II 6111 . GIIXIMWOOD; Jan. The Union Republkan Matadi& teal Committee will meet at Harrier bOrg; on Thursday, the all' tlaY of unrrppoossee February fi xing at o'clock, and the of the time and place ~rhoiding.the next t3tate Conven tion, and . the tnunaction of am other appropriate basinest. Anal ati:onikince eanwellY desired. OALMLUA 'A. GaoW, Otairman 9f am. G. W. kkemear i" J. R. McArwE- Damao the early years of our late • 'war, Mrs. LINCOLN'S loyalty Was doubted by nearly all ofher hushmurs political Meath, and she was repro ', seated by the newspapers Jenerally, aA as entertaining strong pm-slavery su, a lecture delivered few .ITh4tays ago, in (toper Institute, New ';ork,by •FIUM DOUGLAS, the :4 :) , orator, he took occasion to deny I n th e s t u t thUf these ch4ripso, and said he bad . cf mooned knowledge that she had Mi.rged her huslimd on to strike the Irberibtters from every slave.' . • Let at W 111 PHEMDZET Jonamott spire:ate be obstinate as ever. A few days ago amend Gamer recommended Gen . MIS AUGUR and STONEMAN for the ,' • vacant brigtulieripmendshipe in the regular army. . ' ThEse were noinina - ' tions 4birdneatly fit to be made, be:- cause of the hrilliant services these • • men rendered during and since the tine. The President, however, over ruled the nominations of theGenersd . , • in.atiet of the army, and sent the names of (kneads BUCHANAN and Or to the Senate for endinmi tion. f course, that body 'will do no au a thing. • law r namt)er of .Unlted States .• the 19th of ti ,.l3uociaxw himself, was on •the ground , seeking the nomina-' tion as an endorsement of his colirse while in the Senate, but WALLaan and his Mends were too vigilant for him, and came off with the honor. This serves to show that, had the Democratscontrol of the present Leg: islatun3, &suitor Bucuclumw would have been shelved boy his own patty, ••••2'. TIT • •• • •••li ne•••Aft Claborrafovin hie Tip resolution of the House, of Representatives at Harrisburg, au thorising the employment of twenty- . seem _additional officers for that branch of the Legislature, reads as follOws: Resolved, That the Speaker and Clerk are hereby authorixid to appoint a suf ficient number of additional of to conduct the business of this House, not exceeding twenty-seven In number. The vote on the resolution stood thus: True—Hearin.. Adaire, Amos; Beatty, Brown,.(Huntingdon) Btirritt. Clark, (Warrn,) Davis; (Philadelphia") Dun. kin, Edwards, Foy Gatchell, Hamilton, Mailman, Herr, Il orrold, Hervey, Hoff man, Reigate, Hong, Hopkins, trum pet/I'lllJ _st a, ation; Josephs, Kerr, Kleck ner, - Josaß.. , Ith-M Myers, Nei- Mltheiseity 'ty '!Painter, Poten, PidU en Vi m Hea,liobb,Robinson,, Z ing Bank* fitranahan, &ninny; Taylor, Van kirk; .W 'Westiake, , Wilson and rSPeattr-,-44- Xmrsraitais. Beane, Beard, Breen, Brobst; 'Bre ' (Clarion,) . But ington, Chamberlain twit, Cornman, Davis, b'ebbach , r°, Bl , GFOundie, ottenste n, rah, Jones, MeCullouo, 21I'Mnitry, Mullen, Nice, O'neill, Por ter, (Carnbria,) '.Rogera, Scott, Sedge wlek, Webb and Westler—=. Roy. Jolla 'flooii, Republican, was On 'fueslay of last week elected United States Senator from , the 4th ,of March next, In place of Cnianucs Democrat, whose term expires on that day. The Senate voted for John 03°014 - - •17 Millar* A. Wall Ace, - 13 Mester Clymer," - 7 I &DAWN WIIITE and WCANDLEBN were absent. Mr. WALLACE voted for H 311 3 ,17101 The Rouse voted for - John Scott, , - W. A. Wallace, ILECArITULATION Fot John Scott, For W. A. WaUnce, rtoott's majority, Mr. NELSON NM absent. ThIS secures a united Republican delegation ftom this State, during the - sultuinistnition of President GRANT. ' FROM a time " whereof the memo ry of man runneth not to the contra ry," It has 'been customary to have Inagumtkai balls at • the " White House,'? immediately succeeding the . Induction into office of the new Ei 7 ecutWe. The committee having in charge the approaching Immanent -cerenionins Tecelved, on fait Wed-, .nesclay, the mowing pole freni tier. GRANT, which "'knocks the liaise" out of the dancing pert of the pro- gramme on the coming fourth' of March- It reads as follows : INAVOILTARTRRP OP TAR A.llll* OP • MI U. S., WASUIPOTON. D: C., January 20th. • Theat L. Ittlluet.,, Rey,' Aree'lr. , 414 - - Dnenfiln: lineersuresung thartbecatn. mete° of which you are, met Usta evening tor 'tic rr"."...""r",- ibr the Inaugural venture .. te TOO line to sae that f arri *Wed is le In me, I would - be plesselftwiee it dis pensed with. I do not wish to disarrange the plans made by my frteatisin Meant ter of the esunnonles ottendliagthednart gyration, but In tide matter_ it will be agreeable tome ifyour Comm Moo should agree that the bill is unnecessary. • ' With poet respect, Your obedient servant, U. lii.linAttr, General. • • —A Denver dispatch secs the Board of Trade luta unanimously lamed a ram lotion endorsing General Sherman and Sheridan, In their policy toward theln &ans. • —Tbe Rev. M. Tlikkaon, of Man- Wag Y e aterail e a — vrfiVai;pre — h - C.itT4lon theater, N. 11., has mama/ 7 of a serious - t telt. Thelnt within twenty. fl ve d e ha a Pw' br u ° Li attributed to the sudd en c b unge re -we o f m ied on l ; ,. 4oo Peciae. preached mous e r. the wearer. It ivraped that • - u ryot in s ray tt..._ out, very soon w*issis le, 4W PA U *topping , tot herbineer_ • 15. ,, Tair rriaßtailhaVOty l and That 0b.,. Inn •, , • moukk cougar a liver, 14 *Mag. As As M. Midas ssidthlibiteMAS' Amt. .The young hdy,,upop being sidern stely stepped Ad of the room, and summoned to the ;odor,• homed': treme. sfitt4s. was find elaborately 4- aw ed 'on tßerostruni and by the, press ; and, if there was any. one of Uwe natre sl=Tly, 4011.0(20r more interest ing to thepeoplP thantbe oth ers, it , .ha that "one relating to the payment of the public debt. And, while Orabn% rxiltOrir, ac i d decals agreed as . to. haw , Jim , public debt should ;be told, they, nevethelete, united on The proposition that the, rat# tied reoworlY Mould es'e adopt by rbe. POr4 total.* pope ' - .The Republican party, In particular, was, Implicit on that point. l Its foremost advocates thindered 'retrenchment saxl coolloroY,luto th4eers Qt the vo: - Its tcandidatei, everywhere, , pledged themmalves to hushandithe people's money; aril, in its National PlatAnnivit ant., forth the , following ararloboxal larqtaafre: 9sa~s The Government of the United States should be administered with the strictest mummy; and the corruptions . which . have been so shamelessly nursed and lostered.by Andrew Johnson, call loudly for nid; teal reibmir: Yet, in-the Ake of thin resolgtion, and utterdipmgani or the pledges made Who people last all, our, ile publican Legislators—at :Harris burg —have started'oat on. and are Still pirsulng,a birseof extravagancenn exampled in the whole history of our party. , They . have deliberately . lingn proposition to do their fold and pasting which, if_ accepted, wenhi have saved the State $40,000 or $45,00N they havepurehased boblus for their. private libraries with the *people's Binds; andihey have ern "plOyed an addithaMi Luce of twenty seven I punk= for Whomi:t is said, there is little or no labor perform. `lean press of the State has against all these acts. we written to their rep on thesamesuloecteiand to remember and re- Acdps.. But, nol they protests, heed no warn * on as if they meant fo :1 the people, as well as ..'llavirig,therefore,stray; from the principles of the party,. and .violated the to the poop gaeetio3i to the Repub. - 4haMselves to knuYr wliat diaL' `^ nut4i3of . ; Abets members' ask to be renominated for `lira of 1810. INSTITUTED body of Re dick= of this State vis ited Washington last week to inform general Grant, who he should not and Yam he should listen to while mak ing the appointments for Pennsylva nia, after his inauguration as Pred dent. The whole " batch ".of them were evidently enemies of General Cameron, for they seem to have tak en special pains to notify the Pre:li tigant Ab that if Cameron had _any_ tab!) , Ibilow next October. " The delegation also urged General Grant to invite Governor Curtin to a seat in hiaCabinet, as Secretary of the In terior. &c., &c. The intimation thrown out to Gen. Grant by theM gentlemen that they thensootrof were the proper persons with whom he should consult In re lation to the appointments in Penn sylvania, is quite refreshing to those who are acquainted with their rapid ly waning influence, and it was, no doubt, looked upon by Gen. Grant himself as a bit of rarely excelled po litical impudence. _ Governor Curtin, if standing alone, would make a very respectable cats: • inet officer, and in all probability would conduct the . Interior Depart ment as well as the generality of his predecessors. But there is no deny ing the fact that among his personal friends are to be found men whose characters for integrity will not bear a very rigid scrutiny. In the event of his anpointment asSecietary of the Interior them men would gather around him like so uutriy vultures, and demand Indian agencies or other appointments at his hands, byineans of which they could fleece' the public and enrich themselves. Until Goy. Curtin, therefore, shakes thesegroedy place-hunters off and ehangtis his *is sodatlons to some extent, we will be but little vexed to see bim remain a private citizen. THERE is likely to be a severe struggle in Congress between those in favor of granting further Goverment mrdstruice toPacifle railroads and those opposed. Mr. 'Washburne appears to lead the opposition, not apPear ently because he is hostile to the eon strut:ll.M of the roads, but forthe r rea.: son that the condition of the Treasury will not Warrant *generosity dal:M ed from the Goverment. In a speech delivered by him in.the eatiy part of the week, ho exhibited a starling' ar ray of figures sdoiving what was ask ed of Congress in the way of Milked subsidies, amounting, so, far as i the Pacific roads under way and in con templation areConoerned, t0514,9137,- WO. In conclusion, lie showed that the profitf of the companies building a single line four hundred miles long would be 523,146,000. The New York 2Wlsrne, in noticing • these facts, re marks: " Without. sawing one word for of against these enterprises,. their unqueitioned value and national im portance we • simply :ask, 011111 our Trenton; at present-bear any exten sion of sach a syStem Yt , That is re eltythe'vedion .to he decided . by ("ongress 7 -- an Important auestion which shouhl be. very soberly (sin:rid- - It is, tinnily determined. . Iri E • tioroGRART his heenite un-. well the some 'time Pik, and early feat week It was.supposed that he would soon be.able to attend to the duties, of hie office again. The Har .rigburg Plegraph ailed Friday,how ever, sitifianis lts readers Mit the GovernOrlutt taken a relapse, and is not ruing along sts• w cll Ilfi'*ll2l ex pected. 1 That paper eve: "We are - sorry to learn eat the Governor is not quite to well ail he t; ' • piiintlitlcePtimtbf sight.' The bur then of the spew-lies is, thatthestiwis more works to.le done .than. there *were workuien to do it.. It Is cult to understand howene coin Make . this `pies and expect to be.counted as honest: for It is well known that. the . . sacalled pastels and folders do not In any proper , sebie work as tin* should... tibme qf diem never ple*, to do crniihing, and it is susoeptible of peixtf that persons ham secured . fedi pflYteithroursPeahlY fire days uis i entire season .liarrisburY. . Here, we imagine, is the seat of, the cony. • It isanexpensiveand corrupt SWAMI of faiktritism And wc' under titketomytiMtmAntenigentiimmber of the body.will pretend , to dispute thlat The five • thounind' dolltir , bid struck at the root of the _ !Titan, and thii is the Secret (Oita prompt reJe& Uon. ' . _ ' la M. Strent's speech Is one pas sage which,lor Its boldness in defy ing the *venni demand for econo my and honesty, IsahtadoranYthing we have seen of , latn.' 6 llVessnote as as follows : A large majol of this . House, upon due dellbeas on; have come to the cola:Witte that the official forte proPosedin this resolution la news sarylor the transaction of business: They entertain no'doubt ofit ' They are willing togo to the people upon that reiterd. ' They tirewifiing to take the tuen r t e s S p an ol d u t d he b y t e y x p w ec i t h to doTh n y do not exp e ct that anybady else is going to stand censor over them upon this questkin in any co-ordinate breach' of the Goverment, or in any connection With theprees of the coon ' try. We do not propose to admit to the world , that we went into this matter without . ' full ; consideration. We do not propose to admit that we were either rascultior fools when we proposed this augmentation of our force. The sixty men who took that position are prepated 'to say that we will Stand fairly by the position we 1 1 took In relation to the'lima:oy and the propriety of appointing these officers. It should bo borne In mind that towards the close oflast winter's ses sion a law was passed cutting down the fbree to something like . reasona bleness. On the first working day of the present session, under Pressure of mod)! outsiders, Wire any expert.; once bad been had, When neoneepulff kpnw.whether the force yes too sn,tall cut too great, hcfoic there . :Was . seirtiely anything for anybody to do ,. liavease was proposed and carried: There was no attempt. at economy and reform. Had such a spirit ex isted the five thousand dolia4 bid would not have been kicked out; and if , there was any good reason why the bid should not be entertain= edint the very least measures should have been taken to cut off all sine cure ; see that persons were not paid for loafing in PhiladelAia and Her risbnrg ; and that 'every man earned his money: This done one-half of: -theeptffeltifilltitStegledittrgiooee to do it, and that they whodid It will nogpenuft their action to be reviewed. We suggest to Mr. Strang that this defiance of the people Is in bad taste. They will review their actions, and if boor any Onels legislating money out of the Treasury with the Impression *that he r wlll not be reviewed we beg hint to understand that he is laboring under a fatal error.—Piffs. (inn. Gold ha the United State.... ' During the Revolution, and ,for some years subsequent, the "red, red gold" of the ancient ballad, or Guinea gold, was thestyleofaureate in vogue in the United States, the hue of the Metal being somewhat reddish and the supply coming from, the Guinea coast, Whereby the word guinea came in use fora coin. From 1804 to 1829 North Canilina furnished all the gold of. the republic, 'amounting, accor ding to the taint returns, to $llO,OOO ; In 1829 South Carolina sent in her first installment, $3,500, to the mint ; and In thtinext year Vlrgina and Georgia swelled the tide, the former. State sea dingla $50,000 turd the latter $418,000. In 1888 Alabama began to send small quantities; branch mints; were estab lished! at Charlotte, North Carolina, and Dithionega, in Georgia, and With this griffd established, so to speak, we worked 'along till March,lB49, when gold; deposits were discovered in Cali fornia bt such richness that before Jan nary, 18.50, there were taken out . $4O,- 000,000,inereasell during the following year to $90,000,000. From 1848 to 1885 the total ' , redact °real' fornia has been estimated in official quarters at 8900,0o0,000! Before such a total it is useire4 to speak of any other yields, though once we were glad enough to Painfully extract a few grains hereand .there. The California gOld has quite a brasly appearance, and does not makeup as handsomely into jewelry as the Old red gold, now hardly ever. to be sisen save in heir-looms. --- - - A gentleman of our acquaintance made the remark, the other evening In our • rese. nee, that he had been la boring under the conviction, for the paSt three or four years, that alarery no longer existed in this country, nor could it ever be established again.— " But," :said he, "it appears than am mistaken, for. our 'Republican rePresentatives, at Harrisburg, have . reeettly voted .themselves a xerrarit a piecel-the relation to continue while the tsrmion lasts." lie had no par tit'saltirCbJectlon, to the members sup plyingl themselves . with servants, provided they paid them cut of their private funds. But he thought it was "drawing it rather fine" to ask the tax-payers to foot the bill. ' —A aomenittec of refugee citizens of the rebel Mats of Arkametss, went to Marionro ask the consent of Col. Wet- . son, etriumanding the militia there,, for the put Pose of otievising means for thci Femoral settlement of difficulties there.. Cot. Weitaon replied that the county was ander Martial law, and declined to glce the per .mission asked for. lie °be slated that bairns sent there I arrest some 20 men, bletwliont lout been arrested. Ile intended to moon; his command and scour the country until he found. the re mainder. —They transport Indians on Western railways as freight: Au Indian boy re cently arrived at a Missouri town with on his clothing, describing his destination. . skugiftitti, The followingis ". the act relating An, 4ineed in the BtatelElenat v, by Senator Tayb#, sty: • _ 0f0n......_._ ....01 Prthei ar oftw enty - f i ve ofatfall per O . thereof, make out a liskto. . OW betkalordnOf the eltristkUlepdsnrs .names.ofitliwbont'.he .allidt. know, ,4isidWho IthellPert 4 r cialin se l3be eterm -l .' 'is distil • and 1141"14 T •VI ' •.' Of ma' write opeemite 'o' UPC' , whether he is, (fibula , ob eeeeb 'a ler . , and if be is in whiten Where'd I In ere: numbered,' the': ; trulltber_of his dwelling, ank whether. ortot t h e .nameof the' street, ''dlY Of courts Where be; Items; and, Irhe is not a hOttitekeepeiiltlergetin' a i nl l ite pMon where, 'ldtb Nbtete he hoixidiff and if *irking for nnotke er, . the dame of tits thriployer rind his 'residence.: "- - ''' • . As seines completed. Q '. Aran make ' s duly corti fi ed=le list,' and give it to theca:en and retain the '. oth,ers - ' to *B ie l be sha y add the; names of ' others who may personally ettlibriblm,arildahn to le voteri, in like nuttiner as befbre provided for, and shall .insCas •evety one on his list, placed there ; by him self, or by direction of the revising hearth but not withhiten''daystof an October or presidential election. • . . On the receipt of .th __,e:list by e the tommissioners,theyehallhavecp les thereof made out as folloWS:4or each .district in. the city ,at Philadelphia. printed evicts,. and - ft' y every,eurr: district where requirwl - Km= or written copies, of ,which_they. shall retain two, andgiee the others to the assessor, who shall keep one for in spection at all reasonable hours by a residentof the,distrit*ied two to be by him, laid before,tbe ;swirling board a its Lint mMIM, find poet the others in the most rsibTe. pineal of the district by the - 90th of . Angust, and a like number by the lfith , of October prece ding a.presidential, election; and at the bottom Of each posW lletehall be a notice of the days and ; p there vising board will rneetloistrike from it all improper names and odd others thereto. • , The election; officerAanassemsoes district in Philadelp Shall meet at the election house, an if • there be snore than one in the district, at that one, where; the. !argot . number of votes was polled : at , the . preceding Weber eleetien, on the second Thurs. day preceding the psecotel Tuesday In October, Red also of thePresid ential electien, and continuo in scission from 10 .s. .m. to 7 r., m., Of each secular day till the evening of the' following Tuesday; but the officers of one dee , Lion division shall. takeno part in matters ° Pertaining to another of the same district ; apt on the written,re quest of twenty or more voters of a district averring their belief that the 1 registering ef voters, may.not be fair ly -wet slatrtiallie, 4:o,e4neteds . the cour v o rgilowpeptilqpius4ll3= twfser. Atm conap.o*lt!R, t versons, oneertittom,`. if evithin ; the district at. tbetiriie, shall - be the, de : fatted candidate for judge, hitt b 0 the °micelle political t imirty t at the prior election for election of officers, and, the others of the Opposite political pars ty to those on the election board, to meet with .the election officers and form part of the revising board., .. .. In a district outside of Philadel phia, the election officers shall teed at the election house thereof on ,the second regus- Mon preeedi ng the far October day and preside ntial election, and continue in session from 9 A. lif. to 7 r. at. of that, and the following day, and on the request of persons he the 'harmer provided for In the Pre ' ceding Section, the Court of Q s, Sessions of the &sway shall appoint part of the revising.board: ' • ''' ---- The revising' board, when siirkesi bled, shall strike. from the list lobe laid before it by the assess. 01., the mune . of every one who is known to be dead or to have removed from the district or who cannot he a qualified voter at. the ensuing electipn ; and shall add thereto in alphabetical order the name of every one, who shall in person ali- I ply to be registered as a voterand gill' be found qualified therefor, and write opposite his name the same as is re quined of the assessor in the first sec tion : and if the appiliant is not per sonally known to the board, to be a qualified voter of the district, he shall prove by the written affidavit of a qualified voterof the district ; taken in the presence of the board, that he Es an actual resident, and as he verily 'believes in other rivets a qualified voter of the district, , or that if hells ' not then, he will be one by the day of the election, if be continues his resi dence therein till tlutt day; the appli cant shall also make his written affi davit before the board, setting forth' when and where he, was born, that he is a citizen of the United Stites, and has resided in this State durlug the preceding year or that h o will have resided therein'fim that pepod of time if he remains in the district, as he mimeses to, till the day q the .lee-.: .tion ; or, if formerly a citizen of the State and luul removed (rein it, that he has returned, and if he l continues his residence, as herepmes to, in the district till the election -, he will I then have been six midi a resident of the State; or, if he was resident of another district in the tate, that' lie has removed Into the p I one, and if he continued his mid nee there in, as he propsases to, till, he day of Ten the election, he will then I ave been ten days within it; and al ' that he has paid a-State or county ax, ofthis State, within the last t vo, years, which has been or by the lay of the election will have been assmsed ten days, or that If it has not Leen paid, and.ho claims the right to v de, it will before then bepaid, and If he swears it has been paid, heShall produce the receipt therefor, or set forth filet he cannot because of its loss' o - destrne- ' tion, and if so, shall also it, te, when, where and to whom pay, tent woe made; and if he claims ashen. nattiral 'zed citizen his affidavit inu4tiiefforth whet, where and by wiima I t court he : 1 , was de such, and if .11 . has not been a voter of the distrie for live ,vears next preceding the shall exhib it his certificate, aud lite b shall (lard indorse on It "registered i s rote r,"' with date ; or if the applica it claims that he will be ,between ti l e ages of twenty-one and twenty-tw years on the day of election, that he will then in all other respects be a qualified voter of the , district; and each one shall set forth whether ' he has been registered elsewhere, and fhe has, when and where, and whether -he Claims to be a qualified von e in any other district. , • , ' The assessor - shall mar opposite the name of every one elan] ing to be a voter, and placed by bilk on his list, the letters "C. V."I • 1 And the board s hall mark opposite the rummer etuli one pbiced lon Wm visel list, as a qualified votir, the let ter " V." , . I Opposite 'that of a natundized cite em N. the letter "" - v Opposite that of one rem vet into the district, the letter "It.l • elpposite thatof onebetween twere , theand twenty-two yeala of age, the letter " Ai" And that of one whose term of res idencels noteamplete, the letter"T." A number shall he set opepidte each name in reen lar numerical order, and when the ,list L 9 eimpleted, the telunl, 'or a majority of it; shall apnd their affidavit that It Is, as they erily be- l x lieve, in all respects corral and con formable to law, and have • • topics thereof made out; two of which s all he filed in the Coinsnissiofiers' ofileet for future use, ono to be given to 1 Assessor who shiftl by twelve m.; of the Friday preceding the election, have erased born' his form r posted CM ISE IN 444diatila8 .:. 1 i ittliS Jae.- law and • bribe • owls* 4ear, _unless I retied for a Presidal election, kmurt, or the re. htrn • dillgeb, in case or d contested =, shall otherwise eider; a ft er hey • shall be replace& and eehltdtipo, .1-10:40 .••__,Jr .0: • • -',N9 one - shall be allowed to vote rvhbbb Dame is-nOtontlietivlsed list, noirint Is on,1100 11 „. Atoirote, bele cludiense&by; , voter, and la fOund 'nether; , -ague b e a qualified voter of I et tor the preoeedthit ten •yearabe must prod , his certiflcnte of naturalisation, an . 1;10:mod:to vote, the board shall In done on It, "tiotedo7 with the day; month t and usmcittlrillt dons,• and, if in • WWI answer all goes. hone - twthftt blertAt tolote;. and .whether - he•hmr ttottered to Vote elsewhere On t h a t; hly ands Oiase. • •_ When one has voted, the Word "re fed "• shall •be written oppeinte -hla ii3lllo on the,list, andtho num.ner op posite his namoshaltbe written with pen and ink on the.tack, of his ticket.' On the written requeet el fifty VO: tin lathe county, or of five in a dis trict, with the allidavitOf oneor more of thron;.'averring their: belief that fraud is intended at an approaching iliecti_ _ L on end that it will not be fairly 14 1 g :rail conducted, the court, or a in vacation shall' appoint for S.-district • applied -for; two sober, disereetand inteingent citizens there. the the oppodte' po li tical party 'Of t he, iniqretiona respectively, who shall , attend and act as•overseers at the election, with theillibtla chal lenge voters; examine: o nm a nd witnesses .and wirers, and to oversee thesounting.of the votes and the making out and signing of the returns; 'and- if. they are utatawfullY Ihterfered with,' so atileplevent the execution of their dutlev and the election is contested, the.votee pelted shall be Medal. by; the. board of re turn judges , or the tribunal passing pewit. If the return Mires' s; ' • rItY of them, are m•tleed from an , evidence. that fraud las liven; "7" mitted at an election they maY re ject the entire vote of 'the district In which it was committed, but their action shall not interfere - With the rightsof others tekeentist the election, as determined by there, or any,of the election boards in the manner now allowed 1en2v..1- • • . . •If, in . lading the:revised list pt votersoli see ofprdnicia shall bx ist among the 'Mead)* of the board, a majority .;shall detect:Wee, and-the dissenting onesmay note their roes • for their .dissenting ; and .if the Oveiseets, - 'or either of. th • taigalledecelv 4 beeflj" OW* ' Rd; taililiejhavtl. ' • Estamigl—rth.q PlaY.lcual4 l. nom* pppe 'th.tliet?ther election, .tiOld In aa.V l . 3o PteNt , that . may arise respecting : the election: , tlfn examination.for nattwalixaticut ' shairbe In open emir; and under the immediate cognizance and judgment .of its members as presides .fudge. _ prothenotary shall keep a nittartiffiallen docket; in" whichhe shall register, Ins alphabetical order, thename of every applicant, the time' MITA dmiaration of Intention, and his tition--thepbDie and coun try of birth;--his age,, residence, and tinie'ef arrival in this country the triunes of his vouchers and;tbeho retWences, and Abe • nature , cIY-' thei- Court% action ; and %Barone shall be • for an sindler copies, as if he or any , one utu,ylllll.llUrMiirre. ,to,, or shall give out blanks, or suffer, than, to be taken from his office or .eharge, to be filled up and used, on conviction thereof, he shall be fined and ImPilsoried at the discretion of the court, and be deprived of his of fito. If any one Shall sell, give or use, or shall vote, or offer to vote, or encour age another to vote on a natuntilm lion certificate which he knows, or ' ,has good reason to know; is not gen eine; or shall knowingly testify ly in any matter relative to the right of registeringer of voting, on convie tion thereof, shall be 'fined and im prisoned at the discretion of the court.-1 If any one with it triudukst or mischievous • intent, or for any fin proper purpose, shall add to, define or.destroy, tear down or remove any list of .voters, on 'conviction thereof, shall be 'fined and Imprisoned at the discretion of the court. . ' Every uneaten, election officer, assistant reviser and overseer may adniinister oaths in matters pertain ing to their duller!, and before enter ing upon his du ties shall take and sub scribe an oath that he will faithfully and Impartially, to the best of him abilities, perform anddlsehargetfiem all; and if an assessor places upon the list Previously posted by him, the name of any one not allowed by the, revised' list, or neglect tp platszi, upon it the name of any one pin upon it by the revising board, or if a mein - her of the board puts upon its list the name of one as a voter whom ho knows, or who is proven not to be a qualified one, Or will not be such by the day of the election, or reuses to put thereon the name of one whom he knows, 'or who is proven to be a qualified voter, or will be such by the election 'day, on conviction thereof; shall be fined and imprisoned at the discretion of the court. The compensation of the assessors election officers, assistant revisers and overseers shallbe the mine as is now allowed 'by law to assessors caul elec non officers respectively ,find tlicCeurt may order rereasonable extra allow ance to the assistant reviser and over seer. , Theword district shall ; when no-, cesiiry, include in Its meaning' town.: ships, towns, boroughs, wards, pre cincts, • sub.:districts or divisions of either; and an acts altered or supplied by this one are hereby repealed. • A daring robbery Iwts perpetrated at St. Catharines, Canada, last Min. , day night, by which a bank was:re-• lieved of its care of $48,000. The Clevehmd Leader thus describes the operation: • • The (loor of the bank and of the vault had been unloiled with false keys, the safe punched ,Just over the lock, a fuse applied, the vault door dosed, and the sound being confined by the thick. stone walls, .wad not heard beyond the building The • $48,000 in paper was . packed into a ' couple of ordinary bags, and the buras. Prissfred a conveyance from "StAkitharine4 to Nlagra Palls, from there they,got another to Tonawanda, from there another to Buffalo, and at Butfitiolhey procured a team, driy . lag, it themsdVes to Angina. There they remained at the hotel fora couple of hours, l appearently paying little heed to the satchels that contained the precious load; but refusing foal low the porter. to hike charge of their, overcoats. ' Their reason for 'this that most probably the pockets were pretty welt tilled with gold,. as they laid a chancy to help thetuselyee dip what they-wished of $30.0.000in gold, also in the safe. • • At the Angeldstation theyltriell to , get through tickets togbioir, i, but the regular agent was abeen t, and they, 'paid their hire on the cars, paying out Amerimin money: Nothing fur ther is known or them except . that they went through Erie on the zpmzi titan pn Tuesilarnight. • One of the men Is of ehort build, alst4it tine feet sixiprotsibly weighing sinummAruemo. theism , of MAMA "Peitz, receiver of Mull, Philadelphia, which came over from the House, - vesteorthW, sthtlilly =ended. &vend. Republi c= - •na • bell 046 there was [ . 4 g The f adloumed 17. • • , 1 1 • mottinv • e Demo elate Receiver of tau; will be sworn lin on Monday morning at 9 o'clock, I if the Democratic Senators can d the bill. Doubtless there will be a no quorum to-morrow. attillOoi r uETM•MATTvEiti biunter, of Westmoreland, diced a, resolutiow dispensing with the Tast ers and reillieni• - : and printing of all public documents. On motion oiler Davis, of PhllaMphia‘. Indefinitely wRNIALVLv6... -., Mr.Moripul, of Alleglieny — lnco =1 the Pittsburg and Ormsby ger 'Hallway Cbmpany. Mr. 'Jackson, of Armstrong—Re ingstiOaltia=nuloci 12C townsh_lp. . - Mr. Mc Cullough, of Clearfleld—A j6Ditldsohltanninstru incorpo cting Congresks men agahwt the mting of rail road comes by the General Gov.l ernment.r."' • . Mr. Hunter—For Asididant 4440, 1 qh, 1 f Twentieth Judicial pis - Mr. Humphreys, of Allegheny — A Supplement for. Federal street and Pleasant Valley Passenger Railway Company, authorizing an additional I,IW, tar* ,connecting with the terminus ''4.l44lol4'livith consenter I,Counadis. • _ , F Mr. Wilson, of Auegheny—Sup p*lnt to act imposing additional Star purposes, approved. 18th April , 1894, Weh includes coal coke as the. roduct ormiikes.. A 4 ourned . Pgti l .B R. eq.of•Tues-, ! Daring Robbery., ature: irair, Jen. 24,1868. : IJOBUX.The perm:rate were Ylip.,Fortieth Con&ress: - Wia 't 0, 11/1, --421-ilt !..-• rixoT6i, 22,11369. SENATE • the - Preside.nt presented the cre dentials of Jas, A.,Bayard and Thos. F.lBayard, Senators eIO, from. Dela- Mr. Trumbull, from the Commit tee •jointite on Judiciaryl the House soldtion for the dis position of cerftrt. irt - 1 7 , relating to claims against- the • nt of Wak,' *Bat arattadments - which Were after. which .tbe:,: bill. was imummt. ' 34:Thigla 1 / 2 *ilt=gairs ilistruc. :ore Pacific Irlha44llll"C°- illatilago-. for the qic, • derail ttrotii -ih9FOGI 'bifida: &daring' It iziadequate fOr Congiesa torwithcirlie l trir in Gortnuurt .boaditici . stny railroad enteittrise pot eritilledtoltunder ex- Ailing laws. • • Mr. Edmunds ob j ected,' and the resolution went over. Mr. Pomeroy, front the Commit tee on Public Lands, reported a bill to grant lands to aid in die construc tion of a railroad from the Mississippi river to Yancton, on the Missouri river, and to amend the act of May 12, 1864, granting buds to the State of lowa to aid ii the construction of a railroad 10 saki State. It transfers the giant .male' by the itltbve act for the be - lent - of Mttlregbr and Si oux City Railroad Company, _and grants • the latter company two sec tions per nada to aid in the extension - 31 r: Perrier* "ie - p4FATA the bi ll to legalize certain land loca tions; which dedarei that the provis: ions of the act of July 27, 1867, shall not apply to locations of agricult ural college scrip made by dTsatt ers, and receipts, before the receipt of notice of its passage. • • Mr. Stewart introduced a bill rela tive to refining gold and silver bull ion at the mint of the United States and bronchia, which was referred to the Committee on Appropriations It authorizes the Secretary of the Trees ' ury ! whenever, in his judgment or in the judgment of the directors of the mint, it is for the interest of the Uni ted States to do se, to receive on de posit at the-mint and at the branches refined gold and silver suitable for coinage, and In payment therefor, de liver to the parties making such de posits Imported bars at such rates and upon such terms, and regulations ag shall be prescribed by the directors of -the mint, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury. • M r. Freelinghuysen then addressed the Senate in reply to the argument of Mr. Morton, yesterday, on his bill to punish the collection of Mega tax- ea passengers Mr: hUorton replied briefly, when theillseticSion was interrupted by the expiration of the morninLhour. Mr. Wilson tiered aJo int resolu tion: to drop f the ro o r the ar my Sthei officers :tit without leave. ,'Referred to the intim , ' Committee. Mr. Wilson offered a Joint resolu tion re-appointing professor Agassiz a Regent , of the Smithsonian Insti- tute, which passed. Mr. Howard. from the Committee on Pacific Railroad, reported a Joint resolution directing the Secretary of the _Treasury to re em and withhold from the Union Pacific Railroad Co., .and from each of its branches, Gov ernment bondS to the amount of 133000 per mile, as, wearily for the comple tion of the several lines of road accord- Mg to the provisions of the law, thiS amount per mile to be reserved until the President of the United States shall have certified that the roads are So completed, which Is to be deter mined by special commissioners who shall examine the roads and report, the expeim or Sikh examinations to be paid by the Pacific Railroad Com pany. Laid on the table. The Senate then resuined consider ation of the bill , to promote com merce among the States which,, by ainendmentmady rtsterday, is now merely a bill to authorize ,the con struction of a railroad hettreen Wash- ington and New York. The pending. amendment was that offered by Mr. Doolittle, mmiring the consent of the 1 Legislatures of the States through which the road wood pass. =I • Mr. Pollard, from the Committee on the Revision of the Laws, Made a report in reference to the extension of the, tiny per cent. clause in the bank rupt law r and to the printing of no tices in bankruptcy. Ordered to be printed - and recommitted. Mr. Kelly introduced a blithe et -I'lllllBh an assay office lb Montana, to convert the branch mint at Denver into an as-ay office, and relativelo the refining of gold and silver bullion at the Un Red States mint and branch.... ,e., Referred to the Committee on coinage. diminish the ,introduced a bi ll to diminish the fluctuations In gold and rnprovide nr.; aretunt, to specie pay manta. Re reef! .te the Committee on Waya and Monk - and ordered to be printed. The bill proposes the Is sue of gold notes by-the Government, redeemable in .mm:l end receivable for nil Governmenednia, not to ex ceed V 150,000,900, and not to exceed the, amount of gold in the T above that required for three month interest on the public debt, Is to be used in redeeming greenbacks at the average gold value. Mr. Dawn, from the C.mmittee of conference en the bill relative to tak ing testimony In. ceritesled election eases, trade a tedort, which was agreed to. di te death . Hinds, bite mem ber from Ark of anar Mr s, who was weed 1r - . 1.., • a.. • Mr. Matti of Atter eu kers on the deceased by the mem beres‘ lha AlPa.44o#4oWtien, th e Rouse adjourned. , —A Portland lady attempted to kill a rat that had invaded her parlor, when the animal sought rulings by ro>rltig:tip,iier glinleßtB upon her back. This eo alarmed the woman. that sheßad shrieking from the room' fainh3g a complete somersault, landing on her back. The rat was killed. - sggrdtvq.!T!__ ac .! N ew Wiwi RoWeewlis. Bpeyerer & Sons, succassonTo GEO. C. SPEYERER. Having returned from thy East with a large ." 'air c WirET 4l Mi VOW. *Or , the public. at their OLD. &MEER OF MATER AND JAMES STREET• -'IIU._ I r 7 ••• ' lißlirrlftß, - Pi? A.l GILNIV.I;AL DICALERa Ili WEB DRY.GOODS NOTI9XII, IiATS, CARO, ,_219M.A....ND Guocznims, PRovistorro, HARDWARE, IRON, NAZS, CARYYSTELTOOLS ROPE. OCUM k .PACKTUG" YARN • WRITE LEAD, end PAINTS dry Oft & Putty QIIOOIISWOre, and Willow Ware. FLOUR, FLOUR; &inhaling. the SoJAL,ency of • that CELE SEATED CANTON U ROI= for *eche* ter Led vicinity. we _ can sell dealers at rtttsbeeiti sates, saving freight. , , ; • FEED, WHOLESALE AND HETA!L ALSO ASIiNCY FOR Buffalo Scale Company, W. of !kale' at MANUFACTURERS ?RICE ALSO AORNTII IVA Eureka Bona Sulphate of Lime and PLASTER PARIS FOR -LANDS Whits and . Water Lime at Wholegate Rates BEAVER SALT COMPAIIT'S SALT. M convinced. 'RETAIL GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF GUM I=3 Tunl'AltE. kvp:0)4:.1:1.10i:0.1;11):4:.4.1e MALTA IN ALL MINIM OP rrin,Copper Sr. Sheet Iron Ware. I PROPENE KEEPING CONSTANTLY ON HANG ALL XIS DS OP TIN, COPPER AND SIIKET•IRON WARE. "which I will Dell - AT TUE LOWEST PRICE Tie Roolling,SpouUng & Job Work beat:to cadsr In emptiest passible maser, and of shortest pollee. thin moue but the beet of material, mai basting rout but the best of trorkokeu, WE WARRANT ALL Wok SHOP ON THE LOWER END OF Third iStreet BE,!kVEU, Gire w a, lad, and Examine ow Stock JAPANNED WARE KEPT ('ON =I MOORES , DRUG ItTORE, IN BEAVER May be found the beet sasortment or DRUGS, Atreclioln.em, oaimwao_A_Las. • I=! , ti IVINER And y 13 irsszi di e s Paints, Oils. 13:13 DYEi fil'Utertf: TOILET IRTIVLEb, „SOAPS 131R113131-lES. PAME.N4 . 31E-DIC IN ES la guest Wkly. lof WON' 'quality, and sold cheaper t in can be bought atillq QUILT DI746:010 I. the 011111111 • Lumaco . 6 Female Ma, 77., mit. 3er ll° Ow:mm . 6, $l Osurs• $l. The Urged Monk otL LAMPS* LAMP THIMXINGS, NUM& STATIOSERY. WLIDOW ULAN* • PUTTY. Deer oared outside olLthe throw. lhaeleara Drag Woes, and wed chnepelease can be bonght any here elm. loathe,* who doubt ibis rail And eta, and they will doubt bo more. tour. • J. 3100 XX. tiZA icitiruse&•a, ROQUESTURe, PA. FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF I ) 1 1 .;),L1 1; DRY GOODS FLANNELS. Plain Flannels, Barred Flannels, Opera Flannels, Alpaccas, Merinos, Gink,tilms; ' " Shawls, Gloves, BALMORAL SKIRTS,. CANTON FUNNEL MENS' AND BOYS'. WEAR C4.4813iER ES, D 0 ESKINS, I. QV. READY MADE SHIRTS AND CEM HATS AND CAPS NEWSTYLESAND CHEAP Boots and Shoes ♦ larTer and better Stock than no have ever before kept. Mena' and Boys', Scone no', )(ban' and Chltdrene gluten and Own ' Shoe*, Just bought and FOR SALE LO\ ~±ll. Li St C) , HARDWARE AND NAILS GLASS, QUEENSWARE, Bacon, Grain, Grain, Flour, Salt, rood, dr.c., 0. It. ANSIIUT7 Wi; ba7 °Run and kovp air Slack AM and always baring oorarthlu: TILW to show our milkmen, HK BUY CIA3SIi AND ABU WAN CALL AND i';EE! S. J. CROSS &CO. ItentipTat. Oct. Rh. Macellaneoua. . - lever Ladles , Senalaary.—w open an the lith of September next. .Pupils received at every ;stags ot advancement. In the ?Timm referent boys and girls received Young men Department be taught by the Principal in hie ORI3 roam, hot wane taken as boarder,. .thirginrpoos la Irs establish the repentant of the school on thorough ricSontrobtp In every hnutelsstndled. It Is thereonimports,. t that pu p il, . . should be preeent at the opening ny. th e uvu and ecintbus reviler In their attendance. Hating tad over ens hundred , enrolled doting the past year. we hope for a /ACM lumMitie du ring the coming D. ii. A. lI'LEAS. PllndPid• • anglrGittt. • Michael Grim 1 In th r e n tiourt of Common It.•Tril r ctiard Co. 110 Mirth 471,21, 1 1 7 ,:;„"; g 1; Attachment In debt.. Octobir 19,'Ided„ on motion the Coort giMidede. mlot acident defend= t. name day Nam and - hill• davit adobe bettor Mad rola ou W Prudsonei. tidy to mime the &images In the above rue. • Nonce is hereby even that said damaces nut be aroesaid at the Prothoeoterra Mkt, on lb. Seth day, of December, DM& at &elm*, P. N. JULIN CAUGHEY, Pro. 11i-Awr !as ag o everythingla the fowl Ilue for the floadals. fie will oleo have whit Meats of all the kinds he can obtain for that season. all of which he lola aril at wholesale or retail. Beet. Pork. Veal, Mottos. de., for oak at his shop on Tbl.d Street, Bearer, Pa.' Pekes moderate. Call and arr. Dec.lll pas, :1111T Li! crf riVreAltl,l I ~ .i .. .'_i iK t U:. ~. i taxi tfou o<d! lalpts,l Ifflt. - , •rwrift mitt: 'lO4 , 6L,11.11 f. ;- agebellWarm AO • : • . Rlce,l ,/,47401116:A.•.., . ,Sugar, 9(npk, *dames, Syrups, I , kit. r=iliM ZgaMaNTit' NAILS & wittnow Pine Churns, Peck ileanin t Oak Churns Matt 31, 4 , t Baskets,— Split • , (Make Family Flour, By Um Barrel or N Boar. coneuotty Prrvias •e 7 lop; all nil or. A.S. lIAM Balm, vow mentivilenoc.mar Detainee, Prints, Hosiery, DEA WERE our usual Stock of d Oils, Paints, 1321 JOAN BOltDalt. STONEWARE Fiffe:olB4 Vinegar. ALSO MEI PROVISION Rochester. By 045ni DARjk.. Maga , NAY LE VOL Family 0T00.0411 and PrarbkutN Meow. HMV. Lard. Bump. trtL Vlsetpt,iyrups, Cris 11.1 CoMac Baton. ket., '4 Mises. quirmswils,W lllo ... Wooden-ware, and everytt.4 La their Itne.sad tbry 6.0 by strict attention to bustarse, tu' smelt • LIBERAL SHARE OF TUB S.II —All kind. of roma , '" i the market . price. , COE& DI Rocikestei Oct. I.r. I,l2l—orfir,' • QI7IO,IIINEIGES k . (At the old stand, 3rd atrt(t h(1 DEALEits Is ALL KINDS GROCE 111E1 COFFEES, TILAS.SI 7 G. UPS, MOLASSES, S( RICE. PEPPERS. SOAPS. CANDID . SINS. ENGLISIC' CURRANTS. FIGS. • 1 - ,;1 --- . 0 1 i ... '' '' ' 4. FLOUR, FEED, /.1...11, I;". -- 4 , They an constantly reply* a t vivito( them wide., - sad Pe p I , :nra o ttro . m th em as gad p , An at ods dellved If regales& :A.4 Pus a: iv. FALL'AND WINTER God 0.1 I HAVE JUBTRieRIVED A OY GOODS OF COE LATEST sTyIP For Tall and Whitt Gentlemen's Furnl =1 CLOTHING LADE To 7), • . In Lana end wort fashionable sty In . cr.l notice. Itllllt i,. IJ a4, of fALL AND WINTER onderslrned !legs leave to le- stt.she public generally that le !As ...:,.., 1 new .took of mate of the +' ...-. . Spring Sad Salaam, war ..thl.h Lek ' asoderat rates. GENTLEM.G.Wr . FUI:I4 GOODS. ' CONSTANTLY t,\ -; etoinitir =de to order ou ;1 7 1 Thankful to the public fur {MI : , ` l / 4 ,..41 by clone attention to boozier* to ~rl4 I.I;MBER, , 111S(;[. •\ I] LATH, as cheap A. Itd , L..l' . J. 2 U. P V.'s; atm. 11111., Beaver ~ MEM E. GOLDSM IT. Shurs{lorer CIO Who e. 3 CIGARS AND TOB Sti (J heti). opposite W ee rt• Arsons porchaalng Cigars .• ways be sure or rattler the same mantleetaree them ander hi. o. and • ran raaritdre perfect .1.. • 1101 13m CHEAP BARAD FLOUR IECI.I S. J. CROSS & New Vear 1-'t• BEST WHITE IVINTEI: 20 Sack, ZlOtt % , Sack, SEcoN Dt.ll*.ti, 2511, Sacks, 6011, Sacks, Barra, 11(xlmarsm, .Tan.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers