ORATION OF CAPT. ReCLEIr LAND. On puenkii.oliittit it ittW IL Law held a remotoirta J . renee Co., to commemorate the ninth a t wo rimrn ofiits ocinitr i ket eisLhe>rcttsthe . tery was the first three year cotnpUer , organized in Lawrence Co.,' for 't to • war of the rebellion. Capp Coopkof whose name the Battery bears, Om Hi'!th - f.Aftitio o4 FlPP9. Pri * to tine business, Capt. Idecleffind, to 1 dressed his corn zoos as follows: 214(nr"ir OCOtiLADDS or OLD BATTEItt B: A aecond time we have met to eel • ebesatiThe annltteidary Moor ergani-' ration.!. , ;;)•,-a . .• Nino years ago tollay,:we: met; - in the old curpenter shop to perfect our • organization by the election of of- °cen ria r a i r 4 - Vrteeqdr ' Hove s ore, we tuthe streets of this usually quiet . vi You had changtarthe Nub of a citizen for the uniform of the tsol- I dim- The flag bequeathed to us by t our fathersi: ipa APo Wu xilt with Y their blood,. hdssett tE.. 'bett ad er - ha 'reiseiVett lUs'pse The country through all its lengtt r • and breadth was alive with frePirst Y Bons for a war which no man , : ''' able •to •measure, , t•Petteetwrorsement quility, had given plage_to.Aanistra stifling Strains or •• - • . and "Vilu Committee on Foreign Rote- lions held a speolal meeting on last Friday, to consider the San Domingo treaty, lien. Babcock csjilnitwd the provisions and tlie'etreumstances un der wilOiktt was: n'tigotiated. Other tuts ‘irerecomnitutimted to the el)111- ni dice, who evince no disposition to comr to aufmrlreonclusion, hut will take full, tlpao,to consider this impor tant subject.. • Talk: Committee on Banking and alrrency,• at a' meeting on Friday, talked about the funding of the pub iledeld and of the general question of the currency, but ilid not agree upon any loran of at bill to tneet the instrue thaws of the Housed° report a bill in creasing the • t.urreney $50,000,000. The (Innanittee are divided between greent?acks and National bank note . The probability is each side will re= portit bill leaving the House to take its ehoiee. Tirileolmnittec On Territories have found a solution of :the 4kJaska diffi culty. Mr. Cullum has prepared - a, bill, which the Committm will MI- . dnuhtediy agree to, attaching Alaska to Washington territory as a cotmty, and giving it three lllellliK`N of As sembly, one member of Commit, and aJu Igo to hold courts. The wlio‘c expense of governing Alaska In this way Will, not extrd six or eight thousand dollaN a year. I F. bill to prevent election hands, olli.red by Mr. Paine. of Wisconsin, will be agreed upon by t he con) m ittee. It provides in substance that any per sen who shell vote or attempt to vote illegally, or more than once, or shall attentid to prevent any legal voter from voting, shall he deemed, guilty of a misdemeanor, and on convic tion shall 110 lined not exceeding . five Imitated dollars, and be imprisoned three years. This bill originated out ante investigations of the New York election frauds, and will tio doubt pars the klonse. " Tat: President hus approved..the joint .',resolution providing that the Unexpended balance of the fund crea ted by act of Feb. 11JAili , for the benefit ot sick nod 'wounded soldiers, err distblal voltthsws. The money withheld Issuers , . of the desertion of a person from tho volmdeer ferns of the 11. S. iS prohibited helm; paid to hint, • except the rissird !of the doer lion has been caneeltsV on the rude ground - that it was made erroneously , and eon trary to the flogs, but such moneys shall remain thp property of the National Asylum Tor disabled volunteer soldiers, for the support of its beneficiaries. A iiEld:ii.vvoix of National Bank nom, by Clark, of • New York, called upon Seeretar llontivell a few days ago and laid be fore hint a statement showing that - if ll I . IIIIIAO in relation to the national in the Funding hillwieuttlopttsl • rispliring them to take new bonds they ivould 1),i...011114 , 11ot to Ivied up heir institutions; that they deAred to have the sane privilege at is given to lit hy,r Theypould not understand achy the national bunks were inentiontsl in the Funding Hill. 'Pte 4 tretarycoatroeerttdtheiriosi- Om and demonstrated clearly Wily the should be . required to take new isitals. They assured the Seeretary that if,they were eompellisl to take new bonds it would break up the Na tional Blink system. • A Dettwren from Lawrence, Kan •sas,dattA, Mare!' 12th, says: Immi gration .to kunsai Hlld stnison is un preedented in the history or the *tate. Last evening and this morn ing's Indus lai the Kansas Pacific Haitread hrought live hundred int mignutts fur ttlis State. The 'com pany has been obliged to order addi tional rail Way stock to meet inunedi . ate remilrenula, Tlie first ship ment m* 0.1011410 eattle over the road has just taken place. There are now ten thou-und head at Kit Carson awaiting shipment. A fast night ex- Press train is to be put on the road making the time front Kansas City to Denvisr six hours. Work is now being vigorously hushed on seven different lines in Kansas. Seventl of •our business men.have given notice of the resumpthin Of spode paym'ents next week. Mi. Council, of tho senate, s ay s . the bill which passed the I louse providing for: the safe custody of the puddle money hereafter, atul which • requires the State Treasurer to depus it It in. sound banks in proportions not greater than One- fourth of their top' tal, and that they shall pay inter ant on the average balance to the State and not. Into the pocket of the Treas urer, has been 'wilding in the Senate air the hilt three weeks, and would have been disp4iSed of before this time but for the time lust in personal altercat ions over the fictions of the In-, Vestigatlng ononiths% I regard this bill an the most, im portant of the sesAtni, as it cuts up by the mots the lir:A(4lm heretofore fol lowed by the Incitnabentsof the office, to use the publii money for their own benefit, and will end forever the dis graceful and demoralizing scramble lirtheoltlttwi tueaedutthoop en i ng of every 24:-4sion of the Legislature. But this much noetletl tout twilit x cellent eicasure bus been thrust aside repeatedly to give place to the alter cations on the inVe.itigation. seeking-to ote.___ public, and to dlvert i attentien I a its own participation lii these! of a part of our tlek4l44.lialt , among other thingofit the master was "owing to otter inca pacity in the managemdlitcitourann palgn." This chow of "utter ~in• capacity" ,made 4 insithesl ertitt mejulkert /f rile?, ilk alio:Wag centrum 'fb e• and -. , Ily a charge, under all thoel eruattliceot as the Badioal, could Undce; :It so di* , posed, we presume the( coin4thv Could very ,ensllY 'iniblythe:plibile ad it was Ids.Qintra teleitain; Ids E l, id pilitksil odor and ."loan" dur , theatniptign, that . so . disgusted' 4 o , Itepubliiiatili and ; 't4illied* their' 4 arty zeal. ini to niage:them.inr a :t I nv. indifferent. aboilttbe success : of 6 heir. ticket. The , committee had kra "IndifferCince,' toCirctemite, and W ed It no t . i:•ef!teatc,li;o l ittie conduct 1 I , Mr.'otituayand'a few of his personal a, ends, we have no hesitation in say hgthat, withthe amount oflabor put forth' by the anninittim,.our whole ticket would have been elected by. I majorities . ranging from , TOO to 1000 votes. We are,•lionrevei, Mkt ttutem ber of the min mlttee',and _have no authority to speak in its behalE Its ineujibers, we apprehend, can dermd their own conduct when they see •• proper to do so. • At any rate the Radical and MMus, instaid Of ilfe ! enving the conduct of others, should first purge themselves of all blame for t our party's partial defeat atthe "hist election. To this end, we will now agree t') ainswerany and all questions put to us by the Radical on the sub ject, provided it ages to answer any and all questions propounded by the Aswan relating to the same matter. fere are two Ibr this week: Firs:, If the Radical labored dur ug the last eumpaign ,to elect our hole ticket, why did its editor , tell wo prominent .Denmendsoilleaver, 'ldle on tho . way to Harrisburg, in he midst of the campaign, that the Dem ocratic atudida te for Clerk should and would be elected ? Saul, If the Radical supported Arthur Shields, the Republic= anti- dictate for Sheriff, why did it, print tickets for his Inanocraticcompetittir such a manner and under a head ing • intended to deceive Republic= voters into his support? Now, when the Radical givei us the information we seek, we will be happy to enlighten it on any point it requests us to. , . 1•191 Tug Border raid bill was reported affirmatively by the Ways and Meatuteommittee on last Friday. The votts kootl yeas 9, and nays 7. It is confidently akserted that the bill will be iniskxl,by the Legislature, two we toed by the Governor ; Then again, It isiilleged, that enough votes are already secured In both Houses,, to pass It over Gov. Iteary's veto, and thus make it a law In spite of the Executive. The Philadelphia Bulle tin, in an editorial on this questioti uses this lungitage ' "'Chu people of Poinsylvitnia coot. honor 1..i0 highly the seven Itemthlit.ln gentlemen who hove `shwa up so Ilrayiely, against 1114 crowning miquity 'of,,tho present Legislature. N'Or can they.:yisit:, with ton heavy censure the mull who It Ye' iheinselves out to this Wholesale scheme of rolihury. Two of the Commit. tee-4,imgeneerer,' or Bedford, and Skin. iier, , of Franklin—will plead in extent/a! lion Of their votes, that their constitiointe remitted it of them. It ie n poor excuse for doing mt tikhoneet net. that MOM one ei4tientautli or expects it. but it is a-Shade better t h an the tiltsil ithiellee of excuse nn the partof other imivt, Sjossrs.liavi,. Adair': or Juiephs, tor in. ud.represent Philadelphia dktricts, for their complicity in this bare faced swindle; and Philadelphia uw•w it to her good II:111111 to see In IL that these three gentleinett have 'have to stay at leMie alter the Ho.. of• the pregetit session, whether they yet resthininationm or Ind." , FEMALES AS JURORS At Laramie City, Wyoming Terr itory, on Mardi ith Judge Lowe, charged a Urand Jury, composed a hulks and gentlemen as follows: will he borne in ulindthatthat this is the first aiiiiearatice of ladies in the Jury box In this eountry. Wyoming. gives to woman the ballot, and, the right to sit in judgment and hohl of fice seems to have been added to privilege of voting. 'Here is. the Judge's charge. Lanka awl gentlemen of the (trend Jury—lt I an Innovation nod a great novelty to rue at w do to-day, 'Attlee summoned to nerve as )11r0114 The v34:1114,110( political rigida Mid french'. t. N13111131i is IC 31111jed .111113 Is maltattnaa, the who! country. I hart never taken an attire part It diefliewloll.l, Wit I hart tong .6 , 33111 11131 is 1113.1 wa• it victim to 1110 vices, crimes and humor rai'l's of man, with nil power to protect and ric ked herself trout there tells. - . hare long rot that poOhla or prowetlou k,ould he cuoiem,l nowt woman, tool It his Linen to tier lot here to net ita the pioneer in the MOWS. 1110411, and to test the question. The .'en of the nine, vs odd are today dyed upon this Joey of Al• homy county. 'there is not the slightest impel• loamy In oily lady occupylegaliir position, nod I wads to asmthi you that the fulleall/rotectimi the Coma sled% be accorded to you. t would he a moo shameful seatidal thatadit our temple or Int ik:, nint In oar courts of law, northing he Ina mitted whirl the most sensitive lady might wit bear with pr. ;whey. and whom, Awl here let meodd Ilist It %till h 4, u aorry lay for any Man who, .t n tU so far forcel the courtesy duo oral toild by every American gontlemate to ev ery American lady, a to, tern by a word or tel, endeavor m deter.)oll from the eXsrriat. of thaSo rights of which 1110 late has lOraaleti you. I will conclude uMI the remark that this Is a 1111.004 for you to deride for yOurselres. Su Mall !Manny right for interfere. It eartlol fu 11, rwiurully pri. or for wouom r 0 .It 111100 (irate) hides. Wharil w ill gala thrill the hem pismlbleopporttniilles to alit la suppressing the dens of infamy which Mere [ha I colon ry. I .1..al hu &d or your ..iimtiuww In the arront pllplttent of t 1414 nivel. I it, Inn make these re. mark.. front tli.tru.t to an, of the gentletuen. Ott the contrary. I nut r.rcnvlhlglT ph•.,wl rind grain lied .4 Ink the libilcAttoo of Intelhgelloo. love .ir law Owl good order, and the gentletuanly deport men n - I* I eou mnnlf•at ell here. I wilt now t.•u to any Itealanim. which no) innnti may make for oving excused. Iv Is alleged by a London letter writer that the reason the, English pru4s favor the incasure of our govern ment for annexing St. Domingo is because nothing would plcase the liritishers better than to see America inn muss. They have learned through the engineers, doctors, agrieulturists and politicians who% Lawson & Co. have sent to St. Domingo, that the •conntry, though very rich and suita ble for the native St. Dominican,is worthless for all Europeans and terkans. 'Says the writer further: "Immigration and colonization are amount of the climate and the fearful nialadicii, which haVe &stropd before now on that soil the armies of Fiance and Spain. Da:- Sides, the ;Monroe doctrine once.fully inaugurated in the Antillics, the whet/ of the South American 're publics would at once Join together in self defense and form a permanent armed oppasition • and. 111C111100 to the United States. But, the most direct reason is, that there are about thico quarters of a million sterling at stake for the themciers engaged in this affair, which now hangs upon the pro uud trio of the American Senate." Pint lientian journalist.; who went to the inauguration of the Suez Canal are highly indignant at the dlisotwery of the histrutlion.4 of the Viceroy of Egypt in nstard to their treatment. The %Imlay hod ordered his tune-' t lona rt.l4 to treat tlaeFrenehjounuillsts with morn distiuCtion than the Ger. te' sl Asistiagor leadr i t e tlitp.lP eet a,t New 04: • • /t &his& t e im brgetilot of IkyrieAtnatlint. httl . ailkillW , Briglitotinn - Frldnir eve lug, 25th ult., the prciciedligg of filch kayo Just reached us. The mit too appointed at a previous na ting, *. T. Icennecly, Benjamin 0. Knifferryll. ;Brat ord. Frank Mier and Wm. Hen Tot 'ported a lengthy preamble—es tting Ibrth the imkortanee of them enlargement; the , efforta Of tern capitalists for ship communii between Lake Sup erb:Wand thi slssippl'i and . the firdpciSeddivei of trade and travel from the t . lion. irig arid Beaver valleys : imam in _ms4 l ofNetv York' and llalthriore rail aids. , , .. and the followtng resolutlons3 ble b . , were tuloptel,: ' • . , Itssoteaf, That the eniargetni nt of the Canal and iniproverm td _of the Ohio river with capacity to pass vessels and baits of Increased tonnage, from the Ohio to Lake Erie, is i pro- Ject•of coMmerciallmportance . o all 41i0 business meni4rinaderprise to stim ulate produictive industry—to'i 1 °Va..- hp more rapidly our mineral, nur m, to attract manufacturing pita' and to enlarge the range of on mar; kehs, both in thelLake region. and the Ohio and Mississippi valley Resolved, frtiat repwlngconti in theen,lineeringexposltionsdil strati ng its practimbi II ty wi th tiC inuitioe but augmentation of w reservoirs and slack water we us inanity, need indulge .in no fa speculation or apprehensions water power along the fulls Beaver being destroyed or im • Resolved, That.fer the means cure an intiugunition and comp of ship and boat navigation fro Lakes to the Ohio, and thence Gulf and tributaries of the lilt pi, we rely upon legislation i harmonizing capital; and we an ingly advocate any judicious ea cat of national or State govern! to devise the right ways. Rao That we roam meta legislation that • while clothin! Erie canal -Company or any I mripany with additional •powe privileges, such restrictions ant d lions shall be imposed, as will eombirlations• and ekactions fo I rsonal interests calculated to honest capitalists and defeat all dons State or. National aid. Resolved; That we deprecate 'Ain!' and distraction in our h , and county, w disc ouragingeffi: some fuisible plan of legisi' whereby to undertake now this and not puapone 'it for the en of coming • • Raotied, That our represent in the Legislature' he request' support all Just expedients for rt and encouraging the Ole Canal puny or any other cotnpaity ii dertaking this work,l and th i avoid an abandontnetaW the ,p canal that would be - ruinous to ern Pennsylvania interests and 'pliable to us as a Statd. The regulations went nnanfm, adopted, and the following committee -uppointeklo furthe, object: H. Menderitiali B. rum, B. B. Cholabeam', 3. Townsend, M. T.. Koirmity. •'• TIIE FUNDING BILL . i , The funding bill as it pause Wilde provide:l'6u: the issue o hundred milliohs of coupons o hitered ten forty year bonds, lxl 5 per cent. coin interest, for di. in the United States or elsewh not less than pair value for coin exchange for 5.20 bonds of eq. ; -- gregate par value; also for fou Bred millions of 'fifteen-forty cent. coin interest, for similar sal at not leas than par value f I or redemption of bonds bear higher rate of interest.; also f 1 issue of four hundred millio twenty;forty year bonds beitiiii per cent. coin interest for shrll: poetl at not less than par vain coin. or' redemption in outsta bonds. A further issue of th named bonds is authorized, 1 discretion of the Secretary t Treasury, provided . the aggr debt of the United Statts,is not by increased. All these bonds entirely free from taxation. The Secretary of the Treasury thorized to appoint agents it United States for the twgot hitt bonds, and a sum not exceedin half of one per mot. is „approp to pay the expense of P l reparim Mg and disposing, of the same. hundred and fifty million dolla nually of the duties on imported are applied to the payment of it or reduction of the principal-1 public debt, anti the United= bonds now held as a sinking ft. the Treasury, as well us those I ter purchased, shall b cancele destroyed. On and after the October next registered bonds 4 denomination not Its:ilium one and dollars, issued under the i lons of this act, are to. be deb with the Tretisurerassecurity l circa lotion of national loinks, t vitiation of tike banks which i comply with this provision 1 one year from the passage of t to be forfeited ; provided bank be allowed upon giving thirty notice to the Comptroller of th rency to deposit legal tender with the Treasurer to the 'tone the outstanding circulation awl up the hands pledged fur Its r. Lion ; provided further that not than one-third of the bonds dep by any bank as security shall either of the classes of bonds I authorized, on which the matx' rate of interest is fixed at 4 or cent.. per 111111U111. The 1111101 circulating notes rece i ived li:i hank shall not exceed eighty pt tun of the par value of bond.; Ited. . • I The last section authorizes to be Orglilliled and do basin depositing eI.:T(O,OW in Unit(xl not(., with the Comptroller o rency in exchange for four pet bonds and receive circulating the same 11.9 other !maks, with swct to limitation of aggregut l ciliation of national currency; 11(.4i, however, that as circa' notes are Wiled underthisecti l (spud amount of United States shall be tuncelltsl and destroy( A etn.oliEn delegation front' 'lessee, accompalilgtl me of the House, on Thursday tali; Stilted to the President a etch asking protection against oath! the State. The President sal d question of stationing troop; it Coa l of the country alluded to be referred to the Secretory of but so far as interfere:lm with law was cOnceriied, It required ous' eons' d oration. The request coot will utwordingly he ed to the Seeretery of War. . , . . . (Iny .. threatened• Preside . PM *ritliO ' ' 'Milton, uslugabuslve ' ulcs t‘ , . lie the latter waa iiralktl - mt. lvanla avenue witfiAt. e as to, day pronounced :; . 1 , b ., Loam surgeons and "sent 131 0 mas t a Governuient insane asylum. The man has repeatedlyheen refuted, admission to the ex':-. . mail** On aecoant of Ids .1, a . 1 , niluer. I _Ynik.Wputtlisw : )..*natocktsaucTut on T./WOW Inot Win! ,1411 y. ate. foriudisetliadon : 74.4 1 ,11Po01 1 o: aummline*. :to tha Ckepritis .:141i;• M.esara,./dorton, Drake.. Thayer and Cameron: °favored . striking ..it..,out; while Meseta, Trumbull. , Edmonds, Perry and others lidvocated.its rete.tv. Lion. NO vote was -reeched, ex one for atotrnment sine die, Which carried:• l 'Unless . thererbe furtherer t lon in ban*•theamendinent Will be. adopted by blast . ten' mojorit4frr he Setyilst. c ,;2' ' • tion .`,n(.43 Tun bill• to enforce" the Fifteenth; Amendment has been finally put' in shape by the Indielaryi rimlttee,l and will be , reported to the .1115ute , pextollkselc..lt has been . . mciillflda. somewhat, butetill Imixesee-Anti and: implistininent• on any person' who tails to register any colored [vntei,. or to ash the requisite tams tolenable Ile' to vote; or to, prevent him' hot* . having the , sam e privileges under local 'regulations tee even to, white men. Tlinlnternal Revenue Burette is preparing • for the most ' thorough rcsaemment of the income tax Males ever been Made. 'Special Instructions are beteg 'issued to 'assessors to' tee to It that every person 'belleVed to be in the . receipt of lucerne or propel.` ty on which tax should be .pall, he - notified of the Government demand, and required to tinswerthoquciltions of the tax list Inn 11111 and sathifttstory manner. The intention of 'Mr. Delano is to secure the collection of this tax, as that Its burden may be more equally borne than hitherto. People:Of all classes, therefore, who have iraakanything over end above the usualptiOption during the Wit` year, may Ai:Well-begin to ,get.tligir answers ready, as :mown* will. be gin the present month, anewiJi prosecute with vigor. •, • . I . sud . the lather and con dolt per repel Judi- As enterprise is on foot to 'Obtain for Philadelphia a portion of -the immense grain trade of the. Jekcs, Which nOw,,centres at and which i1119,*11 heretofore Monopo lized by the transportation cowponies of the State of New York. The rail road is to extend from Jersey. Shore, (on the. Philadelphia and Edo -Bail. way), Ma northwestern direction to BMW°. Sixteen milooftheiluffaki end have been monpleted under an old charter. This line will ...posit for about:one' hundred and fifty miles through the unde 4 velopm t mineral reglono of Potter county. The coins pletion o f the new road will success fully enable the Pennsylvania Cen tral Rallnxid Company to divert a large a nou nt of northwestern prOduce to its Philadelphia elevators and wharves.. • lusty five the I rad ilton THE Washington corrcupondent of the Pil.l26urg/i Gazelle, wrltthg un der dateof March 10th satst tiociety was considerabli_ agiliditil:oat that day, in coosequenm of a Ml:i . rt . Which kW spread concerning one of its prominent. members, an oftker of the army, who, some' time since mar ried a beauty and wculth. The story.goes that the gentleman in queln has been in the habit of badly freating his new wife, and that the day 'previ ous in a drunken tit he turned her out of doors, and locked up the.(her) family plate in one of the city banks. Last evening the wife ; took the train for Pittsburgh, whet.e. she has many friends, who she declurcls: she will never leave, atdMstto rejoin her hus band. The msitientan previous to his marriage, was a widower, and the father of two daughters who have nlrendy gained considerable reputa tion for their beauty and atromplish mods. The disagreementmutfed ex citement and consternation in rash ' ionable circles-such as lure not been felt for lump ychrs.. is nu the A of MIL , iatcd One rs an good terest r the THE Tribune publislnb Yokahouso correspondence on the Oneida dims.: ter. The writer. says the whistle of the Oneida was blownand.threeguns fired. Still the („%iptain of the Bom bay- declarers he neither saw nor heard a signal ;.yet the steward of the Bombay, on his arrival at Yoko hama, asserted the Oneidq had been run into and cut to the water's edge. But the worst of the story is the evi dence of a British Lieutenant, that Captain Eyre told. him ho had "cut The whole quarter of a damned Yan kee frigate, and served her bloody well right." Capt. Eyre's own evidence. is to the effect that the collision was too slight to he much regarded, and his pilot told' him a spit of land was I near, anal there was no danger, and that he WAS a good fifteen minutes looking after the ill fated ship. The statements of the Captain's Clerk, Crowninshield, and Master Yates, agree that the Oneida whistle wos blown fiercely, and-that if the Bom bay had stopped or sent boats, nearly every man would have beeq.Aived; Yates. says as the ship '‘vas fast sink ing, Capt. William's, who was on the bridge, was asked to get on board, but refused, toying, "No, 1 will stay in my ship, if she goes down." Lieut. Commander Mutilator walked up and said,"Slr, the ship 13 going down." "I know it," said the captain, "but what can I do ; I have repeatedly askasl for limits, but I could not get them." At this moment the ship settled, the smoke stuck came over and forced the cutter' from the ship side, and she went doWn stern first. I hauled the Captains clerk, Wm. F. Crowninshield, on board, anti made a great effort To saveLieut.Corn der, Stewart, but he sunk just before I reached him; saying us he went down "fur Clod's sake save me."::lie was quite ill at the time. • , 'tatei nd to ereaf- st of f any I mil fc~ IC etr I() no, Milt Bhal dart Cur nutei nt of take more 4ited ho of ereby r mum ky per of of b any r eon epw 'auks on lutes Cur tent. —The steady declisie in the pre mium on gold climes greet rejoicing at Washingfoni, and already the question of a speedy resumption of specie payments is talked ofby Con gressmen generally. Notnerousmem bers have beenaiding On the Presi dent and Secretary llou twel I, endeav oring to learn their intentions, and urging upon them their view ass what is the hest plan to pursue in the prethises. Secretary Boutwell, however, seemsto give little satisfise tion as to his intentions, and only talks about our finances in a general way, fearing that the premature pub deaden of his view might aid spec . nlators and prodisee no good result. Letters have been received there from gentlemen connected with some of the largest banks in the country, Indicating their willingness to re sume specie payment at once, pm vlded the 013vernment takes the Initiative. They do not propose to pay gold on deposits, but only on the circulation. Let this course be agreed on by the honks, and specie resumption, they tessert, can becasily accomplished. Inotel 'ut re- O dr vovi ntion • n, tut notes lwrs Ay:4 of the par tvoald War, civil seri- -Insfenippeasous= iendet4t the Itep citt-1 ° 11.040/I , ' ' IVrfti*NitaiN th e ' • - it boom° becalm- I die gem UPOIS7; • ' '• a, neer to *Mr N , son. - Te l tillit intr(*VikkiNoki . 'J Pr4r.ik iThe Language Ikea . Sheriff "It le toWniinintetriiittlalnil that In2re ougete, she imienened -upon a ininuennut and an excellent offifier.'l• • Better, throw off ,ill . O "Union blue" and ;put, ion ,ha:ticanfederate grey" at once. This Way Of "heating around the wok' is cowakili and Will de -0%1;410 one for inygreat period of time., " • A Dese.tatir from Jackson, Hiss., liC:rergeeseeped from jail .this*ritlqat five tecksek:, Ho was 3resterday , brought, before the Court to argusi gspopppeation fur habeas' o:Prima:' 'The ."6 . was postponed to the secotut Moculai In April. ,• A bill was 'Yesterday ,Introduced into the- IsCslattim testiicting the powers in appliisition for write, and. the bill will probably past before the time set for , Yerger's trial. Hence Yerllerati ekciipe. ' The Sherittand firs Pth 3B,3 have been searching for him all day without."' • • • • A letterftten Mir!MOM. S. C., says that Mr. Whltriore was Insulted On the elms .Wway to Darlington at several and, has been burnedin nearly every town In thedistrtet, but his , friends are active, anti regard his return to. his seat in the House as certain i An enthusiastleMS43 meeting has been held in Darlington, in which white and black tneu e tnok part„and Whitte tnore's Astern tof his case %%Its re ceived with great applause. The Lharthil . Alan Raid. A dlipatell front Chicago dated March•l2th earl: , penerat Sheridan to-day imucxl tint followtag general order : Headquarteriv-Mililary Missouri. Chia _ago Marc,: 124ilen end orders SO. ) 1. The I,3eut. ,Gen, commanding tkisliiiiitary DlVision takes greet pleasure inannoudeing to his command the complete success of a detachment cOlhe 2d (oval*. and 13th InGintry, ; under command of Brevet Ccd. Baker of the 2d cavalry, against a band e( Megan Indians in Montana.' These Indians; whose proximity to the British line has fur nished them aacosy and safe protee. dim against attack, have hitherto murdered and ittolen with" compara tive impunity in defiance and con tempt of the authority of the govern ment. After having been repeatedly warned, therhave at last received a carefully prof od and well merited blow. In middle of winter,the ther mometer below, zero, when experi krice had led, them to believe they Could not be reached, tile blow fell. One hundred and seventy-three In dians were killed, three hundred horses captured and the village and property of the hand totally destroy ed. The Lieut j nant Genend cannot too highly 'the spirit and conduct of 14 troops and their cone-_ mander.i.r the difficulties and hardships they experienced owing to inclemency oif the weather, and as one of the results of that severe but neces sary and we* tuerited punishment of these Indians, be congratulates the citizens of Amiens up`Mt the reason pror4V futurb security :for # r ss* 1 , ILIIICUIVUIIIIII, Sheridan. GEO. L. HAirnsuFF, Assistant Adjutant General. Female Bankers and Brokers. A remn t number of Ilarper's Bazar Crints portrtits of Mrs. Jennie C. inflin and Mrs. Victoria C. Wood hull, whose recent appearance upon Wall street. New York, under the finn of "WOodbull, Claflin tic Co. Bankers and Brokers," has attracted so much notice. It is not, indeed, altogether a pew thing for ladies to dud in statics; many have been known to Miso In a private way 'tor yaws, personally or through others. In England. ,Miss Burdett Coutts has remained at the haul of the great 'milking house built up by her prasl &es-ma ; and in Fninee, Mahone Layalette has occupied a similar position. But for ladies to open an ()Mee, and undertake bank ing and brokerage LIS a legitimate calling, is a decided • innovation. The pictures, which are taken from photographoohow both of the sisters to be fine !milting, if not beautiful. Mrs. Woodhull is apparently the el der, though neither can be very far advanced in. years. Mrs. Clatlin's face is that of a young lady • not yet thirty, or even near it. Her mante -1 Mince has a sweet and inipmssiveex 'pregdon. hi 4 exegues received from Ad miral Poor,liftemunqui of the Nerth Atlantic lieet 4 ' dated (.;ape Ilaytien. March 12, sta,te tlud lie had tonal upon the provisional President, and, after the ustia 'lnterchange °facilities acquainted lam with the object of his visit. The President summoned his Cabinet, - tipd the Admiral ex plained the•inidructions he had TV ceived from hi* government, namely: "Tlutt negotiations were pending between the UMted States and San lkmlingo,und;that while they were pending this 'government had de termines!, with its whole power, to prevent any interference on the part of the Haytlea or any government with that of the Dominicans, and if any attempti ghottld be made upon the Dominicans. during the negotia tions, under _the Haytlen, or any other flag, it would lse regarded as an act of hostility to the United States flag, and would provoke hostility in return." The president and Secreta ry of State expressed the hope that the friendly relations now existing between Haytiand the United States would not beciiiterrupted, but that, while they-were aware of their weak ness; they know their rights, and would maintain them to the belt of their ability, mid that they must be allowed to be tliejudges of their own Admiral Peet alit:mare learned, unottinigly, that the authorities were displeased wlthivlutt they considered *a menace on the part of the United StatesGovertamletaecompanied with forte. The United States steament Severn and Dictator arrived at Port au Prince on the 9th of February. The 410 ,1 before the arrival of the= Severn at Port an Prince a rumor wasincircu lation in town that a collision had occurred at Cape Haytlen, between the Nantucketatrd the Haytlen man of war Terror. late Pequot, in con sequence of protection given by the former to an .American consul. It was also reported by the two pilots who brought-in the Severn and Dic tator, with a diierepancy at to the result. An examination by the Admiral proved the rumor without foundation. • —The Republican members of the Pennsylvania delegation voted solid ly. against Mr. Blnglann's amend ment to the Georgie bill. being the only delegation in which there was no break. There was a dear Repub. Bean majority teethe bill as General Butler introduced it, but the minori ty and the Democrats amended ,It. Who Senate wilt act on it at pres ent, and will most, likely defeat IL •=wevfno-evinciimiritz . - _ - -efho ataiiiier Paigiym, ifrOm TAY erAito/. arritted t Bowen 912 Sunday. _Sdow fbil a ' Riihmon ,d` Vs...i' on ponds* 44 to the depth'of 9 Inehet. t , ... •.,..• $ —Thtikcltta Ponsann4Xllne, Ii Azylnirgoldlir Its Athenian fbrher A —The father of lion jug.n Anson; Bur naam.trlgookAttlme, , nvingintuatitan,..uww (dimity, ill. _The grenchYrince Imperial coil temPitittiii it lout Through "Germany andTrumin, witlehit military tutor. • Municipal coupons, In . atioOrthiere with the decision of the Supreme court- I ~,. . —Texas will be admitted as sonn•as her SenatOrs and papers arrive In proper condition.' —Nearly a wiartec of a m Ilion tons of ice were hou.sed .on 'thHudson river-tiering the recent Col weather. tenet F. *Rion, one of the ad- Item and proprietors of the N. O. Piea4imet died,on SaturthlY, aged 65. Thereport tolt the resignation of Gen Jordan as commander-in-chief of the Cuban forces Ls again denied. " —Revenue officers at Fredericks burg, , Va., have seized fifty thous ands cigars and-twenty barrels of whisky ' • —Philadelphiaehildren rejoice that the City Councils will not Ter me the appro oo priation.for musk. lathe public sehLs. —Tetnperanee billiard salbous area failure InThiladelphht.. and an agoni- - zhig conundrum, as to the reason Is liostponed. —Father Ilyieinthe doesn't worry about his secularization, but wants still more of it So Hutt he may marry his cousin. —A Chinaman - swimming for dear life in San Fnmeisco harbor wW4 re- Wired of a hundred weight of opium by his rescuer, a policeman. *—Queen' Vhdoria is sick a-bed in consequence of the Prince of Wales being mixed up in the Mordaunt scandal. —The Prince Imperial is taking lessons In fencing, and his father came very near taking-one in barricading the other day. ; —lmmense anal fleas are rope - lied to have been discovered near South huts, Wyoming; also abundant iron ore in Rattlesnake Mountains. .Geri. Morris L. Miller, Deputy Quartermaster:Genertil of the United States army, died suddenly at New Orleans on Saturday, aged 5(1. —A letter from Semdor Grimes, dated Naples; Feb. 12th, says li6 health, though not good, is improv ing, and that he is much better than last summer. —Two children of Alex. Edmond son, was fatally burned at Wethers vine, Md., one Fxaturday, by the ex plosion of a coal oil lamp in the hands of their mother. . •,-The rear building of the N. Y. State inebriatei asylum at Bingham ton was burned Friday night. The main buildings was uninjured. Loss S7S,OPU; insured for .$'25,000. —Ex-Auditor Wycliffe, of La.., has delivered the coupons he was charged with embezzling, to Acting Auditor Graham. He gave ball and has been released from prison. —The Muststine, Kankakee and Eastern Rallniad is to be surveyed from GeneeeJlllinois, to Pittsburgh Pa. The road will cross the. Missis sippi ut Rock Island, on the new government bridge. —At Philadelphia, Wednesday night, Hester Wilder, colored, was killed by a blow from the fist of her husband, because she-interfered to prevent him beating her child, a girl of thirteen. Tho murderer has been arrested. —A school timelier. in the vicinity of•lndlanopol4, while punishing a boy, on WodnOiday because angered at resistance anti struck . him a furl /mita ..... howey ruler. The bow - sta=red out of school and fell &nut.. —The business of the Suez Canal is all that Its projectors anticipated for an enterprise still in its infancy; the average number of vessels passing through it during the first seventeen days of February was a little over one per day.. —The reAolution imtructiug-Itie;- SON of real estate to make their valu ations upon a gold basis,has reeeived the approval or Nall branches of the Legislature of Nilo. ThiA mitt hftv,. 4.2 en dime upon the presumption that there is to be ta early resumption of specie payments. —The French Journals say that sev eral eceleshist his from North America are 'among those ordered to leave Rome, for "having taken part in re criminations and intrigues unworthy. the character With which they are iu vesttxl,auml of the respect which they beyond all others, owe to the Holy —The- Chantber of Accusation of the High Court of Justice has found a true belt agaihst Prime Pierre lion aparte,'Mul committed him fir trial on a capital charge. The trial is set down for the Ist inst. The general imprtion Is that the. law will bead ministered with strict impartiality, for political as well as moral reasons. —A telegrani was received at Wash ington TuesilaY morning by the Sec retary of the Trotsury, announcia: the actual resumption of specie pay ments in Texas and Northern Limisi- Imo, currency and coin being taken for cotton without distinction. A dollar greenback will now purchase as much cotton 11.4 a gold dollar. —The righfof cin•uncision is no longer universally practiced among the Jews. Sixty Six Jewish physi tians .of Vienna have published a manl(sto against it, and the Rabini mi Congress or Philadelphia resolved that the male child of a Jewish wo man is, even if uncircumcised, by the very act of•his birth a member of the Jewish community. THE DI LINE tv GoLo.—People are asking, why does gold go down? Some arebothering their heads to find all sorts of difficult and round about answers. But plain people conclude that gold goes down simply because it can't help it.—There is nothing to keep It up. It Is natural that it should go down. • Unnatural causes, of which Wall street gamb ling is the worst, have kept it up a lone , time. But Wall street has wea ried: Nor are serious consequences likely to ensue; Gold at par would add from two to three hundred mill ions to the volume of currency.—For six or seven .vears gold has been merely an article of merchandise, and was no more a part in the vol nine of currency than the Delaware peach crop. As it approaches par gold will resume its legitimate place —and business of every kind will be lively on a solid basis. Sq let gold go down—gradually vet surely.— Pittsburgh (bni mereiti 1. • Tim - say thUt flay young Radicals in Paris have . sworn to avenge the death of Victor Noir. in case merely nominal punishment should be in flicted on Prince Pierre Napoleon. They propose to challenge the Prince succesively, until one of them suc ceeds in killing him. In case the Prince should refuse to meet them "in the field of honor," they will, by turn, watch for. him on the streets, arid limit him In public. THE story recently told by the Par is correspondent of the New York Ilerald. that the Emperor Napoleon 111 had died some timeago under the knife of the celebrated Surgeonitich ant, and that a Man bearing a very close resemblance to bim now repre sented him in the Tuileries, is one of the many ridiculous canards circula ting In the suburbs of Paris about the iMperial family. tawwwirmerew. i ; .TUEiIIoRD,F4LISMODLE...,. • . • --- The New alehouse erlhiekey,quay and Conapaay. , • The Bramble, says It ji "relhiLlY informed from Harrisbuig thathihe Harder Damago!'-bill,- amount to - over two million and it half of hue is a set up job, and will labs the Ber ate and Homo and wilt be signed by the Governor," and furthermore that I - "the corruption fund Is twenty five percent', or overitvo 'hundred -and - forty thousand dallarai! , U4slderlnx the sympathies of the Examiner, and its relation to the letuling men -who are operiting Id raver of the passage of this huge legislativi' iniquity,AG ought to be pretty well posted on the subject of this "settpAso far ast Its friends in the Senate and House are concerned. Of;ecitirite,' ;nobody will be silly enough to believe that it has any authority fur speaking for the Governor In regard to his action' on the bill, should it pass. But we are satisfied that our neighbor Is either entirely too confident of the succors of this pet-weastireof his.frientls, Or. he is not posted in the premises. The readers of that paper will no doubt be surprised, after reading • its outburst Of liont.t indignation. against the "thieving rascals" who are pushing this Border Bald bit I,that its principal supporters are the members of the ex- Treasury Ring of Mackey, Quayok 'Co., and that it is currently reported unto believed in well informed circles at Harrisburg Una the "corruption fund" referred to has been drawn from this prolific source of political corruption and that they expert to be reimbursed and 'mid a •haudsume "profit out of the proceeds of the bill should they succeed lu getting it through. The reeentdevelopment of facts connected with the management of the Treasury In the hands of these corruptionists, demonstrates that no legislative scheme can be too iniqui tous to command their support, if they sae in its }MM.'S:4 rt reasonable assurance of "getting their money back." The-startling fact developed in the testimony of Mr. Nicholson, Mr. Mackey's Cashier, that while hundreds of thousands cif dollars have been lying in pet banks for the pd• vote use of Treasury favorites, while ad the "unexpended balance," and over a million besides, has been un lawfully taken from the Sinking Fund, is sufficient to prepare the pub lic mind for any new development, even for its great an outrage upon the tax, payers as this Border ilainage bill if in the power of this unscrupulous ring to perpetrate it. We aregtad to have reason to know however, that this, "set up" 13 not such an assured fact us the Lancaster organ of Mackey, Quay dr Co. would have us believe, and we know that the "set up" is not to he found where that roper would h-.td its readers to look for it. 2 , ;othwithstantling the huge proportions of the corruption fund and the power and unscrupu lousness of the combiunt ion using, it, we believe that the iniquity will fail in its passage through the House, or, ut the worst, that it will find no mer cy at the hands of Governor (Rory. The fears of the Enlinillee that tit delegation from Lancaster county would favor such a measure, are the creation of either prejudice or bun combe. The men to be watched are not the delegation from this county, but those who supported the ring 01 Mackey, Quay S. Co., in, their Late desperate ellOrts to hold on to the State Treasury, and who are now op erating with equal desperation to "get their money back" through the pass age of this greateit of all SWilltllem upon the tax papers of PenlLVlVallla. In tho language of the Examiner, we say to the people, "the votes are bought—it is only a question if you will submit to be thus doubly robbed and plundered" by the ()Id Treasury cormorants, "or go to Harrisburg ell nialtde and drive the thieving rascals into the Su...quell:tuna river." The Wards of the Mate. That portion of the State appropri ation which provides fur the maintenaco and suppport of till, sot titurs' orolsaus' schools has passed the lower Ifoll.lle by a large and flattering vote, but with au amendment which virtually defeats the entire object, and if utrritm.l out will undo the good work. We refer to the proviso al lowing theparent or other pusrdinas of the children to take 111(.411 away from the school and re..yice a eertaiii hum of money for keeping theta. We have not at this tittle the space to VX1,0,1! this cunning device, hut will simply characterihe It as a mali cious stint at the whole system. It is in plain Eliglish, a plait for letting out the labor of the orphans to any person who is slirewo en 'ugh and grasping enough to get it. It gives any unQcroptilou: farmer or mechan ic or tradesman the chanee to get a 'boy's labor for eight mouths:m:l pays a premium Mr taking it. It is a sale or the orphan, :Uhl a., such an insult to every living soldier. We jail tin the friends of the sol Bier in the Senate to squelch thi. seheme. In the House, we ore told hut one soldier voted for it, and it the range of our acquaintance We do not know a single soldier who op proves it. The StateSuperiutenden of orphan schools, tie commander 0 the (timid Army of the Republic andothers holding official relations ti the children of our dead openly de mouse it, and we helieve they rellee the feelings of every veteran. We trust every post of the Grata Army, every ollicer of thudisbandcr Pennsylvania rt.l.timants,every trim of the soldier, will send in their re 1111 l nstrunces at once. It is time tt rally.—Philmlelphia Amerieau Silver American silver appears to be a drug in Qmada. tioverAntent has been memoralizol on the subject, and it seems, has conclutle.l to issue a pro chunation fixing Vs value about .20 per cent. below par, with the hope that the silver may thus be driven back to itsearlier home. About two mouths' time will he given those who have any such coin stored away to get rid of it at current valte Much of this 1111 l ney is in the hands of the farming communities, and it may be prilkstimed that many "011 stockings," well-1111 t, and stowed away for tumults, will now be rapid ly depleted. It is not beyond a bare possibility that, sooner than hose that twenty per cent., those who have II in their pus.:session now will entrust it to the Looks for safekeeping—wm) latterly, by the way, are not very well patronized by the farmers. These men. have Illwats been taught that the best &mit is a bank of earth, be cause it never refuses discount to hon est labor.ml that the best shares are ploughshares, because on them the dividends are. always liberal. They have also been taught that no man of good conimon sense will question the authority of these traditional teach ings. Hence one is not surprised to learn that, when a luau LUIS an abun dance of land and a superabundance of money, he prefers leaning this on "god mortgage," or sWoritig It away in old stockings and wooden - chests, to investing.it in an enterprise that savors at all of the doubtful. DANIEL. EmEttsoN, aged 17 years and Orrin Nichols. aged 14 years,left school in Eldred,Pa., for a sleigh ride to Enterprise. Nichols furnished the horse and sleigh, and as they started off Emerson stated that he Was going to drink a quart of whisky at Enter prise. On arriving there, according to Nichols' story, they were waited upon by q woman, and where Emer son emptied three glasses of whisky. They then proceeded to another place where the same performance was re peated by Emerson. lie asked. for more, but the bar tender refused to accommodate him. The boys then started for home. They had not pro ceeded very far before Emerson be- came very drunk, and fell out of the sleigh. ills companion AVM unable to put him in again, but a neighbor coining along put him into his own sleigh and conveyed him home. Ratiauive* - Coriiiifirr - IMMIIMII 'l , ff ENE ,•, : ~. ill .01 u~ r y t' N '4 , rd ' : li umml 1.... OM". ' 0 frim. .1 .—.• ~..... .... CI; erno 7,2 C. CI; ..,,d .0.1 , 7.: „—,.. -marl&tr Saaaniiti uhins A. —..adßioiouNPis;lrdtreH -onnekiCouneu.ghs,cComulds: lablogi f W il w i t ing coughs Incipi t r : CiisinmpLks. and all Mena of d ie Those eusd lamp. Don't negl ect sc i a e coaiN or throw away money on e worthless medicine. PRICE IFIFTY,CEIITII nit saint : nutbirupALßD BENTLEY by ail DiLiao. N.Y. 801 Dotitslists. • jeBoAy Ayees Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hai r It is natural Vitality .and Color. A dressing Itlll4i is at once agretallt healthy, and effeetal for _presening 114 hair. F' , 4hd w , y re hair If Arica rts , lo,l to roi,A tridi MC files 04 freshness nj Thin hair is ttai sued, falling hair checked, and ta6l acss often, though not tawny., ( .„ 1 . 04 by its use. Nothing can ri,tore hair where the follicles are destroyot or the glands atrophied and decayed Rut such as remain can be Ptvell Vserulaess by this application. In‘te.,l of fouling the hair with a pasty ment, it will keepit clean and vicor oz , - Its occasional use will prevent tli•!l.za from turning gray or falling off, a: l' consequently prevent baldness. FN from those deleterious substance, make some preparations dangerolo.. a pj injurious to the hair, the Vigor raa only benefit but not harm it. It nant4 merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so deArah!e. Containing neither oil nor dve, it d„•. not eoil 'white cambric, and yet long on 'the Lair, giving it a rich glo9u lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. 1. C. Ayer & Co., 'ILACIICAL AND ANALYTICAL. CHEMIsii, LOWELL, HASS. PRICE $l.OO Ayer's Cherry PecLoi - ,.., For Diseases of the Throat and ruch an Coughs, Cold,, Whocp... Coups. tirtinchithi. Ammo., and Consumption. Vrohably never before iu the .1, de it , ha, -my lhotg it ..“ to N. otnli 1••• : • 4...111.1,1 ,- .• a . • remedy (or pulmonary o eerie. of ',Art, and 1.141-1. 14 _ men it ha. ripen hither :111f hil.rhUt to t!., bun, as it ha+ become hatter tt,un u. 11 character And power to r rthet,...c of the lungs and throat, have ,I 13,1.• a !. . . liable protector agalipd them. li I. .. milder forms of ilLCa'c 01111 ID , at the 10010 LIMO the Illant . believer' for Incipient cou,oon.ti ~,,, .„„ t I , , geTUIII affection. of We throat .1111111, - • . vista. attack, of I • be kept on hand iu every fatuity, are soroettnie. .to colik wi Mould beprovided with u,,. aolol.•te :••• • t.. u. ~,, curable, still great no at ht.l 1.1 a , . case Eermr,l e.t.141.1. 1...e:t • . and the patient melonei to e.-1111.1 I Cherry Pectoral. •l• over the ili.ordert of the I.tioa , awl . We most ob+tiniate of Mein told to it. . trig clue could erect thine, under the t'lo r, J I • lora they suhdde awl disappear. Singers and Public hpeakers , • teener% from it. Asthma LS always relieved owl :tired by it. - Licowhithr ii g,eueralle cured Ili I • • Cherry !Wham! 111 moat! and flew. . • so generally are it. virtue+ In,w not publidi the certificate+ of them hp,. .. nature the oolitic. that its namtained flyer's Ague Cu: For Fever and Ague. Interind . r , Chill Fever. Rematnnt t - ! Aunt.. l'eraod;eal or 1:111:01 • and indoed Hi the affect:J. front malarions, utt..--sh.. or I:: ponons. .14 nit name unpluro, tt a...-. ro r• hit. Containuilrueitht, \ 4 . '1 . • • i; ; 1;1/...1;;Ir ant 11111.14, 1 ;be p;•11 ;•.; 1103 1., n ; ; itimbrr and import:awe .1 II• .!r; II; :ritn-. lilerallv bermid altl/0111 I.3l:lnid 111 the -o.•. • . , • prate togrrdlii.4l ; I Iftrierlintate.l per••• 11-. •••• • ;myelin): through • .• •,•tell by talong thy .1(.1 For LJrrr romrinita,. le 1•1 .2 UK. Liver, I••• nn rteeit..nt Livet onto healthy aOlvitl For Itt Dt-nrilerx and 1.. er I I .• In excellent reenetlc I.ro.licAtiL! ,'• • nxcl.thle tar.. when. othet Inedi •...•• Pruictre.l Ity Itn. .1 I . it •• Iwl .ttt ilyttent (' netincL. Lon M.t . • • di sown! the nunlit. Si.ori nurrLL marlT;ly. • Est! pRp~ • i v , (1 , , ':.0? 1 , e1 11.111 710/ 4 - ::,10.1 Use A PERFECT CURE Dy•rep•tio, Fever and Azue, _tit,. of the Stomach, Lo.s of Appcu:c, N ; ,,.. ca , fcat-burn, jaundice, an,!':..l di-case% .Irl-In_. from a disorckrcti •t•at of the Stomot:h. Liver or Inte,tinc, I:ENTI.I I (•11 EN V.V. 1r0kfre.3...,N •-• • 'Pc 311 1 7 171311ank Notes for eat,: at the . o Lh..t -ni , - - --- - SELLING OFF AT COST. liesaler.ho.d. Wentllsvz •to 1.• I vet —to lb, ro..tu to.s oeool.l, tfrt Lt tile Om of Apo:, o to reduce Itt. ottrLt; SVALL A'r FOE. THE NEXT TEIIIITI 0111`• lIIn Stoll( Nino itlai in put Dril Goods, Bonds and Shin., tear', flats and Corp, A , . Anil all Ankle. uoinally Nona Ia Came and }eV for vont:wk.. mom %-• tnartul _ LIXECI.71•01:14 NOTICK. / 4arinr 6 .vn'•vau'r,l 111 OW " the Nome or J. 'NIA., vl Ronoli:11, all prrpano• Inch-lard t.• -a'd • '•, ta•mby laailfleli to mato. I.luntallaa• 1.1 IP all la•non• barley. rlelm. AgAlArt _ludo-all:anal for ~ la•• 1 . 01'N 1 .. IltalilSi; 1.-' Brighton Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. PRINTING. .31ANN/L L.I. ROOFING, BAILING, Ilardwarc. Stroti HAG AN 1) CA 11 AL X:" "•11 • MAN IT .VA. 1.:1) AND SOLD yr Who/etude d WWI by Frazier, Metzger & Co., s 2 Third Avenue. PITTSBURIaI. 1 .. v d reritago taken In exchange.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers