NM i ta E CZ Et • .Jl #IW, ': "li~il'ieir:`' ail:'--' "Cr.EA.R Y. ~ .2Lii 44 ) : 72441--- Os lath Wt. or Introdueeritnle the , hhiumehusette tree- V elioldied with eoUtempt, l iiiiitii „. *oilld tadiitsiionorw liielo '" OR itild hhihit to Its • 1, • -1 0 .7- 4- 1 -- .'" . • • .; ; Om of lavt, week,lo • lota el Rutile debiteit a pro ga ltim44l4 r f llielr Oita Cotititution hp! -iioro4l4 01 4, 10 ..f0'W14 WOW' by a ; ;vote.of 14 toll. Time elimatorai i pted " No," beaten theywauted tbe ;4;64 " male" atiieken'Out bf.lbre the 'wont • • "IfAit,e4" t„,,, 10Ifi0 aha i ln io Paft3r , "In rleni 64, ilental*Yibari bOn t committing dePridatkm4'' penFeable etizeirCftioni tI! homes. 10 V d i l r i :o ll * *4' mO l Pirvid laiddletca Cattle jsaail and OtberFt6: ly shot him. . . ~ t k Sur. ILegielature of Nevedki Apetred a7Constltutional eutendmetat 0. 0 :04 1 9g for bletimild nm te 90 daire ; and Olio gitiOglutlon Oongreei to: annex to Neynde the . Territory south of flake mfork.Un yirginia 'lnd 'Truckee hei e-2em-eouiroeticed. tikr. New NOrk;citylitveserious tliotights of organizing a vigilance. 0014011tte0. Initnitylsee for the iutp . Ouc , of *axe cutineirittinti Veligeiwe upon the murderers and roldin* fluit,peedi to have control:there this winter. No ll* or property appears to. be wife 'for one ',min*. ihe &M,cet , threltie elect tie , politits of the eity render their rirre4 a mere . farcey • for 'neither cohViction ox 0/ 0 14 i i101 / I .'# 4l 4 we • 3. 4dgee; Jo - rim nist-4 414 efifee are 01 0 f r q1 ,45. , their diity. Under them • eircuM l `• 'dolma a • great - ntimbei:of Citizens I Purisipe tulip' . the Jaw into 'their o _, tied: rre4 1 4 4 . ~TeiY York 'mains as ElenFrancinoo icemen necit ompolpsOillgo.' the Wai3hington eariespendeace oftbitlieston .Post,we lorliglti relation tothe Inauguration' Ceremonies: . . • ~ 'Custom regains that the Mining,- tee 'octane of the ceremonies should for the incomingand outgo!' . provide Psimittaits to ride together to vipe (Upitol on the 4th of March:But Ow. • Arent has plainly indkated that he will net ride to the Capitolla or= •ny with. Mr. Johnson, The has not been consulted on the subject by the committee, nor has he said .anything to any one authorized to Speak for him about the mattter so far as is known. In view of Gen. Grant's refusal to come in contact with Presi dent Johnson, the coraniittee may not ommunicate with the latter rela tive lathe ceremonies. But, however this may be, President Johnson, will robably relieve all parties from em - ent by , quietly repairing at 1 • o'clock, March 4th, to the resident's room adjoining the Senate, according to custom on the last day of the am sioni and there remain with Ida Cabi net till`noon; the hour when his al ' dal terra' expires, to consider bills • that' ay be presented for his, signa ture. •If this course be pursued he Will not; therefore, be a party In the procession • and other ceremonies which will be in progress at the same time In the, streams of the city, and the Committee and' all other parties wM thus be relleve,d ,of the dreaded embarravment. „ The President of the Senate has appointed as asp committee to make the arrangements for the Mangum- Con of Gen. Grantee I'residerd,SenaL tors Yates of Illinois , Cragin Of New lianipshire, and McCreary . of Ken-. lucky. • GENERAL Ounikor's speech to the • Co'entitle°, informing him of ;his election to the Presidency fromund after the-4th of March next,is charac- teristic of the man--shoit, pungent, honest, .significant. He will call around him such persons as'Will co ry t the principlei the country de sire 4 to be suteessful, " Econoiny, re trenchment, faltyful coffections of . public revenue`tind payine ti • puhlie debt." If his linCwiec : rs of Otbinet officers do not suit he will not hesitate to make a second and a third trial; but he will not inti mate who he will toll to his Mivet mittl he sends in their names to the. Senate for confirmation. •ll4ein he proves unmistakably that military Charattedstie for which ho wax noto rious. NG one knew his intended :movements until orders were hinted. By.this means he Inept the enemy in the until' toe tate to ietufferect his tactics. "I would as soon ininove one of my own appointees as one of ' thee!) of my ptleceasor" If hdehould • pre inc O m l'Otoor , "101 l or 1 ° - . faithful. tlere Ids ; ster li ng wisely and' fidelity to the public iaMtestla nutniftst. His line of policy,..thys ,bulleated, is, hilly: intiorso4 hi 'the,. public of the whole UniOn,•and that, it will be filly adherid to, those who' know him will not hesitate to say w "will fight It out int that line;" and' he has not °flee been Nuttier!, to de- But this little speech to ?fititton;' published in our lastissue,ls ti Coin _ plete claviculate on thepUlitidel tdietip. ;l card. It popphisnus the hoshi of eabliet makers whoure filling Brant% Cabinet with their particular •frlent, every other (lay the week ;; booing him with their unwelcome and irksonie:r9monings. They do tackk,ltnow, mir Are they to be lufortn-' ad, who he Oinks 9t appointing l; tici• they, cannot tell who Co opioe or Wistytothvor.' They: , tiro completely Ont-getteraUed,' and some of ,the ,it is slisPPciOt ere ft 11 4#S 8 9Ke ovey ,i . iitl decision 43rantltusbutitismili tinti claw who firer never Antleified , unless 'bay the Prii 4 l*'or:putting;in 7 ...., Hal ict esorY PoiIiASLI . *._t ) Yci which:la of totportarice Solite . tow,- moment, . and , who are ' ,. .gctitmtkr' ' kisSwn , a 4 . Ili 31,11 er5,. - trod well - 'nigh , played ontAxiliticitins.. - ' ' -, • , t i , - . u. )4(131r1.1.EN IS 0, hyDretkenta. time the llousest-11.surnabu* H e tt . :moerat and bah tema OitiPt*cotmtk.' 'Moritga t iperyetitin• ty ballevei In beno6rpc,y, loin getalr7 ally Mils up a Democratic, inn)orityi ona or twe'llioneand. • Mr. Mertif ten diet afore - feeler comfortable, 40411 tort troubled , fearti of Wag :1411P04 at the next gettemteleptiom Li feat he bellevoi 'himself to be be ,, "end the mach - tkf watt - Cal' ruis6rJ 'ttepea, ark taklnithat view Of tAealt-, Mitlpli; he tiinueii Qut tapiarei, and SEMIGNI=g I . 77-1 t he made a motion in the Ekstse to 7i o pay . httndred d , hie tlfteen hum. the slon. To his t it dhe willing tll his might haiNt lA' es • • " But Meldulhm's Indite= Prcmd =I E11374 901"1- he 4 leapt, did not (Min the mood to e . nt. ti&SEi Vale itlel *Wetter& trip*, I OW% AwentY:44 tbr andisiFty ogalatlt the resolution. k4 ' #g4r i 18 04P111( ihmehdl' toiroe ttitspieteedotwsif,tbe pettle r , eratterrtr i iir firvoraretrehehmeot. 0440 1 biThi *li ev,iVe theme tX4I 6 „*P 4 I)**,i . VOtOC tot ( The prePot4tu ;•: • ,;11' •I;P:,- ':'Are have received pie Arutaal fRe• P6ro4, th e SiOno* -11 1 6 4, th 6 soKletol 4:414 4 4 6. •Eich ' 0e1k recently, published. CoL.George..F,. Xerailturd amcmg other thp,ot:,•tgat'!!t tstobiiir**edthai 4 1 r WOOt*Or Weil** , ORAroPrtatiOlois over five hundred applications "te , Le received under the kitatohnide, have boowOloollarYF koli! to' *Ow "- ,!,141,310 tyaitingi;tPithout OO.Y hen etit of the echogieuntU' atter a kill , ' chid appropriation shall haVe been, made: It ahoUld he su ilielent simply to Looo,o' to erslertoriecure the.veetlY pas ago of a bill , appropriating ample funds for the purpose indicated. The chil.. cfro of thoeeyho ioeftheir lives on ,the Aoki of battle in dehmtv • Ot . :their, .00antrii, and ter its petpetniog' ; ,bov a Just claim to etiPport and 7 educatlon tumi',the 13*ertunent . State, 'lbr. Pie safiliY of :which • their P1.0r 1 4 1 died.. .. . . .. ' , It . appears ' there . 'are . fotty-two achedlii hlthe i dass ',indicated' above,, located. in; , variety ; „Sectimia of the State, east sad west, and at the dose of the year thi3e, were 3,481 children OfTettoryittilliiioldlers*; Clothed iiiAtesat!, in ,oi-1 : I 17A' iirtrtn i . but it notallthetWl"colitemplatel, should beracOomplisedwhealheorig inid' tippropriations . tisoere' Made - tor 4ig" . 1 ) 440.0 4 lasl4. our Common-wealth. Immune theParentofeoldiers' orphatvg• It was not lithe inteatiori that a pinthfiridiiield ' tie' thus i iirovi= del ihr, aridWeilimlik,Mieritoriouti remainder held hi'abekeice h r bit that all should be taien and provided for relying upon the faith and patriotism ,of future legislatures for any deficit in the appropriations. • , Ihrt"wa are' not disposed to. bei'eaptimis about ,il4mt zi a has.been somewhat indlyitiote: I.ithilugh 7 ere Ace' to admit: not. intentlo ~, hi • ruling, some to abeyance whose dahlia, equally ent.l.'• tied them to' eleemosynary benefits• with those more fortunately consid ered; We only say let the Legislature wipe out the blot, or Mistake; by an ample and sPeedyippropriation. Col. McPariand—im old Soldier— as Superintendent, has , prosecuted his labors with unexampled zeal and fi delity ; his heart and Sold is in the work, and he has done all . that he l_oppld to secure_the comfort and edu cation Of thetender charge - commit ted.l,43 WM.. ha has'Overcothe seem 411gly unsumnountable'dliliculties in the fUrthemnce of Waimea gigantic hi*, and is deierving the thanks and commendation - of, in: appreciative public.. - The cost of the system dur ing the present year is estimated at a little Over ssoo,ooil,..even,vdth the ex orclBe of the mast rigid econerity. Appended to thd rePort of the Su perintendent is one front Mrs. Eliza beth E. nutter, of Philadelphia ; the lady Inspector and ExaMiner, which is also interesting to the benev olent aml charitable reader, and bears testimony to ilici indellstigable exer tions of thay, . d-hearted Indy, in be half of .• .' orphans. She visited all th,., , , , oois during the past year twic e ',,, ,/ •r i ?, some of them thrks3 and - oft • , • • She'reix)rts the condition of th: :as eminently gratifying. She Vi • is - "Their physical develOpments . , llealthfuli their hubliki unex it,'' . noble, their Manners atfilble and fl. ~ :.t, their conversation , inteill gent and winning; and their entire de- Uortinent quiet and lady like. : And they exhibit' aka the mostimitifying progress in the various 'branches of housekeeping.' They km:kW hoW to cook, latke,,,wash Mid iron, and are proficient tin plain. and onhuantal 1 needlework.'.. At someof the schools the girls make all the eletliteg heed, ed—both their own and, the boys. churchiand Sunday school facilities are enjOyed at all - the' schools, and proper cure is bestoweridike on the developMent • iff the, wind and the body-,--theine not being iticrificed,to t heindueexerelseoftheether. These girls* at, honor to, the State, nem- ' Surf to their Mothers, andi blessing and= ornamenttosoelety.'?, I ME Ow' goad old Clohimon wealth las .nOheasOitqblitilif ktiatongiorison of "iin4iiiii 6 iVO'io n ..hei:aoldlens i ,` pliant; with that of het , sister States. 130)4 skin& the keystone or the'arelt thift"resi)ect. Le!, the uppriTtfa tfoitXrinigktflielent. ' • • • Wish 1)0111111 it Mesa? ~ ' • 'Onlhe 14th &Aril, 1861; says the IllittAltt : I .,Wfikai ,llo6 th 611 4 i'il Andrew Johnson i tiit:n stayinget the Kirkwood House,:Washington, i.tnd ( i) left Ids card • r . Min.; • There tsho' ev,ideueu tba the iqifii, '*!iii 'cviir re. turtled, but , here; are :out wanting many thoughtful people who- have believed thatHpoth's visit to 'John; wn 'on'the inning of that ti tan' dui, lAA, 84444 boAtIO in' it. . . *. Now, as Johnson's term .:of office, won for ' him by Booth's pistol Itbot, draWs,,o - ii "elcgk'; th?o7, . 0 1 ocean ,trentonStration of, retearkablo fa*rattil consideration; not only to.' ward the . staviting 'conspirators, but 'ewth icu - vitAl ' the remains' of ' , those iii rt6 :to, 4ll6 : o, boor . Oiiiilt)r, . 0 0 1 kel. .awtia r c l i k i43 ,)NIW . their, worthless. Eves! =f The living Me- pardoned 'and the'detid ttterektillitylk iidU 1 / 4 tt P?l f Ogen l I d 6)/ k*, „4: 41 0 1 0 44 T7 tyre, wi , i , wpo,Atnewmpukuver, the newgraves)of ;haircut :criminals Oat the eenturv•white pnbikloaimillistS; vibtolthpatiiitii , With' rye (144:8f, tivud d „Ai l, l i t t, , d 4 A,. ii).446.upeo. new.eukinlas,apon the a im: whist; I Inns &torsi ~..‘ ,1i.,, • ,I: q :, : ' I ! ' 1; W 14 4 d * I titn ;911ut ?. Is An dr4,:ightimmill itituL in breast the sallkof htiniet t • ja 4Deif t ovet4. *As,. that it must needgmli forth in pity oVek dB ',mei of bUtnitti (Th a d? 00100 Teti • kiefOtu s ! tat.' p1i4i,8641 a .e.t!. for trenidrut# l 4.2 tv', uch il'alle'Surgivepisstab., all thlsbmdernees toward. the esee• E Ira ! • r.'.T: - . FY te ir‘ - 1 , *. . ot theee:' . 't .. le :•• neon 1 • ~ ry , , babl: / n ~ ,r any ,r.,., which is manifesting - Itself, in these latter days of hii power, between the man who stepped Into the high seat of tho Presidency, made vacant by be ns w om, Rae !Mold antitheeheowed 'his ehyrii, thin iteretilf thin" ; r ife one,! is securely' MEW kicilkinl• Tho w4net.gies„iftlieritutre kl *Pc hre dead mil; gone ; dna the people are 'KM hidkohat theietokons ofdefbr epee tg_the detail arid 'Hying conspire ' Atirsasking the ittintlotfelrhat does It mean'ffuld ng no iingwer. ''`,ll.4g) Ole a tiotietthiel'fiad AtiicrotlltablO i.ctlthitf!tPu,t i.AelOblfeaniailerra.are catching/. up and • pollebing pars gtaphs ham ditihrent altwapsiper eor refr , taler , 'llfashilf7 City, purporting' eci give the Aefi: Otten. *mkt, as expnwed:hY hint' rotiv - er'. JAW& with CongiestmenVor other PrOathient .inerobera z e!tholteat 1 ,Publican.'partY, rhttive to the Politt-, seitildiitatws o 4 ll (-hPtiltall ricuoirtatolor Lurie Cirri: itetandotherwbai. , MichpublusHotut lytptya 0:M 3 1 4111 ml course which the Progdeat , elect niay, see proper to punme, and reflect no credit aPonthejudgruentot the party who inutateithd eleetcd Mm to the Widahr.hils to:taknintOer for four years after 'the ith . .9f 31 a refit General Grant has seen:propett to , depari;in one In tiuwe, Wow the gen erutiopted loni before lie be, conelt candidate ftw .the Preside:l4;y 'l t iof palming by; in silence all pews ** comments and reports' hrirehl- Ikon hi Ida tide or i ennverautions; and, denounced the report.of_hlksayhuts, ay even • by the *respondent of the New York . World, as iitheue et false hoods front the hiceptiOki We hope it will not become requisite 1 1 for hlin to repeat the saute thing in cieference to Republican 'alrrespen-, . • MIES The history and ;character of 4:4m. :Grant are • suthcierit warrant for the belief that'be would consider' it du insult to , the party, which had elected him toildfik or placing any Man in his Oilineti who was not with the party during the war, . or who had not acted with it sinc that time.— lie understands party claims, and Will respect them. • TIIE.A.M.NESTY PILOCLAMATION..-- The Senate Judiciary 'Committee, to which the President's Message lion-: tuunicating'ishi Anmesti.,ProcitunaL lion wasTifernid, reported yesterday. They nccdo the right of the Presi dent t grant a reprieve or a pardon, but den . thathe is invested with any constitu tonal anthority.to proclaim,. a gene , •umnerity. The, report, which naiades with the following resolut on, was ordered to be printed : Resolced, That in the opinion (); the Senate the proclamation of •the President of the United States of the Vith of December, 1868, purporting to grant general pardon and amnesty to tillpersons guilty of treason and acts of hostility to the. United States during the late rebellion, with rester ation of rights, • Was not author ized by the Constitution or laws. • Our next candidate tbr . Oover. tor. eintnumber of Republican LRAM in this State are laboring to or ganize a forminable opposition to the nomination of Gen. John W. Gtnry for the office of Governor of the ( 'on t menu-taint by the Republican State Convention which assembles in Phil adelphia on the 23d of June. Why? The Beaver Ilirilkvd, which is at present the mouth-piece of the ele ments that arc laboring to sewre this end, indirectly gives the remain in its editorial eolnmus Of the 12th inst., as also in comniuithations from Harris burg and Washington of previous dates. "GeV. Hem' has not btvit "the pliant MO of a few politicians "who aspire to the leadership of the "Republkan party In the oState and "unless he "breaks" with his friends "he must be defaq'ed for a re-nomi "nation, or if nontinated it may lie "held by some that a nomination by "a State:Convention Isnot binding.' We do not quote the exact language of the Article, but ; the correct inter pretation. It le But a few ;weeks this samejournal publiShed a communica tion stating the fact that a number of gefßlemen.(the same who are at the head of this anti-Geary movement) called upon Gen.Drant, and falling to get hisjptoinise to hp pint the men of their selection to - positions of honor and profit, infornted . the President elect that unless they tvere consulted and their particular friends taken care of, Pennsylvania would go-Dent ocratic next year. ; - We protest against this "Rule or Ruin'pulley. The-41 self-eonstituted leaders of the Republican- party of Pennsylvania shotild know (asdonbt leseithey do;) that they do not own the Republican party of this State. We ean awurethein -that their die turn would 'not influence two Repub. liclurvote!t lu Mereerllounty. piepald • J. Wilke,. arrival - of „ bJr iro»•ains iq thilthnore. 13Atirtmonn," Feb. 16,—.The' ' re-; imam of John Wilkes BoOth, the its easisln swhich Were tethoved" from ' Wa.shingted on Monday afternoon; arrived hero , , laist evening. They Were cOntaineil Ida plaid pine box; two:- Government blankets being wrapped about thOperwm. The origi _nal 'box, which Was , much decayed, hivirlurbee rotted by dampnerS, was exchtingallor a OM) coffin. Thetemains were brought its actin;• ilyks piissible, and 'deposited at the Waterman tit Mr. Wettver.:lt beaklike noised about that !his body was here,. tuidat en early: hour this . 'morning crowds of petiplohegan tuble; all anxious to get it glimpee of the last mortil•roilaids of the , aftissin. All ' were denied 'adinladion, however, un til about 3p. m.., - when the: box was again Opened and the Issly, or rather iikeleton; Waft transferred tda splen did metallic • • 0 There was but little of the remains left, the Hedy having all dinappeured, leaving nought but a mass of blarkeit ed'bone;: .Upon oue foot was au old army. slide, and upon the other dboot cut open at the • top..- This covered the left foot, sha leg having lx.en. bro ken Mills leap from thastage.box of the tiaittre after. belted aseassinuted. Preildent LitteoW, The remainder Orb's dives tonsistodoin rough brown .etatti , bhtek , lauds• and • vest y ail - !wliklYwort4 aothat and deeayed. hair ail remained: I •Duringthe'ilfter uomf hundreds of . Peol4e. visited thd , plaCei and aunt ewkre allowed, td view . the ienutins. 4 Alter tt-Sliort , i time it Wm , foral , that the. eurious:-ercovtla 'laid tut ititobltinkko almost to 'pieta* tagik tanivenirs::, Many personaalse Visited 11410010 re Temetry during the ANA • the' interment would be Made them, but mew away dllaypiguted. . AusiPoulh IMO lie r sons Edwin, nooth and Junius,Brutus l',ootb. will nrilvel' here to-ihorroW, when, Use body will be dePOditisi in 'a via*. at. the tiavernment Vemetervi and In a :row days botieer.etly . Interred, In "Re Primenceor tho„fawil,v, Utak'. 1 11 9 TO uotaatetat„beshle, t he.. reutabgi w glualmi.StUtlits Hoothowniorr. IKE 1312 OEM WAsturivroN Ft ' SENAT ,•• Mr. Stewart, from the iiietfir road Committee, submit* a 1.14 1 ty report, in opposition $ o the:: ewr the minority, on - thh Railroad Bill., moyllsokip*ducedilli4 Via Pal Wo, ofthe e Avt AV ' lsngton,requiring all on en 4 of ,tho - latestdranttliecttittnriltWaffolie issued byldrui.an4 in alma his Ability ,: by: thti rank, and provldLagthatbekballnotbe released from (=alumni Or.asslgneci, to duty elsewhere, his own reqneit, , Without the approval of the Senate, ' and that all contrary , (*dem shall be nullatitt void.. • ••.1 ,rut • Mr. Pomeroy, ' from Committee. on Pobll Landsi , reportedi with an amendment, tho. bill amendatory- of the, haat July2T, 186 'relating to the Itication• of Agricultural Mete Scrip:, As amential the bill provides simply that all such. seripshall be rectived: from actual setlerti in pay ment of pre-emption claims, In the santemanner as is now.authorized lawin the case. of military. *junto bind warrants: :.• Also, • adversely the liaise bill to declare forfeited to.the 'United States certain lands granted. in aid of the construction of railroads in Idissitalp-, pl Louhdanaand :Florida - ;Mr: :Ferry, from the Conantee on repea ts, Paten reporttxl•.advenalr the bi to l thodsteenth section of the act of l'ilarch at ISO, relating to patents for inventions and discOveries patentaltabroad.. • . ' Mr.:Anthony, from the Ckaninittee on Printing, made a report on' the sultect of .reportingandipriutin de bates, mid said he.tvould talc the Sen:•' ate to consider it.toquorrow.: Horan rmule .report, fnmn the same. Committee, en :the policy. of continuing the publication :by Con gran of other public documents than those connected directly, with or form ing n part of the Umgrereional pro. uttrliugn ' •.• • • , Mr. Pomeroy Introduded a bill to abolish and forever prohibit peonage In New Mexicci. Mr. Williams. from the Committee Public Lauds, reported a bill for the ease of the Hot tiprings zcserint-' Um in Arkansas.. • Mr. Grimes 416116dup 1116 bill in relation to captures by• Admir al Farragut's fleet In , the 'mbudssippi In 1862. In reply•tonquestion by Mr. Trumbull, ho sain•the •• bill did not give the oltitens or. inenanythink more than thex were entitled to un; der existing laUld, but would have merely a technical effect. . The bill pawed; , _ • Mr. Grimes called up the bill to compensate the 'pincers: anti crew of the Ktvirsarge for the destruction of the Alabama. It gives to: Common,' der Winslow and his. crew:V ( 3o,oW. Mr. Trumbull Lulled up the bill to re-orgnizu the judicial system of the United States. It fixed -the number of Judges of the United States Su preme. Court at nine, ro and.ipvides for the appointment of Circuit Judges to perform circuit ;duties now per formed by theJutiosi or tbeiSupreme Co, but requires that each' of the latterfilwß do circuit duty for at least one term every two.years. : • Mr., Edmunds began . a speech in opposition to the provision of the bill for circuits but was Interrupted by the expiration of the 'morning hour, which larol up the nottaished ness, the Indian - Appropriation Several additional amenchrientS; reported. by the Indian Connnltteo, were adopted. • - Mr. Stewart offered as an addition al section the bill which lately passed the I louse transferring the control of the Indian Bureau to the War Do: partment. • . . After discussion, in which Me&N. Morrill, of Maine, Pomeroy, Morton, Hendricks and Sprague opposed, api, Messrs. Stewart, Edmunds and Coillc ling fitvonsl the amendment, it was rejeeted---yeas 8, nays at, the yeas being Messrs. Anthony, Conkllng, Edmunds, Grimes, Barris, - Howe, Morfr.tn and Stewart. The appropriation %vas then passed. Un motion( Mr. Edinumbe hill to repeal • the Tenure of 011 ice net was again taken up, when•upon, at 1:45 P. m., the Senate adjourned. ' HOUSE OF REPRKSKNTATI Several petithms raving that the Almighty be meogutzed by the Con stitution Were meivetl. The Army Appropriation bill was taken up. All the amendments n , timing ordinary appropriations were , agreed to. Mr. Kelley made a skech expre4:- Mg las faith In lien Grant. • • Mr. Blaine appealed to the House not to agree to the amendmentstrik lug out the $200,00 su 0 for military r veys mincing the approjwitition for the Bock Lsland Armory and Arsenal ,from one million dollars to tive hun dred thousand, or to the amendment offered by Mr. Butler for the relince Lion of the army. The Hoek Island item provoked a rapid and heated discus. , ,thm, suet, as it usually does provoke whenever the subject comes up. It was participa ted in by Messrs. Blaine, Price, Kim field, Phelps, Benton, Farnsworth and others. In the midst of the discussion Mr. Butler, of 31assacl Inset ts, obtained the floor and made a fluid appeal to the House ill favor of his amendment for the reduction of the army. He characterized the antetuhnent .offered by Mr.,Blane, ,as a delusion. It Only provided for consolidation as the ollicers were / redutaxl by. death or court-marsluiL There would not be a single dollar %wed hy.it, a single servant cut off. But the gentleman from Peunaylminia (Mr. Kelly) anew., recruit; cime here this inorning and:' told time 'House. it must trust General Grant. Under lt le mild not-muster out a single °Meer. The muly , !trust they would have to get rid of an 0111- i.tv Iwotild lk in Almighty God to 1 1 bring hint to an end, for ho Would not reidgn. [Laughter{. The R,entletnan from PeptsylVaida (Mr. Kelly,) largt army was neeeKsary In:order to keep the Baser. But linty name the: pollen the monil Power of the election of General Grant, would not. keep' Marilee In Texas, .A.n army, scattered oVer that territory would be: of no avail. There was not going to may organized opposition to an army; it was' going : to 'be - stealthy murder, not In the presence of sol-. diem; gnat behind their backs. An- Other fact was; that one-fourth of all the United States soldiers in Texas, were ex.con fi xterate men, recruited front the confederate army, mid-they. Were not to be -relied upon in any question between their old-brethren in arms and eitizens of the United state. As to the an that. the army would deermso by natural de pletlon, • he reminded the House that there was a School at West Point which turned out Wheels for. the army as fast es aflit.vrs died. Thoargument hall also been made that members did not know unything of the sultject; and tlq therefore they: ,must turn,tllo matter over to General, Grunt. In reply to that he would say that the Coustitutiow-pets , it on. lite representatives of -the Any gentlemen who . sny.S.!tiot's not , understand hatitr, (ion, or go :home, lie has no bust neiS hire. ..It7 Is his' duty to MalerStand it , !We have no buSim.44 to come here if we do not know how to perforth the du. ties width' the constitution devolves :Upon tta. iThe Uonstitutiim sendarar here-to legislate, -not to Mke the pie NJ* or any inn; • Here hi:a :case of economy. Hem is a saving of thirty lnillions of taxesi•Let mi,seo whether tide talk of economy, this kicking of soMe_puorcledutantaithisoverthrow, lag•t a small aPProPrisitiou for some puolic, Work is.to occupy. our time, ,while this• great: question -Leto:have. Ate go by. • , .• ) Mr. Blaine, of Milne, mule . ear. Asst appeal to the House against the adoption ofMi. Butler's amendment. lie hoped the Moo would not vole CMS - time meit r ihat w .7118thaPna Auct. "MeritVll idnsidlil Nadal' aptb o ori that _-- should be no apiadatments until Con it=itaddllake ;hold of the wait tiLit t sigh byithis me tVlak , Moeda) istration of Gen. G armsdebnlibbe *Eris_ rapid( Inteeneinsiembeakked4rae torotk ifjedtie amentbnent , ;‘ ,,, ,E•l mo . 0 • 1 .ibrin•Butier,ottented.• ,:.yr .1 ,r Quiz WaSoid peered ,‘l -**, at fr.. utler.—Npu, compel perfect attirthlna , that 1410 all °vele. -1 ' 7 .' 4 . 4 'kr. Blaine went oft to sa_y that un der hhiplialther-mocess reiluNotk Would I gu inpuna l t, Met , 'the bill was; jmprolied.,4,4' wasn't:by eudeUivsu: tgl tak . e, 41. 8 .414. tit ft Olt lill'hoYdn • Mr, Beyer usked ttnanlinoturti*, sent to on*tinturimidinent *edit* the Secretary df • War ~ 17W enhaelidato the QuartermasteesDepartment,the Chambray. Department and itne Departan'atinto cateDepartaropt,, t 6 be culled tbe Defaurtment of 'Sup "" t cheitoels island apprtmrintion was a tatiberdebated by Abbersa JAW it d Pruynfavor, A u f t Nitypani *ILA it. , , Phuillithe delzMi end 1 04.44, licitge`proemledtd n4lhazari otti4 rimendretthat: ' ' ' • ' I The arnetidthent- striking out the' en in.rnittitill•suer !e(a.s agreed }littiikenChnent reducing the it . c.ek Islanattpmalation. from $1,000,000 $OOO .100, was disagreed to, and the nliProprtatton , ettinds tit Ix • Tile (petition was then'taken on the sabstitate offered lastnight, by Mr. Blaine ter the , oonjoined arttentb nientaor and Butler.' the substitute:,was agreea;to-•;-111 to, Mr. Eidridge mOved thoUll I t • • on the table. Negatii+ed. The bathe* passed, ..• . . ‘• , • •,31r.,lltonr4a„.frontthe .Committee , on (10mile/7cup:reported wlth itittetid! thent,the - Htidise bill to repeal, the tad, upprttvetAllarch 2d c 1867; regain• the dispositiowof fines and,pen.• Alton and ftteltures.r,ecelyed : udder thelawsreligfigle : ,custintai,'ltulttto• Amend ehr ten 'at's" for the prorcu• tion and pithishinentof frituds on the revenue; and - thelpteventiontifsnitig. gting:-.Thelmiendmetit restricts the ropealto thefti, &I and' 4th 'sections fif. said act. .•,.. . • ..1 • I Mr. Corbett called tip:the bill to is- Sue un Atingle= nit/biter-to the ship Agruof Boston, put under the pro s ; potion of. the Britistillag daring the rebellion, r • • • • I M. Nyp ibe vet. Atringty op- Pcmic-4 -AO pl4o.llpg_ 40 - -Kjklul ship InvnOs whg,, trout had put them. !vessels 'under foreign, flags, to brhigthein again: 'under the Protection ofourtiag. • • !... I Mr. Canie#cin was in favor of a getv eml bill applying to all vessels enti tled to beg i again the protection a the Ilag, and_ until such' a 1)114mo/dine passed - he would have the intelested paities wait Mr. Nye inoved an amendment upending the.provisicjas of .the bill to all vends similarly situated. , , The dlecusoluil continued until the xpireelpn of the: morning 'hear, Which to repeal the TCALIIIMAPffiOI3#4., - The tl • /08tiiid the gonna. to .7. der jhobill to repeal the Te oa4, ORlXiistg KO. the !`l'enure-ef eet haitheO . ti enacted to meet ,ittemptinjule in. , the interest of Slavery dud; treason, , to, maim flier of the integrity of ifs eitimwi," awl to employ,. the ',wisp, id the nation 4o _enrich. and it•••••rand lze the nation's foes, Now, however that e4igency..lual : passed away, anti the executifeefilee was about to be entrusted to line who never set him-- iielfaliove law, who ovary where had evinced such a,w'use of moderation, Ciumeity awl, as entitled him to the tulideutsc,of the issiple. iiu-ition was how dispense With so nitwit of the Tenureof-ollive iwt as was now . needless and 'neon- Iveuient, math:3l3mo With no more. Looking merely at the requircultlllB id.the next four yeas, he . woulti nava objecit ion to t lie ah-olute repeal - a t, or its complete SUSlien.iloll; bill neither was ficevs.-ary, and for. other .reasons Le preferred to retain the law ln the modified form in width it will dant! if the report of the ~Judiciary Committee, be adopted. , I. 3lorton raid inasmuch as the: law advouitql by the Senator from ,New York would require the Senate to pass upon the propriety or impro priety el ,the !'resident's aetioif , in removing ofit6irs during a reis_.-ss of 'the Senide; it:would be a mere .inat ter. of . pliniseology, as the Senator 'from :New York laid said it would Mr, Conkhug replied the eonstitu tiou provided that. the - lute shoold rt.vise the uppointiueuts tif the l'rest ut wade, di riug n rivezts. ; Moiton Said that under' the law before the'paaktire of the Tenerti .,'of-ofileeilaw whew the President re Moved the,,rectee and ap pointed D. to the vamncy, even if the' thsutte refused to confirnt the appolubnent, that did not put A. 11.: back ; but under thorlaw, as the. Senatorfrom New York. would have it, the refusal, of. thoi Senate to eon lirmaxatiptinsion from aim by the President would put into officeagain the ottieer renewed, tee that it would not be without practical ,effeet. " Conkling replied that at the sauna moment,- With -or without Om law,: the President -Would. levitate elothedith the powers of filling an office, hecupse, under the law, an of fice inu.st-rentaite vacant till the Senate continua the appointment Of someone to-tilt it and: without the law the President *add dismiss the. incumbent of an ofilee - and .appoint a substitute to hold the 'place duringi 'the whele vacation,. . • , -Doolittle told , the question whether under the constitution `of the Unlted.States the, President ha ;the power of removing . front ollice, - was by Dolmans a new one, had arisen in the beginning or.the (My- - ernment nudist* been decided In the atlintutive‘ and: la the ' letter dayS of the giants Webster, Calitoun,Clay, Benton 110 i -Wright, Want ttllsql and had been debated lad rated indite same ,wity; hitt the Ten-I two of since nailed introduced a nee.", 'element- by requiring that. renewals' should he Ow muse, thus putting ev- ery telletrwlenui thO President de airert turenieve • upon trbtl.btifore the Senatesul ,stildooting hie chateFicey• tuni if in pity ease the. Mateshould decide that the L aiwitt ataigned watt good, tho (Weis -101 t WOW( I etve,the effect ofae public itkifftuent flint:the tkiliCOr hi question !Was unlit, bebause of h • 4Ycharackilltl thold (ace, Osier time to4tl Eiyiltmtv, arememl frOUI tatiim did out involve the eitameter of the persou removed; ,but. iudleateti•that !the Presi dentpeeferred the new appointee: hawever, en attempt:should be made to curry: 'out, practically the theory that every removal -must be for anise, it would fail' forwant of thee au thu : part ..er the Senate to in vestigate eases that wouldarise, so as to heoble to determhwithe suflielea ey iitslitileieney of causes uesignO. aitel'enUrteof-Ofilee Act was wi•oute in thenyaud hanitahle of execationi tool therelidu • he , wouki vote f o r its • Vixen •Wiiii,he voted , against the Teaure•tif•Oillowbill when. ft was on its possge, and should, votefor ita desmf hope► hap w.-,fs • 7". , :tlif • ; ; . ./. q t . :. ng over him. ` - ldr. Robertson was In fa or. of the ' • i; ,''• ,L ~.. ~ l e rq : {. , -,-; : ' . ' il c h: 11 : 1 1-' 113i t tfai t. meek " . ...; . 4140,hgtik would be roLimanigea so *mein IflettAlfratitr -""'"" '"" -.1 34r.tliolve opposed Siiikii'; .. The tifgtuttent!ikat theact-elt.' ,be re. p ea ud ; p h fi c qz, tl. " 'could be Umiak-ha& noegket:upert. itil ,m W eetrie; he iiig i lifiVol l taing. MIRO eriglitallge not stpontli‘rotuld that Mr., .Jaluma d' trusted, tet I,44WitiJ: - assn oppa _thine linte l : to' 7iiititiy: great ,#}WalFe,.,of .thtk Aitigrest_that, over 1 . /kned:llcl uWw list Wriitlfu= L ogi ;.,,, „,„,, • il , T t., ...-4 i l' Mr. i34o4o":44lCheliar not the ,slightest-wants of oconfkletire iftiritlid PrVggeleety4lA Vile,:centee'Y he ed,,the, , generacv3 of the peoplNiseetruser tion In width he Gen. rarity been , plaoed heladltonittetthenottfidenee ,placed.inhltit.;:ht there, NM 8 . 01110 dan g er ognannifOsting con .fldenee in an. anwiskiMit t iar !repeal ing ille,Tenurorof-Offine aet. :Ile be lieved if -that ‘net! had ~..,..L :passed tivent c lY *WS Wit.' ' ji r : ..". hetteror.tberountart f h :..! k vorreontitutingit nT. 'a 1 • teethe present, mad Palma* always, and even if he were'l..dispoeetal to re- Pelki llt its WOnld.tiot dolt .oli lAA eye of an adm Wish:agen t because it would look like Milog bk.'ftsVtheltishig run. . Mr: Merton sobe,totldroili the Sen ate, but gave way, tea motio n to lBt Jolt jo whieh wan circled:l:, - Adjourned. • . • -.. itertni or nEvitioltvr t krAviP. Vwenty..Of. hist - night's A absent&s were htlothehar alba House 'by - the ' ti 7 ittiAriii‘,slithen was meal% thatturtlierpretftdings iicrd qw, call 'og the ;11 - Oise.liesus- The Neit;.* MakiVre,tiontketed (Act:- 11911443 e .tikai debtitigitidAtickled iJ giving -the seat.ti? . ..? , fr. 1.1” . ivim, the ecintestarth • " Mr. Schenck, by utiaidineus• con sent remited.e joint teeolutlotitw. t ipopinetholtitio for the tlastrn ing of the House •ot ließresentatlyes for rFlf-trsfeitAresd it of e4tlt Burch nett to three skloek in the afternoon • or.M.r.,llontwell, and .underaltispension of the rules, the Senate'tunendnient to the Joint reso lution proposing an antendinent to the Constitution was taken froln4he •Speaker,s table and.read, as flaws: `lAurti.v: lrAti7l. The right th tell tateettivote una >S b e be dented or abridged.by tho'iThlted States, or by auy'StAte,ett riccourd'of ram, color or previous condition of servitude.,!,::?i‘l ~ i. ~~ "SEe. 2. The Congreag shall have poWer to enforce this article by tip pr9priate legislation." ,slw.odwodas4o l l3lx.lloutwell to cAv higi to alteriuf gmendment, pmviding that the said amendment to the Comtitution shall be submitted to legislatures to be elected hereafter. Mr. Boutwell declined to let the amendment be oillireo, remarking ;Commis pidaio , :rigtiqto select the legiAlatfireq to Whfen - an amendment should be submitted. Mr. Bingluun desired to offer a 9 an amendment the amendment hereto fore agreed to by the Senate by a vote qf 40.t0_16, 04,follows: "The rfghforkitizeng Qf theCniteg States to veto or hold ()Mee steal hob be denied or be abridged by any ittiltdcnistkiinnt r of nue or Myr,. na tivity, property. creed, or previous eondttlon of servitude.'' • Mr;'llouttrell at first refuseti*(ll- low any amendments to be offered, Amt. statsiecineutly. consented to the ° Off&hiA?Of the abot+'n`rnendinent by 31r. !Bingham and other amendments, by 3.4.,...lra,Shellabarger and not admitting, however, the maiden ! ment proposed by 31r. Woodward: . Mr. Shelb i tbarger'f i amendment •k 4 s3,lllll.l(itird: .1 •; " Neitla:r ed States, nor any State," shall abridge or deny to AUX anadneitixcli of the Cninsi States, of tat , :tgeoftwentY-oneyears or over. and who is of sound mind. an (vial vote at all'eleetions in the State in which lie shall have such actual resi silciaraj 0141 be iiirt44trilipti by !lily, ,lexteitt **kV"( lai'S illereafteT eni.;:tgk• in insurreetionlor agltinst the I'niti4lStates, and such acy :hall be duly convicted of treason, felony or tither infamous crime; but such right to viite shall lac, soli (get to such A:pi:Aiwa and: 'forni . pf th(tOr htitplientioil to all elms ttAns tb; may' he providtid by law for preserving the purity of the electlohs, and 'Pre : scribing the times, places and -nutungi of holding the statue:" The amendment olfered by iMr. Logan was to.striko out the words in the Senate nmetalmont " and to 11(4(1 oilice." Ile .contended they were utivet,‘..vstuw ; that there was nothing in the Constitution of the United States ,restraining the right to hold, °Mee,. extnat , as to the Presi(l4l4 and Vice Preddeitcy, and that to, embodiment of ilak:e words.in the tV , lrstitntittinallyn*lponit woulii en danger - its chances liradoption. 31. r. „ltutk , x, of mas 6., expressed almihar views, but still announced his' Intentiuq 4o vPto for - tlioonnendinent, lit order to save this gnat measure of justice. , • :pike ten minutes in hilvomey of ILIA prolict , (l amend ment. 3lr. Woodward spoke tiftven ntiu ult i,t ailvovavy of the anti which he:died ( Hired . to s He deetartAl that it was a lieorical tuitLtraditionary *lvan la: pollfiet th#4 Cfricattwa an ttlii.o and barbarian nice, which *houitt but:Rd oo or part itt the work 'of tho thiverilitient. offered a re:.olution that tho.,rules I o suipentied and the, rece's und ev,ening session of teqtax. be dispensed with, awl that the Limbo proceed immediately to vote on . th e pcpding amendments and the Senate mut re4olution without dilatory net tins. ; . I Mr. Knott moved, at four o'clock, that the Houses adjourn, the only dilatory motion permissable before ;witting Um gnestion Tithe buspol sion of the rules. . The ilouiterefused twadjourii: The rules wercsuinictuded, yeas nil, 00,VA 37, 440d-41.30.11". , 10 ii 01 1_40lopteti. r ;aim rviAts , mits dist tacit on Mr. Pruyn'ti lunentintent; Whieit was re jected-,yuy, 71 ; nays, 97. Mr. llitighain's ;intendment was iill4lintriul,to., 7 4/..te, 1)2; nays, 70. Mi. 'S11(11:116471" wi thdrew' m aendment, The South. ee..ultit inn as atm liras pas4kl-Orennll.ld; noyig:t,i. Adjourned. t— • Ox last Wednesday the I lowe at iltirrishurg chbated a resolution oiler ed by Mr. N'ankirk, of WashillglOw coNnt2 Ipidisq?te witlogmw the tWoittkittN•etfgd fnutnentttellteers. glad o toi that Mr. Nichol *Aoti,in r dcfn member, took the cor rect view of getting rid of then!. theilptitttp:he,ttki) '".. "Contriiit his judgment he had noquiettes4 ;in the resolution of ttitri party franidg for the creation of addi tional ..ntlipem, tifileets teak • the . .l*.it of obtaining their pay.' The Senate had "tome power in the prezn- Isesund he . believed Nast+ witsa third .Pow,er dotheiwtiere'dbout tlid, bill (the, Governor.).: -All this that* men kne* before they were appointed. Lot Ite House pas :this resolutlim for their ditunisani. 1 , Then let it pant a joint resolution for their pay:" • . The *House, however, has thalAly 10,fased ty dkquiss theth., walks — ,ity. By Mr. Fist. 4pplemeat to 01 . 4 Soldter?penslon. ney great id do 80 j and :per- PTPOqo 4 . might amplimentribtvilonongaMs wa W te r Com j•relatlye .thlin.. lo PllbllOwlll .fo; the on o P rAcensialliorr ers in each of the townships of ficott and Robinson, to whom all appihs -4 Bons for liquor license shall made. By Kr. Connell—Providin kw old gl i gt=ters d for ttlkiid dell giving aeumkbalf I".n, By 26 r. ligt—Arn :. . ~ , We ditrtet brill4ee • , mpany by changing e name and .. , ing , the capital stock. By M7 - firabam—Relative: to. Re serve Township School Dlstriet, Alla itexalau, . .. il l vi e g at tArple's . .. proZ.) ting 1 e sale of liquorsin Fin ley townsip, Aller,heny county. Vi i kr:ol4.l4;6l'hu f tek t iiiiii.wou,,; i Mr. Lowry called. tip the reeolation offered some time ago by him in struding-the Educational Committee , to irigate the affairs of the State Agricultural College and report any iftilillatiltdaofortedds. Adopted. CIVIL COLE COSlithoilo.vans. Mr tiou lust il e i tr i g t e t o Judicia ry a Com illa: tuittopo.toextuninetntotheproprkity ~13pti A tatt wisetiortaimu, emeoptto od fy...thy reduce the ex peal& ditilaithintubuwealth. Adolf& ' ••At the afternoon •sessiow the bill revising and yonaolidating tax laws. pethei.Muodttealmtnended' by the joint commission consisting of the Seere4sty of 'tfie Comtponweal th , Auditor General and and State Treat', urer, being the special order, some 'tiftictlret poirdpolie find rend ing. • Adi.QtkP4,- - 11017 SE. OFREYRISENTATIi•r.4: r. an irk; o Wu tiington, in troduced a resalutioa reciting that the necemasity for twentyleven tional otHcent lutVing eeak.ed.to that the remainder of the twenty seven not already' diacheci by the Speaker and Clerk be relieved front duty, with pro Wy pay for the fiend served, at the rutd,provided'by act of 181;8. • moved to. tifiiefialty Waking iLa joint resolu tion. It the Daly, way In which the payO n d be obtained. • Mr. N • laon h of 'Deaver, said the Senate iield,:ilevert agree to it, as they had voted it 4doten'onee before. Mr. Rogers, 'or Phila., Democrat, took the same view, and (missed the pay{mom of unauthorized officers. Akf,lellqugli-of,cmwford,Dem: beret; supported 'the' 'restitution and amendment. Ile would remain here the wholesyear before he would yield to the Senate in this matter. ' Mr. Webb, of Thrga, Republican, asked if he (Mr. McCullough, had not had a'man apphinted among the twenty-seven? Mr. McCullough answered yes, and ho would see,hint paid, If he paid him Mr. Webb asked him who told him he might have a man? Herr, 'Republican, of Dauphin, answered that, the Hobbit= party had glveli him _permision to nagioA man. . Will ot. y ..lwo ?Ir. Webb dettle6l.thaktlie Repub. .lietdiu had done anvil:Nth:thing. lie several Itepublleitruo who had not the'privileko of naming a man.— iieftdmeif had reotilieenablii a single appointment. • I MK litmitg, 0 f supported /It • *solution.' lie would also stay lierti a. yatr, -if nevoi , ary, tai furompliii their payMent. I e Rahn:ult.. 4 - • . severely upon the ,rem for critic hi intiodueing the ori resolution for tulditiotial officers. Ile ' bad offered- it by . instructions from th 4 flepablietta cauefil, dad lie%kie: toyed it wi t s rerun try.. Mr. Me3lillen, ifenincrat, of :kW* goinery, also supported liaere,olutiou. Ile hail been abused by, his part,y4yr doing so, hat WAS would lir right in spite of tiny MIT- Though he hall not obtained an appointment, lie favored Mr. Van .kit re4olutiou t if...loade a joint one. .i• i-. Mite.Plityfortlillenttograt',-of Fayette saiii‘that after hesenitte had refused to tumor, in the House ,proliosition, thel fou;4 4 had no bushiess to create .additional officers, and they hail 86 'reason to ex twet ray. NVilson, l of Allegneux, favored Mr. l'aitkirk's resolution, and hoped it would, be. madeaJoitit 'resolution. 11eferring to a paper in Ebensimmas. abusing him, he thought all that edi tor,wanted vas live dullaricto tell tip truth. " . - Mr, Vankirk. spolie at length iu support of his resolution. no thought the additional officers ought to be discharged, but,the,roughtto be paid for their time. .Mr. hick withdrew his amend ineut, and fitTsug t renetred it. tbrindan, uT (4finlietland, fended the Deintienitie igirte from the charge of extravagance while in pwir er. The additional officers had been faithful, but theparty that appointed them should set them paid. .3 „ lr.,struntlea funendursit was adop - tic 441 Mr. Bunn, of ..rldlabelplna, v iii stfli the pay to actual Alayii served. Adopted. 'l'honattertretsdi eu. edspiritedly for two hours, and the Joint resolution, pa,ks.ll finally and went to the Seunte," I:I.:NEI:A I. A PPROPRIATION 11111. Mr. Wilson called ux the General Appropriation Bill. lught sections, providing. fitt`thettclmittnenhi, passed tind reatillttf in 'ronitittee of titis Whole: kploprued with evening. PIPE COM PAN V At the evening. se,:sionlr..Amtri, of Crawford, called up a manuscriptuuuscrippCrawford, nut, just 'Tenoned, incorixwating the Westeni Oil and Pipe Company. "-, ' lir. Playttjrd n0u,.4t1.4. "tt wits a gigantic corporation, and tlio hill should be printed,. lie 'Moved tel r ed pait µme it:uutil retitty ,• Me. lkileheasan roam theprg eeeditiv infamous... Tie emit atwail story lie , heard 1,0, nigh was damna bly true. He wanted fa rphiy. After an excited di. lission, the 1 parties cOmproinikkr ki . lying the hill over on the kvond re ling. V,ll/Tfunor9 ti j i.t.. , , • 'I a. algniqfrfattrin hill was fart het (.1 I nsidered. Mr. Strung tatithrl au ittnentintent r . s . ..*Niatu o titt tlpArtilloot t . 4,h01l ail Ile Vittsurer to 17: . 1 11, - 0 exp,oses itin provided._ 4 .f, At opttx,l • '.:ktelktil.3lllleii moved an anientl inent increasing thp;mailtty.vi mein, hers to fifteen hundred dollars. r.. 04. .. -.Titirtpoeven seetfints were passed first reatlin. , without any inattiritti amendment. - ' ' ' t • AtlJourntet - • I t.rt • " .. IFit.: Pt Aix says the ml st't. heap ed on Geu.Hutler for the eottrw he took jir relationjg. the rulings of tral i mpe, iii. the: most unjust that' have' fallen mr•tht! devoted held:Of:Had kentlenuoyand n'good deal. ife PeartNl merely as the el tampion (ix the Honse,'.that hadleint grossly heailted throe& the bluatktriag ,of Senator yade , Had that Senator nutde his' : AE14,461,4 - OEI iirst, or had he rendered, . it hi arensonable, collTicon Ing*,l there would have law Waal lgl.„'"°: • - • cbandlaa. or b la . NTea ' t 1 br t y4z, lka; OeY Vs 7 toHt ".. re '1 ori wm, Y. L. .1. n Az, A» durraftnk4 lligUnni, &rigs ad Mani •PI HO ••• , to sad Ornamental _ ANPIMPAXIOIIIIq 140IISEL 411 artkles liequired in 4Ae! ,Pif r oer, p:GreemPe•use• Tii ; WA* , ouil 1.4.44(.; nr • Garden & Flower Seed 4 'PliPthevoi l tisati; our long and favorably known througliOnt the United 114,e10k. nr4: Jolly Weaned wherever Irk. - The folliraing Ceta/ogues wlll be Ault tree to applicants: ..+1 , 4? • Riscriptire. 4:l46*4llglagi , Hwid-.Book of &a s, Seed Not and Seed Po v tatom, 14aitaining Directions for Planting,Preparatiotaqf 051 r MarketAlardenor's Llst„for Giudineis f.ts PrA n i i i. as • Wholundo Price ',lit, Posillvell for the Trade only. • AiiiritiltWeil amplinnenls anElharepli: • .wsrelphrai • • ufacturere Oast, One of the gvprl COMpligo AMMI•WgII to -be found in any cone eatiblisksoent f In tlnolioltolititatca.•;- i at: biAntig. • Foader i } ann 13ollersocianrns, Vrices sent liy snail on 00:cation. - E Olov (trim' Timithy Seed., The largest Stock of Prime neurSeed in Pennsylvania, at imarket prices. - KNOX, ticiecripr te:J. KNOX, No. 1311.iherty street, Pittsburgh, Ps. - - License :Notices. 31sarck Session 1569. HOTMM. John Y. &W.., Itlllipobbrg' borough. lleury lfelehoir, do. do. • JAMEY Andertou Bearer Yulls• do. Itebetta Allebidid Datil ffl borough 111 1 1.• (=tt! • X.M .;i do. do. William. A ICOIII. BriLgvr eater do. J?toi S. Sh V. opler do • do !EATING W/CIiES. Francis Blount, New Brighton borough. Jam. craven, • , dog do ViAdreWilifitti,lletverFall.; •' do .7- ! Henry Warner, do do do ° Jouph Deamon, Valletta", "burg' du ageZtet t i , in“V _Ca :vie than a . a• tiviiWo, wares awl ton r= Jonathan J. Davie, Bl; Beaver ;Towtuadb. J. C. Ban a 5,8. prco...BANlnter lionaurb fetm-kiej 4Jaaleal t Ck rk. ope,' ALEN.s, y virtue of sundry writs of Veroiltliont Qy DD ponas, riaeljaclats and Levert Vaasa, issued Coutt Clxitimon Man of the comity issued oat Wad to me directed. there will be exws ed to public sale, at the Court house in the bor on i vr listrar. Beaver...ape/Ay. IY., on Saturday. litarelfl3th79MJ; It ten h'clock, a. m., the follow- Pt*PertY. to wit: All the right, title. interest add claim of defend ant of in and to the jollowing one, story frame building with basement story thayettudarilaixteen diet by thirty tam lkied, , arith +a frame kitthen at. tachea, .Ainirallini feet bylbarteen feet, altdated La Bearer Fails, cvnuty of Bearer. and erected - upon ail Hut Ito known and described upon the plot of said too nas No. Bat Seized and taken fti eze• aid A n dersony of Michael Rambo, uwher, and Alex, contractor, at the emit of Lao inure A VIA Mosel. ALSO. _ NO. 2. All the rWliklitle. Interest and clone of defend ant oG Ll•ll.Wirnaln piece oC lot Of land situate .214 *ship, Beaver coenty. Ps-. bounded* to wit: Beginning et song , on the C. Ai P it. R, where the line of load of Sao sett, Samuel, Smith Intersects lb* roe, tt.etlit b - 241nallid loath 7:1,‘ deg. least xis lambed a ' *ewe by woe south A. deg. 1 west to a post; theme smith "at deg. .a perebos to a post; Roma by tam Wm.'w.it. 2 porobon to &Pont/ tt i as essl,lla)ptne pasha to , II 1111101910 0 00, WI -91122/1111)1 kaut as deg. 11 m:4W i teaet., 11412 toopotM thence It . pu le 1:•4 deg. eon, 11 /411Dpe= l irthrt d ongi noble. contain ing one. acre 'sod 11 perches , on watch there fe ereettdasPnandoarbE millesd distillery. a nano 114%4 :nal Roil to•ittl welts. Seised and lii nes:lntim si a o.ll.P.Urcen. r Ilt tAMPoII. ' da , a *rotor.. , 11:SO. :(0. R., „I ifil . 144 - AJAVna $221n1 ottlahod 11 Is43llir Jg destiny.) Kw! e gu i . t• ° theht;" Alt ttrat ' . ‘ ll" ay ' sil sl2lum liti l illie lot of.T.A. • tidier u e south:24.lDV fir creek on the elm on ' James M'Go t,n the north; • lleihmrer river and running' firs. (100 which there I. erected • - 0. Coe and a Lahr storks Wet, ylth reftlfg faith; lot gorier !nee. 'Selol ini.li ?J eta grids pages, of Ede lard and- Rt M 11.0011( ph . A42[- 41210(,, er dr.l e RIPla XL A 1:.3./... 4.1 M oc ! .d.,- . rJuip.ri-m, u tii, iodetost and Mahn of defend. 'tit Or.liaktu.thOsenOsplescrestrt lee of gtortoll elevate in t borough of ltoetiter, couoty of Beaver and Kate of l'etintylraula, - dew:Ward a. fallow.: -ht. Om tot bound.' numb by lot owned -by John Stile.; coat by street. or PittaborJh Mid. 600th by Mber lot of F. , A. Fortino, tad sn.t by the F.. F. W. a. C liallruad Cu; being Mealy f-el :with; tad one hundred and sixty feet lung, more ,orlon ans. winch there is mected a brad; more [rano. 14. The other lot bouuded by the ;Moved, ! urethra lot on the north ; on the raw be wee t, or Pittsburgh road; on the youth Py lot of Erie ca nal Po.. or Stab. lot, Std ° an - by Plthborgl, Ft. , trn3 no .b llikagoltollroid Co.; holy twenty feet oleo and one hoolred and alit, feet 1002, more or lots. Olt. which fa erected a frame On elllng halite: befog the suns lota of grunnti CooSeyed to F. A. Fortuire by Thomas M. Taylor nod Margaret hia wife. by deed dated Feb. at, 1 , 1:4. .vetoed end Lisephs eaccaltuu tithe pn,perty of F. A. For. tight at the null of T. it. Taylor, and olfe. pr ow of s. Mlle: , ' , . . . ALSO, • NO. 5. ar d it u ti2 . 4r a iltat i lrr i t i ftla t, ina plm oi , " non: let • fOrner int Neter street. on the tunic .1 the Ohio rircr, dieued.wrotuaraly the ../411 y-.. bet: Matte he tut ahey, etprthwatally. to etreet ; thence rLstwardly, afotter•Jul t wenty•d feet to • pour, thrum laud ut Nut, maiV.:trail PO , 10 theiplurouf begit111111:, eta eitclitng 10t• y 4. tad lu.a plan of lot e laid out hyraoadarar rued/ dacll.• I'laree are crecurd oh' the abolotle-rritwai lota one two .tore (rane duel hug 11011.0 initilitig ou l'UttpeCt erect one Ivor Our, framed%ening. Itouan. want dna. Loge elete room with cellar underneath. /eluting tokWater .treat. nod a neW two •fon hrtek thtelllng 11011. e coofatelug tone await. with cellar tunlethealb, !routing oil Water *O'er% Seized and .ken retititut a. the properly ui Mary Ale:Ander •ntl Jame. Ala:ander. at the salt of Linen. Baird A : al•o, at tho cult Rood ..t. 41450.ji ...; NOAL Al Th.. , a:Me - tit:it' Lou place. ah the right. title. Ist rarest mid claim of defendant. of. tO atol 10, the 40310.11.14 PVC, or pureel, of ground. oduate lu Olilif loatuthiv, Hearer Mouly, hotwdedon the north and to.t by lieurge bolteuti'• heir., anti is the mall lb OW. west by • paP.l.l:rost/1; am which than: kitrat.lett lartre,A4u sa4r# *agile dWelliug hyol,lertkoldar •ielorr. with. tails Amble, and a fraineetrno bow, two •torle. high. ; aril of gOod water at the the)r. Said lot of rrtitiattl rootallto ratarature..UßAllß•ua• 1e aueltmed and plauted w 111/ . 101111 tore, ahtultbary, ate. • atudtles' piece or parretuf land $llllll, 1U Ohio townehlu Beaver coma:. lootudel me the *unlit by Little I/44,er creek. tin these.: Ity A. Mella.ter,allll Ou the north and 0004 tty Ileorgat Itaac•un'a heir.. cuntaladn,4. thirty 1404 111000 10,0, WA IDi - tea - mots rriidhelne (Id Wen., -Irdet Irks Snd ihSittle.„, and Iwo eOOlO ruzuw, boiler, and olllttki. titlettlt. SetUtt and :50,11 Ili e1e43.11(.11 the voil..rty or 'Patio& !JOU at the suit (4 ChAr;el 11..11c ALF°, . ' 7. All tile tllbJ, title, Intetrst and claim of ilofeud• .t f t tu and to the followint trect of laud t Uttar Ilehippout tort h•hlp. Heaver coot ty. . ott uontt he net ht rtainford Hymn. on tlo• t:ontlt lord Hymns and Jultnathin Ithode., and ou Abraham luntoin, co:aiming, lint aterh; tine /t lens, ihont 75 se,' elearett. no 'which there .t too ehery Mote 114c1:11.;.! honer with cellar nutlet It. Iran.. W.ou of VOIL 5e0...‘1 dull take., to execuliitt a the property of Wllllato Nioto,k. I. outt'Ut Yarn., .11'Leughlta ; Mu/ , at the .412 h I intact , (Kt.?: u . ta 41.rrhu. MAC , r. eh. %I last 44(4u...a Car Trial at Veil 'renal', 18119. - Vint Week. ttlitel (trim Yi IV/111 LUIIOI tetteun.l.rlitkutl Itrikult.Ati, AL !tartlet arnw Ilealleiaau ee Ailiwit Iletttleretut Vbarks Morrow nail Wile t. Thus Jenklus et .1. Otarey & lliekealaK To. Junetr ul Attlrt-hunspstm ihreld l!Ottstle et tn. Sevaud H vs Jayne. Liu le and utliers Sl.ausnNo Jan doer. pa Pr WIWI' et si-tise Fer;nison ...1 ILI 11.. lies to 1 others. Andrew .1 Lserretiesi'vs RC Cook I 'bristiati Ihrls v. 'Jac Moils • .5 Paris' AilnlrS.' ,U;ssiliington 'Weizie Vs Willisot Jitiswslei ISSintelliersol Thant, Kati' ' i tliariveSfirtnarra P remnihit George vs A F'oollwli el al. ,s John' Fosse r. .% W Twytor et al J./G4Jitortmo vs Jelso Vstterson lreoitirsindulpti as* Kirkpatrick • .1.1 , KAI 'Andrew Smith vs 'William Kenm.4 3 . Harrison Graham re I' El W to John 3lesser vs .‘vdrew ey th ,„ 1 , 1 An d,..i o n is iltortstua • Shinn sp s i ths s lincon vs Cluillloolllll Ai Pruitt saaap•pu Marker.v• 11 Delmer, st al. •slutio W. IS tsusbenry vs./ Weirley Welsh Jlw II Kula* vo.KchtiolD:reetur• liklopeodcpc.c 1p y r . x . w ., * * uu..• War Alcorn, at al. 4,, , wssisisswicnith vs Joseph. . .100 Morgan 's Fircialut es Jao ;Joseph Ham vs 10ro 11. Wurnricti • • .u s s•gg• GRIM ta Juittl.kii••••• NO*, An-cl S. CO T. it daCechrsia.. • Same vs Jituti Marks dr. Co, st Cu vs 1 McCort). or 51, ,Naucy et IL vs 4isswit,H.runic s e% .1 Dandily. Rae coal 14 01101 1 vi; :1 0 gram* et al. izat in Wallace. Zia k .ul Cuptuierce vs Zahn /1 tilktiladi C y \ll Saktual Vold. . . . • ••••/ • •r00r. , --. $ • nit irsary tO;rn AIM of c ,VI Vf r...7' r- )i J ala M I 44 P l " : ‘ ••4•- . • olYro , od mi d lot lift hu.i n , 1111 mo • Xlihm Ai* do i - A/L i m • •• to moooltd tfG ~t Wity geode', rr iirmorivpireirsar}.lM IS M y Va g sa rrA 'ft ..P!f i rs r s f!”' blios• .7110 by widow c M.leloVil. • . W0U,t4.7 • Ra ftl"l " " r id.or4 dJ 217 ftjAiliMileldraf ral"4" Woos Mila t tur ins sad Owego lianas Is boorbylftfotrVoptok, Amor . 4. two, dlotilbotoot. Om •mers uuerw.d, t„ als Ns ors se old Coed, sod Mt I d ; JOS 460 *haft. Wig the Mg di? 11. 1 wit. to oboor ours. u soy Om o p t . ta. Owl ondlnftas of Ma Moo. y . niff‘ J r , . Ch.t. 4 -- k ; . M.I III4 VAPI► ° M a I frIM P I tt te "f I+4lol. boo. t . Pa all persom. oasis 111 wont to lotoSsotritrbiolloboo olitbo bomiltiot poy J 061211 C. WiLbON. Ad *-- bosom - 1/ 4" 4 111. =t VIIIIIAPAILAINIMP • •• • ES Y r .>. .4.1 ~ %I, • Ea 1 t bet SIIID rut I. * ; SA Co' 1~1) it. P FULL lIIMOI Y.( _DRY•GOODS • ik0.11111.1% ME =1 ":t a FLANNELS, WIZ Plain Flannels, • . Baire,d'Flannel t Opera Flannels, Mellnos, Ginglmmo... =ME Gloves, BAL3IORAL SKIRTS !' CANTON FLANXEL MENS' AND BOYS' WEAR ✓h.! IS. C'AMINERES, READY MADE SIIIWN AM) DRAWERS HATS AND CAPS NYWATYLESANDCIIiii Boots and Shoes L.ltti Ytock; this. •• !mu erl lotion kupt. )l.oi and Boy? Wt.. U. 111•••••• and childroui whoe;aud thou Sheet, lout Euottbt sod 1.10-R SALE LOW 19‘ Oar usual Loci of 1141IDW.tR.E AND IiiAILS GLASS, QUE)ENSIVAHE lti.la. Paints, Grain, Grain, Flour, Salt, Feed, ke. Wit bu) ufloa ■ud ►rry u,r •t.w► , inll au.l fre.ll, allitkr, ►aaltts Martimag Nix 10 olio* uu , ctioto.rty. avujiiut:iludui AND mitt ciA*E - CALI. AND Slkag! v( ' gg • L. tit 01 g O. tationss, 'actin, MN Eil Eel Alpaceu. Delaines, Print.. ON t Putty
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