*ADVERTISEMENTS. Advurdaamenta aro lasectedid the rata o f tti,oo per square fir llrft lzsectlon, and cau ho L bsaquanit imartionlso' ant Ilboqd MaoDnot made anrywarly ertisemouts. " ' A spina °quid to tart',llvea of MI fyp9 ileasurmi a 1016111 Te.? . ' , Bu.laus* Celt aat'alPhi - shigaV by t I.ematdvae • boutAately , ifterApo,ll nows, w : 110, ,clitulttfrimplw4,9n tor eavb, insertion. L 0 - 44 „" A Adrortleetnents IMO dbe tilitia i i s „.torn Mot tiq in Mitt lreak's 1iu 8 4 01 41%1r 511110 Mr— It. ADi„ar wito 141,3 thate.t.„ittAltpiPi Irvin the greng..4 nueeptee; Iklao: tor elv i .ll4Tritiimistipt to b.), verir*l.fac %rivet., ltrldal Vella. Flower*, viry. alidTVllll7ll•4l l sper - entterno. Itre+d t lad( tusking. EXclualveageptictr_3ll6 i. rtle.Or.19116111)111fut nglikikairts.. medium r. N. %V, corner or Dd. te duo% Ste.. I 1E IV Ef r t.,vornsi MIC t ) rut id title Indianian° . will conimcue.l . 'llivedoy, September 11, 1869. }:rery tim.ht ho tar dotted u tin experienced Teachera. MAILIY .t /11.7NN, tt,. laid • the piart• or Nis. Dever, graduated In Dien t•chool while the • , I• 't .eher olurai P l e ab x s p c e r r i tbture W o W t! r. .e r 11w ec d h aceie l e d tballed e Wn to r. 11- a tent her ut .111o.rleiottetry. dt•plre to sot. our will t.i.l :) , Idree). the Pritle/pal •.• It. 11. it. i 13141. • I lc 1;J111 3 11111'111:0K autrrozeic.—JO- Mph) Llebter, Man tea.. t and Wholgole De.tler. 1'rtte1..1...V.611.., TraveUeft a, a,. No. lot Ir4Soll Strvet, 1i:1401)11Y 1111.4.1dorworit Warm, I 1 , ...t.,ry t•orilevolrineelith athiil.llllotretlA - Utmvt , c.ly . . . . . - • J. A tulteu 11.44 -of 41. 10. old Fottuttry mtain, ht Itocheet..r, 1.1 1 1, 1.1.....11 to meet Ito. old customer. end oho nap aunt either the 1310.1 T Cool‘. I eIVE. I. Heating ...lose, ssor ...le other kind of ..I materna Mid orlimarnallp. The t , i111,1 Homlneled ht ) ..) ' AN.WiItSON st SONS. •r A11.111{0,4 lIIILLS.—Thu crte:reign. 1 vn takce thin mrlhod of ollornslng the public hll ilry 1...r.1ia-ed mill taken Cita/1;v, of the ni Al 111, lormer.v nsl and by the Messrs. - Oat. 10 :storm., lint county. Pa, Thor hare r. ....no nose pr. oared to dOul Mod. to l lie entioluction of their ~,r rI MO of elottr will compare favorably With , hlurhet. Mee. 114,4,.10•r0re SAM BRO.. /TIC %Vibton'ot uIA J0i.1.1.11 M. , I. I 11,- pleat.firy to 11in/rill 116 old Wroth. Iloit ~ .-tattll.ll.llo Ittoslottr. nt the above Flood, „.....i r o dl he glint to owl ,111111 ZICCOUVUU.IIIN Vll , ll incl.!, c:ikult.enteketr.LAltt, rte. &J. t.t.t•ritt4 pt nil kitolc N', I .Finer,n l3 . l e • . l I I, the lo:trrt.4, park, or retail. 11' IL\ 111,11.:14, drvQor In 'llooto' •th.. , , UAW., 7 , i1111.0 . ..&., 1.1 - *1101), linage FII Ct.?, 11IrhIge,ewler. eh. re he In prcpwred to inanntartu re and well • .•w he• hne t 1 rea.miabh, ruteAlinv , • eett hip place or buniner. from the ellen- Itrl,lge to 1111. prewent 11.1.(1011, 6o M. . • 1... ote frielelp and ietirow• to glee him it NM U 1 ,11.1111 . .11 . nt Oho nut'n tact. ) N. K. PlltilltiOL, Attomii•y ot l.nrc and ›.1.01,r at lnd3s. utue. 1.v‘c,..0r Ileart•r. • MMcilm' at ism. OttSee In Me. 'i, Llol. I'l4 11111 iaing..4 or l'abliv 81:1y. AS.. CA3ll'.ll.lll:%,,.l.t.Lortiry .lt Law t) Beaver, l'a. Office In the rimfil eecithloet by the lab• Jthice AEI one. Cnl _ . ) ET, NValelime.l:4, • • birrot, litmv , r, du room adjoining J . W16,511'14 mi 11,...) (:gildwatriiiia nip:tired• unit }:ultra, m• oii• to girder. .The initropngr .it the 111111lic .11,31“1, tutu lath•fuclauu • 110 S. 11c corner or I hind street and diamond, Beaver, Mon• gin I:overflow:A 1111110. iliti•tvg 111141W ,M1 11111, tleplbgt, Wu Will 11110 receive o• tor po4lea in the NAT/ON ALLIFLIN• ‘NCE U.S.3lervizatilo', IT 111.1.1141.. r. and Arliyamt • of t 1 hoc lota the Court HOU,. I: • :111:1/Z, Dealer In Boot. tittve.., Aplllilmrr and halter.s. Boots awl ~ I toew made ~...I, • r. A long experhntre lii the Mollie. etta -I,no 10 ito work In a ruperlor manner. Terms Shop on litird et rect (near Rev. Mt!- , ileavnr. Pa. hive hlm n call • i , ....t.arhanlng elsewLere. =EI nmeNis•rnivi)ivs NoTurn. —Let r-pli m9lOlll-I ration linvlniz liven entilleil to 1, , ..111 oil the entnte or 311 , 41 Jane Alelierilt Pi-pd, late flotfonzli ton to.ltlit. Benner romp l'enietylViutlpt;'lllereltire. all pun... indented .nil enLlie lo...hereby notified to to in,. Itontedl- Pp• P,.Pt mein; told nli Pyterrone•lnwltnt s clnlattt te4ntoptt p: P -trite will plerete pre.viLt them oily belitt• P , pl for ptettlenient 4 J. Atter. hula itriP4ltnitt 'II.VII. D. 111:11.S11', Notary smalls. Con. rnnrer and 111,111111, :l cent. r . ,..1111 . 1111t$ n ripen and itektoto ledg•etnente taken, • Ilav I:of 'teen duly conttolaoroto•d atAgent lot sal first Chars lissitrative Con/010es, repro the Vlro, IJA, Accident, and Live litoult orttnotto. it prepared to take ilaiu.aud write' •I. - on the nu,-1 I.rrins. nyttnit. .r ILr ••A uJuar I,Ane" or drat claaa ()mut MPattn• • 1.. Leis roll to and Iran all port+ ha Eng• a. 1r , .,1111, Si•,lln,lit,l;4.rlinuly and I , rant . o. 1: I, at s brick row, 1)1 d, Itocitesier. I'l.l rat t.0r,4•• ;Vt.( lee.—Let- Atlttlitiktrttliett bat itt,t heett ip•rtted to '.•••••‘,... oho,. tot the et-ttitt- tti !tittey .1 01111,- thireittztt of Bri! eater. iletteet • t, th-refore ill totrpotei tudebted to said .•• r.-hl Ittottlit-tt Itt make Immetlhtte pay hat rig 'lain+ te..t.tiotti the • e Itlitre.ent thefts duly .Ikt-tale:MA for net . T. 11. II tM It (iI.M..S, • j•„ /. h. 21.—Itty I 1 vri.: . ..i!-4 0hi,A."..1 14 r In% t.bloro. by I I , It b1:1,1:1), Cherukt, lab. Vxottibb.r •• clttice. %%110 han eights...ll pali•id 111111VI11 1.111.1101 .1 &e. Term.. 140 to .140. ~ .r , r. Ibrt•et to $l5 V ,41 . 1.,t, 0111 m. Is aPubl.! Werxhinglan. U. I'. r Voli.roy and Stunner. , • I , olbicric Improved ' , Archly Sch..- nswhline. Theo° MEICIII3‘3I make 3 nod i•lastle Mich; will rew with c.iriety of woolen. lll.ru and frolic the "nest to the cnicreei-t, iihci ihlckhe... nl grehter speed. 4 and with • . 4313 11063. !KIM nay other mahlillie ••• hurte , l in every lawn I.llieral •.• homed. For term* lithlresf A. F IlAY11130)., I'd. Sole A':zeiit 1111111M= =Ea J, 1 LSO II YCK I . l"rmtNlPri - h4 I.ANV. I.IAVEIt, P.A. =II la St ett ales. "is, ti.cea—la•tiers • o Mary harlot: been I.stost to the roll...crib • thee-tete of David Ferzorm, deed, I.IM of ~..,,n townslop. Ilemer orunty. Pa., this IA • • Cro to UoIll? all pen.ons Imlebool.to raid e+- that Ootoedlato payment Is exp•coal: unit oil against cola elate will vie : them dilly anthentleated for aettlanoolt. ELIZABETH FEllltrsoN, rl I .14ME.S 11. FERGUSON. f UNION HOUSE, A. BOYD ROOK, Proprietor, Stwec,:4, rto John 11. Uhirl. /; 001) STA lila Vii ..vrrA (at E IIEA l'A. dit4fillnprl InKtLre_t I"<nLL• 11 II? T ONCE: ~~~~ 111 , Mei, it mt. The Ft and the Mi- I °ow tly 1,4•11.•111 in be de . tn , :11111•11,111.ildr Ilve. in the lio.urance I . ..Lt.:my of 'lll.lon. • • 11. I. company ' , repent. the tidy Waver. • ~ I. rtinipmilei.. iitol in addition 1011 11, ”611.A•11.11,11.1e, • ' .• p i nllll.llt. II ni.n pncr ificiif...nt/4 In rash fir reliability le.rrund to lertioul.l prefer that putter, la '..- • .11011111 apply thriontrla ttle forthe STIIOIII, 6,4'1 .10, ' Smith Ith Stryet. l'hiladrlp dn. Ilaurock 'Life lunnrnurn Come., of • elieilteile .1.1 rt....1.1141ex '• and tho ' !rein 111013 of 14110tt r, ro.pr, 1.1414111111 ' "11l 0111y,IPC COLE Oc. STII.OED, Crnrrnl Agouti, LOOK. HERE. yklt I NI: .I.‘lll 511'3131 ER GOODS. —The . ' Arg. h•nre to litrOnti 110 ftillOl l / L 4 .11,311 1. that he II:og Jmt MCelvell ~, the Intent .t)lt.t. for • • n 4 Sum:nor .cur ,wllloh he ellen et try nu.. A 17, E.IIEN.s . PT 11211:q1IIN 17 GOODS. • ,ON , TANTLY lIA ulr to order On the .horteot nutlet, io the loil.lk for ton4t tatnro. I 1111),N .11 on I iuu to bllnlitenr , to merit n contit.tt DANIM. E .NT . Mot, Ae.•ntw Wanted Pr Strugglem and Triumphs Of hy Himself, In One Large. ' li.lnme—Nearty goo Pogo' Engli.lll+ and Grman-- Engrurings. E .':r Foirrr iasirs Itunkitrertosa of •-, Itl, O. a Iletrinint.. 11anavvr. Hanker. r. t Showman, aunt ...slyer acrounta of Fallures,bla Stirrr`a . n l / E‘ ll ' .. " 1.•11/..1111,1 important Historical and rerson• 1,1 lo • 1110,; rOpide with Humor. Anrcilotes • ILIv OIsOlOO: Narrative. NO book published • . I.• all classrs. livery on.` wants It. 5.•.1.1. sr.. selling trees 50 to 100 week. e .11.1 rune trrion. Mr Illustrated Cataloger. mud le Agents rent fire. .1.11. 111:11it & CO. )an1:3.11 l'ablisbon,llanfind, Conn • • • ,• • • _ ; • 4 • 113'0 .;y:•,14 . it.;;;.• , ; • vs„ !', ".' '"" '1 • 1 ..•. . . f';'. - (. 1 r‘,14.0 "r u :3. 111 fw • , rb! 1 • 4, .• 1 -36 k (t . r! .. "` , -.- 7'. • 1 • t tflb t 'to.:l / • F , la •i,,i , . = ■ Vol. 52—No. 14. Jiliseelianeous. That Celebrated ,7 7 11W.:M1 FLOUR,. 3IADE AT _Massillon, Ohio; Can itlweys lie had ;it the Slott! of S. `J. Cross & Co., R.c.)C HESTER, PA &•L 1 G:I f T. 0. nonGArd, I 1 rl!cctssni, SIIALLENBEROER linos Fine Family Groceiies. Que'ensware, Hardware, NAILS, 'WINDOW •GLASS, W 001) AND 'WILLOW WAIUL, BACON, FISH, FLOUR, SALT, LIMB, Country Produce Pain in Eichange for Goods. delivered free of charge in all the Villages. • AUg191.4 THE SUEZ ' , CANAL! the I\'orl.l is more or less ex- V .ereised aver the ilityhtlit: t.t the . 1 . the Public, iu Beaver and vi. ent..‘ not lost:might ot the fact that SN CO: Al their aid stand in Beaver, Pit., ire still furnishing to their euitonwrs every thing ealle , l for iu their line. They always lieep a full assortment of GROCERIES . Feed, (Veco, Sugars, ,Virel, Tc,baceo and Cigars; litd all otla.r artich, usually round In a FiNt Class GROCERY s'EaRE. Front their long:tint intimate nciontint• once with the Grocery, Flour,tad Feed business, nod their disposition to render satistitetion to those 'who may favor them wilt their FatrOnage, they hope in the fu. lure,, as In the past, to obtain a liberal shar of the public patronage. Give us a Call and see ir we du not make it to your in teri,t In call again. • SNITGER. & CO. To The Public. /17111.: Undersigned tal:es pleasure in in j_ form' ii the public tlmt, notwithstand ing 'lse "1 hdlnecior the time=," nimo, a Inn Qnpply of nil articles connect ed with the rocery Business. Amoog which may he Amml a full.assmrt - ' - immt'nf a X-ItArci - vCr . are, Emlink!ng callcd for Inn country store: A Large Stack at ,the neat Sams, Coloos, Teas, Syrups, &c., &c.; All 4,fwhiell are fresh, soul the best in the 1111kel. • The hest branik of JE I 11-1 CI MT I Cali always be obtained at toy Store, and at as tow a 'wive as am lie altortletl. Coriiiiiettl. &c., kept on band, in any quantity. Ili , : assortment or Q114.4..111[4 Ware, Glit 14:4 SZ: I . olllliielC, and will vonipare favorably with any stock in the county. lii short, lie aims ti keep a • FIRST CLASS GROCERY STORE, i., T.., pain. nor of on hi; part will finil to it such. Having liven in the tiriwery for it number or years, and liveoniiii3; with it in ill of its branches, he feel: confident that lie will bcjnblc To Patronm. Remember Ilit. Stand. Stewarts' Block, Uridge Sireel,Brldgewitler Po. A. %. 111ARVEt. jaits.lSl;9:ly HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINES, 530.00. The tmed perfect machine pet talented. Will olden and narrow, turn a heel or tioint the toe. It will bull plain or rilibett. it a ill bolt mod:- Ingo. draweta, rAirtr, se., it:c. It IK cheap, Mande nail durable. It 'ant/lap ito own work, urea but oar ne e dle, and requiriai Bo adJuitiog whatever. It sill do the onme work that the Lamb inaeltine 11111 do ar.il eindo le,. 111311 11111(40 much 111111 11210 lilt 010 tenth part or the machinery to get 11111 of ord., Cireularo tool ...miles twilled tree 011 ap -1/111.111i1/11. AgelltS wanted. All nutchtues guar anteed. STRA W MORTON, I:ENEUAL AGE;.:TS No. '2O Sixth Strivt; ritt.horgh Ib The Most omplete Business Col lege in the United States, ftir ncqulrlo rt thortio:4lrar oral 1,11. the... etthentitm, ett hr no tither School, In the country. Sill.. 11. Incorporation 111 NI., nearly Sixteen Thetnalel Stonente, rritreeennilleee from every State In the (Won. line , iatteinletl here. 11C1111011... tutor ot oily lime. and m+•ive private itn.truetion thi ou¢haui the entire IL— Circular. , at lilt full particular. nail nll etc ce4aary 11114111alii/ti, cat niliiri,oariL; small & COWLEY. lirluclunla. 1 . 11 . 1,111: MI 11. • .131119:1y. • NEW GOODS! Fall and 'Winter Wear. I HAVE JEST REctivEn ANEW SToll: OF GOODS OF CITE 1...% T EST STVI. E S, FOB LL A XI) 117.91:1: frA:.l Gentk•uocu'r Vornikhing Good cONSTANTLY ON HAND NADI: TO oirDER • In latest awl wort fubloneble styler,and atebort notice. 4. WILLIAM REICH, Jr : , I maritir 1 . 1/HI lI4IIIWATZW Illar3:3U11 Macellanimitm.l , s..lttatetltt'i DI Street, BIiEDGEWATEIt, PA. EKLY GECKIYINO A FRESH SUPPLY (.)0413 IN KACII OF THE FOLLOWING - DEPARTMIENTK:: Ii W OF 31WVUO0E)S. Steul l 1, 'twine Jeans, inures and Rittinets,. • idle Woollen blankets, • • • White - find Colored and Barred Flannela„ Mernv4., . . Detainee, Plaids, Gingluting,. . , Coherga. .Lawns, Water Pranis, ==l and Black Inv, Ticking+, • 'lllll.Oll Tllble lAIIOI, .. Trish Maim. • Crash, Counterikitit. Mimicry, _Gloves i ht. Groceries, bugar, Robison,. White Silver Drips, and Common tlyrups. binekerel to bar nd kit+. !War and Tallow Candles, u. SpICCS and Mince Meal. Abu, SALT. ware, Nails - Glass , ket.Door Latches. Hinges, Serowe. Table able abd Tea Spoons, Sleigh Dells, Coal ire Shovels and Poker''. Nails and Glass. tinsels. 2, :I. 'and 4 Ilna Forks, Rakes, ml Isuathsi Corn and Garden Roca. Colr.:, Halite rel. DE 1/Gor IA hod . Scythes 11 WOODENWAIIII' Tubs. Churu•. Bolter 11lulls and Ladles MEE CAUBON OIL; ed Oil $l, White Lead. this oats and Shoes MISSES' AND CIIILDRENS' SHOES Is ;;n•nt enrh•ty. 13 uoirsil Powder and Shot, tin.: Powder and Fuse. E. rued dr. queenewure. Rifle Bla= 'Non nay good delivered free of charge. • attondon to butane..., and by keeping on hand a well a wit nt e d stock ortrooda drereut Linda nodally kept Ina country underolgned hop •a m the &tore no kr merit end rewire a liberal share of the outgo. 11. PA. ItAICGr=II. • Ar.--IsTchzd. Uy elm! cot.tanti; f all the more, the t p l u te b ri p. ll tte..o UIT TREES. , cent+, Small FrnitN, Be. I-` Ever The Su iber late. thin method to Inform his (rimida, a id the public generally. that ho has still siime good APPLE TREES to diepoec of [large Orel, Pride *M. per hundred. Al.o, a choke Mt of EVE DC itHENS.and the beat variety of SMALL FitrlTS, Fetich at the Bhiladelphra, Clark. Erec t., arioq. ilainmoth Cluster, liyaliale, Black CO, a,d Illtle'e Orange Baepteerry : Killelanny, B it.... :arly, and latelos Blackberry ; (drape L roue, (it, Aberries. VUrrenle; Stratrberrie.. fie, Price row a b le. Call. as heretofore. at the Proala pert lion t Nursery , three mllea east of New Brij:Mine. Orders left at A. 11. Gilliland ft Co's., N_qty BEIM at Ai On Vt. 80. gifi l svi nbe pnliernHaur ta ; .- ma a , ping, ito. went Po aud Tomato - Tuttle iireaou. LIVOOD THOSAS. feittlitf '.,c i r f A • This IF n mixed Irmo It preen train from licellnville TUSCARAWAI leaven ir 5:7 12 , 1 1 :1 1 11 . d5.. CIO a. I rap attritasus, c!,, , . _ :L mat Eli DOW SHADES IV I NI HE ]3(_)( TATII)NERY;~~r.• maiEsT, CHEAPEST AND irtment of these Good 4 Hint has brought to the city. Call and iefore purchasing, and blf ci)l TIIE cverbec xamitit. vineed,i F. WELLS & CO'S., on I'IDERAI. STREI. I WEN Y CITY, PENA" A sl LL I; st•ptls ING STOCK. N It - P S loths, Etc., Etc. LUM BROTH'S. Oil 1 M'CA Avenue, above Wood street, Elia Ml:LUIGII. PA Ilave on hand EST STOCK IN THE MAR KET. sum IFineq Qualities . to the' Very "Lowest Grades. From flu 1)O\V SHADES, W onunun Talele Covers, &e., &e. Pine anti nd the lowest Is is no Patent icine humbug. im up to dupe the Anus, nor is it esenttsl as being )pined of rare )recioussubstan- Ironght from the corners of the 1, 4writsl seven across the i t Desert of Sa. Lon the Lacks of teen olinels, and 'gilt unreel the mile Ocean on ships:: it IS a ,de, uutd, scour Remedy, - a per- Specific fir Ca li and Cold lit the Breath, Loss or or Smell, Taste or Weak Eyes, head, when CMS- nuottly ure, by in good faith a standing lie hllor a case of Catarrh that wo Wv ()Ile Aut r d r atti not rut Sold by m at Drogghts Everywhere 1 1 {ICE FIFTY CENTS. sail post pall on receipt of GO r packages for two dollars or ortive dollart. tic•nt by cvnte. Fn one kt yen Soul a p nnphla Prietor, (vat stamp for• Dr. Sage's it Catarrh. Address tic pro. R. V. PIERCE, M. D., Bufralo,ll. e:7m.sep3m.doc.llm.; Bettnr;: - Pa., Jt lr oada. . 711 " , "I• • rrrrs.. rr.waYNE a cluftoo lam • Ilbs ihud.after. rat/iispo lore Btetlon dally, Qinudikys excepted" u follovro,- "[Train *trim:Vika= 6..15, P. /1(.; keiTed . 114. ly.l (Trait' leavlnz Illtabargh It 113 P. IL, le.-.. daily.) ' ~riiiose:'~~tCir~x.'~Yiit.~LiY~. SYI~ linahurgh. ..... 1551.r0 Itoehotter 3.10- - Salem 360 Al!linen ' 613 ' Callum .. • °mine' • ' Ern • • 1 HL .. : . 102. V% 1115 llnryros , '1141) , • Upper t Keno3n•ky.." ; , lVAra Forea.. 141 , 130 • Van Wert. 156 Fort Wayne ' 43) 'Cokitabla • a 11;. Wares Got I. VYraooth em: Opals* Chlaco 1003 ITIMX:t I=INI= Chicago . I) 41111/Ms Valparaiso ?Al Plymouth 1 1101 Warsaw •1101.15 Columbia 0053 Port Wayne 11159 Van Wert ' ! 115r7 Lima Parrot 1 351 Upper liandaoky.. 1 4115 - • liucyruo 1 515. Cristliaa ID A ' . ••!• , k bBOAx Manotield • 'i 1511 {Veinier " 895 Ormllle . h tog Massillon • $43 Canton 'quills' Alliance - 11115'1' Malmo. :11159 Rochester . loSrg Plitabursh i t $l5 Youngstown, New Castle and Erie Express Maces Youngstown at t:l5 p. os; New Cutlet. En Pm: turtles at Pittsburgh, 5:50 p. m. Estututug, eres Pittsburgh ::15 s. on err. at New Castle, 0:50a. m. Youngston, ilea a. us. Youngstown, New Castle aud Pittsburgh Ac commodation leaves Youngstown, 6:10 a. In: New Castle, 1:30 a. au arrives at Allegheny, 11E10 a. tn. Returning, leaves rittsburgin. E5O mt, ar• rhea Now Cas t 8.510 p.m:Yonngelown. 7:05 p. m. General Iltsa,npor woe lirk.t 14Ven1 CLEW EJAND RAILROAD. On and after Nor, 15th' trkfue will leave Soo suns daily (Sundays extepted) As follows. tirrATIUMI. ACCOII Cleveland 815a>t 1232rai • Euclid Street 1126 1210 Iladaon 930 110 linvenua . :001 210 Alliance ,1 lOU 219 Havant ..... 'inn 215 r , 105rx 433 pTATIOK.. MAIL. E11 , ....Acc0n l _____ _ Wellorille l+.lsan , :1.5.1r x • Bayard ....... ....!10.25 1 610 I Alliance ' 11) ; 515 7filax Ravenna 'lAmrm! fill ..I5 1166.6 !! tut , 636 i 813 Euelldfinvot ...... .; 146 , ..16 i 95.1 Cleveland ~ We l'a) 1010 , r=2 irlagepo . SU 700 Wellsville " 815 Buslth's Ferry i f Bto Beaver Rochester. 473 Pittsburgh It= giotra rr STATIORII, :jMut Pittsburgh '1 Mate r, Braver Smith's Ferry SIT • Wellsville Steubenville MO • Beßair 'llOlO • Dry. tooas. CASH BUYERS WHOLESALE WILL. FIND A VI RN' LAW;I AND o VI"FRACTIVE STOCK FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY -- GOODS., 11:131 BROS. LOW 'PRICES, Ei O'er IT the 'yard, piree or package • it. TV. ERIVIN AT COM 118 Federal FEE .- We(l4:.- , OEM Mut MI • 11145 • nit Now . k Dot ho Built 115 1011 :101155 o mkaT. Xxirs: =4 ma I ', - : 111b43, 1 006,3, 1000 I 63.7 1133 1 11 :113ra YR 11103'037 7113 • 11 9 :1 MG - •111117411, 333 134 , 1 449 , SKI 510 i 305* ' 6 6 1 1 0 4 1 416 610 1.413 V 4) 433 iv 413 934 641 '. 921 711 890 735 10157 NO ;; 1a56 000 11135.44111133 *I4O 1153 While ot Bonito, A tl waters the or Staked met an old ! i . Lair MO dcrer in tie name I omn atm I lave anco ut first sight w. make an impression, utt Ilia form wo abpve lbi rather spare anti (Quotes of si rOughetid .. [icier and quiet expression , AO kvided, no doubt, from fears of toil anPieger on the plains of the Omit Weit .... ..ii' .. Tue old man brougfil r water cun i i il i wagon, drawn by oxen driven . i couple of tunclieros. The wagon b e ii cargo of pecan nuts and wild honey; fch he Of, fermi to sell us in part or in le:.. Not wishing the whole lot, webs for a portion of it; and during the of our 'dicker,' the old man informedltine that he had just come from the State of yexas with' his present cargo of nuts iinifilictuer and he was anxious to "sail out" Nina to ena ble him to return to that Stattlitil EH" as porsible. From our cm:merest/tin Meant ed that the old man was in Ibis !'driving business" principally—that hi,tIYIPC eat' the from the stock growers on t vast cat tle ranges of Texas, and driving them into the Territories of New Mexicroupd COO ratio for the supply of lifilitnryTiists, and at the saute time driving a smitlftrade in pecan nuts and wild honey.` m Some :marks Or 'lie old man /..w.... tia cclo' t lio, fcl uddi Ito bad boas unfortunate this trip, and on inquiry ho rotated the- iallowing incident: I . ' • 1 i•I .• , natal Mil Mil I 443 513 Ezz METE= I ' M Ct AIL. Aoll :am 815 , WS 195rx 110 EMI eg=3 EMI EMI IMO a= norm 601 155rx 255 30 I 415 101 ii*4 I 640 I About six' weeks previous in the time when I Saw him he had, as pill 0; left the eattle.rangawith aline "outfit - 4i catt:ith honor and nuts, and a force ofiChtFutek,7 415 ems is guards and militant& -. 14,, ent trip ne!rn`itl tii , , , everything to , ~ ~ , .-.. , of sueh good 'B, L ' - -ini: , o Relies Ille aiid an ei.- to l'ltteborgh. is BRANCH. • Arrive/. I Barna, uss. N. Plitlailephla.Skipse fetal Ticket Agent. Wessell almllas irenturok. .Th Were Imblv, al *lost am • • • • " 4.w r march, lo roe asslnketrtrf amr,--tntactore - um •not negteentorimF cautions necessary to repel the satae. But baring such a small force with him' as a guard, he could hope for little security in case they were overhauled by !trip large body of Indians. However, as the route be was pursuing was rather a secluded one, he had hopts of escaping the notice of any marauding bands, as he had dune on former occasions. "But, as he says, .you can't tell when the pt..ky,thieres'are going to overhaul ysu; you may not see the rascals for nineteen times, tuition the twentieth you are jumped." , Their wagon led the tsu, the cattle fol lowed in the rear, driven by the rincbe• - ros and my informant. •'Nothing' trans pired to interrupt the march Of thh party until a point was reached about half way between the place of departure and that of their' destination, knowc as •Camanchee Springs. "here !hey seen trouble ithead,'• as the old borderer said, in'the shiPe of u largo band of mounted savages naming careering toward them over the desert that lay to the eastward, and front behind some distant sand hills. ' , i • ^'T The hostile intent of thespproachiog Indians could not be mistaken ; they in tended to 'plunder ankfmurder. i.They were Judged to be a part et the Riowa tribe by the old borderer, whose king ex perience in Indian vinrfare litiirhot likely to lead bins astray in the matter of diag nosing an assaulting party of Nor did he stop long to eonfder what was to be done in the present emergency. lie knew is:would be useless to talk!, to his men- about resisting the Indians,'; their number belug overwhelming, and would likely bear down everything Defore thew; and that nut a moment was to'sparc: They must depend' von the ileetnettiof ; their itim:its 'and unknown chanesa ei t en to hope for escape from the Isdbms. • Shouting to his men to lookout forthem sel ylleclefl'aborit and; striking the rowels of his spurs into his -mustang's llanloydarted away at t h e top of his;tpend, followed by only one of his men, the oth 'ers scattering in different directions over the plain. The wagon with three of the rancheros was, at the time of the iithairOlonle two ndles ahead of the cattle and Yust entering a low clitapparal of dense thi f in andeactus , grow tits. The old gram at mow concluded that tbo wagon would be airiptured to a certainty, and with little or tin trouble, by the Indians;and that the men With it Would IRE At Very AT ORM C A =Ea With, And 1. , , And , only think of saving their okra, " bacon " by Immediate Men. lle wis not certain theY could even do Alit., itt.the itiows Lot :flans bad, as a generaftlang, very fleet horses; or, as the old mait-edit, "their 'nonlife were about as 'goal as could bo fonnti." But he had it thne.to think muchnbout anybody or uk!blrtg bet ui escape just at that time. f, ' Ile hod hoped tint theaavagar strould drat capture the herd of cattle, or: . turn their attention toward it, so as to enable him to put a visits atuubsr 'of rtida of ground. between hinw4f and his newel , come visitors. But, in this he was disap pointed, for, as he looked back over his shouhier in the course 4.4' his flight, be saw a party of warriors detach themicliesfrom the main body, and Inatling directly!tow.. and him, come thundering in pursuit at apparently increased speed. • And levet and anon, as he glanced back, they seemed I to approach nearer and nearer. They were :Ls tdently well' m ounted—Probably the best mounted of the . ,whole bandz-and lon this account war, sent in pursuit of 1 hlinself and comrade: ! • • They led the chase but a few tulles admit he noticed that Its compaulon's boric be 7 j.gan to lag and fall to the sear, althimagh: the man rutedthe utmost energises' toisigei hint forwisrd The . peur brute bad imen Overtasked in the start;Antlit bcedmd evi- - - , ..- KU ( 4066hitiVesuidaikittara Ibicklet to do kliihiPeAke (o•iiniels '414 t etidefatiaackui , liii , boefee) iverV ,salitytta Ilmrdeibietindirgrowth; bottoms • purixreniAs dial:Whoa dmirtirdsid * *W - .ht Oulitaxd o ula lo / 61 Ut but , pones b.td wrF Pat 41004 Old tri44Pki*utuPS7. l o,oo ll 4, - ,71 0 ' ten ?" W.4euP4 1 0us' awl PM ibcf. ool l, FlibmmarkiChiA44.Fteneuw*i al 110 41 1 as au lektbu be4uu trfra_ 1 0 , 9 10810 1l0; arid ' ilia au yugiu.o4,l l k s u ms mom cum up With him. He ictliatigh %ORO» ibittpkt •armaxl,lstlarwardv kkwilitVelc* l by - V, . 0401IMPAWMP•447• *kr OC, . . 4 11,E0 0 .' ~da 'Oa ‘tabiliklaabioltieL olWhi s ) ' loolll4lllll3oosoll4sauteskt6otttovisould ttellwalbarotad hop% 80, Ito MOW x,• 0 44 P01N191044 home &NW into 161 .*.150.1e110 160 the' 040 8 lb" 4scietsto4 bls &di lti be primed on for a .conslderabledistaaeo. Ile , then sat. (login to _take invent tad await, revolvers la hit epproikcja °film "red skips," de tartrOxlio 'its We as dearly as pawl:, , The Indians , nit muting IlistOttliO s polsti where the borderer haul deserted blab:ow .4 1 4x 1 , and rl r lla i - 415n1MIngin to .like grourt# l l,olCtistil:ifuipparal for, u slio:rt . dame, aid` Orli . retisairtbeir st'ei4l:;llloiiii..i6l.lliirgnitnriti eicle: nsui silddilielJordeierinierPFetisf—'- s ri . mart that they 'N l*Ol4, ti to ! 2 hfsk*tirtiOgiicir thOiripirb;aiiiici s4racch . tfienisiivei soiketelif ow Sake of pristwasing Ida ritillif;when they especial= ly coveted only the tattle. When he heard that he said "I thought there lints a chance ' kit to save my topknot" . He was under the Impression that the Indians soon lett, but did not stir frOni his position for near ly an hour, when he crawled to the edge of the chatipaml and In evi ery direction hut could see nothing of the Indians from his present position. His view, in the directing! he arid come, was iciinewluit obscured by! the unevenness of the iround, and ho did not think it pre dent to venture any distanee from the thicket, that &awaited him for a while yet. -ye could see nothing of his horse, nor did he expect to,. as he knew the Indians would take him - with them. In alma two hours, as near as he could guess, he Von• turgid forth on the plain, taking a direc tion at nearly a right angle to that in which the chase had led; keeping himself under cover of some low sand hills... After traveling about a mile and a half .111 that direction, he wheeled and kick the course parallel with the trait they had been per isuing prior to the attack, toward the Ca-, ..mariche Springs; In the hope he might discover the fite of his party and the wag- Stn. The direction ho followed soon led lin upon a high range of sand bills from Which he had an extensive view in almost every direction. Ho could see the point ?where his party tirAt discovered the kali aise, and also the, chapparal where, ut the trreii...eivibeitualChe 'noticed the wagon. just entering, null zooitiOg Liossoj', ...... _ certain hew/ the white cover of the wag• on peering above the thickid, of cactus and thorn bushes. On looking toward the east he saw two horsemen, but they were so far away ho could not tell whether they were white men or Indians; but finally &terminal they were of his party. Act. lug on this Idea, he took out his handker chief and getting on time highest-point, waived it until he attracted their notice. They immediately turned their horses heeds and rude towards him, but he scru tinized them attentively, as he was not ab solutely certain they were not Indians.- 4ere was another dilemma; almost as bad as the one be had Just escaped. lit was now obliged to trust to the tie et nut oh his own limbs, I nstead of those of his mustang; so placing the sand hills between himself and the horsemen, he ran ono line parallel with the hills until he reached the chap. pare' In which ho thought be hail soon the cover of the wagon, where he concealed hlinsell: From this point he could see the horsemen as they approached, and lie ex pected their appearance soon ; but he look ed in vain. For some inexplicable cause, they had turned hack and [Ahmed their 'oiigintddiredion. After waiting till the sun had alum[ set, without any indication of the pros once of savages, be concluded to try again to discover the fate of his companions. Ile conclude' to make his way as cautiously as possible toward the spot where he that he hail been the upper portion cf his wag on. So, making his way through the dense thicket as quietly as possible, he came to au elevation from which be could see what first lie bad observed from the sand hills. The object which lie took to be the top of his wagon proved to be such, although the lower portion was hidden from view by the intervening thicket. Ile also saw the horns -A' the oxen peeping above the sin , rounding shrubbery. it first, he could not comprehend the situation. Ile was certain that If the Indians had captured the wagon they would have destroyeti it before leaving. Finally, he concluded to creep up and reconnoitre its surroundings. When he arrived in close proximity to the vehicle lie cautiously peered above the brush, when a thin streak of light shot out. front behind it, followed by the sharp crack of a rille, and the old man felt a sting dog sensation on his right ear as he drop ped again under corer. Putting up his hand he found a portion of his ear shot ow. It - wasnot entirely healed when he related tIM incident to the writer. ." The borderer was astonished at being shot at, thinking that he he had rpprrech eil unobserved; but he knew the sound of the rifle, it belonged to his party. Ile MO it quite possible they were wane of his own party at the wagon, so he hailed and was satisfactorily answered and tottered to ad vance, which he did : going up to the wag on he found Gee of his party who went ex pecting an attack from the Indians. Ile learned that when the savages find show ed themselves, in the curly pad of the day, they were seen by those accompanying the wagon, and they hastened the team into the chuppaml—unhitched, and tied the oxen to the wagon wheels, and prepared themselves either to fight or run; but, strange to say, they were not ovdealetl by the Indians Who, it seems, were principal ly occuplid in capturing the drove of .at de. They were Joined, trans time to time, by three other members of the party who had dodged the Indians. They hail come to the conclusion that the balance of the "party had either been killed or captured. and had determined to remain in their present position until morning, and Uses , proceed if ntimolestnl: They bed seen the o) lonlirer running across the plains toniwil the thicket, but thought he might vrattth n nit w Nett he Mimi Nle ikrid Minya the-likd; "nriiiihr blin tut 4;414441W- it twin& tharaime toriaart iikesgelthin. See , , 14 and hearl eke: oath gof ttellerui Miring .themtg*t.• melte tocralog the , imM wee lillchttioieri the march manual mithaut Airtime isaketatima • •r -T-.-77--••••."/!••;•• -- - t - T• 1. • TillEColqa1T11,1( • 'You're sure you'vecthe key to the little brawn carpet Elkanish and the green unibrel la an the paper 'o' ginger cookies?' • , 'Yes, mother—all right' ' . 'And the beg of gliiiilower apples? —there'll , be a real treat to your city cousins. , There. an% tunny just such apple treat as ours I , , • 'aey're . under On wagon seat, M2ittior,Ostrd•bYel' _ ,; Plilli (Amy bent his tall figure I°Air ii. cordial. lilac ow the brown, "Vrrin led, cheek of the old niwiy. who eland there* heregwlettiogie.Nowlag. WA hi the ,chill NoVember . wind 4 0, 4 4 g. white Work gutted:2i AfeliAte4 :And. six 0 0 ilff. hu• W milts 1 .I *WY , S rithalems. •. • e 1 hr*ig.awalf.lu,the,dl ear,dip4,, 10,10aalair • ,-- Ng 5 r .i,,„,. .... yet,* n the, rownetdo. . ! • mew,. lrig u Wariwiniarl ,•. ~. a heart ywarned tenderly toWs_ ' .. kind old ruother.Who was left behind. Est war inibetold ianton in .l WlWin., agaitter. .be looped j 4s. aver DPANN. itlfoarM!k 1u0; 1 4a4%.. 1 'lt's kind o' haril to have Elkaniah go,' thought Mrs. Clam, turning back to her cheerful fireside, as the rattle of wheepver the. frozen road died away; to he sure jle'll enjoy him-. „,(meta Jacob Payne's 'folks have keen here many a summer. and we ha u't never had no chance to return their visits yet. 'I wonder tf Frank's as pretty as she used to be! That was the reason Elluudah bought that new spotted neck handkereber and the velvet vela I' added the old lady with an internal chuckle. !He always did have a kind o' siteakin' fiiney for Frank Payne—and no won-. der.' . _ Aud Witt , gazing dreamily into the blazing tire of hicitorylogni, saw, nut the reddening embers, but the outlirtes era dark gipsy face, over arches! by jetty brows, and cheeks whosecrimson blown mune and went at every breath. 'And no wonder!' repeated Mrs. Ca rey to herself. It was quite dark when Elkaniah Carey walked up the handciome,broad street on which Jacah Payne's man idea cps situated—the blind, pitchy_.l darkness of a November night, with white gusts of snow .eddying across , the lines of light that streamed fres& ' Innumerable vs lamp, and a melee chely wind murmuring around. U brick and mortar unglea. • -Nino o'clock,' said Elkanish v ena ' suiting his huge silver watch- under onffol the brilliant gas jets; 'lt's very lute. i hope they won't all he gone to bed.. They'll he,glatie to ace me anyway, anal man's tlVething when a man's travele4 !' But Ellaudahr.. ;might have spared his anziety.oa the subject.of the Payne flintily . having gone tubed,: The house Was In a blaze df light, Wit street was full of carriages, betw , :_„.• the translucent purple silk curia Elkanlah's astonished ayes' caug . ~ here and there the fl ash of prlsm' loaded chandeliers and the glow of hot-houselewers. Pin in luck, thought honest Eau tilah, with a proud consciousness of the spotted neckerchief and the wine colored velvet vest. 'They!vo got rximpauy.' And Elkaniah, confident of.a wel come, b . oldly.ascandigAti,stopti- • • • "Y r AKAilirir l iee autism Payne'il folks,' he said to the sable servitor ; htif admirari" system, bowed low and flung the doors wide open. Fronk Payne stood in the midst of her guests, liken little Oriental queen, her floating dress of diaphanous pink ereps riving additional glow to her dark rich beauty, and long trails of odorous jessamine drooping among her jet black curls, while the velvet bloom - Upon her cheek, seemed to glow and deepen like the rich color in the heart of a newly blirrsomed rose. But the curve of her ill rs scarce ly betokened pleasure, and her eyes— deep, dusky stars of light—sparkled ominously as she withdrew her slight gloved hand front Elkaniah's horny grasp. ' l isn't sir ! You hurt me,' While Mrs. St. Sandalle giggled be hind her lan and whispered to Frank: 'My dew, what relic of the dark ages have you here?' 'Frank, areh't you glad to see me?' faltered Llkaniah, the brown of his complexion becoming suffused with hot, indignant red. Tile surprise and mortification that had cost Frank Payne a momenhtry loss of her presence of mind subsided into cold, conventional Politeness. I am very happy, taut sure, to see you here to night, Mr. Carey; bat it is such an tmexpreled pleasure!' I 'Mr. Carey!' The words fell ou Elkaniales ear like ice. Was this the loving little fairy who had rata tunoug the fragrant hay piles on the old Cairn floor with him? who had threaded the rustling solitude of midsumnier woods by his side? Elkanialt . felt strange sod bewildered, ' as if the world had suddenly begun to turn around the wrong way ; and thU bit. tent pang he had ever known, shot likes barbed arrow through his heart as Frank turned to a perfumed and scented exquisite Mr. Gustavus St. Sandelle, and whispered In his, ear, with a burst of musical laughtiir: • 'She's making fun of MC, thought Elkaulith dolorously. I am odd and outlandish midst/huge. I'm not dressed like these tine folks, and my ways aren't like their ways, but I did think cousin' Payne's folks would have lova glad to see me! And she never asked a word after mother!' Mr. Payne Novel., a stiff little bow as Elkuniah awkwardly backed to ward him, and 'hoped they should see a greaLdeal of him during his stay in the city. Etkiu lab thought of the !rag of blood-red apples that he had left at the depot, as his eye foil on the glittering sugar temples and pink cha !uptight , and white hot-house grapes that loaded the long Labia of the dining-room. 'Pm as much out of plow here as inolites apples would be,' thought he, as, he went: sorrowfully to bid Frank good-night. But she was waltzing with Mr. Gustavus St. tiandalle, and had only a brief, chilling nod for her cousin. It is no imputignient of Elkaulah (prey's nomhood fussy that the tears were on his bronzed cheek as he went slowly down the street: lie had looked forward to this visit for many mouths; he bad trtosured up Frank Payne in his heart as a sort of fair faultless angel ; and now the illusion *II.S over. lio Elkaniab Carey went hack to his New England farm a wiser and sadder man. Two years went by ; the big cherry dm by the well reined Its white biossomsdown intotheerystal depths and the gilliflower apple t 4 hung like rod jewels among orchard bows, and Elkuniah Corey's farm prtr4pertsl rarely. While, in the city, the great wheel of fortune, in Its ceosekto rev olutions, caught Fmk Payne from her place of luxury and pleasultr , Bod eel her down an orphaa and poor, at foot of thewocial ladder. the very d 3, f t could have foreseen the fall In these railway shares,' Mr. Payne had said with wild, laggard evto; and that night the apopletic stroke that tome, hurried him out of SEE I= Es4bils!ied 1818. ;his tweed; and. Wreak was lett at th wegiiiio alone— " be t ine.itittit to flO, Mrs St- , suit 10 she appeOlts/Piteously, look- w , glike some karely' marble statue In is er, deep black ,rthm, as she. threw th emit down on, the little footstool at /es Mrs. tit: Sandalle'spetrichin feet - wr 'Don't be itotheatrical Flunk; sidant Mrs. St Sandalle, taking tip her gotd;rea • Pperod •vlnaigrette ; 'and do noto.l'a an load—vour voice gives ro t ors Use bewlache. Do? Why there err Ile tenty of thlng,:to do, I suppose. au ld Fnink'il Ilps•quiVered. How ma4rY j, • times Mrs. StAtandille had kissed. re f , wrestled her hands, and told heri I e 'she, loved her like bee owe Minh- r ife er,and she couldn't exist f she didn't d • • her Mir little Frank at trait once e% oday.l Frank had somehow thought hat she email not. he quite alone us It gnggas SLBAutlalle was near her. Yes,' sold 'Frank, .'but—' ,'Of eotrrse you can't exped to live Charity; said Mrs St. Samblle In- $ differently. 'lt's a great pity your oductitioqiies been so superticial ; and u're too near sighted to do fi ne cm- r .Idery; - 1. suppose. But there is ohi Mrs. *WIWI wants a companion L-1•111ty dollars a year and your board. - 1 i ',be ,furs she's deaf and Idled, and • , tha n' Xantippe, but you wet Vri - tier ythingpt °nee.' Ftrittit's teartidropped slowly down the crape folds - of her dress. ,0 0 You 'I don't think anything about it, 1 initiate,' said Mrs St. Sandell°, pet- Isialk. I can't take any rtuponslbil I ty, There'sGurtavus now, the opens matinee comes off at one, and I'm merry / oat devote more Gillet° you. Mrs. Sc. Sandell° swept dowu stairs in a /latter of melee antique, and thread . lace drapery, .while Frank crouched in the middle of the great drawing room, more utterly, desolate and alone than It she had boon in the desert ()Nahum. So Frank Payne, the whilom belle of the gay world of fashion, went to be old Mrs. Scoldall's companion, at 0 ft,y.dol tans per annum and her board. A* or three, dreary weeks she endur ed the akriinonious old lady's tongue and temper, and ate the bitter brad of dependence, anti then tame a crisis! "A headache !" screamed Mrs Sea drill; "311.. Q Payne has got a headache? How dare any companion presume to absent herself front my table on that plea? I don't pay money for lazy hussies to lie in bed and coup plain of headaches! Here's Mies Payne's wages, Betsey, and you may tell her to take herself oaf to-morrow morning as early as she phases! "It's a shame, Miss," said sympa thetic Betsey, deluging Frank's pret ty curls with the culogneshe had pur loined front the old lady's dress table. It's a burnin' shame, so His !" . "Never inind,Beaey," Said Frank, -Itting up in the bed with a hewild . xi air, mid pressing both hands to her throbbing temples. "I could not have endured it any longer•, I um glad to go away. 1 believe I have gut money enough to take me into the country, and--and -- 1 think they will be kind to me there." _ - as she lay back and shut her the fragrant old barn comeback . . Ith dusky lines of lightalant. . ilitt.from the crevices between ...MAO, and odor of dried clover, ;40f twn figures sitting on the floor as and one other. And she re- Membered the river under the hill, with deep delicious pools, tangled with water lilies, and overshadowed with 'solemn beech boughs. "H,there is no other alternative left to me, 1 can at least die," said Frank mentally. Sure, Miss you ain't fit to travel." said. BeiteX.She next morning SS she sogimAelithe e lPk v or - th il t n -v 1 of tno mourning dres, whose shoat'• nem too plainly betokened the pover ty of its young wearer. "Your hands are as hot as Wanda' coals, mid you tremble* like a leaf. You'd better wait until to-morrow, Miss Frank, dear." "I cannot, Betsey," said Frank, in a tremulous voice. "You have been very kind to me, Betsey ; but I have notating to give you." Betsey bucit into a declaiming howl. . You're as - Welcome SS flowers in May, Mows—and be the tame token, the ould lady's revile tearin' distniet in' mud down stairs." _ _ . "Mrs. &villain, however,deaf as the proverbial adder, was blessedly um= conscious (tithe imprechdious Bridget heaped upon her, nil day long, when ever she thought of the pale young "companion". who had been turned out to the mercy of the world. The birds were making a perfect ;carnival of song hi the overhanging brunches, where the cherries were turning to crimson translucent Jewels, in the goldenJulvsuushine; the long shadows crept noiselessly along the smooth grass of the door yard, and Mrs. Carey, coming to the door to scent the fragrance of the velvety cluster of sweet-williams, knew by their slanting angles that it was near ,: ly six. o'clock. "Elkaniah will be home from the hay field pretty soon," said Mrs Ca rey softly to herself, "and—Why, mercy upon us, who is this?" The door yard gate had been °pol ed, and a splendid little figure all in black burned in, and stood pale and trembling before Mrs. Carey like a phantom. Frank Payne! Bless us and save us! surely this isn't you!" "Oh, Mrs. Carey, don't send tut away!" panted poor Frank. "I have no friend In all the world but you. I don't deserve that you should be kind to me, but—but—papa is dead, and I um all abbe P • And the poor wearied out creature sank speechless and ail but fainting, on the white kitchen floor at Mrs. Carey's feet. ( "Send you away!" repeated the kind woman; "why, who do you s'pose would send you away, child, and you fit toswoon Them—situp, and drink this glass o' water, and you'll feel better, presently." When Elkaniah came home from the harvest field, with his brown eyes sparkling cheerily under the shadow of his broad brimmed straw hat, he found Frank nestled away in the huge easy chair, with the unnatural fire of fever in her cheeks, anti a strange quiver in her voice. A few words sufficed to explain to him the exact position of affairs, and he took her small hands in his with a tirtscsure that spoke volumes. "Frank, I'm glad to see you," he said tenderly. And don't fret about a home, bemuse as long Is this old roof stands there's a shelter for you under It, (Irwin Frank." She burst into tears. Oh, Ihkuniah ! I did not treat you so,when—when—" "Never mind," mitt Ihkanialt cheerily. Let hy-gones be by-drones, and we'll begin the world anew. That's right, mother—a cup 0' watt do her all the good in the world." During the long weary fever qr . !! 1 , followed naturally "OTT 4 1 :r, ti e t x , et tt t , - , over: strain, "t o il t ', sm - girl undergonr, could - 40m 'MINI more tender nun watchful than air-+. Cary,nobrether could have been inon! thoughtful than Elkatilah. It was a brilliant afternoon in Sep tenaher when. after the tedious con valeseence, Frank Payne first came out upon the clematis-shaped porch with a crimson shawl round her shoulders, and her lovely back curls brushed away from her pallid tem ples. "I am so glad you are here, Elkto niah," said she. "I wanted to ask I you about the little district school aPI ',.-=,. j 14 pnbihltot every yrcyc s iosday In the lold :1r;:11:: lad la Ing on Third Street, ilea % cr. Pa., atltl ma* your ln advsuco. einim iiiii loatlons 'un sultlOOis of local 6 1 iie jeg general interest arc s:ospociflilly IN.. 04 k i . i!ed. To insure attention favors of nka i s kind must Invariably IV ,secompa iwt id by the 1/311111) of the author. u i r , t.ctfora 11111 1emitrn11111eat10114 should la old roman, to W EYAN I). Beaver, 'e.- 'lloYii;BdlY—tneaniti"la.llsl, 1 4 1 .}alf incredulouslY. •Wero you hap. titer as a child titan now ? You and ban tool to quarrel a great .diel, I remembilr—you are excellent friends now. Have-you forgotten flint?' She shook her htnil petulantly, and I saw her risl lips pouting disdain fully, for my little Jam wail Husain! —she was only a Itokable, wilful girl, 4 who,' to me td least, embodied all that the bed woman IA by nature, -, both saint and shiner. 'You mid I used to bu very good friends,' I went tot, Watching her as „ I spOke,' Indeed I thought you were . e fond of me when you woven eland. I wonder, if yon were ono now, If it! you could like me to you used, In `-' spite (Adds, and I touched •my tem ,„,,:iple and chunk with my linger us I "Y,'Asik . e. nigh."-11 ''"itill she did not answer: I kiiew, "That's e. that she understood me. ..ncoumged me, love um?" "I love you—yes_,Zel!li Jinn.% I alone," she said, kindling up._ ". l ' 4 ' r " thlNiaMllll that brenght the tad Issims•-• '" ful TOW:IWO: ht her cheek ; "I honor • and resptiet you—oh? s:o mush 1" "More than Mr. Gustavus st. Sam dune?" • . "More thadrall themorld." . Elkaniah Carey and Frank Payne '. were married at Christmas, and tho 1118:Act school trustees hail to look opt for another totcher.n-N.Y. ./.“15i. er. The Califbrisia Kongbow Describ ed by Mark rw•ain. A curious; feature nixalt California 1111) WAN the breed of desperachas she rearedatid fostered on her soil, and afterward distributed over 1111.1am:tit territories through her vigilance committees; when she had enough of their exploits. These • men went armed to the teeth with Monstrous revolvers, and preyed upon tateh oth er. Their slightest inisunderstand• lugs were settles! on the speit by the blktt ; but they very rarely nmiest• eU peansblo citizens. They robbed and gambled and killed people tg.r three or four yaws, and then 'died with their boob; 1)(1, ' a,t they phrased it t • that is, they were killed thent• saves—almost invariably—and the: „ never expected any other fate, ii•l were very Peldom dbuppointed. Sam Brown of ICtwuda, killed six . - teen men in his time and was Jour• neying toward Esmendda to kill it. seventeenth, who had stoppod the breath of a friend of his, when a party ()flaw abiding citizens waylaid him andslaughtered him with shut Mourners were exectslingly bC.1741 - t the funeral. It is said that Sam Brown called for a drink at the kir of the 8111110'1er House, in Car-oil eity, one morning in NIIOOII Al) ni 6- named betwuse 1111 . 111 lieeti killed in it), and itivitoilakran- ger up to drink with him. The stranger said he never drunk, and wished to be excused. By the mast of the country that WIIS a deadly in•' cult, and so Brown very properly shot him down. Ile left him there and went away, warning everybody to lot the body alone, because it was his meat, be sold. And it is said, also, that he came buck after n whiter and made a coffin and buried the man himself—though 1 never could quite believe that—without amist. I=2l Virginia City is full of desperadoes and some of the pfeastudest newspa per reporting I ever did was in this... days, btsaiuse 1 report he inquests on the Whole lot of Mem, nearly. We had it fresh one pretty mud', every morning. Toward the last It was melancholy to see how the material was running short. Thou' te4"-halesron days!' I don's - iinow rnbitkiebfi r To ih a irol ilieletO g connection, I believe. Jack Williams was one of the luckiest of the Virgiula City desis , redoes. Ile killed a gisod many Milt. Ile was a kind laarted man and gave all his custom to a poor undertaker who was 'trying to get along. But by and by somebody poked a double turreted shot gun through a cruel. while Williams was sitting ut brisk fast, and riddled him at such a rale 'that tin-re was hardly enough of him left to hold an impust on—and then the poor undertaker's best friend was gone, and he had to take in his sign. • Thus lie was stricken in the mid-1 or prasperity and happiness—for he was just oil the point of getting marrie.l when Jack WillialltA Wit+ , ttlisvia away from hum, nada coarse lie ha.l to give it up. It is statist that the first twenty six graves in theeemetery at Virgin ia City were those of men who died by the bullet, And the find six in 'mother of thrse towns contained 00- {lodes of a dement/Jo and live of his victims—anti there in the bosom of his family, made dear toJiim by the ties of blissi, he eahnly sleeps till,), this day. At the'lloeky Ridgestation, tails. Rocky Mountains, in the old days overland stages and pony expresses, 1 hod the gorgemis Is of break fasting with Mr. Slade, the prime of all the desperadoes; who killed twenty men In his time; who used torcut sill his victims' ears and MAUI then* 11:4 kIVIISAWS to their relatives; Illld Who bullad tale of his victim hand and foot, and practiced on him with his revolver for hours together —a proteetling which steams qinusd inexcusable, until we refitet that Rocky Ridge is away cal in the dull isilitudes of the mountains, and the poor desperadoes have hardly any amusements. 31r. Slade afterward went to Montana and hvgan to thin out the population as usual—for he took a great interist in trimming the ceicius and regulating the vote—but filially the vigilance ct 1111 l nittec cap tured him and hanged him, giving him Just fifteen minutes to prepare himself in. The paper said he cried on the scaffold. The v igilante committee is a whole some regulator in the new countries, and Imd characters have a lively dread of it. In Montana one of these gentlemen was plactsl on his mule and informed that be had precisely fifteen minutes to leave the muntry in. lie said, "(lents, If this mule don't balk, five!' answer." But that is sufficient about the des peradoes I merely wished to make pa.s.sing mention of them as a Calilbr ilia production. _ _ —The Committee on the State Af fairs in both houses of the \\ main Legislitturo en Saturday,reported unanimously against the proposition to rt•move capital from 3fAlisn to 3111witukee. Geo. 'l'. Camp, piwninettt railroad v ontructor In the ‘l'M., mem . her of Ow firm of Saeger Camp Jr.. Co., u ndone of the eontritelons of the l'anaina Itallrecul, died at St. lamts on sot May. —(*. S. Ilobtk4, who until quite re matiy was a prominent railroad Mall, shot himself through the head, at neveland on Saturday night, it IS supporssl amideatally, as no eflWsm can be given for the act. -I'ronilnent Washiwton hotel men are 'at Chicago negotiating for the Itsseeship of the projected Pacific lintel. which it to cover an acre and a half, ctntlng a million dollars anti to be completed In 1572. Nicer mines of unparalleled rich new have been discovered in Gray son county, Kentucky. The ore Is found to contain a larger per ceutage of silver than any hitherto discover ed. Themines are almost IneN haus. tilde. They will be developed In the spring
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers