The Beaver Argus. J. WITAND. • llMower, Pa, Slept: Se. IMO: sox : wicrairox I JOHN . W. GEARY judge ofilapreme :Oxirt,' " HENRY W. WILLIAMS- Republican NOminc,es: Amok. 4.1.113215. RUTAN, 400000(y, C. SHURLOC_ ANDREW J. BUFFINGTON. HARVEY J. VANKLRK., Mierar. ARTHUR SHIELIA Treasurer. KEEN ALLISON. Register asd Brander, - DARIUS SINGLETON. _ ' Cterh 01 (brit. JOHN C. HART. • Cbmsdadoser, JOSEpH BRITTAIN, • • Auditor, • W. IL LUKENS: Poor House Director. ROBERT COOPER. *rosier. DANIEL CORED& nueteee of Academy ft P. LOWARY, . JAMES M. SMITH. HENRY RICE. MASS CONVENTION The Republicans of Beaver county will hold a Blass It the Court Heise Verdi ON TUESDAY of 8,11100 The Speaking to commence pre. cisely.ll o'clock, p. in. . lion. JOHN Scow, (U. S. Senator) GAMMA A. OROW, of Snag. county, and 11. BUCHER. SWOPE, three of the ablest speakers in Pennsylvania, will —life and health pormittini—bepree ent to addressthe people. Other em inent speakers are also expected to be with us on that occasion. There will be a maim meeting in New Brighton, at half past seven o'- clock in the evening - of the same day, (Tuesday sth Oct.) at which them* speakers will be present It is not designed at, this time to make an imposing display. It is proposed simply to bring the people together without much expense, and without much previous preparation, to hear the issues of the day discussed by distinguished men, audio bemade to realize the importance of the op- Preaching election. Come, then, everybody—old and young, male and female. Come with music, with banners, and in proces sion, if practicable;—but at all events, come, just as you are, Justus you can, in vehicles, on horse, on foot. Let ua have a mighty gathering of the people hem all quarters of the coun ty. Let us contribute part of p day at least before the election, for the good of the COMmon (=RAW for the sake of Oen. Geary, our gallent lead er, who has given. hundreds of weary days and sleepless , nights for our ben eat, and in fighting the battles of his Country. By order of Saito Central Cout'le. M. WEYAND, Chair'n. County Corn. REPUBLICAN MEETINGS.. There will be a 'Republican meet ing at Smith's School House, Rae coon township, this county, on Fri• day evening October It. Let there be a geod turnout. J. S. Buten esq., and others will address the meet. ing. On Friday evening October Bth the Republicans of Frankfort Springs and vicinity will hold a meeting in Frankfort. Come out everybody,and heir the issues of the =villas discus sed. Speakors—Hon Thomas"Nieh• oLson and J.§. Rutam'esq. Tug Custom receipts for the week ending on the 18th Inst., were $4,270,- 976. E. ideTatos has been appointed by the President Consul at yurnbes, Peru. THE monthly report of the Depart ment Agriculture, for August, says of `corn : Unless the close of the sea son is very favorable, there must be one hundred and fifty million bushels less than a full crop. Titulary in the case of &human, charged with abstracting unsigned bank notes from the Treasury, on Thursday last, rendered a verdict of guilty. A motion for arrest of judg ment was made with a. view to oh•. Win a new trial. PHA Auxelan Minister, awl/loan led by the Secretary of Ettate, re painxl to the Executive Mansion on Friday last, and presented his ere dentists to the President, who replied to the Minister's address, and reap roaded the friendly feelings express. rd, IT is stated on the authority of the United, States Legation In Vienna, there is no foundation for the rumor that' the Austrian Cievern- Mout has. proposed to join with France for the purpose of meditation between Spain and the United States on the Cuban question. 1 TUE thne of the Presisleut on Thursday last, was entirely devoted to business with the Postmaster Gen eral, Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of War. A largo crowd of vlaitors were present ,at the White, • "louse, but were not able to see the President because of important busi ness with prominent officials. PRostuticarr friends of Cuba desire it to be stated thatartiele twenty four of the constitution adopted by the Cuban Congress, In April last, tie. chum all the Inhabitants of. the Re. public absolutely, tree, and they deny the statement ht Senator Stunner's recent speech that any decree has been subsequently 'issued maintain ing slavery. THE Democratic party in Blair county has gone to pieces. A nai ve/Mon war culled bat week, but it adjourned without putting a single candidate in nomination. The Re. pu bUcans thus have the entire field to themselves.. • WE are requested to state that Hon. John Allison will addredi the Wawa of Beaver Falls and vieinik, on &tunlsy evening October, 2d at 61 p. m., voters of Beaver Fallegive Mr. A. a good turn out. ROW TO VoTx.—At the coming eketlon there 411 be flair (Migrant tickets voted. One will be headed "Judiciary" tbi" Judge of the Su preme Court, one beaded "State" for Governor, one headed "County" fir Senator, Itepresentatives and the corm ty ticket, and one headed "Town ship" or "Borough" for the township or borough tickets. Our friends In ! the various townships will find the whole very much simplified by imv lng their township tickets printed. /416opleil dollars will pay for the tickets AM the trouble of writing will thereby be obviated and the work of the election °films greatly facilita tat. Let the nominations of town ship officers be made as sbon as possi ble, at Butts:at by Saturday of next week, the 2d of .Octdber. Then let some one see to getting the tickets printed at once. This out be done by coming directly to this office or sending by letter a list of the Candi dates and _the number of tickets wanted and we will print them and send back by return mail.' Let our friends in every part of the county Bee to these things without delay. "OTHER THINGS BEING . EQUAL," It is the duty of all patriotic men to support the soldier in preference to the civilian when they are candidates for the same office, is a proposition that few wilt gainsay. "..1,..-4365.a.1. and John Graebing are the candidates fix t3heriff of this county. Shields is an uptight, honorable' man, and is highly esteemed by all who know him. Helms education and buslnesi tact sufficient to make a good officer. Ornebing is said, by those who are acquainted with him, to be a clever, agreeable and liberal .genUernan.— But during the re6dlion he staid at home, while Shields shouldered his musket, went to the front, and pained threw the hardships and perils of .three years military service, so that his country would not be broken into hugments. If you did not want the Union dissolved vote for Shields, be cause he periled life and limb to pre vent it. T r lf, on the other hands your sympathies were with' the rebels in their efforts to datroy the Govern ment, vote, for Graebing, because neither himself nor his friends claim that hedone anything during the war to thwart their devilish purpose. A ballot for Shields, then, is a ballot for the Union and the men whosaved it; while a vote for . .Graeblng is a vote for the rebels and those who stood aloof while they were tryinglo de stry it. Union men! choose ye be tween thee candidates. . Is 18(12 the whole country shook with the tread of armed men. Its legal and properly constituted author !tier were calling loudly for help.— Theywanted strong arms and brave hearts 'Mao duty -In the field. At that time there lived in tbiscounty, two nepediffile men, of abo4d. the same age, and both hBlllfamilles. One of these, responde4T6 his coun try's call, took leave of his wife and children, and marehed to the front where hi* s ervice were required.— The other 'Other heard hot or heeded not her appeal fot succor; and staid at home, leaving patriotism and treason to fight it out, little curing which Would win. Four years after the war is over, and the surviving vete rans have come home, tilt's° sinned wo men ask to be made Sheriff of Beaver 4untyl Civilians and soldiers, which of them deserve the office? We leave you to decide. WE hear it stated frequently that Mr: Graeldn'g,.the democratic candi date for Sheriff, Is a "clever man." We believe this to be true; at least, we have never heard of anything that Lewis us to conclude otherwise. But who win say that Sergeant Ar thur Shields is notes "clever" a man as is Mr. Graebing? Not his neigh bors, surely; for no man is more fa vorably .spoken of, or stands higher among them than himself. As a ." clever man," then, Mr. Graebing has no advantage over his competi tor. Give the e x -soldier, therefore, your ballot, and thus show that you appreciate his "cleverness," and that your interest in his welfare did not die out when' his musket wasstacked the last time, and peace was unnoune ed throughout:the land. REPI.7IILICA.i33IO the rescue! Our enemies are quietly but earnestly at work. On the surface an apparent lack of interest is manifest. Do not be deceived by it. Packer Is bleeding gold freely to Ids partisans for quiet but active work, and they are strain- Ing every nerve to (wry both the Governor and Judge of the Supreme Court, as well as the Legislature. The next Legislature' will have the ap portionment of the State for mem bers of Congroeias well as for its own body In the future to provide for, and the Democrats are making desperate efforts to secure a controling majority In both branches of the Legislature this full, and thereby so manipulate the apportionment 43 to secure a ma jority of members for the next ten years. Such a calamity would com mit the' State to repudiation, free trade and unbridled corruption. Be on the alert 1 , IkNactlie! Be vigil. lattt r and pArscirtiritte-OVatch every Vniekrieritit titenetnY ure all diltailatAiters, and let wOk and wavering RepublicfCs are kept within the ranks. FaithfuL energet ic, caratat work from this thee until the election, will secure us the Exec utive, Supreme Judge and Legisla ture beyond a peradventure. lime- Son now, may lose all ! - Such a neg letit would be a political 'sin beyond authority for absolution ! THE gold panic in New York, on Thursday last, was unexampled in the history of Wall streetexcitement. The priced of gold opened at 145,and and was forced up to 155, at: which figure the "Bears" made some settle ments.' At this point a prominent 'Bull's offered 160 for five millions and the price went to 101. At this figure several foreign bankers threw heavy amounts on, the marketaore- Mg the price down to 189 i. This, together with a report that , the Sec retary of the Treasury would sell tour ntillioni that day and four more on Monday, forced the price down to 185. The "Bulls" made a rally and again got the nriceup to 160. This did not last a great while, as the "Bears" agald rushed the price down to 184 anildsl roost tremen dous excitement. The Tao at` two o'clodic wasl.Bs, with the sialteasent unabStrd. Emourom(of Be,stver You whdi to 'show your gratitude for the services reudered by old soldiers who placed themselves "as a win of tire" between the enemie4or your country and the national capitol,; go, to the polls and vote for. John .VI. Cleary, Arthur Shields,Eben Allhpon, Darius Singleton, oral the rest of the Repub lican ticket. TUE Rafts niut's • 'Journal says Judge Wililims was dereited in len by the coffee pot naturalisation pa pers. Let erny Republican see to it that justice In done by his eleetion In 18119. He b 3 onpunent to the bench, and an honor to his Mato, and should be ;rept in the judichil office for which he is so pretsn4iently fit ted. LexcAnrrat county grows more tobacco than any other , cointy in Pennsylvania, the annual value of its crop being estimated In a general way at "several millions of dams." Many of the farmers raise tobacco- 7 - just enough 'for their own smoking, but not as an article of commerce, except in very lbw caeca.;' - - A. PACKER'S political Mends have not denied that for sevenl years past he has dehuuded the government out of more than thirty thowsnuf dollars taxes—only paying SSW They can not tauthhdly deny it. is such dis honesty to be rewarded by giving him executive control of the State? -s-4a private citizen he defrauds the State. How much moreFouto so aschiefolllcer? Vote,for John W. Ueary, and avoid such a terrible ca lamity. • . . A REPUBLICAN- mass meeting is announced to be held at Harrison City, ,Weshnoreland county, Oct. Gth. Hon. John Scott, Hon. W.H. Kounti of Somerset, Gen. William Blakely, of Allegheny, A. M. Fulton and J. A. Hunter, Ens., of 'Greensburg, will make speeches on the occasion. A prize banner Is offered to the town ship in the county, or adjoining counties, having the "largest and handsomest delegation. PEN73IBIIINNIA FARM ARMOCIA TIONB are popular among the Ger mans residing in New York city. A tract of land composed of 50,000 acres In Potter county, has beesn settled on this plan, and has loCated upon it a thriving village, called Germania. The farms of twenty five 'acres each are sold for $3OO, and are paid for in installments of $2 a week. The asso ciations organized for the purpose of obtaining farms at low rates, consist of fifty members each. and purchase large tracts of 1250 Ores. WUEN Asa Packer was nominated for Governor of Pennsylvania he was reported to, e worth twenty millions of dollars. Last week one of his central organs estimated his wealth at twelve Millions. These figures show a deficit of eight millions since Packer wan trotted out as the Demo cratic nag for Governor. This looks to - us as if the Billy MeMullins were "going through" Asa at a break neck speed. SIIALL it be said of Pennsylvania that her people love gold more, than patriotism? Will they elect Geary the brave soldier or Packer the bloat ed bondholder, the panic proud aris tocrat and railroad and emi monopo list? Will they choose for a ruler the man who has risked his life in sixty battles For his country or the skulking miser who sneaked. away to a foreign land In the day ..of his .country's peril? Wlio eon hesitate? • No more lasting di ,39tnUm could be in flicted upon our State, than the elec tion of Packer. • Pennsylvania wilt honor herself by re-electing Geary. \Vito is the American citizen of whom the Ririe Temps , tells this stcr ry? He posses a pair of old boots worn by President Lincoln, and. not being a man of sentiment, instead of putting them into a glass case, he undertook to put them on his feet. They would not. go on, so he cut them into strips, and had the frag ments matiufitetured h.tou cane, with the aid of which, says La Temps, if he does not walk in the pathof honor . and virtue there will he no use in expecting any good from relics here after.. AT London, Canada. • Wednesday,. fully thirty thousand peopli) arrived by special trains, the Occasion being the reception of Prince Arthur, at the Industrial Exhibition. Prince Arthur, with Governor Geri. Young, rode to . the Industrial Exhibition Grounds, where addivesca were pre sented by the Agricultural and Art Societies. The Prince and * t3ir John 'Young then went thniugh the Exhi bition, where an enormous crowd was present. Ant American slag, which had been hung in the decora tions, was pulled down and torn to pieces. Much excitement prevailed. AT theaollobration by the colored people of:Dayton, Ohio, of the anni versary of the Emancipation Procla mation, U. Clark, colored, of Cin cinnati, the orator of the day, said: "I have within a few weeks had the good fortime to find myself in accord' with the good old Democratic party's to have sentiments applauded by its organs, and several of them have gone so fur us to assert that with such sentiments as I entertain and avow,"is as good a Democrat as need be." The above refers to newspaper comments on his Louisville speech, when, he said " I find In muting over my speech, which has so Pleas ed my Democratic friends, that I demanded equal compensation, equal employment and equal ballot Tor the colored man, and for this I sun ad mitted to full standing to the Demo erotic church." Ile spoke for. an hour. Thd attendance was large and TUE Slumlord of Sept. 24th, says : "Whatever her legitimate claims to Cuba may be, Spain 1 labors under a disadvantage in having to prosecute them In the ram of the susceptibili ties of the Americim people,' while she is itergelf In .a condition of revo lution. The Americans cannot wish kr anything else than that Cuba shall be free to choose whether she remain withSpaln, or, become an. Indepen dent Republic. -- That material assis tance is readeted, to Cuba .through the sympathy.which the Americans *el for her, cannot be doubted; but If those sympathies 'should desnand war, it would be themost anomalous and extraorilinary conflict ever seen. It. IP..llinum, Chairman of the Vlrglida Conaervatlve State CenfMl Ocurtatitine published a card * Mainstay morning last, stating there is not oven the color of trutli,lit the newspaper statement that Vkn. Canby ever Intimated that the test oath wand • not be, rctiofrod k tk he Quiby timid he madi Bernhoi4i ,IN Philadelphia tbera to trouble abont registering. The Board,ofAir derman, at a meeting , on Tuesday of hat week,- instructed the, ail/Vipere t. O b31 4 1 °, 141b ,PC 12 4 13 OrPai s ?a l adman theytitay.havmastm to ens poet have been aurreptkzislyor, gaily placed upon- extra satestraint Ib3hi, commanding inch peiiio - 6 appcsar before them and ProdileO ceipt for taxes, and if a naturalized citizen, to produce his papers, and also two qualified electors' whose; names appear under the head of "private householders," who shall' be examined under oath or' affirma tion, and evidence shalt be required of them that such person , is pemon ally, known to them, and that he has all the qualifications now required bylaw, and if such person fail to appear, and produce such 'evidence' as la by law required, to strike , the name of every such person from the registry; drawing a red ilne throngh the eame: Tuz 'limes of Sept. Mb, in an ar ticle on the letterofFather Hyacinth says: "It is to the Pope" and his Jesuit advisers that wenre ' indebted for A. J. Hyacinth. Without the idea of a Council he might have continued in the discharge of his office, occa sionally startling his linarers , with mutltleit Idashartif the truth.-thsitis in thus bearing the accustomed y,oke. and allowing himself to boamounted the luminary of the Church of which ho is now considered a Ore - , brand, the rope would scarcely dream, of rebuking him in the same manner. He continued Father l'assaglla, the noted Italian theologian 'and oppo nent ots 4 tho temporal power , Father. Hyacinth's letter. Is not the produc tion of a worldly spirit. It is the ef fnsion of a soul in earnest, and is the first utterance of a word whiCh may take root and grow and fructify." A COnIIESPONDEN'T of the Pitts burgh Gatette writing from Butler, Pa., under datii of 24th inst., says Gov. Geary and suite left Apollo on the day previous, at 8 %clock, a. m., en rouie for Butler, Pa. At Allegheny , Junction they were met by a Coiii- Juittee of citizens from Freeport and escorted into town. A large com pany:greeted the Governor,s- arrival at thedepot in Freeport, and' much enthusiasm prevailed. The party were Immediately taken in charge by a Committee from Butler, who ad companied them to that place. MI along the route they were greeted with evidences of the heartiest enthu siasm: Upon arrlvjng at theirdesdnation, they were escorted through the piln cipal streets, and finally brought up at the hotel where the formal recep tion took place. The excitement was Intense, and the people seemed to turn out en masse to welcome the distinguished visitors:. After taking Some refreshments the party visited the County Fair which was In pre grers. The reception at this place; where visitors from all parts of the county and surrotindines had gath ered, was equally flattering, and ex hibited in a marked degree the feel ing of the people. At night:a grand mass meeting was held at the Court House which was literally packed with a jubilant aud ience of ladies and gentlemen who had turned ont to honor the Chief Executive. At seven o'clock the meeting was calkd to order by Hugh Morrison, Esq., Chairman of the County Be publican Executive Committee, and a large list of Vivo Presidents and Secretaries were chosen. A brass hind from Pittsburgh was in attend ance and added to the spirit of the affair by interspersing the proceed- , ings with patriotic airs. After an organization had been formally effected, the chairman in troduced the Governor, who was loudly cheered. When the excite ment tad minted dawn some,what he commenced his uddrm, and spoke for ovelim hour, during which his remarkti called forth frequent bursts of applause. . At the conclusionof the Governor's addmr, Hon. Mahlon Chum., of Ohio, entertained the audience for a short ti to with a telling speech. Other Six..echm Yellowed, and the meeting adjourned at late hour, with cheers for Geary trite Prom the spirit manifested, it is evident Butler Is fully awaks, anti will give a good old fashioned ma jority for the Republican ticket. Marx weeks only remain for work before the important elections in Ohio and Pennsylvania. The canvass, thus far, has been moderate, and we hope more through than mere surihen indications would have load us to expect. But we beseech Republicans, from this day forth to the end of the campaign, to see to it that no voter within reach of their Influence falls to comprehend the issues involved mid the importance of the result to be attained.. The. flf teenth Amendment is in the gravest danger; the National faith is threat ened; anti the work of Reconstruc tion Is pursued with venomous• hos tility to the very last step. Let us uphold the hands of the Administra tion; let us preserve the. prestige of the party ; let us secure honest dea lings with the National creditors; ohmic all, let us secure liont dea lings with our own citizens, and by such a genuine "crowning . at .the edifice" of Reconstruction guarantee all rights to all, even the humblest of our people. Our ouly danger is from apathy. Itepublicans of Ohio need not have the dime& of a Govenor who opposed the War for the Union, and now opplses the honestpayment of the debt incurred in . prosechting unless they choose. Repnblicsans iu- Pennsylvania weal not lose an hon orable soldier fur their Governor in order to tau aCopperheall iGangtess man, unless they. Choose. We Only want the Votes of bur :own ithd 'we have no fear of the tenth. In New York the case is different. No amount of honest Republican voting is sure to overcome the TaMmany vo ting machine. But no such Meehan led facilities arrayed. us iu Ohio and i'ennsylvanta. May we not, therelbre,hope tor cheering news on the evening of the 12th orOctut ber?-.-N. Y. Tribune. NEES I I Nti dt o W w h "lnt 111 0 M il"e l e c .1 tttkassilsoiirill be Alf for at, ilnif OctobeeVelection• ' • • • ignite votcdt for ,oeli separate ticket, The county ticket' *A”sio , ' t94,,f4;#114te11) l a " 03UhtirOmWiltiej.Put eacillownrAfAntut sea to the printing Val arkr4qa, Its - *WOW effiett As' thnitetnitiation ..iir ' strung men ibr township officers wilt - eve strength - td . the'couittY ticket' IA) tinst that to It Shit 'ill's' very' best ' of 'Obi; men are *preitenteti for them local offices,. ' Thei faailitatelherprintime orthe tnirMshili &lie* let the nbininatitaM be made eniy, at least ten dityi two Weeks before the &Alen.' TIMM can bane piopriety In delt;rrinitheM nominations to the last hour; bat dd. lay - may make It iropmctlaible to , have thil tickets printed in time-for the election. 'Let there be in ea* move lnkhls directloh in every towti-' ship. 'Each tovniship Must see to theminthi; °fits owntickets.-4far.. Toy tilon'etary of the Traitsuryints authorized tlniAndatantTrensunn at New ,York to sell onemillion Of gold each Tuendstir.atidyciday ti4;tlevetti bet let; co,minenelng„ Tugtmlny. also to purelutee two millions at bonds each Wednesday till November . These intlea and ptunhasee milted& Alen to ealesand purchasei on account of the sinking hind,which will be con tinued, and without ehangeof the ex isting mode. The 311111ocuttre,Candidate. The Mitch Chunk Gazelle, ster ting-xtopuhlionn paper published at the home of Asa l nckerTs family, and where, he abides off and on, , gives facts and figures 'substantially . eon tinning the statements of the' ann nierelai relative to the twenty : mil lionaire candidate's residence and his non-payment of taxes. It would seem from the article in the Gazette 'that Packer settled in Munch Chunk in 18M, andixiade no organized. re sistance to the -.constituted_ local au thorities from that time up to 1867, except in 1861, when, as charged by the Ponocrtif his 'party organ, he " rebelled against assessment for ;the purchase of a town bull." , With b the exception of this episode, he stood fair as a citizen until 1867, .When the taxes were increased by reason of the Democratic rebellion. The increase of the poor tax' added to'. Old bounty tax, " proved to much for the patriot ism of Mr: Packer." He was notified in duo form by the proper; officials, in July, 1861, that the following sums were duo from him, to wit : For stms 71 '4164 Vag . 11.12861 G,Tri . Tut . al • ' Tie paid no attention le the notIM4, and when - subsequently called on by the 'Collectors, : poSltiVel.V /rftmed to nliging, as, an' excuse, that lie nad net himself usstmed down In Philadelphia. and should . pay is taxes there. - lie was finally compM led to pay; although the people last by costs and delay $2,002 84. • The G . u.tette says :' Thus Packer dishonestly attempted to chest Ids own neighborhood outof s2l,as2 77 In taxes due the schoolehil dren, the Soldiers,: - und the unfortu nate poor of the district., including many soldiers' widows and orphans; and actually did swindle the public treasury out of over $2,000; which It cast to compel him - 63 obey the law. These facts are as disgraceful es they are Indisputable. But they are not . For Sped al state Tax For Bon.mgh Tax .Far School - Ter For Cbrinty Tar • Fur Poor Tax DEEM The o - bnitt imouot of 61, aoreument eed ut. 25,1110 ittirlog .1.1i4A35 n the amount of his peisonalproPer ty—certainly small enough when it is admitted that his whole fortune now aggregates about M,1100,000. But to avoid contributing oven in his taxes to his own borough and county, he got himself iliscthed, as he told the collectors here, in Philadelphia. The books in that city were as:relied, and it was found that, truly enough, he was tows.* there, but for how much? For a total of $10,500 I This was tondo up as follows: , Mortgagee $ , lOll Moneys on iblerrit * /Vial Salary u VIC.. l'nuidont L. V. R. U... N,LUO Two gold Wattle, Um OM With a fortune,, which at that dine --only two years ago—must hive equalled at least ten millions, nearly all of which unne, under the head of personal property, he returns for taxation, a paltry sixteen thousand! His.pmminalty, even at the extreme: , ly moderateasu ment, =Welly the officials here, amounted to 4,1'1.D.3M; -yet he goes down to Philadelphia and gives in $16,500. That is, while he only sucts2txled in chiseling down This u&gessment here,. where. ;spore- thing was known of h is property, to less than a million and quartq, - he had the hardihood to go to Philtidel phia, where scarcely anybody knew him, and return even one :million, one hundred and twelve thousand dollars less. But, worse thari all, this chanaplon of Pennsylvania Democracy, this "Pride of our Valley," notwith shwdiug that he has prelvidat, for the last. three years, to regard Phila delphia as, his home, has not : paid Lae cent of taxes there, and since the' you. 480, when forced to pay, • has' paid no personal taxes, here. Since he persisted in accounting himself a Philadelphian, the officers here con cluded. the succeeding year not to.' contest the matter again at 80great a east? but to let him pay in Phila. delphia. ~ The rtiailts has, been : that for 1868 and 1800; ho bait evadeil pay .went. on his pc.4onellY aktogenuAr ,We have no awe for txunineut and . none is needed. -• • - 7 -- . Tbelkarquise de Boimy—rCounteds Guiceioli—has of course her wont to say upon the Byron question. it is, boweven not much of a w.ordi al though :we .eon ,readily believe , the statement that .others:morq norten ious are impending. At present she mutants . herself. to. .nonouneing, through -a writer- Lo .f.iberte,. that she Is hi conshmt and,direct commu nication with Lord Byron, by.nusins .Of a proems that known in A.mericatts,'".Pluchette;" and that she was informed by the poet two years ago that ”tus•Axaerican7autitor was preparing to "write ou. his life a book full of false and "horrible things.": ;This is_interesting, if not conclusive; i.andrit , is...not at all im probable that we may.lx3thre.-lotn; be :favored with Ityrotes direct views utx* the =Weer, of Mrs. Stowe's rev elationor through . the time, trust worthy.and unimpeachable channel. .—N. Tribune, • - 'rum mechanics And thtboring men Of Pennsylvania about& remember -that the llemocratic ..if ottce it got into poWer,would inaugurate free Itmde, , 'which would • close the workshops,greadylestenthedomand for coal; destroy our manulbetures, and not only throw Out • of , emPloy ' .itient thousands of laborers, but'aiM greatly reduce' the wnges of: those who cook' get employmont.. This's an Important question , for ail- labor ing 'Men - to consider. A vote.- for tileury I* a vote. for good wages, steady. employment,. And money- to koep yourseltagd &roily comfortable 'and respectable, ; A Note for E Packer lea vote for-free .tnule, • lotv anneal, unready. irruption, mistim mut distress, • ; • ' `Chi- 10 to openirttireetii,lool 41,500, If new tunnel. ' = wriopt. mart*. • Hon. tohn Alban OF; to 6 00 393 • toklo moothillotliew I S3 lll 4tkm , •r i conicn , fity , ..llM ttOth ofpcto• anilVeniiilylmuThans who are Merles In any of the departments MashlogleasolChe allowed to nbMirlahntrhi ..shw ' ~7aa~mk.ioooe-DeVaoau4 ow Jne - . - Allisnrswedottuivenpainin at C4ster on Wedneadv, b,utwere un iiiitadAly'fibseiif and' Gin7:Tottock and Mi."Vtuid‘idre took tinir pia .• , . ,*--TheiDerri*lnts Or Lawrence Co:; ute idtninated Vip'.lf. Rey for Assenibli,and iioobitcdtant:Wfit. Afttlelland:tibe - 0 Chtdrrtum of the c.eentY'Neih.**" . nieetleig la to t ake -phwe r isat.:4r4:4, l tigkipth; PO ' 4/ 1 . 11 ,•SNlAtte'. M i ouetnina... nn. Andrew f3teii Oi rpit, itessis. 4.11 i Uhler G. 3.11n0r; C01.1.1-ohn •isfei4 1 1 ; A. .Tkedloto presu on.the (*talon. -" •r-Put PtawAleket,Or.. therPhthid el; Phi? Delueeriw gie4t;TeM, 44, ea VC!, tAIP '4 101 4 46 . 0 f the PrWiesse, candidates" ao that ; the breach of. Ale party, Instead of heateil. is rre tually Nytdeued, by he new, move ments. . • „,, . —Gun. H. Allen, of Warren county; the Ilenuldlcau candidate for konator front- theAb3trict composed rein, Mercer. .a134..Ve flang COUnite% ts expected to•inake , several aPeedeg 4 la Erie county, this campaign. • , Eveatilrtua . indialtes the re deo 'don. of Governor Geary by a large majority: 'MO Dealocaseyktbraugh 'Out the state .are utterly demoraliz ed, and content themselves , with •no other argument that personal, abuse of ouriSandidate. , • - • 1 • Govratisoit'!GEAttir delivered sae oration at the dedication" , the Wayne county -1 1 doimment on the 9014111dt was- %fined to by nine or teit 'thousand ' people. The Cloverifor'i oration Was ri'vry able anddted ellptAt nefeltiipplausaf, XT is time that the Republicans all nyer the' Staid were earnestly at work . to secure of every availa ble ;vote. -• But one month • now, re mains before dthe State will choose between ,Packnes purse and. Cidary's noble record. • MANuoou„ not, Money, 'should cominfied „the respect and confidence, well as the votes • Of "the people. The contest in Pensylvania Is be tween a brave soldier, an honest, Man and uPright,oltleer and Pacicer and his twenty millions, . , Al 4. over the,Statetha Demoemey are bitterly dlvlded llMOtly them selves. "ThSg,racetul fights have been common at nearly all their county conventions; and the tibrtisfaction that- exists. among the respectable portion of the party is very general. .Goy rrirron Gx,tnv's .pregrtas through the State is marked by the in ga° enthusiastic demonstrations that elutraCterized his - campaign • in 181;d. frhe peopleeverywhereturnent to weltivao the man who next Octo ber will be ehesen, to predde over theta 'for another' term. • . TIlk: Democracy chalk° that the DepublicanS have exebeded the • ex penses of the last Democratic admin istration more than five hundred thousand dollars, Which is true but out Democratic friends must remember that this money laexpend ed on behalf of nearly ten thousand orphans, rendered fatherless by. a A.)enwerutic war. "Miens of it feather • Hoek togeth er." b an old find, true ,ailage. Asa Packer, in admiration of his ,rehell ious spirit, invited the traitor Vali andlglatin to his house, and enter 'ttined him in• the diirkestdaysofthe war; he WR4 also the friend of .the rebel and , , repudiator s Pei/Wenn. What think the gallant ,soldiers of Pennsylvania of such a record? Can those who wore the blue vote such`ti man ? •• - SOME of the Demeendie journals of the interior have limn contrasting, the $2,400 which. Asa Packer gave to the sufferers by the Avondale disaster, 'wit the -4X given by Governor Geary. They could not have invited u einnirarison more damaging to Their euntlidate... Asa Packer, ,• worth twenty • millions, gives about one half otone'day'S income. • John W. Geary,' ti poor man, gives one seven th of hlwincorne for an entire year. ; • . the l rbreaking out of the rebell len, when the three months' volun teers were raised.. Asa . Packer gave it-50 towards their equipment. This generous donation from the poSat.ssSo: of twenty millions it seems' is Pa pedal to, off Set four years' service upon. the battle field, which • wits. johii,Gettry's contribution to his country in her hour of need. TUE people of this State are, inter ested in knowing whether Asa Pack approvcia bf the intemperate and violent langbage used by ono of his friends In. Philadelphin who took a Very proMinent part in the conven tion which ,nominated the Judge, When he openly_ announced his in tention of resisting tho 3 legally con stituted 'authorities on election day by club law. - • , s, GEM NEWS SUM:RAW!. 311mteNc• ita will mil a Temperance ticket. ' , —The etreetaof Canton, Ohio, are being Nieholsoned. . Man •basbeenorrested in Troy, N. Y. fur stealing n'hearse. —lt is women, nod not their wrongs that ought to• be. rednesed, says it crusty Rid bachelor. Gentleman was buried in New York t .a few days since,. at a mist of fp,ooo. flowers alone cost OM. A.stdder, a wouse,aud and vovering with its levity° inches aground; L 4 an Itivaprodlidicin. woman died, in Wonxnter, 111a , (4., a few days since, hp(' thirty nine; who.was the mother ofniheteen children. • ' • --it thatoGerrnany niikht as well be asked to.banish lagnr,as Coe gm s• to pass a prohibitory liquor LAW for the District Of Columbia. • • e A rly all pi e gnxpes about San daSky, Unit); afia oh 'the Islands, prtived n'railure , this ear.'" The had, rainy weather in the spring destroyed • --Att oil refiner of aqtow leis of fered kitki,uou,; or $.24.00, eau. for . the ishuultif Arnie, on the waste( Scot land, and auttlid,the - Jfitrifulgtif Bute Mari ne,lll.;there p u rep ort 'Oat `u liettriaii - wits' hting , ' his - nelghbota :for grizi9sWieiaultinr his -nlewonity. twelve years. of ago., .• ; -4.1 u Milo' haw thirty • - dity pumps, and the curineit has irefasol. to. pay a .1411 of „fur supplying, theta, (the pr. ups) witA, • .lt of,.. which had been ordered Welt' to the Mayoral neat fitiektigib containing. the amputated paw of , the beast, as ervi (Met of ita tiettn.. l : • . -Cotaa & Co.,!tlie English :thread ' makees,-Are Kim tti erect a Inanataa taring gsk I ablkthment. att y Provldanee, cti will eriapla dtid otkratiies. • ' " —Theedik= • • fpe er an de~ r f'Thwilati Twenkf-ooe one years ago to our distinguished . Demorhe. nee died by, palisoa.” —Five I lit i s o f lew C York State Lunatic Asylum,_ a few days since, were taken to the Tombs in New York city, to be sent 10 county asylums. All ofthem were convicts who had gone mad in pr ison. —Frank and Simian are in jail at Nortridk, OHIO, air kidnapping an eight months old baby from the thuon i cimpty Infirmly-4mm re stdist afterwate Itaalibgra horse and buggy at Monroeville. • 24 "eet, Vines, Bent litialses & Picuits. I hare for sale on my tensions mile west of Bea m on the Lisbon Ijal i a lane lot 'of FlOrsM Stock, coorprislng. lowing: BLOOD Concord °nips Vines:11000; too vines. 10,00(1 Prick Tress , -boded and nahual-0,000 Oooseberry bosh. es. al good Currant bulb^ Rochelle Blackberry, and sev er varlet*" " Strawberry Planta._ I am auldng. arranaemeatato haves Qeneral as sortmem -or Applp, Pear. Chem. Vance and Plumareqa wOoeeendl roelel Wardroom. / phuottress aad elate lised of me, and home them, at moderate Tame. ?iettlitif? *9ltc f E s i ga lL ll. ,l • • • 1 . • . - CANNEL COAL I CANNEL COAL I BY TUE CAB Ox WAGON LOAD Bend in your orders at once. Car Ipm.l" . 4blpptil py,8411 . 16ri1, b 411,point? • , ' Wagons will beleppltel at the , bank its heretofore. Remember the old Morse Cannel Coat Mtne t near Darlington mil. road. 0RT31. - .1. F. iimcsFrkix, For car. kmds addrtiut MANSFIELD & CO New &Mee, Beaver CO., Pa. sep29;3ni <DRvgi; Driuh-ga, .9UPLXISEUEIMB ! W. -EVUECITEING German Apothecary and Druggist ! IN ,THE DIAMOND, RO.C-H El g• TEM , 6 ~.............,...-,...„$ Keeps coustsully o c t x ttuutiViiisrsiptelectte ' st 14,-f gr,, ,, V;.- - - . '.14 ::. PCltt DWG's. , `Y *''. .. ~ PATE.l4T3rErodixis...: - ,:. .... 2-7 S 1 ' PktlVUMltitki • 1, !,...,...% s -c. - - z... 4 , , , , ,..5 1 ~ " Il'Apt444,le.l';','.t r•••:‘, 4 !` I riltais, , 4 4 '''''''.= - 4 1 44 9i a l • ' -.. ... ' 7 ~.e4 Medical tipktpplketi. • a ' P5.4.7:74,-;141*. Cigars aut i Tubacco,Ctods-ladlal l dlii4l .Oils. ' ALSO SOLI agent for Dr. Betzers Pritegt Trusses. mj ki n d s o f on short notice_ Physicians prescriptions will be tilled i?t all hours of day and night. 1163rA shureqf patronagesolicited-tia jr.3l:ls. $l5. Gold Watches. $2O. YIIE ONLY GENUINE DOUBLE-EXTItA RE 171E:1 OROIDE GOLD WATCHES, MAN FACTURID BY Tull -- ("ROWE WATCH CO., AN all of hest Mika., Amami, Warranted not to (arra.; looks Oka finei;oldoorr. ear. Is ke thild, and aro Equal to tho beat Gold Watches lu Make anti tlutsh; with tho best buil Je ;rued De• hulled atd !Weld Lerrrs, Extra Fine , Cases,— Lidice 0.0-415 each. *Jima' ileflued, Send witulDß, GOLD INATCIII 9 A No. 1 9 Full Jeweled &every at $2O-ear/i. - SENT BY IS XPRESN, anyereere ht the ruitud etattocit regular wheleaalle payable op dohncy. Phu mammy la required in advance, ouly aatlslactury unarm., that the order I. nude la good kith. Any Calif: iitlijrld opened and oxamelood fer•, , ep penile tin illeynau charges nay. • Persona can order. by mall aith sgray, by eroding mutiny tu advance Ina Iteglateren let ittr, aid We :Dols all/ be sent as a Ileglidered package, prepaid, at uw rtal: AN AGENT SENDING YOH SIX WATCHES, W.H.L.H.E.CEIVE AN EXTRA WATCH FUEE— MAKI NG HEIEN OS WATCHES Full $9O, or \111;tit0 WATCHES FOR pI3U. Also. Elegant OroWe Gold Chains of latent and moot .early agle., for " d i"' "4(lra ' iLegiCOLWage. /ham idos4a Id cAct bag. at as. in sale prie Ssa IrOsset; sod Nsdkwaleth, st lows s ßim*. r*. Our witch.. are all made of the Genuine Sol , Ad Onolde Gold Sictlned. are on perfactly rugalskitwiS sd)salss; sad G' steed AbOCASISIdmIg moSOA corrvr maw Cad wear and not tarsarli. mate the kind. blze mood price of watch requlrt.ll, and order only of THEIO2.OIID'E WATCH CO.. 148 Fulton Slreet, New York. nag. 2il3m. • • • NEV'I FA:1111F.111" GROCiItY CIE PROVISION STORE! Itoehester. Pa. By COE dr. DARRAGH - • WHEILE MA DE FOUND Fa B 7 Orteries ADA Prortainno,Tlrb. Floor, C atter. Lard. Baron, Oil Pare Cider 'lnettar, Syrups, Molasoes. Salt. Teae, enfit•re, linizars, packers, Tobacco, Clasps, gleenirgtart..Wlllow,trare, Wooded•ware • and everything In their lincand they hope by steel Snowden to . fortote..„ to tnerit a' LIIIEItAI. SHARE OF TIIE PATRONAtIE. •°: i klnd ' s of Country FroduM. 'takro at the market price. COG do DARILAGH ItriehMer Ott Ist. It7--0ct7C7:1.1, METRAN & SIEDLE, =I REINEMAN; MEYRAN & SIEDLE; N0..42, Fittla Avenue, 4 11, `,V Gni Pa Gold• -- . , • - arid • Silve.ri4thitilit, FINP)Iri?.LItY, WATCHES, DIA3IONDS, MINER AND MATED WARE. ! .SILVER TT; '2l • oi liiiihtiwAtinitikes (1r American Watches SETII NIIO3IAS' CLOCKS All kinds of we4ches atrefully-repithed and guaranteed. Imayl3dy Miae=.6Z Idiellhigl/369 ,o ,IOV AA, /1.11.4 BCS .ENE' - • „ , • 33313A' ICCR4 T f DRY-GOODS MILLINERY 1t ... C . t0je .. 5a4P)., ir-=-1 'IR, I Nr. 3VI I N S, eicC. ara. Cheaper than „Ever Having established business arrangements with the leading Operators' Jobbing Houses, and having Superior tes for obtaining the most Stylish as well asthe Cheapest Goods in the Market Thanking'my many friends and customer for their past liberif p - atrona — ie7iiiiti , Dl, this fall; make extraordinary exer tions to have The itlatire kind .at Clouds at The Right Kind of Prices. 3),110,73/3114, mliras.ona 3 ~:~ ; . Of all the Latest Style:4 AICD AT THE Cheapest Wholesale Prices WE HAVE THE LARGEST And Boa St:levied Stock or Millinery Goods Iti BEAVER COUNTY FAIN. AND WASTER 1:)1°Sr - 436c)c•clis, DRESS -_oooliis, BEAUTfIrtiL •PATTERNS, • VERY 0.&LIO0 AT MILLING PER TARR: : SHAWL~, sitewLs 511.11% LS FLAN NELS,,, PI.A.NNELSI FLANNELS: Y.l4Ntl, gal3ixo.'tS C Co R. ES .M NEW AND STYLISH Uiaarcrddetii oaa:.c UwV . i 4 A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF klverythinw in our Line: (GAYS US AN EARLY CALL AND, asp WOK YOURSELVIES. J...1L-BENCE stp2t4r AtC.. & MASON, gift4'lWrS; ' .= ~ 4 1 :2441Aar• Yob. ea r ed.l!aLstrT / Law Arnett= end Entepean Patents, oamiere m eorweasrnsear M. i ' , , t, ',etimis,„,,i ijaotteltars at Patm...j "iliarriWiltrodatOrttesta Pitetit ofe tt ile,„ * .ziw , peepuel sad pants named EawallaWatalat toUp le Pant oike J pre ni wh dg iagarat fu cabal oar saft salwo a pilliftt Ile eillmet. . swidi lar •Gllelltat pt . -Tama, Inataqinaa asa 11,eirre" . : . . lidg tl7 MEM Brlghtpit street *Dove the Plow Facto r y, .R6chester, Pa.. • • Te largest stock In Heaver county te n stentlie oa hand, and felling at the very Icotrett pried. ' reiVB4;:n_ 1;( . 3;:5an5.5 , 1 4 Bridge Street, BRIDGEIVATER, PA. IS WEETLY RECIUTING A ittYlll or GOODS IN RACE' OF TEE vuuAlwm, DILYARTYTS: DRY GCOOI3E4. Steubenville Jeans, Csissimenai and Sattinets, •- . White Woollen blankets, • White and Colored and 'Jarred Flannel*, - Merwc., Delatnes, Plaids, I nghams, • Cnbcrga, Lawns, Water Prooh, Chinchilla Cloths, . , Woollen Shawl& Brown and BlaCie - Dnlltnga, Tiekings, • • 'Prints, - Canton Flantlels Joeoncts, Table Linen, , Irish Lincni. Crash, Counterpanot Hosiery, Gloves 6r MOE Co*e, Tina Sugar, NOWAK..., White Sltrerlatte, Hold 'h en and common Syrepa, .11ackrrel in bar: rote and SIN Star and Tallow Candk, Soap, Spices end MOOD Neat 'Alio, SALT. Hardware, Nails; Glass, Done Locke. Door Intermit, Hinges, Sereere, Teo, Cutlery, Table Tea Spoon; Sleigh Della, Coal Doren, The Shona. and Polices, Nails and OW.. Spade', Shovenl. 2, S. and 4 Tine Porto, Rake.. Scythes and &mine, Corn and Garden Goes. Dockets, Tabs. Charia, Batter Prima and Lanier, ! CARBON 011.;, Linseed Oil dC White Lead MAW 24 :Boots and Shoes LADIES' MISSES' AND CIIILDRENS' 1 In great variety. 11,41 e Powder and Shut, Blasting Powder and Fuse.' Flour Fecal dr. 4teueen.owitre Its come attention to boldness, and b. Sewn: tonotanlly on baud a welt aserntad anri of pod• of all ti , e different kinds usuall• kept In a eoustrs core. tha tindery/10S hopes In the future a. ut the past to merit and receive a !theta: share n(c r public patronage. U. S. It..t.N C. Eli. SCHOOL BOOKS, I AT WHOLESALE. Blank Books A; Stationer fir", Oar new Wholesale Price Lim snedled free to Dealer ■nd Teacher. i • S 1 A. CLARKE & CO., 119 WOOD STREET, IrALuANLE Real Enkalie For Sal e. - V I By virtue of an authority contained la n. last'w ill and trilateral kr flamed Pricier. lee or Crepe township. Beaver malty. Pa . devrip , the 'undersixtned Exeetttors of said last e Exibme to Sale, by Public Vendee or 0 , ,t on the premises. on WEDEVIDAY. Ulf,. IBt at I o'clock. per., the fbllowtc: ltn Betide °rigid dterdatd, situate parity in Bete.. and partly In Grow townships. In uld oamo of Beaver, half a mile from the Ohio Rita. 3! , citereelle Rogers' Station ‘.ll 1' P. liallroad, and adjoining lands of John Crld. , • r Ell'"Tharutaitirg. MOOR. Samuel Nemo.- d 7 and James Thernabarg. containing' alas: Tr• acres; 160aeres cleared and in a geed slate a ilvadon. and on which are erected a gol. le.. Ong. brick house with two-story home aliacnea. three tenant bOnles, bare. stable. and other ,bulidlura. The balance well timbered. sad .t.: well watered. The whole of saki land is ores eellent quality. Is Underlaid with a ass feet vole sucelleut coal, now opened and o p erated. art 1 I. easy of access from the River. There are alp. recd orchards on the parakeet, containing a vc . ' stye"( fruits. Title good. said premises will herald as a whole, or will b divided tato three weals to snit purchavern Tsnals:—Flee par cent. of Um parakeet mono In laud when property to bad of: thastbtr4 et the remainder of said pairubaran mosey when it, deed le delivered. which will be within tea do.. thereafter; and the remaining two-thirds in re • valid annual installments tram that date. ale ladevent. nod to be peeped by bond sad wavy , OM thepremises. For further partleulare Inquire of the and,r.i.r , ed. DAVID KEItiIiEDY, krekrary It DAVID BOYD. Hookstowo,— tn CHEAP. NEW GODDS! Fall and Winter Wear. UM' S. 1 eaT REthtlV ED A NEW r , Tot'l: Olt GOODS OF CRS ,LATEST STYLES. FOR .r.ALL A:VD WENTZ '1: WEAR YARNS. 7 YARNS ! ME G aillemen's Furnishing Good MI In latent and nu Carblomoble and at %b motley. WILLINM Anibusir attn.. Pa. I= OTICE-111311R. 1* To builders. lossonc bricklayer. ati;t tetr, gqy our lime at the lft)NI1'(1•If. LIME it 1 I rri Venport s and Pave time and money. It the s. bltis LIMO. SS It la stronger and will trate tooptar, ant there to Do wu nomad We burn c..• buy the twat atone and It la .lllPt right • coat I. not mixed with the .tune to born. thrie to no settee Or choler In It. ric-Layers need not vitt it or run It °Cr tar, which win Pare* on.t A.I of time You can always get it fotoh—ted hot If It— ?Ad „ JAIME LUMPS. • • Bells , will who bare Itsed /s. Pk tx partiet la *Noted bt otbrr kilns 'mob against It and trY wall en Wen* wilder at the game prim, Call ow ere,ta, or try route. Unit denriletl promptly to order at Reaionable Rates rgiilloodOror or wagons. Send orders to Na Mao littoo,•oe rt. W. J. IOCII?4, Mover remain% lIMI =NM =:En HEN - Etir LAPP. .1 Dealer to Maps ut { FUat :.ITURE, Groceries, NVOODENIVARE. II beery goods delivered free atrium, 6iENIERAL AT LOWEST. PRICES. sp2OND DOO/7. AXLOW FIFTH AvEN PITTSBURGH, PENS' _I 1 e.rptl'atasi • CONSTANTLY ON HAND. tiLOTMINO MA PE TO ()EDE!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers