Th . ...13 - 04ve,..Attiia',',-,, Beaver. Pa., Jan. 12; 1270. Cirodation Over -Twelve Hundred. Eft Mff! t2:32! . .. . . Thor.. 1 0w. Ow. Mo. tad. 11 ydar —.— -- ........... I ,or-10110v., 1 11l 00 s.l'oo $5 00 $8 00 310 00 'I P•ipotrill, du 350 500 7001000 15 00 3 ~,3 3r , do .5 00 .500 000 11 15 1801 .41nareA. do 800•8CO105015 00 01 (0 h., column 800 11 00 15 00 SW 1/0 35 070 , column ' 11 00 15 (JO DO I:0 33 IXI GO 03 1 ...dincno TS (11) 00 Oli Mt 00 00 Oil 100 00 etnlC Ici rot ore and Executors' Nelicce....o 00 notices per tire, teu cents. :vr" Payments to bol made Quarterly, except Ua trw,lent adveriltementr. which Must be paid it. ;‘...ocr. Slate orthe Thermometer for tho w..ok tooling tho Bth of Jan., 1870. A. 41. 2r. 9T. 14 — 3ideg: , 33 deg. .44 deg. 3 •23 deg. II dog. 30 dog. a. 23 deg. 30 deg. 31 deg. - 4 • deg. 84. deg, 20 deg. 35 deg. 39 deg. 20 dm • 7 21 log. 25 deg. 25 dog. \ s 12 deg. 18 deg. 17 deg . lt. T. TAYLOR. Ttie:lttention or the public is directed to t he following New Advertisements elip - car for the first time in the to-41:ty: Notieff.--A. Notiej.4,-Speyerer & r.v.cutorg Notice—Levy Johnston: W..pevore. II l'aper—.l. Seitger & Co. I'..r 1):1:itIced Notice—Edward Ileopi. solowelptionm tot:wile/aver Ar go,.—Tlto following named persons baxv paid tho stuns sot oppomite to their one; on oubseription to the Bearer shit.° the dote of our Inot publi- I, N. AO; ins, heaver, 'llionta , l I. 310 son, 01110011 e, 2 00 M. W Sittnutorville, 111., 400 e. Chapman, llolnewood, 100 .1,.1n Herron, Fnlleton, 2 00 mws Wilson, New Brighton, • 200 Thottia4, Chippewa tp., 2 . 00 16:11,.1 New Brighton, 2 10 II w 2.11 Martin, Darlington, 2 00 ciut rt., (onto, New 'Briglithu, 2 00 ,pt. F. X. Hello, eineinmati, (0)., 5 00 .1 t.. K. l'utlee, Wadaworth, ((t)., 200 NOWT!, Bearer, 2 00 .1. A. Frazier, Benvi.:r, 200 stotiv,;'Brighton tp., 3 r,o P. N:ew (:111k2r, 2 00 .I..h❑ NI, AVIIIteliill,:s:0v0(131, 2 00 Surveyor tqcnerol'tt Report:— tlyttler obligzitiott4 to 0.1. .1. :it. Sorveyor Goooral yom.yi v,ll.l4, for a copy 'of hi; annual report for the year ending Novembo 1. 3D I gia It 1,0103i114 much vionabh. " (Ivnuine 111 - errimacl: prints, only ee t ,nt Pnrinue's. Both h 7 r. • jans;2t .I,celdent.—lftulson, a little ton of \V". 11. McKenzie, received a Revere fall jai Sabbath last, which resulted in the I,o•aking of his left arm. 'rho brokeii limb was promptly dresked by Dr, .1. camuains, and the little sufferer is 11.01 V I on:; wrII Callniry a:1111101i :In inches 10, roll\• 4.1 it Fortune's, Beetles jatirvA, =ill S44i 44 e Ilenrylebt, of Bridgewater. it hut ruer or that village, k Med a Chester \\* hitt. pig last ,week w %viol g bed s whe■ il tia:4 pounds. Its age was 11111,4 t»outlts. ltur se:uteri %di!, (ioneluile with us, that this was .;sate I 11111 e() 7 1 / 1 !W crop \en• Orleans molass• I'm• 4:ale:at A. V. Harvey's Moro ta ridgewater, Pa. ilill l'rupperly Sold.—.ionic lime tlr4t or the year John kligar, : ; .of Fall,ton. t hi; enoaty, Kohl Itis val. 4 0 , Jlill peoperty in that village to Herron alai Smith, who ill he' varier have charge of it. •• paid, \VI loam, teal $l,OO. Everything in tint dry gootli r,,rinnne'm at ritt4hurgh prices. , A is an examination. Inamoni u• 110•11.1", copy fortune's iluticeA t !title Old Age.—Ott htit. I , riday. I mil try ith 1S70) Hobert Darragh, esq., county. retched Lia %hi twaltit iv V3i111 1 111 1 111; at the tit:01.11111 1 , 1 11 1 d Ii1:4 nn•utal thettlikor ard tiltopatrod. Ile i.s obi,: to itiore abotit .isto briskly yet, awl Lids hiir to lie with .1";11' yoars to cunt+ • . 11111 lICESMIS 4.1% . 111'111'4111 110:111'1'1 . 0 1 1 111 .1' 1130' ,uinin• • t gltillol . 11.1 11/.111 '3l:.jor Darrhglt, hut, ti•ty i in ll " - •••tatity than rethwed „;„ ti„,„ „ t A ,tun', 1 rhlge r a : • ret totwoflbt C...V I'. •• ptn•on't littve It,n • t • t . Pitt:burgh Itrilrott4l ' J. N. MeCullnug,h, Wt. ; 17. \\-. I'in.lnirt.4ll; J. II 014•Velalltl; C. IF. All(1114 G.lllll‘l, Jr., \VIII. M. 'rweltd, iNtivr Swveney, 1,. IL Hitcher, lingb tininli, ili•nry liar- Si,v 1",,11,;; Scott, rhia. ytta waot a" good arts die of :%111 , 111iWart , , tan at ail: MOM of S. Beaver, I'n. They have lost ieri a full iiaurhni'nl. orgilfld brOWII sugar for lo w Dollar at A. 8. lfarvey's 'gore. jatts;ln, Ia ‘.la . ovater, l'a •••••••—• . rgellool enre Alit...allow. to i'onnty Supurititt.ti• ri , !,1:4 tor a vopy t." , tntv elk , I:cp"rt the )'car I. , nn. Pori. of nur owl) S )p,) ihtet.lPM foT that scar Will ;•11.,i 1 ,, ,W bete in the !tors. • ;Ire r, i nestni to ..tate by Sllpt•till- • that a ,gupply or the nhocr have been kg it.t. the "Ince of our !wv clerk., where thoge who are au. to, e,tn obtain them. • Inn titillated:tad ,hitrrels Lt and New ert:elt thin!. One rul bundles wrapping paper, and a rettelvtgl and for salts, whole.- ,ti retail at nignufactnred Price , ' at ror Sting, Rochester, Pa. ••• tuttics, Tee, Suiptre, bc,,t quality, fur Nall, cheap at the c Nultgcr & Co., 'leaver, ra. . hialp! Cheap!! Cheap!!! Go to A. arvey's store, Itridgewater,Pa., tar. our liarilware. Ile is selling' at a very •iv:dl margin to reiltiee his stock. jantn4t. mi norm iu Stodon.—The Count) Of Bearer county tVero 111 f:CS in this plaeo all last week. The , aid i. eompo,ett of the following nain to wit: . G. If. Shannon of I %%ell township, William Thomas of h.1.1 4, wa Lowto.liip, and W. Ir - I:likens ll,ia•ster Borough, 'rho 13nard to of competent gentlethen and WO have no doubt but that the business mill brought them together was faith oils and intelligently attendedtO. . Ft.ot:tt, Cortitneal, Feed, &e., in any ryiailtity, for eale at the lowtat markot price vi the ntoro of H. Snttgor & Co:, f lkaver, . TO ADvmerism-,Theßeamsmul lein' is the most extensively 'circulated Weekly Newspaper lit - Westeni Penn sylvgulia.—Radicat"-- . • , . Leaving out or the couut t4OB O Ylr.4 fecal' co thci/tadicat VrithOut,oo4Wop tt &aware*, We Vnithivoilld , be Imam mashed by an announcement , of this character: , TO ADVERTISERS. »-The Beaver Radical has a circulation tntleaver Goan t,y less than that of any other paper ever published at the county sm,L &Wm.` Users will, therefore, govern themselves accordingly. . • ettmtputer for auto at tbo:Attaci Goon Fresh Limo always on band at the Illuivanon Limo Kilns, Vanport. rougll;tt. Wtri.yletiting-a, Co's. Great Repro: aentatii , o lint, Cap and Ladies Fur Rouse, N 0.139 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Penn'a. Send for price list' of Ladlas• Furs. [ore7;Stu. CANDIES and Confectioneries, of the different kinds for sale at the Moro otS. Snitger & Co., Beaver, Pa. INvoultATioN WANTF.D.—Mrs. George Lewis nnw residlug to Delaware township Mercer, Pa., (Post office address—New Hamburg, Mercer Co., Pa.,) desires to. learn c f the residence of a brother named Reece Mynich, who crone from Wales About one yea: ago to this country•. Mrs. Lewis left Wales in October,' Iso9, to meet her husband who had preceded hcr to this country, but on arriving here found that be had died fr.rn injuries re ceived from hating off rt tree in the month or October, 1811. Mrs. Lewis is in desti tute circumstances and is anxious to learn the whereabouts of her brattier, and de sires the newspapers of the country _to publish this notice. . WhitStesey' a Cute for Sick 'Head ache," iv warranted an unfailing remedy; and taken when the first spatula appear ndl never'fitil to check the terrible sick' • 6'2 00 cempleto 11Allortmont of tip top qn eens ware at the grocery; flour and feed atom of S. Snitger & Co., Beaver, Pa. Call and see ft. ,7:4"-flennine Merrimack prints only 12 els. at. Fortune* Diamond, Ilbehes ' ter._ jens;2t. ;Nrlnnhlt Coanattmetan for Kilo at the Ahura office.f At a regular meeting of Lone . Hock 'l.odge, No. 2'22, Knights of Pythistit, held fit their hall in DeaVer Falls, on lan. 4, 1870,D. D. 0. Chancellor, Jas. It. liantsoif Pittsburgh, installed 'the fol lowhig officers for the ensuing term,viz: Worthy Chancellor, Jos. N. Hall; Vice Cliamsollor, 'W. C. Ililltuan; Banker, Wm. 'tarn; Reconling Scribe, If. 11. Mason; Financial Scribe, E. A. Barnes; Guide, C. It. Hale; 0: S., Jos. Shen:imam I. S , Hawthin Events. Although but a few shortmiontlis since the institution of the Lodge, it is ono of the most solid and best £lllpobrted Lodges Western Pennsylvania. I our. Hunt; !—tlo to Fortune's, oil the hominid, Rochester, Gtr the cheapest )0* Ooodi in Heaver county. jons n- we would call the attention of our reader: • I he, advertisements of Seward J.: I:entity, which appear on the outside of our paper alternately each week. They are enterprising Druggists, No, Ditti Main St., Buffalo, and are doing a big business in the Alistua fur the Hair, which has been tried and proven to be the best in use. 7 l,Springville Tribune Nov. DIA i... 7.7-; Choice New Crop New Orkale; Best Honey Syrup and Boston Syrup for Sale (du:alter - than the cheap est at , I. S. IlarVey'S Story, Bridgewater. • Jun 12:4d. ME List of letters r Ist, is o: Benj. Bradley, Mr. Jost. Roden, John Bryant, Mr. .Itin. Herron, P. E.% lame, . . Mr. I L 'McDonald, Myers Ar Armor. CM IEO=IMII 1 , 4 on Anything in thu iineunsware enll st S. Snitger &Co's. store, In Beaver CM \ppolulu►eptil by the COIIIIIIihr sionerm.v—The County. Commiwthwers during heat week matte the Mlowitigap pohttinentm for 1570: OianArt—Ll. Mee,' Beaver. Merritati/cApprai.rer—W. B. Lem , New Brighton. rk ( '' MU I111:011(li I er.,-3111111 ;mtn, Ilovlwster. .Ittnitttr—Jwt. Ft J Beriver .1 Long, Contliinotir vitt }Welt: e.g., tx highly regpectabie oh' get, tletnan of Itncheoter townkhip. Informl ott thit lie Jute lived opo) the farm: where he now re.ldee, for the Inot Alsty-eight years. Dutlitetwroty year., of flak trite ha spell trrry high/ tinder 1110 '•-o roof. Fro tt; this, we hike It, Mr. Iftp° ll out g i"- • to much "rtnlng" during hie life. E ( " E V.. GREENBACKS II 0 tY n , g 1.011114" Daugw.. Igromiht "St 111,1101"11. Fatter to klmtu, Witt.ll:t par,ut undertakes to make muck tor hi+ .I.Luglacr—that i,, to select Inudnual for her--he ltai on Mild it very delicate and difficult contract. Es- pr( ially tlillltmlt (Ices the matter become, 1.1 th e A All.l ...litcr do t .,; not love, Or trUlt to 1110 el'oict• 14 her father, but •doe, love and respect scone one of her own A wvolillygentleinam, resiniing at or near Ferry, Oct et: call lei Bost1)11.1; a ,laughter, whom, demobu to her stat,amott, town orole.twor log to pct•suadc to timely a man 'moo her ot•ui+n• iu crar.•, bt•ttm;e It, tt•a.; weal hy, intitsvnlinl. ze. She win: in love v. a young clet k (we will call him Cochran) who, alt liongli not wealthy, was respects ble and pos , arcosl both the spirit and th determination to work 1116 11W11 Wll3 !trough the world. The yniin lady re 011111 that :Ale would bring ❑iattcre to I cii , i:, and on Friday evening la:, having arranged beforehand with her lover, they took pa:.4age oil the steamer "Belle for I'iu>hargh. knew they world be followed closely by her father, but, even should they be ,trre-ted on reaching the wharf, they also knew that the circumstances rooneeted with the elopement would bring the old gentleman to terms, o r at lent tend In that 'direction. A telegraph ic dispatch from Smith's Ferry reached Mayor llrush'sflonafter the boat loft that place (at half-past eight in the evening,) notifying him of the elopement, and re questing him to arre4 the partie4 on their -arrival here and hold them until the father would arrive on the first trait; in the morning. The Mayor sent two officers to the boat, which arrived at live o'clock Saturday Morning, and on in: qulry they were informed that there were "a man and his wife," by the name of Cochran, on board.. (The "man and wife" story must not be understood as literal, but only d part of the plot,.to'Vet the consent, of the cruel parent.) The runaways were notified of the telegmm, and the fact that the officers were in waiting to conduct them to the Mayor's office. They expressed 710 surprise at this; although the lady showed some hesitancy about meeting her angry fath er. They were shown into the Maya's private parlor, and there awaited the progress of events. ' She expected en unpleasant meeting, but her mind' wax futcsl, and she declared that although her father might traveller to return home, ho could not keep her • the* or iaimPelbertoidgnmni, hooks." corild inan"-y the ono she levod, sail- no*. other. The: jouneratiu sidd ha Would have ;*tba" , Wedding take puce then and thorns and would nog re turn- without his ltriditini Vied' Condo woo. The fithe.r arilvod towards noon, Mt of wrath and linlliputUon, and talked of shooting the young win. .' had stolen away his'tlaughhir, and put.; ting her in the House of Refuge. Chief *ague, Clerk Pattolson, and otheri soned' With the 'old gentleman, suggest ed the feet that it was too Into WOW" . the union, and after a good deal of per suasion got him to consider theiltuatirM as it actually presentOdttsolt: met tho fugitive's No Was reasonably calm, and finally gave Ills consent to the tuar;itige. Mayor • Brush, In his bland and dignified manner, performed tho ceremony, and tho roixird may ho slim med up thus: , • Married, on Saturday, Jan. 8110870, by tho lion. Tared M. Brush, Thomas A.. Cochran, and4liss Sarah E. Boyd.—Pill. COlll. Jun 10. Correspontren:ce. Enixon Annus looking over the last number of the Bearer Radical. I saw a paragraph in the 'local column,' calling attention to "Letters from the People," Printed on their editorial page. The (list, addressed to the Pittsburgh Commercifil, is intended for "sarkasm," as A. Ward would say; but is, I think, a miserable attempt at it. Hero is the concluding paragraph: • "A friend at my elbow suggests that I should know that you had changed' to be a lie n by the results gained in Al legit unty last October Wilero,by your in I re, the Ticket had an increas ed majority of 3000 votes—backward. Very Truly Yours itc. • J. 11. T. JAMISON: The great wonder tome is, how such a letter could be published -in the Radical.. 1f I had bean "a friend Arm! elbow" I would have suggested that you Mr. Radical man must have changed to be a Itopublicazt too, judging by the re-' sults gained in Beaver county at the last election, whore, by your intim:ll6o our Ticket had an increased majority, In one instance, of over 1000 votes—backwards. I know at the time it was a matter of dispute as to how this result was brought about; so ancatt Waded it to the disaffect ed Germans, on account of sundry "Black Dutch" articles which wore pub lisl;ed in the Radical. Others sought to blame the "Whisky lling,'. While yet others:Air:Maul it to 'church' matters.— But we have the very best of reasons for believing that none of these were tho true reason. In 180, our party Ticket was clouted by such a majority as was 110;01 , given In Deaver county before. The Rad (eat was inaugurated in M)—assumes to he the organ and mouth piece of the party— has Int own candidates put forward and nominated ; i, c. sticit us could be ;natio use of for private ends. Suspicion is 'aroused against ono of the nominees ; investiFallona (?) followed, the natter Is 'soaped' over and the 'show goes on ;• people begin to think for .thernselves; candidate .under a cloud; somebody must be saerlllcod; votta; aro 'ttuded,' and ,one of the opposition must bo oleeted to save 'our candidate Now look! 'rho Radical has been in operation one year, and from an absolute safety hes reduced us to an absolute 'uneortalnly., ,Before, had 1000 majority, and a Republican nomination was ,cOnsidered the equiva lent of election. • Now, wo do not know how, when, or to whom wo may banold. Let thepeople look ut this matter, luta ponder over it, and they cannot fail to put, tbo 'saddlo wbere it belongs; I . S. S. K. I= COLUMBUS CORRESPONDENCE. • • . Entrit'Attuts:—TlM general assem bly of the State'of Ohlo, convened hero at 10 o'clock a ; . m., to day. hi the; Sen ate; the usualinutine of orminizing was gone tinough with in a quiet manner; but in the - House, the opening smiles Were rather urea exciting character.' The House was called to order by (loner:a Sherwood, Secretary of State, the ut inost harmony seeming to prevail at the time. inalning in Beall Mr. l'att. W. Grat MIR+ Call Myers, Mr. Wm. Rigby, .Ino. W.'Steelo, Mr. .Ins. Miss Louisa stuck W. F. Koilth.M. JJ Jacob Trax, Esq., Several members failed to present cer• Mimics of election, but such good hum or prevalled,Thsit no 'one objected, and they were sworn in. When Wißams county wits willed, thetexcellent tranquil ity of the body was marred. Tho mine burst. Mr. Bull, Democratic member form Musk Rlogum, in an exeitod'man tier objected bathe member of Williams being sworn in; and offered some: . reso lutions to prevent Mr. Blakeslee,. Re publican member from Wallow county taking hls - seat, ,The Chairman decided the resolutions out of ertlir,blilibeard the gentlemans' remarks, and then turCed at it inquired if the member front Wil li: ins county had a eert illeato of election. 'l' lis was handed to him. lla first read, this, and then read the law governing) OM action of the Secretary of Seat' in such matters: Mr. Bull then read from the Ohio Illtiws the statute under which the ap polo t men t was made, and again insisted on his res obi tion being read. But the Secretary of Stale settled the matter by @Jetty say- ing. "Tito member from Williams will ; be sworn." And ho was. When the Chairman announced. "The next business In order is the election of a Speaker," the irrepressible Mr.- Bull , up in' an excited manner, and asked that . riNolutiowof protest be read, several /11C1111:er, objeeted, and Mi. Bull waxed furious, and saki that this !Legis lature don't intend to ho rode down in this way. Von sir, Mr. Secretary of State aro assuming powers that no other secretary ever assumed. We will never ' stiinnit. Nearly all the members woru on their feet. Democrats gestietilating, and tossing their digital members vio lently In the air. and shooting a chorus of "nerve!" Republicans simply observ; ing the manoeuvers. Mr. Bull, heeding nothing, andTalllug, to get his resolution read at the. stand, commenced reading it himself, while a brother Dentoerat at the same time de claimed In a loud voice. This joined with the rumble that came ever and anon from the surchagod bosoms of indignant supporters of NM Hull, made the; time a most happy-011C. The Chairman quietly heard Mr. Bull through and then said the resolutions are out of order." Mr. BuirapPealed to the House, but the Secretary decided no appeal could be taken, and uhnounced that the next business in order was the election of a Speaker. On the first vote, after a good deal of dimming, Mr. Cunningham from Ham ilton county, was eldeted Speaker, and the orgitniration of the blouse was .gone through with. ' The Governor's Message was not of n lengthy character. It was short and to the point. In -it, the Governor called the attention of the Legislature to the matter of a Soldiers' Orphans' Home, an insti tution that was sadly needed and should be provided by the Slate, and that the obligation to care for the orphanit of the men, who died Olathe State might ;Ivo, had not been fulfilled. Mention was made of the fact, that about three bun ' Bred soldiers' orphani, during the past Near, have been inmates of the County 1 Infirmaries of the State. In this 'punter, the good old Keystone State is to be con-' undulated. Iler endeavors to 'prOtoet 1 and rear lho children of her patriot dead inn becoming manner is_ well dcnown and appreciated beyond her bowlers., . The GOvernor recommends the XN'th Amendment to the Constitution- of rho United . States to the _attention: of the Legislative body as the most important measure for' their consideration ;during thelpiesent session, and warmly recom mends 'Jig adoption, believing Hirt the measure is right and Just, that, it was !=1 CoLvxnus, Ohio, inn 3; 1870 ilenwteatiailiailliik " iiirtifriietni MinibertheActekelt belhteettrend speak lbethnlCyth'Atitindiiietrt7Whiiii . questharesmee belbre that bedy:.s . :lE thishealittfoinshadawanehangnotfient in thOlkamo . :Snap veni e, sindi Irene , the litirmiefthellinsiithipirilillkethat la* a change hi Iftiout t in'ouCtiragfiCeireid Democrats lien JalowitbliC se „long as any war issues reinalw ter'. rituind the public of too of theaTernbertley during thatitregglkariyiseithstinefien of the:Temocratie party.= the. broad basis of ruciderii advancement Induivlll. ration 1a simply insposiiible. The maid profound thinkers lu thrit or any' other party rooognMo this fgt.:- They, see that too': snaro..rooognitiowinAtm National Constitution of an eitstingfatet rennet ho delayed through aiwilfel back-of States. mualikec policy. '.The' jabbering and bickering over a thing When it is Melo-. rabiy fixed is untilso and fruitless. 'Columbus la fioesled this Winter with concerts, operas and other .entertain ments. There seemi to - be a general leak in rho musical reservoir. ' -The boll. days passed off in a quiet • manner ; tho days were disagreeable, mud and ram prevailing. GALEN. Penn'a. Legislature.* HAnitnintmO, JAn. 3,113711. • The Benito Repitbffetin C.iucus met at Harrllburg Monday,, Jan. 3, and nominated forSpeake.r,Chas.' H. Kin-. son, of Montgomery; for Chief Clerk; George W t Ham utersleY; of German. toWn ; for Assistant Clerks, Luchis Rogers; .of. Siciiion, and Ebenezer Williams, of Pittsburgh; for Tran scribing Cleidis, Wm; G . . Boater, - Ed ward, Cowan, of Warren, Isaac Bo dine, of Tioga, and Theophilus Bois land, of _Lancaster. The reinainder of the nordinaticins were postponed until Tuesday. • " - The House Republican Caiicus on Monday nominated, without materi al opposition; the following 'officers; on the report of the Committee ap- pointed at, the informal caucus ou Saturday : Speaker, B. IL Strang, of Tioga; Clerk, J. L. Selfridge, of Northautptun; Aistants, Edward D. Lee, Philadelphia; Jno. Smull, Harrisburg; 'frauscribing; Clerks, G. A. Baker, Isaac dltioorehead, James L. Allen, Jno. M Kilbottrue, J. F. Humes, Jno L.:Morrlson; Sergeant at Arms,Thos. Wilson,Phlladelphia; Assistants,J.S.Halsey, Jno. McFad den, Warren McCreary, H. 31. Straus baugh; Boor Keeper, J. H. Hall; .A..tstunts, Jilt); Root, Jas. Scott, S. J. Hart; Messenger, W. W. Gibson Assistants, Anthon 7AI• An ti)lun de ii, 1 W. Wright, (leo. y C. Anders o n; Postmaster, August Beckert, of Al legheny; Assistant,' Win. Shields; Superinte.udent of folding depart limit, James Ileitis, of Philadelphia. A resolution offered by Mr. Van kirk, of Washington, reducing the number of officers itud decreasing the pastors and folders to twelve, involv ed a discussion, in which Mr. Van kirk alleged that the abolition of the franking privilege and the discontin uance of .the Legislative Record would render pastemand folders un nemssury.. -'.. . , . .. IiENATZ, Tuesday .1t12.-3enato met at It o'clock, o pa l tmo,e n m d epo ce 3 e 4 d r ed Dudley ie rl l l i n e n the ) a ru 3 aly r Wtecstl o (Ittp.)lroth presuuted certificated or election from the comerset district: arid, as Wu Democrat* had a majority el We zuembeni holdwg.mer, an effort was wade to have Findley swot - 11ln: but hie liilwildr er ruled everything out of order mall the went bent about whout Meru was uo dispute Wr-T0 swum In, 'lbis oas mcomplielled, and the Itepublleana were In majority. - A reroluthm was rumpled re furring the certificates of both gentlemen trout Somerset to a special committee. All the Croat*. rial caucus uumiutes were then elected oUlcew of the lit:hale. bleaker Stintiouthaulied .sewituni fur the houur modelled to eh:elle; Witt to provide Over that body. A petition was presented coldest • lug the election of W. W, Watt, true litiladelphla. Au additional Committee ua law. and Xining was authorized. A mutation tor a joint commit tee to contract for Itie priming or the Liegiehltire facial was offendtwit MaalpCiled. bill were ititroduerd to repeal I Sathseettoo of We appro. priatiou Wit et nein, and one to emetic: We coustl- IMMO e 0 that 01010 'lreatturon , may be elected by tou people or the SLlte . they were lola, un the to. We. In addition to thilects named above, the Scriate elected ti. IV. blear. of York, liourheepen Joon Willy, of rtilla - il.,•Art.; .1. P. Kegrise, of York; Assit. befit T. 11. Paris, l'ort. to.oner; Joe. haul., Assist. I', 71. Adjourned. llumm.—tog Atactt AL PI to. Al. the ltepubil ,Call rlOll,llO 11010111rus 111.41.1Lal A buye wore elect ed miners ul the noose. 31r. Strang rettirmal hie oelimewleitgement. tur betug ideeti:d Speaker.— iieVerut 111,1 11100.00 re presented zuotrot int; beats, and woe appropre.tely reterred. A reiulution fur a joint tototati, • ,et iftoset for the poblication of the lA• ...: ~. .red was uttered and port pun ed. aely nu,. : .‘tl .00.100 were filed from 11 a. M., 10 I titled, p. Hi. A resolution abrogating toe contrast fur 11[101111g Ws GTIOI.IIOO iteCOrti . oblo4, 011rr.Uni , 01...C10010U, 'SOO pobtputted until lu.mOrrosv. cl:Antr. (V t 0.0.2.,10y15,—T10 , (10001 hoes mew. sage Was Lac :Weil and read. TAtliollg the bits pre -1,1;100 046 tam done; the salary ut elate Tressur• er tit 1.17.1X10, locating the Treabltry at lite capitol, preeentin . .; the 'Treasurer from depwitiag or 0130- log Ilie public finals luE Ids own Lament, 0110 Up -1001,111011.1g .111 10110 Inuneys .1141 lust as 11105 0001 11011310 10 UV 1011 10,11 L of the public debt; also, a bill wiling for a . toner:mien to Auteuil the Claw co.ttiiitiom to la, rued tor nest October, Con• vont ton IO 10551 In November following, A bill incorporating the Avondale lteltel Association pissed seemid reallin,..l a bill, fur the protectlonuf miners w as M 11 0 ,11104 and ordered tuba priuted. A ~,,oltition osintilltug the cataract for publiehing tio• Pally Lgi,traire Record was. alter eottliticr 1113104teCII6oi0II, adopted Adjoarlted. ~,' I lOrbS.—The (.o , A:rotor . / me/net:pa woo read; 01- er which, cumnilltoes were appointed hl Contain ed election carem. No other busitteas of Importance tran-pire.i. cassre, Thursday 6.—(The joint Republican omens of the Legislature met 1001 night. and noon noted 3Weney tor State Treasurer.] The follow , ti. 1,111. wen, introduced I -0 . 3e3 . 00 11 110 W County 5101 01 parts of Crow - lord, Venangu, Warren and iFittest, to be called Chow: ono authorizing a free 0,110 10 electing certain municipal officers of chino Iles, I OWII6, ettet, wards tont boroughs, wide:. atithorir A voters—When more than me person is 11l It, o oted, toe the tame acct--either to ilia/U.16- We Ida rote. onoos theeltudhlater or COIICI . O trate Mein npOn one, We laigheit to be elected; referred to special connoidee. tine to consolidate certain boroughs In Attegheuy comity wider the name or South I'lateteargh. The bill repealing the 11th sect ion or the not appropriation bill, was attuned -0/1.01140000 curb 11110111t0 r P.M" 00 tut postage- and pas.. it. 'I ue-day noon, Wilt hint.. Ivart tiled fe ttle rcitoligttralion of Guy. Geary.' Adj. llersir. —There net malting of acneral intern occurred In the Donee tuna,. Adjourned ..^. Trier. tiOy next. 0.. rain F it 2; l th t et A (lo 3 FmNl:ll — ,k }. .Al t t•Tv ) e ' r 'h e ' ::: . Va S y l ulrt at the Bank, New [Jachttut. Yiivi.nzi,- . 1)..w0. 24. NATIoNAI. MAK or (PuyCa COL:NIT tits BsyniUTON. VA. Jiil3. 1 5, ItMI. The Preaident rthsl Directors. of this gaol:have this any dee:west a al% blend of Five her govt. 04 the capital Slot 1: from the prollta of the last six month•, payable ea demand—free of An tiles, Galen:went. Ste: and local. LDWALII) HOOPS, Cashier. 1311YLRS, LOOK HERE The underehmed;thollaul for past favors would respectfully Inform the pnbllo that he Las one of the tlye:t selections of WALL PAPER \VI NI )0W SHADES FLOOR OIL CLOTHS EEM on bond to be foOnd in the county. Ills ftifort moot of . acnoal, 1114.fcllancons' and Re'Ulnas. 313 Mt. St 6 complete; untie no pains Are spared no has put to make hls S'CA'ffONERV IJEI'AItT3IENT ennal to the best of 013 Ettoblisinnents. lie 1. the exclualre agent for the celebrated pcaleyoesla Yen. • for tido comity. Therto seeking a good Gold Pep, mild do well to are theta before purettaelog. tie to the 4_ ,‘..ent for Oilscounty for lisider's PhotogrApts Marriage Certideate. Thu attention of Cleintyrnen I. respeetfolly called to tide, no ho can ben them at the mama dnicount 61 , they would get front the rt t lillther. Atwater's School GOT, unment tar pale at hibllshet's prices. Al. on hand, ?Op, Mud Variety Goode, sollabla for .11 realwls, 130, Broadway, Nor Brighton. QT11,111( Ilelißei.--Cante to the premtaes ol d kJ the aulwelltws, to Sharon, botongh of Bridge. ntt r, on or about the fleet of June, ltaa. a hlacn heifer, about two yeam old.. The owner Is request ed to come forwent; prtne property. pay . ehar . Fes and !Ake her away. SIM• I.l7l.!RhTie UAR:t. Jans-14e • ND, September 301 h IN'. In Deaver, beat 11,.` the Fair Ondind, A WATCH. Any inroad Toeing lbo tome inn have It by calling at the bowie organs Thonihn.g, rotor Shlpplugpeet,. Ode coun ty. and giving a dinicelptioti in the wata. • • Jaa.legw• . FoII ItAidtti—A ant clime engine and boiler: of the Corbin and Gibson make. aU complete and in good rennin:. order. Cylinder Ott Inches In bore. 20 Inch *Doke. al: feet fly•wheel, on omit Iron bed plate. " Boller double fined.= Mae, in diameter and 1011rib:our. Can be eeen lu Shingle Dllil, at Denver Flatni. C. & • It. Per fur ther tortienlare, (reptilian!' D. 31.610NE1100. Paid T . II beer, F. - :-7- .; i .6 , " tits . 'l7 -05.4,.,, 0 ,,, #, i v• • * : - " , ,?..Z . , ‘, .v c,),," ...xtkivi :GiiiT4., Vl-: 7 -, , , ;.bitllCFthYs 4 ;,/°, /Pt . ' 1 iti..f_LVlC.Aldoimpf? IllOargo set WO. o _ !market - dill; SOUP P„ , ...UM .. onstingift:.: at_V*46oBlnEcrbol. r: - 1„-. ,, , , ....,:t. t tiUrrro—is du ll. Ur 4 iretrigrootv Idd/wittily I n atom ark.. p.dernana4amf 1 prices ere bluely . a 1.., W64xliatiat 1 Jur tn . quota at .... e_ lam iffi. .- .t . ~..... catANll4.4ll •,•,--. prat! ?ir?.1)0106; 4 ,,,, Wet $121016 per hid- , . :•:. • t . • -..' ' ' fdin.BE-=-I.ll' quoted 'retry 11 lb 111 for t WettectC Itestervo; Oh ),. ^dory-. nth .ohlo Orwheo,lo;. York farmtryi -101 aud.York grate ties '2O. i p ..::...., DItESJJEO. IIOO us at 12lket., , U.WS -.NAV' Wing p freely, soil doll:whiz eldrooplug to ncy . .1 we eon: Undo to attote at MO . .• .t,., - PLOIIII-10 .quiet• dl - unchanged; The mills are reported "lielaa a pretty ii it good bovines:lc - having ti baguet proper dower tho retail trade, Wen .they, pee • enabled top:entre! in .tto lelpteowe of the low pries Of Wheat. iti S market. WO c0ut.„,.0 to quote at 88,1 0343. for winter wheat ilourund $6,26@f00 r spring. GRAIN—Them is • an to dented , for wheat and but little o • we 0031 rePortaalea to the mW e tat 18,031,18,, Ows quietd notwithstanding the °Miring, are light; we continue to quo4at 47tati on wharf and track, and PM re. Corti la offering more freely, bin rim' are mill ursiteatnal; 80 for tar- wed 86 for shelled: Rye la dull, though there la not much on the market; we .continue to quote at 05c@IIL • Barle fellma no hutlli urschanged-4 1 Q4 0 ..r aping, and 1,15®1,28 fall. 1 P OVI810:p1-61arket indite-keit a shade caster., AVo cantina Ito q uota shoulders at lilio• far plain- d 16i ibr 3 1acd auger oared; breakfast bacon. llo.; and auger cured: hams`2lla= .. —lBo. inc western, and lie. rpr ,irit rendered. . . To consumptives., ,'. • Tries sidirwtleai haling,been; rnikgwl to health tn,h k 0( a 'TOY sidlldo YiietedY. OAT having sedated , awyetal 'year* with fsevere InnO affection, and that &tett disen4; Othhlintption, ll Buxton, to make (Mown kohl, fellcnrittreona the mean: of core. , . ; :, • To all vibe dealn it, he will and diroFY of the preacriptiou wad dam orall40). with the tarot , Lions for pwpartzgy and uilng tiro game, whkh they sill and • ICUS cyan roWeenjo/14:1021,, AAUP Xi. nUOMCIIIP-1. etc. , The oldect attic adventser In =ldled the,Traretiption islb be, the agile, ted, and spread infignuttion width hi coahalt.e. to be laraleable ; and he hope* ,enry !offerer will err hie remedyjs It will cull them tootiting; and may prore a blessing,' • rartteewlAhini the Foe seTlptlua will please sddroaa ' • 1. f ig ' .. . '• . • licv. r.DivAup A. VT oN. •• 11 1 11finnut.m.q. Kiva Co., fork. Noli:Ir . . . - • • • . ••• Errors of Youth. ' A Gzerototive who puttered for yeito from Nor You. Debility, Premature Decoy, midi!) the effects of youthful IndWootton, RIII, for dui woke of out. tering bemanity. scud tree to all whit need it, the' receipt and direct kiwi fur milking Dail stmpla ran oily by which be etootuted-r-Bufferets wtatthig to proht by the ativirtfecee cope:knee:can Ao lie by addreieing, in perteetconlklencej. vi ?' 4 TO TtE 4.fftlf.NG (I.Att!!--W i lre ;jet pared to humph all classes with constant meat at home, the whole of the limo or for ttst Lasoon moments. Business uuw, light and pronto. e. Pt nuns °tether PCX costly OIL from 7.9 to %. , 5 per menlog, and A Propodlonal moo by de leting their whole tune to ths business. Boys and girls earn neArly'us touch as men.; That all who ere lids may send thelroddrom mad 'wrest But boa- Mane, no make tills unparalleled offer: To ouch os are not well rattlsad, we will need li dollar to par for the trouble of writion. /full partici:dors. alttoble sample. which alll do to candour= work rousted s coy of 77,s ItapistutAterary COM prmior,-MIC of the lamest and ben ElMity Dews trapeze published—all sent tree by Mill. Meader. it )uo want permanent. profitable troth. address F.. C. ALLEN a Co„ Augusta, Ate. octfft:.lco. . ; KEttlt—BUSSEL:—.Oa lam:larva, 1870, at tho residence of tho bride In Van port Pa., by the Rev. :James 11011ings bead, of Beaver, Pa. Mr. Thomas Jef ferson liars, of,Froodotn,Beavercoun ty to Miss Alvirtatusael of TIM-, port,. Beaver 'county Pa. • • 10 o—BARER—January 3dilby lter'. A. Dilworth Mr.J. W. Igo, or Latrobo, Pa., to Miss Mary J. Baker, of •Bearer Falls. NICKLE—In Hanover tp., of diptheritt, 012 thotlith ult., alter one vreek's sick ness,Chas. In tho 21st.year _of his ago. JO/I taiTO.N..—On thole or January '7O, st his togtionco in Hoeltarfiorough, Johnstdn,-. VI years. Nee AdverthrOtents. tIECUTI2II:I 4 NOT/CE.—utters tertrunentary st:l having been granted to the enbscrllier on the estate of Adam JohnstoiL doe's!, tate or the hrr et of lioceoster, Bearer c0unty...1...a1l ponorm Itdebtml to said estate are hereby notified to wake Itnmedlettewyment: and all persons hashigelalms soniend said estate will present them der aothea trent ed for settlenteuL LUCY 001INSTON. Clot:tit% I gxeentrts. 114111. 1.7 Iwo Rory Frame Dwelling Rouse, con taining all rooms and ball, on I 10t 601150 feet situated in the borough of Baden; but a short dis tance from railroad nation: well of grunt water ai the door; delightful view Or River and Railroad. For further pal ticulani inquire of • T. W. HE 'ORE, Baden, jani:•(*. Beaver co, to. CA l ergetie aaleamen to well hr sample standemi goods. Address 11. 11.111 al novienlm. 413 Cbertantlllnitini sneer, l'hila., CO.. PA. PUBLIC SALE. A Trutt oia..and In Moon Townwhip. , In pymrtlun of au order of tile Court of Coes uniblnetes of raver county,the Undersigned Com mittee orate Waft and estede ofpliditY RAMBO, a lunatic, will Moine to public rule, on the prem ises, on Triesilay 'tubers:tart leis Ines at 1 o'clock p. m.zthe following . described rrai estate. the proven) , of ema lunatic, t o wit: A certain trod[ or pleerreff land, stmata le Moon township, Bearer county, Pcunsylyanis ; Iliounded on Iles north by • lands of Nautuel Reed; on the cart and comb by lands of Elizabeth Hagan. laud on the want by Raccoon creek, containing 36 acres of land more or lees ; shout 41 Ames r f which are cleared and under gond cultivation, the residue being good timber land. The whole tract ill well fenced. and consists of the very best quality of bottom land. There are on the premises a log dwelling house and double log barn; a good orch ard, rowelling !shunt 1(0 poem= trees nt bearing condition; in excellent well at the dwelling. and a vain of coal between 3 and 4 bet In thickness, wOpen and in working order, e; remises arls ithin ono-eighth mile of a c hur ch ; nne.fontih mile Ma mill; one awl ounhalf mitre of &school house. and four miles of Vannes . ; traUtion on Ike C. hP. It. E. There are no crops ours on the land, and possession will he given imtnediateyl. TEEliet—One-third of the p6M, hase money to be pant to hared, on the contirmation of , the sale by .he Court; and the balance in three egnal anneal nstaireenne from that thee, with lawful interest 00 each ineetaleneut from the It a rled confirmation. . 30111; sTsWAItT. Committee; Erbiguwater, Pa. ITO UNION HOUSE, A. BOYD ROOK,, ietor. But. essor to John 11. Clark. GOON STABLING ATTACIIED. BEAVPR, PA. • Surveyor Gentrail* °flee, Ilannoincnou. 1'a..Aug.!•3: 1 930. TO the Owners of Unpatentorl Lando: In obedience to on Mt of Assembly liptimved the eighth day of April, one tiomand right hun dred and ckly pine. con are hareby notified that I the `• Connty land , I3en contaluing the tinder patented hinds for Beat Cr cinilliY•Pri'lidfoii lb. Act of Assembly of tlin 'fin Of 3hky. aim thousand eight hundred and sixty. four, and the up dement thereto, boa this , day teen rotwardod to tie Prothonotary of the county, at whose Milos it may be examined The Ilene ran only Hunts dated by the payment of the prirchase Im tiirert and Am, and receiving. potent. through 7. this Department JACOB, tl. CAMPBELL, auditiaim - ,thirreyor Oearra dee 5 till apr Etc„ Great Distr By She Metropollt CASH GIFTS TOTHE Ail T. of $500,000, , Icrery Ticket.Prail4 a Aliel • 5 poll glftwitch $20,000 40 alb iii midi $1,005 10 do 110 NSW tot Ido do 000 ~41 do do &AO oat 'du do CO Venda! lloaewood Plantat:, dab toe O 75 do do Melodoutin du 75 to 100 1111 Sewin; liachtnee ... . ...... . at to am.Gnid A% oche. ..... .... 1.. do' 75 to MA 'ained at $lOO.OOO A . chance to draw no' of that. bore prized for 115 cent& 'Ticket" dine/thing Prizes are *Wed in ep. "acmes, and well mdced. Oa rocelprtif Xte. • &Wed Iletel to drown without Choice and "eel be mail to any addrera. The pin. UtZRMLUP. II t obi be dented to the ticket. cider on payment of one Dollar. Prize" are Immediately *cot to !MY: addresa by exprees or return mail. You whl kturer what you . mice la before you pal , for It. Any Prize ezreenged for ambler Varese !clue. No blanks. Our patrons can depend on fair dealinr.. ltexr.tomems:- Wp 'elect the Atilt:m . ln; from many who hare lately drawn Yaloabie Gruen and kindly yenuitted es to publidt them. Addrew .1. Hum.. tolakt• 31htsClan 140 Welker, Daltlutnre. sae; moh'w'• 1 )6 - Mit. VOW, John T. Andrews. Savannah, Vtoo - Wm Ammo Simeon', (tharleilon. Piano, , We publiak no mane" without inolultition. ()mottos■ or tam Yawn—The Arm Cl tellable and deserve their succem ifatdy Tried , nr‘MAZ 0. We know them to be • talr d og Herald, May IS. A Wend of Mr' Orme • pail WWI which was promptly rem ced - Daily reset, , Jane 3d.' - bend for circular. Liberal Indtptablenhtto Agents thdistactlon pneranteed tun forkneof Snide& olft contalmioae cult . Six Tiekeis for Envelope.l 1% 35 fur $51.110 ftir 1115, All liters should be addermated to • • aunritie, aviMaN oettS,Ontl. lirwodways New Vont. • -t't -7 • •t=l-7r , • • - aceitasteous -- 44 .~igy ~+.o. TRAi I - • M 100 utro4 - trw.r..s u,Nr=. ; Ili HE MOPVORN JAMES, DIINcAN, Who low Just sw•Oveil Imo of thci bingE4 end most compleUs stocks ever br inght to Bearer %ounty, consts9ug of Hats,Caps k Furs dOll2l a. OGDEN. No. 41. Cedar. street. Ningitiork Married. Died. bution can co., cti'' ~.f:, ,; ;q4:bjr-l' . 7 % 'pl . . • .4 . ; - ,:) i r marXe.t - pi** for IS 2000 BUSHELS OF OATS, MOM rolh.ton, llotwor Co.. Po. iFOIIEION AND 'DOMESTIC PRY - GOODS 3.lootit MigilZ2 0140 1 1 1 3 E Carpets and Oil Cloths, Ha I'dware, QUEENS WARE, clr.n.oCurrans, &C, linens' Flannels 2Zi cts. and tsi)wnrd, (.3 aid :hung, 20 cis. and upward t Tartan Plaid•Altutcus:ti eta and upward, P,IRIn..AIpuNZIO Ni and upward, hirmNol A4rDll2l-.CMV2SG Muslim 10 ea. and upward, lomestieGinglinmsl23l etx anti upwait rk)1717;fli11 TOBACCO. , . Its . deleterious effecto on the health are annulled and strength to thrsuffering or gam restored' by wung • • LANGE'S PLUGS 9'liry being a pleasant and powerful tonic In the shape of navy tobacco. Pat ented March 9th. 1569. If your druggist has not got It vend 25 cents to us and we will send 5 plugs tunny address, postpaid. T. C. LAN'GIi &SOS, 4 Car. Pettit &Thirteenth Firecht, PITTSBURGH, I novlo:3tu oltrlstinum Premeittm. =MN & SIEDLE, Successorm to REINEMAN. MEYRAN 6. SIEDLE; No: 42: Firth Aveitue, PITTSISUIIOII, Pa iluvo just opened a is ci Uy rot the mu ing badaya nn unninally lama and ele gent stock of FINE'.TEWELRY, WiITC 110, 'WM ON D S, . . SILVER AND Fine table Cutlery, French Clocks, Bron zes, Musical Boxes, Jas. Nartiln's, Charles Jacet's and Frodsbam's Watches. American. Watches, . Appleton, Tracy d; Co., Amer* , can Watch Co., E. Howard & Co., El gin Watch Cp, - • FINE AMERICAN CLOC'ES, Moth: by SETH THOHAS,:. Of which a large assortment Is constant ly kept on hand in our basement, mai sold vilmsesale and retail, - (eh dcc B. • The Only Reliable Cure for Dyspep sia in the Knoiin World. Pr. :risAarre Grail Anarrican Dyopepala Pills and Piro 7hr Cordial are a poetise and in• faillhatteure fur dyspepsia in its most ar,rivatinty IbrM,`and no mat ter.of hots low; standinz. , They ponetrate the secret abode of this terrible disease and exterminate It, to t end branch hoer. . • They anetinto more agony and silent suffering than tangle can tell. They brawled centurion the moat desperate and benefits, Pica, when erne/ known means falls to atfortrrellet. No form of tlysiieptta or Indigestion tan waist their katocttatteez power. . 'Mat. NVISIMALIVT'S Pine -Tree Tar. Cordial., It L y s the vital principle of the Pine Tree. obtain buliar. pumps in the stillation of the ed peculiar tar. by which Its highest medi di cs properties ere retained. It Indgorates the Wrestled organs and restores the appetite. It drengthena the &M d. tated rystem. It purifies out enriches the taxed, and expels from 'impish:el the con-option which al breeds on the lunge. It Pauli - ea the mu ena or phlegm which the air pftStages of the tango. Ps Iscalhor Pr Pie aria upon the trial od sedate of the lunge end throat, penetrating to 'tech &cud part. redoing pale and subdulcg In gatustkm.• it Is lbe result of yam of etude . ..and experiment. and it le offered to the afflicted with tritireasomince of Mt power to cum the bellow ,p,seihafe, If the patient Me net too long delay. ed a rep rt to the meatsdone ansuneption of flat Lungs, ano, ,sorerhroatand Breast, Bronehdia, I car Tbmplaint, Blind and Bleed ing silma,Whooping Cough, Diptherus, tte.— A medthat expert, bolding honorable Mallegiste diplomas, devotes his entire lime to the examine• don of patients in the ace parlors. Aseoelated with dim are three mudded Phyaldvss of ac. knowledged eminence, whose pervices are given to the public/de Of Wry& Ills opportunity Is ogered by no other Institu tion In the coantrr. Lettere/front any part of the conntry„asking ad vice, will be promptly sod grateitously responded Ob. • Where convenient, ormittances should take the of O num or Itos 4 itile • Orders. •• Price of Whbart's American /emends Pills. $1 Wm Pent bylleU sin receipt of • _ Price a cv $ll Roo Tree Ter addles. Poo a boule.ese $ll per &meek Went be efrinwfwt AU 0061iniallaltSona 'Wald be addreered • wisatirr. ?NAM lis~hOtood otreet,Thiledelpidat. 1? , 1' NeW Ariigal of Goods ,~: :•~ ..~ ."AT. Bpeye - rer & Son, Coiner at'Water niui denies StriChl It Q. col:8 Irk*. PA•.ztizr A. • .fiave.jusi returned from the east' large glnek of gackla !iambi at the low. at Cash prices', winch -they .6ftcr lu the public et REASONABLE PRICES, Cons Wing of DRY GOODS GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, AND gAic-DEV.ARE, PRINTS; TURKS, COBUI R IS, ALPA CAS, WOOL DRLAINS, CLOTHS, • CASSIMERES,- SHAWLS, ' FLANNELS; • MERINOS. MEN'S'• • • UNDERWEAR, HAT'S, CAPS, 410071 AND SHOES ROPt °CUM d PACKING YARN IRON &NAILS, PalntS; Olin m u d Putty, Queensware and, Willow Ware; 0 1712,1:101D, ,GRA B A COAr, Se, &e We dill Itro:e control of the retebrateil CANTON CITY ELS FLOUR, VILOUIt. We reelere ibo Aimee 'minds by the .at load, and can sell them at - Pittsburgh Prices saving freight on same We , an sell IRON; SUCIinS4 COFFEES, TEAK, sonPs. SPW ES, &c: at wholesale prices to dealers. ' t.V - Thatiking tbo public for pad pot , ronav, we hope to merit a Micro! there for the future. We nltrays buy tot milt and gall cheap,. P. S. Also ageuts for the KNOB MOWER AND REAPER and Pittsburgh National Plow @is. 35 6 MI CO N1 1 47 . , • Pure Catawba and Concord wine of our own vintage for medical and Sacramental purporm . are highly recommended by tho.e who have used them. nov:ltc. DRUGS ! DRUGS & NIEDICINES Tit."I:II3E3ES I W. BITECHLING - German Apothecary and liru6yhrt IN.TIIE DIAMOND, ROCHESTER, Keeps constantly on Land a well selected stock of PURE DRUGS P.iTENT MEDICINES, I'EItPI:3TES ANI) SOAPS, PSINTS, OILS PURE WINES AND Medical Purposes. Cigars and Tobacco, (Inala and lictiacti oils.. ALSO Soh. rig - ont for Dr. lletzers PntentTmrses. All hinds of 'Trusses will be delivered On short notice. Physicians prescriptions hill bo tilled at nit hours of ilay and night. sarA share of patronage solicited — GO sy2l:ty. AT JOS'. 13.01 - 474 V.: Sri CfO'S • Fall anti Winter Millinery Goods; Mims, Flgoveis,Fent hers, Huts, Bonnets 'Velvets, Eutbro'tactics. Handker chie(s, White Gtest4, I)ress and Cloak Trimmings, jloisiTy • tk, GloVes, .4400a - )W, I Yarns, Worsted, Flannels, Corsets' and lialuiond Skirts, UNDEBWEAR, FURNISHING GOODS, Ito r Cnils , 11011 , 4 nuti SWitelleA, AND NOTIONS, Stock al:Nayst . ,coraillete and prices low 77,8 79 lIIIARKEr ST.. PITTSBURGH, Pa. net6tc. AESTIDIC I4I . - TEEEiI PERFE e. BD I—T. J. 4 H. J. CHANDLER ..oce pars chaged the analogic° l i r of INSISCI . COIIIISI to ems Dr. tituden Patent. which they am kup Vulcanite an thin an (MI Plate, with • • betnimi enameled poligh ; mud no light and elmtle AA to portectly adapt tioctr to the month; obviating all that clumsy and bulky-condition, on math eonb l'Udn'd of berebtere; and leogmains their Rabidly to break one hundred per cent. Indeed. pa one geelet. It would be willing to wear tho oid etyie -plale any lon e r than they could eeseeruhrody I them exchanged. All branches, of Dentiml7 P 1 ot' formed Ise the hart and moot enbetantlal manner. Ise bitten teeth with gold. eto, grochallenee enm. tellion from sml l mortar. sad am refry living Oa /w hore a isrva M VO Rood between th irty Oswir,oarip. MOO the number Slott. John Animus will esbibit allies* we Warted some S 5 years mei the Web so pedeet ad the day they Wee KU... I'Bl IngPSllll4 OIS • sew Ifteltur It 11=11 unpldwantand dangerous otonlo. Making the extroettms ot teeth • source of assaro rather than of horror and pain. Priem as Power any good dentist. In the 13ttic Moe at Deaver Station. nochedet Da. nocttil T. J. 4E J CHANDLER. • EMMEMMNII!M=2 : 4 iseii.,r semanta,. S i rstrit:Arr ' lt l ig eianty, to or aboot lb* lit of Jane.■rums ailnn 414 stint. istiollt, aue pat4l/t4..f1 MIL al4. OW! markirpettelreable.".."lte (mum As .ssiss,t 4 4 Prtivorery. plychaThi and WO Mid /away. • 441 "U., . ; ' . tSAIIUEL MAUL _' _ • El • :.;;11111:;t.12TES163110:.. ; H ,, ,--NAI)w-unt)Eu •••• 'Plitent, Ato air wassuri : milrill. • 30) Itritre„ lir Suggrry, 11, riagc 512. SOW flqrllll63 /44 . • Prinslicito VCCSS I Lilberly'stret,:r, riltspargh, latVot • ' • , . T tattled Vtarartarresttills.i—Tbe as it h./ erelgae3 have formed a limited partnership. Mader Um kre of the State af rentleylraale, es folimer, to wit: tat. Thu Dane of fhe dtia will ha wFItEEMAN BUTTa." ,MI The hostasw tattoo& ed tote transected Le the mining, tnowpordae. and willaa °LOW, Imo Ore, Vint and Coke,- 34. The name of lien general perigee La Vrtemati Dalt+. *bo ' , aides In (.l 'Wed,. ha the mato of Mow: ski the opechd partnererare theta Dallied and Thames T. Davis. both of whom tilde lu Hy. ramme, In the Wale of Now Volt. 4th. The grewate amount of capital cnattfbanal by the .oe. eta) comas Is ten thou/mad dollars lo nob, (be. In; are thousand dollen by each). Bth. The hart. nerahlp commenced on the =I day of December, A.. D. 1803, and lota terminate Sae years teem that date, to rale on the 11d day of December 1144. " ORRIN BALLARD, • • THOMAS T.,DAYIS • Water, Pa.. 4,13 a.. Dec. 93,1 Y K1L1.4 iS . USl tr l. .11an5 DENVER DRUG STORE, 'itl/ )l ll•A§ . Efii , Druggist &Apothecary, 131. 4 .1A,Vrat. PENN. DEALER - IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, iwtrum ERY SOAPS. Sc TOILwr AnTrcr.Es PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Mellieal 4Purpo.q, P.m yrs, enr...s.vAustsilEs. mtusir GROCERIES, CRUDE AX!) REFINED OILS, of the greatest varlet), la , t guilty and at . the very lowqt . 11 rrrikr,ents fur lahnestnek. IlasTett and Schrt lutes Strictly'Pure 'Whit v . f.cad, the oftleo tied be,d brand in the marlad."Sa oct6.ty. --CARPETS .o=3> iyaßa intayanaz ~T ; W . A BPI:F.:NM A SSO IabIENT OF WHITE, CHECK •AN D FANCY MATTINGS FOR SU3I3IER WEAR NOW OPEN. FRESH 4'.RRIVAL.OF NEW BRUSSELS .1.1".2 1 .3er1i1r .71 RUS 71... S. TIIItEE PLY CARPETS & INGRAINS to till onr stock since the close of the hairy . Spring Tonic. Oliver McClintock and Co. 23 FIFTH PITTSII ure..o H, PA. . • Jun 30..69_1111 rirrsliumtan CIE)XLDIE DAILY and WEEKLY. __ A s a thorough new:pa - per, oparin: neither labor nor orpense to famish the fultrot sod most red. Ide ititetllgrom; no the fearless, consistent. and persideut °moment or corruption in (ace and ad.. VOCIte of Honesty, Economy, Retrenchment and Roform inpublic Adair% ; as the sworn ftm of “filugs" and every description of ;Unholy-it cow. itittetion,—Just -no rsadflo expo. their practices in the Republicau ss In the Democratic party, and *oral mono an. LOCETIM It hOISIA that wetrty i which nill 1 . 30 out offenders of thin e 'p iton entitles ito if to the confldance of the le— as an lode:mod Id Republican journal, Om nava -1 l I I ' e of n e n ' i l' l 4 C ' rt:s w g i u l td " I' s rn anode ' d ' or die rtl7li ' it 1 - vs -1 1 . u u a - lion to the Punting public, • . - \ It Is X Progressive Paper. LI Q up] .FOB And keep' op 'in the match Of Improvement and the developement of 'dim: Thoroughly alive to everything that to valuable or letteleAtteg, tt Iden tities Welt' at once and heartily It lilt whatever la calculated to Improve mankind and elevate it rtandard of Intelligence and moralltv. lav es publicau looms, of the rtrictert rect. It deal. with political lineation. with an .'rimer[ wish to get at the truth and place only good and capablo turn In °Mee. " It lan •People' Paper, And relies on their /Omni and good opinion rather thou the favors of political lendern. :Sror bun it done no in vain. It. 'lndependent courne— mote eepeciallY In denouncing lent slutivu corrnp• lion and exponing the prnmlcvs of Moons in ofdent —ban made it the favorite of the waster and the feared of (Bohm:test arpiranto end detwoched party lenders. 'l3f the reputation it Mtn earned In thin respect It to sinctrely proud: . and it winbes no dif. (trent standing tn the deld of kturriatinm in thin regard litp a. discriminating. paldie Promptly on . cord to it. To prove faithful to their eonlidenru and good opinion will be Itn constant endeavor. • Aud mate with the leading . Journals 'valet ,are thoroughly awake tuall that Is going uu. ws Department La always fresh and •full. Its editor!. ale are written with a propose In view. Its Dar. net Reports and Comtnercial News gatherings are meant to supply the Meet exacting demands of the business pubtk. • It la a PrOlrperoll% andGroaclna Paper. Having from the start gone ahead, pp outstriing older occupants of the acid of jonmalism:'aud it has attaittrd to • prosperity and Coma to exert an Influence second to no paper in the State. That it has fairly WWI the rank of the lirg paper to Va. is the verdict. of newspaper reucert in general. It Is a Paper of Intlaenar. - It being nmd more generally Man any other ritilk burgh paper, by Um busines., orotesplonal and thinking close.. It I always found where the ho lest news la 'vaned. and as an Independent topaz prized„—tn Banking Houses, Counting Room., and the Family prcTe, where It Is welcomed as baldneee aad Intellectual neceseity„ - and where It. Influence la Catapult and increating. Its past eantnee' Is Ite beet reeoutmenda. . , Ilan% And It I. felt that Mery la no necessity for indulg ing m new profession or whine Inch promlora. II mime:while adhering to its etandard In pelf ties and morals to Improve u It prmittuuet. and omit nothing that will add to I:a strength or M erman ha twefaincaa. . The Next Year. • The Commtneux. enters on another year Grong and hopefULand with a deliberate purpose con. shield with what boa been told ab o ve. And It goes not hadtate leash the asoperat ion °ran who approve of this purpose. No besludires I. felt In saying that It &mine thin support in Maculae he ctrealatlott and enlarging the sphere of !launc h:onm*. The seaman is at 1 and when Goner.. and the Legislature wilt be In sesolon.and stirring events at both the National and State Capitol wilt be transpiring. The measures oldie splendid ail. ministration of Gem Grant will soon be before the country—embracing vacations of the duo, to leirtt to every neuter and tax payer. /AT•tslatutr,". too. will preseut matter of Interes.t. Atoned 1b...1g0e. an aaireatiart and " borne o itohe,4tli.elduoloposolittud poigipou.lsrveso,..oymote.!shit.tros.drespilat......7tlnbeg fag ' of which no one AA luitli o a s li that is nem "cr-usi":Al:tripbe:ikavrorn wi lt be Wo the ales of tn., Cr:Maas- Terms. 0411/V"Vcc•iloPcr inc; ■lz montht al far three The Weekly Commercial to a urge arl column novriaper, containing kw advertisement* Ha ample minims contain a complete compendlohltaf the NE . iKS OF 'ITE TVEE,K,. the leading editorial* from the Daily. ad ail the Foreign and Home Nista/. carefully reported and corrected esprouly for .tie weakly up to the date of mica ills eripliatically A Familfliewspaper, co per yam (inriably fit ad- 'same., la Clubs or t aer47 ti g va r - SPerizen MOM sent frt.. Stud far Cu eautalutag list of Presaistat. Address. • - • TUE COIIIIIIBIII.CAML, Pittsburgh. Peon's ASate and Spitidy Cute Gat Coughs,Ogds,. 'Asti* BrOndidi g Hommel; Cronp. ladnenan, 'Whooping Cough:' Incipknt. Cotanzoinion, and all Manua of "the 'Most ant Lama Don't infect a were Coosh, or 'throw away money on worthies medicine. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE by * RABA BENTLEY by all Mir UtuLyity 3l3 • BuS4o , , N.Y. • Sold. je3o:ly Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray It is natural Vitalit : and Cold'. ' 4. dressing whiff is once agreeable. healthy, and effectual for preserving tla. hair Faded or grot hair is soon restoni to ' original • cola . tri the glass and fr nese - IV youth. ' Th n hair Js thick. erred, falling hair checked, and bald aess often, thought not always, cured by its use.. Nothing can restore the !lair whtro dm follicles aro destroyed, ' w the glands atrophied and decayed • But such as remain can bo rived for usefulness by this application. rlnsthall ' of fouling the hair with a pasty sedh cut, it will keep it dean and rigorous 'lts occasional use will prevent the bait !front turning gray or falling off, - and tonsequently prevent baldness. !Free front those deleterious substances which ;make some preparations dangerous and !injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not h arm it. If wanted !merely for a , 'nothing else can be found so desirable. tontainino• neither oil nor dye, it dot* llot soil white cambric, and yet lasts !long on the hair, giving it a rich glottal Lustre and a grateful perfume. • ECM Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PI:LICIT= AND ASALITICAL CIIEZIERSI; Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Irani P i t -nu-ma Tux 'moon. 1870 II Is a Live Paper, z Ayer's HAIR DRESSING, LowELL, MSS. mucto aca. - The reputation this es.• • [silent medicines erhietYlo • _.„,, _. Is derived from Its cam, / ' IF .= , Marty of Which are I. lely t. - marvellous. In ecterse, •- """ - • eases of Scrofulous se,- • 4 4 ,, . .:. e rnv ase, - w i he i r: tu the ram el t ‘ 1 ,1 , , , , e , ii trunnion. have hero , north.' awl cored by It. ' ..-',C-,'''` S•croftelons affections 01 , 1 • • _ .r. .. disorders winch were :•tr• - a , ..., . 2‘ .. grimmest 'by dee server.. ..oc - lons contamination mail awl Wore pebiltilly oink-dug, have been raelicolly cured In such meat numbers in almost every sect Son of the country, that the public scarcely need to be Informed of It.. virtues or uses. .... - gerofidenit poison to one of the most destructica enemies of our race. Often, this Unseen and unfelt tenant of the organbial mulermines the constitution, snot invites Ida attack of enfeebling or hated diseases, without exciting a suspicion of Its presence. Again, It BMUS to breed infection throughout the body, need then, on some favorable occasion, rophlly develop ono one or other of its hideous forms, either on the turface or among the vitals. In the latter. tuber• ries may be suddenly deposited In the lungs nt amid, or tumors formed in the liver, or it , 1111 A. i 11.0 pretence by eruptions on the skin, or fold eh ri• talons on some part of the body. fleece Mc evc. • }tonal use of a bottle of this darsaparilla I 4 :•••• risable, even when no isctive . _pymptornee of di.., 3 appear. Persons selictril with the followinevrie, • plaints generally Owl Immediate relief, and, . t length. cure, by the twe of this NA 1(M.11 . .t It 1 I LA! lit. Aistinsy'li Fire, R.O or En/sire/n. 4 , Triter. Fait Illocuoti, Scald Lead, Ilimver on., Sore Eyes, Sam Earl, and other V 1114011.. ..,. risible dorms of Scroll/tows disease. .M... in Inc Komi! Coneealo/ forms, as Dir.p , poin. , l Ilefort Disrafte, .171 s. rialopop, Neu roluirs, !nail the various tTirerous affections of the mu syn. ',jar and cottons system.. . 0 Syrian. or rrwerna anti .Verratrial Illsenoe4 itirc cured by it,thorigh a longtime la recodrell 1,4 t.nb.ining the, a ol.linat op. lila I lies I, r toy i n.,1; , • 1, 0 • I ltit long rontirmed nee of this medicine It ill ....I,lc 'Om complaint. Zettrnrrho•ts LC 117, it, .. Iv. • t••• ilikeratiOnt• . mid Female Itt rrrrr A, nt,• 4. 1 . . molly soon rellenl 011.1.210 e . oce.l !,‘ Il• itnrif) leg and luvign flop; utrent. .31111iiie im,y• tion‘ for smelt case are mud in our Aleso e •... • ~e• epier..l grotto. Ithrionatis. rm.! c.,,t. ~ ,I ••rt entsFed by :wet:null:llin. or rAlranoolo . 4 14 1.114 • 1 ;in the Mood, vivid quickie to it; et- at— • c • Complafters. roeTtatto, Pourscs//sit or / • •. .. ',mat fon or the J.:B, , ,..rmi.ionotfit eol ben .... .1 ... n. thee often do, from 1r 0. ~,darn, psi: , I ..1 .1110Q.1: TM* S.II//c,l "A fur. f.. 1 I , a t . • I :• • , stoter for the and Vleor of lite , .1. .•.. Than, 4 1 :110 m Are La riffittil .: , t LIAIIrps. 1.. 1. , -- dent, dimples. and troubled with A ear ••+ !, - %tre '/sentfool. or rears: or any of the en • • e ~,,,, ,symptomatic of Ifetuoor..s. will 11t1.I 1h1t,•1., .o . 'relief and conaincit4.l ktlidenee of ifs te•: , ,, , t "power upon trial. -' P R I: P A It 1,7 7) • J 1 Dr. J. C. ACICEIT. .3; CO« Lowell. Ma.. Practical arch * -4nalutiral SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYIVID:Rb marIZI . _ "7" -- • Restores crt.y and 1":. 1 11lir r , . Okttitt:At. Cotea, remote; I>andr,.! tERKS ALL DISE.V.IS or THE SIAI.I Pr,vviltA ‘I and f o r • ;11l I 1.1111eti:ili • la :!1. 7 .' 1,4 e, is, a ,•at W.; ...I 1n• SP:WM{I., 11ENTI. .t.,;4IEN F.Y. by 111 .Irugzi-is 0111,1i—L1: 1 1 1 S,: 1 1 To builactf. moron., bryklayerf and I•II• I:e1 lour limo at the 31 ()It 11G.114.›. Vr‘v,,rt,lll/11raVO tilllo and mount . . It 1•I aro ii• • hod Lime, to It It Alton . ..ter and . It 111 nt,i,o nt.. mortar, and them It no waste 10 It. WO Inn • o•• hot the lowt clone and It I, burned Itt,4: earl not Lnlxed with the crone to loan. to V. , . than no non'', or cinder hi It. 111 . 1c1tIayern nerd not pitt it or TOO II oa to n. •.• mortar, which will OM. O wool deal or time. Yon can alway. get It leech—r• d hull() ou 0..1 It—and In LARGE LUMPS. Ilefer to All who Imo twit tt. St me pnrtLv ~, Wrested In other k I leo prink tventoot It e1, , 1 try reit an toferior ?nide , at the ram. , prim t'Alt Ire It, or try romp. Lime delivered promptly to ot!ler ot Reasonable_Rate C's IJ nthlroal, ever 0n0t.., S•• 11,1 ortle. 10 the Ivauon Lime Kith*, or • 3hiu IV. J. DUNN, Waver Powtollits nyky Brighton Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. PRINTING. .MA N.A7LL.,4 ROOFING, BAILING, Hard ware 7 . Glsang, Straw: xcr AND CARPET 31.A.DiuvAlc-rirmini AND SOLD AT Who!castle Retail by rralicr,tellEer &Co.# S2,Thlral Avenue. 11711.1 riritago talculn esrlualze. El BEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers