The Beaver Argus. = datias Oder 11wkbv4 Ettd or Advertising. crt , *c; • ~ _ t .... ..4 , „mi.. 0.0 pp 41.14, cum a 500 Tau Itt 010 12 00 800 MOO ,11 , 11 18 1800 'OOO 800 10410 lb OU 21 00 800 II 00 MOO WWI 28 Ou 1 11 00 it au 10 pi sou no oo 1ti..90 la fIP 51,40 ,SO 010 lOU 01 and Itanclatore Mottoes.- . 11014' lei canto. ' . a. to ha haade Qoanoriy. rrktlseasienis. which must 1 . , 4 0.:410 rtiourro. do e 4unrew, do 4 plititeco, do 4 111p1400trglitni .11.4 I:II iiotial :inl'symets Jrtt ill.olout at atiV• nee. I State *retie Therusiongeler for the we4citalnir Mardi' . 7 A. Y. :1 P. M._ , •.31 dog. 3. S deg. t. 51 dog. 31 dolt.. 311 deg. 31 dog. •• $ 27 deg. 35 deg. 28 deg. •20 dog. 3d dog. $0 dog. •• 10 '35 dog. 47 (Rig. 37 dog. •• 11 39 deg. St deg. •. 33 deg. •• deg. 54 dog. 47 deg. • It. T. TAYLOR. . - - The attention of tho t , the following Now o Melt appear Ihr tho toMs to-day - : Notioo—John MoNIIII 118nottor's Column. i 'loaning Fenthont.—t !ewickley Surseria+ . A .• drop. 'Sotico to .11r;dge 11111 l elk .• For Silo-41. B. Cha Itoche.ter 314b10 • submerlptlons for voi.—Tho following titre paid the numii sot names on •stibtierlptiot Sincelpo date o cation. .I.:hit Culbertson, Ilarli s. W. W. Coughey,Oro .h ..c NicGallick, Indust Darragh, Roches T. 11. Douglass, Bridge , rapt, J. Sharp, Itocitost Cumin, Baden, Jo.cph Miteholl, Beavor, 4,0 Blackhawk, lotir'y fitehring,tiew Sewickley tp.,2 !tarry Entrick, Knob, Ja.. Johnston, Industry, 2 Eckles, Industry, 2 : 1 s M rs. S. J. Hartshorn, Beaver, .1 N.,.th Scott, Deaver, 2 0 1. E. Adams, Oil City, ' sis Mrs. S. D.'slarquis, Beaver, 2 Of. W. 11. Marshall, Rochester, 4 00 \ Ur, D. Stanton, New Brighton, 2 00 A Doable Ttork in. New Heigh lou.--At a meeting of tho Town Council held in New Brighton 'on the ith resolutions were adopted a uthorizing the Pittsburgh Fort Wayne and Chicago It. It. Company to lay down a second track through the Borough. Watited.—Soveral good Pants Mak ,..r, at Schiff' Jc titelnfold's, Now Might- Pa•inar2;tre • Now• in tho time tb trim your grapo nic. if you did; not do it In the Full. 'ftve, are better' left; until June, but if you mount do it then, now is ur good a av you can get; NoTIt E.—All periions wanting to buy or sell Real I.lstate, of any kind; should get:" Tito Pittsburgh Real Estate Regis ter" Published monthly by Croft it Philips, 'teal Estate Agents, 1'i0.•139 l'ourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, l'a. Sent to any addresS. . folalOt in Old 'Occident. Mr. James .I"luiton of Indust - I.y township this Co., has born In 1807, on the farm on . which htltiuw resides,having lived on It all his life. 'llls longest abseneo front hozno during this period of 63 years, was 17 We vouturo to say that but row citizens of that or any other township In the county can boast of eo long a contin uous ru,,idoneo in ono place. Rev. Thomas U. Hanna. Pastor ‘.f tilt) ,round Unitixt Presbyterian church( Pittsburgh Pa.ovill deliver the iiuh lecture of the course, thin Tuesday i.ti•eieg, March 15th in the Court House. •• l'inNonalistn." • '.N.arrtrriu.l Birmns.—This is the mine of one of the best pi operations in th, fine (if Bitters now before he public. It is a yelled cure for dyspepaia,fever and :Lew, acidity of.the stomach, loss of 'up ptstuo, nausea, heart-burn, jaundice: and all .11 - 5e:1,04 arising from disordered Ago ,tomach, liver or s intestines. They arc a superior article, and those In need or :II) invigordtlng tonic should at once 1,n...0w a bottle of PM Constitution Bit t. r,. It Is an invaluable preparation, :11”1 its use never falls to lie attended iiclrtliel4plest results. Our readers , li.aild buy this medicine in preference to an others. It. will bo sure to do them Try it bottlepul be convi n ced.— ./yo;/.non Citizen. DarMagian Tosropthip Road We published the Darlington a p Itanol Law in the Annus of heat week. :1 , ti ;is is a very important local 1111../01- L., N 1 to trust the citizens of that township 'a , 111 exercise great care in'seleeting their ”.pervisors fur the present year. • The ketion for these (Anvers takes place on !h.. second Tuesday of April. PermOnal.—lteprescittative Shurlock his our timid:Si fora copy of . ll's Legislative boot hook. It is a useful . work to thosawho are novices fu matters isl tegiSlatiiists Prof. G. 1.. Eberhart of Cie I:Attuning public schools has also placed us under obligations fora free ticket to thu "An nual which takes place 'larch .2ifth 1570. 1, - )y ' s or other partes w me II the habit of frequenting nt -i y prem ho ~, on the Sabbath flay aro hereby noti fi,l if their visits are continued they will p,m,eetited to the lull extent of the JoliN towliNhip, Nlarelll3, !KV Tulin.. II 'mg.—Thomas D. Carr, who v feted 1401110 tines oiu o Of tho sir.ler of Miss Box, ht Bel t onnity, sod sentenced to ho hanged, had hls mist, taken to the Supreme Court of Ohio, on slit of error. That tribunal reviewed th e proveeillugs In the Court Wow, and ine found no error, has ordered his ,e , ation to take Once ou Thursday, Match 240 i. Carr will he the first per •••.e ever hung In Belmont county. and Musical Concert— forget the Lecture on the Bible anti . " concert et the Court House in 80a ..e Tlitirsakty evening next, at 7 o'. • l'r.,f. Zweldinger,organist of fit. Mich .', • otarell, and musical professor. In l 'Arsiairgli,noeompanled by six-orseven : , .-nowr s of his choir, will he present on of the locturo, and give a ' , ...•rt of sacred music to piano IICCOM• Fr. Luke, formerly pastor ~oet %rimers, will also be pros ' °t• Altogether, the lecturo and the Iwode will afford a rich treat to our coin ,Tieketa only 2 eta. Slushiest Illeatfi.—Our kouloni will I.o , 6tioNs be as deeply twined to learn atm 1%.. art. to announce the iindden tleatls of 4.-1..0wn Hoover, E.4q., of this city. On -1 satunlay afternoon, as ho But In his 411. a, roading a dowapaper, the dread o ,, renger Itatne to summon him to an. ti" r, world. NVithout a note of warning dropped suddenly from his chair and Aired. Ito had fur some time been af- I ieb‘i with dlaeaaeofthohoartiuld luogo. a tod a week or two provioue had boon Lought to the verge of the grave, but ad recovered and had been attending to 111. business in his urinal boalth.—Tus earawaS dooea/e. • Weissif plitvata Wei tit:dyed at this"aitie kW* days ago, from a althea of Callfonda, says: ",Rtebll.. bedtime fkr e.yarg pl i esealp • what". Woliag Ma/0bl) the Itheri etr stands at 66° INCIVIN yore. The entire Sacramento valley Is clothed in green grass and fragrant flowers. No country In tho world so beautirul. and no climate healthier than ours. I was greatly re joiced to see that_tny old acquaintance and frieltdMien,ethl Irritriferjui . ./ Htete TreaeWer. l, lo , . Weight of Cool fit Coke.—Repre 'sent:dive Shurlock, of this county, road a bill In placo ht the Ilaiiiie'oflteProsonl tativos at Harrisburg, last week, to 'fix the standard weight of coal and coheth Beaver county. 'lt provides 'as follows: "sscrios 1. 'Bo it enacted," dtc.•"That the standard weight of .bituminous cos in thooounty of Hotver,bo, mats hereby declared to bo, seventy six (76) pounds avoirdupois° to the busfiel of merchintc ablo coal. • pw paid COO Elm.. 2. That the standard measure of coke manufdetured from bijumlnpas coal hi the cattily a psaieir;:srbei so • by tha bushel, %bane' twolhottehind hundred and eighty eight (2,688) cable Inches, and the standard weight per bushel shall be forty (40) pounds." • Typographleal.--Frout some GRIM or other, not now understood by us, wo failed to receive a copy last Week of The Beaver Valley geralit A friend at,Nent Brighton, lihwover: sent its a Copy of it by express a few days ago, in which Its typographical errors are pointed out and ,the number on each page footed tp. They 'are as follows: • bit page, number of errorn, GO " .. 72 341 4th " 66 64 44 75 • Total,- . .• . .... Some twenty or twenty-live of these oc cur in Sheritr GraMing's sales. Accent puttying the paper sent, to us was tho following advertisement, which we aro asked to insert gratis: WANTII3O.—A proof reader la warded at the office of 27te Bearer Valley Herald, to whom a good calory will Im vireo: Apply at once. In their necessities, our neighbors of ho herald hove "our wholo giyuipathy." Plano tbr Sale.—A good Vlano is offered for mule or rout. Inquire et this office. inarl6;3t. l'ablie Eutertalament.—Tho La dies Benevolent Society of Bridgewater, Rochester and vicinity, will give au en tertai nnuin t at the Baptist elm rch, Bridge- Wat 0.4.1 TilllrStilly and Friday evenings, .Nltc c:, Ihh tad lath, consisting of Dia logues, Declantations,Niusic, 'rho ladies composing this society have labored very efficiently In behalf of the poor of this vicinity for the past two or three years. anti ihe en tonal 1111 l cut which they now , propose to give order to raise soma funds should receive the practical encouragement of all. We hope to chronicle at great success for the en tertahlutents. :fluidic for All.—Among the many `i...stablishinents which do honor and cred.t to the energy and taste of our mer chants, the beautiful and co odious musical emporium of .Messrs. Mellor t !locate, Fifth avenue, in e4pecially attrae- Mr. Melia wilt he remembered as proprietor of the musical headquar ters formerly located at 81 Wood street, while Mr. Iloene of the late firm of Roffman, Hoene dc Co., will need no in troduction to the musical people of Pitts burgh. These gentlemen have united their interests, are now proprietors of one of the most complete and perfect es tablishments of the character west of the mountains. Thekextensive experience, and thorough-going business qualifica tions have been put to the test in fitting up their rooms, with a result which makes it safe to say, that whatever can not be purchased there, is not known in the musical World. In the four stories of the building ,which they occupy, Is contained everything in time line of mu sical goods or instruments, front the tiniest Jews-harp to the most superb pi ano, or powerful organ, and are of the bast quality . and the most approved styles and patterns. In sheet music, book, 4:;!.., they offer special indutro mean, and purchoSers will fled a stock selected with unusual care, while in tho line of pianos and organs, they .are far ahead of all other establishments In this city,in variety of make,styles and prices. For full information, address the pro prietors, Mellor S lluene, XI Filth eve rine, Pittsburgh, who will 6o happy to send circulars and price list to any 0- dress. The Beaver Academy , has been revived and promises well. On Monday morning last, Itov. Dr. Scott was at his post in the Institution and was cordially welcomed to the. important trust' by a Committee of the Trustees. The num ber of pupilS in attendance and in itn: ,inediate prospect is larger than was un lielpated when the condition of things was considered. Mopes are entertained that the good old school has taken a now lease of life and prosperity, and success seems now well assured. In a few days circulars will be prepar ed and ready for distribution, and will give all necessary information. Send to the Dr. for one, or to U. I'. Lowary or It. like, Esq., Members of the - Board of Trustees. Thy Soldier% Entertainment.— The entertainments given by thesohliers of this vicinity on hist Thursday and • Friday evenings were well attended, and the :audiences were generally well pleas ed with the performances. The exervises consisted Of memos and eceurrencem dur ing the late rebellion, commencing with the surrender of Fort Sumter, and en ' ding with the capitulation of Lee at Ap pomattox, Court ifollse. The occasion served to bring up recollections of the past, and to remind one of the stirring days running from 1861 to 1565. Some thirty or thirty-live ex-soldiers took part in the entertainments, the most of whom acted the soldier properly, while others had either forgotten what they wore taught in the service, or had la:paired but little knowledge of drill, rules, reg ulations and discipline. This criticism, however, only applies to a seal num ber of those who took a part in the per formance. The majority of them did wall, and their deportment retleked no dim engin upon the honorable and marked events which they were delineating. The order during both evenings, was good, in fact quite an improvement in Court House gatherings. The gross re ceipts mneuntel to about $125,00—5100,00 of which wo presume is clear gain. Short ly before the close of the entertainment on the last evening, a beautiful song, en titled the " I n t4s are conning Home." was well sung by Miss Kennedy of West Virginia. The fourth lecture of the regular course was delivered in the Court Rouse, on Tuesday evening March sth, by Rev. J. J. Jones, Pastor of Asbury Chatpel Pittsburgh; subject, "The Without and the Within." We mean not io disparage any othericeturer, but we do say that the lecture of Mr. Jones WWI the lecture of the season. We expected something good from "Jim" and we were not dis appointed. The audience was not (mite so large as at some of the previous lec tures, but the fact that many were avail ing themselves of the lino sleighing; and very many of those who attended:the former lectures were engaged in rehdars ing fur the ,Soldiera Exposition which took place two evenings afterward ac counts for the failing off in the attend- We will not do the lecturer injustice by giving a synopslWof it; a part of It would not answer for the whole. flis premises were well laid, and his deduc tions therefore worofull and Convincing. It was evident to all, that ho bad given his subject a vast amount of, study—in- ; deed it was a vast subject and had Ploughed deep whore others merely skimmed the surface. o g4, : - Ills Madotk ilkito*. - 4 *Ol* ono. nererthisi- . elitribil trhistested by MoCliggi ' ^l fhtunqqiiilkiritlilMSl4 • :beets m. AtemsVto: hove heard' " 0 ieititiMM Ainitiefi on el molded . lid-. milting inotrlf WI !!tinmreps, , According to our - - recofleettait of tho lectunitilltyksairgorie tilwheivittitebiol, hi': 4 4e4suatie. °ICI "yaw! allnsil Plin cots hurttorons i sharistsrose t t well art: aufAinaNiliii'motognaUkakc.4lo other scholar.; ~.. anio', wears ,not writing • ,bicerrsv : P li /tq t h e letOlre!.* B ikPrelbilo hY MP log to these who missed thedeeturs you nuo'. ll 'eliocheli RS lifts !WIWI:" ' :`" ''' RLTOIIITEIL RHOOD NSW'. ,:, IMQ sdirow cmcir; • • The millibars and Mends oithekietli• odlat .citurebi at Moira* Made the pester, ,Rev. Imessi a donation vittleon the ult.' An'itddresii: iris Made by Mr. 11. Patterson,and thepastor restiondtid lit it happy mintier, thanking the visitors iM• their kindness.: The dri• nation amounted to over , ono hundred oat 011 hat-has • been established at Bh Station, ilia • Is named Card • Beytn honor of W. W. Card, Su • minima of the P. C. and St. L. hail It la 'claimed that It will be a grad . •—. • nation' to 'taw - Athena of thl treniuty fine Beaver:— Mr. GM. , breat • we understand. has been appolu toil P banister. The late of lands of William McCormick, tnwell township, 'this county, n earnestly requested to render CZEIZI khieola hii CM Oar Irela liou aid all h F ,ti ?ocelvott Raid' CrOmiltio oat the tr: S. Consul, pt pelfast„ , stating that ho Is In the Altu4 there:lit great .distress, Unlorts peodily rendered he will Ito past man help. Tho Consul writes that the friendi of the nnfoituuate man I their duty in the mitten ho will ruak the whole oase . publie through the pape a el"Pelinayleaula. `" • Babe Montgomery once srioe.--Thli notorious viliaip signalized himself by another exploit on Friday evening last. In .company with al brother rough, by the name of clatry, ho was raging amund the streets early in the evening seeking somebody to plek a quarrel with. About seven o'clock Mr. Joseph Woodburn, an old and rospuetablo citizen, was walking down eliemunt street in company with Mr. Robinson °Maysville, when they we're overtaken by Montgunery end his follow reirdir% The former immediately seized Woodburn by the throat and shook Ithuyielentty. The latter, ',high- - let/oil by Alux attack, wrenched himself loose and attempted to rush intoa house near at huntL Before he could reach tho steps Mont gomery took hold of him again, and this time drew n pistol and cocked it. Wood burn again mucceeded In freeing himself, and this time got into the house. puth rowdies attempted to follow, and outdo several violent attacks upon the door.— r. Woodburn.shortly afterwards, made information before Esq. llornish, and a warrant was issued for the arrest of the r owdies. Chilly was found, La tup Loth() time of writing Montgomery has not been overhauled. We have Wen obliged frequently here tofore to chronielo the doings of this no torious young scoundrel, andbisvo fre quently directed pubilmattentlon,to the filet that no man's life 'email be consid ered safe while he was li&onsed to parade the streets armed to the teeth and full of evil intentions. We have only to ask, now, how long this kind of thing wlll be tolerated in our midst? Must justice sleep until some lunocentand unoffend lug citizen is murdered by thii &Spero dof— Wash. Reporter. It has been settled, It is ssid, that the Chartiers Volley railroadwill approach Washington borough by thaviostern, or creek route, greatly to the 'disappoint ment of many who wore anilous for the adoption of the'eastern ramie ma UT: bai.n known some mouths ago,_ the AU emitter says it would have auderlaily les sened, if not defeated, the subscription to the road. Bides the 'company say they will fulfill the promise to build the main stein of the road to Washington, the mat ter of approach Is not of iso much impor tance. BUTLER COUNTY On Wednesday February =4l, while Mr. Michael Christley and Miss Mary Riddle, of Centreville, this county, were q)ing to Middlesex, Mercer county, in a eigh, the horse becamosuddenly fright ened about throe miles north of Mercer. The parties in the sleigh were thrown out, and the horse ran over an embank ment, some sixty feet high, and was instantly killed. The animal way the property of Mr. Edward Christley, of Centreville. Fortunately the parties were not Injured. A few days ago a child of Win. Thomp son, residing near Lardin's Mill, was severely scalded. Mrs. Thompson wont to the spring, leaving her two children in the room, one aged five years, and the other about one and a half years old. It appears from the statement or the oldest that when the mother left the room they got the poker and were working, about the grate on which there was n kettle of water, and by some means upset the kettle, throwing the contents 'all over the youngest child. Dr. Sweet, of Sax onburg, was called In and is treating the rase, but if Is teared that the child cannot recover. Another warning to mothers. =9 Our town, Waynesburg, was startled last week by the news of the disaster to the ship Oneida. With it mine the news that John Phelan, Jr., son of Hon. John Phelan, was on board andi l was among the lost. Later intelligeneaconfirms the sad tidings. Ire wain young man about 24 years of age, and was universally be loved and respected. Ho Mitered the naval service in ISti2, at the school at Annapolis, front which ho graduated In Receiving . a - ennimbtsfOn riad- shipman, be was attached to the Iroquois on the Asiatic stationoand was transfer red to the Onclabt. A wok bonito the disaster he wrote to his parents, telling them that he was coming home, and expressing joy at the prospect of soon seaing them. The account says that the Pincers met their fate candy and heroic ally, preserving discipline to the last, and sending off tlao sick in the few boats they had. It was a more heroic death than to full before the cannon's mouth. A on of lion. Andrew Stewart, of Unlontwn, was also lost on tho wino slap. Tho Young Mon's Christian Associa tion of Waynesburg has had another internal di Inculty, ending in the resigna tion of several members, and a good deal of blowing. We would suggest to the faculty of tho College to dissolve the sotioty and start a now ono. ijah Actium; of Wayneiburg,has been appointed Steward of the Poor House by the Directont. Ito served In that capaci ty, and made a very efficient officer. Mr. James Barnes, of Carmicimels, was married to Mrs. Lantz, of Dotys butg, on Tuesday of last week. The bride is eizty-five, and the bridegroom eighty-two. Wo call upon our: neigh bor counties to beat this. MERCER. COUNTY . . Twenty five* hew members were re. celved the Piesbyterian church nt Sharon on Sunday ult. Greenville claims asoldier of the war of 1812, named Peter Roberts. James IkPlieam, Esq., of Mercer, had a cow choked to death on last Sunday. The Methodists have had a protracted meeting in Clarksville and about fifty persons Joined. The revival lu the Mine duvet at Greenville, which commenced about two months ago, still continues with inereaqed - intecest; about two hundred have boon added to the church. T. C. Sanford, esq., proprietor otElinford 'a Woolen Mills, in Sandy Ilitit i rl l4 Pr.#lpandsT T-Y i ffr ift r 4 l ***o pe le *ikkrtirtg: Clitiate county, iibip •of cattrag 4141401pri r Atkumt willsmompligns..utu bo Immo , ow Claa• Irtita 'Midi*, dna woubilamitbilm to eitherriVeYruilbsirg ortanarae, ritlibth #ferehttibc phials liar was tuilmiibit , ol.lWairlii!ttii Wit& ii i I liktek o P tbietb i lad c 'brint '4(11- a' bibandidifiliranirtitift"ltaittali n iTh ii44).` leil iqmareitan Ail'lliiibitA#4o iq . it i s t i ' "O r 4 " OH * 4*: . **ltdgu4iit. vilieltigt ea ra044. 1 .•4 1 •1:444144/as, lining s o , o 4 o o.4FP*,iclUitlkirft forlegare for him. The friend did so, ind brought . hlluslettar lontalislokedt;ft for ilfittL 4 48 &Mtn an 4 0410u:ore hriatennd made paythle _ln: Thames ' lingbee ender* Anna j , Tide' legs'. betionita to Aho'!dio,; vei; l erboilakiiiiitmailirtailti4*te ' ile rffi 0014'iiiOiwkal.wiyiiis6tire: . 7rve voui 4 b49 l orughei:weat:to vilio4ing sw4 44. AW..Angt *ma. si;4 jilktur Chicago, gorilla' Owe hewn' traced by i &Senate who arrested. him and brought him trek, but • unliarguataly,tme !until ballad twat , most'of - tbrituonerii • : . -Itswnitrics ocittniy.. • . , The ,Lasirince aurnal says; it under stand% that the prepiletOrl'of ftlio (nett,: ries ainlth istikinrabild:Csnne ntontpt p , roditethin of,teu,per cent. cm foritier.prieea, yi'honallers,,wnnted the, foodeis to putrid their shore of Awned:Ma tlonr,-thought to ho obOut ono half,• , but they refused, nutltho result wee a strike' among the'reeders or the Sherango Iron worlis'on Wednesday inOttilmt las' citizens of Virurtentburi,!taW-, ranee 'county, and:Zola:indigo, " Puller counticiire considerably 'elided with the' prospect, or becoming . conueeted with the, world "and the rest o f mankind,'!. by the iron rail and steam engine. If the peo ple or those londitles realises fulfillment orthelr hopes, while we hare in Interest in the business of. this •wiarld, We will throw up our hat and rejoice with the*. Will some ono inform WI of the facts' on whbitt the prtopeebt apeken,' of rests tH Latir,eisci;roar4ol., • A, Jotter ,l'~. F.i i 11: U 4 :6:[KO ~ ~.1 Ny.'i).'i ~) ;i.[N :~ WAHMINGTON,D.V., March ii, 1870. The Army DM—lndian ,Afrairs—=Coba Cadetship limealigation—iisient Decision —Lent—.Beadon.v in Washington—Wash ington Hotels—de., its. The MGM in the Musa yOterday on the army bill, attracted to the Oat:cries a largo number of military officers, and those seeking appointments in the army; the latter class in particular, whose only encouragement for success was centered In the hope that the bill would be defeat ed. General Sherman remained on the •floor during the entire debate, and scorn ed exceedingly well pleased with the unanimity of the Members on the stl..)- Joel. The bill, 1424 it passed the House, provider fur a board onesisting of ono Major General, two Brigadier Generals, and two Colonels, whose duties it shall he to examine fully into the military records, qualification and general fitness of all ollicers of the army below the rank of brigadier, anti to recommend fur up .pointment, transfer or retention, such as may be found best fitted for the position required of them. ' Indian Affairs: Wu seem to be growl biting by, the logic of events toward a better understanding of this grave ques tion. Just now the public mind is shucked by the horrid massacre of sick wonted and children by' col, , Baker, in Montana. Sheridan's effort to parry the fermi or Calyces letter has only aggrava ted the case, Congress scorns to be alarm ed and very sensitive. As yet their ideas are without furor, • But a motion in the House calling for a bill from the (MW mince, will bring out all they know. What r they lack nun he readily supplied ,saet • • by practical men who aro here, and aro willing to render all possible aid. WO havejust learned that the Presi dent and Con. Sherman both refuse their sanction to the Powder River Exploring Company, and the Secretary of the Inte rior refuses to appoint commissioners to negotiate for the removal of the Soshono and other Indians from the milk° river country;uilegiugllutt he has no place to put them tam tiny will not be altble to the sum objections. A bill is already prepared by a man of large pummel experience, and will be Introduced OU - it week. This 1,111 dim!,, with the whole Indian question, front Ala,ka to Leaven worth. it Proposes to make and main tain pewee—to makethe most of the In dians self supporting within ten years Have 500 live:4,l.i I =1,000,000 annually over the present ot • o ••1. It remains to be Neon whether tsoagrevs iv ready and willing to deal with the whole subject, mid adopt a policy of the highest interest to white and rt4l men, and etrever settle nil; vexed question. Geaeral Questa', the Minister of the Cuban insurgents is actively engaged in pressing upon the attention of Congress the propriety of at once helping his peo ple out of their present dithetilty.• The General soya that his people now have a bona fide government, with executive, legislat Ivo and judicial branches properly organized, and that it has abolished sla very, and In actual posseslon of two thirds of the Island; with it splendid army in the field. Ills report seems almost incredible, but Is having the desired effect of hastening a report from the committee in the Ifouse, of which lianksi Is chairman. The committee It is thought, will In a day or two report In favor of the resolution to do faro neu trality between Spain and Cahn. Tito investigation by the military cent mate° of the sale of cadetships is !leak ing quite a stir among a class of fellows hanging about Washington, who make it their Mishaps* to get et:qualms:4 with each new Member of Congress as soon ILY ho arrives in town. IVtien onto In troduced they aim to, and very often Rimmed In Ingratiating themselves in thoi 'mentber's favor. The object of this In troduction is to get Congressional Ina n one.° to aid themlntlobbying bills tiro' Congress; Ptitaiuiag elerkidlipa 'ln the departments, influencing thiamine and foreign Presidential appointtatils, se curing Government thearstets. If * the Investigating Committee continue their labors they will aeon fi nd that the sale of cadetships is one of the lesser evils as compared With others where Congress ional influotwo Is bartered for money. ' A cluestian which is of great interest to the inventors and manufacturers of the country, will be decitk•din a few days by the Chief .ImAire of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, The question 4 abandonment of Invention. It has always bruit held by the Patent ditto that anln vettor abandoned his inveetion if lie al lowed it to remain several years in the Patent office, after rejection, without tusk ing any effort to procure a patent. Judge Fisher of the District Court made it'deett um, some months ago; upsetting the to tahlished practice of the office, and decid el in the Cochran case, virtually, thm an inventor after auto' filing an application in the Patent tins: meet abandoned The Cosumisdoner of Paten's has reheats! against this decision. In reference to this subject , lie says: '• Whenever n new ma chine comes into successful operationi search Is forthwith made by some enter. prizing speculator for the earliest and litititest gleam of the priytdplu embodied in it which the shelves of the Patent otlke can furnish. If it isa rejected application, lt,is bought for as song, and brought for ward and pushed for issue. If it is a pat ent it Is purchased and immediately sur rendered fur rthissue, with claims broad enough to cover the new art or sumssful newhine." In this manner many sucems fol inventors aro made tributary to crude inventionamade years ago but never per fected. Manutacturers crippled nod Immptred by exhoniltant del ands .for royalty, and the Whale patent system li unsettled. It is earuestly hoped that the decision of Judge Carter will settle this matter definitely. ...-. . . .. 1itt9 3211 . OF,!. l .l4ftlflisted ; 1 1 1 ii4lir:** 3 9gsb.clVililltAttegyitiegfilisi be seen iitao3 , of thing' el Veliltinrar's *.syt and , lutifilltaratigidrilaiegli the 'paid threw Mantis ltiiin*plimodai Di a. i'o 4/0 4.0.5 4 Ir 6l o . 04. 0 . 14, AW ; iW 4 O2g * 4 s*WOo ll ootit , picy c i ,hogki.inhwittwmi,Foornbi,lfirthe 'pasti:and,gratte to diibc -,. L etts wither; .Fasltionable peOrdeltil . !nretbiaeldit-; z ociflik'ZiSsirt*itt*l'OP : '10 . , - 001i-' Juir'tiiiiatiastii,ri, - h iti,bAiliet-` Ihr ; ilY.l,nur , the ciF.Y.* l l,. .::ilis*.iiid t i. •'. abiehtkontleentediingtelliOulteeeptiona —Spring brerigs lasi Withillitechtlenkiking. 'faces, ooistrilehearia'sindl§pirits 'oldevS. !thin. Tliesto Phicel. di" iiseirtnron. ',ii 'eaCil Mils iwii; 7 .T 1 40 6 ;k Wiiss 'f , "ir .hottldi ttodinvlgnitt inn 4. : a eelpitpu l tip 4 - .shatterini by dissiPlitionllihe'atYliald . nidd beauty, tassimpllsh ita . nd vreattk to Make Olinda° isataltii tiiiaitetio it...! 'gregtite, post er';', iiessi.liti 4 1 / 2 iiOsit o r i lli sif the 'Plust. ' , l 4 4 1 9 9* ( 4 '. .. !Fr. , 1 040, 1 . 1 !. dulcetly., .. - '. -.., 3 „.:. ) ' V! 4 i. i.os,,ini Wis.:l*, , .fifii _. l *: roetrkable .Ibe. OM ;I . re. , ip perfect 'esorsomenlaof the pedp to lola Abele. 111111108 paraded bekmi Pablks. lit ' this :nowsPeptWST , Eveir *Sittainntent had 'to' be ihrougesciiltli ' • ' 'mead they !weir' - eiisieted3d' ' . l e 'eartti 'this moreltill'rkPoris 'a OP a_4 4 4 .a ' hal, _ l ' Jong ta the strict that 'hir !pith ighlacti,. 5°n,• 44 140t . fiis..o. l _,. ..a. :Ef#.4. a, Mint. 2giergeops.reeeptian, AM r !keen and ; Mrs.; senator Jonos,..i. presentativa Brown And Mrs.:Rep „ Salve Bruin„ Foreign Ministers lui.. it rata , citizens, 'lticharditoe, and John - . ;= (and oth. ni t .cre mentionlng all by nitre ) were there.. 1111SLS tilniith ' wore pdaillitllk and, dial' monde, Miss Jones Mil; it beautiful ...Moir" trimmed . With it - Melite:' and • wuro, pearl .ornantente, Aid so on tie; How delighful when the little now. boy . tames around: in the anstring,:ainging "here's your Morning g able," to or= 1 (lor a paper and to sea *name in full in prlat,'to think others.' 11l see it, to f read the gloWing doscrlittlibn all over, M see how many distinguishtd natuesyouni is assOciated with. You dot the slip out very quietly and Idauti.ilAray for future 'reference, This is fsatilt.T.ltere was st time When refined feellniti revolted at such publicity and Arndt, trout .public gazo, but dime times haVesietistrted. . Washington has had tithotet rooui during the past winter' ' ' nearly One (~ 0 third than lettas ever bi d' ) tore." Two of the largest hid:clear We Oty. wore built last sonmeir, asid'opened ;bout. the bej, ginning of the present torsion 'of C.' trp.! gross. Notwithstanding Vida Increased capacity for tho. amommodation of thC travelling pnbileAll thandels have been liberally patronized, and t iro doing si thriving badness. Haek . ono tries to -throw out some induemei4 and to Inds. , , vid Italie° itself in some respect to catch a particular class of trade, Ono 'riot ha catch the Military ; otitthe mottled ads , tocracy, ono all too theatricals; others,' Members of Congress, the' Supremo Court, and old standby's( win) have been making their yearly .pilgrirngesto this' "Mecca" for the past quarter of a, eon.; tory, and still others who 'try to make' themselves agreeable 'to" phi classes of travellers. Some of their hotels are' gaudy, some slovenlyaioutemomfortable r and some uncomfortable, memo food well' and others starve well according to the business capacity, and pemiliar I notions - • i of their keepers. • . ',. . i , The'restalt of the lat‘ election lit Now Hampshire, Is *died with more than . ordinary interest, and is 'consktered as' another 1133Ilmnen that Grain's lAdinlnls lstratlou Is popular. '( - ! Cam, Forty - Firt 'Congress. SECOND SESSION, SENATE, Merch 7.—Tho *nary C01:111-: mittee was ordered to report tho (acts of, the Indian massacre uf Badellifterveyhag patty, loon sizsamerAt. s tiiier • sees Introduced, with thi'. stricUone, for therldtsd4s4tafTozas to the Union. Tho Funding Intl was' taken up and discussed till recess. In' the evening tho following Senate bills passed: Appointing Managers of the Na tional Asylum, for distalied soldiers; au thorizing the Secretary of War to take charge of tho National Cemeteries of An tietant and Gettysburg. Also, the house bill authorizing tho Secretary cif War 10. give twelve pieces of condemned cannon bi the Soldiers' Monument at Peek Is. land, 111. Tito Funding bill was then considered till adjouriment. . groat inney hills and MO 111[1011., ware presented and referred. Mr. ° Golidak, from Kentucky, asked leave to' withdraw his resignation and bo permit ted to stand a trial on the charge of sell ing cadetships; kayo was refused. The Georgia bill was taken up, discussed and postponed until to morrow: Susan:, March were reported from nolllnaltt.wi, and many original ones' werel n troduced and referred. Tho Fund ing bill was than deluded until the hour of adjournment " lloUst.—Tho Georgia bill was taken up, debated, amended and passed by a: strict party vote. A resolution relative to the public printing was discussed du.' ring the remainder of the session. 81:NATE March 9.—Tho .llouso bill to' supply the doffi gen oles in appropriations ' for oontingent expenses of the House of Representatives, passed. Tho Funding Bill was dismissed tlll:recess. In the af ternoon Bottle local bills wore passod.— Also, a resolution Inquiring fur informa tion concerning the sinking of the staamer Oneida, by a British stenniship. Mr. Sisorman's tunembagnt to the Fund. lug Bill was then passedfilitd the further , consideration of the bill oncupled the re nucinder of the seisitni.' • resolution inquiring Into the bxixttliqney of adding a postal ex press to the mail metric°, by which email packages can he bent at red:tunable rates,. was agreed, to. Afton, (reiterating sumo, farther I:tallness of no special intentst the. house adjourned. • . SENATIN MIIIIIII 10.—A1; resolution was offered providing fur the consideration In open iftssion, of treaties far the annex ation oten bre donthilogsdf tiny foreign power, which over till to 'nor ! : row. it ii, • considered. A coup, minicab -, • voceived front General; Iteynor • g copies 'of tho new, constituffpiCnf Texas, and tho ratifies-, 'don Of, thrlath, 14th and 15th amend ments; also; the proceedings of the 'fox as Loglslituro 1n Senators, reforredlotheJudiciary Gontinil tee. llovss.—After the traussetion of seine: anirtteresting ['winless, the re ducing the number of strOFMllearn rut; taken up, dlseinused tarn* length, ser-: ernl punendmentn agree to, and finally: woad. Several memlier3: were permit.: led to filo apeerhew fur publlmnien In the Globe.' Sm.(Arc, March novels (col ored) presented a protest from the eolor od bkmators and RepreseMathes of We 'Georgia Legislaturp4rotesting ,againat the adoption of Mr. ningham'a smend4 mutt to the Georgia bill, which they say would deliver Um loyal colored citizens bound band and foot into the hands of their enemies. Hovered bills were intl.& &med. Tho Funding bill was discussed, amerided,veportedlind•passeci- liousu.—A bill passed Providing for local Inspectors of steitubo.ats at Evans. ale, Indiana. Sevoralbills for the ea• tension of irstents passed. The House then Went into Committee of the Whale oo the tariff bill, am:lle - Wei dobatod for some limo; Whoa it gee place to the Dir tieleney . apprOpristion bill which wai discussed up to the hear of adjust rn Men t. ' —Snit Lakkin rising, mid when It overflows the eltfnie synl t hikv,e a ia;. lutlon of !daimons, If not of the Mot mon 41111teulty. • ' ' PennCT 'Legislature' • • litlinciTay March 7.--ThoSonata sikt not , contain° to day. - - 41,9liasAn setauthoriaingetockiscid. 04o11,toinpanies to wind up their sit: AdtihriallOaerPosl, llll MPNl 4 1 ±?0 , 10 bdd titter." , Sow". i?llsi.:NM? , were iePerPg-lin4 NoUlluis lelefeet passed. B.—A number orpri !lllblAqd yxstl bliblneesoll. A roseliltion kiaNiaucodkil'iliatarge the:VC:aid ni#44o4si4a4iteit frig?iu. rufaiir_ dutY, yuk round that, none et the .Trusiurerelrauld answer lLui question ,Whother ho had • loaned 1! unexpended, llahusoes" contrary to law ; bat would *tileid,thdosselves—as Mackey had dond •-fftirldirt the Oottstitationill 'provision that . no visirssludl bc iiiiripolled to criminate •litnisiolf. %Vac resolution did riot pass, . . . j Itousit.rnMatkr. land and prlrate bills pamsed.. , 'The Erie canal bill passed see- Out reeding. i ,The • bill authorises tho ,Oorripiiiy: to alacksratet the Ohio river n - tinfliesirear to Pittsburgh.. Maxis; Ilfarth9.—lheComtnittee ap• pointed' to investigate the 13ohilere' Owns' ttepartinent outdo si report en drelpi; crionorating 3leFailand, the Mato BoPerhstaildeni,;frnin all fraud or eioraidleatlons ot.fritud, • bill to pay the Stun historian undid' clerks Air lair Year's Work, passed. , A bllf ,, doolaring 4w - children of parade who were slaves when minted; legal hero nf such pa runts, passed: Alio, a bill rok the regis tration of rallioad lionds. and one allow:* hifretchal Companleil to construct; and op. (Veto lateral railroads of ten hides long, g.cibliklorgepl/rill,lnferost transpired dothenouse. . oLareh 'lo. Mr. ltillingfolt Inside a report from the Senate Finance Committee In referonee to the Treasury Investigation, transmitting Gen. Irwin's letter refusing-to testify, with a eertni tido of the fact from the Abditur (Itn:eral that Iririn had squared up his accounts; accompanied by a resollition to bring him before the bar of the Senate to await the further action of that body In reference to his case. Considerable buneonie de bate ensued, but tho rodolation passed. A joint resolution Witgottred relative to connecting tho Gulf of• Mexico with the eastern cities by means of a ship canal through. Pen ney I raffia. A uupploment to tho Sunday Liquor Law, changing the punishment from Lino and. impilson.. Inept to fine or hnprisentnent, passed finally, The American Fidelity Guaran tfte Jusuraneo Co. has ilnally passed both Romeo. Home.—The Counnittoo appointed to •Investigate whether members had been bribed to voto for the passage of the Phil tulelphla Policy bill, wore discharged bet csaso enough 'ot ; them oouhl not ho got together to form a quornin. The House bill prohibiting the Slate from taxing any official salaries, or salaries from labor or oteupation, unless - the mune expel ono thousand dollars, passed. Tho bill from the Senate urging Congress to accord belligerent rights to Cuban patriots, was also (awed. 'Qcbilyfrmilishing the ' , eller of sululteratotl milk by tjue end impris onment passed. A joint resolution in structing the Attorney General to com mence proocedingt against such railroad and telegraph companies as have con structed linos In this State Mahout au thority of law, Wasadontal. The House resolution, urging Congress to place the navy yards on a civil basis, was also passed. t . SENATE. Mareh 11.—TheresoMelon Or dering 'Con. Irwin to be brought to the bar of the Senate, was reconsidered and postponed. ' The Ohio river and ship ca nal resolutions wore reported fwvoiliblY- Mr. Buten introdutasl a bill to prohibit tho sato of eider in loss quantity than five gallons In the borough of Beaver.. Also, one to incorporate tho New Brighton and Beaver Falls passenger railway. llorsx.—A bill to repeal so muck of existing laws. seaPpropriates Mato re; ealptalfsinastatisiiit.'eattug houses, read • • t,illatlllevies,lsewskm, Toddlers, brokers, theatresses, Ac. to the sinking fund, was F . tiaske . ci, favoK ably. It is said the comli*tee teVithom the subject of border claims was referred have agrecci . to report favorably. Beaver and Erie Canal Enlarge. latent.' Entvot Antics :—lt appears that the Bill for this important work meets with nooppositten In the Legislature. J. Mi nor Roberts, a man who has no superior assn engineer in the United States,whose intimate acquaintance with the route for the past thirty years should give his opinion greater weight than any other man,aftercareful calculations mado,says the supply of water nt the summit would ho abundAnt for a ship canal equal in size to rho Welland ('anal in Canada. Tho size of locks of the Welland Canal nre 150 feet long by all feat wide with 101 feet depth of water on the mitre-sill and will pass vessels carrying four hundred Tho enlargement need he no' dot •riment to the water power along the falls of Beaver but would improve the water power at Beaver Falls if they should raise the darn at that place. of course they would have to bnild a levee to pro •vent the overflow of some parts of that town. As to tho feasibility of making slack water on the Ohio River from Bea ver shoals to Pittsburgh, I conceive it to he a matter only of time and money and not such an enormous amount of the latter as some opposers of the imprdve ment would try to make out. For in stance. The Monongahela River Is ful ly half as wide as the Ohio. The slack water is seventy-eight miles with a rise ,of sixty fiat and that is overcome by six dams with eight locks,these being double locks at the two lower dams. .The capacity of those locks allow largo steamers to pass through. Now the whole cost of that improvement was 81,- 027,502, which covers six dams, eight locks, lock houses and grounds at each lock. The fall from Pittsburgh to the Beaver Shoals is about 52 feet and would only require, say five dams and locks. I should advotme low darns. Tho locks should nut be less - Man al* foot long by 75 feet wide so-as to pass a hoot of coal boats at a time. The stone work of the eight locks on the Mononwthola River Is one-half more than five locks of the large adze would be of el feet liR, and the tim ber to make o dams to overcome sixty feet rise would more than biuld 5 dams twice the width thirty-two feet rise. Then why sh(?uhl It test more than six millions of dollars, as our friend Patterson thinks. He evidently did not figuro It up. I believe It can be built for less than two millions of dollars. J. To Coluiamptlves. Tits advertivec diavis: bees entered to bealth In a few weeks, by a very Ample howdy. after 1131,114 !offered salami years silks .mere lass 'ruction. and llott dread dims,c. CuorsmpUoa. la iintimia to make known to Ma know ealieconi the . meant of corm To all who doilre It f be will send • copy of the pisieription aped (rryo p i" zharge), with the diree- Iloilo for preparitit t lf los tb e same. rlikb they will tad a suits 4ost Dossnirroa, Arra lu, Duonnuirta. efe.' The objeet of the adrertber In seudin; the rteeiripticin to to benefit the afflic ted. and "pried lontrisatfon which he eoneeh : ea to be liorateahle; and be hope+ every sufferer will try hii remedy. pule Ain uost them nothlaie and may prove a blessing. Pardo, whhln{lhe Pm onriptirei maul Wire address - ED WA nty A. WILSON. Wtlllamtberj, Kluge Co., Now Talc. Mayl—ty 1 TO TILE SS.—Ws are now pr ! parrd to futiosh ail Moues with constant employ ment et home, the whole of the tlme.or fur the spare momenta. Ditatuess new, light and profits. Persons of either PCX easily ram from iSO eta to $3 per mreuht. and • proportional sum by Sc rutiny then whole Unto to the business. Haywood girls earn neatly as mach Se men. That all who • see Ibis may send their address and attest the tes- Mesa; we make this unparalleled offer: To such as art, we well satisfied, we will scut $1 dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full porticulars, a voluble sample, which will do to commence work mamma ampy of The Itople'e Lifuery Chao paelo*--one of the Wind and heat family:tern- Pripet' pablished—all sent free by mall. Messer. It pre want terinanent. profitable week. adder. C. Ati.EN a co, aogoaa. . Xiistona, dn. intieviddelem iteln Col lir.Wc - bc4iev.ipg in Wu winciple bf equality ber(3n thu Isiw, bun decided to appoint tut Indian buy of tilinlyritory to, a catieltiblii ~Weet Point, y:i . htxtp,'conipany with „dint -10/7.4 ►jugni ony, - named Clarks Baniner,Wason. The boy): appoint nient, -will h , annik• :out in a. row aissijrtoil in: high akin' (it ch* that only. Jtustices Miller and ailre In'filinir of pronouncing ail the reconstruction laws constitu tional., Iãilthts.. rirrsituntai nAlcuvr. . . . ••04710t: eP TUK PITT. GAZETTE. MONDAY March 14, 1810. 11UTTElt—Thorn Is a continued good demand for prima' to chalet, Roll with stiles at '33(087 eta. COMITIOII and infe rior in good supply and dull. CIELEL7SII--La steady but unchanged; Western Deserve and Ilainhargh, 1010 17, /factory, 17(8174; • Now York State Farm Dairy, 111 b 19; New York Goshen, 191 Coal. DRFSSED BOOM—Tn light supply ,but very dull, num hotfooted at Me. DRIED FltUrt—No Improvement in the demand; and no chanties to make in quotations. Wei continuo to .quote Ap ples at 7G ti its; and Poaches, at B(9a for quarters, and 10(4,110 for halves. • berries, 15@la els, and pitted Cherries, ZO3) eta. EGGS---In steady detnand but' on ,ehanged 5123.• FLOUR—The market continues very quietand dull, and the detnaud Is all restricted entirely to suppivlng Mafiosi - Ito wants of local trade. Wo continue to quote western !lours at 11.3@5,5c for spring and .83,7.5(G6 - for winter. Dye Sour, 10(48,25. (DRAlN—Wheat, of which there is bat little offoritig, is tall' quoted at 81,10 @1,12 for prime Mid. Oats dull will; supply canialderable In excess of the de mand; we cal:Ulnae to quote at 4113, - baying. and 45(‘ - y• soiling, Ryon; (l ul l mover; wo now quote at 806t45. Corn dull and nominally unchanged. .116riey very dull; buyers aro only offering tale for prime spring, anal 61,00 ( in . PICOV/SIONS—Tho mar et is quiet and devoid of anythir if new or iMport ant—demand fair and prices nochatmed. -Shoulders 13 for plain and 14 for Soma Cured ; ldtibod shim IN a 11d; Clear do. 191f'1:; ltreakfast Ba con, 13; Sugar Cur-' ettllants, 18(131. Dried Boer, 20. Lard, 10 in tierces and 17(1,.171 ht Ithla stud kegs. Ham Sausage, 133. Mine Pork, 6.: 3 / a 23: SEEDS—Clover seed is quiet but steady, anti while the demand Is light, regular dealers do not appear anxious to' sell; we continuo to quote at 6 388 , 50 . Timothy although iti limited supply, Is quiet and unchanged, at 31,5061. Phil:- seed unchanged at 62,1061,15. STRAW—SaIes of eye straw at 3 10 , and oats at s loail. quoted at $1,73 by the ear load. TALIAAV—Sates or rendered at 01; rough, 441;j. Market very quiet. I= .1 GENTLE:IAS llbtt wracrvd for year. from Ser. Tons DeWitt y, I . mmat tre Decay, and a II the effect, of youthful mdi.crctlun, n tit, for the .ale of rut. feting humanity. oo.nd free to all Mho need 11, the receipt and directions for smiling the elmple rem. edy by which be %resented . Sufferer.. wishing to profit by the adtertin•r'a experience, can do to by 11.1111VIsehl:, Its perfect eoafidenrr,• JOHN K. OODEN. No. 42 Cednr rtrvet. New York mnyl2.l) Xaerled. CAMERON-CUNNING ILIM.-Alarch Nth bast. by the !Lev. Jas. M. Shields, Jain.s Cameron esq., and Miss Jose phine M. Cuniiingaant all or Beaver Pa. . KNOVFF -1BEIIBINi;-on . the or January MO, to New Sewitlley tp., by the Itov. lk)ots Mr. Casper Knout!' of Butler county to Mists Lucinda, daughter of Henry Haa-lug cot., of New Bel:tickles' tp., Beaver county. Died. EWlNti—On the 13th inst., at his tad= ' dente in Raccoon tp., Mr. Henry Ewing, in the Yeah your of his age. :Adpertisentents. MICOTT.TIZEM NT S, Alettcl I Vont Stones 4, Marble and Stone Posts FOR CEMETERY LOTS. We bare now on hand the large. 4 'election o Yonntnettio and Head Stones that hare ever been offered for "ale In this eJohty ; which we aro Haling' from 10 to 20 per rent. Lem. than they can b.: had In the Odes. or bonzht from Agento IL" C:1114. as a;zeuto goterally unsreprepent both um to ott.ll:ty of inarbb and the "lae of w, r. contracted tor. Persons see.hittg anything la (rut line will pleas. call and exi.mitie one work and prices before pin , chatting el.eivtiere, and net, what they Pre lotlf Mgr, and get what 'h..y hay. lirtudatoneta always on bail. [lnarldilltn. !totter to Bridal. Contractor.. =I Ileuvra. ]larch, 14. 1870: f Sealed l'rope-als will be received at this calico by the Board of Count,' eoninilsPletien , until Tue-day, the atli .Igy of April, at 11l o'clock Y. na. for the inspoury andsuperatrocture of two Iron Bridge., one over '1 Wo Male run In Ikao fp., Sew Ig•tsin rand Cro,lo, the earn,. of twelitylwo 1.11 kit span. the mot - war to he eiglire lb) feet wile. the oiler over Nock Ilousg run. in p., ni the ea.t etel of liar molly atrect.New of .ixly (GO) feet span, and tweuipllve 11.5) f•er road way. Proposals must be ligeouip.uned wills a ollaellivai Ch'ing the total weight of the r.i.t and wrought Iron, the gt-neral working strength, and the ultimate or breaking strength per OLIVor foot, 60 writ ISA the greatest local load the hvidg , s will su,talts Also for the rooting aud repairing of the bridge at Vanport, Bova 111 - - !Inns and opeclllation• for Hot nti-oary /if uld bridgels may beam. at IltIA other until April IS7O Ily itrderof County Camml.olouers. uurlG;:ttjJutl ..11cl:OVN, NM lied copy. Sewickley Nurseries ! Fruit Trees,Grapevines,Gooseberries, Consul., ltarlibecrics, Strawberries and Small Frets in great variety; Flowering shrubs. Orem mental sea Et ergnten Tritest Asparagus and Mu barb Hoot/. Oar stock for platlthatry uperior, antenatal Wettest estivate for nis and lisrden culture. 'Persons ordering from the' tirwidtley Sureeries may rely on the varieties iss. big coned. hating **advantage of grafting now the extenave Baying °mbar& on the place. Cat. antics malted to appiteanta ,Oniera tenet the unite of C. 11. LOVE BULL, 1:9 Perini avenne., or address JAMES WARDEOP. • •• Sewickley Nurecrint. much IrYwl Pittsburgh Peet Office. • •N. 11.—No Tree Peddlers authorized to eat for Seencidey Nurseries. VALUABLE REAL MISTATIE and Ws ter rower, for rale at Million. Pennsylrania. The property funned, known teethe Bucket and Tub Factory, In Fall.ton. Bearer county., Pe - noyit sante, with twenty chafes of Water Power. Ball& Ingo, Machinery, dc., de., to offered at private saw. First , the ihree.tor• Brick Warehonse. Iron Roof. Shutter.. Rafter.. Plate. and Door., bring 20 by 40 feet, and attached thereto a I hrets.tory Frame Banditti:: known as the Becket Factory. bele:: 40 by 00 feet. Second,. two-story Frame Ituilalnr. being 30 by SO feet. SO feet shore F.c• tory. Third. a two-store Frame Bniblito: with titone'Befetuent, 90 by Go feet. arW above No. 4 and known a. the Tub Factory. Fourth. • Brick Building , with Slate ltoo(30 by SO tee: and 33 leet shore No Z. they being contorted by ed.; rood causeway known abo so the TIM _Fle ks tor s. . , all situated atone the Ram and ch. sr Creek, about 370 feet to extent, with 20 ,, or Water Power. together wine , the_ Tolland Derkeh 31a. Wow" and lsrerMe t 7 ,.. l mb i• dlate Thls embraces by Or 831 , Watrr Itrirer 1 , 1 whole upon the • riki and can be adapted to any brawn of allaaa tlgalfll/. YOrpliCo and tonna of sale laralftelatiOa Mar he obtained cm application to ALEX. IL MILLER, No. g 3 Dismomt Street, Pittalarlzb. or B. H. CHAMBERLIN, New Brighten.OßßrlfSMl . - ;aretv ,AttneiVam. ILltAurW • • , Milreali be mecum!, by M.. • ' .14.61,Aer _Beds' . .Thig'prvitrimili done entirely by ' el:dynamites them clean end wholemomr-.! m• • rents AMOrm-bat • rebore. each gore from ' malted ereelltbm. inerraelng the balk of the 1" oftretbeeli one Wu, rendering them more Jo, oum.• to OKI It hi every thing to old and' now fra h , da. doelmOng all moth... or Umbiley , memories all dna...tremble seem (omantern to— mer iestlnts) and all gemuty or gletlnouB plane.. fawn dm quill, thenkr, weenie , 18 hum Ito creel* of long elage. j • We wneld, tto refer. mey to Wo C 111.14" plain. the& we are ILISOOS' them Alir • 1 . 0 render resendal Meal. ijerbdfltlefiggEggilelM* that !woe balagordered to eltp am we cs,...__L t ream beds the same day. *COI rertorat.WLMMl al fur laneedlallo am Mr tun donate Wig. me, nm clotting pillows set bolster. amenable to b.... 1: Now ere • your beat rr pnonerl.,•'`” old. provided they're gem. hen, ordeal& he WILS •We reread matlaMetion or mike DO Ma H ow li b.' orders left at ourOlsee °the/dams-4MM Um.. Bridgewater-will receive Itrmen . iman s truism amaze Dee. State and Comana a 'eer ier aal. Patented give M. ands 11. PHILLIPS di elue)bet• wears) . Prop, .itiltWlS , t ralank ttommon's for tale at !Plant' '8 the EIN -001cr.5nnlan' be? lie Bridanvaftr• Pm- I will IwYeronad rt should to all aurgkal case*. in every -I)VBLite MA Ls.-The endendrnediall I fr- George Merit. dense/rd. artl• melt Rom • lii rule. on Ihm pretubm, enema about one mil - " Me boron:St of Pttlldpaberg. In Moan lowleft! in B,ND•• minty PIL. Ilte Wowing Mad MIAMIAN she Being nifty-Three Aere-rof upon which Is eroded a gond, large barn and .nlas • se; honsm,goed well of water at the home doorvemal op tITILII6 IthOUt 0110 Mooned fruit tn... In bow• ngt fences ore :nod sod the Thole farm I. In gwol 'the aide will take place 541 Ho, mid nr.inbm, Thuritilud, IS7O, at the hour of o'clock. p. in, of eald nay. limns dlatety after the nate of the !and ablate described. the finlowlnyt personal pronerty will also he .old at palate sal.. mt 11.114proolses. to all: Two hors ea, two Cons. litre belfero. one two horse wagon. one staler wayen for one horse, 1.0 . 0 Wow)). One honey, two pets of harem.. one rhllna , two ;dim and other articles 100 Untnerulil 10 11)..11- 1100. MAMMA ANNE STREIT. U KOMI E *MR N 14TIMIT. CATIL STUIIT , JACUM tatterr. noutt 4 .lwl • /Irks of Gnome Miceli, deed. A ussunsTuATows! —letter. uf ~r), Administration harloglwannkes,tbas Nth acriber on the came CalliarlooWre do- ceased. late of Now Sewickley toweahlp Nearercounty. Pa.; CAI. 1., theretote notify ali boob, ladebod to Ntirl elate that Imusedlalo p.ovnaeul in reonlrod. Ali venom. hartn_ clohtar realest roll rata to are regretted to present theta duly ,11,1111 , 11• titzied for at I tlentruc. WILLIAM DIEM, 111.1)9)113•) .I)bidim'r Wall Paper! Wall Paper! 15470. \l ' holesale aittl Cheap lirown, Whin: & Satin Peiper,e, =1 =IIII=IMIM 4 i:ILL) SIL‘DEN. Oil Cloth SLadoo. lialo and Flzurr•l; BUFF ANU WHITE 1101.1. %NI): ALI. AT I OWEIt PRIVES TIRE EVER TIC • ERRE ovreitta). Sz CO UPI sq..lEA:ve..n 4111 It Ac. mo• 2.1 dtrar below Dimond Alley, l'ilt..burgla. mart/Am. I;011 flnit eta.. Knutrii. int-ick and 1 :01Infri-Shalt. a Ith 1/n1 attached, all complete awl us goad an mra : lin by the well known grm of Slim p.. Darin nett. of Olno. Holler :uhular. t'y bud, liletwe Ia bore aud 1S inchen lit •tn,ke, gbil e,.t in 1/villa:lie; of sulllclent horse ismer to ran ...alai, circular or Innley A1..,. full net elf Oil tont Perron. a i•bini: ih purchine a No. 1,•.. i the ahoy. fixtures complete. a ill di, well to Call D MAWNEII46. 1%.1 MIMI IXEC rroirs NoricE.-1 et tern te-tattrntart !milli:: been granted tot.' the 1,1,11 e f Jamey CAUL:44y, doth - ,,0-l. 4,41 of Darlington Ty., all prrinJus Indented to the e. 141 ortath are hrrehy notified to make Immediate pay ment.: and all perefurt ha, ice claim. agalnot eplate will prrecnt them duly authenticated 4,, h. G. CA UGII F:1", J. It. CIICOII El% _marten r is J EX ECUTOWS NOTICE.— Lrttere re-lament:lo ha lag hum, reant,i Iho mraenran 4 , a, e+1,11., d., -a.•-l. late of Moon loan. hip. Dearer comity Pa ; thin I. there fore to notify oil per. 0111,4 Indebted to rail entate to make Immediate payment. All Mono %illo hair claims trzatnot lite (YEW will lorrent them duly authenticated for artliement. • WILLIAM DAVIDSON. Dridgeeraler, 3lnrc4 r Cm, I.)E.tyme SID3IIINAUT AND 'sit:TlL- L, tvil ipso It.. Spring Senrion March 31, 18701 Rev. 11. T. Taylor Principal, asksted by able liniuirctms in t he ollilerria Departments. Cla.oeco ace beim: conduct..!, now, la Greek, Lulu, French and (eroan. Tit. Principals a s nccemfti I Lecturer and }:xpes {turn. ter with his A pparatm. Philosophical and Chemi cal. Music on the Piano and (arm notzht by ■ Professor mid vocal music by it anconi,ful vocidot The institution ta tiou rtshing. and hew expetl meat ; and It In determined bt name havlny the direction of It that It shall stand In the van at An. denies and bend:wins, as It 'lnstitute confessedly for ten years. Addrets,— . itEV. It. T. TAYLOR. Waver, Pa. mar.ttf . . Farm t 4 al e. 10101117—, aontest.... lluernirmorscr.. - thereabonk., known as the property of Joh deceased, In flrlahlow townshlp. about on mite from Dearer and shoot tho rime from Fulls ton and Brighton, All Underlaid with Opal. There are on It a Frame Dna.llne; and a IA::: Sta hle ; a 1.., any amronnt nl Fruit ire, of the rhole eel renetk, of apple... precheo. dnm•. elterri and peers. lite farm i 1 bum gUvti repair sect In .117121 t abate of c.lllllwallent. A Leo, A Piece of Land • betonzln_ to the eetate or the came deed., keno !. the NSW Jlitl penperty. oh Itrady'• nm, r 41111.11 lug about .ixtptiveacree, marl) all 11111kr:11.1.1l Three Fell IV that. It k well Timbered, 1.... 3 :,:0!”1 1 . 031`r, p!enly of timber lu the nel;:bborhoo.l wanting be pawed. There le a let: dwelling and u frame et Inc thereon erected. 1. 31eGA F FICK. Or 1.11.-2mol ON Joi • 'TON -OF B. L. Fahnestix,k tt Cos. Pure. White Lead JUST RECEIVED, AND FOR SALE AT Pittsburgh Price! by S. J. Cross (fie Co., ROCHISTER, I'A. Feb :_s°l - 111alik Coootabis s Naito for role at the Au t EGISTEIIint NOTICE.--Nolice fle by (lieu that We rot:owing accounts of Exec utors, Administrators, Guardians AC., Inoe Ih•••11 duly p.i.sod In the Itegl,te , '• and aill N. presented to the Orphans' Court for Clllllltl.llll/11 unit a.l isahce Mi %Vet:heyday the 2 , :d clay of March. A. It. • l'irrt and dna( cocoon ofJames terror of John Sesrigut. Overused. - • Final account of James .M•l'her-on, for of John Se's, deed. Ai count of 'Gonna: Mocker. guanlian of George W. _Marker, ininor son of t....inip.on Morker.,l,•eit. Account of Wm. et Shroads, guardian of .100 Eliza Shro.o4,minor daughter of John M. Shroud. Account of Win. Av. Arun', ', ma. of A M.. 1 Dario (now Anna M. Wino's minor child of AI caantice Pack. deceased Account of noil;kitto Frauklin, gu ortluin sir Ag. oe. ltrairdsaw, child of Cu,,. I'. Brad-law. der n. Account of J. S. Littell, adoiluisactor of Adam Ilcckenharti. doe 11. - Ft! ,c,ouitt of William and Ah mliam ex.-tut . or. of the last w aiol testa:told IA Petit Wo,t doe'd. Partial ( !hat! account of Ilugh Sarney, tie von CU. t..GpnuJo 1.e.., id Josiah M'Cuou, de• Account of A. It. %Volt, administrator of the es tate of Abner Wolf deed. Account of E. G. Ilatheny, administrator 11 the esLite 01 J.. 11. Nye, Vlll,l was guakliau of J. C. Venatten. MOD or .igemea Vi n taco, deed. Accounts of J. K. Kolar, gnardiati of Sidney sod JIILIIIII M. Johnston. children of Dm W Johnson, deceased. Account of J, R. British., guardian of Gustavus A. Britialn, son ofJohn Britian]. deed. Account of 11. IrCurvii, executor of Jane Cald well, deed. - -keening of John Dixon. a Iminlattator of Win. D. X lion deed. Account of Matthew A: Hold. T. Wallace,,xecn. torso( the will of David Wallace, ilcc'd. noel account of A. Itellston.adro'r of the estate of Wei. Itallswn, deed. Final account of George Seor. administrator of Sarah Eeoc, deceased. Account of Win. Craig. guardian of Jolla A. Merlin. daughter of David Martin, deed. ' Partial emoting of James Wilson. guardian of Jams BoewclL minor sun oflieorge Doswel:, ceased 'Ae.r.ount ofJ. C. Dart; gnatalitla of littliatua W 034 daughter of ti. at M. M. 114.1 troy. nec'd. Account (Personal) of Joiner. E. Jackson, oil • Wotan 'tor of James Jackson, decd. 'Accdunts ofJ.R.llarrah.citartilloof thicar,Onve S. and Lillie A. Morton, minor children of birdie Morton, deed. Atcount of loLu liortreo, roludoletnitor of Glen Cksdellow, deceased. Account of A. Itallstou, isandolegra tor of the et. taw of Samuel IV.IntIL ileed Final of Minim Shimoda. admlubtntor of Bitlll.lCl Shrouds .. D :l: rd n ' Teri n ju o re f e B. ll, r.h j e " ;. E. r i I a 8 S Arn.not rat aran e i r 3 l ), v dc ,:f c j d_ c m ' L d. Act-at:l4 of JOll/I W. Wil executor or the last still and o,teonoof of Elton 0. Daher, decd. At...nov(lles! sod Personal i of 11. Batman, ad ministrator of John McLaughlin. decmsell. At e of tilnsost Hood, admlnletrator of the estate of Aaron 111.1. deceased. Flue aexoust of 4:C. Wilson, administrator of the estate of Rebecca Muirauuuu. dee d. Final amnia of Wm. L ILamsey, executor of the will of William Ewing, deg i 4 • Account of Joseph LIMICLICV, administrator of David Kennedy deed. Account of ((forgo Sadden. and Robert Graham, executors of James Dodders. deed. • Accounts (html and Personal] of R. D. Dough. city, executor of Thorns. Mc Kneny, deed. Account of S. D. M - Coittadnilnlstnitrix of Thos. M. M't'ord, deceased. leirtelW D. SINGLETON, /1,9. • -- .."I:l%.eiriZi—ux.. Erkprailqlnalerarr ',ll(4laoadai la the old r;;u:, 1,1110ln; an Thlrtlfitrert, cr, l'a., aellb: per year In edema.. COMlntatileatloni 'on onlbjc;eho of local oor general intorait aro, rompadfu t lly Ih:hed. Insure . attention favor* of ilk hind mart Invariably -Joe :seotoopa • hi( tl by the 1131110 of the author. tetteno and mon m so it leatlnne ahnoold be ouldreonanl b, ME JOVEYAND, Beaver. Pa 'Do you:nUily;ncll;itl' I asked, half inermlulously. 'Were you hap [der as a i hikl than now ? You and Dail used, to ijusirrel u gnat ~ j eCd. I remenilafr-Tyou are excellent Mends now. • Have-you' fbrgotten that?' She shook tier head petnlently, amt I saw her rest lips poutlug diwlairf fully, for lily little Jmn wws•opsalnt —she was only 1 hefenble,wllfidgirl, who, , to me• ft endkalloff 'all that the hest •womait is .by nature, both :mint and shiner. 'You mall used to he very good Mends,' I went on, watching her as I spoke,' Indeed I thOught'you were fond of mowhen you were* child.' I wonder, If you -were (me now, If you could Ilk(' me as you' used, In spite of this, and.l touclast , my tem ple, and cheek wits ,tuy,.llliger .as I spoke. . • .- . X.ii.lll she did not ansvie?: ktiew, - *hat she understood' me. -ucourtuled me, • • JIALI ' TI,,,u11•11-hi g ht .1 r11.11,...,..14irs Wed! w:::day. March 1870, Ili.. en:i ,tock : wart•, (V 1%11 low .wa re, lAmpet, !Amp ( neys, Aze. Stock of II A. 11.11 NV .All, E la large, and comprise, a line woortnleat or Door Locks, llingt,s, Screens, Slott) IllngeA, Mill Saw Piles, ,butter Sp.s4..s, Spading Fork+, Shuu •l+. Rake., and a large variety or g... 1.1,;. too macron. 10 mention. .11.". ,‘ ill Ile WoM 0.17: 81111-17"1 W.IGO.V, Two Set.,kr. Ilartte.,,, Ono Hand or Pow er Cylinder Straw•Untter, tonl all the I.`ixotre., lotion:4111;f to the Stow. • :ti 10 0 . 01,ek a. in., and rosithlth• froilli il:ty e, ,14y. u n til nil in A. `i. IllAltYl Y. Uri,L....•w.,ter, Pa in kr ' .:tt I - - ;MrllLnk warrnut. for rale la the An ar...111,.• I) 1 . 314 310:Ni 19Y Made cooky ttlat our PAT. .\ISTII I-LA./03% T.tie natil snrr 11.T04,1.-- Cirrolars F. .r. IMIINAS lelvf -W. toilittrlrtt st . Italtlittort. Commitanos, tor •:1:e /II 111. •- New Dry - Goods 24'1" 1 1i1.1 , :n4 of' 13.07,`,•4 JUST RECEIVED PI:()N1 3i.tsurAcTu)ii:its, .1 DELAI NES, ALPACAS, CO BERG S, LANNELS, MITSLINS; COCKS., ':;r:S - Ll=,illlD NOTIONS IN GREAT VA- CST RECEIVED FROM The SPRINGFIELD Mills Lutto , , sTocg OF THEIR Celebi•rtted .Teant4, FUR MEN AND 1101%,* WEAR (i. 11,1., Win .1. , MOM' SCrVil, I . or 1111 Ili•uvany Ilu r 1:0041a \l:uin'nr lim diu tl.• (•.unity. ne, 6,,1...C0n,tant1y oil bawl tlivir Celebrated Woolen Yarns. 1:. cut Wnhin ILA• I. 'r'or Day., and •gym Entirely ,NEW St: FRESII, L .sta';l>l.l\rf: 1134 Asidt• 3t Vvr) Muth itedueed I'i•ice,. our Motto tlik Year, ‘r1:1 he LA.RGI SALES -Si)- A :-5111A . A4:1, PULl'ailitEi era Will I. xrll lo Can and Examine THIS. STOCK Ilefore Buying Elsewhere. S. J. Cross & Co., tOCHESTER- Febni.try in. Is7o Witlfto k of nearly ill the different Made for client Ito. Aunts "Mee. _ . List of Causes for Trial at March Term, 1870. Mint Welrk. Job II Speer . A. W. T•rlor. et aL Andrso Nil:holies s• ,A(IIIIei 041)41. WilillSM LAI ham s. Tti,,nlsts'alnoon Win 1 / a rrant el L. for use., s• Ilsrii . rs rolJii•sill al. (Prorgn Grans,. vs John rms.,. 11. I , Wilson'' , adrift. s• J. P. Alienist,. Nlrtin AI Law:hill' r• John N rintail. 0. L. Asid..r•on l• J. l: :same so n•mo. . Sarno s • /some Sarno s• name. Robrrt 1.17,. ,i. Lourfenore & Co. 'wand Weeks _ ~,,,, K s.ith . c 0 William Glenn. J o hn W.'r of tint. St (1111,dec'd. vs Joshes Dockley. et al. „. ii 1,,,,,,, vs A. W. Taylor. Oodles Ct a el rs N. /Dighton Wider Co. sm.+ no New lirisibton At Mauston Water CO. Saw no Calvin IL Tuttle, ct at satne vs " Sams. Nat'l ICk of Commons vs Johtilit Bleats. llivit B. Anderson • "roWlithill Anderson. _ Debi. eliew's idat'ss. vs 'William Jenkins. Michael Crinv - ... vs W. L. Rayl, et al. Conrad .it. Walton vsJae/Ittlenitlit Co. Pattsnon .t. Davidson vs Martha tioudcrs. Ja.. Thompson's ear's vs Dunham 's Maim. John Thurnley • vs Charles W. 14111. %lepton Clarke to C. 11. Dull, et al. James Tommie to Albert Tomtit's. • Wm. Ramsey and oils vs Samuel &Tits. , SamuellissioW vs Yeralinand Ludret. Demur Muds n• I'. Kt. W. I C. Ito. Co Janos %Arse - Si eimper Denim& Thornton Walton no J. Y. Alison's. Henry Wagoner vs M.D.. Welsh et al. A. S.-Reed vs J. D. Willilles. Jett Wilson • vs Ate antler i'oeiliell. rl ' . l 7. l l? l t a igild : ' ' ryis " vs B t . ),% l Plt7tte State Otriltol Banc is TJ. J. Power. • Inns., U. leCtitcheati vs D. S. Marquis. William Johnston To Lewis Reno. Frank Klee. et in. no Pat Cantu!. el oz. Wm, tichoobt It et nx. vs Wm. 11. Wiseman. Christian Drew lit P. Vt. N% iC. /to Co. marlitcl JOHN CAUGIINY, Pro/Ay. lIM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers