'The Beaver kin ncaver. APIII-2K CiieuMilan Over naive Hundred. =I Rotes of . • Tills, • rir.• yeii 1 M i f -40 Hoes, $9 OD $lOO $5 00 •$7 OD $lO 03 quar., do 300 503 00 10 00 15 00 equenv, do 600 , 600 900 11 35 1866 odoares, do 6CO 80310 50 15 00 II 03 colomu 800 11 00 15 03 1511:0 88 Le c01umn,...; 11 10 15 00 30 00 68 10 10 110 rohitun ..... 93 00 •30 00 99 10 00130 100 01 athuinbaratora• and Etat' . kturi` ti • uotices par line; fen coabi Parnents to be made Q 1 ., 11-Ardent advertisement.% which in nthnnca. Slat e illsiBThersommeieter fbr the ivet.k ending April 10, 1870. BIEBE ‘pr ‘ 10 53 deg. , L . 52 deg. 55 deg. 53 12 54 dog. 01 dog. 45 ,1:1 45 deg. 71 dog. 00, - " 14 61 des. 79 deg. - 71' ' " 15 .63 deg. 78 deg. 60 111 62 dog. Cl dog. 57 R. T. TAYLOR. attentiqu of the public is directed o the following New Advertisements which appear for tho first time in the HAWS to-day : Wagon for Salo—J. C. Monitor, Me.lillll—Dr. J. S. McNutt, • Vinegir Works—Mallon it Adams, l'apor—J. Shidlo % Son, Foal for Sale—J. C. Monitor, hesspeake .L• Ohio 11.11. CO.—Fisk de. lintel', stoves—J. l'horniley, lienioval—Thos. sot vo—Psul Jcutlet, stiei•ial Notices—Thos. Meeroory, New tlootls—Mrs. S. C. Robb, l'ionily Grocery . --F. I). Fast, Notleolt. F. Itr "'vain, • Notices--J. Bence, iv vial Notices—Mrs. Beacom, slievitil Notices—Hugo Andriesson, • Notice Spcyeror A' Sons, It. Moore, spe• cial Notices—B. Mulhoint.' subscriptions tonic Beavei Ar gus.—The following named persons Wit, paid the sums sot opposite to their 11,10104 on, 11111HOglItiOn to Bawer A 11 , miriee the ate of our lost publi r 11. Stokes, Now ljrighton, s_' 00 Jim McMahan, Brighton tp., 1 00 lion. ieo. V. Lawrence, Monongahela, Janos Warnock, North Sewickley, 1 sainuel Searight, IIookatow•n, Ferdinand Sanders, Boairer, Bey. N. P. Kerr, Woods' Run, Pa., 1 James Hood, Holt, 2 C. , llhrmanu, Baden James BrMain, Industry, C. J. Todd, GCorgotown, Win. Houston, Beaver, . A communication signed "Spectator," cilia() too late for this week's• pap Or. It will appear In our next: ' , 3IPED gold and gilt paper at Evan Now Brighton, Pa. 23;2in. Drug tillore.—Dr. Hibbard has Just (pelted s new Drug Store two doors al sivi. S. J: Cross t Co.'s, Rochester, Pa. He lots a floe lot of fresh drugs, oils, paints, varnishes, toilet soaps, fancy ar ticles, and perftunerieS, Just received ti tun New York, which ho will sell •d,i•aper thah ever before sold in this market. Ito will also haven nice so da titer fountain in operation during the tanit day}. . raprl3;ltit. New' style sacks 'nude to order; let li•vice's, Beaver. Now arrival of children's carriages, vans, wagons, wheel barrows at 11. Brldgowater. . .7,Y-Bargains ! Closing out my, store r,...tardluss of cost, from this time to M y' NI, N7O, THOS. ,McCniatity persona having wa es that havo boon standing in the 'Be or Wah'. Shop ovor threw months Il call and redeem thorn. . P. JEusEr lIN I.: ton of Fahnestock's white load, ir.irmis of linseed oil and one of turpen tine, juSt, arrived and for Hale at Speyer- SUII4, Rochester. Pa. •r The largest and best selected stuck carpets oil Cloths, Wall raper at 11. l'alheita's, Bridgewater. t .41-Buy your Dry goods at Bence's; 20.3 w A I..titot: assortinont of Wall Paper at ):van Pogles Now Brighton, Pa. I:3;2at VlNE('An,l , tko4l,—Read the card Ad:in - m . 6f 107, 164 100 and 170,•+evoncl Avenue I l ittaburgh,Pa. They ao prepared to furniali Vihegur at the ~r y lowest market rate a, anti eall par- I filar to their lino Wine Vitt- VIIESIL LAKE Ftstt constantly on hand Capt. R. P. Mefivain of Rochester. w be in Rochester, Bridgewater an it...iver on Tuesday and Friday after- . .” of each week; on Thursday after e.,,ot at Rochester and Freedom; on Fri,i.ty morning, at Now Brighton, Bea .l' Falls, Failmott and Sharon. apr2o;4 Oil ClotlN, Wall Paper at r,,taeott prices, at B. Muthoinis. Bridge- EIBM JuNT Itacp4vEa, cheap' Wall raper at I:vati Puglia New Brighton, 2.1;2ta 40 - Bargains! firming out my etore regarille.e. of eo4t, from thiv time to May I=EMI 1.4 Is7u I i; you wish to buy a cheap hat or bon not, call at Mrs. It...two:Ws. Educational. The Notes by the s hool Superintendent, which we are now publishing mill attract general at t, in ion teL only as a report of the schools, 1.4 as foreshadowing a polleY in the ad. : I,liilist rat ion of our school affairs, which ;t would be well fur our eduentionallsrl . 0- Everybody unites in praising the u,rtts of the Altmann, and why not? It the be 4 satisfaction of any article ~r'sold, for, the hair, renewing its:wd r. provooLv its jrolling oil, makes coarse I, or -oft and smooth, darkens and bean laded and lifeless hair, anti aiw aye MEE MuSS FAutNF, Ileeker's Farina, Niccea, Corn Stareh Vermicelli, Mac , trnc!, a fresh supply at Hugo Antilles , Iteaver Drug Store. apr2o;.l 1. , +. Extraordinary induconicniS offer oollinery goods, at Bonco's F.4ab ii.ialista, Stock le nuts oumploto. , 2043ar ... - 11,Irgalikti! Closing out my !I tnro eomt, from this tinno to May THOS. McenEnnic \t • I: E s California Bitters! llostet- Nlkhler'm and Constitution llittorm! Port and Sherry 'Vino.;—Just and tar Hale at tho .tior.yo: It BRAVER DRUO STORM. • it , ,s.t.s Ribbons for bows at NI rm. Ben K. I.Ks.—A good asnortment -of silky fur saeka and dresses at h.ace's, Seaver:: Sacks and dresses a , n , 10 to onler, after the latest and most :ii!provetl style•t. 'aprl3;4vr rrnu'Na run. Hays.—Beautiful Dress 1 ;404 at Itenee's new attire, Beaver. _ . 7 . l. . ^ll argaltui! Closing out my store n'zsr4lisria of cost, from this time to May 1 , 1, Ice, . Thos. dfcenasnY. .11•sr reeeived a largo and carefully asstrtment of Rats; Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons at ()Very article In Allilinery line at Mrs. Beacom's. -Mrs. A. Estitiesew hasjustimenod In beaver Falls, one of thelargest and Attest stocks of Millinery, Used* this aide of Yittebprglt '*Ve have; this tad ett s the authority of several ladies who have called at her establishmont. Abe carries on the Millinery and litua•making In all their varied departments, and should 'receive sliberat support from, limpublio, We doW4 nosiUch will bto the esse,Whert it li . naderstotod that she Stands unriyal led In this branch of "Fine Arta," and is withal, courteous and fair dealing. A SCLIfiLIED stock: of ohildron's Car rlages rnd Perambulators at Evan Pugh's book and. variety store, Broadway New Brighton, Pa. 22;2m • _ a OO leapt pale orly. must • Tows.:La and Napkins, at Mrs. Boa_ corn's. WHITE LEAD! Fahnestock's strictly Pure White pad, ;at ',owed ntanulktc, turers priests, Nitrite ground lu (di:ready for use, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Var nishes, Brushes eta., at Hued .11isdries son's, Beaver Drug Store. apea/pt 11Z0 lit+. Salmi codifir Agrieultirial So ciety, will hold its nett Annual Fair in Beaver, on Woduesday,.'Thuisda7,*d Friday, Sept. 28th, 20th and 30th 1870. apairatnotx] H.l , Moons, See'y. Palairal .4 1. ielli 4 letst.—A sou of Win. Kennedy, of Rochester, instaitieda frao-. turn of thigh bone on Thtirsday list. This boy suffered a like accident of the opposite" bona but 'two years. ago. Dr. Levis reduced the fracture and we un derstand the boy is doing welli HANDSOME Windowourtains, and fix tures of all kinder nt EVan Pugh's, Now Brighton, Pa. "Alm %-0.. Ladles' Cloths, In beautiful colors for smuttier hear, at Beuce's, Beaver. " apr3);3lv itt4.. The largest stock of millinery goods over brought to this place Opened at Boneo'a favorite millinery ES tablishmen t, Beaver. npr'..low Two Dew entablishmenDo in Bea ver make their business known to the public in this week's Anous. Thomas Allison and F. .D. FaSt—the former will be found in the room recent ly occupied by Messrs. Orr at Cooper, and the latter in the room having the Blue front on Third street. Mr. 4 1... deals in Dry Gobds and Groceries; Mr. Fast in Groceries alone. Buyers will find them both very agreeable gentlemen to deal with, and We hope to hear of their meeting with great success in Beaver Go and see them. Savo your inbnoy and buy your goods at fence's, Beaver. apr2o;:lw A. MonVms's gold pons, best In tho market at Evan Pugh's Non• Brighton, Pa. 2:1;2m Gimp and straw hats and bonnets. done over cheap, at Rence's large millin ery Establishment, Beaver. apr2tb3w Persons who sell cigars should re mombor.that the law requires that all stamps on cigar boxes are required to be effectually destroyed. This can be done by scalping the stamp otroodostroyini the box. Those who nogloct to do this are subject to a heavy fine and imprison ment. The law is imporattve on this point, and those who deal in elders would do well to heed this warning. LA1101: MILLINEItY ESTAMILIBII.IIENT. —Odr lady readers will bodaterestedi in knowing that Mrs. S. C. Robb of No. 91 Federal street Allegheny city Pa., has just returned from the East with ono of the largest anti finest assortments of Mil linery goods ever offered in that city. Tho stock consists of Bonnets,llats,Rib bons,.Flowers, Ladies . unti erwear,llaud kerchiefs, Hair goods, 4cc., dcc. ldry. Robb's experience combined with . ex- (visite taste has enabled. her to make such selections of goodies will not fall to please any attar lady customers, and as she has made her purchases all for cash she is determined not to bo under 'sold by any house In Allegheny punty —wo would advise our lady reeors to make a note of this and when visiting the city to give her a call—The grand opening will take place on the 27th of the present month and will repay the trip to see IL, Read advertisement in another column. ThO Carroll (O.) 'Free Press of last week contains the following compli mow tary notice of a minister of the M. E. Chuhch who has j nal come into our coun ty: . Rev. Boller left our town On Saturday morning last for Beaver Falls, Pa. his now field of labor, followed by the well wishes of entire community. But few individuals, especially men in pub lic life, live with as few enemies, and on joy the universal esteem and 'confidence of all, as did Mr. Roller In this commu nity. sl,oo° REWARD is offered liy the pro prietor of Dr. Pierce's Alt: Ext. or Doi don Modica' Disdovery for a medicine that will equal It in the cute of all discus es for which It is recommended. For Bronchitis, severe Coughs, and the early stages of Consumption, it hasastontshod the medico! faculty by its wonderful cures, and hundreds of the best physi cians pronounce it the greatest medical discovery of the age. While it cures the severest coughs, it strengthens the sys tem and purities the blood. For loss of appetite, indigestion, dyspepsia, "Liver Complaint" or "Billiousness," and egn stipation of the bowels, It surpasses all other known medicines. Sold by drng gists. Wheii everything also lies failed, don't despair until you have tried Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Battery• U. FiriseArtillery P. R. V. C. The annual reunion of Ilat / - tery B. brat Artillery I'. It. V. C. will take place at Mount Jackson, .Lawrence county.ou Tuesday April 31i011870. The oration for the occasion will be delivered by Capt. Vin. McClelland who lain eve ry sense qualified to discharge the duty for which ho has boon selected. We are under obligations to Messrs. Nesbit, Reed and McClelland for an invitation to meet with then' on the day designs. tol, and if possible, It will afford . ua much pleasure to do so. Presbytery.—Tito United Premby terrian Presbytery, met at the 'U. P. Church in Beaver - on Tuesday of last week. Quite a number of persons were present during 14 sessions. Among other business transacted was the ap pointment of a committee to inmstigate the charge of a breach of promise; prefer red against Ilex. J. 11. Clark, D. U. a member of the Presbytery. The commit tee will inquire into and report the theta at an adjourned meeting to be held some timeln May. Tho Presbytery continued in session all day on Tuesday artd, ad journed is the evening of that day. 6..1. n.—The now Post of the Grand Army of the Repnblie ordered to. be es tabilsed In Beaver by the Commander of the Department of Pennsylvania, was mustered In by vurado David Shieldsof Now Brlftbton.it last Wednesday even- Eng.—After the muster the Post preceded to elect officers follows: Post Ccmainiinder—J. Weyand Scniori Vice an/Cdr.—S. J. Dinsinoro Artior Vice Cbm:dr.—A. C. White djut4nt—Robt. W. Andorson Quartermaster—C. A. Docarmo Chaplain—R. F. Me!lvan • Pgicer of Me .Day—John E. Harlon Officer of the Guard—Charles Ruff aprat3w Sergeant Major—Louie BOSCO . QUaritrllatierd Beret.—J. A. Lockhart On Friday evening tho new offleeno were duly Installed in their Hall, in the Maio' building,:immodiately over kr. Allison's store. The No. of the now Post is '204. REPUBLICAN' 'COIIINTY• • VEXTIONI• • • . _ Repel)Deana In Deliver Cod , rity. who . meY . he eislieledste' voter at the coming October Election, are moos ted to' Meet Plates for - hold= Ing primary mai4iia, on the, Ina Hat.. isirday la BLiglalitii4 aul *case by direct vote, and' byjaUot, Ornadidats for Congress, for Assinibly, Prothonota ry, Conn ,abisionee. Surveyer; Astiltor, Poor House Director, and two Persons for Trustees of Academy. The polio to be opened at 2 P.' M. and closed in the Townships at 7 P. af. and In the' Bor• ontigs at li P. M. • . The Oc)innattotnen to 'ehesea at the same Limo for the several &arida, will Meet at the Court House on . the Tuesday following ( Ski,) at I. P.. X. (Monday being Soldiers Decoration Day.) ' . The Rules and Regulations governing the primary- meetings and 'County Con venticle, will be publialled In detail in_ due time. By order of Ccuiray Com: 3X. WEXAND, Cien. J. R. liAultatz, Say. • The County Committees! Its late meet ing, ddopted the following reitolutions: Resolved. That the Executive dim millet) of the County Committee be au thorised to prepate the necessary blank forms to bold the elections. • Resolved. That each 'candidate for nomination be requested to make a con tribution of $l.OO, on or before the 10th of May next, to the Treasurer of County Committee, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of printing the necessary blanks. The unlearn' indicated in the last.reao• lution can beheaded to John Caughoy, q., Treasurer Co. Committee. ANNOVNCENIENTS. Wo are authorized to announce the names of the following persons as can •dldates for tho various offices for which they are named. The Primary meetings ,will be held on Saturday May 23th 1870. FM. Congress. WILLIAM HENRY, of Fallaton. MICHAEL WEYAND, of Beaver. For Assembly. DR. WILLIAM C. SHURLOCK. For Prothonotary. ' JOHN CAUGHEY, of Beaver. For Commissioner. JAMES SMITH, of Raccoon Tp. GEO. K. SHANNON, of Hopewell Tp. SAMUEL NELSON, of Green Tp. JAMES PETERS, of Hanover Tp. SAMUEL TORRENCE, of Hanover Tp G. W. SUROADS, of Moon Tp. Poor 'loose Plreetor. HIRAM REED, of Now Brighton.• Auditor. J. H. CHRISTI, of Racction Tp. Trustees orAestileusy". JOHN STILES, of Rochester. MATTISON DARRAOH, of Bridgewa ter. ;.zslr• Extraordinary bargains in all .kind.s,andflolors tot Alpacas at Bonea:s, Beaver. aprA3w • krylevrrort is directed to the profession: at card of Dr. McNutt, found in another column of the Aware. The Dr. can be 'found at his office on Third street, Beaver, where he will be pleased to receive awns from those in need of his. services. lie has practiced medicine for some ten or twelee' j•ets 'nornd We beilliV6 . he &Admit making our town his permanent home. are have seen a number of testimonials from promineut men in Armstrong Wall tY, (the Dr.'s former home). speaking very highly of him asa man and lasklll as a practitioner, one of which we take pleasure In eopyl:ig. It is as follows: Ai.om.c . ), Pa., March 31, 1870. %about hesitation X tan rizommeria Dr. J. 8. McNutt to the citlierii of Bea ver, as a physician of more than ordinary ability. In leaving Apollo, he is leaving an extensive practice. Numerous are the friends who regret his departure; person. ally I ant sorry. Through his treatment I derived special benefit, in relieving me, of a chronic dhumse,-which'preirlons med icsl ant front different sources apparently,' failed to give. But sorry as lam to see the Doctor leaving us, yet 1 congratulate the citizen; of Beaver for the opportunity of employing when necessary Ins valuable se vises. M. CoLvsit. Pastor of the Lutherarrehh The 3lasonic hail In Rochester. —The ntembe'ra of Rochester Lodge No. 229 A. Y. M., have just finished furnish ing their now Hail, in the upper story of Capt. S. A. Reno's new building, at the junction of Bridge and Brighton streets. The building stands on an' elevation commanding a splendid view of the sur rounding villages of Beaver, Bridgewa ter, Freedom and Philipsburg, and is ono of the largest Halls in the county. Tho members of the order deserve great credit for the 'truly elegant%finer in which they have fitted It air sparing neither time labor nor expense in doing so; and to the committee having the mat ter in charge much credit is duo for the taste displayed In the. selection of the various articles that go to make up the furn itu re of a Masonic Loden room, care fully avoiding anything gaudy or flaShy and requiring everything to correspond, thereby having alf to harmonize In color and design. - The committee was forth nate in 'securing . the services of C. M. French, mg., of ' Rochester, to superlu: tend the entire matter,whcase judgement, taste and skill In such a matter cannot bo excelled. The floors are covered with a magnificent double width Brussels car pet, °Utile latest and rlehost design ; fur nished by McCallum Bro., of Pitts burgh.- Tho furniture being of walnut, give to all a solid and rich appearance; and was furnished by T. B. young tt. Co.,- J. W. Woodwell Sons, of Pitta ,burgh, and Henry Lopp sof Rochester. The walls are hung with the neatest of neat paper, In pannels, furnished by M. J. Arnold, of Allegheny, and hung by that Master Workman and good fellow IG Bray, of Allegheny. Pedestals by C. M. French, of Rochester. Tho 'Hall is heated by stoves for burning anthracite coal ; thereby escaping dust, sineke and being of thoinseltgat . fully is' orno intuited as useful; a&flaweroliiihishod by 'Perry tt . Co., Albany, New\ York. Thti windows—of which there inxieleven —are shaded by Venni:in blinds, furnish ed 14 Topper A.Co„ of Pittsburgh. Mar ble work, done by W. H. Marshall, of Rochester' Tinning Ae.., by ligtu. Hel sel, of Rochester. And to give light to the hall are two largo chandeliers, fur nished by Wallace, Cavit dc Co., of Pitts burgh. The members of the order, in Roches ter, now have a lodge room not equaled but About ono or two In the State; long may its members live to enjoy meeting each other within its walls. •' Palle by Sunlight wed Gatalligh&n A wurk deeeriptive ut the Speedos and Übe- See. the Virtues, Vkeo. Splendors. and Crimes or the City or Serie. —Sy Janes IL McCabe, Jr. Stational Pubilehlug Co, Plelladehba. The 'eagerness with which all Anted cuts who can spare the time and moans, rush off to Paris every year, has become almost a national characteristic. Indeed, this Is not to be wondered at, for of all places in the world, Paris Offers the greatest attractions to the inver of pleaa um, and what 'people lova' pleasure, so well as our own countrymen? This most Interesting of cities displays to the novice its enchantments In two aspects so widely different, that the author she ws us Paris In two different phasft r By Sunlight" and "By Beane:di' trig quantity of serious and veritable his tory •presented by this work, as, con nected with the various obleetsof inter est in Paris, is Immegae. That of the Palaces and other public, buildings is exhaustive and complete. The reader Is Made segmented with all the ptud tri umphal monuments of the past and pree ent erne. He is led through the grand est galleries of art, and the history and descriptions of the leading oblectirof Seuipti ineifaititing, are lald 'before lifiliSintioduced into, the faintly of thelbilistror,':, find' carried thrifugh evil!) , phise ortitrlaian boast .114 Is led to ;garrets pf the pretty, Grim* , .tes, and listens. •le. • the 'stories '9l' their loyeS; and is made a confidant In the secret iptrigries. of * tea ladlni of rink. HO visits the Quecueef the Deed-monde In their gorges:ins lenses, and ennuis their loveni by their jewel'. • • He thumb , area In the delksielos of French molting. and'. Parisian drlnkti::aud sumkes bts Cigarette at night on • the Aglitter Mg. Boulevard. Pallas the 'curtain . drauu back find Is shown the dark mysteries, 'tharippuirtes, villainies, and the fright ful Ohne. of the City. He is amused, Initructed, startled, thrilled. horrified by turns, and when he lays the book' aside, finds It hard to believe that ho hei net actually seen Paris for himself, and partidpated, in person, in the *sower or which he has been reading. The book is illustrated with bid splendid ongrayings made In Paris, Iby the bait artists of France, under the personal 'supervision of the author: Ills sold only by sub- scription. Sit, Beautiful, . Poplins :id nonce's, Beaver. .' • . apr2O:3w EDUCATIONAL. DEAFER Com= CosrusuEn.: Fananom Bono.-1-This has a substantial brick building,furnish ing three rooms: The school is clarifi ed into a primary,a medium and &gram mhr department. .The . several ; ga des were conducted with much ability mid gave Very general satisfaction during the 'past session. The progrossof the school toward the close of the term was inter rupted somewhat on amount of an epi demic which raged with much violence in the community for a season • This, of course, interfered- with that complete success which the teachers themselvep so much desired. The grammar depart ment was refitted previous to theepeniug of the school which made it more com fortable and attractive. I new put in a plea for the %Wu folks.' The prkuary room very much needs imitable furniture it'd a complotO sot of wall cards—the health and comfort of the children demand the former and the progress of the school re quires the latter. The other departments 'aro in want of more school apparatus. Sr. CLAUS Bond.—Thero is ono school and ono framo building In this district. Tho school was conducted, fairly; it would have boon' Moto satisfacterY . 11 .0 'the scholars exhibited more readiness in nevertheless a fair dogroo of progress was manifested. ' Evoxotrt.—There are 'seven schools and the same number of, school houses in this township-Lone brick and six frame buildings. The Campton school house has been remodeled, painted and Ofinhir ped,,making it not only commodious, but attractive. Thorn are a few more houses in this district that require dud lar treatment. The schools,when visited, I were, with two exceptions, in good con dition, and were conducted with much tact and efficiency on the part of the teachers. The Davis and Cot tor schools .wore susceptible of hnprovement. It is but justice to remark that tho scholars of the Davis schoid were backward In their studies—owing no doubt to the bad train ing which they received at tho hands of former teachers. It will not do,however, to say dud; homutso pupils are Joachint in their , studios, forsooth, they must not expect any great exertion to htlibusie in their bohalf to imprOvci their mental coadltion. is rather ono of timseeatios where incised 'efforts shOnla •be 'put forth to arouse tiro latent energies of their minds and to elevito them above their present attainments. Lot it ho remem bered that it is not so much the advance-• ment, batik° spirit of a sobool, together with thv-iriaticioney of , the . scholars in the studios in which they are engaged; that • command, 011 V tospeckand appeals to qpr . .Wtter German school in this lwp, shone duly appreciated by tho Gerninti'cletiont of the emu triunity. ' ils.mbviut.—There are eleven') :Whoa*, anti twolio schOol buildings In DA*. trict. The Smith school was not in sea/. Bien daring'. tho pad term, owing to fhbr paucity of scholar:clothe district. i' • Tho Boards of Banc:dim in this twp, haves re partation for building good school hodses, and persevering in the work un til each sub-district be furnished with a first elms house. Afew more years and thegoal of theliaunbition will be attaluF od.E lam nnahletaspeak from personal observation olds) schools taught in Nos.' 2, U and 5, owing to.ait*tioderstautling as to the time, in which th'eSeSehools closed. It gives mo pleasure, however, to remark that some of them wore very highly spoken of by a number of the patrons. A majority of the oigLt schools visited wero aecomplishing an appropri— ate educational work. Indeed Homo of thorn, as I remarked of schools In an adjoining district, were model rural schools; others, again, woro deficient in discipline, tact and' ability to impart knowledge, which are to be attributod more to the Inexperience of the teachers titan from any want of interest in the progress of the schools. Thorn aro vary row scholars in the Anderson district, If some provision could be made for their education in an adjoining district it wool a redound to the financial interests of the township. I wish to reanark in a general way that every school in tlao connty should close with an oxamination. Itabould be outdo obligatory upon the 'part of teacher:lln, their agreementwith oftiirtsailire: I improve the present opportunity of publicly announcing that all certificates granted to teachers, hereafter, Will be issued with the full understanding that they comply with this regulation. In order to exhibit the importance of this measure I quota the suggestions of the State Superintendent, emanating front the School Department. "It may not be amiss to take the opportunity of suggest ing to boards of djroctors tho propriety of eimplaing the term's workby roquir, hag a public examination to be held in each school under their respective juris dictions. Tho praetico of holding such . public examinations prevails very ex tensively in . some parts of the Star. Thoy aro held in every school in many districts,. and certain County Superin intendeqts aro beginning to tall;of hav ing them held in every school in their counties. Public examinations hold at Or near the clease of thb term of our schools intro among ethers the following good effects: I. They increase the exertionsld both teachers and pupils during the term. When it is known that an examination awaits them they aro anxious to get ready for it. Lessons aro not simply learned and thou forgotten; they are stored' up for future Use. Indolent teeek= . era cannot neglect their duties and hope to escape detection. Faithful teachers tint] au examination the best means of securing an appreciation of their work. 2: They tend to tlx what has been learned in the minds of the pupils. A public examination necessitates many reviews, and repetition is what Ls needed to tlx what is once learned In the memo ry. Questions answered at a public ex amination makes much deeper impres sion upon the mind than questions an swered • In the 'ordinary recitations of school. '" 3. They bring its patrons and citizens generally to the school. The' visitation of our schools is sadly neglected. The ordinary exorcises of - a school will probatily-stever be , made generalif at tractive. It is ditibrett with a public axamtuatton. 'This nal° made the ouo groat event of the year'lzi thiinelghbor hood of every school In the Common wealth. • 4. They enable ,dlreetora to ,estlinate he ohmmeter of the week done In the fleheVilo . ring Shsiik-lisotai • -777 0 1, - ,Te =dolts dile from tfAirt to the aflW4otjrno other way'lti.lOaliot4' to Welt', vieW.Of 11' recOmniemidd tWiln, , i39hOo/ In the Sta 'Tolullon et, ogee raqairing public nato be hokl .1 .11 their schools.: ; .- Latemett Board alio . .resolve to beprescat and niake'reporti; Oumiglit9 os 4# oo 9(W kill PrgolitiOotolli allay alio vila7 . propp*ba'aloyinkstby. 'roils front alba/Zia/41=1W tog gelid take part Irithe respOctive exandna-: tks,Xthlsphub99dno' MAX PA Ili, oporaUô Ifili dq 1 1 4 4 01 Perhaps more than waything . ell9l lo 44os htolattcal, - Of thousands. of poreausio the settee* sod ! ;toured° . a pabliclat, atilt:bore , forabla‘ to the:l: vetnent• of our. 'noble flehootriyattinZil supirrintend la ingrrestion?". : tans° !riimarkiot 4stte ' letaint:,odu'ciontuteilirthemeWlveg: tivark *bind of Writ/1# takeslion irthe dountY.. In vithr of lama" sentinstmte It gives rise pleasure toJlrio abeinspiest. .ena example In this snipe., ',distil& One Of the oldest teschoralhf the township,. arid I mayadd ono tif theinesesucoessful In ill& county; opeOetfi eehool with thine remarks in subs 1 , mends and poplift, e taken,Chge' ofthfa *school with a vrow•er o . d:rloting Ociniational hit/fresh' and your future success -in W - 1 desire to accomplish all the gr 4 z cancluring the term in which wo butt just. entered.. / announce to you that it the closehf the term we will have an hiouninitionbf all the studies In wliiciiyot4tu be engaged, and to prepare for thlthatiamlnalleo we will commence now. Whatever we un ekeo.woWlUevnmaster as .wo advance.; You may. iiPeet , my' asaldanee, and at thtOlose of the term you will have an 4petionlty of nraking known to your frieuds/our proficiency, anti l,to;tny patro . „ suecem" This provinanio as carried out, The m4stitinguinoe 'lions of schot ara,teaelter,natroq;dlrectipia and friends. of elticalloo,49o realCheL And at the' same time,. lot ; jlbe"katuembeeed, that these, closing exercises; are a powerful auxiliary in building Up a healthy edu cational sentiment to the commnnity and that this sentiMek reflects honor upon the teacher, and - redounds to his - professional Wl' wgit as to his pecuniary advantage. I einumencithe above to the careful consideration Of all teachers. There' is one thing murel desire to com ment upon before I levee this township. A matter in which I &alio to be, extreme ly careful and gnarded.in expression, lost. I be Misunderstood. , Them were ono or two iichools this' district that were fast falling I nto disiciptito on account of the complete altsOrgion of Mindr, on thci part Of hotiiteneherit Said scholars - , hit theicibitActlitersrysociiiies, So infatual: ed,wcre they. with those) Weekly gather ings that school roont. 'duties ,became irksome, "stale, fiat suld-ienprontable." It was in their thoughaby day and their dreams by 'night. The ieltult wits that little or no interest wan taken in the legitimate duties of theachool room. I am not reflecting upon thew literary or ganizations. A know ehstx value. The brightest Mental ornantents which the world he:i proae,;e4, received their pol ish in some well amduciel literary club or similar literary association.. Never theless, the 'language ofi /lolly Writ is •.rgibty, apkolloOlo . ,—"Tlixopught yo to, havi t itono aDctof to knivo the other undune.M.,f. . . . FIIAN . KPOrr TliO tkrc. thing to . which the good poppio:of this district. should turn their atiodtion; is the croo- tiou °fa suitablo school building. I ant gin' ti.knOvr that many of tlio niOst prominent citizens are anneittly canvas sing this naatteny, Thlincenniplishod, It may kayo,. a• saintaar MO.. .upon the, school, which, rt. the . .presept timowould bo very desirable r , ' ; •••••• Giei. eeti cc,. 13upt. FOrty ;- First Congress. ~NECONOi SESSION. SICNATN, April 11.-A. vbsoltstiots di recting the committee on Agriculture to inuttiro what legislathm• is necessa ry for US, regulation of thotransixirtation of eattli 'ttd other animals en railroads of the United States; so as; to secure fur the animals stalloiont spaoo and ventila tion, way adopted. 'rite Semite insisted . en its amendments to the ibitielenek ap propriation bill, and aPp(iiuled a coat rpittee of txmference. • Thu Northern Pa. cifie Itailroad bill was debated anti con sidered until adjournment. House.—Several bills winointrodu&sl and referred. A resolution wastulopted granting the use of the liewesentative Sail to the colons.' people 6i . the District of Columbia; for the purpOse of celebra- . ting the passage of thelstli Amendment, and that the members of the - Rouse take part in the proceedings. r An amend ment,appointing a committee of arrange mom, was agreed to; and Measirs Docke ry, Maynard, Allison, COFtind ridrldgo wore appointed. fir. Cox 'add Ito could, not servo only on one Coydition. That was, that his friend' from :.'tlasfsachusets (Mr. Butler) slug a tioug. Mr. Eldridge declined to servo on any condition. The Rouse refused to excuse the gentleman. The tariff bill was considred at great length ; alter which the resolution grim ling the use of the Bali to tbe..colored citizens was, on motion, rescinded. Ad, Journey'. - Sux..vrt:, 14—The cominittee ow Apprdpriationa reported Inlfiteor of pay iiu; the hiyal citizens of tlie mbel states , for thoiiirtslataneo In taking the census of islo. The'resolution tor a joint cOnnult loom) Indian Matra, was discussed un til tho expiration of the morning hour. Tho Georgia bill was then diagnosed un til adjour 1111 l eta without any definite action, llousn.—A Jona resolution was pass. ell to pay $3,010, us expenses of the coni tante° on education in 'their hive:dine.' tion of the charges of corruption ttastinst the ecnnuttssionor of the 'Freedman's liuncwa. A number of bills woie'intro• Scx.Cic, April rniolution for a Joint Ciitituitttee on Indian Affairs Wild discussed, amended and pMeted. The Morgia 'bill was then discussed, without action, until adjintrunicol. - ShObor was 'Admitted to a stmt aintputtior of the }louse of Wp m:se:datives froiu 'the sixth .district Of North Carolina. Mr. Taylor was admit ted to r n seat au ,Itiipra4entativo frotu l'indisifyania. Mr. ltoading his 4initut4taol;, A. number of bills,,of:taboor import, worn intriithieed. ;Tim tiirilt bill was - ilithli dismissal until adjourn ment. Samara, April bill.to autlunlzo the citjanf Banta , . and Now York to eon '. tract, n'tuhnetunder tho NiAgara river to Canada, ,pa.viCd. A number of Mlle on varions'antlajtsis wore repukcal fretn ContanittetiC, Thb Georgia being tinder enosideration, a 'resolution was agreed to, theithore should' be neither adjournment nor reams* until It was dim; posed of. 11..wais declared out of order under the 53 rule; and tho l bill,dlseuss4. until adjournment., bUI paeiGd re:flowing the disabilities of C. It. Sabin of Nentuckey. A; statoinent of tho weights and values of gold coin of Groat Britain, Franca:rand the Carded StUtetc Waweall. tad for. After the introducticiat of sarrcir-• al bills,. the Irons° went' ntoinontrnittee` of the whole on the Tailff bit , and .Une pago was displasod ef; aftei the Rouse adjourned. StixATic, April la=Atior thp lanai de tion o[ several hfllx, the Sonstis* went bill passed ; it providas that census nutrahals, shall, !unlade *all* inezepre , ! renting eurviying °Meer% aoldhrra and gallant of the warioflB2, and their sur viving widows, Vicar. pen Wails; yKl,~=Alio w to papjalattua h 1 is to :tbp, bosniewtal: U 04 *0 111 140 -1 0 13 4i0SilbOuntkele4 .Ix4 A 4I46 ' OI 2IP O QCOIVAHAVOifOO4I7 , 'O4 Vlialluf. MOM* roquAnd by Abe .11tb soctkinvilbp Ace of AGO. Vier DoWea. was diataiaaadi and a vote agroar bd biketvilintiesiday. • liousz. 7 7 .The deficlonay JO. wiri' ter iortedOlsol. *Pied; ' CAWON& v.tit.ivonissA CODIIIt•IONDENCX 4 • :91wygsr"April fit,1876. Not. dcalbting Mutt yo 't many leaders, and AssPechilly those -in Bearer onisnty; 'would bo pteisell td . kitrisoreething 'nerd' the (holden State," futint,ti Winter resident; ;of your itelutifid linroughh in tiya correspondent. ITtuiflacmnientaiVab, ley and foot 'lulls are • Clouted with their ' , verdant Spring velvet— Imagine you rtt.:l I " i lii'A'hifilittill'garden, Where. the roses and the, Odder& wreath is iti',. NB bloom, .tuid .the • nectiiine, ch erry. peach, plum, pear, and apricot. trees are all In blossom, 'and their sweet perfume Permentea 'the' wholU:arntoephete; then 'you '44144.1g0 ist`t.w ,tve . , are 'aurroendei here St this ilearit of the year. 'Garden . vegetablei of almoit evetikinti are itt the market:. Strawberries irdienand one dol lar per pound-+nither att expensive luxu ry for 'poor Our &Antra or 15:Luellen/en are new hus- IIY engaged in plowing their autumet hill low, shearing. sheep, and .narking fetters and other.unproveatenti: The crops nev er Presented a nitre favorably'appoarance for a fun ern!) than this year,; already new hay, Is hi tho diarliet. • The vineyards are belng actively cultivated. The miners in the platens have had a bountiful harvest. this winter. •.• Raiu an ahundaoce,, and the snow so light, high op In the mountains that the water ditch es have' Veen 'pen all Winter; but little sleigh riding and, no snow sloe, races. The health of this portion:and that of the whole Str.tw has never been better. The people 'everywhere present 'a lively and healthy appearance. Thus county (Butte) is composed of a Mixed claw of _people, miners and ranche Within its geo graphical boundaries is contained some or the best mines both quartz, deep and pla cers in the State; and the_ agricafural lands will compare htvorably with any iu the Western states, gone example will be sufficient : Gen. John Bidwell has one :rancho that. (=tains a little more than 22,000 acres In one body • The laboring Chaises can do well In' Celledriatalf then desire,: if ,they do 'not, AIM /silk is at their own door. Wages for nudes, trout two to Intim dollars pet day, and from thirty to fifty dollars per month .and board; me chanics get front three to six dollars per day. Servant girls get front twenty-live to thirty dollars pe j r , month. la Califor nia money is (wily made and spent If tic.. party deslrw. Thu most tempting places and'where the most men and (I aut sorry to say) women fell Is at the saloons, gam bling dens, and crosi . .road groceries. 31any young people but It male and (comic could do well here if they would hut shun the "breakers," and steer clear of the 'lunrkyivaters.". Oar society is fast lin proving under: our system of ctuniuou school cducation.. in slim's+. every nook -and carman!' thertitato you:ean observe theitchaol house and the 'clitirCh., The . Ler,latamie of Cptfornli adjourns sine 44., to day, by ligiittation, for which the ;maple lieie great errors Mlle thank ful to an over. ruling Providence. When it met just one hundred and twenty days ago, our State Treasurer End over one and a half Millions of dollars in her coffers ; to-day it la entirely depleteil ; cause riDent ocratic majority in boils nooses, with Governor whose back is hffeetestwith the spina .dlecnse. ...We have lad IMUtis.litate a Legislature of a thousand drinks, a hott sand resolves, and this one Is a thousand it more of special franchises. Threats gusied fineigners at the ,passage of the Fifteenth Aniendinent, Weston riot in San Francisco Special 7 police and the militia are moly at a ctirlOn tap of the thy bell to Milt out and imell the fluters. Their speidid object ul Intre . l hi:Mg the Chinoe, led on by a few unscrupulous Inca, who seek by so doing to catch the. workind mettli votes. I Ibinit (nun pees. lent indications the nt..xt eleciiiM will re luru majority of Itepittli&„ins tm power, 'Should any of my old friends desire'any Information regarding any aflutter Jet them drop me a note by post and I will gladly givenny intbrinatisan In my power : have lout-several Pennsylvanians here, our undershviitf W. Vera) is from Bridgewater. I met 3lr: A. B. Brawn , the other day he is a brother-in-law to JOhn Young of Bridrewatcr. In my next I will treat of time resounies of California; Toms, Ono. uocus-rocus. It seems to boa matter of wonder to many persons, and 'oven to some medial men, how any thing like a •corntit diagnosis of diseases ean .be made from examination of. the urine. This wonder ceases with the latter, however, as sobn as they learn the fundamental principles upon which these examinations are based, and be. come practiislly acquainted with the varied chemical constituents and characteristic appearances of that flu- id as.voided in the different classes cf disease. ' When any organ or part of the body becomes diseased it gives out more than its accustomed share of particles from that part. Thine Sep nutted particles are curried out of the body through the medluni of the kidneys, andlnay by chemical anal ysis and microscopic examination be definitely ascribed to the precise locality whence they are derived. These are practical facts ; not mere ly of value in ordinary cases alone, but - scientille men, Tood, Bennet, Queckot, and (Ahern, have placed on record numerous instances wherein the , cuffed diagnads In , obscure cases depend solely upon thew kind of inventigations. We ourselves, drainer] experience of over twenty years' practice, have had many individual 'macs wherein the examination of the urinary se cretion alone revealal the true nature of the disease, after all, the other well known-meth ods of the very best physicians of t hecoun try had signally failed. • When. we propoo to detect dhuxis es by an examination of the urine alone, being prepared, as woarent our calico, No. •132. • (Joint street, Pitts burgh, with ad the :cheinimi • and iniereseopleapparatus ibr testing it in thinnest scientific manner, wets= our proposition, not upon clairvoy ance spiritualism, liotass-paces, or kturdemain, but upon the incaritro , vertiblc facts, and make our dedunt. Lions in accordant.%) with theimmutu bit: laws of admire. Inda.xl, It is these facts alond that give to our peculiar system its true value that stumps it as a science. For that only is scientific which is based upon incontrovertible facts. _01.1131117E, U. D., , Professor of Urino-Pathology. • —.Suicides continuo in Cincinnati, the latest ciao being • that •of F. Meyers, a barber, who took •arsenie. • I Willard,,founder of the Troy(\. Y.) tieiriinary,;died fµ that . dity on Friday iast,aged eighty four. : —The stinuner Iroquois, one hun dred and thirty seveit.'dir from Hong Kong arrived at I 'ortress Monroe on Friday last: • .. ' —At Wahash,..lndiatta. Thursday night,: twenty two ..buildings were destroyed by fins, including - the Tremont House, in which It origina ted, L-'l'fie "Tome Qlthe itneeneiiiwtti . 'egislature tuts 'voted tevphibly,' dieresolation to report nreedlug nod Writtpg elsueio in the State (~Ntonstltul blr!;"", • • • . 1 i:; • To Oluaimnpillirelig Taa odherttaii bovtog bees reetured is health Is • kw weeks, by a very ormple remedy, OW • tro(logg oolliveT *emit yews with a wrote balk alboikOt. /MAW dread Olow econtoopttot. hi wow to tookopoolo to** totioo sattool tea To all wlp desire it, hi, witihmui,a copy Of Mk proMlitios emit theo of dorgoi.; ivp4 tba aim-, ; tiba for peeparli9t aii4 Malabo movolakb lAq utile AM* oomcvm reit cooPoriioir. Anr aA,llbJicittri►;ete.'lle iitfoo ettlyi Odverfloer rremiPtloil fotOeleit tie oak. go4;aild oprekttall . Muslim wile? be' ioSiOlvo• to be lorideabk or 4 'he MAIM 'Teti oplkirer Ira try trio moody. to ti w III pot their gothl . ier, and my prove a IMeolog. Patti, Irtitaig tlio pee. 4c - riptkot wlli &.e Minus • • - • to,. EDWAILD A. WILriON. mam• iWlUlainabfuN. Kino York.. a, r=irm A Goortostai who man* Ow yaw. Proof row rwhilitlf. Prouty° Deary,wed MI the eqwta of youthful liells:retlon, will, kw the Pike of out. humeolly. ',end tree to on Who peed It. the ronalpt and dareaar4kid niatlnOba'slaiEdi nan• ad, try arlikn, at'La ' Sidrueni melting to profit by the ion:nu - ore ;ipiiticice, an do an by Id or, hiPe t lect &undo:wee' ' • .10141 - B. 001.1101. No. tl Coda: stmt. Bow. Yart maylt.lyi ' ELLIOTP—On the 11th of Apra 1810, at her residence In Mom towtuddp,, Boa• vor county Pa. We. Margaret, wife of Minima Elliott eaq., deceased, .in tho 8t year of her ago. ' • . ItA:11.81CY-.4111 iiSt;i3th id. April itt ' ttitct Bearer CountrP,oor House, Mr. LletiS. lel Malmsey, !tithe 81st year of .New Advertisements.' REMOVAL: Thomas Allison, HAVING RE3IOVED HIS STORE TO 131;A.V.12,11, Pu., In the Hennas formerly ocettpial by. Orr & Cooper, where he suw has and intendi keeping " A General Stock of MERCHANDISE Lisving received from the East, within a few days past, a lieu selection of DRY GOODS, Ol' TIIE Latest Spring Styles, CONSISTING IN PART OF . POPLIN, ALPACA, De LAMS, GINGILUIS, CHECKS, CASSIMERES, CLOTIIs, JE INS COTTONADES, DINIMS, FLANNELS, eitAs:ll, HOSIERY, A., .kc. BOOTS 5: 8110 ES, lIAHDWARN. SHOVELS, RAKE);, UOES,. . TUBS, IiECKETS, QUEENSWAUE, ac. To the 'awe articles he has added a choice solcilop of. • Cal?, 00EIRTHIS: COFFYYS, ' WHITE A; BROWN SUGARS, MOLASSES, TOBACCO, All the above articles will ho sold low for cash; or exchanged for country pro. duce. Call and examine Ills stock. and prices, • .T.IIOIIIAS AXLISON.. opal ' • • ... F. D. 3PALISVI" HAS OPENED A" NEW FAMILY GROCERY , 31 - 31 n St Bearer, LG`JELL CHEAP, TUE WING : In the Blue Frnnt lIAS UN HAND, 41: WI FOLIA) IOFFxI Oltll o.)rertunent 1)a h.s, • Soda, Cream Tartar,. rcittntl St whole pcl).. I. per, • . Ground whole Al -1 spice. ' 1.; lager, 31uhtattl, Scups, Broom., finishes, . • Haw, Should( ts, Dried Beef, 18na Pipes, Pouches, • Tobacco !loxes, etc. TEAS: Young !Nom, Ituporial, Oolong, Ear, BrunkGus, Japan: l'ulvcrizetl, 'bUGAIIS: • CruslnA, t ro nu liati.4l. Coffeu A, ,Extra C. 11rowil Snags. Extra whiWprip,‘, Eu'ohdor N. (I,,tlOlawies, 31noluirerNog. 1 & 2 11441114, Curronk, Orange:a, A frill line'nf Frog Nu IN, ak!l`. I tl, gilly full nil in prie, and qu any. you will 1101 foll to 453.7 ettsh paid for:Butter k.Eggs. .tii . riuti • . Fine eninintin II :ire war d (lithe katisraction (%01 and see, tint! ATTENTrON NEW AND DES N 0.91 Feder:Al Stree MRS. S. Ilas . thel.urgest,.ll,;at Sclecte,i and Cheap Flowers, Ladies UnderWear;Laditpephd liandkerelde&, Jewelry, and llalr thaw's, Went c).1"-t343 Ladies visiting the city 'should hvai. this Mal Street. before purchasing. Please compare pricesbelow ....1.03 Ladicy tl qtr, Triumed, Bonnetpt, Black 1.3c0 C"llurg t 500:4,wortir 1.00 Particular Attention .:n i ir2o;•26, . 117 AGON FOR MALE. - The uodeolgned VI bad a Two Items Wagon, In good run ning order, width he wilt WI low for ca.*. 9r_ex• chance for & gt:od hone. J. C. )(OUTTEN. sprtelt TILE .PITTSIII.3IO II . , VINEGAR WORKS, Ball.ou&AdamE ,- . .147; Hs, 100 and 110, Scoond'Aventre, PittAburgli, Po., Are now prepayed to (UMW: Vtxxn.tlt al the LowNST Almoner ItATKe. Attention is puticollarly called our • i • EXTRA WINE VINEGAR.- - upreo;:ho l'Aislidihnist paper rePOrts hint a adyy in that, orate asarrkd her eixth husband en .the 4th , inst. Divorces have notriddcd es,his Aaq iireds cessmoleepnif fn *yew int% ceme -43oine of the Toledo : Mends ,er Congreiat n•elect Peck, of the Tenth Ohio ,Dlit rid, paid him a congratula tory visit on Vridpy evening, aad the immure of Dr. Peck's lanow derobtftsv Mil. • '• , 2ftscellai& eous., dentatittrattiten Notice.— The andetelso- j qatto:to topoolntid adatabdratoor or tbe, mats Joann Kosoady., deemed, Woof Oblnpoon tdp, Dearer eounty,Pa.. beroby. iliadarir all Venoms Indebted to mdd exists Utat launallate pojgasat, I. eadolead. AU , poison, !Übe elabriagilastyl44lade ordredetotod to peeneottneur duty' aatbealleatod" fuf Ktdement. marrow), • WILAOId, Adnatorr GEORGE 13RAUN nU/UNT TAILOR, Bkiadivay, Neev.7.Brighto.ia. }SAVING JUST RECEIVED A LARGE Ain/ 'WELT; SELECTED STOCK OF SPRIG AND EIDER GOODS, ContlisAing of CLOTT-oi, CASSIKERS, AiJutish Mello:is and Vedings, Which bait Prepartxl to Make to Order, IN THE LATEST STYES, ON THE SIIORTEI3T NOTICE, AND THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS Parties wishing any thing in hia ling•, and desirous of S.A.V.INCir AICONE.I( Wo,llldoWfll . TO GIVE MAI A CALL. Before Purchasing Elewhere, As 111; block of Gonasis.all of t'irsi Clam Mantoracture A. Vitali Stool.r. oC lteady Mach) Clothing, HOME. MANUFACTURE. maiNll:3m PRINTS, LITEILtak Notes for gale at the Wilco Brighton Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A, • PRINTING. 11.4.21W1LLA, ROOFING, BAILING, liaedware, Glare. Wiling. RAC i- AND CARPET IF , A my 3EI R. . NLANT.w.A.c.ruiron AND SOLD AT 'Wholesale alelall by Prat; L & 82 Third A .' PITTSBURGH. -11117 - 14 p taken ha exchange!. beePM TWEEDS, SPADES. TEAS, SY RII PS, SPICirSi SOAPS. Ac. Dan'l ilugus & Co, MA.NUFA.CItiIIEAS OF 31arbleized Slate llantles No. IS7 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, .Perin'a. Prices, tr).l`ii wld I,7pirtire4. In the math eizing process certain min. eral rotors, or metalte oxides, are applied to and absorbed by the atone, which is then subjecteal to a proper degree or heat until the enamel is perfectly Incorporated with the state, •anti bccomes One sulettance forever. We bare now, on dthibition, twer thirty ntantlWof different colors and styits, ot finish; and we pay pationisr at tention to orders when, parties wl•h col ors to harmonize with paper and caroms. We are receiving, monthly, new styles from European Designers, which enables n. to.produccfm latest patrerns In um • 1,14, I itin.,ivu 07-111 auk beatatotin far pale at t►e Aaac. otatv. LADIES! IRABLE GOODS t.4%..lleglieliv City Pa. C. ROBB ost Stock or Runnels, Hats. Ribbons, CI bens' Aprons, (nci• Goods; Hosiery, of nnyltelail Store 11±X.11.2i - ta,l3ass• in tuitnl, and 1w suro to . tall at Ni'. 91 Pell with those of other Houses: i.atiles' Herr Ladle's' Handkerchiefs 5 mots. Sun lists, Hat Frainm, Making and fiaine for 11amet.... 0.00 paid to ordered Work. TN THE lOESTRICTVEVET of the Pal .l led States for 1b Western Itistrict of Pentioyl. 'ants. In the matter of team std Jacob Mstasirk. llankrapts, No. 1341112 Minkrapter. To 1110 ham It may comorns. Natter Id hereby Oren that the Court Mar ordered a emend General Weetler.f of the creditors ofnld llankrapto la as held at the Reran home. New IlOghtaa. In mid Metric'. ea mg day at Rho. A. D.. imu. at I o'clock. p. na., bere P. A. Knox.ery.. Itegiater,fee the ut maned ha the rah section of the Bankrup t Artw ees . of March 7d. lto7. Aad.further„ that at said rasetine r the underrtoard. Aeslmice, sill rrpon, and eztab. It to the Omit OM to the creditors just and true accounts of all Me receipts and payments In mild ma Dated Yeer lice . Pa.. the 12th dayo ' t A. U. IMO. W. P. WORLAN, Assignee. arl.tbel (Ilerald copy.i . . ISCITIONPBIIIOII2IM-.Legters Teats. naeatau. havhig Wen goaded WO* Hub. a:elbera on the estate of Pane' Allison, deeJ.. We °fate Illoroteb of ArldecrOater Bearer Cann , I, Pa, all meats Indebted ,to said estate, are P a nonded that Immediate payment la re entred and. an petsone hating elating • against the same will peseta them dab _wakes t leased fee settlmtat JOIC. ALLISON, I aprltdo) nu m. Amnon. banaiseei Column. IWEAUJEk CMINIA, OP. lUIWGR AND LißisiET Calli huantant to the fact that be haancnr The Latest Styki Millinery 'Goods, Triminecl &ITittrirnmed Bonnets t Ratg, -A LSO & OMEN. I.wookl also Iciform my Castoconrs and First Class Millitiers, Donnetl4 and Hato 11l Fancy Goods, HOSIERY, orz: .S7Y)CK IS COMPLFTE, And wt will sell nt prices to Joserve the A. HANAUER, 10 cents 50 tvnts. 10 ceut4 11111,DING, An.l Oppotite Nixtu !louse, Bonnets & Hats IN TIIE MOST APPROVED STU& aprl3;ir II MEM E=M ME •,. ..ETILEEIII,4 Ifridgev,vgo, Pa.?, ON lIAND,AND WILL 11E0EIViii DURING THE SEASON. Spring and . Summer CONSISTING OF RIBBONS, OF „ILL WIDTHS AND COLORS, PINE LACES, FRENCH FLOWERS the Publit tlmit I have Engaged • Audi will inks pleasure in Showing You the• Finciat Ev..r um.le lu Bence, County (ILOVEs THIMMLNOS NOTIONS, FAVOR OF ALL. Curer lit And 31grke. t Stmts. 111111/0 MATER, PA., NEW 11121GUITON, hil., A MANCE, 0 . Meanll(4l Ind Presto(' =I ME II
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