g! IR D Bieridri NOV. 17 • 1111019. ; areigation 9ner lichens Hulubvie Rates or Ally runt. T , /11t: Aft.' in. Om lois pr-1011oti. SII . 66 6100 66 00 ts a) mos squares, do II 50 0001 GO 13 00 3 poorre, so 000 6161 lesitis Is so 4 wiDares, do 600 600 .10 ao 15 OD 11 01 yi oohs= 11161 11 00 1100 6/ 111 00 UOO 1100 }0 .00 m seal comma..... 1111 10 MI 00 111110 60.00 100 00 Adrainistraloot . oattltotoro' Notke•—•.l6l 00 r ead polka jot hoe, ten mato tor ristoonts to tornado Qoarierly,rezeept for transient atUertlomnents, which mast be pokl la 'dream. • Mate Mrthe Thermometer fir the' week ending the 13th otNov, 1800. 113MKI3E3IMMI!M Nov. 7 30 dog. • 31 deg. 28 deg. 8 25 deg. 36 deg. BO deg. o 0 31 deg. ' 35 deg. 34 deg. "10- 34 deg. 45 deg. .36 deg. 66 11 23 deg. 44 deg. 30 deg: 12 34 deg. 43 deg. 33 deg, 6 6 13 ' 35 deg. 39 deg. 5 30 deg. R. T. TAYLOR. fininserlpUens tothe Beaver Alh, long.—The following named' persons have paid the rums set opposite to their Hanlon on subscription to the Beaver A 11011 a, since the date °tour last publl• cation. Phillip Boatel, Freedom, B. D. Evans, New Brighton, D. Beale, Poe, James Porter, Bridgewater, Black, Rochester, Jna. 1.. Bowman, Brownsville, Pa., 50 Samuel Anderson, Bleckhawk, John hfcFall, Smith's Ferry, M. Alexander, Rochester, Fiamuel Davidson, Bridgewater, 200 John Kirkpatrick, Brighton tp., 50 I;, 11. Reisinger,' ' " 150 The attention of the public is directed to the following New Advertisements which appear for the first time in the Andes to-day : Something Now—James Duncan.. Special Notice—Jas. A. Fortune. Special Notice—Cutter. SpeCial Notice—CHU= Knitter. . We anticipate our day of publication in ordor that our employoes may have an opportunity to observe Thanksgiving Jay. • • • -• girlthink Subparoas tor Isle el the Asaua othee. Furs! Faro It a splendid assortment at Beu c e'a, Beaver. Areirlbralt.—On last Thursday morn- ing, Mr. Robert McLain, while • at work laying a pavement was severely Injured by the falling of a brick from the roof of a building In Beaver. lie WU taken to his home on the south side of the river, In the evening of that day.; Furst Persil Agood sot of Siberian "'squirrel fun from ,8 to .10, at Bence's, Third atroot, Beaver.' suAwL, r BniwiLs!- 4 1 large assortment jut come In at Bence's. Beaver.. $ The Colorado. Itlver.—We yield much of our space this week to the Report of Capt. Samuel Adams, 'formerly of this county, to the Secretary of I , War, on the Colorado River explomtlopi It is a very Interesting document, and wall repay a cam 1%11 reading. • 131 - IThulk Deeds for sale at the Assets °Moe ' Wanted..-One thousand bushels of good dry Du&wheat at Edgar's mill in Fulham'. .JOUN EDOAn. 0ct.27:1m0 Local copy AttentiOn Is directed to tho sulver timeMent of Jas. Duncan, esq., of Falls ton, which will be found in another Column of the Annus: 141 r. D. is one of the "old stand by" business men of this county, and whatever ho says in relation to an article he °Wets for sale may la rolled upon. Wo arosatistled from what' we learn that helms one of . tho boat lots' of goods to bo found anywhere in this county. Call and see lb' bon't fall taxon) Will Smith & Co's.' Rochester, for bargains in everythbig. (4"llhulk tiommon'a for sale at tho Attac■ wilco, • A• Heavy Yielder. toimius.-24r. In% Kirkpatrick of Brighton tp., this county, last spring procured and sowed three iourths of a pound of Norway oats. In rho fall ho gathered - his crop and on threshing it' be had •ixty two pounds. Wo have published several yields of Norway oats in the Ammo. this fall, but we believe this one leads them all in proportion to the amount of seed sown. 117 - 111:ank Notes for sale at the AsoCo °Rico Goon Fresh Limo always on, hand at tho Mulvanon Limo Kilns,,Vanport. tangll;tf. Finest Wool.—At the American In- Mtituto lately held in Now York i3ity, J. McDowel, owl., of Buffalo tp., this WWl* ty, was awarded the premium for the heed specimen of wool. 'His flock of Amp Aro from a stock originally brought from Spain by the tether of General Wade.— Washington Reporter. "Will Smith Co., Rochexter, sell cheaper, than any store in Boavec coun -IY." has booomo the byeword of all who deal with them. Call and ace. . Chinchilla cloths for ladies sacks at Women, Beaver.. - Takeo to the Peulteutta4.--Con Saturday Sheriff ',fuel!, of this county, took three prisoners from here to the Pen itentiary in Allegheny city. They were all three committed for stealing. Two of the go for one year each, ani the third one foreighteen months. They are named fel follows: Henry Hazel, Weiser, and John Maxwell. llannolm ! very cheap at Bencee. j Le'lllank wimulte for sale at the Aimee omen, Catholic Mission will commence in sS. Peter and Paul's church, in Bea \ er, on Sunday next, and continuo for one week. The Jubilee of a plenary ab solution, granted by the holy • Father to the faithful, by compliance with the prescribed sacraments and fasts, will al so take place during that period. The children of the church will be examined and mach as aro found worthy will re ceive first communion. Fathers Vetal ian and Anthony; Passionbit Fathers of itivainghsm Monastery, will officiate. every day' during the week. Ever) , Catholic In the vicinity is expect ed. to attend, and a cordial invitation is extended to the public, • - . - Thu best assortment or Notions, Trlin & Millinery goods, and all now, b, to be found at, Will Smith &Co's., Dla. weed. Rochester. Wm. Flouting 6c Co's. Ores& Boors vo Usk Cap and Ladles Fur itouse, N 0.139 Wood Ntroot, Pittsburgh, yeltien. Sand for prico list Of Ladles [oct27;3tu. • Leeture.,Our readers will bear in mind that Rev: James Ileilings* head wilt. deliver a Lecture In Abe Court _ Howls in Beaver, on next Thuriday even. I ig, on "Traces of Ancient, Powerful and Civilized Nations on our Continent." The Rev: gentleman has given his subject a good deal of attention for sometime past, and we have no do . ubt but that It will be handled In an Intelligent manner, We Ilnderstand that arrangements have • been peitected to famish, mule for the occa. Mon. Those who hare nqauppled them wives with ticket; can pay the admission fee at the door. larnialk Mailitmesdiaie ott the Aware a latill gym Pies Ire... l emegekite Come which contonett hillthipineePAWedPi of last week eentlnued In eission WWI i l tidV °MINI; ran adjonsned to meet igainnn The follOwlng awe Oil** Sr)lfilliDS:aMi were disposed = Com. vs Jo be E Bloo„ . Assault and Battery. Dafending to pay. mats of bringing are over to prannit, term dismissed. , Cool Wm ,Ballagher. Assault and Battery, NoUii Manna Mania 41; -, Amdant paylugnosis. Vow vs Andrew Palls. Assmill -and Battery.. Not gullty;nnd Inds divided equally between pro secutor : ind &dead- Com vs itamuol Mason. Disturbing religious moottug.. ..Prooons retuntod NE • ' Com va J Etruytter. Felonious as sault. Verdl4.not guilty In nuninei and form Indian& Cow rs Jame* Iterrlngtou. Assault. Ignored. Prosecutor to pay cost and to stand Committed WI pald. ' • Com vs Hunter Rtuesoll. 'Assault with Intent to commit rape. Iguorodatut the prosecutor, Mary Herrington to pay costa. • Com is A Cunningham and Hunter Hussoll. Assault and Battery.. Ignored. Prosecutor to pay costs and stand corn• milled till paid. ' Corn yo Mettle Meeks and Wattle Seeds. Assault and Battery. Ignored. Prose. cuter, ThOmm Bracken, to pay costa. Com ye John Maxwell. Larecuy,l cases. Guilty., Sentenced to 18 Months In the Penitentiary. 03 00 300 . 400 3 70 2 00 Corn 'vs Wm. Taylor. Assault with Intent to commit repo. Ignored as , to the intent, truo bill art'to assault. Com vs J Dimisp. Erecting nuisanco on the street in borough , of ,Vallaton. Verdict, gullty. , Com vs Win Porter. Inclietroont;suro ty of the posco. Verdiet not guilty on account of the insanity of the defendant. Corn vs Wm Burge. Indictment, Doll-. lag liquor on Sunday: Plead guilty. Sentenced to pay 'a duo of ten dollars, the costs of prosecution, and imprison ment in the county jail for sixty days. Same vs same. Indictment, selling liquor contrary to law. Plead Sentenced to pays fine of one . hundred dollars, and the coats, of prosecution.' Same vs same. Indictment, selling liquor. to minors. Verdict guilty. Sen tenced to pay a 'fine, of ten dollars, the costs of prosecution, and undergo im prisonment in the county jail for sixty days. 4 00 3t aOO Com ♦s Michael Camp. Indictment, selling liquor contrary to law. Plead guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of two hundred dollars, and the costs of prose cution. Corn vs Richard Doncaster: Indlet ment, selling liquor contrary to law. Plead guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of two hundred dollars and costa of prase ctation. Com vs Timothy Ladoy. Indletineut, assault and battery. Plead guilty. Son tencodto pay a line of fifty dollar; the costa of prosecution and undergo Im prisonment In the county Jail for six months. Com vs Win Btiochling. Indictment, lolling liquor contrary. to law. Ignora mus, and prosooutor to pay the costa. Corn vs John and Mary Ileirington. Indictment, assault. Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to pay' a fine of five dollars eacliand the costa of prosecution. Com va'Ceo W Brown. Indictment, surety of the peace. Sentenced to pay the costs of prosecution, and rocognized In the sum of two hundred dollars. Same vs Kazuo. Indictment, surety of peace. Sentencrodio pay costs of prose cution, and recognized in the sum o two hundred dollars to keep the pbace. Same vs same.. Indictment, resisting an cam. Sentenced to pay a fine of twenty dollars, the costs of prosecution, and undergo imprisonment in the eonn ty Jail for ten days. Com vs J H Cunningham. Indictment, surety of the peace. Sentenced to pay tho costs of prosecution and enter into recognizance In tho sum of fivo hundred dollars to keep the,peace. Same vs sama; Charge and sentence same as in above case. 6.m vs henry Haut. ,-,lndlctment, larceny. Bentence4 to Ono year's Im prisonment In the Coin vs —Weiser.,- Indictment, lar ceny. Plead guilty. Sentenced to one year's Imprisonment In Ponitoutiary. WanteilrLOno thousand bushels of good, dry Buckwlicat,nt Edgar's will in Falleton. .JOHN EDGIAp. Local copy oct27:lmo„ MANIKET&—OnIy $4.50 per pay, Ibr good white blankets, at Dace's. , j • The C 'sr Mill Robbery.—ln last week's Annus wo (epics] from the Wellavillo //lion an account of the re cent robbery at &canon's Mill, in Co lumbiana county{ and the arrest and con finomont of ono or two ::cif the robbers. The account referred to gave the credit of their capture solely to the Ohio an.. thoritics, when the truth is they had lit tle or nothing to do with it. The infor mation against thorobbers was made be fore Esq. McFall: of Glasgow, Beaver county, and the arrest made . by Henry Camp, a constable of the same plaise s , who brought.his captive; to the Beaver jail, where he was hqld nntil last week, when ho was taken from hero to Now Lisbon by the Eliceritint Columbiana county. Tho boy, for 'null ho is in years, made a "confession" to icomo persons while our jail which implicates some notorious characters in Washington county in - the Cannon's Mill robbery. What action has boon or will be taken In reference to them we ]have not learned. o r :Blank Commitment* for rata at the Altera A sure cure for , ithenmatism, Neural- Oa and all pains: (Fink's Magic Oil.) Bent to any aildra4ll on receipt of $l.OO. H. G. G. Fink, 121 Fifth Avenue, Pitta burgh, Pa. octal; Imci. Attempted Escape. —Z. Taylor llockenburry, convicted of the murder of Mary' MeCandlea, and George Dil blane, convicted of horse stealitig - , - at tempted to °Neap° from the Butler coun lyJall on tho 9th inst. Hockenbery, It appears, had made a key out of a bone, with which the doors were opened. The attempt was frustrated by* girl employ od in tha family of the Jailor. Dont)lo width Flannel% at Fortune'a, 'lllatnond, Itoeliter, Pa.. at 25 eta. per yard, Int cresting to Inventors. —We are in receipt of ii.eireular from MCagrei. Alexander dc Mason, Patent Attorneys, Washington, L. C. containing us refer ence letters and'daines of ineeittors in different , parts of our State by whom they have been empiciYe'd in the last two yearn. Their long experience as patent solicitors, their favorable location for properly attending to the patent bind. ness, and the principle of exacting no money until they have done their work mad secured a patent insures to the in ventor (air play. Soo advertisement in another column. Chart* Improvements in Beaver aro the order of the day. We notice that the 13. P. Church is undergoing exten sive repairs. The old, unseemly doors and windows have given, place to large gothic ones, and the latter filled with beautiful tut or stained gins. • The ceil ings are being painted and the walls pa pered. The groundasze also' fenced id by aubstantial palling* In front andgOod boards back. Altogether the building now presents a landsconie apPearanee. A fine anortmeadofflata, Somata and Frani% 'biers *Mill battik A Co's., Rtiebtater: • Diethibeillrilibditia.X4 ilogibfind besiddhl creomoolossisA 112 ==itrZZat t = liqi i t al Ml44 4 op SUndPT PrP hi llt ono weekhgo, at thistiblio of fits min-. ers 1 A1 01 4 1111 1.. Nalqa9a. , 21 9ilihnnta was presented to President Giant afte r the dole otApfthenlOnsittif atAirdmul getiaiil (Oilers - name litiliaVelbsgottan) the pnoootation lisylnglisoef pots thr°l Senor Reineio; Motlcan Xiniates top&cot9o4N-rirhoittalllim,rt° raised by tho Broxiktioorid,- *he had, and In'ohably. yot ,fuo,-Pim,' _alcrlit_or horses in that , country, and 'Aim ants Considered tho very bostaninud, in Meal los. S -Ho wig need by We Me xican ovin or all through Abe ouopidps against was Aroqueotty mien and admired In tho streets Of the City of Maxim . • The Mexican General, - who; win' ease an °Maw in the- 'Mexican army In the American war against Mexico, was, oil. naiad:hi thin otamtry; and; ilea 'farO or -his woe - educated at Bethany College, in bur neighboring county of Brooke, W. ,Na. Dining the absence of Mr. ;Smith In the oast recently, the food of the horse was clanged bribe 'Sro.latti AOlB l a be. thereof. The animal was highly prized by Mr. Smith, not only on amount of its own worth, but also owing to #lahaving boon a gift from his distinguished rola. tire.. It was aged about fifteen years:— Wash. Examiner. , Recipe Ibr Curing Meat.—To M:=o gallon of trakertuld Ottearlalltudipounds of salt, ono•half pound 'oreugnr.and one half ounce each of sititpotro and potash: ,Lot these ho boiled together 4641 skim med until perfectly clear...4'lmila ioub to cool, and when cads mar tcl'oror beef or pork, and lot it remain tho usual thno—say four or five weeks: Vonioat. ,shcinid ho well eovirodiritb;plTtle;ind aboubrnot bo put dmireforat , least two days altar killing, during which time it should ho slightly sprinkled with pow= dared saltPotre, which • rentovea nit the eurfacoblood, leaving the meat fresh end clean. The instruction given at the Normal School, Edinboro, is systematiii, sugges tive and amnion), A single term at sash a school is often of great value: • It being au established fact jthat the Constitution Bitters aro far superior to all others, it is not surprising that they are used to such au extent. There is no doubt that if people consult their own :Interest they will be supplied with them at all times, for a few doses taken In time will often prevent a long , and intoning sickness. vi Everywhere ctorious,flawa 's cough cure. Karr! Karr !I KXIT !!!—Agnt want ed to sell the Climax Knitter; make, the old fashioned knitting•needle stitch and several others; finishes the stoking as it goes. Price $23. Call at Weed Sewing 3fachine office, New Brighton, or address Climax .Knitter,New Brighton, Pa. 2t Church Dedleiitllou.—Thii now M. E. Church of Ynipoit, Rumor Co., will be dedicated to the worship of Almighty God, on tiabliatb,.Nov. :21st, 1860. Rev. Sylvester .Burtt, A. M., of NOW Phila delphia, Ohio: will preach at 104 &clock, a. m. 11ev. D. P. l i owary, Paden of tho Beaver Presbyterian. church, in the af ternoon at 3 o'clock, p.'m. Padors and members of othereongregationti are ur gently invited to attend. r". • J A44.lloLuxusilEAD. fly order of Trustee". Teachers Tried lbr Assault and Battery.—An Interesting ease 'came,off before a justice of the Peace, in Frank lin, Voningo county, last week. Mr.M. A. Strong, principal, and Miss C„ P. Sims, teacher laFranklin Union School were tried for assault and battery on John BeSett. twelve years old, one of the pupils. Thoovidonco showed that John and another boy utre enjoying a little game of "pinch," and the teacher roquosted them to behave. John declined to obey orders, and when the teacher attempted to whip him ho was insolent and, defiant Thollripelpal was sont for and punished the boy until he agreed to behairo him self. It was proven that John was un ruly, and until whipped refused to obey his tSachor. ' Tho Jury brought in a verdl4 of not guilty, and tho prosecutor, Richard 'M IMI, to pay the costs. . ! IMMI=I To Tallors.—An experienced east ern Cutter, with best of reforenew, do sires a situation. The adfortisUr is the author of the best system of liartnoid cutting over offered to the trade, and will be responsible to his omployorl for all missilts. Address for a row days "Cur 'TEß,' Beaver Falls, Pa. Practical Banking constitutes a part of the regular course °faintly at the Iron City College. For Circulars giving a full outline of the method puraued in this important part of a business educa tion, address We Principals, Smith dr Cowley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Druggists will tell you that "Whittle soy's Dyspepsia Cure" is becoming just ly popular, ad a remedy for Indigestion, Sick Headache, dcc. . • Ballots's 'Monthly Mgrarair.— Wo aro in receipt of this marvellously cheap and handsome magazine for De cember. Its : table of contents Is varied and charming, embracing the usual fine 'Variety of serials, sketches, stoke's', po ems and attractive engraving S.. Tho publishers announce In the prospectus for the coming year, a serial story for adults, by the popular 'magartimi writer, James Franklin Fitts, and a juvenile serial by the young people's . &Verne, Horatio Alger, Jr. The price of this periodical is a marvel to everybody—a hnndrod page first class illustrated mag azine for fifteen Cents. orlsl.oo liar year, indeed wonderfully' cheap. jp.illot, Thomas dr, Talbot, Tubliihers, „Hoiden, Mass. A fortune is nut to ho had every day, but a fortuno is made by saviti r g .your loose change, and your odds and ends. Ono way to start in on . a fortrifie, fit •to buy your dry goods at Jas. A. Fortune's, In the Diamond, Itochoster, who at pres ent has thellnest and best assorted stock lit Beaver ownty, and fortunate. are the persons who purchase their Fall and Winter supplies at the abovo Fortune's. To those who wish to, appear gully dreg sod, "we would inform them thaoGaily' is still on Muhl Otis' them up. • DOUWO shawls, new styles for. laud at 011e0 H, Beaver. Salt tbr the Throat.—An exchange 'inv. in these days when diiicase f s of the throat prevail; mid particularly', a dry, hacking cough, 'which is not only dia. tretsing to ourselves but to those we ;ire brought into business contact with, these thtis aftlicteid May be benefittcd by tVY lug the'follerwing remedy : . lasi fall we were induced to try what vine° there was in common salt. We coMmenced by using it three times a day—Morning noon and night. We dissolv,mt ;urge tablesisioni'nl , common' istltlii'atiotit Imes tumbler fell of „iccild , and with this we gargled the throat most at feetuallyjust before meed time; thalami! has been that during the winter We were not only free from the rand coughs and colds to which ea oar memory ;ixtends, we hare always been sal4ecep but the dry , tucking cough tins intliabf,dhuMpearal. Wo attribute it entirely to the italt'gar -1414 and d 9 =Oat oordlnUy recommend it to those of our readers who are sub ject to diseases of the throat., I • • IMO The Ildt 2apagaiiitojtouithstltat4 "maid lit mixt mil 'cut Moipbrri " fii 4 ; w cg• ? s h , Plik lim.f. *!!‘sings ?rtimilm4 • to 11777 Fields ; Seeretary—T;ll. Donigias; En: rolling Searetaries--ML. &tattler Ramt age, antligat i ,*kW:Frinklln, of Falisitin4Atheedti*bolkiinnittii‘4. Rt ViinPaNNewßrig4on; A.Vatt, Range - Aid. ddritti3thEei'ciiitit f a . ; Width:tin; Hanoi* ered Maggie 14 Rood, PaDrar lrinng i to kl n). 4 1 /4g I;cted the n subdnmmO j n bl f in rac k i P s was discussed at some length by T. H. Douglas, of Bridgewatei, illustrating hie method attaching the same. Rome re ? niarki were *de OkikCinliliati, by Messrs. Eberliairtausd Fields; alterwidch the Rev. Jas. hillie,o(Now Brighton, ad; dressed the audience on the subject of eche* and education In ivte.oyy intone; lug and Instructive manner. Tgordt&Y Ararnino. 9.4241/4—lnatitute oonvonod at 0 a. m., Supt. Fields presid ing, and was opened with praYer by the nee, Dr. J. P. Breekopridgq, of Roches ter: ifter:rciuttng tlid Enfilades - of Pre vious session and enrolment of teachers, and calling the roll; Prat J. A COOPer, of Edinboro Normal School, was intro duced to tho Institute, and very ably oftelichlngEnglish Graminar by, giving practical Illustra tions Of hismethOd ofpilebuting Moguls joct to classes. Prot Eborhart favored tho audience by reading soli° selecilone4ThO' Mid* of Sighs and which Prof t3. Vslopedt,.ot Now . Brighton, discus:red the subject of - Mental Arith- motto for thirty rnlnntoe, explaining his mothod of teaching the sane, and funtly rng,several.problems given him by die- Oreoi tneMberir_Of the Ilkacititto yrart7 satisfitetory manner, and showing him self eminently qualifiod to give instrue -001119 on tha subject. Afternoon session convened at 1 p. in. and Prof. Cooper - continual hie discus-. sion on the subjr.t of EnglimkGrtunmtu;, pointing out wino glaring defects in the nag and abpsocif text hoolpton dm sub ji)cL 1) 1 ._ ) Roy. A. G. Wallace favored tho Insti tute with an excellent suldreem on the subject—How fe l y babe teacher responsi ble psplls to which all listened very attentively. He directed the teacher that ho should fool that ho was as muck responsible An', the mitokA as Lodi for ihkiedellocitud ,tridn- Ing of his pupils. Prof. It. T. Taylor, of Beaver Semina ry, gave his method of presenting or teaching the subject of Geography, to which there was marked attention given by the members. His method of teach ing din subject was discussed for, sshort time by members of the Institute, 'rime agreeing in part and disagreeing in other very essential points. At the evening session the hall was filled to overflowing, and was addressed , by Prot , Cooper on The Teachers' Pro fession, who delivered a very Interesting lecture., Mrs. A. T. Randall, of the Os, wego Training School, favored the Until once with some select readlngs--'•Roger and I." "The Coquette," "Return of the HUlsitio Legion," and "The Creeds of. the Bells,"—all of.which wore well re. cloyed and highly applinded; after which Prof. C. Jacobus, of Ironwood School,. favored the audience with a highly en tertaining lecture - on "Heroed Hero. Ism." After prayer by Rev. Jas. Mills tho Institute adjourned to ;meet at. 9 a. in. on Wednesday morning. Wcdneaday Morning t Oct.27lh. Institute convened at 9 a. In. and was opened with prayer by Rev. A. G. Wallace. After en rolling now members, reading minutes of previous !day, and calling tho roll, Prof. Cooper and Mrs. Randall occupied the morning session In giving Instruc tions on the subject of teaching History and. Roadinjh much_ t• the_ gratification of their hearers. - • - Afternoon session convened at I p. in, and proceeded Immediately to the elec tion of a committee of five on permanent certificates which resulted iu the election of the fulloWing named persons: S. P. Vanpelt, Miss S. A. Platt. T. 11. Douglas, and 'Miss A. lE. hiceonnol. Tho following named persons wore ap pointed a committee on resolutions: J. U. Christy, P. C. Young, J. B. Briggs, Mary AoDunlap and Alice McClynolds. Prof. Coopor then gave a class drill in percentage, explaining the principles and applications of the subject, after which Mrs. A. T. Randall occupied the remainder of the tension in' class drill in elocution, showing clearly that - she was master of her situation. At the evening session a very largo andieneo was favored first by an elo quent address by Rev. S. F. Crowther on "Religious culturo in our schools," and au address on "Tho Teachers' Mission," by Rev. A. 0. Wallace, and Readings by Mrs. Randall, all of which wcroofs very high character. ' • -- Thotraday Morning, Oct: 28/h.—After Chapel exercises by. Prof. R. T. Taylor, calling of tho roll, and• reading of min utes, the subject of the To:whims' Insti tute was discussed at length by Profs. Jas. Whitham, Ben). Franklin and oth ers, and was addressed by Prof. Taylor on School Governmont in a very elo quent manner. Mrs. Randall then spent the remainder of the Morning session in clans drill on vocal gymnastics. During tho afternoon session the fol lowing subjects woro discussed as fol lows • Questions simmered IS mienthl iaritll - bytS: P Yam:silt( aubjegiolleach ing mechanical spelling was discussed In quite a satisfactory manner by Supt Fields, Praia. A. C. Thorn, Christy, Franklin, Vanpelt, Douglass and others and the cube root 'eiplained by Supt. Aiken, of Lawrence county. After a short recess Ins. Randall again took up the aubjett of reading, givleg Instruc tions on teachifig the attruoi uhtit hour of adjournment. On Thursday evening an entertain ment was given to a crowded audience In Concert Hall, by Mrs. Randall, in se lect readings; highly pleasing to all who were so forttinate as to hear her on the occasion. I . On Friday morning the following sub jects wore discussed in a very interesting mann* by. the following. named per sons: ,00grapky by S. P: Vanpolt; dant; Fields, Douglass ,and others. Mrs. Randall then spent the remaining part of the morning In giving methods for teaching reading in nil grades, to which them was the most piarkod atten tion given by all tho members of the litstituts.. ,* The Helmut' directors from the follow ? . log named districts which wore prompt, during tho sessions of the Institute were eloctod honorary members. John R. Brown of Economy tp.,Botey., Abner Morton of . Brighten tp., Ihn Ali - niters of ftacenon ip.,and 'Thos. Rtissioli of Badge. water.' The committee on permanent certifi cake( organised by eloefing S. P. Van pelt Gitelman, and T.lf.Douglass &coy. It was resolved $.O meet on the hat Sat urday of - January at 9 a. m., in the high school room of the New Brighton public school for the purpose of examining any and all persona who may desk° to, got thripernuMent oeitidcstes Auy,infor nuttion that may bo wanted by any Per., son wanting to apply; for the certi fi cate will bo given. by addressing the Serey. of Commit*. at Itothester, Pa. Blank cartificatos litOtt signed by board or boards of direeeer, will be furnished by tho County Superintendent—Mr. Fields. Tho following maned persons were appointed in cmeetttlit; committee to act in e c i lkiati,ction . ' l o l C - ihe °minty filo perintendent to nialutaripreara tlon for the County; ltatitote for 1870: Chairman—James Whltbant offtibldver tr. T. allOdolli • ' ; 1 2 Ihdbisrtson. tieoPPranlablitt P Van letiteitiktid IfoAlititeltrgtlitabonn e r. litfai'A` l o ll raa" . . lo6 "*Nahthifo:2'W. 710 4 0 6 ofTho lll 4/404. ' ` 4 " , ' - .1 Reso?ood.Tblave:# l 47toottlitiforittit,, fer cotift.viniticrthe maito in. teithar e t,oo4 , o 4 4.idiAakteMl etre* oitiwthalegvion*ww., 6 ifed"r ait6 . l4i erieHiirp l :l itine:,:iiiti aril ti,,Ait' tii ik , iculoaiiiixtti Igiopreadlonw . . tiolia,nbi l it. f 6iiicr poiti4firtiltime 1e1.4r: Vaidi4 in Ona disclii* Oahe t# o'r; th e w hom Resol • ve 4,, *41110.i by, Prot. Cookr.ante (hit tectures 'given by P Jautoollits, A. U. ~ ti Per and dmcwo both pleasant and toot thott toady thanks or ti tomtit of them. ,ia alous giyon , ~CTacoliue, Vera r- 4 • 11 5: r: Crow. . I :Fi.o.lk.eiiits us WOW that the institute t ir e flue , • Rd/Weed Thai In Intel:Went . we memoir( Officer, an energetic a dna soul ton:Ale:A thatose, as teacher!. elently to incdsi hint • It his Work. • ; lieugnitd, That the ' extended ui the member by the citizens of New Chilly welt describe lb the Tettehers the . .. happy 1010 .titiail4 County Super, true and, faithful efficient waiter, llie teeptitr; sind Inbar mare On his groat end .n - ntlal hospitality of the Institute iighton and 'if. eitcoininapi (Wall .Yr.Wllo' irCr& so " -106 otrour sulks of. gm In to tho School odder Otti ka to jtuilp , p ish4lillils'Or: misirtalsoleol s on gia 'kW Lls1; , 11 : . Besolved, That tend' ittltntn.are hereby tend Dlioctorit forth° n'se 0 kiiefoitf, That wo hearty and sineitie ,411 . for the elt.iint anisic i chmtia ,band, at :the ' Thursday evening I 'elm. ton Comet hand, Ile*lved, That the stnieted to fornbilt- a 6 'lons aud attbs atractot' . fustitlini.kr,P.uldh! , 4 l .' [Signed hy.Ceniutitt. the titstitute] -- ' . Thereweronne !Hunted and liirty-thme actual teachers in the ethuiy caroled dn. ring the session's of thr Institute; and en average daily'altendanni iof mitt hundred and four, 'wlriels we thhit argues well for the tenchers'of the cote y; and 4i , . ! hope the day in not far ditynt when every' teaeliei and director of ile county, will be found In their place In 4; liiititntes, giv ing tbeir,aid invent* the greitt,eause, Ofeducsilon; and We Il ya, defy to say to our brother tescho,,N io dill not. attend oiar institute, that :the) tul.‘!totl, the greitt est edualthioni./e4 1 1,,1r &TA lii power county, onohope thitttW will besiihun gry and thirsty, : for not having atten4W,. that they will, rawly& not to46 so, any mere. Adjourned at Bi. at., Friday Oct. 29,18119. T. 11. Ttrohs'r,l3c . ey. rotary •he In y of 'tbo irpolo• i0!0100b..74 of the • • 1.1.. arid adapted by Indian iliiitianaer.-o.eorriepondent of the Pittiburgh Gazelle, writing' over the signature of "O. d:, 4 , says Anquiries have been made if wesimuki ;have In 'diem Summer: : wnare *ear, 1d 'end - of its allotted space,,the 11th , Lust, • When, forests weropermltted to stand the In ii i Wan Summer came on e2d and con.: tinned to the 11th of ov.entber.. • In, latter' ili,yit it does nta 'develop 'itself wlthire.thid drie s " but aware itself In patellae, sometimes in Octobei4earlytted `later In November. It began Its develop ment In full earnest this sea Son; at its allotted season, the 2d, continued on the 3d and 4th, 'with' heavy, white (regale, smoky and dark Mornings, and a real pleasant midday and a red setting' sun. On the sth sign* of a great lateral apPear od In the West and North Week with a depreelation of the tempomtire of the thermometer, and a partial rise of the barometer, and then a .411 of the 'same, which has been yerliteo In the Awn few days by snow aterrn , We - leaves arta debris covered and rendered inert, and • the Indian Summer annihilated. Many theories have been: ant forth: what is the origin and cause of Indian Summer? The moist plausible wahave examined, and drawn a coneluslon from, Is, that the Indian Summer does not exist until after theOctoberfrosts; When the leaves fall with . the debris of nature, wo have heats, torments and 'thence a smoke and au oquillbrum In the atmos phere, which prevents a rapid condensa tion of vapor by an extreme 'cimtrast. During the prevalence of Indian Sum mer there Is a variation at nunming,noon and night, with but little difference in the thermometer, at those particular periods, which , maintains regular equilibrium in the atmosphere. In In dian Summer the thermonteter may be thirty to flirty degrees in the Morning, fifty five to sixty at noon, thirty eight to forty at nlght,'and ; hold tio 'through the term, while in other parts of the yoarit Is not so Ilmited'as It were by rule. For Illustration in March .April Or lieeem lier, or any of the Winter monde, ono or two white frosts will sorely produce min within twenty' four to seventy two hours. l'ho thermometer Maylrange et 12 o'clock a. m. at sixty ,degrees, night at thlity five, ntoining, twenty, and you may he eure..of 11 stoTitt forty:Oglit to seventy two boure:r. It is the great con trast by sudden changes that produces iminodtato sierras. Every :Morning in the Indian Buettner May devidoo 'White frosts, and eventrs4ing:yritriot produce storms from the regular the at usisplune. .11'sually', after, a regular Didiart Sunintor,lbe accunntialed con densation of vaponi result Ina long rain or snow storm, commonly called 13(juaw Winter. You may look at rho thermoni, eterto4dgbeinid,you f u 1 it it 45 44. ; . to-morrow evening yon find it '2O, to; the next morning It may be 30 . to 33; the next 40 to .50; ricrx4ls` to 65, and on that day the storm may .develope. • Sudden changes, with great cantrastslin the Mormon:Mier, are the beginning of the generating of staring, varying frOm 'nary to' May; from. wo days tif tsar; be fore the atmosphere acetifies the con s'ateney tridisetunire' the Condentied.io-' pont; Iran May to. September It takes longer time ; from September to October 20th, six to twelve 'days, but will surely come, and the longer the signs the long er or more copious the storm.' From November to May the storms are more rapid and generating. ' been systematic seasons of the year have been systematic in an order which Indicates a regular cold winter. The present lunar month indicates a Cold, stormy. Month, snow storma, mom or .less in discharge, being more Provalont,and fears that them will net he a totvMahlo river f or a 'prac tical use, unless a south , wind should prevail for throe or ,four 'days: for mer • years, a freezing ',November has preceded a warm December and :Janua hat from the remarkable character of the year, . for unusual . , pbenomaba, are should predict &tang., cold winter. ifeeer4 from 04. sth to 4 0 v- ad sev enteen cloudy and variable, of which nine wore rain and two of; snow, twelve of sunshine, seiranteen frost and freer- Ing, one thunder storm, day; Daily av erage or, theirniimeter, 43 'l2; . elver 2 foga Mimes; talifall,l of an Inch which neezV. accord. - Xmlieatiens—very cold, began .on the lthlitst.. , --frorki* , Nov: .134 to Dee. 6 vetitY elorolVand Variable, sateen of :which alert* - chiefly "anew, nine limn 'athltie daytt; and a oca,.squalit tarnith. taw dn . - 1 8 k 41Miadaya NVlnds-,40, nOrtbWoilt,'o4 1 ;i 0 M4. 6 k 4 49 * T l6 rthlwests ' 2 40 00 4 eaetsTttlortit4spooth.eouth -Weet ' :;I Mire jar an ow notalmitin ribayM .10tiathia , 41ttiotqllvinkon 511# Hear Rik `,l4Bipotit; Tito jras '66141'13i the 14thAsybi•Jp,";,1779 twenty. 44 iba tare the *4114141mi orindipenat6ce. Se in stolitaatu; Ina* 4setlio than 1130 4 4=ag OAT 7 el4YrnfltM . . In his ntnati Ito wn.a . n/Plaa' AIWA& or ' ll Wiiiilnthdp;lddliertilrnunfthtra t tien of that MSc* Ildthhally. lisnalawity ramit ooraptittik- VW Who* irul Innied a* Ma :hundrodttildithati. . - 0- 3 / 1 4LWOntanAgralithratt of 10;4401 st Itattrlattart, t: .at. that, ploos on Is* lortay ! atlght. that dollbont tlous they dopided,thak"znatwas brute and iitiTtuit r and not worthy to *mirth. Innahen." Alter thln 114ot:tang devia tors wan de.elarod t coin:Vial al icitailltat' Ina Its anion!: In O nb ern Inked to Mott bomar‘vbere:Lire *up: pow—the Indulgent II usbands *lint tend lug the batden. • I Married WATTERSON—IactIAYFICK—At the residence of the brldo'd father, by the Itev.'7.• C. EVana, Mr. - Andrew Wet. • tenon lataggiallethiMek, all _ol:Hogver Co, Pa. % ~; • "Bat the% tler Impplest of their kind, Whom gentler stars mite. ant In One fate - Their bouts, their fortunesandtbetr beings blond 'TY not the coarser de at Pawn !awe. Unsaturated, and threlgo to the Wa!, - • Thattd i ethahwca bat harmony annoul Meg, Allen all theft gasitens Into lore: : When daldp Banns aypotr aoltestpnwer, Poilbet edam anllvaned by.:lnalru ' InSible, and symPath, of sod:; • • ' Thalsaaadad the's and will yr erontlnir With boundhoa confidence; tor nought hit! lore Can Ammer love, and tender bibs sttere.. . . THOMAS- . :I?.ISTStiEItNor . . nth, of tho resident° or the bride's' motbor, by Rey. James IL Milli, Mr.. Hawn' C. Thforain and Ulm Josvbing Ittatnger, all of Awe: coupty, Died. 'lktrlffitiOlf—At New Hrighten;on Wed. needay the ilth bun, bUs. Jaue moo t wife of W. B. Leannion, aged 53 yeer4 7 months, and VdaYs. • Miner papers pleaare copy. • To ConsasopnWes. Tun adeerneer having been natured to !weld/ na kw %vete; by a very itmpte • • , • hula; vaff;red several years with a novero !Mallon, sad lbst ciwatd (Wave, Coadaloptkta, is anxious to make Imam; (alai tallow sacral) the mans of care. ' To aU H hu'dtalre It, hit will send a cop) or the Presaipthm aiicifrario or zharget. with the dime, tionatei potpotiOg and using the same, whit* they will And a sous cows run Constrxmod, AaTtt n*,4ltoacutTta,ere. The object of the. adactileet In Feuding the Preecrlptlouisio ADM led, and *pre:id Information which he cotandWai Id be Inceleabk ; sad he , bopea awn .utrar will tp libiwistody. is It will coal them swilling. nod way peueo itlewdzw. Muth.. Iclahlog : the pm script/di will Plea.° addrcea • Use. EDWAILD • Villiamatturg, Kings Co., New York: 11/41.t1x, , Errors 'of A pima:maw who suffered for years from Nen ♦ono Delsildr:Frentature Deasy, arid all the effects of yonthini Indlactetion, sail, for the sake of, ■at feting humanity road tree to all who need 14. the receipt and directions for making the simple rem mil by which he was cured— Sufferers wnhin„lto profit by the advertiser's experience, condo so by •addresalog, to peravii conddence, JOHN OGDEN, , roalLt.ll . l • No. 43 . r:0d0r wort Nola' York 4449 44411 TO THE WOUNING CLASS.—We are pow pre pared to furnish all classes with collet:lUL employ. went at home, the whole of the time or for the • spare momenta. nosiness new. light:and prat. Lie. persons of either sex coolly earn from GU cis. to $5 pereventng. and a propmthmal sum by Toting their whole Mae to the business. Boys And girls earn nearly as much so men. That all who tee thlentay send their address and attost the bee. loess, Ito make robs unparalleled oder : To such al are not weq minded, we rill Fend II dollar to pay for Ms testable of .strltlng You partlctilant, •saleable sample, which do, to commenos work on,andt copier The Piverple‘ Literary ('Pb. panion—ons et the largest mod beet Wetly eons. papery published—all sent free to mat. flouter, It you want pancninent. prollmMe work. address • • E.C.ALLEN & Co., Augusta. .Me. oettThlm. Now AdvertiO einentO. .*Wt 4M. At mark(A prin.: for 2000 BUSHELS OF OATS, 1000 istsfAlim...*(vz , rrsrx.3. 1000 BUSH - ELS OF iaORN JAMES DUNCAN, .Fullpfltu4l. Ileavor Co.. P.a. Who has just reeeWea one of -the Inrgeyt 'rind inmiemnplete sloelo ever hr ntght to BMISCr county, consisting nt FOREIGN ANIY DOMES'TIC DRY-GOODS Hats,Caps it FlliS; '. , &#teat moistizD ' Cagiets and' Oil Cloths„ Hgrdwae, QUEENS WARE, GrIZCICILaZIES, &U. Mrreil Flasi Lids nial govard, 9;ilul dean•, 20 Ms and upward, Taitan Plaid Alp:was:Li ds and upward, Plain 41p:waxy:A) cls and upward, P4q7;'6l 4 NI) 124 . CENTS. 111W ' it° cia Aud upvennl, • tix nod Upw•unl n0v.11,3m. lIEWAIIII.-Itan die so hictiber in Indastry townble. Unger beidd,Y,Pnw en On bib of October, slimy named Um) , attobettft. ax ed 17 year.. , debt boy tedennired, end kft'e libted ray koewledgeor con- And. .Tbe abets reward..wtii be pad ter bib 1, 1 tub. and the Widk bomb' aollied tbat i wOl, blmnet MWOhlirde any 6.6011' wakened by. Coovnt.3o - .1.1,11101 HANBY. ...,. FRIMID PITTSBURGIN MARKET,. " • i?ifinakOr: •Pirii4.44zirnez: ; Ott: " aforrnAt:Nov.-,1?, ItArtNLAllegbony 'Alper brands On, quoted 6r car: load; at OM'" '7l• 041 PP • Tor bettor supply bat Nanny ..wlUtanontlnttod.tairdinnund; $1,50% 11,30 per bbl lbr common to choice.. • ISUCKW,I' 1.71,0 bUlt—a lea •at L o6.nta. - ' • . . . 111 J'rtER;LIti In goal' supply and dull with a drooping tendency; wo continuo to quote gooil prhne roll at 30083 and choice at .lAe. ' . • _ CHlCESX—Atarket Urns . and prices Noll maintained., , Haler of Western , Re serve at IA ®l7;;Pactor, at 170_9171: 0 100 Closlien /84 nit and 'N. Y. (ashen Cxets. OHEISTRUTS'— Cannot be quoted above 10,60-per bush.- , .DRIEII YRITIT—Applos are quoted tit B®lo eta per poinni, and Peaches at I ets for bright epfarters and 12® 14 eta for I biightludves. I };(408 -!lave atilt feither y advamed, and'tio now quote at 30 cis. - " 1 0 1,0Ultz.-The eipts of westernto ugh Se fully equal to haveean, as the intha here appm.r to the "lion's sham" of awayete trade, and take the trade and 'there is nothing Jon. The wo understand, are sup lying the trade with stAndard whiter wheat flour at about $6,30 ; and tuedium 'grades 3,t Se QMl.5i good western flour cannot be aukt for any loss--that Is, and? afford a margin to. the dealer. Spring wheat flours, to use ACOIIIIIIOII phruse,are about "played out" tu this market. illtAlN—Wbeatiaweak And droophig, with- considerable oltorin„, ,, from the Weist• wttare cognizant of one of ocr Mills having bought4,ol.o bushels pan's) ral., at $1 , 21 , and it may be fairly quoted at 111 A choice white will, bring Gate in rather better demand but unchanged-47 @Jaen whartand track, and CO In store. nye Is dull and nondr ally einehongod at ge1,03,' cash, Primo ear corn Is wanted for feeding. and' will bring $1; but shelled,- rudwitlistsuiding the stook In this market:is light; is dull and tending. downward. Itarloyia quiet and unsettled, 01,L1/61,30, as to quality. Iscdtaneous. OLOS Cr OUT SALE ht lug to the deal la of I lie >w•ninr Inrt• tier, 31r. J. 31. Burchfield, the 'mitre stock .11 good 4 will be sold ictfurilless'allo The St*lt& oinsists or .I)Lack and AY+~A.CAIS VAUNI: POPLINS, It POPLINS Blut Cloths:Clolikinx, UricbaShaw li LA1:11 JAW LS, CA1301311.11 t ES, au' il u lull line of DOMESTIC .1100 W J. M. BIJRCHEIELD & CO'S. ri:4:..11 Sixth Street, late St. Cmir, PITTSBURGH. PA. norlille. 013.A.0 CIO.' It (lA:tedious etreett on the henlth are tuntuile‘lnnibstrength to the stitrerhig or gans rigtoretl by using; LANGE'S PLUGS They being a bleasant and powerful Witte in the stiape ot navy tobacco. Pat. tatted March 9th, 1S&). • ir your drtinist has not got it Fend ITN cents to us :had we will Sella 3 plug; to any address, postpaid. .1. C. LANG} S; SON, __ 6 6)r. Perot PIT2WIILIP6II, Pli 110110::Ini EIENRY - • LAPP. EI FU Rh LURE, trighton street above the floe• Puetory Rochester, Pa. The hir" ,, st.t•todr. Ev.iver entinty eon etnnlly oniand, and ',ening . at the very lowest prier s. [auglB:liin • The Saturday Evening Post. Months Gratis!! ..healkst mkt best of the Literary Week Ile,;' Is uiletuuuequulleal tudueelueuts,to Mew uhseribers. • lit Ike i.aper artob,r, comm,uced Lrllllaut Nicreteteatle •-!. Family Faillug," Icy Elizabeth Prescott. It also is bow ruuhlag a se rial, calh.ll — licur„fe Camorlcury's by Mre.- Itenr:. 1.1e.x1, the ~1.114 Lynne; . Nets - NuVeleta will continually succeed each tatter. - Among Minn) already no bared, or in pro. wion., are •• odor any , ' by . Amanda .11. Duo& Secret.' by k rant Less Ik4callct ; A :soirKL , byArm. !twiner, '-c. The l'oxr also orer the (Wu. 111' TOO ENGLIAU )1A4=11.1. hew 14nbateritscrs, !or lalo, will hare their su hscriotsiss dalstl Luck tu the papsr of Stet. Yd, tuu Largo rms. stlathau of that data Ls' vs- Itruxted. 'bun Will th 3 THIKTZEN Mi.., W nut duluuldtlsore:ohr weekly numbers fur 131 U—of "Jinn a; ben ttux extra Within Is sahausled, lLt uatass ,ut all tww subscribers for mu mil Its Ontersit uu oar list the eery week they ant tvccired. ,Term—s4.:A a year; To u copies #4, ; Four color. 4 4 4 Fits Cyplv laud firlaii) 114.-0110 copy u/ 'l7u: rosr 01411001: 111 E LADY'S Fut CND *LW, A copy of Um: largu and boaustuA premium Steel Kugras ing- - Tataug the .11easuru In the Wedding It ne s ; • — eulfras•Al In Ang kind at a coot of ti 3 Otal sent /re sent to every full sa2.ZO) subscriber, and to fsery perrou scud inz a CUM, IWAIS a truly benutl• el cuff. AVIV Adure.a 11. PETE. A Cu. ;la Walnut St., Philadelphia. f.e.r Speciuseu copies moat fur tiro cents. 114,011:4W rrHE LADY'S FRIEND. 1.• wt., • 211lIN1`11PS rt_trxx:s auu Laos's. FMIVID extmousla. rw vonowiner Norcklui for lblur ' "Mln be forget her" oy Lou ne Commie' . Moulton; "Tao Auut," by Elivbein Prescott, author ol -nein ceu Two," .t.c.; *di:cr.-or cri.ele Dualio Ur'dal nnie," by Acauda Douglaic author of - The Daunt) . Femme: . Sc., irllll utimerutis .hurter etorms, by nbrlllimagabagy of Indy n•rdcra A finely executed bre:ft nugrovitig, a Inuitlsom° duuble.inige, burly colored raslfiou-ilsto and largo nviortment of Wood•Cu4, illudinalug the Naatilollf, fancy. Work, Sc., ere given to rrety number. It will an•e - u popular plmv or 31nsle la every utub,r. • • • • . Portrait. o(Dlstinmalalted Author* The Juuttary .nunther new:outrun Eurtrsita ten t grayed oil areal) of Mrs. Waal Wand. Ylurancu retry. lanilso Cuaudler .11uultuu,' Elisabeth I'm colt, Althuitia , : a. Dough.., Uri: Margaret Ilus. mer, and August Ben, New Suorcritano elm *cull iu their Wined fur at ill biIIUM t is neat ul asuiennier, shall realtu the Zit.mtit Der and! izniber uun.bur a of this year In additlun, making ford< ea mouth. Wall: .Lad slew subscriber, sebillo4 In their wines hr the far ul . Deceuther shill r,telve Ve• cemixr tiolitby uumbcr, thAlittig Milken 1 , 1401.114 111 all! Tersur--$444.1 a }vv.r; . Two ml.ice, $1; rout cope*. $1.4 copie. (awl ouu gnaw), 114.-011 C copy ol Ur. Lau2's ruaLliu 11110, 000 01 lug tun. A copy of the Lego and beautiful Premium bteel Hogroring— .. .Tetlug the Measure,ut We Wedding. Iting"—k.egreved Euglazol at "a coot of t3,11e1 be sent to every tea aa:A9 entornber, end every pctatat actoliNt a *Atli, Tot* /to:airing .0 a gOtt or Art! Atldtrs. • Dif.ALsUg es rerEnsoN. Philadelphia grr iipecluicu copses run fur icu uurlCC3w rifil7aTniniia - liiiTtiailliiidu'liuni. lioniiii V Account: ? . Dr. To amount of bonds unpaid Dee. ilb, • ISM. as pqr A unlined rept). t, 6t:01.D3 Cr. per cash In hands or .former culktturs, c.n.f.e. --- Ur. To banes ouprovided fur Dec. '4l 1r511.30 To Interest on !AMC. M. 0.) To pollOstdagAndltorsreport,Argus taw Loral $4 uO, Treasurer's lbes uditor's reps; • . Cr: To amount Of LI; kelca Ora us Exonenoluo!" 1C • percootvr,...... 41atki l'ald to Jobs treits'r. by collector , : I ni.td. • . Trots'irrouebers fur boads I illeitotc,l9il.lb. *MA Labiate la hands of Treasicrar, 112.1 Aal t naprovided for,Oet. Ylst. lareato,:eth• with the expense or pablielitag, tbo underrignal Auditor. of oldo to, do realty that the above account, as • utated, ti cor rect to Ulu best if . our knowledge, Judvaent arid • belief. I . MARTIN HILERItHR. 1- • ' ALMED LYON, •Autiltors, JAS. C.: PLU3I.IIR.R, (Radical and Localcopy 3 lime., and scud 1411 to tine office.) larri.t. BEE =II • . • - v. iminmeror.r.l,l2llCParrinlitlt.T sitiws : , Arbutkunt; Marmon & Co .; • --- w,irqms'Aii; ". DRTTOOODS IN 0 T 1 I 0 N S EASTERN PRICES. kiola Agcnisfor MERTON'S BARRED FLANNELS, Greenville lien'ed.b7nrueie, BLANKBTAr YA . 12", N° ' ._.llr3; Wooll Strout. iPrrrSl3UltGl-1, PENN. 13L',AVER DRUG STOREs T*99 Di•vitijtxt & Apothecary, T - 11 4 1A:VIi7.1t. EMI .p:EALE.R. , III ~ PURE . DRUGS AND MEDICINES, IPERVOMER Y. • TOILET ARTICLES PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For 31r1Ilea! Purpi*e.s. PAINTS, OILS, VARNIBIII.73, BRUSH =MB Cii-ROCl.Lt6i_t'S, CRUDE AND REFINED OM, of the grwdest variety, bed quality and at the very• lowest AI AVE lk i. ..ll:l 4 aWai4 'n'Agenta for Falinestock, IlaaTat and Seim arr.'s Strictly I'ure White Lead. tho eldest and beat brand In the market - WI ncl6.ly. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. Tr.o largest and thiroprri ptock of Wall Paper Bearer Connty. BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS A lane assurtment nt Miscellaneous, &tool and Rellvlous Hooks, constantly on bath at Pub- Ikhers' Oi Books - Einitabla far - iho -Holidays; LEE= STATION ERY, STATIONERY, STATIONERY, Au erten/4re vartety of Paper, Eareles, Lead Pncil,, Ciotti and Steel Pear, ink and Ink Stands, We are the exclusive Agent for the celehmied Voloy•es Gold. Pen, fur this County; there reeking a good Gold Pen, would do well to yes them before p We are the Agent for this County foe Srlder's Photierraph Montag Certificate. ne attention of Clergyinenis respectfully called to this, as we Cell pelt them at the tame dlscomi t LI they would 'get from the Pubfirher. Atwater. School Gov. moment for pale at Pribllsturs• prices. We have cruistantly on hand Ploor Oil Cloth In lar;fe variety. (WI Tbo W E4I2A;IIOEIE4. WIN 110 W OIL CLOTH. 11 ITSTIC & -PA I'ER SIL11). - MI hand To). and Variety Good, suitable for Um Holidays. J. F. PRICE, MEI Draudwiy, New Drightatt CARPETS am) irmy3mitt NEW GOODS. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF WHITE, du c K AND FANCY MATTINGti, Olt SUMMER WEAR NOW OPEN PRESII ARRIVAL O 1 NEW BRITSS'VaLS PRY aticwmx.s. • ti I It ELI PLY CARPETS A; INGRAINS to fill our stock rince the close of the heavy Spring Trade. Oliver McClintock and 23 FIPTIT. AVE., PIiTSB U IZG H, PA. 3ilG9 lip Great Distribution By tin) Metropolitan . 421111 Co.. CASH GIFTS TO THE AtT. of $500 1 009. Ercry Ticket Draws a Peke • ' 5 Ils.ll giflseach 81.11,11C0 401nush gills tub sl,d l o 10 dtt do 10,13X1 1000 do do 500 to to do 5,0t0 tXU du do NO Elezattt ltu.ewood PUMA. each sag to coo 73 do •. do Melodeons d 075 to 100 BststoK Mach!nes do CO to 111 00 Goldllt Inches, • do 75 to MI Lash , Stlvonvare; de, valued at WOAD A ellanee to draw an)) the awns prize. for 13 uta. 'l,lekets defer! ••' Pe.. are sergal la en velope& land well la . On receipt of Me. a sealed act el is drawn without eholeo and oast by mail to isny address. The prim named upon tt will ho rmlirered Co t h e ticket holder on payment Of One Dollar. Prizes are immediately sent to ass> address by espies* or return mall. You will know what your prize to beGdo yon Pal for It. Any Prix orenanged foe anoaer 40" "um Nine. NU Want.. Mr patrons ran depend on folr ' Herm:mots :- saket the following matey wilb bare lately drawn Valuable J. ew kin kindly Irerl23llZed a. to peakh WT. ABA Burns, Chica,...o. MOW; all's tiara M . Walk... Joss. M. Mathews, Do na Mysore. P1..0 $8,0; MOM; troll, 13,005 t John T. Androws. Allan Agass tiLwrorms, Charleston. Moo, Iwo. - Wu publ6 , ll no 1311II1.111tURst perndanlun. d:nd ur d l ,t. .‘l7t: ti O4 , 7l:X ., =, l lsr.. t e,,SlTSl Tro ltVia m b a l: S. We know Ibral taboo tar dewing tirm,-,y 'froth'. May , in. A friend of our drew;/. too I. pews alatts was promptly riseclved.—.odlfig Arse, Julia ad_ Meadkaki:valor, Liberal fintateinents to Agents B.losiacticps guaranteed Xrcrypictap of &rated Euvelopros contains one Cash kilt. Six Mctet. Ibr It. 13 We rk 3.1 for #.31 11l Mt sib. All letWo, should benddressest 10 11233 tAarin • 0027.;&.];, .lo_ Ilire i, adwaytlipaw Co.. xEcirrOwnrivartim—Laner:4;ta xd menhir/ basin been immed to the sabsialber on the estate et 31sugiet Bayne, deceased, Ate of Hopewell township, Bearer county.' Pa, thorrfom an airmail Indebted to saki estateare•reqqestest 4) make immediate paymmt; and Moose Lams dem ay,alost said estate wtit previa them, dilly aothent/ested for seWtonebt, to sod to Hopewell t0U130,111. , ROWT, W. BCOIT..aWr.. Boyagni ! • , • A Sale and Speitdy Cure ComOir.Colds. Anions Bronchitis. limatieness, Cto 100001Za, Whfanriag CUlisti, Incipient; Coruumption.' and nil DiaCana of the Throat and LunErn.. 1)011'1 nevleal a severe Cough, or throw away - money on a nrortidena medicine. PRIG[ FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE Propan.l by SEWARD, DENTLIni diOnENRY, Dtaiglata, fbilEilo. N.Y. Sold by all ',markt.% Ayer's Hair Vigor, _. ~ • For re s tor ing Gray Hair ft its'natural 'naturat iiitality and; Color. . , , - • • A. dressing - whict -• ; is at once agreeable, /91;,-;,,,,....,i hcalthylpand effectual Jar -.AI -, for. prepoeving *I.: y.,.. r ‘ ... . 0 • hair. 'Med or girl - ( 1, i t „ , 35 , ,• lair is soo n restora ip. 5 , 4. '5t 'e ,io ',its ori g inal cola t.. 4.i,' . a ' ..r%th the, eau nal 4 _,.,:::„....„...., irc3h,..... of youth. .. ,-,0 - -- Thin hair is thick. cried, (lining hair 'checked, and - halal artrAW ij iqiiit - tar t aait h 'i : grorrita,l hair where the follicles Ore destroye7f, lr the 0110.4 atrophied And decayed. But stielt a. 4 remain tun he rimed for , isefuluess by this. aqaplication. .. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty !fedi-. merit, it will keep it elcanaml.vigoroma Its occindonal use will prevent the bail fiom turning gray or ladling off, sod consequently . precent . . baldneo. . Fre,, from thaw deleterioni substance* which make Pottle preparations dangerous - and injurien-i to the hair, the Vigor, can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted .uercly fur a - ' ' . 1311 HAIR DRESSING,. nothing clie ctua be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dyeolt tioe, tot soil white cambric, and yet histt long on 111 i -hair, giving'it a rich glossy luVre ands gratelid perfiimo. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co;, ILICTICAL AND ANALITICAL CUEMIRTS, LOW} LL, MASS. REIMS U.OO. ityer s Tar D13011e0.3 of Cra Throat cad L . ‘1.313 114 C0..A1.1, Cuilt, Wt.uap...l Coa . ttlt, s. at.ratt..., . cad Can:lnept:on. pr"hatge Dever liee.tw iu th , ermileotte, ha. ay.yi11111:: ;e l UllOll hilts ,1 11 , 1•1vme • •..• ••. re:1101y far ..... ; .1, melt It ha. 44....111 higitve :nut It .01 .1. 'al It., . 41011, :14 11. hk:it • ,haraeter whip...4er It, t••••••• II•I• S • • at the lung• m:,l &hr.. •.,,.• halite prot,,tur t I,:e , •, miller or 111 at the f:11111 . 1111.• itto .1 OA.. Ire girth ne•tpl.• tt ~..,,,u.ll I. rl. . greolll/1 atreetlna t.: 1,0 I.t.o..tati.ll“aiL, . 411/51011 atzaits•t rll.l lei: a IA I . tic kept 11.111.1 1., e% , arc tometnste , .1,:.• I ....1"i, . *Wahl he 1.1-0:1.:o.1*, .It, 1,1, m•Itl-Nt.• •toai.:;4•4 eUrable. :441 gmit ea,e iteenied ..• ••11, •.• ~! „ and the it at.cet le to 0.1 t —..1•1 I t. , Ch,el•li Pr. h//ali. • - neer the olt-te.ht • t:;.• WC 11104 1 . .•• Mt; el, cold.' av., forret they .. .. .1.1.1 .1.. !Tex'. Aro ' ir :„.7 "'e's t • I. aluar, lelteve,l null tired by it. - .”...r.ilieinV.l ',... , rey l',.f.trerl n: -.:r II : •,Ir, ~.;:, :tli:. are 1::: :Wm. lownt: .., A.Ii:::: I: II::: • r.Enl-.::.,...,r v.,...:.:!, , v, .1..... c 1:1c ~.•loi,. o::ct. ,t, . 1 :1 :. ,3111131.1t'a ye ilr, ie MEMII •. ! .1 o: ^ , l I 1,• :1 11:o trot •I k 1111,4' 4 . 01/11gl• ES =ln .• (.• .1; ( •.( ;.. ,".(1., 1 j11(...11-4 (((k..• •• •,• I I •. - 1%,, fir •, re Ism I"; •. ilr I :1 I t fl'iut • ••• t . ... ro. •• ( • •••{ •I i • ( t k h..; • 1/$ -Eci,•hl, Fe% er and of tn.' Simit o h. of r.,„ I Ic toin.tice. a ..ii . tatiered Platte It the Swim.. h. Liu cr or lute:dints. l'n•rnr.4l Iry SmAnn. RENTLI'N t 1111:N1.v. 1.11, 1 , 0.1.. • -% AD • ININTILMODS PUMICE!. —l,q -ten of admlnletrathro ea the .i*Uo of Walter Pelmet druid. of the borough of Freedom. Urine manly, Pc, baying been granted to the , ander signed. all Perrone knowing thenseelrea Indebted to so Medlin aro requested to make hnoredlate payment, and those having dolma against the same will present them for settlement to JONATHAN PAUL, Adta'r. FreWom, P. O.' septtrAl SmPICIVE<t 11111NOVINII—The tinder signed bu again commeeced the munhictu of Wangles at his utablishment mar the railroad station , Bearer. Pa. Builders and aU others In amid of shingles can get am good an article Ten me and st as Mlz terms, as anywhere else In the county. GITO ma a call., U. BUITMASEII. angilitf OTICE—LIME. To builders. masons, bricklayers sad pt.. Wes, get your lime at ttii 3ICISNITII3II. Vanport, and we time and money. It le the ' , TY mantalllC, as It Is stronger EA viii Woke more , and there hi no waste loft. burnenne but the badman., and lib burned last right:lbn coal In not mixed with the stone to barn, so that torte Is no ashes or cinder In It. ItrieMayern need ant Oft It or run It rata make mortar, which will We Cad dent of lima. Yon CM aturny•„...rt II herb —red hut tryor want It—and In LARGE LUMPS. Rarer In all who Intro uud it. Ft no pada In termed In other lc Una speak agalnot,l and try tt ore Ilan Inferior ankle at ttal ants mu in , nn It, or try Mlle. dellrered promptly-to o et at Reas . oriable.Rates rallroarl, river or flagon.. Send order. to the Mittman Lime Know, or to =E=I LUMBER I LUMBER! flaring period"' an arrangemient by orklch I eon at all Owes fumt.lb tho various 'Undo of Lauber Clear 1 inch Plank, Shingles, , LatA,lktah Doors, at the loweat priers and on the moat liberal tam" I would say to the public and eepecially to my o Mends and customers. that heathy devoted me 11 yeara to the Lumber and BoUdlat brainless. all la tonddent that I can make It to the Waves or ay ere call and essentoe my stock and prim( bet. 1701 p r i ce iu mb ill g atll on New Trek Streit, abOT.. Railroad. Recheater. 431 AS. MURIA, eeptiNm. Aped. MMEI == Elm I W. J. DV 1I Heaver "ss Olike
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers