4 , 14,4;4X AdvattiaMUM" i • •at the rate ofsl.oo per square forth* insartlon.ond for.coon so L bsowtont,,inasolopALl A Übe* lsonntAsadtt vertlaatattitia. A apace equal to ten llnas ot this that immures it t 140411 4, • ';', • ,• Bushiest' Noltkoes sot undein head +by themitelv6s immodlately after tboloW vi ll be 41 2 11 0 d 0 1*!.4, 1 * [sr each •InicOdur • • Advortisonioeta Oe'Ve h tijk o in Ware 7tlonday bon:4o Insure It in that week's. - , BUSlifteBB Cards. Luta. AND IA ILNTED NANDIELONA„— r Mrs. M. A. Binder has jusherchredirant/Ines .ad bilndon "'WWI /Stall 4614014 •Soluellailt eelected Qom the greatest ncrveltke k also. the mostcleptut Trhateingsilo be secured is Itrb. lucos Itlbbous, Velvets, Bridal t' MJ e ewelry. andTrl muted fliVetreMeTPs_,` end Cloak making. Aseinshre agent fOr . Works's celebrated 'retain breading ladles dress. , eacques, barques, are. W: W. corner or 11th Yhtladelphla. ("evil:hem. ' 0.8`„?.t term cieutragatitlAuar.--41: o Tuesday, September 14, VIOL Emmy department will be furdlahed with egperientea and competent Teacher'. Mu MAST A.'Bitint, oho take , . the place of Miss Dever,. graduated In ihtsburgh High bcbool while the auNtm .ther was Princlpa_Land her echolarthip and etpesience as t, tenetter., were the bldg.:lemmas that led him to -veury her as a butcher in Ws Semlnary, Thodu who desire to see our Catalogue, Will plesine ea:lou or addreas.the l'rincipal; mtg.:Safi A. lit'pßAN. I TETE Opens its Fifteenth Anu bleindon tans 11111 of Septeber, under thenherte tendmice oi the Mod*, Ser. U. T. W A. 111. Speelelattemtim will be paid to prenaratkul of teachers toe the Comm Niu.le. vocal and instrumental. by a competeni l'oti.voy, at moderate rates, • Lads propel for ('.,liege ; or given a 'Business edateSeb. , • llon v, ancient and modern, by highly etncient tenebere, ds Well as ridging, Drawing and Wax- Send for a Catalogue to REV.' R. T. TAYLOR. Deaver, Pa. . .1 • . • DRESIEDIETRIONIL FACTORY. , -I« mph Eichler, Manufacturer and Wholesale and stets'' Healer to Trunks, Valises, Traveling Bags, ,tc...tc.. No. 101 Wood tined, littsburgh, In. MI orders promptly lined. and work Woran Factory ~.orner ot Fifteenth and• Penn streets , • • ' pertain:ly .11. ANDERSON, baring taken hold' dr el his old Foundry again, In 1/achester, Pa., toll ho pleased to meet Ids old customers and nit lids who may want either the BEST 00011- Nil STOVE, Heating Store,'or any other kind of ontlngs of hest mated.' and workmanship. The bet tor, will be Conducted by . J. J: AN D AEONS. WISE SHARON NQUILIL—The undersign• rd takes this method of Informing the public that they hare porch:oral and taken charge of the Sh .run 11111., formernrAntned by the Resent Dar- Zfi l tie!l u th S e i g r ant Ift le elar w pft un Ad r t, dltff have of gtinding to theitattataction of their patrons.— Their bonds ardour will oiompere carorablyirith :my In the tnarket. Give Da call before ruing rhnchere. SAMUEL DAVIDSON it BRO. • untikein Isi-xelir Haien* at Wil•on's old Is stand, Mint Serest, tkarrer,,Pa. Jotting N. ter.o take. pleasure to Inform Ids old Meads that he Is estabilibed In business at the above stand, %Oen! he will be glad to meet and accommodate them. fresh bread, cakes, etnekers, nuts, dce.d.e. I onfectioneries ot. all kinds: No. near. made from Fall Wheat, toy the barrel, lock °Metall. Jan. 6, 1860. IxriLLlAm sur i pc denier In Boots' 1 V Shoes, Bailers, 811 de., next door to Porter'. - Tin chop, Br ge street, Bridgewater,' Pa., when ho la prepared to manufacture and yell iierything In his line at resmonable rates Bar ng removed Id s plane of business from the corn er near the Bridge to bin prevent lentil:to, he in s iles do old friends nod patrons to giro him a turnfrikir. Dea . '7,.milcovh,TetNuAll`o7.7 " i mavy'Af. 7 ) EN. K. ritasoL, Attorney at taw and I) blifVeyOr or laude. °eke or.poelte Profeeder Tnylor'a In Beaver. [apt:l.•ly r. KVIEIN, Attorney at Law. oMco la Me. Kinley's building, en,Lul Public Stinare. roar tlltly. tz7,io the ti=r; Wa•- ter And I iturrougllng kountrg. timoe .IS , ' C -llnnnens drug store• on {Vat salvia, Rochester, Heaver county Consultation hours between U U. m. and 4 p. so. Drugs Daroished tud prescrlidlowi Muttully Dt- Ird st idiot's Drug glom. yl Mr, t • • J. Chandler a Non.,Deutl.lm. 11,3chep• • ter. Office in Beaver fixation building. All n orb unminted. l'rlrellmtiderufe. Give us 1 CPU. [L10V4.66:11. IL" M. ANDERSON, General Police, Dote, . ttve nod Agency, oMce. of Rol hood Deport, nor-boater, Bonier Co , P. A boolo.n entrumted to my earn will w•ceivo vamp atteniiiiti, ow roasonoble.i.orts. onderel,, , nett I. prepared to dells or good burning Loot to all pervona needing the article. Orders null receive prompt attention. S. P. C 1.41 MINUS. 11ee. , .1,1SCD. • _ TAs. CAMERON, Attorney at Law J liyaver, Pat. (Mice in the•room tot mealy =anted b 7 the late Jndge Ad %ma. Col leellullo, Be., promptly at teded to. eenttelittly. _ _ g:YTgttTIIY.—Dr. T. Mnaray, or }fridge ar WANT, has m "OMee laghl" to use the gen n Inn DOODYRA.RILUtD RUDDER.; consequent ly ha does wt nee thaDry,ilalliber, or soapst • as a Iwo tor teeth. (told and Slyer Finlay put to of the best ma treat. and all work iffarrarneck. Vela: AA MARANTII Lodge No. 211 , 1 2. L0.G.T meets every Monday evening, at a o'clock, It Itocliverer, Iu Coflilu'e [Mama.' IL , OR SALE Oil EXCIRANGE.—WF.ST- I` ESN LA N 1).-100 Acre, or choice selected rolllagprattle, Wanted in awry , ootinty. lows, he t W. &.Etzistuk SlOna city Ural. 1111prtned en 01 Tilomns NcuEEitY. Seaver, Pa I= JEUNET, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 3d street, Wirer, Pit. (In ream adjong. J. Wilsonb tfokt Wlltebto and ron bo repaired and warranted. Engraving • 41 , 01‘. I 0 Ord,. mdronage of the nublk In 1.011,1(.1. and. ettlogaction guaranitsid. (Ave 110 ITM,3rn. frllloll. BleCIBIRIEILV; Banker, corner 0 Third street and diamond, 'leaver, Pa. Mon ey loaned on OuvertwountEonds. lateral allow uu time deposits. We will also twelve Appll entlol.ll, for policies to the NAT OVAL. LIFE. IN seItANCE CO., OF TIIE. U. Also Merchants' alanatirturers' nud Artie:ins' en.. of l'ltteherah Fa. Office below the Court . r ' aprl7,lBCO:tf TIENsi - multi, fn ISnnls, sheeS slipper. and tiatters. )lots and shoes 1111.01 , to order. A long experienee In the handness eta 111, him to do work in 0 Popvtior, manner. 'ferns . moderate. • Obop on Third stmt.' near Bev. Nil lees Bookstore), Waver, Fa. "fare him n eat before 103111311111 g eine. Lyre. • apr7,ll:ly TAIDIPETinI Dlanuraeturmy and Dealers In Tahiti and Coarse tialL at Baduatty Beaver county. Pit. All salt .pat up In good hr der, and warranted to glee tatislactlon. Order vrinuptly attend B . t 110. B. 11E1[10% Manager. E. BLUNT. Bee. Jr. Treasurer, ( , 11.115. 111. nunsir. Notary Public. reyancer and Intersect Agent. Deeds and Agreements written And acknowledgements taken, cc. having been duly commissioned asAgeut fat several Unit cities Insurance Companies, repre senting the Floe, Life, Accident, and Lire Stock Departments, la prepared to take risks and write policies an the most liberal terms. Also, Agent tor the "Anchor Line" of first class Ogean Steam ers. Ticketesold to And from all ports in Eng land, Ire laud, ticotland,Dermany and Prance. Of fice in Leafs Trick row, Diamond, Rochester. op i-SCIS VOR 111ALE.—PURK BRED 1101.19 AND A: FOWLS.- Winter Seed Wheat, andolh. .•r Farm Seeds, from Dames Bargiumawrat. Fano. Chamberaburg. Pa. Diehl'. and Boughton Deardlemm Week's and Treadwell's Ilearded White Whmts; French White and Bed Chaff; Purple Straw Bearded fled Iteditermnean, ; and German Amber Beardlew, are the beet, earliest, heretical and ' moatproduc tive Wheat, that ran be recommended for gee. ern! cultivation. Price $ll per barbel. 4 potted, or any kind by Mail, 'paid paid for $l. .Tarenty head• or different earl Ica sent poet paid for $l. Twenty other varieties of Wheat, Barley and Otte .ol bet yens Importation $l. 'Sae Dude•Jarperl ,4.,.l.4.llsria Journal: scud and suliectibe• cut lt; only $1.50 per year: the most useful Journal Addressi 41E0. A. Dlh. - 12. Chamberviutny Pv. The Earliest. ilerdleet and moat productive lied Whom' in the French Whiki CUR. peva: lt. V.111:11 FON underelgned of fern hie Ihrm, cheated In North Senlckley town.hip. Deaver county, for vale. The lane con ' iin. got arm, aboutillin of which are Cleared and the whole tinder leuce; the balance Is well timber. Al.rurtnnace. c 4 She cleared land is droll and .er.itot bottom. A large portion of the whole tract with ore and coal. The Rim is well stntered, on the farm arc two comfortable dwel ac huneeii, a /tone spring -house, end a frame Lan forty by Any, feet, and a log barn thirty by ;in let:blogotborwlthall nen:miry ant bttlittimpt. A largo °ranted of bearing fruit trees on the land ; kii.son grape vines .et not laid fall, and lead ..,....eberry plants at mane time. Payment. easy, .all on or addres.. - SLIM! 31 AlL:Midi."... North Scwlckly 0_ Beaver comity La. P. Tho.abova lans Is known as.the - Dr. Robert Cusningtund 'WM." • • •• Whine' • NIIANCIPAT/0111 PROCLAMATION I'4 A maguilcent Pen 'Design. Intel' Inches of the lamented ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S 'IMOD. TA I. EMANCIPATION PROCLAII A TION, ear. Wed by W.A. COLLINS of No. n .146•thil St.. N. 1 .. bOVfngLoon Pholo,.Littingra. nowt tele hinted Osborne Procesa. Copies am ready ha role and car. be procured by application to the Ten work, ireapectlve sit Its Great Meta le rat ne..10 the moat Fencer piece of penmanship ever elecnted. and In Intel( is on ornament that shoutil !Worn every hou.ebold. No liberty loving Ameri ne loboebi be %intent a coyly. i Nono can /Km au ides of Pe chasteness of deep ,:heauty, eineen in. and completeu.s Or dall, tirlUicult carnal ndlon. It Im. been Konounerta by the 1110.4 ew. jelieneed con oidesenrra so equal in the Sopa steel plate engraving, and the fact Of Ita Tracing hoer) elect:Lied with 'an ordinary steered* add, common writing Ink de taken Into; conaideriltion. It ranks ae a marvel or pialetice. yironieeralleseand art. Copied will be Pent to any addreva In the onion on receipt of $1.60 each. COLLINS dr CO.. •••' • No. 11 Nanaulit., New Turn LOOK IMRE. QPII DIG , LOOK ., , ANDilltffinift 10661001 1 1. -4he I, iiiidereigted Ins lure tO Inform tile friends Se knot's,' 4100 KB, DIANN iio(w.s -mt the public generally that be be Plat leech ell SLATES, n new 0 to Of goods iof tbe Weer styles foe 4 „ „ ,_ 1 ~ „ „ , , t•i • l , ..• • . .t . Kprind and Rammer wear ,whieb be offers at very . ' inieterat lutes. • The largest purl oliiiipest - nsiortutent or a ENTLEMHNS' ', FURNISIIING ALBUMS to be fimintY In either 'city, nt GOODS, • . - , CONS.IttiTLY-: tp. ' r:tit . .:4E:'Wri e j rs i t.4:lo sfr., tnollihne Made tddrietes 13 e. Thatikrul to tile pnbnme . 2 i,„,,,Ji• ~Nel iy clime attention to hominess to merit a . conttrtt• t• 1141 ane FFDEIta. lITHEET. rsitc.• of the same. ASIDUIt 04114 letrumt,r4r ALLEGIIENY CITY ' PEYN'A. .. BT.. DRIDUKIVATien. • !vier Ult. ,• r . • i , , , septls4. . - - . • 1161 .~ iS't Sll - : i'. i j'l MWi 'kff V01.51Lt0.39. retramits-witic. 11.09rmaip Visctitma - NEW* BRIGHTON, Wllo4B24ySi . ind RETAIL WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, I.S Mixed Colors, 3n Oil and Dry. parboil Oil, 1„„ex6,1, Neat's Fo A- nt On. rj - rib - • marit-Oir,-- I; Spirits Terpentinco, iCoack - )41(4.: • .COPAL VARNISH. u !TIT RE VAltNlgli,'!, 'DAMAR VARNISH, 1 • i i• •• i-, •, SHELLAC: Abir , • 11 . 11LAC1i.: VARNISH, r ?• !•1 , ;•• • , 111 t r . : I . ir _ ;,,, . 1 . :•,. ' 0: ;, 'VClptEE'lli PATEN! JApA N • ApTIST'B I Picture Frames, (to order,) '` 1:6011114d OVA EISM,I LOOKING GLASS .PLATES, HSR4i4IiANP:PTIE ;.•,i WINDOW GLASS, FREIT , aa ANTY ;;SAND PAPER, &C. 11110ton:wog aro CASH ova livery of Goode. 1, jani:o9. _ _ I\4I3EICIFIANT IrAimatusa.—Ttlolpirt. Iva dersigued takcia^ldesolve• cilium. of NOW Brighton and vidpity that in ad dition to his usual stock of Goods, be has Just re ceived *large lot of French clo.tlia, Eaatthh Mal ton..French.Dceskle cushatm,± • ILMIOftZ caul tnenei, sultabtedde ralfitud" wrister *ear: also a tine assortment of the lateet styles of vesting.. all of which he will make up to order at the shortest notice and on nary faudrabk) term. GenOilmii4*lnMAMnigGomh At hl, otom will alert ho forint, everything In the tlratlemen e Furbishing (toed, line, which he will Menage of its moderate profit. GittillOt. BRAUN. store on Broadway, New Brighton, Pa. vepit3tn• E xtniord!sta . ry, ; GRAND Naomi ASCENSION' • IN BEAVER,- • • (lonia not be more astonishing than the SIMON SNITGER & CO., keep the Ismt, largest and freslicxt stock' GROCERIES, FLOUR; FEED, ,, ke In Denver county. And although It taker oar to make a Balloon tire, von will rind, If yon visit their ertablirhment that they chat have to rmlort to you to make their goods go. To all, we would say, "r ugh In" and examine nor stick! We have on hand the Oneut and hmd TrAs ; , ; . . • COFFEE, SUGAIRS, RUM SPICES Molasses, SYrUPSI Soaps, alio the best • brands or Rty.4 , o Evitklvis found in the p tee 5 We make a specialty of FLOUR cCv FEED. buying and selling none hut what us known to be the very best varieties . to we. Unit establish ment enjoys a well earned reputation In this par ticular. and we intend In the , future es tn the past to maintain It. WE DEFY COMPETITION. Don't mlidake the pace. R e an• Pith nt the old tam). went end of 3d St., Denver. rn. Come and et. ne,. Una,. f t •• 1, • ! r. 0. MORGAN. L I-ot'i4:1[0:01:111t TO sIIALLENBERUER lilios. Fine Family Groceries. Queensware, jlardw•are, NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, WOOD AND WILLOW WAHL, BACON, FISH; FLOUR, SALT, LIME, Contry Proindalwiu Mane for mods: Gcxxls delivered free of charge in till the Villages. THE PEOPLE'S Cooperative Life Insurance Company BE faVER, PA., nearporaual by special Actor the Legis Ware, Apt - 11141h, WC% E, I'. KUHN, Em., President, M'KINNbY. JR., Trr,i urrr, M. It. ADAMei, Secretary. A. W. TAYLOR, General• Agent. This Company IA now fully organized,' and Citculani e eontaining ity Constitin . and By-r.ftws tday be obtained by apply ing to the Clrenera s l QI RTIA,2V - Rl-1, IV;lnvlte the Public Before InAuring.,El4riehere,to a fire fat Emoting'lion of the aropertt tice•Syetem, As ilitistrated in nor eircular,,und the se. wily olieruktp il(cinmiretk - number of energetic . 041iiirarbn can n give sufficient security Inr the faithful per. forManee of duty, will rind permanent ern. pinyment, by application to the General Agent in Periebt or tr litter. • Lientr /44C . akaa' • Vi46. , . ` alet &Aft WINDOW SHADES In great variciy, Ow. : ~y.~ s ~t~tiY::~ . ~e' = ~' I • ' i c4ll.6i)ilT-- I' - t 8:! %.11:13Er1 tli A ter L. 471., r ',di " • 0' i/•' ; 1; ,![ ,, T • •Itfi • .0)111 - aria -,5:•.4 It, 11/9 .118 : .4 , •,, , • Al" ' 7 " , 4 WITS 11',.:111, Jial:4ll • of I I f • 0 1800 .***ImOW s 1:11,1Nti TOOK' Mil E , T Oil. Cloths, Etc Etc, M'CALLUM BROTH'S. c 4 li street . onto, o Who BRUSIIEN THE -LARGEST STOCrIN TIIE VAR FtlAnt 4,0914 Qualtiles to the Teri 'Lowest brutes. WINDQW SHAPES. Fine and Common Table Coven!, &c., &e. Priea uniform to'all, and the inweg. ninr24.ly - - - FAIRBANKS NTANDAMI • • • ALSO, BAGGAGE BARROWS WARE lIOUSE TRUCKS. eckliyiretta PIREk3NE,Q• IMPRO%/ 3 EY DRAWE4I,B. %LIU- P REY Volrbnolue. Morse 4.k Co" 100 Second Ateourbuerir Wood St.. Pittsburgh. SCALES' REPVIRED PROMPTL‘:. 11 9r 16 !nog* - • • • . GERMAN GLUE, few -appliet ie is ieheved anti - cured as if by mpg It removes oi tensive larentb, Loas or Impairment of the sense of taste, smelhar Hearing, Watering or Weak Eves, and Impaired Memory, When caused by the stole nce of Catarth, , ;as they all frequently are., We• offer in . ;good faith a standing rewhrd of . $5OO for 'a case of Catarrh that we cannot cure. sold by most Druggists 16.Oryswhere. num:. om.c. 30 CENTS. 4talt your Drug gist for the Remedy, but if he has not yet got it on sale don't be put off by accepting any miserulde worse than worthimis sub stitute, hilt endlose Aiikir tents to mo and' tinAtentody Will .be WO. you Ipokt paid. Four package , : V 2, or one dozen for $5. Gict that . . Semi a 2 cent stamp for Dr. Sage's putuphlut on ,Catatrh. Athlretia the iro ifrieti.r, • -•• < At. V-.41-I:Rag,-1.1..n., Ina r3::laujoginritp3in.). Buffalo. N. Y. ,S. J. Cross ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVING ItEWand MESE GOODS. DRY GOODS, HATS it CAPS, Boots and Shoes 1 NOTIONS IX GREAT VA RIETY. ME FARMERSASDMECIIANICSTOO,LS HARDWARE. o.lficera td NMI MMIMI ME MEE Err dB. PA Tinveson imnJ Mil M'CALLUM BROS. ...infallible Rem does not, like the mil Irritating and strong ,solutions with the people ing been bum % simply pain, : 0. short tune, m 'the disinse lungs, as there ter of doing in .1 •of such nos. hut It pnalue :ricct and per-, it cure, of the cases of chronic' rh:as tholianda: stify. "COW in lead" is cured Dry Goods. THEIR STOCK consist: , ..f t Full •As,nrtment of nll kinds Builders =II NAILS 'PURCHASED BY 100 KEGS, A NTI :Fon; SA LE. NS LOW AS (AN DE - Bon:HT IN PITTSBURGH. Att Sizes of Window - Glass, PA.IN - TS Lixisseed. WHITE LEAD, COLORED PAINTS DRY AND IN OIL, Cleveland. White Lime, ENT, i. i ; . - j - : .., : ,..., A rii,ii l i t ii,rlropii!i.p . r. 4 . ! -, ./. F ..] rn GROCERIES, .BACON, 4. LARD, FLOUR, of different gendex ileiivered anti WARRANTED ` Mil We .buy no 'aerie! geode, but keep the best quality, [tuaylD,ly. . , • . rostesis , oo hcthrißeusie The Ettuis, Augpyik, 1869. /A 3 t*4*. ingigpßoyitiiik ixigtth4."4l • :'4 l '? 0i 1 0!IPg my opinion by still reltudnini mast soon leave, for alilileasureintist have an end and . .busthe& get, some attention, when daily bread la ex-, ptxted;so beftik this reach& 'you I w111 . be..5n injt way acpzei the'Atlan tic for the fourth time, 'and glad I 'shall be when land Is sighted. 'Eve rybody who 'has' reed 'of 'Paris luts heird ofJurdin 3fabille; one of the , sights of Paris. I have heen there,' and propose to give you this letter 'Concerning thatches of aninsements 'known as Publle Rai, and 'among the iitanypeenliar institutions' wine, is more striking than three;und id; 'though conducted on the prtheljel that where there Is restraint there is, no pleasure, and though actions are Indulged In by the fettudevotarleeof the dance such as you will not find indulged In among the upper circles at home, Americans often attend them, and are often lobe found`trip ping the fightfanhistle in iv manner that would quite tertpriarttheir friends at ;home... , • Thera are many. of, Abase public baits In Paris, but' a .desetip tiorvot turo ottheru, telkrelfitutklitthe upper and lower (bowut .theae,ln-' stitntioas, (for.there la- sa upper and lower elate even in the e:affairs) will serve to give your readers some Idea of how they are managed. Among thew institutions. none is so well known to Americana as the JARDI2f bl4.lllUCky A charmingly laid out garden on the Avenue Montaigne but a few stepsoff the Champe Elysees. Everything is done that geed taste can suggest or .lavislt expenditure procure to make -the place attractive; charming bow ersinvite lovers to orstentialet walks_ Invite the stroller, - gas lets twinkle among the trees, waterjets from beau tiful fountainS cool the air, while the heat of Music is - discoursed by an ex cellent oreestra. The dancing Plat-: term is eircialar, of great size, and surrounds the handsome 'l3oVeretli stand In which is seated the oreestra, anditliover the garden stands chairs fur the accommodation of tired visit-. ors. At nine o'clock the gates. are • opened trod remain open till twelve i'clixt:*-4,,.1114TtrY Occasions,' • the Prieeiiimetuetsloll being three franCEi for'gtintleitisid 'ono franc for ' tipMitaifteringthegardenhutt- Alieds of .gaily died females are' found Jo the ex cellent proMentide Music discoursed by thB orceitra,WhileitAidsitek of the nude sex are almost its itiimerous. 7 .6%3 toile lnstances of thi3 females being in -many - thepeifection of rich ness and good taste, while diamonds glitter; lace abounds, and costly silks trail on the groand. Soon the hoar •for dancing arrives, the band strikes up a lively quadrille, polka. or waltz :and away whirl the Ilan&-ri shoes and silken stockings showing, ruffled garments peculiar to the sex being exhibited in a startling man ner, and the long trailing dresses ele vated in such a manner as would lend the observer to conclude that they might as well have been left at home. As the evening passes and the terpsi chorean votaries become warmed to the work, the Can-Can is indulged in and forms attractions for those who have come to look on. Those who have been shocked by this somewhat. active dance as produtXd in the Grand Duchess on the stage of a theatre can form no conception of the style at. • Mabille with only -ordinary every day attire. It is striking. The male spectator who occupies the inside of the circle that always surrounds the dancers, must need watch his high hat, or when he Kest expects it some agile female will quietly remove it with the toe of her boot, and' leave him to recover it amidst the laughter of the crowd. Unsophisticated youth can gain a knowledge of female ap 'parel that years of investigation at. home :night fall to impart, and mar ried men from ;home, commissioned by Wives left behind, to gain a knowl edge of the latest fashions, will be able to give information . concerning articles of female dress not usually exhibited to public • view, that will give the aforementioned wives an idea of great powers of research on the part of their liege lords. During the - interval between the 3ances. cliampaigne, coffee;etc.,'are imbibed and furnish stimulants necessary for renewed exertion. And so It goo: night after night, the garden being alWays in favorable weather well at . tended and on fiaturdaY,nights when in addition .to the ordinary attrac tions displays of fireworks are given, nro crowded. Good order is main tained, and although pollee are kept on , the ground it • seems quite wine crisary,' such a thing as adlsturbance being rare trideed.• The main object of, the dance; Is pleasure; and though there nuti be some attraction - to the male lookers on In the ieckles's of person Made, I cannot see wherehfiethe hin for those who ex ;see themselves. TILE VIIATEALU BOUCLE In another quarter of the city, like StahlHein much as it is a elan* ing garden, devoted to the same pur ls:et!, yet differs from it by reason of the differetiolk i frequentehr,. Who are forthe most part students, 44' y iris, &c. The merriment Is HOMO what moo bo4terous, the music of the liveliest kind, and the dancing in keeping 'with the niusle. None of the'gay equipages, with livezled dri vers,, that diselauve at Mebille are fodrid;aboitt. the 'pies' Of .Chateau Itenge,:neithertie the laillhutt ten ettes, the diamonds - or the silks at tract attention. A cab may unload at.tbe . getefbutitgenerally discharg eirsight4tMi; '.No stimulant weals Ile be necessary to -induce actloir ,at this establishment, for whenlhe fink ;bllqt 'front theiireestra anniamees the "*Monneetpentotthe dance there is a xiShier placee =dim evident en joyment ht. the proceedings 4hat . le not appmentiet,3lgbille. A party - dfspoted tricaviltaktht cry, /Albino dai*eiti tOO' little use iftlyel Skirts of their Mimes; hat setlf,p,l4l: = 11 . 99 fie !me.. ' : • `" . • , t1 10 ,44Y n 4 Vre ' ...,: . 4. * lttAhtittAlßgi .for frolgi,the, ,441119 I q.' tit mridriiA mains o [ . . inS: lB 4 4 *thi r : the temele4 timz , , SOW evident ti* 'they thinkalt, . .. *tPOCUT a nefrafiß '“ ' - '::':'l o 4 l tchAfte .Uorm 4 It: gii!,' : , , 1. ' bgiv m_4oA pr it ii : w allf, . - 4 4 33 5#0 gook tio ' ia tiejfig.. ~ _''' ....494ener l tP. i44' high la:evinced:- -• '' " ' ilkiltg up all Wok urn ' 1 - 44, th 14,00.4: p 4P coma 4anily* pr. 4 103 y, Anna: be ieft at the . 4 . ttet. 1 9.4V9,;04 . 4" . talons re . menttiarth • atxltitcp %Ott feebly ircIitat4OMPQMPPAPTS, the Assemblylreptna And pup t r two similar plesewienoondon, are, I lie,- , lieve, notitt. red In. ell , their. , ei g t oT yn ixt ' !ortb4irt; but, OS iFiCr ' de' a-it* peopleiojfolkiiv; - French itshie*4lo:intiSr•bel In'Ssiibip that in a Ow .iiiihe 'thlicimstaisive: 'ideas may quoifilbe - tiliinglinolorrot, strtalfir'Wititst*lii Aittelifs.it•.in; tad It Was ruttaiiitiast Whiter - 11dt at w public ball tinfewY6rkttictiaii, Can was dantiAirlthethilestePaMati, vim, and thew** Icanwink What . we may come to yet, , • ', - . .: ; , , . . PIE } :rAit t 9,l l : q' , ... - ' • . .: . . , ~. 2 ' v4l. • 1 1 I t . i:,, =CIL until the 16t4 Mei, • stay and•bePrOWentbeilott or iliii,Vet4:l•4oll4 'Maria 'an-, wally On . thitti4oThe attnicticriisi thisyter cOnalstiftliSfregetta"ott the Seine, thettstial. • •' , •',itit• theatres' in 'the Champs„, de l end a grand il-, ,-- 1 - •, / tutulnaticirtit, ” • t.:: AllParistrirti ed out as. ustati I though It was the &Melia - confess I entirely . forget it Waii#:ii ,:loblervreace of the i r day, Witg Sot di fferent front that • . • at'home. - •• •-•-• .g passed off qui : etly and nimbi :.,• •to sleep in quiet, 1 although it teee' ; '.. Oredthere would he trouble:on , • ' daY. ii ,-. • , -, . , THE ; nil . i' . 1 14 CA/411.731N1f. Q 4 , ..,• ; ! The folio , • nprresPohdence ex plains itscl&-,. . story Which it so effectually • . • .. ',.. ••• • med.to us, when it mall* • to•require ne no-. tice. •In the, ~ ' Of the reperts of tho Sheriff, CO '•• ' : triSor, Superinten-:, *dent triad .a • ykicians of Phila.' itelPtda:Wlte . `, ••• acquainted with Twitchellv • = new him as .well when dead*. • , • ..-•. alive r and 'all of them'' .• • •• • . ;••• oath, itkenied to 'US Ire .. • n :', finch a bile as that set i oat .' .7.4 1 .1 leek and the Mo n gen ,••;`,'' :ticiuld . obtain the least „tvederiget t end 'we , question„7.iierekvil • , ..,:., y intelligent man. ift•tholitittk. '• • .edit: '.Noverthe-. lisiii; Ulu* • -•••:;:‘", '.• ely circulated In printoriatt. • • • .. •to the ears of the ens ,lulowit ' ' • N ''.- • puloris pnliticians whale• •• : , '. • _-ininiC governor . Geary by . ,_ ~ ~;,? • g film ;' with the 4ffair. The: .. •.- .: is • the ,a corpse was substitri "." , "1 4. Tivitchell who,' instead of ; • : .7 :.1 •,,tlng Stileideas rep ratentedili • ; . , ye In Mentana,• and that, reltief.,: r,, was . in' sortie, way, pri - v,t4 : : .1 ‘-' .. A more.in,i . famous I*. • • was never"' concoc ted; and the:: :1 , •': : .'it•teas.designed to effect Is ' •• .4... , •er win tho . lie.:: Numerous: ': '-' • •: • 'hiving - been re-:' ceived by tht e: ," ',.,., •r on the sub-, 'aim* •t. , • • • .-tiliferent Ject sections o thelstate;T an d = numenYtts inquiries' haVing been pin to him during his tour through the northern counties of the State, he determined to sot the calumny' at .rest by evi denee which 'could not he doubted. The following correspondence, has the sworn feitimony of the Superin tendent, Physicians and officers of the Philadelphia County Prison, will show that he ha,, done so :, I.l.7ctrurivm Cti.eumm, 1 lianiusnunu, Pa., Sept. 13, 1869. Col. l'eter Lyle, Sheriff of Phila.: DrLtre Sre.-- , A story has been put In circulation, founded Upon a letter, pretended to have been received from Montana, by Hon. P. Gray Meek, 'editor of the Bellefonte Watchman, to the effect that George S. Twitchell, jr., is alive, and has been seen and conversed with by persons with whom he is welt and intimatel y - ac quainted.' Thfs' , stotemen Is made with such 'Seeming accuracy and plausibility,. and such positive de clarations of its truth, by a man who occupies a prominent position in so ' clety, and, who • for two' successive years has represented his Ilitririet In . the State Legislature, thatit is receiv ing a wide circulation, and obtain ing Credence among intelligent and respectable gentlemen in the interior of the Commonwealth. • • ' , The allegation is; thaton the night previous to the day set for theexecu tion of Twitchell, by virtue of a par .don granted by Governor Geary, for which a large , sum of . money was paid, the dead body 'of another con vict was placed, in, TwitchelPs cell, and the murderer Set at liberty, and that he is now known to be at large and in geed health.lf you received a pardon, as stated, it was an Mtn • mous forgery; and you were grcesiy imposed• upon. , Such letters how ever, as Meek round his allegations upon are usually' , mere fabrications: I send you, herewitit,n copy of 'his paper, containing his , editorial and 'the letter to which he alludes... , As a fraud of the description named could not powibly have been perpe trated Without your knowledge, con- Sent and connivance, as well as of the keeper and superintendent of the pris on, and other respectable • citizens, your reputations, as well •as that of the Governor, are all, more or lees involved involved in the, as yet; unrefared, statements of the Bellefonte Watch ' num. - , • ~ . • . , - As . the public mind is becoming uneasy on Otis subject, I most respect fully request that you inform me, 'at your earliest ipossible convenience; ' whether 'there , van be any truth or 1 totmdation'whatever in thesedamag . ing • 'stutetnents - . of. Hon. .P. Gray Meek. Very respect :Idly and truly yours, . • - - JNO.' NV 011.4.1tY: . , , . -,, GoV. of Penna. P. S.— I wills expect your answer by return mall. • ' 1' ,•• i . , . Stilatur's (honor., ' ; I'ult.AnnzmnA, Sept. 14; 180 j To Gov=ltOu, (IKAn.v: Dear Sir—l have Jim . received -your favor. °Rho 13th inst., -together - with tho publication contained Lin the Bellefonte newspaper ofj Sept. 3d, in rela‘tion to the Lose of ,lieorge S. Twitchell. lily attention had, been called to thispublication'several days -since, but I paid no regard to it, and looked upon it as tut- idle. L st9ry. There certainly bo Lno doubt whatever that Osage S.L.Twitchell committed suicide on the morning of the day, Axed for his execution. I -went to the ~ Philadelphia county prison on that morning lat 9 o'clock, together with a jury o 12 citizens selected .for the ,purpose or attending hit execution, ad • we, Lentered , the cell of; Twitchell and there found .him lying deadln• his bed,.. I. was . &milt:smith his featuretwal person, and had= difficulty in' identifying Idm, and I anivery positive as to his .deeth. - modes return to the See ; retary of the, Commonweplth.of these facts under 'oath, endorsed- on the ,death warnuit,..wh may refer tOdit in'tbst ? went. , The ig/211 =1 ... 3 ..... . . . . :L . / ''.....1.1{ . 2 i>:.? . . :4' C.: 1.6 . .41 . ./. . -,••.“. J . - - 'll{ 4411 I (M 41 0 4. t ' • .4 1,1 '....t .9t t ; i :rill ' .7..• , ..) k ; •16 r '' .. l i 9 fir' 'I 171 i 4. a .o. 1 * .1:1t' itisuD , 41t . 14,. it' - TT' trzt+i ,+..., I . .*.ki - ,=114.144+1 ;0' o +)i tn, 'i+ ) A l ill t a..l. eir'' , F" 1 ": riftr i 0.11 . 4 . .$ ; :+.1.1: - .+`:)+-ai 74.rirrtc.,I.:+t > '4 , t-, - • .. - • fir•- -$,,.. . , . ~ - I , +++ • I V - I.+++.l"o; , x++!,.4.it f.4 . 4-4'.4 4'4+, 4'" .. ! --- 111 , - ,-41 . 7+, +++.l ' t+)i '.l ...: i,..1 iv • . • •.. .- . • f/11.1 714 Ihti.ft I :hl't 101)1 1/04 "I / 1441 i ./Ift' Ai-Lk • ..rf T Oliiiii i ria 6 igild ttli•4,olint• - inutbe. "bodY of Irtvitebell onftmame 41aA MANG . tiegetli*kkilli tP..l.thAKtbswitl •, • N e io . t : fir ed .- a ifft i po il.: 'thin . ' Itit.fieltoltell i steenti,i end nevei,ltairdinell et tbingapekict _:.'•.-:i'4"",e 4 " l . : f:—xhte-vig.ait.. t ' lraoVu•r" ,sl,. 4 l. P lh-e..:..r. ,i•ffv-, ! Wl'lFidie ty7ttrtTAiity: uart . stanylel en t:tna wholly t I, h y ar e atice.ic..l ;4/bePl e 1;:r :-.- •-. • • ... . • . -••:l7..nnitisnultn, Pa..;lsePtalk4 B o. ' • William ./$4 . 1 i 2 A 148 . , ete1•5.:47 4. 9 ) . ( J . :O 'Y': mo r me.h. - §&Ti t ion 7" Dmifilit= l - - Thlti: . 1 2 :• ; •Orttir.litic*,! inemberAllhoiStiticelltsgishitiftki, , , Amtiputritt:cisculation;,tbroughi the celumns ef. the Willforite Watchman, 'a stideznent, "it ebp' ,orwidell Is bete ittenbletxii:itlithat 'Ehxligts - i . ft. '..Tivitebet,jr.; (null ' as the' naus.i hrectif Mrs:t e ptclAwholwas:to' hay° been; ;Cat ,the ith„of A p n last;lii city Iti - good'h4Athlt*l, enjoying his liberty in attit'of the' \ edt6M Territorleti:: •Mr..Neek. as-, iferts4lift Yew-Will terchrik that , the tortme:Of anOthek man'i'as placed in Twildlell'ecnil on the 4 1 0 11 LO:the . 'Gth,,44011„ . and -the ... condemned inter r(dokeed' Had tibt this Storyeveitecniati from "an aPparently tespectable- Rai:l'f respimsiblersource, 41 would;probably, have been. passed .b n i heeded; but beings° plausibly . • .grtii,, it is being_ i•c•intgl_ut-. *-•-•: .. ..• • . beside snatennion, and;receiving the credence of many j intiWgeut and respectable eitlzenS. : 1 ~ If th . ereis any truth hi this .state meat, your Chariteter Iriseilinisly in oohed as keeperof the prison; :as it direetlyChltrgesiyon With (eruptivity in a.groes fraud,- and. zualftetsume , in j your: official pontion. • ,The sheriff,: and 'ether citizens, are 'lso leaplic l / 4 1- 1 I fed in the Charges of Mr. Meek 1 I As this subject is Assuming some 1 '•importance, you mill please . Inform ine.by return mail, or as soon there- after as fansible, whether there is any foundation for the allegation to j.whicli lihave called your attention. Truly and respectfully yours, (Signed) • J-so. W. 1 6-ity. . • • —. ~ „ . . • 2b iris Excellency fohn:lV.Vagig Slit—Your favor or the Pith instant 'came dilly to hand,' and I send by "return mail the document - you ask for, hoping it; will prove satisfactory. The whole thing i i such a base fabri cation, and so bears it on its face, that the object is transparent ?o . 1 »- jureyou, but in this they will' most signally fail. I tun your friend,,,ke., . . • Wm. B. PEnitiNs, Sula't. Sept. 14, ISM. Cily qf Pkiladlephia. era: • , Personally appealed before me, the - subscriber, one of, the Aldermen of the city of Philadelphia, 'Win. ' B. Perkins, Superintendent 'Of the Phil adelphia • c7ounty' Prison,' IL Yale Smith; X D., Benj. F. Butcher; M. D., physicians of said prison,. and Patrick. (lusly, one of the keepers ;of th 6 same; 'also Andrew "Fleming and John - Clayton, who bad special charge of6.•ls.•Twitehelljr.,who was sentenced to:be hung ,on the sth of, •April,lB69, on the charge of murder of lira. llill, Who, being duly (mall lied according to law, du depose and say, that they have seen an anony mous letter dated Fort Shaw, Mon tana Territory August . 21st, ISI;a, ad -dressed to P. Gray Mek, t•sq., tied published in the'Belybote ll'afehntan :iii which it is alles•ed„ , among other things, that Geo. - S. Twitched, jr., tbo murtierer_of,4•23.,Mary E. 11111, Ls stiltliving and wits seen by the writer at that place. This stateinent is absolutely false. George S. Twit ellen, jr. ' committed suicide in this prison on the morning of the sth of April, 181;9, and a post mortem examination of his body was inade by D. Shapleigh in the pretence of Messrs. Mann, Collis and O'Byrue, the counsel who had der, fended the prisoner, and also in the prosttnee-of Dr. 11. Yale Smith and Dr. Benj. F. Butcher (physicians of the prison,) Dr. Richard .1. Levis, Dr. Alonzo L. Leach, Dr. 'l'. S. Butcher and Dr. - Alter, all of whom were familiar with the prisoner's ap-• pearance in his lifetime, tool knew the body to be none other than that of George S. - Twiteliell; jr. Ills rt'L mains were also seen by members of the pres, who had been preseut at the trial, by his father, and by the °dicers of the prison, all or whom - 'knew the body to be that of the man who was tried and convicted of the murder of Mrs. Mary E. 11111 (his mother-in-law.) At the Post icon. tern examination his brain, heart, Intestines were removed from the body and the trace of prussic acid discovered. This. was done in the presence of all the counsel and physi cians above mentioned, and the bot tle midair - Ling the remainder of the acid was found by Dr. Shapleigh in the identical boot of tho deceased Twitehell.. His risnains were handed to his father and mognizetl by him, and were interred under the care of Mr. Bringhurst, undertaker ; and further deponents salth not. Wu. B. PERK ila, 11. YALE SMITH M. 1)., .11. F. Bev:I - mu:M. I)., PATRICE CASSIDY, ANDREW :FLEMING, • ' JOIIN,CLAVTON. Sworn and sultscrlbed to before ow this tho 14th day of Sept.., A. D.lsco. JE.'sl S. flipz.s.tia., Alderman. [rrooi Tol•do alum, I , NASUI. REeium's 'l'.kvEux Holmes Ohio; Sept, 1, 1869—1 bed parsthelly prepared apPent totho Democnicy uv Maine, Ohio. and P.eunsylvanin, but jest ezi w us tinisldn uv it up that .inhunotts wretch, Pepper, came in with his bill fbr board. I enn'tligni- date it, and I nm preparin to be decu ted.from.the premises. FA I know from exPerienix. what method will be adopted to remove me froth the heuse, - I lice stuffed the sheets from My bed in the sent ni• my pantaloons. Thus genius mitigates evils wick it (=not altogether avoid,. Thu sl wets will ease the kick, and kin be told for enuff to pay mleroad litre. Let Pepper come, I am prepared. shei go - to Mock Chunk, Pennsyl : Nelda. • Asa Packer.' our, glorious standard bearer-hoz twelve millions uv dollars, and Twant to get in afbre it is all gone. Fs. thcrienders •tot the Philadelphia Dimocrary hey hodfull swing at himforowerantouth, /-111i11.1t .thake - haste. In the general bleedin the old man her Subjected hisseif to it would be an in faMOUS shame - if I don,t get a fort drops.; 0, that Pen dleton was oltioind rich, an x hats . to bo governor. 0, how I envy' their l'ennu.sylvania Diteecratii who 11:16 Packer in hand ! It's better for.'eni than a gold mine. ' But—l 'hear Pep. pers's steps on the stairs.. Adm.. . Pt:TROIA:I44 • V. (Tell wuz Postitm.sier ) (len. It."('. Cox,. of I.lbet4y, 'hi an independent candidate for Treasury of Volta county, Gen.(lox was o quk dtdato for nqinination_at the Repub lican nosiiivatiois conventioributiail ed to . recetve" the, icinctiori Or that bOdy. If a man• is' especially. co& ecited, such. a failure is almost hare to bring him . out- . aa an Independent candidate, and the election which followa almost inVailably'hkem the 'conceit out , of hint altogether. '" licost a Cincintisti.:youth ,, ttvent , Y -410/141" .wbALI4IO:II44) it. • - , . . ommie-Ebrtfaufforidgmrite _ =.9L um! mit,9,4 2 V+Ao will please step into the i n 4. er roont.'! Such watillie'WOrtla a do ixT otkililoW6thikaibel iittainraadetn lhp "(Wort WilU t etxritfloe•S , tioraktrig* 4144.bkia11-*listatsperhxle YlM f thattirectlt i d; PF l 4blgauciebitap . f . or;guneAttita..ttto Agave ordar,was ''With" The •tielleit that fie hoar ?Of their-NOM klellyacattedfratnabidatictene Priam 4141 1 atzlat= ,4 1 1-100 W Par ( n- U 1 (1,44;11(4* lrobbe r r l loor liename - p to a' ' thani in a tone and manner that Maker& .1:81311% te7l4s — waa about 4 blip.' #: An 'hope *Of preseatif lately iled,lo4. gidarhy *lbotirignettkdth)wn: u litotes* W.r. 4 "47: PrlitaftkiviN 1 not '• '7.eirt , /mg LIM ,3 41,AAWAbte Ulu Mgr Cniuldithl . : Mil" *me ordet'Whithil higeltr,:thy"hand drat" by lot two octyotir•ittonber Jwitebofuell"telY.hlargrd in ratallaUon fdr a ConfetterAto.,oll4m JAY*4 II ,-we think has beert_.)krangruny_ etolatted by Ycatal7muntattr.:4lavri shall this ;ups nful ,datir , I)ope,rfonar E;dtlP " officer wn6 thuil Spo Astspretil'aitlnd- hearted' mitthra appreciating• - theotsltttathmi; Areenty 4 ,Wa s AblPosedinc, far-aa ,he could, to stglp.the terrible trap, 4•out, to 1)0 enacted of its drape . of honer: Itti ociteriag; however, n few niiiiiieTnt from the . revulsion -which this an- nounennent naturallY urealtassi-ftsi. arrange a lot tery' to determine with the greiteSt possible - fairnms, the - names o' the two Who were to die: -Stipa of , pa. per, equal in number to Ow priso*: era present, were placed in it olv ing Wheel. • All these,. slips' , except I • two site blank; • those !two,f fatal' pieces t bore ,tswhplainly ;written • thereon In large charactersum awful word"MUTH."' 'The lottery bf death. it is nit relleetiOn oponthese brave men to state that though They • had one and all etas:dully ismilitintbil death unflinchingly on. a 'hundred battle liiilds,,yet us each one stepped forth•to,titrn for himself that wheel, and them drew out what might be his death warrant, there wen:blanch.; el checks and trennilous hnds. During all this. probatiding; except the creaking ut tlw • wheel, the •stiil. ness of the grave reigned throughoid en asseniblitge wlarsi presiding offi cer Wits the Angel Of Death. As each man slowly'drew forth • from that (K -t& wheel the. little slip of paper, quickly scanning both sides null find mg it blank, with a lighter heart and quicker step he resumed' his positiOn among his comrades; while another name is •callest ' With, Thus the drawing continued _until •nearly half the list was linislasl, when IQ! one of the two tickets' Ikaring that awful wont is drawl forth, end the name ruinonneNi was "Captain Sawyer, of New York." With true soldierly bearing he strpred- - quickly aside from the companionA• hettilitht nee er.mingio with wain, undtha why A. few . ..more reveautiottii• n few more blanks are drawn when I beladil the second death nicrmge atIL pearls, and the nnfertunate drawer is "thptain Flynn,. of the Indiana Vol. uuttx re. :11e3ilutrillilinself by the side, of Captain Sawyer, and there stood the two dootiu.d men; objects of the' deepest svinputily' and 'cam. miseratlen of all their companions, who wenpoWerless to , meter them any aid. The two officers were riot allowed time. fur.,thei.,indulg,enee of gloomy thoughts, for they worMor dered toprepare for., immediate exe s eutilin. lint desperate as the Condi= tinn ' was; Captain fi , awyer reAelVed niifili - diFtvithliat - nntlingwri - effort for life, hopeless as it might seem. Obtainingpen :mil paper lei hume- Mandy addresst , i*l an energetic not to the rebel authorities; protesting against the barbarism of all Instant • execution, and if it must take place al, all. tlemanding as a right, tittle to wriu.i •to his wife at her northern bonae and to receive her last won's of affection. The requis.t was gruntat. No sooner did -airs. Sawytir receive htJ huslsind's letter than with light ning speed she hastened to Wash ington, obtained an immediate Inter view with President Lincoln, who carefully read the letter, and declar ed almost with an oath. "those then shall not Me." lie forthwith circler cd•that the rebel general, Pita lugh Lis:, cud another of hi-h rank, both then in the bands of ttie Northern ers, Into dose confinement as hostar,L es, and eutificadon was given to the Richmond tlovernutent that if Cap tain Sawyer unitElynn were latruall the two Confederate ollieer4 should at once be hanged. All restilted as Sawyer had ridenlated ; the execti. tion was suspended, and in a few ltayS, the: two were exehanged. A faithful anti heroic wife had saved her husband, and probable prevent ed the inauguration of a' Work,' sys tem of reprisal and execution of pris oners on bath sides, that would have horrified the world. It is worthy of remark that during the fiVe or' six days'of nwtul suspense pruceding his release the mental anguish of Flynn • AVM 'IICII as to }?aunt' his luxuriant crop of brown hair to tarn perfedlv white, The foregoing • are all known facts, which have now become historiad as part Of the (treat RA:W.- 110 n., ,Sawyer and Flytm , are still liviug, and may they long snrVive to rehearse the remembrance - Of their narrow esestoe,and the part they, bore in that terrible !JP:W. , / et% Death. - We aro gone up!" add a.worthy and stauueli Deni add ixral.friend. " It is just as 1 thought it would be," he continued, with a doleful MUM tenance and solemn " are sail,- d andmlght just as well acknow ledge the torn and give up!" " What's the trouble '1" We meek , : ly required. 'W by Paeker'snioney lingsi curse them 1" " "Its Packer's money bags that are nominatol, or that nominated Packer." "That's it exactly. That's the very rock npon!which we have split. I wish Packer's money wars to the, sir r there is not a anitelimta hle little witiNstsnapper, cam. trY editor,there is rat runiseller lit longing to the party, there is not a boater, or hummer, that uhuutc for LI 41 or volts our ticket, that 13 not dam; oriug fora share of Packer's nibney. Wherever We' tarn, some idle* sei'- es thelilltton hole and demands his part. Tim truth is, if• Packer had hundred rrulliwad iustelatol, andscattered among theni every far thing,could not i•iatisfy their Inm'- tiate cravings, • There Is no use of talking:, • Oeary is elected." . • • it is ascerted an -.the authority of Win: F. Smith, of Phirailelpltia, pad As l'acker, who has claimer( re,i deuce iu that city since 1861, has un it* liaid one 'lncome tlix In' all : clad time, annitintintr to about tgl2 Bidet% tax of $B9O on writcheaaial elt ver-plater Widc,kvputil. 4:11 all. .Thlaatatutpent is worth itiquir in,,r, into on the jiart of therevenue efficials of Crtilion'end' -IPldr. I'4'6lm/111m mnlly!shirked the payMent id his national:as wall p state,.hotough and county taxes , _by rOlilehee, It l's'proirr thittlitettniblfehhetild bentlicially in -farmed the 6tet..-0 , frlends,of now ln • tvlioni you - him; not' 'eonadonee-i whentrlcra cotinot trust In all places and stall seasons. , The best kunst: s idp you can make, is that. which Is tua on,those feelings which spring from the olxercabee ofttered truths. 101,40411- E ikltivini firDia MWM:l=l2=l ,o•rproji.hol ew • • INOPAirtr. Art, t ; mtaTiig ri s, wca , ', di ',ll/01,40,,t'• l'‘OipLUtinitsdiAdinitt,4vliti4ltiiilition: . oxplOrin t ithe Efinei.ll4vorroti.hrunett le, p z weartox , • Oa: 8111 1 hatof Pcii‘v , i t . [ Oreett i ltltree .'nfriv . A "'/" ahaleit Wad ' 20ta 4 xfs,Y.AttiW b ,rafi; mi ,bi ett, , ripwystp4; Sour yittliplittl ste aertee . ethurovitr t)etatOrkebt, , 'ithittilottng• 0 Aidantily 'lying 'rest' of 11111 4 1toiltylliffittlitifinit ft* ehntfgri-. 4sietptite river/4440 will'-ribwsub-' 11 1 -4ta9.P4 1 ,0 PitifPB o 4, of , hki.dltircortt- LeeZei3SmtotitrY of War, Itt,the g,letter to flokil' Mari _Mint& IF4' ..iCteigiveiti'bileflitetbrithil OM% leallttri¢ sii4 lett& frormea 'Mame' -Wrigip Bowline" first: -=vx74lol#44:27KlTrifOine tki reeks' i f '• , ' ' - tid6iozOdif o voitid i&, niiiiiiil itnitin'iwii etinittry thixidgfr *filar ft wendsite aitylroenthe Rocky. Mom tains. to itezt - 0411*California: brie Been gawk, virrnircrAyzttxt „kly, , Imo, fesifortal le ttaxcgiaistul a mere re- Met explorerArboluaex i 0 v-(l,4oth ingledtVidtuttly ish'd ha T 4 T- • • tehe of the hahlAhl lii • timeperabl9!hanheetert ,Atli the devdoperdent of the ( nrra .Inoqint4o) ~Wwt... Alio, irgitlie, in an4iequenee, have been deceived, and (+pig l i g r i, u t i .l a i t 1... n ( a2 r e u 1,.....— turid .,A , ~,t i- cor . -it I reit etis of ttuegleeted siktdonarit tenillory whiekmtet soogattntet pr attgation of alto Government. It is, tutpavihke for' in'e; 'ld this blot cientildeletttibt) to ester into the Athjeet if letigthoie I- hive: uouo: in m;ii: ()theist: report, W hieh, Witt ttitpublirdmlin it few days. 1\ frexploring,party of eleven .men,, With four "boats,' etinstrueted on the Blue It lye'', leftepoi nt ori I hafstream eight miles &Om the main divide or summit of the 'kicky Mountains, July 12th 11 . 5 . ,t1i), for the purpose of de seending the Grand (the main . tribu: tory of the Colorado) to a' point on tho Cokradoltiver.l where I had us tended .froui the Gulf, of Califurala over,thrw years . Anis:, the facts of which . were : given in my published report to the • Secretary of War, and puhlished le - 4:he - New Vork•7',Untni, and other papers ofthe East and %Veit. l'or the that lOU ntili.. after starting ',Nun(' thii der.i...ent of the river to be oVer rc,Oho ti.:4it. • The rocky and cave eanons of thii IN, , and the Brand. and. swift. canons f the (intuit Itivts kfound to he tiwiftetr and much more dat4,-creel= than the...gi.tjave, l'ainted, I. , ing','lllttelz - , and lllg'eannii.q of the Colorado ricer, through - ail of which L Wire 'veers Led and-' descended sev ertl ti 0,106 within the htst, Vireo years. .I.drwription•of the current, dopth, and length (if canons, "gave in my published report - . Where r • left the river last to the (lull o 1 Califot , uia, a•distauce of about • 1,100 the di.seent of water (=not be ,oi. - er :111 feet, or Ire; thadt five feet t o o the tulle, time; substautiatiog, the state. meat madel in My: first re - 00rt.1.11 desceralifigThrongh n'' se tit rapid' ettnote!, I - IcAst'my NAV' • ittStru; taunts; mans; - .1;e: Thci instrumenta 1 Wereireidarg.d, whett c with my coo {-twoancti), I.proecedist upon a cedar tuft. 'Thts was broke'up, and ell our provisimis except- four dttyst rations lost. For 7.0 =Wit the fall of water would ayeragn 70 . feet . to, the mile—in ' , wee phuN,3 :pin feet to the mile, t\ title thbc- was a source of satisfaction' to mySelf. and nn addi tional assumncelthat the fall of water must net•eisex.ily below, it wae, a nau.se of alarm to' tile b4utce of my 1 - larty who left Me in tbe llochy Cate eittibti Whe'relhe'ptipitullenlttr'ltsll4 arose from Son to ',son feet.. . in .tlescentling the rivet open our raft, as well le, for 71 miles above where we constructed it, we pakSed through a'sticctsinn of valleys from one mile to thirty l in length, where we tutexpectedly . ifound wild outs, wheat, rye, barb*, timothy, and clo ver grow Lug spoottineOusi y, while the fine cedar and 'oak, timber increased in size. The mineral rPSOUTOM we found to be orthe' most flattering character. ' Time Will not•perfnir me to enter intoa full description of these on the superior Itcilitiea for waking them available. , tlaipublie will know and appreel. to these fact's, and the Press of the East will no 'longer be led astray by. deseriptiima of the canons of the. Colorado, if iseu. by a recent explorer in this, the ck,zwilla hour, whose vision wits so remaika tteute'that at the distance of Imo miles from Green river ho could see the• anions of the Colorado ' in their length and ',depth, and whose letters stated that he was the first to the summit of Lopg's Peak, when it is it matter of public notoriety that women end men lbavo gone before him fur the last ten years, the day and date of whosC ascent was mark ed upon the plate of his triumph. I feel that 1 mini digressing from my object in writing, Had I time I would enter. uppn, it at limgth, and speak of it as its ituportanc iA dennuidi. SANrrm. ADAMS A VERY smiur, coLoNry , When tho groat; iNapoluu wns.tou veytd to the " Wild St. lit:limn," ther'e to 'wear Opt his glint heart chafing Against the imturrile of Sir lfndson Lowe, the English plums' a madam) on the little island of 'Tristan citiketiulin, thirteen hundred miles to tie. south of Ulu seutry girt Lout;-lroOdi to act as "outpost, or picket; to the nnvitl.guard • around . Kt. lick , nu. • The conqueror or.idi releasing, in a few year.s.tho whilow, master of Europe tlw' garriA,on witlid mul from TriAtan"d'Actinhn, and three tnelentwar !allots wete loft undlspti• ted masters of this bright little gam of theca... • . . '‘Nril en 11. :k1;S: Gorgon visited the group of islands of which Tristan d'Acunhais the largest and only In; 'habitable one, the approach to the shore wits lowa' ; I udtud. It would be hattaesSible were it not ;fiir beautifriband curious Prot:6ton Of nature, 'ichich lies erected 'on the northeast aide •a,itatumi breakwater of gittut, ststwetx4 which makus the water as quiet as a mill 'pond. The I.iorgon washoarded hv Six strapping seamen, whoettrae coffin ii very tine whale boat,' and acternpanicsi some animas ou shore., They found there about a dozen huts, all built or,solid tone, evident ly the work of much patience and la bor, but necessary to wittuttand• the furlou.s imrtherly These little stone ho ass arc lault, here and there, and everywhere, mere debiehed them one' would think the should be for I society's sake. ';3hoh has its tittle I garden of potatoes, "Lusk," kennels, mongrel Newfouudlanti dogs, and I substantial pig sf.lcs., The inhabinuns QI the, Island were iu ail forty-three men, taid,• children: "They areal! related; but it • (Men It •to say liotv;fl.4 they• have intermanded with each other.. wail .11- few ,yearn yintx .1)(11elt)st foylor .visited then: froth the dope of t toes! Hope; imd flit the•stun or $5OlO (which a phihmthroptc old Englimatt left' for the ~u rp u i e) remained five .yearti pruning and train : lug, then: .tnoqlls, etc, Thisi should lie a 'lhtlnfly hoot strange to say they are quite the con trarY..•' '• • , t •".• • ',L r 'ltu,krat , riqrch,s; , ,ttt. thu period of a 6 (ce(ll:43.l%itisyl!'t4oLTZTilfeX3Etwtaitieril' Cotton, seventy sine , both old :man of warla, luenj discharged from the service half a century before to settle cat thL4 island. ' !rho inhabihinte subsist mainly on MEE =I Aiktorttretrza, === tWoL f .: , 4I. 1 ;•1111401.t, , 7317thLuxe:4 •/. A`V., Ur al 'NW' • hod. TojnovmslillnialiAlicums of MN kiod must inmurisbir bo aboompoolod Y Llteradniult= 4141 • bo addresaed to , "ludt.tiliWnrittP, dia. Pa. , Otr i gtkuctik o i4 - PIA; of flue aheettr a nnct ; bat eb tain,thairtiltbrriiriseAstc.kar the monsters °Mlle deep wl i rri f e tents:Alio callltirlbr water. Dar ing the nYonthstibtFibldirY and An- , gu.st'considerabieparpben of sea elo. Phsutti - Att 4 ;tluffOtlii Wt. ?finer of %chitin ylithfitibetal foga rtatenl6;6l, oil ercb>t ',tasks . art AniallltUkt of little value. Tbe,lahinds also swarm with seaJa , from Awn . thousand to three thbtoturidlitivWg been' seen in ono year. , • •- Whales areib l kl m ltlftWitAseidoin. The sea slop maket,ffiledren ry colony pat )4 _WP I . II- *PC tar ing Yankee pdPulittlW, the priveat posmaors truddhk Ski etertlon until a ship turble•fi thenutbis whaling, ete,, %pawpaw. They bruw ter all gray ,estolo kirk:pea. end American goods . ; and then they Ile on their oars instant of laying in stocks of vtaiiibki.kgl; elfin, tus ks , corned beef, atm, ready fors the next ship, the. awe, cade: ,wkich would speedily• enrich them and enable them to return to-their father land with ifidepeabent featonas. . • Paek,,,Rar fiviverrommia. Eyery.ftict connected. With the his tory of Asa . Patkeirgotisto show that he is a cold, selfish avaricious man— filtrorithlpper tifthenlinightyciaLlar, • getfing all he ern, and paying no mote than .h& is comtiloil.4th Dq et- nywr cot w nc t go to make up the true Ame.V. faintesrfetv . iltfitnattosasinwsit Oreßg 444E11 - meta' tis a taxpayer-AM* •we have the fact efttdfliihot4. Athol the retord,lhat, while a trietnts - ..t . 64 the Thirty-fourth Gongreisqlie onlyllerv cc I tilly-four days of a sossioe-whieb lasted nine months, and nt the end of that term drew Three Thousand Dot tars front the rational treusury. • The Congrcas to which he was first elected met Deteinber 14.57. The retord shoo/Mita he was absent trim the sth to the 111th of December; from. the 2211'0f December to the ' 4th 'Of January, 1S:16; from the 12th to the ' Ith of. January ; from the flOth of January to the ltli' of March; from the 7th of Mach to the aeth of Juno: from Iheff-Al tu, the of July, oral from the Ist to the 21d 'of ' Atoist: After his return to , Washington. Ott the latter date, he 11, to worry out the session, which c coed On the 00th of Aligust. • Whitt a conscien tious matt Asa packer must bet What a patriotic reproentative ' What' n meted retntrd he must haw 6 tor; his ciaL oath: Elected to repo-sent the ptx)Ple of his district, at a ' time when most important and monseyn• tuns quostioas Were agiUtting then*? don, he served less than two of the ninemonth..irfhts rem ! Bat he pectOf eted full pay. While neglecting to discharge his public duties, _he did lot scruple to take the people'S mon- 'liut „ , , this 144 not all. He seems only to have attended Congress whn • hen %multi be made of service taller:s4W. Power, whose letders were then pre- Paring their plans tbr the great re. • bdlion,.. which they • shortly . afttrs Wards precipitated upon the country. 111 stites'uon the 'few bills 'Which chained his attention ' , •are sunk:feat to.cover. him .with shame and, dis glace. "On 'the hill to Admit Free Kansas into the Union, July 8,1836. the vote stood—yeas, IOU; nays, 97. As.%. "P.trimn voted NO! To the Konen bill making appropriationsfut the support of the army, for the year ending. June Nitli, ISrA, certain tunendments were submitted. disap proving,uf the laws clahnin4 to have I wee enacted by the so-called Terri trails!' lArittlature of Kattsas,'and de. (daring that until thus: alleged laws should be allirnied by the Senate and House of Itepre:entativac as having been Rnacted by the legal Legislatun• of Kansas, no part of the military three of the United States should be emidoyeAl l iu, igitbftheif enferceOwnt provldtd, erthdlcW that uhtil Congtets should pawl on the validity of the legislative Assembly of Kate sus, it should he the duty oldie Pres: ident to use the military force itttadd• territory to preserve the putt*, sups, ire insurre.dion, repel Invasion, and priitect persons nntlAnnperty theremiond upon the national high. Ways in the State of Mi.ouri or else where, from unlawful ,sizurts and searches, etc. , •When the vote ~was taken on these amendments, July 29th, Mit, 'AgA l'Acknit voted NO! Ho voted against law,order and free. duui, and infaver of border ruffian isni, slavery arid murder. ' • -On the ;loth of July, When the bill to "provide for the .settlement of the claims of the talkers of ithe Itevolus tionary army, and of the widows and orphan children of theta who died iodic servltn,'” was before the 'louse Am packer voted to la v it upon the table. Wlien the bill wB4 finalist ItSSA.4I, As! VACK Eft voted NO! • Devniber I•itti, - IM, Mr. Ether idge moved that the rules be suspend ed so as to enable him to submit the following resdution, viz: R.rolrel. That ihio.lietteo of Itcprraerattiveo attaffie dt eltztcattoue andproposltioue of every khl,:br whomtort er made: for revival of the Al • rtcan slave hide. w ahocklatt Go the meal wail. wet of the etallghteoed portion of =Mad : mot that any action on the part et I.7lllgTess costaielap at or le:patting that hisTid and Inhuman hank troolfl piety regret ihrreareremetit and chimes. of the Unfttel Meter to the reproach Awl =ea+ lion °fall !Milted RA thrldleh people denote• oat the world. - . MU t---, , , • - • The rules were MLISVCIIIted, rind the refanlution was aceordinglysubinittell but, on :the point, "shall the maln questiou hes now put V' AsA.,l'Aexaat voted NO! This was deckled In the affirmative, however ; Mut Whew a !notion a-twin:lde to lay the regain on thotablei ANA PACICEIL voted YEA! The KalmseexiooflaWsWa4 with out It parallel in infamyin this min try, alai iattntged every right of free citizenship; anti when nn amend ment Was ytTerectto ptecent the en forcemeat of that Ode by United States troops untillbngmashad paw ed upon,lts validity, Asa l'aeker vu -01 against it ! ITtVreeord' clearly shows that he was with the protitivery Democrats in, the, itn;ipieney :of the rebellion ; that lilSsyumatlti& were with them all through the war, and that he' is Still the friend and ally of those who uppoied the war for the Union. litiw (3:m any sincere Deinoentt, much less Reput4 lean, vote for a mu with flitell record'—Pills. Irbnunerrial." I'he Philadelphia Ledarraptakis of Bill McMullin, leader of the et)pper he•al rough.; In that city, who thrall ,ll , 1 u. 44) ; ) 1 14 1ar d ise o n n fu e rt i ttl l-i(j a. ,ll. utv i a thr rt : "If Aldcrinati Ur - Mullin has tarn recklev cluing!' to uttertateh - throat* find ?lam• bi nnvtliing bnt. idle vapor law In his.worii, ho will Ilud,on the fadeuf the law tual authorities thou* ands of men as brave and Marten '* he On msibly he, although they ttre not In the hablt;of texhibtUng-ftbeir ?mirage in pa rettiras and quest tun able .o.tr. ilertarcbe would be nottrombeted.• .hundred , ona. Their Pa* bmtnu grey dad too-much octhts 60r4 of thing, and itls tiluc tiultAll tin** who feel like Indulging to It Mold be attain to fed fa no dedent man of any, party, who will,y,ivocountunantm to ty, and that than:must he an cud of these iltserto'. ninT'retirehensfbie aktlonk • • - • "Thar are," Raid a sable'ointor. "two roads - through fhb -world. Do uuu era •bnad and 4rusow diva& dot leads to perdition, and doother ant a nigroW and..broad valid • dal, kade to sure dectructing. • Otte Abet sax elt , eile," , Bahia ablhearer, "dim eallud indlirktnid. take: try de woods.: 1112C11.118
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers