- i.,'.. tuVlgH tiMUNTes Advortlaomouta arc Inserted at therst° ;,;1,00 por square for fiat illeo rtion,qail for each subsequent Inaortlog 50 -ceato. A liboral Moment. mado • off yearly; vertiseinentg. . .t space equal to ten lines of this typo measures a square. ' 11114illeS4 Notices set under a head by , theitiselyes immediately atter the local news, will bm charged ten cents a Line for eachMisert.h.m.• Ativertisethents shelila:lm handed In bothro Monday noon to Insure insertion gtlatrek's Beisinesis Cards. LL AND Ilk INTER FASIIION!I. 1! Mrs• 11. A. Binder hak Just strived from Paris and London with tho latest iletJgos, personally er led trout the greatest hovelitos; also. the r,o.t elegant Trimmings to be el:cured In Paris. lams Ribbons. yelvels, Bridal Veils, R'iot'ers, Fi oJewelry. and Trimmed Paper Patterns, Drys. oar Cloak making. ExChisive agent for Mrs. NI. Ni °rite' celebrated system tior rutting ladles drios. tidiciptea, bauques, de. N. W. corner id .11111 at (Alt:ali( Ms., Philadelphia. Isepirlultu. I) EAVE.III6ADIESI SEIRINAILIC.—Te JJ nest term of Min Inatimtton commence MI Tuesday, / September 14, 11169. livery 11.ariment 11 he fur dahed utni expertencest aua cempetent Teachers. Jima Maui A Bever, lakes the place of Mks Dever, graduated du Sthool while Om suharriber WAS Vrincipulomil her echolarehlp and experience as I... , cher, v:ere tho Ilitinee (lust led him to ,110. lwr as a teacher in data Seminary 0101 derll, 11t our Cutitogne, w 111 i 1 . .1.1 011 Of 11111:N, 1110 Pt lacl D. 11. A. ILI'LEAN. 1)11:.114:11 AND 're •I' Fifteenth Annual Senpion inla september, under the Alperin. T of tile I T (110'11,11, igOV. 11. T. Ti). .t. 31. liprelaliattedtton Ivnl be paid to the or te:10111, - ler the coinnion .11 ..• ,n 1 and In , inonvi.ini. 1.1 a rointirtent et Illietetilte TaITT.T.--heth. Kele. ett lot ...! •, l•ii n 1111,111,., 1 . 1//l1 • 11111P/I. JAM. ancient and modern, by highly 011.1ent well . Painting. Dram In 4 and IVax m.,:k. Licall tut a Catalogue to REV. It. ;t. TAYLOR. Beaver, In. - )1LE: 1 1113: 1 1 Tito 7ii Kl O .ICTOIi Y.- 1 mph Mailer, 31auufactur, and 11'hole.ale and, Itetall Dealer in Trunkpx. •I'ravellm•" c. No. Int Wood Street. I 'ittAmr4l, P.: All ortlem promptly tilled: and work. Warran Iltlll',2lll . tOry cornet Ut Fifteenth and Penn o s trects • • Litmetrelv .1. ANDERSON, having tai:en hold of el • old Foundry 0,016, In Ulichester, n ill hi. tneei Ilk old cu-tumors and trs 11.!: ho may maid either the I:I.ST COOK. ',c. > 1'i)1 E. Heating Stole, ur unr uttl,rl,lllll of s .114,1 tnatcrial and uurkneun.bitr. The 111 Ito conducted by MMIIM=IIIII 1I W.. •11 intolool 011t0,101:0.: 11101.01111 c port.11.1•“1 t 0011.111.0 Ellarge aow tot, 11111-. kn tu.T.V owinl by OW :derots Innk,er count . y. Pa, Thvy have t lo•al and art now in, parcd to dual! kind; ; nlionnn . to the ,all.lartton of 'their pntruno.— : r enur uill tompare in,otaldy ‘vlth ui li, la.:1 . 10•1, Ole a Call 14.1 an. Z'AML EL DNVI/P , ON A:. BRO. :6111 • Orrlf St.Ny listlct.r.l., •tort :•ttet.l, .T.IN,1•11 M. lit. 4441101.nd. lb,' . I. In 1.111 , 1111, at the tihme .• I r• tr llt be it commoliate . trileiO . N.lltllo. 4 .....1111.10,104 u. nll I.iud Ni,. I Flour. 111.1111. .13;1 IVl.oat. try tlu I , lrrel,.ack, or retail tp. N1'11.1,1.11 , 1 . tletiler hi ,thott., ttattere, ,lippttro. Le., ll•tst door hr I . • Tin ploy. ltrolze rtrret, Itrldltt•tv;:trr. . ,all ie lo• In prvparttll to outookit•tort• tool ,tell • ,Stu, u,p in PP. hoe at tea-op:o4v 'ratt.'t- Har t, r••tatt% 111, place of lat-iiittt...• Iron Mt. ettrit • u..tr Ilriat:•• to IC, prowitt location. b• to. Pi- old, rat lob+ awl patron , tit ;.it ,• hint t.tll • 11:13 I )EN. K. LlU'ltti i3.i."1.1.30r 1:11111.. 01,1J0-11.• I'mfe-oor Taylnen ht lleavcr. KE.IIIN, Attorney:lll:lw. Oint, In Mc. f. y'S 1.1 %I!, • NV f. ROSE, M. D. teml , :r,n 11:.4 profre. 1 , 3 . 1-1,111,0 1,1,1C.1 to the cid,. of .I:nvh...- r 1,11. l pturruttudint; conotry. Oilieu In. ii• tlrtur on.Wator I.trrct, Itocliontor. I: county Pa. A't.to.ultatitto Inturit Iteltcovit pc, sertinitnot corcfulty III• t: silt,. 1/1:14 Sot. ; • 01,14.1 y ell 111.: h, nt 6:titl. for .4 .1.. c.v.* LfitON, .tho; e, ( 1 011.. 'ht• 1.,111 /.. 11,' ' Lik• .1.1,T11-. :111 , :4% it Ltl. Ito.Tesertcv. Dr..l Thirr.ol, or I :l l .l'dr' I , r. - Orteel:l,lO' I,,Thed , the gun I:1 Ititi:ld•J•oo , or.vnt • du, u•-• tl o DI ; a :,,r teelo. awl put in of t`iu ,ntl thv .V• 1) E UN ET, Il'at,llll.l,cr and J • , tst.el, ,111 1.4111 14.1 . ,41114114: .1. 4 1 I:•4 4 11 • S 4.11 4 ,CC. I 4;44 4 ,11 repiklrea 'nod Eitgravto4 lu ordvr. Th.: patron:lg, , of 1.11!te t. -- , 1,1,11, 11114 i .n11,4..11.1 .t .0 • t.ite ki• for - 7... . - . • Tazos,•.2(otslillinecNsuatiii Third street diamond, Beaver, Pa. Mon. Itt.thert on tioverarnetallono. Intrust gl'ow etl on rind. tittittittit pt. IVe will al,. receive •-..11, I.le ittilleittp iti the NATIONAL Lli'bl t. Nt 'I: Itp"1111:. C. ti.A44lMere;!•.....'. I,IA v lii , Artielir... • ~f le the 0,1111 .1.- I t..N . .11!..:11%. t . in t H. 11l HST, • r 11.-1/r. /./••• \ • .1,1 1 . 1 11, ..I/•/ , /,•• . 1.••••11/11/1.1 •,•11! I 1; I•••• 111, .‘,•1• • •• • 41. :1101 lA, //•,//p I. t•b 11••• 1•1 It. • Mil, Ith r .11 , 1111-. I , 1 , 1 111, • t iclo, :.1.11 tr , 1,1 al. p, . , o, Lrt_ rubit, lW i.1.11/1.• i.crr t , t;:e ‘,1:1,2 1.:.% Ito = t154.r.11141. ri... till. r I': 1, 1 T• al a rit:.• tl.• 1,.11.: or gr. 1,11, • 1.-.•••• ..11111 IILNI:Y r.i. ALEXANDER E.:. MASON •: :t . :l /1•. American and, European Patents, -I tad 1:011.i.vloroi 01 littesit La W. 111L • :1 4 •01,110, I.r P.11 , 111n , Op11041:t . 1.111100. I . W3,111 , ;1 . ,11 1 N. 11. I', var..folly patuni. 'yet: th.. =Ell • r rr, 1 , I 1 = 0. - 111.4 Nolo, for -.l:e :ho .11:•,•+1•Plc, LOOK HERE. I' IC7 Nl: VVI•il . 1111E1e C4)111)S. . 11. lit. 1..• • . ;lilt It , oil, I. . 1.1•1:.‘,7 , 111Xe; tiN 11,\ ND. 1,, Ilto ' , WO,' I 1. , 111t. .. ~11111 111 1 , 11-11. , ..- II con:11 • DANIEL :1:1.1..EILP• 1 ;:/:/;a. /:/.1/mi. 711:. uANNELCOAL CANNEL COAL ! i nt 111; C.\!: Ott W.\ (MN 1:9.\I!, in your ..hipped h I. all point, 1, l• - • , !1-. iht• hank as • .!.,;,.. i:..itiikAtAT the ~h 1 I 4 ., e,1 ?line, tie.ki'l).irlizigto:t '1;111)1..1. F. 31.1;41'11:1,1) I:Lttk, cc). Nrw rwaver 1.1 1•IN LAPP. In all land,. ot F ITURE al.ore die i'lmv Factory, 1 tuellestor, 3 The hirgeit 4'x.k in Itenver county eon • kt.oitly oti hand, and selling ut the very lowest prices. jauglB:Om V01..51—N0. 51. 11 - Iseelltineous. Luz, 411LittictiNLET 11AS OPENED A STORE ;NEW BRIGHTON, 1 . To NVIIOLESAIIInud imam ; , WIIITE LEAD, I, .GLASS, PUTTY, Mixed Paints. I Colors, in Oil and Dry, learbon Oil, Builcd (hl, Scat's Porit Oil, Spirits Torpentinc)! ,Conch Body 001'.11, VARNISH, V.111NTS11: , DAM Alt VARNISH 4; HIJACK VARNISH, COA LEN PATENT JAPAN ARTIST'S 3IATERI•ALS; Picture Frames, or) order,) T.OOKING LOOKING GLASS KITES, PirENCII ANi) PLATT. 1 ‘VINnow m.Ass FRENCH 'ZINC;, Esw.isit ANi) SA ArD P.I Pi Ell I ,6 C! .! Ills terms are (lASI , ; on de livery of - Goodbv. '1 - •tli 1.'6`9 F xtraordlitary GRAND BALLOON ASG,ENSION • 1:1.1VElt, oth! 11,0. ho wan• a.tonishing than -the het that SIMON SNITGER & CO.; !alp the best, larg , l tintl fre.diest ,lock of tiI:OCYAZIES, FI.OL:1:, FEED, &t, iu noovt, county. • Atot .dtho,,,h it ntk0,.;,.. to make a Balloon out e !Ind, if }non t kit their egtobllddoeutt. Ilea they don't have to resort to dor to noduttilivie pu t ,,k •To all. ice mould nay. "r ush mud exmlnitie our stock ! We mate umii hound the Chen told In,rt TE.IS, • C(iITEE. Ogg .;co and Uivars to he round in the place we make a specialty ttc FLOUR & FEED, buyin, :I one but What urn kito,‘” to vAri:lll.4 i.t ,I• 11 r..1•111:11:..a lt:;111, illtl . lll/ hi :lir future an m t lir p.i•t to 1/11F1" 11, pinr, NV.• 11.• old uc-t utol ~ Roast,. PA. Couto :slid i O..nouGAN Fine Family Groceries • Q con swa re, Hard vare, IVINDOW CLASS, WOOD AND WILLOW NVANL, FISH, pLorr, sAr,T, LIME, Country Praha Takcii ill Examiiao for Got. If aIS 41 free of charge in all the Villages. • 19:.;.. The Sate Deposit Company. 0 P I'rftillsrEGl I. PA., .bworpomted for tl ! e safe &Ting OP BOB,NS OTHER SECURITIES, &C., No. S 3 .Iburth A veil ne. GUARANTEE RATES. FIEM iioi C1111:1011! :11111 nil Other l'llpl.ll 1 4 ,111'111VA, CI Bank Bilk. for a year or leriiperloil, $llO ?Loon. Coin or 1111111,m. $1 in per $1.1.A. 111=MMIS ~iher or ;odd Plot, moiler r.••o. on owner . f. of fnll valon...llnd rate,Mtlhjert wadjnr u nrat for hulk, on a loop,. of ft n'n) Per 2'l innP). Moortz.onfoo.. Vain:11110 I'.qu•ra n.nefloora:ly, nnloooro of nu used n year each, or an cord. no. hulk. Wlllo *5, u Ketnlam corer+ the remainder of lle• of 111,4 n I:er. Le cutsumn) I. also prepared to Rent Small Iron Safe., (each farni,•ltell with a tin box) itt.ido he Proiir Vault, the 'tenter oxeltiri‘ely laddimi the kee thereof, at lite following rat., tal, $75 Mid $lOO per annum mote Books of Account, Valuable Title papi.r,,, etc., at tellY1111:111i1! rate, C II % ) 'President s. Vice Preiddent: 111,1"iii17 11. • Directorit: Wifli.lat Phillips, Byron 11. Pointer, .Ittreph S. 3b , 111-011, • Witli.nn Be& Geotge Woick. Wok. M. Cnrttr O. .lan. I. Ileintl•tt. lireretary and Tremaireet S. F. VON BONNIIOIiST. . . . _ •iy 1V I N I) 0 W SILADES In grent variety, nisi SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS SLATES, Uiu ratan. The largest and clannest assortment A ',BUMS to be found in either city, F. _E. WELL &,'CO'S., No, IN. FEDERAL; STREET A hI,EGIIENV PENS' A septls;ly. VAit:rz FOR SALLIC.—Tbe nnalerelgned of. 1' Pre his fartn, admitted In North. Sewickley towneldp. Beaver county, for sale. The farm con tain• - 2 , 17 nerve, about BY) of which are cleared and the e hole under fence; the balance is well timber. ed. About 'WU acres or the cleared land is first and setonal bottom. A large portion of the whole tract Is underlaid with ore and coal. The lane Is well watered. On the farm arc two comfortable dwel ling houses. a stone spriturboase, and a frame burn forty by elxv feet, and a log barn • 'Girt/ by sixty feet,• ogether with all necessary out buildings.. A large unhand of bearing fruit trees on the land; atsn WO grape vanes set out last fall,- and 1 000 gooseberry plants at same time. 'Payments easy, Call on or address, HUGH KAII.BIIALL North Scwickly P. 0.. Beaver county P. S. The above farm to known as the •' Dr Rohert Cunningham Wm." (IY:am• ZMI rui 1 4 - 14 I rA SPRING- STOCK, A. R . ..Oil Cloths, Etc., Etc. M'CALLUM BROTH'S. 'mist OIL,I lilt USIIES,NAILS.I Lard Oil, TILE LARGEST STOCK IN THE MAR SHELLAC AND From the Finest Qualities to the Very Lowest Grades. Fine and Common Table Covers, &c., &e. 11.11111.111111..m ismr This Is no Patent „...... 7 ,.. , r 1,1" - .;, T.:: f Medicine Humbug. c *Wen up to dupe the , • .••••••„,„.. credulous, nor •is it k 0 ....1111 , represented as being "'composed of rare • and pricionssubstan• lees brokitt from the four corners of the earth, carried seven Ititne's :ter OSA the Great Desert of Sa hara on the tacks of Murteen camels, and brought across the Atlantic Ocean ,on two ships.” It is it isimple, mild, sooth• !in.. Remedy, it per 'feel Specific for Ca tarrh and Cold in the (;EitmAN,(u.vE," We ofrer gixl faith tt standing Re ward nf:i:5111) for a case of that we cannot cam Sold by inomt Druggists Everywhere. Sent toy snail pact pled on receipt of 60 cents. Four packages for two dollars or one dozen for tire dollars. Semi a 2 cent stamp far Ali. Sage's amplilet on Catarrh. Adtßem the pro dolor, IL V. PIERCE, M. I)., Buffalo, N. Y. 1113 r3:311111C::i11141;14/MACC.3111.; S. J. Cross et Co., 1:()C - 3-1E:S4rVE:11. Slll . ll Ils 1,01•1:q, L.1tt11...z, Hutt:, Sere,..S u1:111 11 iII:Z1•• • 1,/,1•1:, :111.1 l ' lllll . V 1.•1' 31111 1C11111;2..., &1' c,AI:I 3 ENTEIv-;71'(>()1,:-; 11.4 nus, anti Irma Illy :4ti11:11 . 4.4, nprel ;4 l ture.. Itr.ur., Mat,. ian., I)ra%% ll:not:ri , , I latelivt , , Ape-, tihoct•l4, :41;a1r,, 3lattocks, Forks, itr,..or, 'l' ra , a... Draw, [falter, i)og & ei,w vu•6 ns tnlde and poekt•t Cutlt•ry, Spoons, 5ei, , 01., (•ntl'ts: NI ins, Apple pearers, Sad I .IV.I ILS OP ALL SIZES, Comprising Fenec and in !Inv gnaw ity, and n; low ag van la• bought in the city. A large supply emeaantly on hand of all sizes, and hingle and double streugili, at inanullielnrers . and wirryColor, dry and in ad. 'Linseed TURPENTINE.DRYER,ALuIIOHOL, kIUM. SUMAC, VARNISHES, • PAINT 11RESHES, GLA ZIER'S TACKS, &C. and we know we can make It the Interest of ronsurneN to buy from us 0 - 111 goods delivered in the vicinity and to niiiroad and river free of charge. Orders carefully filled. =MI M2~cellaueoua. larrlstik peed* for sale at the Anon teNee. ADIARANTu Lodge No. meets every Mondayarealng at Teelock. In Rochester. in CoMn'a Ran. • . astattl 51 Fifth Avenue, above Wood etyma, IT11:111.71 , ,C11. Have on hand EWA INr_INDONV SHADES, Prices uniform to all, and the lowest ISITA LLUM BROS. inar2 I.ly gtirltinnk mart . ..lA for P:tle nt the nuen nOlce, =ZI=MEI!IrI - - . npairment of the MM.! of Smell, Taste, Hearing, Watering or Weak Eyes, air or Pressure in the head; when can N- 1, as they all not unfrequently are, by e violence oF Catarrh. FIerl:,c7ENTB. 17.1 A. 12.13 1,-V* MEE= !gnilithaw Itai-:INN-sive, I'Be..•lererx' «11(1.11iiNne's 7'rotrelx VA1t311.1.77.1VP4 'TOOLS, Al:a a full lint of 11 ) )el. GLASS' 3E:".8)..3EN'30 IS. WHITE LEAD, RED LED, WHITING, PUTT 1 We lilt• our \White Lead by the ton of untunactlarers, and can sell on as good erins ns any house in or out of :he city. These goods are our SPMCIA.I_II I IMS, S. J. CROSS & CO. ocia,ly . :> ' - ~i a ~~~~ ./ 11~ EN -Be4vini, Pa., Wedit SELECT POETRY. LIITENIS. PREJUDICE. . . . Viola and her mother, tad saved enough' from thew miserable ineothe to allow - of a vacation lathe country. It' had been 'managed With ninth trouble; however ;• with twisting and ,turning,of various aiticleti of apparel, ;with 'narrowly watched , household expenses. Violet had . Worwher old Chip' bonnetall whiter - with a faded 'green. 'ribbon iteroks shat)by alpftetvwhich bad .scen •fotti• years' service had beenher best; and Oils she felt as if she had 'doublY earned the, cool vacation among the green fields and bliKsinal fig hedges: There had been somo talk atfirst of Georgie going instead ;- thelemother had said that Violet needed Merest .and change, and so - Georgie had been left behind to keep house fortheyounger. , ehildrettand to envy bet elder sister's happy fortune. • 1. Mamma being a stiffer& from neu ralgia lust then; did noteetner 'down' to thelable r and Violet, arriving a little late on tho first day •of - their. stay, for she had waitedto Makesttre• that mamma had all she wanted first;. her cup of tea, with great • elots of sweet cream In It, her fresh egg, and unbolted wheat bread, and ,perhaps a few berries, or a• : bit of red 'honeydripping from the conib; 'so, arriving as reald, a little late, sheeolored with Surprise at the long table before her, over which the farmer's buxom wife presided—where mothersand fathers mid noisy children; young ..ladies in. White ruffles and blonde crapes; and young men in spotless linen, gave free scope to appetite and enjoyed each other, together with the boun ties of nature and Mrs. Acres. fancied we had come into the country,' thought Violet, in some dismay, rind just then a kind voice said. `This is your seat, I suppose, for there is no other vacant ;' and she dropped Into it, and looked at the 'speaker with her thanksilying into n whisper upon—her lips; for this speaker was one of the aforesaid young gentleman, only distinguished from them by great brilliant eyes and a determined expmssion of the mouth that made him look almost stern at times. They all seemed to know well other there, and were full of badinage and small talk, and the children clamored for dainties, and niannnas reproved, and the young ladies and gentlemen flirted across the soup tureen, and the stewed to pintoes with infinite relish, and Vio let felt very much alone. lint again, in her own room, she said, Wo you know, mamma, I had something, of a Stage. fright down stairs? You see, Lhadn't counted upon there being other boarders in such an out of. the Way place, and 1 only ei,pected to see Mr. and Mrs. Acres and tunny, but the instant 1 stepped into the room, all those strange faces multiplied themselves a hundredfold with a sari of eyes bent on me, and then every thing grew blurred. • 'You -are not usually disturbed by crowds,' answered her mother. qt. Must be owing twthe fatigue of the johrney.' . . And then Violet remembered that across this eclipse one face had shrine out like a star, clear and cleaned. !I certainly never saw him before,' she thought; .'but lie looks as famil iar as my own face ,in the glass,' and then she threw up the window and watched the game of croquet in the field below. tCume do d jab , ' • ' now croquet? I am afraid you have not been making the most oi:your time.' is very iirolgibie.' `11"t•II, nevcr wiuti, live only 1 . 0111Vd4/WII, pi(11 , 1!, kr:1 . 14111:V I'uu shotiltin't k :it N't hy, it ”tisitive It tiu ,' trine n hi lu it IN,: 01 .• 11:11111 With it ; it iS :t !.;11't I.• l'Ohtury • Y.izi a w idow:l , t -cloy xviihtnit %%ill venture d, NI:: that IBIS hi , iliiiii!,•nrailet has propvilt tl !la,: • I:11 t;:i the iiiiitri 1111,M111 ILn. you a r, )togcl = 4 1 . , -hall 1 .spt•alc,' he r,kvil, whop ia• Patna hhoselr a.z:aitt at lior sii., •n advise pot ." of course,' toisrhievou,ly; 'to Vitilet naliKi fit for a sonnet. Itagur . lAing,tretli, at your survive.' . sAild so.they croquetted away sta. aftNnoon, and Violet grew new with the fun, and her . soft eyes looked out unafraid and happy, and the sun solnellow got entangled in the of her fair hair. and blew it out in shining wafts and curls, and alt()geth ershe was as pretty a picture as he had ever seen. 'Von are like a bird on the wing,' he said to her. ...lust now when yon :ivrosA t hegra<s, With the lifting your hair, it was as if the N1111(1 bleu• you. there, %%Munn. any vo'ition otyour own. i= K•hn dAnct, tin huh:dcs broo:zlet. `Then ..4.)11 have never t;een dative?' 'No. I low should 1? Ilya nd by,' eontinuell, `'we shall have some dancing in the fitrm kitchen after all the work i dime up, and the Mart swept, or out on the green—l like that be. 4. 'Meadows plays the violin for us, and soineltody else has a flute. Shall 1 eomtider you engaged to me for the first dance? I suppose they will all be country dances!' `Think you, imt mamma do not o•ish me to dance.' illtlPed r in some surpris( 'Awl you (le net It:" 'tun.% grows so tired Of it, you know.' know. It does seem like the fairics flitting too; like carrying with us what we run away front—the frlvoltiw of society. lint, surely, your mother does not disapprove of '01) no,' with a laugh; 'she wants me to rest now; I have been quite exhausted in the service.' And then they walked back to the house for tea. Later in the evening, after ;her Mother had gone to bed, the violin drew Violet down to sit'on the porch. The bright moonlight threw great shadows of leafage aeross the green -where the dancing feet answered the rhythm of the violin. Silo sat there watching the groupings and disper sions; the steps and figures, with the intense eye of a lover, and once she sci far forgot herself as to clap her tiny hands at some daringand grace ful pus xeul of one of the company. 'You have the enthusiasm of the danseuse and the self denial of the recluse s ' whispered Roger in her ear in passing. 'Because I have need of both attri bUtes,' she replied ; and after that he left the dance, and came and sat at her feet, fitting characters and names to each of the gay revelers—dropping a hint about the flirtation between Ravenel and Miss Mavory, of the 'Mif' between Amoryand and Lucite Lenox, telling her how Miss Garn4t C fr t o ti t i l a t tn s , t a ti t e i l d de l; atec l had been crossed In love by a ruthless ndthLalt rely " x ta 'e l n l youth With the imperial had lost an arm in the Cretan service, and some averred his heart too. Now Interesting 'the World was after all, with so much of love and romance on every hand; it did' ncit'tlien'.. calculations sista'. would; lust, :17 meats, of tyro. np ido down, al junction with wl 'lntlinate With so) eher's accounts r the world ,had: These itlieti.elf waltz,gaVl befOre bee.. _with onoli'", - 0‘ blood hero'or dual .shed 'eel 'perhap.4, this agony .behind delen'the'grec light - UO(1'011(10 us.lf ;heir heal - feet pi tylie oyes rowful, thlnking - .0f.'11 Were the vlolin,ma if - she' mfrs , merely in: or wondered, self nroull time Ail' of pain. Violet,. Ito with the • had iii;l6vdi .frioads who rt confidante; in the way of versed only u sholhade no Consequently, ti book perpetual opening with illustrated wif In costume. were told, the that looked up ow, that winnit have been the something into: a something tot too enchanting to '1 must go in f she said, alintt§t clock was eland 'So soon?' he lie awalce, and N% here for On hour .011 lip, I have long for it here. such hours at lit while to take Pot and groW health: wise.' "fhen you ri.ia mean to here. and Out across ti Jou!: so inviting know, distanco c.speeially when penetrable:" `And shan't I I you mean to by enjoys anything do you know tha well. when Uncle Jaek and 1 was so infit' all my pennies enee all alone ;, enchanting as dren went too, together. I •tv' have done penan am glad of it, an instinctive troy and its painted pi you stumble over I will strike a V' ‘Plenso doe quite well m for Violet tint, and door; in ; (Ma night, Mr. ..angstreth.' 'And may I itteetyon altiecillthe morning?' .1 I think not. Coed night.' 1 ..1.11,1 Misi; illhert \tr. I,:mg ,treth took . their walks :mart 'text livrrtilti;.f, only meeting:it the firm home door in sete,on for breaktit.s".. \\*hat is the re.4ffit or your asbaql. Much wise invtlitAti.ai, Ilion' 1 111- liar; ty aro, anti an aston i-ning apputite. What is the Atm t.i!al of yours':' 'A deal or lon,,ranenisoo n I a hint's wing fin' your hat. Will you v.`,..tr it You Itro ,;Ire it trill not tiv It.'." • I shouldn't give it if it could,indess I had the other to ibilow iu purpnit.' Ynu iilll)w, ' she continiusi to plain, 'there is a sweet little fairy pantomime, in which an (Ott witch g,,c, to the wedding 141* ' the prim.4ess, and an enelilmted wing I: tan her shoulder, and at that moitiont she begins to dance like u. • bubble. She hardly FVVIIIA to tOIIVI . I the ttrnuntl; she 1$ like a note in the ,sunbeani inure than anything else,as she lib:n.4 away out of sight in the iwrspeeli of the stage. Itf cone6e I:he llads ,the other whir, 111111 of corn's...! carric,± her hart: in time to prevent, a marri age between her lover and the witidi's granddaughter, iinly L cati't begin to toll you how putty All the ehil , iren laugh and cry over 11, and— ViuleL stopped short, and eolortil like a rose. toi . g . ot that you do not like such thing.g.,'lle added. 'TI er,. are thing , -; like better. But, Miss Vhdet, are you fond of stage dancing:" M. 1 do not know, perhaps no ; such a q uestion, indicating . that Ishe ought not to be fond of it, made her reply difileult. 'Ono never thinks :shout it in that way. People Mast live, you know;, some by (lancing, others by singing. Besides, it is, an art.' i • 'So is stealing,' shrugging his shoulders. 'I hope no one whom I love %yin ever take to either.' 1 hopt• not,' she .4aid, with her eps on the ground. She spoken ver2.• plainly throughout;and he had not understood her. IS. as it worth while to enlighten him fuilli er? She thought not: He Weuld only contemn her forit. Why not take the pleasure hi the moment, which was so innocent and swO? He would always remember her now with pleasure ; should she speak; the glamour would dissolvo: She had seen the polite, elegant world Om lug on the representatives of the bal let, how ontld site g'IIC.S.4 that this world despised them in its heart land slurred at them? If it wa r ; so civil. why had virtue crowded to see and hear? Why hall she blistered her hands in applauding? • ' 'Even in a palace life may be veil led,' quotial Violet; `:;() I hvlieve lint even in a green room goodnei.ii iiisy I - -r 11 'lt is a fearful risk for her to too. I'm afraid she would be terribly 1 • 'I think you are very hard,' 'and she moved away into the house, ohd played with her breakfast, and went up stairs to be seen no more that day. But this could not last; Ishe must takeher vacation in a reasona ble Manner, or perhaps fait ill 'and leave the ramify to starvatim4 to grow up, who could tell howler haps to worse things than dancing girls. So she Joined again in !the pleasures of the summer weather, and laughed arid chatted with Ithe rest, as if no shadow divided them ; and Mr. Langstreth was never far away from bet presence' always Wert to answer.her call, to echo herla*gh, to give his hand acrcr:s A stile, to sit with her in the shade oftho willows and read from the same, book", to fetch and carry forher like an slave. It was very plain whither he was drifting; but unless Violet had s-s" !Xf': ,, ::then now phattioniewhat - Iricorep ensible. ; I intinerant Phoftmph •Rttzaf iktlying - visit:to' , this •rural and nothing -to =do but the lintsithold , to -be - grouped that. each eirryiawnyatnemento of the • 14tsumnier.-• •/ • impe to havOa more substantial titerrierdo,'. said Roger ; 'hut you will sit with us, Um Violet V • •-• ',Yes, oh yes,' and • so the picture :• taken; • and while -they • hung / grit and . distussed its merits that photographer hkrned; toViolet and' Wereyou ever on thebearS,lllinri, / Vint-Jeri/ tti•thlnir pardon, V but Yea see•ittitVetherer - spieturtli•of a 'dancer 7 Milealdignenitettsa - •/•1 didn't Cake ittnyrieMitvus,in',Otalektibil • tinit• Thought °tit tihen i'Oet •np tla ,thisr line.ii It resembles Mls. Aliatisnl4 l .No . offensei •I• hope l'_"•;; t• 4 0ham. , said Viel,ht; abgelltLirt'/'ne "offense whatever.' -• • ni Tent-, tib exn4 . fors MO nx down I • s, Liaf me lee iti. - tiettandetl Roger, whcihad overheard this cludle lo_Oketlaf it Intently Witift; frowning air—at MS pictured 'girl who; ~wns Ilko- ad apparition in= her etherild bent-. • with' her;-windswept bait beaten. buck. from a - luminous face, and nil the filmy, floating mess of .her draPerlea eddied About her; form; till she seemtd rather to rest oti• the edgebta clod(' than to touch •carth. What Is your, price for it?' asked Ro;.rer, will buy it of yuu.' ' • You ? -31 r. Langstreth ?. Buy a picture of a dunseuse!' and Violet's face grew radiant with a sadden Joy; • the pupils of her oyes dilated . and sparkled at the core as if a' hidde4 fire had flashed into a; flame; her cheeks stained-themselves . with 'coil or; and n smile played 'round the parted lips like lightnings . corusent- • in,g across the sky: 'For' this purpose,' said ' Roger, -tearing-11w bit of , paSteborad• into atoms and flinging it •to the winds, ' because it is n libel npon you ib Violet sat , down' then quite • duinb and sat.the , 4etinsigatliering under her lids andAhreaterdag to fulls • "You are , .nnt , Anagi7 .with mpl - ftr tearier;Vare syouiV ; , Rogeri askSd, preset:Ark,• *he'll they had .leßC.the. otherstehhich,' • , ark, that '113"o 1 Twe 1 01 I . 1 Do never sildne; t I .r -once tfallQ, `saved 4 mat iutlf bo litehll vdtl it. atid 4 bia ballet 4114:1 Mt, am- notlangryi.tvilitienxisca4 ,You had aright to,teariti.'l.l:.iit • Xot. If it- disturbed --- ;-..yinhow Notcseeaicoulaff Istence atre look MEE What do you know about them?' he said, smiling at her earnestness,' and taking the little band in his. At least the prof.-.,ton is had. It seems to me that no woman whom One Nv ould' care to call his wife would ::iietirew away her hand then,iand answered, very gravely. • But supposing it was all she could th; suppusue;• she had no.ealwr re source, nu other talent ?' I.et her lieg, then,' he said, strid ing on a little in illiVillle0; then turn ing haul: to meet her where site had staid to rest at a stile, Volt are argu lug., their must. , fluently,' he added. Ain 1? I keatt, , o lam intert,ted. I have a fritaid t 11,7-0 • ere.t ttires.' Ir. Lang-gretli.' ` Vim !' ' Yes. Let me tell you about her. tier mother was left without a cent in the world, with four children. She ' was the eldest. They sullered for the' lave:44l6es of life. The mother took ; lit 111141!e-work till her eyes failed and her health broke. They were on t ievergeofstarvation, when some occident had developed a talent 'for dancing in this eldest, daughter. At iirst she merely earned enough to keep soul and b o dy- together; ; audience used to hiss her because she Was so thin, and she te;ed to ;to cry- Mg elf the stage. But it .W:IS donee! or die with her. (Inc evening s`te executed some wonderful steps ; took the house by surprise—the skies rained bonnets. Since then her wa gts have kept the faintly in comforts; the other children Will be enabled to pursue fairer professions. People , say that she tarries tier fortune in hen! feet, she would prefer to carry it in her brains ; but we Can't all choose. Iler mother. goes with her nightly. to the green roimu, \Vaits'thrim.gh fiat' performance, returns withdier in thtt carriage. No tongue has ever spok en evil of her. Though no saint, as I said, she walks according to her light. She had her talent.and she has put it to usury. Can you for give her for being a dancer?" and she looked up hopefully Into his fall'. 'No,' he answered, 'my prejudices are inborn.' 'll IA beginning to rain, Mr. Lang streth,' Violet said presently, rising and dismissing_ the subject. ''Shall we go ill?' • 3liss Gilbert lead a headache next day, and did not come down ; but just before night a servant brought her up a perfumed note, • which be sought her thu.; 'Dear Violet—l am summoned away on the first train to-morrow. Let me see you one little moment be fore I go. I have something to tell you too precious to entrust to paper. Always yours. litsaut, LAsosTurrit. To which appeal she gravely FL , 'Dear Mr. Langstreth—l believe we shall have to say good by on pa per after all. 3lv Mad will not per mit me to come 'down. Thanks fur many pleasant hours with you. Your friend, • VIOLET GILBEItT. 'the little tries.sem,•er returned soon with a hasty reply to this reboil: 'Dearest Violet—l; must - gee your face before I go. , Do not deny me. llearme say thnt I love you. Vio let—love you—let you answer ns you will; break the heart or crown the life of EDGER LANGSTRETIL She answered him : 'I thank you with all my heart for your love, but 1 believe I do you a service in declining the precious gift. Sometimes when I am sad it will gladden me to remember that • once your heart went out to mine.' Good by. • i VIOLET (ALBERT. And next evening when Miss Gil bert came down to tea the house was a deserted place, for Roger Lang stroll' had gone! 'You must go with us Co night, Roger,' said Mrs. Dmiham, a co - Us= of Mr. Longstreth's, at whose house ho was spending a few hours On his way to the Continent. 'You must ..„ ett . ma In an eiNtacy, and .talklif .iatittidet; till the orchestra broko`Uto'g 'Strain 'like a Choris of illiterfrtliokthe lights Weverettand diutzleil tin 'turns; th e great curtain, withlts , '' ling of shepherds : and 'sheplitcd •vanished in the elf ['keen'. Alit!, slid • the patitomithe hid fairly ;tiegini. .. ' ItWila the very satueetwhich Violet had given him , bidigktelretch only last summer With Crivei‘dit'by' wonderful stalactites; - with' flithes burning in their hearts, With numerous gnittoes, and all the fall , peraphernAlin of .an Xrablan No Prititeas app e ars in the-next Tolene,' said I.llsi - Dunham. 'She is like 0 babble; , gthels as beautiful as a Sower;: you- must go into raptures 'Olier her or be out of the fashion.'• "`" taliali ehOise to be out of the fash ion'. ''' • `.' ' ._. 'Oh, but; wait till you have seen I*i.: • There;'' shutting up her fun, ithere the Is -, 4ligticinnette they call her: 1.-suppose she is French: Look, dti'lOok, Mi. liangstreth; 'where is your glass?' .. - ' • - Mr. Langstreth ' smiled at her 'youthful en tbu.siasin,nnil condescend ingly.pat up his lorgnette; he pulled It down'lnstantly, and rubbed it hard as If it had been' Aladin's lamp, and ' lifted - It again 'to his eyes. What was it he my. , that made his hand tremble -like 'one Smitten with the may; that:sent the blood mounting In ; flashes to his brain while . great 'throbs.atirred In his heart? What was - there in this apparition; blown front the breath of the violin.s,•poised like a sunbeam: lathe air, or - like a "zephyr; wanderini , at its ciwn sweet will? %Villa was there in this to de sturti . Ibittlinquility of Mr.. Lang streth?y, His glass seemed glued to 'his (Vein' be had forgotten the crowd; MW;punbanr . had. spoken .to him twiee,. and he' had not' heeded her neither 'had he heard the sudden shriek.l;that went up from every thront(fOr before that his glass - had fallen - 10;th.) floor with n ciajti: He had ' , snatched at Miair Duuhatu's In dltitittittiousidYintrperoSs hisimeek cleared the uel. with a bound, andqeatlied' Vie. *age juitait-the 4lnteseetthekhild caught at-the dam; s.erltsgtsbartiei'-drapery: fronf4t, fallen I.orehOnounted like two wingsterber 4011)Ilitle.niflust: In - than. , to see' the , ;latiellet4Fdtelplewloolr of , One Ilicing. a lertible.deatb,xnekt . into, ' 11 . ...... . t not ATievous 'Oh, but ..yint do not care for the love Of ❑ dancer." hidinix her blot in the pillows ; ,• awl there is nuttnto;t and the children.' 'They shall come tom Nvlwn yint are Mr. 4. loan:;-troth. yor wore a U 1611,111111 a dancer, Violet, 1 should love ,yott Ntiil. Love is strong er than prejudice. Loon Up, , : eare,i, and Nay it w:: will tale nie for hotter or wor-e.' I will ay that by-and-11y, llo;r,er; ;via- now I want to.etnifer-s lily fool -1 ant tlnit Inv fiwo 1111Al` It" Wirer- 'NO di frerellee ! Art. you •Inin• mire darling.' 'l'h. 1I will go to ~loup and driniti.' LOVe had %Veil the e.e'e. ez.. ItST 73.11 t Y. Phillip; was oh the very pin nacle of fel hit v. She was the inotht-r of a boy which weighatl 11 pounds.. :%Ir. Phillips bid fair to lose his tria entirety, Ile (lanced and sung, tail tired guns fr ui t the top of the vornhoti-e, and whistled Yankee die While eating ins breakfast, and \yrung the necks of the fowls on the place, to make a chicken-pie fur the celebration. This worthy VDU pie had ht•en mar tied ten rears, and this was their tiNt child. People had laughed at them flr tell years on account of this luck; people who were overrun with chil dren; and whose lives were made miserable by the seoldings and spank ings they found it necessary to linnet upon their wretched little olive plants. Now, Mrs. Phillips said she guess ed they'd laugh out of the other sif There had never beenl.o large a baby born in Smithfield before. Mrs. Jour' hal.y only weighed nine Ilk , . 4 oz. She guessed folks had -better look at home before they laughed. Baby proved to be a Tarter. 110 had temper like a windmill, and seemed determined to develope his feet and lungs to his utmost while he had leisure • ' fin. sereanied and kicked twen ty-three hours out of the twety-four. llut his mother declared he was an angel. We could never imagine an angel with Autry red cheeks. heels elevated in the_ air, sucking sugar teats and being bonnets! about in a willow cr a w to to the tune of "Iligh diddhAce,"-but then our imagination is not by any Means so vivid as it Might be. Front the hour in which the•baby was born ha was the Autocrat of the household; everything had to bow to his nod. The scullery door creaked ; it was taken off the hinges. and the servant was in the draft all the time, because the creak might disturb the baby.— For the same reason the coffee mill was put Into the woodshed; thedish t•s must lie washed out of doors, as the clutter of tire plates made the ba, by scream; the washing was den° in. the barn; the dog' was muzzled, and theta choked!—all front the fears of • disturbing the baby., Mr. Phillips gave a blacksthith, who was lovitterl within a quarteiNf a mile, $lOO to move his shop ,• and biddy was moved to the cock-loft of the wood Shed on twcount of her snor ing. The ehiltPs dishsi. were legion.— It is s wonderit could draw its breath with so many alltnentsclinging to it. MN. 11111111)S was constantly on the watch for some noW demonstration. 'CharlesP cried she, waking her hustand from slumber VMS cold night —'lt seems to mo the baby does not breathe quite right.' listcn- Mc. Phillips sprung up aud toned: - 'IONA gracious ; he's got the snif (its, ballet hot" 'Oh, dear; what shall we do if the babris going to N.:sick:" • Mr. Philips got a light, and the un.tious parents brought it to bear on the flaw of their child. 14i3d1 MIMI • • , • • ;;14.!10•• •• - • • t: , . (11Eihet-1818 „. . . ens!' cried his mother, tually patine!. he'ts goi t let • fever. • See that red where he's Lail ou It?' r. P. 'Laid on Ill' Oh,,you unfeeling man! you unnatu. ra llithert And there; it's sucking: Its. thumb!' I've known from thellestit wouldn't live, It sucks Its thumb, itornuch.": 7 f' . Seeins to me I've heard My Moth er my It was a sign of n healthy child: to suck its thumb; but I'Won't be cer- Min. Anyway, it's a good sign: or it bad one--I forget whielf.." - Charles, run fore dotitart it's going to die—l know it is. Oh. deal stop to dress—don't, it may die while you are waiting. Cull for 'Granny Bates and tell her to bring saino cat nip, and some saffron, and rue and peppermliW—tell her to bring all the herleishe'sgodand do hurry, Charles, do! Iflerey on. us! It's sucking both it: thumbs! ).tun, runt' -• • • Phillim caught up the that ar ticloofelothfug.he could kWh's hands on, which proved do be an embrolti ertd petticoat of his wife's, but he was In too much haste, and altogether too much excited to notice dress par t icuialry. lie flung the garment over his head and tied uround his walst—' z slipped ori his shoes, and then plung ed ()WIWI) the keen air. The doctor wits asleep and did'n t care about turn ing out, but being told that it was a ease of life and death, he yielded at once. 31r. Phillips left him dressing, and sped to the residence o f Gran ay tes. The old lady was wise, but she was dreadfully superstitious, and believed religiously in warnings and appari tions. Phillips gave a thundering rat) at her door, and directly a night capped bead appeared at an upper windOw: • What do you want at this time 0' night andwho be you?' said a cracked voice. Phillip stepped out and stood plaiti ly revealed by the light of a dint 111001 h 'Good gracious, mashy!' criul the old woman, •'it's an apparatus from the other world! and W.f. got a 14cal loped petticoat on. Land: I did'nt think they made waste time on puck vanerties as that are.' 'lt's a dying,' exclaimed Phillips. Come down quick!' 'Not I! I ain't ,o green as to trust my old body with a supornatural ghost,', and down wont the window with a . bang. Phillips pounded at the dooruntil he was tired, and then made tracks for home. Dr. Urey-had just arrived. Mrs. Phillips was preparing to go into hysterics •as soon as she heard his" opinion.: • Baby mats much worse; it not only sucked itthumtts. but wiggled its ,toes. It could not continue long. The doctor, with a grave face, entered 21101 sick room. Biddy rubbed her .ttiltittein with camphor. Mr. Phil flps:stood by wiping his eyes with the drapery of his stunt attire.'Oky: - _doctor, doctor, will it die? Only .save It doctor, and you may take all I have!' cried Mrs. Phillips, ~ Wrilaging her hands. WU getdown 'corny knees to you, and thank you , er ; 2 . p your sitting,. • keep "b e: w,ta au_ • • ,•ICOej as a loan anti a phyidcian - that the child has been bitten by four bell-b u gs or els 9 it has bel.ll bitten in four pia by one insect of that description. irey,' crt,l 016 rilllier, 'do you liiv:tu to imttlt u-T ;y t.pcat it 'No you don't!' yelled Mr, l'. enough to insitotate•tlatt I have beA bugs, to nothing of your Hit ou that angel eh: rub. t let tall of thi: house this instant, you nien. eld vagabond!' And, seizing the butter-ladle front the table where 'tidily bad plaCtKi It full of hot pepper tea, she threw it . at him. The do..tor It new enough about wound) to realize that in flight lay safety, and a :th bow he I:aeketl old the step an.l -turned for Ili, gig. The groint.l n and quite icy. I Its heel iew tt;: - his land WCIlt (10tril,:111 , 1 %;-.. %%114)10 11.1 y otr thAVII the hilt like a :41.;e151i0.1 cutter. nothing daunted, rushed after hit), and -intred the sate fate. The two brought up together at the foot of tip. hit!, in a water trough; but 1141 W4,r.i, of sympathy were exchanged. Toe doctor got out as quick a; he could, and galloped bottle, and Mrs. Phillip, followed his exatti 't'he baby lived andthrove. A' it grew ohle . r its dictatorship became more and more , ab , olute. Phillip, -was down on all fours for the greater part of his time, that the baby blight ride on his back; and Mrs. I'. left her arms bare in theeoldest weather, be e-Anse the steel ,prin;., , s and her drt--s ,looves hurt baby. Itaby made complete work of all the .enwkery in the house—pounded it with a hammer; he kicked his heel, through the looking glasses and tore the inwards out of pa's gold watch, untuoksted. It pleased the (teary, wear). - , scary baby, his mother said— `the little witty sugar plummy baby.' nue day when this wonderful by was a year old, the village inhab itants were startled by the disheveled apparition of Mrs. Phillips barehe.id ed, mei wearing a wild exptession of countenance"—hurrying at a frantie rate to the joiner's shop where her husband worked: And instantly she reappeared, followed IT Phillips at a dug trot. Old Squire Smith saw them, and being a man Who lived in constant dread of tire, he thought it must be that the residence of Mr. Phillips was in thunes. The old gentleman was perfectly insane on the subject of nun ilagration, and at the top of his voice raised a cry: 'Fire! lire! fire!' 'Where? where?' cried a wore o voiee:+. • 4`Charles Phillips' house,' said the old gentleman. The firemen gathered, got out the engine, and ran with all speed to the fatal house, but to their supreme as tonishment_ they did not so much as smell a puff of smoke in the region. The head fireman, who was some thing of a wag, knocked at the door, Mrs. Phillips, appeared, absolutely radiant. 'ls this the house, allow me to in quire, nia'm that we are to squirt on?' said the (imam), 'I don't understand you,' said Mrs. P., but the baby has walked two Isteps---t wo stepson his own feet alone. lie Jupiter!' cried the fire inan, 'and now,, boys, here's three time. 4 three to tile baby that walked twosteps. Heavy my men!' A nd they gave the eheeru—Ldrank a barrel or cider which Mr. Phillips rolled Out, and returned home. —The jury in the case of B. W. )loret, charged with malfeasance In office while 11...4staut Assessor of the Eighth Reading District, returaki a verdict of guilty yesterday. —CoMmodore Stedman has USSUIII - command of the Charleston Navy Yard; at Boston, In place of Conuno dore Rogers, who takes command of the East India Squadron as Admi ral. TI4E , n A ItOVN Is pnblialied every Vietlnesday In tbo old'Argult liallding otiltrid Street, Bet vet* P a , at per year 1 4: Cnnuothikallonit on await of knot or gonontl Intorost two respecgitlly so- Ito To Insuro attootlonthvont. - of thlx "kind ttlmt Invarlably bo ottcompa idea by the sumo of the anther. • a Lott rnt4 anal 000nnunkntIontinlinnilliPo tltlino to • .l: W-loritrri, totitbr; Ps. SPEAKER AND;: TREASICKER. If the people of re:ink:viva:do Wish to see. theLegislaturoorputlztstund the offices within Its gift battuynd in the Interest of Economy, Honesty, ' nod Reform, they have only Ost au will It They may depend that their Representatives, will act .no better than themsolvc.% Special re:a:Annex ime why (ho Republican constituently, iC they malty wish to see *Rep row:lst:dew acting from the start In the interests of • Economy, llontsty, and Reform, should take tstep4 to to Instruct them before they set out for Harrisburg. One ,of the principal reasons - is, Mut' 'while • the people thtenstivettare right,nlnl /UV rlOylog on the ellicuey of the exprpanou of public opinion, which has alfeady been made, there is a class of loallias, corrupt, AV:Melons and unscrupulous avhdaredetermined to rule hereafter as lugetefore l at Harrisburg—to buy antteell tse and carry on the iiAbies3 ' legtsladve brokerage, 'Whereli,lthe State Cepitul will con tinue to be, as• It has it:rye:as been disgraeotLand the public subjected to deep and lasting Injury. With the "unexpendedixilanee" to their hands they make no disguise of their inten tion to stop or put through laws as - they are calculated to enlarge or di minish the tiehl of operations. unexpended balance clique are now making their boasts that notwith standing the expnsion which the people have made against th em, they will organize the Legislature by elec ting their Speaker; that they trill se lect the State Treasurer, ed, with the Committees •mado up by Such a man as S•re.izat, wilt' run" the Leg islature to the close. 'This is their (must, and this they will do, 'if the Republican masses du not take the matter into their own hands, and use -pedalmeatel to let their own itepre se tat i yes kno w what are their views. No man of ordinary intelligence will prytend singte instant that we have colored our statement of the oh= jects anti movemeuts of the unexpen pended balance clique. One of the must active. and triasted of them, the editor ot the Ik-aver f&idicardees not hesitate to avow that everything connected with'the orgtudzation and election of State Treasurer, "has lit.xst set up and is go; nk through," and on all hatels we he of their defiantly proclaiming that STRANWshaII lie Speaker and M.teg.EY Stato-Treusu• rer. Nor is theru,any manner of doubt that unless the itepubliato masses come to the rescue the clique will 'succeed, in which case a wory,. state of things will prevail at Harris burg than has ye: beta known. We ask the It:Jpubiletus of Pen osyl van ia: Can you tarry another such a load as - the Legislature of last winter placed on your shoulders? Is not the avert ing of such qr.:Lenity to the party and the State Anuething to strive for? STRANG is the favorite for Sneaker, because last winter he proved that h. , %vase:Table and willing to go us far as.tho fartlitmL. in extravaga n ce whatever was of in legis lation, and-verfectly reckless as to consequences. Ile comes naturally to the front Alit.; the ',nestle' of the Speakership is raised in the he '<•rest of the clique. Mr. MACKEY taken up for Treasurer last win ed elected, simply beatuse he `et he was, and is the candidate 'quo now for the some - on. - CAMEttiei,("DoN") •li.yityhoin we mean the via audacieus leaders . • 'Ate has ever laioiyn - pat , se , - 42,1 ..... itint t I t 1.4.1! pcwtt.tr qualitleatiorti aece-,:try ti tho,,ttei...-.- of the clique, awl would he 14111:lily "COI/VVllient" eoneerningqie "ttn, petaled balatiee." ll:tying tried him for oue term. lte i, Cr.: clique', email • f r anodic:. Common 111111 , 1'1%. , 11iS the cii‘i:w iiroini-e, ill .‘t K ei.ytioa Lett Veil torty awl hay tion.tr-. Tile 11:1!11 ,. - V. :11,16 SIIC e,-11 anti With illil.tlllll, Ur r.aii, itri• crl anal/I'li ill) Ii; • ...1 , .1C.1cy ru iha 11-.. Nor I`. promi, havv heca • %\ hat !Melilla , illiproiall-t• [11074.! th 111 4 .- %%111 form a ta , sy pr”por atal ink t 111•• clizipt4 , r ;it the fitting taunt. n. The ;mil In a the 1.1,t titt , rm.. • to repeat thi, nirSir vr i:v fir Trilt,iirer. ring the y4-.ir tlw privc of motley ca • rulel high, awl the unexpended h., - :owe ha- Lech prontahle. • therefore can :OlOr.l to y. Th.T wish to have this iitlersto.4,l., anti :Ire ready to - rt.weive siweially for wIli) more net.essary to their purpo-0 than even Srit.t..Nti. :\l.4.liiher4 and Senators who have a disi3O, , ltion. tool think they (-an:Mord to engage in lit enterprises of the clique, should hesitate to step torward tint 11.'1,1%1' their SharL'Of the 'balance.' It k re.t.ly fur them, the only question heimr,Oir.• they? All who are wo o ly will coo i.• to the front. Before iloing so lim4 • 4.r, they 4,:iinate the vlia, iu tlw futm••• Ilf enjoying . such a - tatiolkas Import-has...tide hien pH. , so highly.-I . l” , i , orgh ( reed. Vie Slate Trest%arAtip A ‘vritor in tin . l'itt, l, nr.zit pri,•ll:S th.o. Ifutl, fin . Stnte Tr...asttrer, :,•;.1 airt4r..-; (.:tytioli !..rniuntl hia eminent ari,l hotio, e tint 1:now Mr. !tuff, and that the f a e:irrespontltut s.tys alciut hint may ,perfew :y trite, but we have a camp ihte in t - district who , . character for lite-- and honesty stantb: quite that of any man in tin: State, in who is, moreocizr, widely latini and popular. If the We,tt. W:11ItA present a eandidate or unitoutitei li - nes"; and unimpeachable character. General Irwin of Beaver emphati cally the man. We \could say noti:- in:4 in disparagement' of - any ()the: - who may aspire to the position, tar if strong chtinc4 and eminent are to be con-iitlercil, lira. Inci.r should be the ,liCll - ,41/1 CUM lichtte.— Ilivhington —At Chester, 11!1 Saturday of last week. 3li-s 3lattle Irwin and Her man Cocheran, While Sklitillg oti It small lake, in the neighborhood of 'the cemetery, were drowned. Ice --ace ,waytcnrtth IIWIII as they retulteit the deepe-d !cart of the lake and before aid retehed( them they Id disappeared. When found they were tightly locked in each other's arms. —Henry D. Fo.:ter never , ent in his argument setting forth lii elainis to a :..eat in Congress until Monday, and con , equently the, committee have nut had time to analyze it. Mr. Fo-iter dos not try to prove he was elected, lan want, a seat given to him because the count us footed "up a ;ear ago gave it to hint. The evidence taken this saintlier makes., Mr. Covotle's majority —John Rumen, ex -Secretary of the State of Ohio, is seriously 111 at Urba na, with part ysis. —Charles Feller, on trial at Cleve hunt fur the nut - tier of Ferdinand Ilesser, has been acquitted. —Joseph Trowbridge, a wtalthy leather merchant of New York city, committed suicide on Tuesday. I MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers