a 1 ~. LIME, • LIME, t, 1) y 1;. Try Y 01; it LI MintritbirT l Eng NEIV E . "MONITOR, LIME KILN• I9 ' oltr-ronyboenAin e that IS tithe bee T.l .r,f t ity aCisiltstli/plir cur bent& natese.l3 old craft and wl r(4,1 at the same price. Come and see it and try some` of ft before making contracts, and save • TIME. AND MONEY. lenatrolgralmittg stoneel:Jrn t rots frost ars and XXO3 . ot O' Wrest Brick rut, it a or sift It to make their morter, for " they ;roll , nothing bat lime. as Ira dfatr erery tour hours ; you can always get it r ~S er i? rltXI fts.,7 , •• • 1,1318, deliccrpiptim2tlx Tbeneyer ordiliredWrag . - oniondtkall , Wiwi Or id um Meted• I • • k. Send orders to W. J. Dunn, Heaver, P.D.. or to the "Mulyaaim,Llme Ken's," Tanport,Bistrercounty, . J. DUNN. mvirtitiT, T.JO OF. 11 Y ER , :E j • 0. r „ , . LIM E ! ;`' : TIE UNDERSIGNED LS ENGAUED IN MAN U ',tag LW at Vaaport, Deafer county, Pa , Iltiettae era Yuma as the ."Power's' - 1! Vittreen+V ras e tgratanaStst' Alt order lett at the Kilns , or lettere addreseed me at Beaver, Ps., will ilmette tiomborod,earethl attention. Limo delivered, whenever wanted. • e' • rikhli A t i e , e 4 111 °0 . 11` + 7 ,64540 ii ISM fieolitisiirdua 1-.N :; #!,t:l A-YE R , I C Mar be found the beet q4"Prt of DRITGR.I 163:46 a 1 -- el il'ili:*; 61-I.74iilaitt.CA.l* t, 7 .- I :iiiiiihl . 1 ':4.,!G; And Dranoyesc Paiat~,, QilM, AND DYEStUFFA: iii MiTIV tirbi ~BRU~pI3~~. PkTENT, MEDICINES ttilft beet q u al i h. 1:40itio• er relagli n t4ther rag 11nponcea Female Pills, lb oasts per bar Clieeeo• , man'e, $1; Clark's, $l. Tile' Lima, t Stock of LitYPSA..t. : IIP trRISMISCiA, • - WINDOW Oristifi'd Nur•trooPtibtot t an ignore. um/ Store and a espertion nbe bonght - Sny re iwbe else. Let who d6s bt this call and boo, sad they wU 'doubt no ISOM , • t . ' .101111'61 - • J. MOOll3. fitIISTON FOUNDRY! ENGINE & REPAIR SHOP tiNt BEAVER COUNTY, PA =I 1. -L AVING nand enlarged my stock of mann ery and tools, and having secured tho services of the beat of mechanics. I am prepared to variant all srsal entire sminfsetioli er Wand ladd , lay Rollk'stnpeßiatedlo‘snaloa dons of machinery, on reasonable terms. PLOWS AND PLOW CASTINGS have all the best plow patterns thatinit thlsmarket among which to the "Great Western."lehltit hes been VII plow of the county for the last Illteenitus. , almost all oche! Plows now or previously lapne, STOVES I:.eV° VES I I have on hand and wilt contuse to. manufacture a large assortment of , . i • • COOKING, FRANKLIN AND SKATING STOVES •. , • ,t . : , (Xtiniest styles and:with all the 'modern Improve- I ...trwhkh / will sell at modern rates. , Among I awls' the GREAT REPUBLIC. This Stove has an • extenaion top, which given It a largo eurfaoa without taking up Much room,and It Is now looked upon as one of the best and moist economical, Moreau it takes less fuel and lasseredirabk then other In Itee.;The following* Perrone, alter having used this stove for a considerable gth of time. p"po Woad to in,proot Itilint hi 11maltahir c.. 4 0. • v.::: sr x . .cs A .% Dr. Isaac Winans, Jason Richardson. " IL. T. Kennedy, James McGehen, /GI Reno, - • - Capt: Woodson Glean, John Wats o n t Thomas R. Davis, 1 4 yt i t= m , / ' 'r ` 7.5 ;, 1 n il mi li i 6fdWl , ' W Illam l a, Illimm Stowe, Joseph ~. . gm Faunae, i William • • Junes Nelkemitt, Robert IllcClowan, Samuel Dunlap, •• Joseph Ellatimaars, • • : Thompson J obspiout; .11rs. Joseph Martin, 'Mr. 'Crawford,. , , Vlrlte%ilhiphonli. fi l legati,7aonlomblosi iode , .., 1 o . David Leal per, Judge Kairne, Richard 1 . • Captaanteritinnis ' 901011100 Knight, Protalt.l" • • - --Dr. C. IL TM* ` ;;; . Sum Snook*, -I :- , , William Rood. David Colhoqn. I ". ' • Mills Hunter'ii.7.'" ,„* . , - .7 inemneftwy, • John Iliebongblft ' 4 ' •' - iamb MeFrran, Samuel Tikylor, David Carr, ,W i g n it siamsocw ~,Jam -- George ho ill m ;:, Wed, ' !,•• ' es tiemn John Dunlap. MIIL 14,11111, 644 1 a . , ' •,• Mantes J 1 . )ItZ lit.,4ldre ,, ti• • .I Ja oalm * t a Q I i J. r V. j Winans.. W M ashington ogle. meLaoi ~im?ses•,„• . . ' 6 .T. , . .. Cr.e a r. Caen , TheWiaradshaw, . , ariMinr. Cap James Johnston," • i=Mllocli Ntikl6/MMI 7 ' Samuel Kennedy, J. W. Punkßouser, =Lira l' , ) i , ' Z,Verr. , - Walter Buchanan, Boma mat. • ~.n vz, .,„ d l 4. • tjaiiii: j. 7. r , :'• . Makin /10011, . • •) ' ,c annitly A Ell 1MM1M0.....n.m.. ...,............ .... .••....-.-.•.•,-••7'''':""' .-. : "--...'.-- . I • ! . . ,'lll 4). potion on the estate of Mary Dow% deed.. lett Of Moon tp., Beam eotutr7. PA.. in been Moro to the utolendip Indebted to said astatesre requested to make basoolhde psymmt, and time has• tuF ela mason same wit pesseqLthees 17...tit17. Scouring, Drying and • PT08812,1 TIM TINDKRIBLONED HAI3 TAKEN OUP PAIL • an for .8•110011!1 firrif..a.clothing, which for well teed anything n7rkr7CT--nse othtug p iece of business in Bridgewater at all times, awl' renova ted withbut little dela to tie owner. • lam dill tit Abo ow 's Montt lawyed f3ewinL k .r. I,fAclitnes, a IR Cadfth .f: Wire mo wed. tali moreUm loft ey kre nsed. Jeloll6.lf. JOSEPH BUM- To the Public. 13., TIII3 I.INORRBIONED, RAYING BERN W. the PRIZE curaw, patented July 31, 1 lErat, and Oct. 8.1881, by the Prize Churnsompahy , apringeold. Vermont, and being Wh that AV does Rs work well, making good nice butter in froml 8 to 9 minutes, we recommend it to all' as the best Churn in market, to our knowled H ge. ORO. W. AMILTON, • D. MeICINNEY. in., , , ~.s. , r ..; , , -.1. WOTAN& s- l , srr,, 1 .1 1. ici ~4 1., 4 ,J;AffiorAinv 4 ..F.i 4 4f -. ?i Jihi il".", , ii i i;4 0 114,54' e l tilg,,, 'MR. CUNDALT. churned for me this morning with his prize churn, he used no hot water or other anus*. al means of hastening the butter. In th ree minutes the butter began coming and in about fire was reedy to take out. Most patent churns are otlecticmable be cause so complkated Outfit rev:twee bu more Th time to mph them than it does to churn Me tter. is one ten be cleaned in less time than the old fashioned dash churn. I regard it ns a great improvement, and calcu lated to save woman much labor. DR. A. W ACRESON. /T a riSlalW3 l 9" r4l`3, ;.' 1,1,) 1. • DEALER Milli • - MEetwatsra , re, Iron, Nails, Glass, .and A grlcul qtßiiekift6* LE H. MYI TIMMER'S HARDiVARE,MIECUANICS TOOLS, .11 always kept on band. Alpo, agent tor the WORLD'S REAPER AND MOWER, OHIO DOWER and the TORNADO , set side Broadway, New Leighton. Pa. I • r• CIEEMM WILLRIOH & HARTFORD Slave now Opened the Finest Selection of FALL AND WINTER ESOCYriii Nitle SHOES, Which they are selling at GREAT BARGAINS W P RICES Call and esamlasocd Stoelk NO. 100 MARKET STREET, Corner of Fifth, Pittsburgh, Pa. n0v27'67:13'. SIMON SNlTGEkilhflir,! (At the old standi &d street Bowes', renn'a.,) •' DV: I .I.Mie3 IN I , • ALL KINDS OF ;) .- /i;1 'IT RPOIP I Lif , 5UC11 4 4? 14 ~.: • j _ I, .1 COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS, SY R zrrs. goLASSES, SORGHUM, RICE, PEPPERS, SPICES, SO APS,C - AN,PI ES, RAI- \' SINS, , ENGLISH CURRANTS,' ' FIGS, FLOUR, FEED, FISH, GRAIN, Ike., it.t. They are constantly receiving a liesh n'ssortMent of these articles, and the public may rely upon getting from them ac good as the market &MINA, , All gi•ods delivered If required. • Janlls:ly. R. A. Wilsop,, • =EI 1131 DAWSON & RICHARDSON Bep.ve,F Falls, Pa. r H AVING .I"PST OPENED A LARGE ST ST GROCERIES. - g'7411001 . 8 galt4Wlftlf.TA iES HARDWARE, • GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE; TINWARE, NAILS, • P.R11914.. ST4 WWl,* Giant an sizes and don hie strength. Spe cial attention paid to whnicrw Alft ordersde. lbr liege size Wm. Also, LINSEED; it/IL", • CRUDE BURNING. BENZINE, • COALE'S PATENT' DRYER, iltildloliceNititd, iriatiE Purchasers will do 'well to cell and examthe oar stock of Paints before purchasing elsewhere. • Itt dso l 4 e cin t _ ,ILwrci =din Sacks. tioeds. l e h tekt 4 ° M i trz , 'men tn exchange for Remembei:thelplace, lint door above the Cutler', ppostodlde of *Wet J/10'6TAL JOILN TiI.ORNLEY M=Z J. 11. HARTTORD ALcD _ ' • (Late WILSON STEWARTO • _ • .DEALER IN ti' Bhcie: 4,) Rubbers, OLD STAND. D;I'A MO 11F.U,, -ROCHESTER, PA rit 40 , 0630a941.kc; ei;ruertia 8111111111:11R90000I . S . %JAI. -c-cr . r eT) MB'B4. Retitle IN TIEE &MOND milk) . - Dry Goods or every Description. traPPliiimiUM. , ,Oftc 4 Wl l7 .i 3o firKAW GOODS, MEN AND BOW'S DAIS. HAL- O MOM A II NDIktK ( P SAIMSZINGS. 081 A FANCY GOODS. • fkii.i•Edriio , ol , Clikelz: 4 4, 1,- Iley. , pi!is7 As we are bowd fAcSellitt " ' vtiffs-1,1 Stamping, pinking and Machine 'Sliitehiag to order, Wit Shill 61 P4e yi 1. NO TROUBLE 2'o SHOW - 000DS. ; Remember the place, room formerly .oecapied Nelson & Roeeeler, IN E - DT,A'MOND , '7OPgginTER, PA. .:1-4 she 7 0i P. n: ,1 hare peewee Berr i law nß • • • lealfsaiat.T formerly . .. t.... t k • f. • '6B. rig !xl l 11. 1 11 W IRIEW*Cl a Do rr F ! $44 is le t , a 1 'etip S .7 11 1114 C will quickly. restore Gray Hair to its gestural iolor ,taild-bauty, and produce "luiurv . 'giiirth.- It is perfectly harmless, and is prtferred 7.1"•• IwyteaTifon_ those who nave a fuse head of as Iva c o those who wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss 4 04 *fade imparted to the Hair make it desirable . 71141 01 d 7 0 415 0 4. 0 Er For Bale by all Dru Was. DEPOT, 108 OEEENWICR ST., , , ntittONWOOVARA _ • 111:1ZE MAIMSWIM, N. H. Bold by 3. Moons. , Pa., and all Drngg and dealers in Medicines. j 3 :i .4 SPEER'S STANDARD FOR THIME4Ig.• T W FOR THE FXLE. - 1 1. 541/MICELL:: D : CAGE FOR FEMALES,_• _ FOR 8111130 CSE I I zvo4727ff.as.,Aaar—ro4oq,mi •-• 11010010::*aidinett lilifer**stirsi • ; me , Herb d Roots: wenlrek 4 74l ll 9 l , imAttirtmthattit. • •. CHAMOMILE FLOWEtte,; • , • SNARE ROOT. - WILD 'CHERRY - RAM • • L..; and anelt•AbergetWeAly, s4(01100 all eases aeststiMgmlae poraltieterettelAr a the sys tem In -the natural chastnelsomd give i•; : 1 11. .1 3 1 1 3 . 9 NE ZP41. 1 1Vh Young and Old; `Male and repel* -alum ft nit* woniiirlht intairn. Brigs '1 .C l .li-103R.: , °Atm pOnwhAte. 41P. I :1 !i tr.b . Oitt AN I Et iiikvtar,:. • =MIME Er IDI 'were tbirrfaewiend . !rmworn countenance. _- 61r "ZikrettellirkTUß. Try them, Use nose . 8k tt► it aca STAXDAIID tire. waius. Flit)* ►y kEzigelitio l 449l4wira.;ftee th at my ,100844m00t. 9YeTki• emkoat isektleMiu,-.. -.AikaND:B - 111/41,111144 N, dad SO Broadway, New 5 ISlTTeade supplied by Johnston.. Halkiwark Co.. MlLidelphla ; George A.; Kelly, Piltabagh•; and by all Wholesale Dealers. 1 jytraS. MO= =EI MEMZM • ~xtour. iumn. entoX. =Raw . 11111S114dAtertillIRS. imp mamas nr GentlenurpliOrpish*.floods, NO. 29 STa - t LAIR STREET. , • tcosTkettg " ' • itittsintnan, pA: Clothlnt: made to gotepiekehort notice. luntrod.i. ,iifito ipAILEt,.r.ARRELL .4 ca m „,, i l . - Pipe . ;'ShectiBr i • Acitrliar ae oilia Pig Load , M Irani Pim .Bub r Hose, Steam Gung.es,-:Whistles & •Vaivall, Iron & And every_ . .fligelption pooch for WATEit dAs, §TEltif No. UR 13=flold Street„ , , URGII„PENN'A. eend for a Price I • ••• raprtreiklV MUSIC -.IN -FRONT. t BANDS FURNISHED PROMPTLY. ' WATB Brass and Gennaatilver.lantrnalaßts 7 BY: THE • SST OR PIECE.' • : Brass and'Tenor Drains, Cymbals ' and Triangles; dge.; 4cd, At Pikes lower than In ean be had at try. any other Boneo In 000 n 1 Special tbdaorniento offered t&' BANPII. AND TO WALRUS. . • I gelid for,strenlar /ad price list • • • • 1•.• j • •HOFFMAItoHOENE i , 00. • 51 N' I tufit -PITTSBURGH, PA. TNEALEERI IN 'PIANOS. ORGANS AND. Nab) LA. dews, Sheet. /logic snd Muck , Books. , and, porters of 3lnidapinatne.nta and 13t0n„, , ra., - aprrAftly.. . • . Reinemiur,lleyran ttt s i te • N 0.42 Finket.,l do - orfrom Wood,Pi _ Wholesale' find Retail Dealer' in Fiy j efk l fAfi T c 6 blffigtol%M dertription:. Nee MU , ., 1 Smong: Perim Zo.,r W Maar mil dad inaklial, and errellif the OriLTAS 3 4WritI:W• We ore veep ' Me larges t mi tenet Tuned mean meet of the very beat American mode CLO.CK.S! to he found in any , city vest or west. . . , Persona in *ant of any article' in ' one line either a • wbolesaki or for their AVM Tile,' will always and .• . oar aces lower arid oar assortment •, - • , • t °Mew Man anyjo be 'city found ~w_- .. . ' • wee t o . . '. • ' WATCH 'REPAIRING. ' ,I • To this branch of our trade (being ourselves praeti• tal watch makers) we pay.very , special attention; we employ stereo of the very best Artists In the country. mid any and all tine; deSolde • arid 'difficult --Worir en treated to our•mirei-for tbg Inge or 'lndirldealoLmMY rely on getting the utmost satidaction. Work MA's be sent In IlVil i gli'l l i er At i lli 4 SEALE; ~1 II Wholesale and Retail Jenvelers and Silversmiths: ~ • , , i'• • ' 411Mth street; PI7'TSBURGIi 5c64WC 24 4. • • • -.„ : I I: . , v - ~ ' . • . . Spring -and - uinmer BE DAVE, JUST iptckamt A NIT STOCK - A GOODS, of Clio For Spring :ST:unifier Wear. ' it A D 1 ith &Igtcets d Nipepupoiyiblp ptylki,And'ataborin9Suk W 11 4. 1 A 3 g RETCIL Zsimanririse, !* • .• • t'' )r ; l'‘. : •. • .• •- WIEOLESAIS 7 AND. 1133 TAIL }, .i • F. C._, . • vo. w pp ir .,er reiliPettr - ' A.ronowv 'lllXPeol " ' IMEI IPROPOSE KEEPOTITNIESTARTETON HARD 'all Idadivig TIN; WPXU, AIM 8/4F413011 WAR; ^ J' r r. nr ' Ar. rP43 tr• FIEV , 'BMA •• 1 ,1 . • r Ar 4 1. er •-• I :1 '1 • ESOP ON•TBE LOWER END OF yrkiird‘ V.a•001 , . . . , i;rr• . . - • • '..: • 1 -•;;11 5t ....y;;'..'•: - ' lapantied War*" kept sOlitbantb• oriiiiiii. f -• • • • •• A ;111110 . 61Millitilir 404: 6 0/ * 1) 1 . . calrcKyps t r.' =I , LATEI3T•HTVI.ES. GentioßcnVirikivOsbliN; 40011 C ° l4lB /A il 44( MEI .~., T INWAR =II ;wpm IN'ALuiptre OP MI Mr -., • 1111_11000111 1 0 $ 13Petith414111 Walk .) . c, 'LI • L:t11 t1:1 .; Done to order In the I=jciatiolir oii icm• bat timtlugwriii. a ,•'? 1 :101: 01141 * 11"1141 , II II •1-fj • v Oka la' a Cait;',' oar ‘;Sga*:‘;! .-rimPW-- - 1 .---- TOromix thr. no ____ s tan I. mum, siumesqbel Mean 4*. taiiiiiiiiMAdit Bann, Track fad_ silk MOI floaa i " ,-• , '.... .... -. IP • " CZ 1 - , • . . 1 pit latialiaandatAbil na 114 .0 • 411 1 t At tr h ,V I VI I •••-•/ l'..a! r I ..flail" e fret ••' aMEII4 ' J..v. I_ AlairellillaldranetettOOMPStontelthOW3ilde M . W el alar i lt re ll. i rree a 1" t. of , „ , I ~,, i, t, .. ft ' • iv! -r 1 . L Arm , ik. Allard fro.lhankfolly reoeivid soit proliptly Itai r Wr 0# littAtio,if to Icrolbraino, „, „,„, , .+ ,,,, T , 0000 j.. l' '".. ' I . 7...aLMai . ;.4 .. . 00 , I to ...i ni itk ows Igo kai tzar . ae-MEwrihe 13 — I sat of Cif coon . end on arrival here. I w as to Ifs Palma Brolesialso Invr i ti F=titottrailrekrasWr. An *** taloa NW a kt We kVA Ifootitl‘. a it anoadosil cm criatining Ita OveD i ri intake atkintit over oil Isl eOri t, iitt , o. l frohmeistro. in nye.' We tonattler fit toady*" lava over wok a h alt the inmate elsk%and. mu akar. all• Urstooll4 he ileakinfi CaCid i l g i rlikezt:iiithretarthlf. limincolonagori siotr Ititvlog one 0114 Anderloolr sew Stoves laufe, to nnv erit** , Ciao. readiftorio ittatemeat . 1 .. ..1 , - e r r IT— Haying type at Andg ttoregi inoF use, eip tor codas° ,tlfte.abdtd recoorfaeniln on: •• • • • 1 , , ,, . -• • , • a. WoopiatTr. Andea m s new . 11 .to te reu ai re re: Aiming 013:44,..,r.dth misuiti we Ire NI/ . . v . ,•• . , • .• • • :ItOenterne. No f.• 25th. Ilailag kept hones tni; a Imw time. and aped a gent number of Cook Stoves of different pattern. andlets. I othwtttir Aosterson'al , ner Sown. to point et en eamky in Ste), ready cook htg eo4 • %eking forth' sled. atipettor tonny we h der areaseol and ebeerfay rea commend It. bends hitt , Ilittts*o• thin. , • •;' ,O ; ' • ;(1111a..litutiW ,Ife have ope of 36: 7.7. new Stoves, mat fie, at Metter-heater •Fotindry ;and. having gives itid hdrt trial waled It terbeehilis up to all that has bettrelatqlektor heats vorppyll4lll, take*, bteg ft ftteloinu Ts &moot 'eteellent wet , air. An d ) 4 edutfutalate'hiefilelt i en hating .lithisved 'artrluniph ln the line ofkicoldng Stoves:: • vex Not. altd.lsGr, , ectt WrlttActrzu ' • ". 'LA Ilarvey (111041131= liarOlvirs.vre- TIALINIrgID IA I.AttOrAip . WELL selected Stock 'rm.% Ailet; Coffee, ; Chess% • • .• Sugar, • ,• Soaps, Molasges, . .• Bacon,., Syrups, Fish • - 1-la,lqclklnrnik,e.7 NAILS ADM WINDOW GLASS STONNWARE.' Pine Clturns,. '''Peek Measures, Oak Churns. ' Two'. -Memires, Willow Baskets, Split Baskets. CHOICE FkIiSILY FLOUR !tithe Barrel *tin Sae* tdestantly on hand: liirPrteecrery.lowi 'nail and am , A. 8. HARVEY. 0k57:17. Bridgewater. Pa. Beaver Drug Store, THOS. A. AI.NIDERSON. DRUGGIST !, ""Corntr 3d lit. and Diamond, I.vrrts Tin ./errENTtox or TirE Pratic generally to a fa a23aortment of • Drugs Medicines, .-:`„ , , OILS',.IrARNISWES , ,Putty, :Window Was, ',-dge. in fief ii . ?ii! . iittitrit litivintkept in a well unveil& d Drug' tend enemies tenors; all of which will to sold at tire lowest, potble figures court with. due m ,prd fox _ I We hope by itrienand Careful attention to beanies to merit and received continuities of the natronsSo be 4 t 477 11 II MIVIOS; A. ANDERSON. mayfreiktf. • MEG W:iVAMII/dr hoc,Mnr MUM fitOlfiglON Mitt! I= rj tliaidag as& NV" VOTIL MEI ;! " nocilemitex.; =ZEE BY.: r. 40, Ohl Pe' 5114216 ‘ l4 4ar MEE `,; =l2lllll MSS r:# 5.... , ,WnXitg ,, iiia TOMO r ;,„ • :, • - __ • 4• P •tp. • • y, •• • - Isalipeocedee Prcrdsleu, - Plele, Plow Meese. .14rokiNc04 011 ; Pure Cldex Vinegar:Byr- Nehmen; Salt; • 'hoc Calm* • soltere, Veselcus, , Tabioao.; Otgari. gaseerwaree • ,1•4 WirtinviciEsL " .m . 3 1 . t4 e r an v io l ti=4 4 , sr:* -0! . Ilbintdmus.pl 1 (41:11.7,411,,1dids Coestii 'Pietist*, Klima easier loot p ri ce. -Thaira 1-1 ; •,••• :7: `'.l • COE &DARICWIC 41). IL Amur= IMM MEI lii*Atilt• ix MIMI - Aftl, ; CIES Pure Caer Vinegax• ALSO • AND , !•11 : " .n • =MI =I =I 4. =OMINI=I :0; 1;1 , 17-.0: MIN Rocyeste 04. lit. I+lll—ocirellz. New:gowthxdzi, ZEE 'tperTilit.o.7., J( 41..441 r", Sa - r4; 'lll 111 v.kfi.liaa,g;,) '/1 , 114 ;•+111. ,- .1.! ,I! t •,;:t r. 1 ,. -;;;: • "jr..l•Vtlr2.l-••;: - /;:re . C.. 41.0.A1r !IN/ 10 : tof Sq 140 .ft‘ tk:Vi .. 7-2.1% tre - tl , !.¢tt Ovtj ta;;1.1 •! ; f • of-a . ' A 5.8.1; CrOSg • ' s • • . r.:c. • L.zn f,;.• ',lit 111 4 ":1 .•$ Irvin• 't• 4^, le t ()lot 4i! )0 :cll!' .!3i 'a ,• rt ' ••: • Cr! •'1..].1 . - 144 'l.: lEEE t.' .:41 . .. 4 •••• 'I,AI ' . K ••• yrs? IMBIVED.FROXITISZAST. A-LA ' BGER an4,better sieunteft BWek of genera MeXcla4o. 10 tliiWe befbreln dtlt bowie; tons bang or 1222311 MEISMMI MEE Xtt:TRINtp;:° : :::•:. lIIMI IBM= I- NEW DELMNES, GiNGRA3IB, , • , RUNNELS, cAssi3LEO4,. , . , cßA.sit . , DRILLS • BaAbilED'and I . BROWN 31.7spiNs nYtION§ intARCiE -VAR±Mr' ERZ HOOP and IlitlittßAL,biliTS.! BOOTS and SHOES, rtiktiased slims in the Aid, at lased coal :prices sod sold at a very small mimeo. gar d w re: ♦ eamplide Stock just purebred in Neer Yost and Pblindideda, of MECHANICS TOOLS, :TiC.B . LEh-POCKET CUTLERY,.' STRAP HINGES, LOCKS' ZREAT &RIETY AT MANUFACTURNG PRIG • Ogee. single sod double strevinh, at Fittabagh Prices- Paints & FRENCTI ratnimer a CELEBR.ATEP - 11UCK LEAD, COLOREIi PAINTS, f~RO UND, DRY AND IN. MINER t 1 AINTS, LARD' OIL, CASTOR OIL, TURPENTINE, DENZLVE and COALE'S PATENT• DRYER. • ' Book! and Stationary lEEE= Cdr.:iooeriasi r Ec i rlin* AB S ,9 Wr3I- F rr, ..• BACONJUSILWabIULIO!ROIESS:roIut In flackaand - Bareag. fiat; Lus. semm dhick. &rem f ro m c an um CUT arc co An kinds of country produce taken In exebange for AU heat , goods delivered tree of. charge CALL AND EXAMINE OUR wrimr.. lS.,icßOsSi:osL.-CO. NEW . TORK . BTABRT,- , 11)F.,klt, 1. 1 4:44. 0 A 1 A408..3/46. .. it ~.. '.~^ Mil =ME ;11 • e • t - • •.;! 3ft, R o ch e s t er'*.PEu ,!11- 1 -- ;51 aouiVir. re. =M .. `5 i. ~ ~.'.y MO . .1 B2Z IMO 13E1 =1 ERE OM =II ntv,ritErsaw§, HATS and CAPS, ECM BUTTS', SHUTTER HINGES, 11710947 - -GLASS. at vtoltbd ?tail LINSEED OIL CARBON OIL, FLOUR MI 114 ;r` . `i ME 1 • : .l'' .I, -. Wathiaßar: NIVIV°PaIi SEPFICKSLIt NEXT.— e r jazeliredi rep 0( ithautement. bt the girt" scathed. Toast saw bet,tinalki b 7 =selial In hi/ own took task lions takes as bomb:sr. - ,al=tittetturrin estbej zibt.n.waclioln, etl. — Ttlitt Iterelbrertepeltaa t that meta should b e Withr itittt ` -- a Lk et realerede 'entotltdandde:natil3.ttilai pm•roc ova begeklee.llll3 l Wrests° dote; the coating year. . 5 ,R 1 )1.,..?1. anglfetatt. • J. C. Ilammond En - ,4, „ DEALER veati. KINDS OP st 3, GRAIN OP ALL RUMS BOUGHT FOR r4sit good ersoetnseut of the different kinde of pet* toes always on haul. - 1.11 goods delivered Rhea es. aimed. Ca n an d ClignleetiCTlt street, near the Pati- Seff.:.t.'ll,cvneet; In Rochester, Pa. Unnenrl7. . . - R. W W. J. SNODGRASS, WuPLizit Pa..,17G - CI L ISTB comut.or isediral littd. l inesaek Streets", Allegheny, (Flirt corner. Wait Mpot.) . . - 'DEALERS ININ • • LRAM, PAiNTR, 017 X VARNisHER . DrE-8TITP1•'8, .DRUGS„' CHE.IIIc.I Ls, PROPRIETARY MED. CINEs, FOll - "'ETON mitt' DO3IES7TC PERFU ifERI7?B SOAPS'i TOILET ARTICLES, FANCY WOW, &e.: &e. apas C11QRT...,..:y.... CROFT 8c PHILLIPS, Real Estate and insarance Brokers, 13P. FOURTH STREET. PITTSBURGH, PA. UTE UAIT,E A ritriTED REAL INTATE REn 15 . VT to containing description of location price and terms of all the properties entrnsted to nor care for sale.. .Tbese animist cif Farina, Grist Milli, Houses. Lots, Mimes, Coal Land, Coal Works, Col 10. teexZe . at p r l e times a'year,on t of May, September and Jan. , . Ridge .irlshhig boy or sen Real Estate , no mat ter where the location ahould not fall to cousult oar Register, a copy of which can be had by sending fa our address: Ray numbeenow ready. n atty. COXIII6INMEIRTS DOLICM'M PALMER Sr, ,PHILLIPS, kucirioN"EEßS ~diitttii iota .111crtijanto, Opera'House Auction Boom,' NO. 60' 'MTH STREET, PITTignrUGII Boots, Shoes, carpets, Dry Goods and Notions AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENLY°. sprit:Vera:- ParDl HODWARE STOPS. WHITESIDES & DRUM, 0 re!CF.II 1 MEW HARDWARE STORE 79 FEDERAL ST., ALLEUITENT,. P., Pt. W. & C. R. 11. Depot, 'WHERE THEY WILL KEEP toNsTANTLY Uy VT hand every description of " ' LIAR DWARE. Locks, Dingell. Nails, Glos., Sash. Grind Stone...qo,. elr, Picks, Axes, add all kinds of Fartnie, ,, and Go doming Ipplementr; wholesale anti retail. Carpetros and Medware , Dealers can always ket a P appiy or DRUM ' S PATENT SHUTTER 'HINGE AND SA:4I PI:LLEY; Oar prieee and teams will be se favorable 1144 an be found eb.elehere. PurvhalLere living on the nalltoade. van ha.e eleir goods dellveret at the . Depot' , tore of eharz, mytiTA6m. WllrrEsti)E.S.t DRUM. Z. D. MILIMICE. C. N. MIZARICA •• ' KEYSTONE STOVE WORKS! Car Factory Buildings, NEW BRIGHTON, PA MERRICK & CO. MAMTPAVI °REPS OF .1 SD 11110LIAILE ASS atiETAJL DEALERS !.Y 0001EING STOVES. HEATING sTOVV.s (MATE FRONTS and • 6:c., Sc Ruby Cooking Stove N05.'7,8 & "• THIS STOVE TOOK THE FIRST I the State Fair as a Coal Cooking , Stove, and io at thenate County Fair. use no scrap Iron In trtanufactme, but make themexclusttely of !;o. Pl' Meal, reed warrant theta In etery ee•Obet. The Ruby has the blitzed oven la the market S' Coll64lllled but little fuel in baking. owing to tow oarlr•t• proved Grate. GB4TE MOM'S AND FENDERS. We are Imply engnired in the mannfactore of Rai Fronts and Pendent. Which we enamel to 3n OVrt roar mon, second quality and line finish. This euktuel re tsina Its lustre for a Jou time, will not bum ba, and wakes a Much siwerior .ntsh to that of Coal T+••' SUMMER -PIECES. • 't . , We are also making Sheet iron Summer Piece ., 04 which wo haw 'prated for a patent Mrealed up in a Hydraulic, prow, They Are much lighter than lAA Iron, and math cheaper. ' . 4 , Ti?T.9 '.OT,OY.EB nWb alibi the fitivleet beidag Steve In the mullet for thetas, and .tae the best Block in their oomlno' Una. . • Oar parte** are not yet complete, but It k In* Mitten ttikeep k a generataseertment in mu , tine. 411$91e° the Prelhthet at • the I„Vsmt7 Fab for Castings genemlly,and we hare entered In to the hoof nesawith the determination. to use theibeet of rig Meta and make good work. 4 • • We'reetitllZTOlAtelle 'rebate of 'the pahlte r &-... n - 11. 0 -pa •pleased, to see Wale 'Kanto; myth Mg In our line at war woke. ' =EI • - Priem Low to, silt tie times. 50i10 4 67:17 ~..;08ZPR PUILLII.II ritaxre TIETt i AND T. A. V EWiIe K I. IL BUCKLEY EMI MERRICK Sc CO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers