A ENE ,t 1311121 ii .‘dverti4einenta aro Inserto4Parthont o „r s ip) prr squat() for.ii rst,litaertion; and, 1.... eu elil:ltlisequent;J/IsprildfirkiNuti,:: .% dkeollta 111110, 1 •911yearlyu ord4.loollN, A spa , 43 equal to ton Hubs or this type I ,,,a=eres a square. Inrincrs Notlel:4 Not under 'a bead •by 0..11061 , s Immediately after the local avw,, bet elutrqed 'ion cents n:l,llte each . in4ortlons r " .I+lvortivetitotittt Ahou '.,bandttti iu k•loro 'Monday noon to Insure. luttOrtlon to that weelett paper. ' It n~ t>iEss~ C'arrd a: 11.1. AND IVINTEn IliddetiniCinktattiPtaltnan.Pit,r l . 4 with the latent d esign, j.:11 , QUI111y. •:,., i, I iroin.tho grentalrt 'noveldee ti' .........I......tg'frltutnings to bo scented In Parts. I Itiblags,,Veirainfri.gligl Veils, Finnan., eirleyi null Trintipad Paper Pattern...Prete inakink: 'lll:xcluelen agent tar M re;" N. orls , . celebrated eYitotilturcuttlinriatline drew., bn.qnre, w. corner. or II ih ....end.. Ste., Philadelphia. 1 propitlifiut. , .18011:,:lvtley tie fur Jlehed experleUcetr onntetent treArhere. I MIOS MAUI: A BUNK, the place or Mies Dever, grethiat“l In 110-0,1,:in llt ttt elrinteal t iehlth Ike onnerriber wart it- ilo ipttl,ailti lier r.cliolareltip and experience IL4 A ev re the Illdttriptilvitts 'that toil tutu It, ro Iyrat It teacller in this Seminary, , who &eke tMI tier our Catalogue, will I . • • on or atl.lre.,. the Principal, P. It. A. ISPLICAN. N,SVIDIL SEDINAIIIN AND 'NVIIE -11 l'T G; 01,,.m. its Filivuntli Juntbil licenlon 11111 of Neptember, under the bhitertn• ~ Iri r.l the l'clatelpal, Itcy. It. T. !ray. cip4dalattiotiou will he paid to the ; • .t.kth/il'ail,Ctlett, let till, I. 0211r11011: 4 1,11006: roil unit lumtrunn•iktab by b cobliwb.nt I • r at moderato tam . , !Att. prrpareil for "4"• or n Ol MICIVUL until modern, by lib,:ttly eillckut t 0.,, a. well fly Painting. Itrawltt; told.Wttx. „ bead tot n elVllThgtle In ItEV. 11.'1. TAVI.OIt. Waver, IL. ):: Tlitll l 4 FACT(II/I'.--Jo -1 ...yrlz 11.1.•blerahaaultriveturer. and Whole.ale 1.1.1 Jtetall Dealer' fu Tint stra .Vullas,„.Travellog Je., 1 1 16:tellilleartilrila‘1 7 114341114 onnra promptly 1111od. anntwork Waffart 1,.1. r:o t iory ml4anrner,s4k:lfteentlml4 Prim I , lnm l r l " Uutta4taly , J. .11 1 .D1:111SON, knving taken bald lbf r)oat Foundry ugain, in Itocheyter; r 4., „ 2 1, t:lea.ed to meet Kulold ynath)uers , pdtt : 1,., may wnut Other the lIES'I' C(I()K -•t: leatisnr.hlove, ur ouy ott:or kind Of of 141 , Shterlal and iyhrktantrahlit. The 111 be eutulticted Ise : Asinnisox &SONS. • - 1: ItON MILLS.--Thv untlertlign• iltle•tarillud of lotortalt4; tiluvublic if in , itnin 'girth:l.44l mat talon rhail...4 , of liar tornier•v owned by the ,Nles,•re Dar , :-.llaron. Itenv, county, They 113VC I 111C111 104 ;Mx now prLparell to thin if lauds eattAfaetion or theft patrouo.— ;!...,r ot dour will compare favorably with 11 ;h.. market. (1110 us a call helore :zoi; • ,SANIU EL DAVIDSON DUO. ••• • • , •• • •o'l' : --New Bakery, at old 'third wrrt, Itemer. Pa. .10-aa.u: H. u 1 ti.Ott 111‘ a 1:11 . to lufornt Ith. old Wend: , that dalat,hed In 1111Sill,d la the 111101 V t 4.111.1. 5.1.. ft' kr, iil hr dltot to meet laid 1111111110111011.110 th,oll. Frettlll6,ol. mine. I t fllCloll,, 1010, SC. SC. I 'ota . ttl . llloll,llol or all ktude.• ,No. I Floor, nottle 10 t1:11 , ..11 Wheat, hy the barrtd,t , ark, or retiuli. .(nn. 6, 1,69. . r Perna.'" Tin MIMI, Bridge t red." Brltlzewnter. I 'a.; h here Ila in prtpart!li 11'0 t11:111111:ICIIIN .11111 Pell • er) king 111116 iltitt :tt reasonable rates Hav ing tetni,vol hi. piam 01 hn..iner., Irons the corn er near the Midge nre,nt location, Intl lo t ner hiy uld tri..rnit awl patron, to Ott,• hint n enII. /WI ty. _ • I)EN. K. 1.,111:ILSOI., Ationte itt Law and 3.iittevt•pir ul hind, Anlicelli,poAttg 1.1,,:e0r nyiperla/Jeav,r. 14`.Prr. Y I.;filet• \ir rp(ltllLy'd butltilng, rant of Squt, • urtr:11:1)• • vir .A. ItOSE, M. it:utivrri 'more, I 1 •- gt/1144 menu.* to tile vithieshi .r :th t.a mnding..canntrt•, 8 . 11.Lont.h . Xlirffr, OfOrC..ll WAIN . ntroei, R.trlo.l fir, I. ..crruuuly ellt1.4111(illitIll hours bcOvecti .14 p. In. la It:ILI-11.A and 1.1 . 4,cripti.n. ni• •. "1:1.1111... nt•nrly .0.1 lhr dlikrrnt 6iud. for Jlt iht• •-• C.1:11 iEtZ4 to,ri k i; ) , af .I. 3 xy el (I fl. t n o ,1:11 11,r1 hy tilt. I.ltt• Om!, ,11m4. rms. promptly 'well. ti 10. •;N:l3. . , ht1111)11 . :Alt 11.% III) 11l C 011,4.4.111 It • tl:tt, 101 tiwt• 11., Dry 1:o1.I.or, 1,1..411 1414. t• for froth. „a atul %-ttiver pot in ttl ilte 1 . 1,1 Itti ttjpl;:tittl.all hork %tartan:ed. • Y% bit: I •tie at the At: ttri:ollico. • I) '.”lll.lNlllll43Viitelinualidr and Jnivoitir ‘ clu room adjoining .1. oitFf X dobi. onion otrilthirvs the public Is :,.1:t and cf." vu:tr.l.:,,d. (.30, T. II rl ..Ito Mor,g..gv, rorkato 01 tilt' 41tOrA-rnr. . . TI/lIS. MeCIC.I:EILV, 11nsher, t • orn, of flintl - nti , el.nlol 11,tni%1 I • •I un O ivaninentllinnld. Mutt. s Inn. ‘r ,• iii.;ll-11 I . ••ii 11.1,ii• it, pollti, the NATIWZAI,I.II. , I: S. Al-. !Ilvrt•lnlns ' , it'll' r • Itel,111).. ( . 0... 4N114.0 C. 0311. M I V.1,..t Ail, por :al.', 1;:,11 . 1 ... • , In.tde : • •••t' •. A 101 W iik. ;•Z, 10 I I 00 I,I•CK 111 it ,1/11.110 1:141111. r. Tisrm. 1• 1.11 'I r.'., , . I;••c. 1•.1. (It, 111111 •• • : 61,1,1,11,r e14,51.•,`'. • tt:3,l.S. 1; .111 . 11W1', • l., V.111:011111 , 11,1.1 1 ‘.1 ,1 , 1 111, 113%1112 1, 0 11111111 C.,1111111.11111C111L,.1:,,Viit 1 . •- . 1,111.1: 111.• Fite, c,•l•l,ht. k 1.,01,:11 , . , 1 1.11:•••r1•k4 inn the tint . ..tlii,t•r.tlleruno. • .kl-11. _•.ul 1. ••.knel . .or 4.f.11,1‘1.1•A11050u • Tirk , •to , k•olll t.l and iroha :d1 poi, in Eilg• S,ollll,,kilermilty ()I ", ill 1.8,1 • Illek tov., 11: iiott)l, I:oettr,t-r. apitTio • . sit'tp„•iii. for.-alp :it '111.: ALEXANDER & NT ;SON, 11l . . 1). C. .lltoriwy gt.d / If 1. • !.•r of C. American and European' Patents, Andat Palen( Lau. I oxiii•rionce as vollullor. °Mao. VAtill I c. f • r.r.-mmil. iciteute. -.cured oo! •in I•Ateut off i colioi rf chore . ; lifoirolii•Woof f“ - i i rktif in aoto roic onfr.v.r o 1.1/./1 7,r1 runt!: Srllll for Circular of Teruo, Int.trui-11.11•.1.1nd II cluatic., • I.:mg II W• Ntrli.. for ...nir at tio• A not, . •- .. • HERE NID SII'MM ER GOODS - Th, r-itmed I. tlr •inforin Itl. friejula I ill,'lilt he ha. Jn.t rrcciicJ roc 1101.-1 tit ito• tor mot Smother ovar ot Will It, litio•f,lltsvry voa.lrrat ra PU11.17 . (10.1 L-;. 'CONSTANTLY OS HAND. to.tOt• to ontor on lb, t•ltot !...11,1.t1 to no . pttlklie lot Itt,t Itt . tor,., I hope t t-tt lit•hilott 11l bustoooto to merit n Mutt! 11- o o It Knit, • • • . i r silif, MI I, LEII,/ti• pea'''. E N :: Main:EMIT/X. it:a ~.I. ' l' ' ' . . I: , % lt It I , lllt . - 11.11;: —Tfie usider.igued of. i ti ~ I:. !Arm. ittudiat In North t-iewitkley i , liiii. Itiiaiter et ni ty. for sale. The farm eon. • : . • ~,, ,:, ~ a li, i• lal of which ari: ehaured tun! ii'.: nder bib 1.: thc• Lobo.. I. ,ell timber. , A bidit ti Inifacre of Merle:trial land I. first a nd • •.,,I hot tom! A urge tiortumu or the N 1 hole tract .• ~.h '.l.,lll.lVl•iy' I. 0 unit Cu:.!. Tlw farm Is atoll s l . ...: • '.. tin the f rm•ritia twit, ruin forbade 11, el. - i,,t.es, s sty iv • - pring-liti.,•e. and a Milne •• :Litt) by tdaty feet. and a lag barn thit ty by i . . t. It. , tiger. )(hall tiecesiduryout buildings. 1 ..ii.to 11l Alla I of o.lring - fruit trims on the land; i.....-iii urstpol'ylubli net out lout fall. - and Intro . ...- iLorry Rhunia:at cam, time. Payment. en+i, , ,• 11 , rutdresi.,) i I'll 11l IdAlt: - .11A1.1.. 1 i. North .4.o,dchly P. 0., Beirver county I'a. •i. ~ 'Min aboili Turn In 1:110,1% Ai Ott •• Dr. ::. ,:. ii Cuitotlngliain fdrrn.” I.lY7lfin• S'easollablatoodi For Farmers. Agricunurai : Steamer and 1,1,44,1!, ibtrrell,;4btrandVirginiaOnfit Ile:, Telegntpli, i ••I.•ka,(:thulx, ) l,bilge copper Strrip, Shute, •••• and y f Sharpening Ilay, and Fodder (7ittters. Hue I.'resies, .11 Threshers, I'nt'ers, &e.,* C. 5q . 0 ,1 C 1 prier . W. N X 137 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, l'as, • • . I:tivare of hilitltthin, of '..ho Sinclair or :::,!ionnro Cutters. Be sue you bee the .nti•, It. Sinclair C Co.,•cnst in .the njn ,[0.PC1:1111. 1:111.:NIVY LAPP. 11 eaur lu all IJAda ul TITRE , t.ticet above the Plop' Factnry; Roc:4es tC4T., T 1 Iniietfitot;k in DenVerenunty con. suntly on hand, and nt the very. lowest prices. Langlftihn• 7q,4. ";yY:~-re~.r•~r ~h•✓:,l+la' ~Vuc•L~~J:h 7773 - , {.11•Vo.1 ',V) hi " • • • 1 '.111; ,, t. , 111 . 711 • • • h " ' *- --; 52—Nod. l~ t ~ ~LYlrceUaneorcb. i 4!%- ,, .,.. :.: ; 1 .. , I; HAS OPENED HTORH To WHOLESAI.Hantt RETAIL 11 IYlllTitl • !MASS, PUTTY; .; F_Bitusijg,:4 - Aff . . ki 47 I; Mi-xed Paint 4. - i if ... Colon, in Oil find -Dry, 1 j i Carbon Oil, I, Boiled Oil, I L - _,, ,i Nent's root Oil, =OE Fplriis Terpenilne,l j Coach Body Varnish.! liot4 AL4baltasll, ; ;Jr_ %, 11 • •• ,I)AstAlt VARNISIT, ;;; SHELLAC ANI) 1. : 13LAC . K . -V!ARNISI . I, i'COALEN PATENT JAPAN' ATi3IST'S )IfIT.EttiALS,.... Irieture Prunes, (to order,) LOOKING ()LASSES,' LOOKING GLASS FIXES , , FRENCH' AN 11 PLATE - WIN IMW I; LASS, FRENCH '1 j.:Ndl,itT An' '.•,; .....f;1, i GEHNIAN (11.t1:: !!SAiil7) - ;His derails nre CASH on de.' livery or lx. janl:69. ' E xtr.ord.„ary . • GRAND,.BALLDOIi ASCENSION BEAVER, t•nnlll ma lit , more aqtnnishing than lb filet Butt SIMON . SNITGER & CO.; keep the best, hirgeit. and fro:lit:At ' pluck ut'• ' Gil( WEItl ES; 'iil;ol,9f; FEt4', 4&e,: jii BeaVer And ulthouglt IL lOWA OAS to make n U3llOOll lee. you n.lll find, If you Molt their entablishment lla they don't have to temort loom to makeithele g,,ods go. 1,, all, o‘• mould say, -rush In" and extannie our clock! Ite have on hand the finot and hm , t TEAS•• suGAits, pump. Molasses, Syrups, Soaps, 81,) Ilie bust bnltuls of Tobacco eivays ti, br tumid iu lhi• 11 ~ make a SpeCi:•lly II F1_17.1E13, • . . - lonynnt mot none Litt what we lawn n to he the v.qy ho , t ,nrietiv. In Ilse.. Our vAinbllnlt• twin en:oyq a yarned reinit.nton ju ails par t mini we Intend in the future a+ in the put to innintnin `Xi: DEFY . (.o'4 P lintrt td-wt, ilnlnlnen. We :we run nt the 11ili •1.t.111.1. t•-: ••111i lit St , 11,wer. Pn. Cann. and I law., T. Cr, SI L 1,1. EN )s. 1.1,1.11: IV T Fine Family Groceries. Q ueen s ware, Hard ware „ NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARL, BACON, }ISM FLOUR, SALT, LIME, Eli Conniff INtince Taken in Exchange for (7)o(1.4 delivered free of ehargr in all the Villages. , 1 11,.. .13 ME AV N1)0' NV SHADES In gnat variety, also 4ellool. BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS SLATES, Tlw lirg.•st:ro4 cheappq nss.nritent of ,11.111' 115 141 w found iti vitlwr ehy,. at F. E. WEIL)& CO'S., co, inu FEDERAL STREET. ALLEGHENY CITY; PENN' A 'septlsly, WALL PAPER. , WALL PAPER. ", WALL PAPER largeet and clo•afw•al Awl; of Wall raper In Waver County. • B()01::", noot:s, A _ln ‘ rgaap sntint!nt Illscollaueous. 44.11 nnl and , 11 1. , z r in i, t , ,,,, a!1001.5. Constantly on Ladd at Gift Books Suitable for tao Holidays, sTATioNER V: STATIONERY. ' . • STATIONERY, . , Au extensive variety of Paper. Envelopea:Lead Pencils, Gehl and Steel Pens, la!: and halt Stands, Le., Lc• We are pa exclusive Agent for the celebrated • • crloy'ss Gold Pen. • • for this Conotr those seektne a good Gold Pei:, wunidito tp svit than beton purchasin. We are the /taunt for this County Cr Erlder's Photograph Ilarriagt Certhlcate, Tito Attention of Clergymen le relrettally Called to MIS; as to can sell them at the name discount sts'they woolit get from the,Pubilaber. .Ataraters School Gov moment for sale at Pabllshtnepticel. We have constantly on hand Floco. Oil Cloth In largo variety. wzrrnow eaT4 . RUSTIC & PAPER SHADE/3. an ia . and Toys gnd Nr o la im Goods suM4DIe int': the j';" P; Broadway, Navr'llAgbaoiL I=l [~~: 1,~~ j ~ 1 1 .. AMARANTH Lodge NO. gOls1.0:11LLT. moot. every Noado arming at 7 o'cloelr, Uochester, in CoeWefts% .frbto3 SPltl*G . ''STOCK 1:1 LINSEED OIL,' Etc". M'CALLPIVI 51 kM.II Avenuev itl/',;ill.llZ;ibiiiAnXll. '?•• " • ; ; yiltnuttes.Atik;cle : I k . 2 • 4 " .4 i "‘ tnr Frani thci.l'ioesit; tlie ; ,Vcry. , • Lowest tirades. • • 3! X :. WINI)OVV' SHADES, Fine and Common TalikenverP, Prices.uniforth lowei3t:• lIILLY24:IY r • :fXrphtnk warrants for sato at the Ames °glee: This - hr no Patent `3liticide • Dmillmg.. gotten up to tlopti the - ,redulims, tier is It represented as being 'composed of rare fad prociriussubstan mibtofigiit'from the four' corners of the carried seven times across the !Great Desert of Sit 'tarn on the Lacks of ourteen (Nandi. nod brought' across the Atlantic °emit on WS ships." 11 is a simple, mild, sooth ing itemedy, a per fect Specific for Ca tam!' am! Cold in tho ' Pl,lbSOfilensie, Areal; Less or imps ,rtueat Hie sense or,Smell, Taste or. ftenrini, Watering or, Weak Eyes, Pal iiktr. Primsuro ID t Ito head, *ben eaus• as they pH. not unfrequently', are. by the violence of Catarrh. . • • . ~ i • , We offcrirfliotal faith u stunding Re. ward of *WI for a ease of Catarrh that. we (=mita cut e. tiolikhifuo r ld'prOggillitll EVernlitall4e. FIFTY CENTS. Sent by uwil it 4.4 red ou receipt of 00 (-rms. Four pnekagrs for two dollars or moo dozen torilve doUa7r. • Bend h 2,.-cent stamp for Dr. Sagas pamphlet 00 Catarrh. Address Illairm prietor, _ It. PIEROE, 31. D., Buffalo, N. V. tratr3:3lo;ja:Mnal.:lol.def.:lol.', "'"M7F. wr Men Glass, Nails & Paipts; S. J.Cross et Co., I1()(2I(I~.t+'r2:f,I- n_ in 1111.1liClivs I 1814 1NV:11.4.. hull., s Strni. Mit., Sash dmdi• and l'ullvvs, Shutter I lingus and Fas teldtigs, &v., 4:c., lIPENTEIts"rooLs S:i% ' ‘ls„l,ng,er , . , , Planer+, Plane Bills, Sh.,l and' Iron Square.q, lily Squares, P,m I Squares, Braces, Brace Bats, I)rawing Knives, ll: un mcr.•, Hatchets, Adzes, Axes, Plasterers' and Mason's Trowels FA11311 ,- .112. - S4 TOOLS. Shove I?ipk,t-11itttlocks, Forks, 11,es, Breast, Trlol.l)ntW, I falter, Dog ,&" Cow (,'lining. ITO at kelccolierf4 Goodies each as table and packet Cutlery, Sponna, Seimors. Apple pearers, Sad Se., Ate. 11 AI! „ OF ALL hIZEB, Conipriging h4•ncn and Fildlting, in nny ritinntitv, unit low us eau 1n.% bought. In t A large supply constantly on hand of all and single rind., double strength, ut inanntitettirers prices, ( 3E3'.A.-LX\Trreil. WHITE LEAD, RED LED, and evvry,tliilar, dry and in ad. MaraiIIALWIT4IVAInt BOOKS: , WHITING, PUTTY,• TURPENTINE. DRYER, ALL3IOIIOL, - ] UM SIIILLAC, YARNISIIES„ PM - NT BRUSHES; GLA ZIER'S TACKS, &C.' We buy our White Lead by the ton of Intilturacturers, and can sell, on as good ten& as any house iu or out of the city. SPECIALTIES, and tie iihow we can inake It the Interest l'of consumers to buy froui ua car All goods delivered in the• vicinity and to railroad nod river free of charge. 4)rders carefully tilled. . . - uctO 1y =ME • , U Mii 0 1 1 1 4 ineo: 11 0•1 .•, „ . . . MEE ME lir 4 KRT. irciALLOitios Mil •ill kiml. I' Also n full line of GLASS, , r , These goods are oar S. J. CROSS 40 CO4 ar-.1 • , 'RttiEroads. 'DAIL , 0.014, ' -, • - '' ' s .. ' t....: .ity.l :', :: , :r.i le , t4';!:,... , 1.. 1 .. •.::.I T.II . : Pins.;irr.wAiiiiei=mckiiii'ititiire4. : + Wind sitet.NV . 4illslk Arafts 'Mims.' Stations daily, (8 andaYthdA adionoirm.+,, [Tr*Ln leaving Chi 146.414 P:4l4^, IMMO Ail]," iz.l _gala leaTlng, Pittsburgh M 1 1 5 P. 1d.,l •.1-.,:... ;, . i ....T!"14 16 . 204,1 !Purrt , , ... ' - i —I . 1 .iTsrigas, 7 .. 1 1,4114?w.. r titidas 64501 AMAX imp". . I g&O , . 40 1 ... ta m 21 1 .. , cis. .. Ito,, Ati . ,e4..q , I Moan* • • Radiator liaka Alitiutte.. ' f lif °milk " ' SOO ; Wooster Nonstick! CiesUtpe i ' Roe u~ ,;- tipper tianda•ky.. Purest 111114 Paso— ..... • Van Weigi. 'I SSG .. , torliWityse: • riNIS i SI! Wolk*" -•. l en ,; ~ P lyaketuti ~ CO1Oligo: vomits° RlB ROI lITATIOXI alparalso Crorajda..! r_pnyrip- I 1110. X 110 ti 101' 10(6 Lzz! rei0;471;04 is it L. =tn . ' "ii I°3 Canton • , ' Alliance • " 831011. " 11Egt, .46_ 'tfle aarti, 117, -435. 1 1 Ems" 41r ves °" ronnee tami lew N tlittrii a N d tur jr ll4tle SlP E: mi tS retsVtriltuTh li t l in. h in; . art N I A " ' Cti h tt' avirumititirn,lo:lo. , - Yenumsetorn, New Castle aud Pittalairei Ae••• soniroodsrion lures Iroungitawn; 410 &sat New Castle:I:10 a. In; arrives at Ailegbany i , lo:lo" t. ltetarniag: testes' Iltlibtith. &SO A s i r n;sirr' rises New,Carsie.Sla paalYoongstown, Orstre - Itiareasse sad I iadtainnic; ." cLEvELAND a prrrfil3lo3lll4lLito4 Va and alterrNk elsth tEsiktrallis ti •Stat iotts'delly (Mendip ecceeptedrarfullawit. , • 7 • • • ''onuurrn - 7 7-- •• - " :"-"— ' !, - .7. — rrs•news. ji liarrilLte __ __ eterelata • t; *Mx 14213nr. %twit raicild Street. - I MI 1201 Ana l'lndaon • VW •MO 146 •' • Ravenna.. .. ...1 . 210 Alliance ; .1 2.19 Bayard 1113:11 • 113 106rx 43 ; OOINO XOOTU.~~ ifILIE =EMES 15171 til ' 533 V; I 119 j '733 Bayard Affiance Parente. • Iltniann Street Viercreno fiZAII 1010 „11.01 ' , llo6rm `I • 141 II 900 = OE CM =2l rEn 1153.8 i 813 055 1151.7 )44 C73:1 •lirm=s- ' lyst Daum Smith's-Fir •gucheiner. ..... Pittsburgh MS • INS nth -UM!. EV sTl2llOli. —.l' E732M Plibibdrgh knebiester, Beaver Smith's Ferry • 11211 Wellsville.LlMO Steubenville. SOO • tilt' Oridireport... . • .... , B M .. 1 101 . 0 Gni '1 vi,Thm m s mixed Irani to..sud sit ex-• `rß4 , lolrstn hos Weikvllkt loilltobatgii. • , BR Eli • . - 1.1.yerd.11:6044n. I ~. P. ft. MAYMIts. tleneratirseket Agent. Dry Gdodsl CASH 1111YElt,S OH W 0 1 141 SA L E WILL. FIND A VERY LARGE AND ACTIVE STOCK MI FOREIGN AND 'DOMESTIC DRY . : p ooDs, At Very LOW, PRICES, 'Either by the Yard, piece or *logo HMI " ~.~T. CM t... BEFEENli:&••• CO% MEM . •, 1 ~ 1 • xr t. 1,1!", witioix4m ‘ 1 " I TSlk-CLOSI 1-110 les% .TME &Nor tPfri#4.l , ,,,Kov! IbP", lin lib 6 or 10;rir!rLIS 444-10; *is Oulonriii. tal 'AD,C , OIII iebtoThT Aka,a;ttr giqkariirrtilltirge ANIOMI4. I 6sAik Or ihrt.sialedr •l;'•:.Ottlir`s.'," r7 l offrilW4 6llBl - Lbarrispl"ltlierrig, Whit woes! wile. Alat.lins MAI draft olOollt) Aitir:bizensorn ito;iiker Of preceding cr win " 11511 1116- VI . MP. { n'T Itial =' l I V I T I. • SINN lICI •@ es el: s' s' e, '~rj ~iC~YI +fie? . tkit 110' *Wlit ThetieFemalatit • Oh, thasitiipseel • • " pridientt The itiofielleOce Atli with limy w~rmkbty;ereed., So, Natio °Wait"' Las so relocalxx AndirargiplU*4l deOblese: TYrn.~e>tb~n~ it mantes voCire 1 . 1 : 11 r 1 F / i i14,141 .we', wand ;10iyii,i Teed ktai r6roisittkr, "To think that Vltiate we '064 •tc+J all ltidli upin mua . ecattelis countlet r;slzt To tenor aeicend to. thown j o4no, f i n n inenr ihny • 11,4 we pleat • 1111rhas Ai they burtyldilisend .112^011 To htilia from thoinnn, 9101 .• • rod' • 41inair&ini'l bac; Veins theft ''erto:eing ielir'cloisel,feidwleted in 7e P." 0.1 ThLir ;RAW,' this Dinrnaireit eci fr IL!??!•: . • 'pate &lii,li.Licint • . thtur . tjpnii their ititittiot h6 . w, - ..mtdpalqitifit,Orili‘r!!'• Z - ' • • *le; k, tuft. 1. 4,4 .• ilsa.gg.!e•# l .uti!? th° ' • 4414 ;ki t the roomi 'l2irla ihKi !fectli : • • sad mat,,,pautoit.3.od 7 , 7 al. than; r . ,11 stoppoit Pi.Wata , Ws.gatirltielh. tem Pagraffift ; :5 1 1 1 tore *OW, wagota 1 , it; Itta;y 7331 X tlls 6.13 ,1,010 =lll hver - 31 I 440 : is 0. mu .x, til • = )32:3 Men siXt. El 10154111. 818 _ MO • jaVaitos exi, ' ''rwnei ' i - e 44 Joyirlda SELRer: Ara = , , "And IT , it-atet—f i ”.F.annyi.4-4ctipundafiler the Wont, al Ir the spodtcntried tOject , ridlof sr limp in hts throat—"yobtro playing the fool; you've no rnorghotion how. I love you than you hate of the dis tancteyou're standing above the imelt. il y I tell you, Pd-rather - I , you lYing . , •down.there washed up the Aide. Haut know that yon wa t to go back again to the beech. of yoe'r own will, and be looked at by that lath 2 attl ot - plaster fellow of a' ptahl, . And yet, ~while the... Bevy words pass the young. fisherman% , lipst; be takes a firm grasper hisoemptinion's arm, lest some sudden inoventent should draw .her nearer the giddy edge. i , The sun had begun o se ll-wnen those two, John Fry andidohunYHey wood, begun to quarreliand :how Jie has just aurik in the purple bed..cif, clouds risen up from the .rhit tO -re ceive him. There had Weston Scene , of magnificent and fast changing oat or.: crimson, purple,iust,gold,lnow by turns, now all et,ou&—have'beld itge their places on the to r ground of erysolite green, fast ng into grey; though its final hue rs amOug the rock.pools below Abe elifts,:, oda gled with, rowgleethat reflect themsel yes from sox cloud lints.., The ragged ,perpendi r cliff 'rises some four hundredrifeet above the level.of the sui, and: about h .third way down its steep side runs thepath. or ledge on which thet lovers ;stand. They care nothing for the sunset or the exquisite scene below thent.! On the right the tiny village nestling in. the gorge of high 11111s-7-on one, side wooded to the twat, cal the, other a precipice of rock rich in hrown lied purple shadows—every ' here and there in its depths rOventing a glimpse of the white foaming liverAthat comes strugglin g ) ens huge gray stones , to the , Seas% "bile further still on:the ,right ,alretelles a range of lofty oliflis, *shoes oftithleh mock the power of words to reader, as successful as they elude the .paint 7. er's resources to dvict--criatison, purple, violet of ric hest tones every where relieved by tans of bright goV den blossoms and thofrosh green -of . ladyfiern : that, , fr the,- ..; jigged ecigai. John and Fauny-havedispnted be- . fore this evening, butoul,y-fOr a ,fewl sentences; and Uwe &kiss frOM him or.a tear in *lr:sweaters ha& Ibre't the matter tea stand .still. „Hut-this quarter wears& mote meow; Aspect. John looks &Wolof** . threatening. He is a strongc well-built avuott ow , low, with a, tree, south or Englan d g Lee _ a face . that is saturated 1 with sunshine, thatlPuta nraY In in l nd S an at of ripe ategnat. entsuiesditi - mai, to Jr* ,conjunction_with ,his rich curly hairaW.-beerdettf.Oetebet Inds and wuirrels. • Bet • the o rteP black eyes thatotatch so,yiell with thisirofden bniwn have none theik usual expreolbn ; they are fall otan gry gleams, and through , hie' :patted' lips you can see-it teeth aetlerd'.c • . Ratter _looks . itp_arili ,meetio rigs steam repelling glance t,,, 1 9 3 .....„ M fr * WS ..._ aa y ou m a y tea, bye . to e. 4 ver of her rosy rrionth4instasheet, 44oving flameout caress Wight /awe• Pre ,vailed over, the Teryerse aph , tl,t that was rildl4l-_, 4. '' • It frOett3tuAlte thi it:t4' he been litAkOlvin Oortwr.,,f ll 9,tsea. ,). • t iceeP her.sun,sosrhiPalWnellWPl. look ing. , Heilair, iguirlYLlnlateb lair lover'selsaktlateYes IferiotSpsp Jo rti*tr; tOre,4o a ORM Or I 4ll zel r ialtrA in t4l44 llll l lol 2°.ott Mosta ittlAterdis,„ 40 1 / 1 0 1 Nada, 40 13 1. Afr,_-,__;ailityPi IP, fe46001114 1 1e 1 Mvuer•.• • 4,.. 4 1 ,, • ' "Let Ina 4e, _ I ;root \ rip hot, our We lt = and Xrdealo, *Pow AWL vfmlv jt l :, ~ 4_, 1 Reba . „ , .. - 7 1 r!w•pf, • .i.: talk t lettneuebed in the ever:' Fan 'e inertr - nreilmOstatr dark - as ther, ,erett, tinidelinfikoseeete tO'lbe AtiOnting in theiri. , — . W.Joun foetid 'elitly.brivirlield iittribtst them. 'for tfromigatei,....fitr: Might Made Ithrewn •WMe With - the Pretty;ivay w.o4.4l.fut a- sensible iffeer'wonitheit foirenrinimion e'er% V'fiteechlbltion; arid-John4ns • not heaotnciioQt'• next mlnate he had runty , in, hietttrnSiltralning her to hls heart, ,khaSingtfff her teats; and callinghltn iterit,tetigli,"Jealons feel ol for t tbem there.. • • ."I.10;"-Johni;yonle het . 0 feel,' but you areptiltms, yea *now you are; •jetiti ityettlro, on like this when we're lireak iny • heart, 40Itirtfo!ennses . out. of-thote . pouting teritlips.:,; • . Sithus:Unimt you e e'eauSe, ranni, " he *Ph, his utfutface growing ,graVa and . Wornenhave influent natuiern • - You candy. - in a passion rind get'tritt 'of It' all In no lime, eqd be as sweet linothing had happened ; . but' that is 'ant the ' way, With usanYtiow not With such a eculky Chap as me, Once I'ni" pat up I getout of bounds, and as to seeing youlaughingand talking with that youngfool„ of 'a captain— why, if I was to catcli- you at it, I don't , . know . what 1. mightn't. be tempted- • - John ,' Vanny 'hersolfaway - • cur . There: Li aiiiAtlcaiic on her lov er's face : lle loves! nny with all his heart and strength. Ile has' known her from the time they went crab hunting together among the rocks with the rest of the village children ; and yet, though his heart is so fast .b9tuifl to her that he could never tear Itnway, he has no sure trust in the willful, bewitching girl. When he thinks of the future—Fanny as his ivifeand the nditrud of his home: nndelined, shifting leer is apt tueolne' between John and his err-, , taints of happiness, a fear near akin to thlt6 babas lilt among the trench- wens quicksand -further east wheat° . Mai been socking ur anchontge. • ' ,_,Heamswers almost siilemnii, "Am .lAhrenteraing t • darling? 'l'hen I don'Citiettn . it.'•••fierien warning, not thWitteiing.;.-IrOu'seeil Itavelti got so many words,to fit myMetuting to *s uch . a eleverilttio lass "aa'yon, Farm : - Alt.Tinean Is; I' WittAto Put • t< be r • that. where . "be *an hcitartn; 0 'ms's'TO - 1 Men thu Mrcine duo "or bet pur. th jxkle, em .d selo y es ou ?'- , Funny, when they're. v Fanny'-lurns white and retreats still further from the cliff's edge; then •sheglyes ft'little for'ed laugh. • • :.'..,',1. tritist" sily, JOhu, pip have got strange notions of pleasant talk; first .you..senld me till I cry, then you speak about murder. Now 1. must go home' ' and if you can't trust Inc to go•by the beach, I'll take the long way' over the cliffs. Are you satisfied 'new, sit:" '' , Satisfied! John is radiant at such unexpected Sweet submission, for the cliffs is just' two miles round for Fad ,ny, awl ,whett they had began to , quarrel shel d said nothing should huluee her to , ro home unless she went hy. the b ch where, as John ;,. knew, Capta in .are paring up arld down in front of the little bay. ' #Yofirlittlo duck!! he 'says; and John offers, up a good deal ofatonement in word and act, which Fanny receives with many sm iles and blushes, and at last he lets her go. "Why not go by th 6 lane?" he asks. • . . . UM Penny nod.S. "1 was just thinking sii;'''she says, and she looks back over her shoulder,and smiles like an angel. John thinks. But the 'smile fades out of her face more quickly than the. rose , color from t ho, along, . ribbon like cloud Hew. ,By the time she renclu.S the• end of the rock path, her forehead is dinted with a frown. • '• The path ends its shelf like course along the cliff, and slum down to the left in asteep descent to the road lead- ing to the - beach; ou the right it mounts 119 steeply to the, upper part :of,"the village. .1 A lane, with high hedges,fringed with plumy fronts of ladyfern, and nearer the ground, rar er More minute kinds rustle like greewhislels in the chinks of loose piledinasses of stone hidden by long ! sand strips of Bart's tongue. • • Fanny stands frowning still where thelhree wayi Moot.. She is think ing about John. • , 0. • • ."I dirin't' believe he thinks half enough about ine--he wouldn't dare be ea • masterful; if .he did!" f !And I.then (for a goad hrtotition - .ropented of seldom gets 'a second'. hearing,) Fanny tells herself she, is an idiot. when I'm married, if I'm never to look at any Onelor speak to any. one 'but him. What's the use of goodlooks if they're all to be hidden out of sight :"" And - idefiliardens herself in this one :idea, of her own: beauty and the amount 'of admimtlon due to it. ;Me stands still, looking wistfully ilown.the steep lane to the beach: A sound of-voices come np to her, a hearty laugh, and then some words which bring a blush! to her cheeks-- a blusher pleasure trher lips part,and her head is , thrown . back saucily as 'two gentlemen come In sight,earn tering-upp'thepeth.- . • - ';-"By Jove! this Is lucky." • ••• Captain !Standish - takes -his cigar 'out of his mouth, and says, - "Goal 4 1 ,,ening.n. • .1 P;1.0 • •He isiv tali, fair youth, -with pale 'ititivaud;eyewtheirels washetiout 'look tibontlihrt.had- a more manly aspect he is . short and thick sett something of the 'bull tar , 'Fannyti such a , flutter of vanity and delight, that she hardly knows what is said to her , , or what she au swers. She has Otte : fbrgotteik her intention of going. siialglit home, 'and stands, listening. and- hinghlag while the Claptuin talks. . John 'shinda listenin where-Fanny leithiin nigAnd yet not hearing the querttiousseretun of tbe sea'gulls at the foot of theellif, dipping their black tipped 'wings in the cleansing curl of the Waves, and then rising with sudden flight with :fanning, ontspread %Athens.. treink big again slowly al the air ""refdits th A lk e l ir.4ll49 , i s - wn: : toen luse nok . f oll#l h 4 haWNI r MA r ' 11:goZa 4 ! ,N . - - . _: • , ,- % • + ' , i .r. . - -- .., +Ol , ; , '. O ~ 1 - ' •;.. , I .2...—,•._... , _ -,'., ' 44; ..f...:i ,C,, ..-4 -,: : kow.- , , ": NM =IS ~ ,' ' .. ME "84 ' , MN= gin; - Fanny; you're talk 'twos a minute, rljthhettkryou niid a thing ,that - earn only let 3roentelf be es tiedwiti:eluideil likan*linr only. any. ;In me. Why otnYully;) even Acittie by the • bmeh, atul l Capteln Standistr thejatty et- dull ward 4 4 X the' it-orse iHi it et Opwl • yotird roof irtiiisk • tiext i : with hq tdilettbist: 'Ma; tptet: liiekeditt; - ,ttKl , why2ttot Ott es t lAtieV- rosy spin yotsto t!i!'yliArgliast !toe 1:- • PART 11. t = A girl's worth nothing if he hhsa't a spiritof herown..; okkird Bideford thetell be none of thastrfehowa;:ont ingdOVnitii plaggehunerfunaipm ' John. ' Fry . arniii - back' yesterdstr; Irmlifaldeford ; hebteranybele there,. a fisherman, who his •:offered , ldin, ,half share of.tria, boat mail ilia bust.' nese teranrodetkecompentatien. i lohdl=JOintiry,'lrAY —where are' yorl ‘-'• A - mast guard, is blue ilanirel . and a shlityliat comes tunnlngalong the rtreiry lerige,as takdly*# itvenasirr ; • He s Utal.When ho . secs John, Skit - ms . '"wider *Part; rind both htinibi:qai info the , bettmnivor his p0eke1a7,511,C. , ,. • • . - ' W? el - t "Lit • WO' rays DaVie,',.with..n. iat\Wand,,Jerklng"lifittlianrib, iota biestretilder, loier tionnted:beibtv'e theißideford heath off thitTocks, and then; is one awaiting you.ll' „!:. r'" o lVantlng met" _ . 4 J ohn'palls of his wideawiitre.doUb 'leilt np; and theollittens it out with' his strong brown_ hand; • finely; this proceeding having haled to solve his perplexity,. moves . on to where -Da-. vie'Sthamb Is pointing.' • , • ' , "Ttiertitilliera Mot agile ici.iright attire the bait nxtehte"!{ Mine head," intys Davie ; and thenhe stands -edit and lights his pipe, while John Fry, hurtles devin,to the beach. ' Unless he had scrambled down the face or the drag-a boltttett for. even so Saltless a slimber—he must follow the path Fanny hail taken, but he Li . not chinking about Fanny as he hur ries along. His uncle at Bideford was an old man; he bad already had ohe seizure, and this might be anoth er. John had few friends or. -rela thins, but these he had he loved.with the Intensity of a deep, strong nature,. and hiS heart was full Of anxious fear for his uncle; he had left hint so well and hearty,-and to full of,witrinsym .patily with his nephew's Inipplnais. So that when John, in, his headlong race, tximis suddenly upon the group —or rather the pair, for fir. Itussel ' had inoVed riff to a direct distance -the youngfishennan is so bewildered,. that for an instant ho stands in silent wonder. .„ , . For an instant It IS .quitp ddrk in t he parr° w lane between Chow high • fern -crowned hedges. •- Before ono can note ;the changes that have come into, the two fitu.a, mo near .to each other—for Captain Standish's whiskdrs touch Fanny's cheek aS Jam whispers John's hand is on the cap: Min's shoulder, and the captain stunk. Lies backwards In to the hedge. "Keep your distance, will you ?" 'John says, hen - tidy; "that young wo man is not free to listen to your fool ery • Ile has grasped Farm* arm while. he speaks,- and now now•hu hurries her 'along witkl tu Lack , by the way he came. . . Vehec 1 action lies down the tern tof .1118 anger.- 15.4 he strides ong,•he is forming idmself to decide what, ha shall say Fanny.: -1 - le.basa.dirn reinetattcsacu of .the point., *hero Ate left Davie, awl he 'stopii-ahcirt of that: "I'til light hiss laded so completely that ho can only Just see Fanny's Wm plainly:. • • She is very white, and trembling.— SI:lp remembers what Jiihn said just no* abciut murder, US Self is usu ally panunount' iii Imi - thoughts, her terror is that,. he means •to'lling her over on t ;the: adapt - elated!: rocks below —terror-eogrea t, so paralyzing kOlho.OROOt:evell shriek. for del . poW •• us i 2"• • : sr t . w tiling ea-guild, and the mtr of the •wavat tw the windlashod• them-into foanalag heights.. • • But John lets no mind to hurt her. Spite of till; he IcA•i;.s her still; hut he has learned at last to: put - tru4t hi his own misgivings,-' Instead oG Panny Heywood. "Fanny," •he says, in a choked voice, "1, brought you here to tell you what must be said between us two." • Gestops and tries to clear his voice but it remains hoarse in spite of Fanny takes a little-comfort and" looks up, but his Stem, set face brings back alt her fear ; she clasps her hands over liereyes, and cries out with fear. The strong, awful, calm that hail wine to John after leis first outburst, gives way at, We cry, and his anger breaks through tike n ground swell, like/teeing how deep it lies hidden away: "Be quiet lw says, savagely, awl Menthe sliarppain at his heart nerves hit>i, icy pain will nerve to Fielf-nnis tery. • Fanny, when I first asked you if I You could, love me well enough to b my wife I thought of you us a man thinks of a tote woman. I thought I wasn't worthy of yOnr love, even though I.gave you my heart and soul in exchange. I gave :'em you, Fan ny; you have been first and foremast iu every thought I'vehad since then. I'm got making a merit of so doing— ! don't know is I can hike them track. God knows how.l love you still, but I'll not take awife who's not euutent with the love, I've got. to give her, notteep hedbelfrfor me alone. I'll not pitt myself in the danger of marrying where I can't trust." She hatlkept her eyes hidden, aLld he had, mot seen. the shante,antl the Serrfine,thtit 'had filled them, but Ms ltht *Oafs Mid stung her Into sudden tire. "Nobody - Asks.you to,". titer voice has the taunting ring in it he is .kast able to bear). _:.•rut.not likely to ask any man to: marry me, Mr.. Fry,— least oral!, one whom I've made a great mistake in having nay thin to do i with. 4 always felt I'd thrown Myself ftWay, and noW Sure alit. I'm fit 'ler something better thitria fisherman'swife, I tun - tell you—qt rough brute that has no manners for his betters. Let we gu." ! She. puslue him, and at the seine moment Iktvie lounges up., "Did You hear a signal?" he says. ."I'm thinking it isune from beyond liedden's Mouth. Come on and tell the Lieutenant. Why, 'Jinni, where be ye goinv.off in the dark alone? 'all help none? Wait, and gie me a help the life boat." John only shook off the grasp his friend had laid on his coat, and her- Wed off into the darkness. "Well, I'nfblowed!" . maid Davie. "There'll be sum mut more than com mon amistwi' a steady chap like that !wit afore he'd matt meeker along 'the cliff edge the dark:" And Da vie hurtles back to fell the Lieuten ant of the signal he fancies her has .r P,AJLT .1/1. • That night no one but the children wont to bed is the little fishing vil- At • ''" • -about eight o'clock Davie had = the alarm of: a ship off the n's Idouth, , . and the danger wat teemed. kneiwa notlo aroutpula !Orrin! tryinpathy in all' who heard the tidings. Lieutenant Roberts and his merchad put-off in the life boat, and , morn, than:Ana of the , fishing boats /tad ,followed; though the sea WAS mite se; wild - that Smite or the older men: shook their • heads and mattered,; 'Alt Were a dear. tempting OfPrevldetice.”•; 'Even in the it per ,Ylnftge, istrity ~rumors of the, mato ment. heloagrePle awake-, • MIL& • lived al ai e with berlfatheri•-•116,' futd been , schoolmasier,-hula's"" ted village hGt chief now * .anda Ideas being the correctness and po. i lead dithiltion of hPieldthing,litidthe tend" , and Irresistible charms of hls shaigittor l'anny_.:••Rewisiv• no use Avhatover jA B ug,ppg bitrall.lifeAu" 41,15':k1.4 beet! ,tie EMI ElEl ESill -7 , ;st-1 : ta: , y►~. ' ~flAp , • slB. OE stupid. it! Fet upm r ftl ,,, h'0 4 044 h., rug:: ho WOij wise to re to cxl.• ; Fannyinvo hint watreiewaniwen; PaterNvh4tt bo,Juici itaily,lronc.uP ; stairt l theidaced hellaegiLati/PiWin -00W: and oohed Out; Opp% of tearttik Isms from semi *Fit by': • The girl's head was eery honey to nlght. ; hhe rind not mkt. one wordloi, her her She had Joked and hull-. 'id, an d tr i ed to bear herself . binve - bnt'Atie• pent up sorrow 'tti strujiglef , tb find vent—ln • the deep,. kmestillitestlintatleher.heart heavy SIS 1 • if • Very :1 , • Vininy . put heeh .14d'ont of the ettiee a 4 she heardskikdreetind. and , she wind • swhilikg, around thelentie in a trittl ebb 1491ylet: halg Auto her , eY(gli— rxhe slolll2eaine neare r heavy nod limbering; ' not Ilke "'mete' feetitep. AlVlkes4herelorithetdbtoth iteetems„ neaten' there is a strong., sudden hor ror in her, though she gOukt not have • found' name for It. "IVA me, Davie. 'I he in alinkiar ' from the reeks, down yonder:" ' 0 -• " flolf Men 'and strkethedlits fin: kle," says a. deep volee s yibleh rimy reoagnltes as that of the second ; jp . cortnotald of the coastgitarti statiOn; to come hack, so I've brought hinYaloage;:;ri• • • `lls the ship sufetur Inquires nay. yes; the man 'speakisulk -11y,) she cried out before she was hurt.' There's one of the boats stove In that mute in after the life boat." Fanny's heart gave a sudden bound. "Is any one hurt beside Davie?" she says hi a faint, sowed voice: "Welk yes; and I mast goon' Miss, now.. I'm come in to'. fetch the dot.' for out to Joe Porter, uud another poor fellow—" "Is John Fry down helping with you?" she Sayki. • Davie strikesiz; the gasping touts of Funuy's wprds had rue's* him. "I'm riot easy In, hay ,11141(1," he says. "John Fry left me all in a hur ry to go (Alto thO' rocks, and there Is no one seen or heard on -him since.— J01111.i9 not the lad to stun' by with his hands in his Pnants while folks Is wautin.',lielp."„ . • Before ls words were spoken Fin fly Is rait• - of• the cottage door. •She urrsoe the two ligureg In the vague, ' indistinct light--a light seems fraught in Itself with doubt and fear. With all her haste, that strange median lad quality we call "habit," makes Funny takedown a shall,which hangs In the pawage, and wrap around her 1 shoulders as she runs into the road. She puts out her hand until it touch es the coastguard's arm. , "Mr. Evans, tell every one you see to send help to the foot of the cliffs; and tell Lieutenant Roberts I'm gone there to look for John Fri ." "Gone atone—God - help her!" But US he, speaks there is nothing but the vague indistinct glintinerarouud Ev ans and his charge. Faupy has sped oh far but of 'sight down the steep, lane; lighter than it-ha bcetvhrthoupper vMvevtbr the sea Is before her. , Btieguesa - c that the fishermen have not gone to bed, and she khhelcs louu;• ty at the first door she tomato.' A 4 old mita opens .It--very' Oki and fix* ble, -with a fano , honeymnbed with wrinklea Hu has a lantern lu his hand and lin,holds It up to examine his visitor. '' • ••• "bet too have if, father :Pugsby," mays the girl, laking hold of theitUt- ' tent with a grasp. is was powerless there'tin_ man or a bell •41dwrravititatficteorset ter me te the foot of nagged Jack." ,The wonderful . power of brainet, tOl4 hex that, If any harm hag come to John her conduct has caused It She sees hint homing along the cliff path, when' she left hith with those tau nti ng words on her lips: She knows every inch of thy. 'kWh mid. John's loving, protecting. care„ has taught her too well Its, danger. At the foot of this =save pile of "ray rocks; which the villagers call "flag ged Jack," the path seems to end suddenly—so uhrupt is the angle it makes around the Jagged mass. Fan ny shudders when she thinks of the jutting out eraigs below,. and how much cure and tatutiou it would re-• Auire. in the darkness, ,lu.Gillow the abrupt turnsof theslippory„uneaven petit. Thus scarcely a thought .-4 She harries on so fast that vlsione. of what may- have befallen her lover nevtil to lure her on to reach them as they move In Amailly, eNtpe, bel:urn her, another time Fanny' would have . ik.en frightened) at" the lonely darknessi taw sho heeds nothing but the .lunging to And her lover before any one else Qua reach him. She is near the point, when a sod- deli gust of,wind blows out he{' light —not liar long. She has seen, as she carried It that old Yugsby has 1611 matches inside the lunteru.• liut that moment of ,utter darkness, all alone on that giddy Met, with the moan ing gulping so nd 'of the rushing waves below, shaken 'horny from heart to fo9t.. • What if sho cannot I find hint!. What if hL has fallen to the bottom of the cliff, and the hun gry Waves, ebbing back,litivecarryed him along with them fin'evert lier lingers grow unnerved, and trembling—rho cannot relight. her lantern. Even if slit, finds him he will not be alive. He may bean un dbAinguishable mass of jellied flesh and broken tone--too dreadful to think of: 'Flame at last; and with it the girl's courage rekludhat. She tmmbles still, but shodraws her shawl moreslckzely around her and goes forward, not so fast but more steadily. There is a hatrtarterall in her vain little Body —a heirt that. almost, for the first time in her life, is speaking to her more of another than of her self—and the longing to help and comfort John for his own Like 13 overmastering any- selfish dread. • She stops and holds her lantern high above her haul. Just before her, black in the vague" light, Ragged Jack sttinds Out as if ta stop her way. A sudden chill at her heart, and' she lowers her lamp to the path's edge. Fanny could never remember why she did this--4t was a strong impel ling-instinct. She. looks, and then shrinks •back sick and white against the rocky wall beside her.. If John still lives he islying below where she stands. The path is broken away, und§here • aresigns that large bits of roc save been freshly loosened from its „ge and hurled down to the sem As the reality forces Itself upon Fan. ny, that she must descend that fear-. ul'precipke alone In the dariniesi,— fate to face with theifauning, wailing istu,-41er. courage dies in one long, shuddering sigh, and she sinks ou her kneel sobbing. The attitude,' or a power beyond her, brings , prayer to her lips: Oh. my Father.—save; him—help mob The •Words seem to, nerve her—per. funks' they remind her that she is not Sehelpien. • • She lies down end drags tumult to the.edge: " John :—.lohn .Fryl darting! do: yen hear use?" r , Thewind is lulling 41st, - trod her voice Sounds clear threugh Ike tsight air. o answer comesetheallence seeing more awful, and the moan of f,the Waved, more • uwfu11):•:41"1. In their Toreixiding._ DesPenitely,'she nties•herself,'and sends her voice out In 'one loud piere, dog MY• . . • i I , • . . . _ Then she, strfkins her cuf,to LAM ' Par off—seeming l'itsfiar_as the bii• on the other side of Raned.hirk=an answer canto, butte *sound of many volceir, and Unman:are:, alnansteknee,, so It; muss .by contrast but At ffS*4e whistle. , V 1 - - • 4 .,.. " .. 211 .",..^ .0 .7"."F" . . - . • ...• !f-V the Old 40;w11•MildfOirog bow voi..Tra.,4Vpar icar44:ilviefese.- okelofie4lOo(aocal tergemeahoereei- atirireejt, so- Iteltetti , lattOlitt66 lititins of 'Epic klnd mdMjlmvfrh Wyr. be •41ebOnape e.' 431044+11m0 Of the POI Lll°q edit) lhottero l to *t iVAnnOrilrOttOrke 000 t . vor Pe . 1: : .! - , ~h~ ''' ~i • . • ..74 , - 77 - -• Ail • hei Miriliere otte 47-7-7- valkiltay -7 • bidden Utter alit It or tat *HP Intld- Alf 4 1 er lautau Ith oixiogue Mess ? Prl•J,WaY,,,ctutloufly,,,. t, by g : , (ma thee.= tilt aim find! at ' a ' iitandblit Plitt; klio t lttiCkisVhi - • is how; the crag Juts (RFC beide - IMO a ' huge jagged roeicwitb n bush_ ot, twO _ oti It;. .and then -goed she a r tioWn to. , tho sea. ~'! ':‘, _ _',.-•,. ~+ ..." •in:113./L. 4:lo l lia,CM4tside , :hert;titaNltiif• uo soun ,_pu gt.trwi:be,f‘ la f3libMl I,ZUt no aWet c es • . , AllttnilheilltiltlilthelLint#lll4o light Giltabqkiw.lter... ,h.,......5f , T.. • cloev to lipri sto.lentakt her . .. downward' step tyclu use. CO`Li • • On`liite fhee'-.JOhn Peie Tylnin#l h shut -cpm.i'• ), Hi? .10t4' liiiitf .eatitlity seemingly between the - bushes ing on theatre; formilY btr and . chest,aro yikiitole.., ,t '.•••.ner,tri 1e..t0 Yasitpy kneels dowii,. ...yr hT.t WC thtildly with 'h ' 11l h rid tbetidnAttli it lifiele,iitintßierf '' . " • "Johnt-ekohnotlarlhigt Open *our Sated, , I.}pectic to paLl't : L :,.. -Li ,o 1 • He lies there as . Soli as ibo.gi fi r i inekand almost a.s Cold. She fo the 'deigee-tif Mailing'. she tliHnen '.r arma:arournii hint ; rifle. morniunt to him and pretsen•wrinii -kbeses on his "Oh, John, my darting!—any dar ling! „ Louleat molust maxi; let me hear yon say once that you thrgiye my wickedness!" She might 114 well ITS' to the rock itself; and yet; as she presses her lips on his, it. "4-V111.4 IL4 if 81/111e warmth lingered in them. • , Suddenly she raises liar la.%iil and 4 . cries out haul for help. A siren re sound has reached her. She lid L 4 larathitskelv. Yes, they are cotni overhead site hears voiees. and from the sea t he strong, regular pull (dove Jolm Fry was taken homo alive, but there mum , weoks„off elusions watching before he. wasruitA walk again, beside' Faraty . . I uywotiell, lo the scene of his feitit'' ut r• l'illild'tb(m •he walked With erutelies. ll . ;"', Fanny smiles brightly in.her Ipv er's face. ribs tryitag to eltear,the Sadness that, in spite or his elfin*, el eu di; the strotig m an's - eye' at t I nids, for it is very hard for John Fry'to nnilize that lie ist;rippled for life; bat the.girl's 6111 i 104 'II M 1 subdued leek, new her fa ct May be that the 'hitter tears' Rid has shed, during her lot); patient Mint ing, have left their trace—tears not only of sorrow for her lover's suffer ings, lint of contrition for the port she lout acted toward him. • "Fanny!" (John had stpoil ill id lenee for some minntes beside the broken pathway.) " k 1 don't think you and I will quar4el a sin--will we darling?" He looks at tier moiling jilth deep, loving eyts, and s tetrititt 'to answer brightly; but the recoildetiOn of that foolish tpuir4l arulitritsiding, overpowers her, a tears come•yet. staid of words. , "Ildsh!"'lici - WhiSPeraseftlyf"';3 an will, spoil - your sircet t eyes, my, dar ling. and they airh Ihy• eydfliohLat least they wlltbe tliteertinratlay.n". Fanny. hides this'Oyesoaf hititndi der: t ":11 1 en!task me to Toruise,tlar ling,"' she whispery. Whiles Yqu Inv° liee:u ill I'Ve learned intireabout trsytOlf than I or+ thought tiyknow. I wonder how yeti cue find anything to love in a girl that run put no mist hi herself!" . . •, . . Tiler., Di 110 114.1'd l() Lict:liii.kt..BUTLiatilitts along .11 , Lay to (treeley'et art/01g= him to Itucepruminetit: removal of tlimbllities of the late rebeig. •,• Butler ear the Southern kalif.* who tni4lott their Attatintani -Om and broup,ht war with all iti•rit tendetl t ovi 14 uplift t liecoutittfOthotth I .to ',untitled a. 4 evanMlts to (let& (ahem in like t . litro4 or otteodioi,•.'. I think that had itil-eraMpielfeen . made of some half dozen of the,lotod lug traitorssof the tiotith';'"44l those who were edueated the,trill tnry schools of the United StittS'i 11 trusted With (-bonito nds in Our nrtuteS. who resiginkl;tlteir trust to take mil mand in the urntias of tho rebelliuo, and those who, being. VA !dame , is Congr;,ltzi 'or in the rahlnet, useil their places Cu hatch ireusoti. foment Instkrrect Inn amt maintain the rebellion hi dtstroy • ilvir. govern- . Aleut, ought.. to have been signally punished, and if that punishment lout en awutdad, which every other government In like cases has meted out, at this day nil :natters in the rebel States which. nowAlsturb the public peace, would have Is Wt tied and quiet, commercial, prusperl ty, agricultural industry,'emigtatlen -of labor nod mills!, revivlctition every beneficient enterprise:would have tilled the Southern poupt,ry, font every iusurgent State would..have before this been rlittlnaltell Info' the lon: • ' All" that rental:lm now Mr jstaksmen is to coo that every-safe guard It given teethe loyal anti true men of the South, White and black, who stood by their country if} the darkest hour of its history, and that protection rights he assured. There titre, In any action I May take lIICIAI - or elsowlieze; Lshall have this end only in view.. . Getwral Butler wiallea not only the adoption, huh the enforrenwrit of the Fitteenthr Amendment, and Will use nil hi; etfortil for the m otto of lawa to socurtithedat ter. This i. 4 not fur Kditiul purposes but for thusubntaq - Hal benefit of dui South. . • "Danlap writes from liarrisbutt to the IVashhigton . Reporter t0v , 114- lows, undor date of .I)eoembor 10th:: "1 wasylght in asserting that + Oekter al Irwin was rapidly gnining'fil•tound. WWI i tithe past week his :profq46ss have materially brightened,.. while t base of : his competitor have corres pondingly darkened.. Mackey; looking gloonly,and :teems comiderat hly disheartened, anti ' both he and 1114.frietids talk with decidedly letts countlenoe titan heretofOre: . The chief of . the Cainprons Is in \clawing ton lighting the battlei of ,Culta, and leaving poor Mackey 'L to shift f o r hinisOlf:' I 'Um tied' ho is doing nothing .in .this. row Justfat pre:Katt. Am la tinkering at ILstyly but with a great dud , of 01:11111SPVC t 11)1i. IVIS a tient:dot4lSe and requires skillftil -handling. Prom some onarlts which littickey.let tldl nttentlY I arated to think that he hug begult t 4. distrust the Can:crone. pac un inid thathelui4 an indistinct pe.reefr tied that-theY ate"playing stat 'heath I win; tails you -lose,• tome wlth•lsim." • • . , . Tar: • Board of hlatargern-MAID National soltliairs' llonaelotlistidth was InA'ssioit rtairaisltitianqint : so dap, l'uljoitrned oii.,T4itisidny l py". lug, Thy Board tiSolf caie. 4'k . * titous;yid . 4i...00 . d 4iglir;.igtiily il tEr list year. niorly,Oue bag of wfiquil , , ... were at ,the' I;enind ")i.syluoy, p W g Ytiin .01ilii 'rids : distrjWt seeing ti,' bard • btien 'a i)optiThi - b fix:ern - the beginnintliolditinf *OM In tbb Stott , ' of tho.U.rdon preferring In ifibt*Ta. ao4. l ..Vtgw r( 7lB4 , o E cr pnrtiog tho. ta l on ,the an, ow, beenleas thith at'elthe Atthe n trr DAyletns. 'On thhtand4ther r actiotnitg thoopintodAvas fntl.eximeteett. by them.ouggiVh:ths4hofo7o f irir the, other aAyluna.4 w9gla so ppe . 811 et 3, rilexiedheealmted' t the . Nk ' to*" ittin.."Mildstires we.rei .tn re et AB the asylum, *rid, 'lllce-,:nnit et thenonneltnieln - 41 zreatteintiotby fn ' theft adtnlnt tnt. .1 16 6 •,... i: .... . .. . • • , • ' '' .11,,0'.:,1,, , ,;..,... ... •: ~.l1 lo , - ...rut.' 1 "...
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers