II ) proximity: * , * - At this t it of the Bear there Is no timber, It vine betto apt down forty miles' lielostAT Intrittis seeking/10 prevent all • stautietees. • . cending• the Jiver.. Vihe'..itelppllititir filet In consequence 'of, Olt W;'-hem about exhausted;when landlogrittut opening in the rock widelmineeeight hundred feet aboVo , ;weitecettained it , to Deit cave eight Inputted :.feet leer and forty feet Wilk at the tMteratree. Here we found seveirdluindredtranbr of the best rintilitY*of 'wood for steam purposes. This :consisted of white pine and ecittoo wood which had been washed there, fur ages.. This: Was much worn by the action the Wa ter and the rocks in being carried by the freshets from the country - filmier, appearlug to indicate the rough nit, • tore of the falls and streams above. At this place the steamer and - ba r took on - about twentSAye cur th which enabled us to melt thirty milts above, where the freight was delivered without any damage. • Here, upon the highest sides of the tuition, Methuy and date of the arrival of the steamer and barge were writ ten in lettere - so broad and' conspieu, ous that all-the tem binations 'which ' sought to crush out the, enterprise= never erase- •'Fftini ADaliville, Goo - miles from the mouth oetheriver, to Sale hake, City,. -Utak Territory, e distance of 400 miles there are .irtY two beautiful cities; towns and settle- Jinenta, the first being established at ' 8t: Joseph and Bt. Thomas, 80 Miles horn the Colorado. Here by a sys tom of -irrigation the finest wheat, cotton and fruit hi raised. In passing • this elialmorsettlemerits the traveler ' unexpectedly' finds'maey neat build logs of stone; brick and adobe, whilst the cotton and woOlentnills, half con cooled by theorehardsandvineyards, add o peculiar - charm ,to the -scene So suocessfully lawn the people every , where been in raisingerops by large!. - thillitihdielPen*hrlimrS49lCa impale/Inm to ;the general Govern ment tliet the public domain' should not be granted to corporations because ' it may be situated in nkenlity where . there is not a regularity of rains. The practieatex perience of the past tow years end of the present, have demonstrate, that the most profile ie and abundant yield of groin has Wprodricod by Irrigation. ithin thirty miles of Callvllle•ex tenslve yelps (inlet finest Katt is found ro feet no on the side of • the mettin tains meal varlet from ten to ninety i feet n breath. This Is transparent and is taken au thy the picknud crew bar real pawkier, and is supplied to the inhabitants in Wulf settlements; and taken to the sliver mines at Palma yet, to these at Eldorado canon on thornier fifty unless, and to the mills ,I,llollg t 111!Colorado river below. This salt mina must be of , great value, as We unlimited territory of gold; silver, copper, iron and lend in the inimedi ate vicinity are developed. The • quartz Mines, of this section, those along' the river, and in the center of the territory must be to the country in their. brunediate locality what the -Placer !nines on the head Isadore of the Velornde, and "Ihrtlier inland In Arizoha, aro ti the surrounding ' country. ' , Quartz mining requiresnt firstrhore capital to operate successfully than Haver. In Summit county hundreds of canals or ditches wind around the 'mountains, these carrying suf fi cient water KO th at' two men with hose and pipe can do more work (with lets la bor) than one hundred by the old system of the pick and shovel. The quantity of minim; territory is un limited.' The average pay to each miner Is from six to seventy-five dollars per day. Above Caliville, the 'Black or Big Om» et retinues for thirteen milts. • In this there is no opening leading out on eithei 'side ' no yegetatiou 14' seen struggling out from it, no clear streams -fall Into it, to mingle their waters in the- deep CllllBlll below, as is seen in, the croons of the Grand and time Blue. The sides of this =on rise from eight hundred to' fifteen huhdred feet mutest perpentocume These look like polished iron. As fir thlf eye tan reach is one coil timed chamber, whose sides echoed back -the success ive strokes of our paddles, like the sound of a muffled drum or sepulchral voice. I am satisfied that with at small alp: propriation, !smelters eould ascend and di.eseentl this canon nod ten miles le•yond.' For all practical purposes at the present time, there Is no mew's tiny for' this, as steamers can run at all seasons of the year to its mouth • withoueany improvement to the falls. Admitting for the sake of the tegu ment that ste.tmers (=not ascend the Colonial° for more than one hundred miles, by improving the falls, it does not follow that a proper knowledge of the river above will not produce -great benefits to the Government, and unlock the hidden resources din vast (gauntry. No two rivers cam differ so '.nitwit in their appearance as the Col; orationt its headwaters. and that par-, Hon of it from its mouth to a point five miles above. Fur seven huudred miles from the Gulf of California hut three streams enter the Colorado, the (atone lam , tin:danti tiny miles from the mouth, pin Fork four hundred finites, and the Virgin six hundred omit sixty, while In the distance of three hundred mites front the point whence we started on the main divide of the Rocky Moentains, twentY streams carry their water to the Col orado, the principal' of which are the Swan, Snake Ten Mile, Eagle, Boar.: lqg Fork, Little Grand and Granite) In prosinieby the mouths of malty Of these we- 'were apt to be deceived in the extent-of country and quantity .of timber-along each. In ascending several' of these streams I was sur= prised in Avery. Instance to tied the largest* pie end cedar and the meat gratri and grain, the latter not confined to a few acres, but ex tending as Air the eye cou ld nuch. Along these, and the country gentle , wanl, the finest facilities are afforded forstoek raising, - Tar welts or-springs are foundubout thirty reales, north of the Grand. Velelv the Mouth of; Elk creek, • Title sticky or immutable taniseince comes Out of the ground over an ex tended Retire!, and is similar/ o that ty4ed of Los Angelos,'Callfortile, for mnicittgpavements and roofs. • Birds nnd squirrels tire found in this where they have died to their efforts to ex - tricsto themselves. At a number of the smaller steams I-saw oil floating upon the , surface similerto that in PennsYlVania . and' nearnclu• River, Utah. At the entrattee of two canons I found slate banks five 'method feet high; and through these were a men, bee of coal veins. I befievelhereis au abendencit of this 'litho vicinity. -411 the mouth of Salt River the finest quality of salt is Seen; The salt licks nearartt frequented by Vast herds of: deer -and" Sheep: -Above and below these the steam from the warm springs rcsombles Smoke from distant camp fires. This whole region Is em phatically, the banter?,. paradise. Here follow interesting actsmutil of - the people of several Indian tribeS living upon.the river.•," • • In' Arizona many-it/MS seta td bo found of cities, fortflimtions,.esnals, mines, &e. It' would be, imix•eisible for me enter into a hill description of all these. One of the most prom = anent is that or Casa Blanal, or the: Ilan of the MoMmumas. This stands 'medal: storks , In height—lafronisltr above every other object en the plains around. The wails are six feet thick plastered with lime or cement, which apetura to defy the power -of the ele ments.' Over the doors and windows the cedar timbers are In perfectpre,- eti • ition,tidthugh it must have been nimssineetheso were hauled ever the - long route from their native forest& The' Wham' Mu trace It back two hundred years. • Such is theldry * of the ahnespherethet neap dated but a alow elan ti l lw as ti ` The streets of thecity or which this structure apart, mu be te t aa by-the broken pieces Oferockery ware and the elevation on each side.. In. InediatetY back is seen the canal =lll • • , • , ••• • • • , • ;, MEM • oo am th loutyof - °""-" tottif4A the ,w hithiexteoed - fieldtt • ' = iirenittjaPhit.; bOrdering theriVer belevn Ttibae.e,trioriivicabortramie .wr4,-,r.r• • - ••• • • 014 19 -1' found; the walla Of the Cathedral .are ' :-`"Fr•Vi r ts • • - re redllk tkV %Amon, 1O yet t e rto4 :, Th 6 t l Vo 6 - ' • ' eniter L ... ot t to Mum bllittlelf •um 1 ./P Vni; Th Orauismaelphf* tanenulYr turd overAbeviet" i ' ee Y"''' 5 ,4 1 44 r, tiiiirrfolloseintialtXtgittiofi' 9 =mai teprinect It front the they'-Me:Oro' Adair ,„,„,,,neah„;,,,°seni„' as. 7 • , • ihn - eferitionY!iiraVan%. the •"""'"' ‘.' - noulited Cometiffat eightotloelf, was but . '" ° '' b • ds , people begtUi waterribling inhabited by a large PlDlPubttwni, but, ° PT ° there, and made in :-the.Vlcitilty,At WI earlyall hour as the Apache had been Pr% common waste,r - the:ovidenCe..of Six 'otelock,so that bY the former hour. whosevendetta'', is seen over every at:least two thonsand'peeplis had col beautiful valley and deserted ranch. lieted:'''TheeeWitehtippetied hate So completeleui been their desolatien been fOrtututteerienitirim ttdarneatels th a t ail that is now left-to tell -the nf. AdMinileatittigmat: taleareafew grape viattigti haK4llled rat diffleuity In affecting, ititentremeoi spring; end the silent Isolated Cross !an- great wat-the,lini4.en mixedimd standing over thegnivelof their vie- tangled the scores upon =moot car• thus. A company leave succeeded in •riages; and wiener the deittiffeitetif turning the Water , nein. into, omkof ery one p resent to ptisliAbivrardlir the an ci ent ' FOr the door Otthet.ellareh:; - ;A;doithie around the hills, and'acrom the vat- •coecl e n• Polleelnen•PAteMiefiltaln toys, where it discharge - 11 itself °Vern •thelterlisitono to the, fleeced edifice, beautiful, sloping ' plain, embracing 'but 'the stalwart. - men , comiledritit .thentatids or acres of the richest land. , were- absolutely enable to keep open More Is the most succeesful farming an avennebetweentheir.ranks. Once settiementin the tinditory.,..- inside thechurch,lleseeene met ! .At the summit of some of t r, inside high 4 V.; in the'. eitrente. :On this farther est , hills fortifiedlons With their tiar- eltie ofthachinieel tverebows and row pa.s.ies yet frown upon the'coun- arches;Of flowers, aquaria brilliant try below. The lsolitary cross, .the withAeld and allver'dshesi•and twi+ abandoned - altar, • the broken arch, fling wreaths of evergreens, forming and the deserted rims are all we have all a fitting foreground to' the -bright to Speaker el people, for whose hider and. gay ;picture ;presented by: the ry -we- may search other records In happy. guests. •. Shortly after.. eight, vain., Perhaps these may• be the o'clock, H. Jarvis organ. buildings erected' by the ist of - the church,: •took-.lds seat and Spaniards at a time when the ships •perfortneeka number oU-operetie and of Spain rode in triumph upon eypry other . :Mis while the immense mem- Sea, and theglittering . armis of Caltile 'binge was heingstated. In the midst and Amon were seen on every land. 'of tire:nude there was atonsidendde Capt Adams in closing, gives a 'flutter among the audience: .Therett-' _general -description of Arizona, of "eiteinent,was,oceredoned .bY the en itsminemi and agrieglteral resources. trance .of , President Grant and - lady. Ho also presents the adirmitages of The-curious' had been disapolntedos the southern route for st,":rallroad,to the Presidential itartycorisisting of the Pacific. •• . hirietelf, lady, General Dentand•Sen- Ater A. G. Cotten had surprised ov • .- ,••-! "-I • ' ' ;•••:" ghaneci r and only those-who occupied the front seats were given the Oppor tunity of swing the President and • wife.. The General and Senator A. G. Cattell Were in fultdieteg General Dent was in uniform, and Mrs. Grant was neatly attired in a blue silk dress, black lace mantle, and a haneLsonm white bonneL ' 'They took scats in the front pew, which had been specially reserved for them, and were at once the object 'of„ general Attraction. Ma ny other distinguished - personages thou entered. General Eaton appear ed iwthe •full uniform of 'a brigadier general. He was• nectermanted •by his wife and - .daughter. i!Aernims the aide from the Presidential party— also in a front newstit'his Honor Mayor I'ex and lady, hi plain dress. There were also present, and salted in different parts of the church, Ad olph E. Bode, ex-Secretary of the Navy, Chen;; 3foritime4, Hoiv.fohn Cocotte - RIO, Hmit% , G.:Relte..4, H. Allen, President of Girard College, Charles it. Barrett,' Win. Divine, Chas. Spencer, Jas. Long, and many others. Of the Methodist clergy pres ent were liev. Me ss rs. Humphries Castle, Gray,- Torrence,Thomas, Ste venson, Atwiaid, Rush and Jackson, of Philadelphia; Rev. Drs . , Newman, of Washington,.D, C., COokrnan, of Wilmingtou, Dl.; Nesbitt, of Pitts burgh, and Durbin, of New York. Bishop Edmund S. Janes who • had been selected to solemnize the rile, Was already seated within the church, when shortly after half past eightao'cloek, the bridal party enter ed, the maids of honor attended by groomsmen, coming .up the main ai sle in the following order • Miss Ella Simpson (a sister iif the bride) and Mr. Jelin C. Lu6aacif.PhilL adelehia, ; ' Miss Anieur Verner • Of.`Pittaburg dud Mr. Paschall Ar 144,; :, of Pitts burg. . . • „ Miss Ella Pusey, of Pittsburg - and Mr. William A..Siuith, of Philadel phia. Miss Bell Mcirrisoe, of Pittsburgh, and Mr:Witlitint Grierof Philadel phia. , Miss Omit) IYeayer, of Philadelz pine oral Mr. oouridge Puttom of Philadelphia. The bridesmaids were dressed In white organdie, with ruffles, cuffs, and long trails. Tit , : trimmings of the dress and. the sashes viers tat the - saute material without relleGielich of the ladies wearing handsome illusion veils' and wreathes of ,oninge blos soms. The attending gentlemen were dressed in full black suits, white vests and neckties, and white kid gloves. The bride was dressed in a plain white colored silk, with long train, skirts perfectly plain, l'ompadonr waist trimmed with white lace, long width veil, wreath of orange flowers, and orna ments of pearl. She leaned on the arm of her. father,' Rev. Bishop Simpson, while the groom attended Mrs. Simpson. attired in a silver col ored moire flatten°. Miss. Libble Simpson (sister of the - bride)', wore a white Ernani dress, trimmed with ruffles add green silk and, attended by Mt. Simpson McCullough, she sat in a pew near to the chancel, as did, also Master.bVerner Sirmeton (brother of the bride,) Miss Ida Simpson, and the younger ' members of the family. 'Ott arriving at the chancel the par ty prostrated themselves lit 'Solemn prayer, after.whichthe•nuptird ecru mony was performed In ,t he pre: scribed form by Bishop Janes. 'file utmost silence was observed, and the answers .this usual interrogationi were given by - both parties in a clear distinct voice, particularly so by the groom, when he said :—"With this ring, I the) wed, and witlm ray world ly {,roods I then endow, In the name of the Father, and of the &Nand of the Holy Ghost." • . • Being pronounced man awl -wife, a Solemn prayer wlts offered by. the Bisheip, calling on God to bless the union of the couple, and the beadle- tion of the church being given, the eerentonksterininated and theassem binge left the church. So great was the nundier of carriages, the multi tude.ol people, And the, exeltement incident to the event, that it was at least half an hour before the Pruitt dent and distinguished guests of the bridal party could be Rated in their carriages. Theopportunity was seized by the. asitemblago .4ene_rally to present their respects to the Prat , - dent, and this being over, the spe cially invited guests were driven to Bishop Simpso_n's; residence; No. 1,867 Mount. .Vernon street, , where a reception was held, - which continued until midnight. " - The bride- was time recipient of handsome presents valued • at many thousands of dollars,•includln a grand parlor organ, escritoire, si lver tea sets, Whole services'of solid silver some six dozen sliver. spoons ana forks, table linen, silver pitchers and goblets, oyster tureens and salvers, coffee urns, cake and 'fruit knives, handsome Bibles, toilet se ts , medi cine chest, napkin , rings, - pearls, paintings; work baiket glass and silver ware of peculiar kind and con struetion, with ninny other article\ making in the aggregate over 'one hundrettin number, and being a rich and rare collection. . In addition to these, checks were drawn for sums of slot) on the Bank of North America, by James Long, and 5,00 by John .Evans, of ColOrado, on the First Na tional Bank 'of Denver: A -3100 greenback was also uresented by Mrs. Thelma Price; of Philtulelphia . Prince Metternich, the Austrian Ambassadorat Parte, recently'fought a duel: with — Count do Beaumont, a French nobleman. The Prince re, celved the challenge. !,/sint long ago 31i 00; Wan intents. diseoVered:ti num ber of letters in his wife's boudoir, Their contents displeased him. The authors were men of rank and dis. Unction. Prince Metternich was one of Count (le Beaumont an swered the letters with his own hand, and the answers were eh:idea:vs to I'fio' duet was fought on en Island in the Rhine, near Strasburg, belong ing to the grand duchy. of Baden. Thu middle of the forenoon was the titnechosed for the outlander: Prince Metternich. had the choice of weep, otts,,and selected the sabre. as ho has bt' n''...iiValry;oilleer, and therefor familiar with its use. His antagonist though a good swordsman with the nipior,cWhich Wounds only by thrush did not so well understand the use of a sabre, which Is 41 - minty a cutting Welllloll. • ' When the tight began, Beatimont,• Ignorant of the usages of the sabre ' coinhat; rushed on the Prince with the point of his sword, just us though it wren rapier, His antagonist was astounded at the novelty of this at- tack, He forret himself for the In stant. The Count closed upon him, and pierced his right arm above the elbow' completely through. The ar tery was severed, and blood rushed keno, the' Wound in *rams." The Prince turned deadly - pale, but retain ed, • his self-command sufficiently to retern the Count's salute, as required , bygthe dueliug - code. Neither of the adventurers rpoke a word. The Prince was taken to a neighboring chateau, and for several helm was insensible, so that it was feared that he would die.' He was better at the .• latest advices. . This is the third duel fought In con.; sequence of the letters to the Countess' de Beaumont. flee hushaud first, fought Viscount Halley-Claparalc, and severely wounded him. The Viscount shortly after higestape from at the hands.of N. de Bammunt was nearly killed by a klud Lr Tool poisoning, occasioned by wearing red silk slippers. A second duel was fought between M. do Beaumont's Younger brother and another of the ()trending letter writers, who was bad ly wounded. -The Metternich duel is last up to the present time; but Count de BcnumOnt has appointments to light two other gentlemen, while ma ny others remain to he challenged. Prince Metternich is a favorite in Paris society, and the duel has excited much luterit. It is singular that he should have been wounded through the ignorance of hiS opponent. Count de Beauntont though uninstructed in the salmroxerelse, Was SUCCeiSfUI; if he had tnewn more about the usual • method of fighting, he might,have been detente 1. . Thel'aris Figaro says that it is ono etthe conditions of M. do 13eaument's challenges that the duels shot! . eon tin natty he renewed as soon as the wound ed recover s until out of the two Is killed. • These 'tt•ehtlemen should come, to. Now York and fight mit the HMI. Horace Greeley. Etc ar=l*',lml.l4l.l4l.traf art: Itear-Adinfml Charlm Stewart, U. S...NdiAed last Week at 13ordentown, N. 1.,- , agetl9l:-? He was born in Phil fidelphiti. of Irish parents, entered the nWrchanr-sortylee when Only 13 years of neon() steadlly rose from militia bay to the command of an Past In- Magian. In 170 it he abandoned the mirth ant .and was commis sioned a Lieutenant in tlw navy. In 1800 ho minmanded the schooner Ex periment, and in 1802 joined thofrig -146(e4:4-Stellift ion as First t hfleerw He wlas appoih led' to the COM mand of the brig :Siren. in . Thal, and took part in the expedition to destroy the frigate Philadelphia, and afterward In the siege and blockade of Tripoli. At dhecornaitaammeat rdthe war of 1812 wilti placed in command of the o:installation and asslshq in defend ing Norfolk and Cranny Island: In 1818: ho 'maimed -Command •of the Constitution and (blau; a year's ca cruise succeeded in 'pturing several BritiSh vessels. • In February 1815, he fen ht icßh the British shiptfor- War tisane Of fit guns and the LeYll4 bf tt gutuf, mitt Mptiiredtherri aftera sharp combat of forty minutes, hay ing three men skilled and thirteen wounded, while the British vessels thirty-IWe killed 'and forty-two wounded. The Levant was subse-: sontly recaptured by the Britldi ro nadn, but the Constitution escaP . With her other prize. his re turatie Was'receiVed with-the high est tmors. The Legislature of Penn sylvania presented him with lu:ward, and a gold medal commemorative of the Capture of the Leyaritand Cyano was ordered to bestruck by Congress. ' He commanded the 3ledeterranenn Squadron front 1817 to 182.0, and was anerward -transferred to the com mand of the Pacific Squadron. From IS2O to 1= he served as a member Of the Board of Navy-Commksioners at Washington, and.Ln 1837 he succeed. al Commodore Barren in command or the wavy Ynrd at Philadelphia. Upon the death of-Onninodore Ltar mu he bemate the senior ollicer attic naval service. He was placed on the retired list In 1861, after an eventhd Career of, sixty-three years servile. He has since resided in Bordentown. • . • . 'clerk in tho - Tretsury 'Depart . nient at ~.Washington has been the Victim of a cruel sell. : lie was correS-, - piOnling; - .• as, •liii.thotight, with a young lady ,nidding .in tho - interLor . of New York kitate,ll:whoni carno - eitainored. on very.: slight -ate quaintance. After some time,: hav- Itig condo sundry presentsto his lady, love • and exchanged -the • wedding Ting: he discovered to lila dismay. thotlite. correspondence on tho part ..oftho supp osed one was conduct ed by a mate - deck In • the ',interior - Daparimentiisith; the aid of - . a , con federate in t h e New -Nock town the y~lady Windt knowing nothing to NO a duel, but —The North German Navy, since the Imptirethents of pUits on Chelan!. tic, has been rapidly, inereisliig,', and greater interest is felt among .'the people in maritime utilalrs. The German SocietSi in aid .of trio" ship wrecked Is constantly recelvingaddl dons of members and contributions, and the operatlons of the Amociatioh are Imcontirii more extended. The sympathy with the ship - wrecked sill• caw Is not confined to rbe roast dis tricts, and theSoclety recently remix ed a donation of 000 from a resi dent of Bonn. - . • , . • „ • • 40* . - kl*P4 - Rl4 . .. ,•... ~,• • ..._. .. taw NUIEPuIoNOt ~ ~, ~ ....,,,, t0 . .1! , t71 . ,:::- -5 1" , ..fe." , , ,,,, ,•;. 4 -. .', 1 . ii , , , , , 2•_V iii;47l: , , if f , ?1:1 - 1•-•;40 ; 4Q ,1 .41 AWA ;1 01 14! 1 Aipitilaffal,. . 01*.liO4iriii:1iirliiiliAii3iiitiiii ! iiiiiik. quake,inc . ttiiiinii4tli.htst., ' ':'''S 'ritiitdiiiiiiiiitilriaie4 : iPitaaAitili *ikinkT 7 lo+ 4 o l 4ll"**ll* litiltia4Cirroistikttli*i!tgetl :,.; 2 ; ',. 1 "liiiiiiiiii,'#iii,i iiiii*Al4** .1 4 66 ' ''A 4 i*ialktftii, # . 04: '4 4, ' iikliiii644 s " ) .l,. .:.'', • ' -- ~.; TAM - ,* 1 .4140410,..(P. i 4ikA1 1 .A.P1W ), aOO ; 2 .' I .9APIPIPS , A*.aaMMR: O - . : : . ; - ....i:: : . _ • it. M: 'Ziort4;fattibirissAiounty; id emploiejWihOrilasirt Boisertment ai Washingtoiejune beousfrodedlbrAllegid i Yoting la . that Wiluity, l : Ha gave liiitsad will 0 1 $ i t00t 00 * : ;; ;.'' `I ' V 1" -;:r , r 3 !' ' -7,4`4:iiiiiieiti * :*4tiiii*iiiiiimiii Ai lliStiert..Tiplißeitradibeit: boom iii sOicteellii lei that` sirtlitilNif:-ilio IBM from Canlierieli*4 to the !a r id, #t • tiLl_ .*a. 4., A; pirizig.: ,:•:. ,•: .-:.i:. • ..-•-•:1:1• , •:1 t. .! At thoPlatiVdivicailosbaft;-..11..!:-Lia zerne eiiiinty; .- TatViUlc .314:0***Bieri, anew days , idneo, ,, fell :from a carriap ' when up teribititidred - 9* to thq tore' MTH/ siwil;vmdjmiiiiiiiirdly kill. Tux 5'ii,k 4 9.r* . * 114 41 4 . .iiit; Dr. .4iiriseAli:er; i[Wricli ..14: 4 1 411 01 , with :violating ithe revenue haws, and is in custody Of 4io Marshal Of tioe Elk*. District.. It Is 'is t i eliiiiirdiii,ii:OlSiiiii.'.. i i Sierra ifsmisft,(brmerly allied - Blvd county; whero the mulled - to July Mee; .has just boos divorced .frouriiiii.loP4 Chicago, on the giednd . of Bee deserdoll mid - improptreOlatiett "witketie'Jc4 lePhAxikiveur 44'0 4:*49 . 0 iiiisioyi Tito Dauphin county' Bible Society haa . ..meetlMlOU afiteadaY Sabi oflas thou. uthl Forces of PaituudiUsi and luadialty break up our noble systeui of general odiustlon - • • Tait Governor's= apo94lKaiN6ta; rice publk, doorge liarion t Eloat4 Erie county; Simnel P. Holler, tenon gshopselty. Washington county.. (resp; - , pi:dotal) -floury A. Frost, Not tit Past, Edo county:" . Sayanbort ran away (rein their.hotnes in WeMime" Cast week, intending to go to New York, "where the eldest designed robbing a bailie. They were captured before gottinia dozen miles away. TUE Harrisburg Telegraph reports an- other collTud 'fortune to a citizen of that place, a dozetidzuit of the great , Hyde family of England, but says it is , a mat= ter of grave doubt whether the young man will next, season build a now house with any of the money: • Aznauw - A.lngurruoNo hail brought suit a West the pnblishertfor Father dens= haw, of Lancaister, for libel. The alleged libel, we , b'elieve, coniisti in charging Mr. Arnistrong with receiving SOO for mileage Whoei bo.wasn member of the Legislature, whereas lie Was entitled on. • THE .1111110* of the Wilksbarre venal and Iron 43oMpany have a fund of , die thousand dollars Aar the Luker thole Of their nunthq• who may be o f id any way. , 'lt' was' by each nattier and the eamp;any giving the earnings of ono day. 111,000 to go to Avondale and the balance in the alms manner. Turin': his boon more sliver rocolvod and handled at the U. S. Mint in Phild.: delpilia 'during die past month than tins boon forwarded to, that depot ibr M least fifteen years.! Thera is great demand fOr Lino bars (ludlion)for shipment to foreign .CoMM.ries: and for domestic use .among the plate makers. . I Tits bequest of Mrs. Sophia NeyLin of Lancaster, I"a., of $l,OOO to the Trinity Luthorn. chitrch, and $10,009 to Zlon's German Lutbern Church of that. city:, Is saki to bo void, not having been made , at least ono mown bOlore nur uonsu, quirod by Act of Assembly relative 40 b eg ypit s j, : • : A Lz - rrzulhas beau received convoy ing intelligence of tho killing by Indians of.losoph Whiteout% of Meehanb*ukg, a private •in [the Bth u; S. Cavalry. Ile was murdered at Ash Valley, Arizona, while awaiting authority from the War Departmentl fur his disaltargo, haVifig sometime provious iost an arm in an en counter with; the savages. Tilt: Lancaster Er-maser estimates the colored vote t he Lancaster county at 1000, based upon census of 1860, when the colored population of Lancaster was 3190, toad tho fa:omM! Vagairer Calls nrion tho isomocrtitia hiake their peace with the nowcitizons, or they will tiC defeated in tho only districts in which they how have a majority.- . Os Walrioaday,3l inst., as Roubin Mork was engaged, in Slipporyrock tp., Lawrence? county, In feeding grain to a threshing anachina;a fork usod by the person pitching camo off its handle and stuck to tha sheaf which was than fed to tho machino. The fork was broken, and a place rebounding struck Mr Houk In the , forehead, penetrating the brain. lie died in about half an hour after. ON Um 3dlnst. a train of 40 ears con taining petri:ileutn, on tho Pittsburgh Al Erioltaliroad,whilo near , Irvington, was d/scoverod 1u bo on liro and would havo beOn consumed but for tho ;prompt ac tion of , conductor Metzgnr, engineer Deerfield and passengers of the express train, which opportunely, arrived at tho locality, BY their ccoctis,lio,ry gio .16ity'imissor Ltio oil train werifuein4ted and semi. I - Two onions, grown from the Emoti the past season; weighing ono and is fourth pomade "eh and teextafiring- SytatM .and three:fourths Inches In eirr,urnfiniince, have been presented to the editor of 'the Bradford .12eporte r ? They wore produced lu that cone trby alarmer Wlio says he usually sows his onion seed the unthaw moon in April or May; after covering Ufa seed he tramp; the earth down solid. MO he novlr fails °flatting!' go9al:e i rop. l i es Dartvillo, itailoton and2Wlits bane It:Bread, was formally oponod on the 4th, lootween Sunberry and Myer* slag, opposite , a distance of mUos Thlity-two miles more and grad ed and bridged, and ready for the and only seven mileri - mere remain to complete the road thrones to MaShrion. This read °pollen , new-route iritaLthe great coal fields in Ltixerno countyi'and fxrnishes by its connection of the high Valley ,withLho Philadrilphiatutd Erie road, the shortest possible route be twecn the East and West. It is expect ed that the entire road will be Opened for business by April lat, 1370. . • The strike of the brakemen' on the Erie, railroad is of a formidable character, but it is said Fisk is`deter mined to squelch it, and hai been scouring Nevi:York city for employes. -A riot was reported as imminent at, Port Jervis, Fisk having gone ; there with a large crowd armed to the teeth: The engineer on the road also Wield. en to strike. ' ; Jens ittlivren, a resident of, East Deer townihipatilegeny co. waslclll 7 ed Montlai Bth, - 0c the WeiitPa Res .:end, at Dyke's Station. near Taren turn. Ho Was walking on the track; stepped otr w h i ch siding, to - avid a freight train was approaching and unfortunately a. coal train Was tacking down the sidingat the same time and one of theca* stentic-"hiht knocking him down on the track, when two ears passed over derman Danaltison held an Inquest; and the t rY rianclexE4, itecidelt deatt3,.. Deceased was saventy-rtineyears age and 'Woe both, partio3ly deaf to which canoes !the accident OW Ve atizNiteck. `. • . )1; ctie4ee irlaujui -- A‘- grili'l *4 41 41.*tli - 'rirtito' 1 bhie fs that die lout:6N* to laseosidte *nisi i at itiolhoefrerl "ihe liVor wen inetbe vi tiro ik'4itidiftbs7 16e-passod'• by irlthofit _ . MM=ll twftoiiismN:u ESA !mast basinftenialai ey 'ham made ink Prilien ialar to eaty—a .Poitar ale JneittotlitlantofaCOTlF taiatconslddrableintr wernaest,is • erdarim the do di etVonants. Sad Demi. St commercial arse. ilte hi* Os? 004 , 1m.cePoittot obtihdoilfitouPeOoell that "MißleiliPlM" LT:IM ./0 4), 0: 6 44)* I ~tFeat7 nude by *latter 4;:114 Mulretltioxtby the &mate lest Arin UtgoML the h Mit ''W 4 F-Redar.o,." ,•.• .• . the c°!uuk(U. ) 9C N `rict i f' - * 2 4 l • l *iki:!! , 1 0 1 0 10 110E49cked :Om fold •bie 1 4 i* 1 4: Ih e, st rootlf bt arlittOi Pit ke i Sti . A : 1 1 4; by . ohl_Joe 'EMILIO' - :Beadiest, thlierrittegt Ducal coilditr* VA* right Uri. lt4e Mari Ith Ukase fiendish Mcirr ep,# , ,Onoti;'6l4 know 10 pon:;110011i, .iettledihe in 'got, to have war Mons, let as irk*. we hsvo Bnllivaa, 111,, " Wttttil ,; in African' non the king of a; wax Oxillbitlflea,t, Thisteithigstoi eigebeininielociaii.and ta, tunobsottrod , byWs luieptilto Treedol3l: ',Bat: this Wig of short . da n foe; • while trotiolt lnik.intantlyl-1 'king for on edwit, ,t 4) spring upon,, keeper disceyeresll4l, and,desl4 him a torride,bl9Y( On Ili!'" ncluisa i in stun iln• 1 . n 1 0 4 0 PlAltliio7 ' condthion he - plcked.np by ; some 1 d°74l' strung e' " I ` , P l i: f 1 460 .M 1 1 big ca gy - ' - - ... i /I!.tiectifhw i the vniniii;rfii/ - . - iiimil, ".the.„o2 - er iho Ilidy'ilhea," - /Stii Won strceisiS rabiedinliniwiCh,tt. 1 Tiiii floirre Is a ' - inY white cup nearly the slit; of hill I' tones'nggand extreme- l'y bdanitifid:imd'ibi wondErr as snatural fiord iiitiwth, 6 tht4hettlatt in thls flow er is witttle pore white dove:, With pink bill and eyes; hid Its . hind turned sit if' looking over Iback. . Its wings,.feet, bill, dto., areas Moly perfectas th aw of the Hyatt; - ovo, whose counterpart this wonderful halo viigettdolahird 1 4 tt --Tithifirntjof .'d: Illtiney dir 'CO:, the oldest liq or house ps.W as 4s Now'sY' . has:failed for tl, 801011:114.: IT ~ sty that their. are-datable . - /lability to get paper libicounted f' " thein t9llusßeV , • ' ~ —The Chu - e' Institut i on for •asst Mutes, at Northampton, liesewbu seUs, wiU sprive s2o,9oo„from the' estatebequeathed by the 'late Air. Clark, the founder. Ice* buildings are to be er, ed on the - IliillaY ' 8 )* tem. The pm.ent number of - pupils . is lbrty: —A New Haven paper complains of recent acts of vandalism' and ma licious MlSchlef on the 'tart of Tale students that - would better become Comanche Indians. It think's' that a "little of Jailor Webster's • treat ment would .liave..a healthy effect, and is whatis needed. : .. ~ Aft eee`mtrie 'capitalist hi'Butfilt) 'offered ri!trunt,:presuMed to he larY, era - and softie Trot:cries If he would wheel nbarrow . containgonohundred pounds of stone ,a,ocertain . distance . twire : 4 day for, tweatyrfour, days. The-,offer was , actwted, and ; the, con— tract faithfully execute.t —lua village of 31edina ~eountyl, Ohio, recently, a child was borpwith one of its hands shaped like a dog's paw. The arm from the elbow down is mach smaller thin tho other, and the fingers are - webbed about half ivay'up. The child holds the hand as a dog-does itspaw when hurt. The mother was frightened stew months ago by-seeing a wagon run overttdOir and one of her children at the. same —Carl Schurz:says in his newspa per, the St, 'Louis Westlkhe Fort i fied in an our great cities the German Americansoonsti to the Alum of all the reform,parties, and may tke stead ily, eolied,ou t¢ .break ,up corrupt rArtifS and colllbioVelis.. The claim is ,a righteous one, and .4111 not be deriled by those who ,ktlotr the char aeter of these Unselfish 'citizens:" They tbllow tio Thinmany;.tind echo no cry of the Malmo!' the --gitizens of liewburyport, .31ass.; wcre much excited by, heavy ' flriug on Friday and Sdimlay 'evenings, a week - age;' but - Were 'relieved' from their apprehendurrg When theyletnit ed that resideUtiof Salisbury 'thus celebrated his afguittal; at a court in Lawrence;'ef a (barge-of- bigamy, which was preferred aetinst by a worthy maide.n • lady. who, rmicip in the munehouselith him and.who felt a*Mildited it brtngin k home a new wife In the:lilac of on e who had"deserted:M`,`' bri hie not Wag aware thlit he had pieVltiusly'Obtriln ed a divorce.. ' ' '!" " ' •'" A Tuanisir ; rp etD ,has iromo, fo 'nirbile notice for a' (*Merit used' in fastening ' diamonds . ' l and -', iireelOtta stones to' dietailfe - subStancer, - *WWh la said , to answer - entdly welt' for stronglyuniting '-pallsbed 'steel ;Bar teem, evenwhen they are exposed to moisture. Dissolve , veerlirlix pieces of gum ,mastie, each about i bes.izo.of larga as..ntrich, a etwhol as will su to render. it .1401, another'Vernet - brandy 'about as Muck itiloglasa' (previously softened in water) "as' Will make' a twit Mined vial of strong add- leg two small pieces of gum ammo= nium, rubbed until, diasolvedr the whole with heat .aud .bottle: for —After December lot thernsideat is authorized by law to app oi nt the nine new Meta. Judges for the , nine Judicial. DistrietsNef the: country. There have been numerous applica tions made indirectly; toast, ases, by State Jttdoes, lawyets, ear JridgEs, &c., residing in the various Circuits or , Dhdriets, and there is not' a-day that the President is not importtmed In behalf of some of these applicant& The ,Supreme Court Judges, , who now, sit on the, circuits which the new: Judges will, occupy, have, as general thing, refused. to Anderse the papers of any, of the 011'4)00:its: The President pr.Oill*, that 'every one of the life appoititrrienbi dhall be made the Alibied of 'careful 'Cabinet -_Theodore i 3. ;,Cetton,:.of Black. harik,eounty, Pprms .coiwriltted. cide hY taking a 'dm° ' O f landcutuin; on the night of the'Vdt nit, A mber 7 'orandfint-bookuierfound lathe hens° in which the deceased bed' made the following entries ;- Peade , —;- 11 ° C e- o C tik,_ l : B6 4 44" ,imtne hanil .,/r ANA orocmyhirruie Uttir2huada; morning. Ofitt.,2-1--Some- time tcr day onnorepUlacideirem: fit fahl to `klll me' Will 'crit..uly ftw.t: Bead wor d my Altar at Butiefeenter;BUthireitinMr Ida*. Bury me.anYwriere.n' anirdyitig love to t4e, .darting 1 -tuirch ased the kructsrauen-of- Per Last Thursdrry. ,eyealcur.", , c,Tiarsalninst lund° l l l 4 04 X Vn , fargairtvrarditte ta kelhe,Po so :47ll4 l l.. covered'until , -'4ll be SOO lide mM.": • , I , 4o4Przi --itk I; 1001RUI 16:5 , 10--- - 4Fatfki :At Ariatir o i Natita r - . 1.14 . 14. Anwar •ita4f A tirvaif.ll 111 D R, ,mict.4l74 r t t , n 0 4 ligaaNA liti t ubT q*, , ;: - .1. , 118tti 1 111:11 4 0 To mmy ER; ,p• A k),,, , ,;', q tr 6,1 71 T. ,:ttitl,lo- let .o 4o , Xykl if ugo ry:No , .4**, I*l-611T 4 214; p2V, iickEtfOILMONIXOICROVZIA,;. ;.„TiAj44 l, 6" l otaif"'• • op r4P-e 4 01 County t;it4 lbat K brio °pelt ? edif fis*Moktifpiiiito4b6 . d: ^P. _ inatTon BcauVwherbrt jag! ly beep osi laza and:Otrer itßdiate* Price; evel7thtne lgepito 4tbiit.e4a , 7; !' • .ittN11:11;:it i..•~".2 I= .!1/ ; :.•11.'1!////: NM/ MB USE ritlieV,':"GOODS° • • +,;1, ; :,. f af . ,? .: 11i 6;• ..et; Eit alai sh men lUMIEMZOM _ . . . :•4 1./.1:: - .: , : •.-t. r - . , 1 ':0i ,, , , ;1.1.i . . i ;,,., .:;-, i, l ,0141::.:.PRICE:14.`,:AtiJi t 'I . c0~,:.; , r i ~ ,:~ S Ally)"Ls nro =lrked in pialp figure.% Look, at" the Prioos : ;~~.:. 'Rat .Frames, Of, Plita!-, .. . t!.• 4.6:0'4" Bonat4 Plasm; all Styles. .2 50, 7A, $1 /tabs.., . El I:liX4 , llooPOkirtN: ' •• ~ ... eta. All Linen ilandiceirblers 11=21 ,Giy*odlikva ,nciiiomis 4otis. SSE L4D.M.9 , II4.II4WITCLITES, 35 02W. ifestssiterlsrsets, ; • I .; n.i Tim btst ever sold fat the' saoaci, = RES Isaac Hanauer, Who has on• in the baldness. in Bearer ' will superintend; the same,;:and wildendeavor by.... • FAIR DEALING deoei-ie the mitt= 'mid 1100 - 1) WILL .1... 010.. ALL. II - 'and wilt show them :ibo 1 , , MI FINEST STOCK Ism MEM .~.~_., MI VILttiN,E,AT MEE IS 4 ~ FANCY GOODS ! r AT Ilia =MEM LOWEST PitICES '6inity.fo'r. the lash. . . . , • . • .•• , . . J: 4 I4V4Vot 'Tab= 4;4l,rANCraioolzi riiiiii4ll di !bit beidqiitletilte zr.swAvax AND RElLAiddiPlitlC witeraw' IA? tgel ii o o4l ees*ldelt civinGt•biCtieits,Asyi it ttiamrstkinetudte" ' rocetiral a tullAinoottlack cele: • - '6,! P.; Vtfl, ai 1: • . VOUDiet,WM, Bj, • o .o M4r.4,belkii.g4 I r f,PCCO 1 1 10 • this country. , r ;Ka . . DRESS„ OODS • • „...G •• , :17'?:1•174ifi ~1 ;i 7* TtiOlhaVebn liana now the West In tie NEW YORK MARKRT. EMI • S • :144 1 ;2 tindaredi Of anarekti pittlermalbeteit niskas st-12% ., dents ; Ingrkepalities *LB and. 10 centit NIA WtTEItPROOF I ii!1;.1 .W111:lia pinch wont arain iad On 11,041,aq;ount they laid lq sklarge..syr4 of illquilitlai „...;.. Rag]) CHID FIMELB They Juno Inighe assortment than any i.itliei'establlehtnent In the county. I ilsn offer extra burg/dna n bleached , . ,and unbleached MUSLINS. MEE New43tyles In ',' • !c. ~; , ; • : • t ' , covra,LETs. Anti nil klinti of NOTIONS :. _lO els. Eli AND LADIES Dress Trimmings. FANCY GOODS MI f+UCIiAB BItEASTPIICS, MIMI &LEEVE BUTTONS: Theylave reeelvelltLeAuust cleptut styles, u+eukiOwltlek.was In this If pill AEI: their tit!oek in new gty:cs in EcN'S and. BOW' HATS, am), all 19 nms of ENTOP FIUDSISHING ' GOODS you must surely WM:they menu mistress, In Fancy and Plain CABBI3IEIIE2, CLOTH, DOESKINS, ME cIiItiCLILLL - Aft, a ,! They say witlaiut bragging that' no one ICI tire county is able to show n: moreta.- Icet'stook or . .. ESE -FINTII STYLES, • and cua offur tiara at ‘'Hitilltalta • Tantrill 'than theido• Therefore they can , stitee whoever patronizes them thnt they am', furnish - a suit of ekahhig can not bo beat,eitheritt cut or prima.. They earl ety again that 'they' have the best cutter in tbts county, a gentleman who gees ahead With the Guidon, mill has 'first c l ass . mS e t m t or a . i t l w or eny e ye ta a b r l s i shin `Meats in New Tuck. Cleveland, and late 11.'''Theirlbree or tailors and thilorettaware all schooled 'luntds,•as ;trill be seen by the work they Intend to turn out this rall.• To keep the ir old eus temers and get new ones , this • firm has concluded to make snits to order • • CHEAPER THAT BEER. Alt wonvenselmeti stilts Ittcy - tsiil )6ow make ter • `~2B For thirty"trollars has to be paid elsewhere, and'all'woat hlack,hrixtdeleth sults for . • . . '• - • • • . I Pet whlcS Otlerlnviki dietioS - 4(1. * It ltrodM 18t advlsoble, and lit 'fact tt 14 to fhe ittintet o 0 ev ety one , to • .tnlee' the 'exxls nod examine the stock of i• • • • • ilerkitililieliiatlif, l hritialete.)'' •rif, , • ~.t! • 2i •••,' . - t t.drt ;t. ,ji W ohlo',4 Wattlos. M0. 1 4.10 4 yr•41 , 8511 '. • Beam .101. T Upper Sandooky—tlOM rarti1t44.4%1.. OM / '" 1 " lines tzt .. llxa", • , 820 . vr=u . Valparaiso • Maio, 930 1 p i transom, . r , l I Kiii4.ll Chiew --.-- ; .--..--;---7. " "Illlrti 3111Diusiso..1..• 4 ,flirli. :SW ; 1 'Eliforr i .ti r .: : .Y.lF. 11W" it''l thcolaoi astb b• . q5...a020 , 14 6 13 1 v- 1 5 i 1 4 0 4 FonWainc• 112 in 11ODr s Nan Wart. i 1 g Tw04•4,t••••.4, mpparandudy.:}l.r4.,..- I I.osc7!ut4am.,. ~." „ - :• - iLr a=A , 1 :Al•t.:! 1 * 1 •ClerrlDe I 868 CAtla , - • 2:, M.•••••• •. ( 1 1 ! 15 ;/ 5ad...404.T.1::•.•i1iar PiDatnuilt .1 elti . , . =I FEE f "taiii zriQj chills';' me t'iiire.; witai wiptennartsdne...ikcaithr,... l 4 tr am ' pablia t tATThet- VMS Atetllrn 30 1 1:4111010110,3116 Ml' , ft:: r . t ili , 7 1:, 4.4' Z e rw ir e mplo sistle .a wn ild omo tts c bare4 • c-tle,llo a. sa; attire st Alkilberao l6l / IL I. Retaining leaves rufstrmb— tau R. noir ritti 40tIliallaktI6.0.111:TotIVOIM WO O. lei 7 li. linunspes.roil leA et Aer*. 1 • it. " 4r . r r . : IF: OA §„ t . /1 4 Lter.tru"-- 114 et 1,1 !T•7 l 9ss• xer?. curibp.d.. 4 , 41: 1 1 , 2145 r. • lircetina MOO a ME, gun 'MS • • Mgne t1,1 . 0 , 57 .,5_ :3 t ME NAIL Wethirgr.,rst• 10 44 C ..... 023 .S 9 •• Ricrezusil4. • 1:7.112,11.' Hudson 14.44 Euclid Street 146 Ell Bellar...— • • Smith's Parr Ohne,..:: Y "110 . Roamer. .... tttat Roth Bearer Binith'o Ferry Welk,Me Bienbotiritio Bridgeport 1100 r SKMI?3, WOOLEN - YARN • This I. a mixed *Sid Ain ex press train hots Weasel/Ss to Intelbotglit• Lesvos TtliilClvitAWA# - : ,i • • : 11.•naladeikhti,.6110:o. m. rHa rdt Ca, a.m. • &yard, 11:30eLtsid • •, n.pbu,,:op khoico i, .Y.II..,IIk:TERS; Gefikvil Ticket Arita- , •- W , 1. - I.OESAL - E 0 CIIAIN'B,4IIfI. ME ATTRACTIVE."STOCK I= HEAVERS, nuIGIT AND 'DRY .--GO , LOW enicEs, , ~ ,v1..0' • , • ERWLN '4O CO'S: IMEMM ."'47B , Ftdeiml'Steetl,"AllrOtny. , •••• • .. • isrio , cii crAketars tiffieei ' • . ' ILtaxisarstaz. Pa.. Aug. 19 . nett f 21) Otgrow.. of bleptiehtegi Lands: to acclimate shim; of Assahltil et= 'the eighth day el Atitl3;• ehe.teousend r "Arod sad ettlfhthe.;geit heettittroo that the County *And Lim Docket," eophilging the' quotige t alleated haft Mr eilaterenazty seeks tie Aetet Ataielady tbelgik eg thattesed etOt )sesu deed sod etzty•lbur7a7tra eesietegglibmeste, tblet—arben Ibrehthied ?rah hithe eeetsty. at whose. taw t io W th ,= l 4lPh tiv esol e mi t:A*l=N . tweet estateikglid j. teetribketi c Alt Department styritellot aterryor Egi Ei . .. -it :sly . • • :. miiiii• 1r.... t i T 0 t. .. 1 : Anso ja t ' '493; . • 1115 . 9011:44.. 11194 613' • •••••-• ' - ' la SID,. tOOO • ' •--- ~ 1143 T 0 .i 1 31 44 181 , JI *$ Mr 1, 90 D , tow . es) , I : IHp 44 • aril ;:1•111 - .74 i-.. i 10i • I , 1130kii reat - 1 ~ r:: .1:0) I. qlqi • Inti -. eta Igo.: . 4A3 ~ go s : 'ets• ran =I ' • P. •MO , Pant 'AS Ti rt.7:44%-' •,103.1 • MI ,15,,.,, .2j2J.K". 1 1t62,Pi l .1111ra o4:111; 815 1M •410 1141 21* , " 460 : I Z 3 II I A 1 31.••• • ' *XIISI/, ! .10.3: • 1215: 7 .... : = 5404.0 685 885 • 840 (..t i~ ~~il: I 110rmi =rig :1540 • ' I:wt. (On . .••• 15 CIO . . I'IST 100 . • • Aro ..) El E 2 830 1%9 1010 D G. - 9- CASH ,BUYERS"' ~~'~+''.ir~ ~'l . _ , z.. .. ... AT %r ' WILL . VIND A VERY LARGE AND f, f!, lIIM •. •,. =ELM lIIMIIIIE - :~.:, .-. . 1112111=1 =OM - . Either by the yard, piece hr . packtigti =I I=lllll MEE EERIE =I 13 •J - • -CvpperAt Sheet rl w" reOti Ware. ,mot ~i ~ ~~ t 11. :!:! i It3i 1177 TIO , iv; •• • r*, 4,4,-,:a;;;; Mil 9(atesppokiog-st4ve s I 118 41111 MO' 'Mr ,r. • mum twe tut 4t115,1 r.. , .11401 gie•aigy Swimming odd oqooshit t : ,„t • Done to Onto proorattlyond on Itaim :au, r • 0 7 4 'UMW Particular Attention Paid to Job Waric, Japp!tnttt-au4. i PRESSED WARE • , •••• ;y. ra ,4 •!; t rePt Oleetaina:# • op t ilitild,- • .44 pit!! !In _ - V•hop the )9werlendiglNTAsivil.stnii 404 , r ' , IL+ .11 • Rflayer - • Call nMI ...norroluo our Stock 1,4 r e P l 4o44lP,CeAltelliwitto ~$ Duorlolt liirrov roma . F • ~ A ND RDPAAR SHOP. Enghltr'iimfmiehttiir „ the best eu:j, .tun with alesailtir iti - 11111:hor fine Led +LI lowest atm - • - - "IPtiitighland . lPlonili Ca OS dlgthiat pattenti, , lneladtig Oaf Itmul Wei re. 'l#4ofil*af i C l P ° 4l‘O w F v elfb . e aua • STOVES, • Cooking. Franklin ~heating. of the ioo.timv nisrPattiores. d att - Cooking Mu, the Herons=, to the beet u It Lekuiiitle fa, I. kny 19.111 to do the =0 111011161.0. Lake , and trp.l dumb* hike* altogether theapait more to ¢x , Mined:hid with Ito slow( I UM gut op a Patelat rortablilltiteitidon Top .etch ___ ~,, - 'ltionr.Tho adrild.mei es not: est Deli( Order . - and .114P1Mble t.1. - ea. .peA. dOpenaln; nlth All eau he i o m ~,,,,, mermen at my •=3 and •de toardralt•rer,• id:mla ri+sure inienSur • ... In feettinotlY of *hat 1 naMes'orpersolit lerthet itUlleared rat* , . : .4, 4 Dr. Isom yrtoswl ~ 1 i M. T. - Kennedy, • 3 tkunnel Kennidy; .1: 4 Hobert M*Gowan.,-., .5 John Watadti. r'„ 'lf Dr. Jar.l::Jitekatin; 2 Dr.. J. is.: sinott. ,D, p Dr Parker. 9 Dr. J. 11. McCrrary•,' 10 Milo W. Miller, • • 'II-William Lyon .” 12 Andrew Morrow 13 Roes B. Mean'. .• •- . 14 Cant. Jame* Honey g C ki s triGtWtt ql . j 17940..De0.: Pnetaari "!. 18U 2-Meerea 19 /ea'. wer4fy - 01 ..znes Qoukl• ,11 memos 11. Dane ll 22 , 11ngh linella • .". 1 "i 1•4 Cant W. Glenn, . , ~.ii - 2 2 4ina&as trradituaw, NM 21 Lilo Dradobaw. ii DI Robert Dradelmw 'i Di Thoa .r 0r.d,,b,...,70., 28 MixteMeed... • • ! D.) Milton' Deed • -.- ! 31.5190 Ratio .c. . • ~ 1 1 StWilliam ". ret Joel Deed, • 1 32 Mrs nos Hooter 31,305net0n Laughlin ii;JamesThompresi,' • • ift Martin Knitht • I IMMletlard Maley 33 M,lllLam Divers . 32Joreph.)IeFerrati • ' 4;),Darld Carr 41 Dr.— Moon 42 not omon Fronk 43 James Know:ea 41.1E919e Cairn,. 45 W01f... Marrow. , Ott Wm. Ilkkeretaa 47 6•rnnel Cr...en " .1211Joaerph.31eflartnite -, 40 Err. Jae WDerulltt. Efl Waltlam , Werner 1 • • 51;10 D V Saw bill ; 52 %Vmhlngnm Ei22lc • 52 John Y. Marks 31 Capt. A. 3111onaM • - , 53 Cant. 31 M' Donal*/ O'Wm ICDonald. 57 Me, Nance' srlionald M Alex. Willie • ' 29 Mrs Landis ed William Grove; 0 1 Mains 11rono In tDltudaalnß~r *tcrid.if receive In I.lr ;.1 3 o'itat tourtmr of sto , cl, twrally 901.1).110,1 and sold by 'Other partied. Thz.... s thing.. aro Dearly ear xed embrace the n.v.: and [poet linproAd etyleyow those rearnsteete by mys at yeti low Wok Ilsvinet dams that dux ,enatneA abbot Sheen horse potterestmeity, they nr. ,t 0 pit bliC 414 r4""eattim lit(3l;NlLEL • fat; tt .114.',"DILTG I - 11 E AVER AraY be ro.lllll wr.onment of Ali .13! Ica xp, 014 , 03tIZTACtO*1-,S, . - ••• L I ctu . '.. o , WINES ALsig.l.Xlr an _Les, =ID trs , t4.4 Oils. MI ••:Y i AN . n t aY.Mhifitr,u sto I'S 13 R.O PA T-I.l.N"i'' '1%.13 . 1C; 1N Ei • In greit talift7, till of the hot dienfirr titan t-an boboitiritt titan:. wt., Urn-Moto in Wa• • . 11••!1 •i•••." ••• ' MEM , p . ico's Funs)* _rill+. OI.L. 046:1.ecturi..111; . tl• .!: Tde r I, LAMPS it LAMP Tlti c iVg?7,4 " I IN•TrIINS . .A . TII 6 4AVM.Yt ikiNDO I' tit-Sint .t !ITU mote:to o, o id ni taper ,tde of the clt.r. at 31,,, :5: than ran tv, ntbort nlitta • ' Letlh4t nno ' untabl. 61.; 11 tv 'MU dotabl b mare. ' ' Jyttirr: `Bain Hugus & Co, "INIANCFACTITICENS • No..llWL,lberty Street. I - -CALLS iyurah • Penn ' n • -Prieri; •t and L''Poirrts. • In thetrtarh'elilnr, ptitrevt certain mit! end color* °meiotic. oxlilm, nee uttylio l IO aral: absorbed by the mune, a luck Olen subjfAelltp a pe preper ri cltgrce f unt .it tbdittituneT ectl le. orporor i argil beecntiert y ohe kuever.r Mohave , now, nn exhthi l in Over *kg:mm.loot colon et 1 4 4 N .71 .hOr, pad we pay particular st• leritlcittant • *Were partici. cei:lteei 'ottctrt'ltsralotiltoltlth paperroul We are recelrin_g, monthly. Dew 4.12 6 from European Assignors, which c"`" 4 tOprodUtetbeilateat patterns In iesr btu. rtuneitlT hill • • • here Wit I ofL•r L. vied the etttne I 6* Jaen Gr ote Ir: Aborrgonon 1 f 4 John 6 Uthwi, Jowitbnn 11:Krra:c. 66 C 7 JoCOW. D. Stu:a, 03 3 1 :11:31.7trmn. 01 John Jack.aa, 70 Bcn). F. ?mt. 71 oamnel Kentwciy, CVll.Jl4JOhnittpn' - ':3.ltenJamln Fru.10.3 314aceb I.4oolfrrke, 10.1.333 e. P. Couch Tr iing 4 r * Cabcrt A 3171;;• Job° ev Duncan. 7SI Aim Tti. get irMt. II NorlAn Bl:Disig /And ,61 Thaws - nr4 tolop 54.41154 Jbliff Pe Ou w, Jac tot. Ilintlierravtor, iBB Fllnm Stove, t•f/ Mr*. L etk WIfILm 14.11..... u. 11l (leOlghtreir. fO Samatl n inWl7. 92 Robert !satiric. 111 Ctd. Si Frauk /.41 ti NV:lll.am aecrtv, VI Joao Rich:v . ll"o, *1 E. bunko-. Al4vdll,ll, Anotin Pl•rce pat John Picrcv Itre. John Th, , .: 1• 103.101 in Low•ri 1114 J. if. Entiktevlor 1 0 6 .1 . 1mr.1 Thor:.. il.B Walt:krt. Of: Daniel dlas,rt li 104 Thomas , 1011 Dr. It.+Tute.r.' 'llO :dee 'lll Fienry'retler 113 Franca kluuhei 31n 1:41 lIIR. L. tehael W..yand 'll7 Willkrri ,111/ Iter WT. Ne.l , :t ra llrory ar..l:oza 130W11111ait Mtn I . ,llJo,vph L. L.lrkno, J V Nl l E-_
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers