L 1 - : LL: ] 11 Wittellialt• ' • • . z vr • • aft lasitest tAit t fa. lormi, Mae bat =NI WNW 0111..itiaser.ita. • am sole Newt& caumnass, Oa, Ers.ll/010141411111r1 , 111,,.. , - .v.i ! Serdiftemmirsiell""ll - r i me Inalwierr,4lo . ll . • la Irasihi^ c • tar!! •. • • 11. , • fr '41.1111111111111111t IN • • • 4) it 31 / *Mita. .W444„1: 1 . maw. Olit=it i * banal* . etwelitr ill . monk —l3 r. L aw Inutigis..ll4, OAK 114141101. ri3 01171.111701L4.11 • aux,. Amami, lair. Oaks alerikassve. imairam samoormingir mussnr4crisam an auwasa TABLE & COARSESAVT, p!Pirstv.auvwo.. ft.; , . AM rat rig lip la gaol oast GM waresitill to • , pro efteKtids..' AIL elle prayer Ottiellel It &s u> I. saaissa. a. =kw, co. • !Om MOM ROL •AT 11 1 11111 E MI MI Reinm s leym MI No. 411i0 .11121. 41.venum. Plaibugh, Pa Ms Iris hag Wm Wisdom that patrons sad Ws me gokratlz tins Jut opened an hamme stock of Isparted the tosta i llottlays—onu=e sienna sad meat des la Mu dowitry. Pare d Sum Ware, Brous la Groups 'add Itstasttes, Diusends, Psalm, ,Inaba, Ten and Must tab, Nadal Audi Ckekti NOW *roue sad Alatutsr rariaaW undid and itatantkeilltear lam uqt mktg. Bl aded M Om% Jure Dam. Gold and ga Paw . Wk. 4ke. Non.—Oareonnactlou WWl:atm sad,Wiiip tent asanatattorse and outtregnent slake ts 11* =Usk enable tte to sell goods to oar ltu idOU who Wale or Mall at lowenoton than say Ueda snot or New York. Mad T. a NIORGAII4 SHALLUNBERGER BROIL I= Rae Family Groceries: QMOIHrWiriP, Hardwm, NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARN., BACON, FISH, FLOUR,BALT, LINZ COUNTRY PRODUCE *en in Exoksais fbr Goods. Boo& Delivered Frio r CAnp► in •i do Vollegit Illaisoresesrs, Ps., Ass. ta. M. pmuslin: l'IlT T.llll ALTA VELA P/USPHATZ. Tr 1 alle la bratiod OVAXO b covroesp TR oa UICIPALT Or TIN ALTA V ELA: CouUdakithree par veal e!. artie =sl:l4eat (va*N r e 4. WI"I' ~~diui MlirfiW it~LM,~, sti 'otkaob*No'lo„ liarsid Lib brumes dump Is* wt. pandas elisraal by calla Act W roar Milk Wok risk • ark d=:11 orms• Pi t id o agars ON Illakikri. Ira era halm" le irrO w oat oaks. lranl4ollol/11 Is Is bellw arphadkr as our aim bared thassard Nary at our SkokhW Maas. arm dragon ••• My Oa Naftali rtralrar QOM by dr Csup•ay an bolo/. I. W. CIA= r CO.. . We. •• Sark flirt IL B. & 1115172. L. 71rwral• • S.' I. 4 lxus.itorrimti I:4k Ir u w •-• • • •• • es • rbo kW* 'ta Wei nue rw b 7 Naar Mooing antes It la mien. mace toolbar • rug of trZ=7r si bl Itnedway. Nat lilt. - • N ow Huiwsn Nom. Importers •id dealers In MUMIIVAXIW. V D.r. • tfr CUTLERY, Itat to b• Now 11124Jestapiiid MIA sill b.. ea. IMMO Lowser '11.814131'i.1103111. NIArVNION DIIPOr, Ito: 837 LIIIIIITT MUM. , PITIIIIII7ROO, PA. won issurr.--Th. isdenix.4 toil - i re•tbst M. NW IM la Oa; Itatta On. res *a elit of APO. *NIL . Thy Wodso* . eastabo rawitaar gs z:l bee •0101104- tat sato tba abate ba .. 111+ let as elddi It la mitaillaleamadoaltnt atte l a r .. ~..c ri z or, ...;„ rest . et pmuill op Opt bar artilwati At pOt OP lot ad IP Wow! we taraM. 11C-1114' feillbsetaimi. DEXITTILOST, b•,•*?., rpoerm , . ; r ••11" A i" - •0•;• - 1•","*:-10•111 . . - '• 1 . •..: 4 .t• . . , "i . •t.`... t ".. :TA -: ..i.Ota ' .'''r -- '1'.• •• -•-, ••• -., :•• • . . r., - , * • " ' i•iii..4 -0. i'7 l •'i,„., - -- ..5 . _________ ...... • 'ti l t ' • . • .. t '•, . „ ~ t r i,,t',„ •01 iir.ii: "•• CUL. '' t I"E;tr.a - . 1.'3 , ..1.1.1 :I R.E.1:1,1".1"11 - 1.. ;in .1 - t ? oil! /• 'r ••• Loa ....,.10— ~9 .V.I. ' - .: 11 • 10 211. 1 ' . =7'; li 777 - 7 -r- 1 -- ---- - - ~:•1 _' .., ; 4 p....."....-. . •-•••• .• - .. 4 ..., „..... -, , ~....... :,.-"a_ •*,..-.:1.-• . - ..'''-. '' - :1:• . - .1. 1. stly• 10 , _"jl' • - .._.' 111%." • A t __ , :,, ~ g Jur, Lt_ t.-.- •••,. 4 , a -,..4...: t r . is - p r frit; • •;47.l 'Ol 7, ttal ol :114 VP - ,i,,_ , -i, I, r i- . " -,.':U 9 W...:?. 711 " - ." ' . ...""1'11tk ' • • , --', " :1 1 174, /,. nC, . 1 ... , ~ ~,A1 ...171 re: , iti ,/,, 10" O tt Ed ••• 1, 'f % „ , .thi l „, ,' -- . ~.. Qi ..44.,....,a.,4 inz.. ...zu .1 - .1.. " . , 1 ; f 1 , 1 ••; ., :;•.; ( 4. , ' 1 -1 ‘ '• I.l ;ft 4 1:44 *lea 1,1 /171 ilt 'll7 el ~, ill /Z .1 • _ a ft t• . re . . t. Pi - li i n ka )14111' :" infra lei r.A..." 1 2.51 I.A. swar .•:;e1 ..." ' "tt ' :": '.'. ; I'7 ; !:',,:• '4-. rte • ..,. •,r1 /.. 1/.: :11,1 i ~ ,t.d, ../e t : „„..:70._.4.4 • .... ••11 • lilt 1.1.. • •‘ In i". • 110 '4l •": '9l • t i l , , ,•, ,1 • • ....4`..ti , ..1.4 •iA: , te moob ' 1,..,1 . 14 n .PE , 0 ••• . • :10. •-•••-•4 Ai , 11 ' ' '' ' t ..... '..... ' 'l. ..:• 'Fietbeinenta . ; • - ..' ....."'"*".:, .. •• i 4 . .i;i 11 , 1 " 11 ' 0 !•'‘l ' 1,, ~, al! tt p),II • .tl i• 1 . , ;:•/' /4 • '11! ..A 4111111 41 11 111 1 11110.01111.1109 . 140 . ~ ~-,,,[,jj •kt • .....1a.40 ' 4 ,, ,, 1 .... t ., • , -_ - „ „,, 301 : -il l; ~c ,ip".• p, llif, :in :11/' ,_I, r-4-...,' ..- ' l :4 ~, •' I '. / r a 1" "'N:I%-. i• - •in. • . . ,- .:1• 4- .A.4 . I ...v . v: 11. 11.0,1 f,. ,„1.:. 451 : ' t " .4 -4 ' -•:;::&••' 1,14,0.,:i Sia 1:1 a`•.=•., ; •••• :I . nar'st ' P. 44 'c L .; Isr;' 1i •• 112 , e 4 ; " * i• - •" ' :tis • 1 1 r . gli ' • ..t..•••i»,• ••• , •.-/,.. ~. 1. ' • 1 •11 , 1. - ; - ,i1.5 , -'.i i.s.. ' ` l '''' 1 " . I 'ZVI' -"' - • ill • . illV IL /;., I/. ~.•• r r., 11 . ....,.........-- • —.— ...„,. d , I;• - • - t•i 1, ' 2 + .l . am . .. - . to th , +.:tr 1:,,,,, t . •att4,csi . o ' .ll: - .:47.; ; . ..".. h I '-, _ _.,...... . .- - . --- . ... ~.._ .. 4. .;, Xi [AMC& t „. V', •.. .-• :- - **,' ' 1 . . _ . .I • •' ' • ' • ' " . .igNi .i j' - • 44., ' ...... ....-................ . 1 ; -. :: , 1`) ':t...'' ~ '' ' 5 '.40' .1 '" '(.' j'"-I•Ale4 4414 454,11#1 , .. 'W , , ,11. • (1 41: , •11."1•Aplitt ! „ iiir .„- -77--,-;.,..„ ~.„..,.w ~. ........ „ ..„.........,...•,, ....., .. .. ~ ~. 1 „ . ,,, ~,, „.,,,,„ nowii. VW be , . brporkpbk r t e n • ' ' - ',:,l'`:? - 7 ~' ..:,',';' ' 2 ,, ,; .` 4 , r'imrt'; - 4-r•` 170/P4 1 ).L ) 11.1. 4 ' '•li:' . • t ; i ' i • 6 2" 1 "18 9 .); '"" ' f ' 9 - If; xi} it! 1J,1,...z : i.r 1, t ~..,, -,,, r , , , n '' ". L ' . j . 1, 0 ,018 . \r/ o ,• _l3ausidi t4 , um • F 1 ,• I , 1 ,.• .: ., w,,-- - 1 ••••:.i ; ..:! .. 10 ,, ~, . .•.,,,,,,..,, ~, . 7 ,..,,,,,,,..„, i) ,,,,.., ~,,....,,..,..,, :ri „ in ,„ ... . % ,,,, t "., L .,,, ~,k . g...,y,z.,p.,,,-,...,, , ,,,,,, , ..., ..,,,,,,,..,4.1,.,,,,, i,...,,„„ r, ./C.ll. -V „ ,. ~,R94,„„..,.,„ ~. _ &re 3/1011day gyfos Irk Ir.— .---- -' _ _ ' ' ''''" _ , t r, r , ,._ MX..41 , 1 .",,' -.f.. i:it , :,l ..! ' 3 "' '8 • ~.::„ ' i Li., ~,= ' -1 1.4 1 0thietirtlkfiegbeit • . Wren , / to • . ;li r ortiiaittel • '". - twantimitnei wilaibiltl'erkii , flian-. ) 4 --2 ---' '- , - ------ -------- irrlW. Eitilthili . opfightetPfition& : • kiiilttableltrhertilittei .. - .. ~. . 1 , -/ F " j :- r-11/ / ‘ .. - 1 „oreitiiisr- arlifit - •i• , ~t__..,,,,,,,,‘ .1 ~ ••the s•talippl, he'ertft•r o d s t t nigbatirithotit•beidding el hay . ' ~' 1 I'4 -1, repabiaJeieVt „rimion , 1- , , 147 - .g -, * • 1 , ! ;:',- ,1 , ': 'a q.- fit. *weir Alin though. I coaled to pay 11. • ' Vit ~ •' • Initicafebt • aiii — inieno i ' !i..” • ---, ..r ... -• . P . ; " , ":;iir i tni is • Into • .1 itl:ci look *bold • that. nigtit-w .• , latdonloil ' iloieseett ft fn . ) - - ib•' • ' ~'."1.".." 1....._! -...,17 1 kitt i k ett jio 'aniXibittteetid, hin t th e none of much ••• . SOW. ' •IlittW thsi iietinui, iti Vrieset a • '-"" „Il k .• I ' ' 4 Z A I I % I i• ,• • r ine iteeitetir- i nitZr Atter being Wien .bfireenani , 11: -dr ansamrittia,..Erpooda k iloo , -.44,,5imb, -. ,„, ~ - _ ,-, .: • tumor lottece • ' untidy ' Rote. comnirsdonee I 1 , 4 7, - stpit . Itt i Vibink av SIPA: ' 11r . • I ..e, . ,iiir ' l' :-•• - ..k i then - the 'months- . , their .'we 1 One prim where t,. - - lini s K uji - yoo‘ Ai ' kapih' ', att .•' : 1 - rotuat imd he hr i tMen, llutstftla sintatAnytnirebeing tied ' • Wider it to .ygOseltb •Iktrilun. eat .S 0 io • to /Mid ' Mint •fteinoettli hoietinsolt '%41 ' ....._,t, : u4lll.- 1 . gralit .- 0 11 4jerfareidtiplie w =1" Ile di Artaxittl.• lirbili t rep* 'that coven. Bel,w 4l4ltan ,thEr ildin = We and . •••Puoiekleb hang& onsigualed, 'Mettle' ~•,, 1 , , ,,,, , , • ~ I. , lllt, i ,"M o rgr oil w , i 1 .. ii i i , ~, . ' , --I t r 11: hinaeotthe icimmii ireit d - Waili wtifta • £ }..= 1816T14 1 17' - dr. i lel, inellzts r WI: i t leeti iidr. , i t ° 4 . Ate1eg. 111:414147 . 41" , °)lgMil , "thltr Mart ~ 4- `‘' • :i glisiltie44 . • a mi ii m ci4/ tiPen the ~'0- • ' ~- •'. -, „. '• - AW - lbithilitii , " the3c. oiiiied. .•••--- . . , • , , ~.. •• • - 7 - r- tridtorAr st bat nen' Intel ; " Eleit.;"ftealti 'was aloft, tinewied intionkilhe hated P , Meot t - ' • . ••_ t illsr,optija, . ~. _a , witros.:•-; ' Burk irlitleff• the Smote f itodc-lookinte " anklavindalikallbandmter. Ws& • - Ain , „ 1 • itrai t h," *Molten inn erne of war _ *Wain besilthilinft hit Juni keno-woo* iienebarkk tato' own ik, ir iii, i i if. w ' t - , •ii i i 1 64 e awe In , th e stetigginlipliiire Mann lutes' tenit liothtelPie ' ••en IF boyft nOptufor,Dasitip rot: , known '' 1.. ' "d. • t telikh', had: efunibt, - willtf,Pitheen: the' • 'Cif .., - • ' .). •-• blm labile to retorntOthertetto etiltebieneiloi ..„,,i - - 4 .4 •• . •O' l lillitiW 4 . t ' i 'Areal ' 1 ' - raw " Xti keriett r -, 11 • 1 '.0en4 I, . ow,'" Leff= &inane,' the'mod - disabled. 3 His • • . . ~1 ; • .thsattnoMt,.. artiolynelt us, r•Onn z l -"laid-this ' ' l4 l O Toes Tadao •iiiiewqr oth ns o,2o o Corsair &tont err a swollen from Intbunandoet ..•, .7 - coois t im ‘ g ar b% t udir,b i r , tlit'l • • .! ..itaftwori ;if. 'l,-,i -,...-,40 • r ' rid w&oheinia3t: cis • • pi - dam, adisealelitt attributes to .1 , , , With •• ' • sour, , r y). j icosk o ttapprovatof the s . , 4 . . • -bilklawNitsat 024 s ftuiiiiiiatatliiiiiiiii . w era i d a - ' ."--- . .„. ~ ,,i,i.,,, Vt •..' - _ , - 7. te estyierthei • - -- - t littlbeb indesdaloyeek tif .. ithitta,vriehrf Orr so laziotto • F t / - elec . b.. .t r ..... '1 - (IfAir . •••• "4011111 t but oder • • whouttatedinendytlnitroatme., 40, oethulanosn : . - . , ' et 74 ,oe!,tter, , • „, 41 ; - • • ~ . ',l2lt t , , IWO*, z L ognik , • "pod.* • ~. liiit au •.• ' their' it' -' ge litookiSPWWl4., •A% •• . ••Il - , 1 ',l ' -!.. 1. cc" ' " i- K .: 147 - ' S r ' ' . . '. . . 1.. . , r • ; 4 ?:: 7:'"'i: I " •i . "'"."' Fi1w4 . 4 . : ,-, m t . ,4 ; f 4 -...1.-11 111•41 •• " 7.._•,., *.„. i i ii t t , lieno= l y.• ? f t r- w ho , . asolitioil 44 1 f 7 r ; 4 . . . .1. ' 7f. a, Ba3rimar hied • .. , • • • • ,Inimeeed,,, : - 4 1 11411 V: • • 4,- -'' • 0441f i tv tig&t" .. rta t t a i l ;e oloC o7 ., l o ' t e ku , • Ai* Oat hoos , ' l- ' - stti . ..,„„ __,, ... l' i• i • ll. * - •• to 'Wive - ,-. • • ... ., • th d i abort NAL: A u,or - . -.1.• , , •.• .•. . . . ~ i, , 1 ...;44:10W0tlk im emert i X=„: ff,, • , . _, ;-_,- ~, 4 . .../ , • • ! • .t.. ~. • ..._.•._., two•Yeintif.. Asa Inmate „I- , jos u. soo&oir ....„- matblitithllliWiQ'ltion. Bone t,.. t- '' p .. 1 ~ . ' - ' ,him for titi= te and ts:4le hr lima ctfototot itilx" I BM mvilgl "Eamil 'lll i ni : l3lB " ltirQw w t" line - --t Ls. saes , To NO "• • . ~, Itsni• I s4r --.411L 1m 5.".4i . , .... ' aild•lif..Os ' ol* 1 • die d ..,, . how ~_ , ..is>4 •••1.: . • 11 palmated - I , lowiesaiwit. ' emainrotrotysor. . • I r olu z 4 areall' s t u arixi°llBteidt tbe t if , b ile thade i g nd e t : jie not . oi li pankeed iec tedden th therti f . e d ilelien ou ji niera bie 'brn u. ' Li i, ,,, gir. 7 i ili.r_ 1.....h k ; 7::-, . . Wietitution lane ,hjni a es toyliether kthrittriettra, SO. . 012 nallerlll4..', . ' ' . WOW* speed,y trial, and It Is rude *Aoki ,stsy,pbt eager liana. .s• For t •• -•• GA ... ASkil Fab. ' : .f . : ' . 4 :ir Pthr4 ; . . I aellpliallszo v... -..T.. ............i1uia. Nell. ___..,„ And oitji i 4 /411 . t ' 'l‘6l 'Oa* Rio thellablii. ‘'• .. !to be abilleset Yiietketi• l • •,..,4 , ,c 7ltlui thise thethit , r th e it.P ...,.. ,, ; ° t ' ipoin dilmo; ' : tba ilitd ixintdr i lm . gin4lrjr au ninet;ror e t : t nue linrr ne ' othen Twan ' hea umr4ll - v bbete; e i rr o b il.:= borrerw ' Ail ePeCtileleifir a * 131 : 4 1 nut Kato •.. leweilm" 1 of any crime, ocienpelled hope thedal- nioney,.thAbloi !Lod thil..thir I !..ich i I ty cxmipanko et er - intileteti Mini, iluith fi n et SiOng W1,131011._. live .. .. AZ1 4 4, r 9/ 41 ' -,... ... ." 1-.. woad - not nowlinend the nobler hi- tom knows that so keg es I live I AA& • • • *wasp to ills% nst bow his area& otancy or athlete of the=j 6o l4,-.WA IV b eim - Ta. ,dealre to see, pare , , 1.4••• , .., ',. •I , I .ohiaterilki - ma aka* ooe id that lir lin ' • tbe 'suited of the me either gethicratlye employment The Whairottou ,- .. Ste& , Wikbadllloll . about the prig,- ordie. • , At laik illui''... i ;:' **thin; te oaf, . on, and awn gob It meow? to all'' But th e nmomft=°. him-he no t!fsiO• -, '• :- t 'l 4 *4" Pr3i. to the JAPIUWPA,ot ,bie :viiiittie .yeeled, said Ii was nits Ktitelna' nod add. "Yoe -.. Meath thit , las mosi•Y ld• He's rich enc;a&b, • iiVizis In-cloth* Tha triat h t icht t ints e e tt hab le e t iP 7 hatednd his .° am t o ' f reaeo u r berai n sto , nnti ale ry. untrue. 9wrizecor i I ;".tban ary. "4 : ola k neli ' eo i on . iple i v tho sn e 7 bo or ner debt.. F w i xi ed i- I ncrl fizi bl - il traced in * lifeof Philip Noian, but ...i.mnst git out nv this es soon • et And I thistr I- ' Aoikoar him ",/ here is a man without a country and , poisible. ," bliebee- ' y••.. . He *wilt; 414 may . as, troll as rot,', , o wl uffe th rin out g a rome triailOW-bowe th e na rew tun iesww order a t . I "Fruotztir 7l _3 7 . ob ../ 4. - t r-- P • • ui Y' P W t. ) Arid WI/ MY b• ' ePtio dla ”it* and make the tenth of history ! • look le - - • ._, fora parallel in the titles of notion. NRILILD CUM' UPON WISE write - tor ' PAT I( he a' • ' • -04 Ii gam. D,'e.k,l,:.L• ti,l, . A . l O, se I. t . , ; II . fif.sl.l , •l; U 4, 14...1 . i , :i, t 4t, - ~..:,:i i.A.: ...- • - t • ,- rT ~i.,,, , ,,1.-..: . :, .f . '": '• • ' ' ...' , -' ''', .',- 1 '; . ' . ,1110101, TIM A proirni. , • ~. , • " - BRIGHTON: 'TallnkoLgalasig B. WSW " 1 'l 3lo 7.o.inil!M II- ,• i •"! • - - ` 1 • 1 ; 4.• • • Vallo4lll - On k . 1 43 1 Arl . - 1iii,v.44 , -.1 •. 1 , ,„ L i, 46 4 1 ....:,IPPU ' - 1.,.. - I'VF:, * II! .r.A Foot uu r ' ,z x ,,iii. ,f.gr , ~,.....t f" , ' • '...r 44 a. .. ' 8 5 141 * . • s ' , 4-1:7 a d,' .., , 1• - I ' , Pa* , ' i,, • '', rt.,-;•,, , i . 1 , .•., ... 4:4l3they i • ' ' I PAL VARNISH. PURNmnisyAmni DAHAR VARNISH,. ' B~LLLId BLACK V I ARNISIC . ft/add Adent. • 1 • rr - IT'.I"7T77Mq , • • • Taw*. .<w glom} owes% Looking Obis Pk* PUNCH AltD PLATT WINDOW GLAA4 ONCE ZINC, ENGLISH AND GERMAN GLIIRI '4ainio. ftis. Aso I==M!MI =l===l 1 1 - " a 1 THE - fiItEAT Zingari Bitters. ♦ Bars Blood Purifyu, A Splendid Tonle. ♦ Plow* litterap, A CERTAIN CVMIII . Axti rll/17611111111113 OF 2110 =CUM lIMIIII er e.I has it esl e:r all pessui t irlit mfr. = , ‘ , As abis itlearneol the Zursa=lV—lbe vainsibli 111111fte me WV are DY lO l 4 Pas. Few ind Ague, Billionsl* Ter, Chalk., Colds. _Bmuchitis. Con sumption, in its Ara slam VW ulency. Nervous Dshiliy, Fa male Complaints, likeunta- , limn, Dysentery. Acute Chronic Dlaribms, Choi era Mottos. Cholera.Ty phew' and Tip_hus re. vet. &rondo. Dileaergir or the Nkineys, Ha - bltual new ike. dm. L as petasatloa ash are of as stays tb = It ham war Wes Marvats bd. as otoursioas aronasstealsass 'browbeat all par." a the eosalay. add tastUY. Lot dr siekbed mad tr diCSISr. eoandadar tasaacialsis sad awad. cam of thaw who havo bass eared slaw dab oases Whoa peirosawsl hoyden by our bast physiChad: ritadipal Divot. -- F. Itahter Sr. CO., XL I lt. !Wad Mast, ThUsadadds. by Er.dlowasorWaild AL - No al Paurlvaals. Hos. Robert, J. llahar. of Hoc advent lialtanwa, " Hos. Joel D. Tisaraw. Ham. Wlthaa licabary. sad (sham " . BMWFOB orßculans. Sabha •p. W.,40111411a CO., • BANKERS, No. DO, Beath ?bird euiet, Plathadelpida, GIZNKRAL AGEITB --ro.-- MOM 01 lan Inr JIM OF THZ NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., of the traltai &ales of Lanka. NEW BAKERY J. C. WILSON'S OLD STAND, Third St., Beaver, Ps. JOS. M. REED, LTairse&irm . Lei blie 0/41 Masai easb Is brims st ake abovestmal. tam" be tern be bled to meet dotosostobate ties. FEESH BREAD, CAKES. • CRACKERS. Xuro. 0111hctionaries of all kind& X0..1 LOU gado from quo hisk bi VIPE band. Ne i totalL Au.% NIL biummfall s '--The saaiiiii.“ of won« our dame . lowly 6111 Valrbot Ito Imo owlet SO le Itoo. . tow, PL. for 010 prottfood be liol • itombesoolio aptor' ' hit Ilit pit ea limn Newt to torabioto On pond dm to kis Imistatos. arOlace la Os an- air- andid. too. Tiled wont, Deaver. Al /I.lloefiar. yodt ionoot. Arbor maw. LS. GOSHORN. . WM% ' • R ifiii~i~ii►,iiit~ • 11 , =I .11 •I se v app . • • l• , rAi 41 • s . fr i .f...; : larilrbOAß l 9-417 ~/61", Vect“ , Ne.eilmerimmOslt/ ; 4 • e •elLe& e • 0 1 , ICN • •:•./ ' • C • 4.,.4• h• 1 te.X.14% 1 1 1 41-einWt.", asho - .1 ."' ' ": - • '716.1.• 1 1 6 0481 6 P•,,t Prinklbi Pida &Lai ?PA 3 2akitiwoembrY; 'Re R , Ns' 113/211A STOV Palk lOWA Zig. wry Imo. II a. . —4144 " " " " - - lUD ;;;;•:..;"*;•*;-. ZA. Ot • 4 4 .1.41:444 11 411 •.;-••ltig - rt .ww t n Mer • Fenders. N 34 •0 • • Laos{ Mod. 111. rids AWL. • • ••:•:. " 144: *two 14. " PNessi lepoilrat Sioneer Mesa: Ira - . ammail *aim •iu Al Won't WarreAkt Giat's• LLD. TERM% afili So** co. Pi shim is Ilk BEM% could not .6i more astonialld4 them tbe het that STIRKSITITerEIt CO. keep the beetbgelit mod Niigata atom of GROOIMES, PLODS, 11211:D, ex, In Naves county. Lad altassel 1 , 1 Mei sal Merica s VIM rola Wiria. Urns visit teak esulalbsent dist MT Ms% Om to noon it* pe sir see sou aloft so.. To all. lie wadi mqVirsib 1s rid =sable ow SUP* I We lawn boil thie bon ere Mid TZAR C . • OPIPILE. , SUGAR& PURE SPICZB, YO s, 4frups, Soap% Ow driblet Muds of Tobacco & Cigars, to be found in the place We• ante a specialty of FLOUR & FEED, bulbs see willala some but mast ape boos to 1 Mo sum Ima wrisamla ass Our sebOASSA. mist 'Mom mallealsea mastodon la OM ger *Ma. Asa me Wiesela las htmeYmtMpW amistatelL " WE DEFY COMPETITION. Net mistaks IMP piste. WA sm it Ike Sera" Seel sail it ad It.. Nava. Ps.— Ceme sae me it. Jr. I. Vaa. F a" 41.11911. _ • DRY GOODS. IMMENU STOCK, ♦T J. W. BARKER & CO.'S., N ■al'tilt Illreet, Pittsburg Ps. Bilks. L Cloths, ' Deus Goods, Cushions% !Megaton, fib!rafts, . Hodery, Satins% Prints, Jaime. And HOWL PUBI . IIBHING GOODS. •N Ibitiornsor, u. IOW. Gads sal Maas. ' Choke sten vids. os hand ad wadi t• Ist• dor. Jo nod listria, volt fell *Mb, drisssol• ars. 461.11 ili t ralizt4r44.l" Beads% barCesaby Yi e bitbsobi npplisi by treys yob Iseasydoes or yobdocks inistimases CARPETS ! • N'CALLVDE gll,OB. prrresuaall, • • • - PA- Aso 10. 4"W* a.l l O wr.rdtit v eAvvrtairii , m .; ; ;; I ThapoolOr, • Two Ply ••, • r"dirk" a/ MAW* cAX#E i rep OIL ozAY nilt s “ lITITI :• ntlia• .t 111 r BMX& _ ae_. AN woo olio Wors Tlig , A.zioss. • AVALLU/CiROB. ,i ',l,ll!l"arghiPl., twai ga u.. 143 16. - W itru to " hih om IXISF".43II' - ' ll ' • 4 ?„ . XI3 .*NOT,II ' 4=ll Bl rai I LUZ al l' osits. pOia• • , "I ' a A s ti* h. W e lt i sititit, OW , fig i I, " 11 l It AdoOtic... _ • iset: .6- . .• , -, 14.1 i i. des. Wessoila '' 1 ' j iff. t . Sy: * air ea. -4 7 ') • 'aiir *auk, Wig —:, "4 - • se i t i o.4 4 1 Old strat i ..r "0 6 i 0 ,0*. '1.1!; —4- • % ~- , ~ - —'• .... - - , M I 1 4 Miki Pir„ i ~ , • ' ' ' iigirsiVti f iki ii....irfts elk i 1 o 4.•••=. 1 : rag; NEE ES .4trior . TboutO., alt 51141"1.11 4 11.11111 1111 . 7= 4"i ttoo llirawafr ot Lalk . ntiolo *mot Maltbirw URN* Mei. , lotto* GIL o= Tolotir; Atipr.at JoaoJoao Moo. ' • OE otra:iriummaa:iluiii Ms Elsa. s aloha eeliodissa, deed. • Wei. eh". la q Frt. teed. , DaltiO DortftwoolotlL , - " Le A m eooestor ot him died ono Joie V; : tIODFO1116 . ftbort Amos otilionmi otylotiallos if ilmedit P. 4041. &memo 64 W. OWL Almost@ otnupoot. west sad Otoel Doak olhoeis Doody. L T A . wYs ....g4Joesibmll ArDll4; obalallotodootot Solot boa& .1LoomaolofJ:Ott. _grills air p ti L and Murk* L Johaoloo, altDros Ar Joiaotaa. dooms& . - • /Lomat ot attet* ot flooto. etas : boirliohor. ot Bow nokstoloo'd. Aoooootot floor at Amor look oits`to (*Abort Z. Timis. deed. siooont 0.1. MEIN tituet tittemesto toubooo, WADY= Mow D. sumaloa. &ow. • MD 41.• Dolkateopy. MS -ILO IA 1.1111 G. W . Martin, ) 0314"‘ESSON TO IL A. WILSON.) • DEALZI. MOW, Shoes . . R ub he r s At tbiold 1 0 4nd, tq the EPIADII,DIII2I, . • liothestex,;PL . r RIAT - BARGA;118. ALL WINAIL Warranted.. G. W. MARTIN. DRUGS! DRUGS!! WM. BUECHLING, la tie 111••••4, MOCHISIIIIER, Reamer Cam. Pa. Lisps easetsathr se kind, mad now: tb• larg est semi Meat oir Drop, ollproileah. Le. la Bonet seisty. PURE DRUGS, Patent Medicines of sU kinds, Paints, Oil. • Dye-Stuffs, Perfumeries, Toilet and Fancy delicles, I , TOBACCO AND CIGARS ; • by the box or in:lese comotilles. Physloiansv Prescriptions Compounded at all boors—day or Wed. SOLE AGENT OF BEAVER COUNTY Dr. Betzel's - Patent TRUSSES. All other kiwis of Taiga% Orin be deli• oral le • moon time, when (anal for. Next Door to James A. Fortunes, Dry /goods Store, Rochester ;Penn's,. Formerly Baecblltue a Brebm. Feb 37;3m D Oita Zan WILD CIIIIIIIIIIIIIY TWIN Rawness.. UST IN WIN Vas Roar it's IFonie Bitter; e eery kg ix Of Ifarixt. • R..E. SELLERS 41 . CO,. No. -45 Wood atm*, Opallts E. Clads WM, also satesse•Sa.loo • sto 101 r►da i street. • • • PITTSBURGH. P.A. • IVllboldsalivAgests for the West. for lair by 40)11Xliolnett, flerrer, Ps. ~..,„ 1141.111,—Th0 sodoisigooil win we Ids E r.. : Mr . orosty. - toot as Worn* wore or lo& oboe orroirar • tbo well. tolorar, sod , a lli =ii. is loy ill arr a co:11 . 1 = 1.141"7 . Ism ri.i OWN odd'lho sting bi It, o rood Irmo I oftolotarroo owl oli Moe yoesola. o m . Vit ‘b. ra iii r a t trlZ 4 = re li r M s o l • - , TN trod is 16011 irsionConl a roolakr 'or . pplit rprOp.. oil sett iimea..-wasa npriar niairar ."... relV i aM ilis rdir. Ortorr & ALSO, THE PLACE, On the Dbimona, =EI Andes 114 Kato she schemed and planned u caw otitis diners debated her band. He Married her ter her Ather's cash,— She married him to out • dash. But no lo paying his debts, you know, The tattier couldn't see it so ; And at hints for help Kate's limiter/Tee Looked out id' their innocent surprise. And when Toni thoughtlit the way he had wed He longed for • single Ude instead And closied his eyes in S sulky mood, Regretting the days Of his bachelorhood: And In a sod o[• reckless vein, "I'd like to see her ditch me again, In were as free as on that night L. When I saw Hate Ketchum dreused in whiter' Bbeweddedhlm to be rich and gay ; But husband and children didn't pay.. He wasn't the prize she hoped to draw, And wouldn't lice with his mother-in And oft, when she bad to coax .and to In order to get blur to take her out, Elbe thought bow very attentive and bright He seetnad at the party that winter's • night: Of hts keigh as soft as tho breeze of the nooth ('Twa now ort the other alAit of the mouth); How he praised her dress and gems in his talk, As he took a careful account of stock. . Sometimes she hated the very walla— Hated her friends, her dinners and twilit; Till he weak affection to hatred turned, Likes dying tallow-candle burned. And for kiln who sat there, her peace to Mar, Smoking igsovorkuding cigar— He wasn't Sin wan alio thought .he saw, But grief waidutyi and bate was law. So she took up her bard en with a groan, Saying only, "I might have known I" Alas for Kate! and alas for Fudge! Though I do not owe them any grudge; And alas for any who find tothelr shame That two can play at their little game! For of all hardildnip to bear and grin, The hardestla knowing you're taken in. AL, well, as a general thing, we fret About the one we didn't get; But I think we needn't make a km It the one we don't went didn't gut tie. • —Harper's Bazar. SELECT .MISCELL [Es= tba New York Tribune.] THE 141 T OF A TIM Collll,llplift. TMS. A Visa Intiort Csaistry—The of Lieut. draft— 1e Of• fitape sad Ike Mos? of Ids los. ' prisseasss‘ When that vivid Anion, h the Man Without.a Country," was that pub. limbed, the' American people were startled at the hue Pnefillitity of its truthfulness, and the very extrava gance of the conception contributed to its pheasMillty. Philip Nolan has almost a parallel in John C. Brain,— Arrested in 1866 upon a charge of pinky_ and murder, he is st il l in the Brooklyn Penitentiary In 1868, =- tried and unconvicted. Seeing. but few vintorsand constantly surround ed by convicts, be is held in confine ment without tad when Andrew Johnson's pardons bare reached every beside, and opened wide the the prisondoors to worse than be. Brain has been repeatedly "written up" In the newspapers ftring the yens of hls ondlneinent ; stone time he Is represented as in the Brooklyn r e , t au t arrogant and bitter Rebel g womout inalalictions sailithe Gorestunent, with a 61th gt that of the Bkfinsond haelt *inert who saki, the - other day. 11 .Jl* tin isarekt,. rar ivtioe dioonthsearent fiee i ta io'rinestud: Calling "at - the - lin 1n Itayisiond'at4 be 'found the willow *gnat, the door WWI 'with convicts, ready to be conveyed to the peones ~prqy;Seating on the beer witit thedilVer=tcheertul Old colle" ate does' net look pt:all aslf ,ba delivered, upon an' average, a dgratd. men per fo r t o the: keepers Of Ord Institutio fail as 'Wally yearsi= the vim bore the entire Party aloqg Ylatbush avenue pad .Ihreap pest Park to'lhe pettltentlarY, villabionsgusoke and aoltibre• 100 Instanzo , mottle alr aid cheerful salteat tkies • ' • • at the' pitoy : ot pthriqueney -' " • ''' • ty of reviving, ;, , • ~ 'of the tauvlets eng had an oppettunityto ask .for Lied: Braln.,: - Alter a.brief delay,' the' cOlfeent Brain to ttia vbsithaving* been - Met obtalned,lus todten'Tor the interview into the well ararrned and llghtalcorridor. The Prisoner , eh , wAtlly rewired out I ske hand by Way Of friendly welcome, while in the other he , held his pipe and tobacco box; the Solace of his prison houz. ' The formalities of the interview, being over, pencil and pa per were soon at work tracing the been' told in , the but this time It )wn lips, and in g after the heat war spiritmellowed;l confinement and interest' and a —to le John C: Brains=audl-waira "First -onunanding in the COl3- ' cornmisekm and in fly-sheet note either worn out of the Coated..., tent 'being des . forces It is im original papers __ I hate placed bands of the Atter the,United States set the facts in the came.-- ,rits ate by. Stephen E. Secretary di the Coaled `lr. Jona% Auditor, and 'f Clerk of the Naval -, %1 Semmes, Capt. ..411AX at Richmond to go'North with ray command, consisting. of 17 oaken and men, and take passage in a steam er with the purpose of capcering it upon the high seas. The Chesapeake sailed from New York for Portland in December and I took passage upon her in obedience to the orders I had previously received. Alter seizing the vessel I was to proceed to Seat Cove, in the Island of Grand Marian, off the coast of Maine for coal, and there hand the veiled over to apt. John Parker, ny superior officer.— In making the capture I detailed Lieut. David Cowlins and , two men to take charge of the engine and fire room. The engine room communica ted with the cabin by a door on the port side. After seeing the men go into the engine room I passed for ward, Lieut. H. A. Parr having charge of the dock in my - absence.— While forward I beard a shot tired in the engine room and at once went aft through the cabin into the engine room, anti thence into the fi re room, where I found the fireman in irons. Returning to the deck I found no one in the engine room, but, much to my regret, saw the body of the Second Engineer of the Chesapeake lying across the threshold of the door. Go ing forward I found Lieut. Cowling., who reported to me that when he went into engine room the engineer was below oiling the machinery, but after securing the fireman he found that officer at his *et. He ordered the Engineer to surrender as a prison er-of-war to the Confederate States of America, and that officer replied by firing a shot, which maimed one of the men for life. I did not see the firing which ((glowed. but after seeing themen in the doorway, I sent Lieut. Parr, who was a regular physician, to examine him. Lieut. Parr pro nounced the man dead. Ono of the witnesses-who testified before U. S. Commissioner Newton, said that be saw me in my shirt sleeves with a knife in my hand. This is not only not true, but it is very unlikely that it should be true, the day being a hit ter cold day-in December. I had no arms except Colt's revolvers. On arriving at Seal Cove after the cap ture, I found that my seperior officer was not there.. I -remained about three hours, and then proceeded up Bay of Fundy, meeting Cot. 'Parker at sea, in a pilot boat, about 60 miles, from St:. John, N. 13. The captain, officers, and some of the crew of the Chesapeake were transferred' to the pilot boat and taken to St. John.— Lhpt. Parker then took command, and changing the course of the vessel put into Shelburne, Nova Scotia, for the purpose of coaling. While the vessel was in the port I was ordered to Halifax to procum b wiles, and I was never again on 'the Chen petite in an official capacity. The ship was recaptured in Sand Bar Har bor, near Halifax. by the U. S. 'gun boat Ella & Annie, Capt Nicholls, and taken to , that city, where the original capture was adjudged an act or war. The vessel was handed over to the owners Messrs. Cromwell it Co., of New ' York; upon a deposit of $70,000 being made to the Ilritigh au thorities, and Mr. Seward afterward made an apology for the reeephire.— I wish to make a dear and unequivo cal statement that in every capture! made private property was scrape =respected and human Life never y sacrificed. The men were armed with Colt's revolvers, but ear. rigid no knivivror other weapons. In every case I issued strict orders to my officers and nuni not to fire upon any one unless resistance was offered. At the dose of the war I was in com mand of the Confederate States schooner St. Mary's in the West In dica, Upon being bilbrined of that event I burned the vessel, and return ed to this 'cereastrY in October; 1865, trusting ' for'.Becurity to President Lincoln's Prophunittion Amnesty. engaged to besinem at* Igayatrish. - where my Welly now, ize; the`mHaul wi tty , 4,1 at--Wale' 1 burgh, and, alter being ironed MISSY. Mr. Itinsby and Ms aeseider the Question of Beetzd Fru "Adler— Narrow _Escape * Peer OFFIB, COMMA:tan X ria111)14 1. (ATI& 15, 18 thetalt nv y.) Januaryoo._ ;. The question wat kinl do withmy self? Is not solved. My return from Noo York so Ignomlnyusly, on foot, wnz a serious dlsapplatment to ray friends at the corners. They felt when I left em that they bed me ilx ed for life, and. their sorter at ray on .timely return was genuin Bascom es soon es he me , me enter his bar weary and foot-Sore, renzarkt with a . profane tlianiloshmt that I'd be his" ran yet. man nv •Towanst l called a meeting may my friends- to consider the situashen and to arrange for another vencher. I remarkt to em I lied not kilt !kith In Noo York; that Iwuz cettin Wit that dty war same entedbre, end that I. stood her one more W. 'But they yoonfini musly declined, feellin that I hadn't sullishen control of my own appetite for a grocery keeper, and that invest ments in that direction wood be a perpetual waste nv capital wich the corners could not afford. • Various methods uv mekin alivin were:m*lo4, tint none met my ap proval. One wood seJest this thing In Ban Francisco; and another that in Alaska; and each wood swear that every one wuz the very thing. Their readiness to agree and the numerous nis nv the miles the places wuz away satisfied me that distance wuz the main pint with em. • That misrable wretch, Joe Bigler, hfippened in at a moment when they . wars dlsaisain the feasibility twos on a street railroad In Noe Orleans—ez tho the directors of the companies hedn't all got diesipa ted nephews to fill rich, in v:tsible re places—when he mar t t the obtoosenis uv humankr one-uv the wonders of the nineteenth cen tury. " Make uv him," said Joeif, "a Dimekratie organ grinder, env offhis rite leg, dress, him In bloo, git him an iustrooment wiU play Dixie, The Bonnie 8100 Flag, and Bich tonna, and plant him on the side walks nv Looville, Non York or any other liemokratic city, and his forchoon is made. " "But why dress me in bloo? Why not in grey of I play confedrit tams? "Innocence! Didn't the Dimocii sy, 'Always wear bloo while they wuz whistlin confedrit toons? Even in the North they don'tobJect to a bloo coat so that they know there's a con fedrit heart under It!" "But," replied I, "I wurn't a sol jef—wich is, only ea a &atilt' man, and then only for *short time." "That don't matter, nremarkt Jo seCino more wuz the heft of the Dlinocrisy. The hulk uv em with served, served as draftid men. But circumstance's in your favor. The regul4i organ grinders, them with wuS volunteers, put onto a placard with hangs onto their Instrooment, words to this efftet: •'I Enlisted July 19, 1862. Shot through the leg at Antietam." " Yu° kin put onto youth,. this proud inscripshen: "Rraltid Sept. Gth, 1883--desertid Sept. 30th, 186.1. Lost rite leg In en encounter with Provost Marshels Oct. 18th, 1t88." '• an inscripshen Wood melt the heakt uv every Demekratic passer by, and they'd till yoOr cigar-box with cdppers.With uv em coed re slid sick an appeal? • Think nv wet a harvest yoo'd "reap in Loolsville when Breckenridge comes home, and In Franklbrt when he is inoggeratid Governor uv Kentucky! _it's the dodge for yoo; Parson.' • I thot the matter over for a minit, and it pleased me. The ll* of an or gan grinder is by no means to he de. spired. It's a dreamy, poetical, con templative sort nv wgistence. :Es then ain't any manyool labor in it be yond theater° theft nv -a crank, -I am satistletithat it wood soot me.— Then one sees so much of life. om shindy belbre yoo Is a ever changin panoranut—yoo see humanity in all its phases—and When nits comes how sweet the rest, how inspirin the Iller ker, with yoo hey honestly earned by your manly exertions I "Is it necessary that I she! hey. a kit antpitatid?" asktlt itk‘rtlnly!" replied Josef. - " Then I decline!" sed I. "Aside from the pain bey a regard lbr lam 1" They saved my We in all: the nkrutishes I was In doorinlaY bleat term uv iservis eta draftid man In .419 ; I wilrnot part with one .ov " This is WILD with your friends, sir:" eiserkstsdßascom. Yoobev the WezOPesed for a hooka, Livia and . 00 rel ... to walk ye Into It. t This barna be permitted," It cannot be Med i P.' eickisil P lactilter. Pli*ss and the- nit, - uv ena "Joseph, hey ro wiBe~ent skill =1 "Please, slr, will ; you buy my chestnuts?" ' 4"Cheatnuta ! No I" returned Dolph Moore, looking carelesel4nrn on the upturned face, whose brown eyer, shadowed by el - curls of flaxen hair, were tip nireo tk to his owe. "W tdo I ' wtmt dl "But please 'sir, do buy 'em,4 pleaded theo one, reassured by , Melton& dnessaof his tone, "Nco ' body seems to care for them, anth and--" She barly bunst into tears, and Moore, who had been on the point of brushing carelessly past her stopped lestintacely. "Are you , very much in want of money T" _--"lndeed sir , we are," sobbed the and p "mother seat me out, tuid—", • "Nay; litileone, don't cry in such a Mart-broken way," said Ralph arriootldngher hair down with care , lee gendenerix "I don't want your theisa Or M a i i l ia fa weer for • A'..' ( . • • • ed, and Ineelieresit thanks_ - poured. oat "thro' a rainbeiw 'o smi y les , ;andt teri tears, ng but strode on . wa Mu between his teeth "That cuts of my supply of cigars flar the next twenty-Kw hours. I don't care, though,• for the browns eyed ottlect really did cry as ifs - ha hadn't a friend in the world. Hang it, I wish I was rich enongli to help every poor creature out of the slough of despond!" While Ralph Moore was indulg ing in these very natund reflections, the dark-orbed little damsel Whom ho had confronted was dashing down the street, regardless of the basket of unsold nuts mat still dangled upon her arm. Down an obscure lane she darted, between tall, ruinous rows o houses, and up a, narrow wooden staircase to a room where' apule, ghastly-looking woman, with large brown eyes like her own, was sewing as busily as If the breath of life de pended upon every stitch, and two little ones were contentedly playing in the sunshine that temporarily sup plied the place of the absent fire. "Mary! beck already? Surely you have not sold your chestnuts so soon." "Oh, mother, mother, mother,". ejaculated the breathless child. "A gentleman gave me a whole quarter! Only think, mother, a whole quar ter!" If Ralph Moore could only have seen thedire which his tiny silver gilt diffused around lt, In the poor widow's poverty-stricken home, he would have grudged still lee the temporary privation of cigars to which his generosity had suldected him. Years came and went. The little chestnut girt passed as entirely out of Ralph Moore's memory as if her Pleading eyes bad never touched the soft spot in his heart, but Mary Lee never forgot the stranger who had given her the silver piece. The crimson window curtains were closely drawn, to shut out the storm and.tempeet of the bleak - December night ; the fire was glowing cheerily in the well lilted grate, the dinner table, all bra glitter with cut Wass, rare china, and polished silver, AM only waiting for the presence of Mr. Audley. "What can It be that detains papa?" said Mrs. Audley a fair, handsome matron of about thirty, as she glanc ed at the dial of a tiny enameled watch. lilLa o'clock, and be does not make his appearance. "There's a man with him in the study, mamma — came on busluest," said ltobert Audley, a pretty boy, eleven years old, who was reading by the fire. "I'll call him again," odd 31tv. Andley, stepping to the door. ' But as she opened It the brilliant Et7light fell hill upon the face of an nble looking man, In worn and threadbare garments,- who was limy- Ing the house, while her husband stood in the doorway of his study, a tly relieved to be rid of his itor. . . "Clarice," sdd Mrs. Audley, who is that man, and what does he want? "His name is Moore, I believe, and he came to see if I would bestow up. on him that vacant messengerstdp the tank." "And will yon "I don't know. .300 must think about it." "Charles give him the,ettuation." "Why. my love In' , •limanse I Writ of you ass favor, an d you have maid a *mond times ;would not deny me anything, And I will keep my word, lhuy et h hmftna lashing her fondly, I write the lenity s note'thhi even ing. I believe Pew ' gate his address somewhere about . • An hour or twolater, whet► Bobble and Prank and .11Sths Jennie were tucked 'singly In bed, in the specious miniery above stabs, 4u4l told her husband why she was Inter, gated lathe *biota nip whoa'dee she had** men ibr Swentryears: "That's right, my llttlo o!" mid 'tier` fitioolitrid, 77. 7,r7." 1 2 Motorola norkdortbo din , 'Tr , . • . . ilaPloorz • '• , • , a d titilt,ll , 1 4 .. , . Ltilodph M 6 N 1 ... - • eatosalgrbt lioilst or "o' • . • 0 . 41; ol2Mirirint. . •,.,.. 1 . 1 "that c o owl dirtriMik tlorkforA .or , • . , , f#GOotriewl, Bertha .MI . jge(0111144 la the tiled 14 11 ft nis•MW9 IllballAoto., .• , • fromlas' xv, i....„._,-, bk , mg , iii , v r ,:„ye,,, mO,OO, ~..., 60*1 Wee 110teix , 1 1 M -1117 114 17: 1 17 Vic__ •.• mitio it PAS ' ~_ ...J, ''. ..,2 Z A . A. Laoi ti e. if a • • , ...,'• • 1 40111 .1 1 ` ' l 4lillStigar, ~I ed In a pleceoffetper y Oa -.7 "hty- ' Ths, NOWA, lillieri t iyoqvlish al Abbott fi ud =l: l 4 l rig i a tu WWI t- drum tutd "Ci rthu 111111 1= have dropped fnim r - 01 ga b but there is no mistaking that the been soldlerk They have no t o refer, Ito 'maker rolls or _to' t parehnteht dinefutiva to wire y were ln, the army. Fifty thotsand im=lathe Malmediattadetithey Is our aertlieteottit with the ptreeisionL otyrue,l bat tuelundkialiki still: Brave Their; Ihuhri lato I mattered over s dMieu moulder and latter' len • the= I fields with the'- pahiot." the hundo ofthe dead May t eihe dead Muds the'llvi iz t the latter be s thermal! _ Abe -41 throbbing •heart enininid them with their flood: and Sinn who* have laid , itpdslief their limbs upon , theft etnintrfelgtrras aturiticaslieeety,' Woe*' daily • 111104 g poi through this city is reginsenta,„sur a whole day • front . air &en point could oar ern. real ad the' infmnis of tife.ldatmed 'Brigitte, , a thowned tattered hattie-daist woniti , we above then;, held by ourml he. roekand many thousand would be keeping Merl to them of the.tinkas. • Lett us hot levet the one-armed anti one-legged saddlers who form in army four Aimee ea large arthe old army of the BOW fttater, said hilly as large as the plea ent one. T he y need •nos be a gathered together peeved in review before hav the e litt&re people n and i still su ,to hoa% behalf carer ffer the fact of their being. • The Go _ recognized ind ifien=err as' they have made applioitlen, pensions and ant tkial Bulbs. But let stile people he metal that they do not !beget them. The battles three poor f ello ws aiirt now fighting are harder ti? win and !taught with more dime than any patties of the ' Thousands of stalwart men, Ike-Muted 'end steel-nerved, who grimed •Mission Ridge, or bore down. upon the col umns of Lee without ,fear,_ stand appalled belem the ,di aq roe of Winter% cavary.. , peinien la bat a meager!--4 tainger lop ort, nlato4l,o4llotbltelwol— a very poor suustitute. Let ea able bodied man wltir a ' tunny ta take ,parrot; eirldignittvibat kW' mont4 swap aanitinag , t tlitssing-tojiltthit stilts `z claim the lifaimed heti upon our consideration. Theta are many places these heroic men tad fill - sa well as anybody. Those who 'have but one arm .aut make 'good book-kcepere . i those who have one leg can make good, 'oleo men, while neither can pier', nor sow nor reap to advantage.. Away to the fields sod workshopo, you filly fin gered, palc-ftwed, don ng dandy behind ,the dry-goods 'counter, and give your place to a disabled soldier a d efe nder of your country in ex change for a inure robust frame, sal a mom certain future competency. All ye non-producers who have per fect !hobs, and who took good tare to keep them so all through the'war, who are now oceupylug to po sitions Which the hone soldier • can fill as well, prepare to vacate in his favor. Make way we say for the Maimed Brindui—Chicago Amt. A Vamie 44 Selolaseetlies Captain Burton has written a book on Brazil; and his will, has superin 7 tended 'lts publication in London. The ladyfwv, itm tho prettice to tho work, and for once a prelim is -like ly to be real. Mrs. Burton's superb self-essertluu Is so perfect that we re print her paragraphs entire: "Before the reader dives Into the interior of Brazil with my husband ma a medium, let me address two words to him. . "I have returned home, on tax months' leave element* after three yews In Brasil. One o the many °num issitxma am to esecnte Nrr Ow taia Barton is' to see the . thllowiug pages through 'the press. "It has been my privilege, durhig these three years, to have been his almost constant companion ; and I consider that to travel, write, read,.. and study under such a master, is no small boon to any one desirous of see-1 inc and learning. • "Although he frequently informs me, in a certain Oriental way, that "the Moslem can permit no equality with women," yet he has choseu me, his pupil, fir this distinCtion, In preference to a more competent dm . ge !: . Ast long as there is sfiz rix th i ilt difficult to do, a risk to 'be inures or nay chance of improving the mind and of educating•one's self, aura very faithful disciple•, but f now-begin to feel that while he and his readers are old friends, I ant humbly standing unknown In the shadow of his glory. It Is therefore time for me respectfitily but firmly to assert that, although I proudly IL` cept the trust confided to me, and pledge myself not to avail myself of my discretionary powers to alter one word of the original text, I protest vehemently against his Migions aid moral seritthtents, which belie a good and chivalrous life. Ipolnt the fin. ger of indignation particularly, at what misrepresents our holy Itornatt catholic Church, and at • What up. holds that unnatural and. tepialsive Law, Polytouny, which the, author hi earethi not to practice 'hiiitself, • but front a high moral pednitalbe peach es to User *norant as the memos of population in young countries. • , "I am compelled iodides with him on many ' other subjects; but, be It understood, not In the mimeo vie. it °ldiomatic jar, but with a' mental =t ;to diger and nailer me , wheats, point, of tetanal never flag. "Having now justified myself; and given a friendly warning to a fide or • gentle rentler—tbe, rest Masi 'lake care of tberameives—k leave him or her to steer through then anthroptot logical sand banks and hidden *Ogles aahest he or ',heresy." • •-• ' • A spleitedlady is Dirs. Mutant No doubt the tisphibi Is proud of bor. tall WM* " v " which, vi ! 1 4 1 4. 4 4 t 0 4 Pir i k. ben: loist 414 botpyrzwansiltljr Iskittf" thtt fruit -proiio l "2 , iiii`'shootai 'Mitt IV `pawed, ProtiMll . laden with bliwwath,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers