El El M 9 Mtl ==E 3 8 11 I inA• . Pet het, ti to b* made' qmktiletty, , *MVO ItettbotMenbt,' irldtltutortbe Mdd I pv..1011010 ,005, do do 4 iNuArf.4 dO ( oilllllllll ..... CU ..... I column,— Admintatritore Ppectal notices tir Payment for tmislrpt ad In itarinte. la le oC the Irbei*l6ollmteller for the, week ending OkePth et May, , • • 77- t ayell " • 6Vitig. .0 deg. 00 dm. 0 le, • •re deg. 76deg.- •; , 4114 deg* 11,, •CZ dm. ;'• ttd &gin; 64 deg • 12, 63 dog.' B'l deg. 72 deg 13, IC deg. dr. deg: 65 afer .1 f . 52 dug. 61 dog: 5 1 5 deg. 15 . 55d w.l (06 deg, 56 - deg . • it. T. ankiti . Elie alleiktI011,0( dig 1 üblic Is directed to the foltoftigilow Advtithiemonta whi is appear for Ott? ilittelltrui in thoAn gun to -day : • , ••• , Nets• t;ocala—S. J. Cruse & CO. Mowers and Ketipera—W. W. Knox. Liaie;-,W. • I , orl-Lile—John• U. S. Taz—e. M. Merrick. Found—F. M. Anderioi. • Notice--John Stentz., For Sale—lnquire of J. S. LIM!. Register's Notice—;D. Singleton. • Notice . -7C. Somers. Special Notiees-8. Snitgor. ' 'srcolal Notices—T. A. 'McKenzie. Fianor—R. S. Curtiss. . Special Notice—F.; W. Higgins, agent special Notice—C. B. Murat, agent. Special •:•loticir7ya,n,port irony. Committee Meetlits.—Wo arexo -41110,144 to ?Mite tlisit a meetlitiottlio puhil an Execntivo Committee ;wilt bo held at the Court 'Tour this aftordnon, (Woloosility.May DUO at 3p. m. Ei•o tv member shnuld be •In attendance as of importance be transact: .1. ' May Parlftw will 'moon ho in Anahien amtnig the Ottng link& yen.n Liiio tawaym. on hand at the ulvanon L no Kilns , Vanport,lte ets. per bushel. I apE2l;tr. Stripes RA alt the ritga in the spring Ito ff mt \ tae cleaned and .i.me over cheap, at J. it. Itences' cheap Millinery INtittainhutent, Beaver. may. 1•4;3t. t _ The l'onTerti t 7i . 7 . graph sayn there we e2l thialla.in that el4 , _ In ono . week —all the subJecta Intlng children. Near ly all the deathoweibeauaed by rateaxlea. I)rr.4a (toot's! . .11rma 0.4)0(1s!! Choice patterns clamp, at Iteaca's. . rayl243t. On Monday hist trlhrge portion of the Itheyrutt maeltrue Wttriiii was destroyed by lire. The damage is estimated at Odg, Irk!, while the lllKUrancx) was $5,100. t)w egto t he exeltiozis of neighbors the best I ,,rtion of the works and It large amount of partially' built machines were shred. Muss NVllite Shirts, he,t taakek, at Itenee's, Beaver. balayl2;3t. , A young 1111111 named Bond, living in ulc upper end of . thin county WiLi »overe ly hurt last week 11. t, fulling fronta horse. Several of his ribs were broken, his wrist put out of joint, and his elbow dislocated. _Greene th. Repthlican. • "Deanna Annihilator," was the ex c•lsnuttion Ohm enthuslastiu old bachelor when experiencing the magic effect of tie bottle of "Barrett's Vegetable Hair Itc+torative," the premium artlele.—Bur lingeon llawk Eye. ' The Crawford JO 14 runt says that 'just a the eanal is open and overYthing ready for the spring business, the coal diggers ice gone out on a strike. Thu Journal huh no particulars, but supposes that all the diggers in tha Shonango yalley are hi lltgFirike. ; • stable containing nheraa, row and other live stock, with a. sleigh, wagon, %' LS consumed by tire on Tuesday morDing, in Altoona , and several neigh basing buildings were more or less damn is very little lire tor one week in Altoona) huts,* usual it wait Some two wean atom, a little child of John Ithoatl*, 'agotl mixteen months, walkod up i to a table on which a cup of liot coffee had been poured opt, and pul led it over on herself, severely scalding her arm and breaat. She sulTeml se verely for three an" when death cane to Istr relief. Mr. Rhoads tables In I 'nptherland county. 11. you -want some maple 31111111.4.4 , 44 .1111 nn .Not soma' of theSoluernet county .agar, Just received and for sale nt the t re of S. Siiitgor .t• Co., Beaver Pa. Taken to In last Hat unity, :11,Iitt Slentz,Esq„ one of the .lii relersof tlio roor for this ebuitty, and wmiain Slimies t Esq., tho Stowurt of the Poor ilouse, conveyed Mr. William I;eklc3, of Brighton township, thin coun ty, to the hospital at Dixmont. The un .rumate man has boon partially insane I r )401110 time past, but recently his case Inc been growing. ,nneti worse. Mr. Ecklos Is a man of smell° or 6,5 years "rage. Vatisport FiCirt7t—The eiteant ferry Vanport, this cohnky, making regular trips across the Ohio river'on. last Monday, and will-continue regular trips throughout the 1'0 , 41 -Master: AppolulkW. A vii Inge of-Poslinioiters is about to ocour a: tip. North Sew leltieV Postale°, in this ...!ttnty. A. U. Mechlin, ling., •lias re i:i,ivial the appointmeitt,tire :tt. A. Clow 1,,.ign‘41. Air. At. will make an efficient lt ..nicer, and we coin White lino on ills political 'icemen . "May ho go up 'dither." Capt. Johu Sharp, of Itoeheater, sito g roeury homilies, in that town, Is driving gni oitentilvq• tirade. Ito • supply yst.nr table, with anything that the taste ealtti for., (to anti moil our word for it, you Willgo again. Ala tee - hiS tulvertlamept: 11'1)=00r - 3r i•olumn. ; •• • • • Sec Speserer A; Sons' new silver ti'ment in another column of this pa- Isl.. They lucre Just returned from the P. 4141. with an immense deck of goods of 'wady all kinds, which they are Oiling •nt'id small prontts. SIIA\I LS. of all styles. Ifir.mpieol niid Sltito4 )it hand and made to Order, in the LATEST PAIIISIAN STYLES. t)":;:1111 Wall ilipor, Window Shrtd • i'stt Servs New. Osa t h e 2d /sat.' another mulant old sol dier mewed quietly away to his rent, whin Capt. Janes Whaley, at theadvanced age of eighty-four pearl died at his maldence In Uniontown, Pa. ' Card; Whaley com manded *company of volunteers dunes tho war between Ilde'country andirOgi land In 1812, In which he 'dlatlnglthked Itlotieltzpou many bittlitiolde. The : d 7erri'iisyst • • niaretifJortaeir - -.. antra eeatn:2 , 4o aimf of homes, when by some accident a log rollgd over Mtn, spashiet hi. head end .L Tiait IWtidUtriesillir g wn. tosittee.—As the time approaches for. hoping the Republican' primary li!ebt- Agi ‘4 1 *" °1 1..../ I " ll 4 i tc c . 2 l . lthei Vuitton of our frlen method adopted of selecting their Coun ty COM mittoomen. Thew/aro to be voted fur on the "Atth of May each town**, borough and ward electing their own. naltl i t ajai LL„P4 o 9 ( ' C 9 19 41 14 90 elikessa abWilata Biotite:o4oß have one representative on the Commit-. tee, irrespective erns ,Repttbtleart vote;. and wale Republican Veto at the preced ing eked. on exceeded 100 In any precinct then said precinct having such excess of vdtlegenfitierto tee inciiipara Hof qo ; oiminty'Conimittee. • ..Undeettlie visa • tionment the several election districts . to Committeemen as follows District*: • Big Tomer bow. Borough tp..' Bridgewater he ro Brighton tp.......... Baden hero Chippewa tp Darlington tp Economy tp...... . ..... rallston hero Franklin tp Freedom bore - Greene tp..... Hanover tp. (Frankfort Dist.) 2 " (McGuires' Di5t.)..... tp,llnrwaayp I Hopewell tp • 2 Intiveralcupa tp luttustry-tp,•.• . . . Marion tp Moon tp. New Brighton, (North " " (Biddle Ward,).., (South Want,)..., New Sewickley, (Petrie's (Fn.ctlourDist.).. ..... • I North Sewickley Ili New Gallilee hero. Ohio tp..... ..... Patterson Plultipsburg hate. Pulaski • Raccoon tp Rochester bard.. 'Rochester tp.... South Ilenver tp. Bt.. Clair bore, Rai ............ 2 2 Total Brought to 7a11.- 7 0g dust lElaturdv morning Constable MeGaughoy, efltea ver I . glls, brought'a young man, whose name wo did not learn, .to Jail. Tho aforessdayoungnterappeared to beabont twenty years of age, end when on 'tho march to Sheriff Litton's boarding house, was minas bat, ininus . mots, mi nus stockings, minus COM, minus .west; in short, the fellow had nothing on hint but shirt and , printaloons, Jlo belonged to Lawreneo conisty, and had' robbed a jewelry store in Enon and then fled to Beaver county. Ilis whereabouts be coming known, Constablo McGaughey was Sent• for, IA! the young t ottntnp "smelling a mice," "lit out," lilt was pursued by (ho Constable, caught and . Mimed.. to jail as before stated., Ins at tempt to got away and being Oveir taken so far from his base of supplies, was thO cause ofhis seantY tvnrdrobo when brought,to Beaver.' ltd win, we presume, be takeruto Laivrenco county, where he will be tried, and probably punished for his flinger ring stmlingpro ',cosines. - Fist: Vtattet.ns.—The vehicles manu factured by Messrs. Stoner and Markin, of the Union Carriagii ivtudzs on Penn street, Pittsburgh, Pa., are pronounced to btraitiong the finest oifefisl to, the ptilt. I le.They combine lightness with strengt ticiltion and handsome appearance with convenience, and elegance of finish with substance. 3feters. Stoner t Marlatt possess large facilities for tilling orders, and all which are left them will beattend oil to promptly. Just !tow Messrs. Stori - pit Marlatt have a largo assort ment of Buirgies and Carriages on hand 'at, their warehouse, which they desire parties about purchasing to insPeet. The firm will be found very liberal and sails k factory in all their roofings. [l:42t.'" GICNTLIMICN, go to Bences' for 'your shirts and collars. The Star Shirt In all ilumbers. , may lihat. . By an explosion ofli ro damp qn Thurs. day morning last, in Mt. Pleasant coal mine, near Scranton, Pa., live men and ono boy were badly burned; one of them named Chas. Stutter, probablymOrtally. Sixteen hundred miners at Vittabitiluul suspended Work. E'rroA, Induct nenis offered in chat') goods this week at Bence's. otayl2;3t. The dwelling of Mr. Martin Itrinton, in Cumberland county about three miles from Bridgeport, was destroyed by tire early yesterday inarniMe. About three o'elock Mr. ltrinton was awakened by the howling of dog in the kitchen, and opening a door ho .diseanitred that.the greater portion of the house was &vet oped to dames. Ile irasnediatety arous ed his wife and children, and succeeded In removing them from the' burning building jest In time to save thern. Even their wearing apparel, except that on their persons, had Mb° loft behind to be consumed, with aU the other contents of the dwelling. Mr, Minton Was compel ledtoherr oar yakiensprtiffleitof . clothing to enable him to come Milieeity to pur chase nil outfit for blanket( atidIUMITy. Peptise In La'Crime. cennty.— The Republicans of Lawrence county held their County Convention on last Monday one week ago. At their prima ry meetings on the Saturday previous thorvotest for odd against the adoption of Clio Craiskorsl . cioltitty system of• mak ing nomlnatious„ The result was ad verso, the Voterstanding dio for its adore Hon and 1015 against it. 'rho party-in thaecounty,lat the present time, has a ;nixed System form ontiniiting candidates, cis:'Tl , o Republicans vote directly, in their several townships art,boronglis, for the candidata, of their choice, and at Cho mono Ride elapse delegates to ;Spud their County.Cmiveption on the succisid lug Monday, who bring in the returns at that tithe. After organizing, the ag gregate voto of each candidate Is counted up, and those having a vajciilly.o,vpt all otAese are declarril Isokuroattul; thoso having votes but ~not a majority, are then badlotted .I,3, 4 :ffte delegates . Quito a number of those who canto, into the Convention on last Monday ono week ago, with the highest vote:ment home defeated, while Otheis carried' off tho nominatioss without havitig devel oped =sob strength beforci the people. The following is the ticket elected On that occasion : For Assembly—D, Craig surd lien, W. Meeradten; CoMmbtalooer Joseph Douthitt;. Frothoo o t ar yL4 s . cob liana; Treasurer—Thomp son War nook; Auditor—John Jellison; Dela gates to BtateCreaventlon—William Itsuel•Sn' d(Felfoltian, and Instructed to support Governor Deary's nomination, • ' t ~,epe .-- , . The Cof wheat, rye, grass, h e,; In LerierY partof the'Oounty &mania to beef 1 the most.promising cininrbw; aid should i thire be Ma baebset from ay; mildew. i . rust or drought an abundant harvest hi anticipated.' There never was a greater ', minim for (rata alrkinds, podium; srPtos , 0,01. ,plums,- grapes, cherries, quinces, ..re. -, The Ames are 'acridly crowded with • bloom" nut; •snd thee far they have escaped—to a great' Mrtent-:- .Injury from Ow hest v and. Should Wry cengnue to 4944,Insuky NUI be thiehre to , ousealn the burden of !kale iublisixortpd regard to cm and trultp in'thli and thiLueighlioting omintles. 0 • too INNYeillfdlitatesiliCClMEN the &- Emma drturusaw:laoy. who': dropped w e Z n iiitMe surrender; and who was su nett wounded In another-eogagement, has been appointed a cadet at large to Wed - 44K - 7 -- "4 lll his e y l'Altr a lle gor , sZatee 11n oordfsilp m gieet ed by the - Pies' idiM4 filth Dagen and the Secretary of War, allot whom . know him 3 /I!. l fl *,ear ) l. f ' l4.lki I ril irow eau place on :Monday otteiejeaselk bait two color ed denizens of the borough, Geo. Web , star and Sam. Dorsey. Jr. As usual In such cases, a woman was at the bottom of the dittlealey l 7,3 4 fAilders - (t seems, had "loved not' Wisely - billrinalkell," for he had:Wedded* Adr•alitl.who .postrad rialthlbl to her marital vows and trona- ArtitlASOKlgfeittlif. Dorsey Jr. Webster having no thlUx thef . iim , s,r-..0e •tv Meting Oindigu:punishmegt upon him. Dorsey rtitairod-the-filtMas received' and a tight ensued which resulted In the, drawing of claret from the noses oT both: otunbalatits. , ..Baelt settrixbfroetibe field in tolerably good order and will likely: olive lo fled anther day.' l -Orasli.' Re porter. Disember `.,,,.U2 . . Ate meeting ef Peskin) Gtr. Oii Friday evening 't,' it was reelved that the ceremony, of , decorating the graves f deceased comrades should take pilaw Sattirdaylitth !mat;' It eras alsoresoivixf that:this bitizens of Beaver be requested to close their places of businesis pending 'the ceremonies, and that the I'osts of theta. A. IL at New Brighton,and ItoChestisi the tiedlei of the Semiaries of . .. Beaver . fttee burg Soldiers' ()mimes' ;shoot, and the fraternities of Odd Fellows. Maio= and Good"Templars ho invited.to participate. 1 ••• •,... , .1 1 2 2 2 2 Tho address will bo delivered at 1 o'clock p. m., ProshilOrlitt church, *hero the proccisaion will form. Clarp,rMeri.';ofitio srld all honorably dincliargod soldiers, are cordially invited to attend. • ItY order of the Post. . 'C. A.'.llkcsmix, c oin. M. S. 90All, (fiadica! and Loeal plats, copy.) wolr learn that on Sunday of last week, a Mr. Chaney and another man discovered a /the wolf in the wends on the Clarklarm,threo miles from Omi ts on the Cambridge road. The wolf Ain, titter men gtivechaSti,liut she distaste, od them and she was lust sight of. On returning to the pltiee from whence rho started, her don wax discovered, in which four cube were `found and captured. A gim was procured, and.. after lying in wait for an hour tho wolf returned and was phot, arid killed, Sit" was a Fuliy not apt prelady .theMo- Means." —(suliz (0.) Sentinel. At a tareting' (,)f foal INI G..., Binver,l'n., tlw folferWink porton,' "Vero appointed a oonunittee on flowers, to •siewuruto thegrayesof der;eutedoom f ades on',:titeplti4Mlty, 14: 7, :A. %.WYoodrut - i.M. fall: Hobert Irickey and B. M. Moore. Tito members of said committee are requested to meet at the Animus °ince, in Deaver, on Thursday evening, May,lMth. INtti to make Ithe secesitary,. gong°. ntents - for the perforwane of their:duty. • Au aocidentof a rather serious nature, which,eatue very near terniiituiablig ly, pecuiveif it Mettles FerrY, on Tugs. (lay' last. Mr. S. L. Fisher, of this Once, had got on top or an oil tank to do some repairing, when; the covering giving way, he was thtoWn into the tank, which csilltained about three feet of oil. A lady in the vicinity, seeing the.accident, call ed 'assistance, and he was rescued before the gas had entirely overpowered I le is doing camel' is could isles Oited. —O, - airrrate (0.) Union:' The family of Nicholas Rowe, of Gib• son township, Sunquehannaeounty, was poisoned last ,weik.:lly spins soda bought at atietitin, Which proved' to be badly adulterated with sugar of lead. All of the familY recovered but one little bay of two yefirg, and he cited. The rods hew .betailn. use In the insbing.nr•burlawlbust albeit for some Unto; and each time the cakes were eaten 411:L2gram:11)1e effects wore noticed tut poison wait not thought of. A few dayasince Mrs. Alfred 'leans, of Northampton, lOft the hogs° to go In the milk vault, 'ainfori rot ruing found a huge black snake, nearly I've foot long in the cradle with the t abe a few months Mrs. liednit Intuitedlaply grasped the child by its head : sad drew it. from the cradle, whilo the Bunko was lybig across its breast. Mr. Bows was not at home at the time, but a neighbor was immizionodand the reptile killed. It is supposed that the 'make came from Pilo of stones that lay near by, which had been hauled therepreparatory to building a new house!' ' ' . Cast Wednesday evening, April 21a1, a littleiwn Atr, Thomas' 8011, a latsger , at tho,l3rewstrer Coal ,Mihes e siblhtilding :between two ears osmingout:Ot the mine. fell down upon the track and got doubled and jammed together so, by the cars pas sing over him, that he' died in four hours atter receiving his injuries.—Akroa Ike- John Howard, Esq.,.Sheriff of Tus• gravros county, Ohio, was driving with hts ]silo tettpeldaymeek .tbe Want part tit the wagon give way, 111 n Howard was thrown out, the home becoming frightened, ran away and the Sheriff was dragged for some distance along the road, receiving such serious injuries that he died the following Tues. day. irtie New York, Neeslli:glint mills at tention to these Interesting taeW : The present century. Eiai neon tour grog events : ' I. 3lorse's invention of the Telegrnph, 2. The laying of the•Allantic Cable. 3. The death of Slavery in the United States. 4.:rao coriiiiletion. of Ow Vieille Rail way. ql In twenty-live yeas* the continent has been spanned by the wires of the tele graphs Ten yCire s egO the lighltiltsgi be gan to l run beneath the' sea,. 44re Years ago the war for freedom ended and Sla very died. 'Yesterday the iron track was made complete front Portland to :lan Francisco.' ` e: The young man ofto-day who has' seen all these things.accemplished will have tales to MO to htignitelehildien kick as no granthdre of oar day can summon from the atoms cal& memory. F fr ap ors - CAB' ON Wig' At neon ',3sriedn 136 po, h one Chorehin (burin; of dreL44lll tat vlck ley was demolished by the giving .way, drat, of llsevoof suds of slate,. followed ,byAltoside yap tbe* , towyr Jule .frutit wau reiindnitif-jesnditig.- The-Citureh Was built of brick, Gothic style, in the shape of a !'cioss, and - was very nearly: 00111 :B&W -tblo octet 4 .1!ollglat. spreading of the able wawa was tihiorv• e 4, tiotiptlie*t. hirkever;',.llAmit, to create apprehenelon for tho iafoty of, the structure, the builders pnieeeded With ;heir work web3terrePtedlYt*Atet4oe of the tall, however; none at the angle 'iv,* wore at th e.b.4 l 4l.l l ewili , W• ;hire no ceneallthe to Aviv& 'The law Ito*. ensted4 treat MOOD VDAWL—Page. • ' ' *; . ... • • Thaallus.Arlpn...l4 Ik :Donley -and Bon: Thomilitggoalii46Tebottipliced ud =der otalitidlohs relods#ly.for . yd4ar Lle publid doniinentel, , - - glee; tboAslitift carkias 4tototnwein.** -11 1- „ * Tair.4.4 4 " vont& ' ll Pisalinii W/4 4 ittnibYirt onyis via ot et". 1 11 sala "It boo been custom fbr nanny ran IllernealAgdotnitbs of Ittwinnyor onnnb, the Tay LAroTrinelifi :=4 4 -F as h ui r* • town to see tbo oblb Wilco hi. kb a keg ) ; °I4 • it O6 A l It% Othi 'coottin altbougi not to the". Bailie 4ixtent :that It 1 ° ebowkoiN . 1 #9,C1 OA Ofo,,YOtiog espeelally from the river nutrient, Alit Lattotater Qtty, ;where 44* 'Lapp's,. uni versal gala-day, and where thottainds o tr,ttiztramaitta mental; where the young mou, =emu panted Pyilur halkiiof their choice, pa.; .redo the streets from morning ito night,; asidilidu Mimi* sonnantailla they - .• Dues all night, tin broad dilYneiry" And no home with ALs Oen 4114 , n304/312:•": ,tlilPiditp. prove unfavorable ‘rldelt is'sometillielithe case, the hotel; eyeiergalyoocupled, and even the ket hetlrf n ' red or l a'tee feedve amuieti'Mnis go on in do: peltinpnim o ly.l4to dpetesmottokbrol-i de rg at 'ilit r eh' UM* sadly : dealt ,sritkbut it mitten ltiie to the owners of thetn,'irlto einni;t: testiiib ed in the ieastby iniauch superumary . Akit . ,09051.7, W.144.X 013 dAX, Vps4+. great day, ihtsoltougliftif brae young men work better du r,.Wg the MUM on of mm and WRY /aid *tartest by luau glinitiqg Its advent with thaw eengestial amusements which lighten tlm heart, dissipate care and elevate the goal above !ttincilondli 114 serior LusunNaturte.—Our friend James Armoured' Repair - ell qt. sends lit .an so ca:int of ameo duck m-s which he lout ltriely r inah in Poise4ition ofThear.ltaitle• son of that place, -• Ile says., that inside each egg is 'another of perfect-shape and w'lth a complete shell. The city , were laid by fowhi owned hy Bfr.'llartleson. 415dpr ortlitptqr : pirquwatonm4 raid scarcely credit. nil) ''StiAW bid ;Mr. jilv tuour, whose character for voraelty is an. questionable, vouches for Its ;truth. •Worhisgton Reporfrx. asnm Iteriottsi Acteident.—Air. TCI or, an employee on tho P. Ft. W. .t It. W. and a resident of this city, on Friday last while getting forward to open a • switch caught his foot la a 'fn . :G - 11nd befaio ite could extricate it tho wheels ofaa engine passed aver It crushing It from the ankle to a jelly. Dr. Johnson amputated. the foot at the ankle and although he is recovering Its fispensmOsallge, the loss of his foot will of course pie - rout him front taking his position on the road.— Alliance Monitor.. tut.,,thbi Ont.—Franklin pyre,. a !tighlyeeirpeLlable and in tolligelillarAer of flaleha, Bent cou nty, MarylaMS, giVus the following as a Kure cure for alto bite of a mad dog. As will be seen - ,` be bas tested IL I,vich. the most gratifying re- "Elecampane is a plant well it town most plutons, and Is to be found In many c'rgor 10 1 Pditim?" 11 Pluediatellyulfimheing lateen likti '046 and a tide'duttic4 of Ute root of the pliant—Um gtoon root. lx per. kept preferable, but the dried 'will en actor, anti tinny be Num!' . 115 !dfi'S and trig Used by ma—elle° or bruise, put into a pint of fresh milk, boil down to half a . pint, train, and when odd drink"; theting for &least six hours rFacds Thu next*rulnic. f4vsting. 'relieal Ito dairy rislMettrli riunetledf the root. On the tilmornink taito anotL er dose, prepared astlictset„ Ind this will bo sufficient. It _is ,recommenifed that rifler each doso nothing it) eaten; for at laud slit hour*. "I have a eon who wasbittep by a mad (log eighteen yearn ago, and four other children In the neighborhood time also bitten icox took .the above dosvuld are aifris - anet ibis day 444 i now r number of. others who were bitten, that were raxed by the Kano remedy,,. . . . . . "It Ea supposed that the ; root .eiontsips n. Priesdnolvbhrh*ingftairep PP tht , -blood' lo Its circulation eounieraels •or nautinlises the deadly effelitsoftlic Virus of trydropluibla: • ' " feel soSndelt walla-ens-OM this ohm phi reinedy . that I outwitting yoti%botild give my name' in• connection-'with this statement." • Petrents'Put your boys' to wink' or keep ttiom at ewhool—nny Wbere ; but loaang, sWeeringend. smoking on the strode. You little know when they are from under your eye *hat eixcesses they are guilty of. Don't let your bop" loaf an the atreiit l ,unbtias.you are • 14v9r of keepingikepeitibentkuifull. . Itr the new low towrothip required, within sixty days after the, mud elections, to make out and *Wish a full gad complete statement of the B. 'sandal condition of such townald#, Ma der a penalty of fifty &Alarm. Tho•clerks should therefore bear this. fact in, mind. Thasks.--WO ape Metier obligations to tleorgo Bruce & Son, Now York Typo Foundorsjor a copy of their Abridged Spixitrion Book for 11a39. Tim hook Itself is as=lino a specimen 'rf printing and binding as %Al) 'lava 'witnessed fora lung time. To Witoit IT MAT CONLIKAN 1114 18 to certify that the (holxiAtutual 1.1 e In eurtmee Co., of Now Yorlt, have toad to melba full amount of Pettr7 No. 9"..tt4, on the Itto of Air; .1. I. J tchoil, for two thouzind jlollare, less the" balance of ycara premium, promptly and 83,11afae torily;and I would recommend them to the pubibi patronage of tfte - peopla4f title :18igned,) 21.11111;11}3.1.: awl. W. Iliggins, Agnialor 411[4 Coil pony, can bo soon for ono weeliok-the Huron House, .Nowlkigtiton. "!, pt. • , EITENIIIVE Awr-GALLltur.—Xest to the Bible, no hook is more useful thin Webster's Dictionary. 'rho Unabridged is an enhibilte"ak over three thousand engravings, kepi:e venting almost every animal, Inse.it, reptile, Implement, plant, Se., which we klici,v4lo„Yedng ;If skts gly.lDiformaieis )alRO4,b ory mentionable subject. It indeed has n well remarked that it is the most remark able corupendium . Of -human knowledge In our language.—lfouscho/d Adrornle: , The fbilirmiling la the Conimittee ap T pointed by the Chairman of tho late Con voution of Behool Diroctora to ropor tint thiS'aipedietiefot adoPtinit nniforiiifty of text books for Beaver vounty.:, Said Committee to repoit at the meeting of the annual County Institute for teiebora, to beheld next o<?tobei: c. 8.,J. Cradia, aids, D. L. Imbrie,Prenj. Franklin, .7.rrti' Har rah. Radical iiaat ,Larat eiyy. D. G. Bunter, of Tionosta township, this county, has discover/xi quartz rock, within four miles of, this borough. Its Course is that - Of gold and silverle4 &f. crony, and, :Californians pronoulce it genuine quartz. We have' seen amiss spoclumns ,whifh Wore . taken from WI laivand atilimigli'tra do not pretend to know much about snob tbilnev. we an way that it much. restenhier Ritisia specimens sr/11510ov° beett.showiktir.= We Understand Ilia ter ilmuls to test 4he matter thoroughly,T:Pereat . •Tur. sie*to wet See, thrifty Tem** 'aid Street Potata khati; Vat *A: ioasie ft . EctOkbedustry,•Beireie . 130 , Ad, citletivittd' 15 : 10 # 3 .404d Sweet INitakillete L . itiandineeN.atut eastittl ell °Sera Prottettli.. mild t'buttw—ta ivory hemmed eleevit ftirtildied fo tottleti't • •= • . iEu. . wtu shOwuny.4glif , length • rOf the vi4ious - bow • lopa vutioOrivanatielk* iee. i s h iriminrsi f! ,„ . f- A # i i 4'l 4iftal fi l i k t gi i q a4 •wilt 14_4 .Akinni - sy4l)Bli .••er 744' 41.11114kr:TP,.4 11411 W sis e 71.11 14T, :111;41!:: Offiejtt, .:ect• 1 01 4 41 i l; ”' • c , 45a 4 3: 1 7 I r :10*11.4 1 Xd r j )44fr e t : .4 1 11.4:- • SAW" 14; a .e!2 l ow a ,Lso ntaittlidetablostorquattUtY l "Itt : ol . Jot: . ot- Work; - • eoulidaiitoeseuirtilleioirikhot (MO oil libleieti, *idled Weaustiparaeliair i c . p e en totai t al4f Nat 4iiik; - on' al .6 14 114 4. 1 .* 14 . 134 . 11 '. 1 ,P. t46.1 1 0 1 4 141.a 0 4 1 ,4 94 :4 V 4 ,1141 k ioitpft: .141 . 04,:A , ; 1 0.u940554 1 100'fi, •Oftbithultlit ; 13 AV4 6 41 4 P!fr° 613 :1W, al ttQdlLatr • heads.'olll thaw -it'f opal of . tar; foothial suit es* ;a kick, 'armialwartrittitiossibctioa,dlinsia• iLedipbin 4eterralued that hizioy 'thee Shall wee - Tritiry tisk noioopiil4l, to, well kir literati) give pfitst it Wide biWiltlior . &' overrun those p/o•fool that ,forhearaneehas cowed; bo a virtue: 1 . • • . _ WicilFslan• P4 , •• 4 .Sts.V ik. 9 .• oars. Cull. 4trpsr. *lag of thf Rm . • litriirise las. Ob., of.risanda.: 'Etist:•-•Olt. - tha Both of April the building 'occupied by us Uils plsoti vies : harm* ttecciwarily omislag us a, Which Wasi *omits/Jrsuit acitafae• forifirSetlleil tit tail titre ite'You‘ hi, the poinotent ut fiVo bun tlrod and fointeetidollarsara forty -throe 'mut; /4414 the roimpt awithimegit,! of thOwuno, the Confparty and yeiusell please:we*. our thank*. ; •• . ' .Truly yoaraote., • • • • • Mrs R DieeMlX. P, ELL-We eau Aturtilstrecoinosend you, and lbe..V•pip:inles;reprosooted by You„ to MO locuring put!lie. • 1,I:* SWC: ThoStight i express - going',.cast on the A. :t N: it. ft., mart. (brown from the track on the might of. the =a utt., neat Broadtray, i phio, 'Caused by . obstructioba being put, ph the, track. The,' Dlvesion Superintendent, aayn the Company Will give a reward of .10,000, tcranyene who, will ferret oat the perpetrators of this Infarneua deed. The train was' under full headway and beforelt could be sion ped,"the engine, tend& and baggage ear were off,tbe track; but ,lacklly no one hurt he riouslY.—Marpollle Tr . ColleettkirAppoluted.--Jewip Duck fOr . Mahy yearn a proininent, politi cian afoul' neighboring cduntyr(Colutn biauss'o.) received the appointment of Internal Iteve'nue Collector of his Con gressional liistzietal few days ago. Mr. /book will 7-1114k0 gbod. alicer.l; headquarteis till boesaablishod at Atli anw, Oltlo- A 1113w.days eleee.zoiue unknown por- MOUtt !broke into the Uoket office of the Italtimord di; Ohio . R, ft. at Bonaire, and utoietf76o6tit Cif theirs& The ,tnirgiare tint In oho hitt, the tool house of Melon° cutter: who were getting out stone for a bridge; ui c t s took out !Mtn It throe stone pleke b enil iwlth !bele they ;Woke open I/ 1 . 0 mafiu Xo. ; nic e the. burglars has hten.ttteevtred• • Cairittet, Tack &flyer. any of torpoit-thetin solves In pcweeption of a carpet hark dri ver that dote its work golekly mid well, they shotild tall'otiettpt. CAL }hood, of Itochister,who hoe the exelushie right to sill Johrteio `patent •tterxtiit strtetter 'arta tacit dtiver. ' l only outdo BO eons Ana IsWell worth an times that worn. it,or Amass—Some thmeor four weeks ago I received a - violent kick from a itorite, which has prevented me from ettnVassiud t ee county for the (Aim' of Sheriff. The thee - now is too short for me to do mo.. I therefore authorise you to withdraw thy name from the list of candidates for tlutt office.. Thankful to my friends for their kind words cud proffertrofenppon, lam • Y Ours Rrnly,: • Tuots.ll. Ilyzerm. BE.Av En bri AT 12; 1860« Enron Anew; :—.ts a man ought to love Ills neighbor as hincielf, and lend hire assistance In both big. 'spiritual and wolfare; so we fief in regard' to our 'Yelingfrieride of licacer. We 'Live seen ivithln, ilie last foe weeks . siglds that were appallug to look upon.. , - Young men. some of them the children.- at the moat respectable citizeus of our. willage, and eveu !snail boya, under ths influence of liquor,. and that liquor "Hard Cider," sold at our public houses for ilve . eents a glass ;' clt6phr than ;whisky and eloie de ulruclive. It was pot nceedeuy for the court lc, rehire license In teaver for the sale - of whisky:or ale and, benlilt' it en tirely (him the village and lowa a far worse one In its Adead. Why not pro hibit the isle of all intoxicating drinks, and not leave a poet. and that plait the worst. ' '' • , Even our most infinontial Sind' leaf:lbis temperance men hare nothing to' say on this subject. • They appear to be cowarda'wheii the time *trues for them to go to work.. Aro they cevoirds, or are they medret And like . to .sop. the .drunktuni lulls downward course to de .struction t . • Must our young men 'be blindly led to captivity and chained down with fetters that Can never be broken, by the damning-cup? • ()ertainly not. 'There .must be sea/eating tiondWith this mon dee. do manure chained In Seine Way, or, be ihe ruin o', opi •young Men, rn tuna 'Mudd : see ttithistnore dapt)plaily; and have it put. r .derrh, • h( their bright visions of a moral, chriatiau eon will never bo•realland. t • Must King "Bard Cider" hare lull sway? sigyxonng friends -boatare Or it, and when - yea:want to drink taken glens of ' , wetter ? a dtitiki,4tat 'God' hie 'breWed forit4aA het' dragged; 16iit Ore , her* .'lealtlng - fui son, `of our le,m . Perauce iglaP4i , V? say , , ??Lue4oll: in regaril lit Ude, hut:they harp. net an ,yet done it. ntnr invite them Wink° apart in the contaillind lend a helping lusted. • , ANICIBOMVXM • —Miranda tlrcm4 an parte of &with carpnairrepS*4 the opting cotton crop 6 1 Tell !OQuilY/ 11 , 110 0 bk Ole recent cold weet4er, in runny Iwier, rendering r:eplantieg net:emery. The Wand Crops, leoy ptomfeing. I I' =Tie Gpiena arelle afplenth asp r IA4i. RisOf 40ues• of _ G'hWigo Wag iu iowia that , day yhilting his friend". Airther saw Oat Mi. Jones bai bliOn toiedineed Beigifini;'Atig gdininissionid low 4148=1 w'11:1 Sail about the Ist (Chine. for EtiroPe• Km Jones will ado:rimy her hns band ' Ll zuct-Lat Ourca Um .40 Dkon, eedoW, i rdoW, 4ecteddenpies to the_ Publlcan.,39ooleaslonveci lu9a,qt •tbo ,711p4r41 InerSch. lueeti at iThilLoorta s t l tict vatc43101:44. cobit; AN Ps Abe *iv. , Nor Q Wash-; ban bunkiain=fedBtSecAousopt 1 : •!7;1411 . 11 . } Op ' ' ...• l. 1 4 .4 , , 1 1; ,VTI,I ),(LI •41 • a I , '• • i.' 1 i ..' • • .•• n i n a• •-•,: la.' • ' . V - • e Of4P9i ,*.YAN*I. ; ~, ~ . . : j, . • soraisgmeilv 441 ,4 3v.# - 163,V I . p I Colic , * lsrisiOn4.oo4; 2l ., 0:i; )4, :. 1 1w"0r;1141040c#4405A,1 6.1**44•1 ta3rfltillait. Jatalion,Ohld ungateflotk , faiiiiirraskthtftßillyJoinctil.,l awe* , 'Oray l4 4/4, 4 F.Ctlite4y ; Intim At•' Ifini'lliiightotti' l'ahMithri 4.* 4.1 life* liaJtido l i'jobititlaiißanntel;'Nteir. 4.11,4 ,Mopplliater..David, Ileonisikklip:';" Allef** ll os4eßkA 44l 47P o .49RY -Win'. iniAllx-,/ *ltu';!`f9r, ' ; AO,ci , , lifit" IstayFblillpabpeg t .ltleDermott.4lmiab. l •Iftvetkiii c: Ramsey: Robert Aer.ilevid,); Hanover; Balkh Epliraltn jr., Pubekl;. "-llionr*at Hugh; oft. Beaver f , 'Whito:, 'Rph,irtiCkilptieWri; Wolf Johni4,4 New! "10 . RbirriTJaiSti_ , .1 8 f - 'frr,Fh;_ ...VE;)'.: VA.ndetseti .F.'J0i1i0011,44C91: 11, 4 - illiziii4i Iliiglailkaver bar, riuxecitiohn, , Ncirtletkiirlektettp„ tillonnett.Williant,' '141:I' :41rigton . -her. r•paker::Mlattael,' 1' tp" , ' :Boggle 'lames New: , X;rtgiOu l tior.tCteadft, I,3l,csibetter bor.; ledvert 'lizi'e'll:3toi 4.i ik ; i CieW l #4 61 :. -Parlinllit4gOlL ; enlittb4iNnitt Poirge; _ow tp.;,pqrentry 10uhiNmv 134" km, I 'bob. I gatedler 'LI 3 -• 'sew; iteellesi9r 1 'bor;,;%Deringor Mkt R., Ohio tp- I MR , ' *n p nimbi; Ohio tp..; Doak Hobert, Han-1 i .0v r tp . ; Darragh James, sen., Bridge-. As ' r tor, h 'l,rdier;iFnallY 1.., NeW ltlilbilil ' :Wtt ,1 14 11 4 1 141T 1111161 ; 1111 ‘. over tp.; Garber Wm. F.,' North We- Wiettleflp. villtrat:A.s. , t Bridgewater boy,; Aline% fie4ge;;Nciret• goielekley V. t 'Alartzeli George, Marital tp. . • 'Bar ris K. E. r Newllrighten bor.': ' tiarbluni Simnel, South Deaver, tp, ; Jadatm Al ban, Sochoster km; Knowles BtS'•rld, Big Beaver tp.; Leppon , Fred,. New Brighton bar:; McFall John, esq., (Bas so tor.; Ifetiowsut Nathan, Patterson c fp,; Marks Jacob; -Darlinton 'bor. ; - Russell Robert, Industry. tp. ; Bisinger llilleim,BeaVer bor. ; Npriiiger Michael, uorsii l l 4 o. ; Shannon (1; 1i..; llopoweli tp.; lieu;; John, litsuixitotp. ; thorniey James, Now Brighton bord. Thornley John, Fallaton, lair.; Wilson. .Thotaaa, Industry tp. r Baker Word,. Big Dea ver tp.; Boyd. Samuel,. Hopeaell• tp.: Dawson J. 1,. It.,'NtkSeon . tp.;. risho .Thomas, ,Now Sowickle* tp.; Merrick C. M„ Now Brighton her.; McCoy WM.; grevngip,,MeDa . l4le l Bmapoon, Marion tp.; RymaLd Glian, PhilliPaburg bor. ; liarosoy IL W., Bridgewater, her., Bo sonirelior Nicholas, Now tiewicklow tp.; tthalmon William, Independence tp.; &loam Petal, Franklin tp. • PB?[S J(JItOJ4I=2D wi Elr • • . AndUrson,Thonuts , llnnover tp.; denunt I). L., Eounouty tp. Aber John, Industry tp.; Maelopore J. U., Itesv'er bor.; Bakes , ileorge, 3lotut tp...Drovrn John IL, Eennorny tp. ; Buhl Wm- Marrion tp. ; Bott • - burg bor.; Brndsbnat fUlvester, Chtppo wn tp. • Cook Peter, Or'polo tp.; Coe O. Il(:eltester bor.; eonway tireene tp. i Olson:tit 'John, ph; Beaver tp.'; Davidson Thom's+, liridgewater bor.l Lintnia Deflingion,tp.; Eh berluunt th L.,. Now Brighton bor. ; 'MU Annex, ado tp.; Frarier Win. ii., Etsnkro!t bor.; Frmkboosai 'ladtmon, N'enr Brighton bur. - ; Gibson • * Jinnes, tp.;' Grow James, New *Tigh ten 1,,0r. , ;' .Iltznutierlx Eedrioiny Itiartfoidt. - r., cinth..neur6rtii. ; Iljays Itu;ehestti Ira.; ' 'La:IIOM liayh Itrighintvlp. ; /nihrie R.. ; S. Den ver ••bor.; Jack John,: Industry. tp.; Kennedy John, Greene ; Knlee•Jobn, Filhdern bor.; Laughlin ltobert # Ohio tp.; SlcKeeJOhn, IlopowelUtp.; orr Jamo-s, Ihmeesin tp.'; Shaffer alveoli, Phillips burg bOr..; Small Th'onias, Krighton tp,; Sulteiler ,Isintei; Harmony tp.; Wilson John, Industry tp.; Wilson JamOv, NOrth Kewleldoy tp.; 'Walton Katuunt ChIPPm44 I . •• ••• •• ••- • • .. • • A. primo Article of Somerset county maple sugar just waived and for sale In Beaver; et tho Moro of S. 'Sanger .t Co. • Mowers and Retspiest.—tiome four years since it Dutch fanner in Indiana, 'feeling the importaned iu his limited bits iness of greater economy in harvesting his crops, both as regards the subtler of hands employed and else wear' and tear °Ma:meth:eh, sot his brain to - work•to Prat." , something to actsampliali this purpose • .the condi was the: conception of the Droopier Attachment, a thing easy to say and very simple to 14021, but it meant wealth and fame to the German, and a labor saver to the fanner, equalled only by the Inoning machine, itstAr„, doing away as it dots. with tiw burdensome platform that rendered reaping with Tess than'four horses 4lnvist , ; murder to the Stock, and substituting hits place a light ornamental hrrangemetit of slats, that. a child . Can minnge while driving the ma chine, tinaiesisted by the 4141rer off, who ordinarily occupied a pier . e on the ma chine. .Mica cad Iwcoinplialied not on ly the lighten ingot' theliarife4laixir but *JAM reducing the number •of men re quired to do the work,, vial—the raker off and one binder, the grain being laid so mach more even and . regular that it took ottoman has to- sib this work. A •number of capitalists seeing the inven t-101f f*axiMe intEntneied With Its great and 'companies Were' formed at MasalikM and Akron , Oldo. with ,large caPitnis for the proper nainuf.ictuto o the Dropper. Dolt pow 4 snogt impor: nun difficulty lama with; Wore was PO machine to attach their invention' - There were plenty' of: geed mowers -In the market, linekoyesßusselifs dak, bitt none exactly suited to thei 'attachtnentof this grint,Drimper. Tlibi it *Mae in.- .cess:ary. to suPply . a machine that;shoidil be as good a incnpir. in ran:aids as Mono already. Invented, anal lightei In tlmughtc: Thus waftinvented the Excel sior Mower and iteaper, the great Cow bitted Ibirvmhar,.is , wonderful machine in eVery respect, and Made exactly to snit the . Dnipper, indeed built; for and the meanie on*hialt itenn &afield loiWerk Id'perfhaleti, Mid while having no ciperior, as a !Mini' it Is unequalled as, a, ',vapor.- Teo . itan iicactnnirs, Ifiave masio W. W,Knox's implement blouse, 13! Liberty. street, Pittsburgh, the-head quarters for this machine In Pentufyivn labia, where, Inducements- are niado - to faiannsf tis buy direct inatend of from lo cal country agents. • ..s • Illentingabele lt - nlieg It. - re,.—The 'engineerii how engagled In suqiiiingend loMting the •.Nforionpaudi ;Valley Rail roeilraye machetT a pOratesonte &Alnico above ).1 Isabetb.' diotarovie Fdlsa beth to twenty miler; or, three. miles lags third by water. Everything has been progressing favorably on 'the' line, and nth() roadbed thns far is all that could be darted, being nearly !eta; • :No deep cunt of fills have Yet 'been; encountered, and the.griellng' wili' be `comparatively easy did inexpensive. : Every, person long ro ute_ weeds a cordial wel come to the engineers,• and no difficulty will be experieneat in - getting .tbp rigbt' away. A. soon as the. right of way Is - obtained threugh Birmlugbani, which gill be neeeniplbibed within 'a row' days,, the' work giailliriirM be coranefieed., i'hnrna W. Erkp* ti;e 'efficient Eredtlont,of tbp coumapy„ r!Operes . lig if film b a most tomuablentairnl.oterk 044/tion,itild thelriends of the edge wise bavo radon to congratulate them selves upon-the progress write!' is being Made.— Wash. , Ernarder.:.l • ..- • Nctstirotb, gyred' Potit4iiiiro9isto aid'eititt*Pianui car. "lc ' ' , 9 4 ; *. arA . l jtee It i Vr•Plit -; * 1 % 4410 .4 4 a d ; degiefiliOWAnto zeeas ne W 1MX4 ,1 41/ike e P4 . 4 dwip. cof,pricesotx.... LW ate Wert" lug throughout the, oetuetirr.. Ewa pi.oT9o, , q4imPrirrl 1 ,44_ 4 , _&rft'4oi 6 4ol .4 l., A ,.. } ^ —: ll _,Ai i ."- e l '‘l U -. 41:5010 -1 7 .11411 $4# 1 ,... 1 .,15 0 imustoolioneolaiir,49o.4,lcutpwre lowa lir** by , JORminftecit 404 thlt kaltith Critup.lntblitinetmallediA4Hunil if to* We; 1 h*P dm r4ittref as ifigetk• tt 44 4 4 441 'itta"t i i i t ioa ttfOrghtibite4‘o4 1 OnO, ir,Datqtrithiskoni p?..05.—, iov - ;: ( 4 . 04 ii.m :_1 ,vp.44614.44L . .ug0 ... .11.,. - arati.Lauct...,,k,-, . ' ..!if ff r algal girt:lea Doing Efselnliewilfrieiltaliffl. Brat Ladies, ear ,reguent. to bearlbeataie of the'different atylemott ezidhilliMosrail promptly &erected to by the gent, hinianff satesmin. IlaklnOth4utiteiiraltiect setnifal or the dice. shin tiritantr mac Al. lealpil irtleipiltiletAta*lltes wag ; 4 11 / s .** n-PF/0 4 . "gati' 6l. P .ll4lll ,* P? appearance die; idanotiw leli 6mi:orb/loam? l'P.P O P44ar in the Zaatern ,clites. One or our number, a lady, and orgiinki law hailing ohnrel;, oh bearing' the round! 10 ball tones' of thlir'beautifed.organ, I venni:lced that in pert narttertlitr. the, nine organ" Ina a decided adAriadagf; over The feel, being indert aVoiai., folio, Sit unpl, a .r4P,T e4 i!I Pill Fagg /Pafra r raritaProduaLPS IYarP Os? Pawtti '4 PIP cialrarnorliarinti* 1 1011, /4 ' use... The, lady was niuth estantshed on being told that Lite Instrameut played on was nothing , Mora than Jr li . 4ad organ with their , late imineved ' reverberating sound; tioi, 'Which &AIM thdpewer ief the Insire nick snot gar'e tii the quality of , the , Itetia,it Orli, round. full , and povierful sound, resemblingihe Pipe. Tito Lento Organ is an ooniannied thatilie sound passes up trout the rood Into the top or box; the box heir*. tondo on thin wood. pinch as the round board of ‘plantst aro made Of. The front of the top or box, Is L beautifully cams' and add it great deal to the aPpealice of the Instrnment.' In all othbr orga s nowlnade, with the ex ception of the Lento Organ, the sound 1 is forced dowp, which give a handl tono to the reed. The Leuto improvements, I made by the indefatigable Hbonluger dc "Co., Is destined to become the leading organ of the day. •It is mariarlary Wheat then; to ceniincly till Of their derided sit lieibirlty;over other instruments of the oripan kind. We iiiisulred pargeultuiY as to their Seale of kriees, and learned , that tlle VOrapany proposed selling their now Leuto style at the Sarno rated as lit rartarleas of Inferior make pre sold throughout the country, ranging in pile) from 11100 up. We• haattly con gratulate the firm on their new Leuto i jlnproVeniell la. The design Of this in st.ruirient has been patented and the or "glut ea.nnifseterdby" this firm and can be seen at all Woes 'tit willing at Huff man d; Map Palace , Vin. Music, °, fi e, Fith at euue, Opera , !louse Buildtug, Pittsburgh, Pa„, • The gontlemanly pro prietors of this magnificent establish ment will be pleased to show their large and varied stock of Instruments to all Parties paying theillt a visit. Messrs. Hoffman d; llall are solo 'wrote for the relobratrd rhinos if Moro hall it Mi di mer, New York ; Lnarim Berge, New •Tork, and Witte. it' Darts, Boston. They areictritei for nvrral initkes of or gans, and are very extensive importers of small lustrunovs,,strings, de. The latest sleet niusle awl books ,aliesys on hand.• Call noel sea'llwgreat 1,4;ut0 eiggir6 t i • ' -' 1 ~.. • Axa Ik uuvjy fr.)r Siey. Ifettlacite, W 4 1 Worry** P • yupclp'ia Cure alapili without a rival.. not:own& of, teatinsettlabi attost cirtees.. • 1. - . pt AllitOUitcedieittrf. biro bran roqueritel to annenuee the names et the folloiriug gentljrnen'ua candidates for the vartounbillixai In tide sourity, aubjca to the reenit of the Re . publicaii primai3 . -cloctlens: • Senate,. - JAME:3 S. ItUTAN, Seaver Lord. MLI,TON,TOWNSESD„ 'tien,ltrighton. tsseuslay, JOHN noniiiTs, ugbadoiri tp. Dr. W. C. tiILURLOCK, Darlington B. JASIEZ• FIFE, New Difghton bora. JOHN Y. MARKS, Bodin. • • • THOMAS J. POWER, . Rochester bores THOS. j..CITANDLER, Rochester bore. CAPT. (I. s..nAlactur, Nev 'Brighton. isherfq, Rovbester bott:!. THOMAS P. FLEIESO'N, Pulaski tp., . JOHN C. BOYLE, Now Brighton h ern. JAMEN M. MeGEEIIAN, South Beaver. JOHN ILHEIOULEY, Franklin tp: JAMB'S A. ANDERSON, Darlington (p. ABRAHAM B. WOLF, Brighton tp. S. B. BRIGGS, rnanstry tp. • • JAMES 11. TRIMBLE,' LI reene tp. 'aunt sui ELM; Inilekndenco JAMES DARRAGH, Bridgewater. Join: M. 14.7.NCAP, lienver bora. . Treasurer, JOIIN It. EAKIN, Beaver boro: CHARLiii WALLACE, Big Beaver. EDEN ALLTSOltirkaver•bero. MARX' A. I'IL'N'rER, Ohio fp. ' BENJAMIN' FIIAN&LIN, I'alltfk n. IRIUS slNpLlaos,,Deavei* S. M. ELDER, Darltugtoptassuship..„ Clerk orCourt,, JOHN A. FRAZIEH,Benver bow. WILLIAM IL BRUCE, Hopewell tpo'• JO LiN e. HART, Darlington beim. • • • coltlllllllolllollfr,'. ' jA3IIg , .4'SVAILVOCK, North Sewickley. JOSEPH BRITT:I,M New Brighton. .10.DWARD COLE;IAN,.MarIoit tp. I „roar, Mamie ID!reeter, ROBERT CIXiPER, Mikan tp.. • JOIN IVIIITE, Itomvell tp, . Auditor, , Ef.t.3ll.lfiL. Iif..DL.KHNLOIIE, Beaver 'moo. Lult:F.Nf;. Rocric4ar Pun). -Triodes* or Arfuperay.. I). P. LOWARY;Sienver.. J.S. Ztl. SMITH, Boassr. ViiYrie,d; ELVERttON—TMRKER,-tin tho 121 th otllityq 180, briter. H.. Crowther, et tire residence Al tho!losiderf partwis. Wm. N. Airman Anti Mhos: Mgr lotlegarher,soronddsugter of Wil liam and Ifirker.'oll of NOW I . trighton, Yo.. • " ' • ' Died. DAlRLOW—lnTomerny, Ohio, , liday Jodae ,daughter.er Uri C. A. Barlow, aged lityearn.. DAW1401•1:-.Nenr.roalsville„ Pottauraan ::ade oniny:Kansa% May b,,181,,.-of lnthurtatioh or the =WOWS IneMbnPla. .314u7 4,,vbit'd of 11 0110 1 . Ce PIFOA O,I I late or Beaver routitY,Po:. • THO3LAS-rrOti Abe nth Wet,;, : ;Wenn dente, Ohio, Mrs. IL at Ire tot' John, and daughter or, 4r. Ireith ,Dean, Torttierly' or' Ttoeliester, '•• 'Beaver co., .•Pe. • '"" • • . "IldelOs4 and the gletil rite ON 'hi the Lbra". • - - I. M. A. ; . To Covisempelame. Tiatemivattber • baTheg bona mond r bialth to a few weeks, hy a. Tort oialp{o; roumed7, otter Miff 0 . 111 0 0 0 .01.7, 00 gall a asTara /ant a i [ f t oe , 88 0 o at o°o ( lOW C•saaaTtiaa. as a4Val al t mak?!alaa.a to Isla V. 0 07 .ialaa lo th a owns of Cate. ' , To oiliadodiolt; irtl. a 64i at' the t=• nteasetf(heis • with the / fr ee. preitaieng anti 'll'l4 thettaiiie:hrbleb they hind. '.Vat ecia ysit. ctma*rniti: Aim* wi.t3eowelStrte;'ete: The eb}eelteltbridevetteet the freediptleiall'in Wulkt illrdite tiCsild epteatihtibebettleia *bah bolobtotwei to lie nr.7erGa': foal be Dopes iliviry *bow will MY hL teastaft, is k .10113•ftitt atm solldoe, mod saki *also' bte.slitc: /Wool teitidoit Pm' setiptlew yrUtpkitiot *Mho.. I . • 11.EvaIDWARD,A. W llo lo. o lfirr , Wm* foirketmau „ • P4Foßgoi 14 4 want:. (Km?. from lg..* r ow DOOM Pteismi.2o.444, alketa iWal:eaegiom, Or As Pie at as 4 iaaa4do' paid ao,lo ail lima 5e44,11; iadialairat 111A42i9di 24 =War Ili& gliPit RM. 66* Wilk* 11114119 MAW!» inahlag 2 114402 i 010ek 21121112'clitUted impedance ,au QO b 1,7 2i2.2a'peried 'eat. lideneo, ' Jou B. oan. N 0.4208120 atimeL Sot 14114 pesittul • ..ri ;ONO* ette -t :1 • 31- 0 1 t, d ifota k A , 1444,14 P 4 U. ;1 1 ' il**11:1. SOVVlatti.9., .1. 'r • • • '' , .•o; ;;A.A...: $.. • .- 41:J1 . • 'lt rat SQ0111,&4110i23 MADE TWORDEIt • , • 3,7 ; •;‘, .---sta:TaillYlSt MODER ATE. 1,1 • •• • Vieird !SUM; 4 Near Mattes D'4 4 i OtoteLikartr.Ps.. Wye UV 411. 2 ' 11 0 1 : 1 $ . • . 'wit' 100; 4 t 411 = 1 :„_' , A_ , , - • '• , li'Weitaa '' ' r" 146 , 11 70 1, 4 alfistAtioi 11:4. galr . JVZ 111 1:irsa llit • • • i•lisle 'llu ' trieleried ,• : •' ':; ..: t ~: • ; V'erla, 1C 4*, f id4044,e ';;lt.lla44amoki NEW'' PRING ~ I e-, : ~ .. ,' emede . Gog hiii , • 6 i4Agr• l o 4 l l d ' .• II 1 cress often., cusgla .not i alwaxs, eked bY ill I Zie, :.. . tirtikte, gho - DRY 0, , GOQDS, 1 -.. - 9 2f=cotv --- . . - . hair wbernfs• ' ran Aklarndf , ... tx , tbo "pat! atropitiedt. end therpd. • • ' .' IBet itallt 4 irs*qiier;e4biilil44 toe ' r 4 vae&elsees liy Aii - sprakiao4 itogeti • , , of foulio l ice bar.iwitlra Tsai? soh. :A L . retit , ..: ~ari . i About, it wfil Itseitstt...clet% 04 72 1P1 01 ."_.: .... --. . . , , • ••• • , ~- - /Alta occalleindmo will • prowls dm ow_ " ' ' froak,tonlin tr.uT Oe' nalitnr 4 f; '" 4 :coaseftlintif ProYent ' 1041 44 44 • gfe• front those, deleterious subatinies' vial_ 011 Maknaotne prepprations"danstmfana ,injurious'to 'the '1414 the r' ean only benefit but not harmwanted merely fors •-' I HAIR .DRESSING, nothing else can be found gide:arable: 'Containing neither oil 13011'..dles 14 40e* ttot soil nhite cambric, and yet hues long on the bairngiving 41strieltedasy . lustre and a grat-eid patens& • ME ...c4iiiimb% ors; lot Iktiiig'ek.OPilig ,00g . 40 - ,:_ . 1.: noxesTic DRY GOODS EW • 15IT IN(i • PRIM °pops, =I ALPACA, COLORED ALPACAS - • CASSIMERES FOR 3IFINS WEAR • • CAUSIXIMES VOW BOY'S IVE:t lill•T. TICKINGS, , JE.S.Ng, C:OITONAD4s Prints, Delitins, • &C, &C.; All. Bought FOR OASII, Fruun tits Easiwria..tionu:LtilitrerA. im - i:on.TETIS, And to .11(Ititla tve MEI Whole Hale !Trade. A. W.ERWIN Sr . , Co rAt F-dend SeFeel, Al!egheny spe23:lm. • I IM!!!!!!IIIIEEI!!!!I WALL-PAPER F0r1869 • . • . . Thomas* l Palostirr t John C. Doane. At our cotonnolloos 'Ad .paclou. rills mom.. a completesmoottoicot of Soy on! fil.roavrlty Ico (,),f . Wall7Papf.w, . . two .ru z w....l Ent Mod; 11166. ' . Cheap Brown and'White' Papers; 4.l.4o..olert,rarletr of OIL et..birriS. • Tranvareni and ntpeitruitlow Shades, 11;,rurettatul Plain' at ToWer p r iethi than ever before Offered In the city.. • AfflD . MitE. - ktpcctel Indult:emote o ff ered to Mohleiele Dealer,. • TnomAs rAilly.a &co.; No. St Wood Street, between 4th end hth ay. ane,44 dew below Diamond alley,TW.abergh. • FALLlorort irdiOnski? 4 • AND . R.EPAIR SHOP. Eitium aid inechlotry Diode Mid mpoired to Me Mot style. limieg grit owlet,' of !Mims.. I an tittle promptitude woommodsbe'eaotomere with *most rworYthitt( In ltiu halting Usta IMfdi lowest tats, • rtoni . mod 'Nowak quitipgs, altdifferest painmon, lne,Wlrs the uora Western, which .peaky for ItseUrrthlrfeTer It Ibui been ne..41. estadst. PraoltllA Ileadig.' at duo most pap• ales hawse at, at Cooking Buses the lasts". IltPtitur.li ' lbetwat as Walks' llttla lust flake roar :ludo Ilas dart sta. beet bater sat roast Alstabla tag% altogether lbs best 510,0 to use, In .eassastlou 1111 lbs ore bast got up rla g Patent Pebis Extension Tsis c yrbklp tike velrlio oil juist,Vooof tool, c ota oof got oot• ordniAn Irieloraf or 1/21 1 2.40 to ma oil Mores of asy SW% ee pattnnit. , to testimems of wh Is at lorre MW. fofoi s *yr 'uses of pandas baring toyed tam Mood be oafoo I Pfasme Winans, , Greys 4 . 11. T. Ki.thady, Abu!. ' Ilaifilel - Rcunetly, • 114 Job* thbits; 111: t rt y 170crinsu, • 4914111 m XeKeizzle • Itsereg, IN. yea. aveltboi, ilr7Jobe W. P. Smith, .111 x: J. I. ICUlatl. • &ICS: IlVentin.' . . . . a W.— Yorker. • , 40,10 kt" Jasksan, 9 Mr. 1.1.1:111eCteork:, AM. r. Pao.. to • Inn W. II aler t • 41 Swami Kmnedy. • man= r . oipt.oazi_ n rtr, am* . ' 7.1 Tkokisso ar ko . 13 s tome 7.11101mb MI WM, Jam.. Moos? , Jaws Jr.' l.Nd. . • cspk o l. Whoa?* , Fsvolarlek, Mstasur , 1611 rs Major Wsdo ,77 Mrs Moberg Anthero, 17 Mrs. tiro. Pablo John W. Donato. • ti IF. T. Reines, • T. MJA4letoo 19*A. WCrosr.l,o9 James IT Mania &Womb' Cookie " !SI !WSW 1/6,14 • St Th omas 11. Dan ... n n 01 9 911 Memo:Os.: II Mask Steep . ,t7lJohts.lhaolsp TV is W. (Nos; "ST Cbe* . W. Saltion. 1.1 Mown WodshOW,Srla Stood T,sslar. .*5Bo Bradakaw,. , , ah Wlam SW", Toner[Bradshaw et Hrs. ratienwa; • Irt TWO Bradshatir,. WPHYIa Dowldson r . ' 9c 9 W .117 .l • El MUt n Xoed . " Oa Fantod Daz)lo,' XI Milo lOW 1 Itee.3). P: uwarr, a WSllleni 'reed, Isabla: - . =Joel Iteoeli • . • W Geo. W. St Mrs 1.1,00 auto. "94 ?reek VIIGoio. .S4Jeknetoo Laoclible OS William alone. • • SWeellee 0..46 t 794' Itlebonloo, antichard V ey • LtE; Mg X. Renter.. - Wlllkuti Porta Ai/Antal helms . • Slimmed' Mei stout , . 40 fluid Care ; " 11 0 140 b) Pleetar 41 Dr. liOno ; !WI Xr• Jolla Thome Id !Wasso Fronk • thd,lan% Wm" ;met Unowks Pt J.W.Yvidtboaort clodze ghat ' • Ind Jima Iliontat. WUDam Pamnr, • IP Robtat.Wallate alWm. Eltkandad. fal MOW/Wired C Sealant Crams • ICS Mawr Morgan. Stospik 11143era1lt • Waft c. W. Tait* av Ilta.Jult`Poratltt.. IP C4oltritoodil ld Willtaas Wavel 111 Mad Wttttr dr - Rot. a P istgLiJa 1111 , ntochl ad 'ttatirto•Po I Sono, &I J W o od hn Y. Parka MR. M L. Itirgleo, St CAM. A. WDonald - Martel a btu,. Ca (*.Pall i d tftriC. CNrigralgtll lid WM 1:0 $ tat Ai Po Nallar4, o4 i n ajont , & 1.% , ',moo . Loin - " • W ~.1 11 . 11190W W . I h'iptmoKaag oar 'Savo Mg ICTIZIO IM!luber at adttft, : , ow n: . sold I' Mot Pow' tow , W ip lmb r riu o m die **tot at w at o lOW ady. " Vass " ler Poo nOnsaficiat4d by i tor! Min= aims born potato ty, largo to 6a pdbdo at Moldable " • • ^7 7 " • • • • opux T ' lto IT . xgoiumaya • , . ,P l4lktia"4's 114I irt i races . ma =EU". e n jAiir dnt.e Os am of BobW. Pottle_ ..Xita warts •hof lby suwaletini 111 Welles gm& Ws *aft two bow es. a *Wpar.4lop, aad tpl bank war 40 the sotto, Teeny a. 7. YOr ninD. 2 •Ca OS 'ILLIPIt MIA t winl:l4 . : .•r; UMW. ==---.lkwit-larw . . - • I ........ • iv itrokii i•• 0 ' • f.Airigeo..; ler - nialt . crai.i,v• i.O to,: 0.,t1) Ut4 , 41, Mit '•, et ife .:: r Qr. . ..,. .• ..,,•i -.. gt 41 1 A For ...,. .4 1 , 11i6 , 44 i t 1. 04 :ta l i t Prepared by Pr. J. C. Ayei & P / Lucnci,z, mak Alutriri9x . Cairimy LOWFXL, *UM 4er's Sarsttparilla, = •- repolatten thhi or. ' ' ) !Man medicines enjoys. Is derived m boo Its corn, man of whirb ara On agl y edions. laretersus ly eases of feevolbletul!el*- . e .43 ,11ena .a. • • d Ruh tern:oo2w byre been , . . . padded sad-ennad by It. hctufalous alfsetkuts sad eftsarekrehltillehwere patatbi l 0 ee refu• lous co wait • lbey grew pakfatly Miletlng, harm bone y eared* Mic*PWeld smasher , Neolttkimiv' ,ehlea of the country, that the put= marer.sy aced to Infonsmi of Me Ortnas ar vow. " • ee. ocsofeleas potato Ls one of the most dostruegre. mealy' of oat rare. Often, thls.anseen and malt tenant of tbeersandsmnndermiaastheeolloaltalloo, ,st invites this attack of enfeebling or fated diseases. 'without exelites asmpleton of lii presets*. Again, at sensate blind lallwilouthmassbouttbilebady,nnel then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop Into me or other of its hteleont germs, elther on th :nursed or moms the viola. la the blase. tuber. visebe ,41 'i'irnif telsesitest in the loop of bent et tomes formed In the Merl vett stems pee.ence by eruptions on the atria, or Out ober. on sane part or the holy. llnee the l+ lek.ost use of • bottle of this gerseeporiffes Iv' ad. Ruble, even when no active symptom" of disease tppror. Persorii atatelett with the following Md. plao.t+ generally fend Ism mediate relief. aseeh it lenuth, cure, by the use of this $4.11C3AV4 1L t1...1: At. Authos.o nee, Rose or rrWsigyles. eTetter. :40 Samna, geobt Mod, Jattstrarrao, !sore ,Ejels, hors Ears. and other atrupttona or iris Ible e. au orlterofurous disease. - Also In lbs apetsneencealed ftwom,ws , D4/1•40 , 01. I ae , lig . fi t 5 , 4.04 :47 ,• 67 itar and nervous %yarns. ..e Nypkitis or reassess/WA Merential Di p s tesrt are cored-by It, thangh a longtime Is ravished tot sublutos thew otestlastemalmUos by say nwelsitne lout lens eontinued use of this tokteee well core lac eanntotut. -Zenseremaao ar Whlam, Chleisee Itievesafeme, and r..sette. Diarists. are con. goon and l 'reT l4 ulthaately cured bt as re7tZ. fur each ea 4 m tirms =l ir n out. ' ettse al. i s r u74 Idled Smile. Ithewentrefens slut dons, %then ecou.ed by accemodatlonel el asaransena aurners In the Wood, sield quiraly tc. it, as able I.4ret Comptairs re. tomb/fry. nengesfelon erfollson lamtkesof the Leiree.andJemee.wttnaltaina. nee they often tin, from the ran gpo ORS In the 71110 , RAIRRAPAItiLLAI . ts a grest. re- '44.)1R2 fur lily Oren Alb and- Tealltnt Um alalleiti , Thoto 'who aro Zaaprti awl ziorw; Drama :drier, lareplosa, read troubled wale Xramerea :prallerserimm or Verna or say_ Os altattannt Symptomatic of .IrralaLesa , a mt immtellato erelal and coarinclng llTi4l4loll.itla nastoralLivo power urontrtl. •, I . . , P 1:;11' P-A SRD. , B I, Ithr. O. C. ATEJL & CO, lmon, Misr • Protikal sad Anaryffiega. arrairra; SOLD UT Art. DCMGISTS ETIMXWELEki. marl;;lt. EMI , nan Por.stiumc 4 04, • • 4 1fr /OP: :::::7.21 1- • MUM Hun lunntAnyt • . .111A.3111111.M.TT.• Vegetable' UaLr Reiterative itlrig./1:11/427'.=41614 iistriV ' es&V " piettr 4 4, t=zr • + - urturcrw..,...-1." . 45, • ♦ R. lARRICIrT & CO., Propthisiii, roraale by all Dram bibi Paha* la 34.4 chore ererrorber.: Site i ngsage r HARREssi . .9nR ., .• FAvorim: „ fi er otyle in oilißottle • wilt quickly: rrstoreGray Hair • .ta itz natural color and beauty, , ietk produce- luxuriant growth.. It is},t lsirfcetly harmless,. and is psx°•••4, - " er a 4 on , over every - ' other PreParood wife than -those who have a fincheadd it la dilly u • 'xi will as those who. sigh *They may do 'it. The bexutifi4 glow an•Do otherblththe':;: irnparted ta the Hilr trilkeS nii t r; Tor old•tild roori e 4 =selves, and • " 1 - For Sale kir 'an phr ui d go ordered, DEPOT, IDS' allElNlTlCcin — cts her o iire, b o ys, tha i t itai the raiaoNEFthczon ..• as the free • _ .=, sed•lete her 'VP . halt7r4. 470 — iiire ll ek" "" F li ' mener.selee.eamicZat,;of the ateansee am oague.ee t r . sepheteleated fa en =ti•Cl u EN t i w r 4 1 0 044 °M ) ,..,..... 13 er s a MY maw artalp —•-• '''' n i a star iggeraila: the aft and ume dip* kW 'SLAW 4 chambennald Inc '.yeesorre. ethroloetther reerignir Itt Us - b p = cosav l a r show _ waa aronao 'O4 no. .amus e al d Wiz In the kith. to 'ooatentlent to the o *I - round t h e and standee out wake. • • ' PIMBUKUIII NATIQX.LIST; t ' . . i.a Att.. .. , llepsateeter, 1, • MIRIZI a C EMI . 1 19 1 PM."'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers