , &s e . THE 11111.3.31P11.81'0V I: YOU COA fiYie Jitek*Oiti brow for dial& Wood, thu DWI (ookS ore for Wood only, ARE 7 71* :11 .t:q T F'or Ciiislol zs Vie.!Wartant.thair Operation.... VAIL: CM *BUYERS, "I:00K' HERE/I OlMMPlinit'thanklitl for past furors tiouid respectfully Inform Abe public that be Las one of the finest oeler lions or . . Y , Iy.ALL' PAPER, FLOOR OIL C.L(ITITS; ' " 4 , oll.4lLtu•tko fautalia cpputy, lUM prionri meat ut • School; Ilellsiloas 3EI Co CP lg.. SI . 4 yabllo no pales an varotion.bia part to make Ws • '• - •s - rxric•Nr.nr rinal to thisheit of . Clfy Establishments. Ile:Is the ex clniti‘ingeut for fhb celebrated VIII.I4:EY . g GCrld ' for Ms 'county. Theist - seeking gnott 'Cold Pen, would do well to see-them before pun: basing. • Ire Is die Agent for this comity for lirldef. Photograp3" }Garish* essrilEeste. The' tor _ of Cilea.7trien Mtilpect(l/11y.411.34 to ttilA, as he Cale self u lhern tit this same discount as they would get d thst fitddlsher. lAtsraterisitichoul Goy, ernronot for salett,Pnblisinte's,pricons. Also on TOYA Mid - VMlOy Goods, Ricoh setticise.b. ! - s. . Joni, CITT"I` Owing tt., the death of the w_•nittr, ner, Mr. J. M. Ltitrelltieht, the entire stuck or gat& Will be soltltvg:tnites of - The Stttek consies of ALPACA vALENE 11(1S11 I.lroelet •" PLAID siuovr.s, c.ksmmEttEA, _:lnd it lull liar of • DOMESTIC GOODS , 1 .1. T J. M. BMICXFIELD& CO'S., fig Sixth Street, Irate St. Cialr, • A'l'tTSiil ItGU. l'A. .. Llll6. —e tint c 'uzine • r, r Smoke Slack and Couliter.Shalt With Drum galactic& nit complete and m. :nod en not: built by the well known firm of Sharp... barb tion• pell..of •Olon. Ibibv :ulll.kr: eyno‘kr t. :oche. lo bon. awl VI inches. In .truke; on ta.t Iron bed-plus; ul monk:lent Loren power to run either a circular or mole; 0310. an. a fall ert 01011 tool,. Perron, tri.hirez to poreha., a No. 11:ngloc With the abole Gzmrc. cutup . ..Lc. a flt dowell toren on 1) 31. DONE/100. mane(() Ik.nrer. dintnltillAtnitorfx Notice.— The 'ttroJer• signed; basin: been appointed Admlototnator of the estate of U•a.hin:;tou IS)111111.. thiceteled,late of Moon torrn.hip. Deaver county. Pa „nil perrunr holehte,l I, said erouor are herehi nualihul to nuke immediate ;tavaltlt; and all tliwe laarlu~ claims uttulte.t It wil[pre+ent them dntynnthentlcated for relllement. G. W. SUitthiDB. marelalw N E W . MADE LNI)ER Dr. licytzsl's And nil ~ tlier triatmt.wrtu,L Roc Dr. S. U. (1 n...' of S'arzooy, Vol. 11., page .112. Sf•ntl fora wive list • l'ITT:41U1041 t..iL • 1;35 Lawny Pitt,burgli, Pa. j:als.lf try.3Derl.t.i .;• Dr. J. :Dime . Cr - i' . • ravorlfrittre• urtr,.l. art,. ' mired thm it., lk•uil-C lu the ... ....t •. . • . ~. Male .1,611 do : - ii t te.i-. - s t, work better ttr i _ ii- . .: " chtestrer ihril 1411/4114 d i .:- - . . utjerr it tu - .. i p p !IP, rat - -- . 4 iio lurel.o tta , f iauterlatr meonteetored to tae Felted Shiter.• Grittl and elt rer ditto; performed to a etylo that d ud es compe• titimit sati.fdetion ruentnteed Moll gwralloti, or the money returned. titre him a Mal. feteel,r - -- 1_11" - Blimkeoustabien bales for sale nt the All GUM ollice. Wall Pater! Wall Paper! and. Cheap Brown, Satin.Pap . ers, NEW AND DEAL TIFUL. Paper WindowMirlainseerry rariely, GOLD BORDERED SUADE. • Oil Ototh'Shadep. Mtn mulnrunol: BUFF AND Mira: .11,1 ALAND: ALL AT LOWER PRICai THAN EVER BE. FORE OFFERED. rrros-. Woxlt„lita.weCll4l.l/ atik 41VLIBD.'. td dont below •Diamond Alley, r‘ BIGAlmh, mar9:3am. • , *9N -173 4 - ',V.7775; llend and F'oivt Stone)+, ,!, Marble and Stone Posts • • FOR. CBE ET LOTS. Wo boot sow oft pawL:tho 'bap& selection qc Manama= and IfeatrStonete that have eve( been of:fated foe saie talbfailsavity•whlchareate•• Menial , fhtetileatti 40 'OffrEent: teiii' than thay•tam berhad.ll theattieia•tialwaktithalal h n ue tirtir,V= 7 ,41.17fIrrit ea=trevattitne n trentriglye oat an f erZ ehitaltar datrwlaana.aa.daawarhat elm azo. • and set t what they bur.. , EtrWatonat slaty% tin hand. Dnaettarn. giscptlaiyous. 33Li U?, Dry 4 a. GOLD PRICES. S. J. Cross, 1& Co. 11:4114:4;i'111:44 Within-1484 /484 4eW,days, the following grA.Als, which they propaio t.i sull ut GOLD . PRICES: til►lilli6i bT : YLRS OF., - IPatilnl;r4i DELAINE, , ' MEI • M t USTI NS PLANN:ViaS; If - cupxs, V W/Ll'(W~`T/~ I 'i ( ~ MEI TOW:EWITG ,PRASE, HOSIERY, &C. =ME • I _ I.3VOrg_Zi. , . , COFFEY, • TEA, 1 : I Lig 100 Kegs of • Shoenberger's .1 ruiirt tta N rii Is. 0 1 4 q JO TON --,J,.-.-- B. L. Falniestook Co:s Pufe White Lead 50 131)1s. ..A.Tussillcni 'llr.l.iTe.il 6 .l 'Tr/x:171141W 3E-1 3c...2 CO -Er .IL=L, 3turch 23, 1810 . I . l."l.ll.22.l:Coanffitin:nt.. •a;, LS. Alti.L. office. - - - ;At - 13120. of nearly all the tlllretvn t kind. for sale at tin: Alan:a DULTGS ! DR I "C: M EDI CINES 1 1 6 13...T.3a5iE151 ! • T. LNG A i rquitudry and Druggi4 01.1)14): I) ROCHESTER, 11 . 111.1 3 ‘11•11:11•112(.tel Lk If PUIW. i .~'rr xT au:uiclNE .. nurrmus AND t;cdPS, PAINTS. Pl'llE WINES ANI) :Iledical Purposes: Cigar+ and •Crude anti Refined ALSO Snilo agent (lir Dr. lletzers Patent. Trusikes All Trilmes will he ilelivcriiti p re,c riptiotis will Le filltid at all hours day and night. ..hare rif paMonage xoliellediEts jy2l:ly. .AT .TOS. .& CO'S. Fall and Winter Millinery Goods; Itibly.:l4. i notinvls • Vvlvvt, , , 11'111 I) <, aril (10:ik 110ic(47 'S.- Moro', • I . > • F ' . . 2,11 V s 1.>;5::[•)•:... .) . . . „ Coriets ancl BMmor"I Skirl UNDERWEAR 3 - Pbe, - MitlAw ,dOoDs, Pq4 rnlkai).l A .N.D: N u T 1-0 N El SW( alway.: complut (1. :mil prima, low 77 71) 111.‘lit1tET PITTSBLIiGII Pa. tiet.fit‘t TEETH 'PERFECT. I-LT. J. & 7t. J, 4.IANDLEI: air put 'l'4'4 the fercllldro.llol of buret county to use Ito. htuctia Pulant, tlyli thoy can put up ' Valentine a* thin' e atfol'lTlat r, tryth a tumollhil ' rno r le d , Pittatt and so 2tak t and elastic as to. per evil' adapt 'WV to the mouth obrialltut all • tharlitaieley anetbally , rosaftlart,bo tourl rem plainest gl'bereolorrl aR4 laaaminic Oak/0400Y. In hcraft and btouTrtut percent. ladccd, noon. weatua, oroaltJhotaillbsers,West tle.oht style plate. any ionizer thpl they' cold conreolently-ges them' ezetfangelt: All brunettes of Diuthtcy ftmoad hi the bastgad moot satastantld nbraiker, In tilling teeth watt sold, etc— we challenge coop pettllan ?rota an (ItlartaK 'and rib rett.r to thrlug ,allidaut whops 111.1 ass have stool helm.= thirty alfortya=ncig the n ns. we a=kr I.l vi oe z t l 14 1 ti l - AM b h7C f"‘ ltreparso . Ihe tin y pa: &robot It from all a toad din,,,seiro l' av nitact.. tasking. she er comma at 'pleasant rather than of horror and pato. Illees as low gasayr goad strialst WSW; Mats. - Mee ta hearer titatknt, WiChater T a. , nov3:111 T. J. fIE 11. J ClIA1011:11. O.EORGE 'BRAUN ittacEANTIAZort, Broii4iimi, 'New.llrightim. HAVING JUST RECEIVED A AND WELL HELECTLI)sTixi OF SPRING AND SIIIIIER Got CLOTIIS, ....English-Meffi nu awl r." 1,. }~'Lich•he is Prepared to 31,4, IN MC LATEAT ON THE SHORTEST NOTI(L VIE MOST ILEASONAKETtity, PmLim xhhln auv thin; in 4 4! •lsl tic,irono sAI'INC; NI(.).\1;1 pp . 4U r VI I 1131 A CALL '• i • 'Bernie 'F'nreltitqug A, Kis Wock of Goods k tt • Cal* .ellintilfort,m BIEMiII Eon( ly J[:ulc Clroithz 110311 1 1 MANINACTULI h r3o:9m' " rtrliiank Not , * for ii!ile at tha Akr.r..e., • Treasurer's Sal e. hereby given that input . ..a,. erAam.rahlyofthieConutionereanh.flaw.,,, day of March, enaltled „ AO Act Act directing the mode of seihn 1,....er.!!? toe taxea," and the wren! eula., ea mental thereto, mid the . 7 , A fortuity therewith, requiring and direetr of 1111.4 . 31 , •41 1.111 , 10 r•sr A:4MM)% School and jtotr! taxea: 31.11 :re Aa et Atoll elm 1 , 0111, •atherir la: the return earl rah: aN real ..t.e • lane..are novreold, In ti ,0 attar,. nopal4 by tbnuaruer or owner, ther.,,t ; ,‘„ We Arita autherLaing the ralc arrett• the botron2llta of firld;rerrat.r, Jilt:Mon - and Itocheater, for boe...ntt, rolftra LOW. piece,. Alla U.K... c..f.1a...t• lu the eonnty ot pro v er. a+ will pay the ofTelll7, of she thereon for the leant lea.; and Den, oat roa bars tura of prob.. "rat, 1. g 1.32,1. Win be expoaed to rthlit rate at th. (ern. F. in the latarotwn of &a Ter. tAi MEE BACON • ` - LARD ifOliday the 14.11 1 ,0 11 ,,f ms Iw• Couti r ,,,i by 01Jourpm..fil 1r EFIEN A April I 15:1 I rt.. ;gr I\ raw. tkeirutoi of upon any la! nr tn..: to tl, '.• +r• 1111111 to 'll.O htf., tt., 41, 01 • m• day it , t.11.•' atteul •. —awl Tao prop . rty will 1 , 14 ithlril Inereprwryithir Of pay x'4l. NOT., prvyalq . .:ll.l,k•A l• .• • 4.111 or Aprll. Sale Lbst for the Tax. of -1947 I% i " C lz. PoN.rt.' Ll yth. 'v.l,, Rxatnu I: }A, aid, at 11r) Tot No MI, !Lick. IwilG n. r.. I 1 .f. No. 1f1.... Conradro..l.,-, 4.. 4. . . •1.404.. n 1 - .:144..K1L1., I /...4 at %an?. the:bll. ?tonne in rtnpurt. . . arKlrin.lthtlease. 11./..1 and 4.: N: It . 1 1 .11.41:.ert.Frivrairr out I' u. Ilrl and - 11 slitnfo hears, IN 1and...... ..:: NI 'en...ly I/a% Id, azrro • No./ Joan. kg No. in 103art.3 Ile.her 34,111.13.11. r., l lob and par ,1 lot Nu. 1:1. ...... . '7 •!Matiam'a I•llvorter Imlta,ll..alle 11, .rdi 1, . Noe. 10 and 11.. !Wanton Frerni tn. 11 lot+, No.. 11 au 111. .1 Vera Mary. V<ra'a plan, .7,1*; and part orlotT.l. • DAIILOPITTON anworogr. Lyun's 4rirr, 1 lot No. 10. ... 111INGTON Tr. Alcorn r., naerel or lto 1.,. linwricl4, Rano S. Co...at; art...sot land.. ilard f "1... annoy . ot . 'tardy A. A., 11 r., I acre of (oral. Lyon 4.. 4 arm. or land Marl:. Jarob .t Cu., 011 Itelluery ail or tounh Part: A - . r.. I‘• I mon Company. acres of land, IVaugli D. U., t. a. rt, of land, . TAIJ.IO V a..an rro Grant William, I 1ute,.... ... Hays Adam, I lot. .. Ilioinn 'Elizabeth. Lowe and T a. n- aodV Teti4: NUL 19. tn. Mts.tuot Mre., 1 lot attloittio..; .I.lt II . Multi Milton. t lotn Racri...,S. 0.111 WIMAC , . T+nor.l o. a tnd 1,,t N.. t W elan Nancy, 0 lot.: No 9; '`). at. 41. 11 . Tr. •11.411 , T.ononrd, I. n land two. t..r.t.r. •Vaniiirt W. V., I lot In 1.0.t.t31T1L. Ia 00.111 - Tr. Enkin ntyld. 1 into to Ind,orr. Not: S 7 Mrnit Goodwin. .Sionttvfn 1.11:1.1, 30 , 01 UP Hr Donal'. Wm. bar,, I lot Th. Kerr, No. 8, N VW 111/14.1110% 000.0. n. r.. I acree of Jar.... Fitzpatrick Rd ward, I lot In \h.l Honeywell Itoluul, 1 lot In 11 t wan'. 100 e ' of lilt N'. t. . •Sollth W. 11.. n. r.. I arm Lindln norlh 0007111 ZWIt'.ILI ir. •MlZen acre".,Rand Laud of Emanuel .• ..... I:a:Lowy a. r., 5 acres of %I.: due Land of ThQUUM 1Z.2113,) • Welch litenry, n. r.;._ acne. rl 01110 Tr. 41 , 40‘111.1,111. acrc• laud sear Ittwo, S. It 4 scll.l*ut laud In t..idaezot . Ltaf , rr 1..V.4kt Cr. .3111..0n Jamet. button and lot; I )11 uda 30 acres Rader Elloolortli. 2 acres w0.u114ud,.., Fetterman N F.. n. r.. 37 acre of .lannron s No r ilgin..l acres of land..' JacliwiJa Them... 4 ocrrrolo kn.:. run Malore Jcrcmt.th. taaeree of tted, Shdflud Jacob, wee of loud. ... .. • 'rouir.rud .Ire. Lem ta, LIQUORS if 1t Idordlr,T, dodo il""ebi'm Pour.. 110,1se Add.. and. ..0 . 11.4;4. 4 4.4,1.11, 3 lot, No., .p10t... .... • 11.1rniet 31,1i10e.'!: lot-, Iteto'.l,:an. Nil,. I W. •in and Ili ' • • •• ..... • '''' Do, Id.ou 111... I lot No 13. 111.6e1'li 11-ih. - I 11.11ok,itio Jovoph 11. 1 lot edionilna J Ann •Ir;mg Duntmc1.,...1.... hit:, 1-t Pi/ I. Itl ,Wl/. .../• , 1:11 end 1113... . ... ' Etc Win , 3 lone In I.4iitilt-ilividon. Ns 111./ Id tool 141. '" noun Wm . 11.1 adjoining John E.iton. Bab Aot.nt,litte. I 101 No. 141. titOuldli Vl^ , Foizi., 31r, 11.N..1 undivided ludflot• 5.,. 032 .L 'los. J • loney'sjiito.... ... t ' Fint hi floury,: 1...., Nue. 21 and . 11, 11, , • plan. F.stAlior Chrlidolu. 1 1ut..N0....V.1. ..• 115, Ail.on, 1 lot No. nil, floold'v Wu, 'lluntor W II , honer 6 lot No. I ..• I,or Lim_ I 'lin- into. 1 10t...110110'm 1•:m li..ta lur J. J. : u. r., / lot. No . 7t( Gould'. pia Kilt Lonna., I Into, Hower. Won. • _ . - Mete Peter. 0. r.„ 1 lot, N 0.14.1 I uld'i plan NtoPo•ri•ini Connor. I lot No. P 11• t,, i'. tio • Nrelit Lonk#,llot,' Nu. In. lilottli pi.,:•• ,'' Pio, a 0.111, nit, Nn 1 •.d• .1. rglyliell A1100..1 On Bin Md. do do I . St d'n, P. W. Ido Mn. 71. 'II/ m... . i 4 i, /11 r.e. Mfehnol helre, 1 lot no., lee b.,- Uswitiiii (lark, 1 lot. No 1.),:h1 voh-diroloo : t DoirtAIL,TNI: TOW:0411d. t'nr.,'4 JAW. holt,. ^ 2 lota, 1r:,,,,,,,,..,.. r. , , ' Duet John. houtie.sind lot . ... Poll Jarob, I lot, Ittou'v plea, .. • - • I ilehritiz Pltrlstfen. 1 acrt.....rl,n,i lleulcu tiooar, 12 AM, land. nod Wino; . ., I .' hi'.. . I liohno . . 1 lot cot Mt Keido . vin.. /1411 , nr,A John. Nvcre fond. Odor, ‘ •lnr, N. • 1id , •••;1, 4 hap. N,.., a 1.., -- Viri.. p... 11. ; 1- PArri;i Entity. 1 lot also.. lit 11.inpo• • • ," Porter Wok 11l !Wadi and on Mlitrin , . ran , • Honer la-. Sr .':eor... 1.1.11..i110i , - ,, : -,- ' .. Item ..oy A M .1 in,: Iteino•y'• loon. eprllhilw tirrlt!snL: Summon'+ for tho Art. ottice. ' New Firm! - New Goods , ' O'Leary & Singleton, Vettei•al.St.. ja4 lad ,Xtalarial largu F.Lodi aiiortitiept ul Itniry mtd Tirriety (7(xxbf, Notions, rlalten'it fltrriofp., Toys, 'lobby- llorses, Av., tiley aye selling ;:dl;ctiwrd Tol()IIITERS t t8t.111:T.111, ••• ••We make n' Spurlnlty at LADIES' SATCHELS, FANCY - IMSKSTS, AND =I " • • roLitaltr klitiNGLSTosi. r13;1 yJ 148 redertl St.AUMbenY. P 3 II U n 4•l4seellai o - • 144. Comi,ting IV(,1114 (1,. u, II -.11.50- A Full ILLEGirExy, P.l
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